Last Chronicles Ministy is picking up the pace in East Africa


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Our Brother in the Lord Francis Njoroge and his team have again reached out to spread the Word of God. Here is the message from Francis.

Francis Njoroge

Praise the Lord Brother FRANK. 

Today the 19th of July the year 2012, between 2;45 pm and 4:15 pm East African time we were ushered in one primary school with in NAKURU town in Kenya. HESHIMA primary school is the name of the school which has 1551 students and 32 teaching staff. l let  it be known that the Lord used our team very mightily though we had only a guitar and one small speaker.

 let me admit that ministry has not been the same again since we started understanding GOD differently. We changed everything. We stopped going to schools because we must but because we are willing to obey GOD. We had to change  a lot of things and even separate ourselves from some of the people we worked with. Mathew 7 not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter the kingdom….but those who do the will of the father..We refuse to be numbered by those who call HIM lord lord and are not doing HIS will.we refuse to serve HIM with partiality when we have spare time after school. i  realised that is because that i live and is for his glory that am i live.if HIS will is to sent me somewhere,whether am in school or not am ready to really encouraged by the Sons of Zebedee Mattjew 4: 21..they even didn't bother to say goodbye to their father but, they just left everything they had and followed JESUS.This humbled me a lot when i realized that I cared much on the things that the Lord Himself should take care. I substituted myself thinking am helping him to do his will but, now I know he can work for HIMSELF only  that I should be willing to be used as His vessel. FRANK we shall speak much later on I am having an exam tomorrow and have to prepare….but my big worry is that I realized that many, indeed many that claim to be christians will be left.




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