Oct. 5, 2020- Global Concerns that Affect Us All: Wars, Wildfires, Digital Dollars and the UN



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  Israeli minister says Turkey opposed to regional peace

Israel’s defence minister accused Turkey on Sunday of destabilising the region and working against peacemaking efforts, and called for international pressure to bring about a change in the NATO power’s conduct. Briefing Gulf Arab reporters as a follow-up to Israel’s founding of ties with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, Defence Minister Benny Gantz described Turkey and Iran as “denying promotion of peace and supporting regional aggression”. Citing Turkey’s actions in northern Syria and the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as its Libya intervention and contacts with Palestinian Hamas militants, Gantz said: “All of this pushes away from stability”. “Definitely the question of Turkey is a very complicated one, because Turkey is part of NATO,” Gantz told the Zoom conference, which was organised by The Arab Council for Regional Integration, a group that encourages Israeli-Arab outreach. “So we must take all the options that we have in our hands and try to influence it through international pressure to make sure that they are pulling their hands from direct terrorism.”
Oct. 4, 2020

Sudanese government official: ‘We need ties with Israel’

Sudanese government divided over possible normalization with Israel

Sudan has a strategic interest in establishing relations with Israel, said senior Sudanese government official Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo to local Sudanese media on Friday. “Israel is developed. The entire world works with Israel. For development, for agriculture — we need Israel,” Dagalo, who is Sudan’s deputy head of state, told Juba24 News. Israel Hayom reported that Dagalo said to reporters, “It is in Sudan’s interest to establish relations with Israel. Our removal from the list of countries that support terror hinges on it.” When asked about potential blowback from normalizing ties with Israel, Dagalo said, “We’re not scared of anyone. But these will be relations, not normalization. Relations, not normalization. Okay? We’re following this line.” Dismissing the Palestinian question, Dagalo said, “We don’t have a border with the Palestinians.”
Oct. 5, 2020

Rocket launched from Gaza at Israeli border communities

This is the first launch since 13 rockets were fired at Israel during the White House signing ceremony of the Abraham Accords establishing normalized relations between Israel and Bahrain and the UAE.  The IDF Spokesperson said one rocket launch was detected and residents of the area were not instructed to take any special measures.
Oct. 5, 2020

Armenia officially opens Embassy in Israel

Experts believe Israel unlikely to drop lucrative arms sales to Azerbaijan

Turkey’s Trojan horse and Iran appeaser Azerbaijan is no ally for Israel

The Embassy of the Republic of Armenia officially opened in Tel Aviv on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year (September 19, 2020 , Armenian Radio reported quoting reports from the Israeli media. The head of the “Eurasia-2” department of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, Itzhak Carmel Kagan, was present at the ceremony.  Barely two weeks later, Armenia recalled its ambassador, citing weapons sales to Azerbaijan.  Israeli President Reuven Rivlin spoke on Monday with his Armenian counterpart Armen Sarkissian in a call that Rivlin’s office said was at Sarkissian’s request. Rivlin “expressed his sorrow at the outbreak of violence… and at the loss of life on both sides” in Nagorno-Karabakh, his office said in a statement, adding that the Jewish state’s long-standing relations with Azerbaijan are “not aimed against any side.” Rivlin said Israel was prepared to send humanitarian aid to Armenia and expressed hope that the Armenian ambassador will return “soon.”  Israel has become one of Azerbaijan’s closest military partners in recent years and its relationship has always been transactional in terms of its ‘oil for arms’ agreement. Azerbaijan sees its deepening ties with Israel as a means of earning favor in Washington, a strategy confirmed by Azerbaijan’s ambassador to the U.S. as he explained why the UAE’s recent normalization with Israel meant kudos in DC. Despite its efforts to play up relations with Israel, Azerbaijan has consistently refused to establish full diplomatic ties and open an embassy, due to pressure from Iran, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and Turkey.
***Please see Ezekiel War below
Oct. 5, 2020

De-facto freeze broken, IDF to approve new West Bank settler homes

The Higher Planning Council for Judea and Samaria is set to approve and advance new homes in at least 25 West Bank settlements on October 14, thereby breaking the eight month de facto freeze on such action. According to a calculation by the left-wing group Peace Now, the council is expected to debate projects for 4,430 units, of which 1,820 would be advanced and the remaining 2,610 would be approved. The two day meeting will mark the first advancement of settlement activity since Israel signed normalization deals with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Officials from both countries have stated that the normalization deals were based on an Israeli agreement to suspend its plans to annex portions of the West Bank.
Oct. 5, 2020


  Israel says Lebanon talks to only be on maritime, not land borders

Will Lebanon be the Next US-NATO Humanitarian War? The Elimination of Hezbollah is Israel’s Top Priority

Negotiations between Israel and Lebanon, set to begin next week, will only be on maritime borders, a diplomatic source in Jerusalem said on Sunday, despite indications to the contrary from Washington and Beirut. Though disputes about the Blue Line, as the land border between Israel and Lebanon is known, came up in pre-negotiation talks, Israel did not agree to negotiate land borders. Israel and Lebanon officially announced on Thursday that they had agreed to hold US-mediated negotiations on their maritime border, to be held at the headquarters of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in Naquora, on the Israel-Lebanon border. The “negotiations about negotiations,” as the Israeli diplomatic source called it, took more than two years. The talks, set to begin next week, will be the first-ever direct negotiations between Israel and Lebanon on civilian matters.
Oct. 4, 2020

Hundreds detained as Egyptian police quash protests

Egyptian authorities have arrested hundreds of people in their effort to clamp down on a spate of small but exceptionally rare protests across the country, a global watchdog and human rights lawyers said Friday. Riot police forcibly dispersed the limited demonstrations over economic grievances that erupted across several impoverished, rural villages over the past few weeks, firing tear gas and birdshot, according to a new report from London-based rights group Amnesty International. The group said it verified videos showing officers with rifles out in force, in two cases beating unarmed protests with batons and firing birdshot at those running away. Two men were killed in the crackdown, the group said, one hit with birdshot by security forces south of Cairo and another during a police raid in the southern city of Luxor. Hundreds have landed in jail, according to estimates from multiple lawyers, and remain in custody pending investigations into murky terrorism-related charges, a common tool used by state prosecutors to silence critics and quash dissent. From interviews with eyewitnesses, activists, family members and lawyers, Amnesty said it had confirmed that 496 people remain in detention.
Oct. 5, 2020

Oman becomes 1st Gulf Arab nation to resend diplomat to Syria

Oman has sent an ambassador back to Syria, becoming the first Gulf Arab nation to do so since early in the Syrian civil war. Syrian state media said it received ambassador credentials for Turki Mahmood al-Busaidi to act as Oman’s chief diplomat to Syria. Oman closed its embassy and recalled their ambassador in 2012 following what it viewed as a heavy-handed government response to protests at the start of the civil war, which began a year earlier. The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have reopened embassies in Damascus, but neither have sent ambassadors. The UAE, Bahrain and Oman have also restarted direct flights to Damascus this year. Oman is attempting to arrange peace talks to settle the long-running civil war, including meetings with Saudi Araba and Iran. Saudi Arabia has supported opposition forces while Iran has supported the Syrian government.
Oct. 5, 2020


  Is Pompeo changing tack on Turkey? – Analysis

US in talks to move key airbase out of Turkey. To Greece or the UAE?

For the first time, the US appears to be confronting Turkey over its fueling of conflict all over the Middle East. Most recently, Pompeo aimed criticism at Turkey for fueling tension in Azerbaijan and Armenia because Turkey had said it could support Azerbaijan militarily. He also expressed concern that Syrian mercenary fighters, many of them wanted for looting in Afrin and Libya and known for religious extremism, had been recruited by Ankara to fight Armenia. In the last year Turkey has invaded Syria, bombed Iraq, threatened Greece with forcing refugees across the border, stoked tensions in Idlib, signed deals with Russia, sent arms and Syrians to Libya illegally, threatened to “liberate” Jerusalem from Israel’s control, threatened the UAE, bashed the Israel-UAE deal, hosted Hamas terrorists, encouraged war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and continued to put journalists and opposition politicians in prison.
Oct. 5, 2020

Iranian Representatives Declare Support For Azerbaijan In Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Iran has now declared her support for the Azeri-Turkish side. In an unprecedented move, the representatives of the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in the provinces of Ardabil, East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, and Zanjan, have issued a joint statement supporting the Republic of Azerbaijan. “There is no doubt that Nagorno-Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan and its government’s move to recapture the region is completely legal, according to Shari’a, and in line with four Resolutions of the United Nation’s Security Council,” Khamenei’s representatives have asserted. The signatories to the statement are mid-ranking clerics Hassan Alemi, Mohammad Ali Al-i Hashem, Ali Khatami, and Mehdi Qoreishi. “The Azerbaijani government has acted in a completely legal and religious manner in recapturing these lands and has implemented four UN Security Council resolutions,” they wrote in their statement on Thursday.
Oct. 5, 2020

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Major cities hit as heavy fighting continues

Armenians, Azeris Accuse Each Other of Striking Civilian Areas

Russia Cannot Allow Erdogan To Take Over Azerbaijan And Put His Pan-Turkic Theory Into Practice

What Is Russia’s Role in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict?

Armenia wants Washington to explain if it supplied Turkey with F-16s to aid Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan’s second-largest city, Ganja, has been shelled by Armenian forces, as heavy clashes continue over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh enclave. The enclave is officially part of Azerbaijan but run by ethnic Armenians. The self-proclaimed authorities there said they hit Ganja’s military airport after Azerbaijani forces shelled the region’s capital, Stepanakert. Azerbaijan says no Ganja military sites were hit. More than 220 people have died since clashes began a week ago. There are fears that the actual death toll among the militaries from all sides as well as civilians could be much higher, as casualty claims have not been independently verified. Azerbaijan’s military says its forces have retaken control of seven villages since last Sunday, while Nagorno-Karabakh says its troops have “improved” their frontline positions.
Oct. 5, 2020


India Test-Fires Nuclear-Capable Hypersonic Missile As Border Tensions Rise

A Few Global Concerns that Affect Us All

In what appears to be the second hypersonic missile test in weeks, India successfully test-fired its indigenously developed nuclear-capable hypersonic missile dubbed “Shaurya,” defense sources told Hindustan Times. Just weeks ago, India “successfully” test-fired a Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle that was capable of hitting speeds over Mach 6 (4,600 mph). The early September launch came as India and China have been locked in a military standoff along the Line of Actual Control, a 2,175 mile disputed border between both countries, that stretches from the Ladakh region in the north to the Indian state of Sikkim.

Oct. 4, 2020


Federal Debt Tops $27 Trillion

America’s Economic Depression Is Accelerating As We Head Toward The Holiday Season

The debt of the federal government topped $27 trillion for the first time on Thursday, October 1, when it climbed from an opening balance of $26,945,391,194,615.15 to a closing balance of $27,026,921,935,432.41, according to data published by the U.S. Treasury Department. Only 114 days elapsed from when the debt topped the $26-trillion threshold on June 9 to yesterday, when it topped $27 trillion for the first time. Meanwhile, America’s economic depression is accelerating as we head toward the holiday season.
Oct. 4, 2020 


  ECB Trademarks “Digital Euro” As It Begins Experiments On Digital Currency Launch

The biggest overhaul in monetary and currency history is quietly taking place just behind the scenes. Just two weeks ago, Cleveland Fed president Loretta Mester hinted at just how close the US is to a comprehensive overhaul of the entire fiat system when she said that “legislation has proposed that each American have an account at the Fed in which digital dollars could be deposited, as liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks, which could be used for emergency payments.” This, together with an August Bloomberg interview with Simon Potter, who led the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s markets group for years, and Julia Coronado, who spent eight years as an economist for the Fed’s Board of Governors (the two are among the innovators brainstorming solutions to what has emerged as the most crucial and difficult problem facing the Fed: get money swiftly to people who need it most in a crisis), in which the duo suggested depositing digital dollars directly in households’ apps, prompted us to write two weeks ago that “In An Unprecedented Monetary Overhaul, The Fed Is Preparing To Deposit “Digital Dollars” Directly To Each American.” On September 22 the ECB quietly filed to trademark the term “digital euro” (which appropriately enough abbreviates to DE to instill a sense of German patriotism when officials push Europe’s most conservative society into the great monetary unknown) as disclosed by the website of the European Union Intellectual Property Office, as European officials are preparing to release an assessment of the benefits and drawbacks of creating a digital version of the currency.
Oct. 4, 2020

Pope Francis Calls for Giving United Nations Organization ‘Real Teeth’

Pope Francis makes his best case for multilateralism in a new teaching letter, calling for more authority for supranational organizations like the United Nations. “When we talk about the possibility of some form of world authority regulated by law, we need not necessarily think of a personal authority,” the pontiff asserts. “Still, such an authority ought at least to promote more effective world organizations, equipped with the power to provide for the global common good, the elimination of hunger and poverty and the sure defence of fundamental human rights.” Among the possible candidates for such a role, the pope turns his attention to the United Nations Organization, with which he enjoys close ties. “In this regard, I would also note the need for a reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth,” Francis declares, citing a text from his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI. “Needless to say, this calls for clear legal limits to avoid power being co-opted only by a few countries and to prevent cultural impositions or a restriction of the basic freedoms of weaker nations on the basis of ideological differences,” he writes. The work of the United Nations, the pope insists, “can be seen as the development and promotion of the rule of law, based on the realization that justice is an essential condition for achieving the ideal of universal fraternity.”
Oct. 4, 2020


   Medical Journal Calls for Mandatory COVID Vaccine: ‘Noncompliance Should Incur a Penalty’

A paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine has called for mandating a coronavirus vaccine. The paper warns that an immediate mandate for the vaccine would spark too much resistance and backlash, so the writers suggest that at first it should be voluntary. However, it suggests that if not enough people are willing to get the vaccine within the first few weeks of it’s availability, it should be transformed into an obligation, with penalties put into place for refusal. The paper outlines “six trigger criteria” that need to be met before the vaccine is made mandatory, and that it should be rolled out to specific demographics of the population first. “Only recommended groups should be considered for a vaccination mandate,” initially, according to the paper, which cites “high risk groups” as the first set of people. “[T]he elderly, health professionals working in high-risk situations or working with high-risk patients…persons with certain underlying medical conditions,” as well as those in “high-density settings such as prisons and dormitories” should be mandated to get the jab, the paper says. It also suggests that active-duty military service members should be among the first that are forced into the vaccination. The paper proclaims that “noncompliance should incur a penalty” and notes that it should be a “relatively substantial” one. It suggests that “employment suspension or stay-at-home orders,” should be issued, but that fines should be discouraged because they can be legally challenged, and “may stoke distrust without improving uptake.”
Oct. 5, 2020

CDC abruptly removes guidance about airborne coronavirus transmission, says update ‘was posted in error’Sept. 22, 2020

 CDC revises coronavirus guidance to acknowledge that it spreads through airborne transmissionOct. 5, 2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revised its coronavirus guidance Monday, acknowledging that it can sometimes spread through airborne particles that can “linger in the air for minutes to hours” and among people who are more than six feet apart. The CDC cited published reports that demonstrated “limited, uncommon circumstances where people with COVID-19 infected others who were more than 6 feet away or shortly after the COVID-19-positive person left an area.” The agency added that it is “much more common” for the virus to spread through larger respiratory droplets that are produced when somebody coughs, sneezes, sings, talks, or breathes. People are infected through such droplets mostly when they are in close contact with an infected person, the CDC said. “CDC’s recommendations remain the same based on existing science and after a thorough technical review of the guidance,” the agency said. “People can protect themselves from the virus that causes COVID-19 by staying at least 6 feet away from others, wearing a mask that covers their nose and mouth, washing their hands frequently, cleaning touched surfaces often and staying home when sick.” 


  Devastating wildfires prompt state of emergency in Paraguay

Paraguay has declared a national state of emergency as more than 5 000 wildfires rage amid drought and record hot temperatures across South America. Paraguay’s Congress declared a national emergency on Thursday, October 1 as more wildfires broke out, scorching wide swaths of the Chaco dry forest. The declaration is to boost financial aid for fire-fighting and open the door for seeking international help. Two firefighting aircraft had arrived in the country, set to douse the worst-hit regions. A total of 5 231 individual forest fires have been raging across the country, with most of them concentrated in the Chaco region. The thick smoke had reached as far as the capital Asuncion. The country is also experiencing a heatwave and had registered a record high of 45.5 °C (113.9 °F) last week.
Oct. 5, 2020


 Five asteroids en route to Earth in just Four days

Another week, another warning from NASA about an impending barrage of space debris, with no less than five asteroids expected to buzz the Earth’s backyard by Thursday. To kick things off, 2020 RV2, measuring roughly half the height of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, or roughly 25 meters in diameter, will pass us by at a safe 5.69 million km. Next, on October 6, will be 2020 RR2, measuring 26 meters in diameter or… slightly larger than half the famous French landmark, which will sail past at a safe flyby distance of 6.2 million km. On Wednesday, the largest of the cosmic quintet of space rocks, the 46-meter (half the height of the Statue of Liberty) 2020 RK2 will roar past at 3.8 million km. The very same day, with a diameter roughly seven times as tall as Shaquille O’Neal (15m) 2019 SB6 will shoot past at 4.5 million km. Last but not least, the equally half-Arc de Triomphe-sized (25-meter) 2020 SR6 will fly past the Earth at 2.7 million km on October 8.
Oct, 5, 2020

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