Oct. 25, 2018 Mark of the beast as warned by Christ Jesus



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 24 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora



Please go to the link below and read what The Atlantic wrote concerning this coming mark of the beast. I only quoted a very small section from that report in my above video.



  1. I agree that there has been earthquakes, volcanoes and everything else, but the difference is we have Not seen anything on the scale what is happening now. when I was very young 1970 era. I cannot remember any report where volcanos erupting everywhere, earthquakes constant, horrific floods, hurricanes, fires and violence etc. The time (I think) I started noticing a change was around 2007 – 2011. I keep saying to family, friends that I feel this will get worse as time goes by, but they just shrug their shoulders.

    I was born in 1948 the same year as Israel was reborn, does that mean (according to the Bible) I am that generation? Deep down I know the answer.

    I always enjoy hearing your updates which have always been spot on.

    God bless Frank

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