I hope you all are paying attention to the warnings of Jesus Christ concerning the last day signs? It is crazy how fast things are moving toward the beginning of the tribulation. Just a few days ago I told you these huge earthquakes Jesus talked about are showing up in the news just about weekly now. Well, here we go again. Another huge quake hits the news today. Before you read the news about the quake, please keep in mind we are the generation who is now witnessing all the last days birth pangs taking place all at the same time. This is important because Jesus told us the generation who saw all these things at the same time would be the generation who would be alive to see his second coming. Let me show you exactly what Jesus stated in Matthew 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Our world as we know it is falling apart. You know it to be true because you can feel it in your spirit. Even the people who don’t know Jesus as their Lord and savior yet sense something is very wrong with our world. I am here today to declare to you Jesus’ warnings are coming to pass and you need to get ready for what is about to take place on this planet. If you think the 2020 Covid 19 pandemic was bad your not going to like what is going to take place during the tribulation. I am not writing this to scare you, I am writing this to help you understand how important it is to be a child of Christ Jesus in the times we are living in. If you missed my post yesterday please read that post and watch the videos I put up on it. Much of what is about to happen has to do with the global economic crash that will take place in order to set in place the road for the Antichrist to take center stage as warned by Jesus. Here is the link to that post.
Strong and shallow M6.7 earthquake hits south of Panama

Mural at Michigan Middle School Sparks Outrage Over Transgender Flag and Demon Face
The mural also features a creature holding a syringe, a girl in a rainbow outfit, and the Hamsa hand — which alarmed parents said was a sign of witchcraft.
U.S. State Department Gives $20,600 to Fund “Drag Theater Performances”…in Ecuador
The United States government, which is currently about $30.9 trillion in debt, has just given over $20,000 of taxpayer money to a cultural center in Ecuador so it can host “drag theater performances.”
It’s no wonder why so many people are refusing to take the Covid shots. People are afraid that their own government has been lying to them as to how safe the Covid vaccines are. Since the Covid problem started governments around the world have been trying to silence the doctors who are telling us the Covid vaccines are not safe. As time goes on new reports of just what is in the Covid shots is coming to light.
Dr. Mark Trozzi: Toxic Metals in Covid Shots
“We’ve never shot people with crazy cocktails like this,” said Dr. Mark Trozzi in regard to the undisclosed content of Covid jabs of various brands.
Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID-19 vaccines are to blame for healthy people suddenly dying until proven otherwise
Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has argued that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is responsible for the death of any person with no prior history of significant disease until proven otherwise.
Florida OB/Gyn warns that infertility and miscarriages have spiked 50% since covid-19 vaccine rollout
An OB/Gyn from St. Petersburg, Florida had the courage to go public with the serious rise in reproductive health issues that are taking place at the hospital where she works. Kimberly Biss, MD and OB/Gyn explained that her hospital is seeing an astronomical rise in infertility, miscarriage, abnormal pap smears and cervical malignancies that only started after the covid-19 vaccines were rolled out.
In my book I list a host of reports concerning old diseases that have returned and all the new diseases that are showing up. One such disease which is very deadly is the Ebola disease and, it is again taking its toll as health officials are trying to contain this newest outbreak.
Since the Covid 19 disease broke their has been much speculation that the disease came from a lab in Wuhan, China. Theories voiced concern that it may have originated as a biological weapon in the Wuhan lab. The report below deals with more messing around with a disease that if it ever did leave the lab it would kill off much of the population. What they are working on is far more dangerous than the Covid 19 disease! Jesus warned about diseases of the last days and I have no doubt that some of these diseases could be man made.
Surprise! EcoHealth Landed $1 Million Grant To Work With ‘80% Mouse Death’ Boston University On ‘Future Pandemic Prevention’
To review, in an effort to research what makes Omicron so transmissible – and funded in part by grants from the NIH and Anthony Fauci’s NIAID – a team of researchers cobbled the Omicron spike protein to the original strain of Covid-19. The resulting virus was five times more infectious than Omicron.
Record Number Of Flesh-Eating Bacterial Infections In Florida Post-Hurricane Ian
As floridians attempt to recover from Hurricane Ian’s devastating – another issue is surfacing. The Lee County depart of health is now warning people who have open wounds or cuts to avoid floodwater or seawater, as flesh-eating bacteria cases are hitting record levels following Ian flooding, and can be found in the warm seawater.
You might not want to hold your 5G cell phone to close to your head!
Scientists Call for Moratorium on 5G After Study Shows Regulators Ignoring Health Risks of Radiation
The authors of a peer-reviewed study published Tuesday warned about the risks of exposure to radiation from 5G technology and said their research shows existing exposure limits for wireless radiation are inadequate, outdated and harmful to human health and wildlife.
If you are new to bible prophecy you need to understand what Jesus warned about in Revelation chapter 13 concerning the mark of the beast, the man known as the Antichrist. Our generation is the special generation because we are the only generation who now has the technology to be able to place an ID in someone’s hand or even in their foreheads. If you read my prophecy book you will see all the different technologies that have lead up to ID’s in the hand or forehead. God told Daniel in chapter 12 of Daniel the last generation who increase in knowledge and travel back and forth. Our generation has gained more knowledge than all the generation combined and it is no coincidence. Take heed to what you are seeing when you see digital ID’s. The day is coming when the Antichrist is going to force his mark on the people and if you take it there is no hope for you to ever get out of the lake of fire.
As long as I covered our increase in knowledge our generation is the only one who is able to track movement of people where ever they go. Our generation is the only one who has the ability to gather data on anyone they want. There is no question when the Antichrist forces his mark on people that he will have all the data he wants on anyone he wants. He will use this data to track down anyone who has refused to take his mark. Now that you know this the report below will show you the direction our generation is going.
U.S. Military Bases Sell Chinese Govt-Made Smart Devices With Privacy Policies Stating Data Can Be Sent to China.
The United States government is actively selling potential surveillance devices to American military personnel and families on military bases that are directly manufactured by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), The National Pulse can reveal.
If you haven’t been on the watch you may not know that bodies of water around the world are dying up. Droughts have become a major problem now in many nations. The droughts are causing the drinking water to disappear, crop destruction, and in many people right now famine which, are all last day signs Jesus warned about.
Portion Of Mississippi River Closes Again As Drought Crisis Worsens
Supply chains across the Midwest face significant constraints as a portion of the Mississippi River is closed again. Bloomberg reported a stretch of the Mississippi River, about 125 miles northeast of Memphis, near Hickman, Kentucky, closed Monday as water levels continue to plunge.
California reservoirs dropping fast; LA approaching ZERO DAY for water
Southern California’s Castaic Reservoir in Hollywood, which feeds much of Los Angeles County, is dropping like a rock amid a prolonged California drought that is starving the region of hydration.
As if you didn’t already know, crime is on the rise. The report below deals with the elections but the crime surrounds this is far reaching. Let me explain. The last election caused America to split in half. About half the nation believes that Donald Trump had the election stolen from him by machines who gave Biden millions of votes at the last minute in the very stated that he needed the votes. Whether it really happened or not is still out for debate. The point is, because people feel the election was not valid it caused the heart of many in the U.S. to not trust the government. The hearts of many have waxed cold over the election of 2020. This new finding over China having data will only add to the fire of non trusting the elections.
Konnech’s Shocking “Back-Door” Access Into U.S. Election Data: Network Diagram
Eugene Yu, the CEO of Michigan-based election software company Konnech, was criminally charged for allegedly storing Los Angeles election worker data on Chinese servers.
U.S. military degrading rapidly under Biden, Dem-controlled Congress… now rated “weak” even as global threats are rising
The hapless regime of Joe Biden and the Democrat-controlled Congress have combined to produce the weakest U.S. military in decades, and just in time for global threat levels to be at their highest.
Ben Armstrong from The New American returns to SGT Report to discuss the breaking news of the day and Ben hits the nail on the head. The ONLY freedom the Demorats…
Netflix Launches New ‘Vatican Girl’ Documentary About Disappearance of 15-Year Old Emanuela Orlandi Presumed Raped And Murdered By Roman Cardinal
The Roman Catholic Church has a long and storied history of priests, bishops and cardinals who sexually abused untold tens of thousands of young boys and girls, with some of them like Emanuela Orlandi who were never heard from again. What did the Vatican, over the reign of multiple pope kids do about it? In nearly 100% of the cases, they covered it up, transferred the offending clergy member to a new country and a new church to do it all over again. Opus Bono Sacerdotii is just one such group, but I digress.
Major Supermarket In UK Planning To Sell BUGS As Food To Help Poor People Through Winter
A major supermarket chain in the UK is finalising plans to stock insects on its shelves and market them as a cheap food source for people struggling to afford to feed their families amid soaring inflation and the cost of living crisis.