Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 18 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora
Major research reveals CRISPR gene-editing could increase cancer risk in cells
“When we looked at this further, we found that cutting the genome with CRISPR-Cas9 induced the activation of a protein known as p53, which acts like a cell’s alarm system, signaling that DNA is damaged, and opens the cellular ‘first aid kit’ that repairs damage to the DNA,” explains Emma Haapaniemi, first author on the Karolinska study. “The triggering of this system makes editing much more difficult.” The problem this research raises is that an absence pf p53 in cells may on one hand result in the CRISPR process being more effective, but it also makes a cell much more likely to become cancerous.
Opportunity fights for life amidst a giant Martian dust storm
NASA’s Opportunity Mars rover has gone into minimal operating mode as it rides out a giant dust storm that is blotting out the Sun. The storm, which is much worse than originally thought, is preventing the solar panels from recharging the veteran probe’s batteries, but mission control have said that NASA engineers received a signal from Opportunity on Sunday morning. One of Mars’ more unusual characteristics is its tendency to generate dust storms of incredible size. When NASA’s Mariner 9 orbiter arrived at Mars in 1971, there was a storm so great that it engulfed the entire planet and left the surface blotted out for two months. This fact is not only of scientific interest, it also has an impact of present and future missions to the Red Planet.
North Korea recommits to ‘complete denuclearization,’ Trump offers ‘security guarantees’ at extraordinary summit
Both leaders expressed optimism throughout roughly five hours of talks, with Trump thanking Kim afterward “for taking the first bold step toward a bright new future for his people.” Kim, for his part, said the leaders had “decided to leave the past behind” and promised: “The world will see a major change.”
Arab Media: For First Time, Iran Admits Connection to 9/11
An Iranian official recently admitted on state television that his government helped the majority Saudi terrorists on their way to commit the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001. This Iranian role in helping Sunni al-Qaeda commit the most heinous terrorist attack in US history was long-suspected by the American government but, until now, was never confirmed.
Small Business Euphoric About Trump As Optimism Soars To 34 Year High
The May Small Business Optimism Index increased to the second highest level in the NFIB survey’s 45-year history, rising to 107.8 from 104.8, the highest level in 34 years,…
Bill Clinton: Norms of ‘What You Can Do to Someone Against Their Will’ Have Changed
The former president’s comments are shocking, and particularly tone-deaf in the era of #MeToo. President Bill Clinton’s new interview with PBS NewsHour, which aired last week, featured some shocking, and strikingly tone-deaf, comments from the former president about sexual harassment and assault, including his opinion that “what you can do to someone against their will” has changed. (Video)
Singapore, Astana and St Petersburg All Mean the Same Thing: A New World Order Is Coming
Ahead of the crucial Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Qingdao this coming weekend, three other recent events have offered clues on how the new world order is coming about.
Trump Wants Belligerent Palestinian Negotiator Booted
The Palestinian Authority’s long-time chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, has made a career of sticking to his movement’s hard-line demands, and of publicly rejecting all Israeli claims, be they legal, historical or religious. And US President Donald Trump’s had enough of him.
Voters win in Supremes’ election decision
Dissenters based opposition on ’emotional thinking with no basis in facts or logic’. The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday affirmed the constitutionality of an Ohio law that removes people from voters rolls after six years if they do not vote during that time or respond to state efforts to verify their residence in the state.
Agenda 21: The Plan to Depopulate 95% of the World by 2030 is Already Underway
…The United Nations looks for to co-opt, by means of specific federal governments, and eventually, a “one world federal government,” independently held land under auspices of guaranteeing its “sustainability.”
Why Putin and Trump Will Align Against the NWO
…the EU and the G7 are aligning against America in the same fashion that they have already conspired against Russia by kicking them out of the G8 and changing their name to the G7. This organization, which is a tool of the New World Order crowd, has devised and implemented, through their friends at the UN, a devastating Muslim immigration problem designed to destroy France, Italy, Germany and other first-world nations whose leaders will not police their borders under the threat of George Soros. Much of Europe is destroyed and now the G7 is trying to ensnare both Russia and the United States in the same trap.
In China, ‘Social Credit’ System Forces Citizens Into Submission To The State
When your personal data turns bad, whether real or imagined, China will basically ex-communicate you from the good life, and they have already done this to tens of millions of detractors. This is as effective as Tiananmen Square slaughter, but was implemented slowly so people never had a clue what was happening to them. Now, they are trapped, shunned, penalized and in some cases, destitute.
PM Netanyahu just made the Iranian government and their people an offer they can’t refuse
…Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu released a video Sunday in which made an “unprecedented offer” to the Iranian people to help solve Iran’s water crisis by creating a Farsi website with detailed plans on Israeli water conservation technologies and strategies.
Despite the massive rise in crime, sexual assault and murder, German leftist political leaders want totally open borders and legal escape routes for Muslim refugees
Die Linke, a German far-left party called on congress for open borders and legal escape routes for refugees, DW news reports.
In Guatemala, woman searches for 50 relatives buried by volcano Eufemia Garcia watched in horror as Guatemala’s Fuego volcano sent scalding ash and gas surging over her home a week ago, burying her children and grandson among 50 of her extended family. She has been searching for their remains ever since.
Politician Shot Dead After Promising To Fight Violent Crime
A candidate running for a seat in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies was shot dead just minutes after taking part in an electoral debate.
Columbia and Yale scientists just found the spiritual part of our brains
Scientists seek to quantify everything—even the ineffable. And so the human search for meaning recently took a physical turn as Columbia and Yale University researchers isolated the place in our brains that processes spiritual experiences.
Ramadan Rage: Jihadists Have Killed, Injured 1,365 with One Week to Go
Islamic terrorists have killed 605 people and maimed an additional 760 so far during the ongoing holiest month for Muslims, Ramadan, a Breitbart News count shows.
Obama Holding Secret Closed-Door Meetings In Washington To Groom 2020 ‘Trump Killer’ Democrat Candidates
EDITOR’S NOTE: Former 2-time president Barack Obama is holding court, but not publicly. From his compound located deep in the heart of the World Wildlife Fund building in Washington’s elite West End district, Obama has officially started grooming candidates he thinks will be a ‘Trump Killer’ in the 2020 elections. To date, Obama has refused to comment on any of these meetings or even acknowledge they are even taking place. On another front, Barack and Michelle Obama have signed a deal with Netflix to make social justice propaganda ‘documentaries’ through their nascent Higher Ground production company. The Obama shadow government is in place and fully functioning.
Unusual Summer Rain: Is God Crying On Jerusalem?
“It just seemed so clear that Hashem (God, literally ‘the name’) was crying,” Wander told Breaking Israel News. “I am going through a roller coaster of feelings because of what is happening there. Families are being torn from their houses.” “Rabbi Yosef Dayan, a member of the nascent Sanhedrin and a descendant of King David, agreed with Wander. “We pray for rain in its season and when it comes out of season, this is surely a sign of divine intervention,”
Nasrallah: ‘the whole world can not remove us from Syria’
Nasrallah said that if Israel will continue the occupation a great war will come. He also stated that nothing on earth – except a request from the Syrian government, will make Hezbollah pull forces out of Lebanon.
Putin and Rouhani meet in China, discuss joint efforts in Syria
Rouhani spoke highly of the Russian stand during negotiations over the nuclear deal, from which the US withdrew in May this year, calling the Russian role “important and constructive.”
Hezbollah to be outlawed in Britain
The United Kingdom merely banned Hezbollah’s so-called military wing in 2008, but now all of the terror group will be out of bounds.
Winter hits Israel – in June
Rainfall on Wednesday morning caused flooding in the southern cities of Sderot and Ashkelon, with cars sinking into the water. Sderot resident David Mansour told Army Radio, “The entire city has turned into Venice. Everything is flooded…
U.S. disaster-response force stretched thin as hurricane season starts
With the 2018 hurricane season already underway, FEMA is scrambling to hire more people who are willing to depart at a moment’s notice for assignments that can last months at a stretch. Internal documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show the agency’s disaster-response force is understaffed by 26 percent. And as last year revealed, many of those who sign up don’t always respond when needed.
US changes tactics at UN: From defending Israel to offensive
The United States has decided to change tactics at the United Nations and instead of merely settling for defending Israel, it is now going on the offensive against countries that refuse to condemn the Hamas terror organization.
Homes, residents under threat from 6 wildfires in Colorado
Thousands of homes in Colorado are under threat from growing wildfires in the state, which have also forced a number of evacuations and closures. In Summit County, about 1,400 homes have been evacuated and more than 1,000 could be in danger in the path of the Buffalo Mountain Fire. It’s one of six wildfires burning in Colorado.
Trump Slams OPEC Again, Demands Lower Prices: “Oil Prices Are Too High, OPEC Is At It Again”
Trump doubled down on his oil- price targeting,…”Oil prices are too high, OPEC is at it again. Not good!”
Prediction: Courts will end Obamacare for good
Ken Cuccinelli, the former attorney general for Virgina, tells OneNewsNow he was relieved and excited after learning the U.S. Department of Justice will not defend the Affordable Care Act a case brought by Republican state attorneys general and two governors. “While it is rare for the Department of Justice not to defend a federal statute, it is probably even more rare that the basis of their decision not to defend the statute, in this case Obamacare, is based on court precedent,”
G6 leaders break with Trump, move forward on climate action
Leaders representing six of the world’s most powerful economies committed to addressing climate change and environmental crises at the conclusion of this year’s Group of Seven (G7) summit over the weekend. But the United States made no such agreement, as President Trump doubled down on both his opposition to international climate efforts and his support for fossil fuels.
Colorado Blaze Continues to Grow; Entire San Juan National Forest to Close
A wildfire blazing in southwestern Colorado continues to grow Monday after more than doubling in size over the weekend amid dry, gusty conditions. Due to the extreme fire danger, the U.S. Forest Service announced Monday it plans to close the entire, nearly 3,000-square-mile San Juan National Forest to the public.
Polio Returns to Venezuela As Economic Crisis Cripples Healthcare System
The deadly polio virus has returned to Venezuela 30 years after being eradicated, as the country’s health care system struggles under a nationwide economic crash.
WELLS OF ABRAHAM: PM Netanyahu’s new water plan is truly a light unto the nations
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced an ambitious new desalination project that will address the current multi-year drought. But the surprising way he chose to present the new program, offering much-needed aid to Israel’s sworn enemy, had a Biblical precedent as well as prophetic end-of days implications.
Over 2,300 Online Pedophiles Busted in Operation ‘Broken Heart’
The Justice Department announced Tuesday that its Internet Crimes Against Children task force busted over 2,300 online sexual predators.
White South African Farmers Trained By Israeli Special Forces To Fight Off Violent Attacks
With rising violence, being a farmer in South Africa has become a dangerous job. Some are hiring former Israeli special forces experts to teach them self-defense.
Chilling NCMEC Report Shows 88% of Missing Sex Trafficked Kids Come from US Foster Care
America has a dark secret that no one wants to admit. Talk of this secret will get you labelled as a conspiracy theorist, fake news, and outlets who report on it will have their organic reach throttled by social media and Google alike. Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many in the mainstream media and the government refuse to see this very real epidemic of child sex trafficking in the United States. What’s more, according to the government’s own data, the vast majority of a portion of these trafficked kids are coming from the country’s own foster care system.
Mass Shootings and Psychiatric Drugs: The Connection
I’ve been tracking the connection since 1999, when I wrote a long white paper, for the Truth Seeker Foundation, on school shootings and psychiatric drugs. The paper was titled: “Why Do They Do It? School shootings Across America.”
Proof Obama sent your money to defeat Bibi in Israel election
President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu The U.S. government was informed of the overtly political agenda of OneVoice Israel and OneVoice Palestine – to defeat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – but gave the groups American taxpayer money anyway.
Guatemala Volcano Consumes Entire Village: ‘No Survivors Left’
Rescue workers in Guatemala have been tirelessly searching for survivors within the dark and grey blanket of left after Guatemala’s Fuego volcano erupted near the capital.
Calls For Sadiq Khan To Resign As Total of 1,296 Stabbings In London This Year
Another stabbing has been reported in the same area of London within a 24 hour period making the bloody knife attack total 1,296 this year alone.
US Special Forces Caught Helping FSA Plot Next False Flag Attack in Syria
US Special Forces has been exposed for helping Syrian rebels plot a false flag attack to trigger strikes from the West in Syria.
California University Refuses To Speak With Pro-Life Group About Free Abortion Drugs
A pro-life group has persistently sought to speak with California State University at Long Beach about its stance on an abortion bill that may soon take effect at all California public universities, but the university has refused to respond.
Kasie Hunt Badgers Jim Jordan Over Tough Immigration Policy — Is It A ‘Christian Approach’?
MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt asked Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan three consecutive times on Tuesday if Jeff Sessions’ new crack down on immigrant asylum is a “Christian approach.”