October 8, 2022 special report: prophecy fulfilled again Israel discovers massive amounts of gas


















Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 9 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


The following is my own quote from my 2012, edition of my prophecy book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth page 255 .  If you want to read my quote click this link. https://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/the-last-chronicles-of-planet-earth-june-21-2012-edition-by-frank-dimora-1.pdf 

My quote: “Since the Lord told us Israel would be blessed with these treasures of oil and gas, you can expect the economics of the Middle East to change in the very near future. The change in oil and gas powers could start a war, and that war could turn out to be the Ezekiel war, which I will cover in chapter 11. Let’s watch as Israel discovers even more oil than they have so far.” 

In 2012, I made that statement because God is truth and, if he tells us Israel will discover oil and gas all we had to do is watch the news to witness the oil and gas discoveries being reported in the news. Once again today that is exactly what has happened! Below you will see the prophecy and, then the news concerning a huge gas find for Israel. 


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On Oct. 4, I said I would not be posting everyday but would report when some major event in prophecy takes place. Well today one of those events has taken place. 

Let me remind you Israel went from being dependent on other nations for their oil and gas needs to a major oil and gas exporter in a very short period of time. Why did this happen?  If you read the prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39 you will find out that Israel will be attacked by many nations. These nations go after Israel to take a spoil.  I believe part of what Israel’s enemies go after is their oil! Take a look at the world problems right now. Russia shut off the gas supply to Europe and just this past week we saw 4 places on the Nord gas line into Europe explode cutting off Europe’s supply. You can read that report at the following link”  https://news.yahoo.com/fourth-gas-leak-discovered-near-094600370.html.  Russia as you know is now on a war path and I do believe the control of the flow of oil is playing a huge role in this current war.  There is no doubt that Russia wants to control the flow of oil and gas, and if Israel who is now a oil and gas giant starts to export their gas to Europe, Russia may make a move to go after Israel’s oil and gas and, in doing so fulfill the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy. 

By the way, Israel is sending gas to Europe and there is no doubt in my mind this move has angered Russia. Read this news from Bloomberg entitled: “Israel Plans Gas Exports to Europe as Output Surges by 22%” I quote, “Israel’s natural gas production surged 22% in the first half of the year, as the government plans to ramp up exports that will make their way to Europe, where the worst energy crisis in decades is under way. Production rose to 10.85 billion cubic meters year-on-year through June, with exports to Israel’s neighbors rising by 35% to 4.59 billion cubic meters, according to the energy ministry. Much of the increase is due to production from the Tamar and Leviathan reservoirs in the eastern Mediterranean.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-24/israel-eyes-gas-exports-to-europe-as-production-surges-by-22

Here is another important element to consider. Russia goes to war against Ukraine so what does Israel do?  Israel starts to drill for gas again and finds the massive supply you read about in the above report. I quote from the report entitled: “Israel to Renew Gas Drilling Due to Ukraine War” “

“Energy Minister Karine Elharrar announced on Monday that she would approve renewing exploration for natural gas in Israel’s Mediterranean waters — just six months after committing to suspending any drilling for a year. 

Elharrar and Energy Ministry Director General Lior Schillat attributed the turnaround to the war in Ukraine, which caused the ministry to reconsider the situation. The new policy is in line with calls being made by energy companies to drill and enable Israel to export more gas.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions imposed on the Russians in response have exposed the degree to which Europe is reliant on Russian gas, arousing fears of an energy crisis.”


The bottom line is this. Those who have the oil and gas supply have the power to effect the world if they cut off the supply just as Russia has done. Two of the most powerful giants are Russia and Israel. Russia cuts the supply and Israel begins to supply the gas, where do you think this is going?  Russia will want to stop Israel from suppling the gas to Europe and, as I said, it could led to the Ezekiel 38-39 war prophecy.  Right now the world is in a gas crisis. Prices of gas are going through the roof. Here is California the price of gas today is close to $7.00 a gallon. What does prices like this do? It makes those who have the oil and gas that much more powerful which means Russia and Israel are headed for a power showdown. 

The video below gives you more info on  Russia and Israel 


The prayer

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