Nov. 16, 2020- Saudi Media Says Al Aqsa Mosque isn’t on the Temple Mount



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IDF strikes Hamas targets in response to rocket fire

The two rockets were fired around 2AM, activating incoming rocket sirens in the southern city of Ashdod and in communities in the Shfela region of central Israel including Kibbutz Palmachim some 60km from the Gaza Strip, sending thousands to shelters. The rockets came in the wake of the first anniversary of the targeted killing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Bahaa Abu al-Ata. The Israeli military struck Hamas military infrastructure on Sunday morning in response to rocket fire launched towards the center of the country. The strikes, carried out by Israeli Air Force jets, attack helicopters and IDF tanks targeted “underground infrastructure and military posts of the terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF Spokespersons Unit said in a statement, adding that the military “is conducting an ongoing situational assessment and will act firmly and resolutely against any attempt to carry out terror activity against the citizens of the State of Israel and the violation of its sovereignty.”
Nov. 15, 2020

Saudi Media Exposes Lie: Al Aksa Mosque isn’t on the Temple Mount

Saudi Arabian lawyer and journalist Osama Yamani wrote an article in Okaz, a prominent Arabic Saudi Arabian daily newspaper, maintaining that the true location of the Al Aqsa Mosque described in Koran is in Al Ju’ranah, near Mecca in Saudi Arabia and not on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. He explained that the construction of the Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem by Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik in 691 CE came nine years after Abd Allah Ibn al-Zubayr rebelled and prevented the Umayyads who ruled Damascus from fulfilling the obligation to make the Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca. “At that stage, [al-Malik] changed the direction of prayer toward Jerusalem,” Yamani wrote. Yamani wrote that the differences between the claims pertaining to the actual identity of which site is the Aqsa Mosque described in the Koran are due to “political matters that were employed for the benefit of events or issues and political positions at the time that have nothing to do with faith or religious dictates or God’s intention.”
Nov. 16, 2020


  Syria Exit In Progress? US Convoys Seen Withdrawing From Northeast Syria to Iraq

Trump to order troop reductions in Afghanistan, Iraq

The U.S. army withdrew a number of its vehicles and soldiers from eastern Syria towards the northern region of Iraq, while it imposed a security cordon around a town in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. According to a Sputnik Arabic correspondent in Al-Hasakah, the U.S. army transported a number of military vehicles with about 50 soldiers from its illegal base in Al-Malikiyah to the northern region of Iraq for the second time during the past two days.  These developments coincide with media reports about the current U.S. administration’s intention to withdraw its soldiers from eastern Syria, especially after the changes made by U.S. President Donald Trump, which included the firing of Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who was replaced by Christopher Miller. Earlier this week, it was revealed that the outgoing U.S. envoy to Syria, James Jeffrey, had kept the total number of troops inside the Arab Republic from Trump.
Nov. 16, 2020


Ethiopia Tigray crisis: Rockets hit outskirts of Eritrea capital

Ethiopia says it has seized another Tigray town as conflict embroils Eritrea

Civil War in Ethiopia: Conflict Developments and Background

The 12-day conflict between Ethiopia’s government and forces in the country’s Tigray region has escalated. The Tigrayan forces fired rockets across the border into neighbouring Eritrea, after claiming Ethiopian soldiers were using an Eritrean airport to attack Tigray. Ethiopia’s prime minister appeared to deny the accusations in a tweet. On Saturday night, residents of Asmara – Eritrea’s capital – reported hearing loud explosions, amid reports of rockets landing near the city’s airport. No casualties have been reported yet. Tigrayan leader Debretsion Gebremichael has suggested that his forces have been fighting 16 divisions of the Eritrean army on several fronts for the past few days. The Tigrayans have also accused Eritrean forces of crossing into Ethiopia to back federal forces there. On Sunday, in a tweet, Mr Abiy appeared to deny that Ethiopian national forces were working with Eritreans, saying that Ethiopia was “more than capable of attaining the objectives of the operation by itself”. But while Eritrea and Ethiopia have denied co-operating in the conflict, our regional editor says reports of fighting along the border, and of Ethiopian soldiers being treated in Eritrean hospitals, suggest the opposite is true.
Nov. 16, 2020

Showdown in the Western Sahara

Western Sahara independence group declares war on Morocco

For weeks, the Polisario Front have blocked the only road leading southward from Morocco to Mauritania in the buffer zone of Guerguerat. Currently, around 200 trucks find themselves stranded there, while UN peacekeepers (MINURSO), on whom Morocco relies to enforce the tense 30-year ceasefire, apparently feel overwhelmed. Last week, on Thursday night, Morocco finally responded to the Polisario Front’s roadblock at Guerguerat by creating a security cordon and promising to “restore free circulation of civilian and commercial traffic” between Morocco and Mauritania — an act that the Polisario Front called a “provocation.” The Polisario Front had announced the Monday before that any movement of troops by Morocco to the buffer zone area “will be considered as a flagrant aggression to which the Sahrawi [Polisario] side will respond vigorously in self-defence and to defend its national sovereignty. This will also mean the end of the ceasefire and the beginning of a new war across the region.” Until now, Morocco has avoided conflict by relying on UN Security Council and its MINURSO. The Polisario Front nonetheless on Friday claimed that Morocco had broken the ceasefire and “ignited war.” Morocco, for its part, insists that there have been no armed clashes and that the ceasefire still stands. The UN Security also recently strengthened Morocco’s stance by not only demanding that the Polisario Front honor the terms of its ceasefire, but the UN also designated Algeria as a stakeholder in the dispute. On Friday, Saudi Arabia as well openly supported Morocco’s refusal to have its territory seized by force. An open conflict at this time would be immensely damaging for all the parties involved as well as for Europe — particularly France, always deeply immersed in African policy.
***Please also see ETRM report on Nov. 13
Moroccan army launches operation in Western Sahara border zone

Nov. 15, 2020

Azerbaijan delays takeover, denounces fleeing Armenians

Turkey to send soldiers for Karabakh ‘peacekeeping center’

Thousands Rally in Armenia Against Disputed Peace Deal

Assassination Attempt On Armenian Prime Minister Thwarted By Security Forces

Azerbaijan on Sunday postponed taking control of a territory ceded by Armenian forces in a cease-fire agreement, but denounced civilians leaving the area for burning houses and committing what it called “ecological terror.” The cease-fire ended six weeks of intense fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The agreement calls for Azerbaijan to take control of the outlying territories. The first, Kelbajar, was to be turned over on Sunday. But Azerbaijan agreed to delay the takeover until Nov. 25 after a request from Armenia. Azerbaijani presidential aide Hikmet Hajiyev said worsening weather conditions made the withdrawal of Armenian forces and civilians difficult along the single road through mountainous territory that connects Kelbajar with Armenia. Meanwhile, Thousands of furious protesters rallied in the Armenian capital for a fourth day running on Friday demanding Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan resign over a controversial peace agreement with Azerbaijan.
Nov. 16, 2020


  BLM/Antifa Attack Trump Supporters, Including Children, After D.C. “Million MAGA March”

Massive crowds of people converged at Freedom Plaza in Washington on Saturday, joining other rallies around the country to show support for President Donald Trump and ask for fairness in the election process. As The Epoch Times’ Allen Zhong reports, the participants marched to the U.S. Supreme Court holding signs that read “Stop the Steal,” “Make America Fair Again,” and “Trump 2020.” Before the start of the march, the crowd heard speeches from prominent Trump supporters including Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and My Pillow founder Mike Lindell. Several other prominent figures including Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and former Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka were also on the speaking list. Participants chanted slogans calling to “stop the steal,” which is also the name of the grassroots movement organizing the event in part. Organizer Ali Alexander told The Epoch Times in a previous interview that the events are a grassroots effort by a coalition of about a hundred activists and influencers to show “support for President Trump and fair elections and transparent counting.” Similar events, although smaller in scale, were organized in around 50 other states on the same day. Everything was very peaceful (not just mostly peaceful) until the crowds started to disperse and groups of BLM and Antifa activists began to appear, agitating attendees, and eventually turning to violence… even against children.
Nov. 15, 2020

Belarus: More than 1,000 arrested in fresh protests

More than 1,100 people were arrested on Sunday in Belarus during protests calling for President Alexander Lukashenko to resign, a human rights group has said. The Viasna human rights organisation counted 1,127 arrests, the vast majority of which were carried out in the capital Minsk. Belarusian authorities said on Monday that more than 700 people had been held in detention following the demonstrations. “In total, more than 700 people have been detained for violations of the legislation on mass events and before their offenses were examined in court,” Interior Ministry spokeswoman Olga Chemodanova said in a statement. Police in Minsk wielded clubs and used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse thousands of demonstrators. Viasna said that some of the people detained were beaten by the authorities.
Nov. 16, 2020

Peru’s interim president Merino resigns after 2 protesters killed in clashes

Peru’s interim president, Manuel Merino, has announced his resignation after less than a week in office, as protests in the capital Lima to support his controversially impeached predecessor left two people dead and dozens wounded. “I present my irrevocable resignation,” Merino said in a televised address, adding that it was time for “peace and unity” for the country. The call for his “immediate” dismissal was backed by all parties in Peru’s Congress. The MPs warned that they would launch impeachment procedures if Merino tries to hold on to power. Earlier on Sunday, more than half of the ministers in the new cabinet also left their posts in response to the outbreak of violence. A former head of congress, Merino became Peru’s interim leader after the lawmakers voted last Monday to remove President Martin Vizcarra from the job, over allegations of corruption, which he vigorously denies. But the public was left unsatisfied with the switch and hundreds of protesters gathered in central Lima on Saturday. The rally started peacefully, but was marred by clashes after dark, with Peru’s Ombudsman accusing the police of “misusing force and throwing tear gas without justification.” Two people were killed after suffering gunshot wounds in the unrest. More than 60 others required hospitalization due to injuries or inhaling tear gas, according to the health authorities.
Nov. 15, 2020


 Norway criminalizes private criticism of LGTBQ people

Norway’s parliament has voted to expand the protections that the LGBTQ community has enjoyed in that nation since 1981 by expanding the definition of “hate speech” that can land a person in prison. Reuters reported Norway already was among the “most liberal countries in Europe” on the issue, “allowing trans people to legally change gender without a medical diagnosis” and more. But “reported homophobic crimes have risen,” the report said, citing an advocacy organization. So parliamentarians agreed to expand their penal code this week. Now those found guilty of hate speech face a fine or up to a year in prison for private remarks, and a maximum of three years for public comments. Opponents of the change pointed out it could be used to criminalize free speech. In the United Kingdom, there already are plans to criminalize speech in private homes.
Nov. 13, 2020


 Hate crimes in US reach highest level in more than a decade

Hate crimes in the U.S. rose to the highest level in more than a decade as federal officials also recorded the highest number of hate-motivated killings since the FBI began collecting that data in the early 1990s, according to an FBI report released Monday. There were 7,314 hate crimes last year, up from 7,120 the year before — and approaching the 7,783 of 2008. The FBI’s annual report defines hate crimes as those motivated by bias based on a person’s race, religion or sexual orientation, among other categories. Some of the 2019 increases may be the result of better reporting by police departments, but law enforcement officials and advocacy groups don’t doubt that hate crimes are on the rise. The Justice Department has for years been specifically prioritizing hate crime prosecutions. The data also shows there was a nearly 7% increase in religion-based hate crimes, with 953 reports of crimes targeting Jews and Jewish institutions last year, up from 835 the year before. The FBI said the number of hate crimes against African Americans dropped slightly to 1,930, from 1,943.
Nov. 16, 2020


Scottish Hate Crime Bill Could Criminalize ‘Inflammatory’ Bible

Austria’s New Hate Speech Law

A sloppily worded hate crime bill in Scotland could undermine free speech and unfairly stigmatize people of faith, the Christian Institute has warned. The Christian Institute’s Deputy Director Ciarán Kelly said on Friday that the proposed legislation “risks creating a chilling effect on free speech” because of the ambiguity of its language and lack of protections for basic freedoms. “The new offences cover ‘abusive’ behaviour intended to ‘stir up hatred’ but no explanation is given as to what these terms actually mean,” Mr Kelly said. “Would it be ‘abusive’ and ‘hateful’ to quote the Bible’s teaching on marriage, gender or sexual ethics?” he added. “Some groups would say yes. There is a real risk of malicious reports from activists who wish to stop Christians expressing their beliefs.” “Provisions on ‘inflammatory material’ could be used against Christian books, sermons by church ministers – even the Bible itself,” Kelly noted. “The potential reach of the offences is enormous, affecting religious practice in public and in private.” These fears are not without basis and atheist groups have already threatened to use the new legislation to target Christians.
***Please also see: 
Scottish Bill Would Criminalize ‘Hate Speech’ in Private Homes

Nov. 14, 2020


 The Second Lockdown- Updates

Pro-mask study withdrawn after virus spread in counties analyzed by researchers

  • Illinois reports another 11k+ new cases
  • Germany imposes new restrictions next week
  • UK reports 21k+ new cases
  • NYC hospitalizations hit new high
  • Philly may bar indoor gatherings ahead of TG
  • NYC positivity rate has climbed to 2.77%
  • BioNTech CEO says vaccine shipments to start in early Jan
  • NJ lowers limit on private indoor gatherings
  • More states tighten restrictions
  • Merkel urges more restrictions on private gatherings
  • Mexico passed 1 million cases
  • Global cases are nearing 54.5 million
  • Hungary reported a record jump in cases
  • Iran sees new record
  • South Korea reports most new cases in 11 weeks

Washington, Michigan Impose Tough New COVID-19 Restrictions; US Tops 11 Million Cases

***Please also see ETRM report Nov. 13, 2020 on the Second Lockdown under prophecy Pestilence news

Nov. 16, 2020


Drought Plaguing Much of US

A report by the U.S. Drought Monitor on Thursday revealed what anyone living in California or the Southwest already know: We need rain. Badly. “Abnormal dryness and drought are currently affecting over 120 million people across the United States including Puerto Rico — about 38.9% of the population,” the National Centers for Environmental Information, of which the U.S. Drought Monitor is a part, said in its latest report. The drought is particularly intense in the Four Corners region where Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah intersect. And things have gotten worse in Nevada, where ranchers say the range is in poor condition. The situation is also dire in Colorado, where 75% of the state is experiencing severe drought and a quarter is firmly in the worst category — extreme drought. Much of the worst aspects of dry conditions are centered on the Colorado River Basin of western Colorado, which bodes ill for the millions of homes and businesses downstream that rely on a robust flow of water from the river.
Nov. 12, 2020


  Hurricane Iota Strengthens Into First Category 5 of 2020 Hurricane Season

Hurricane Iota has rapidly intensified into a rare Category 5, the first of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season, as it heads for landfall in Central America, where it will bring potentially catastrophic rainfall flooding, mudslides, storm surge and damaging winds for the second time in two weeks. Late Monday morning, Iota became only the second Category 5 hurricane on record in November and the record latest-in-season hurricane ever to reach that intensity in the Atlantic Basin. The 1932 Cuba hurricane reached Category 5 intensity from November 5-8. The upgrade to Category 5 intensity was based on both satellite intensity estimates and a Hurricane Hunter mission, which measured flight level and surface winds sufficiently strong enough.
Nov. 16, 2020

Asteroid 2020 VT4 makes extremely close approach to Earth at just 0.02 LD – breaks record for the closest asteroid flyby

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2020 VT4 flew past Earth at a very close distance of just 0.02 LD / 0.0000451 AU (6 746 km / 4 192 miles) at 17:20 UTC on November 13, 2020. This makes it the closest known asteroid to flyby Earth, surpassing 2020 QG which flew past us on August 16, 2020, at 0.0000623 AU. 2020 VT4 is the 91st known asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year and the 6th so far this month. The object was first observed at ATLAS-MLO, Mauna Loa, Hawaii on November 14, one day after its close approach. It belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids and has an estimated diameter between 4.8 and 11 m (16 – 36 feet). 2020 VT4 flew past us at a speed (relative to the Earth) of 13.42 km/s.
Nov. 15, 2020

NASA flag five asteroids en route today

On Monday, not one but five asteroids will enter our cosmic backyard.  First up is 2020 VR4, measuring 27 meters in diameter (about five giraffes) which will pass the planet at 2.2 million kilometers.  Shortly after will be the closest encounter of the space rock kind, as the telephone-pole-sized (11 meters) 2020 VM5, buzzes past at 426,000km. Bringing up the rear are: the nine-meter 2020 VA3, at a distance of 4.2 million kilometers; the 13-meter 2020 VS1 at 2.8 million kilometers; and lastly, will be 2020 VB3, measuring twice the height of Michael Jordan (or four meters) at 589,000km.

On Nov. 9th, the following article was presented
Asteroid 2020 UN3 will pass the planet at a safe distance of 4.4 million kilometers. Not long after, and almost double the size, the 72-meter 2020 UL3, will shoot past at 5.8 million kilometers. On November 12, asteroid 2020 VC, measuring 34 meters in diameter or roughly half the wingspan of a 747 jet, is set to buzz the planet at a distance of 5.2 million kilometers.  Honorable mention goes to 2018 VS4, 23 meters in diameter (roughly half as tall as the Arc de Triomphe) and the 27-meter 2020 VC1 (half the Leaning Tower of Pisa), both of which will make a flyby of Earth this week but are not expected to pose any threat to humanity.
Nov. 16, 2020

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