Oct. 16, 2020- Turkish President Erdogan is laying the groundwork for leadership of Muslim world



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Report: France Considers Alternatives to Two State Solution

A recent report cites senior French diplomats as saying that the Trump-negotiated Abraham Accords have changed the political reality in the Middle East, opening up the possibility of a negotiated reconciliation between Israel and the Palestinians that does not necessarily require the creation of an independent Palestinian entity inside Israel. A report in Hebrew-language Maariv News cited diplomatic sources in Paris as saying, “France is updating its position on the Israeli-Palestinian issue.” Eric Danon, the French Ambassador to Israel went on to say, “We can accept any solution that the Palestinians and Israelis agree on” “Six months ago, no one could have imagined that Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain would sign the Abrahamic Accords,” he added. “The Middle East has completely changed because of the position of the United States, Iran, and Turkey, because Israel has become a new regional power and because of the fatigue of the Palestinian question.”
Oct. 14, 2020

Turkish President Erdogan is laying the groundwork for leadership of Muslim world

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Calls on Muslims Worldwide to Wage War Against Israel

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan didn’t mince his words at this month’s opening of parliament. In his first assertion of a claim to a lost non-Turkic part of the Ottoman empire, Erdogan declared that Jerusalem is Turkish. In July, Erdogan described that month’s return of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, a sixth century Orthodox-church-turned-mosque-turned-museum, to the status of a Muslim house of worship as paving the way for the “liberation” of Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque, Islam’s third holiest site. by putting forward his claim, Erdogan hopes to put his quest for leadership of the Muslim world on par with that of one Turkey’s staunchest rivals, Saudi Arabia. The kingdom is home to Islam’s two most sacred cities, Mecca and Medina. Rather than seeking to regain lost Ottoman territory, Erdogan is staking a claim to custodianship of Jerusalem’s Haram ash-Sharif or Temple Mount and Al Aqsa mosque compound that currently rests with a Jordanian-controlled religious endowment known as the Waqf. The president escalated his rhetoric at a moment that the Palestine Authority has reached out to Turkey as well as Qatar in the wake of the normalization of relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain and a series of statements by prominent Saudi and other Gulf leaders taking President Mahmoud Abbas’ administration to task for squandering opportunities for peace with the Jewish state. Erdogan’s claim adds to Jordan’s worries that Israel, in the wake of the formalization of its ties to Gulf states, could support Saudi ambitions to join the Hashemite kingdom, if not replace it, as the holy site’s administrator. Israel Hayom, Israel’s most widely read newspaper that is supportive of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, quoted an unidentified Arab diplomat as saying that Saudi funds were needed to counter Turkish influence in Jerusalem.
Oct. 15, 2020

Sudan to normalize ties with Israel after US ultimatum – report

Sudan has reportedly decided to move forward with normalizing ties with Israel, after the US reportedly issued a 24-hour ultimatum to the country demanding that it recognize Israel in order to be removed from a US blacklist, a source close to Sudan’s leadership told i24News. The decision was made after a heated discussion on Wednesday, according to the news station. In September, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok said that the country does not want to link its removal from a US terrorism list, which is hindering access to foreign funding for the country’s economy, with a normalization of relations with Israel. In September, members of the Islamic Fiqh Academy in Sudan issued a fatwa (religious decree) prohibiting normalization with Israel. In response, the head of the Fatwa Department at the Sudan Scholars Association, Sheikh Abdel-Rahman Hassan Hamed, published on Saturday another fatwa permitting normalization with Israel, in a video shared by the “Israel in Arabic” Twitter account, according to AlKhaleej Today, stressing that normalization is a legal issue, not a religious one.
***Please see the following reports: 

Sudan Foreign Ministry says it looks forward to peace with Israel – report

Sudan fires foreign ministry spokesman for Israel comments
Aug. 20, 2020

Sudan ends 30 year rule of Islamic law, separating religion and state 
Sept. 4, 2020

Sudan talks with UAE, US could lead to normalization with Israel – report

Netanyahu to meet Sudan’s leader in Uganda, reports say
Sept. 24, 2020

Sudanese government official: ‘We need ties with Israel’ 
Oct. 4, 2020


 Erdogan Declares War on Arabs

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is continuing to insult and threaten Arabs, specifically those living in the Gulf. Many Arabs are concerned about Erdogan’s threats against their countries and his ongoing meddling in their internal affairs. Some Arabs are saying that the time has come to stand up to Erdogan and end his “malicious” schemes against Arab countries. In the past few days, many Arabs took to social media and other platforms to condemn Erdogan’s latest offensive remarks and veiled threats against their countries. Such powerful responses made by Saudis and other Arabs to Erdogan’s contemptuous statements show that the Arabs now understand it is Erdogan and his friends in Iran whom they should fear. In the eyes of these Arabs, Erdogan and his Iranian connections represent the real threat to their security and stability. In light of such reactions, perhaps more Arab countries will follow the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in signing diplomatic agreements with Israel. The State of Israel, as it turns out, is a strategic and strong ally that can help Arab countries stop Turkey and Iran from spreading their contagion of terror in the Middle East.
***Please see Ezekiel War news and comments posted by ETRM Oct. 12, 2020
Oct. 16, 2020

Iran Says One of Two Cyber Attack Targets Was Country’s Ports

Iran Threatens Gulf Countries Making Peace with Israel

Iran’s Next Move: Arms Transfers to South America?

One of the targets of large cyber-attacks on two Iranian government institutions this week was the electronic infrastructure of the country’s ports, an Iranian news agency reported on Friday. The government’s Information Technology Organization on Thursday reported the hacking of two institutions without giving details on the targets or perpetrators. The second target of the attacks on Monday and Tuesday is yet to be identified. “Sworn enemies have been trying for some time to carry out cyberattacks,” the semi-official Tasnim news agency quoted a statement by the Ports and Maritime Organization as saying. The statement said deterrent measures had been taken to prevent an interruption in the “organizations’s missions.” It gave no further details. Meanwhile, Iran is escalating threats toward the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain after the United States helped broker peace deals between Israel and the two Gulf states. Iran may fear that the peace agreements could pose a threat to the Islamic Republic if Israel can turn them into “a foothold in the Emirates, and in broad terms, in the Gulf” that ultimately includes a military presence, the Lebanese-based Iranian affairs news outlet Jada Iran reported.  The Iranian fear could be exacerbated by the possible signing of similar treaties between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Oman and others. Iran’s isolation was accentuated when the Arab League refused a Palestinian request to condemn the UAE for signing the peace treaty with Israel.Accordingly, Iran is trying to instill fear in these countries and others which might follow suit.
Oct. 16, 2020

Azerbaijan, Armenia trade accusations on Caucasus conflict

The Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict and Its Implications for Iran

Pompeo hopes Armenia can ‘defend’ itself from Azerbaijan
Armenian Prime Minister Admits Major Casualties in Fight with Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani authorities on Friday accused Armenia of expanding the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh by shelling a different region in Azerbaijan, a claim rejected by Armenian officials. Armenia, in turn, charged that the Azerbaijani troops executed two Armenian war prisoners — which Azerbaijan dismissed as a “provocation.” Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry said a missile fired by Armenian forces hit near Orduba, in Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan region, on Thursday, causing no casualties. Armenian Defense Ministry spokeswoman Shushan Stepanian said no missiles were fired at the Nakhchivan region. On Friday, Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan pointed to a video purportedly showing the execution of two Armenian prisoners by Azerbaijani troops, denouncing it as a proof of Azerbaijan “barbarity.” ”They trample on any civilized norms,” Mnatsakanyan said after talks with his visiting Greek counterpart, Nikos Dendias, in Yerevan. In what was seen by some as a warning to Turkey that Moscow sees the South Caucasus region as part of the sphere of its vital security interests, the Russian navy on Friday launched maneuvers in the Caspian Sea. The Russian military said the drills would involve warships firing missiles at practice targets.
Oct. 16, 2020 


  Kyrgyzstan ends state of emergency as nationalist consolidates power

Kyrgyzstan’s parliament voted on Friday to end a state of emergency imposed by its ousted president, as interim Prime Minister Sadyr Japarov, a Kyrgyz nationalist, took temporary control of the presidency of one of Russia’s close allies. Former President Sooronbai Jeenbekov, who resigned on Thursday, ordered troops to be deployed in Bishkek last week after days of unrest triggered by an Oct. 4 parliamentary election in which his allies were accused of vote-buying. Japarov, freed from prison by his supporters and quickly elected prime minister by parliament, also took over the interim presidency after parliament speaker Kanatbek Isayev – constitutionally first in line – turned it down on Friday. The prime minister is second in line under the constitution, but Japarov’s assumption of both roles prompted concern. “This is an unprecedented case in Kyrgyzstan’s history,” parliament deputy Omurbek Tekebayev said. “Such tremendous powers in the hands of one man.”
Oct. 16, 2020 

Russia Says It Put Tsikhanouskaya On Wanted List Following Move By Belarus

Russia says it put Belarusian opposition leader Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya on its wanted list in line with regional agreements after Belarus first made the move claiming she had called for overthrowing the constitutional order in the country. Russian media on October 16 quoted Russia’s Interior Ministry as confirming the move, made within the framework of the Russia-Belarus Union State. The report comes three days after Tsikhanouskaya openly demanded that Alyaksandr Lukashenka should step down from the post of Belarusian president by October 25 or face a nationwide strike. Belarus has been rocked by protests since an August 9 presidential election handed Lukashenka a sixth term amid allegations of widespread fraud. Tsikhanouskaya, who supporters say won the vote, left Belarus for Lithuania shortly after the election amid threats to her and her family.
Oct. 16, 2020

Thai protests: Demonstrators gather again in Bangkok, defying crackdown

Thai police crack down on protesters as PM refuses to resign

Tens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters gathered again in the Thai capital Bangkok on Thursday in mass defiance of the government which had issued a decree banning demonstrations. In the early hours of Thursday morning, the government had attempted to curtail the student-led protest movement by issuing an emergency decree banning gatherings of more than four people and arresting about 20 activists – taking the total number of arrests this week to about 40. The months of protests leading up to the emergency decree issued on Thursday represent the biggest challenge in years to Thailand’s establishment, which is dominated by the military and royal palace. On Wednesday, protesters jeered and held up the three-finger salute as a motorcade passed carrying the queen through Bangkok.
Oct. 16, 2020

Nigeria’s anti-police brutality protests block major roads

Nigerian protests against police brutality continued Friday for the ninth day, with demonstrators fending off attacks from gangs suspected to be backed by the police, warnings from the Nigerian military, and a government order to stop because of COVID-19. In Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city, protesters blocked the road to the international airport and the main highway into the city. The Lagos-Ibadan highway, one of Nigeria’s busiest, is the main road linking the port city to the rest of Nigeria. Protesters in the capital, Abuja, dedicated the day to Nigerians they charge have been killed by the police Special Anti Robbery Squad, known as SARS. The unit has killed and tortured many Nigerians, according to human rights groups. The #EndSARS campaignhas attracted international support, including from supporters of Black Lives Matter in the U.S. and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey who has retweeted posts from Nigerian demonstrators.
Oct. 16, 2020

Ten Arrested After Rioters Throw Petrol Bombs at Greek Police

Greek police arrested ten rioters in Athens following a student protest that saw several people throw petrol bombs and other projectiles at officers. The clashes took place on Thursday between Athens police and protesters, which included healthcare professionals and teachers demanding better working conditions during the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. Police say that a mob of violent rioters vandalised a tram station and used homemade Molotov cocktails as well as other projectiles against officers, Greek newspaper Kathimerini reports. Riot police were then forced to deploy tear gas and other non-lethal weapons in order to control the crowd before arresting at least ten people from the violent mob. Footage of the riots was published by Greek newspaper Proto Thema, including a video showing rioters smashing the tram station.
Oct. 16, 2020


 Pompeo says China has deployed 60,000 soldiers on Indian border

China’s Xi Jinping tells troops to focus on ‘preparing for war’

Taiwan should fortify itself against future Chinese invasion -White House

Chinese leader Xi Jinping called on Chinese troops to “put all (their) minds and energy on preparing for war” during a visit to a military base in the southern province of Guangdong on Tuesday. According to a translation of Xi’s remarks, reported by the Chinese state-run Xinhua news agency, Xi told People’s Liberation Army Marine Corps troops stationed in Chaozhou City to “maintain a state of high alert.”The Chinese news agency also reported Xi called on the troops to increasingly train for actual combat capabilities. “It is necessary to insist on leading training by combat, strengthening task traction, strengthening targeted and confrontational training, and beating hard and training the troops. It is necessary to promote innovations in combat theory, training models, and task organization to improve training levels and actual combat capabilities,” Xinhua wrote of Xi’s remarks. Xi’s remarks come amid increased tensions between the U.S. and China. China has increasingly sought to exercise control over the South China Sea and has made increased gestures against Taiwan. Chinese warplanes have flown over Taiwan’s airspace in recent weeks, including in September as U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar became the highest-level US official to visit Taiwan in decades. China also planned amphibious landing drills near Taiwan-held territory over the summer.
Oct. 16, 2020


  Vatican 10 euro coin depicts mother earth

A representation of Mother Earth adorns a new commemorative coin of the Vatican State. Like the Vatican Office for Philately and Numismatics on its websiteannounced, it is published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the international “Earth Day”. The coin depicts a pregnant woman in indigenous clothing, whose belly is depicted as a globe. “The celebration of life on earth is an obligation to take care of the planet. This is a project for which the church offers its support,” says the official description. The portrayal of a woman pregnant with the earth expresses that humanity owes the earth “care and love as if it were a daughter”.
Oct. 14, 2020


Joe Biden suggests that children as young as eight-years-old should be allowed to change their gender identity if they decide they “want to be transgender”

The comment came on Thursday night at an election town hall hosted by ABC News, where a woman who said one of her two daughters is transgender asked Biden what he would do to protect LGBTQ rights. The former vice president said, “I will flat out just change the law.” He then told a story about seeing two gay men kissing each other and being told by his father, “Joey, it’s simple, they love each other.” Biden next turned to the topic of child transgenderism: “The idea that an eight-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, ‘You know, I decided I want to be transgender, that’s what I think I’d like to be, it’d make my life a lot easier,’ there should be zero discrimination.” He later added, “There is no reason to suggest that there should be any right denied your daughter… that your other daughter has a right to be and do.” Biden’s apparent support for childhood transgenderism was panned on Twitter, where commenters pointed out the dangers of letting children below the age of consent decide to make a radical life change with long-term effects.
Oct. 16, 2020


Southern New England hit by a rare derecho, NWS confirms

The unusually powerful storm in Southern New England last week, October 7, 2020, was a rare derecho, the National Weather Service (NWS) confirmed. The storm killed at least two people, left more than 200 000 customers without power, caused damage to a 515 km (320 miles) stretch, and recorded a wind gust of 109 km/h (68 mph) — the region’s highest daily gust for the month of October. The storm ranks as one of the strongest severe weather events in the United States this year. On October 7, a sudden storm struck New York and New England, resulting in two fatalities and major wind damage. More than 200 damaging wind reports were received from New York to Massachusetts. Power was cut to more than 200 000 customers. National Grid spokeswoman Virginia Limmiatis said the area has not experienced an outage this widespread in more than a decade. “The last time we would’ve seen 200 000-plus customers out and that widespread damage, probably was back in 2008 with the ice storm.” Widespread wind gusts between 80 and 95 km/h (50 and 60 mph) were registered down the Mohawk Valley into the Greater Capital District, with a 107 km/h (67 mph) wind gust measured at the Albany International Airport.
Oct. 15, 202

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