Like I said, “They are false prophets”/Nov. 6, 2012 More coming later

On Oct. 22, of this year I received a email which you see below. Andrea who sent me the email pointed out to me that there are two prophets who have said God explained to them that the rapture of the Church would happen (before) the US Presidental election. I was sent information on The Lord's Hour which you will also see below. On the 22nd of Oct. I told you these men were false prophets and they would be proven to be so. Well here we are Nov. 6, 2012 the day of the election and according to Elvi Zapata and Larry Demers the rapture was to happen yesterday the day before the election.


 On Oct. 22, 2012 I gave you these two scriptures below.

1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.


There is a lesson to be learned here again. Jesus said many will be deceived in the last days when false prophets, false teachers, and false Christs would show up during the last days.  How many of you who come to my site fell for the teaching of these two false prophets?  I plead with you all to know the Word of God because if you do you won't be taken by these types of false prophets or false teachings. All these men did was to prove Jesus's prophecies are coming to pass concerning men like this.




  1. Thank God I live in Texas.

  2. DiMora wants to know if your comment was directed toward him or the two guys who made the prophecy giving the Oct. date?

    • whydelete on February 6, 2013 at 3:53 am
    • Reply

    why did you delete my comment I said Elvi Zapatta is a false prophet I agreed with you sheesh give me a break. I pointed out that he also said the Rapture would DEFINITELY happen in Dec. 2012 and it never did lol!

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