Oct. 6, 2016- Prophecy Signs

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Headline:    Israeli Navy takes control of Zaytouna-Oliva flotilla

The Israel Navy took control of the Zaytouna-Oliva flotilla Wednesday which set sail from Barcelona in an attempt to breach the Israeli naval blockade of the Gaza Strip. Commenting on how the incident unfolded, an IDF official said, “the flotilla was stopped without resistance 35 miles from the Israeli coast. There were 13 women aboard and the boat is on its way to Ashdod and will arrive within an hour.” The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit also released a statement on the matter. “In accordance with the decisions of the political leadership and after calls to the Zaytouna flotilla by the navy to stop, which were rejected, sailors from the Navy took control of the boat before it arrived at the Gaza Strip,” the statement read. “The process of taking control was short and resulted in no injuries. The response was implemented after many call to the sailors aboard the flotilla at various distances in the sea. After the sailors indicated that they had no intention to cooperate and to accept the offer to sail to Ashdod, the decision was taken to take control and to prevent it from breaching the legal naval blockade and to divert it to the Ashdod port,” the statement continued.
Oct. 5, 2016


Headline:      U.S. Blasts Israel’s Plan for New West Bank Settlement, Says Netanyahu Broke His Word

The U.S. administration published an unusually harsh statement on Wednesday against a plan to build an alternative settlement for residents of the illegal outpost of Amona. The statement, signed by Mark Toner, deputy spokesman for the State Department, drew an unusual linkage between the signing of the defense aid agreement with Israel and criticism of settlement building. Toner stressed that the U.S. views advancement of the plan as a violation of a commitment by Netanyahu’s government not to establish any new settlements in the West Bank. The State Department’s statement comes against the backdrop of the Civil Administration Planning Commission’s decision last Wednesday to approve a plan for the construction of 98 housing units in the new settlement to be established next to the Shvut Rachel settlement.
Oct. 5, 2016


golan heightsviolence-news-about-hamas

Headline:    IAF strikes Hamas targets after Gazan rocket explodes on Sderot street

Headline:  Hamas warns it won’t ‘sit idly by’ as IDF planes strike Gaza

Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fired a rocket at Sderot on Wednesday morning, setting off air raid sirens and narrowly missing homes. The rocket exploded in a road in the southern town, failing to cause physical injuries, but sending one local resident into shock. Police bomb squad members removed the remains of the projectile from the road, and paramedics treated the shock victim. Following the attack, an ISIS-linked Salafi jihadists in Gaza claimed responsibility. An online statement said the attack was part of the set “jihad against Jews,” and a response to the arrest by Hamas of five Salafi operatives in recent days. The Israel Air Force struck a number of Hamas terror targets in response on Wednesday, launching air strikes in northern and southern Gaza. An additional Hamas target was hit by IDF tank fire in northern Gaza earlier on Wednesday.
Oct. 5, 2016



Headline:    ‘Next Lebanon war just a matter of time’

A third war between Israel and Lebanon is just a matter of time, says Brigadier-General Resan Alian. Speaking to Channel 2’s Roni Daniel, Alian, a member of Israel’s Druze minority and a veteran of the Second Lebanon War, warned that another confrontation with Israel’s neighbor to the north was inevitable, adding that even outside forces, like the Hamas terror group, could spark fighting on Israel’s northern border. “Events on other fronts could also spark something,” said Alian. While he is stationed in the north, Alian emphasizes that events on Israel’s southern border have a tremendous impact. “A lot of things in Gaza are relevant to the Lebanese front: Understanding the enemy and who we are dealing with, his fighting techniques and tactics – things that [the enemy] learns and improves upon.” One way or another, he added, a third conflict with Lebanon “is just a matter of time.”
Oct. 5, 2016




golan heights

Headline:   Trouble in jihadist paradise as ISIS, Nusra go to war in east Lebanon

The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) and their former allies from Jabhat Al-Nusra clashed near the Syrian border on Tuesday, resulting in a flurry of skirmishes that accumulated a high death toll for both terrorist groups. According to local reports, ISIS carried out an attack against Jabhat Al-Nusra near the ‘Arsal Barrens on Tuesday; this prompted the aforementioned jihadist group to mount a counter-assault in order to beat back their former allies. While the terrorists were exchanging blows in the ‘Arsal Barrens, the Lebanese Army began to indiscriminately fire rockets and artillery shells at both forces. In addition to the Lebanese Army’s shelling, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAYF) reportedly carried out a few airstrikes along the Lebanese-Syrian border, forcing the terrorist groups to disperse after suffering numerous casualties.
Oct. 4, 2016


Saudi Arabia2Saudi Arabia

Headline:  Saudi Arabia starts naval exercises in the Gulf

Headline: Iran tells Saudi navy vessels to avoid its waters

Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) warned Saudi naval vessels taking part in military exercises in the Gulf on Wednesday not to get close to Iranian waters, in a sign of heightened tensions between the two regional rivals. Saudi Arabia began naval war games including live fire exercises on Tuesday in the Gulf and Strait of Hormuz, the world’s most important oil route.
Oct. 5, 2016




Headline:     Houthi forces destroy 3 Saudi tanks in Najran

Houthi forces carried out a powerful assault in the Najran region of Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, striking several of the Saudi-led Coalition’s positions around this desert area. According to Yemen-based Al-Masirah News Agency, the Houthi forces managed to destroy three Saudi tanks in the Najran region on Tuesday, while also killing several Coalition fighters in the process. Pictures from the attack were released by Hezbollah’s media wing, showing the Houthi forces using ATGMs (anti-tank guided missile) to destroy the Saudi tanks.
Oct. 5, 2016



Headline:   Sisi, Bashir sign partnership agreement,15 MoUs in high committee meetings

Headline:  Cairo declines to respond to Erdogan saying thaw with Egypt would be ‘unethical’

Headline:  Egypt, Russia stand against forceful regime change in Middle East: Parliament

Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and Sudan’s President Omar Al-Bashir signed a comprehensive partnership agreement on Wednesday in Cairo during bilateral high committee meetings, Al-Ahram Arabic website reported. Fifteen memoranda of understanding were also signed on the sidelines of the meetings in various fields including commerce, education, tourism, economy, transportation and agriculture. El-Sisi awarded the Sudanese president the Egyptian army’s Order of Honour Star for his participation with Sudanese army units in the 6 October War in 1973 and the War of Attrition after 1967. In opening remarks during the ceremony, El-Sisi said that “a comprehensive strategy between the two countries shall enhance cooperation and further progress in all fields.” He added that Egypt and Sudan face similar regional and international challenges, stressing the importance of cooperation to counter “extremism and terrorism.” This is the first time since 2011, when the committee was founded, that the two presidents have headed its meetings.
Oct. 5, 2016





Syria Headline:     Russia deploys advanced anti-missile system to Syria for first time, US officials say

Syria Headline:    Russian Army to hold drills in Africa for first time

Russia has deployed an advanced anti-missile system to Syria for the first time, three US officials tell Fox News, the latest indication that Moscow continues to ramp up its military operations in Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad. It comes after Russia’s actions led to the collapse of a cease-fire and the cut-off of direct talks with the U.S. While Moscow’s motives are not certain, officials say the new weapon system could potentially counter any American cruise missile attack in Syria. Components of the SA-23 Gladiator anti-missile and anti-aircraft system, which has a range of roughly 150 miles, arrived over the weekend “on the docks” of a Russian naval base along Syria’s Mediterranean coastal city of Tartus, two US officials said. It is the first time Russia has deployed the SA-23 system outside its borders, according to one Western official citing a recent intelligence assessment. The missiles and associated components are still in their crates and are not yet operational, according to the officials.
Oct. 4, 2016



 Syria Headline:    Pentagon paid PR firm $540 million to make fake terrorist videos

The Pentagon paid a UK PR firm half a billion dollars to create fake terrorist videos in Iraq in a secret propaganda campaign exposed by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. PR firm Bell Pottinger, known for its array of controversial clients including the Saudi government and Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s foundation, worked with the US military to create the propaganda in a secretive operation. The firm reported to the CIA, the National Security Council and the Pentagon on the project with a mandate to portray Al-Qaeda in a negative light and track suspected sympathizers. Both the White House and General David Petraeus, the former general who shared classified information with his mistress, signed off on the content produced by the agency. The Bell Pottinger operation started soon after the US invasion of Iraq and was tasked with promoting the“democratic elections” for the administration before moving on to more lucrative psychological and information operations. Former employee Martin Wells told the Bureau how he found himself working in Iraq after being hired as a video editor by Bell Pottinger. Within 48 hours, he was landing in Baghdad to edit content for secret“psychological operations” at Camp Victory. The firm created television ads showing Al-Qaeda in a negative light as well as creating content to look as though it had come from “Arabic TV”. Crews were sent out to film bombings with low quality video. The firm would then edit it to make it look like news footage. They would craft scripts for Arabic soap operas where characters would reject terrorism with happy consequences. The firm also created fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos, which were then planted by the military in homes they raided. Employees were given specific instructions to create the videos. “We need to make this style of video and we’ve got to use Al-Qaeda’s footage,” Wells was told. “We need it to be 10 minutes long, and it needs to be in this file format, and we need to encode it in this manner.” The videos were created to play on Real Player which needs an internet connection to run. The CDs were embedded with a code linking to Google Analytics which allowed the military to track IP addresses that the videos were played on.
Oct. 4, 2016



Syria Headline:    Obama administration considering strikes on Assad, again

U.S. military strikes against the Assad regime will be back on the table Wednesday at the White House, when top national security officials in the Obama administration are set to discuss options for the way forward in Syria. But there’s little prospect President Obama will ultimately approve them. Inside the national security agencies, meetings have been going on for weeks to consider new options to recommend to the president to address the ongoing crisis in Aleppo, where Syrian and Russian aircraft continue to perpetrate the deadliest bombing campaign the city has seen since the five-year-old civil war began. A meeting of the Principals Committee, which includes Cabinet-level officials, is scheduled for Wednesday. A meeting of the National Security Council, which could include the president, could come as early as this weekend. Last Wednesday, at a Deputies Committee meeting at the White House, officials from the State Department, the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff discussed limited military strikes against the regime as a means of forcing Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to pay a cost for his violations of the cease-fire, disrupt his ability to continue committing war crimes against civilians in Aleppo, and raise the pressure on the regime to come back to the negotiating table in a serious way.
Oct. 4, 2016



Syria Headline:    Dabiq close to COLLAPSE from US-led airstrikes at APOCALYPSE site

ISLAMIC State (ISIS) is close to collapse and may completely crumble as US-led coalition forces move in to bomb the key northern Syrian town of Dabiq, which Daesh believes will be the site of an almighty clash of civilisations. Warplanes have carried out bombing rads on the small town of Dabiq, where ISIS militants are desperately holding out despite the fierce onslaught. Dabiq is of great religious significance to ISIS as it is named in Islamic mythology as the site of an apocalyptic battle between Muslim and Christian armies. Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels captured new areas in Aleppo’s northern countryside earlier this week and the offensive on Dabiq could see the town fall within hours. A spokesman for the Syrian Turkmen rebels, who are involved in the fight to free the town from ISIS, said: “If Dabiq collapses, ISIS will also collapse.” Mostafa Sejari, from the FSA-linked al-Mutasim Brigade, said: “We expect that the battle of Dabiq will be the fiercest ever. “Daesh [ISIS] has brought hundreds of fighters into the area, including their special forces, to confront us. “Daesh has built its myth in Dabiq, exploiting the ignorance and lack of knowledge among people and taking advantage of history and religion to achieve its evil project. “By controlling Dabiq, we break the myth of Daesh and open a road to reach Marea. “Controlling Dabiq is just a matter of time, God willing.”
***see Turkey below
Oct. 5, 2016



Syria Headline:      Islamist rebels shell Russian embassy in Damascus

Russian Foreign Ministry said the Russian embassy in Damascus was shelled, today, from a nearby districts controlled by militant groups. The Embassy’s residential complex was partially damaged in the attack. No casualties reported. Two other mortar shells landed near the embassy building. “According to reports, the shelling came from the Jobar neighborhood of Damascus, which is under control of the terrorist groups Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and Failak ar-Rahman,” the ministry said. Moscow said the shelling is “result of the actions of those who, like the US and some of its allies, provoke the continued bloodshed in Syria and flirt with militants and extremists of all flavors”, vowing to take “all necessary measures” to restore peace and security to Syria.
Oct. 4, 2016



Syria Headline:  Large number of Syrian Army reinforcements arrive in Deir Ezzor

A large number of Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reinforcements arrived in Deir Ezzor on Tuesday after completing they completed basic training in rural Damascus. According to a military source from the 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard, the reinforcements were transported to Deir Ezzor via helicopter; these soldiers were then transferred to the 137th Brigade’s headquarters near Jabal Thardeh. As many as 10 helicopters flew these soldiers to Deir Ezzor on Tuesday, marking the first time since the U.S. Coalition’s bombing that reinforcements were sent to this volatile front in eastern Syria. In the coming days, ISIS is expected to launch another major attack on the Deir Ezzor Industrial District and Military Airport, as they look to tighten the siege on the provincial capital.
Oct. 5, 2016



Syria Headline:     Syrian Army continues wide-scale offensive in West Ghouta

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) resumed their wide-scale offensive in the West Ghouta region of rural Damascus on Wednesday after repelling the counter-assault launched by the jihadist rebels last night. Led by the 7th Armored Division and the 42nd Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division, the Syrian Armed Forces captured several farms surrounding the key town of Deir Khabiyeh, including the sites the jihadist rebels seized during last night’s assault. According to an Al-Masdar field correspondent in Damascus, the Syrian Armed Forces killed several enemy combatants from Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, while also destroying 8 technical vehicles that were armed with a variety of anti-aircraft machine guns. As a result of their advance on Wednesday, the Syrian Armed Forces are now within 500 meters of Deir Khabiyeh, leaving the jihadist rebels with little room to breathe at the aforementioned town.
Oct. 5, 2016



Syria Headline:    Suicide bombing kills 25+ civilians at Hasakah wedding

At least 30 people have been killed in a suicide bomb attack at a Kurdish wedding in north-eastern Syria. The bomber blew himself up on Monday night at a hall in Tal Tawil, outside Hassakeh city, reportedly while the bride and groom were exchanging vows. There were conflicting reports about whether the groom was among the dead. So-called Islamic State said one of its militants had attacked a “large gathering” of Kurdish fighters with a machine-gun and and explosive vest. Syria’s official Sana news agency reported that 30 people were killed and 90 others wounded, while the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights put the death toll at 31. The UK-based monitoring group said the groom, Zaradesht Mustafa Fatimi, was among those killed. One relative disputed the report, saying the groom was only lightly wounded but that his father and brother were both killed.
*** see Kurds below
Oct. 4, 2016



Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline:    Turkey says it does not aim to be an occupier in Iraq

Iraq Headline:   Iraq, Turkey summon each other’s ambassadors in protest

Iraq Headline:    PMU hit back at Erdogan’s statement that Mosul should be Sunni-only after ISIS

Iraq Headline: ANALYSIS: Turkey, an occupying power or Iraq’s saviour from IS?

Turkey’s military presence in Iraq is intended for stability at a time when the country is deeply divided and Turkey does not aim to become an occupying force, Turkish deputy prime minister Numan Kurtulmus said on Wednesday. Turkish forces are at Iraq’s Bashiqa camp, at the request of Iraqi Kurdish President Masoud Barzani, to train the local forces, Kurtulmus said. “Turkey will not allow this to become a matter of debate,” he told reporters. Meanwhile, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu ALSO said the Bashiqa camp in Iraq, at the centre of a dispute between the two neighbors, had been set up to train local forces in fight against ISIS and Baghdad knew it had been established. “Bashiqa camp was set up within the knowledge of Iraqi administration,” Cavusoglu told a news conference. “Baghdad officials have visited this camp and have even provided financial support to it in the past,” he said. Turkey and Iraq have summoned one other’s ambassadors in a mounting diplomatic stand-off after Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi warned Turkey that it risked triggering a “regional war” by keeping troops in Iraqi territory. Iraq’s Foreign Ministry summoned Turkeys’ ambassador to Baghdad to condemn allegedly “provocative” comments made by Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Tuesday about the planned operation to dislodge ISIS militants from the northern city of Mosul, said the ministry’s spokesman, Ahmad Jamal. Yildrim told ruling party legislators in parliament that the Iraqi operation could spark Shiite-Sunni sectarian tensions if the majority Sunni region around Mosul were to be placed under Shiite militia control after the offensive. However, it is still unclear if the Shiite militias, the core of the Iraqi paramilitary forces battling ISIS, will take an essential part in the Mosul operation.
Oct. 5, 2016





Iraq Headline:   Iraq Situation Report Sept 20- Oct 3, 2016



Kurdish Headline:  Syrian Kurdish bloc calls for entry of Peshmerga after Hasakah’s deadly attack

Kurdish Headline:  Kurds call for protection from ISIS gas attack in upcoming Mosul offensive

After an ISIS-led deadly attack hit a Kurdish wedding in Hasakah city on Monday, the Kurdish National Council (KNC) asked for the return of 2,000 Syrian Kurds trained as Peshmerga forces in Iraqi Kurdistan. “This perfidious crime shows the importance to protect the Kurdish territories and the security of the people who are living here,” said Kamiran Hajo, chief of the KNC’s Foreign Relations Office. “The KNC is determined to establish this security and to intensify the fight against terrorism. Regarding this, it is indispensable to enable the return of the Peshmerga of Rojava to Syrian Kurdistan to prevent such horrible attacks on civil life,” he said. The Syrian Kurdish Peshmerga were trained by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in Iraqi Kurdistan. “We demand the PYD [Democratic Union Party] to dismiss its claim of exclusive control in Rojava and to give the KNC the opportunity to apply its energies even more to protect the Kurdish territories in Syria,” the KNC official stated.
Oct. 5, 2016





Headline:   Turkish troops clash with ISIS in Syria

A Turkish soldier was killed in northern Syria during a clash with Islamic State (ISIS) militants early on Wednesday. According to the Dogan News Agency the clash occurred in the village of Ziyara, which ISIS attacked and attempted to infiltrate. Three other Turkish soldiers were also wounded in that attack. The Turkish military said its forces killed 18 ISIS militants in the attack. The Turkish Army released a statement saying that Turkish warplanes targeted ISIS forces in the same area in support of its forces on the ground. Also on Wednesday, two Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters were killed fighting ISIS southwest of the border-town of Al-Rai in a separate incident. The killing of the Turkish soldier on Wednesday comes nearly a month after three Turkish soldiers were killed in Syria in early September when ISIS launched “a rocket attack” against two Turkish tanks near Al-Rai.
Oct. 5, 2016


Headline:     Did Turkey abandon Aleppo to fight Syrian Kurds?

A rumored Turkish-Russian deal would give Ankara a free hand to deal with Kurdish groups in the north in exchange for cutting support to rebels in Syria’s second city. Developments on the ground in Syria indicate the possible blossoming of an agreement between Turkey and Russia over the conflict, illustrated by the changing priorities of the government in Ankara. The recent Turkish-led offensive against ISIS inside Syria was not met with any resistance by Russia or the Syrian regime, even though Turkey has been explicitly pro-opposition since the early stages of the revolution in 2011. The offensive was preceded by a Turkish-Russian rapprochement, which has been widely cited to explain Russia’s acquiescence to the military action. Similarly, the recent unprecedented attacks by the Syrian regime and Russia to capture rebel-held eastern Aleppo have not led to an increase in the support provided to rebel groups by their backers, namely Turkey. Although the details of this possible new alliance remain largely unknown, rumors are circulating about a behind-the-scenes agreement between Russia and Turkey that would allow the latter to intervene and check the power of Syrian Kurdish groups in the north in exchange for reducing their support for rebels fighting Assad in Aleppo.
Oct. 5, 2016



Headline:  Report: Secret Obama deal freed up funding early for Iran missile program

The Obama administration forged a secret deal to lift sanctions on an Iranian bank that was a primary funding stream for the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missile program, a report said. The deal called for the immediate lifting of sanctions on Iran’s Bank Sepah – eight years before the sanctions were scheduled to be lifted under last summer’s nuclear deal, according to an Oct. 4 report by the Washington Free Beacon. The Treasury Department described Bank Sepah in 2007 as the “linchpin of Iran’s missile procurement.” A senior adviser to Congress told the Free Beacon that the Obama administration misled the public to avoid sparking outrage over its decision to drop sanctions on the top funder of Iran’s ballistic missile program. “The Obama administration couldn’t tell the American public that it had just unleashed Iran’s ballistic missile program as one part of an enormous ransom extracted by Iran,” the source said. “So instead they ran to friendly reporters to misleadingly boast about how successful their diplomacy was, while they were bribing Iran with billions of dollars and military concessions to stay at the table.” The Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank, described the administration’s move as putting Iran’s ballistic missile program “back in business.”
Oct. 5, 2016




Headline:      US Military Conducts Airstrikes in Troubled Afghan City

Headline:  World powers pledge $15 bln for Afghanistan, EU seeks peace

Headline:  US Service Member Killed in Afghanistan

Headline:  Islamic State claims it killed US soldier in Afghanistan

The United States military says it conducted airstrikes in the northern Afghan city of Kunduz Wednesday to defend government forces who are battling resilient Taliban insurgents for a third day in a row. The fighting comes as key international and regional stakeholders met in Brussels on the sidelines of a conference and agreed to renew efforts to promote peace and reconciliation between the Afghan government and the Taliban. The NATO-led Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan said Wednesday the Afghan government still controls Kunduz and there is sporadic fighting within the city as national security forces continue to secure the area. “U.S. forces today conducted two air engagements to defend friendly forces who were receiving enemy fire and continue to assist [Afghan partners] as needed,” the alliance said in a brief statement.
Oct. 5, 2016






Headline:      US hits Daesh positions in Libya as air war enters third month

US military aircraft pounded the Daesh terror group positions in the extremists former Libyan stronghold of Sirte over the weekend, as the US air campaign entered its third month, the Pentagon said on Monday. According to the US military’s Africa Command, US pilots conducted 20 air strikes on Sunday alone, most of them against “enemy fighting positions”. When the Pentagon announced its latest front in the war against Daesh on August 1, officials said the campaign to help local forces push the extremists from the coastal city of Sirte would likely be quick, taking “weeks, not months”. The military action followed a request by the UN-supported Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA), and President Barack Obama’s administration has stressed that ongoing US involvement would be framed by the interim Libyan government’s needs.
Oct. 4, 2016



Headline:  Polisario Front warns it’s closer to conflict with Morocco

The Polisario Front independence movement is warning that it is closer to resuming confrontation with Morocco over the disputed Western Sahara than to peace.  Ould Salek, the movement’s foreign relations chief, urgently appealed to the UN Security Council on Tuesday to hold the referendum on the future of Western Sahara promised in a 1991 cease-fire agreement with Morocco. He said “the situation remains very tense, very dangerous” in a buffer strip in southwestern Western Sahara where Moroccan security forces are facing Polisario Front fighters. “Anything can start the confrontation,” Salek warned.
***the Polisario Front is a rebel national liberation movement aiming to end Moroccan occupation of the Western Sahara
Oct. 5, 2016




Headline:    EU orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims

Headline:  U.S. top court denies Obama request to rehear major immigration case

A report from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) found there was an increase in hate speech and racist violence in the UK from 2009 to March 2016. Blaming the press, ECRI Chair Christian Ahlund, said: “It is no coincidence that racist violence is on the rise in the UK at the same time as we see worrying examples of intolerance and hate speech in the newspapers, online and even among politicians.” The report makes a whopping 23 recommendations to Theresa May’s Government for changes to criminal law, the freedom of the press, crime reporting and equality law. In a sweeping statement, he said: “The Brexit referendum seems to have led to a further rise in ‘anti-foreigner’ sentiment, making it even more important that the British authorities take the steps outlined in our report as a matter of priority.” The report lays into the British press and urges the government to “give more rigorous training” to reporters. In the 83-page report, the Commission said: “ECRI considers that, in light of the fact that Muslims are increasingly under the spotlight as a result of recent ISIS-related terrorist acts around the world, fuelling prejudice against Muslims shows a reckless disregard, not only for the dignity of the great majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom, but also for their safety.
Oct. 5, 2016











Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:       Ansar Dine claims series of attacks in northern Mali

Ansar Dine, a largely Tuareg front group for al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), has claimed credit for a series of attacks on UN forces yesterday near the town of Aguelhok in the Kidal Region. The strikes included two separate incidents of rocket and mortar shelling and ambushes using improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The first occurrence of shelling occurred with Grad rockets, which targeted the UN base in Aguelhok. The rockets did little damage, but it was reported that one vehicle was destroyed. After the shelling, a Chadian patrol team mounted a combing operation near the area where the shells were fired. Ansar Dine claims that when the Chadian troops were near the area, it ambushed the patrol with an IED. One peacekeeper was killed in the blast, while another died from his injuries later in the day. After the IED, an ambulance belonging to the Chadian contingent at Aguelhok was hit by another IED trying to make its way to the earlier patrol. As this was happening, mortars were again fired into the UN camp. Elsewhere in Mali, suspected jihadists targeted a Malian military checkpoint near Timbuktu today, leaving one soldier dead. Two civilians are also reported to have sustained injuries as a result of the assault. While no group has so far taken responsibility, the Timbuktu Region is the main area of operations for AQIM’s al Furqan Battalion, which is part of its Sahara Emirate.
Oct. 5, 2016


Headline:      ISIS appoints new Boko Haram leader to spearhead Islamist insurgency in Nigeria

The disputed leader of Boko Haram knows how to cheat death — and do it in style. After the Nigerian army declared him “fatally wounded” on Aug. 19, Abubakar Shekau appeared in a new video last week to mock the government that has claimed to have killed him at least four times already. “To the despot Nigerian government: Die with envy. I’m not dead,” a man purporting to be Shekau says in the video. But if Shekau looks untouchable in the fight against the Nigerian army, he has proved much more vulnerable to threats from within his organization. Less than 18 months after he led Boko Haram into a high-profile partnership with the Islamic State, the Iraq- and Syria-based caliphate shunted him aside in favor of a new representative in Nigeria. In an interview published in the Islamic State’s propaganda magazine in August, Abu Musab al-Barnawi, the son of the late Boko Haram founder Mohammed Yusuf, was named the new leader of Boko Haram.
Oct. 5, 2016


Headline:     ‘Merkel MUST GO’ Germany in FLAMES as furious locals torch cars and attack mosque

HUNDREDS of furious protesters heckled Angela Merkel in Dresden just days after police cars were set on fire in the city and bombs exploded outside a mosque. Campaigners jeered the German Chancellor as she attended celebrations in the eastern city to mark 26 years since Germany’s reunification. Holding placards reading “Merkel must go”, right-wing protesters also shouted the slogan as Merkel, who has faced criticism for her open-door refugee policy, and President Joachim Gauck arrived for the celebrations and greeted spectators. Graffiti declaring “All of Dresden hates the police” has been sprayed in a street near the scene of the arson. Dresden is the birthplace of the anti-Islam Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA) group. The grassroots movement, whose weekly rallies attracted around 20,000 supporters at their height at the start of 2015 held a rally in the city today. Protesters blew whistles and shouted ‘Traitors’ and ‘Get out’ as the German Chancellor arrived in Dresden.
Oct. 4, 2016




Headline:     Russia begins evacuation of FORTY MILLION PEOPLE in huge drill

Headline:  40 Million Russians To Take Part In “Nuclear Disaster” Drill, Days After US General Warns Of War With Moscow

The huge four-day “civil defence” drill has set alarm bells ringing in Washington and London, with tensions already high over disagreements in Syria. Following a breakdown in communication between the USA and Russia, the Kremlin has now organised the huge emergency practice drill – either as a show of force or something more sinister. The drill will prepare Russian citizens for “large natural and man-made disasters”, according to the country’s Ministery for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disaster. The ministry revealed 40 million civilians, 200,000 emergency rescuers and 50,000 units of equipment are involved in the war game, which is running from October 4 to October 7. A spokesman said in a statement: “The main goal of the drill is to practice organisation of management during civil defence events and emergency and fire management, to check preparedness of management bodies and forces of civil defence on all levels to respond to natural and man-made disasters and to take civil defence measures.” They explained the scheme would be divided into three stages: awareness, planning and evacuation.
Oct. 5, 2016



Headline:  Two Russian bombers blast across Europe – causing FOUR countries to scramble fighter jets to intercept them

FOUR European countries were forced to scramble fighter jets after two Russian Blackjack bombers blasted across the continent, it has been revealed. The UK, Norway, France and Spain all intercepted the TU-160 planes as they made a daring flight from Norway to northern Spain and back. During the flight, the bombers swooped across the top of Scotland, before skirting the west coast of Ireland, completing their route near northern Spain. Spanish media has reported it is the furthest south such an operation has had to take place – while the frequency of Russian bombers being intercepted by Nato aircraft has significantly increased. Although the incident occurred on September 22, the full details only emerged following an statement from the French Ministry of Defence. According to the statement, the two bombers were first detected by Norway, which scrambled two F-16 jets to accompany them to the north of Scotland – where they were then intercepted by RAF Typhoon aircraft. French Rafale fighter planes then picked up the bombers after they skirted Ireland’s west coast, before Spain sent two F-18 jets to intercept the Russian planes north of Bilbao. The RAF has confirmed that the Russian jets did not enter UK airspace at any point.
Oct. 5, 2016



Headline:    Mysterious paralysis-causing syndrome appears to be on the rise – CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating a dangerous health condition, acute flaccid myelitis, which appears to be on the rise with 50 new cases. The illness can cause temporary or permanent paralysis in severe cases. “We continue to receive reports of sporadic cases of Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). From January 1 to August 31, 2016, a total of 50 people in 24 states across the country were confirmed to have AFM,” said the CDC on Monday. “AFM is a rare illness that anyone can get. It affects a person’s nervous system, specifically the spinal cord. AFM can result from a variety of causes, including viral infections.” AFM causes damage that can result in temporary or permanent paralysis in severe cases. The CDC said the syndrome has a variety of causes, including enterovirus D68.
Oct. 5, 2016










Headline:      Mass protests make Polish govt reconsider blanket abortion ban

Nationwide demos staged by women in Poland against a proposal for a blanket abortion ban may have achieved their goal, with a Polish minister admitting the protests gave authorities some “food for thought.” “I’d like to reassure those who fear that abortions in Poland will be completely banned. The total abortion project certainly won’t pass. Abortions will stay in place for women who were raped or whose life or health is in danger,” Jaroslaw Gowin, Poland’s Minister of Science and Higher Education, said on Wednesday on Radio Koszalin, according to Polish Radio’s IAR news agency. The mass protest, dubbed “Black Monday,” saw some 100,000 women taking to the streets in various Polish cities, including Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw and others. The protests “gave us food for thought and certainly taught us humility,” Gowin said, also noting that the rallies couldn’t have gone unnoticed. The protesters included women who supported the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) in last October’s election, which is a worrying factor for the Polish government. “They could lose the two sections of the electorate that helped them succeed,” said Aleksander Smolar, a liberal political analyst with the Stefan Batory Foundation, according to Reuters. Nearly half of the country’s population supported Monday’s protests, an opinion poll carried out for the liberal OKO.press showed.
Oct. 5, 2016



Headline:    Christians fear displacement from Old City Damascus: activists

A Syrian Christian opposition group has voiced fears that the Bashar al-Assad regime is seeking to displace Christians from the historic center of Damascus, known popularly as the Old City. In a statement issued Sunday, the Syrian Christians for Peace warned of the “deliberate and systemic [efforts] to displace the remaining Christians from the Old City of Damascus.” The humanitarian organization—which seeks to challenge the narrative of Christian support for the regime—said that the government was purposely ruining the “security and moral” situation of Christian quarters in the Old City in a bid to “prompt [Christians] to sell their homes.” “The Syrian Christians for Peace condemns the deliberate disregard for the values and ethics of the Christian-majority areas of Damascus, especially in Bab Touma,” the statement also said. The Syrian Christians for Peace claimed that Christian residents have been complaining that their neighborhoods have transformed into “hotbeds of immorality,” in reference to the large number of bars and nightclubs opened in the past months in the residential areas, which the group said was “violating the sanctity and security” of the historic neighborhoods in central Damascus. The Syrian Christians for Peace called on “all Christian clergymen to take a firm stand against these practices and to stop favoring an authoritarian regime that killed more than half-a-million [people], displaced ten million and destroyed half the country.”
Oct. 5, 2016



Matthew 24:7
Luke 21:11
Luke 21:25 

Headline:    Hurricane Matthew damage said the worst since 2010 earthquake

Headline:  Typhoon Chaba batters South Korea; 3 dead

A United Nations official said yesterday that Hurricane Matthew has created the biggest humanitarian crisis in Haiti since the devastating earthquake of January 2010. Deputy Special Representative for Haiti Mourad Wahba said in a statement that 10,000 people were forced from their homes into shelters and communications systems have been knocked out in the country’s hard-hit south-western peninsula. Wahba said officials have received reports of destroyed houses and overcrowded hospitals and shortages of fresh water. The hospital in the city of Les Cayes, he said, had its roof blown off. Damage appeared to be widespread, but because of poor communication, blocked roads and washed-out bridges the full extent of the damage was not immediately clear, nor was the number of deaths.
***ETRM has supported Pastor Josue in Haiti for years.  He was able to get us a message this morning on his Facebook page: Josue Michel  By the grace of God, our little village titanyen is safe. Please, pray for Haiti south, the hurricane give so much damage there

Oct. 5, 2016




Headline:     Analysts reveal shock SUNSPOTS discovery

Analysis of the sun has revealed that there has been a sharp decrease in the amount of sunspots this year. Sunspots release solar flares and vast amounts of magnetic energy. For the fourth time this year, the sun has gone blank, which has led some experts to believe that a new Ice Age is on the horizon and could hit us by 2019. According to SpaceWeather.com, the occurrence of a spotless sun is going to become more regular. It said: “There will be lots of spotless suns. “At first, the blank stretches will be measured in days; later in weeks and months. “The current blank spell is the fourth such interval of 2016, so far.” Meteorologist Paul Dorian believes that this is indicative behaviour of an approaching Ice Age.
Oct. 5, 2016


earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

Oct. 5, 2016- Russia is hoarding gold at an alarming pace

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 27, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora








Headline: Backlash to World Economic Order Clouds Outlook at IMF Talks

Headline: Russia is hoarding gold at an alarming pace

Policy-making elites converge on Washington this week for meetings that epitomize a faith in globalization that’s at odds with the growing backlash against the inequities it creates. From Britain’s vote to leave the European Union to Donald Trump’s championing of “America First,” pressures are mounting to roll back the economic integration that has been a hallmark of gatherings of the IMF and World Bank for more than 70 years. Fed by stagnant wages and diminishing job security, the populist uprising threatens to depress a world economy that International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde says is already “weak and fragile.” The calls for less integration and more trade barriers also pose risks for elevated financial markets that remain susceptible to sudden swings in investor sentiment, as underscored by recent jitters over Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank AG’s financial health. “The backlash against globalization is manifesting itself in increased nationalistic sentiment, against the outside world and in favor of increasing isolation,” said Louis Kuijs, head of Asia economics at Oxford Economics in Hong Kong and a former IMF official. “If we lose consensus on what kind of a world we want to have, the world will probably be worse off.”
Oct. 5, 2016



To answer the question asked of me about the  Baba Vanga prophecies, I want to make it very clear that anyone who tells you they know what is going to happen in the future better be pointing to what the Bible has to say because that is the only way to be safe in making predictions. If you tell people exactly what Jesus said you will be telling truth because Jesus cannot lie and those things which He says will come to pass as we have been seeing in our generation.  So many people have stated they know what is going to happen and over and over again those people have been proven to be false. Baba Vanga is a great example.  Keep in mind, the Bible is 100% on the mark with prophecy. On the flip side, if a person says a host of things over the years there is a chance that one or two of what is said may happen just by chance. As for the facts look at Baba’s predictions from 2010 to 2014 and you will see that nothing of what she said would happen actually happened.

Baba Predictions:

2010 – World War III. War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and then chemical weapons. (FAILED)

2011 – As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation. Then Muslims will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans. (NO NUKES AND NO FALL OUT PROPHECY (FAILED)

2014 – Most people will suffer skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare) (FAILED)

Why people even listen to this crap is behind me but they do. Check out what Baba says for 2016 and on and, you will see her predictions are very general in nature. Not only that but, anyone who read the Bible knows what to look for so making a prediction based on the Bible but making it appear as if you are predicting an event is really not honest.  For example:

2016 – Europe almost lonely (empty).  

If you read the book of Daniel you know that the Europe will have trouble because God told Daniel in chapter 7 and 9 that would be the cause when the revived Roman Empire came back so, making a prediction that Europe almost lonely is nothing knew!

 2018 – New China becomes a world power. Developing countries in turn operated from exploiters. 

Anyone who has been watching China in the news can see how fast they are growing in power so predicting China’s rise has been a given for years.

2023 – A little bit of change in the Earth’s orbit.

Here again the God warns us about the Earth moving back and forth in the last days. Prophecy Sign: In Isaiah 24:20 God told Isaiah the following: “The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.” There is no question such a reeling can affect the Earth’s orbit. Looks like Baba read the Bible and made her own statement which made her look like a true prophet. However, since what most of what she stated already failed we know for sure she is not a true prophet of God. 

2025 – Europe still little settled.

Again, the above prediction is so general.

2028 – Creating a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. Launched a manned spacecraft to Venus.

Once again, people have been working on a new energy source involving thermonuclear reaction for years and I believe it is possible to get this type of new energy source. God told Daniel our generation who be known as the increase in knowledge generation so it stands to reason the chances of our generation getting this type of energy is very high. Every time someone sets a date that God has supposed to have revealed to someone that date comes and goes without that any fulfilled as what was supposed to happen on that date. I am sure the 2028 date will be added to that list.

2033 – The polar ice are melting. Greater levels of the oceans.

Jesus in the book of Revelation and in the gospels tells us over and over again in the last days there will be droughts, intense heat from the sun, and signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars. Knowing what Jesus stated and knowing the heat is coming you don’t have to be some kind of great prophet to tell people the ice will melt and the waters will raise. What do you think the affects of intense heat from the Sun is going to do? Of course, melt polar ice and the waters rise! I went to Alaska to report on the ice melting and oceans raising years ago so I could put the facts in my prophecy book. Baba’s prophecy is already to late because it didn’t start in 2028 like she say, it has been going on now for the past 20-30 years.  

2076 – Classless Society (communism).

Baba once again could have read Revelation 13:16-17 which says,  16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  Anyone who read what Jesus said knows that a cashless society has to come to give the Antichrist world power so predicting it and taking credit for the prediction should all be given to Jesus Christ not someone who seems to have borrowed it from Jesus.

I want to jump to Baba’s 4509 prophecy – Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God.

I want to close with Baba’s above statement. On one has to wait until 4509 to communicate with God. You can communicate with the Lord today if you want. The two most important types of communication are between man and God and between human beings. Communication is more than just our ability to talk, but also to listen. As we communicate with God, the first part of that communication is listening. God’s primary ways of communication with us are through the His Word (Romans 10:17) and by the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). God speaks to all believers through the vehicle of the Bible, which is all we need to equip us for the Christian life (2 Timothy 3:16). In order to fully understand God’s communication with us, we must be diligent to read, study, memorize and meditate on His Word. In short, stop listening to claims made by false prophets and start trusting what God is saying to you via His word from the Bible.

Oct. 3, 2016- US government no longer controls the Internet; US Suspends Talks with Russia over Syria

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 27, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora


~to get everyone used to the new format please be sure to click photos for full explanation~

Burdensome stone
judgment of god




Headline:     ISIS cell in Jerusalem?

Six Jerusalem Arabs have been indicted for allegedly working to establish a cell of the ISIS terror organization inside Israel. The six were charged in a Jerusalem court of security offenses, assisting an enemy in war-time, and association with a terror group. The suspects are residents of the Shuafat and Anata neighborhoods. According to the indictment, from 2015 until August 2016, the suspects made efforts to enlist in ISIS and establish an ISIS cell inside Israel. Among other activities, the six organized study sessions to spread the terror group’s radical ideology. The indictment also revealed that some of the suspects attempted to travel to Syria to join the jihadist organization’s fight against the Assad regime. The suspects also reportedly planned terror attacks against Jews in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Oct. 3, 2016


golan heights

Headline:  For Israeli Druze, the War in Syria Is a Horrifying Spectator Sport

In this hidden spot in the Golan Heights, the fighting in Syria is just 300 meters away. There’s a concealed site in the Israeli part of the Golan Heights, between the Druze villages of Bukata and Majdal Shams, east of the main road and adjacent to the fence marking the border, from where the war in Syria – which is singeing the border area between the Israeli and Syrian sections of this plateau – can be observed with the unaided eye. For those who have come to watch, every exploding shell is harrowing: It’s their relatives who are being battered. People from local Druze villages come here, ostensibly to witness the fate of their relatives in the village opposite that’s being shelled. Occasionally phone calls are made to the village, or text messages sent, to find out what’s happening and how people are doing. On weekends, Israeli Druze come here, too. It’s not the horrors of Aleppo, more a war of attrition that seems to have clear rules of its own. It’s said in the Golan Heights that Israel is preventing the Nusra Front rebels from capturing Khader, in Syria. All they can do is try to wear it down and terrorize its residents. Other than the area of Khader, however, a large Druze village of 11,000 people whose homes are scattered on the slopes of the hill across the way, the rebels here effectively control the whole boundary line with Israel, with either its support or its tacit agreement. Khader is on the left, defended by the local militia and the Syrian army, while to the right, seeking shelter among the trees, are the Nusra Front fighters.
***the next story: a group of rebels in Quneitra that are protecting Israel’s border have reconciled with the Syrian government
Sept. 30, 2016



Headline:    8 villages agree to reconcile with Syrian government

Reconciliation agreements were signed over the last 24 hours with representatives of eight Syrian settlements, including five — in the province of Latakia, two — in the province of Homs, and one — in the province of Quneitra, the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties said in its regular daily news bulletin posted on the Russian Defense Ministry’s official website on Sunday.
Oct. 3, 2016




Headline:    Jordan to open permanent office at NATO

Jordan will open a permanent office at NATO in early 2017, according to Brig. Gen. Mekhled Suheim, joint training director at the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army. “We asked for this a few years ago and NATO has finally approved it,” the officer said at a recent meeting with journalists at the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Centre (KASOTC) to highlight NATO-funded training for Iraqi officers conducted at the facility. Jordan has 33 partnership goals to achieve with NATO, he said. “We have achieved six already and we have 27 goals to achieve now. Having a permanent office in NATO will help us speed up the fulfilment of these goals. We are already an enhanced opportunity partner with NATO, and having our staff there will help us open doors and boost the existing cooperation,” said Suheim. “Being there will enhance Jordan’s capabilities and will help increase the support we are receiving from the alliance in a wider variety of areas,” he added. The permanent office will work on increasing cooperation and support to Jordan, said Suheim, noting that the Kingdom needs additional technical support and defence capacity building.
Oct. 3, 2016



golan heights

Headline:  ISIS launches new offensive in eastern Qalamoun

The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched a new offensive inside the eastern Qalamoun region of rural Damascus on Saturday night, targeting the Free Syrian Army’s (FSA) positions at Jabal Afa’ii. ISIS began the assault by storming the eastern perimeter of Jabal Afa’ii, resulting in a fierce battle with the Free Syrian Army that is still ongoing at the moment. According to the Free Syrian Army’s official media wing, their forces reportedly destroyed one of the Islamic State’s technical vehicles that was mounted with an anti-aircraft machine gun. Today’s attack by the Islamic State is the second offensive launched by the aforementioned terrorist group this month.
***see also Syria below

Oct. 2, 2016


Saudi Arabia2Saudi Arabia



Headline:      US warships sent to area where Iran-backed rebels attacked Saudi-led coalition ship

The U.S. Navy dispatched three warships near the southern coast of Yemen after four rockets hit and nearly sank a United Arab Emirates auxiliary ship Saturday, two U.S. defense officials told Fox News. Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attack. There were no reported injuries to the Emerati crew. Al Jazeera reported on video of the attack. Iran supplied the Houthis with the “shoulder-fired rockets” that nearly destroyed the UAE ship, according to two U.S. officials. It was not immediately clear what type of rocket the rebels may have fired. Military officials sent the Navy warships to the southern end of the Bab al-Mandab Strait, also known as the Mandab Strait, which connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden. Two U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyers, USS Mason and USS Nitze, armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles, Harpoon anti-ship missiles and an assortment of deck-mounted high-caliber machine guns, joined USS Ponce, a floating staging ship which includes a compliment of special operations forces, according to one official.
Oct. 3, 2016



Headline: China to finance Egypt’s $45 billion capital city in the desert

Headline:  Proposed new capital of Egypt

Egypt’s plan to build a glittering new capital city in the desert was written off by many as nothing more than a dream for a country with a struggling economy. That dream, however, appears headed for reality after China stepped in to bankroll much of the $45 billion project. China Fortune Land Development announced on Sept. 25 it would invest $20 billion in the project. That announcement followed the pledge of $15 billion from China’s state-owned construction company. Work has already begun for the as yet unnamed new capital 28 miles south of the current capital Cairo. The new city, located on a 270-square-mile slice of desert owned by the Egyptian army, would be home to some 5 million people. City planners envision a city with skyscrapers rivaling those in Dubai, green areas comparable to New York City’s Central Park, an international airport larger than London’s Heathrow and an amusement park on the scale of Disney World. Several hundred apartment buildings already have gone up in the new city, and construction crews are building roads and laying sewage lines. The target for completion of the new capital is 2021 (see links below)

noteIn an often forgotten part of Isaiah there is a verse about Egypt:

Isaiah 19:18-25

18 In that day there will be five cities in the land of Egypt that speak the language of Canaan and swear allegiance to the Lord of hosts. One of these will be called the City of Destruction.19 In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord at its border. 20 It will be a sign and a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt. When they cry to the Lord because of oppressors, he will send them a savior and defender, and deliver them. 21 And the Lord will make himself known to the Egyptians, and the Egyptians will know the Lord in that day and worship with sacrifice and offering, and they will make vows to the Lord and perform them. 22 And the Lord will strike Egypt, striking and healing, and they will return to the Lord, and he will listen to their pleas for mercy and heal them. 23 In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and Assyria will come into Egypt, and Egypt into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians. 24 In that day Israel will be the third with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, 25 whom the Lord of hosts has blessed, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.”

‘iyr meaning the city

Herec meaning destruction

Since Isaiah calls it the city of destruction, although the rest of the verse tells us that 5 cities will speak the Holy language and there will be an altar of the Lord in Egypt, what does this mean? Many commentaries believe that Isaiah made a wordplay here on ‘city of the sun’ ((’ir hašemeš) by writing ’ir haheres which literally means “city of destruction”. Going on with the commentaries thought, if it is city of the sun, most believe this is the Egyptian city of Heliopolis.  Heliopolis is 8 miles from Cairo; here is a map showing the proposed new capital city, Cairo and Heliopolis. Could this new capital be the City of Destruction Isaiah is talking about (rather than Heliopolis)?  We’ll have to keep on the watch and see!

egypt new capital
Sept. 30, 2016




~Keep in mind when looking at the map~ the BLUE line shows what Syria looks like according to the Psalm 83 definition

us vs russia

Syria Headline:      Russia warns US not to attack Syrian regime

Syria Headline:  Putin Halts Plutonium Pact, Demands End to Sanctions by U.S.

Syria Headline:     US Suspends Talks with Russia over Syria

Syria Headline:     UN council weighs measure to impose Syria truce

Russia warned the United States about taking direct action against the Syrian regime, saying it would cause negative consequences across the Middle East, Russia’s state-run Sputnik news agency reported Saturday. Sputnik reported that Russian’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, “If the US launches a direct aggression against Damascus and the Syrian army, it will lead to terrible, tectonic shifts not only on the territory of this country but also in the region in general.” She said the United States risked creating a power vacuum in Syria were it to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Such a power vacuum would be filled by “terrorists of all sorts,” Sputnik reported. Meanwhile, President Vladimir Putin abandoned a key nuclear disarmament treaty with the U.S. and demanded the removal of sanctions and troop reductions from Russia’s former Cold War enemy to restore the agreement. Putin withdrew Russia from a plutonium disposal pact Monday in a decree that accused the U.S. of “unfriendly” actions that posed a “threat to strategic stability.” The president said the U.S. had failed to honor the agreement, signed in 2000, which commits both countries to eliminating their stockpiles of plutonium used as the core material in some types of nuclear weapons.
Oct. 3, 2016






Syria Headline:  Syrian rebels aim to reach ISIS-held Dabiq in 48 hours

Syria Headline:    Syrian rebels approach symbolic ISIS village

Syria Headline:    US supports Turkey-backed rebels fighting to take strategic Dabiq from ISIS

Syrian rebels aim to reach the ISIS-held town of Dabiq within 48 hours if all goes to plan, one of their commanders said on Monday, as a Turkey-backed operation in northern Syria targets an area of great religious significance to the group. Ahmed Osman of the Sultan Murad rebel group also said that advances near Dabiq had been slowed because ISIS had heavily mined the area. “If matters proceed as planned, within 48 hours we will be in Dabiq,” Osman told Reuters. He said 15 rebel fighters killed on Sunday had been killed by landmines and a mortar attack in the village of Turkman Bareh, which the Turkey-backed fighters had seized from ISIS.
Oct. 3, 2016




Syria Headline:  15 Turkey-Backed Syrian Rebels Killed in Fighting with IS

Turkish military officials said 15 Syrian opposition fighters were killed and about 35 were wounded in the fighting, which seeks to capture seven residential districts south of the town of al-Rai. According to an emailed statement, “intense” clashes had taken place in the regions of Boztepe, Hardanah and Turkmen Bari. The statement said the casualties occurred over the last 24 hours. The Turkish officials spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 21 rebels were killed and more than two dozen wounded, adding that many of the casualties were due to land mines and booby-traps planted by the extremists near the village Turkmen Bari. The Observatory, which relies on a network of activists across Syria, said the Turkey-backed rebel forces are trying to reach the town of Dabiq. IS propaganda claims the town is going to be the location of an epic battle with invading Christian forces in which Muslims will win. IS has been preparing for the battle in Dabiq for weeks, planting mines and explosives and sending some of its most experienced fighters to defend the town, which has been in IS hands since August 2014. The extremists have named their online magazine after the town.
Oct. 3, 2016



Syria Headline:       Syrian Army begins new offensive in Khan al-Shih

The Syrian Army launched, today morning, a wide-scale offensive to recapture Khan al-Shih town, located to the southwest of Damascus. According to Al Masdar News reporter, the military operation began with heavy artillery and aerial bombardment against hardline militants (mostly fighting Fateh al-Sham Front).
Oct. 1, 2016



Syria Headline:    Mother of all battles approaches Aleppo as jihadist rebels amass thousands of militants

The largest battle to take place in this 5 year-long conflict is quickly approaching Aleppo City, as both the Syrian Armed Forces and jihadist rebels mobilize thousands of men to gain the upper-hand on the battlefield. Reports from the Syrian Arab Army’s High Command indicate that the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) have amassed thousands of militants in preparation for their large-scale counter-offensive against the government forces and their allies in southern and western Aleppo. The supreme commander of the Syrian Armed Forces in Aleppo, Major General Za’id Saleh, told Al-Masdar News on Wednesday that only 2,500 militants remain inside the eastern Aleppo neighborhoods.
Oct. 1, 2016


Syria Headline:     Syrian Army, Hezbollah begin new assault at strategic southern Aleppo district

the Syrian Arab Army’s Republican Guard, backed by Hezbollah, began a new assault in the southern sector of Aleppo, striking the southern portion of the 1070 Al-Hamdaniyah Housing Project that is under the control of the jihadist rebels. The Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah began the new assault by storming the southern buildings inside the 1070 Al-Hamdaniyah Housing Project of southern Aleppo; this resulted in an intense battle with the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) that is still ongoing at the moment. According to an Al-Masdar correspondent in Aleppo City, the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah managed to capture several buildings from the jihadist rebels this morning.
Oct. 3, 2016



Syria Headline:  US bombs Deir Ezzor again
***see ETRM 9-19 post

The U.S. Air Force reportedly destroyed another bridge in the Deir Ezzor countryside on Friday, marking their third attack on the province this month. According to a military source at the Deir Ezzor Airport, the U.S. Coalition destroyed the Al-‘Asharat Bridge inside the Al-Mayadeen District on Friday; this is the second bridge destroyed in this district over the last 10 days. Three missiles were reportedly used by the U.S. Coalition to destroy this bridge on Friday morning. Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) struck back against the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) today inside the southwestern countryside of Deir Ezzor after nearly three weeks of being on the defensive. According to a military source in Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division, alongside the 123rd Regiment, liberated Tal Umm Abboud after a fierce battle with the Islamic State terrorists this afternoon. Backing the Syrian Armed Forces was the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAYF), who carried out several airstrikes over this strategic hilltop on Saturday, killing a large number of Islamic State terrorists.
Oct. 1, 2016
https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/us-bombs-deir-ezzor/ https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-strikes-back-deir-ezzor-weeks-defensive/

Hama 2

Syria Headline:     Russian airstrikes overwhelm jihadist rebels in northern Hama

Syria Headline:     Suicide bomber hits Syrian govt-held Hama – state media

The Russian Air Force carried out a powerful series of airstrikes over the northern Hama countryside on Sunday, targeting the jihadist rebels of Jund Al-Aqsa (Al-Qaeda group) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) near the town of Latamineh. According to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (SOHR), a Russian airstrike struck the headquarters of the Free Syrian Army’s “Jaysh Al-‘Izza,” killing 6 of their fighters and wounding 7 others at Latamineh. The SOHR added that the commander of Jaysh Al-Izza, Jamil Al-Saleh, was inside the base when the Russian jets struck their positions on Sunday.
Oct. 3, 2016



Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline:     Battle for Mosul is imminent: Abadi

Iraq Headline:  ISIS commander: 7,000 fighters ready to defend Mosul

Iraq Headline:    Iraqi Air Force destroys ISIS broadcasting HQ in Mosul

Iraqi Prime Minister said on Saturday that the battle to liberate Mosul city from the occupation of the so-called ‘Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’ (ISIL) terrorist group has became “imminent”. “The next step to liberate the city has became imminent after the liberation of important regions recently,” Abadi was quoted by Iraqi official TV as saying. “Currently, preparations are in full swing, and Iraqi forces are achieving victories on the ground.”
Oct. 3, 2016




Iraq Headline:    Suicide bombing in Baghdad kills at least 7 civilians

Iraqi officials say a suicide bombing in a busy commercial area in Baghdad has killed at least seven civilians. A police officer says the attacker set off his explosives-laden vest on Monday in an outdoor market in the southwestern Shiite-dominated neighborhood of al-Amil. He added that up to 25 other civilians were wounded. A medical official confirmed casualty figures. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to release information.
Oct. 3, 2016



Kurdish Headline:  Turkey bombs major PKK headquarters in Şırnak

Turkey’s military launched on Monday fierce attacks on strongholds of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels. The Turkish air force hit main positions for the PKK in the Kurdish Şırnak Governorate, southeast Turkey. “At least eight PKK positions were bombed by our air force today,” the Turkish Central Command said in a statement, adding that dozens of PKK rebels were killed and injured in the airstrikes. Also on Monday, clashes broke out between the Kurdish PKK rebels and Turkish security forces in the Hakkari Governorate. The PKK initiated the clashes by bombing a Turkish security centre in Hakkari countryside. “More than 20 Turkish forces were killed in the clashes,” a PKK officer told ARA News, speaking on condition of anonymity. “We will continue the fight against the suppressive Turkish government until liberating the Kurdish region and ending decades of oppression on our people,” he said.
Oct. 3, 2016



Headline:   Turkey extends state of emergency for 90 days

Turkey will extend a state of emergency imposed after the failed coup last July for another three months starting from 19 October, the government said on Monday. The decision was announced after a weekly cabinet meeting chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at his presidential palace in Ankara. “The state of emergency will be extended for another 90 days starting October 19 from 1 am,” Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus told a news conference after the cabinet meeting. The decision still needs to be put to a vote in the 550-seat parliament but it is certain to be passed as the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) enjoys a majority in the house. The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has accused the government of using the abortive putsch to stifle dissent. Erdogan, however, defended Turkey’s actions by pointing to France which has extended emergency since the Islamic State-claimed attacks on Paris in November. The opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has also voiced support for the extension. The government says basic freedoms will not be undermined. It says the state of emergency is needed to hunt down suspects in the failed putsch, blamed by authorities on US-based Muslim preacher Fethullah Gulen. “The extension means we are still taking certain steps to address vital challenges to our democracy,” a senior Turkish official said on condition of anonymity.
Oct. 3, 2016


Headline:  Erdogan: “End of game” with EU

On Saturday, Turkish President Erdogan had warned Brussels that Turkey is at “the end of the game” for its European Union (EU) admission. “If the EU is going to make Turkey a full member, we are ready. But they should know that we have came to the end of the game,” he said during a televised speech. “There is no need to beat around the bush or engage in diplomatic acrobatics… It’s their (the EU’s) choice to continue the path with or without Turkey. They should not hold us responsible,” he added. Erdogan also noted that October would be a significant month in EU-Turkey relations as “it is necessary” for visa-free travel for Turks into the Schengen Area be enforced in this month. “The fact that our country has been kept waiting at the door for 53 years shows your (the EU’s) opinion towards us,” noted Erdogan.
Oct. 2, 2016


Headline:  Erdogan slams US Congress over Saudi 9/11 law

Headline: Turkey police detain Gulen’s brother in coup probe

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned Saturday a US Congress vote to override Barack Obama’s veto of a bill allowing 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, saying he expected the move to be reversed as soon as possible. Relations between Ankara and Riyadh have tightened considerably in the past months as they pursue joint interests in Syria as they both support the terrorist groups against the Syrian civilians, army and government. Erdogan had just the day earlier hosted Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef for talks at his palace. “The allowing by the US Congress of lawsuits to be opened against Saudi Arabia over the 9/11 attacks is unfortunate,” Erdogan said in a speech for the opening of parliament. “It’s against the principle of individual criminal responsibility for crimes. We expect this false step to be reversed as soon as possible,” he added.
Oct. 3, 2016





Headline:  Erdogan: Giving islands back to Greece was a mistake

On Thursday, Turkish President Erdogan expressed the “mistake” it was for the young Turkish Republic to allow islands to be given to Greece in the Treaty of Lausanne after World War 1, despite these islands being historically, ethnically and culturally Greek. “We gave away islands to Greece that we could reach with a shout in Lausanne. Is this victory? They tried to trick us into believing that Lausanne was a victory,” Erdogan said during a speech in Ankara. The Greek leader Alexis Tsipras however highlighted the latest rant by Erdogan could threaten bilateral relations between Athens and Ankara who currently have a strong relationship. “Questioning the Treaty of Lausanne, which established norms in Greco-Turkish relations (and) the status quo in the Aegean and its islands, is dangerous to relations between the two countries and to the broader region,” Tsipras’ office quoted him as saying on Friday.” (1st link below)

noteThis sounds as if Erdogan is picking a fight with Greece.  So what would happen if it came to a fight? Let’s take a look:

***Cyprus is a member of the EU and part of ISIS 5 year plan map

Turkey flatly refuses to recognize the government of the Republic of Cyprus, stating that the Republic – as established by the Constitution of 1960 – ceased to exist when the intercommunal violence that commenced in December 1963 ended Turkish Cypriot participation in the Cypriot government. The attempted coup in July 1974 – engineered by Greek Military Junta – was responded to by Turkey by a full military invasion, which resulted in the northern third of the island being occupied by Turkish military forces. This portion of Cyprus unilaterally declared independence in November 1983 as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), which Turkey recognizes. Turkey refers to the Republic of Cyprus government as “The Greek Cypriot Administration of South Cyprus.” Cyprus takes the view that the TRNC government is a puppet administration, and thus prefers to negotiate with Turkey over the resolution of the Cyprus Problem. Turkey insists that the TRNC government is the institution that the RoC government must refer to in negotiations. Cyprus’ accession to the European Union has had a negative impact on Turkey in regards to its own accession negotiations. The refusal of Turkey to allow Cypriot-flagged ships to access Turkish ports has resulted in a partial suspension of its accession negotiations. However Cyprus is in favor of Turkey’s Accession to the EU with the hope it will facilitate a viable and just solution of the Cyprus Problem.  The relations between the Greek and the Turkish states have been marked by alternating periods of mutual hostility and reconciliation ever since Greece won its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1832.  The Treaty of Lausanne was a peace treaty signed in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 24 July 1923. It officially settled the conflict that had originally existed between the Ottoman Empire and the Allied British Empire, French Republic, Kingdom of Italy, Empire of Japan, Kingdom of Greece, and the Kingdom of Romania since the onset of World War I.  

So we have a country that ISIS wants: Cyprus.  It has been split in half : Cyprus and N. Cyprus- which only Turkey recognizes. So if it comes to a fight then Cyprus would side with Greece and N. Cyprus would side with Turkey. Perfect time for ISIS is get ITS part of the map.  We will have to continue to watch to see what happens!
Sept. 30, 2016






Headline: Iran rejects Germany’s demand on Israel

Iran on Saturday rejected German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel’s demand that it recognize Israel in order to normalize relations with Germany. A spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry who was quoted by Press TV made clear that the Islamic Republic would “never” recognize Israel as a precondition for normalizing ties with Germany. “Ties between Iran and Germany are based on mutual respects and interests, and no precondition would be acceptable in this regard,” the spokesman, Bahram Qasemi, said. “Iran considers defending the rights of the people of Palestine as a principle of its foreign policy and will never and under no circumstances will forsake the Palestinian cause,” he added. “The Islamic Republic does not allow any country to interfere in its domestic affairs,” stressed Qasemi.
Oct. 3, 2016




Headline:     Taliban Overruns Territory in New Afghan Offensives

Headline:  Taliban kill Afghanistan police chief amid major offensive on Kunduz

Headline:  Taliban overruns another district in Helmand

Taliban insurgents are said to have overun sizable territory in the key northern Afghan city of Kunduz, after staging a pre-dawn multi-pronged offensive. Residents told VOA late Monday fighting is raging in central parts of the provincial capital where Afghan security forces are trying to defend the regional police headquarters and office of the governor. Provincial authorities insist government forces are still in control of all state institutions in Kunduz, which briefly fell to the Taliban a year ago, and are determined to defend the city. A Taliban spokesman claimed its fighters raised the Islamist insurgency’s white flag on the city’s main square after Afghan forces retreated.
Oct. 3, 2016





Headline:   ISIS attack in Sirte causes 65 Libyan casualties

Headline:  Libyan pro-government forces kill 10 Daesh fighters fleeing Sirte

The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) reportedly launched a powerful assault in Sirte’s eastern countryside this weekend, targeting the small village of Al-Sawawah, which is under the control of the Mistrada Brigades. According to the Islamic State’s official media wing “Al-Amaq,” 65 Libyan fighters were either killed or wounded during the surprise assault this weekend. Clashes are still ongoing at Al-Sawawah, as the Islamic State terrorists attempt to recapture this key village in Sirte’s eastern countryside.
Oct. 3, 2016




Headline:     12,587 Syrian Refugees Admitted in FY 2016: 12,486 Muslims, 68 Christians, 24 Yazidis

Headline:    France: The Ticking Time Bomb of Islamization

The Obama administration admitted a total of 12,587 Syrian refugees during the just-ended fiscal year, exceeding the target President Obama declared last fall by 2,587 (20.5 percent). Of the 12,587, the vast majority are Sunni Muslims – 12,363 (98.2 percent) – while another 103 are identified in State Department Refugee Processing Center data simply as Muslims and a further 20 as Shi’a Muslims. Sixty-eight of the 12,587 Syrian refugees (0.5 percent) are Christians. They comprise 16 Catholics, eight Orthodox, five Protestants, four Jehovah’s Witnesses, one Greek Orthodox, and 34 refugees self-identified simply as Christians. The remainder of the Syrian refugees resettled in the U.S. in FY 2016 are 24 Yazidis, eight refugees with religion given as “other,” and one with “no religion.”
Oct. 3, 2016










Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:    Al-Shabab Bomb Attack Hits Mogadishu Restaurant

A car bomb targeting Somalia security forces rocked the capital, Mogadishu, on Saturday afternoon. At least two people were killed and six others were wounded in the explosion, according to security sources. A security official told VOA Somali that a white Toyota Corolla filled with explosives was detonated outside the Blue Sky restaurant. The restaurant is used by civilians as well as security forces who work at a nearby prison run by Somalia’s National Intelligence and Security Agency – NISA. Shortly after the attack, the al-Qaida affiliated al-Shabab terror group took responsibility in a statement published through the group’s platform on the encrypted “Telegram” messaging application.
Oct. 1, 2016



Headline:  India, Pakistan troops exchange fire at border in Kashmir

Headline:  Terrorists launch attack on Indian Army camp in Kashmir

Indian and Pakistani troops are firing at each other along the border in divided Kashmir, as Indian troops are searching the site of a gunbattle where an Indian paramilitary soldier was killed. An Indian army spokesman said Pakistani troops fired with provocation, using small arms and mortar shells in the Poonch sector of the Line of Control separating the Indian- and Pakistan-controlled parts of Kashmir. A Pakistani army statement said its troops were responding to unprovoked firing by Indian soldiers on Monday. Both sides said the exchange of fire was continuing.
Oct. 3, 2016




Headline:    Two Ukrainian troops wounded, 3 militants dead

Headline:  Ukraine reports 1 killed, 2 wounded in past 24 hours

Russian proxies attack with banned weapons and intensify aerial reconnaissance. Militants violated agreement on armistice and troops’ disengagement in Luhansk region of Eastern Ukraine, Colonel Andriy Lysenko, spokesman of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine on ATO issues, said at a today’s press briefing. “The enemy was shooting from grenade launchers at Ukrainian troops’ positions. Moreover, Russian proxies opened fire near Novozvanivka, and a hostile sniper was active in the vicinity of Novooleksandrivka,” he specified. According to the spokesman, the hottest points of the frontline are Avdiyivka and Verkhniotoretske in the Donetsk sector. Here militants made fire-raids using 122mm artillery and 120mm mortars. Moreover, aerial reconnaissance of Kremlin-backed militant groups was active. Seven flights of Russian unmanned aerial vehicles were observed in all the sectors.
Oct. 3, 2016



Planet Earth and religious symbols






The Coming One world government & religion

Revelation 17:3-8
Revelation 17:12-13
Revelation 17:18
Daniel 7:24-25a
Daniel 2:36-44

Headline:  The US government no longer controls the Internet

The U.S. government just relinquished control over one very large entity — the internet. As of Saturday, October 1, the federal National Telecommunications and Information Administration no longer exercises control over the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which has long been the manager of internet domain names. But now, ICANN is truly an independent non-profit, free from the oversight of the American government. Instead, as an autonomous not for profit organization, ICANN will now answer to international stakeholders across the internet community, including a governmental advisory committee, a technical committee, industry committee, internet users, and telecommunications experts. Lawrence Strickling, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information at the Department of Commerce, released a brief statement early Saturday on the transition, saying simply. “As of October 1, 2016, the IANA [Internet Assigned Numbers Authority] functions contract has expired.”
Oct. 3, 2016









Headline: China’s yuan joins elite club of IMF reserve currencies

China’s yuan joins the International Monetary Fund’s basket of reserve currencies on Saturday in a milestone for the government’s campaign for recognition as a global economic power. The yuan joins the U.S. dollar, the euro, the yen and British pound in the IMF’s special drawing rights (SDR) basket, which determines currencies that countries can receive as part of IMF loans. It marks the first time a new currency has been added since the euro was launched in 1999.The IMF is adding the yuan, also known as the renminbi, or “people’s money”, on the same day that the Communist Party celebrates the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. “The inclusion into the SDR is a milestone in the internationalization of the renminbi, and is an affirmation of the success of China’s economic development and results of the reform and opening up of the financial sector,” the People’s Bank of China said in a statement. China will use this opportunity to further deepen economic reforms and open up the sector to promote global growth, the central bank added.
Oct. 3, 2016


Headline:  US is waging ‘ECONOMIC WAR’ Germans furious as Deutsche Bank pleads on £10BN fine

Headline:  Some Deutsche Bank Clients Unable To Access Cash Due To “IT Outage”

US authorities have demanded Germany’s biggest lender pay a $14billion (£10.5bn) charge that is almost as much as Deutsche’s entire value. The lender urgently needs to secure a substantially lower fine before the US presidential election to have any hope of restoring market confidence. The threat of the fine has pushed the bank’s shares to record lows in recent weeks. Officials at Deutsche are now racing to reach a settlement over the mis-selling mortgage-backed securities before America votes on its next president in November. It comes as German politicians accused the US of waging an “economic war” on the bank.
Oct. 3, 2016



Headline:  Cash-strapped Saudi Arabia switches to Gregorian calendar to pay civil servants less

Saudi Arabian civil servants will lose 11 days of pay after the country switched to the Gregorian calendar, the predominant format for organizing time in the West. The switch is part of austerity measures meant to curb the budget deficit. Previously, only the private sector of the Gulf monarchy used the Gregorian calendar of its oil customers to calculate salaries, while the public sector has used the Islamic lunar Hijri calendar since 1932. Under it, a year comprises of 12 months lasting 354 or 355 days, or 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. The salaries are calculated on annual basis, so a longer year translates into less payment for the employees. The switch came into force on Sunday, the last day of the year 1437 AH, and is part of a wider austerity effort that the Saudi government is enacting to cut budgetary spending, Gulf News reported. Riyadh is also curbing financial perks for public servants, salaries of officials, annual bonuses, transport allowances, and the number of annual holidays. The new rules apply to both civilian and military officials regardless of their nationality, according to the report. Saudi Arabia, the world’s top oil exporter, has been hit hard by the drop in crude oil prices that began in 2014, forcing it to attempt massive reform to cut spending and diversify the economy.
Oct. 3, 2016


Headline:  Brexit unleashed: First step to make UK a ‘sovereign and independent country once again’

UK Prime Minister Theresa May and her “three Brexiteers” – Boris Johnson, Liam Fox and David Davis – have taken the first step toward implementing Britain’s exit from the European Union. May and the Brexiteers announced the “Great Repeal Bill” at the Oct. 2 Tory conference. The bill will nullify the 1972 European Communities Act, “which is the current vehicle by which EU laws are implemented in the UK,” the Sunday Express reported. May told the Sunday Times: “This marks the first stage in the UK becoming a sovereign and independent country once again. It will return power and authority to the elected institutions of our country. It means that the authority of EU law in Britain will end.” As part of the process, the prime minister, will transfer all current EU laws and regulations onto British parliament’s statute books. “It’s very simple. At the moment we leave, Britain must be back in control. And that means EU law must cease to apply,” said Davis, who May named as Britain’s Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union. “That is what people voted for – power and authority residing once again with the sovereign institutions of our own country.”
Oct. 3, 2016



Sept. 27, 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up in a lake in Arlington Heights, Illinois, America

Sept. 27, 2016 – 34,000 birds killed due to avian flu in West Region, Cameroon

Sept. 27, 2016 – Sea lions, dolphins and 1 whale found dead on a beach in Chiclayo, Peru

Sept. 28, 2016 – birds found dead around lake de Grand-Lieu, France

Sept. 30, 2016 – Mass die off of fish in the Haderslev fjord, Denmark

Sept. 30, 2016 – 32,000 cattle dead due to drought in Beni, Bolivia

Oct. 3, 2016- 60 tons of fish have died in a lake in Hanoi, Vietnam

Days of LotCooltextprophecysign

Luke 17:25-31
Jude 1:7-8

Genesis 19:4-5
Romans 1:26-27
Leviticus 20:13

Headline:     Government to pay for gender reassignment surgery for military members

The U.S. government will, beginning this week, pay for soldiers to undergo treatment and surgery for gender reassignment. The policy, which was first announced in June, applies to active duty soldiers who have received approval for gender reassignment from a military physician and from their commanding officers, according to the Department of Defense. The military health program will cover therapy and hormone treatments along with surgery for approved service members diagnosed with gender dysphoria. The policy does not yet extend to military dependents.
Oct. 3, 2016










Headline:     THE NEW GANGS OF NY

Headline: Angry mob busted: California police arrest 3 in attack on patrol car

Headline: LAPD issues citywide tactical alert after protests erupt in South LA over fatal police shooting

Headline: Alabama Teen Beaten Into Critical Condition After Posting ‘Blue Lives Matter’

Headline: Black Lives Matter Vandalizes Trump International in DC

 Critics say a combination of federal and local policies is being blamed for rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants, some of whom have committed violent crimes, allowing them to pour into a Long Island, N.Y., neighborhood where four teens have been murdered in recent weeks. Federal policy that allows Central American children apprehended by Border Patrol to be placed with illegal immigrant sponsors has sent thousands of teens to the region in recent years. While most don’t arrive as hardened gang members, many are placed in homes with little supervision, say critics. “It should not be surprising that when these kids are allowed to enter illegally and then are placed in the custody of someone who is here illegally, they do not have much of an interest in complying with the process,” said Jessica Vaughan, director for policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies. Compounding matters for some communities on Long Island, which has been plagued with violent crimes from the notorious El Salvadoran gang MS-13, is Suffolk County’s status as a sanctuary county. The Center for Immigration Studies reports that Sheriff Vincent DeMarco, who could not be reached for comment, refuses to honor Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainers without a warrant.
Oct. 3, 2016







Matthew 24:7
Luke 21:11
Luke 21:25 

Headline: Hurricane Matthew: Evacuations in Haiti as powerful storm looms

Headline: At least 2 killed as Hurricane Matthew starts lashing Haiti, Jamaica

Haiti has begun evacuating residents from high-risk areas as Hurricane Matthew threatens widespread damage with flash floods and winds of up to 240km/h (150mph), forecasters say. The strongest hurricane in the Atlantic in almost a decade is expected to hit Haiti and Jamaica on Monday, the US National Hurricane Center says. Residents have been stocking up on emergency supplies. Jamaican PM Andrew Holness has urged citizens to make preparations . The category-four hurricane is expected to bring up to 64 cm (25 inches) of rain, which could trigger life-threatening landslides and floods, according to forecasters.
Oct. 3, 2016



Headline: Mexico’s Colima volcano eruptions lead to evacuations, exclusion zones

Mexico’s Colima volcano has generated eruptions that have led to the evacuation of hundreds and the creation of a more than 7-mile exclusion zone, Mexican officials said. The Mexican government said Colima’s elevated volcanic activity has maintained since last Monday. The Colima volcano — known by Mexicans as the Volcano of Fire — is in Mexico’s Colima state, which borders the Jalisco state where authorities have also declared a nearly 5-mile exclusion zone. “At the risk of falling ash, we maintain the recommendation to cover eyes and mouths; cover water tanks; that people with respiratory problems avoid, as possible, outdoor activities, and sweep the ash to be deposited in plastic bags,” the Mexican government said in a statement.
Oct. 3, 2016


earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

Sept. 30, 2016~ New Christian-Muslim version of the Quran

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 27, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora


Prayer request from viewer Sandy:

Please pray for my son Eddie he was recently hit by a truck and has a concussion blood on the brain, broken collarbone, broken ribs, he lost his spleen. He has left the hospital AMA three times now. Please pray that GOD surrounds him with His Angels, keeps him safe and gets him back to the hospital. Keeps him there until he’s healed. That they get him off of heroin, and that the “girlfriend” that left him in a pool of his own blood, unable to move or talk finds another boyfriend. And that when he is healed he can come home and move forward in his life.

~to get everyone used to the new format please
be sure to click photos for full explanation~

Burdensome stone
judgment of god




Headline:   Frustration Over Arab Refusal to Attend Peres Funeral

Headline:   Abbas criticized for attending Peres funeral

Headline: US Presidential Proclamation — Death of Shimon Peres

Headline: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Eulogy at the Funeral for Israel’s Ninth President, Shimon Peres

Headline: Pope to not attend Peres’ funeral in Israel

The Joint Arab List, the alliance of all Arab Knesset factions, essentially decided to boycott the funeral of former Israeli President Shimon Peres on Friday. Party leader Ayman Odeh told Israeli media that while there were certain aspects of Peres’ career that he appreciated, especially in the early years of the “Oslo” peace process, overall Israel’s elder statesman symbolized “tragedy” for his people. Odeh insisted that the best way he and his party could show respect was to quietly not attend the funeral, since they had nothing positive to say about Peres. Opposition and Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog expressed great frustration with the Arab politicians, given that Peres more than most Israelis sought peaceful reconciliation with the Arabs, both at home and across the region.
Sept. 30, 2016







Headline: Hamas: The intifada will continue until the ‘occupation’ ends

Headline: Palestinian arrested for planning to attack IDF colonel in West Bank

Headline: Stabbing attempt at Kalandia checkpoint

Hamas declared on Thursday that the current wave of terrorist violence, which it refers to as the “Al-Quds Intifada”, will continue until the end of the “Israeli occupation”. The terrorist movement which controls Gaza made the declaration in a statement released on the first anniversary of the wave of violence, which began just before Rosh Hashanah a year ago. Hamas expressed its opposition to negotiations and normalization with Israel and called on the “Palestinian nation” to hold a “day of rage” on Friday. Meanwhile, Hamas official Amir Abu al-‘Imrin said in Gaza that “our right to the land (Palestine) is a permanent right that cannot be negotiated.” He stressed that “the Palestinian people” will continue the intifada until they liberate the land, and added that those who negotiate with Israel and support normalization will not succeed.
Sept. 30, 2016






Headline:   Jordanians rally against Israeli gas deal

Hundreds of Jordanians took part in a demonstration Friday in the center of Amman to protest a deal signed this week to import natural gas from Israel. Demonstrators carried banners reading “No to financing the Zionist entity from the pockets of Jordanian citizens” and “No to gas imports from the Zionist enemy.” The protest was called by trade unions and political parties opposed to the 1994 peace treaty between Israel and Jordan, half the population of which is of Palestinian origin. “Gas from the Zionists is a disgrace,” demonstrators chanted. A US-led consortium leading the development of Israel’s offshore gas reserves announced the signing on Monday of a deal to sell natural gas from its Leviathan field to Jordan.
***please also see 9/26 story of protestors urging government to resign (2nd link)
Sept. 30, 2016



Saudi Arabia2Saudi Arabia

~See also ECONOMY below

Headline:   Saudi Crown Prince meets Turkey’s Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdul Aziz in the presidential palace in Ankara on Friday, Al Arabiya News Channel’s arabic website reported. Immediately after the arrival of the Crown Prince, Erdogan accompanied the Saudi Royal to the presidential palace, where they posed for pictures before their meeting began, the Saudi Press Agency reported. The meeting between the two leaders will aim to further bolster the strategic ties between the two regional heavyweights, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef arrived in Turkey on Thursday evening. Erdogan said the Crown Prince’s visit to Ankara during “this critical time” sent a “strong message” of Saudi “solidarity” to Turkey. The Turkish leader also thanked Saudi King Salman’s government for its stance towards Ankara following the July failed coup.
Sept. 30, 2016



Headline:    Houthi leader killed, Yemeni army advances

Headline:     Yemeni Army unveils new missile

An Arab Coalition airstrike has killed an Iran-backed Houthi militia leader along with 10 others after targeting their convoy in the northwestern city of Saada, Al Arabiya News Channel reported on Friday, citing sources. Without providing any further details, the sources said the leader was killed in Saada’s Razah district located in the Burkan region. Meanwhile, the Yemeni army has made advances in Taiz with about 20 militia members allied to the Houthis and deposed President Ali Abdullah Saleh killed and wounded after Arab Coalition airstrikes targeted their sites in the southwestern city. Spokesman for Yemen’s Military Council Gen. Mansour al-Hassani said that the country’s national army was able to recapture al-Taba al-Sawoda, Tabat al-Khilwa, al-Munim Jabal in al-Dhabab region in Taiz. Shelling from Yemeni militias killed a Saudi border guard and wounded three civilians including a Bangladeshi, the interior ministry said on Friday. The Tuwal district of Jazan, on the Saudi frontier with Yemen, came under fire on Thursday afternoon, wounding the border guard corporal, a ministry statement said. He died on the way to hospital. Two Saudis and a Bangladeshi national were wounded by Houthis shelling of Tuwal the same day, the Civil Defense agency said in a separate statement.
Sept. 30, 2016





Headline: Recently-emerged militant group claims attack on Egyptian prosecutor

Headline: Three policemen, civilian killed in gunmen attack on Egypt’s Sinai

A recently-emerged militant group called the Hasm Movement claimed responsibility on Friday for an assassination attempt on a senior Egyptian prosecutor, saying it was in revenge for death sentences handed to thousands of convicts. The organization, which has claimed four other attacks since July, said it set off the car bomb that exploded near a vehicle carrying assistant prosecutor general Zakaria Abdel Aziz from his office to his home in Cairo on Thursday. He and his entourage were not hurt but one passerby was wounded. Hasm, the Arabic word for decisiveness, accused judges of sentencing thousands of innocent defendants to death, or jailing them for life, at the behest of the military. “You will face justice,” it said in a statement that mixed Islamist and anti-government political rhetoric. Egypt is facing an Islamist insurgency led by ISIS’s branch in North Sinai, where hundreds of soldiers and police have been killed. Judges and other senior officials have increasingly been targeted by radical Islamists angered by hefty prison sentences imposed on members of the now-outlawed Muslim Brotherhood.
Sept. 30, 2016



~Keep in mind when looking at the map~ the BLUE line shows what Syria looks like according to the Psalm 83 definition


Headline: A reminder of ALL the terms we regularly hear ISIS called and the REASON why:

ISIS = Islamic State of Iraq and Sham
***many believe ISIS stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.  But it really is SHAM.  SHAM means the Levant…which is why Obama calls them ISIL.
The Levant- an approximate historical geographical term referring to a large area in the eastern Mediterranean. Eventually the term was restricted to the Muslim countries of Syria-Palestine and Egypt. In 1581 England set up the Levant Company to monopolize commerce with the Ottoman Empire. The name Levant States was used to refer to the French mandate over Syria and Lebanon. The term is also occasionally employed to refer to modern events, peoples, states or parts of states in the same region, namely Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Turkey are sometimes considered Levant countries. ~Another reminder is that what we hear on the nightly news about Syria and Iraq are generally put into two categories that we will be hearing a lot: the Battle for Aleppo (Syria) and the Battle for Mosul (Iraq).  I will make sure to make all the city names red.

us vs russia

Syria Headline:    US, Russia on brink of military showdown in Syria

Syria Headline:   Russia warns US over recent threats

Syria Headline:   US ‘spare Nusra for plan B’ to change regime in Syria – Lavrov

Russia is ready to continue a dialogue with the US on joint action in Syria, but even hints at threats must be ruled out, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Thursday. “We once again state that we are fully ready for continuing a dialogue with the American side and for continuing work on joint measures in fight against terrorists in Syria,” he said. “However, even signs of threats to our military and Russian nationals must be ruled out in this dialogue. There will be no bargaining in the issues of ensuring the safety of Russian nationals no matter where they stay. This is our main and overriding priority,” Konashenkov said. On Wednesday, US State Department spokesman John Kirby said one of the consequences of the war in Syria could be extremists’ “attacks against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities.” “And Russia will continue to send troops home in body bags,” he said. According to Konashenkov, US Department of State spokesman John Kirby’s statement is tantamount to recognition the Syrian opposition is in fact a US-controlled international terrorist alliance. Meanwhile, The US is keeping jihadist group al-Nusra for a “Plan B”, potentially to overthrow Syrian President Assad, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the BBC. Speaking to the British outlet about increased violence in Syria, including in Aleppo, Lavrov said that Washington has still not delivered on its promise to persuade US-backed rebels to separate from Jabhat al-Nusra jihadists. The Russian Foreign Minister also said that the reason for this could be Washington’s desire to “change the regime” in the country. “They still, in spite of many repeated promises and commitments … are not able or not willing to do this and we have more and more reasons to believe that from the very beginning the plan was to spare al-Nusra and to keep it just in case for Plan B or stage two when it would be time to change the regime,” Lavrov said.
Sept. 30, 2016





Syria Headline:     Russia: Islamist militants preparing a chemical attack in Aleppo

Syria Headline:   Russia beefs up its air force in Syria

Syria Headline:   Syrian Army captures several sites in key northern Aleppo district

The Russian Defense Ministry has warned that Islamist groups in Aleppo are preparing a chemical attack against civilians. “We have come to know that terrorist groups are preparing provocative strikes with chemical shells against the positions of the Syrian army and residential areas in the eastern part of Aleppo in order to accuse the government troops there,” Lieutenant-General Viktor Poznikhir of the Russian army’s general staff said on Wednesday. The Lieutenant-General also explained that Russia has received new intel that the Islamist groups were responsible for the attack on an aid convoy in Aleppo on September 19. Russia has reinforced its air base in Syria with several bombers and is ready to send ground attack aircraft as it intensifies support for Syrian government troops after the collapse of a ceasefire plan, Russia’s Izvestia daily reported on Friday. A group of Su-24 and Su-34 frontline bombers have already arrived at the Hmeymim base, Izvestia wrote, quoting an unnamed military official. “If need be, the air force group will be (further) built up within two to three days,” he said. “Su-25 ground attack fighters designated to be sent to Hmeymim have already been selected in their units and their crews are on a stand-by, awaiting orders from their commanders.”
Sept. 30, 2016




Hama 2

Syria Headline:   Russian, Syrian jets unleash hell over jihadist controlled northern Hama

Syria Headline:  Jihadist rebels overrun two more sites in northern Hama

The Russian and Syrian air forces have given no quarter to the jihadist rebels  in the northern Hama countryside today, launching non-stop airstrikes over several villages. According to an aviation report from the Hama Military Airport, the Russian and Syrian air forces have launched over 75 airstrikes above the jihadist-controlled villages of Souran, Taybat Al-Imam, Helfaya, Kawkab, Ma’an, Morek, and Karah. jihadist rebels have seized two more sites in the northern Hama countryside after capturing the key town of Qarah earlier today. Led by Jund Al-Aqsa (Syrian Al-AQaeda franchise) and the Free Syrian Army’s “Jaysh Al-Nasr,” the jihadist rebels managed to seize two checkpoints located just north of the imperative village of Taybat Al-Ism. According to Jund Al-Aqsa’s official media wing, their forces captured the Al-Raayah and Al-Tal Al-Abyad checkpoints at the northern fringes of Taybat Al-Ism in northern Hama. A Syrian military source in Hama told Al-Masdar News that the jihadist rebels have already overrun the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses near Taybat Al-Ism.
***keep in mind the rebels gassed the Syrian Army here on 9/28
Sept. 30, 2016



Syria Headline:
   Syrian Army liberates all hilltops west of key gas field in east Homs

Syria Headline:   Syrian Army foils ISIS counter attack close to al-Sha’er gasfields

The Syrian Arab Army’s 11th Tank Division is rolling through the western countryside of Jabal Al-Sha’er, liberating several sites from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) en route to the Al-Sha’er Gas Fields. According to the official page of the National Defense Forces (NDF), the Syrian Arab Army’s 11th Tank Division and their allies have liberated all of the hilltops west of the Al-Sha’er Gas Fields after a fierce battle with the Islamic State terrorists this morning. With all of the hilltops east of the Al-Sha’er Gas Fields liberated, the Syrian Armed Forces have now turned their attention to the last mountaintop overlooking this strategic site in the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate. Intense clashes are still ongoing at the moment, as the Syrian Armed Forces attempt to capture the last site between their front-lines and the Al-Sha’er Gas Fields.
Sept. 30, 2016

https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-liberates-hilltops-west-key-gas-field-east-homs/ https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-foils-isis-counter-attack-close-al-shaer-gasfields/


Syria Headline:     Reports of Turkish airstrikes killing 9 civilians in Kahila, Syria

Eyewitnesses have told the independent Syrian ARA News agency on Wednesday that six children and three women lost their lives in a Turkish bombing of the Kurdish-populated town of Kahila, near Tel Abyad in al-Raqqah governorate. The YPG stated that Turkish forces “are targeting innocent civilians under the pretext of combating terrorism.” “However, we’ll not allow Turkey to continue those violations at the border. We are ready to respond and we’ll do whatever it takes in order to stop this offensive against our people,”  the YPG said in a statement. The statements continued to claim that the purpose of targeting Kurdish-dominated areas of Syria was “to undermine the Kurdish progress” against ISIS.
Sept. 29, 2016


Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline:   France ‘conducts operations against IS’

Iraq Headline:   French fighter jets on mission against ISIL in Mosul

Iraq Headline:   U.S. coalition forces in Iraq now up to 8,000 in advance of offensive to retake Mosul

Iraq Headline: Islamic State Struggling to Reinforce Mosul Ahead of Iraqi Offensive

Iraq Headline: UN: 700,000 people will need aid when Mosul liberation begins

French fighter jets took off from the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle on Friday for an operation against the ISIL Takfiri group in its Iraqi stronghold of Mosul, an officer said. Eight jets took off from the carrier in the eastern Mediterranean, an AFP photographer on the flight deck reported. The Charles de Gaulle is on its third mission since February 2015 in support of the US-led coalition which is allegedly fighting ISIL in Iraq and Syria. The U.S.-led coalition now has 8,000 troops on the ground in Iraq. The U.S. said earlier this week it will send more advisers to assist the preparation for an assault on Mosul aimed at driving out Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). “The reason for the increase of U.S. advisers in Iraq is to provide the necessary support for the imminent campaign to recapture Mosul from the Daesh terrorist group,” the Iraqi government said in a statement on Sept. 28. “The Iraqi government has consulted with the U.S. president on this issue,” it added, stressing that “any increase [in the number of advisers] will be carried out under the auspices of the international coalition.” U.S. military officials said Thursday IS has only 3,000 to 4,500 fighters left in Mosul, describing the force as a mix of Iraqis and foreign fighters. “They know they don’t have what it takes to stop that offensive,” Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman, Col. John Dorrian told Pentagon reporters via a video link from Baghdad. As recently as July, IS was thought to have as many as 10,000 fighters in Mosul. Since then, coalition estimates have continually revised that number downwards as intelligence indicated many top IS officials and their families had fled Mosul for the group’s Syrian stronghold of Raqqa. Iraqi militia leaders also told VOA there was evidence many of the foreign fighters who had once been based in Mosul were leaving.
Sept. 30, 2016






Iraq Headline: US-led coalition targets Islamic State’s leadership in Mosul ahead of ground offensive

The US-led coalition has killed 18 Islamic State leaders in the past 30 days, according to Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman Colonel John Dorrian. Thirteen of them were based in or around Mosul, Iraq. Dorrian briefed the press on the airstrikes yesterday, saying that the deceased jihadists “were part of their [the Islamic State’s] military intelligence communication networks in Mosul.” The airstrikes “have targeted military commanders, administration officials, foreign fighter facilitators, amirs, security commanders, communication leaders, and senior shura council leadership,” Dorian said. Three of the leaders were from Chechnya, highlighting the key role foreign fighters play in the Islamic State’s chain of command. “In a two-day period in Mosul, we removed Abdul Hamid al Shishani, Abdul Jabir al Shishani, Abdul Rahman al Shishani, all Daesh [Islamic State] Chechen foreign fighters responsible for administration in command of fighters in Mosul,” Dorrian said. Earlier this year, the US killed Abu Omar al Shishani, the Islamic State’s top Chechen leader in an airstrike south of Mosul. Shishani’s demise so close to Mosul demonstrated that the group had dispatched some of its elite fighting forces to the area in anticipation of the long-planned ground offensive to retake the city. Shishani’s death was celebrated by some al Qaeda figures on social media, as he was one of the central players in the rivalry between the Islamic State and al Qaeda that broke out in 2014. [See LWJ report, Abu Omar al Shishani killed south of Mosul, Islamic State says.] The Chechens “hold kind of a special place within” the islamic State, according to Dorrian, because they are “somewhat seasoned” and well-trained jihadis.
Sept. 30, 2016



Kurdish Headline:  Kurdish militia role in Raqqa offensive could trigger ethnic conflict

An offensive to retake the Syrian city of Raqqa from Islamic State using Kurdish militia fighters would trigger an ethnic conflict there, a senior Turkish official said and warned that the operation should avoid triggering further divisions. The official said Syrian Kurdish YPG has so far failed to entirely withdraw from the Syrian city of Manbij west of the Euphrates river despite promises for it to do so. Turkey views the YPG as a hostile force with deep links to Kurdish militants who have fought a three-decade insurgency on Turkish soil, putting it at odds with Washington which sees the YPG as a valuable and effective ally in its fight against ISIS in Syria.
Sept. 30, 2016



Headline: Cyprus president: No peace deal with Turkish military rights

***remember Cyprus is part of the Levant & ISIS 5 year plan

Cyprus’ president says an insistence by breakaway Turkish Cypriots to cede Turkey the right to militarily intervene under a hoped-for deal reunifying the divided Mediterranean island nation is “excessive and unjustified.” President Nicos Anastasiades says in a televised address Friday on the occasion of Cyprus’ 56th anniversary of independence from British colonial rule that no modern state within the European Union has any need for third-country security guarantees. He said any negotiated settlement to the island’s 42 year-old ethnic division must eliminate any dependence on third countries. Anastasiades said, while he acknowledges Turkish Cypriot mistrust of Greek Cypriots, he would not “satisfy unjustified concerns” at the expense of “existing and legitimate” Greek Cypriot fears.
Sept. 30, 2016


Headline: Turkey gets a three-month extension of its state of emergency

Turkey’s national security council recommended a three-month extension of the country’s state of emergency, put in place after a failed coup attempt in July. The council chairman, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said Turkey’s fight with terrorist groups cannot be resolved in its three-month time frame, and that more time is required. “This state needs time to be cleared of these terror organizations’ extensions. Now we are competing against time,” Erdogan told provincial leaders Thursday after a security council meeting Wednesday. A council statement after the meeting said “It has been agreed to recommend an extension of the state of emergency in order to ensure the continuity of the effective implementation of the measures aiming at protecting our democracy, the rule of law and the rights and freedoms of our citizens.”
Sept. 30, 2016


Headline:   Turkey Intensifies Anti-IS Campaign

In the month after a suicide bomber killed dozens of people attending a mostly Kurdish wedding in southeastern Turkey, the government has ramped up its military campaign against Islamic State (IS) militants, arresting 40 IS suspects in Istanbul and another two suspects in Sanliurfa, according to a Turkish official who spoke to VOA. “We are moving forward,” said another high-level Turkish official. “We will continue to take all necessary steps to defeat IS.” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who imposed a state of emergency in July after a failed coup attempt, has been under increasing pressure to crackdown on terrorists. “It looks like the bloody wedding bombing act was a turning point,” said Tahsin Akdogan, a street merchant in Gaziantep who lost 10 relatives in the attack that authorities blame on IS. The city is a known hub of terrorist sleeper cells. Islamic State smugglers working the nearby border have also added to security concerns. Turan Efendioglu, owner of the Gurme Market in Gaziantep, said illegal trafficking has recently been curbed. “Police are everywhere now, and that makes us feel safer,” he said. The decision by the Turkish government to push harder to root out IS extremists has been a controversial process.
Sept. 30, 2016



Headline: IRAN’S ART OF THE DEAL- Tehran insisted US sign ‘secret’ pact lifting sanctions on crooked banks

The Obama administration is coming under tough new criticism for its dealings with Tehran after a Wall Street Journal report claimed the U.S. agreed to sign a “secret document” lifting international sanctions on Iranian banks just as the regime was releasing four American prisoners. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday called on Obama to provide “an immediate explanation.” According to the Journal, the Obama administration agreed to support removing United Nations sanctions on the banks well in advance of the 2023 date agreed upon in the nuclear deal. The early removal of sanctions on Bank Sepah and Bank Sepah International reportedly was part of a broader list of “tightly scripted agreements,” including the controversial prisoner exchange and transfer of $1.7 billion in cash to Iran that Republicans characterize as a “ransom.” Ryan said the move violated the nuclear deal. “This story grows more disturbing with each passing day,” Ryan, R-Wis., said in his statement. “It now appears that on the same day American hostages were freed from Iran, the administration not only agreed to the $1.7 billion cash ransom payment, but violated a key term of the nuclear deal by prematurely lifting ballistic missile sanctions.” The White House downplayed the details, though, as old news. “I’d note that this information is not new and was reported on back in January,” a National Security Council official said.
Sept. 30, 2016



Headline:   U.S. drone strike kills 15 civilians in Afghanistan, United Nations says

Headline: One week.  Hundreds of dead and wounded.  How Afghan forces are struggling with heavy casualties.

At least 15 civilians were killed and 13 wounded in a U.S. unmanned aircraft strike in eastern Afghanistan, the United Nations said, calling for an independent investigation into the incident. The airstrike early on Wednesday morning hit what U.S. officials said was an Islamic State target in the Achin district of Nangarhar province. Government officials said the strike killed some militants, but the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) reported the victims were civilians, including students, a teacher, and members of families considered to be “pro-government”. “UNAMA reiterates the need for all parties to the conflict to adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian law,” the United Nations said in a statement late on Thursday. “UNAMA calls on the government and international military forces to launch a prompt, independent, impartial, transparent, and effective investigation into this incident.” All the civilians reported killed were men, it added. The men had gathered in a village to welcome a local elder on his return from completing the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and were sleeping when the strike happened, witnesses said. The strike occurred in a remote area near the Pakistan border that has become a stronghold for Islamic State in Afghanistan.
Sept. 30, 2016




Headline: Sudan government accused of using chemical weapons in Darfur

Dozens of children in Darfur have allegedly been killed by chemical weapons dropped on them by their own government, it is claimed. Amnesty International say the children are among more than 200 people estimated to have been killed by the banned weapons since January. Those affected by the “poisonous smoke” vomit blood, struggle to breathe and watch as their skin falls off. The Sudanese government has said the allegations are baseless. “The allegations of use of chemical weapons by Sudanese Armed Forces is baseless and fabricated,” Sudan’s UN Ambassador Omer Dahab Fadl Mohamed said, quoted by Reuters. “The ultimate objective of such wild accusation, is to steer confusion in the ongoing processes aimed at deepening peace and stability and enhancing economic development and social cohesion in Sudan.”
Sept. 29, 2016



Headline:    Hundreds trapped in Libya’s Benghazi amid fighting: Amnesty

An international rights group expressed alarm Friday over the fate of hundreds of Libyan and foreign nationals trapped for months amid fighting in the eastern city of Benghazi. Amnesty International said that nearly 130 families and hundreds of foreigners in the southwestern Benghazi neighborhood of Ganfouda have been cut off from the outside world, with dwindling food and fuel supplies. “Time is running out for civilians in Ganfouda, who are being left to die trapped by the fighting,” said Magdalena Mughrabi, deputy director of Amnesty’s Middle East and North Africa Program. The fighting has raged in Benghazi since 2014 when forces commanded by powerful military commander Khalifa Haftar began a campaign against militants there, including branches of al-Qaida and the Islamic State group. Haftar, supported by British, French, and American military advisers and special forces, has managed to take control over much of the city. Ganfouda is one of the few districts where the militants have put up fierce resistance against Haftar’s National Libyan Army forces.
Sept. 30, 2016









Luke 21:9
Matthew 24:7
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:    Protests continue in El Cajon after deadly officer-involved shooting

Protests of the fatal police shooting of a Ugandan emigre at an El Cajon strip mall turned violent Thursday night, prompting the arrests of two men and the use of pepper balls by officers to disperse the crowd of about 50 to 75. The third night of demonstrations over the death of 38-year-old Alfred Olango, which protesters maintain was unwarranted and racially motivated, started heating up around 8 p.m. in the area of North Mollison Avenue and Broadway where police said the crowd occupied the intersection. The protesters stopped vehicles, broke car windows and knocked a motorcyclist off his motorcycle, according to Lt. Rob Ransweiler of the El Cajon Police Department. The ECPD received numerous 911 calls about the disturbance in the intersection and a group of officers from the multi-agency composite platoon moved into the area, he said. An unlawful assembly was declared by law enforcement at the scene and notice was given to the protesters to disperse. The protesters began throwing glass bottles at the police and after the group refused to disperse pepper balls were deployed, Ransweiler said. Two men from El Cajon, ages 19 and 28, were taken into custody on suspicion of participating in the unlawful assembly but their names were not released. There were no injuries reported, Ransweiler said.
Sept. 30, 2016


Headline:   Should U.S. pay reparations for slavery? U.N.-appointed experts think so

A United Nations working group is getting into the fray on U.S. racial discrimination. After 14 years, and 20 days of speaking with U.S. officials, activists, and families of people killed by police in major American cities, it has issued its conclusions: the slave trade was a crime against humanity and the U.S. government should pay reparations. “Contemporary police killings and the trauma it creates are reminiscent of the racial terror lynching in the past,” a French member of the working group of U.N. experts, Mireille Fanon-Mendes-France, said after their meetings in the U.S. The U.N. experts traveled to major cities including: Washington D.C., Baltimore, Jackson, Mississippi, Chicago, and New York City. In Washington, they met with the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Labor, the Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. In Baltimore, they met with Maryland federal judges. In Jackson, they met with officials of the Office of the Mayor and the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Mississippi. In Chicago, they met with the Attorney General of the State of Illinois, and with representatives of the Office of the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Chicago Police Department. And, in New York City, they met with the Office of the Attorney General of the State of New York.
Sept. 29, 2016


Headline:   Somalia Demands Explanation for US Airstrike

Somalia’s government is demanding an explanation from the United States for Wednesday’s deadly airstrike in central Somalia. The Pentagon said in news release Thursday that its forces launched a “self-defense” strike against al-Shabab near the town of Galkayo, killing at least nine militants. However, Galmudug state vice-president Mohamed Hashi Abdi told VOA’s Somali service that the U.S. airstrike killed 13 members of Galmudug forces. After the weekly cabinet meeting in Mogadishu, ministers in the government said they want “a clear explanation on the airstrike carried out by U.S. against forces belonging to the Galmudug, a Somali federal member state.” The cabinet said it will appoint a ministerial committee to investigate the airstrike. Abdi said the Americans were “misguided” in a request that came from officials in the semi-autonomous Puntland region. “We fight against al-Shabab, and there is no al-Shabab presence in Galmudug area,” he added.
Sept. 29, 2016



Headline: Families of US government personnel ordered to leave Congo amid unrest

The U.S. State Department has issued a travel warning for the Democratic Republic of Congo and has ordered families of government personnel stationed there to leave. The travel warning said, “The potential for civil unrest is high in parts of Kinshasa and other major cities.” Kinshasa is the DRC capital. “As a result of the deteriorating situation,” the warning said, “family members of U.S. government personnel have been ordered to leave the country beginning September 29. Most official U.S. government travel to the DRC has been halted.” Deadly clashes have broken out in the country over the presidency of Joseph Kabila. His last day in office is supposed to be December 19. He has ruled for two terms, beginning in 2001. The constitution bars him from seeking a third term. However, the nation’s electoral commission says it will not be able to hold elections until late 2018. Kabila has not said publicly what he will do. Critics say he is stalling to stay in power.
Sept. 30, 2016




Headline: Indian commandos strike terrorists inside Pakistan-occupied Kashmir

Headline: India says hits Pakistan-based militants, escalating tensions

Headline: Pakistan threatens to DESTROY India with nuclear bomb as atomic enemies edge to the brink of war

The Indian military launched “surgical strikes” against Pakistani terrorists across the Line of Control in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir last night, killing “up to 38 terrorists and Pakistani soldiers,” according to India Today. The raids were based on “very specific and credible information that some terrorist units had positioned themselves to infiltrate” into the country, the Indian Army’s Director General of Military Operations said. The raids were clearly designed to retaliate for the Sept. 17 attack by Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed on an Indian Army base in Uri in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. Seventeen Indian soldiers were killed in the deadly raid. India Today provides a list of “all you want to know on the surgical strikes”; here are the top six items on the list: DGMO Lt General Ranbir Singh said the strikes were launched on Wednesday night based on “very specific and credible information that some terrorist units had positioned themselves to infiltrate” into India. The announcement followed a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who had vowed to avenge Uri in an earlier tweet.The operation lasted from 12.30 am to 4.30 am, with the location being 500 metres to 2 km from the LoC on the Pakistani side, sources in the Indian Army said.Seven terror launch pads were destroyed by the commandos of the Army Special Forces, who were paradropped into the Pakistani territory by ALH Dhruv choppers.The surgical strikes were recorded on cameras with drones also recording footage. 2 Indian soldier was injured from landmines during the surgical strikes, the Army said. It also said it had no immediate plans of another such operation for now. The Pakistan military’s Inter-Services Public Relations directorate (ISPR) denied that India launched “surgical strikes” against “alleged terrorist bases.”
Sept. 29, 2016





Matthew 24:5
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:    China armed forces warn Japan against South China sea patrols

Japan is “playing with fire” with plans to step up activity in the contested South China Sea through joint training patrols with the United States, China’s Defence Ministry said on Thursday, warning it would not sit watching from the sidelines. China claims virtually the entire South China Sea and has repeatedly denounced what it views as interference there by the United States and its ally, Japan. Japan is strengthening its ties in the region, in particular with the Philippines and Vietnam, which contest China’s claims to parts of the sea, and it aims to help build the capacity of coastal states in the busy waterway, its defense minister said this month during a visit to Washington. Chinese Defence Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun, asked about Japan’s plans, said it had constantly been trying to stir things up in the South China Sea for its own purposes. “We must solemnly tell Japan this is a miscalculation. If Japan wants to have joint patrols or drills in waters under Chinese jurisdiction this really is playing with fire,” Yang told a monthly news briefing. “China’s military will not sit idly by,” he added, without elaborating.
Sept. 29, 2016









~See also today’s special report on the economy~

Headline: Saudi Arabia could threaten to pull billions from US economy, hinder military base access

Saudi Arabia and its regional allies could retaliate by removing billions from the US economy and restrict access to military bases if the American public are able to sue the puritanical kingdom for 9/11, according to experts. “This should be clear to America and to the rest of the world. When one Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) state is targeted unfairly, the others stand around it,” Abdulkhaleq Abdullah, a professor of political science at United Arab Emirates University, told Associated Press. “All the states will stand by Saudi Arabia in every way possible.” Congress overwhelmingly voted to override President Barack Obama’s veto of the bill that would allow Americans to potentially sue Saudi Arabia for 9/11. Lawmakers said their priority was not Saudi Arabia, but victims and families, RT reported.
Sept. 29, 2016


Headline: The Run Begins: Deutsche Bank Hedge Fund Clients Withdraw Excess Cash

Headline: Deutsche Bank shares swing wildly amid stability concerns

Deutsche Bank concerns just went to ’11’ as Bloomberg reports a number of funds that clear derivatives trades with Deutsche Bank AG have withdrawn some excess cash and positions held at the lender, a sign of counterparties’ mounting concerns about doing business with Europe’s largest investment bank. While the vast majority of Deutsche Bank’s more than 200 derivatives-clearing clients have made no changes, some funds that use the bank’s prime brokerage service have moved part of their listed derivatives holdings to other firms this week, according to an internal bank document seen by Bloomberg News. Millennium Partners, Capula Investment Management and Rokos Capital Management are among about 10 hedge funds that have cut their exposure, said a person familiar with the situation who declined to be identified talking about confidential client matters. The hedge funds use Deutsche Bank to clear their listed derivatives transactions because they are not members of clearinghouses. Millennium, Capula and Rokos declined to comment when contacted by phone or e-mail. Which explains why short-dated CDS is soaring.
Sept. 30, 2016



Headline: Historic takeover of Puerto Rico’s finances, agencies begins

A federal control board on Friday took over Puerto Rico’s finances and several government agencies for the first time in the U.S. territory’s history in a bid to haul the island out of an acute economic crisis. The seven-member board met in New York and was briefly interrupted by protesters who yelled, “This is slavery!” and “Stop pillaging Puerto Rico!” The meeting was livestreamed over the internet following pledges that the board would operate with transparency. It ordered Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla to produce a fiscal plan in two weeks and submit weekly and monthly revenue reports that detail how the government is adhering to its budget. Members also voted on which Puerto Rico government agencies would come under the board’s oversight. They include the island’s central government, its largest public university, its heavily indebted utility companies, a Government Development Bank that is running out of cash and a public pension system underfunded by more than $40 billion. “We’re working as quickly as possible,” said Jose Carrion III, who was elected board president, to reporters after the meeting. The board was approved by Congress in June and is charged in part with helping restructure a portion of a nearly $70 billion public debt that Garcia has said is unpayable. Carrion is one of four Republicans on the board, along with three Democrats. Also on the board is a representative of Puerto Rico’s governor who is barred from voting.
Sept. 30, 2016


Luke 21:11
Rev. 6:8

Headline:  Thailand Confirms SE Asia’s First Zika-linked Birth Defects

Authorities in Thailand have confirmed that two cases of babies with microcephaly, or abnormally small heads, were caused by the Zika virus, the first such cases found in Southeast Asia. Dr. Prasert Thongcharoen, a senior Health Ministry official, said in a statement Friday that the linkage to Zika was confirmed by laboratory tests in two of three cases of babies afflicted with microcephaly. The results were inconclusive in the third case. The World Health Organization urged countries in the region to take stronger measures to contain the virus. The U.N. agency said the cases are the first of Zika-associated microcephaly in Southeast Asia. “Zika virus infection is a serious threat to the health and well-being of a pregnant woman and her unborn child. Countries across the region must continue to strengthen measures aimed at preventing, detecting and responding to Zika virus transmission,” WHO Southeast Asia regional director Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh said in a statement.
Sept. 30, 2016











Headline:   Man suspected of killing parents, then 17 neighbors in China

Police say a villager in southwest China killed his parents and then 17 neighbors in an attempt to cover up his crime, the official Xinhua News Agency reported Friday. An investigation found that Yang Qingpei argued with his parents over money on Wednesday evening and killed them, Xinhua said. Fearing he would be identified as the killer, he then murdered 17 neighbors in the village of Yema, it said, citing police in southwestern Yunnan province where the village is located. Xinhua didn’t say how Yang, aged 26 or 27, allegedly killed the villagers. He was arrested in the provincial capital of Kunming, about 200 kilometers (120 miles) away, on Thursday, a few hours after the bodies from different households were discovered. The deaths are one of the bloodiest mass slayings in recent years in China, where deadly random attacks on schools and public transport have been blamed on people bearing grudges against their families, neighbors or society in general.
Sept. 30, 2016


Headline:   Social media users fear terrifying orgy trend where mystery HIV carriers are invited to take part in unprotected sex parties may be spreading across Europe

In May the worrying trend of “sex roulette” parties was reported to have spread from Serbia to Spain according to a doctor in Barcelona. But fears seamed to have resurfaced on Twitter with one user tweeting: “‘Sex roulette’ parties where one person secretly has HIV are on the rise, doctors warn.” Dr Josep Mallolas of Hospital Clinic Barcelona said: “There is everything: sex roulette parties, or sex parties you can only attend if you already have HIV.” Most of the dangerous orgies are thought to be attended by gay men. The reckless meetups are said to have originated in wealthy circles in Serbia where they had reportedly been popular for some time. But this and last years just represent the latest trend in this form of risky sexual behaviour which has been known to occur for almost 20 years. In some instances participants actively try to catch the virus, some bizarrely regarding it as either an inevitability or a badge of honour.
Sept. 28, 2016



1 Timothy 4:1-3
Amos 8:11
2 Peter 2:1-3
Matthew 24:4-5
Matthew 24:24


Headline:  A Christian and a Muslim just produced a new version of the Quran — with a twist

A Christian and a Muslim have come together to produce a unique version of the Quran — a full-text English edition of the holy book, but with a twist. “The Qur’an With References to the Bible” relies upon 7th century classical Arabic and comes complete with parallel verses from the Christian Bible. Dr. Safi Kaskas, a Muslim businessman, and Dr. David Hungerford, an orthopedic surgeon who is a practicing Christian, have compiled the Quran in hopes that the translation will help bridge the divide between Christians and Muslims in America. Hungerford and Kaskas recently told “The Church Boys” podcast that they first met as board members of Bridges to Common Ground, an organization that works to foster greater understanding between Christians and Muslims. “When we met, Dr. Kaskas had this as a dream and (it was) something he had been working on in his mind,” Hungerford said. “We were both kind of prepared for this project (and the) collaboration just became so obvious to us and we’ve been working on it together ever since.”
Sept. 28, 2016



Matthew 24:7
Luke 21:11
Luke 21:25 

earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

Sept. 30, 2016~ Special Report: Worldwide Economy

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 27, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora

I don’t care if you are white, black, brown, yellow or any other color if you are in the United States middle class you are already in trouble. Just about every part of your life has been effected over the past 8 years.  For one moment put aside if you can whether you are a Democratic or Republican.  Just forget what any of the main stream media is trying to push down all our throats to get us to vote for the person they want us to vote for that includes CNN liberal or Fox news conservitive.  Let us all step out of the news box and look at the following: If you are single or if you are married with a family before you vote this year ask yourself the following questions.

 1. Over the past eight years has my life improved.

2. Over the past eight years how many times did I get a raise?

3. Over the past 8 years has the government lowered taxes that has helped me with my bills?  Out of their own mouths who will be hurting you or your family by raising my taxes even higher. Democratic or Republican after the election if your taxes go up as promised what part of your household budget are you going to cut because more of your hard earned money will be taken.

4. Over the past 8 years how much more am I paying for medical bills?

5.Over the past eight years do I see anything coming from the government that makes me feel that I do not have to worry about ISIS attacks.  

6.Over the past 8 years has my job or jobs been taken away because it was cut and given to someone who came to America illegal.  If you did see a job was it a good paying job with benefits or are you one of millions of Americans who are working more than one job to make ends meet?  If you were one of the lucky ones to get a job is it a 40 hour a week job or like most jobs gotten in the past few years are jobs that only have 30 hours to avoid paying you benefits. 

7. The U.S. debt is heading toward 20 trillion dollars with no end in sight. How long do you think it will be before you if your are single or, your family if your married will be able to hold up when the government has to close its doors? Democratic or Republican if the road the U.S. is on now via the debt continues the government will not have funds to pay unemployment or issue welfare payments. How long will you be able to live before you are homeless?  

8. Seeing the current economic landscape how long do you think the average middle class person will take before they will be able to buy their first home?

9. Over the last eight years has the government done  anything to stop crime other than try to pass new bills that will take guns away from people who do no commit crimes?  I ask this question as a husband with this in mind. If the government takes a gun from the average person who is law abiding and, that family one night finds his home was broken into what will you use to protect your family or yourself if you are single?  Since you will not be able to have a gun will you use a baseball bat against the person who is pointing a gun at you?  Good luck. Keep in mind, I do not care if you are from one party or the other the man pointing the gun at you and or your family doesn’t care what party you belong to.

10. There are many young people who are thinking about joining the military because they can not find a good job.  You need to ask this question. Who do I believe will protect me as a soldier when I enlist Clinton or Trump?  Who do I believe would leave a fallen soldier behind Clinton or Trump?

11. Do I want our government to continue to allow people to cross over into America illegally and be able to tap in to free schooling, welfare, and take jobs away from U.S. citizens? 

12.If you are in fact black ask yourself this question. Over the past 8 years have you seen the black community get out of the lower class ranks?  During the past 8 years if you are black under a black president did they help you up the latter as he promised or, has it gotten so bad under a black president that a black matters movement has been birthed?  If you are honest you must be asking yourself why are so many blacks killing blacks?  The leads me to the next question.

13.During the last 8 years how many Americans have gotten killed because of drugs.  How many communities in America are watching their kids killed because of running drugs.  Ask yourself this question as well. Why is drug use so heavy in poor black communities?  Is it because they think this type of activity is the only way out of the poor neighborhoods? When Obama came to Chicago his own home town did he not promise you a change?  After 8 years in office if you live in the poorer section of Chicago do you feel safer.  Take a look at these facts: Chicago, Year to Date 2016
Shot & Killed: 509
Shot & Wounded: 2746
Total Shot: 3255
Total Homicides: 566

For many of you who live in Chicago you did get your change but sadly someone if your family may have been one of the statistics above.

13. Ask yourself this. Do I want a wall to help keep out illegals, drugs, and ISIS or, do I want to keep it as is and see more of the same which will mean more drugs coming to our cities and, of course that will lead to more crime plus no wall will mean more of a chance that ISIS can sneak into the U.S. and attack more U.S. citizens that have already been attacked.





  In my book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth I discuss the economic state of not only the U.S. but the world.  Jesus shows us in the scriptures that just before He returns to Earth the Antichrist will come and it will be he who controls the world’s economy.  This can only happen if there is a major world economic collapse.  No nation in their right mind would just hand over all their power to one man to control a world economy but that is exactly what we see from scripture. See Rev. 13: 15-17. The path the U.S. is on right now via the unpayable debt are factors that are leading to this world economic collapse that will bring on the Antichrist!  Fact is whether you are a Democratic or Republican if you are honest with yourself you know something is very wrong with America and things are not getting better.  Also, if you have been watching the world news you know that nation after nation are falling into deep economic woes like the likes this generation has not seen. Below are some examples: 


Headline: Historic takeover of Puerto Rico’s finances, agencies begins

A federal control board on Friday took over Puerto Rico’s finances and several government agencies for the first time in the U.S. territory’s history in a bid to haul the island out of an acute economic crisis. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/09/30/historic-takeover-puerto-rico-finances-agencies-begins.html

The Run Begins: Deutsche Bank Hedge Fund Clients Withdraw Excess Cash http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-29/run-begins-deutsche-bank-hedge-fund-clients-cut-collateral-exposure


Venezuela food crisis deepens as shipments plummet – Aug. 11, 2016


CNNMoney Aug 11, 2016 – Shipments to Venezuela of meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and even cereal have fallen sharply as the country grapples with a food crisis.

Hungry Venezuelans cry at the sight of food, as economic crisis …



Jul 20, 2016 – The IMF downgraded its forecast for Venezuela as the country spirals deeper into an economic, political and humanitarian crisis. … reporting to this article. CNNMoney (New York) First published July 20, 2016: 10:08 AM ET …

Headline:   UN fears third leg of the global financial crisis – with prospect of epic debt defaults  

The third leg of the world’s intractable depression is yet to come. If trade economists at the United Nations are right, the next traumatic episode may entail the greatest debt jubilee in history. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/09/21/un-fears-third-leg-of-the-global-financial-crisis-with-epic-debt/


Headline:   Saudi Arabia Injects $5.3 Billion Into Banks to Ease Crunch http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-09-25/saudi-central-bank-gives-banks-5-3-billion-to-boost-stability

Headline:  Saudi cuts public sector bonuses, ministers’ salaries http://english.alarabiya.net/en/2016/09/26/Saudi-cuts-public-sector-bonuses-ministers-salaries.html

Headline:  Saudi firm tells staff to forget owed pay if they want passports back http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/saudi-firm-orders-workers-give-being-paid-if-they-want-passports-back-1480645880


don1 One thing is very clear, Jesus warned us about the gold and silver in the last days.  Without a question the prices of gold and silver will skyrocket.  When you take in account what we see in the scriptures in the photo above and, the word Jesus told us about people working all day long for one small meal what we know is during the last days when the world economy collapses paper money will be worthless and those who have gold and silver will be able to survive much better than the people holding paper currency.  Keep in mind, the wealth of gold and silver will be short lived as Jesus will take these precious metals away during the tribulation and just as the scriptures tell us people will weep over the loss.  People do not cry over items that are not worth something and gold and silver will be worth a lot for a while.  Does Donald know something from the Lord that you do not know?  As you will see below, Donald has been warning Americans that the U.S. is in a economic bubble. Donald knows what is coming when the bubble breaks and, what is the best way for Donald to get himself and his business ready for when it busts. If Jesus shows gold will go through the roof why not get as much as you can now before the economy crashes?  Guess what?  This is exactly what Donald has done. 

don The return of real money has made a triumphant re-entry into the US economy with the recent acceptance by The Trump Organization of gold bullion as payment for a commercial lease property. APMEX, one of the largest dealers of precious metals in the US, paid Donald Trump‘s company three, one kilo bars (roughly 96.45 troy ounces) of .9999 pure Gold as a security deposit for its newly-leased space on the 50th floor of 40 Wall Street, also known as the Trump Building.


One last question I have. Could it be the Lord is giving us a chance for more time?  Is it possible that the Lord has revealed His plan to  Mark Taylor back in 2011 about Donald Trump?   So far everything Mark Taylor said Jesus told him about Trump has come to pass. This November we will all know if Jesus did show Mark the future. As to all the questions you should ask yourself I am sure the video will shed some light on who you will pick.











Democratic or Republican we are all in the same boat and isn’t about either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump it is about Jesus Christ and, whether or not you believe the Antichrist will come and control the world’s economic system which will lead to the Lord’s second coming.

John 19:11 Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”

As I said in the beginning of this post we will see who Jesus is going to give power to and so far all I have see and heard was Jesus spoke to Mark Taylor in 2011 and said He chose Donald Trump. 


Sept. 29, 2016- Islamic State’s apocalyptic war will be seen as false prophecy (up-date)

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 27, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora

Someone asked me how much I am worth? My reply. Ask Jesus cause He felt I was worth everything and died for me. Question for you. How much are you worth?

Sept. 28, 2016- US to send more troops to Iraq ahead of Mosul battle; 1st Locally Acquired Dengue

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 27, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora


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be sure to click photos for full explanation~

Burdensome stone

Headline:    Israel’s population reaches 8.58 million
~Restoration of Israel Jeremiah 24:5-6~

Israel will have a population of 8.585 million citizens this Rosh Hashanah. The growth rate, 2 percent, was similar to previous years, according to an annual report released Tuesday by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics. The country’s Jewish population, which makes up nearly three quarters of the country at 6.419 million, grew at a rate of 1.9 percent, while the Arab population, which makes up just over a fifth of the country at 1.786 million, grew at a rate of 2.2 percent. Other groups, including non-Arab Christians and those identifying with other religions, which make up 4.4 percent of the population at 380,000, grew at a rate of 3.8 percent. The birth rate surpassed the death rate, with 189,000 births and 46,000 deaths. In the past Jewish year, 30,000 people moved to Israel, including 25,000 new immigrants.
Sept. 28, 2016


Headline:   Terrorist organization in Gaza presents new rocket for next round of confrontation against Israel

Approximately two years after Operation Protective Edge ended, the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC), one of the terrorist organization in Gaza, is signaling that it is already ready for another round of confrontation against Israel. Today (Monday), the terrorist organization displayed the newest model of a rocket that was manufactured locally. According to the PRC, the rocket is a real threat to Israel. The PRC claims that the rocket can reach all of Israel’s strategic facilities. The terrorist organization released pictures of the rocket being manufactured and explained its capabilities during a show that was put on today in Rafah. In addition, the PRC released a video documenting a trial launch. However, the terrorist organization did not mention the rocket’s exact range. The Israeli security establishment has not yet commented on the terrorist organization’s claim regarding the rocket being a true threat to Israel.
Sept. 26, 2016


Headline: Hamas calls for ‘Day of Rage’ during Peres funeral

The Hamas terror group urged Palestinians to hold a “Day of Rage” on Friday, coinciding with the state funeral of former Israeli president Shimon Peres, which will be held in Jerusalem on that day. The call is meant to mark the one-year anniversary of the beginning of a wave of terror attacks, including stabbings and car-rammings throughout the West Bank and in Jerusalem, that launched in September 2015. Hamas’s call follows a Wednesday statement by the group’s spokesman in Gaza that expressed happiness at Peres’s death. A spokesman for the group, Sami Abu Zuhri, told AP on Wednesday that “the Palestinian people are very happy at the passing of this criminal who caused their blood to shed.” He added, “Shimon Peres was the last remaining Israeli official who founded the occupation, and his death is the end of a phase in the history of this occupation and the beginning of a new phase of weakness.”
Sept. 28, 2016


Headline:   Hezbollah and Hamas representatives meet

Hezbollah representative on Palestinian matters and former MP Hasan Hoballah met a Palestinian delegation from the Hamas Movement headed by the representative in Lebanon Ali Barakat. The two groups discussed the latest developments on the Palestinian front as well as Palestinian captives held in Israeli prisons. Discussions also touched on Palestinian refugee camps inside Lebanon and the recent security operations by the Lebanese Army which “spared the Palestinian community massive internal strife.” The Hezbollah and Palestinian delegations called on Arab and Muslim states to adopt the Palestinian cause and not relent.
Sept. 28, 2016



Headline: Sanhedrin Revives 2,000-Year-Old Blessing for Counting of Jubilee Year

Amidst the shofar blasts, this Rosh Hashana will include a mitzvah (Biblical commandment) that hasn’t been performed by the Jews in almost 2,000 years: counting the Jubilee. It is a simple mitzvah, reciting just a few lines, but performing this mitzvah is a declaration that the prophesied return of the Jews to Israel has been fulfilled, thereby establishing a basis for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple. Unbeknownst to all but a few witnesses, as Rosh Hashana ended eleven months ago, the nascent Sanhedrin concluded months of deliberation by ruling that certain conditions had been met requiring the Nation of Israel to begin counting the Jubilee cycle. When Rosh Hashana – the Jewish New Year – ends next Tuesday evening, it will be time for Jews to count the second year of the Jubilee cycle. Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin, explained to Breaking Israel News, “The Sanhedrin ruled that we are now clearly in the prophesied third inheritance of the land, the first being by Joshua, the second after the Babylonian exile.
Sept. 27, 2016





Headline:     Lebanese Army targets ISIS near Syrian border

The Lebanese Army attacked Islamist militants overnight Wednesday on the northeastern border, state media reported. The National News Agency said the army targeted extremist gatherings in the northern Beeka Valley village of Ras Baalbek, in the Khirbit Daoud area, using heavy artillery and missiles. ISIS and Al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, formerly known as Nusra Front, militants have been holed up on the rugged outskirts of Ras Baalbek and Arsal along the frontier with Syria for nearly two years.
Sept. 28, 2016


Saudi Arabia2Saudi Arabia

Headline:     Senate votes to override Obama veto on 9/11 bill

Headline: Saudi has ways to hit back at 9/11 lawsuit effort

The Senate voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to overturn President Obama’s veto of a bill letting families of Sept. 11 victims sue the Saudi Arabian government, bringing Congress within reach of completing the first successful veto override of Obama’s presidency. The Senate voted 97-1 to reject the veto. The measure heads next to the House, where lawmakers will need to muster a two-thirds majority, as in the Senate, to override. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., speaking on the Senate floor moments before Wednesday’s vote, pushed back hard on Saudi government objections to the legislation, which has broad bipartisan support on Capitol Hill. “It’s very simple. If the Saudis were culpable, they should be held accountable. If they had nothing to do with 9/11, they have nothing to fear,” Schumer said. The lone “no” vote was Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. An override now appears all but certain and would mark a blow to the president in the final months of his term.
Sept. 28, 2016



saudi vs iran

Headline: Saudi navy to hold Gulf exercises amid Iran tensions

Saudi Arabia’s navy will hold exercises in the Gulf and the strategic Strait of Hormuz early next week, the navy chief said on Wednesday, as tensions simmer with Iran. Exercise “Gulf Shield 1” will also take place in the Sea of Oman, with ships, planes, marines and other personnel taking part, said Royal Saudi Navy commander Abdullah al-Sultan. Sunni-dominated Saudi Arabia and Shiite Iran – which lie on opposite sides of the Gulf – have no diplomatic relations and are at odds over regional issues including the wars in Syria and Yemen. Gulf Shield 1 is part of a series of exercises the fleet has carried out in the area, Sultan said in comments cited by the official Saudi Press Agency. The maneuvers aim to “raise combat readiness” and improve skills for defending the country’s borders, protecting sea lanes “and to deter any aggression or potential terrorist operations”, the SPA report said. Further details were not provided.
Sept. 28, 2016



el arish

Headline:    Gunmen kill 3 Egyptian officers along with civilian

Gunmen have killed at least three policemen and a civilian in Egypt’s restive Sinai Peninsula, says the interior ministry. The deadly assault was carried out in the city of el-Arish, the provincial capital and the largest city of North Sinai, on Wednesday, the ministry stated. The assailants, riding in a vehicle, intercepted a taxi transporting the officers, who were shot dead along with the driver, the statement added. The shooting attack was the latest in a series of assaults against Egypt’s security forces in the restive region, where militants affiliated with the Daesh Takfiri terrorists are active.
Sept. 28, 2016



~Keep in mind when looking at the map~ the BLUE line shows what Syria looks like according to the Psalm 83 definition


Syria Headline:   Key Damascus suburb witnesses most intense clashes since 2013

The Damascene suburb of Qudsiyah witnessed its heaviest clashes since early 2013 on Tuesday after a group of militants from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) attacked a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) checkpoint. According to an Al-Masdar correspondent in Damascus, a group of Islamist rebels attacked one of the Syrian Arab Army’s checkpoints in the Al-Khayateen area, killing 6 soldiers before they could respond to the militant aggression. As a result of this surprise attack by the Islamist rebels, the Syrian Arab Army’s High Command sent in their Republican Guard units to recapture the Al-Khayateen area; this would result in a violent battle that would last for several hours on Tuesday. Finally, the Syrian Armed Forces were able to surround the 2 Islamist rebel groups at 2 buildings inside the Al-Khayateen area. The Syrian Armed Forces demanded that these militants surrender themselves; however, they would ultimately refuse, which led to the death of over 20 Islamist rebels. Al-Khayateen was eventually recaptured by the Syrian Armed Forces, but the Republican Guard and their tanks have remained inside Qudsiyah. The Syrian Armed Forces issued one last warning to the Islamist rebels about instigating violence in Qudsiyah; if they do it again, the army will attack their positions inside the suburb.
Sept. 28, 2016



Syria Headline:    ISIS prepares for FINAL BATTLE: US troops 3 MILES from site of ancient APOCALYPSE prophecy

According to the (Muslim) extremists’ twisted ideology, Dabiq – a tiny town in northern Syria – will see a “major apocalyptic showdown with the armies of the infidel” that will result in the collapse of civilization.  And Turkish troops backed by American commandos are understood to be just three miles from the town.  ISIS claim the battle will erupt in a field outside the small town, which in 2004 recorded a population of just 3,000 people. Reports in recent days that Turkish artillery fire has hit the town, in the northern countryside of Aleppo, suggest that battle may now have begun. Amaq – the terror network’s own ‘news agency’ – claimed a man died in the strike last Friday. ISIS has vowed to revert to an early form of Islam and their prediction of a battle at Dabiq fits this narrative. According to their theory, “nations gathering under 80 flags will confront the Muslim armies”. ISIS even named its terrorist propaganda and recruitment magazine after the settlement, which lies around six miles from the Turkish border.
Sept. 28, 2016

Syria Headline:   Reports that US soldiers have entered towns in Aleppo

Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen channel has claimed that US troops have entered the towns of Marea and Azaz in northern Aleppo countryside. There presence in these two towns is supposedly to help Syrian rebel forces and their jihadists allies against ISIS positions. Extremists from Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (previously al-Nusra) called for “a fight with the Americans” and burnt several Free Syrian Army (FSA) flags, according to al-Mayadeen. The channel then went onto claim that the US troops caused tensions between Fatah al-Sham and the FSA. These claims cannot be independently verified by al-Masdar at this moment.
Sept. 28, 2016



Syria Headline:      Kerry threatens to end Syria talks with Russia over Aleppo

Syria Headline:     France wants UN resolution on Aleppo, force Russia’s hand

Syria Headline:      Warplanes knock out Aleppo hospital as Russian-backed assault intensifies

Secretary of State John Kerry is threatening to cut off all contacts with Moscow over Syria, unless Russian and Syrian government attacks on Aleppo end. The State Department says Kerry issued the ultimatum in a Wednesday telephone call to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Kerry’s spokesman, John Kirby, says Kerry expressed grave concern over Russian and Syrian government attacks on hospitals, water supplies and other civilian infrastructure in Aleppo. He says Kerry told Lavrov that the U.S. holds Russia responsible for the use of incendiary and bunker-buster bombs in an urban area. Kerry told Lavrov the U.S. was preparing to “suspend U.S.-Russia bilateral engagement on Syria,” including on a proposed counterterrorism partnership, “unless Russia takes immediate steps to end the assault on Aleppo” and restore a cease-fire.
Sept. 28, 2016




Syria Headline:    US-backed rebels now equipped with advanced rocket launchers

Syria Headline:   US arming Nusra in Syria: Lavrov

Syria Headline: Foreign states supply Syrian rebels with new Grad rockets – FSA commander

Syria Headline: ‘Aleppo must not fall’: US allies to flood city with anti-aircraft missiles

US-backed rebels attacked – for the first time – the Syrian Army positions in Handarat Refugee Camp in northeast Aleppo with barrages of BM-21 missiles (Grad) using rocket launchers they had obtained earlier. A pro-rebel Twitter account released a video showing a group of the West-backed FSA fighters unloading the missiles and then firing them using rocket launchers. In the same context, Reuters quoted a rebel commander who confirmed that some Western countries have recently provided (for the first time) the FSA-affiliated factions in Syria with ‘excellent quantities’ of advanced rocket launchers to defy a Russia-backed, wide-scale offensive against rebel forces in eastern Aleppo. “The Grad launchers have a range of 22-40 km, and will be extensively used in the battles against regime forces in Aleppo, Hama and Latakia”, said Col. Faris al-Bayoush, a military rebel commander and former Syrian Army officer. Battles in both Aleppo and Hama significantly escalated since the US-Russia brokered ceasefire has crumbled. Earlier, Gulf states, backing Syrian opposition, threatened to supply its proxies with anti-aircraft missiles to defend themselves against Syrian and Russian warplanes.
Sept. 28, 2016





Syria Headline: Syrian Army, Hezbollah capture the Farafira District in east Aleppo

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), backed by Hezbollah, captured the Farafira District in east Aleppo after a short battle with the jihadist rebels of Fatah Halab. According to a military source in Aleppo, the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah seized the Farafira District after advancing from the northeastern axis of the Aleppo Citadel in the Old Aleppo Quarter this morning. The military source added that the Syrian Arab Army’s sappers are now demining the area before allowing soldiers to enter the buildings in the Farafira District. Meanwhile, southeast the Aleppo Citadel, the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah are attempting to enter the Bab Al-Nayrab District; however, there have been no reports of any advance there.
Sept. 27, 2016


Hama 2

Syria Headline:   Rebels gas the Syrian Army in northern Hama

The jihadist rebels attacking the northern Hama village of Karah on Wednesday reportedly used chlorine gas against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), causing several injuries in the process. According to local reports, Jund Al-Aqsa (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) used chlorine gas against the Syrian Arab Army during their ongoing assault at Karah today. No fatalities have been reported as a result of the gas attack; however, 18 soldiers were hospitalized due to exposure to this chemical agent.
Sept. 28, 2016


Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline:      Daesh attacks kill at least 17 in Baghdad

Bombings claimed by Daesh militants hit shopping areas in Shiite districts of the Iraqi capital on Tuesday, killing at least 17 people, security and medial officials said. The group said suicide bombers with explosive vests carried out the attacks in the Baghdad Jadida neighborhood in the east of the city and the Bayaa area in the south. Officials said at least eight people were killed and 29 wounded in Baghdad Jadida, although some said the area was hit by a roadside bomb as well as a suicide bomber. Another suicide bomber targeted the Bayaa, killing at least nine people and wounding 30, officials said.
Sept. 28, 2016


Iraq Headline:  US to send more troops to Iraq ahead of Mosul battle

The United States will send around 600 new troops to Iraq to assist local forces in the battle to retake Mosul from Islamic State that is expected later this year, US and Iraqi officials said on Wednesday. The new deployment is the third such boost in US troop levels in Iraq since April, underscoring the difficulties President Barack Obama has had in extracting the US military from the country. “American President Barack Obama was consulted on a request from the Iraqi government for a final increase in the number of trainers and advisers under the umbrella of the international coalition in Iraq,” Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said in a statement. The new troops will train and advise Iraqi security forces and Kurdish peshmerga forces, primarily in the Mosul fight but also serve “to protect and expand Iraqi security forces’ gains elsewhere in Iraq,” US Defense Secretary Ash Carter said.
Sept. 28, 2016


Iraq Headline:  Iraqi militia chief claims Israel  bombed group in Syria

Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba chief Akram al-Kaabi made an unusual allegation that his militia’s weapon caches outside Aleppo were targeted in airstrikes.  He says that Israel conducted airstrikes against the Shiite fighting force outside Aleppo, without specifying when the purported bombings occurred. “We witnessed during our wide-scale operations and large victories previously achieved in these areas [outside Aleppo] how the Zionist entity, by itself, bombed our weapons and ammunition [caches],” Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba chief Akram al-Kaabi said during a mid-September field inspection of his militia’s positions near Syria’s second city. Kaabi did not say when or where Israel allegedly targeted Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba positions in his speech, which was featured in a video publicized Sunday by the Iraqi militia’s YouTube channel. Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba’s media office, for its part, has never issued any public statements claiming that its weapon stores in the Aleppo province were hit by Israel. Although Kaabi did not go into details regarding his unsubstantiated allegation, he did claim that the Israeli strike helped “give Takfiri groups another chance to reorganize themselves… and hampered our military operations to liberate besieged Shiite areas,”
Sept. 28, 2016


Kurdish Headline: Syrian Kurds demand recognition of Rojava federal project as condition to fight for Raqqa

Syrian Kurds are ready to participate in the battle for Raqqa on the condition that the US-led coalition recognises their federal project in Rojava and directly arm the People’s Protection Units (YPG), officials said. Senior Kurdish official and member of the Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM), Hanifa Hussein, said that the Kurds are ready to take part in the major anti-ISIS operation of Raqqa. “But first we need to make sure that our federal project would be accepted by Washington and coalition members, the YPG forces would receive arms directly, and the Kurds would be officially invited to the Geneva peace talks,” she told reporters on Wednesday. The US administration is considering a plan to directly arm the Syrian Kurds to fight ISIS, after the Turkish intervention risked the US of losing Kurdish support to take the city of Raqqa.
**see also Turkey below
Sept. 28, 2016




Headline:   Turkish foreign minister says troops to move further into Syria

Headline: Turkey to complete Syria border wall within 5 months, official says

Headline: Turkey security council to recommend extending state of emergency

In an interview with FRANCE 24, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Ankara is planning to send troops 45 kilometres into Syrian territory to establish a no-fly zone and a safe zone. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said the Free Syrian Army forces, supported by Turkey and the West, had made good progress against the Islamic State (IS) group – and that this should serve as a model for the campaign to retake Raqqa from the militants. (Please see ETRM 9-26 post Turkey wants to join U.S.-led operation against Islamic State in Raqqa) He denied allegations that Turkey has entered Syria to attack the PYD/YPG Kurdish group, however, but warned that the United States has not fulfilled its promise to Turkey that those groups would not cross the Euphrates. Furthermore, Cavusoglu blasted Washington for arming the PYD/YPG group, calling it an “unacceptable” move. Turkey’s top diplomat also squarely blamed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his allies for the failure of the latest ceasefire attempt, adding that the regime was also clearly responsible for the attack on an aid convoy. Cavusoglu called for an independent investigation into that attack. Finally, Cavusoglu told FRANCE 24 that Turkey has provided the US with solid evidence of US-based Cleric Fetullah Gulen‘s role in the failed coup in Turkey, and that Ankara is therefore expecting him to be extradited soon.
Sept. 28, 2016




Headline: Turkey denies protection to returning Syrians

A migrant swap deal with Ankara is progressing well despite returning Syrians being denied guaranteed protection status in Turkey, says the EU commission. EU migration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos told reporters on Wednesday (28 September) that “adequate standards” were in place for those returned under the March deal. But earlier in the day, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) said not a single Syrian returned from Greece has been granted any temporary protection status, despite the “formal guarantees” under the EU’s deal with Ankara. “As we speak today, none of the Syrians that have returned to Turkey have got temporary protection,” Vincent Cochetal, UNHCR’s Europe director, told this website. Turkey is also supposed to allow the UN agency access to facilities where the returning Syrians are temporarily sheltered. But access to the centre has been blocked since a failed military coup in July.
Sept. 28, 2016


Headline: Preparations under way for Putin to visit Turkey in October: Kremlin

Headline:Turkey Failed to Coordinate Syrian Operation With Russia, Iran

The Kremlin said Wednesday that preparations were under way for President Vladimir Putin to visit Turkey in October, a further sign that Moscow is keen to restore full political, trade and economic ties with Ankara. Relations between the two nations were plunged into crisis in November last year after NATO member state Turkey shot down a Russian warplane near the Syrian border. Russia responded by imposing economic sanctions on Turkey. In June, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan expressed regret for the downing of the Russian plane. In August, he met Putin in St. Petersburg where the two men agreed to gradually restore full-scale cooperation.
Sept. 28, 2016




Headline:         Iran has missiles that can hit Israel, Revolutionary Guards official says

A senior commander in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said Tuesday that Iran is in possession of missiles that can hit Israel.
Iran’s Press TV quoted Commander of the IRGC’s Aerospace Division Brigadier General Amirali Hajizadeh as telling reporters that “we do not need missiles with a range of over 2,000 kilometers. The longest range required for [Iran’s] missiles is the [Israeli] occupied lands.” The commander warned that “the Zionist regime is our biggest target.” Hajizadeh stated that Iran’s Zolfaqar tactical ballistic missile was set to become operational in March of 2017, which is the end of the current Iranian calendar year.
Sept. 28, 2016




Headline:    Afghan Officials: US Drone Strike Killed IS Militants, Civilians

Authorities in an eastern province of Afghanistan say a U.S. drone strike against a group of suspected Islamic State militants has killed at least 18 people, including civilians. Local police commander Mohammad Ali told VOA Wednesday that several non-combatants were also among those wounded in the pre-dawn attack in the Achin district of the province of Nangarhar, which borders Pakistan. A U.S. military spokesman, Brigadier General Charles Cleveland, confirmed to VOA that “U.S. forces did conduct one counterterrorism airstrike in the area on Wednesday. But he would not discuss further details for “operational security reasons.” The latest U.S airstrike came as tribal elders and officials recently warned IS fighters have returned and regained control of some of their former strongholds in the area after retreating to mountain hideouts in the face of weeks of major Afghan security operations.
Sept. 28, 2016



Matthew 24:5
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:   Russia Implicated in Shooting Down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Over Ukraine

A Dutch-led investigation has concluded that the powerful surface-to-air missile system used to shoot down a Malaysia Airlines plane over Ukraine two years ago, killing all 298 on board, was trucked in from Russia at the request of Russian-backed separatists and returned to Russia the same night. The report largely confirmed the Russian government’s already widely documented role not only in the deployment of the missile system — called a Buk, or SA-11 — but also in the subsequent cover-up, which continues to this day. The report, by a team of prosecutors from the Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and Ukraine, was significant for applying standards of evidence admissible in court while still building a case directly implicating Russia, and it is likely to open a long diplomatic and legal struggle. With meticulous detail, working with cellphone records, social media, witness accounts and other evidence, the prosecutors traced Russia’s role in deploying the missile system into Ukraine and its attempts to cover its tracks afterward. The inquiry did not name individual culprits and stopped short of saying that Russian soldiers were involved. Announcing their findings at a news conference in Nieuwegein, in the Netherlands, the investigators were clear, however, that they planned to identify suspects and to determine who they think gave the orders and what their intentions were, in preparation for bringing criminal indictments.
Sept. 28, 2016


Headline: Separatists say Russian troops staging exercises in Moldova

Headline: Why the West Should Pay More Attention to Moldova

The news agency of the Trans-Dniester separatist region in Moldova says Russian troops have begun another round of military exercises in the territory. Novosti Pridnestrovya quoted a Russian defense ministry statement Wednesday saying 300 Russian troops began a week of exercises in Trans-Dniester, a separatist region in eastern Moldova.  The drills started Tuesday. Many might wonder why the West should bother concerning itself with Moldova. After all, it is one of the poorest nations in Europe, a former Soviet republic about the size of Maryland that is nestled between Ukraine and Romania. But the answer has less to do with Moldova and more to do with its neighbor to the east. Russia’s geopolitical plans and intentions for the region, and how those plans clash with the Western vision for an open society in Eastern Europe, have important implications for the United States and Europe. There are significant political, economic and strategic issues at play. It began with the first round of “frozen conflicts” in the early 1990s in the South Caucasus: Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia and Transdniestria. Next came the war with West-leaning Georgia in 2008, which resulted in Russia minting a new brand new country, South Ossetia. The fact that none of these “republics” were ever recognized by more than a few countries is beside the point: The Kremlin had already achieved its goals. After Georgia came Crimea (perhaps more easily than Putin expected), which Russia now claims as its own. And most recently there has been the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.
Sept. 28, 2016



Headline: U.S. to deploy anti-missile system in South Korea ASAP

The United States plans to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system to South Korea “as soon as possible,” a senior U.S. official said Tuesday, according to Reuters. Daniel Russel, assistant secretary of state for East Asia, also told a congressional hearing the United States was in discussions with international partners, including the European Union, to deny North Korea access to international banking infrastructure after its recent nuclear and missile tests. Speaking to the Asia Pacific subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Russel added that the exact timing of the deployment of the THAAD system was a matter for the Pentagon. But, he added, “Given the accelerating pace of North Korea’s missile tests, we intend to deploy on an accelerated basis — I would say as soon as possible.” Asked if the deployment was a “done deal,” Russel replied, “Yes, I do.” Russel said last week that THAAD deployment was not negotiable as part of efforts to agree on new UN sanctions on North Korea after its fifth nuclear test on September 9 – the latest in a series of tests by Pyongyang in violation of UN resolutions.
Sept. 28, 2016


Luke 21:11
Rev. 6:8

Headline: 1st Case Of Locally-Acquired Dengue Reported In Miami-Dade County

Florida health officials have confirmed the first case of locally acquired Dengue fever in Miami-Dade County. The infection is primarily spread through bites of infected mosquitoes. The person infected with the virus has already received medical treatment and is expected to make a full recovery. Health officials are investigating close contacts around the person to make sure more people are not infected. Miami-Dade Mosquito Control says they are conducting aggressive mosquito control efforts in the area of concern. Dengue fever can present itself as a flu-like illness with muscle aches, pain, fever and sometimes a rash. The symptoms appear within 14 days of being bitten by an infected mosquito and can last for up to a week. This is the second case of locally acquired Dengue in Florida this year but this is the first case for Miami-Dade County.
Sept. 28, 2016



1 Timothy 4:1-3
Amos 8:11
2 Peter 2:1-3
Matthew 24:4-5
Matthew 24:24

Headline: Pastor kills himself after mistakenly sending his nude photos intended for his mistress to church members instead

A pastor in South Africa has reportedly hanged himself after he accidentally sent pictures of his genitals to his church’s WhatsApp group chat along with a message indicating that he was looking to cheat on his wife. According to the South African news website Live Monitor, Pastor Letsego of Christ Embassy church in Limpopo recently intended to send pictures of his genital along with the caption “Wife is away, it’s all yours tonight” to his mistress. The problem was that he sent the nude pictures and incriminating caption to members of his church instead. After realizing that he had made an embarrassing mistake, the pastor left the group chat and became unreachable for congregants of the church to express their shock and anger over the pictures and message. Live Monitor reports that a number of congregants tried to reach the pastor by phone after he sent the message. However, the attempts to reach the pastor were unsuccessful. The next day, Pastor Letsego was found hanging in his home.
Sept. 22, 2016


Headline: ‘Emergency’ need for exorcists after surge in people dabbling in Satanism and black magic

Exorcists are in urgent demand as a result of a sharp rise in people dabbling in Satanism and the occult,  experts from the Catholic Church in Italy and the US said. Speaking in tongues, levitating and vomiting nails may seem far-fetched to most people, but church experts insist there is a need to recruit more priests as exorcists in order to combat sorcery and black magic. Valter Cascioli, a psychologist and scientific consultant to the International Association of Exorcists, which is endorsed by the Vatican, described as an “emergency” the lack of priests capable of fighting the forces of evil. “The lack of exorcists is a real emergency. There is a pastoral emergency as a result of a significant increase in the number of diabolical possessions that exorcist priests are confronting,” he told La Stampa newspaper. “The number of people who take part in occult and satanic practices, which lead to serious physical, psychological and spiritual damages, is constantly rising.”
Sept. 26, 2016



Matthew 24:7
Luke 21:11
Luke 21:25

Headline:   Indonesia evacuates tourists after volcano eruption

Indonesian authorities have evacuated some 1,100 tourists after a volcano erupted at one of the country’s most popular hiking destinations. Mount Barujari on Lombok island erupted on Tuesday, shooting ash 2,000m (6,500 ft) into the air. Officials are still searching for several hundred tourists who remain missing, according to the country’s disaster agency. There have been no reports of injuries caused by the eruption. Nearly 400 foreign and local tourists have been registered since Sunday to climb the mountain, according to the Disaster Mitigation Agency’s spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho. The mountaineers were recorded to have left from Sembalun monitoring post, about 11km (7 miles) from the volcano’s crater. Flights were also interrupted for several hours at the nearby Lombok International Airport and the Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali.
Sept. 28, 2016


Headline: Dozens missing after Typhoon Megi causes landslide in China

Dozens of people were reported missing and at least 20 buildings destroyed after Typhoon Megi caused a landslide in eastern China’s Zhejiang province Wednesday. Rescue operations were underway in Suichang county and 27 people were confirmed missing, according to the People’s Daily in China. Earlier, Typhoon Megi killed at least five people and injured more than 600 in Taiwan and China. Several structures collapsed in the Chinese town of Quanzhou and one person was killed, the China News Service said. The storm made landfall in China’s southeastern province of Fujian at 4:40 a.m. with winds up to 74 mph, China’s meteorological administration said. It issued a red alert, the highest in a four-tiered system. Widespread flooding was reported and more than 120,000 fishermen were evacuated and more than 30,000 boats were recalled to port for shelter in Fujian province, CCTV said.
Sept. 28, 2016


earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

Sept. 26, 2016- Prophecy Signs for today

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Burdensome stone

Headline:  Palestinians condemn Trump vow on Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Palestinian leaders Monday accused Donald Trump of abandoning any hope of a two-state solution after the Republican candidate said he would recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s “undivided” capital if he won the US presidential election. Trump pledged Sunday during a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu he would recognize Israel’s claim over east Jerusalem, which would break with decades of precedent and put Washington at odds with most UN member states. “Trump’s statement shows disregard for international law (and) longstanding US foreign policy regarding the status of Jerusalem,” Saeb Erekat, secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said in a statement. “Previous statements delivered by his adviser on Israel show a total abandonment of the two-state solution, international law and UN resolutions.”
Sept. 26, 2016


Headline:   As Gaza spirals downward, the IDF watches, digs in for the next fight

The Gaza Strip and its residents are barreling towards disaster, brought on by crippling unemployment, a nonexistent economy, water and electricity shortages, a growing population and the “Islamic dictatorship” of Hamas, while the IDF is trying — and thus far succeeding — to keep the coastal enclave’s terrorist leaders deterred and contained, a senior IDF officer from the Southern Command said Sunday. The army official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, rattled off worrying statistics from the Gaza Strip: 41.2 percent unemployment, the highest unemployment rate in the world, according to the World Bank; a per capita GDP of NIS 6,488 ($1,725), which if Gaza were a country, would put it near the lowest in the world, between Haiti ($1,750) and Burkina Faso ($1,724), according to the International Monetary Fund; an economy that is mostly made up of foreign aid and charity from international organizations; and a population of 1.9 million — and growing. Moreover, reconstruction following the 2014 Gaza war, known in Israel as Operation Protective Edge, has been slow, in part because Hamas has siphoned off a substantial portion of the reconstruction materials in order to create new attack, defense and smuggling tunnels, according to Israeli authorities. “Hamas is not rebuilding Gaza, it’s rebuilding its military capabilities,” the officer told reporters.
Sept. 26, 2016


Headline:   Presidential error at the UN

US president Barak Obama called Judea and Samaria ‘Palestinian land’ in contravention of the Oslo accords and international law. Despite Barak Obama’s speech last week at the UN being analyzed endlessly, there has been no meaningful reference to the way in which the president referred to Judea and Samaria. The president remarked parenthetically that Judea and Samaria are “Palestinian lands”. Only the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) responded and protested the inaccuracy in Obama’s words. Obama said that “Surely, Israelis and Palestinians will be better off if Palestinians reject incitement and recognize the legitimacy of Israel, but Israel recognizes that it cannot permanently occupy and settle Palestinian land”. The ZOA remarked that the use of the term Palestinian land “prejudges the issue of sovereignty and borders and is not accordance with international law, which designates Judea/Samaria as unallocated territory, without a recognized sovereign.” Moreover, they added that “the President’s use of this term is political in nature, as it automatically and unjustly designates the biblical, religious, and historical heartland of the Jewish people for millennia, before the Arab conquest of the region in the seventh century, as belonging to ‘Palestinian Arabs.'” “It is well-known that there are conflicting claims to the land, but it is also important to note that Israel has a better claim in law than any other party. “The territory of the West Bank was earmarked for Jewish settlement in 1920 at the San Remo Conference. This decision, enshrined in the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine entrusted to Britain that shortly followed, has never been superseded by an internationally binding agreement. To the contrary, it was reaffirmed by Article 80 of the UN Charter. “The Arab states rejected the 1947 UN General Assembly partition resolution that called for an Arab and a Jewish state to be established in the territory of the British Mandate. As a result, no agreement on statehood and borders was ever reached. Jordan, which illegally invaded and annexed the territory from 1948 to 1967, formally relinquished its claim to the territory in 1988. “In the absence of a peace settlement, Judea/Samaria is unallocated territory under international law, not the sovereign territory of another state that Israel ‘occupies.’
Sept. 26, 2016


Headline: ‘Russia and US tensions over Syria dangerous for Israel’

The escalation in rhetoric between Russia and the United States over Syria’s Civil War is creating a dangerous situation for Israel, former Israeli envoy to the United Nations Ron Prosor told Army Radio on Monday. “We have here a dangerous situation. It is dangerous, by the way, also to [Israel], because we find ourselves right in the middle,” Prosor said. “We coordinate with Russia, and the Americans are an important strategic asset for us.” Prosor said that a conflict between the Americans and Russians could create “a very uncomfortable reality” for Israel. The former envoy to the UN said that the level of rhetoric in recent days between the world powers is unprecedented in Syria’s Civil War, however, he does not believe at this point that it will turn into a physical confrontation.
Sept. 26, 2016



Headline: Jihadist rebels foil Syrian Army offensive in Golan Heights

Headline: Assad vows offensive against  rebels along Golan

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), backed by the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Liwaa Muwahiddeen (Druze militia), launched a new offensive in the Al-Quneitra Governorate on Monday, targeting the large hilltop of Tal Humiryah in the Golan Heights. Led by the 90th Brigade, the Syrian Arab Army and their allies stormed the northern flank of Tal Humiryah, where they were confronted by a well-prepared group of jihadist rebels from Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front). Following a two hour battle this morning, the jihadist rebels managed to secure Tal Humiryah and push back the Syrian Armed Forces to the nearby town of Hader, which is located at the border of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Since the failed assault, the Syrian Armed Forces have been shelling the jihadist rebels at Tal Humiryah in preparation for a second round of attacks to seize this strategic hilltop.
Sept. 26, 2016



Headline: Al-Aqsa preacher sentenced to 8 months for incitement

The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court on Sunday sentenced an Islamic preacher to eight months in jail for racism and incitement to violence in a Friday sermon. Sheikh Omar Abu Sara delivered the sermon at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, located on the Temple Mount in the capital, on November 28, 2014. In the address, which was recorded and uploaded to YouTube, Abu Sara, 51, described Jews in vile terms, comparing them to pigs and monkeys, and urged the worshipers to commit acts of violence against them. “I say to the Jews loud and clear: The time for your slaughter has come. The time to fight you has come. The time to kill you has come,” the sheikh preached, according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute. “Please do not leave in our hearts a single grain of mercy toward you, oh Jews, because when the day of your slaughter arrives, we shall slaughter you without mercy. “Jews are a people and God made them monkeys and pigs,” Abu Sara continued. In his concluding remarks Sunday, Judge Shmuel Herbst said: “I look at the accused and I see a man. It is a great shame that he looks at me and sees a monkey or a pig who should be destroyed without mercy. What a shame.”
Sept. 25, 2016




Headline:          Protesters in Jordan urge gov’t to resign over writer’s murder

Protesters called on Monday for Jordan’s government to resign over its failure to prevent the murder of Christian writer Nahed Hattar, as the killing was condemned internationally. A bearded assailant on Sunday shot dead Hattar, 56, on the steps of a court in central Amman where he was facing trial for sharing an anti-Islam cartoon on social media. His family has so far refused to collect his body for burial, charging that authorities were warned of threats to Hattar’s life and had failed to act. Hundreds of sympathizers and members of the Christian community protested outside the premier’s office on Monday. “The people want the fall of the government… No security, they killed Nahed in Amman!” they chanted. Jordan’s judiciary on Monday slapped a media blackout on the murder, a day after he was gunned down on arrival at the court. The information ministry said the aim was to preserve “the secrecy of the investigation” and that the blackout applied to both social and traditional media.
Sept. 26, 2016



Saudi Arabia2Saudi Arabia

Headline:   Saudi Arabia Injects $5.3 Billion Into Banks to Ease Crunch

Headline: Saudi cuts public sector bonuses, ministers’ salaries

Headline: Saudi firm tells staff to forget owed pay if they want passports back

Saudi Arabia’s central bank stepped up efforts to support lenders in the Arab world’s biggest economy as they grapple with the effects of low oil prices. Banks’ shares advanced. The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, as the central bank is known, is giving banks about 20 billion riyals ($5.3 billion) of time deposits “on behalf of government entities.” It’s also introducing seven-day and 28-day repurchase agreements, as part of its “supportive monetary policy.” It didn’t provide further details. The announcement, which comes as the kingdom prepares for its first international bond sale, is the latest step by the central bank to ease a cash crunch in the banking system. The Saudi Interbank Offered Rate, a key benchmark for pricing loans, has surged to the highest in seven years after the plunge in oil prices forced the government to withdraw money from the country’s banking system, squeezing liquidity. The central bank was said to have offered lenders 15 billion riyals in short-term loans in June to help ease liquidity constraints.
Sept. 25, 2016






~Keep in mind when looking at the map~ the BLUE line shows what Syria looks like according to the Psalm 83 definition

Syria Headline:    US not willing to attack Nusra: Russian FM

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated on Monday that he cannot afford to have absolute trust towards the United States on the issue of its readiness to deal strikes against the terrorist organization Jabhat Al-Nusra. “US Secretary of State John Kerry keeps saying that Jabhat Al-Nusra poses the same terrorist threat as the Islamic State (both outlawed in Russia),” Lavrov said. “But Al-Nusra remains untouchable. This is a paradox. I don’t know whom I can trust. That I cannot trust them (the United States) one hundred percent is for certain.” “It is a vicious circle. Each time Russia or Syrian planes hit Nusra positions, they make a fuss, claiming that we’ve hit the patriotic opposition again thereby pushing it into Nusra’s embrace,” Lavrov said. At the same time he recalled that US Secretary of State John Kerry stated in public that those who do not regard themselves as terrorists should leave the Jabhat al-Nusra-controlled areas. Lavrov added that the United States in recent days stopped being an impartial co-chair of the International Syria Support Group and brings the grist to one mill.
Sept. 26, 2016



Syria Headline:     Latest battle map of Aleppo City

Syria Headline:  Russia, Assad Using More Destructive Weaponry in Bid to Subdue Aleppo – ~Warning~Graphic Photo

The size of the bomb craters is becoming larger and the destructive power is growing of the missiles that Russian and Syrian government warplanes are launching at civilians and rebels in Aleppo. Since the breakdown last week of a U.S.-Russia negotiated cease-fire in Syria, the ferocity of the onslaught on rebel-held eastern districts of Aleppo suggests Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his overseas backers, Russia and Iran, are determined to overrun the insurgents in Aleppo, delivering a devastating blow to the five-year campaign to oust the Syrian strongman. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power accused the Assad regime on Sunday of mounting an “all-out offensive” to retake Aleppo. Analysts and Western diplomats say in the past few weeks, Russian and Syrian warplanes have been pounding Aleppo with munitions designed to penetrate hardened military bunkers, not shallow cellars shielding civilians from round-the-clock airstrikes. They say the weapon of choice to subdue the eastern half of Syria’s once prosperous commercial capital is the bunker-busting BETAB-500 air bomb.
Sept. 26, 2016



Hama 2

Syria Headline:  ISIS launches surprise attack in east Hama

The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched a small-scale offensive in the eastern countryside of Hama on Monday, targeting the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) checkpoints along the Homs-Salamiyah Road. ISIS began the assault by storming two of the Syrian Arab Army’s checkpoints near the village of Al-Qantarat; this resulted in a fierce battle that lasted for approximately two hours on Monday. Despite their best efforts, the Islamic State militants were unable to infiltrate the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses along the Homs-Salamiyah Road.
Sept. 26, 2016


Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights


Iraq Headline:      Islamic State preparing for long showdown over Mosul

As the showdown ap­proaches with the Iraqi Army, backed by the Shia-dominated mili­tias and Kurdish Pesh­merga with aerial support by the U.S.-led coalition forces, Islamic State militants are preparing for a protracted war over Mosul. Residents said trenches were dug around the city and neigh­borhoods on the corners were cleared of residents. All areas on the city border were said to have been booby-trapped. The residents said those who were removed were taken to com­pounds inside Mosul run by IS and are likely to be used as human shields if the jihadists begin to lose the battle.
Sept. 26, 2016



Iraq Headline:       US military hits another Islamic State chemical weapons facility in Iraq

For the second time this month, the US military targeted an Islamic State chemical weapons facility in northern Iraq. The Islamic State has pursued a chemical weapons program in both Iraq and Syria, which has been targeted by the US since it launched its air campaign in the summer of 2014. On Sept. 23, US warplanes bombed “an ISIL [Islamic State] chemical weapons factory” near the town of Qayyarah, US Central Command, or CENTCOM, reported. Iraqi forces gained control of Qarrayah and the nearby Qayyarah Airfiled West, or Q-West, from the Islamic State in mid-July. The Qayyarah chemical factory is the second chemical facility targeted by the US military in the past two weeks. On Sept. 14, US warplanes targeted “an ISIL chemical weapons storage facility and destroyed a rocket system, a rocket rail, and a mortar system,” near the Iraqi town of Huwayjah. In addition to targeting chemical facilities, the US military has focused on key leaders and experts in the Islamic State’s chemical weapons program. On May 18, the US military announced that it killed Abu Sufyan, who was described as “a senior chemical expert who staged chemical attacks in the Euphrates River Valley” in Anbar province, Iraq.
Sept. 26, 2016


Kurdish Headline:  Turkey welcomes withdrawal of Syrian Kurdish fighters from Manbij

Kurdish Headline:   DEBKAfile questions Ankara’s claim that Kurdish fighters left Manib

 A significant portion of Kurdish YPG militia fighters who were in the northern Syrian town of Manbij are withdrawing to the east of the Euphrates river in a move welcomed by Turkey, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus told reporters on Monday.  Ankara has demanded that the YPG forces move east of the Euphrates, viewing the group as closely linked to Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants fighting in southeast Turkey and deeming both groups terrorist organisations. Meanwhile, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus Monday welcomed the withdrawal of Kurdish YPG militia fighters from the northern Syrian town of Manbij and their relocation east of the Euphrates River. DEBKAfile’s sources, questioning this statement, reports that while a group of YPG militiamen may have withdrawn from Manbij, the town they captured from ISIS last month, a large number has regrouped in the strategic town on new defense lines in defiance of Ankara.
Sept. 26, 2016



Al Bab

Kurdish Headline:   Race to Al-Bab continues as Kurdish forces advance towards ISIL’s Aleppo stronghold

The US-led “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF) launched a powerful assault against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on Sunday, targeting the latter’s positions in the northeastern Aleppo countryside. The SDF reportedly attacked the towns of Hasieh and Hasajek on Sunday, where they were confronted by a large Islamic State force from Al-Bab in east Aleppo. Following an intense firefight that lasted for part of the day on Sunday, the SDF managed to liberate these two towns from the Islamic State terrorists, leaving them within 20 km of Al-Bab. The SDF’s push towards Al-Bab on Sunday is their first attempt to advance towards this strategic city in Aleppo’s eastern countryside. For the Turkish-backed rebels participating in “Operation Euphrates Shield,” the SDF taking Al-Bab would be disastrous for their offensive because the latter would finally be able to link the two Rojava pockets.
Sept. 26, 2016


Kurdish Headline:   Kurdish Teachers’ Arrests Heighten Concerns About Turkey’s Emergency Rule

The arrests of 24 Kurdish teachers, accused of supporting the PKK Kurdish rebel group, has intensified criticism of the Turkish government’s use of the emergency powers it introduced following July’s failed coup. The teacher’s arrests are part of an alarming trend in the government’s use of emergency powers, according to Sezgin Tanrikulu, a human rights lawyer and deputy leader of the main opposition Republican People’s Party, the CHP. “The dismissal of more than 11,000 teachers who had nothing to do with the coup attempt, and now the taking of teachers in custody in Diyarbakir, is a completely unlawful process against union-related activities,” he said. The detained teachers are all reportedly union members who participated in a strike calling for a peaceful solution to the armed conflict between Turkey’s government and the outlawed Kurdish PKK. Turkey’s largest teachers’ union says the latest arrests represent a worrying escalation in the crackdown on its members.
Sept. 26, 2016





Headline:   Explosion hits Turkish army convoy in Kurdish southeast, 8 hurt

Headline: Massive explosion rocks southeast Turkey

A massive explosion was reported in southeastern Turkey today after a military vehicle ran over a roadside bomb. According to local reports, the Turkish military vehicle struck an IED (improvised explosive device) inside the city of Mardin, killing 2 people and wounding 9 other bystanders. Turkish police have arrived on the scene to assist the wounded and secure the area. No group has taken responsibility for this attack; however, it was mostly likely done by members the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), who operate inside of Mardin.
Sept. 26, 2016




Headline:       Thousands of Iran-backed fighters converge on Aleppo amid deadly Syria airstrikes

Headline: Iran admits conducting  drone strikes in Syria

As deadly airstrikes pounded Aleppo, Syria over the weekend, a major foreign ground force was also converging on the region. As many as 3,000 Iranian-backed fighters have arrived in Aleppo supporting the Syrian regime in its fight to crush the rebellion, two U.S. officials confirm to Fox News. There are an estimated 250,000 Syrian civilians trapped in Aleppo facing an onslaught of Russian and Syrian bombs, according to reports. The Iranian-backed Shiite militias include fighters from neighboring Iraq as well as Afghanistan, officials say. Many of those fighters had already been in Syria but recently descended on Aleppo. A top Iranian military official has said that his country’s unmanned aerial vehicles are conducting airstrikes in Syria, months after Iranian TV aired a video appearing to show a combat drone being tested in the war-torn country. Major General Mohammad Bagheri, the chief-of-staff of Iran’s armed forces, claimed in a speech Sunday that his country has developed UAVs capable of pinpoint strikes that can hit a target in an area as small as one square meter. “These UAVs are being used to hit terrorist targets in Syria and Iraq,” he added during a ceremony marking the start of the academic year at Iran’s Supreme National Defense University.
Sept. 26, 2016



Headline: Iran to develop long-range ballistic missiles to hit maritime targets: DM

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan highlighted the technological advances made in the country’s missile industry, pledging on Sunday that Iran will develop long-range ballistic missiles capable of hitting maritime targets. “Today, our long-range missiles can target enemy targets with an accuracy of less than 10 meters,” the defense minister said during an open session of the parliament on Sunday morning. “In future, with the grace of God, we will develop our ground-to-ground ballistic missiles so that they can hit maritime targets in large distances,” Dehqan stated. He went on to say that currently cruise missiles fired into the sea off the country’s coasts or those fired from vessels can also successfully hit all maritime targets. Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great headways in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in the arms sphere.
Sept. 26, 2016



Headline:   ISIS Retakes Control of Former Strongholds in Afghanistan

Officials and witnesses in Afghanistan say fighters linked to Islamic State have regained control of most of the militant group’s former strongholds in the country, weeks after retreating to remote mountain hideouts in the face of major Afghan security operations. The troubled areas are located in Achin, Naziyan, Kot and Haska Meena districts of the eastern Nangarhar province, which borders Pakistan. A reporter for VOA’s Afghan service this week traveled to Achin, the main IS base in the country, and says government security forces have relocated to positions they were occupying prior to the launching of an anti-IS “Qahr-e- Sellab” offensive in June. Regional military spokesman Shreen Aqa confirmed to VOA that IS militants have returned to parts of the troubled districts, but said Afghan forces are preparing to undertake a fresh offensive for their eviction.
Sept. 26, 2016



Headline: Former South Sudan VP ends ceasefire with government in Juba

South Sudan’s exiled rebel leader has called for war against the government, ending an internationally-backed peace deal. Former vice president Riek Machar said on Sunday that he will “wage a popular armed resistance against the authoritarian and fascist regime of President Salva Kiir in order to bring peace, freedom, democracy and the rule of law in the country.”  Machar fled to Khartoum after clashes broke out between his supporters and Kiir’s in the South Sudanese capital Juba in July. He added that the international community should “declare the regime in Juba as a rogue government and a spoiler of peace that is threatening regional and international peace and security.” The announcement is Machar’s first since the fighting broke out. At the time, he referred to the clashes as an “assassination attempt.”
Sept. 25, 2016


Luke 21:9
Matthew 24:7
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:    Boko Haram leader taunts parents of kidnapped girls in new video

Headline:    Nigeria military: 8 soldiers killed in attacks by extremists

Longtime Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau appeared in a video denying military reports that he was killed last month, and mocking parents of the hundreds of Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped in 2014. In the video, Shekau claimed the parents would see their daughters again only if the government swapped them for detained terror leaders. “To the people of Chibok: You have not seen the worst yet,” Shekau said, ending with gales of laughter. The Islamic State in August appointed a new leader in Nigeria, but Shekau has insisted he remains in charge. Nigeria’s military called the video “the handiwork of a mentally sick and unstable mind.” The military several times in the past has claimed to have killed Shekau, only to have him reappear. Meantime, Islamic extremists killed eight soldiers and wounded 17 in two attacks in northeastern Nigeria, the country’s military said Monday.
Sept. 26, 2016



Headline:     Death toll from militia violence in central Congo jumps to 49

The death toll from militia clashes with security forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo last week was at least 49, more than three times the number earlier reported, the governor of the province hit by the violence was quoted on Monday as saying. Fighters from militia group Kamwina Nsapu, seeking to avenge the death of their leader of the same name, battled security forces on Thursday and Friday in the town of Kananga in the center of the vast central African country. U.N.-funded Radio Okapi quoted Alex Kande, governor of Kasai Central province as saying that 27 of the dead were militiamen, 16 were members of the security forces and six were civilians. Initial estimates had put the toll at 13. The militiamen first entered Kananga on Thursday morning and continued attacks on Friday, including against the town airport.
Sept. 26, 2016



Headline:    Houthi leader calls for truce along Yemen’s border with Saudi Arabia

Headline: Yemeni Army rains missiles on Saudi military camp

Saleh al-Samad, the head of a Houthi political council, proposed rebels stop attacks along Yemen’s border with Saudi Arabia in exchange for airstrikes to cease. Samad on Sunday also called for the end of the blockade against Yemen in a proposal published on an official Yemen website. There was no immediate response from Saudi Arabia about the proposal. “In exchange for halting the aggression by land, sea and air, stopping airstrikes and lifting the blockade, [we will] stop combat operations along border,” Samad said in a speech, Anadolu Agency reports. At least 10,000 people have died, about half of them civilians, since a coalition led by Saudi Arabia — and supported by the United States and Britain — began a military campaign against Houthi militants in March 2015 after the rebels seized the city of Sanaa and began to advance to Aden to overthrow the government of President Abdu Rabbo Mansour Hadi in 2014.
Sept. 26, 2016




Matthew 24:5
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:   Japan scrambles jets as China flies fleet near disputed islands

Headline:   US, South Korean missile destroyers in fresh show of force to North Korea

Japan scrambled fighter jets Sunday after China flew a fleet of aircraft near contested islands in the East China Sea. Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said that the jets were sent up after eight Chinese military planes crossed between Okinawa and the Miyako islands near Taiwan. He said that two of the aircraft were thought to be fighter jets. He added that the planes didn’t “trespass” into Japan’s territorial airspace, although he said it was the first time that Chinese military aircraft had been seen in the Miyako Strait. “We will continue to keep close eyes on the Chinese military activities which have been expanding and become more frequent,” he said. Shen Jinke, an official with the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, said that a fleet of 40 aircraft were sent to the West Pacific via the Miyako Strait Sunday for a “routine drill on the high seas,” according to China’s official Xinhua news agency. The fleet, which included H-6K bombers, Su-30 fighters and air tankers, simulated reconnaissance and early warning attacks on sea-surface targets. It also conducted in-flight refueling to test the Air Force’s fighting capacity, Xinhua added.
Sept. 26, 2016








Revelation 6:5-6

Daniel 2:41-43

Headline:   Deutsche Bank shares plummet to record low as Merkel rules out bailout

Shares in Germany’s largest bank have hit rock bottom on Monday as Chancellor Angela Merkel reportedly refused to provide Deutsche Bank state aid in its legal battle with the United States Department of Justice (DoJ). Deutsche shares fell as much as six percent to €10.67 in early Monday trading, the worst performance since 1992. The bank has lost over 52 percent of its value since January and over 56 percent in the last twelve months. Earnings per share fell as much as €6. The collapse has been prompted by a report in the German magazine Focus that said Chancellor Angela Merkel has ruled out any state assistance for the bank next year. Merkel also declined to provide help to Deutsche Bank in its legal battle with the DoJ. The Frankfurt-based lender may be fined up to $14 billion over its mortgage-backed securities business before the 2008 global crisis, the magazine reported. The article said Merkel made her views clear in talks with Deutsche CEO John Cryan. Deutsche Bank has denied that Cryan asked for state support from Berlin, CNBC reported on Monday.
Sept. 26, 2016


famine 1Cooltextprophecysign

Matthew 24:7
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline: Venezuelan children fainting in school because they are hungry

Klaireth Díaz is a 1st-grade teacher at Elías Toro School, one of the biggest public schools in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela. Last year, she says, attendance was painfully low. Every day, of a class of 30 children at least 10 would be absent. “The reason was always lack of food,” she told Fox News Latino. She said she had a student who skipped class every single Thursday and when she asked his mother about it, she explained that Thursday was the day of the week assigned to her family to buy food at government-regulated prices – which involves standing in line starting sometimes as early as 3 a.m. “She told me she couldn’t leave the child alone at home and didn’t have anybody to bring him to school,” Díaz said. Diaz also once saw a child faint during a cultural event. Across the country, teachers have said they have seen children faint or fall asleep because they haven’t had enough to eat.
Sept. 26, 2016



Sept 21, 2016- Thousands of dead fish washed up along beach in Massachusetts

Sept 21, 2016- Thousands of dead fish washing up in Longboat Key, Florida

Sept 22, 2016- 6,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Pyrenees-Atlantiques, France

Sept 23, 2016- Hundreds of dead fish found washed up in Hingham, Massachusetts

Sept 23, 2016- 10,000 dead fish found in Centerport Harbor, New York

Sept 24, 2016- Dead fish washing up, ‘due to red tide’ in Florida

Sept 24, 2016- Thousands of dead fish wash up, ‘due to red tide’ in Matamoros, Mexico

Sept 24, 2016- Sea lions found dead on a beach in Callao, Peru

Days of Lot






Jude 1:7-8

Genesis 19:4-5
Romans 1:26-27
Leviticus 20:13

Headline:    Transgender man gives birth to his OWN BABY in world first- ~Warning~Graphic Photo

Fernando Machado, who used to be a woman, met Diane Rodriguez, who used to be a man, on social media two years ago and started a relationship. Ms Rodriguez made headlines in Ecuador in 2013 when she was the first transgender candidate to run for Government. The couple decided to be just as public with their relationship, sharing pictures on Facebook. Then they decided they wanted a child, and Mr Machado soon made the discovery he was expecting. The couple were able to have a baby because neither had undergone corrective surgery. Posting a photograph of their new son on Facebook, the couple wrote: “Our son is not only a blessing, but he also promotes love.”
Sept. 26, 2016









Matthew 24:36-39
Genesis 6:5-11
Luke 17:26-27
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Matthew 24:12

Headline:     FBI: Violent crime across US spiked in 2015, murders up nearly 11 percent

Violent crime across the U.S. jumped in 2015 after two years of declines, the FBI announced Monday, adding that the number of murders reported by local law enforcement agencies was up 10.8 percent from 2014. “We still have so much work to do,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch responded at an event in Little Rock, Ark. Many major cities, including Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis, have struggled to restore trust between police and communities in the wake of officer-involved shootings and the Black Lives Matter movement. Violent crime overall rose by 3.9 percent, the data showed. While up from 2014, it was still down from 2011 and 2006, the FBI reported. The murder rate for U.S. metropolitan areas was slightly higher compared to the rest of the country. In July, President Obama said, “The fact of the matter is that the murder rate today, the violence rate today, is far lower than it was when Ronald Reagan was president, and lower than when I took office.” Since 2009, the nation has seen a 1.9 percent increase in murders, though the murder rate has slipped when population growth is factored in. Total violent crime has fallen by 9.6 percent.
Sept. 26, 2016


Headline: 9 injured in Houston mall shooting

A man opened fire at passersby at a shopping center in southwest Houston Monday morning, injuring 9. One person was critically injured and one was seriously injured. All the wounded have been evacuated to hospitals in the area. The shooter was shot dead by police in the area. Houston police say the shooter was a lawyer, and it was investigating whether issues at his firm may have led to the shooting. There is no indication of terror links or motives as of yet. Additional weapons were found in the shooters’ vehicle. A bomb squad was dispatched to investigate the shooters’ vehicle, and then moved on to his apartment.
Sept. 26, 2016



Matthew 24:9
Revelation 6:9

Headline:      Christian Boy Imprisoned in Pakistan Simply for “Liking” a Picture on Facebook

A Christian boy has been arrested and imprisoned in Pakistan for blasphemy simply for “liking” a picture on Facebook. On September 19, 2016, our international affiliate, the European Centre for Law and Justice’s (ECLJ) office in Pakistan, the Organization for Legal Aid (OLA), received word that Nabeel Masih, a sixteen-year-old Christian boy, had been charged with blasphemy. Nabeel’s crime was “liking” a supposedly sacrilegious picture of the Kaaba, a black cube-shaped structure at the center of Islam’s holiest mosque in Mecca, on Facebook. As soon as the OLA received the report, they sent a fact-finding team. The OLA team first went to the local police headquarters and spoke to the Investigation Officer (IO) about the charges. We were informed that the First Information Report was filed on September 18, 2016 under sections 295 and 295-A of the Pakistan Penal Code. Section 295 punishes injuring or defiling a place of worship, with intent to insult the religion of any class, with two years’ imprisonment, and 295-A punishes deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs with ten years’ imprisonment. The charges stated that Nabeel’s Muslim friends visited his Facebook page and found that he had “liked” and shared the sacrilegious photo—a photo that had originally been posted by someone else. The Muslim friends alleged that Nabeel “had done a great injustice to us by badly hurting our religious feelings.” This landed Nabeel in prison, while his family and fellow Christians fled the area for fear of reprisals.



Matthew 24:7
Luke 21:11
Luke 21:25

Headline:   Meteor SLAMS into Earth: Earthquake felt as ‘burning objects’ in sky and ‘explosion’ heard- PHOTOS & VIDEOS

Locals reported feeling tremors after spotting the “burning objects” streaking across the sky and one said they saw a “big ball of fire”. There are reports a meteor, or space junk, hit near Gladstone in Queensland, Australia. The first footage of the reported object strike was captured on CCTV and shows a huge flash. Police received multiple calls from residents who claimed their houses were shaking. Geoscience Australia has since officially ruled out an earthquake. Fire services were also called out after the flaming lights were seen streaking overhead. A witness wrote on Facebook: “It felt like an explosion and before the house shook it was blinding light.” Another added: “My husband was putting our the garbage bins when he saw the outside of the house light up. “He turned around and saw a brilliant meteor or something flash overhead and disappeared over the sea.”
Sept. 26, 2016


   earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~


Sept. 23, 2016- Latest Move to make the Yuan a Global Currency


email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com

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We can’t control the amount of news but our new format is meant to shorten the post and get you to the story proving God’s Word is being fulfilled each day

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israel-3zechariah-12***In this section on Israel news, you have 2 options: you can click the cup of trembling for the Bible verse OR you can click the Israel map for ALL information pertaining to Israel

Headline:    Abbas seeks British apology for 1917 declaration

Britain should apologize for its 1917 declaration endorsing the founding of a Jewish homeland in Palestine and should recognize Palestine as a state, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Thursday. Speaking at the UN General Assembly, Abbas said that the Palestinian people had suffered greatly because of the Balfour Declaration in which Britain said it favored the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine but that this should not undermine the rights of others living there. “We ask Great Britain, as we approach 100 years since this infamous declaration, to draw the necessary lessons and to bear its historic, legal, political, material and moral responsibility for the consequences of this declaration, including an apology to the Palestinian people for the catastrophes, misery and injustice this declaration created and to act to rectify these disasters and remedy its consequences, including by the recognition of the state of Palestine,” Abbas said. “This is the least Great Britain can do.” The British mission to the United Nations had no immediate comment. Abbas raised the 1917 declaration – named for Arthur Balfour, then the British foreign secretary – in the context of other milestones, including the 1948 UN General Assembly resolution partitioning Palestine into two states and the 1967 war when Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip. ***when looking at the above Israel map, please understand that the Balfour Declaration was written in 1917 but took until 1922 to implement
Sept. 23, 2016


Headline:   Netanyahu invites Abbas to speak at Knesset in UN speech

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invited Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to come “speak to the Israeli people at the Knesset in Jerusalem,” during his speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Thursday, In return, he offered to “gladly come to speak peace with the Palestinian parliament in Ramallah.” “The road to peace runs through Jerusalem and Ramallah, not New York,” Netanyahu said. In reiterating his persistent call for direct negotiations with the Palestinians, Netanyahu rejected any possible United Nations plan to unilaterally impose a solution to the conflict. “We will not accept any attempt by the UN to dictate terms to Israel,” Netanyahu said.
Sept. 22, 2016


Headline: Top EU lawyer says Hamas should be dropped from terror list

Headline: Israel convinced EU will keep Hamas on its terror list

A top EU lawyer on Thursday said Islamist movement Hamas and Sri Lankan rebel group LTTE should be taken off the bloc’s terror list because procedural mistakes invalidated the decision to put them on it. Advocate General Eleanor Sharpston of the European Court of Justice said Thursday that a European judicial body was correct to remove Hamas and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam from the list in 2014. The European Union imposed travel bans and asset freezes against Hamas and the LTTE under 2001 rules. The groups subsequently contested being kept on the bloc’s terrorist black list. In a statement at the time, the court explained the EU’s blacklisting of Hamas had been based on “factual imputations derived from the press and the internet” instead of “on acts examined and confirmed in decisions of competent authorities.” Stating that the European Council, which placed Hamas on the terrorism list in 2001, “did not produce the obligatory judicial effects for the designation,” the court scrapped it but kept sanctions in place for another three months pending appeal.
Sept. 23, 2016



Headline: Mideast Quartet warns that Israeli settlements eroding two-state solution

While the Mideast Quartet – a group comprised of the US, Russia, the European Union, and the UN – recognize that neither Netanyahu nor Abbas showed any signs of rapprochement during their speeches at the UNGA, and despite the ‘acidic political climate’ between the sides, they argue that peace has yet to happen due to settlements. It said on Friday it was strongly opposed to Israel’s ongoing settlement activity, warning that it risked ending the chance of a two-state solution with the Palestinians. The Quartet emphasized its strong opposition to ongoing settlement activity, which is an obstacle to peace, and expressed its grave concern that the acceleration of settlement construction and expansion … (is) steadily eroding the viability of the two-state solution,” the Quartet said in a statement after meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.
Sept. 23, 2016


Headline: ‘Threat of imminent attack on US Jews is real’

Painting a grim picture of Jewish vulnerability in the United States, a top U.S. security official said that the vast majority of funds earmarked to secure non-profits goes to Jewish institutions because their need is most acute. Alejandro Mayorkas, the Deputy Homeland Security Secretary, speaking Wednesday to the Orthodox Union’s annual leadership mission to Washington, said rising extremism in the United States and its threat to the Jewish community keeps him awake at night. He said the threat had shifted in the last year from the relatively small number of Americans who were radicalized overseas, to homegrown extremists whom the Islamic State terrorist group had reached through the Internet. The FBI was tracking more than one thousand suspected extremists across the United States, and they were to be found in all 50 states, he said. “They find great access to a radicalizing Islam” on the web, Mayorkas said of the homegrown extremists. “They find what they believe is purpose and meaning in their life.”
Sept. 23, 2016



Headline: Assad vows offensive against  rebels along Golan: report

Headline: Syrian Army reinforcements pour into Golan Heights ahead of planned offensive

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has vowed to launch an offensive against rebels along the Golan demarcation line with Israel, according to a pro-Hezbollah Lebanese daily. Al-Akhbar reported Thursday that Assad held a meeting with Talal Arslan, a Lebanese Druze political figure, during which the Syrian president declared that “his country will not permit the Israeli enemy to establish a security cordon governed by armed terrorist groups… in the Quneitra province.” “The army will soon undertake a military operation to break Israeli endeavors,” Assad reportedly said, echoing his government’s public line that Tel Aviv supervises insurgent activities along the Israeli-Syrian border. Syria’s president also told Arslan that the “siege imposed” on Quneitra’s Hader would soon be broken, a reference to positions held by rebels to the south and northeast of the Druze town, which they have regularly shelled in recent weeks.
Sept. 23, 2016



Headline:   Syrian Army raids Islamist outpost in the Golan Heights

Around noon today, pro-government Druze units commanded by Brigadier General Osama Zahreddine – brother of renown Major General Issam Zahreddine – ambushed an outpost controlled by Islamist fighters in the Golan Heights, bordering Israel. According to a military source briefing Al-Masdar News, paramilitary loyalists sneaked in on the Al-Naqqar checkpoint and opened fire on rebels, killing 8 fighters before withdrawing to the town of Hader. Government troops suffered no casualties during the ambush but did not gain any ground in what could be described as a “hit and run” tactic. Al-Naqqar checkpoint is located near the rebel-held Hamiryah hill in the northern part of the Syrian Golan Heights. Quneitra province has recently suffered from a series of Israeli airstrikes on Syrian Arab Army (SAA) controlled villages. Syria and Israel are still at a state of war following three major wars in the past century.
Sept. 23, 2016


violence Israel

Headline: No respite for Israelis against ongoing attacks- VIDEO

ILTV reports: Security forces stress open fire policy only when life is threatened. Latest surge in Palestinian terror attacks continues.
Sept. 23, 2016


***to get everyone used to the new format please be sure to click the photo for full explanation


Headline:     Muslim Brotherhood returns to Jordanian parliament

The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan won 15 seats in the country’s 130-member parliament, it announced Thursday, according to The Associated Press. The announcement comes two days after 1.5 million Jordanians voted for parliament under a new proportional system. The Muslim Brotherhood’s so-called political arm, the Islamic Action Front, boycotted elections in 2010 and 2013 to protest the previous system, which it said unfairly favored pro-monarchy tribal representatives. The new coalition will be the largest voting bloc in the new parliament, enough to serve as a vocal opposition but likely too small to challenge establishment legislators, noted AP. The Jordanian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood was designated by the kingdom as a terrorist group in December of 2014 and one of its top members was later charged with “souring ties with a foreign country” by criticizing the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Sept. 23, 2016




Headline:        Syrian Army, Hezbollah storm southern Aleppo

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), backed by Hezbollah and Liwaa Al-Quds (Palestinian paramilitary), stormed the southern districts of Aleppo on Thursday, targeting Jaysh Al-Fateh’s (Army of Conquest) defenses at the Old Ramouseh District. Led by the Republican Guard and 4th Mechanized Divison, the Syrian Arab Army and their allies attacked the Ramouseh Bakery, where they were confronted by a large unit of jihadist rebels this morning. Following an intense firefight, the Syrian Armed Forces and their allies established full control over the Ramouseh Bakery, leaving them within striking distance of the Sheikh Sa’eed District in southern Aleppo.
Sept. 22, 2016


Saudi Arabia2Saudi Arabia

Headline:   Kingdom Comedown: Falling Oil Prices Shock Saudi Middle Class

A sharp drop in the price of oil, Saudi Arabia’s main revenue source, has forced the government to withdraw some benefits this year—raising the cost of living in the kingdom and hurting its middle class, a part of society long insulated from such problems. Saudi Arabia heads into next week’s meeting of major oil producers in a tight spot. With a slowing economy and shrinking foreign reserves, the kingdom is coming under pressure to take steps that support the price of oil, as it did this month with an accord it struck with Russia. The sharp price drop is mainly because of a glut in the market, in part caused by Saudi Arabia itself. The world’s top oil producer continues to pump crude at record levels to defend its market share. One option to lift prices that could work, some analysts say, is to freeze output at a certain level and exempt Iran from such a deal, given that its push to increase production to pre-sanction levels appears to have stalled in recent months. Saudi Arabia has previously refused to sign any deal that exempts arch-rival Iran. As its people start feeling the pain, that could change. The kingdom is grappling with major job losses among its construction workers—many from poorer countries—as some previously state-backed construction companies suffer from drying up government funding. Those spending cuts are now hitting the Saudi working middle class.
Sept. 23, 2016


Headline: Obama vetoes bill allowing to sue Saudi Arabia over 9/11

President Barack Obama has vetoed the legislation that would allow families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia. The bill passed unanimously in both the House and the Senate and was met with widespread public support. Known as “Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act” or JASTA, the bill creates an exemption to the doctrine of sovereign immunity established by a 1976 law, thus allowing US citizens to sue foreign countries for terrorism that kills Americans on US soil. Fifteen out of 19 men who hijacked commercial airliners and used them as missiles to target the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 were subjects of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Two were from the United Arab Emirates. The Senate passed JASTA in May, while the House voted on it just before the 15th anniversary of 9/11. Republican majority leaders in Congress are confident they have enough votes to override the veto, “There will be a roll call vote on the veto override,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) told reporters on Tuesday. “Our assumption is that the veto will be overridden.” “My message to the caucus is going to be, unless there are 34 people willing to fall on their swords over this, it’s probably not worth falling on your sword over,” said Bob Corker (R-Tennessee), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Saudi Arabia unsuccessfully tried to block the bill, using the services of its many lobbyists in Washington. Following the House vote, the Saudi-led Gulf Cooperation Council expressed“deep concern”, with Secretary General Abdullatif al-Zayani calling JASTA “contrary to the foundations and principles of relations between states and the principle of sovereign immunity enjoyed by states,” AP reported. The government of Qatar said the bill “violates international law, particularly the principle of sovereign equality between states,” according to Reuters. Ahmed Aboul-Gheit, Secretary-General of the Arab League, said the bill contradicted “established norms of the international law,” according to the Egyptian state news agency MENA.
Sept. 23, 2016



Headline:    Yemen conflict: Saudi-led air strike ‘kills 25 in Hudaydah’

Headline: Yemen president vows at U.N. to ‘extract Yemen from claws of Iran’

At least 25 people have been killed and 70 others wounded in a Saudi-led coalition air strike in Yemen’s Red Sea port city of Hudaydah, medics say. The raid late on Wednesday reportedly targeted a presidential palace used by the Houthi rebel movement, but missiles also hit neighbouring houses. Residents described the scene in the al-Hunoud district as carnage.
Sept. 22, 2016




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Syria Headline:     Russia does not rule out bombing other rebel groups

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told reporters on Thursday that the Russian military command has not ruled out airstrikes against jihadist rebel groups that are allied with either Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Jabhat Al-Nusr) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS). “We have witnessed the continued merger of rebel groups with universally recognized terrorist organizations all around Syria,” Ryabkov stated on Thursday. “I will not rule out operations against these forces,” the Deputy Foreign Minister added.
Sept. 22, 2016


Syria Headline:  [Video] Bashar Al-Assad’s full interview with AP

Syria Headline: Kerry admits diplomacy at impasse

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad granted the Associated Press (AP) an official interview at his presidential palace in Damascus on Thursday, marking his first interview with the international community since the conclusion of the nationwide ceasefire.
Sept. 22, 2016



Syria Headline:      Russian-Syrian Aleppo tactics await the South

In scores of air raids launched early Friday, Sept. 23, Syrian and Russian bombers pulverized Syrian rebel strongholds in eastern Aleppo, while, on the ground, Syrian military, Hizballah and pro-Iranian Shiite militia forces hammered those targets in one of the most destructive onslaughts yet seen in the nearly six-day Syrian civil war. Cries of “annihilation!” came from rebel commanders, as they came under intense aerial bombardment, combined with a fierce ground assault, backed by heavy Russian T-90 tanks and artillery. Dozens of people including children are trapped in the rubble. This offensive, say debkafile’s military sources, has the twin objective of rooting the rebels out of eastern Aleppo and also driving out the app. 120,000 Sunni Syrian inhabitants penned in shrinking rebel-held neighborhoods, amid dire shortages of food, medicines, water and basic supplies. The Russian command in Syria and the Syrian General Staff are working to a tactical plan, our sources disclose, that is intended to push the Sunni civilian population as well as the rebels out of the city towards the Turkish border. If this plan plays out – it is still being coordinated with Turkish military and air force chiefs – then the refugees displaced from Aleppo will wind up in a security zone, which the Turkish army is busy carving out, living under Russian-Turkish rule in northern Syria.
Sept. 23, 2016



Syria Headline:     Syria conflict: Aleppo pounded as military presses offensive

Syria Headline:      Syrian Army surrounds east Aleppo as zero hour approaches

Warplanes have continued to pound the northern city of Aleppo, as Syria’s military presses ahead with its new offensive to retake rebel-held areas. At least 27 people have been killed in the strikes, monitors say, although other reports put the death toll higher. One rescue worker described what happened as “annihilation”. The government has urged people to avoid positions held by rebels. US-Russian talks at the UN have failed to revive a collapsed truce. Activists said both Syrian and Russian warplanes were taking part in the offensive, though Russia has not confirmed its involvement.
Sept. 23, 2016




Syria Headline:  ISIS recaptures several villages from Turkish-backed rebels Aleppo

The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched a counter-offensive in the northern Aleppo countryside on Thursday, targeting the villages located at Al-Rai’s western perimeter. According to the Islamic State’s official media wing “Al-Amaq,” their forces recaptured three villages near Al-Rai after a fierce battle with the Turkish-backed rebels on Thursday. The villages captured by the Islamic State terrorists on Thursday were Tal Hajjar, Shawah Al-Kabeera, and Shawah Al-Saghira.
Sept. 22, 2016


Deir Ezzor

Syria Headline:      Video: Assad accuses US of intentionally bombing Syrian troops in Deir Ezzor

Syria Headline:     ISIS approaches strategic Deir Ezzor Military Airport

Syrian President Bashar Assad told the Associated Press in Damascus that the Syrian Army was ‘intentionally’ targeted by US fighter jets in the eastern city of Deir Ezzor. “It was not an accident by one airplane; it was four airplanes which kept attacking the position of the Syrian troops for nearly one hour or maybe a little bit more than one hour”. On September 17, at least 62 Syrian soldiers were killed by US-led coalition airstrikes on Army posts in Jabal al-Thadreh; a strategic mount that overlooks the Deir Ezzor military airbase. “The IS troops attacked at the very same time as the American strike. How could they know that America was going to attack that position in order to gather their militants right away and attack it one hour after the strike. It was definitely intentional and not unintentional,” Assad added. When asked when this war might end, Assad replied that the conflict will more likely to drag on as long as external factors such as US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar continue to support the ‘terrorist groups’.
Sept. 23, 2016




Syria Headline:  ISIS suicide attack rocks rebel HQ in southern Syria Daraa

At least 20 people have been killed and scores of others injured as a suicide bomber blew up his explosive vest inside a security HQ for rebel forces in the town of Inkhil to the north of the provincial center of Daraa. According to a local source, a high-level meeting was being held in the targeted facility which included ministers from the interim cabinet and military commanders of different FSA-affiliated factions. Among the killed are Minister of Local Administration of the Interim Syrian government, Yaطcob al-Ammar, and the military commander of Al-Hamzah Brigade, Abu al-Tayyib. The suicide bomber was later identified as a 15 year-old boy, who sneaked into the building disguised as a beggar. The ISIS-affiliated Khalid Ibn al-Walid army claimed responsibility for the attack.
Sept. 22, 2016


Syria Headline:    Syria Situation Report Sept. 8 – 22, 2016


Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline:    Iraqi army says it recaptured key town south of Mosul

Iraqi forces backed by air strikes from the US-led coalition gained complete control of the northern district of Shirqat on Thursday, bringing the military a step closer to a main push on Mosul later this year. Brigadier-General Yahya Rasool, spokesman for the military’s joint operations command, said in a statement broadcast on state television that the district had been liberated from “the desecration of terrorism”. Shirqat, on the Tigris River 100km south of Mosul, has been surrounded for months by Iraqi troops and Iranian-backed Shiite Muslim militias allied to the government. But the army, backed by local police and Sunni Muslim tribal fighters, conducted the fighting this week and the militias did not appear to take part. Iraqi forces advanced swiftly through the area after Prime Minister Haider Al Abadi announced the operation on Tuesday morning.
Sept. 23, 2016



Iraq Headline:   Iraq oil fires cast doubt on Mosul mission

A fire at one of Iraq’s major oil fields could hinder military and humanitarian efforts as operations to recapture ISIS stronghold of Mosul get underway. Black smoke continues to billow into the air from the Qayara oil field, damaged by ISIS militants last month as they fled the town, creating health risks for civilians and troops amassing there. The fires are also clogging up the skies in the area, where critically important airstrikes and aerial reconnaissance missions are taking place almost daily. Located on the west bank of the Tigris River, about 40 miles (65 kilometers) south of Mosul, Qayara has since become an important staging ground for military and humanitarian efforts ahead of the Mosul operation since it was recaptured by Iraqi forces last month. “Stabilizing Qayara can’t wait – it has to happen now,” Lise Grande, the UN’s humanitarian coordinator for Iraq, told The Associated Press. “Everything for the Mosul operation hinges on Qayara,” she said. “It’s the staging ground for military forces and it’s where 350,000 of the 1 million people who are expected to flee (Mosul) will either find shelter or pass through.” There are slow-going Iraqi efforts to contain the fires, but nearly a month after the town was recaptured from the militants, smoke and toxic fumes continue to pollute the air in and around Qayara.
Sept. 23, 2016
***track back to 9/21 ETRM  post
ISIS believed to have attacked US base in Iraq with chemical agent



Iraq Headline:    Iraq Situation Report Sept 7- 19, 2016


Kurdish  Headline:     Erdogan says US arming Syrian Kurdish militia

Kurdish  Headline:   Turkey bombs Kurdish positions near Syria’s Tel Abyad

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the United States of sending more weapons to a Syrian Kurdish militia in defiance of Ankara’s repeated insistence it is a “terrorist” organisation. Although the U.S. views the the People’s Protection Units (YPG) militia as its most significant ground ally against extremists, Ankara says the fighters are “terrorists” linked to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) which for decades has waged an insurgency in southeastern Turkey. Erdogan said late Thursday that three days earlier the U.S. sent “two planes with weapons” to Kobane in northern Syria for the YPG and its Democratic Union Party (PYD) political wing. In a speech in New York after attending the U.N. General Assembly, Erdogan said Washington was mistaken in using the YPG as an ally in the fight against ISIS. “If you think you can finish ISIS off with the PYD and YPG, you cannot, because they are terrorist groups as well,” he said in remarks posted on the presidential website.
Sept. 23, 2016



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Headline:      At least 6 people hurt by a missile launched from Syria in Turkey

Headline:    Another ISIS missile strikes town of Kilis in southern Turkey

A missile launched from Syria crashed in an outdoor bazaar in the center of the city of Kilis, in southeastern Turkey on Thursday, CNN Turk reported. The number of those injured in Turkey’s Kilis by a missile launched from Syrian territory has been up to six, the office of Kilis governor has said. “Six were hurt in the incident and taken to hospital. A missile launched from Syria’s Islamic State controlled area hit a street market in the city,” the statement runs. According to the NTV television news channel, five of those injured are children. One person is in grave condition. The missile hit a clothes shop. Ambulance teams are working on the site. Police have cordoned off the area. According to the television channel the missile was launched from an Islamic State-controlled area. Then, about an hour after a missile fired by ISIS fighters struck the Turkish town of Kilis on Thursday afternoon, another ISIS missile hit the town. At least two people were reported injured from the second attack after six were injured from the first strike.
Sept. 22, 2016



Headline: Former al-Qaeda affiliate urges Syrian rebels to oppose Turkish invasion

Al-Qaeda’s former affiliate in Syria has called on opposition groups not to aid Turkish forces in the north of the country, saying they are a front for a US occupation. In a statement released on Friday, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (JFS), formerly known as the Nusra Front, said they would not be supporting the Turkey-led Euphrates Shield operation, despite statements of support from other rebel groups. They cited US support for the Kurdish YPG, with whom Fateh al-Sham has clashed on numerous occasions, as proof of the US’s intentions. “We forbid fighting in the countryside of Aleppo province under any regional power or international coalition,” read the statement, which makes no explicit reference to Turkey, but refers to the Euphrates Shield operation in the header. “This includes aiding or co-ordinating with them. The necessary legitimate conditions for aiding [in this battle] do not exist.”
Sept. 23, 2016



Headline:        Rouhani uses UN to hit US over nuclear deal

Iran used the UN General Assembly on Thursday to accuse the United States of failing to meet its commitments under a historic nuclear deal. President Hassan Rouhani complained that America is dragging its feet on its side of the bargain. “The lack of compliance (with the deal) on the part of the United States in the past several months represents a flawed approach that should be rectified forthwith,” Rouhani told the world body. The agreement between Tehran, Washington and five other major powers came into force in January. Iran accepted curbs to its nuclear program in exchange for their lifting sanctions. While observers say Iran has met its commitments, Tehran accuses Washington of continuing to block the Islamic republic from the international banking system, limiting its ability to benefit from the lifting of sanctions. Iran says the deal has already boosted its oil exports, but that international banks are concerned they may be prosecuted by the US Treasury if they do business with Iran. “They scare, they frighten the big banks with the threat of potential action by the United States Treasury. This is something that we oppose,” Rouhani told reporters following his address.
Sept. 23, 2016


Headline:   House approves bill banning cash payments to Iran

Headline:     Carter: Obama did not inform military command of cash payments to Iran

The GOP-led House approved legislation late Thursday to prohibit the United States from making cash payments to Iran and require that Congress be notified before any future claims settlements with Tehran are conducted. The bill passed by a wide margin, 254-163. The measure, an election-year broadside, won ample support from Republicans aiming to rebuke the Obama administration for paying Iran $1.7 billion in cash earlier this year to settle a decades-old arbitration claim. Democrats have accused Republicans of trying to score political points with the bill. Since the initial payment was made the same day Tehran agreed to release four American prisoners, GOP lawmakers decried the payments as ransom, a charge the White House has rejected. Citing Iran’s status as a leading state sponsor of terrorism, Republicans have contended the untraceable cash will be used to finance terrorism around the world. Although the bill targets Iran, lawmakers also passed an amendment that would bar the U.S. from paying cash to other designated sponsors of terrorism and North Korea. “Cash does not leave a paper trail,” said Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., the Foreign Affairs Committee chairman and the bill’s sponsor. “Cash is the currency of terror.” The Obama administration has threatened a veto of the bill, calling it “an ill-advised attempt to respond to a problem — so-called ‘ransom’ payments to Iran — that does not exist.”
Sept. 23, 2016




Headline:   US General: 10 percent of Afghanistan under Taliban control

The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan says about 10 percent of the country’s population is controlled by the Taliban and at least another 20 percent is being contested by the insurgents and the Afghan forces. Army Gen. John Nicholson tells Pentagon reporters that there are up to 1,300 Islamic State militants in Syria, mainly in the east. And he said Islamic State leaders in Syria provide money, command-and-control guidance and communications support to their militants in Afghanistan. But he says U.S. and Afghan military operations have targeted the group, killing many leaders and members, so they are in fewer Afghan districts now than they were months ago. Nicholson says he’s concerned about Afghan troop casualties, saying many are at small checkpoints where forces are not well-equipped or well-trained.
Sept. 23, 2016




Headline:        Islamic State’s safe haven in Sirte, Libya shrinks to a ‘single neighborhood’

The Islamic State’s safe haven in Sirte, Libya has been “reduced to a single square kilometer,” Secretary of Defense Ash Carter told the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier today. Carter’s testimony was echoed by Al Bunyan Al Marsoos (“Solid Structure”) operations room, which draws fighters from militias based in Misrata and is allied with Libya’s Government of National Accord (GNA). Al Bunyan Al Marsoos launched an offensive against the Islamic State’s stronghold in May. Earlier today, it posted a map (seen above) showing the jihadists’ shrinking territory. Al Bunyan Al Marsoos has repeatedly posted versions of this map. The group indicated in mid-August that the jihadists were operating in only a few neighborhoods. That assessment was generally consistent with an infographic produced by the Islamic State’s own Amaq News Agency. The Islamic State has lost even more ground since then.
Sept. 22, 2016


Luke 21:9
Matthew 24:7
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

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Headline:       Charlotte shooting: State of emergency amid protests

Headline: Police announce arrest in shooting death at Charlotte riot

Headline: N. Carolina governor calls in National Guard to quell rioting

North Carolina’s governor has declared a state of emergency in the city of Charlotte, after violence erupted during a second night of protests over the police killing of a black man. Keith Lamont Scott was shot dead by a black officer on Tuesday. One protester remains in a critical condition after a “civilian on civilian” shooting, police said. Nine protesters were also injured while police arrested 44 people, according to the police chief. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney said charges included looting, failure to disperse and assault. Five officers also required medical care, including two for minor eye injuries, he added.
Sept. 23, 2016




Headline:         Mali leader warns UN: Qaeda, ISIS gaining ground in country

Mali President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita warned the United Nations on Friday that the failure to fully implement a nationwide peace accord was helping al-Qaeda and ISIS-affiliated groups spread their influence in the country. UN peacekeepers are deployed across northern Mali to try to stabilize the vast region, which was occupied by separatist Tuareg rebels and al Qaeda-linked Islamist militants in 2012 before France intervened in 2013. Tit-for-tat violence between rival armed groups has distracted Mali from fighting Islamist militants and the country has become the deadliest place for UN peacekeepers to serve. “We have to admit that several factors are contradicting our will and effort,” Keita told a high-level meeting on Mali at the annual United Nations General Assembly. “In particular the extension of terrorism and banditry in the centre of our country which is even putting into question the stability and security of neighbouring countries because of the desire of terrorist groups affiliated to al-Qaeda and ISIS seeking to expand.” A clash in the north this week between pro-government Gatia militia and the Tuareg separatist Coordination of Azawad Movements highlighted the fragility of a UN- backed deal signed last year between the government and northern armed groups meant to end a cycle of uprisings.
Sept. 23, 2016


Headline:        Bomb kills 3 police in Thailand’s tumultuous south

A homemade bomb planted in a road has killed three police officers in insurgency-plagued southern Thailand. Police in Yala province said the bomb was detonated as the officers’ car passed over it, wrecking the vehicle and killing the three instantly. Another officer was taken to a hospital with injuries. Police believe Muslim separatist insurgents were behind the attack. More than 6,000 people have been killed since the insurgency flared in 2004 in Thailand’s three southernmost provinces, the only ones with Muslim majorities in the predominantly Buddhist country.
Sept. 23, 2016



Matthew 24:5
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

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Headline: South Korea says will shoot down Russian, Chinese missiles if THAAD attacked

Headline:   S Korea Vows to Defend US THAAD Missiles Which Are ‘Not Designed to Protect’ It

Headline: South Korean official says country has plan to assassinate Kim Jung Un
South Korea will shoot down alleged Russian or Chinese missiles targeting the American Terminal High Altitude Area Defense anti-ballistic missile system which will be deployed on South Korean territory in 2017, according to the country’s Defense Minister Han Min-goo. The South Korean news agency Yonhap quoted the country’s Defense Minister Han Min-goo as saying that Seoul plans to shoot down alleged Russian or Chinese missiles targeting the American Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile system, which is due to be deployed on South Korean soil in 2017. The missiles will be intercepted with the help of the THAAD system itself, which is deployed in connection with North Korea’s ongoing nuclear tests.
Sept. 23, 2016




Headline: North Korea Threatens US Base With Nukes: Kim Jong Un Regime Warns Of ‘Uncontrollable’ Nuclear War

Headline: North Korea tells UN nuclear weapons a ‘righteous self-defense measure’

Headline: North Korea vows in UN speech to strengthen nuclear forces

North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho told the United Nations on Friday his country’s decision to strengthen its nuclear weapons capability in spite of UN condemnation was a “righteous self-defense measure” and it would not abandon its deterrence while it was threatened by nuclear-armed states. In an address to the UN General Assembly, Ri also warned the United States against bomber flights over the demarcation line on the Korean peninsula, saying the United States “will have to face tremendous consequences beyond imagination.”
Sept. 23, 2016




Headline:   Britain sends jets to intercept Russian bombers

Britain scrambled fighter jets from an airbase in Scotland to intercept two Russian bombers approaching UK airspace, the Ministry of Defence said Thursday. The Russian planes flew from the direction of Norway and passed to the west of Britain’s Shetland Islands, northeast of the mainland. A Royal Air Force spokeswoman said: “Quick reaction alert Typhoon aircraft from RAF Lossiemouth intercepted two Russian Blackjack bombers and escorted them while they were in the UK area of interest. “At no point did the Russian aircraft enter UK territorial airspace.” Two aircraft were also launched from an airbase in eastern England as “precautionary measure” but were not required. In December last year, British military officials held talks with their counterparts in Moscow over “incursions” of Russian aircraft around the UK. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said the talks were aimed at finding ways of heading off any “miscalculation or accident”.
Sept. 22, 2016



Revelation 6:5-6
Daniel 2:41-43

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Headline:   UN fears third leg of the global financial crisis – with prospect of epic debt defaults

The third leg of the world’s intractable depression is yet to come. If trade economists at the United Nations are right, the next traumatic episode may entail the greatest debt jubilee in history. It may also prove to be the definitive crisis of globalized capitalism, the demise of the liberal free-market orthodoxies promoted for almost forty years by the Bretton Woods institutions, the OECD, and the Davos fraternity. “Alarm bells have been ringing over the explosion of corporate debt levels in emerging economies, which now exceed $25 trillion. Damaging deflationary spirals cannot be ruled out,” said the annual report of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). We know already that the poisonous side-effect of zero rates and quantitative easing in the US, Europe, and Japan was to flood developing nations with cheap credit, upsetting their internal chemistry and drawing them into a snare. What is less understood is just how destructive this has been. Much of the money was wasted, skewed towards “highly cyclical and rent-based sectors of limited strategic importance for catching up,” it said. Worse yet, these countries have imported the deformities of western finance before they are ready to cope with the consequences. This has undermined what UNCTAD calls the “profit-investment nexus” that ultimately drives growth and prosperity.
Sept. 22, 2016


Headline: US Clearing Center Is China’s Latest Move to Make Yuan Global Currency

China this week established the first clearing center for the Chinese yuan, or RMB, in the United States. The move is seen by some as a signal China wants to take on the dollar on its home turf. But there is more than a sense of bravado behind the decision. This is a crucial time for the RMB, which is struggling to stay on course while preparing to enter the coveted currency basket of International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR) on October 1.  In financial terms, there was no reason to establish an RMB clearing center as the U.S. market can easily be serviced through dedicated RMB centers in other parts of the world. “But it sends the signal that China wishes to enter the U.S. financial markets with RMB business to challenge the U.S. dollar on its home turf, so to speak,” Jacob Kirkegaard, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Peterson Institute of International Economics told VOA. “As such, this is more a political signal than a financial necessity,” he said. “This is because the RMB rate is an intensely political figure and essentially can be taken as a proxy for ‘faith in the Chinese economy.’ ”
Sept. 23, 2016










Revelation 16:8-9
Malachi 4:1
Jeremiah 50:38

Isaiah 42:15

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Headline: Beached boats, pink water as drought depletes Utah’s Great Salt Lake

On the southern shore of Utah’s Great Salt Lake, more than 100 boats are sitting high and dry in a parking lot, unable to sail the shallow, drought-stricken sea. North of the nearly empty marina, salt-loving bacteria thriving in the low water has turned the liquid pink. The massive lake, key to the state’s economy and identity, is skirting record low levels after years of below-average precipitation and record heat. A few dozen lawmakers are taking a road trip Thursday and Friday to see the problems firsthand and learn what they can do to help — besides praying for more rain and snow this winter. State officials said in July, that the lake is at its lowest level since the 1960s, before the causeway was in place, CBS affiliate KUTV reported. The lake, about 75 miles long and 30 miles wide, is America’s largest outside the Great Lakes. Water levels have always fluctuated, but they have been dropping steadily since 2011. “If this continues … the ecosystem as a whole is under a pretty significant threat,” said Jason Curry, a spokesman for Utah’s Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands.
Sept. 22, 2016



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Headline:   California child tests positive for leprosy

A child from a Southern California elementary school has been found to have leprosy. Riverside County health officials on Thursday announced the confirmation of the condition medically known as Hansen’s disease. Two children from Indian Hills Elementary School in Jurupa Valley had been diagnosed by a local doctor with the disease. But when the results were sent to a laboratory in Louisiana that specializes in leprosy tests, only one of them tested positive. Dr. Cameron Kaiser, the county’s public health officer, emphasizes that it is incredibly difficult to contract leprosy and that the school is safe. The classrooms had been sanitized since the initial diagnoses. The U.S. sees only about 150 leprosy cases occur each year. It can only be contracted through prolonged contact and is easily treated with antibiotics.
Sept. 23, 2016


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Headline: Lawyer: After School Satan Club must be allowed to proceed

A so-called “After School Satan Club” proposed by the Satanic Temple of Seattle to be held at Centennial Elementary School should be allowed to proceed, an attorney hired to represent the Mount Vernon School District said. “I think that if the school district denied that application, you would face costly litigation that would be distracting from your mission,” said Duncan Fobes of the Seattle-based law firm Patterson, Buchanan, Fobes and Leitch during a Wednesday meeting of the Mount Vernon School Board. “And would ultimately be unsuccessful.” Fobes was hired by the district’s risk-pool insurance group to assess whether the district had legal standing to deny the temple’s application. “We believe that it’s clear that, because the district has a policy and procedure that encourages the use of community groups to use your facilities, because you do that, you must open it to this group,” Fobes said. “You don’t have to sponsor the group, you don’t have to help the group.” A 2001 Supreme Court ruling, Good News Bible Club vs. Milford Central School District, stated that if schools allow any organization to use school property, they must allow all organizations — religious and secular — to have access. The Mount Vernon district is one of nine throughout the country that has been chosen by the Satanic Temple to host a pilot After School Satan Club program because the districts also host a Good News Bible Club, which is run by the Child Evangelism Fellowship. “We didn’t invite them to the school, they put our name on a website,” Centennial Principal Erwin Stroosma said. “We feel like we’re pawns in a game — someone else is manipulating us.” The temple’s application proposes renting space at Centennial for about an hour after school one day a month during the school year.
Sept. 23, 2016










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Headline:    Belgium’s 1st child euthanasia to open floodgate?

The first child euthanasia case in Belgium that prematurely took the life a teen is what many pro-life advocates are calling a clear call to not legalize doctor assisted suicide and euthanasia. Officials in Belgium have confirmed that a terminally ill 17-year-old boy – whose name and illness have not been divulged to protect anonymity – has become the first child euthanized since the Scandinavian country removed age restrictions two years ago. Belgium is the only country that allows euthanizing children – regardless of their age. Alex Schadenberg, of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, told OneNewsNow that there is one underlying problem. “[The problem centers around the fact that] they’ve crossed the line by deciding to kill,” the pro-life advocate asserted. He notes that doctors have broken down the walls that used to protect the sanctity of human life. “It’s okay to have a doctor lethally inject a patient,” Schadenberg expressed in disbelief. “It’s okay to have someone directly involved with causing the death of their patients. Once you’ve done that – once you’ve crossed the line – the only question now is whom are you going to do this to. That’s what’s going on here. It just continues to ever expand and in fact, the problem is that they allow it in the first place.” Schadenberg maintains it is clear that countries should never open the door to allowing a doctor or family member – or anyone else – to be allowed by law to kill another person. Once this euthanizing practice is legalized though, the conservative leader argues that it is just one natural step from allowing adults to terminate … to granting children the same right.
Sept. 21, 2016


Headline:    Irish and Polish people march for abortion

Headline: Abortion: The street demonstrations in pictures-  A visual history of the street protests in Ireland

Headline: It’s Time To Change Ireland’s Archaic Abortion Laws

A global solidarity march in favour of repealing Ireland’s strict abortion laws is taking place in over 20 countries on Saturday (24 September). Arranged by the Irish diaspora in cities like Brussels, Berlin, Paris, New York, Sydney, and Warsaw, protesters are putting pressure on the Irish government from abroad; calling for a referendum on the matter.
Sept. 23, 2016





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    earthquakesindiversplaces***to get everyone used to the new format please be sure to click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes


Sept 22, 2016- Sickness and Superbugs


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