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Headline: Hamas leader threatens Tel Aviv
Mushir al-Masri, a Hamas lawmaker and one of the leaders of the terrorist group, announced on Saturday that Hamas has thousands of rockets capable of striking Tel Aviv and localities to the north of Tel Aviv. Speaking at a rally held by Hamas in Gaza, Masri claimed that “any future war of the occupation against the Izz al-Din al-Qassam military wing of Hamas will result in the shelling of Tel Aviv and north of it.” He further declared that Gaza “is a thorn in the throat of the Zionist dream to establish a Greater Israel stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates” and claimed that Israel does not know which types of weapons Hamas is hiding. Masri also said that “the occupation has crossed all the red lines, and the last one preventing the sound of the call to prayer in mosques in Jerusalem and in the internal occupied territory,” a reference to the “Muezzin Law”, which would prohibit mosques from using loudspeakers for the call to prayer which disturbs the sleep of Israelis in the early hours of the morning. “Israel seeks to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build an imaginary temple instead,” claimed Masri, “but the heroes, men and women oppress death and protect the mosque.” The Hamas leader also had something to say about the wildfires that have broken out throughout Israel over the last few days and which were caused, in part, by Arab arson. “The fires that broke out in various parts of occupied Palestine are an outrage from heaven against the Zionists…this is the harsh punishment against which God had warned all those who desire to prevent the prayer or the call to prayer at the Al-Aqsa Mosque or to attack the mosques,” he claimed.
Nov. 27, 2016
Headline: Trump: My son-in-law could broker Middle East peace
Donald Trump believes peace can be attained in the Middle East but it isn’t the president-elect who would be in charge — it’s his son in law. In a meeting with The New York Times on Tuesday, Trump said he could see Jared Kushner as the broker between Israel and Palestine according to tweets from meeting attendees. Trump: Jared Kushner could help make peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. — Elisabeth Bumiller (@BumillerNYT) November 22, 2016 I asked PEOTUS what role he sees Kushner playing. Indicates formal role unlikely but he could be a player on Mideast peace. — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) November 22, 2016 Kushner is an Orthodox Jew and Trump’s daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism before they were married. Kushner has become one of Trump’s most trusted advisers and has been playing a major role in shaping the president-elect’s transition. However, his exact role is not clear. There have been reports that Trump requested security clearances for his children. Trump has denied but it is not clear if Kushner falls under that category.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Israeli forces kill 4 Islamic State allies in Golan Heights firefight
Israeli forces engaged in a brief but deadly fight Sunday against Syrian militiamen allied with the Islamic State, killing four militants in the fraught borderlands of the Golan Heights. It was the “first substantial fight” between Israeli soldiers and an Islamic State affiliate in the long-running Syrian war, said Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, an Israeli military spokesman. No Israelis were injured. Although there have been dozens of cases of errant and intentional artillery, mortar and small-arms fire from Syria toward Israeli-controlled territory in the occupied Golan Heights, this exchange involved the group known as the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade, whose leaders publicly pledged their allegiance to the Islamic State in 2014. About 9 a.m., a reconnaissance unit from Israel’s Golani Brigade was patrolling along the cease-fire line, the military said, outside the Israeli-built fence. The Israeli troops were confronted by the Syrian militants, who deployed small arms and mortars, and the Israelis responded, the military spokesman said. The Israeli air force spotted a vehicle armed with a heavy machine gun and destroyed it with a rocket, killing four occupants, Israel said. Israel has pledged to stay out of the Syrian conflict but has also vowed that it will respond to any threats made against Israelis in the Golan Heights.
Nov. 27, 2016
Headline: Israel strikes new ISIS target in Syria day after Golan attack
The IDF on Monday morning again responded to an ISIS attack Sunday against the Israeli Golani Reconnaissance Battalion operating along the Syrian border, the military spokesperson’s office reported. The Israeli Air Force attack targeted an ISIS-held location in the south of the Syrian Golan heights early Monday. Some 10 tons of explosives were said to have been dropped by the IAF on the ISIS target in the retaliatory strike. A military spokesman said that the strike had targeted “an abandoned military facility, which was previously used by the United Nations and served as a location for ISIS to consolidate their offensive forces and operations near the border. This is a response to the attack performed yesterday, and was aimed at preventing the return of the terrorists to the facility which would constitute a substantial threat in the area.” “The IDF will continue to act to protect the citizens of Israel while maintaining the IDF’s freedom of action within the sovereign territory of Israel, and will not hesitate to act against the terrorist organizations operating against it.”
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Rabbis urge: “Rise up and resist the evacuation!”
Headline: Initial: Attempted shooting attack on IDF in West Bank
120 senior rabbis representing a variety of communities and institutions have made a united call for the public to come to Amona to resist the anticipated evacuation. The declaration’s signatories are from all ends of the religious spectrum, including Rabbi Haim Druckman, head of the Bnei Akiva yeshivas, the rabbi of Ramat Gan, Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, the rabbi of Safed Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu; the rabbi of Kiryat Arba Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, head of Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva, Tzohar chairman Rabbi David Stav. and pre-military academy head Rabbi Eli Sadan, the rabbi of the Old City of Jerusalem Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl, and the head of Yeshivat Maaleh Adumim Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz. “We call on all those who can to come and stay in the community. Our presences will give strength to the residents and be a clear declaration to the decision-makers that we are with the residents of Amona in every way during this difficult time, and we will continue to be with them until the Regulation Law is enacted, and Amona is saved,” the rabbis wrote. They added that “if, heaven forbid, the day comes for an expulsion, we urge the public to continue living in the community, and protesting vigorously the destruction of the community, through passive resistance and non-violence”. The rabbis call on the prime minister to “stop immediately this terrible and unnecessary destruction. The coming days are crucial for the future of Amona and the future of Jewish settlement. The Knesset is sitting on the pot. They have the ability to pass a law that would save the town from destruction. This is no time is to be silent, either towards God or towards our fellow human beings. All men and women should cry to God and stimulate God’s grace to save the town and its inhabitants. ”
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Jordan, Egypt discuss closer security ties
Jordan and Egypt Sunday discussed enforcing signed security agreements and joint coordination to counter terrorism during talks held in Cairo. Interior Minister Salameh Hammad said at a meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Majdi Abdel Ghafar that his visit was to benefit from the Egyptian expertise in security and anti-terrorism fields, as well as boosting communication channels and the exchange of data on the movement and designs of terrorists and their funding sources. Jordan, Hammad said, looks forward to enacting anti-drugs and civil protection security agreements, and backing these with joint communication mechanisms and exchanging visits by security officials. He said Jordan wanted to send police trainees to join advanced courses at Egypt’s police academy.
Nov. 28, 2016
Saudi Arabia
Headline: Yemen’s Houthis form gov’t in setback to peace process
Yemen’s armed Houthi movement and its political allies formed a new government on Monday, the Houthi-run state news agency Saba reported, in what appeared a blow to UN-backed efforts to end 20 months of war in the country. Diplomats had hoped the Houthis, who control the capital Sanaa, would hold off on putting together a Cabinet of their loyalists and instead form a unity government with their Yemeni foes, whom they pushed into Saudi exile. The Houthis, who control territory with more than half of Yemen’s population, previously said forming a government with their allies did not mean abandoning the UN-sponsored peace process. The flight of Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, the internationally recognised president, triggered military intervention by a coalition led Saudi Arabia that has carried out thousands of air strikes on the Houthis but failed to dislodge them from Sanaa. Having caused the deaths of at least 10,000 people and unleashed a humanitarian crisis, the Arabian Peninsula conflict has continued despite several UN-backed ceasefires and peace efforts by Western and UN diplomats. The Houthis this month agreed to a UN plan which required them to hand in heavy weapons and pull out of main cities in exchange for participating in a unity government with Hadi, who rejected the proposal, saying he was the legitimate president. Making common cause with the party of powerful ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh, the Iran-allied Houthis previously ruled the parts of Yemen they controlled through a “Supreme Political Council”, a body which announced the new government.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Egypt to Send Troops to Syria to Aid Bashar al-Assad and Russia
Headline: Egyptian pilots flying Russian choppers in Syria
Headline: Egypt denies its military is in Syria
In a new Mideast realignment, Egypt’s president Abdel al-Fattah al-Sisi has said in an interview that that he is officially backing the regime of Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad. According to al-Sisi: [Al-Assad’s forces are] best positioned to combat terrorism and restore stability [in Syria]. Our priority is to support national armies, for example in Libya to exert control over Libya territory and deal with extremist elements. The same with Syria and Iraq. Some analysts are suggesting that al-Sisi’s statement of support is purely political, or only symbolic. But in fact reports indicate that al-Sisi is committed militarily as well. Several reports have indicated that al-Sisi has sent Egyptian helicopters and pilots to Syria to take part in the fighting, and that he plans to send a large deployment of Egyptian troops to Syria in January. Al-Sisi apparently believes that the best way for Egypt to fight ISIS in Egypt is to fight ISIS in Syria.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Syrian Army Scores Major Victory by Cutting Through Jihadist-Held Eastern Aleppo
Headline: Large build-up of Hezbollah, Iraqi forces in southern Aleppo
Headline: Complete battlefield update from east Aleppo: map
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies are reported to have freed the al-Sakhour neighborhood of eastern Aleppo earlier on Monday, separating southern and northern jihadist-held districts of the embattled city in what would be a major victory that could well determine the outcome of the years-long war. he SAA encircled areas held by radical groups in late July, launching a major operation aimed at freeing the city in September. It is said to be in control of approximately a third of eastern Aleppo at the moment. Earlier on Monday, Damascus-led forces pushed the militants out of the al-Sakhour neighborhood, cutting the rebel-held neighborhoods in two separate parts. The plan aimed at dividing eastern Aleppo into several pockets has turned out to be efficient “both in terms of psychology and military strategy,” Krutikov observed.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Aleppo rebels handed over districts to Kurds: report
Amid the dramatic collapse of opposition lines in northeastern Aleppo, rebels groups purportedly handed over a number of districts to Kurdish forces in the divided city. One of the most popular pro-rebel outlets in Aleppo reported early Monday afternoon that opposition factions reached an agreement with the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) to deliver the Baydin, Bustan al-Pasha, Ayn al-Tal, Al-Halak, Sheikh Fares and Zaytounat quarters, all of which border the Sheikh Maqsoud district, which is under the de facto control of autonomous Kurds. “The agreement to hand over the neighborhoods… came to protect the lives of civilians and to avoid shelling by the regime and Russian forces,” a military source told the Aleppo Media Center. A monitoring NGO tracking developments in war-torn Syria confirmed that YPG troops entered Bustan al-Pasha and Al-Halak, while saying that Baydin and other areas where under the control of regime forces. However, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights did not provide context on the YPG entry into the two areas nor mention whether YPG fighters engaged in clashes with rebel forces.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: The Kurds Are Nearly There
The dream of a national homeland is one that all Kurds share, no matter where they currently live. For the past century—ever since World War I brought about the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the subsequent creation of new nation-states that excluded Kurdish aspirations—they have yearned in vain. Yet now circumstances have conspired to bring the Kurds—or some of them, at least—closer to achieving a workable state than at any other time in recent memory. To be sure, not all of the Kurds are equally well positioned to take advantage. The Kurds of Iran, who briefly enjoyed a self-governing state under Soviet tutelage after World War II, seem the least likely to strike out on their own, given the strength of the Tehran government and the relative weakness of the Kurdish nationalist movement. In southeastern Turkey, the goal of self-determination has long been pursued with particular ferocity by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has carried on a four-decade-long insurgency against the government in Ankara. After years of effectively denying the existence of the roughly 15 million Kurds within its borders, the Turkish state embarked on a policy of cautious rapprochement that culminated in the launching of peace negotiations in 2013. Last year, however, the war flared up again, prosecuted on the Turkish side by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who had, for a time, pursued the peace process with more determination than any of his predecessors. The return to war, amid scenes of extraordinary destruction in Kurdish communities, makes the attainment of any sort of independence for the Turkish Kurds—a long shot under the best of circumstances—even less likely.
December 8, 2016 Issue
Headline: Syria Situation Report Nov. 10-18, 2016
Headline: Iraqi forces liberate entire Nineveh Plains region from ISIS
The Iraqi Armed Forces have officially liberated the entire Nineveh Plains region of northwestern Iraq after a month long offensive to expel the so-called “Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham” (ISIS) from the area. The Nineveh Plains, which consists of three districts located northeast of Mosul, was one of the first major areas to be captured by the Islamic State terrorists in the Summer of 2014. Once ISIS seized the Nineveh Plains, they began to demolish historical sites that date back several centuries to the ancient Assyrian cities of Nineveh and Nimrud. In addition to liberating the Nineveh Plains, the Iraqi Armed Forces captured the villages of Al-Turkmaniyeh Al-Janoubiyeh and Al-Salaam near teh key town of Tal ‘Afar in northwest Iraq.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Turkey could extend state of emergency, Erdogan warns EU
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday warned the European Union that Turkey could extend by at least another three months a state of emergency that has been in place since the failed July coup. In a a speech in Istanbul, Erdogan launched another stinging attack on the EU after the European Parliament voted on Thursday to back a freeze in accession talks with Ankara. He again threatened to bring back the death penalty — a decision that would effectively end Ankara’s longstanding bid — and said that on this he would listen to the Turkish people and not “Hans” and “George”, picking out two common European names. The state of emergency imposed after the July 15 failed coup bid has seen at least 37,000 people arrested, causing alarm in Brussels over the scale of the crackdown. “Maybe the state of emergency will be extended by three months and then maybe another three months,” he said. “This is a decision for the government and the parliament.” “What’s it to you?” he told the European Parliament. “Is the European Parliament in charge of this country or is the government in charge of this country?” “Know your place!” he added, in an angry tirade.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Iran considers naval bases in Yemen, Syria
Headline: Iranian vessel points weapon at U.S. helicopter: officials
Iran’s chief of staff of the armed forces said Saturday that Tehran may be interested in setting up naval bases in both Syria and Yemen, the semi-official Tasnim reported. The report by Tasnim, close to military, quoted Gen. Mohammad Hossein Bagheri as saying, “Maybe, at some point we will need bases on the shores of Yemen and Syria.” He said “Having naval bases in remote distances is not less than nuclear power. It is ten times more important and creates deterrence.” Gen. Bagheri added that setting up naval platforms off the shores of those countries requires “infrastructures there first.” He said Iran is also able to set up permanent platforms for military purposes in the Persian Gulf and roving ones in other places. Gen. Bagheri did not elaborate but said “When two thirds of the world’s population lives near shores and the world economy depends on the sea, we have to take measures. Though there is a need for the time for these (steps).” This is the first time that an Iranian military official has spoken of setting up naval bases in another country in the region. No Middle Eastern country is known to have a formal naval base in another Mideast country.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Afghanistan Partial Threat Assessment: November 22, 2016
Headline: Four police killed in Taliban ambush in Afghanistan
Taliban militants’ military successes during their 2016 campaign, Operation Omari demonstrate requirements for U.S. policy in Afghanistan. The ANSF is incapable of securing major population centers like Lashkar Gah or Kunduz cities or increasing government-controlled territory without significant U.S. support. The ANSF remains highly dependent on current levels of U.S. support to regenerate units and secure government-controlled territory. Resolute Support Commander General John Nicholson stated on September 23 that the Afghan government controls or heavily influences 68- 70% of the population, and Taliban militants control 10% of the population, leaving roughly a quarter of the country contested. The continued expansion of ungoverned spaces in Afghanistan allows global extremist networks like al Qaeda and ISIS and their allies to carve out sanctuaries from which to target the U.S. and its national security interests.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Gunmen kidnap three UNHCR workers in Sudan’s Darfur: local official
Headline: Sudan’s civil disobedience begins amid varying popular response
Unidentified gunmen have kidnapped three workers from the United Nation’s refugee agency in Sudan’s restive Darfur region, a local official told Reuters on Monday. The three workers, one Sudanese and two Nepalese, were kidnapped from Geneina, the capital of West Darfur state and were taken to an unknown location, said West Darfur government spokesman Abdallah Gar al-Nabi. Security forces were working to retrieve them and locate the culprits, he added. An official from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) declined to comment. Security remains fragile in Darfur, where mainly non-Arab tribes have been fighting the Arab-led government in Khartoum, and the government is struggling to control rural areas. Some 300,000 people have been killed in Darfur since the conflict began in 2003, the United Nations says, while over 2.5 million have been displaced.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: New Putin move to win a military base in Libya
Libyan Gen Khalifa Hafter arrived in Moscow Sunday, Nov. 26, with a request for Russian arms and military support for his army. He was welcomed in Moscow, which saw an opening for Russia to gain its first military base in North Africa. According to debkafile’s military and intelligence sources, President Vladimir Putin began to envision a second Mediterranean base on the coast of Benghazi, twin to Hmeimim in Syria’s Latakia. This one would accommodate Russian naval as well as air units and be located 700km from Europe. The US-born Hafter, a general in the army of the late Muammar Qaddafi, carries the title of supreme commander of the Libyan army. However, Libya is today riddled with hundreds of militias vying for control. Haftar heads a powerful group that was once backed by the United States. But since refusing to recognize the government established by the UN in Tripoli, he relies mainly on the support of Egypt and some of the Gulf emirates for his eastern Libyan Benghazi stronghold. Egypt and the UAE provide Hafter’s army with air support from Egyptian bases in the Western Desert. It was their leaders who urged him to accept the Russian invitation to Moscow and bid for military assistance. This was Hafter’s second trip to Moscow. He was there in June and met with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and National Security Adviser Nikolai Patrushev. Then, the Kremlin was wary of extending military aid to the maverick Libyan general. US, Italian and British special forces were at the time pressing a major offensive to drive ISIS out of the key Libyan port of Sirte. However, this offensive has still not achieved its goal.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Russia, Armenia inch closer in collective defense with upgraded joint task force
Armenia and Russia are set to sign a treaty on a joint task force, which would give legal grounds for Russia to use its military to protect Armenia from foreign aggression. Armenia is among the few nations hosting Russian troops on its territory. The new Joint Task Force (JTF) agreement set to be signed this later week between Moscow and Yerevan upgrades an existing military cooperation mechanism, going into far greater detail about how troops would be used in case of a hypothetical attack. For instance, it marks the Russian military base in Armenia as a key component for the JTF deployment, gives Russian command and communication systems a priority in the force’s operation, and states that the JTF commander, who remains in the Armenian chain-of-command during peacetime, may become subordinate to the commander of Russia’s Southern Military District in wartime. “If Armenia is attacked, the Russian military base in Gyumri would be involved in our defense, but this requires legal grounds. This international agreement will provide such grounds,” Armenian Defense Minister Vigen Sarkisyan told Armenian media.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Somali student behind car, knife attack at Ohio State University that injured 11
Headline: Ohio State attack probed as possible terrorism
An 18-year-old Somali student was behind an attack involving a car and butcher knife on the campus of Ohio State University Monday that left 11 people injured, officials said. After the attacker, identified by authorities as first-year student Abdul Razak Ali Artan, plowed his vehicle into the crowd, officials said he got out of the vehicle and began attacking people with a butcher knife before he was shot and killed by a campus police officer. Two law enforcement sources told Fox News that Artan came into the United States as a Somali refugee, and was granted status as a legal permanent resident. The motive behind the attack is still unclear, according to law enforcement sources, but investigators are not ruling out anything at this point. Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs said authorities were looking into whether it was a terrorist attack.
Nov. 28, 2016,7340,L-4885671,00.html
Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8
Headline: Pipeline protesters vow to stay camped on federal land
Headline: Standing Rock: North Dakota access pipeline demonstrators say white people are ‘treating protest like Burning Man’
Headline: US authorities: Dakota pipeline protesters can stay
Dakota Access oil pipeline protesters will not follow a government directive to leave the federal land where hundreds have camped for months, organizers said Saturday, despite state officials encouraging them to do so. Standing Rock Sioux tribal leader Dave Archambault and other protest organizers confidently explained that they’ll stay at the Oceti Sakowin camp and continue with nonviolent protests a day after Archambault received a letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that said all federal lands north of the Cannonball River will be closed to public access Dec. 5 for “safety concerns.” The Corps cited the oncoming winter and increasingly contentious clashes between protesters, who believe the pipeline could harm drinking water and Native American cultural sites, and police. Standing Rock tribal members believe the land in which the encampment is on is owned by the Sioux through a more than century-old treaty with the U.S. government. “We are wardens of this land. This is our land and they can’t remove us,” said protester Isaac Weston, who is an Oglala Sioux member from South Dakota. “We have every right to be here to protect our land and to protect our water.”
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Anti-Trump protesters gather outside Nebraska Capitol
Headline: Anti-Trump Protests Continue Nationwide
About 100 demonstrators gathered in front of the Nebraska Capitol building Sunday morning to protest President-elect Donald Trump. Chelsea Dappen, a senior at Nebraska Wesleyan University, passionately spoke against Trump. Dappen, a sexual assault survivor, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder four years ago. She said that her PTSD was triggered by the president-elect and that she refuses to be neutral about the election. “As a sexual assault survivor, I know firsthand the dangers of neutrality and becoming a bystander.” Dappen said. “In our culture, we’re trained to mind our own business and not stir the pot. Sometimes, the pot needs stirred.” Dappen said comments Trump made to Billy Bush in a recorded conversation in 2005 were an admittance to sexual assault. “The second we stop calling him out, his words become normalized,” she said. Lincoln resident Michael Funk, 24, said he protested because he’s against everything Trump and his associates stand for. He’s also concerned for the LGBTQ and Muslim communities, he said.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: ‘It’s Standing Rock North’: Trans Mountain pipeline in Canada stirs strong opposition
Headline: Trudeau cabinet to discuss Trans Mountain pipeline Tuesday as B.C. First Nation vows to oppose it
Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion would nearly triple the amount of Alberta oil transported to the Vancouver-area port just across the water from this tiny First Nation reserve, where the Tsleil-Waututh people are battling a pipeline with far bigger capacity than the bitterly fought-over Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines in the U.S. The $6.3 billion expansion would position Canada to be the biggest oil producer in the Americas, and could be approved as soon as Monday by the Trudeau administration. “We don’t realize we have Saudi Arabia in our backyard, and there is this pent-up demand to get (the oil) to market,” said Fred Felleman, a Seattle Port commissioner and consultant to Friends of the Earth, which opposes the project. “And here is this little sleeper pipeline project, Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain; it’s bigger than all of them.”
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Somalia car bomb: Blast rips through Mogadishu market
Headline: 10 dead as residents in 1 Somali town resist al-Shabab taxes
Headline: Somali forces begin moving to attack ISIS holding port town
A car bomb has killed at least 11 people and injured 16 others in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu. The blast hit a market in the Waberi area, while President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was visiting a nearby university. No group claimed responsibility, but suspicion fell on the Islamist militant group al-Shabab. “There was chaos and severed dead bodies strewn around the street,” said Abdulahi Osman, a witness. Ambulance workers says the death toll could rise substantially. More than 22,000 peacekeepers are currently deployed in Somalia in the multi-national African Union force. Meanwhile, Hundreds of pro-government Somali forces began moving toward the port town of Qandala on Monday for an offensive against Islamic State fighters who seized it last month, Qandala’s mayor Jamac Mohamed Khurshe told Reuters. The pro-government forces includes militia fighters, soldiers form the semi-autonomous region of Puntland and fighters from the same clan as Abdiqadir Mumin, the Somali insurgent leader who has pledged allegiance to Islamic State, Somali security officials said.
Nov. 28, 2016,7340,L-4885560,00.html,7340,L-4885516,00.html
Headline: Uganda police arrest Rwenzururu king over deadly clashes
Police in western Uganda have arrested the king of Rwenzururu over clashes between officers and militia which have left at least 55 people dead. Charles Wesley Mumbere is accused of inciting violence after militiamen reportedly attacked a police post in his hometown of Kasese. Security forces stormed his palace amid claims he was harbouring fighters. The king has denied any involvement. At least 14 police officers and 41 militants have died in the clashes. A Ugandan government spokesman accused the militia of seeking to break away from Uganda. “These militiamen have set up camps in the Rwenzori mountains from where they train and come to attack government installations,” Shaban Bantariza said. Police spokesman Andrew Felix Kaweesi said the attackers were fighting to create a new republic on the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo. Several other people were also arrested when the security forces stormed the king’s palace on Sunday, he told the BBC.
Nov. 27, 2016
Headline: 30 Boko Haram troops killed in ambush of Nigerian government convoy
Thirty suspected Boko Haram militants died when the Nigerian army repelled an ambush of traveling government members near Bama, a local official said. “We were traveling from Pulka to Maiduguri when militants attacked our convoy with improvised explosive devices and sporadic gunshots, just after [passing the village of] Ngurosoye, but the troops repelled them, killing up to 30 of the terrorists,” said Saeed Salisu, chairmen of the government of Gwoza, in northeastern Borno state. Nigerian troops escorting the convoy Sunday returned fire. No government officials were injured, but several soldiers were treated for injuries at a nearby barracks hospital. The insurgent group has perfected a new tactic of waiting to ambush convoys. At least two senior officers were killed in the past two months, including Lt. Col. Mohammed Abu-Ali, a commanding officer in the army’s counter-terrorism unit, the Nigerian newspaper the Guardian reported Monday.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Philippine police find home-made bomb near U.S. embassy, rebels suspected
Philippine police conducted a controlled detonation of a home-made bomb found in a trash bin near the U.S. embassy in Manila on Monday and said militants sympathetic to Islamic State could have been responsible. National police chief Ronald dela Rosa said components of the improvised explosive device suggested it could have been planted by the Maute, a Muslim rebel group that has pledged allegiance to Islamic State. Maute’s fighters were locked in a standoff with the military for a third day in the country’s south. More rebels were reported killed on Monday, taking the number of dead to 19. “We could theorize that they could use this as a diversion,” dela Rosa told a news conference. The embassy had no immediate comment on the discovery of the bomb, which was left about 200 meters from the compound. Business there continued as normal, with dozens of Filipinos queuing outside for visa applications. An 81 mm mortar round was used as an explosive device and that was a signature of the group, Dela Rosa said. Similar components were used in a Sept. 2 bombing in Davao, which killed 15 people died and wounded about 70.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: ‘Day of Rage’ rupee ban protests held in India
Thousands of people in India are protesting the government’s decision to ban 500 and 1,000 rupee notes, which accounted for 86 percent of cash in circulation. About 90 percent of India’s financial transactions are done in cash. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month announced the currency ban but most opposition parties on Monday are holding protests over the decision in what they’re calling a “Day of Rage.” Protests have been held in the cities of Kolkata, Lucknow and Bangalore, as well as in India’s Kerala and Tripura states, which are ruled by India’s Communist Party. Though the opposition parties agreed to protest, they did not agree on the means — with some calling for a strike — or the extent to which they oppose the demonetization, Times of India reports. Amit Shah, the president of the Bharatiya Janata Party, to which Modi belongs, said the opposition are merely opposing everything Modi is doing. Some opposition parties last week stalled Parliament and demanded Modi apologize for the demonetization decision.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: China again sends fighter jets, bombers through sensitive strait south of Okinawa
Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force scrambled aircraft in response to a flight by Chinese fighters and bombers through a key entryway into the Pacific Ocean between Okinawa and Miyako Island, the Defense Ministry said. Two Chinese fighters and bombers, as well as two other surveillance planes, flew through the Miyako Strait on Friday. The flight, which did not infringe on Japanese territorial airspace, was legal but went through a politically sensitive area. It was the second such flight since September, when Beijing dispatched at least eight fighters and bombers through the area — apparently to send a message to Tokyo. Friday’s flight involved two H-6 bombers and two intelligence-gathering aircraft that flew northwest over the Pacific Ocean toward the East China Sea, passing through the strait south of Okinawa. The two Su-30 fighters entered the passageway from the opposite direction, making U-turns to link up with the four other aircraft before flying to the East China Sea, the Defense Ministry’s Joint Staff Office said in a news release.
Nov. 26, 2016

The Coming One world government & religion
Headline: Anti-terror police units deployed on London’s streets
Anti-terrorism police patrol units are hitting the streets of London in an attempt to spot people carrying out “hostile reconnaissance” and other criminal activity. Lambeth and Wandsworth will be the first areas to see the new patrol units of uniformed and undercover officers from today, and are due to be extended to other boroughs in the coming months. Scotland Yard stressed the move was “not in response to a specific threat”. Operation Servator, as it is known, is a tactic of policing already used by other forces including City of London and British Transport Police. It “is based on extensive research into the psychology of criminals and what undermines their activities”, the Metropolitan Police said. Other units will also be available, including the dogs and boat units and the territorial support unit riot police.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Zimbabwe Begins Issuing New Currency
Zimbabwe is issuing a new currency, known as bond notes, that officially are equal to the U.S. dollar. The government has gone ahead with the plan despite warnings the new currency will fuel hyperinflation and worsen the already ailing economy. On Monday, there were still long queues at most ATMs in Harare, despite the release of the new bond notes, which are intended, in part, to ease long-running cash shortages. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe says the new currency will, among other things, increase the country’s exports. But economist Prosper Chitambara, of the Labor and Economic Development Research Institute of Zimbabwe, says the bond notes will worsen the country’s situation. “The costs may probably outweigh the intended benefits. Most of the economic agents in Zimbabwe have to buy imports from outside our borders. So they would require either U.S. dollars or South African dollars, or other internationally tradable currencies to be able to do business. Actually the bond note has even exacerbated the macroeconomic sustainability. It has eroded confidence within the financial system. It has created a lot of uncertainties in the market. Investors are not going to be interested in doing business in Zimbabwe,” Chitambara said.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Tunisia to issue 1bn euro Eurobond in January
Tunisia plans to issue a Eurobond worth 1 billion euros in January as it seeks funding to cover its deficit, a government source said on Monday. The issue was initially scheduled for April, but that was delayed after Tunisia secured a $500 million sovereign bond fully guaranteed by the United States, said the official. “Tunisia will issue in January 2017 a delayed 1 billion euro Eurobond that was first planned earlier this year,” he said, without giving further details. Tunisia’s economy has been hit by social unrest and militant attacks following the 2011 uprising that toppled former leader Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali. Investment has fallen and unemployment is high, especially among young people. The government is facing further strikes over austerity measures included in the 2017 budget as it tries to cut public spending and rein in the deficit. Tunisia recently cut its 2016 growth forecast to 1.5 percent this year, down from an expected 2.5 percent.
Nov. 28, 2016
Headline: Please see our updated archive for all Mass Animal Deaths for 2016
Headline: ‘Thunderstorm asthma’ deaths in Melbourne rise to six
Headline: Aerosol flu vaccine with live virus to be sprayed on all Americans? It’s already ‘approved for deployment’ in Australia
The number of people dying in the Australian city of Melbourne from a rare phenomenon called thunderstorm asthma has risen to six. Three others are in a critical condition. Heavy rains and winds on Monday triggered thousands of pollen allergy asthma attacks in the state of Victoria. Paramedics and hospitals were stretched to their limits as thousands phoned to report breathing problems. Thunderstorm asthma occurs in the spring when rye grass pollen gets wet, breaks into smaller pieces and enters people’s lungs, causing them breathing problems. More than 8,000 people were treated in hospital. About one in 10 people has asthma in Australia, with about 80% of those sufferers experiencing allergies, particularly to rye pollen. Melbourne’s current spring season has been particularly wet, creating havoc for asthma and hay fever sufferers.
Nov. 27, 2016
Headline: New law still limits freedom of religion
On 18 November 2016 Vietnams 14th National Assembly passed the nations first ever Law on Belief and Religion, amid concerns that multiple drafts of the Bill did not conform to international standards on freedom of religion or belief. Although the final text has not yet been made public, it is not expected to have altered significantly from previous drafts. The text of the law has been revised numerous times. Some improvements to the draft were made during the revision process, possibly in response to the feedback offered by religious communities. However, these improvements, and the inclusion of basic guarantees of the right to freedom of religion or belief, were undermined by onerous registration requirements and excessive State interference in the internal affairs of religious organisations. In a joint statement published prior to the passing of the law, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) and the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR), together with over 50 civil society organisations and Vietnamese religious groups called upon the Vietnamese Government to ensure that registration is not a pre-requisite for the exercise of freedom of religion or belief.
Nov. 24, 2016
Headline: Pakistan province bans forced conversion of Christians to Islam
Forced conversions from one faith to another in a major Pakistan province have been banned. Sindh’s provincial assembly voted to criminalise those who use force to make people change their religion. The bill means perpetrators can face five years in prison whilst facilitators could be handed a three year sentence. According to charities at least 1,000 girls, most of them Christians, are forcibly converted to Islam in Pakistan every year. Physical, emotional or psychological violence is often used to make another person adopt another religion. Under the new law anyone converting will be monitored for 21 days “to ensure they are converting for religious purposes and by their own free will, not out of fashion or under force.” Nasir Saeed, director of CLAAS-UK, welcomed the new law: “Unequivocally, it is a great step taken by the Sindh government to protect the religious minorities. “Though it will not stop the ongoing trend in society, it will help to reduce such crimes and it will also build confidence and a sense of security among the religious minorities. “The police do not normally take action in such cases, fearing the reaction and pressure from the Muslim community, but now they will have to take action.” He urged the Punjab government to consider a similar law given that it is home to most of the Christian population.
Nov. 28, 2016
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Headline: What’s shaking? List & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~