December 7, 2017 DiMora gives the News before it breaks! Is your name in the Book of Life Yet?


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 6 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora


Image result for note from frank Please take a look at what I wrote you yesterday concerning President Trump moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and what to look for if he does. Then see what was reported today the day after what I wrote you.  Either the news agencies read what I posted or, they see the same things coming as I do. I will let you determine.



Cooltextprophecysign  “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” (Zechariah 12)

In my post yesterday I gave you a lot of news concerning the troubles brewing around the world concerning the city of Jerusalem. When you read the news headline below you will see that President Trump is going to make a speech about moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.  The question is what is Trump going to do?  Is he brave enough to really come out and tell the world he doesn't care what every other leader thinks about what he does and, informs everyone that he is going ahead with the move? Or was the information leaked about the move just a test to see how the world would react to such an announcement?  When Donald Trump was elected many people who read the Bible said Trump is like Cyrus the king for the Jews. Who is Cyrus?

Cyrus is a king mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible and is identified as Cyrus the Great (also Cyrus II or Cyrus the Elder) who reigned over Persia between 539—530 BC. This pagan king is important in Jewish history because it was under his rule that Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity.

In one of the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, Isaiah predicts Cyrus’ decree to free the Jews. One hundred fifty years before Cyrus lived, the prophet calls him by name and gives details of Cyrus’ benevolence to the Jews: “This is what the Lord says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him . . . ‘I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me’” (Isaiah 45:14; see also 41:2-25; 42:6). Evincing His sovereignty over all nations, God says of Cyrus, “He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please” (Isaiah 44:28).

Cyrus’s decree releasing the Jewish people, in fulfillment of prophecy, is recorded in 2 Chronicles 36:22–23: “Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing: ‘Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, “The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever is among you of all his people, may the LORD his God be with him. Let him go up.”’” Other Old Testament books that mention Cyrus include Ezra and Daniel.

King Cyrus actively assisted the Jews in rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem under Ezra and Zerubbabel. Cyrus restored the temple treasures to Jerusalem and allowed building expenses to be paid from the royal treasury (Ezra 1:4–116:4–5). Cyrus’s beneficence helped to restart the temple worship practices that had languished during the 70 years of the Jews’ captivity. Some commentators point to Cyrus’s decree to rebuild Jerusalem as the official beginning of Judaism.

If Donald Trump is like King Cyrus and is being used by God than we can expect President Trump to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.  Who knows maybe like King Cyrus Trump will also help push for the Jews to rebuild their Jewish Temple that was destroyed in 70 AD.  I do know this for sure, both Daniel the prophet and Jesus the Messiah showed us in the last days the Jews were going to rebuild their Temple and start their animal sacrifices again.  I think if Trump does go ahead with moving the embassy to Jerusalem it just may be the first step in a set of prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled. Time will tell.  In any case an embassy move would for sure turn many nations against Israel and help fulfill the Zechariah prophecy. 




 Now that you heard what President Trump said I want to focus on yet another prophecy which Jesus gave us. This next prophecy is connected to these current events.  Scroll down and take a look at what the prophecy says about the call for Peace and safety. Notice starting at the 8:12 minute mark in Trumps speak he says the exact same thing as warned by Christ. This is another strong sign we are that generation Christ talked about and we are coming very close to His return.


  Cooltextprophecysign I Thessalonians 5:3,4:For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”  


 "After Trumps's Jerusalem Declaration, Next Step Is Third Temple' "

President Donald Trump’s epic proclamation on Wednesday acknowledging Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish people was a major step towards establishing the Third Temple and bringing the Messianic era, said a number of Jewish activists working to rebuild the Holy Temple.

“What he did last night was an enormous step in bringing the Temple,” Asaf Fried, official spokesman for the United Temple Movement, an association of organizations working towards making the Third Temple a reality, told Breaking Israel News.

He added, “This necessarily had to come from a non-Jew in order to bring them into the process, so they will be able to take their part in the Temple.”

Fried compared Trump’s role to that of Cyrus, the Persian King who ended the Babylonian exile and helped build the Second Jewish Temple. Fried cited Proverbs to emphasize this point.


Well everyone, at this point it really looks like President Trump is on the road to being another King Cyrus!!!


 Netanyahu: More countries plan to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital

"Netanyahu lauded Trump’s decision explaining that he had earned himself “an eternal role” in Jerusalem’s history and the annals of the Jewish people. Israel is talking with more countries about recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday. His announcement comes as the UN Security Council in New York prepares to hold a meeting in New York to discuss US President Donald Trump’s decision Wednesday to officially recognize Jerusalem and move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem."


 Thousands of Palestinians protest US Jerusalem move

Heeding Palestinian Authority calls for day of protests, Palestinians demonstrate in Jerusalem, major West Bank cities, and the Gaza border, coming out against US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.,7340,L-5053472,00.html


Current events are getting very interesting to say the least! Knowing that the Psalm 83 from the Old Testament maybe a prophecy of a future war and seeing that things are lining us exactly as seen in that Psalm one has to wonder when a major war will begin?  Will a victory by Israel again as in all the previous wars lead to Israel feeling safe enough to remove those bars, gates, and walls as seen in Ezekiel 38?  To view a picture of some of Israel's bars, gates, and walls go to my post dated December 6, 2017. 


Concerning the fact that Russia will be attacking Israel along with the Islamic nations listed in the Ezekiel 38 war you should be paying attention to what this nation does. For that matter pay attention to all the nations listed in that Ezekiel war especially Iran.


 Russia voices ‘serious concern’ at US Jerusalem move
Russia expressed “serious concern” Thursday over United States President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, saying the move threatened security in the region.


Cooltextprophecysign"As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man, They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all (Luke 17:26-27)."Homosexuality was running it's course during Noah generation so in order for our generation to be as Noah's we would have to see the same things which we are. Nation one by one are giving the okay to same sex marriage and todays news shows Australia has join the other nations in approveing same sex marriage. Does this mean in any way that people should hate those are engaged in these same sex marriages.  No! Jesus loves all people and wishes that all people would follow Him. All a person can do, especially if they are Christians is love them and pray for them so they will see and believe what Jesus teaches about the last day generation turning just like Noah's.  Each one of us will face Jesus Christ face to face at the judgement seat. It will be a sad day for anyone who refused Jesus call to salvation. 


 Australian parliament approves same-sex marriage
Same-sex marriage will become legal in Australia after a historic bill was passed in the House of Representatives. An overwhelming majority of MPs voted to change the Marriage Act, eight days after a similarly decisive result in the Senate. The vote set off immediate celebrations in parliament, prompting cheers, applause and even a song.



"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Dec. 6, 2017 To Move or not to move? News pointing to Bible prophecy!

Dec. 6, 2017 To Move or not to move? News pointing to Bible prophecy!


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 6 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora


Cooltextprophecysign  “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” (Zechariah 12)

In my post yesterday I gave you a lot of news concerning the troubles brewing around the world concerning the city of Jerusalem. When you read the news headline below you will see that President Trump is going to make a speech about moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.  The question is what is Trump going to do?  Is he brave enough to really come out and tell the world he doesn't care what every other leader thinks about what he does and, informs everyone that he is going ahead with the move? Or was the information leaked about the move just a test to see how the world would react to such an announcement?  When Donald Trump was elected many people who read the Bible said Trump is like Cyrus the king for the Jews. Who is Cyrus?

Cyrus is a king mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible and is identified as Cyrus the Great (also Cyrus II or Cyrus the Elder) who reigned over Persia between 539—530 BC. This pagan king is important in Jewish history because it was under his rule that Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity.

In one of the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, Isaiah predicts Cyrus’ decree to free the Jews. One hundred fifty years before Cyrus lived, the prophet calls him by name and gives details of Cyrus’ benevolence to the Jews: “This is what the Lord says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him . . . ‘I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me’” (Isaiah 45:14; see also 41:2-25; 42:6). Evincing His sovereignty over all nations, God says of Cyrus, “He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please” (Isaiah 44:28).

Cyrus’s decree releasing the Jewish people, in fulfillment of prophecy, is recorded in 2 Chronicles 36:22–23: “Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing: ‘Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, “The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever is among you of all his people, may the LORD his God be with him. Let him go up.”’” Other Old Testament books that mention Cyrus include Ezra and Daniel.

King Cyrus actively assisted the Jews in rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem under Ezra and Zerubbabel. Cyrus restored the temple treasures to Jerusalem and allowed building expenses to be paid from the royal treasury (Ezra 1:4–116:4–5). Cyrus’s beneficence helped to restart the temple worship practices that had languished during the 70 years of the Jews’ captivity. Some commentators point to Cyrus’s decree to rebuild Jerusalem as the official beginning of Judaism.

If Donald Trump is like King Cyrus and is being used by God than we can expect President Trump to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.  Who knows maybe like King Cyrus Trump will also help push for the Jews to rebuild their Jewish Temple that was destroyed in 70 AD.  I do know this for sure, both Daniel the prophet and Jesus the Messiah showed us in the last days the Jews were going to rebuild their Temple and start their animal sacrifices again.  I think if Trump does go ahead with moving the embassy to Jerusalem it just may be the first step in a set of prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled. Time will tell.  In any case an embassy move would for sure turn many nations against Israel and help fulfill the Zechariah prophecy.  


As you keep reading this post you will find out why this next report below is really important for the reader!!!!  For those of you who are my regular viewers you know where this type of news is headed.



"He is declaring war in the Middle East, he is declaring war against 1.5 billion Muslims (and) hundreds of millions of Christians that are not going to accept the holy shrines to be totally under the hegemony of Israel," Hassassian added.


Image result for question mark animationPlease email me and tell me what you think President Trump will do? Will he tell the world he is going ahead with the move or not? My email address is I will post the results.  


  Image result for u.s. flag animation  White House Reveals: President Donald Trump will give speech on Jerusalem tomorrow – and it is expected to ROCK the world


"U.S. President Donald Trump will give a speech on Wednesday in which he will announce whether he intends to press ahead with plans to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, the White House said on Tuesday.“I know there have been a lot of questions regarding the president’s decision on Jerusalem,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told a media briefing, according to the AFP news agency. “Tomorrow, the president will deliver remarks regarding his action,” she added. “I’m not going to get ahead of the president’s remarks,” Sanders stressed when asked whether Trump would heed the advice of allies warning that moving the embassy could spark widespread unrest in the Middle East. Her remarks came following a report earlier on Tuesday which stated that Trump will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel in Wednesday’s speech and will also announce the beginning of the process of moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but will sign the waiver which would delay the move by another six months."


SIDE NOTE: Image result for question mark animationI would also like to hear from you concerning Lauren's prophecy date for the Lord's return. E-mail and tell me what you think of her prophecy? Are in agreement with me that this is a false prophecy or, do you fall in Lauren's camp in believing Jesus is going to return on Dec. the 12th? To see what Lauren stated go to link below.  My e-mail address is


Here we go again! Yesterday I also posted on news concerning a huge fire burning in Ventura Ca. Now this morning when I woke up there is yet another fire burning now in Southern Ca. You would think California was still in the fire season but we aren't. California's heat waves in 2017, have taken its toll. Everything is dry from the sun's heat and it doesn't take much to set off another fire.


CooltextprophecysignImage result for sun animationRevelation 7:16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. Revelation 16:8 8And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.


Southern California fires live updates: 405 Freeway closed in Brentwood as new fire burns near Getty Center


"Multiple are raging in Southern California. A series of Santa Ana wind-driven wildfires have destroyed at least 180 structures, forced thousands to flee and smothered the region with smoke in what officials predicted would be a pitched battle for days.

Here’s what you need to know:

Ventura County fire: The Thomas fire has reached the Pacific Ocean unchecked and jumped the 101 Freeway into Solimar Beach. It has consumed 50,500 acres and 27,000 people were forced to flee. For now, the 101 Freeway remains open."


Take a look at what the Apostle Peter stated in 1 Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour".  I'm not sure if Jim Carry ever read 1Peter 5:8 or not but at least Carry is showing the public that what was stated in the Bible is truth. Below Carry you see just a few of Hollywood's Satan characters. 

Image result for Jim Carrey  JIm Carry

Jim Carrey: ‘The Illuminati is Brainwashing Children into Worshipping Satan’

“Those dark forces who control everything – the Illuminati – the Illumi-nutty – they are working hard to eradicate tradition values.”Satanism is being pushed through movies, TV, and pop music to brainwash young minds into following Satan. ”You must of all seen that, right?”It’s everywhere and has been for years."



Anyone watching the nightly news would have to admit we are hearing a lot of news concerning the possibility of another war breaking out. North Korea's treat against the U.S. has been in the news now for months and recently you  have been exposed to the rumors that a war could break out if Trump moves the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.  Almost everyday some news agency is reporting Iran is going to go to war against Israel and today is no exception as you will see below. These are only a few of the rumors of war Christ warned us about. Wait a minute! Keep in mind these prophecies are taking place at the same time as all of the rest of the signs Jesus warned us about for one single generation as seen in Matthew chapter 24.  

Image result for north korea flag animationWW3 RED ALERT: US families urged to EVACUATE military bases near Seoul amid fears North Korea WAR 'close'

FAMILIES of US military should leave South Korea because war between America and Pyongyang is “getting close”, according to a senior US Senator and ex-Air Force Colonel.




MAHDI: Is Iran Trying to Bring Islamic End-of-Days in Syria?

"Iran is establishing bases in Syria, but according to some sources, their preparations to engage Israel are motivated far more by Messianic aspirations than military or political ones."

Iran has frequently stated its desire to destroy Israel, claiming the Jewish state as the focus of its nuclear and long-range missile program. Iran has also funneled millions of dollars into proxy enemies of Israel, like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

According to Debka, a Middle East military analysis site, Iran is now stepping up its pace, having established 13 military installations in Syria. Some experts see behind this a sinister desire for the end of the world – Islam style.

Indeed, the escalation of Iranian military efforts in Syria are religiously motivated, Ryan Mauro, a political analyst for the Clarion Project, explained in a recent interview.”


Image result for ezekiel 38 war frank dimora The news report above entitled:MAHDI: Is Iran Trying to Bring Islamic End-of-Days in Syria? is a reminder to those who have read the Ezekiel 38 prophecy where God told us that Iran along with a host of other Islamic nations will attack Israel in the last days. Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem would be just another tool used by Iran to persuade other Islamic nations to go after Israel.

Now, for those of you who are not familiar with the Ezekiel 38 war you will need to know that this war will not start until the following scripture is fulfilled. Ezekiel 38:11  11 You will say, "I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people-all of them living without walls and without gates and bars. To show you what God said to Ezekiel is true take a look at the picture below. You will see that Israel has in fact put up walls, gates, and pars! When I was in Israel and saw these bars, gates, and walls first hand they increased my faith all the more because I witnessed in reality what Ezekiel was talking about. As I said many times before I believe a war is coming against Israel that in the end as Israel wins that war they will feel safe enough to remove those bars, gates, and walls. That war may turn out to be the Psalm 83 war. 



Is my ministry helping you get ready to meet JesusImage result for question mark animation If so please email me and let me know. 


Frankie1Warnings intensify as Trump readies Jerusalemdeclaratio


Trump’s Big Gamble on Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem


Everywhere you look today you will find sexually immoral material. You will see samples of this in TV ads, TV shows, movies, magazines, bill boards, and of course on the internet as Satan entices people to move away from Christ and indulge in practices that Jesus knows is not good for you. Look what Jesus teaches us in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. 

In the past week Al Franken has joined the list of men in high places that have been accused of sexual immoral acts against women. Take a look at the list of news reports points to what Paul wrote about but, before you scroll down to see the links keep this thought in mind what Jesus said about forgiveness.  It should be everyone's prayer that anyone who has done these types of acts would truly repent so they be forgiven by our Lord. For those who don't think it's important to heed what Christ says they will just have to deal with the matter when they see Jesus face to face at the judgement seat. I pray everyone of these people will come to Christ. 

Look no one is perfect! Why do you think Jesus gives us His grace? Without His grace and forgiveness none us would be able to enter into His kingdom. When you take a look at the links below you will notice even people who claim to know Jesus have also fallen into this sexual immoral trap. This is why it is so important to stay as close to Christ as you can and remain in His word. Satan is taking people down one at a time.



Mark 11:25 And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 18:21-22 Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.

Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Luke 6:37 “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;

James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.



From today's news :

More News

    1. News about CBS News Anchor Fired

      'Today' anchor Matt Lauer fired for 'inappropriate sexual behavior'


      'Today' anchor Matt Lauer fired for 'inappropriate sexual behavior'

      19 KYTX · 6d

      Longtime NBC News anchor Matt Lauer has been fired after the network received a detailed complaint … Halperin was a regular panelist on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe." CBS News and PBS …

  1. 1.Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra should resign over sexual ……/assemblymanraulresignoversexual-misconduct

    3.Oct 30, 2017 · Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra should resign over sexualmisconduct … and we ask that he step down immediately. … Daily News Man, …

    4.Julian Carroll Asked to Resign Over Groping – Kentucky

    6.Julian Carroll Asked to Resign Over … Spectrum News of Louisville reported Saturday the … which shows the man refusing Carroll's sexualproposition and …

    7.SUPPORTERS CALL ON MAYOR FILNER TO RESIGN OVER ……resignover-alleged-sexual-harassment…

    9.SUPPORTERS CALL ON MAYOR FILNER TO RESIGN OVER ALLEGED SEXUAL … where she “respectfully asked him to step down … not resign. The Bob Filner I know is a man of …

  2. Aviation youth leader charged with child sexual assault…

    leader of an aviation youth group in Oshkosh has been chargedwith sexually assaulting a child.

  3. Greenwich Leader Charged With Sexual Assault – Hartford …

    Officials and citizens in this town near the New York border expressed outrage Tuesday over news, since spread to the national stage, of an alleged sexual assault by …

  4. Military leaders: Sexual assault "like a cancer" – CBS News

    Military leaders: Sexual assault "like a … WASHINGTON Military leaders said Tuesday that sexual assault in the ranks is … Academy was charged with …

  5. Air Force leader against sex assaults charged with … – CNN

    May 07, 2013 · An officer heading a unit of the Air Force sexual assault prevention office has been arrested and charged with sexual battery, police in Virginia said.

  6. religious leaders charged with sexual assault – Fijivillage…/3-religious-leaders-charged-with-sexual-assault

    Three religious leaders were charged with sexual assault last month. This has been confirmed by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

  7. Middletown church leader charged with sexual assault ……

    A church youth group leader allegedly sexually assaulted or attempted to sexually assault at least two teenage girls inside a Middletown chapel, authorities said …

  8. Youth ministry leader charged with sex assault of teen girl

    Police in Pennsylvania have charged a 21-year old man with five counts of sexual assault for his alleged involvement with a 15-year-old girl

  9. 6 Church Leaders Charged in Relation To Sexual Assault ……

    Due to a recent investigation into a Colorado church, six men have been arrested in a suspected sexual assault incident. Colorado police suspect that one youth pastor …

  10. Heartland Church Leaders Charged With Sexual Assault …

    Three leaders at a Heartland church could be taking a trip from the pulpit to prison, after being charged with sexually assaulting another church member.

  11. More high-ranking officers being charged with sex crimes ……

    The U.S. military has stepped up investigations of high-ranking officers for sexual assault, records show, curtailing its traditional deference toward senior leaders



Dec. 5, 2017 Muslims claim to Jerusalem does not stand up to the test!


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 2 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

CooltextprophecysignBehold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” (Zechariah 12) 

In my post yesterday I talked to you about all the nations coming against Israel. Why are they coming? Because of Jerusalem as it shows us in the prophecy. Today Turkey who is listed in the Ezekiel 38 war against Israel has made a statement concerning ties with Israel. It doesn't surprise me that the issue is Jerusalem.


Turkey’s Erdogan threatens cutting ties with Israel over Jerusalem issue 
President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday Turkey could go as far as breaking off diplomatic ties with Israel if the United States formally recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, a move he said would be a “red line” for Muslims. Erdogan is the latest in a string of regional leaders, including Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan’s King Hussein to warn of negative implications of the move.

Again the issue is Jerusalem and this time it is the nation of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is a nation listed in the Psalm 83 war.

Saudi Arabia hopes US will not recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel
Saudi Arabia has expressed hope the United States would not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and warned such a decision would have serious implications, state news agency SPA reported on Tuesday. “The recognition will have very serious implications and will be provocative to all Muslims’ feelings,” SPA said, quoting an unnamed official source at the Saudi Foreign Ministry.

Is Jerusalem becoming a burdensome stone as Zechariah said? Yes it is and there is more news concerning Jerusalem today. 

US officials warn Trump not to call Jerusalem Israel’s capital 
The possibility that US President Donald Trump may recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has stirred opposition from US and foreign officials who fear it could unleash violence. Such a decision, which US officials have said has not been finalized, would violate decades of US policy not to take a stance on the fate of Jerusalem on the grounds that this was an issue Israelis and Palestinians should negotiate and decide.



What is the truth concerning the City of Jerusalam when it comes to a religious city for the Muslims? Do the PLO people and Arabs really know if they have any feet to stand on when it comes to the teaching on their own religion concerning Jerusalem or are they just going along with what their leaders are telling them without checking for themselves?  It would appear to be the latter.  Take a look at what an Islamic scholar says about the Koran concerning Jerusalem. What you are about to see and hear is coming from a Egyptian expert on Islamic studies: Al Aksa Mosque is not sacred to Muslims. If you are new to prophecy the Al Aksa Mosque is a holy site to the Muslims in East Jerusalem of which the Muslims claim they own the Temple Mount area in East Jerusalem because it is there.  However, you will see from the interview from a Muslim scholar this claim is false so there really isn't any reason why Muslims should oppose Trump moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Please keep in mind the scholar is Muslim so there is not reason why Muslims shouldn't truth what he is saying.



Then below watch an interview with a scholar who informs the viewers Jerusalem is not even mention in the Koran!!!

 Shaykh Professor Abdul Hadi Palazzi is Secretary General of the Italian Muslim Association and Muslim Chair of the Islam-Israel Fellowship of the Root & Branch Association ( He was educated in Rome and in Cairo, where he received his "ijaza" (authorization to teach Islam) from Shaykh Ismail al-Khalwati and Sheikh Husayn al-Khalwati, and holds a Ph.D. in Islamic Sciences by decree of former Saudi Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz Ibn Baz.

"For a Jew or a Muslim, religious or secular, thinking of Jerusalem means to feel reason and sentiment mingled together. So, as a Muslim scholar and a man of religion, it is today worthwhile for me to try to determine whether, from an Islamic point of view, there is some well-grounded theological reason that makes recognizing Jerusalem both as an Islamic holy place and as the capital of the State of Israel impossible.

The idea of Islam as a factor that prevents Arabs from recognizing any sovereign right of Jews over the Land of Israel or Jerusalem is quite recent and can by no means be found in Islamic classical sources. Both Qur'an and Torah indicate quite clearly that the link between the Jews and the Land of Israel does not depend on any kind of colonization project but directly on the will of God Almighty. In particular, both Jewish and Islamic Scriptures state specifically that God through His chosen servant Moses decided to free the offspring of Jacob from slavery in Egypt and to make them the inheritors of the Promised Land.

The Qur'an cites the exact words with which Moses ordered the Israelites to conquer the Land:

"And (remember) when Moses said to his people: ‘O my people, call in remembrance the favour of God unto you, when he produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave to you what He had not given to any other among the people. O my people, enter the Holy Land which God has assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin'". (Qur'an, Sura 5:22-23, "The Table")

The Holy Qur'an also quite openly refers to the reinstatement of the Children of Israel in the Land before the Last Judgment, where it says "And thereafter We said to the Children of Israel: ‘Dwell securely in the Promised Land.' And when the last warning will come to pass, We will gather you together in a mingled crowd." (Qur'an, Sura 17:104, "The Night Journey")

As concerns Jerusalem, the most common argument against Islamic acceptance of Israeli sovereignty over the Holy City is that, since it is a holy place for Muslims, its being ruled by non-Muslims would be a betrayal of Islam.

The designation of Jerusalem as an Islamic holy place depends on al-Mi'raj, the Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad to heaven, which began from the Foundation Stone on the Temple Mount. But while remembering this, we must admit that there is no real link between al-Mi'raj and sovereign rights over Jerusalem, since when al-Mi'raj took place the city was not under Islamic but under alternate Byzantine or Sassanid administration.

Moreover, the Qur'an expressly recognizes that Jerusalem plays the same role for Jews that Mecca has for Muslims. We read: "They would not follow thy direction of prayer (qibla), nor art thou to follow their direction of prayer; nor indeed will they follow each other's direction of prayer…." (Qur'an, Sura 2:145, "The Cow") All Qur'anic commentators explain that "thy qibla" is obviously the Kaba of Mecca, while "their qibla" refers to the Temple Mount Area in Jerusalem. Some Muslim exegetes also quote the Book of Daniel as proof of this (Daniel 6:10).

Thus, as no one wishes to deny Muslims complete sovereignty over Mecca, from an Islamic point of view there is no sound theological reason to deny the Jews the same right over Jerusalem."



More news showing who really own Jerusalem. 






Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 16:8 we are warned that the Lord will pour down intense heat in the last days. He also talks to us about fire.  Over the past few years we have seen massive droughts and huge fires that have been caused by intense heat. Thousands of people in 2017, had to flee their homes as wild fires spread out of control. These conditions are still taking place as you will see below.  

8Next, the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was given power to scorch the people with fire. 9And the people were scorched by intense heat, and they cursed the name of God, who had authority over these plagues; yet they did not repent and give Him glory. 

As Israel Faces Dangerous Drought, Chief Rabbi Calls on Jews and Christians to Pray for Rain
The month of Kislev has come and Israel hasn’t yet been blessed with rains, therefore I call upon the public, first to be compassionate with one another, and then to begin adding the special prayer for rain that is said when there’s a drought,” the rabbi said in an official statement.

Explosive wildfire in Southern California forces thousands to evacuate
A wind-whipped wildfire exploded early Tuesday in Southern California, forcing more than 27,000 people to evacuate and causing at least one death. Ventura County Fire officials said “The Thomas Fire” broke out Monday evening east of Santa Paula, located about 60 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. The fire has grown to 31,000 acres has destroyed 150 structures, according to the Ventura County Fire Department. “The prospects for containment are not good,” Ventura County Fire Chief Mark Lorenzen said at a news conference.



Dec. 4, 2017 How Close Are We To The Second Coming Of Christ? Is it 8 days?

Dec. 4, 2017 How Close Are We To The Second Coming Of Christ? Is it 8 days?


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 2 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

Cooltextprophecysign“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” (Zechariah 12) 


Just about every post I put up I lead off with the prophecy concerning what we are to expect will happen over the City of Jerusalem. For years I have warned we need to watch news coming out of Israel that addresses the current Jerusalem problem. If you are new to my site the reason I am keeping on the watch is because there is a good possibility that Psalm 83 is not just a prayer but a warning about a future war between the nations listed below and Israel. I have warned of violence if the U.S. embassy is moved from its present location to Jerusalem. Many of the Arab nations view Jerusalem as their city and if Jerusalem is in fact recognized by the U.S. as the Israeli city it could be the spark that may set the wheels in motion that could lead to a full blown war between the Arabs and Israel.    We have witnessed many threats by the PLO in the past warning if the U.S. embassy is moved they would fight!  The question now is will in fact President Trump actually do what he says and move that embassy? We know Zechariah the prophet tells us the entire world will come after Israel and we have seen the foot steps of this prophecy take shape as seen via the UN. For example, a few days ago I posted news showing you the number of nations who are coming against Israel over Jerusalem as seen below.

 151 UN states vote to disavow Israeli ties to Jerusalem

The UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to disavow Israeli ties to Jerusalem as part of six anti-Israel resolutions it approved on Thursday in New York. The vote was 151 in favor and six against, with nine abstentions. The resolution came as the Trump Administration was rumored to be actively considering relocating its embassy to Jerusalem. “The president has said that he has given serious consideration to the matter, and we’re looking at it with great care,” US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said. She added that US President Donald Trump had until December 4th to make a decision on the embassy relocation or waive the matter for another six months. In New York, only six countries out of 193 UN member states fully supported Israel’s ties Jerusalem: Canada, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, the United States and Israel itself.
Dec. 1, 2017


 I am not sure if you know this or not but the tiny nation of Israel is the most targeted nation  by the United Nations.  Not much has changed since 2014. Just about every year the UN has targeted Israel while blowing aside nations who are killing their own people just as in Syria and North Korea.

Here is an example of the arrow launched at Israel by the UN. The headline to this report reads as follows: The United Nations Human Rights Council Unfairly Targets Israel" 

"Jul 30, 2014 – There are 1,725 words in the latest resolution released by the United Nations Human Rights Council, which cynically chastises Israel for so-called “human rights violations” in Gaza. Nowhere among those 1,725 words will you find the name of the terror organization that is truly responsible for every civilian …



"Palestinians Promise Explosion of Violence if Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's Capital"

"Rumors are rife that US President Donald Trump will officially recognize a united Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel sometime this week, possibly in lieu of actually moving the US Embassy to the Holy City in the short term. But the Palestinian leadership is warning that if Trump takes either of those steps, they will unleash a wave of terrorist violence that will affect the entire world."

"Any American declaration of recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel – if there is one – would mean total destruction of the peace process," senior Palestinian Authority advisor Mahmoud Al-Habbash told reporters on Saturday. "The whole world will pay a price for any change or harm to the political reality of Jerusalem."


Since the Lord revealed in Zechariah all the nations will come against Israel in the last days we should expect that President Trump may be in office for only one term and then someone who is not a friend of Israel will be placed in office. Even if President Trump could not fulfill his his term in office Vice President Pence is a very strong supporter of Israel and he no doubt would continue his support for Israel which, would include going against the UN in all their targets against Israel. I think it is highly likely that the Democrats will take over the White House and the man running the White House will be someone like Obama who opposed Israel for 8 years.  Anything can happen but no matter what takes places the end result will be the same, that being all the nations will turn on Israel!


There is also another fact I want to point out concerning what the PLO said in the news today. I quote, "Any American declaration of recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel – if there is one – would mean total destruction of the peace process,". As you can see from the prophecy below this is exactly what Paul the Apostle warns. I pray many of you will not think what I am presenting you today is nothing but a coincidence.  No one can tell for sure how these prophecies will be fulfilled but, we know for sure they will!  Could a Psalm 83 war in the end embolden Israel to build their Third Temple in Jerusalem? It is very possible. Christ told us to keep on the watch for these prophecies to be fulfilled. Our job in not to tell you exactly how His prophecies will be fulfilled but it give you the facts showing us we are on the road to seeing His words come to pass. I can give you some scenarios how these prophecies may be fulfilled and encourage you to keep on the watch with me and then rejoice when we see how the Lord fulfilled each prophecy. For those who refuse to believe these warnings there is nothing I can do but continue to pray those closed hearts to Christ's warning will melt away as they see His words coming to pass.



  :Cooltextprophecysign I Thessalonians 5:3,4: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”


One of the most asked questions of me is how long do I think it will be before Jesus comes back?  All I can tell you is what Jesus told us. Look at Matthew 24: 34 “ Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." What generation? In the verses before verse 34 Christ points to Israel. So, what we know is before everyone who saw the rebirth of Israel take place  dies which was May 14, 1948, Jesus would have come back.  On May 14, 2018 Israel will be 70 years old. Is time running out? Yes. Did the Lord count Jews who were 20 years old as the beginning of a generation? This is a question that was asked of me. I believe why this question was asked is because of what we read in Numbers 1:45 were is says, "All the Israelites twenty years old or more who were able to serve in Israel's army were counted according to their families."  Some questions can not be answered and this is one of those questions. However, if this were the case someone who was 20 yrs old in 1948 will be 90 on May 14, 2018 which would mean we are really close to the Lord's second coming. Keep in mind, what I shared with you today so far are only two of the many signs Jesus told us to keep on the watch for that were to happen all at the same time in that special generation. At no time in history has any generation seen all the things Jesus talked about take place all at the same time expect our generation.  We are close!


CooltextprophecysignThe Ezekiel 38  war prophecy is also taking shape while at the same time current events show us the Isaiah 17:1prophecy is also being paved. In Ezekiel chapter 38 we are told Iran is going to invade Israel in the last days also with all the other nations you see on the map below. When you read Ezekiel 39 and 39 you will see God tells you that attack will come from the North. Both Iran and Syria are in the Northern quarters of Israel.  This is what Isaiah 17:1 says "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins." Not sure if you have been watching the news lately but Israel has stepped up its attacks on  Syria. Why? Because Iran has moved into the region and without a doubt is planning to invade Israel and, Israel not only knows it but has declared this at the UN but the UN brushed what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu under the rug. The world you live in is going to changed drastically soon when these prophecies take place so its better to know what to expect than to be caught by surprise. 


Image result for ezekiel 38 war frank dimora



       Netanyahu Warns Iran After Israel Reportedly Fires Missiles at Syria

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu published a stern warning to Iran on Saturday evening, less than 24 hours after at least a dozen Iranian military personnel were killed when their base in Syria was destroyed.Arab media reported over the weekend that the base, said to be an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps installation not far from Damascus, was hit by several Israeli surface-to-surface missiles. The BBC reported just weeks ago that Iran was busy establishing a permanent military presence in Syria, a move that Israel views as an existential threat.



Is it possible if Israel keeps attacking Syria that it will lead to war, maybe the Psalm 83 war and also the fulfillment of the Isaiah 17 prophecy? We will see?  If you are new to prophecy Syria is mentioned in the Psalm 83. What about the other nations in listed in that Pslam? Jordan and Egypt are also nations listed and these nations are in the news today concerning Jerusalem. 



 "Jordan, Egypt warn US against recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital"

"The foreign ministers of Jordan and Egypt, the only Arab states to sign a peace treaty with Israel, warned against the reported decision by the Trump administration to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi tweeted that he had spoken to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson about the dangerous consequences of such a move." "Last week, reports surfaced that US President Donald Trump was planning to announce on Wednesday, December 6, that the US recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and is giving serious thought on how to fulfill his election campaign pledge to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.Hopes were raised in Israel when US Vice President Mike Pence later said that Trump is actively considering "when and how" to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem."  Ask yourself this question. Why are the exact nations God listed in the news today just about saying the same thing He warned us about? Because He is trying to get as many as will listen ready for what is coming.,7340,L-5051592,00.html


 Here is more news on these topics.

Abbas on diplomatic blitz to prevent US embassy move to Jerusalem 
PA chief calls leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, France, Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan and Kuwait and urges them to intervene with Trump

Report: Saudi peace plan favors Israel
A November meeting between Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman included a discussion of a peace plan largely favoring Israel, The New York Times reported. According to the Times’ report, bin Salman’s plan offers the PA noncontiguous parts of Judea and Samaria, with limited sovereignty and without eastern Jerusalem as its capital city. Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, for the most part, would not be destroyed or moved.



 "US families urged to EVACUATE military bases near Seoul amid fears North Korea WAR 'close' "

FAMILIES of US military should leave South Korea because war between America and Pyongyang is “getting close”, according to a senior US Senator and ex-Air Force Colonel. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has warned that the rising tensions between the the US and Kim Jong-un’s corrupt regime means preparations for war need to be taken. The member of the Senate Armed Services Committee warned the US was “running out of time” to prepare itself for war…



Cooltextprophecysign an_eq Jesus told us "great earthquakes" would also be among all the things taking place at the same time in the last generation. 


 See the source image "The Big One? Magnitude 6 earthquake strikes as damage feared in coastal city"

The quake struck 19km north east of Bahia de Caraquez on the west coast of Ecuador at 11.19UTC. Tremors came at a depth of 24.73km, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). It is not known yet if there has been any major damage from the quake.


Take a look at all the "great quakes that have already hit in 2017. 

 A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Fiji January 2, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Tonga January 2, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Fiji January 3, 2017.

 A magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Fiji January 3, 2017.

 A magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck the Philippines on January 10, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Solomon Islands January 10, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Solomon Islands January 11, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck Solomon Islands January 20, 2017.

 A magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck Papua New Guinea January 22, 2017. 
 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake Vanuatu January 30, 2017.

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the southwestern region of Pakistan February 2, 2017.

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake Mindanao, Philippines February 10, 2017.

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Jujuy Province, Argentina February 10, 2017

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Mindanao, Philippines February 18, 2017.

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Southern Bolivia February 21, 2017.

A magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck South of Fiji Islands February 24, 2017.

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Solomon Islands March 4, 2017.

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Papua New Guinea March 5, 2017.

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Nicobar Islands, India region March 14, 2017.

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Solomon Islands March 19, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck United Alaska March 27, 2017.

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck near East Coast of Kamchatka March 29, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Botswana April 4, 2017.

A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck Iran April 5, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Chile April 15, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck  Peru April 18, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Fiji Islands Region April 18, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck off shore Valparaiso, Chile April 23, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck Chile April 24, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mindanao, Philippines April 28, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck South Eastern Alaska May 1, 2017

 A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck again on South Eastern Alaska May 1, 2017

 A magnitude 6.4 earthquaked struck Adak Alaska May 8, 2017

 A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Is., May 8, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Ryukyu Islands, Japan May 9, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Vanuatu May 9, 2017.

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck South Sandwich Islands May 10, 2017.

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck offshore El Salvador May 12, 2017.

A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck New Britain May 15, 2017.

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck offshore of Indonesia May 29, 2017.

A magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck Western Guatemala June 14, 2017.

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck New Zealand, Kermadec, Islands June 15, 2017

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Western Guatemala June 22, 2017.

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Tonga June 25, 2017.

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck New Zealand, Kermadec, Islands June 28, 2017

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck New Zealand, Kermadec, Islands June 29, 2017

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Ecuador June 30, 2017.

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Masarayao, Philippines  July 6, 2017.

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck New Zealand, Auckland Island July 11, 2017

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Papua New Guinea, Taron July 13, 2017.

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Russia,  Nikol’Skoye July 18, 2017.

A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck Russia,  Nikol’Skoye July 18, 2017.

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck  Peru, Camana July 18, 2017.

A magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck Turkey July 20, 2017.

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Ecuador, coast July 22, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck China August 8, 2017.

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck China August 10, 2017.

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Philippines August 11, 2017.

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck IndonesiaSumatra August 13, 2017.

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck the United Kingdom August 18, 2017.

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Fiji, August 19, 2017.

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Papua New Guinea August 27, 2017.

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck NE of Muara Siberut, Indonesia August 31, 2017.

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Mentawai, Indonesia September 1, 2017.

A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck South Sandwich islands region on September 4, 2017.

A magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck Puebla, Mexico September 19, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck  JapanSeptember 20, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck Auckland Islands, September 20, 2017.

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Vanuatu September 20, 2017.

A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck SSE of Matias Romero, Mexico September 23, 2017.

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Fiji, September 26, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck  JapanSeptember 26, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck  JapanOctober 6, 2017.

A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck Tonga October 8, 2017.

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Balleny Islands Region October 8, 2017.

 A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, October 8, 2017.

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Tarapaca, Chile October 10, 2017.

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Banda Sea October 24, 2017

 A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Seram, Indonesia October 31, 2017

 A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck South East of Loyalty Islands October 31, 2017

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck South East of Loyalty Islands November 1, 2017

 A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck South East of Loyalty Islands November 1, 2017

 A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Tonga November 4, 2017

 A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Papua New Guinea November 7, 2017

A magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck Iran_Iraq border region November 12, 2017

 A magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck Costa Rica November 13, 2017

 A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck offshore of Indonesia November 17, 2016.

 A magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Loyalty Islands November 19, 2017

 A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck Loyalty Islands November 19, 2017

 A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Loyalty Islands November 19, 2017

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Loyalty Islands November 20, 2017

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Samoa Isands Region November 20, 2017

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck New Ireland Region November 27, 2017

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck New Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge November 30, 2017

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Iran Dec. 1, 2017

 A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck New Guinea region Dec. 1, 2017

Trust in what Jesus has warned because what you see hear is only the tip of the iceberg there are huge quakes coming that we have never seen before.


A person by the name of Lauren has been teaching Jesus will return on Dec. 12, 2017 which is only 8 days away. She has been sending out her message to many people. When I asked her to reveal her last name she declined. I had her email address up so people would know who it was that was teaching such things. She asked me to take her email off my site because she didn't want every Tom Dick and Harry to e-mail her. I was kind enough to do that but, I am sure she doesn't want to be held accountable when her prophecy fails on the 12th of this December. To see one of the emails she sent me go to the link below that will take you to my web site where I posted this information.


She gives you much information but don't be fooled. The tribulation hasn't even started yet and you and I will know this was another false prophecy issued. Jesus did tell us that in the last days there would be false prophets and false teachers. 


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Dec. 2, 2017




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 2 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

Dec. 1, 2017- ***151 UN states vote to disavow Israeli ties to Jerusalem

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: Palestinian rivals delay full Gaza handover by 10 days

Rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas agreed on Wednesday to delay final transfer of power of the Gaza Strip from Hamas to the Palestinian Authorit by 10 days to December 10 to allow time to "complete arrangements", officials said. The factions signed a reconciliation deal brokered by Egypt last month after Hamas agreed to hand over administrative control of Gaza, including the key Rafah border crossing, a decade after seizing the enclave in a civil war. The deal bridges a bitter gulf between the mainstream Fatah party of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas, an Islamist terror movement.
Nov. 30, 2017,7340,L-5050048,00.html

Headline: IAF fighter jets fire on terrorist positions in central Gaza Strip

IDF tanks and aircraft fired at six targets in the Gaza Strip on Thursday after Palestinian Islamic Jihad fired a barrage of 12 mortar shells toward an army outpost. Calling the firing of the projectiles a “serious attack,” IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis said the projectiles were aimed at the IDF post and a cement factory on the northeastern edge of the Gaza Strip where construction crews are working on Israel’s new underground border barrier. The mortar fire set off alarms that were heard in Sderot and the Sha’ar Hanegev region. Train service in the area was temporarily halted and resumed an hour later, Israeli media reported. The IDF carried out two rounds of strikes near dusk. Tanks and aircraft hit two Hamas posts and two others that belonged to Islamic Jihad shortly after the barrage. Two additional strikes against PIJ posts were carried out by the IAF shortly afterward.
Nov. 30, 2017

Headline: 151 UN states vote to disavow Israeli ties to Jerusalem

The UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to disavow Israeli ties to Jerusalem as part of six anti-Israel resolutions it approved on Thursday in New York. The vote was 151 in favor and six against, with nine abstentions. The resolution came as the Trump Administration was rumored to be actively considering relocating its embassy to Jerusalem. “The president has said that he has given serious consideration to the matter, and we’re looking at it with great care,” US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said. She added that US President Donald Trump had until December 4th to make a decision on the embassy relocation or waive the matter for another six months. In New York, only six countries out of 193 UN member states fully supported Israel’s ties Jerusalem: Canada, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, the United States and Israel itself.
Dec. 1, 2017

Headline: Palestinians warn of violence if Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s office warned Friday of the potential destructive effects if US President Donald Trump recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a move they say would deny their claim to East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state. “The American recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel destroys the peace process,” president Mahmud Abbas’s spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh said in a statement to AFP. “The American recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving the American embassy to Jerusalem involves the same level of danger to the future of the peace process and pushes the region into instability,” he said. The warning comes as Trump is due to decide by Monday on whether to move his country’s embassy from Tel Aviv to the disputed holy city.
Dec. 1, 2017



Headline: Jordan Won't Allow Israeli Embassy to Reopen Until 'Justice Served' to Security Guard, Source Says

Jordan will not allow Israel to reopen its embassy in Amman until it has launched legal proceedings against an Israeli security guard who shot dead two Jordanian citizens in July, a Jordanian diplomatic source said on Thursday. Israel must also be able to assure its Arab neighbor that "justice has been served" in the case, the senior source said, asking not to be named. The embassy was closed shortly after Israel hastily repatriated the guard under diplomatic immunity to prevent Jordanian authorities from interrogating him and taking any legal action against him. The Israeli ambassador and embassy staff were pulled out. Israeli sources said on Wednesday they were planning to replace Ambassador Einat Schlein at the Amman embassy in an effort to improve ties. However they did not address the long-standing Jordanian demand to take legal action against the security guard.
Dec. 1, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline: Saudis shoot down Yemeni rebel missile near Khamis Mushayit

A ballistic missile fired by Yemen’s Houthi rebels into Saudi Arabia was shot down on Thursday near the south-western city of Khamis Mushait, the Saudi-owned al-Arabiya channel reported. It was the second ballistic missile fired from Yemen this month, after an earlier rocket was brought down near King Khaled Airport on the northern outskirts of the capital Riyadh. A Saudi-led coalition fighting the Iranian-backed  Houthis in Yemen has closed air, land and sea access to cut off Iranian arms supplies.
Dec. 1, 2017


Headline: Russia Negotiating Deal for Its Warplanes to Use Egyptian Bases

Russia has approved a draft agreement with Egypt for Russian warplanes to use Egyptian military bases, in a move allowing Moscow to increase its military presence in the Middle East. The draft deal was published on November 30 after being signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on November 28. It requires the Russian Defense Ministry to negotiate details of the agreement with Egyptian officials. As outlined in the draft plan, the deal would allow each country's military to use the other's air bases for a period of five years, which could be extended if agreed.
Dec. 1, 2017


Headline: Erdogan Says U.S. Sanctions on Iran Weren't Binding for Turkey

Turkey’s president has argued that his country did not break a trade embargo on Iran as it hadn’t committed to abide by U.S. sanctions, and there were no United Nations restrictions in place, the Hurriyet newspaper reported on Friday. The comments at a Thursday meeting of Turkey’s ruling party came hours before Erdogan was for the first time implicated in a plot to help Iran evade U.S. sanctions. The Islamic Republic was only released from UN curbs imposed over its nuclear program in January 2016, when a multi-lateral accord struck the year before was implemented. “We have not broken an embargo,” the president was cited by Hurriyet as saying. “The world does not consist of the U.S. alone.”
Dec. 1, 2017


Headline: Iranian Envoy Says U.S. Won't Succeed In Pushing Iran Out Of Syria

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says U.S. efforts to push Iranian military advisers and fighters out of Syria as part of a deal to end the war-torn country's six-year civil war will not succeed. "The aim of the U.S. administration is to get Iran out of Syria," Zarif said on November 30 at a conference in Rome. "The U.S. and Russia cannot decide for Iran. We are there at the request of the Syrian government," Zarif said. "It's our region. It's the Persian Gulf, not the Gulf of Mexico. We are going nowhere."
Dec. 1, 2017


Headline: At least 1 dead in Honduras post-election protests; Still no winner declared

At least one person was killed during protests Thursday in Hondura's capital city of Tegucigalpa after the country's electoral commission failed again to declare a winner in the presidential race that many say was rigged. Police threw tear gas at opposition protesters, who responded with rocks and burned tires, the Guardian reported. At least one man was reported dead and several others were injured during the confrontations. Carlos Dada, a journalist for Honduran newspaper El Faro, tweeted that there have been riots, looting,burned-down toll booths in San Pedro Sula and attacks by Honduran security forces throughout the country.
Dec. 1, 2017

Headline: Somali Soldiers, 12 Militants Killed in Al-Shabab Ambush

At least two Somali soldiers and 12 militants were killed Friday when al-Shabab militants attacked a convoy in central Somalia, according to a senior regional official. Militants ambushed a convoy carrying the Hiran regional governor, Ali Jeyte Osman, and other top military officials, near Hees Village, about 80 kilometers northwest of the regional capital, Beledweyn. "We have killed 12 of them and … we lost two soldiers," General Ahmed Mohamed Tredishe, commander of the Somali National Army in the region, told VOA Somali. He said the governor and others traveling with him survived the attack and continued their travels.
Dec. 1, 2017

Headline: Pakistan attack: Gunmen storm Peshawar training college

Gunmen have stormed a college in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, killing at least nine people and injuring 36. At least three men disguised in burkas arrived in a rickshaw and entered the Peshawar Agriculture Training Institute on Friday morning. All of the attackers were also killed, the army said. The Pakistani Taliban said they had carried out the attack. The college was thought to have been closed for the Eid-e-Milad holiday. At least one blast was heard from inside the campus, according to media reports citing the military. Police and army commandos cordoned off the site. Eight students and an office worker were killed, police said.
Dec. 1, 2017


Nov. 19, 2017–Thousands of fish and other sea life wash up in Toubacouta, Senegal

Nov. 22, 2017–Hundreds of dead fish wash up in a river in Etrelles, France

Nov. 23, 2017–Mass die off of fish in a lake in Guangxi, China

Nov. 24, 2017–Thousands of dead fish wash up in Kapiti Coast River, New Zealand

Nov. 27, 2017–More dead turtles wash up on the coast of El Salvador

Nov. 28, 2017–Over 40 dolphins dead in Tuticorin, India

Nov. 28, 2017–Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Bethel, Alaska

Nov. 28, 2017–Thousands of dead starfish wash up on the coast of Sakhalin, Russia

Nov. 29, 2017–Thousands of dead fish wash up in Chennai, India

Nov. 29, 2017–Mass die off of fish due to red tide in Sanibel, Florida


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~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

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Nov. 29, 2017- North Korea declares itself a “nuclear state” after new ICBM test

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 20, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Saudi Arabia

Headline: Car bomb kills 5 in southern Yemen; Daesh claims responsibility

Headline: Deadly clashes erupt between Houthi, Saleh supporters in Sanaa

Yemeni witnesses and officials say a powerful car bomb has struck a government building in the southern port city of Aden, killing five people and wounding 12. The attack was claimed by the Daesh group. The witnesses and security officials say the early Wednesday blast completely destroyed the finance ministry building, damaged nearby houses and triggered fires in shops in the area. They spoke on condition of anonymity, fearing retribution. The US-based SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadi websites, said the Daesh group’s affiliate in Yemen claimed responsibility in an online statement. Yemeni witnesses and officials say a powerful car bomb has struck a government building in the southern port city of Aden, killing five people and wounding 12. The attack was claimed by the Daesh group. The witnesses and security officials say the early Wednesday blast completely destroyed the finance ministry building, damaged nearby houses and triggered fires in shops in the area. They spoke on condition of anonymity, fearing retribution. The US-based SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadi websites, said the Daesh group’s affiliate in Yemen claimed responsibility in an online statement.
Nov. 29, 2017


Headline: Egyptian president orders: Use all brute force necessary to defeat ISIS

Days after Egypt’s deadliest terror attack claimed the lives of 305 civilians, including dozens of children, President Abdel Fatah Sisi has ordered the military to use all force necessary to secure the restive peninsula. “It is your responsibility to secure and stabilize Sinai within the next three months,” he told his new chief of staff in a speech. “You can use all brute force necessary.” It was a highly coordinated attack, with bombs detonating before some 25-30 masked gunmen sprayed worshipers with gunfire, as well as the ambulances that came to rescue the wounded. According to witnesses, the terrorists methodically checked that those victims who were still breathing were then shot in the head or chest. Hours after the massacre at the Al-Rawda mosque in the North Sinai city of Bir El-Abed on Friday, Sisi promised to “avenge our martyrs” and has since launched a large-scale military operation, including air strikes in North Sinai against hideouts used by terrorists involved in the attack.
Nov. 29, 2017


Headline: North Korea says tests new ICBM, can reach all US mainland

Headline: US heading to war with N. Korea ‘if things don’t change’ – Sen. Graham

Headline: North Korea declares itself a “nuclear state” after new ICBM test

North Korea said on Wednesday it had successfully tested a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that could reach all of the US mainland. The missile test, North Korea’s first since mid-September, came a week after US President Donald Trump put North Korea back on a US list of countries it says support terrorism, allowing it to impose more sanctions. North Korea has conducted dozens of ballistic missile tests under its leader, Kim Jong Un, in defiance of international sanctions. Trump has vowed not to let North Korea develop nuclear missiles that can hit the mainland United States.In a broadcast on state TV, North Korea said the new powerful missile reached an altitude of around 4,475 km (2,780 miles) — more than 10 times the height of the international space station — and flew 950 km (600 miles) during its 53 minute flight. After watching the successful launch of the new type ICBM Hwasong-15, Kim Jong Un declared with pride that now we have finally realized the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force, the cause of building a rocket power, according to a statement read by a television presenter.
Nov. 29, 2017


Oct. 17, 2017– Thousands of Penguin chicks die of starvation, ‘scientists alarmed’ in East Antarctica

Oct. 20, 2017–125,000 salmon die from disease in salmon farms in Scotland

Oct. 20, 2017–‘Ecological Armageddon’: Plummeting insect populations could ravage life on Earth

Oct. 20, 2017–Over 80 sea birds wash up dead along beaches in Albany, Australia

Oct. 23, 2017–10,000 birds dead due to avian flu in Dobric, Bulgaria

Oct. 23, 2017–Thousands of dead fish wash up in a river in Jhelum, Pakistan

Oct. 24, 2017– Schools of dead fish wash up in Malabar Bay, Sydney, Australia

Oct. 25, 2017–Thousands of fish die in a fish farm in Mukomuko, Indonesia

Oct. 30, 2017–48,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Moca, Dominican Republic

Oct. 30, 2017–Large die off of fish in Athalassa Lake, Cyprus

Oct. 31, 2017–70,000 fish have died in a lake in Telangana, India

Oct. 31, 2017–Dead seals wash up on the shores of Lake Baikal in Russia

Nov. 2, 2017–Thousands of fish have died in Dubasipalya Lake, Bengaluru, India

Nov. 2, 2017–Dead turtles found floating off the coast of Usulutan El Salvador , ‘reason unknown

Nov. 3, 2017–Mass die off of Alligators, cattle, lizards and fish due to drought in Bananal Island, Brazil

Nov. 5, 2017–8,000 ducks killed due to avian flu in Yambol, Bulgaria

Nov. 5, 2017–Massive die off of fish washes ashore in Ensenada, Mexico

Nov. 5, 2017–Thousands of dead fish wash up in Dubaki lake, Bengaluru, India

Nov. 13, 2017–Dead dolphins wash ashore in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Nov. 15, 2017–Tons of dead fish wash up on a beach in Liepaja, Latvia

Nov. 17, 2017–Thousands of dead fish found in the Carcarana River in Argentina

Nov. 17, 2017–Hundreds of cattle found dead in Ganjam, India

Nov. 18, 2017–Over 12,000 birds killed due to avian flu in South Korea


Headline: Scarlet fever cases hit 50-year high in England

Scarlet fever hit its highest level in England for 50 years, with more than 17,000 cases reported in 2016 – research in the Lancet shows. The disease has been on the rise since 2014, but experts have so far failed to find a reason for the recent increase. Doctors are urging the public to be aware of symptoms, which include a rosy rash, and seek help from their GP.A joint investigation by public health authorities from across England and Wales found that the incidence of scarlet fever tripled between 2013 and 2014, rising from 4,700 cases to 15,637 cases. In 2016, there were 19,206 reported cases, the highest level since 1967. The majority of the outbreaks were in England.
Nov. 29, 2017


Headline: Australian senate passes same-sex marriage bill

Australia’s Senate passed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in the country on Wednesday. The bill passed without amendment by a vote of 43 to 12 and will next be debated by Australia’s House of Representatives next week. “This debate has been good for the soul of the country,” Senator Dean Smith, who authored the bill, said. “It has been good for the soul of this chamber and it will be good for the souls of LGBTI children throughout our great country.” The vote came two weeks after nearly 62 percent of Australians that participated in a voluntary mail-in survey voted in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage. Senators spent five days debating the bill, during which some raised concerns about religious protections and proposed amendments to the bill.
Nov. 28, 2017


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Nov. 28, 2017 A real White House/ Do you believe Jesus will return on Dec. 12, 2017?

I pray each and everyone of you who has come to my prophecy site will have a blessed Thanksgiving! As with Easter it isn’t about the eggs it’s about Jesus. Although Turkey is one of my favorite foods Thanksgiving isn’t about the meat it’s about giving thanks to Christ for blessing the U.S. even in the face of this generation turning away from Him.

My first edition off my prophecy book was released in 1997. In that edition I warned people to watch for a Russian, Iran alliance which would point to the coming Ezekiel 38 war. Over the years as I up-dated my book I showed you how the Islamic nations would also join in on this alliance and in the end they would fulfill the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy. In my newest edition of my book  Chapter 11 is still entitled: “Invasion against Israel” This chapter begin on chapter p.364. It will show you a time line of what has happened over the years that is bring us to the fulfillment of this prophecy.  There is only one generation who could see such an alliance form and that is the generation Jesus referred to in Matthew chapter 24 when He said this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.  That is our generation. Now for the first time in History a Russian, Iran, and Turkey alliance has in fact be formed and these are the exact nations God told us about in chapters 38 and 39 of Ezekiel.  You can see this news I have been warning about for year in a new video.  Take this information to heart because Jesus is coming back even if you do not believe He will. Now is the time to get right with Christ!Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 20 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

The White House this year is really white. Thank you Mr. President and your dear wife for bringing back the Christmas spirit.

Yesterday I posted information from Lauren at  Lauren who is claiming Jesus will return on Dec. 12, 2017. If you want to know all the details please read my post from November 27, 2017. My question to everyone coming to my prophecy site is this. How many of you believe Jesus will come back on Dec. 12, 2017?  If you say no please email Lauren and tell her why you believe Jesus will not come back on that date. Be careful because I would hate to see anymore people mislead in believing this date once they read her material. Keep in mind in order for Christ to return the tribulation would have already started. We would have been living under the rule of the Antichrist, we would have seen the two witnesses come as prophesied, we would have been forced to take the Antichrist number, we would have already seen the Jewish Third Temple built already, we would have witnessed the Jews doing their animal sacrifices already as Jesus shows us, we would have seen every living thing in the seas die as the seas turned blood like. These are just a few of the things that show us Dec 12, 2017 is just another false date. What do you say?

Nov. 27, 2017 Lauren’s warning Jesus to return on Dec 12, 2017-My warning to Lauren!

Once again we have a date for the Lord’s return! This time this teaching was sent to me by Lauren. I tried to tell Lauren that this teaching is going to fail just the way that Scott Clarke’s teaching failed. Scott for 6 year prepared people to believe the rapture of the Church was going to take place on Sept. 23, 2017. However, when that date failed he changed it to the 24th of Sept. and when that failed he changed it again for a week later which that date also failed. Why? Because it was false teaching. Now Lauren is pushing that for the Dec. 12, 2017 date and that date to will prove to be false.  I am not sure who many people are following Lauren? I pray her following is small as I hate to see people mislead. Below I have posted what Lauren sent me so you can read it. Then you will see my reply to her.  Today Lauren sent me another email which I did not post here but I can tell you what my reply was to her. I said, let us wait until Dec. 13, 2017 and you will see that what you have been spreading was false teaching. 
I put this post up on Nov. 27th and on the 29th Lauren asked me to remove her email address).  The date setting from Lauren will become a issue between Jesus and Lauren on the 13th of Dec. when that date fails.
From: Lauren

Hello Frank,

You asked, “what is the date you or, the people you got this information from suppose to take place?”

Answer: 24 Kislev or December 12, 2017

Then asking, “What exactly is suppose to happen on this date?”

Answer: I have condensed the “what happenings” from my next mailing into seven short paragraphs that follow. Btw that mailing should go out tomorrow, Lauren

WHAT WILL HAPPEN: Most followers in Christendom and Messianic Judaism don’t understand that the “sign” Yeshua’s disciples asked him in Matthew 24:3 was to the exact timing of his coming and the end of the age, the “WHEN” in Matthew 24:15.


There Yeshua said, it would be found from the prophet Daniel, in that [whosoever reads let him UNDERSTAND] those alive in the last generation would understand the exactness of his 1290 day countdown in Daniel 12:11 as to “when” the AOD will stand at the Kotel Plaza western wall, of which today is Judaism’s most “holy place” and NOT the old temple mount area now controlled by anti Israel Palestinian/Hamas forces.

With the fulfillment of Daniel 12:11, on what I believe is on 24 Kislev or December 12, 2017, the day Yeshua returns, when the “little horn” stops the continual prayers at the western wall and his army sets up an abomination that causes desolation, and fulfills the day “the LORD God, will lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstonea sure foundation” that being Yeshua and Isaiah 28:16! Have we got your attention?

From Haggai 2:18, Consider now, from 24 Kislev and forwardthe day that the foundation of the LORD’s temple was laidconsider it.

In Haggai 2:6-7, and 22-23 We read that ON A FUTURE 24 Kislev, God will shake the shake the heavens, earth, sea and the dry land, and destroy the throne of kingdoms and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the Gentiles and make Zerubbabel symbolizing that One from the line of David as a “sign” and choose/anoint him, the Messiah Yeshua.

Remember it is the “little horn” who destroys the city and the sanctuary/Kotel Plaza and western wall making it desolate, while even standing up against the Prince of princes/Yeshua Daniel 9:26b… and Daniel 8:25b… He is the same rider named Death on the pale horse of Revelation 6:8 on whom Hell follows and is given power to kill over the fourth part of earth for a limited “time, time and dividing time” from Daniel 7:25 and the one who “continues for a short space” from Revelation 17:10

It will be during this same limited time period also found in Revelation 12:14-17 that Yeshua will be before his flock in the wilderness standing in the strength and majesty of the Name of his God fulfilling Micah 5:2-5, for what we believe will be about 100 days and the “end of the age”, on March 20, 2018.

Yeshua so wanted us to [understand] the timing KNOWING that the book of Daniel gives us THREE other references to understanding the stopping the continual prayers at the western wall and setting up an abomination that causes desolation and their timing if we but read Daniel 8:11, Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 11:31 and not believe what we’ve been told in the writings and commentary of men, such as Robert Anderson, Cyrus Scofield, E.W. Bullinger, Hal Lindsey and the 1000’s who in the past 47 years have become “prophecy gurus” hashing over the same “483 + 7 future years” lie.

Frank, you compared me to Scott Clarke who told people to get ready for date that lead many of his flock in a direction Jesus did not want them to go”.


Frank, Scott like 99% of the 1000’s DID NOT READ THE 4 PROPHECIES pointing to the day of his coming, and ONLY UNDERSTOOD THE LIE brainwashed into their skulls by so called men of renown of which the majority died BEFORE the first year of 70 began on March 21, 1948!


They did lead the flocks in THE WAY YESHUA DID NOT WANT them to go!


Frank, If you have promulgated that “lie” or written a book wherein this “lie” has taken refuge and the flock who read it as hid behind its “falsehood”, REPENT and warn your flock, awareness is preparedness, the days to 24 Kislev are short and time is fleeting, an Ezekiel 33:6 watching one


This is what I wrote Lauren when I got her message on the 21st of Nov. 2017


I love your heart in the fact that you are watching in these last days. I truly believe you love Jesus!
In my ministry since 1977, I have seen many Christians fall prey to false dates. Most like yourself
truly believe on the date that was set for Jesus to return they only came to find out that special date was
misleading because Christ did not return as stated. I know at this point you do not believe what
I am telling you but, for your sake I need to say this. The tribulation has not started yet and therefore
there is no way Jesus Christ can return until all the requirements as set for in the book of Revelation
have been fulfilled. As with anyone who teaches a date of Christ’s return I have written you to warn
what is going to happen when on Dec. 12, 2017 Jesus does not return.  By misleading many Church
members and even unbelievers who may be watching what you said all you will be doing is as I said
to you before is  taking them down a false road. I know you love Jesus and I am sure you do not want
to be known by Christ for giving out a false teaching do you?  Think how you are going to feel on the
13th of Dec. 2017 when you see you gave out false hope and mislead many people?  On the 13th
you will have joined with so many others who took their place in fulfilling the prophecy concerning
watching out for false teachers and false prophets in the last days is that what you want?  As always
I have saved your message to me and will post that message. I have a copy of what you sent me this
way no one can say you did not state these facts.  I will give you a few days to think about what it
is you are doing in the hope that you will retract what your are spreading to others.  If you tell me
you have stopped I will not post what you sent me in order to spare you from the hardship to befall
you on the 13th of Dec. If I don’t hear from you by Friday I will post what you sent me and add what
I just wrote you here. Please Lauren pray about what you are about to do because I don’t want
you to get hurt.
In Love
A Brother in Christ
Frank DiMora

Nov. 20, 2017 Those mass deaths again!

I pray each and everyone of you who has come to my prophecy site will have a blessed Thanksgiving! As with Easter it isn’t about the eggs it’s about Jesus. Although Turkey is one of my favorite foods Thanksgiving isn’t about the meat it’s about giving thanks to Christ for blessing the U.S. even in the face of this generation turning away from Him.