Nov. 7, 2016- End Time Countries Line Up

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 Burdensome stone

Headline:    London Police Warn Pro-Israel Groups to Conceal Locations of Gatherings

The Metropolitan Police in London have asked the pro-Israeli organizations, Reservists on Duty and Campaign for Truth, not to disclose the locations of any of their conferences, citing security concerns. Wednesday’s warning followed the violent anti-Israel rally at University College London last week, where Jewish students attending a campus event hosted by UCL Friends of Israel were trapped in the hall by protesters. Police officers called representatives of the Israeli organizations advising them not to disclose the location of a conference scheduled for next week. At the same time, since the location has not been disclosed, the police will not provide security at the event. Organizers were told that, if necessary, they could summon police to the scene. The conference, on the theme “Ethics of war in the age of social media and the rise of terror,” is hosted by Reservists on Duty and sponsored by Campaign for Truth, groups that work to undermine the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.
Nov. 6, 2016

 Headline:    Balfour Declaration, November 2016

This week we enter the centenary year of the Balfour Declaration. This document, signed on November 2, 1917 by the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, was the first recognition by one of the world’s great powers — in fact at the time the greatest power in the world — of the right of the Jewish people to their national homeland in Palestine. It was the single most significant step taken in restoring Jewish self-determination in their historic territories. Under the San Remo Resolution three years later, the Balfour Declaration was enshrined in international law, leading inexorably to the 1947 UN partition plan and ultimately to the proclamation of the State of Israel by David Ben Gurion on May 14, 1948. As Britain, Israel and the free world begin to mark this monumental anniversary, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas demands an apology from the UK. The man whose constitutional tenure as Palestinian leader expired seven years ago, yet remains in place. The man who raised funds for the 1972 massacre in Munich of 11 Israeli Olympic athletes. The man who misused millions of dollars of international aid intended for the welfare of his people. The man who dismissed as a “fantastic lie” the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. This man demands an apology. Of course he does. And in demanding that Britain apologise for a 99-year-old statement supporting a national home for the Jewish people, he exposes his true position, and the true position of all factions of the Palestinian leadership: that the Jewish people have no right to a national home; the Jewish State has no right to exist. According to Abbas, Palestine, from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea, belongs to the Arabs and only to the Arabs.
Nov. 6, 2016

 Headline:  Israel won’t attend French peace conference, wants direct talks with Palestinians

Israel has rejected France’s invitation for a Middle East peace conference in Paris later this year and instead reiterated hopes to meet directly with Palestinians. French envoy Pierre Vimont was informed of Israel’s intentions at a meeting Monday with Israel’s acting national security adviser and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s diplomatic adviser in Jerusalem. “[They] told the French envoy in a clear and unequivocal manner that Israel’s position to promote the peace process and reach an agreement will only come through direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority,” Netanyahu’s office said in a statement. Despite Israel’s statement, the French foreign ministry said it’s still planning the conference before the end of the year. The Palestinians have said they would attend the Paris conference.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:     Israeli Defense Forces names 2 Syrian groups to terror list

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on Sunday released a list of 5 terror groups that are currently threatening Israel’s border security . Using their official blog, the Israeli Defense Forces once again added Hezbollah and Hamas to their official terror list, claiming both organizations are threatening their national security. Furthermore, the IDF included two groups currently participating in the Syrian Conflict, marking the first time that Israel has added these entities to their list. Both Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) and the Khaled ibn Al-Walid Army (ISIS affiliate) were designated as a terror threat to Israel by the IDF this past weekend. Israel has been repeatedly accused by the Syrian government of aiding jihadist rebel groups, including Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham, in the Golan Heights.
Nov. 7, 2016



Headline:    Jordan’s King Abdullah: We’ll keep protecting the holy sites in Jerusalem

Jordan’s King Abdullah II stressed on Monday that Amman will continue protecting the holy sites in Jerusalem. “Despite all of the challenges and the repercussions, we will continue carrying out our historical role to protect the issues important to our nation, both Arab and Islamic, and fulfill our duty in protecting the holy places for Islam and Christianity in Jerusalem,” the king said in a speech opening the Jordanian parliament’s new session.
Nov. 7, 2016,7340,L-4875629,00.html


Headline:    Lebanese President receives Iranian Foreign Minister

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Monday became the first foreign minister to visit newly appointed Lebanese President Michel Aoun, underscoring the ties between Iran and Aoun’s Hezbollah-backed presidency. The Shiite militant group and predominantly Shiite Iran are close allies. Speaking alongside his Lebanese counterpart, Zarif said recent political developments in Lebanon can be the key to breaking the deadlock in wars in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. “We believe that this unique Lebanese experience can be the key to break the political deadlock in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, in conjunction with the fight against terrorism,” said Zarif.
Nov. 7, 2016,7340,L-4875826,00.html

Egypt2Saudi Arabia2Egypt & Saudi Arabia

Headline: Egypt: Saudi oil shipments halted indefinitely

Saudi Arabia has informed Egypt that shipments of oil products expected under a $23 billion aid deal would be halted indefinitely, suggesting a deepening rift between the Arab world’s richest country and its most populous. Saudi Arabia agreed to provide Egypt with 700,000 tonnes of refined oil products per month for five years in April, during a visit by King Salman.
The cargoes stopped arriving at the start of October, as festering political tensions burst into the open, but Egyptian officials said the contract remained valid and had appeared to hold out hope that oil would start flowing again soon. Saudi Arabia’s state oil firm Aramco has not commented on the halt. But on Monday, Egyptian Oil Minister Tarek al-Molla confirmed it had halted the shipments indefinitely. An oil ministry official told Reuters: “They did not give us a reason. They only informed the authority about halting shipments of petroleum products until further notice.”
The move comes as a source in Molla’s delegation said late on Sunday evening that he would visit Iran, Saudi Arabia’s main political rival, to try to strike new oil deals.
Nov. 7, 2016



Headline:   Syrian Army captures checkpoints from ISIS in new push east of Palmyra

Headline: Russian helicopters blast Islamic State militants near Palmyra

Headline: Jihadists launch West Ghouta counter-offensive in bid to break Khan al-Sheih siege

After months of stalemate in eastern Homs, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) restarted its operations against Islamic State militants on the outskirts of Palmyra. Heavily supported by Russian Mi-24 and Mi-28 attack helicopters, units of the SAA’s “Cheetah Forces” (Tiger Forces branch) – supported by the Military Security Shield (Syrian paramilitary faction) – attacked ISIS positions northeast of Palmyra on Monday evening. An Al-Masdar News field correspondent in the Latakia governorate with military sources in Palmyra said Syrian government forces had advanced several kilometers and seized at least two ISIS checkpoints in the oil-rich region. Strategically, the SAA offensive looks to capture the town of Arak and eventually break the ISIS-imposed siege of Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:   The Campaign for Mosul: November 4-7, 2016

Headline: Islamic State militants reportedly use mustard gas in Iraq’s Mosul: Report

Headline: ISIS rallies new recruits in Tal Afar as Iraqi forces advance in Mosul

Islamic State militants used mustard gas during a military clash with government troops in Iraq’s Mosul, Sky News Arabia said on Sunday, citing a Kurdish source in security agencies. A ground operation to liberate Mosul from terrorists of Islamic State began on October 17. It involves the Iraqi troops, Kurdish units and the US-led coalition. Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city with a population of 1.3 million, has been controlled by Islamic State (a terrorist organization outlawed in Russia) for over two years.
Nov. 7, 2016

Headline: Turkey wants Raqqa offensive to begin after Mosul campaign completed

***see ETRM 10-31 post


Headline:   France calls for Raqqa operation while Mosul offensive is underway

Headline: ISIS deploys Raqqa car bombs as SDF closes in

French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian urged the coalition to begin the battle against Raqqa, the ISIS bastion in Syria, while the offensive on Mosul was still underway. He told Europe 1 radio Sunday that the battle on Mosul would be long and complicated, given that Islamic State was embedding itself within the local population. France is the second biggest contributor to the anti-ISIS coalition.
Nov. 7, 2016

Headline:   Peshmerga forces gain full control over Bashiqa

The Peshmerga Kurdish forces have claimed full control over Mosul’s Bashiqa on Monday, Al Arabiya News Channel’s correspondent reported. The fighters have been exchanging heavy fire with ISIS militiants earlier in the day as they advanced from two directions on the town held by the armed group just 13km east of the city of Mosul. Iraqi forces also retook a key town from ISIS on Monday, a crucial objective on the southern front of the offensive to wrest back the city of Mosul. Federal police, army and elite interior ministry forces established full control over Hamam al-Alil, the last town of note on the way to Mosul from the south. The recapture of the town clears the way for Iraqi forces to push further north and move to within striking distance of the southern neighbourhoods of Mosul.
Nov. 7, 2016

Headline: Top Iran official warns Iraqi Kurdish leader

An influential Iranian official has issued a stern warning to Iraqi Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani, cautioning the pro-Western politician against “cooperating” with an anti-Tehran Kurdish opposition group. “The Barzanis allow the Saudi consulate in northern Iraq to supply weapons to Iranian anti-revolutionary forces,” Yahya Rahim Safavi–a special advisor to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatoallah Ali Khamenei–claimed Monday. The former Iranian army commander said that the Barzani family, which holds de-facto leadership of the Kurdish Democratic Party, should “know that they owe Iran,” claiming that Kurds traced their ethnic lineage back to Iran. “They should know that if they enter this political game, it will not be clear if Iran will help them anymore,” Safavi further cautioned the Iraqi Kurds. The Iranian official also delved into inter-Kurdish rivalries in northern Iraq, saying the Talabani family–which exerts strong authority over eastern regions of the autonomous region–enjoys “good relations with Iran.”
Nov. 7, 2016



Headline:        US, Turkey at sharp odds on Kurds’ role against ISIS in Iraq, Syria

Headline: Turkey, U.S. agree on long-term plan to capture, govern Raqqa, Syria

US army chief Gen. Joseph Dunford and Turkish chief of general staff Hulusi Akar failed to iron out their differences over the participation of Kurdish forces in anti-ISIS operations in Syria and Iraq when they met in Ankara Sunday, DEBKAfile reports. According to an official statement, they discussed joint strategies shortly after US-backed Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) announced a plan to liberate the Syrian city of Raqqa from the Islamic State. Our sources report a US attempt to prevent the Turkish army going after Kurdish forces in Iraq and Syria. The US-Turkish failure to come to terms on this could lead to a Turkish-Kurdish flare-up of hostilities that would upend the offensives against ISIS in both countries. Our sources also disclose that the Turkish army chief demanded from the Americans detailed maps delineating the sectors where the Kurdish sectors were deployed, as well as US guarantees against the rise of an independent Kurdish state in Syria or a linkup between Kurdish territory in Syria with the autonomous KRG in Iraq.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:    Iran to Sign $6 Billion Gas-Field Deal With France’s Total, CNPC

Iran plans to sign a preliminary $6 billion deal with France’s Total SA on Tuesday to help develop an offshore gas field, an agreement that would mark the first Western energy investment there since international sanctions were lifted this year. Under the deal, Total, China National Petroleum Corp. and Iran’s state-owned Petropars would develop part of a giant gas field in the Persian Gulf known as South Pars, a press official at Iran’s oil ministry said. It wasn’t clear how much of the $6 billion investment would come from Total, or how the deal would be structured for Total to steer clear of U.S. restrictions still in effect. The agreement with the French oil giant could be a harbinger for the return of more Western companies to Iran’s vast energy industry and represents a step forward for the Islamic Republic’s goals of ramping up production of oil and gas over the next several years.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:    The US lost 6 elite Green Berets in a 72-hour-span last week

The Special Forces community is coping with the deaths of six of its elite operators in just a 72-hour span last week. Separate combat incidents in Afghanistan and Jordan resulted in the deaths of five Green Berets, while another died during scuba training at the Special Forces diving school in Florida. “They are in dark corners of the world and even their training is very dangerous,” Jen Paquette, the executive director of the Green Beret Foundation, wrote on Facebook. Staff Sgt. David Whitcher, 30, died Wednesday during a dive training exercise off the coast of Key West, Florida, according to US Army Special Operations Command. He was previously assigned to the 7th Special Forces Group at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. On Thursday, Capt. Andrew Byers, 30, and Sgt. 1st Class Ryan Gloyer, 34, were killed during a firefight with Taliban forces in Kunduz, Afghanistan. Both were assigned to the 10th Special Forces Group out of Fort Carson, Colorado. Three other soldiers with the Fort Campbell, Kentucky, 5th Special Forces Group were killed while entering a military base in Jordan on Friday. The soldiers, Staff Sgts. Matthew C. Lewellen, 27; Kevin J. McEnroe, 30; and James F. Moriarty, 27, were apparently fired upon by Jordanian security forces at the gate to Prince Faisal Air Base, where they were deployed in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
All six of those deaths are under investigation, the Army said.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:    Australia: Protests Prompt Ethiopia Reprisals

The Ethiopian government has arrested and detained dozens of relatives of Ethiopians who participated in a Melbourne protest in June, 2016, and is still holding many of them four months later, Human Rights Watch said today. On June 12, members of Australia’s Ethiopian community who are from Somali Regional State protested the visit to Australia of an Ethiopian regional government delegation that included Abdi Mohamoud Omar, known as Abdi Iley, the president of Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State. They were also protesting Australia’s support for the Ethiopian government. The Ethiopian delegation did not appear, and after several hours the event was cancelled. The protesters later learned that several dozen of their relatives in Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State had been arrested and detained due to their involvement in the Melbourne protest.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline: Sudan arrests more fuel price hike protesters

Sudanese security agents have arrested several opposition politicians over the past two days to prevent any likely protests against Khartoum’s decision to hike fuel prices, their parties said on Sunday.
Sudan’s all-powerful National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) arrested on Friday the deputy chief of the opposition Sudanese Congress Party, Khaled Omar, from his home in Khartoum.
Omar was arrested after he delivered a speech criticizing the hike in prices of petrol and diesel by about 30 percent. Since then two other members of Omar’s party were also arrested, a senior member of their party, Bakri Youssef told AFP. Three activists from the Baath Party were also arrested over the past two days, party spokesman Mohamed Diaddin said. The opposition Communist Party also announced on its Facebook page the arrest of a senior member, Mohideen Al-Jallad. And on Sunday, small groups of protesters burned tires and tried to stage demonstrations in two districts of Khartoum but they were swiftly dispersed by riot policemen, an AFP correspondent reported. Overnight, security agents also seized print runs of three newspapers — Al-Tayar, Al-Jadida and Al-Watan — after they covered the fuel price hike in reports seen as criticial of the government.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:    U.S. ready to resume air strikes in Libya if needed: Pentagon

The United States is prepared to carry out more air strikes against Islamic State militants in Sirte if requested by Libya’s U.N.-backed government, even though the militant group no longer controls much territory there, the Pentagon said on Monday. Since August the United States has carried out more than 350 air strikes against Islamic State at the request of the Government of National Accord (GNA). However, none have been carried out since Oct. 31, officials said. “If additional air strikes are needed, we will be prepared to deliver those air strikes,” Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said at a news conference. Islamic State took full control of Sirte, a city of some 80,000 inhabitants, in early 2015. Its loss would leave the jihadist group without any territorial control in Libya. Libyan forces have the remaining militants in Sirte surrounded in part of the Ghiza Bahriya neighborhood. U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, estimated that only a few blocks of the city were controlled by a few dozen Islamic State fighters.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:    Algeria awards China contract to revamp refiner

Algeria’s state energy company Sonatrach on Sunday (Nov 6) awarded the China Petroleum Engineering and Construction Corporation (CPECC) a €380-million (US$420-million) contract to renovate its Algiers refinery. CPECC, which is affiliated to the China National Petroleum Corporation, will rehabilitate the refinery after Sonatrach severed an initial deal it had struck with French engineering firm Technip. The project is aimed at building new units to bring the refinery – built in 1964 – up to European standards and increase its current annual output of 2.7 million tonnes of refined petrol by 35 per cent.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:     Armenia, France to Intensify Defense Cooperation

Armenian Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan on Monday met with French Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Jean-Francois Charpentier, Armenia’s Defense Ministry reported. Sarkisian attached importance to France’s efforts towards the Karabakh peace process in its capacity as an OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair. The interlocutors praised the high level of interstate relations and noted that there is great potential for developing bilateral cooperation in the field of defense, especially in international peacekeeping. The parties agreed to work towards intensification of cooperation of their defense ministries and on the military-political level. Reference was made to issues of regional security.
Nov. 7, 2016








Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:          Vatican Warns Of “Path Of Bloodshed” In Venezuela If Talks With Anti-Maduro Political Leaders Fail

A few weeks ago we warned that Venezuela was on the verge of revolution after Maduro took steps to block a recall referendum that many thought would have resulted in his ouster.  In response, Maduro’s political opposition urged Venezuelans to take to the streets to protest the move which they say was tantamount to a coup.  Here’s what we wrote before: Once a “flagship socialist nation,” Venezuela has suffered over the past couple of years from a dramatic economic crisis that has resulted in severe shortages of food, clean water, electricity, medicines and hospital supplies all of which have resulted in a desperate population which has resorted to the black market and violence for survival.  That said, Venezuela likely inched one step closer to revolution on Friday when Maduro’s leftist government took steps to block a recall referendum that could have resulted in his ouster.  According to the US News and World Report, Venezuelan opposition leaders are calling the efforts of Maduro “a coup” in light of the broad based public support of the recall effort. Venezuela is bracing for turbulence after the socialist government blocked a presidential recall referendum in a move opposition leaders are calling a coup. The opposition is urging supporters to take to the streets, beginning with a march on a major highway Saturday led by the wives of jailed activists, while a leading government figure is calling for the arrest of high-profile government critics. Polls suggest socialist President Nicolas Maduro would lose a recall vote. But that became a moot issue on Thursday when elections officials issued an order suspending a recall signature drive a week before it was to start. “What we saw yesterday was a coup,” said former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles, who had been the leading champion of the recall effort. “We’ll remain peaceful, but we will not be taken for fools. We must defend our country.”
Nov. 6, 2016

Headline:   Ansar Dine claims string of attacks across Mali

Headline: Israel’s Heron drone completes first successful mission in Mali

A series of recent attacks targeting French, UN, and Malian forces throughout Mali has been claimed by the jihadist group Ansar Dine. The assaults ranged from the Kidal Region in the extreme north to the Timbuktu Region. Additional attacks blamed on Ansar Dine, but not yet claimed, have occurred as far south as just outside the capital, Bamako. Starting on Oct. 29, Ansar Dine fired rockets into the main United Nations camp near the town of Kidal. No casualties were reported, but two Bangladeshi helicopters were damaged by the rockets. Two days later, the jihadist group claimed an IED blast targeting a French military vehicle near the town of Abeibara near the town of Aguelhok. On Nov. 4, IED blast struck two French military vehicles, which killed one French soldier. On the same day, a third French vehicle was hit by an IED near Kidal. All three were claimed by Ansar Dine. Further south near Gourma in the Timbuktu Region, Ansar Dine claimed a complex assault on a national guard post near the city. Ansar Dine’s forces were reportedly able to temporarily take control over the outpost. Additionally, the group claimed to capture 5 vehicles, burned another 6, and captured at least one DShK machine gun. It also reported that one of its own fighters was killed in that attack.
Nov. 7, 2016

Headline:    Nato puts 300,000 troops on ‘HIGH ALERT’ amid fears of all out confrontation with Russia

Headline: U.S. Forces Korea conducts evacuation drill for American civilians

 Secretary General of Nato, Jens Stoltenberg, said the allied nations are putting hundreds of thousands of troops in a state of high alert in an effort to deter a mounting threat from Moscow. While Nato cut its defence budget and military investment since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia has been bolstering its military capabilities, holding parades involving more than 100,000 troops each year. Mr Stoltenberg said: “We have seen Russia being much more active in many different ways. “We have seen a more assertive Russia implementing a substantial military build-up over many years; tripling defence spending since 2000 in real terms; developing new military capabilities; exercising their forces and using military force against neighbours. He told the Times: “We have also seen Russia using propaganda in Europe among Nato allies and that is exactly the reason why Nato is responding. We are responding with the biggest reinforcement of our collective defence since the end of the Cold War.” Adam Thomson, the outgoing permanent representative to Nato, estimates that at present, it would take the military alliance 180 days to deploy a force of 300,000, and that speeding up this rate is of top importance. The measures come in response to Russia flexing its military might abroad, allegedly conducting cyber attacks on Washington and holding nuclear war drills at home.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:       China launches $11 billion fund for Central, Eastern Europe

Headline:      With world fixated on US election, China moves on three fronts

China has set up a 10 billion euro ($11.15 billion) investment fund to finance projects in Central and Eastern Europe, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (601398.SS) (1398.HK) said in a statement issued on Sunday. The China-Central Eastern Europe fund will be run by Sino-CEE Financial Holdings Ltd, a company established by the bank earlier this year. The company was formally launched by Premier Li Keqiang during his visit to Riga on Saturday. The fund is aiming to raise 50 billion euros in project finance for sectors such as infrastructure, high-tech manufacturing and consumer goods, the bank said. While targetting Central and Eastern Europe, it could extend to the rest of Europe and other regions if relevant to China-Central and Eastern Europe co-operation, it said. The fund will be government-backed but will operate under business principles and be guided by the market, it added.
Nov. 6, 2016


Headline:    Italy struck with tornado and powerful storm (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Headline: Tornado Strikes Near Rome, Italy, Killing Two, Injuring Dozens

A tornado has hit the coastal town of Ladispoli, Italy, with local media reporting at least one person dead. According to reports, a man died in hospital after being struck by falling building fragments. The tornado caused two of the floors in the eight story building to collapse in Via Ancona.
Nov. 7, 2016


Yesterday, Nov. 5th, a filament of magnetism in the sun’s northern hemisphere became unstable and erupted. The blast split the sun’s atmosphere, hurling a CME into space and creating a “canyon of fire,” shown here in a movie recorded by the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Fragments of the exploding filament formed the core of a CME that raced away from the sun faster than a million mph: movie. NOAA analysts have modeled the trajectory of the CME and concluded that it will probably strike Earth’s magnetic field on Nov. 8th. The impact could spark G1-class geomagnetic storms and auroras at high latitudes.
Nov. 7, 2016


earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

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