Nov. 23, 2020- Netanyahu meets with Saudi crown prince; Chinese President Proposes Global Health QR Code System



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UAE, Bahrain reject Israeli UN resolution on entrepreneurship, despite new peace

PA sending its ambassadors back to Bahrain, UAE

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations on Thursday praised the world body for overwhelmingly approving an Israeli-sponsored resolution to support entrepreneurship but criticized Arab countries who voted against it, including the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. The resolution passed with a definitive 144-26 majority with nine abstentions, but the Arab countries voted as a block against the resolution, apparently because it was sponsored by Israel. “Unfortunately, there are some in this body, who despite recognizing the value of innovation, decided to vote against it,” Erdan said. “Their ‘no’ vote was driven not by reason or logic, but by anti-Semitism and intolerance. These member states should be ashamed. Instead of advancing a more sustainable future, they cling to racism and bigotry. We should all feel outraged.” Opponents included the UAE and Bahrain. Egypt and Jordan, the other two Arab states that have full diplomatic relations with Israel, also voted against the resolution. Meanwhile, without officially acknowledging the move, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is returning its ambassadors to the UAE and Bahrain, a Palestinian source told Reuters Wednesday. The envoys were originally recalled after PA President Mahmoud Abbas said that the two countries had “betrayed” the Palestinian cause by announcing normalization with Israel in August and September, respectively.
***Please also see ETRM report from Nov. 18th   Palestinians restore ties with Israel
Nov. 20, 2020

IDF strikes Hamas infrastructure in retaliation for rocket fire

The Israeli military struck Hamas military infrastructure early on Sunday morning in response to rocket fire launched towards the southern city of Ashkelon, the second time in two weeks. The strikes, carried out by Israeli Air Force jets and attack helicopters targeted Hamas military sites including “two rocket manufacturing sites, underground infrastructure and a training facility for the Hamas terror group’s naval force,” the IDF Spokespersons Unit said in a statement.
Nov. 22, 2020

Netanyahu meets Saudi crown prince MBS, Pompeo in Saudi Arabia

Netanyahu’s visit to Saudi Arabia ‘dangerous,’ Hamas warns

Saudi foreign minister denies meeting with Israelis happened

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Mossad chief Yossi Cohen met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Neom, Saudi Arabia on Sunday, Israeli sources confirmed. The Israeli and Saudi sides discussed Iran and normalization, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing a Saudi source.  Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan denied the meeting took place on Twitter, saying only Saudi and American officials were present. Yet Education Minister Yoav Gallant confirmed the meeting, calling it an “amazing achievement” and “a matter of great importance” in an interview with Army Radio. On Sunday, however, Prince Faisal told Reuters that normalization with Israel would only come after “a permanent and comprehensive peace agreement between the Palestinians and the Israelis including the establishment of a Palestinian state on 1967 borders.” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also met with Netanyahu and MBS, as the crown prince is known, in Neom, a new city in northern Saudi Arabia.
Nov. 23, 2020


Yemen rebels claim attack on Saudi oil facility in Jiddah

Yemen’s Houthi rebels said they struck a Saudi oil facility in the port city of Jiddah on Monday with a new cruise missile, just hours after the kingdom finished hosting its virtual Group of 20 leaders summit. The kingdom did not immediately acknowledge any attack as videos on social media suggested a fire struck a Saudi Arabian Oil Co. facility in Jiddah before dawn. A later satellite photo also suggested a fire occurred. Brig. Gen. Yehia Sarie, a Houthi military spokesman, tweeted that the rebels fired a new Quds-2 cruise missile at the facility. He posted a satellite image online that matched Aramco’s North Jiddah Bulk Plant, where oil products are stored in tanks. The claimed attack comes just after a visit by outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to the kingdom to see Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman , a meeting that reportedly included Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The kingdom also just hosted the annual G-20 summit, which concluded Sunday.
Nov. 23, 2020

Deadly new Daesh attack north of Baghdad

Iraq’s Salahaddin province declared three days of mourning from Sunday over a deadly attack blamed on the Daesh group, as some criticized the state for failing to fight back militants. Late Saturday, a roadside bomb hit a civilian car on an open road about 200 kilometers north of Baghdad, police and a local official said.
When security forces arrived to the scene, militants opened fire on them. The attack killed at least six Iraqi security personal and four civilians, including one who died of his wounds overnight, according to local medics. Two weeks ago, 11 people were killed in an Daesh attack on a lookout post at Al-Radwaniyah on Baghdad’s outskirts, areas which are predominantly Sunni Muslim.
Nov. 22, 2020


Kabul attack: Several killed as rockets hit residential areas

A barrage of rockets has hit residential areas of Kabul, killing at least eight people and wounding more than 30, Afghan officials say. More than a dozen rockets were fired from a pickup truck inside the city, the interior ministry said. The regional Islamic State group said it was behind it. The attack happened hours before a meeting between US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Taliban negotiators in an effort to resume peace talks. The rockets hit areas of central and north Kabul – including near the heavily fortified area that houses embassies and international companies – just before 09:00 (04:30 GMT) on Saturday.
Nov. 21, 2020

Ethiopian military warns Mekelle civilians ahead of assault on city

Tigrayan forces destroy airport under Ethiopian army control

Ethiopian military officials have warned civilians in Mekelle, the capital of the unsettled Tigray region, to “free themselves” from rebel leaders or be offered “no mercy” in a coming assault on the city. The Ethiopian military said tanks would be deployed to encircle Mekelle, the highland capital of the northern Tigray region, and that it may also use artillery on the city, state media reported on Sunday. Tsegaye said the Ethiopian military had so far avoided any targets that might risk civilian casualties but said that in the case of Mekelle “it might be different”. Officials in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, have been clear that the “law enforcement operation” will continue until the TPLF is ousted and federal authority reasserted over the region. On Saturday, Ethiopian government rebuffed an African diplomatic push to mediate. Though heavily armed regular troops have steadily advanced towards Mekelle, the paramilitaries and militia deployed in their wake are still struggling to clear and secure territory, the assessment says, raising the prospect of a lengthy guerrilla war.
Nov. 23, 2020

Polisario Front strikes Moroccan military positions behind border wall

The Polisario Front said that it continued to target the sites of the Moroccan forces on Saturday behind the separation wall in the Sahara region. According to the Front’s Sahara News Agency, the Front announced in a communiqué “the implementation of violent attacks that have turned significant parts of the Moroccan wall of shame into hell by the constant bombing of the Lions of the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army.” The statement continued, “Yesterday, Friday, November 20, units of our victorious army bombed the enemy’s defensive positions in the Amkala sector.” They added that on Saturday, their forces continued to the Moroccan troops along the separation wall, causing material damage and casualties there. In the meantime, the official spokesperson for the SADR government, Minister of Information Hamada Salma El-Daf, confirmed that a just and final peace depends on the Moroccan withdrawal from the territory of the SADR and Morocco’s respect for its internationally recognized borders.
Nov. 22, 2020

One Azerbaijani Serviceman Dead, One Russian Peacekeeper Injured Due to Mine Explosion in Karabakh

A Russian peacekeeping contingent was deployed in the disputed region after Armenia and Azerbaijan signed a joint statement to mutually cease the hostilities that had been taking place in Karabakh since the end of September 2020. A mine explosion in Nagorno-Karabakh has left one Azerbaijani soldier dead, as well as one Russian peacekeeper and four members of the local emergency services injured, Russia’s Defence Ministry has stated. “The explosion took place in the vicinity of Madagiz village […] The Russian serviceman has been transported to a hospital in Baku, where he is currently receiving medical attention. His wounds are not life threatening”, the ministry said. The dead and the injured were part of a joint team that was tasked with finding and recovering the bodies of servicemen killed in action during the hostilities, which erupted in the region in September.
Nov. 23, 2020


More than 200 detained in Belarus protests – rights group

Belarus police detained more than 200 people in Minsk on Sunday during the latest in months of anti-government protests since a disputed presidential election in August, human rights activists said. Thousands took to the streets of the Belarusian capital, and police used stun grenades to disperse the crowd, several Belarus media outlets reported. The Vesna-96 rights group said 205 people had been detained so far. The Interior Ministry later confirmed that there had been detentions, saying those being held had been “disturbing public order and resisting police officers,” but it did not give any numbers.
Nov. 22, 2020

Guatemala: Congress on fire after protesters storm building

Hundreds of anti-government protesters in Guatemala have vandalised and set fire to parts of the Congress building, before being dispersed by riot police. The building in Guatemala City was empty at the time of Saturday’s attack, which lasted for about 10 minutes. The fire services put the fire out, but several people were treated for the effects of smoke inhalation. The protesters are opposed to a budget approved by Congress of the Central American country on Wednesday night. The opposition says the budget prioritises big infrastructure projects to be handled by companies with government connections and overlooks the social and economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Another key complaints is that the budget was passed by parliament while the rest of the country was distracted by the after-effects of two damaging storms, Eta and Iota. The protesters are now pressing for President Alejandro Giammattei to resign.
Nov. 22, 2020


China vows a ‘necessary’ response to US admiral’s visit to Taiwan

China’s foreign ministry announced on Monday that it will bring a “necessary” response to bear after a senior US Navy admiral made an unannounced visit to Taiwan over the weekend. Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian told reporters that China “resolutely opposes” any diplomatic or military relations between American and Taiwanese officials, calling on the United States to fully recognize the sensitivity of the China-Taiwan issue. Zhao warned that, depending on how the situation developed, his government would “make a legitimate and necessary response,” without explaining what specific action would be taken. Rear Admiral Michael Studeman, a two-star Navy admiral who oversees US military intelligence in the Asia-Pacific region, is believed to be the officer that made the trip, according to people familiar with the situation. While the Pentagon refused to comment, Taiwan’s foreign ministry confirmed that a US official had arrived on Sunday.
Nov. 23, 2020


Chinese President Xi proposes GLOBAL health QR code system to revive coronavirus-battered trade & travel

Qantas CEO says airline will make Covid-19 vaccination COMPULSORY for international travel

Speaking during the G20 summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping promoted the idea of introducing globally-recognized health QR codes, saying it would help to restore coronavirus-hit international trade and travel. “While containing the virus, we need to restore the secure and smooth operation of global industrial and supply chains,” China’s leader told the virtual G20 summit late on Saturday, while advocating the need to “reduce tariffs and barriers” and “liberalize” the trade of crucial medical supplies. He also called for the creation of mechanisms that would simplify the “orderly flow” of people in the coronavirus-battered world. They could come in the form of QR codes containing people’s health information, Xi said. QR codes of this type are already in active use in China, where internal travel has become largely dependent on them and the corresponding “health apps.” Instruments to track people’s movement, including mobile applications and QR codes, have been implemented amid the coronavirus pandemic by other nations as well, though no global system has emerged yet.
Nov. 23, 2020


Destructive EF-3 tornado and severe hailstorm leave 6 people dead in South Africa

At least 6 fatalities have been confirmed while dozens of properties have been damaged or destroyed after severe storms — including hail reportedly bigger than a golf ball, an EF-3 tornado, lightning, and strong winds — lashed eastern provinces of South Africa on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 17 and 18, 2020. In KwaZulu-Natal, two people were reported dead while one person remains missing after a major hailstorm accompanied by lightning hit the province. A 10-year-old child was injured in Umuziwabantu. Hailstones that were described as larger than a golf ball damaged about 70 homes in the Msunduzi municipality.
Nov. 20, 2020

Extremely dangerous Tropical Cyclone “Gati” rapidly intensifies before making historic landfall in Somalia

Gati is the strongest tropical cyclone to make landfall in Somalia and the strongest ever recorded in this part of the world

Tropical Cyclone “Gati” has rapidly intensified to near Category 4 hurricane equivalent overnight November 22, 2020, and is now — 13:00 UTC on November 22 — making extremely dangerous landfall in Somalia. This is extremely dangerous, rapidly evolving situation leaving not much time for residents to prepare. ​Gati formed early November 22 in the Arabian Sea, just east of Somalia, as the 3rd named storm of the 2020 North Indian Ocean cyclone season. While the season is considered below average, with only six systems and 3 named ones, Somalia has never experienced such a powerful cyclone.
Nov. 23, 2020

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