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New Israeli Government Will Be the Largest in Country’s History
The new Israeli government that will emerge from the unity government deal signed Monday by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz is ultimately expected have up to 36 cabinet ministers and up to 16 deputy ministers, making it the largest in the country’s history. That poses a special challenge for Netanyahu’s main coalition partner, Gantz’s Kahol Lavan party, which only has 15 Knesset members, most of whom will become cabinet ministers, leaving almost none of the remaining members to be appointed to Knesset committees. The coalition agreement signed Monday provides for the heads of 32 ministries to be divided equally between Netanyahu’s Likud party, on one hand, and Kahol Lavan and its Labor party ally on the other. It also states that the Likud and Kahol Lavan are entitled to share their cabinet slots with any other parties that they bring into the coalition government.
April 21, 2020
Israeli Special Services Thwart Terrorist Attack on Jerusalem Stadium
The Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) said on Wednesday that a terrorist attack at Jerusalem’s Teddy stadium had been prevented with the help of the country’s military and police. “The General Security Service in collaboration with the Israeli armed forces and the police thwarted the plans of a Hamas group cell that had been planning terrorist attacks in Jerusalem, including at Teddy stadium, as well as against the IDF forces [Israel Defense Forces] in Ramallah and Binyamin district,” Shin Bet said. According to the press release, three Palestinian suspects were arrested in March. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has praised the work of the special services. “I am grateful to Shin Bet, the armed forces and police for thwarting the attack at Teddy stadium. Perfect job. We are constantly fighting against terrorism,” Netanyahu said on Twitter. According to the special service, the investigation revealed that the suspects had tried to create an explosive device following instructions downloaded from the Internet, and even bought various chemicals, nails and metal tools for this. The suspects, however, were arrested before they could assemble the explosive device.
April 22, 2020
Syria reports Israeli airstrike on targets in Homs province
Syrian state media on Monday night reported that air defenses were activated against Israeli missiles over the ancient city of Palmyra in the Homs province. The reports claimed missiles were shot down. “Air defenses confronted an Israeli aggression over Palmyra and intercepted several hostile missiles,” SANA said. The missiles were downed before they could hit their targets, it added. Syria media regularly claims alleged Israeli strikes fail to hit their targets, though those assertions are questionable. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based war monitor, said the targets were “military posts for Iranian militias in the Palmyra desert.” The monitor did not report any casualties. The latest alleged attack came only hours after Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with Assad in Damascus to discuss regional developments in light of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.
April 21, 2020
Turkey warns Syria of ‘very heavy losses’ if truce violated
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Syrian government forces of “accelerating its aggression” in the Idlib de-escalation zone by taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic. “Turkey will protect its commitment to the March 5 agreement reached with Russia, and will not allow the aggression of the regime,” Erdogan said at a cabinet meeting late on Monday. Turkey and Russia, which back opposing sides in Syria’s war, agreed on March 5 to halt hostilities in northwestern Syria after an escalation of violence there displaced nearly a million people and brought the two sides close to confrontation. “If the regime, which violates the ceasefire and other conditions of agreement, continues like this, it will pay for it with very heavy losses,” he said. “Our government continues to be focused on the coronavirus challenge at home and abroad but we are also working on foreign policy matters such as those in Syria, Libya and the Aegean Sea,” said Altun. “As President Erdogan indicated, the Syrian regime is trying to take advantage of the situation.” Altun also stressed Turkey stands by the March 5 agreement with Russia and is determined not to allow Syrian government “aggression” in Idlib despite provocations.
April 21, 2020
Paris has seen a second night of riots break out over police ‘heavy-handed’ treatment of ethnic minorities during the coronavirus lockdown. Anger erupted in the French capital last night and during the early hours of Monday morning over alleged ‘racist’ police attacks. In response, police used tear gas and baton charges in Villeneuve-la-Garenne, northern Paris, on Monday morning as fireworks exploded in the street. Armed police were seen moving through the area as groups of protesters congregated. Fireworks were again seen being launched at police last night as heavily armed riot police took to the streets of Paris. It comes after a 30-year-old was critically injured in the neighbourhood in a collision with an unmarked police car.
April 20, 2020
Trump instructs Navy to destroy Iranian gunboats ‘if they harass our ships’
“I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea,” President Donald Trump tweeted on Wednesday. The warning comes a week after 11 boats of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard’s Navy sped close to U.S. ships in the Persian Gulf. IRGCN vessels repeatedly “crossed the bows and sterns” of four Navy and two Coast Guard ships in the Persian Gulf as they were conducting joint operations with U.S. Army AH-64E Apache attack helicopters, the U.S. 5th Fleet reported. Only after an hour of ignoring multiple bridge-to-bridge radio and sound warnings did the Iranian ships finally back off. Trump’s announcement came shortly after Iran announced on Wednesday that it had successfully launched a military satellite into space.
April 22, 2020
Mozambique villagers ‘massacred’ by Islamists
The police say that the villagers in Cabo Delgado province were “massacred”, with some beheaded, after some people refused to be recruited into the militant group. The attack took place in the village of Xitaxi in Muidumbe district on 7 April but only came to light late on Tuesday. “Recently, the criminals tried to recruit young people to join their ranks, but there was resistance on the part of the youths. This provoked the anger of the criminals, who indiscriminately killed – cruelly and diabolically – 52 young people,” police spokesman Orlando Mudumane told state media. The timing and context of the police statement may be significant. The so-called Islamic State group – which has sought to take credit for recent insurgent attacks in northern Mozambique – has just put out a video claiming responsibility for the downing of a military helicopter in the region. The helicopter is reported to belong to one of several foreign security companies allegedly hired by the Mozambique government to support its counter-insurgency operations in Cabo Delgado province. There is speculation that the Mozambique authorities are now highlighting the 7 April incident in order to deflect attention from what is widely considered a propaganda coup for IS, which is actively seeking to build “franchise” operations in conflict zones across Africa.
April 22, 2020
Australia Joins U.S. Navy to Patrol Disputed South China Sea amid Rising Tensions
Three U.S. warships in the South China Sea have been joined by a frigate supplied by ally Australia to patrol an area where a Chinese vessel is suspected to be illegally exploring for oil, officials said Wednesday. The move came two days after China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs and Ministry of Natural Resources released “standard” names for 80 geographical features in the resource-rich South China Sea, in an act claimed to be “reaffirming China’s sovereignty in the region.” The U.S. supports Asian nations blocked by China from exercising control over their lawful territory by regularly sending warships and aircraft to operate in the contested areas. Most recently, the U.S. sent two military aircraft to fly near Taiwan on April 13 after China conducted military drills in and around Taiwanese waters and airspace. Now the U.S. Navy has confirmed the USS America amphibious assault ship and the USS Bunker Hill, a guided missile cruiser, were also operating in the South China Sea. They were joined by Australia’s frigate HMAS Parramatta and a third U.S. vessel, the destroyer USS Barry, as part of a planned joint exercise, the Australian defence department said. The U.S. Navy also confirmed the deployment of its assets.
April 22, 2020
Battle heats up for phase-four coronavirus relief bill
The Fed Is Buying $41 Billion of Assets Daily
The Senate’s passage of a $484 billion coronavirus relief bill on Tuesday is setting the stage for negotiations on an even bigger package that could rival the $2.2 trillion CARES Act passed by Congress last month. The legislation would funnel tens of billions if not hundreds of billions to state and local governments and could address infrastructure spending and election security. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) on Tuesday called for Congress to begin thinking about “CARES 2” after the Senate deal, while Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) warned of the growing amount of debt the U.S. is adding, previewing the battle to come. Speaking to reporters, Schumer said “we will need a big strong and active Covid-4. It’ll have to come very soon. The needs are large and great.” But McConnell hit the pause button. “I think it’s also time to begin to think about the amount of debt we’re adding to our country and the future impact of that,” he said. “Let’s weigh this very carefully because the future of our country in terms of the amount of debt that we’re adding up is a matter of genuine concern.”
April 22, 2020
Oil Plunges Below Zero for First Time in Unprecedented Wipeout
Of all the wild, unprecedented swings in financial markets since the coronavirus pandemic broke out, none has been more jaw-dropping than Monday’s collapse in a key segment of U.S. oil trading. The price on the futures contract for West Texas crude that is due to expire Tuesday fell into negative territory — minus $37.63 a barrel. The reason: with the pandemic bringing the economy to a standstill, there is so much unused oil sloshing around that American energy companies have run out of room to store it. And if there’s no place to put the oil, no one wants a crude contract that is about to come due. Underscoring just how acute the concern is over the lack of immediate storage space, the price on the futures contract due a month later settled at $20.43 per barrel. That gap between the two contracts is by far the biggest ever. “The May crude oil contract is going out not with a whimper, but a primal scream,” said Daniel Yergin, a Pulitzer Prize-winning oil historian and vice chairman of IHS Markit Ltd.
April 20, 2020
France Calls on Apple and Google to Ditch Privacy Protections During Pandemic
France has become the first country in the world to openly call on Silicon Valley tech giants to remove privacy protections during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, in order to introduce a “sovereign European health solution” that would track the movements of citizens. The French government is aiming to unveil a contact tracing app by May 11th, when the country is expected to ease national lockdown measures that were introduced in March. France and the European Union as a whole have come out in favour of a centralised approach to the tracking of citizens, in which data would be stored in government servers and monitored by state health services. Currently, Apple’s operating system would prevent such an approach, as its Bluetooth function prohibits constant background tracking if the data is to be moved off the device. France claims that this privacy protection would prevent the government from developing its contact tracing app. “We’re asking Apple to lift the technical hurdle to allow us to develop a sovereign European health solution that will be tied our health system,” France’s digital minister, Cédric O, told Bloomberg News. The system being developed by Google and Apple, which is set to be made available worldwide next month, will take a decentralised approach to tracking, with the data remaining on a user’s phone rather than being collected in a central server.
April 22, 2020
Lutherans Publish New Version of Bible Without the Word ‘Israel’ in It
A recently published translation of the New Testament has one glaring omission: it has excised all references to the place and the people of the Bible. 24NYT, a Danish news service, reported on Sunday that the Danish Bible Society just published a revised translation of the New Testament. The new edition has many surprises, including a new name: the New Agreement. But even more shocking is that the “New Agreement has all but removed any references to Israel, whether it describes the land or the people. The new edition was reviewed by Jan Frost on YouTube who reported that the word ‘Israel’ is only used once in the “Bible 2020”, which is the name of the new edition. In all other passages, the word ‘Israel’ is either replaced with ‘Jews’, ‘the land of the Jews, or not replaced with any alternative term. Frost reported that the publishers justified the change by claiming that the ‘Israel’ referred to in the Bible is not the same as Israel today. Frost noted that this explanation does not apply to the term ‘Egypt’ which remains in the Bible 2020 despite ancient Egypt having significantly different borders and ethnic composition than modern Egypt.
April 20, 2020
Islamists Severely Beat Christian Woman with Sticks in Eastern Uganda
Islamic radicals severely beat 23-year-old Lydia Nabirye in Eastern Uganda, after the woman shared her Christian faith with a Muslim woman who subsequently converted to Christianity. Morning Star News reported Monday both Ms. Nabirye and the young woman who converted from Islam to Christianity received beatings. The Christian convert, who is pregnant and preferred to remain anonymous, sustained serious injuries as a result of the assault. Nabirye, the daughter of a Church of God evangelist, offered refuge to the young convert in her home after Muslim family members of the woman threatened her. Six other former Muslims are also staying with her after receiving similar threats. The beating of Ms. Nabirye occurred on April 7 when she went to console another former Muslim who was mourning the loss of a son who had died and Muslims saw her entering the property. Nabirye was attacked by a band of radical Muslims while she was walking back to her village. One witness to the assault said that the Muslims ambushed, strangled, and severely beat Nabirye. Neighbors called the police when they heard the woman screaming and the attackers fled the scene when police arrived, he said.
April 22, 2020
“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11) “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places “(Matthew 24:7) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8)
Barr Threatens Legal Action Against States for Keeping People Under “House Arrest”
China plays victim card as lawsuits over its handling of coronavirus grow
Australia discusses intl probe into coronavirus pandemic with US, France & Germany
The Real COVID-19 Mortality Rate Is 25-60x Less Than Governments, Media Claim
Governors who impose rules to deal with the coronavirus pandemic that infringe on constitutional rights can expect to face legal action, warned Attorney General William Barr. In an interview Tuesday on “The Hugh Hewitt Show,” Barr urged states to enact targeted measures, citing President Trump’s guidelines. “We have to give businesses more freedom to operate in a way that’s reasonably safe,” Barr said. “To the extent that governors don’t and impinge on either civil rights or on the national commerce – our common market that we have here – then we’ll have to address that.” Barr said the Justice Department could joins lawsuits by citizens or businesses against restrictions. He said that as “specific cases emerge in the states, we’ll take a look at them.” “We’re looking carefully at a number of these rules that are being put into place,” Barr said. “And if we think one goes too far, we initially try to jawbone the governors into rolling them back or adjusting them. And if they’re not and people bring lawsuits, we file statement of interest and side with the plaintiffs.”
April 22, 2020
Historic drought in Chile enters 10th year — the country’s longest dry spell on record
A severe drought in Chile’s central region is entering its 10th year, setting a record for the country’s longest dry-spell ever. Records since 1915, when the nation started data-keeping, showed that no droughts have lasted longer and that the previous megadrought of this scale likely occurred more than 1 000 years ago. Over the past 10 years, rainfall in central Chile has been below normal every year by an average of 20 to 45 percent, which is extremely low. Around the capital Santiago (population 7 million), lack of rain has been particularly severe. Between 2014 and 2019, only 10 to 20 percent of normal rainfall has been recorded. In 2019, the greater Santiago area in Valparaiso saw rainfall almost 80 percent below the previous record low. It was down by 90 percent in the northern region of Coquimbo. According to Rene D. Garreaud, a scientist at the University of Chile, they are estimating that the last ‘megadrought’ of this scale probably occurred in this region more than 1 000 years ago.
April 22, 2020
Mississippi tornado rated as EF-4 — the fourth EF-4 in 2020, the most fatal tornado year since 2012
The National Weather Service (NWS) has rated the tornado that struck Mississippi over the weekend as EF-4. This is the third violent tornado in the area within just a week, and the fourth EF-4 tornado in 2020, making this year one with the most EF-4 tornadoes since 2014. The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has released its initial storm reports, confirming one fatality and more than 80 properties partially or totally damaged. So far this year, tornadoes in the United States caused 67 fatalities, making it the most fatal individual tornado year since 2012. On Sunday, April 19, 2020, an outbreak of severe weather spawned tornadoes and strong winds across wide swaths of the Deep South. A 70-year-old man died in Marion County, Mississippi, after his house took a direct hit from the storm, Coroner Jessie Graham reported. Another person sustained injuries. According to NWS’s damage survey, the tornado began at around 00:10 UTC on April 20 (19:10 LT on April 19), over southeastern Walthall County, in a field west of Reagan Road.
April 22, 2020
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