Nov. 11, 2020- Muslim Brotherhood Re-appears; The Encirclement of Russia



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  Israel to send first delegation to Sudan on Sunday to firm up normalization

Israel plans to send its first delegation to Sudan on Sunday to firm up the countries’ U.S.-brokered announcement on Oct. 23 that they would normalize relations, a source briefed on the provisional itinerary said. The source, who declined to be identified by name or nationality, spoke to Reuters on Tuesday. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office, which has spearheadedoutreach to Khartoum, had no immediate comment. Nor did Sudanese officials. An Israeli delegation made a rare visit to Sudan mid-October, also to allegedly discuss normalizing ties, while last week a commercial flight by an Israeli flag carrier El Al was allowed to pass through Sudanese airspace, en route to Uganda, for the first time in history. Sudan followed the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in agreeing to establish formal ties with Israel under a diplomatic drive dubbed “The Abraham Accords” by the Trump administration.
Nov. 10, 2020


  Hezbollah’s presence in southern Syria big enough to open 2nd front, report says

Hezbollah’s presence in southern Syria is significantly larger than previously known by the public, according to recently released report released by the Alma Research and Education Center. The latest report revealed the location of 58 sites linked to Hezbollah’s activities in southern Syria, in the Quneitra and Dara’a provinces. Two primary Hezbollah units, acting under Iranian patronage, are responsible for this deployment: The “Southern Command,” made up of veteran Hezbollah operatives embedded in the ranks of the Syrian Armed Forces; and the “Golan File” unit, which involves Hezbollah commanders orchestrating localized terror cells, made up of Syrians. Maj. (res.) Tal Beeri, director of Alma’s research department, told JNS that both of these Hezbollah efforts are operational, and both are designed to create new opportunities to attack Israeli military and civilian targets during both routine times and in security escalations. Asked whether Assad has approved the Hezbollah operations, Beeri argued that the Damascus regime has little say in the matter after Iran and Hezbollah rescued it from the abyss.
Nov. 11, 2020

Foreign envoys attacked in bombing at Saudi cemetery during WWI memorial

Mecca authorities say Greek, Saudi nationals wounded in Jeddah attack

Multiple people were wounded Wednesday when an explosive device hit an international ceremony commemorating the end of World War I at a cemetery in the Saudi city of Jiddah, according to French government officials. Wednesday’s attack follows on the heels of a stabbing October 29 that slightly wounded a guard at the French Consulate in Jiddah. The stabbing was carried out by a Saudi man, who was arrested. His motives remain unclear.
Nov. 11, 2020


  Car bomb attack in northern Afghanistan kills 4 police, leaves at least 20 wounded

At least four Afghan policemen have been killed and 20 others, including eight civilians, have been wounded in a car bomb attack in the northern province of Faryab, the provincial governor said on Tuesday. Governor Naqibulllah Faiq said the car bomb attack was carried out on Monday evening by the Taliban. The militants detonated “a Humvee loaded with explosives” near the police headguards of Almar district. Dozens of houses and shops in the area were damaged in the attack, and a gunfight between attackers and police began after the explosion, which continued until Tuesday morning, according to the governor. The district police chief was among the wounded, Faiq said. Neither the Taliban nor any other group has claimed responsibility for the attack. This was the second car bomb attack in Afghanistan over the past two days. In the southern Kandahar province, a truck bomb detonated on Monday, killing 14 people and injuring 49 others.
Nov. 10, 2020

Ethiopian Government Forces Capture Humera Airport in Tigray

Ethiopia bombs Tigray arms depots, thousands flee fighting

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed rejects peace talks

On November 10, the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) captured Humera Airport from the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) in the northern region of Tigray. The state-run Fana TV said local forces surrendered after ENDF troops took control of Humera Airport. Government troops also captured a road that connects the town of Humera with the Sudanese border. Ethiopia’s air force said Wednesday it had bombed arms and fuel depots in the northern region of Tigray, as an escalation in fighting led more than 8,000 to flee to neighbouring Sudan. Tigray’s leader, Debretsion Gebremichael, wrote to the African Union (AU) last week to request talks. The African Union is calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Tigray Region. But PM Abiy Ahmed said in a tweet that there would be no dialogue “until our efforts to ascertain the rule of law are achieved”.
Nov. 11, 2020

Nearly 2,000 Russian Peacekeepers Enter Nagorno-Karabakh As ‘Immediate’ Ceasefire Signed

Turkey: Azerbaijan achieved ‘sacred success’ in Nagorno-Karabakh

Armenian Mobs Attack Government Buildings to Protest Ceasefire

Russia, Turkey Agreed to Establish Joint Center to Monitor Karabakh Peace Deal

Main Points of Nagorno-Karabakh Peace Deal

Coming a mere day after Azerbaijan apologized for the ‘accidental’ downing of a Russian military helicopter, what looks to be a significant and far-reaching ceasefire has been signed between the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan. “I have signed a statement on the termination of the Karabakh war with Russian and Azerbaijani presidents from 01.00 pm,” Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashiyan announced on Facebook Tuesday. Unlike prior three attempts at ceasefire, all which failed almost immediately with the resumption of shelling in Nagorno-Karabakh, this one looks to have muscle given Russian servicemen will immediately enter Nagorno-Karabakh to act as peace keepers. Fighting has raged since September 27 over the breakaway Armenian ethnic autonomous zone which is internationally recognized as within Azerbaijan’s national borders. It’s believed several thousands are dead and wounded on both sides, including civilians.  Despite the ceasefire there’s still outrage among the populations over the deal, with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan saying that signing it remains “unspeakably painful for me and for our people”. He’s facing popular outrage which upon news of the ceasefire saw hundreds of people storm Armenian parliament in Yerevan, angrily denouncing the peace. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced Turkey and Russia have signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a joint Turkish-Russian center to monitor the Karabakh peace deal.  The Kremlin denied any plans to deploy Turkish peacekeepers in Karabakh. The Turkish involvement will apparently be limited to the joint monitoring center.
Nov. 11, 2020

This group wants a caliphate, and sees even Hamas as a ‘nationalist’ target

Why the Muslim Brotherhood Came Out of Its Hole

The 15,000 Muslims who crowded into the courtyards of the Temple Mount mosques two Fridays ago became another news story about a mass COVID infection. But the real story was much bigger: the enormous anti-France protest near Al-Aqsa Mosque was organized by the Hizb ut-Tahrir movement (the Islamic Liberation party).  The Islamic Liberation Party has been preaching for the establishment of an Islamic caliphate as it existed under Muhammad, which it calls “the pure period,” and the establishment of an Islamist state. The group says that the term “tahrir” (liberation) refers to a total liberation from any western cultural influence. The territorial liberation is only the second step. Members of the movement, which also operates in Britain, Australia, Indonesia, the US, and several Arab countries, aspire to replace every national government with a global Muslim rule. Under this view, the governments in Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, as well as Fatah and even Hamas, are all national in nature, and therefore obstacles in the way of the dream of a worldwide caliphate. Hizb ut-Tahrir promotes two main issues: laying the groundwork to make Al-Aqsa Mosque a future platform on which the world caliphate will eventually be declared, and challenging Jordan’s position as guardian of Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem.”
***See also ETRM report from Nov. 9
Turkey Is the Center of the New Islamist International 
Nov. 11, 2020


Peruvian president pushed out in impeachment ‘coup’

The little-known head of Peru’s congress has taken the helm of the South American nation amid a public outcry over the surprise impeachment of the country’s popular and now former president, Martin Vizcarra. Vizcarra’s ouster late on Monday, Lima time, and the inauguration of now-interim President Manuel Merino amounted to a return of the political chaos that has long plagued the country. Critics called it a congressional coup staged by Machiavellian legislators desperate to halt his anti-corruption and political reform campaigns, which took aim at their pocketbooks and threatened to end many of their political careers. Under Vizcarra, Peru adopted laws that took on festering malfeasance within the 130-member legislature, where 68 members are now under investigation or indictment for crimes ranging from money laundering to murder. Members of the current congress have been prohibited from seeking reelection, and anyone with active charges is barred from running. Critics now fear that Merino — who previously sought to turn the military against Vizcarra, and attempted an earlier impeachment on different grounds in September — will seek to lift those rules, allowing a compromised political class to preserve itself and setting up a new period of instability in this nation of 32 million. He will be in office until July 2021, according to Reuters.
Nov. 11, 2020

Putin Says ‘External Pressure’ On Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova ‘Unacceptable’

The Malevolent Encirclement of Russia

Over extending Russia 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said “attempts to exert foreign pressure” in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Moldova are “unacceptable.” Opening an online summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on November 10, Putin said that Belarus was “under pressure from external forces.” Mass protests in Belarus demanding the departure of Alyaksandr Lukashenka have gone on for the past three months after electoral officials handed him a landslide victory in the August 9 presidential poll that the opposition and the West say was rigged. Moscow has backed Lukashenka in the ongoing standoff, marred by a violent crackdown on protesters. Putin also said that two other former Soviet republics, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova, are also experiencing “outer pressure.” In Kyrgyzstan, mass protests over results of parliamentary elections ousted the government and parliament speaker and caused a deep political crisis that led to the resignation of President Sooronbai Jeenbekov last month. In Moldova, pro-European presidential candidate Maia Sandu won a surprise victory in the first round of a presidential election on November 1 that now heads to a runoff against Moscow-backed incumbent Igor Dodon.
***See also Armenia above
Nov. 10, 2020


 Subtropical Storm Theta just set another record for 2020

Subtropical Storm “Theta” formed over the open waters of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean on November 10, 2020, as the record-breaking 29th named storm of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season. The previous seasonal record for Atlantic named storms was 28 set in 2005. The Atlantic now has two named storm simultaneously — Eta and Theta. This is the latest in the calendar year that the Atlantic hurricane season has had two named storms simultaneously since November 10, 1932, Dr. Philip Klotzbach, a meteorologist at CSU, said. The 2020 season now ranks among the top 5 seasons for named storm days, hurricanes and major hurricanes. “It remains somewhat above-average for other metrics,” Klotzbach added.
Nov. 10, 2020

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