November 9, 2016 – Prophecy News Today Part 2: The World Reacts to Trump’s Election

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 Burdensome stone

Headline:      UN Members Pass Nine Measures Targeting Israel – Including One Accusing Israel of ‘Repressive Measures’ Against Syrians

While Americans were voting in an election watched around the world Tuesday, at the U.N. in New York it was business as usual, as a key General Assembly body passed nine draft resolutions condemning Israel. In most of those votes at the General Assembly’s fourth committee, the United States and Canada joined Israel and a small handful of others in rejecting the resolutions. The lopsided vote counts were 86-7, 158-6, 159-1, 156-6, 156-6, 155-6, 156-6, 151-7 and 153-1. One of two resolutions which Israel stood alone in opposing was sponsored by Syria’s Assad regime, and demanded that Israel relinquish its control of the “occupied Syrian Golan” – a reference to the Golan Heights, the strategic ridge which Israel captured from Syria during the 1967 Six Day War and formally annexed in 1981. Among other things, the text demanded that Israel stop “its repressive measures against the population of the occupied Syrian Golan.” The resolution passed by 153 votes to one (Israel), with 13 abstentions.
Nov. 9, 2016

Headline:       Israeli Minister: “The era of a Palestinian state is over”

Headline:    Netanyahu: Trump will continue to strengthen our unique alliance

Headline:      Israeli Leaders, Excited by Trump Win, Look Forward to Big Changes in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria

 Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett said Wednesday the idea of a Palestinian state was ‘over’ after Donald Trump’s election as US president, calling for an end to what has been the basis of years of negotiations. “Trump’s victory is an opportunity for Israel to immediately retract the notion of a Palestinian state in the centre of the country, which would hurt our security and just cause,” Bennett, who heads the hardline Jewish Home party, said in an apparent reference to the occupied West Bank. “This is the position of the president-elect … The era of a Palestinian state is over.”
Nov. 9, 2016,7340,L-4876736,00.html

golan heights hadar-golan-heights

Headline:        Jihadist rebels suffer heavy casualties in failed Golan Heights offensive

Headline:       Over 80 jihadist rebels killed in failed Golan Heights offensive: report

Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front), backed by Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and the Free Syrian Army (FSA), launched a massive offensive in the Golan Heights on Wednesday that targeted the Syrian Arab Army’s positions at the key town of Hader. The jihadist rebels began the offensive by storming the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses from two different axes; this resulted in a fierce a battle that lasted for several hours this morning. With little ground gained and numerous casualties taken, the jihadist rebels were forced to withdraw south in order to avoid anymore losses to the Syrian Armed Forces near Hader’s southern flank. According to a military source in the Golan Heights, the Syrian Armed Forces killed over 25 enemy combatants, while also destroying 4 armored vehicles that were mounted with ATGMs and anti-aircraft machine guns.
Nov. 9, 2016

Headline:    Israeli warplanes hit Syrian forces after failed rebel offensive

Israeli fighter jets bombed today afternoon several sites for the Syrian government forces in the southern province of Quneitra. The attack was carried out a short time after the Syrian Army and pro-government fighters repelled a major offensive launched by jihadi groups on the predominantly-Druze village of Hadar. According to a military source, 4 air-to-surface missiles targeted Tal Al-Sha’ar, without reporting any casualties. Meanwhile, jihadi fighters continue to shell the villages of Harfa and Hadar with mortar shells and homegrown rockets after their bid to make a progress on the ground has practically failed. Syrian Army positions in Quneitra have recurrently come under Israeli warplanes attacks; an aggression seen by the Syrian government as a blatant and explicit support for Islamist rebels fighting under the banner of al-Qaeda.
Nov. 9, 2016



Headline:       Jordan’s King Abdullah congratulates Trump on winning U.S. presidency

(Petra) Jordan’s King Abdullah II, on Wednesday, sent a cable to U.S. President-elect, Donald Trump, congratulating him on winning the U.S. presidency. In the cable, King Abdullah said he is looking forward to working with the U.S. President-elect to promote cooperation between the two countries, and address various challenges, based on strategic relations and shared visions between Jordan and the United States of America. The King wished Trump success and the American people further progress and prosperity.
Nov. 9, 2016


golan heights

Headline:       Lebanese Army ambushes jihadist rebels fleeing Syria

The Lebanese Army carried out a successful ambush against a group of jihadist rebels that were attempting to flee into Jaroud ‘Arsal from the Syrian border. At least 4 jihadist rebels from Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) were wounded during the ambush by the Lebanese Army and another half dozen were arrested in Jaroud ‘Arsal. In addition to this ambush, the Lebanese Army also targeted the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) positions in the Ba’albak Highlands, killing a number of militants in the process. The Lebanese Army has recently intensified their military operations near the Syrian border after discovering a surge in jihadist activity in the ‘Arsal area.
Nov. 9, 2016

Saudi Arabia2 Saudi Arabia


Headline: Saudi king hopes Trump brings ‘stability’ to Middle East

Headline:      Footage of Houthi forces destroying Saudi Army base- VIDEO

The Houthi forces carried out a successful missile strike against the Saudi Army on Wednesday, destroying an entire military base in the Asir Province. Based on footage released by the Military Media group, the Houthi forces successfully launched a missile towards the Saudi base, scoring a direct hit that was captured on video. Due to the sporadic ceasefires that are implemented in Yemen, the fighting in Saudi Arabia has mostly paused; however, the latest airstrikes launched by the Saudi Air Force prompted a powerful response from the Houthi forces.
Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:      Sisi congratulates Donald Trump on presidency

The Egyptian President, ‘Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi, phoned newly elected U.S. President, Donald Trump, to congratulate him on his victory Sisi Hillary Clinton Wednesday morning. Sisi reportedly wished Trump best of luck and his eagerness to work with the U.S. president to mend relations between the two respective governments. The Obama regime has repeatedly condemned the Egyptian government for their crackdown against the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist groups around the country. Currently, the Egyptian Army is carrying out a large military operation to expel the remaining Islamic State terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula.
Nov. 9, 2016



Headline:    ISIS’s Global Attack Network: November 13, 2015 – November 9, 2016

ISIS has organized a number of external attacks worldwide in the past year, some of which have been thwarted. ISIS’s global network is still operating and is poised to continue conducting external attacks in late 2016. The U.S. must recognize that the campaign to recapture Mosul and Raqqa will not defeat ISIS. Rather, any military success in Iraq and Syria must be the first phase of a campaign to counter ISIS globally, whether through military or non-military means.
Nov. 9, 2016

Headline:      Russian naval armada reaches Syrian territorial waters

Headline:       Dutch submarine approaches Russian naval fleet in Mediterranean: Russian DM

The Russian aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, reportedly reached Syrian territorial waters this morning after a long trip that included a journey through the English Channel. Carrying several fighter jets and attack helicopters, the Admiral Kuznetsov will be deployed to the Mediterranean Sea for at least six months, a military source told Al-Masdar News on Wednesday morning. The deployment of the Admiral Kuznetsov to Syrian territorial waters has aggravated American officials, who see this move by Russia as a clear sign of their commitment to intensifying the war in Syria. Despite these allegations by US officials, the Russian Ministry of Defense has assured the international community that the Admiral Kuznetsov is being deployed to Syrian territorial waters to combat only terrorist forces.
Nov. 9, 2016



Headline:      Syrian jets destroy Belgian ISIS base in Deir Ezzor

Headline:      Why Does Belgium Produce So Many Radical Islamist Militants?

The Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAYF) carried out a special operation on Wednesday that targeted a Belgian base for the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in the Deir Ezzor Governorate. Using information gathered from their intelligence agents, the Syrian Air Force was able to pinpoint the location of the ISIS base and destroy it. According to a military source in Deir Ezzor, the ISIS base was located inside the Old Airport District, near the Mohammad Salem Darwish Driving School. The entire Islamic State base was reportedly destroyed and several militants were killed after this special operation that was conducted by the Syrian Air Force on Wednesday.
Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:   Iraq to only coordinate with Syrian government, not militants: Abadi

The Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Abadi said that his country is coordinating with the Syrian authorities in order to control the borders, noting that Iraq will only deal with the Syrian government, not with the militant groups. Abadi also called on the Kurds to join the popular forces in Mosul, denying the presence of a problematic situation regarding the displaced in Iraq’s second city. It is worth noting that  October 17, the Iraqi premier announced the start of the campaign against ISIL terrorists in Mosul and that a remarkable field progress has been attained by the Iraqi army, the Kurdish fighters and the Popular Mobilization Forces.
Nov. 9, 2016



Headline:        EU, Turkey Challenge Each Other to Decide on Membership Bid

Headline:    EU says Turkey loses way on road to membership since failed coup

In the face of increasing criticism and worsening relations, the European Union and Turkey challenged each other Wednesday to come out and say whether they want Ankara’s bid to join the EU to continue. In a high-stakes game of political chicken, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the EU wouldn’t be able to reach the “final point” and end its ties with Turkey out of fears of jeopardizing a deal to curb the flow of migrants from Africa and the Middle East to Europe. Hours later, in Brussels, EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn bluntly said that “it is time Ankara tells us what they really want,” in the wake of a report assessing Turkey’s status as a candidate for membership in the bloc. The report highlighted what the EU saw as backsliding on essential human rights and rule of law standards. The report, issued Wednesday, came after Turkey’s recent clampdown on media freedoms and the arrests of 10 pro-Kurdish legislators. “These various actions, including considerations of reintroducing the death penalty, seem to be increasingly incompatible with Turkey’s official desire to become a member of the European Union,” Hahn said. “In its own interest, Turkey urgently needs to stop moving away from the EU,” Hahn said.
Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:     Trump election puts Iran nuclear deal on shaky ground

Headline:    Iran urges Trump to uphold nuclear deal during presidency

Donald Trump’s election as president raises the prospect the United States will pull out of the nuclear pact it signed last year with Iran, alienating Washington from its allies and potentially freeing Iran to act on its ambitions. Outgoing President Barack Obama’s administration touted the deal, a legacy foreign policy achievement, as a way to suspend Tehran’s suspected drive to develop atomic weapons. In return Obama, a Democrat, agreed to a lifting of most sanctions. The deal, harshly opposed by Republicans in Congress, was reached as a political commitment rather than a treaty ratified by lawmakers, making it vulnerable to a new U.S. president, such as Trump, who might disagree with its terms. A Republican, Trump ran for the White House opposing the deal but contradictory statements made it unclear how he would act. In an upset over Democrat Hillary Clinton, Trump won on Tuesday and will succeed Obama on Jan. 20. A businessman-turned-politician who has never held public office, Trump called the nuclear pact a “disaster” and “the worst deal ever negotiated” during his campaign and said it could lead to a “nuclear holocaust.” In a speech to the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC in March, Trump declared that his “Number-One priority” would be to “dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran.” He said he would have negotiated a better deal, with longer restrictions, but somewhat paradoxically, he criticized remaining U.S. sanctions that prevent American companies from dealing with Iran. By contrast, he has conceded it would be hard to destroy a deal enshrined in a United Nations resolution. In August 2015, he said he would not “rip up” the nuclear deal, but that he would “police that contract so tough they don’t have a chance.”
Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:      Taliban Calls On Trump To Remove US Troops From Afghanistan

The Taliban called on President-elect Donald Trump to remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan Wednesday after his surprise victory. “Our message is that the Americans should draft a policy not to take away the independence and sovereignty of other nations,” said the terrorist group in a statement, reported by Reuters.. “Most importantly they should withdraw all their troops from Afghanistan.” Trump and his opponent former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were both fairly silent on Afghanistan policy during the presidential campaign. Trump maintained that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was a mistake, but noted in an October interview with Fox News Sunday that Afghanistan would “collapse” in “about two seconds” if U.S. troops left. Taliban leaders kept a close eye on the U.S. election, and even watched some of the presidential debates. A spokesman for the terrorist organization said in September that its leaders were not impressed by the “non-serious” Donald Trump.
Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:   South Sudan withdraws troops from border with Sudan

South Sudanese government under President Salva Kiir announced on Tuesday that it has pulled out troops from the common border with the neighbouring Sudan in compliance with the agreement it has reached with the Sudanese authorities to implement non-aggression deal signed four years ago. South Sudanese Defence Minister, Kuol Manyang Juuk, said Tuesday the move is in line with security arrangements under the Cooperation Agreements the two countries signed on 27 September 2012. Minister Juuk, who in late October participated in a security arrangement meeting with his Sudanese counterpart in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, said the agreement requires that South Sudan and Sudan withdraw their forces from the border immediately and unconditionally.
Nov. 8, 2016


Headline:      Raising of Israeli flag in Marrakech ignites fire in Morocco

On Tuesday, local Moroccan human rights organisations denounced the raising of the Israeli flag in the at the United Nations climate conference, UNFCCC Cop 22, which kicked off in the northern city of Marrakesh on Monday. The National Working Group for Palestine, an NGO, said in a statement that it rejects raising the Israeli flag in Marrakesh and “an Israeli presence on Moroccan territory.” The group added that it is “opposed to all forms of normalisation [of relations] with Israel under any pretext whatsoever; opposed to the provocation of Moroccans’ feelings and the violation of the nation’s sovereignty and dignity; and opposed to supporting terrorism, criminality and racism.” The group will organise a protest on Wednesday against raising the Israeli flag and against Israelis’ presence in Marrakesh, according to the statement. The protest will be held outside the Moroccan parliament in the Moroccan capital, Rabat. Another non-governmental organisation, the Moroccan Association for Supporting the Nation’s Causes, called on the Moroccan people to “express its rejection of these uncalculated steps, which contradicts Moroccans’ love for Palestine and reinforce the Occupation’s crimes.”
Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:       Envoy: Armenia to continue being U.S. partner no matter election results

The U.S. ambassador to Armenia Richard M. Mills said no matter the results of the presidential elections, Armenia will continue being the partner of the North American country, RFE/RL reports. Speaking ahead of the final results, Mills said the country will go through peaceful post-election transitions. The ambassador stressed that 80% of America’s foreign policy projects will remain unchanged, while those 20% changes will be conditioned by the President’s priorities. According to him, the Armenian and U.S. authorities will continue working together to make the South Caucasus country a more prosperous state. Donald John Trump has been projected as the winner of the presidential election, according to the Associated Press, after election returns showed that Trump had won stunning come-from-behind victories across a swath of contested states. Trump, 70, will be the 45th president of the United States. A real-estate developer and former reality-TV star, Trump is the first person to win the presidency without having previously held public office or served in the U.S. military.
Nov. 9, 2016

rise of global-islam-1hijrah

Headline:    ‘Americans have just screwed the world yet again’: Horror and fear strikes the Muslim world as Trump wins after months of anti-Islamic rhetoric

Horror and fear swept through Muslim countries after Donald Trump was confirmed as President of the Unites States after months of anti-Islamic rhetoric. The Republican made his most controversial remarks about Islam in December last year, sparking anger among the world’s 1.5billion followers of Islam when he called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. after a mass shooting in California. Muslims across Asia were struggling this morning to accept the news the populist candidate will take office in the White House, saying that ISIS would be happy he won the presidency race.  Americans have just screwed the world yet again,’ said Syed Tashfin Chowdhury, a Bangladeshi who has several close friends in the US. Thousands in the country watched in shock as the results rolled in and Facebook lit up with horrified reactions. ‘I’m very afraid, will there be more wars? Will America attack Muslim countries again?’ asked Indonesian activist Alijah Diete as Donald Trump edged closer to a shock victory in the US election. Trump sensationally won the White House race this morning as Hillary Clinton phoned him at 2.30am local time to concede she had lost. She made the private call shortly after sending her campaign chairman to give her supporters exactly the opposite message, that it was not over – a humiliating and bizarre end to a political career which had put her on the verge of being the first female president. Instead a jubilant Trump headquarters erupted in cheers as the news broke.
Nov. 9, 2016








Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:              Rio de Janeiro workers invade assembly in protest at austerity

Thousands of public workers have stormed the Rio de Janeiro assembly in protest at austerity plans to deal with the Brazilian city’s financial crisis. The measures, including cuts salaries, were announced last week. Many public workers have not been paid in months. On Monday the federal government froze Rio’s accounts ordering the state to pay millions of dollars in unpaid debt. The demonstrators, mostly firefighters, police and prison officers, spent three hours inside the assembly chamber. During the occupation some wrecked windows, doors and offices. Assembly Speaker Jorge Picciani called the protest “an affront to the democratic rule of law unprecedented in the political history of Brazil”. Both the state of the city of Rio de Janeiro have been struggling with a long-standing financial crisis because of a drop in global oil and commodity prices.
Nov. 9, 2016

one world governmentCooltextprophecysignThe Coming One world government & religion


Headline:     Notice — Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to The Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction


On November 14, 1994, by Executive Order 12938, the President declared a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons (weapons of mass destruction) and the means of delivering such weapons. On July 28, 1998, the President issued Executive Order 13094, amending Executive Order 12938, to respond more effectively to the worldwide threat of weapons of mass destruction proliferation activities. On June 28, 2005, the President issued Executive Order 13382, which, inter alia, further amended Executive Order 12938, to improve our ability to combat proliferation. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States; therefore, the national emergency first declared on November 14, 1994, and extended in each subsequent year, must continue. In accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12938.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.


November 8, 2016.

***by clicking on the 2nd link and the drop down arrow by California, you can see if there were any Propositions that were similar in your home state

Headline:      Six new Beatitudes proposed by Pope Francis

Pope Francis offered the list at a Mass celebrating the Feast of All Saints. The Pope has offered a new list of Beatitudes at a Catholic Mass in Malmo, Sweden. At the Mass, which took place at the conclusion of his ecumenical trip to the country, Pope Francis highlighted the lives of the Swedish saints Elizabeth Hesselblad and Bridget of Vadstena. The best description of the saints, their “identity card”, the Pope said, is found in the Beatitudes from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, which begins, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” New situations require new energy and a new commitment, he said, and then offered a new list of Beatitudes for modern Christians:

— Blessed are those who remain faithful while enduring evils inflicted on them by others and forgive them from their heart.

— Blessed are those who look into the eyes of the abandoned and marginalised and show them their closeness.

— Blessed are those who see God in every person and strive to make others also discover him.

— Blessed are those who protect and care for our common home.

— Blessed are those who renounce their own comfort in order to help others.

— Blessed are those who pray and work for full communion between Christians.

Reflecting the multicultural makeup of the Catholic Church in Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia, the prayer intentions at Mass were read in Spanish, Arabic, English, German and Polish, as well as in Swedish.

tie in

Headline:    Italy struck with tornado and powerful storm (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Headline: Tornado Strikes Near Rome, Italy, Killing Two, Injuring Dozens

Nov. 7, 2016

Headline:       Volcano on Rome’s doorstep is slowly reawakening

Nov. 1, 2016



Headline:            ‘Italy must obey’ Juncker threatens Italian PM as he scrambles to hold failing EU together

Headline:    Shock as India scraps 500 and 1,000 rupee bank notes

Headline:    US Election 2016: Asia markets jolted by Trump win

Headline:    Mexican peso plunges more than 12% to record low vs. dollar on Trump election upset

Matteo Renzi locked horns with chief Eurocrat Jean Claude Juncker after saying he will balance his budget in favour of earthquake hit regions and to support regions coping with an influx of new migrants “whether Brussels officials like it or not”. Under the EU Stability and Growth pact nations must keep their budget deficits below three per cent, and support a national debt of less than 60 per cent of GDP. But Italy is being kept under a tight leash after its debt soared to 142.31 per cent of GDP. Mr Renzi said: “Juncker says I’m being quarrelsome. “Respecting the rules is one thing, the possibility of those rules obstructing the stability of our children’s schools is quite another. “We will allocate that money outside the EU Stability and Growth Pact, whether Brussels officials like it or not.”  The normally Europhile Mr Renzi has been forced to clash with the EU after anger from Italians over the EU’s refusal to help with their end of the migrant crisis and the economic struggles of the eurozone. Italians are set to vote on a constitutional referendum next month proposed by Mr Renzi that could become a vote on the PM’s leadership much like the Brexit vote, which saw David Cameron ousted from power.
Nov. 8, 2016







Headline:      Churches worldwide to pray for persecuted Christians this weekend

As Christians from around the world are facing persecution in unprecedented numbers, churches and Christian organizations will hold special prayers for the protection of Christians in persecuted countries on Sunday to mark the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church 2016. “At no other time in history have Christians been as persecuted as they are now,” says Dr. Vernon Brewer, president and founder of the Christian humanitarian organization World Help, in a statement.  “Some estimate more Christians have been martyred for their faith in the past century than in the previous 19 combined, and persecution in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia seems to be on the rise.” “From merciless killing, destruction of churches and buildings, to being forced to denounce Jesus as their Lord, Christians are being stripped of the ability to follow Christ in safety and freedom,” says Open Doors USA on its website, urging Christians to join them in praying for the persecuted church on Sunday.
Nov. 9, 2016




earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

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