Feb. 21, 2015- Teaching the book of Revelation with Frank DiMora part 36

Feb. 19, 2015-More Deaths recorded/ another super bug



freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 18, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

Last Wednesday I finished giving a 22 week Prophecy seminar at Trinity Church in Lompoc California. In part of that seminar I cover the prophecy you see below concerning the mass deaths of birds, fish, and, animals being reported around the world.  Before I finished that seminar I told those who attended to please watch the news because you are going to see more news concerning this issue. As a matter of fact I warned them to expect even more reports as we are getting closer to the second coming. I finished the seminar on the 11th of February and since then we have already seen 11 new reports! The reports you will see below are the ones I just added to my book which as you can see from the link above you can read it today for free. Most people over look this prophecy but what is happening to the fish, birds, and animals is a very serious issue as it concerns the food we eat. When you read the chapter in my book you will see there are hundreds of reports showing us little by little our food sources are getting smaller and smaller. Add to this the fact that the bee population is still declining and you have a major disaster in the making.  With out the bees much of the crops will disappear from the market place!  In Revelation 6:6 we see that people will have to work all day long for one very small meal. One can see down the road as the food supply decreases the price of food will sky rocket.



France_180-animated-flag-gifsFebruary 16, 2015 – Major fish kill found in a creek in Haute-Saone, France. https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffrance3-regions.francetvinfo.fr%2Ffranche-comte%2F2015%2F02%2F16%2Fmolay-haute-saone-importante-mortalite-piscicole-dans-le-ruisseau-la-rigotte-656207.html&edit-text=&act=url   Flag Portugal animated gif 240x180February 16, 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a dam in Castelo Branco, Portugal. https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jn.pt%2Fpaginainicial%2Fpais%2Fconcelho.aspx%3FDistrito%3DCastelo%2520Branco%26Concelho%3DCastelo%2520Branco%26Option%3DInterior%26content_id%3D4403664&edit-text=&act=url   Flag Philippines animated gif 240x180February 17, 2015 – Fish kill discovered in Manila Bay, Philippines. http://manila.coconuts.co/2015/02/17/fish-kill-discovered-manila-bay   Flag Australia animated gif 240x180February 18, 2015 – Hundreds of fish ‘suddenly die’ in Georges River, ‘reason unknown’ in NSW, Australia. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/south-west/authorities-unsure-of-what-caused-hundreds-of-fish-in-georges-river-to-suddenly-die/story-fngr8hxh-1227223701514   Flag Australia animated gif 240x180February 18, 2015 – Spike in sick and dying bats ‘sparks concern’ in Broome, Australia. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-02-18/lyssavirus-bats-turning-up-in-broome-sparking-health-concerns/6143834

Feb. 17, 2015- Teaching the book of Revelation with Frank DiMora part 35


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 16, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.



For those of you who have following my teaching on the book of Revelation , I wanted to let you know I just finished part 35 in my series. This part starts with Revelation 16:10 and goes through Revelation 16:12.  I am covering the vails that being poured out on those who have been left behind after the Church has been removed.


February 13, 2015- For God So Loved the World/Prophecy Signs


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 12, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.



Headline: UN Calls for a 3 Year Truce for Hamas to Rebuild

A top United Nations (UN) official warned on Thursday that another war will break out in Gaza, calling on Israel to lift its “blockade” and for Hamas – the terrorist organization with the genocide of Jews written in its charter – to stop fighting. The UN also called for an additional $705 million in humanitarian aid to Gaza and Palestinian Authority (PA) held Judea and Samaria, with most of it for Gaza which was highly damaged in Hamas’s third full-blown terror war on Israel last summer. “Right now, things are not going well, and we’re very concerned about the possibility of a further conflict,” James Rawley, UN humanitarian chief for the Palestinian territories, told AFP. “But it’s not inevitable…as long as several things happen.” “To have a complete recovery of Gaza, even to go back to where we were in July (before the 50-day conflict) requires more than construction material going in. It requires a lifting of the blockade,” said Rawley. Rawley called for a “reconstruction hudna (truce) for three to five years” to allow rehabilitation of the increasingly unstable coastal enclave. Meanwhile the UN, at a news conference in Ramallah, said 75% of the additional aid it needs would be destined for Gaza, while the rest would be allocated to Judea and Samaria. Delivery of building materials to reconstruct damaged homes had increased significantly after a slow start, Rawley said, with “good cooperation” from Israel, which controls two of Gaza’s three crossings. Egypt controls the third.
Feb. 13, 2015


Headline: IDF security assessment: The Palestinian Authority can collapse at any moment

This coming Monday IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz will end his four year term and will be replaced by Maj.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot. Waiting on Eisenkot’s desk are some chilling security assessments including the potential risk that the security situation in the West Bank will deteriorate in the near future. Over the past weeks, in the context of Gantz’s farewells to the various IDF divisions, the outgoing Chief of Staff spoke again and again about the fragile security reality in the West Bank. Gantz even spoke of the influence of politics on the territory, probably in reference to the upcoming Israeli elections and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ unilateral moves in international bodies. Another cause of the “heating up” of the West Bank is Israel’s decision not to transfer tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority in response to its ICC membership – a move that  is bringing about the collapse of the Palestinian economy. Against this background, the army has told the government that at any given moment the Palestinian Authority can collapse.
In one of the scenarios that the IDF presented, a small localized security incident, like an altercation between settlers and Palestinians, or the throwing of a Molotov cocktail could quickly escalate to rioting in the Galilee and the Triangle area. With the weakened Palestinian Authority a situation like this is liable to lead to terrorist organizations taking control of the West Bank.
Feb. 13, 2015


Headline: Israel says ‘matter of time’ before ISIS in Sinai targets towns near Egypt border

Israeli military officers believe that “it is only a matter of time” before the radical Islamic State jihadist organization attempts to “employ its significant military capabilities” against towns and cities that straddle the border with the Sinai Peninsula. Israel Radio on Friday quoted a senior officer serving in the IDF Engineering Corps as saying that the military spent the past year preparing for anticipated hostile actions from armed Islamist groups in Sinai.
Feb. 13, 2015


Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)





Headline: Congress Calls for Expedited Weapons for Jordan to Fight IS

Members of Congress are calling on the Obama administration to expedite weapons to Jordan, an important Arab ally on the frontlines of the fight against Islamic State extremists.  Jordan has intensified its fight against the jihadist group, vowing to wipe out the Islamic State, after militants burned alive a captured Jordanian pilot. The Hashemite Kingdom is ramping up its airstrikes, hitting Islamic State training camps, barracks and ammunition depots. This tempo requires more weapons and leading U.S. members of Congress, like Republican Senator John McCain, are calling for increased support. “This committee’s immediate concern is to ensure Jordan has all the equipment and resources necessary to continue taking the fight directly to ISIL,” he said. Jordanian officials say they want revenge after IS posted a horrific video of a captured Jordanian pilot who was burned alive. The same day the video was released, Jordan’s King Abdullah was in Washington seeking precision munitions, aircraft parts and additional night-vision equipment. Analysts say the arms transfers are crucial because Jordan is such an important ally in the fight against IS. “Jordan is the best partner of the United States in this war,” said David Schenker, who directs the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute. “They are critical.  They are the base of operations of all air operations targeting IS in Syria.”
Feb. 12, 2015



Headline:   Iran-backed Hizbullah shows off U.S. Abrams tank on YouTube

Iran’s leading proxy is promoting it acquisition of a U.S.-origin main battle tank. A Hizbullah video showed a 60-vehicle convoy in Iraq with the M1A1 main battle tank, Long War Journal reported. The video, posted on YouTube, showed an Abrams MBT as well as the U.S.-origin M113 armored personnel carriers and Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected or MRAP. The convoy of Hizbullah Brigades, said to be inspired and linked to Lebanon’s Hizbullah, also showed the Safir 4×4 armored vehicle developed by Iran. Hizbullah flew its flag over the Abrams and other U.S. vehicles. The Abrams was seen on a U.S.-origin tank transporter. The video did not indicate where Hizbullah acquired the U.S. armored vehicles. The Iraq Army lost scores of M1A1 in the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant offensive in the north in June 2014, Middle East Newsline reported. The United States has acknowledged that more than 2,000 American-origin vehicles, most of them Humvees, were captured by ISIL in its takeover of Mosul.
Feb. 12, 2015


Headline:   Azzam Brigades planning attacks, assassinations: report

Headline: ISIS poised to attack Christian towns

The Al-Qaeda-affiliated Abdullah Azzam Brigades is reportedly planning attacks across Lebanon and plotting the assassination of political and non-political figures, local newspaper As-Safir reported Friday. The report, citing information obtained by security and military agencies, said Abdullah Azzam Brigades cells were preparing to carry out bomb attacks and fire rockets on a Lebanese city and its surrounding, and also on a main highway linking a Lebanese region with Beirut. This has prompted authorities to take measures, including informing a number of political and non-political figures about the need to take extreme caution and restrict their movements, As-Safir cited a security source as saying. The report said a Syrian national identified only by his initials F.Sh. has rigged three cars with explosives: A silver Kia, a dark blue Nissan Maxima and a BMW X5.
Feb. 13, 2015




Headline: Egyptian police captain dies in Cairo bomb blast

A roadside bomb in Cairo killed a police captain and wounded eight other people on Friday, the interior ministry said. Later, Egyptian warplanes killed eight suspected Islamist militants in Sinai, according to security sources.It was not clear if the airstrikes were in retaliation for the blast. Cairo is fighting Islamist insurgents who have killed hundreds of police and soldiers since the army ousted moderate Islamist president Mohamed Mursi in 2013 following mass protests. No one claimed responsibility for the bomb in the Cairo neighborhood of Ain Shams which wounded one civilian and seven police officers plus the police captain who died of his injuries in hospital. Security sources said warplanes struck the Sinai town of Rafah, along Egypt’s border with the Gaza Strip.
Feb. 13, 2015


Headline:   Egypt following up on ISIS-held Copts in Libya

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has ordered speedy evacuations of Egyptians who are residing in neighboring Libya and want to return home after Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants claimed the kidnapping of 21 Coptic Egyptians, the local al-Masry al-Youm news website reported late Thursday. Egypt’s foreign ministry reiterated its warning to Egyptians not to travel to Libya, and advised its nationals living in the neighboring country to remain vigilant and stay away from high-tension areas, an official told al-Masry al-Youm. Meanwhile, the state-owned English-language Ahram Online cited a presidential statement saying that Egypt was closely following developments in the kidnapping of 21 Coptic Egyptians in Libya, following the release of a report by ISIS on Thursday. ISIS showed photographs of the kidnapped Egyptians in orange jumpsuits.
Feb. 13, 2015


   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:  Syria opposition calls for help against Assad as death toll rises

The head of Syria’s main opposition-in-exile group called Thursday on world leaders to take “immediate action” to end government attacks on rebel-held suburbs of Damascus, amid reports that some 150 people have been killed in government airstrikes in the past 10 days. Khaled Khoja, leader of the National Coalition, made the appeal at a news conference held from the group’s base in Turkey. The government has been pounding the eastern Ghouta suburbs of Damascus for days as part of a military campaign against rebel-held districts east and south of the capital Damascus. Douma, a sprawling town east of Damascus, has taken the brunt of the airstrikes. “The Assad regime’s killing of children and the elderly with rockets, barrel bombs, and toxic gases is as a crime as horrible as ISIS’ laughtering and burning of people alive,” Khoja said. He said Assad’s “barbaric assault” on Douma constitutes a war crime and urged the U.N. to force the Syrian leader to stop indiscriminate bombardment of rebel-held territory.
Feb. 13, 2015


Syria Headline:    Clashes break out in Homs and Hama

Hama Province: The regime forces shelled areas in the village of Hasraya and town of Allatamneh with no information about casualties.

Clashes are erupting between the regime forces supported by militiamen against IS militants near al- Mafkar area in the east of Hama with no information about victims.

Homs Province: Clashes took place yesterday night between the regime forces supported by militiamen against the Nusra Front, rebel and Islamic battalions in al- Hlaleyyi and Hosh Hajjo areas in the city of Talbise.
Feb. 13, 2015


Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline: Iraqi Army Repels Attack on Base Hosting U.S. Marines

Iraqi security forces on Friday repelled an attack by Islamic State insurgents against an air base in Anbar province where U.S. Marines are training Iraqi troops, Iraqi and U.S. military officials said. Militants from the jihadist group had attacked the Ain al-Asad base and the nearby town of al-Baghdadi a day earlier, leading to sporadic clashes in the town overnight. Al-Baghdadi has been besieged for months by Islamic State, which captured swathes of northern and western Iraq last year, prompting a campaign of U.S.-led airstrikes and the deployment of hundreds of U.S. military advisers to the country. A U.S. defense official said the Iraqi forces had stopped the attack and re-secured the facility. “Coalition forces were several kilometers from the attack and at no stage were they under direct threat from this action,” the official said. About 320 U.S. Marines are training members of the Iraqi 7th Division at the base, which has been struck by mortar fire on at least one previous occasion since December. Iraq’s Defense Ministry said on its website the Iraqi army killed eight assailants near the base, which is about 85 km (50 miles) northwest of Ramadi. An Iraqi military official in Baghdad told Reuters the insurgents had taken advantage of a lull in the airstrikes, caused by poor weather, to launch the offensive. He said Islamic State had been cleared from most of al-Baghdadi, with the remaining fighting centered around a police station.
***This Al-Baghdadi is a TOWN, not to be confused with al-Baghdadi – the leader of ISIS

Feb. 13, 2015



Iraq Headline: Iraqi Terrorists Destroy Synagogue, Take Over Ezra’s Tomb

Terrorists in Iraq have seized a major synagogue and holy site in Amara, the Elder of Ziyon blog reported Wednesday – and have already destroyed much of it. According to the Iraqi media site quoted by the blog, the synagogue will become the new southern headquarters of the terrorists, whose name and affiliation are unspecified. All roads to the synagogue have been blocked and journalists have been banned from reporting on the takeover. The media site also added that Ezra’s tomb in the Amara area has also been stripped of its Jewish identity, and may possibly have been destroyed. The move is yet another blow to Iraq’s Jewish community, which the blog notes is down to a mere ten Jews – despite 2,500 years of Jewish life which began with the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem. While both reports decline to specify the name of the terror group, news of the demolition follows multiple reports that Islamic State (ISIS) has systemically destroyed multiple Jewish holy sites in Iraq.
Feb. 13, 2015


Iraq Headline: The battle for Mosul.. Joint forces to storm ISIS units

The Peshmerga forces have arrived in the outskirts of the city of Mosul, in northern Iraq, which is under the Islamic State’s (IS/ISIS) control, amid preparations for storming the city with support of the U.S.-led international coalition, local sources from Mosul reported on Thursday. In the meantime, the so-called Popular Mobilization Forces (armed Shiite factions and volunteers) arrived in the city of Dohuk in the Kurdistan Region to be trained in a camp there and then join the fight against IS militants. Kurdish military officials said that this ground attack will be widespread to target the IS strongholds, particularly those located between Syria’s al-Bukamal and Iraq’s al-Qaem areas, pointing out that several military units from Jordan, Kuwait, UAE and Saudi Arabia will take part in the operations. Iranian and Kurdish special units will support the Iraqi army in the invasion of the IS-held provinces of Anbar and Nineveh. On the other hand, the IS group in Mosul is studying a plan for the upcoming battle, taking into consideration the need for more military capabilities and economic expertise to repel the attack. “Thus the radical group is thinking of an efficient strategy to expel this ground attack on their strongholds in Mosul,” a military source told ARA News under condition of anonymity.
Feb. 13, 2015


Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Feb. 10-11, 2015


Kurdish Headline: Turkey says progress on peace process with Kurds expected soon

Kurdish Headline: Ocalan preparing “historic” announcement

Turkey’s ruling party said on Friday that important statements over progress of the peace process with Kurds should be expected “in the coming days.” Besir Atalay, spokesman for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) made the remarks in an interview with Turkish NTV news channel. Atalay, also deputy AKP chairman and the party’s leading figure to oversee the peace process, said “there is a huge activity on the peace process recent weeks. The process is going on effectively.” Noting a key law adopted by the parliament last year that included a roadmap for the peace process, he said talks have been focusing on carrying out the road map, adding that “we have achieved a substantial progress on this sense.” Atalay also said that “a certain progress will be made before the parliamentary elections in June and this will make a significant contribution on the election.” However, the spokesman did not elaborate on the progress. He instead hinted the possibility for the Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK) to lay down arms, saying that the government will follow up after the disarmament and the end of violence.
Feb. 13, 2015



Psalm 83Ezekiel

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline: EU warns of more sanctions if Russia flouts ceasefire

Headline:   25 dead as Ukraine battles persist before weekend cease-fire deadline

EU leaders gave a “cautious” welcome to the Ukraine ceasefire deal on Thursday (12 February) but warned of further sanctions if it isn’t implemented. “We gave it our cautious approval. But words set down on paper must be accompanied by deeds … If this doesn’t happen we won’t hesitate to take further steps”, Council chief Donald Tusk told press after a summit in Brussels. “This conflict isn’t just about the territorial integrity of Ukraine. The whole geopolitical order in Europe after 1989 is at stake and we’ll be ready for any further development, good or bad”. He noted the leaders didn’t discuss new sanctions in detail. But he said they are “united and ready to act, also with new measures if necessary”. He placed the burden of implementation on Russia, adding: “When it comes to implementation, the most important thing today is the good will of the Russian president, of that I have no doubt”.
Feb. 13, 2015




Headline: Secret Iranian Unit Ships Illegal Weapons Throughout Middle East

A covert cell operating under the Iranian government is fueling the bloodshed throughout the Middle East and North Africa, Fox News revealed Thursday. Unit 190, a secret arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Quds Force made up of about two-dozen employees, has for years smuggled arms to these conflict zones, the network said. After an extensive investigation tracing the land, air and sea routes used by the Quds Force to move weapons to Hezbollah, Hamas and now the Houthis in Yemen, Fox News has also learned from western intelligence sources the name of the Iranian man who is a key player in Unit 190: Behnam Shahariyari, born in 1968 in Ardabil, northwest Iran. Western intelligence sources who spoke to the network said Shahariyari runs a network of straw companies which skirt sanctions and pack RPG’s, night-vision equipment and long-range rockets in powdered milk, cement and spare vehicle parts. “Very often arms and explosives were placed in trucks underneath legal cargo in order to hide them,” said Michael Eisenstadt, director of Military and Security Studies programs for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Feb. 13, 2015


Headline: Iran emphasizes ability to defeat radical groups in Syria and Iraq

Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Commander of the al-Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, said that the principles of the “Islamic revolution of Iran” are spreading across Syria, Iraq, Bahrain and Yemen. “The unique achievements for the Islamic Revolution have formed the basis for resistance against the enemies in the region,” Soleimani said during celebrations of the 36th anniversary of the Iranian revolution in the city of Kerman. “This showed the growth of capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the face of its enemies,” Soleimani added. Soleimani praised the recent “victories” of the Lebanese militia of Hezbollah against what he described “the Zionist occupation forces”, in reference to the escalations that took place a few weeks before between Israel and Hezbollah in the Shebaa Farms. This followed Israel’s assassination of a number of senior leaders of Hezbollah and one of the commanders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards at the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. The Commander of the al-Quds Force pointed out that Hezbollah is “one of the main pillars of resistance in the region” and is able to direct heavy blows to Israel despite the capacities the Israeli army enjoys.
Feb. 13, 2015






Headline:   US reportedly increases secret raids against Afghanistan insurgents

U.S. Special Forces soldiers and their Afghan allies have undertaken an increasing number of night raids targeting Taliban and Al Qaeda militants, despite Washington formally declaring an end to combat operations late last year, according to a published report. The New York Times reports that the increased raids are partially the result of intelligence seized in October of last year, when U.S. and Afghan commandos came upon a laptop computer with files detailing terror operations in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan. Military officials tell the paper that the information in the files could be as significant as what was found on a computer in Usama bin Laden’s Pakistan compound after the terror leader was killed by Navy SEALs in 2011. The officials also said that another factor playing the role in the increased raids were loosened restrictions on nighttime operations put in place by the new Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani. Ghani has previously called for a slower withdrawal of U.S. troops from his country. Current plans call for the U.S. to go from about 10,800 troops there now to 5,500 by the end of this year.
Feb. 13, 2015






Headline:   Video Report Sheds Light On Fierce Fighting In Sudan

As Sudan gears up for general elections in April, the country’s president, Omar al-Bashir, has ramped up the fight against rebel forces across the country. Bashir, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, has vowed to end the rebellions against his government by the time of the elections. Nuba Reports, an independent group of journalists, obtained dramatic footage of latest battles in the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan. The videos also show government troops traveling through the region, rebel fighters taking over army supplies and desperate civilians fleeing the violence. “Yesterday we witnessed the fighting in Angartu,” refugee Ibrahim Bargil told Nuba Reports, referring to a town in South Kordofan. “The bombing was too intense and completely random, so people were terrified and left Angartu.” Angartu, which is near the rebels’ capital of Kauda, has been at the center of recent fierce fighting between the SPLA-N and Sudanese government troops. The government has launched its largest offensive since 2011, according to Nuba Reports, and at least 10,000 people have been displaced because of the violence this fighting season alone.
Feb. 12, 2015






Headline:  Alleged IS gunmen in Libya ‘seize radio station’

Headline:  IS Division in Libya Publishes Photo Report on Suicide Bombing in Benghazi

Gunmen claiming to be members of the Islamic State jihadist group have seized control of a state-run radio station in Libya’s coastal city of Sirte, residents said Friday. Jihadist websites also posted pictures showing armed men sitting in front of microphones in a broadcasting studio and brandishing Kalashnikov assault rifles. “They took Radio Sirte yesterday (Thursday). Since then they have been broadcasting (verses from) the Koran and speeches by (IS chief Abu Bakr) al-Baghdadi,” a resident of the central city told AFP by telephone. The resident said speeches of IS spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani were also being played on the air. A former local administration official said the gunmen have set up a headquarters in the centre of the city, and voiced concern that they could declare an Islamic emirate in Sirte. “They could take advantage of the absence of any central government authority to transform the city into an Islamic emirate as they did in Derna,” an eastern city held by jihadist groups including IS. The man, who declined to be named, said the gunmen apparently seized the radio “as a first step to communicate with the population”. “The situation in Sirte is very complex,” he said, because many radical groups have a foothold there.
Feb. 13, 2015




Headline:   Tunisia Attempts to Calm Citizens After Deadly Protests Over New Border Taxes

The Tunisian government sent two of its cabinet ministers to the south of the country Wednesday, with the visit coming just days after violent protests in the region over the weekend against a border tax turned deadly. Minister of Finance Slim Chaker and the Minister of Development Yassine Ibrahim traveled to the southeastern town of Dehiba to appease the population and to reaffirm the government’s commitment to the region in the wake of the unrest. The demonstrations began Saturday in Dehiba after police seized a haul of contraband fuel, which was smuggled across the border from neighboring Libya. Locals rely on smuggled goods for economic survival, and illegal trade with Libya makes up a large part of the region’s dire economy. Protests continued through the weekend, eventually leading to clashes between protestors and security officials that resulted in multiple injuries and the death of a protester on Sunday. Local officials have launched an inquiry into the death of a young man who was killed. They are also trying to determine whether or not the police used real bullets against the crowd. Residents of Ben Guardane and Tataouine — Tunisia’s two main border crossings with Libya — staged a general strike Tuesday following the escalating violence between the police and demonstrators.
Feb. 13, 2015






Headline: Turkish Checkpoint Near Syria Bombed – by ISIS?

Three people were wounded, including one policeman, in an explosion Friday at a police checkpoint near the Syrian border in the southern Turkish town of Suruc, local officials said. The cause of the blast was not immediately clear but Turkish media said emergency service vehicles rushed to the scene, reports AFP. “The explosion took place in a rubbish bin close to a police checkpoint. Three people, including a policeman, were lightly wounded,” the governor of the Sanliurfa region, which includes Suruc, Izzettin Kucuk, told Turkish television. First images from the scene showed that a car had been severely damaged by the blast. Kucuk did not say if the explosion had been caused by a bomb. Suruc lies just over the border from the Syrian town of Kobane which was recaptured last month by Kurdish fighters after a battle with Islamic State (ISIS) jihadists.
Feb. 13, 2015


Headline:  Turkish students, teachers protest govt religious education

Headline: Erdogan Slams Obama’s Silence Over North Carolina Muslim Murders

Hundreds of students and teachers across Turkey have boycotted school to protest the government’s moves to increase Islamic teachings in education. Thousands more marched Friday in several Turkish cities holding up banners demanding a secular and science-based education system. Proponents of Turkey’s secular traditions claim that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is building a more Islam-focused education, to realize his goal of raising “pious generations.” The government has in recent years loosened a headscarf ban and increased the number of religious schools and classes. Police used water cannons Friday to disperse thousands of people who marched in the city of Izmir. Media reports said at least 10 people were detained in five Turkish cities for organizing the boycott.
Feb. 13, 2015



nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Nigeria’s Boko Haram militants attack Chad for first time

Headline: 35 killed in Borno market explosion, other attacks

Headline: Boko Haram separate attacks kill 21 in northeast Nigeria

Nigerian Boko Haram militants have carried out an attack on Chad overnight, the first such assault on Chadian soil, officials say. Fighters crossed Lake Chad in four motorboats and attacked a village, an army spokesman told the BBC. The Islamist militants were pushed back by Chadian troops after killing several people, residents said. Colonel Azem Bermandoua Agouna, of the Chadian military, told the BBC’s Thomas Fessy that the militants had killed one soldier and wounded a further four in the village of Ngouboua. Mr Agouna said a local chief was killed during the attack by a stray bullet. He did not confirm reports of other civilian casualties. Two Boko Haram militants were killed and five injured, he said. Residents put the number of attackers at around 30 and said they torched two-thirds of the village’s homes. “They came on board three canoes and succeeded in killing about 10 people before being pushed back by the army,” one resident told Reuters. Chadian military aircraft carried out air strikes against the militants in response, destroying their vessels, officials said.
Feb. 13, 2015




Headline:  Al-Qaeda militants seize Yemeni military base in south

Headline: Suicide car bomb hits rebel-held police HQ in central Yemen

Headline: Yemen on Brink of Civil War, Says UN Envoy

Headline: Saudi Arabia, West evacuate embassy staff from Yemen on security fears

Yemeni military officials say al-Qaida militants have seized control of an important army base in the south following clashes with soldiers. The officials say at least four troops and four militants died in the fighting and that at least 15 soldiers were taken hostage. The base is home to Yemen’s 19th Infantry Brigade and is located in the Baihan area in southern Shabwa province. Meanwhile, Yemen is sliding into chaos, UN special envoy to Yemen Jamal Benomar, told Al Arabiya News Channel late Wednesday, saying “we believe the situation is very dangerous. Yemen is on the brink of civil war.” “The United Nations’ position vis-à-vis the Yemeni crisis is clear: conflicts should be resolved by peaceful means,” Benomar added. “The United Nations has no choice except to stay with Yemenis to support them in this situation and help them work a deal.” He said that “all” Yemeni factions had contributed to the political and economic disturbance. “They are all party to what has happened so far, they have all made mistakes and follies and sometimes groups resorted to violence to realize political aims. And some groups used political maneuvers to impede the political process,” the envoy added.
Feb. 13, 2015





Headline:  At least 19 killed in attack on Shi’ite mosque in Pakistan

At least 19 people were killed on Friday in the Pakistani city of Peshawar in a gun and bomb attack on a Shi’ite mosque, the latest sectarian violence to hit the South Asian nation. Radical Sunni Islamist groups often target mosques frequented by minority Shi’ites, whom they see as infidels. Police said armed men broke into the mosque, where people were attending Friday prayers, and opened fire, following which three explosions were heard inside the building. The Pakistani Taliban, who are fighting against the state to set up a hardline Sunni theocracy, claimed responsibility and said the attack was revenge for Pakistan’s crackdown on militants following a December school massacre. “Either Pakistan will become your graveyard, or God’s law, sharia, will be implemented,” Taliban commander Khaleefa Omar Mansoor said in a video in which he was flanked by three young militants clutching AK-47 assault rifles. “This is the first in a series of revenge attacks … Wait for the rest,” Mansoor, who had earlier claimed responsibility for the Dec. 16 school attack in which more than 150 people were killed, said in the video sent by email to reporters. The style of the mosque attack was similar to that of the school attack, when gunmen arrived in a car, set it on fire, and broke into the building using a back entrance.
Feb. 13, 2015


Headline:  Unrest brewing in Bahrain as uprising anniversary approaches

Tensions are simmering in Bahrain as police have clashed with protesters marking the fourth anniversary of the popular uprising against the ruling Al Khalifa regime. Mass demonstrations were staged in the Bahraini capital, Manama, and several towns and villages across the kingdom including Sitra, Belad al-Qadeem and Diraz on Friday on the eve of the anniversary of the revolution which started on February 14, 2011. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters in Manama while clashes also broke out in several other towns. Protesters, who are seeking a democratically-elected government, chanted slogans and called for the downfall of the al-Khalifa regime.
Feb. 13, 2015



Headline: Dozens of Myanmar Troops Killed on Border

Clashes between government troops and ethnic Kokang rebels near the Chinese border in Myanmar – also known as Burma – has left 47 soldiers dead and 73 wounded, state media said Friday. The Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper reported Friday that the government had notified Beijing, because fighting, which has raged since February 9, had forced thousands of civilians to flee across the border into China. The paper said that a Kokang renegade group had attacked military stations with the objective of capturing Laukai, the capital of the self-administered Kokang zone near the border.  It was not known how many rebels had been killed or wounded. The Kokang was formerly a pro-communist fighting force that battled the government until signing a ceasefire in 1989. Fighting resumed in 2009. The clashes in Shan State, in the northeast, has alarmed China, which fears an influx of villagers fleeing violence and called this week for peace on the border.
Feb. 13, 2015


bye CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:   Two More Harbingers Of Financial Doom That Mirror The Crisis Of 2008

The stock market continues to flirt with new record highs, but the signs that we could be on the precipice of the next major financial crisis continue to mount.  A couple of days ago, I discussed the fact that the U.S. dollar is experiencing a tremendous surge in value just like it did in the months prior to the financial crisis of 2008.  And previously, I have detailed how the price of oil has collapsed, prices for industrial commodities are tanking and market behavior is becoming extremely choppy.  All of these are things that we witnessed just before the last market crash as well.  It is also important to note that orders for durable goods are declining and the Baltic Dry Index has dropped to the lowest level on record.  So does all of this mean that the stock market is guaranteed to crash in 2015?  No, of course not.  But what we are looking for are probabilities.  We are looking for patterns.  There are multiple warning signs that have popped up repeatedly just prior to previous financial crashes, and many of those same warning signs are now appearing once again.
Feb. 13, 2015


Headline:   Clashes in Venezuela as economic shortages continue to bite

Students clashed with riot police in the Venezuelan city of San Cristobal yesterday on the one-year anniversary of anti-government riots that left 43 people dead and a leading opposition leader in jail. The protests came as Venezuela’s socialist economy faces mounting shortages of food and medicines after being badly hit be a collapse in world oil prices this year that has left the country short of dollars needed to import many basic goods. The clashes in San Cristobal, the volatile western city that was a hotbed of protests in 2014, broke out after hooded demonstrators threw rocks and later Molotov cocktails at National Guard soldiers and police who responded with tear gas. Five security officials and three demonstrators were hurt in the standoff, and four students arrested, the Reuters news agency reported, citing witnesses and state authorities. Meanwhile in the capital, Caracas, two rival marches played out in pouring rain as student protestors competed for attention against a government-sponsored rally supporting Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela’s beleaguered president.
Feb. 12, 2015


Headline:  Sweden cuts rates below zero as global currency wars spread

Sweden has cut interest rates below zero and launched quantitative easing to fight deflation, becoming the latest Scandinavian state to join Europe’s escalating currency wars. The Riksbank caught markets by surprise, reducing the benchmark lending rate to minus 0.10pc and unveiled its first asset purchases, vowing to take further action at any time to stop the country falling into a deflationary trap. The bank presented the move as precautionary step due to rising risks of a “poorer outcome abroad” and the crisis in Greece. Janet Henry from HSBC said the measures are clearly a “beggar-thy neighbour” manoeuvre to weaken the krone, the latest such action in a global currency war that does little to tackle the deeper problem of deficient world demand. The move comes as neighbouring Denmark takes ever more drastic steps to stop a flood of money overwhelming its exchange rate peg to the euro and tightening the deflationary noose. The Danes have cut rates four times to minus 0.75pc in a month to combat fall-out from the European Central Bank’s forthcoming QE. They have even taken the unprecedented step of halting all issuance of government bonds.
Feb. 12, 2015






CooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline:  Plague Is Back, With a Disturbing Twist

Back in November, the island nation of Madagascar confirmed 119 cases of plague, including 40 deaths. But the bad news recently took a disturbing turn: “The fleas that transmit this ancient disease from rats to humans have developed resistance to the first-line insecticide,” Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization, said in a new report. You probably recognize the infectious disease as the one known as the “Black Death,” which during the 14th century became a devastating epidemic that claimed an estimated 50 million lives throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. Caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis, the disease spreads from rodents to humans via infected fleas. Those infected generally develop bubonic plague—exhibiting swollen lymph nodes and flu-like symptoms—or, if it spreads to the lungs, the deadlier advanced form, pneumonic plague. Caught early, antibiotics can effectively treat the disease; left untreated, however, plague kills 30 to 60 percent of those infected.
Feb. 12, 2015


Headline: Sierra Leone locks down 700 homes after Ebola death

Sierra Leone placed hundreds of homes in the capital under Ebola quarantine on Friday, in a huge blow to its recovery less than a month after lifting travel restrictions. “Some 700 homes have been quarantined for 21 days in the tourism and fishing community of Aberdeen in the west of the capital Freetown, after the death of a fisherman who was later diagnosed Ebola positive,” said Obi Sesay of the government’s National Ebola Response Centre. The west African nation of six million had seen almost 11,000 cases and 3,363 deaths during the epidemic which has raged in west Africa for more than a year. This new struggle with the disease comes less than a month after President Ernest Bai Koroma pointed to a “steady downward trend” in new cases and lifted country-wide quarantines and travel bans.
Feb. 13, 2015


Headline: Eleven people linked to Philippines MERS case show symptoms: WHO

Eleven people who had contact with the Philippines’ first confirmed case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) are also showing symptoms, the World Health Organization said. “Eleven contacts are symptomatic. It’s a mix of family contacts and hospital contacts, the doctors and nurses who attended the case before she was tested and found positive,” said Peter Ben Embarek, a scientist at the WHO’s department of food safety and zoonoses. The patient, a 32-year-old nurse, returned from Saudi Arabia on Feb. 1 and was hospitalized the next day. The Philippines Health Ministry said on Wednesday she had tested positive for the disease, which has been linked to camels. The World Health Organization is still trying to track down more than half the people who were on the same Saudia airline flight from Riyadh to Manila. “So far close to 100 of the 225 passengers have been identified and contacted,” said Embarek.
Feb. 13, 2015


This 26 October, 2003 NASA Solar and HelCooltextprophecysignScorching Sun Isaiah30:26 , Revelation 16:8-9 & Revelation 7:16, Malachi 4:1 “Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, And the light of the sun will be sevenfold, As the light of seven days, In the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people And heals the stroke of their wound.” (Isaiah 30:26) “Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.” (Revelation 16:8-9) “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” ( Revelation 7: 16) “For behold, the day is coming,Burning like an oven, And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up,” Says the Lord of hosts, “That will leave them neither root nor branch” (Malachi 4:1) Prophecy Sign: Drought Jeremiah 50:38 & Isaiah 42:15 “A drought is against her waters, and they will be dried up. For it is the land of carved images, And they are insane with their idols.” (Jeremiah)“I will lay waste the mountains and hills, And dry up all their vegetation; I will make the rivers coastlands, And I will dry up the pools.”(Isaiah)

Headline:  Megadrought may plague parts of USA

We ain’t seen nothing yet: The intense drought in California is only an appetizer compared with what’s coming this century across much of the western and central USA, according to a study out Thursday. During the years 2050 to 2100, the Southwest and Great Plains will face a persistent “megadrought” worse than anything seen in the past 1,000 years, and the dry conditions will be “driven primarily” by human-induced global warming, scientists said. There’s at least an 80% chance of a megadrought in these regions if climate change continues unabated, Toby Ault, an atmospheric scientist at Cornell University and co-author of the research, said at a news conference Thursday in San Jose. A megadrought is defined as a drought that lasts for decades or longer, such as those that scorched portions of the West in the 12th and 13th centuries. Ault said megadroughts should be considered a natural hazard on par with earthquakes and hurricanes.
Feb. 12, 2015


Luke 21-25 signs in heavenCooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

IMG_0685 (2)

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes


Feb. 12, 2015-Up-dated book




Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates.The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 12, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

February 11, 2015- The Deaths of Birds, Fish, and Animals Continues



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 12, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Headline: Sweden Announces Aid Package to ‘Palestine’

Headline: Palestine Embassy opens in Sweden

Sweden announced a multi-million-euro aid package for the Palestinian Authority (PA) on Tuesday as PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas made his first visit to Stockholm since 2009. Prime Minister Stefan Loefven stressed that his country’s recognition of “Palestine” back in October, when it became the first major Western European country to do so, came with responsibilities. “According to us Palestine is now a state. Our expectations of Palestine and their leadership will therefore increase,” Loefven told reporters during Abbas’ visit to Stockholm, according to the AFP news agency. “There is no contradiction between keeping good relations with Palestine and keeping good relations with Israel,” Loefven added. The announcement of Sweden’s recognition of “Palestine” in late October saw withering verbal jabs about IKEA furniture between Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman and Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom, as well as Swedish financial institutions boycotting Israeli companies. Israel also temporarily withdrew its ambassador from Stockholm. Wallstrom at one point announced she was indefinitely postponing a planned trip to Israel, and on Thursday, Israel said that Wallstrom was not welcome for an official visit in the country.
Feb. 11, 2015



Headline: EU states said to be planning fresh sanctions against Israel

European Union member states are planning new sanctions against Israel that will be implemented if peace negotiations with Palestinians do not resume following the March elections, it was reported Tuesday. The proposed plan would include “sanctions against companies that conduct business over the Green Line, support in the legal proceedings of Palestinians in the issue of settlements and also renewing the proposal to create a Palestinian state through the Security Council,” according to an Israeli official who met recently with European leaders in Brussels, the Hebrew-language Walla website reported. Israeli officials in several European capitals said the proposals have buy-in from all countries in the EU, according to the report. The EU has threatened sanctions against Israel for several years in an effort to prod forward the peace process with the Palestinians and discourage settlement expansion. According to one of the Israeli officials briefed by European leaders, the process of imposing sanctions was delayed by elections, but will likely be picked up should peace efforts not restart after Israelis go to the polls on March 17.
Feb. 11, 2015


Headline:Syrian army tears through the south to sweep Iran and Hizballah up to Israel’s Golan doorstep

Headline: Fighting in Syria approaches Israeli border

Headline: Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: No Longer Separation of Battle Fronts in Confrontation with Israel

The large-scale offensive the Syrian army launched in southern Syria Sunday, Feb. 8 – the broadest in that region in the nearly-four year conflict – heralded Act III of the Iranian-Hizballah drive for a position on Israel’s Golan border, debkafile’s military sources report. Israel curtailed Act I on Jan 18 with an air strike which killed a dozen Iranian and Hizballah officers scooping out the Golan town of Quneitra for their new base. Among them were the commander of Iranian forces in Syria, Revolutionary Guards general Mohamad Ali Allah Dadi and a senior Hizballah officer Ali al-Tabtabani. This cut short a move to seize a forward position in the northern Golan and adjacent Hermon. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon then reiterated that Israel would not permit Iran and Hizballah to create a military enclave there for their forces to jump-start terrorist strikes and rocket attacks against Israel. Act II came ten days later with the Hizballah attack, aided by Iranian tactical intelligence, on an Israeli command patrol, in which killing Major Yochai Klingel and St. Sgt. Dror Nini were killed. Although nothing happened for twelve days – some Hizballah sources even suggested the account was closed – all the parties were braced for the next round in the struggle playing out for the Golan. On Jan. 30, Hizballah leader, Hassan Nasrallah stood up in Beirut for a  furious speech to dictate terms: If Israel persisted in its refusal to live with an Iranian-Hizballah presence on the Golan, there would be war,he shouted. On Feb. 2, the influential Iranian lawmaker Alaeddin Boroujerdi, chairman of the majlis foreign affairs and security committee, declared that the account with Israel over the Quneitra attack was still open and more “operations” were coming. And they did on Feb. 8 from an unexpected direction – the south. Elements of the Syrian army’s Ninth Division and 121st Brigade armed with 50 T-72 tanks led a sweeping Iranian-Hizballah offensive dubbed “Operation Ali Allah Dadi for Quneitra Martyrs.” With them were 4,000 Shiite fighters imported by Iran for the battle and several hundred Hizballah gunmen – all under the command of Iranian Revolutionary Guards officers.
Feb. 11, 2015




Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)

Saudi-ArabiaSaudi Arabia

Headline: Saudi Arabia has ‘no problem’ with Muslim Brotherhood: Foreign Minister

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister has said publicly that Riyadh has “no problem with the Muslim Brotherhood,” in the wake of the accession of a new Saudi king expected to be more tolerant towards the group than his predecessor. Saud bin Faisal made the comments during a two-hour interview with veteran Saudi journalist Samar al-Mogren, who was personally requested to interview Faisal. “We do not have a problem with the Muslim Brotherhood; our problem is with a small group affiliated to this organisation,” said the world’s longest-serving Foreign Minister, who is recovering in the US after successful spinal surgery last month. In her write-up of the interview, titled “Two Hours with Saud bin Faisal,” Mogren praised the minister’s “tolerance” towards a group she said was behind “the ongoing suffering we are experiencing”. Faisal’s comments came as a surprise to many, in a country where the Muslim Brotherhood was designated a “terrorist organisation” last March alongside groups including Islamic State.
Feb. 11, 2015



Headline: Egypt blasts wound 10, air raids kill 15 militants

Headline: Egypt claims killing of Hamas ‘militant’ in North Sinai

Suspected militants set off five bombs in Egypt’s second city Alexandria on Tuesday and air raids afterwards in the Sinai Peninsula killed 15 suspected extremists, official sources said.
It was not clear if the air raids in Sinai, where militants have killed hundreds of soldiers and police in attacks since 2013, were in retaliation for the Alexandria blasts. Military officials could not be immediately reached for comment. Three blasts near police stations in eastern Alexandria wounded 10 people, while two other bombs went off in the area without casualties, said Maj. Gen. Amin Ezz Al-Din, an assistant interior minister for Alexandria. Later on Tuesday, 15 suspected militants were killed and eight others wounded in air raids in the Sinai town of Sheikh Zuweid, security sources said. Security sources also said a two-year-old boy was in critical condition after being wounded in clashes between militants and the army south of the border town of Rafah near the Gaza Strip.
Feb. 11, 2015



   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:   Assad continues to kill scores of Syrian civilians with explosive steel barrels dropped from the sky

Syrian regime forces hit Douma with heavy bombing, using suspected barrel bombs, from Monday night to Tuesday, killing at least 18 people in the capital of rebel-held Eastern Ghouta province. But the bombing was just the latest blow in the brutal campaign the regime has been carrying out in the Damascus countryside for the past week, human rights activists said. Roughly 178 civilians were killed in the province from Feb. 5-9, the day before the suspected barrel bomb attack in Douma. In one attack on Thursday, regime forces hit a busy market in Kafr Batna city, killing 39 civilians. The next day, the regime launched more than 60 rockets at a residential neighborhood in Douma, killing 28 civilians, according to a report from the Syrian Network for Human Rights.
Feb. 11, 2015


Syria Headline:   Syrian warplanes attack civilians in Deir ez-Zor

Two civilians were killed and several others injured due to aerial bombardment by warplanes loyal to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad on the town of al-Bu Omar in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor province, in eastern Syria, locals reported on Tuesday. Speaking to ARA News in Deir ez-Zor, civil rights activist Fayez Abdulaziz said that pro-Assad military forces targeted residential buildings in the town with steric missiles, killing two women and injuring several other civilians. “The injured were transferred to the field hospital in the town,” he added. Abdulaziz said that the attack followed similar bombing in the town on Monday, killing one civilian and wounding four others. Meanwhile, the pro-regime warplanes targeted the village of al-Jafra adjacent to the military airport of Deir ez-Zor. No casualties were reported. “Also, fierce clashes broke out between militants of the Islamic State (IS/ISIS) and the pro-regime forces near the military airport of Deir ez-Zor; however no information about losses was received,” Abdulaziz told ARA News.
Feb. 11, 2015


Syria Headline:   ISW Syria Situation Report Feb. 3-10, 2015


Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline: ISIS claims Iraq suicide bombings by foreign fighters

Three suicide bombers belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), including a Frenchman, have detonated explosives-laden trucks in coordinated attacks on Iraqi troops and Shiite militia, destroying their targets, the militant group said Wednesday. The attacks were carried out near Camp Speicher, 160 kilometers (100 miles) north of Baghdad in Salaheddin province, said claims on Twitter, seen by SITE Intelligence Group. ISIS said a “gathering of the Safavid [Iraqi] army and its Rafidhi [Shiite] militias,” a barracks and a headquarters, all on the road connecting “Speicher Base/Fourth Division” were hit with a truck carrying six tons of explosives.
Feb. 11, 2015


Iraq Headline: Iraq: Clashes, attacks kill at least 31 people

Clashes between Iraqi government forces and militants along with attacks in the capital Baghdad killed at least 31 people and wounded dozens on Wednesday, officials said. Heavy clashes erupted in three areas outside the city of Tikrit, which is controlled by the Islamic State extremist group, killing 12 security forces, Shiite militiamen and civilians, and wounding 37 others, a police official said. He added that three suicide truck bombers attacked security forces during the fighting. Meanwhile, mortar shells struck two Shiite neighborhoods in Baghdad, killing at least 10 civilians, another police officer said. The deadliest mortar attack struck a commercial area, killing seven civilians, including two women, and wounding 19 others. Hours later, mortar shells landed in another neighborhood, killing three civilians and wounding six others, the police officer added. In another attack in the capital, a bomb blast killed at least two people and wounded eight. And at least seven people were killed and 17 wounded after a car bomb exploded in a town southwest of Baghdad.
Feb. 11, 2015


Iraq Headline: ISIS opens private bank for loans and damaged currency redemption in Mosul

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) announced it had opened its own bank in the city of Mosul for giving loans and redeeming mutilated (damaged) currency, in a move that raised concerns about financing the terrorist organization’s businesses. ‘Russia Today’ website wrote, “ISIS opened a private bank to give loans and redeem mutilated currency,” adding that, “This might be an ISIS scheme to control the funds in areas under its grip.” The website added, “ISIS’ geographic expansion enables it to economically expand wide enough to open its privately-owned “Islamic bank” in Mosul; its purpose is to give out loans and to replace mutilated currency.” “This step raises concerns because the bank will be used in financing the organization’s business,” it stated, pointing out that, “According to press reports, the bank is witnessing high demand in areas under ISIS control, that’s due to poverty among citizens who are being exploited by the terrorist group offering them loans for nothing in return.” It also said, “While Iraqi economic medium is discussing the repercussions of establishing this bank, there are concerns about large amounts of Iraqi currency accumulating in ISIS’ hands, especially with four billion dinars received by citizens from the Iraqi government as monthly salaries in areas under the group’s control.”
Feb. 11, 2015


Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Feb. 9, 2015


rise of ISIS

Headline:   Obama Sends War Authorization To Congress

Headline: Text of Obama’s proposal to authorize military force against ISIS

President Barack Obama sent the U.S. Congress legislation Wednesday to authorize military force against Islamic State fighters, summoning lawmakers to “show the world we are united in our resolve” to defeat militants who have overrun parts of the Middle East and threaten attacks on the United States. In urging Congress to back military force, the president ruled out “enduring offensive combat operations,” a deliberately ambiguous phrase designed to satisfy lawmakers with widely different views on any role for U.S. ground troops. Majority Republicans in Congress responded warily to the request. The leader of House of Representatives, Speaker John Boehner, expressed doubt it would “give our military commanders the flexibility and authorities they need to succeed and protect our people.” He said changes were likely before the measure comes to a vote.
Feb. 11, 2015



Headline: Businesses in Spain funding Islamic State, al-Nusra Front

About 250 businesses in Spain have transferred money through a network system to the Islamic State and al-Nusra Front, an al-Qaida affiliate. Grocery stores, phone call centers and butcher shops used a network system called hawala, an alternative to Western banking practices originally developed in India. About 150,000 people manage their savings through hawala without any legal oversight, according to El País. Hundreds of young Spanish residents, mostly Moroccan, have joined the Islamic State, but an exact number is not known. Terrorist organizations often use hawala for finance, according to officials. Trust, family relationships and regional affiliations are used in the sort of “underground banking” system where hawaladars, or hawala dealers, transfer money “without money movement,” making it difficult to trace. Any documents that evidence the accounting are often destroyed. There are about 300 hawaladars in Spain, mostly Pakistani, who are often used to pay the salaries of Spanish jihadists in Syria. The militants earn about $800 if single and $1,200 if married, according to police. The U.S. embassy in Spain told Washington in 2004 that Spain was an important financing center for jihadists in Afghanitsan and Iraq.
Feb. 10, 2015


Psalm 83Ezekiel

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 



Headline:  Pentagon deploys A-10 attack jets, 300 pilots to Germany amid Ukraine turmoil

Headline:   Top US officials back $1 billion lethal aid to Ukraine

Headline:   Ukraine president says Kiev ready to introduce martial law amid crisis

The US Air Force dispatched a dozen A-10 Thunderbolt II attack jets and about 300 airmen to Germany as part of a military exercise, which is expected to involve NATO allies in Eastern Europe amid simmering tensions over Ukraine. The Cold War-era aircraft, nicknamed the Warthog, on Monday departed Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona for Spangdahlem Air Base in Germany as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve. Lt. Col. Christopher Karns, a spokesman for the Air Force at the Pentagon, said the aircraft would “forward-deploy” to sites in Eastern European NATO states, where the units will participate in training with allied forces to “strengthen interoperability and…demonstrate US commitment to the security and stability of Europe,” he told military.com. The highly reliable A-10 carries a seven-barrel GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling gun that fires 30mm rounds designed to destroy tanks and other armored combat vehicles.
Feb. 11, 2015





Headline: Iran Marks Islamic Revolution Anniversary Amid Nuclear Talks

Iran marked the anniversary of its 1979 Islamic Revolution on Wednesday with massive rallies, with many chanting against the U.S. and Israel as the country tries to reach a permanent deal with world powers over its contested nuclear program. State television aired footage of commemorations in Tehran and elsewhere across the country. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, addressing a crowd of thousands in Tehran, pledged to “spare no effort” to protect the Islamic Republic’s rights as it negotiates. “The sanctions have not forced Iran to enter the talks but the impracticality of the all-out pressures on Iran and the significant advancements in Iran’s peaceful nuclear program made the United States come to the negotiation table,” Rouhani said. “Iran is seeking a ‘win-win’ outcome in the nuclear talks with world powers.” Tayyebeh Ahmadi, a woman who attended the rally, said the nuclear talks likely inspired Iranians to take part in commemorations. “This year, we have turned out bigger than before because of the ongoing nuclear talks to make America understand that it cannot achieve its goals in these talks,” Ahmadi said.
Feb. 11, 2015






Headline:  Obama administration weighs Afghan request to slow withdrawal of U.S. troops

Headline:   Taliban militants attack Afghan police station

President Barack Obama is considering a request from Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to slow the pace of the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, a senior administration official said on Wednesday. “President Ghani has requested some flexibility in the troop drawdown timeline and base closure sequencing over the next two years, and we are actively considering that request,” the official said, speaking on background. Ghani will travel to Washington next month to meet with Obama. Last month, the Afghan president spoke publicly about the U.S. plan to halve the number of troops in Afghanistan in 2015 and cut them further in 2016. He made clear he would prefer a longer timeline and said: “deadlines should not be dogmas.” Afghan troops continue to fight Taliban militants. Last year was the most violent since the war began, the International Committee of the Red Cross has said.
Feb. 11, 2015







Headline:  Fighting erupts in two South Sudan states days after latest truce

Rebels in South Sudan stormed towns in two states on Tuesday and were repulsed, the army said, barely a week after signing another ceasefire deal with the government that was meant to end 15 months of conflict. Thousands of people have been killed and over a million have fled their homes since fighting erupted in the world’s newest nation in December 2013, triggered by a power struggle between President Salva Kiir and former vice president Riek Machar. A January 2014 ceasefire was broken frequently and peace talks often faltered, frustrating South Sudan’s Western backers. Philip Aguer, spokesman for South Sudan’s army, the SPLA, said Tuesday’s attacks had occurred in Bentiu, capital of oil-producing Unity state, and in Upper Nile State, both in the north of the country. “A ground attack was launched by the rebels in Upper Nile today on SPLA positions in Obudo County using a big force supported by heavy machine guns,” Aguer told Reuters. “Another area of violation by the rebels was in Unity state. The rebels shelled SPLA force positions in Bentiu north of the town this morning.”
Feb. 10, 2015





Headline:   Isis ‘could be close to reaching Mediterranean’, former Libyan prime minister claims

Isis could reach the Mediterranean if order is not restored in Libya, the country’s former prime minister has reportedly suggested. Ali Zeidan warned Libya’s fractured government and its access to weapons and ammunition seized during the fall of Colonel Gaddafi has made it more susceptible to the activities of jihadists, according to The Times. Speaking during a visit to London last week, he expressed concerns Isis would try to take over territories in Libya as unrest in the country continues.  “They are growing. They are everywhere,” he added. Mr Zeidan also reportedly suggested Isis had a growing presence in some of the bigger cities and was trying to recruit fighters from rival Islamist groups. The Times reports that he “appeared to express concerns” Isis might be close to extending its reach to the Mediterranean. He spoke after Aref Ali Nayed, Libya’s ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, said Isis’s presence in Libya is increasing “exponentially”. Mr Zeidan urged the international community to take this seriously. “In Libya, the situation is still under control,” he said. “If we leave it one month or two months more I don’t think you can control it. It will be a big war in the country and it will be here in Europe as well.”
Feb. 11, 2015



Headline:   Tunisia faces new unrest on Libya border

Residents of Tunisia’s two main border crossings with Libya staged a general strike Tuesday to protest what they say is excessive force by police during clashes over the weekend that left one person dead. The unrest in Ben Guerdane, near the northern Mediterranean crossing, and Tatouine, near the southern desert Duheiba crossing, is influenced in part by the ongoing civil war in Libya. The disturbances are the first major challenge of Tunisia’s new government, and underline the economic and political obstacles to stability and prosperity. Demonstrations began Sunday in the two towns to protest a new border tax on foreigners that disrupted trade, especially the smuggling and informal economy that makes up more than 50 percent of the business in these impoverished regions. Police dispersed the demonstrators and in Duheiba opened fire when protesters attacked a police station, killing one resident and wounding another. Demonstrations have continued, this time over the police response and hundreds marched near the two crossings calling for “freedom, jobs and dignity” – the same slogans used by Tunisians four years earlier when they overthrew their president and kicked off pro-democracy uprisings around the region.
Feb. 10, 2015



Headline:  Algeria Rejects Request to Send Jets for War on ISIS

Algeria rejected a request to send military aircraft to participate in the war against ISIS last November due to “technical and logistical difficulties”, a diplomatic source has revealed. The anonymous source told Anadolu on Monday that the request was made by America and France. Two squadrons were requested to take part in the campaign in Syria and Iraq,” he said. Apparently the “difficulties” revolve around the fact that most of the aircraft involved are from the West, while Algeria’s jets are Russian-built. “In addition, our air force is not used to participating in extra-regional campaigns as they make the task logistically impossible.” The source also explained that there is a well-established doctrine of the Algerian military that prevents it from working under foreign military leadership and participating in military operations beyond the borders of the country. The Algerian government did not make any official statement regarding the alleged request to participate in the war against ISIS.
Feb. 11, 2015


nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Boko Haram takes on Chadian forces in NE Nigeria town

Boko Haram on Wednesday launched a pre-dawn raid in Gamboru, northeastern Nigeria, looking to overwhelm Chadian troops who had pushed them out of the border town. The military in N’Djamena said the militants were repelled but the counter-attack was an indication of the task facing regional forces aiming to crush the rebellion. Troops from Chad, Cameroon and Niger have been deployed to fight the Islamists, whose bloody insurgency has claimed more than 13,000 lives since 2009 and now threatens Nigeria’s neighbours. In Niger a suicide bomber was killed, without causing any other casualties, in the Diffa region bordering Nigeria on Wednesday, a local official told AFP.
Feb. 11, 2015


Headline:  Niger calls emergency state in region bordering Nigeria

Niger has declared a state of emergency in a southeastern region bordering Nigeria, which has come under repeated recent attacks by the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram. The measure, which will grant increased powers to security forces, including to carry out searches, was imposed on Tuesday. “The state of emergency is proclaimed in the Diffa region for a period of 15 days,” a statement read on state radio said. The militants have attacked Niger several times since last week. One such attack by a female bomber on Monday killed at least six people and wounded several others. Meanwhile, Niger’s parliament has voted unanimously to send troops to Nigeria to join a regional fight against Boko Haram.
Feb. 11, 2015


Headline: Fighters in Yemen Allegedly Break Pledge to Zawahiri, Give Allegiance to Baghdadi

Headline: Rebels seize US vehicles after Yemen embassy closes

Headline: Thousands Protest Against Houthi Rule in Yemen

Headline:  AQAP Claims Suicide Bombing in al-Bayda’, Capturing Yemeni Soldiers and Other Operations

Armed rebels in Yemen’s capital of Sanaa seized U.S. embassy vehicles Wednesday after diplomats fled the country over growing unrest. Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren confirmed that the vehicles were taken by Houthi rebels after embassy personnel and U.S. Marines guarding the embassy evacuated. Warren said the Marines turned over their small arms to government officials before boarding a commercial flight from Sanaa. Marines “destroyed the larger weapons” before leaving Yemen Tuesday, Warren said. Members of the embassy staff told Reuters that more than 20 vehicles were taken by the rebels after the Americans left Sanaa’s airport. Late Tuesday, the State Department announced that the U.S. Embassy in Yemen had been closed and evacuated after much of the country was taken over by Shiite rebels last month. Hours later, Britain and France followed suit and ordered their citizens to leave Yemen as soon as possible.
Feb. 11, 2015









CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & Daniel 2:41-43Decline of the Euro “ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline:  Greece says “no way back” in bid to rewrite bailout deal

Headline: Greek PM easily wins confidence vote, EU showdown looms

Headline: Russia repeats offer of Greek aid ahead of EU talks

Alexis Tsipras said late Tuesday that Greece is seeking a new deal with its bailout creditors that would not condemn Greeks battered by five bitter years of income cuts, tax hikes and record job losses “to a lifetime of misery.” Tsipras spoke just before a vote of confidence, which his two week-old government easily won by 162-137 votes. Tsipras’ radical left Syriza party was backed by lawmakers from its unlikely coalition partner — a small populist right-wing party that says Greece could turn to Russia, the U.S. or China for help if talks with creditors fail.Greece’s new prime minister struck a defiant tone on the eve of high-stakes negotiations with skeptical European creditors, saying there is “no way back” for his radical left-led government in its quest to rewrite the barely solvent country’s bailout commitments. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras comfortably won a confidence vote on his plan to cancel a deeply unpopular bailout program and challenge European leaders as both sides prepare for a showdown at meetings in Brussels this week. In a rousing speech to parliament, Tsipras hailed the decisive role “little Greece” was playing in reshaping Europe and promised Athens would not cave in to demands it extend its international bailout “no matter how much” German Finance Minister Wolfang Schaeuble asked for it.
Feb. 11, 2015




bye CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:  CNBC Anchors Stunned: ‘There is No Economic Recovery’

Investor Steve Ricchiuto stunned CNBC hosts when he launched into a breathless rant about how there is no real economic recovery and that the Federal Reserve’s forecasts are pie in the sky. Ricchiuto, Managing Director of Mizuho Securities USA, left anchors Simon Hobbs and Sara Eisen scrambling for words as he reeled off a barrage of factors as to why there is no acceleration in economic activity. The highlights;

“There is no acceleration in underlying economic activity.” “There’s this wrong concept that I keep on hearing about in the financial press about the acceleration in economic growth… It isn’t happening!” “We had a horrible retail sales number, we had a horrible durable goods number, we’re likely to have a very disappointing retail sales number coming forward, this month we have a strong payroll number we say everything’s great – it’s not great….it’s been the same thing for the last five years, there’s no improvement in the economy!” “After a string of dismal data on durable goods, retail spending, and inventories, we get a good jobs number and everyone saying the economy’s good – it’s not good!” “And we can keep on going,” Ricchiuto responded when Hobbs interrupted him. According to Zero Hedge, the clip was also edited to remove host Eisen’s glib response to Ricchiuto’s sobering reality check on the real economic figures.
Feb. 11, 2015



Revelation 6:6-  With the bees dying off, you will see a decrease in produce and an INCREASE in food prices!

Feb. 6, 2015- 50 bee hives destroyed in Monteria, Colombia


WarsAndRumorsOfWarsCooltextprophecysign Wars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Prophecy Sign: Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline: N. Korea warns South of ‘most miserable end’

North Korea stepped up its rhetoric against the South Wednesday, warning that its neighbour would face a “most miserable end” if it joined the US in “a war of aggression” against Pyongyang. The threat follows a series of North Korean missile tests, reflecting escalating military tensions on the divided peninsula ahead of large-scale US-South Korea military drills next month. “The South Korean authorities will not be able to escape the most miserable end if they persistently join the US moves for a war of aggression,” the North’s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea said in a statement published through state media. “If the South Korean warmongers offer cannon fodder for a US war of aggression against the DPRK (North Korea), South Korea will also be the target of our retaliatory strikes,” it said. The North also has access to “precision and diversified nuclear strike means” designed to target the US in the event of a war, the statement claimed. On Sunday the North test-fired five short-range missiles into the sea, the day after it had trumpeted the test of a new “ultra-precision” anti-ship cruise missile under the watchful eye of leader Kim Jong-Un.
Feb. 11, 2015


Headline: China threatens to arm Hawaii separatists who want kingdom

China has suggested arming Hawaii’s independence activists in retaliation for U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and recently threatened to challenge American sovereignty by making legal claims to the Pacific islands as its territory. Chinese threats to back several groups of Hawaiian independence activists who want to restore the islands’ constitutional monarchy, ousted in a U.S.-backed coup more than a century ago, have raised concerns that military facilities on the strategic central Pacific archipelago are threatened at a time when the Obama administration is engaged in a major shift toward Asia as part of its military and diplomatic rebalance. Michael Pillsbury, a Pentagon consultant and author of the book “The Hundred-Year Marathon,” said Chinese military hawks, known as “ying pai,” told him they are ready to provide arms to Hawaiian independence activists in retaliation for U.S. arms sales to Taiwan. “Beijing’s extraordinary sensitivity to American arms sales to Taiwan — even one bullet or a spare tire for a jeep — often provokes angry words,” said Mr. Pillsbury, who has held talks with 35 Chinese generals in recent years. Another indicator of Chinese interest in fomenting unrest in Hawaii surfaced in 2012 when Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton revealed that Beijing threatened to assert legal, territorial claims over Hawaii.
Feb. 11, 2015






CooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline:  Filipino nurse from Saudi Arabia tests positive for MERS virus

A Filipino nurse, who arrived last week from Saudi Arabia, has tested positive for the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), the first case of the deadly virus in the Philippines, the health ministry said. The World Health Organization is worried about the spread of MERS, a respiratory disease known to have infected at least 965 people, of whom some 357 have died, overwhelmingly in Saudi Arabia. First reported in 2012 in Saudi Arabia, about 30 percent of people confirmed to have caught the viral respiratory illness MERS-CoV have died. Nine countries in the Middle East have had confirmed cases while 13 other states, now including the Philippines, have had travel-associated cases, or cases that they have diagnosed but which originated overseas.
Feb. 11, 2015


Headline: West Africa sees spike in Ebola cases as decline stalls: WHO

West Africa recorded 144 new confirmed cases of Ebola in the week to Feb. 8, the second weekly increase in a row highlighting lingering challenges to end the outbreak, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday. Guinea reported 65 new cases, Sierra leone reported 76 new confirmed cases and Liberia reported three new cases, the WHO said in its latest update. “Despite improvements in case finding and management, burial practices, and community engagement, the decline in case incidence has stalled,” it said.
Feb. 11, 2015









February 7, 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in Bhogavati river in India


February 7, 2015 – 70 Monkeys found dead throughout Kheragarh in India


February 7, 2015 – Large die off of fish in a river in Fuzhou, China


February 7, 2015 – Masses of dead fish wash ashore along beaches in Buenos Aires, Argentina


February 8, 2015 –Parasite Linked to Mass Deaths of Pacific Coast Band-Tailed Pigeons in Santa Barbara County


February 9, 2015 – 7,000+ Birds killed due to avian flu in Hunan, China


February 10, 2015 –1,000’s of starfish wash ashore on South Carolina island


February 10, 2015 – Hundreds of cattle have died due to industrial pollution in Cosoleacaque, Mexico


February 10, 2015 – From January 80 turtles found dead on beaches Adriatic Italy


February 10, 2015 – Canada reports H5N1 bird flu virus in British Columbia


February 11, 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish and birds found in a lagoon in General Baldissera, Argentina


Luke 21-25 signs in heavenCooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

IMG_0682 (2)


It is, arguably, the second biggest thing in the solar system. A filament of magnetism almost 1,000,000 km long is stretching across the face of the sun. Only the sun itself is bigger. This is a solar filament, a tendril of plasma held suspended above the surface of the sun by magnetic forces. Filaments appear on the sun all the time, but this one is unusually large, 5 to 10 times longer than ordinary filaments. If it becomes unstable and erupts, it could hurl parts of itself into space. Pieces of the filament falling back to the solar surface would explode upon impact, sparking a Hyder flare.
Feb. 11, 2015


Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes


Feb. 10, 2015- Teaching the Book of Revelation with Frank DiMora Part 34 Revelation chapter 16

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 12, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

I just finished part 34 for my teaching on the Book of Revelation.

February 9, 2015- All You Need to Know about Africa & ISIS Plans/Updated Prophecy Book



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 12, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Headline: Don’t Mention God on the Temple Mount

Rabbi and Professor Yoel Elitzur caused a massive disruption on the Temple Mount (Har HaBayit) on Thursday resulting in his being removed from the Jewish holy site by police. Rabbi Elitzur of Ofra ascends to the Temple Mount every month. On Thursday, when the Rabbi ascended, he was harassed by members of the radical Islamic group Marabtat, who get paid to harass and intimidate Jews visiting the Jewish holy site. After one Muslim extremist approached Rabbi Elitzur and cursed him with the traditional Islamic phrase “Allahu achbar”, the good rabbi responded with, “Hashem Hu HaElohim”, which in English means, “The Lord, He is God”. Police detained the Rabbi and expelled him from the Temple Mount for disturbing the public order.
Feb. 6, 2015


Headline: Palestinian Authority to Ban Products From Six Israeli Companies

A senior Palestinian Authority (PA) official, Mahmoud al-Aloul, said on Monday that the PA is planning to ban products made by six Israeli companies. According to the Palestinian news agency WAFA, products manufactured by Tnuva, Osem, Elite, Prigat, Jafora-Tabori, and the Strauss Group will be banned in markets in the West Bank starting on Feb. 11. Al-Aloul said that the decision to ban the products came in response to a “recent surge of Israeli violations,” including “the takeover of large tracts of Palestinian lands for settlement purposes and Israel’s illegal freeze of Palestinian tax revenues, collected on behalf of the PA.”
Feb. 9, 2015


Headline: Quartet Calls for ‘Speedy Resumption’ of Israel-PA Peace Talks

The Middle East Quartet powers on Sunday called for a “speedy resumption” of Israeli-Palestinian Authority (PA) peace talks, urging both sides to avoid any action that could undermine efforts to settle the conflict, AFP reported. The Quartet is made up of the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia, and has been unsuccessfully trying for several years to force the sides to resume peace negotiations. Talks between Israel and the PA collapsed in April despite the efforts of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to broker a deal. Kerry was able to force the sides into a six-month negotiation period, but the PA torpedoed those talks by requesting to join 15 international agencies in breach of the conditions of the negotiations. Since that time, the PA has increased its diplomatic efforts against Israel, trying – and failing – to pass a resolution at the UN Security Council setting a 12-month deadline for Israel to reach a final peace deal and calling for a full Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria by the end of 2017. When the UN move failed, the PA followed by applying to join the International Criminal Court (ICC) and threatening to file complaints of war crimes against Israel. The ICC has since opened a preliminary probe into possible war crimes committed by Israel against Palestinians. On Sunday, Kerry met his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, European Union foreign affairs head Federica Mogherini and UN Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference to review the situation in the region. “The Quartet underlined the importance of the parties resuming negotiations as soon as possible with a view to reaching a just, lasting and comprehensive peace,” a statement quoted by AFP said. The Quartet also “recalled the importance of the Arab Peace Initiative — with its vision for a comprehensive settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict — and the vital role of Arab partners,” it said.
Feb. 9, 2015


Headline: Israel and Egypt forewarned of synchronized ISIS-Sinai assaults in both countries

Headline: IS-Linked Group Solicits for Donations for “Sinai Province”

Intelligence gathered by Egypt and Israel attest to the former Ansar Bait al-Maqdis – now reborn as the Islamic State’s operational arm in Sinai – being well into advanced preparations for a large-scale terrorist offensive targeting Israel forces manning the Egyptian frontier, along with a string of Egyptian targets across Sinai up to and including the Suez Canal and Cairo. According to debkafile’s counter-terrorism sources, the Islamist group was so elated by the outcome of its multiple attacks on Jan. 29, which left at least 40 Egyptian soldiers dead and more than 100 injured in Sinai and Suez towns, that it is determined to keep going. Using different types of rockets, including Grads, as well as mortars and car bombs, terrorist squads then broke into military bases in four cities in Sinai and two on the Suez Canal and set them on fire. Others killed all the personnel aboard military and police convoys before putting them to the torch. The ISIS Sinai arm is planning to target Israeli forces with a similar type of multiple offensive. Appropriate precautions for fending off this attack are in place. Cairo banned Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, as a terrorist organization in the wake of the support the Palestinian extremists extended to ISIS for this wholesale assault, supplying the terrorists with rockets and intelligence. In addition to Hamas, DEBKA’s sources report that Ansar Bait al-Maqdis has entered into operational collaboration with a newly-established Egyptian Islamist group, which calls itself “Agnad Misr” – Soldiers of Egypt. This group first broke surface on Jan. 24 with a communiqué bearing the motto “Retribution is Life.”  It turns out to be made up of Salafi extremists mixed with former members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, one of the forerunners of the original Al Qaeda. Its terror agenda focuses on Cairo and its environs.
Feb. 9, 2015



Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)




Headline: Jordan launches more air strikes after Islamic State burns pilot to death

Headline:   Syria says it doesn’t need Jordan’s help fighting ISIS

Headline:   Bahrain ready to back Jordan fight against IS

Jordan has launched 56 air strikes against weapons depots of the Islamic State group, as well as training centres and military barracks since militants released a video of them burning a Jordanian pilot to death, Jordan’s air force chief said Sunday. Meanwhile, a squadron of F-16 fighter jets from the United Arab Emirates arrived in Jordan. The UAE has said it is sending the warplane to support the kingdom and a Jordanian government official has said they will participate in air strikes on Islamic State targets. Jordanian officials vowed to harshly retaliate for the slaying of the pilot, Lieutenant Muath al-Kaseasbeh. Since Thursday, the Jordanian air force has attacked and destroyed 56 Islamic State targets, the air force chief, General Mansour al-Jabour, told reporters. “We achieved what we were looking for: revenge for Muath,” the General said. “And this is not the end. This is the beginning.” Meanwhile, Syria’s foreign minister on Monday criticized neighboring Jordan, which recently stepped up air strikes against Islamic State targets in Syria, and said his country does not need outside help in battling IS militants. Walid al-Moallem also told reporters that Damascus will not accept Jordanian or other foreign ground troops crossing into Syria to fight the Islamic State group.
Feb. 9, 2015





Headline:   Report: U.S. Mulling Israeli Invitation to Terror Conference after Lebanon’s Boycott

Headline:   Obama Administration Sends Massive Weapons Shipment to Lebanon- VIDEO

The United States is reportedly reconsidering a decision to invite Israel to a conference expected to be held in Washington next week after Lebanon decided to boycott it over claims that it cannot take part in a meeting to confront terrorism with the Jewish state’s participation. According to As Safir newspaper published on Monday, Lebanon’s decision created a fuss among European countries that began wondering about the matter, which caused Washington to hesitate in its invitation. Sources told the daily that the Iraqi foreign ministry is also mulling its decision whether to take part in the conference or not amid Lebanon’s steady stance. The sources pointed out that “it’s no longer a secret that Israel directly or indirectly supports extremist groups such as (al-Qaida-affiliate) al-Nusra Front in Syria’s Quneitra.” On Saturday, media reports said that Washington received an official apology from Lebanon on its participation in the “White House conference on efforts to counter violent extremism,” as Beirut argued it cannot be a “partner with Israel in confronting terrorism.” More than 60 countries, including 14 Arab nations and Israel, are expected to take part in the summit slated on February 18 at the White House and presided by U.S. President Barack Obama.
Feb. 9, 2015



   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:    Syrian Regime’s Airstrikes Kill 15 Near Damascus

At least 15 people were killed and dozens wounded on Monday in government airstrikes on an area outside Syrian capital Damascus, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said. There were no immediate details on the breakdown of those killed in the strikes, which are the latest to hit the town of Douma in the rebel stronghold of Eastern Ghouta. The opposition bastion, east of Damascus, was still reeling from a massive government aerial assault on Thursday that came after rebels fired more than 120 rockets and mortar rounds into the capital. The rebel barrage killed ten people in Damascus, including a child, while the government airstrikes and surface-to-surface missiles fired at Eastern Ghouta killed at least 82 people, among them 18 children.
Feb. 9, 2015


Syria Headline:    ISIS pulls some forces and hardware from Aleppo

ISIS has withdrawn some of its insurgents and equipment from areas northeast of the Syrian city of Aleppo, rebels and residents say, adding to signs of strain in the Syrian provinces of its self-declared caliphate. The group, which has recently lost ground to Kurdish and Syrian government forces elsewhere in Syria, has pulled fighters and hardware from several villages in areas northeast of Aleppo, they said. But it has not fully withdrawn from area. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which tracks the war using a network of sources on the ground, said ISIS had redeployed forces from Aleppo province to join battles further east with Kurdish forces and mainstream rebel groups. ISIS appeared to be preparing for a fuller pullback, saying they had even dismantled a bakery in the town of al-Bab, some 40 km (25 miles) northeast of Aleppo. “They are still there, but they have pulled out the foreign fighters, the heavy equipment, changed their positions,” the rebel commander said in a phone interview, declining to be identified because it would endanger his contacts in the area. Four other rebels gave a similar description of the movements by ISIS, which swept across northern Syria last year buoyed by its lightening advances in Iraq. The Observatory said ISIS had sent fighters from Aleppo to reinforce front lines with Kurdish forces and allied Syrian opposition groups that had seized the initiative of the Kobani defeat to launch new attacks on the group. “The front has expanded,” said Rami Abdulrahman, who runs the Observatory, adding that the jihadi group still had control over a wide expanse of Aleppo province.
Feb. 9, 2015


Syria Headline:    Control of Terrain in Syria: Feb. 9, 2015

Syria Control Map Feb_9_hi


Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline: Two bombs in Baghdad kill 15 civilians: sources

At least 15 people were killed in two bombings in and around Baghdad on Monday, police and medical sources said, the latest in a string of deadly attacks to hit the Iraqi capital in the last two weeks. A suicide bombing at a security checkpoint in the Shi’ite neighborhood of Kadhimiya killed 13 civilians and wounded more than 30 others, the sources said. The neighborhood is home to one of the holiest shrines in Shi’ite Islam and is the regular target of such attacks. Two people were later killed when a bomb went off on a main street in a northern suburb, police and medical sources said. No person or group immediately claimed responsibility for the bombings. Islamic State, an al Qaeda offshoot that seized large parts of northern and western Iraq last year, regularly targets Shi’ite neighborhoods in the capital. At least 37 people were killed in a wave of bombings on Saturday.
Feb. 9, 2015


Iraq Headline: Baghdad’s major anti-IS ground offensive looms

A top US envoy said Iraqi troops would launch a major ground offensive against the Islamic State group in the coming weeks, as a suicide bomber killed 14 people in Baghdad Monday. John Allen, the US coordinator for the anti-IS coalition of Western and Arab countries, said Sunday Iraqi troops would begin a major offensive “in the weeks ahead.”
“When the Iraqi forces begin the ground campaign to take back Iraq, the coalition will provide major firepower associated with that,” he told Jordan’s official Petra news agency.
On Monday, a suicide bomber attacked Baghdad’s Shiite-majority Kadhimiyah district, killing at least 14 people and wounding at least 43, officials said. The bomber struck near pavement vendors in crowded Aden Square in the second suicide bombing to hit the city in three days. On Saturday, an attack inside a restaurant in the Baghdad Jadida area killed at least 23 people. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said on Monday foreign troops would not be allowed on the ground in Syria to battle IS, also telling journalists Amman had not responded to a Damascus request to coordinate efforts against the jihadis.
Feb. 9, 2015


Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Feb. 7-8, 2015


Kurdish Headline:  Kurds Recapture Ground from ISIS North of Mosul

Kurdish forces backed up by US-led airstrikes have recaptured territory from Islamic State terrorists near the strategic city of Mosul in northern Iraq, the American military said Monday. The advance is the latest push by Kurdish forces around Mosul, considered a crucial battleground for an eventual major counteroffensive against the ISIS by Iraqi government troops and the Kurds. “Security forces from the Kurdish region seized three bridgeheads on the west bank of the Tigris River, north of Mosul in formerly held Daesh (ISIS) areas,” the United States military command overseeing the air war said in a statement. It said the assault was backed up by four “precise and effective” air raids by the US-led coalition between Friday and Sunday. Coalition military advisers also provided “intelligence assistance” to the Kurdish fighters, the command added. “Kurdish peshmerga forces now hold the gains they have made and are postured to retake additional territory from Daesh in the vicinity of Mosul.”
Feb. 9, 2015


rise of ISIS

Headline:   IS hostage John Cantlie appears in new video from Syria’s Aleppo

The Islamic State (IS) group on Monday circulated a video featuring John Cantlie, their British journalist hostage, touring the Syrian city of Aleppo and interviewing IS fighters. Cantlie said the video is the “last in the series”, without explaining the implications for his personal situation. He was captured by IS in Syria on 22 November 2012 and has appeared in a number of videos used by the group to promote their strength and criticise the West. In Monday’s 12-minute documentary-style video, Cantlie visited an Aleppo market he said was the scene of a bombing attack that had involved collusion between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s troops with the US-led anti-IS coalition. “All this (the attack) follows a drone, which we saw five minutes ago, and then Assad’s air force comes in and drops bombs on the market,” he said. “As far as I know the Syrian air force does not have drones – it must have been an American drone. It was definitely Assad’s bomb dropping here on the market.” “Someone is working with someone around here to drop bombs. The people are absolutely terrified from bombs being dropped by Assad’s aircraft but with American drones flying overhead.” Despite overtures from Assad to join the US-led coalition against IS, he has been repeatedly rejected by the Americans who remain publicly opposed to the Syrian president’s continued rule. Cantlie moved on from the Aleppo market to show shots of IS fighters fishing in the Euphrates river and laughing over a cup of tea in a café. He interviewed an IS fighter who spoke with a distinct Saudi accent. Saudi Arabia is reported to have the highest number of citizens fighting with IS, estimated to number 7,000 according to a report by US security affairs website the Daily Paul.
Feb. 9, 2015


Psalm 83Ezekiel

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Obama confirms arming Ukraine on the table if diplomacy with Russia fails

Headline:   Explosion, fire rock eastern Ukraine chemical plant

Headline:   1,500 Russian troops, military equipment enter Ukraine

President Obama confirmed Monday that his administration is weighing the possibility of sending arms to Ukraine to help the country beat back Russian-backed separatists, if diplomacy fails. The comments came during a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, following a meeting between the two leaders at the White House. Merkel and French President Francois Hollande have been pushing a peace plan and have planned a summit later this week with the leaders of both Russia and Ukraine. Obama appears to be giving those talks space to play out, stressing Monday that, “We continue to encourage a diplomatic resolution to this issue.” But, confirming what officials previously had indicated to be the case, Obama said lethal military aid is on the table. “It is true that if in fact diplomacy fails, what I’ve asked my team to do is look at all options,” Obama said. “The possibility of lethal defensive weapons is one of those options that’s being examined.”
Feb. 9, 2015





Iran is going to be one of the key players in the Ezekiel 38 war against the tiny nation of Israel.  Since President Obama took office I have been warning you that Obama will not stop Iran from their quest in getting a nuclear bomb which Iran would love to try to use against Israel.  For the past 6 years I have repeated my warning to watch for Obama to keep giving Iran more time as he continues to break the dead line for Iran to comply in halting the nuclear program or else. As you will see from the report that just came out via NBC News once again Obama has done exactly what I warned you!  The big question for one to ask is this.  What is Israel going to do as she sees the U.S. is not going to actually going to do anything to stop Iran from getting that nuke?  Maybe I can not tell you exactly how things will be played out between Iran and Israel but this I can tell you for sure. These nations are going to war against each other just as stated in the Ezekiel prophecy and the events you are now witnessing are events leading up to that war!

Below are some of my previous warning to you on this issue.


Headline: Iran: Extending Nuclear Talks Isn’t in Anyone’s Interest – NBC News.com

Headline: Obama says extending deadline for Iran nuclear deal not useful

Headline: Criticizing Netanyahu, Obama says ‘united’ world presenting Iran with nuclear deal

Iran’s foreign minister said Sunday that extending a nuclear-talks deadline is not in anyone’s interest, but failing to reach a deal with world powers wouldn’t be “the end of the world.” The U.S. and its allies have been working to strike a historic deal with Iran over its nuclear program and extended a self-imposed deadline to July after negotiators failed to clinch an agreement in November. (WATCH VIDEO AT THE 1st LINK BELOW):
Feb. 8, 2015








Headline:   Senior Afghan militant with Islamic State links killed in drone strike

Headline:   Afghan, Pakistani, Chinese Officials Meet for Security Talks in Kabul

Headline:   Militants blow up girls school, health clinic in Kunar

A missile-firing drone has killed six people in Afghanistan, including a veteran Taliban militant now believed to be the leader of Islamic State (IS) in the country’s south-west, Afghan officials have said. The senior militant, former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mullah Abdul Rauf, was killed in the violence-plagued southern province of Helmand, officials there said. Police chief Nabi Jan Mullahkhel said Rauf was travelling in a car when the drone attacked. The other casualties included his brother-in-law and four Pakistanis, Mr Mullahkhel said. The United States operates drones over Afghanistan and neighbouring Pakistan. US-led forces in Afghanistan did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Rauf had been influential in Afghanistan’s jihadi movement for well over a decade, defecting to Islamic State from the Taliban. Media reports last month said he had begun recruiting for IS as part of a push by the movement to gain traction beyond its stronghold in Iraq and Syria. Afghanistan’s main intelligence agency, the National Directorate of Security (NDS), said in a statement Rauf was in charge of IS in south-western Afghanistan and he was killed just after midday in “a successful military operation”.
Feb. 9, 2015





Headline:  Ethiopia to deploy more troops in Somalia, South Sudan

Ethiopia on Thursday announced it will send more peacekeepers to Somalia, South Sudan and to Abyei, a disputed region claimed by both Sudan and South Sudan. According to the Ethiopian International Peace-keeping Training Centre, the Horn of Africa nation will deploy 600 additional peace keepers in the stated countries next month. “Since the peacekeeping force has finalised its preparations, it will be deployed in March following the supervision of UN and the AU,” Centre head Major General Hassan Ibrahim told the state-run Ethiopia Broadcasting Corporation (EBC). The new deployment of the Ethiopian troops to the countries, the military official said was per the request made by the respective countries. Ibrahim said the peacekeepers will be deployed around Kismayo in Somalia and three helicopter gunships would be sent to South Sudan.
Feb. 6, 2015






Headline:   Three Sudanese aid workers killed: government official

Three Sudanese aid workers with the Sudanese Red Crescent were killed in the war-torn Blue Nile state on Sunday, an official at a government humanitarian body said. “Three … Sudanese Red Crescent Society aid workers were killed in Blue Nile state … while returning from the town of Kurmuk after finishing a task related to the distribution of humanitarian aid in the region,” Ahmed Mohamed Adam, head of the Humanitarian Affairs Commission, said in a statement. He did not say how they were killed but alluded to armed movements in the region in an apparent reference to the rebels there. “The commission condemns targeting the aid workers and calls on the armed movements to respect international humanitarian law and the principle of the protection of aid workers,” Adam added.
Feb. 8, 2015





Headline:  Libyan factions to resume talks on Tuesday; Benghazi death toll hits 700

Headline:  EU threatens sanctions against ‘spoilers’ of Libyan peace talks

Headline:  Heavy fighting hits Benghazi in renewed Libya offensive

Libya’s warring factions will resume U.N.-sponsored talks on Tuesday inside the country to try to resolve a struggle between two governments and parliaments, officials from both sides said on Saturday. The news came as new clashes between pro-government forces and Islamists in the eastern Benghazi city killed seven soldiers, bringing the death toll of four months of fighting there to almost 700, medics said. Meanwhile, Troops loyal to Libya’s internationally backed government launched a new offensive to seize the extremist-held city of Benghazi, as witnesses saw corpses on the streets Sunday and ambulances racing by. Information over what was happening in Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city, remained unclear, though a medical official at Al-Jalaa hospital, one of only two working hospitals in the city, said at least 10 people had been killed since Friday.
Feb. 9, 2015






Headline:  Tunisia arrests 32 suspected of plotting attacks

Tunisian authorities have arrested 32 extremists and thwarted an ambitious plot to attack civilian and military sites around the country, including the Interior Ministry. The spokesman for the Interior Ministry, Mohammad Ali Aroui, said some of those arrested over several days had traveled to battlefronts abroad, notably Syria. The announcement late Saturday came just as Tunisia’s new government is taking power after a long transition to democracy prompted by the Arab Spring uprisings. A major task for the new leadership will be fighting extremism that has flourished since protesters overthrew authoritarian rule. Aroui said the hunt for other suspects was still underway with plans to comb Kasserine, near Mount Chaambi, near the Algerian border where Muslim radicals are holed up resisting Tunisian soldiers. The towns of Kef and Jendouba, in the northwest, are also being searched.
Feb. 9, 2015



Headline:   Algeria puts conditions for security, military agreements with Tunisia

Algeria put three conditions for signing a long-term security and military agreement with Tunisia, Algerian newspaper El-Khabar reported yesterday. The main condition is that Tunisia must not sign a military deal with a third country without discussing the issue with Algeria. According to the sources, the second condition is that Tunisia must attain a consensus over any security and military agreement between the two countries. While the third condition dictates that Tunisia not drag its army into any foreign war. According to Al-Sharq Portal, military cooperation between the two countries widened in the last two years Al-Sharq said that Algeria is afraid that Western countries might join security and military agreements with Tunisia.
Feb. 9, 2015


nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)


If you look at this map of Africa you can see that many of the countries are listed in the Ezekiel Wars: Ethiopia, Sudan, Libya, Egypt (Psalm 83), Algeria, and Morocco (you can news on these countries above). Now compare the ISIS plan for their caliphate to the countries in Africa- even though they are not listed in prophecy- and SEE what is happening in those countries, as Christ warned us multiple times that Nation will Rise Against Nation. It seems those who say ‘we are winning the battle’ against ISIS do not count the many countries in which they have fighters waiting for the country to destabilize. Remember: ISIS by any other name (Boko Haram, Libya Dawn, al-Shabab, Ansar Bait al-Maqdis, etc.) is STILL ISIS- Islam working toward a global caliphate

FotoFlexer_Photo 2

As for this map- they begin at the top of Africa (Maghreb, The Land of Alkinana) and extend South ending at taking Cameroon, CAR, Uganda, Kenya and Somalia (going west to east- The Land of Habsha); Here is a list of the countries (those with an asterisk are part of the Ezekiel Prophecy).  As you can see below, I’ve also included the latest news stories on these various countries

African countries

Headline: Boko Haram launches first attack in Niger

Headline: Boko Haram attack 3 Cameroon towns, 30 abducted

Headline: Bomb explodes in Niger town after Boko Haram attack

Headline: Boko Haram Releases Video on Implementing Shariah Law on Muslims in Nigeria

Headline: Boko Haram Calls Parts Of Nigeria “The Islamic State”

The Nigerian Islamist militant group Boko Haram has attacked a town in Niger for the first time, witnesses say. Niger’s government said it killed more than 100 of the group’s fighters as it repulsed the attack on the border town of Bosso. The group reportedly killed at least 70 people in an attack on the town of Fotokol in Cameroon on Wednesday. Boko Haram militants reportedly attacked Bosso early in the morning with heavy weapons, causing residents to flee or hide indoors. One resident told AFP news agency: “We can hear the sound of weapons all around the town, often very near our windows. “There is the noise of heavy weapons and of light arms, making our houses shake.” Niger later said it had successfully pushed back the militants, killing 109. The country’s defence minister, Mahamadou Karidjo, said four soldiers and a civilian were also killed. Bosso lies just across the border from Nigeria’s Borno state, one of the areas worst affected by Islamist violence. Meanwhile, Residents say suspected Boko Haram fighters have kidnapped more than 30 people in northern Cameroon after attacking several towns. Bouba Kaina, resident of where the first attacked took place, confirmed to The Associated Press on Monday that a bus was seized by the insurgents with 20 people aboard. The bus was then driven toward the border with Nigeria, about 11 miles away. Early Monday another group of fighters attacked the town of Kolofata, looting food and livestock.
Feb. 9, 2015






Headline: On Saturday, The Governments Of Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Nigeria And Benin Agreed To Establish An 8,700 Strong Multi-National Force To Tackle The Insurgency

Suspected Boko Haram militants attacked a prison in neighbouring Niger late Sunday ahead of a vote by the country’s parliament on whether to send troops into Nigeria to fight the sect. The attack happened hours before Niger’s parliament was due to vote on joining a regional offensive against the militants. On Monday, hours after the attack, a bomb exploded in Niger’s bordertown of Diffa, a military and a local source told Reuters news agency. Meanwhile, troops from Chad are already carrying out operations inside Nigerian territory. Residents and military sources said heavy gunfire rang out as Niger’s army repelled the attack. They said this was Boko Haram’s third assault on the border town of Diffa in four days. Residents said even though many had fled, the authorities ordered locals to stay in their homes and mounted roadblocks around the town by late morning. A military officer said on the condition of anonymity that with the attack, “It is now evident that Boko Haram has its cells, its sleeping networks in the town and the region of Diffa.” He said investigation was on going as it was not immediately clear how many people were killed or wounded, or whether any of the prisoners were freed. A member of the National Guard, which runs prison security, said more than 100 suspected Boko Haram militants were held in Niger, but none of them in Diffa. On Saturday, the governments of Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Nigeria and Benin agreed to establish an 8,700 strong multi-national force to tackle the insurgency.
Feb. 9, 2015


Headline: Thousands protest Burkina Faso’s presidential guard

Thousands of people on Saturday protested in Burkina Faso calling for the dissolution of the feared presidential guard, a powerful unit within the military. The military’s meddling in politics has exposed divisions within the ranks of transitional authorities due to guide Burkina Faso to elections later this year after former president Blaise Compaoré was forced to step down amid mass protests in October. After several days of crisis talks, the presidential guard, known locally as the RSP, on Friday pledged not to interfere in the transition. Still, protesters on Saturday gathered in the capital, Ouagadougou, demanding that the unit be scrapped. “We demand right now and without any conditions the dissolution of the RSP,” said Guy Herve Kam, a spokesman for the civil society groups that organised the march. Some in the crowds held banners reading, “Threat to the republic” and “No to an army within the army. No to intimidation and threats”. During last year’s protests, which left at least 24 people dead and more than 600 injured, Amnesty International accused the elite corps of “excessive and lethal” use of force.
Feb. 9, 2015


Headline: U.N. wants 1,030 more peacekeepers for Central African Republic (CAR)

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has asked the U.N. Security Council for 1,030 more peacekeepers for Central African Republic after the mission was left overstretched when infrastructure and senior officials needed to be protected in the capital, Bangui. Ban wants an additional 750 troops and 280 police, which would take the mandated strength of the peacekeeping operation to nearly 13,000 uniformed personnel. The 15-member Security Council is due to renew the mandate of the mission in April. A largely Christian “anti-balaka” militia took up arms in 2013 in response to months of looting and killing by Muslim Seleka rebels who had toppled President Francois Bozize and seized power in March of that year. “The security situation remains volatile and clashes between anti-Balaka and ex-Seleka elements continue, while criminal activities aimed at, among other things, controlling the country’s natural resources are increasing,” Ban said in a letter to the Security Council.
Feb. 5, 2015


Headline: UN envoy warns of fragile situation in Guinea Bissau

Guinea Bissau still needs the support of the international community despite the ongoing efforts by the new authorities, the UN Secretary General’s envoy acknowledged, while speaking at the UN Security Council session. The restoration of constitutional order which is quite positive has still not tackled the root causes of the instability in Guinea Bissauâ, Miguel Trovoada said while commenting on the latest developments in the West African country. The social and political situation is characterized by uncertainties about the country’s futureâ, the head of the UN Office for the Consolidation of Peace in Guinea Bissau is quoted in a statement made available to APA on Monday as saying. The UN official has pointed out that over the security and defense sector reforms; the Bissau Guinean Defense Minister has already introduced new amendments about the law on the creation of a special retirement fund. According to Trovoada, the UN Secretary General has already recommended the reinforcement of the UN mission in the post-coup country while pointing out that the support provided by the international community could not last for good.
***The coup occurred in April 2012
Feb. 9, 2015


Headline: Kenya: Lawmaker Is Killed

A masked gunman shot and killed a Kenyan lawmaker and three other people early Saturday on a street in the capital, Nairobi, a senior police official said. The lawmaker, George Muchai, his two bodyguards and a driver were killed after they stopped to buy a newspaper, said the official, Chief Paul Wanjama of the Nairobi Central Police. The police said no suspects had been arrested yet in the killing of Mr. Muchai, who was a well-known trade unionist and a member of Kenya’s governing coalition.
Feb. 7, 2015


Headline: Security Council demands end to Mali violence, urges parties to reach peace deal

Demanding an immediate end to all hostilities in Mali, the United Nations Security Council today urged Malian parties to “engage with sustained political will and a spirit of compromise” and make the necessary concessions to engage in talks towards a comprehensive, inclusive peace deal that addresses the root causes of the years-long crisis in the country. The Government of Mali and the signatory and adherent armed groups of the Ouagadougou Preliminary Agreement must resume without delay the inter-Malian negotiation process in Algiers, the 15-member body urged in a Presidential Statement approved this morning. “The parties have a responsibility to the Malian people and the international community to reach a durable peace agreement,” the Security Council stressed, calling on all actors who have influence on the Malian leaders to urge them “to negotiate seriously and in good faith.”
Feb. 6, 2015


Headline: Somali member of Parliament killed by Al-Shabab in Mogadishu

A member of Parliament in Somalia was killed in Mogadishu by al-Qaida-linked terrorist organization al-Shabab. Abdulahi Qayad Barre was shot and killed near the presidential palace as he left his home to go to parliament. Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the attack and said it would target more politicians. MPs were gathering to approve a new cabinet after rejecting the newly-elected prime minister’s candidates. Al-Shabab calls the politicians “despotic infidels.” At least five MPs were killed last year, but Barre seems to be the first assassinated in 2015. Somalia is to vote on a new constitution ahead of national elections in 2016. Recently, al-Shabab killed at least six people after detonating a car bomb outside of a hotel in Mogadishu.
Feb. 9, 2015


Headline: Ugandan Troops to Continue Protecting South Sudan Leader

The governments of Uganda and South Sudan signed an agreement extending Ugandan military presence in violence-prone South Sudan for four more months, a Ugandan military spokesman said Wednesday. A memorandum of understanding was signed on Tuesday in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, between the two countries’ ministers of defense, Maj. Henry Obbo said in a statement. The two countries decided it was necessary to renew their military pact because “the situation in South Sudan had not fully stabilized” despite a peace agreement signed on Monday in Ethiopia under the mediation of a regional bloc, the statement said. Ugandan troops have been fighting alongside troops loyal to South Sudanese President Salva Kiir to put down a rebellion led by former Vice President Machar. The Ugandan soldiers are based mostly in the capital, Juba, where they protect key sites such as the international airport. Their presence is opposed by rebel forces who say the Ugandans are an obstacle to peace and want them to leave the country.
Feb. 4, 2015



Headline: Hadi must be restored as Yemen president: UN chief

Headline: Two parties quit resumed Yemen crisis talks citing Houthi threats

Headline:  Risk of civil war hangs over Yemen crisis talks

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on Sunday for the restoration of Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s authority after Houthi militia seized power.
“The situation is very, very seriously deteriorating, with the Houthis taking power and making this government vacuum,” Ban said, referring to the Shiite militia which dissolved the Sanaa government and Parliament on Friday. “There must be restoration of legitimacy of President Hadi,” the UN chief told reporters after talks with Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman.
Feb. 9, 2015




Headline:  Bahraini forces attack supporters of Sheikh Salman

Bahraini regime forces have once again attacked the protesters who were out on the streets across the Persian Gulf state to demand the immediate release of senior Shia opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman. On Sunday, the demonstrators took to the streets in the capital Manama and Sitra Island to censure the detention of Sheikh Salman, the leader of the al-Wefaq National Islamic Society opposition party. However, the demonstrations turned violent after security forces fired tear gas to disperse the protesters. Similar clashes also erupted during another protest rally in Bilad al-Qadeem in the suburbs of Manama earlier in the day. Bahraini protesters have held numerous demonstrations in the country since Sheikh Salman was arrested on December 28, 2014, on charges of seeking regime change and collaborating with foreign powers. The Shia cleric has denied the accusations. His arrest has also triggered massive protests outside the monarchy, with leaders, governments and international organizations across the world calling for his immediate release.
Feb. 9, 2015


Headline: 1 killed during Kashmir protest marking separatist’s hanging

Anti-India demonstrators clashed with government forces in the disputed region of Kashmir on Monday, leaving one civilian dead and another critically wounded as the separatists protested the secret execution two years ago of a former Kashmiri rebel, police said. One of several protests staged across the Himalayan region turned violent, with government forces firing on the stone-throwing crowd, a police officer said on customary condition of anonymity. One of the protesters died at the scene in Palhalam village, north of the main city of Srinagar, while another was taken to a hospital in critical condition. Hundreds of police and paramilitary soldiers were patrolling the region during a strike called by anti-India separatists to mark the anniversary of the execution. Srinagar’s streets were nearly deserted as shops and offices closed. Authorities imposed a curfew in parts of Srinagar and detained at least 100 anti-India activists to prevent violent protests.
Feb. 9, 2015






CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & Daniel 2:41-43Decline of the Euro “ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline:  Greek exit from euro inevitable: Greenspan

Headline: Greece: Italy and Portugal next if we are forced out of eurozone

Greece will have to leave the eurozone sooner or later, the former head of the United States central bank Alan Greenspan said on Sunday. The comments come after a diplomatic blitz by Greece’s new anti-austerity government to try to renegotiate a new debt deal amid fears Greece could default on its loans. “It is a crisis and I don’t see it being resolved easily, in fact I don’t see it being resolved without Greece leaving the eurozone,” the former chairman of the US Federal Reserve told BBC radio. “I don’t see that it helps them to be in the euro and I certainly don’t see how it helps the rest of the eurozone. And I think it’s just a matter of time before everyone realises that parting is the best strategy.”
Feb. 8, 2015



Headline: Greece has ‘moral obligation’ to claim German WWII reparations: PM

Headline: Germany tells Greece there is ‘zero’ chance it is going to pay World War II reparations

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said Sunday the country had a “moral obligation” to claim reparations from Germany for the damages wrought by the Nazis during World War II. Greece had “a moral obligation to our people, to history, to all European peoples who fought and gave their blood against Nazism,” he said in a key address to parliament. Berlin has already sounded a firm “no” to requests for reparations nearly 70 years after the end of the war, but Tsipras and his radical left party have vowed to tackle the issue. “Our historical obligation is to claim the occupation loan and reparations,” the new PM said, referring to Germany’s four-year occupation of Greece and a war-time loan which the Third Reich forced the Greek central bank to give it which ruined the country financially. Tsipras’s anti-austerity Syriza party claims Germany owes it around 162 billion euros ($183 billion) — or around half the country’s public debt, which stands at over 315 billion euros. The issue risks aggravating already strained ties between Athens and Berlin, as Tsipras bids to reverse austerity measures imposed by its international creditors.
Feb. 8, 2015
***Sounds like Greece is taking a page from Russia – 2nd link




bye CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:   Moscow & Cairo to drop USD, use national currencies in bilateral trade – Putin

Russia and Egypt might soon exclude the US dollar and use their national currencies in the settlement of accounts in bilateral trade, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview to Egyptian media ahead of his Monday visit to the country. The issue of abandoning the dollar in trade is “being actively discussed,” Putin told Al-Ahram daily newspaper ahead of his two-day trip to Egypt. The Russian president was invited for a bilateral meeting by his Egyptian counterpart Abdul Fattah al-Sisi. “This measure will open up new prospects for trade and investment cooperation between our countries, reduce its dependence on the current trends in the world markets,” Putin said. “I should note that we already use national currencies for trade with a number of the CIS [Commonwealth of Independent States] states, and China. This practice proves its worth; we are ready to adopt it in our relations with Egypt as well. This issue is being discussed in substance by relevant agencies of both countries.” Egypt is a long-time and trusted partner of Russia and the relationship between the two countries has been rapidly developing, the Russian president said.
Feb. 9, 2015


Headline: Gold up on weak U.S. equities, dollar

Gold futures on the COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange rose on Monday as U.S. equities weakened and the dollar fell. The most active gold contract for April delivery rose 6.9 U.S. dollars, or 0.56 percent, to settle at 1,241.50 dollars per ounce. Gold rose as the dollar spot index, a measure of the dollar against a basket of major currencies, fell 0.25 percent to 94.4570 as U.S. equities weakened. Gold and the dollar typically move in opposite directions, as if the dollar goes up, gold, measured by the dollar, will become more expensive for investors, dragging down gold futures. Financial turmoil continues in Greece as Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said Greece could not continue to pay off its debt, and said he would ask for a bridge loan instead of an extension on the country’s troubled international bailout. This gave gold a boost as it lowered U.S. and European equities, sending investors to gold as a safe haven. Silver for March delivery rose 37.6 cents, or 2.25 percent, to close at 17.07 dollars per ounce. Platinum for April delivery dropped 1.2 dollars, or 0.10 percent, to close at 1,220.40 dollars per ounce.
Feb. 9, 2015



Headline:   Citi: Oil Could Plunge to $20, and This Might Be ‘the End of OPEC’

Headline:   Another fracking casualty: Qatar cancels petrochem project

Headline:   Oil Jobs Start Drying Up

The recent surge in oil prices is just a “head-fake,” and oil as cheap as $20 a barrel may soon be on the way, Citigroup said in a report on Monday as it lowered its forecast for crude. Despite global declines in spending that have driven up oil prices in recent weeks, oil production in the U.S. is still rising, wrote Edward Morse, Citigroup’s global head of commodity research. Brazil and Russia are pumping oil at record levels, and Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran have been fighting to maintain their market share by cutting prices to Asia. The market is oversupplied, and storage tanks are topping out. A pullback in production isn’t likely until the third quarter, Morse said. In the meantime, West Texas Intermediate Crude, which currently trades at around $52 a barrel, could fall to the $20 range “for a while,” according to the report. The U.S. shale-oil revolution has broken OPEC’s ability to manipulate prices and maximize profits for oil-producing countries. “It looks exceedingly unlikely for OPEC to return to its old way of doing business,” Morse wrote. “While many analysts have seen in past market crises ‘the end of OPEC,’ this time around might well be different,” Morse said.
Feb. 9, 2015








CooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline:  Another Ebola Outbreak ‘Inevitable’

Doctors and experts say another Ebola outbreak is “inevitable”, unless the international community unites around a long-term, common approach to combat the disease in the future and substantial investment is made into the health services of affected developing countries. Although reports of new cases of Ebola have been reduced to around 100 a week in the West African countries so ravaged by the disease that it was declared a health emergency last August, medical and aid organizations are clear that the Ebola crisis isn’t over yet. There were 9,936 reported cases of Ebola and 4,877 deaths caused by the virus in 2014 according to official figures released by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Feb. 6, 2015


Headline: Measles outbreak spreads to three more states and Washington DC; 121 people now affected

Headline: Germany battling a measles outbreak that is 10 times worse than the one in US

The measles outbreak spread to three more states and Washington D.C. last week, affecting 19 additional people, according to an update posted Monday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The highly contagious disease is now in 18 jurisdictions, with 121 people affected. The vast majority of the cases are part of the large outbreak that began in Southern California Disney theme parks in late December, the health agency said. The total is on pace to easily surpass the 644 cases in the United States in 2014, the greatest number since measles was declared eliminated in the United States in 2000. Last week, the CDC reported 102 cases in 14 states.
Feb. 9, 2015



apostacy CooltextprophecysignApostasy & Alternative Lifestyles Amos 8:11, 1 Timothy 4:1-3 & Romans1:26-27 “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.” (1 Timothy) “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God, “That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos) “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due”(Romans)

Headline: Alabama begins issuing marriage licenses to gay couples

Alabama began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples Monday, despite an 11th-hour attempt from the state’s chief justice — an outspoken opponent — to block the weddings. The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday morning that it wouldn’t stop the marriages from beginning in the state, and shortly after, Jefferson County probate judge Alan King issued several licenses. He did so despite Chief Justice Roy Moore’s Sunday night order to all probate judges, directing them to refuse to issue the licenses. By issuing licenses, King says he was abiding by the federal court order from January that determined Alabama’s statutory and constitutional bans on gay marriage were unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge Callie Granade had put her order on hold until Monday to let the state prepare for the change. The state attorney general has requested that the hold be extended, but the U.S. Supreme Court refused to do so.
Feb. 9, 2015


amos-8-11 Cooltextprophecysign Apostasy Amos 8:11 & 2 Peter2:1-3 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God, “That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos) “ But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.” (2 Peter)

Headline:   Hundreds of ‘Churches’ to Celebrate ‘Evolution Sunday’ as Others Celebrate ‘Creation Sunday’

Nearly 500 “churches” in the United States will commemorate Charles Darwin’s birthday this week with “Evolution Sunday,” but many other congregations plan to recognize the biblical Creator and celebrate “Creation Sunday” instead. February 12, Darwin’s birthday, is commemorated each year by atheists as International Darwin Day. However, many “churches” also plan to celebrate the birth of the notorious naturalist by following the advice of atheist Dr. Michael Zimmerman and hosting “Evolution Sunday” or “Evolution Weekend” events. “Evolution Weekend is an opportunity for serious discussion and reflection on the relationship between religion and science,” Zimmerman’s website says. “An ongoing goal has been to elevate the quality of the discussion on this critical topic, and to show that religion and science are not adversaries.” Since 2006, thousands of congregations that believe the Bible and evolution are compatible have observed Evolution Sunday and similar events. So far, nearly 500 congregations have pledged to recognize the event this year, with California, Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio being the states with the most participating “churches.”
Feb. 9, 2015


Luke 21-25 signs in heavenCooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline: Fire Volcano in Guatemala erupts, spewing rock and ash

A national disaster preparedness official in Guatemala says the Fire Volcano has exploded, spewing incandescent rock and ash that dusted surrounding communities. Spokesman David de Leon says authorities put the southern Guatemala area on alert, though no evacuations have been made so far. Karina Lopez, a resident of nearby Antigua, said Saturday that ash mixed with a drizzle to reduce visibility and that the rumblings continued. The National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction issued instructions urging people to take shelter, wear masks, cover water tanks and be aware of evacuation routes. Firefighters were standing by. The volcano sits on the border of the Guatemalan states of Escuintla, Sacatepequez and Chimaltenango. It has a height of 3,763 meters (12,346 feet) above sea level.
Feb. 7, 2015


Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes


February 6, 2015 Prophecy Signs- Global Debt Nears $200 TRILLION


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 12, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Headline: Thousands of Gazans Protest ‘Pro-Zionist’ Egypt

Thousands of Gazans demonstrated on Thursday night at the border between Gaza and Egypt, in protest against a decision by an Egyptian court  to define the Al-Qassam Brigades – the “military wing” of Hamas – as a terror organization. Palestine newspaper, the official mouthpiece of Hamas, says that protesters gathered near the Rafah crossing and waved Hamas flags, shouted slogans against the Egyptian court’s decision and demanded that Egypt open the border with Gaza. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said in a speech at the demonstration that the Egyptian court’s decision is “a real disaster because it turns the tables and sees the occupiers [Israel – ed.] as a friend and the Palestinian people as a foe.” He called the Egyptian judges and members of the media in Egypt a “pro-Zionist group,” which harms Gaza from afar through their actions and via the Egyptian army.
Feb. 6, 2015


Headline: Hamas prepares to open international port with backing from Turkey, Qatar, Greece, EU

Headline: Israeli Navy Installs Advanced Underwater AquaShield Detection System

Hamas is set to challenge Israel and open the Gaza Strip’s port to international traffic. Palestinian sources said Hamas was refurbishing the port south of Gaza City to receive foreign ships for passenger and trade. They said the port would be launched by May 2015 regardless of Israeli approval. “Hamas has decided that it will challenge Israel with considerable support from the international community,” a source close to Hamas said. The sources said the Gaza port would be portrayed as an effort by Hamas to break the Israeli and Egyptian siege of the strip. They said Hamas has been recruiting promises of support, including Greece, Qatar, Republic of Cyprus and Turkey. Hamas has been refurbishing the port to include a departure and arrivals lounge. The sources said the project was expected to be aided by European Union members, including France and the Netherlands. “The confrontation will come when the first ships come to Gaza,” the source said.
Feb. 6, 2015



Headline: PM orders demolition of EU-funded Palestinian ‘settlements’ in West Bank

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon to move forward with a plan to demolish some 400 Palestinian structures built in the West Bank with European funding, Israeli media reported Friday. The prime minister’s order came shortly after a Thursday exposé in the Daily Mail claimed that the EU sank tens of millions of euros into homes which were not granted building permits by the Israeli government. Official EU documentation discovered by the newspaper stated that the buildings were intended to “pave the way for development and more authority of the PA over Area C,” raising concerns that the governmental organization was taking sides in the dispute by shaping the demographics of the Israeli-controlled territory. A portion of the homes, which largely resemble prefabricated caravans, were built in the E1 area between Jerusalem and Ma’ale Adumim and near the Hebrew University’s Mount Scopus campus, according to Israeli news site NRG. According to the Daily Mail, the construction in 17 locations cost tens of millions in EU public funds. On Friday, a spokesman for the European Union defended its funding for the unlicensed construction, even as another EU official had denied wrongdoing.
Feb. 6, 2015


Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)




Headline: Jordanian escalation against ISIS may lead to surge in terror attacks in Kingdom

Headline: ISIS threatens to take the fight to Amman, vows revenge against coalition pilots

Headline: CIA probes ISIS claim Jordanian airstrikes killed US aid worker

Headline: Obama rejected Jordanian King Abdullah’s pleas for Predator drones

Jordan’s move to intensify its military operations against Islamic State in response to the burning alive of its air force pilot may lead to terrorist attacks in the kingdom. Jordanian fighter jets struck Islamic State targets in Syria on Thursday, a day after King Abdullah called for more action against the group. Islamic State is not an organization likely to take heavier attacks by a neighboring Muslim government lightly, nor the execution of two prisoners it had previously demanded in exchange for the Jordanian pilot. Islamic State already offered a reward on Wednesday to anyone who kills or wounds a Jordanian pilot, the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor of MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) reported. “The Islamic State’s Shura Council offers a reward to anyone killing or wounding a Jordanian pilot and preventing him from flying as part of the Crusader coalition that is attacking Muslims in the Islamic State,” said the statement posted on an Islamic State affiliated Twitter account. Also posted was a list of 52 Jordanian pilots and their addresses, ranks, and jobs, whose identities were allegedly given by the murdered pilot Mouath al-Kasaesbeh, according to the report. Islamic State has supporters in Jordan, even if their numbers are not too numerous.
Feb. 6, 2015





Headline: Thousands of Jordanians hold mass rally to denounce ISIS, pilot’s execution

Thousands of Jordanians packed the streets of the capital Amman on Friday, urging their monarch to step up air strikes on Islamic State to avenge its killing of pilot Mouath al-Kasaesbeh. Crowds massed near the main Husseini mosque, then marched chanting “Death to Daesh,” using an Arabic acronym for the jihadist group, in the latest sign of mounting public anger. The rally came three days after ISIS released a video purporting to show Kasaesbeh being burned alive in a cage as masked militants in camouflage uniforms looked on. Many Jordanians have opposed their country’s involvement in U.S.-led air campaign against Islamic State positions, fearing retaliation. But the killing of the recently-married pilot, from an influential Jordanian tribe, has increased support for the military push.
Feb. 6, 2015




Headline:    Hamas official wants Lebanon front

Top Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar called for the formation of armed units of his party in Lebanon and Syria to stage attacks against Israel in a bid to expand its operating capabilities beyond Gaza. “We ask all the Arab fronts as well as the Syrian and the Lebanese to allow [Palestinian refugees in Syria and Lebanon] to establish Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades in order to fight and resist the enemy from northern Palestine, and participate with us in the liberation of Palestine,” he told reporters Wednesday night. Zahar’s statement comes weeks after Ezzedine al-Qassem Brigade chief Mohammad Deif purportedly addressed a letter to Hezbollah calling on the party to “unite” its front with Hamas. “The Zionist enemy is the true enemy of the nation… all forces of resistance must direct their coming battle as once,” the letter said.
Feb. 5, 2015


   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:  Syrian army barrel bombs kill 25 in rebel-held area of Aleppo

Syrian army helicopters dropped two barrel bombs on a crowded square in a rebel-held neighborhood in the northern city of Aleppo, killing at least 25 civilians, activists said Friday. Among the casualties in the attack, which took place on Thursday night, were people sitting on a bus and others coming to the square to collect water, the activists said.  The attack came just hours after rebels bombarded the capital, Damascus, killing nine people there Thursday. The Aleppo attack coincided with a wider government offensive against rebel positions across Syria, where the brutal civil war has lately been overshadowed by the rampage by militants from the Islamic State group, which has captured large swaths of territory both in Syria and neighboring Iraq. The United Nations estimates that more than 220,000 people have been killed in Syria’s nearly 4-year-old conflict.
Feb. 6, 2015


Syria Headline:    Syrian air strikes kill 82 after rebel rocket attack: monitor

Syria Headline:   At least 21 die in Damascus as Syrian government forces, rebels trade salvos

Syrian air force strikes killed 82 people in an opposition district outside Damascus following rocket attacks by rebels that hit the government-controlled center of the capital, a monitoring group said on Friday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the war in Syria, said the air force conducted 60 strikes on the Eastern Ghouta district on Thursday and into Friday. Eighteen children and 11 fighters were among the dead, it said. High death tolls from air attacks are not rare but the Observatory said the focused barrage was a response to rocket attacks by Islam Army insurgents on Thursday, which killed 10 people in Damascus. A message on Thursday on a Twitter account thought to belong to Islam Army chief Zahran Alloush said Thursday’s rocket attack was revenge for what the Syrian military had done to Eastern Ghouta. Alloush described Damascus as a “military zone” and said his group would respond to any air force strikes.
Feb. 6, 2015



Syria Headline:    ISW Syria Situation Report Jan. 27- Feb. 2, 2015


Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights




Iraq Headline: ISIL Takfiris burn 3 civilians alive in western Iraq

ISIL Takfiri militants have burned to death three civilians in Iraq’s violence-plagued western province of al-Anbar, in a brutal execution similar to the one carried out on a Jordanian airman.  A provincial source, requesting anonymity, said the men were killed in the town of Hit, located about 140 kilometers (85 miles) west of the capital, Baghdad, on Friday after the ISIL terrorists accused them of collaborating with the Iraqi security forces, Arabic-language al-Sumaria satellite TV network reported. The source added that ISIL members have warned locals that such a fate awaits anyone who seeks collaboration with Iraqi government forces.
Feb. 6, 2015



Iraq Headline: ISIL militants get hold of chlorine gas in north Iraq

The ISIL Takfiri militants have taken hold of large quantities of chlorine gas after they launched an attack against a major water treatment facility in the country’s northern province of Nineveh, an Iraqi source says. The terrorists have taken the chemical agent from the provincial water department, and transferred it along with large quantities of mustard gas brought from Syria to one of their hideouts in the area, Iraq’s al-Sumaria satellite TV network quoted the source as saying on condition of anonymity. The ISIL terrorists have also overrun an industrial area known as Kokjali located on the eastern side of the conflict-ridden city of Mosul, and are manufacturing rockets filled with chemical agents to use against Iraqi army forces, the source added. The source further noted that that ISIL militants have tightened access to Kokjali, and threatened to fatally shoot anyone who attempts to come close to the area.
Feb. 6, 2015


Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Feb. 3-4, 2015


Kurdish Headline: Kurdish forces regain 50 villages in Kobane’s countryside

The Kurdish fighters of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) announced in a statement on Thursday that they had retaken new villages and killed a number of Islamic State’s (IS/ISIS) militants in the countryside of Kobane in northern Syria. The statement said that the Kurdish units liberated the village of Tashlok (eastern Kobane) last night, destroying an IS armored vehicle in the vicinity of the village. The YPG leadership pointed out that their fighters targeted sites and hills controlled by extremists in the vicinity of the village of Susan in the western fighting front, seizing a large number of weapons and a great deal of ammunition. In a related development, Saeed Judi, a fighter in the YPG’s rank, told ARA News that Kurdish fighters killed more than 30 radicals during clashes in the countryside of Kobane on Wednesday and Thursday, as well as capturing several Tunisian militants from IS. Judi also confirmed that 26 Islamic State insurgents were killed in clashes in the eastern countryside of Kobane. Another four militants were killed on the southern front. “The YPG fighters captured a number of IS extremists, who hold Tunisian national cards, near the village of Qabbajiq, in eastern Kobane,” Judi added. “The death toll in the IS ranks reached 30 in two days.”
Feb. 6, 2015


rise of ISIS

Headline:   ISIS expanding ‘international footprint’ with affiliates in more countries, officials warn

The Islamic State, despite being driven by Kurdish fighters from its one-time Syrian stronghold in Kobani last week, nevertheless is extending its reach well beyond Iraq and Syria, military officials and analysts warn — represented, by some estimates, in nearly a dozen countries. Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, delivered a grim assessment earlier this week in testimony to the House Armed Services Committee, as he described how the group was surfacing in North Africa. “With affiliates in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, the group is beginning to assemble a growing international footprint that includes ungoverned and under governed areas,” Stewart said. ISIS continues to hold a wide swath of territory, bigger than the state of Pennsylvania, in its home base spanning parts of Iraq and Syria, propped up by more than 20,000 foreign fighters from at least three dozen countries. But the terror network’s tentacles, as Stewart indicated, are creeping into other nations; largely those with fragile governments. “ISIS, like Al Qaeda, has thrived in the failed states where there is a vacuum of power,” said James Phillips, Middle East senior research fellow with the Heritage Foundation. A key worry is the group’s potential ambitions in Afghanistan, where the U.S. combat mission just ended and Afghan security forces are in control.
Feb. 5, 2015


Pledges to ISIS

Headline:   Obama poised to ask Congress for new war authorization

President Barack Obama is poised in coming days to ask Congress for new authority to use US military force against Islamic State militants, the White House said Thursday. But the top Republican in Congress warned it won’t be easy to pass the measure and that it will be up to Obama to rally support from lawmakers and the public. “His actions are going to be an important part of trying for us to get the votes to actually pass an authorization,” Republican House Speaker John Boehner, said Thursday. “This is not going to be an easy lift.” White House spokesman Josh Earnest responded that the administration is dedicated to getting a new authorization with support from Republicans and Democrats. That’s even though Obama has argued new authorization isn’t legally necessary and has been ordering airstrikes on militant strongholds in Iraq and Syria for months. “The president believes it sends a very powerful signal to the American people, to our allies, and even to our enemies, that the United States of America is united behind this strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL,” Earnest said, using an acronym for the Islamic State group, “That across branches of government and even across political parties, even in this divided time in our nation’s political history, at least, that Democrats and Republicans are committed to this very important task.”
Feb. 6, 2015


Headline:   New sanctions proposed for ISIS oil trading

A proposed U.N. resolution to crack down on the financing of terrorists calls for sanctions on individuals and companies trading oil produced by ISIS and other Al-Qaeda-linked organizations. The Russian-sponsored resolution, obtained Friday by The Associated Press, would also require all 193 U.N. member states to take “appropriate steps” to prevent the trade in antiquities and other items of historical, cultural, rare scientific and religious importance illegally removed from Syria. A similar ban already exists for Iraqi antiquities. The draft resolution would reaffirm that it is illegal to pay ransom to individuals and groups that are already subject to U.N. sanctions, and that all countries are required to freeze such funds.
Feb. 6, 2015


Headline:   UAE Demands US Arm Sunni Groups Against ISIS

Headline: Wary Gulf states see war on ISIL as U.S. collaboration with Iran

Headline:US coalition against ISIS is fraying. Gulf Arab partners mull withdrawal over Iran’s involvement

The United Arab Emirates, which suspended air strikes against the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group, wants the US-led coalition to arm Sunni tribes in Iraq to fight the jihadists, government media reported Friday. The daily Al-Ittihad said the Emirates’ decision to stop raids in Syria last year was “due to the need to assure adequate protection for all pilots
participating in strikes against Daesh” – an Arabic acronym for ISIS. An even greater concern, according to the paper, is the lack of support for Sunni tribes in Iraq’s Anbar province, large parts of which have been overrun by the jihadists. “The most important reservation…is the dissatisfaction with the coalition which has not kept its promise to remember the Sunnis of Anbar, to train and equip them in the war against Daesh,” it said. “Neither air strikes nor a media war are sufficient to defeat” ISIS, the paper added. The UAE pulled out of air strike missions in December, shortly after a Jordanian pilot was captured by ISIS extremists after his F-16 fighter jet went down in eastern Syria, according to US officials. Airman Maaz al-Kassasbeh was later burned alive by the jihadists in a gruesome video released this week. The Pentagon said Thursday it was redeploying some aircraft from Kuwait to northern Iraq to boost its ability to rescue downed coalition pilots, as requested by the UAE.
Feb. 6, 2015




Psalm 83Ezekiel

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Nato to open facilities on Russia’s doorstep

Headline: Putin’s Next Objectives in the Ukraine Crisis- From the Institute for the Study of War

Nato is to open eight new facilities in Russia’s neighbourhood, but allies ruled out giving weapons to Ukraine for now. The list includes six new “command and control centres” in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania. It also covers a new “south-eastern headquarters” in Romania and a “training centre” in Georgia. An existing facility in Szczecin, Poland, is to be expanded to be become a “north-eastern headquarters”. The six command centres, which will include US troops, are to underpin a new “spearhead” force of 5,000 soldiers designed to deter Russian aggression in the Baltic region. Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain will command the force on a rotational basis, with the UK to take charge initially and to provide 1,000 personnel. Nato’s Norwegian head, Jens Stoltenberg, said elements of the force will be ready to deploy by the weekend. The measures are part of Nato’s reaction to Russia’s attack on Ukraine. It has also: quadrupled air patrols in the Baltic region; increased troop numbers in Bulgaria, Poland, and Romaia; increased its naval presence in the Baltic, Black, and Mediterranean seas; and held dozens of drills on its eastern flank. Stoltenberg described Russia’s recent actions in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova, as “part of a disturbing pattern of destabilising Russian behaviour in its neighbourhood”.
Feb. 6, 2015




Headline: Iran Says US is ‘Begging’ for a Nuclear Deal

Headline: Kerry stresses to Iran foreign minister March nuclear deadline

A senior Iranian military officer claims that U.S. officials have been “begging us” to sign a nuclear deal during negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear program, according to recent comments made to the Iranian state-controlled media. Mohammad Reza Naghdi, the commander of the Basij, a paramilitary group operating under the wing of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC), recently claimed that the “Americans are begging us for a deal on the negotiation table,” according to comments published in Persian and independently translated for the Washington Free Beacon. Naghdi added that American officials routinely “plead” with Iran in talks, and that the United States is negotiating from a position of weakness. The Free Beacon noted that the Iranian quotes from Naghdi follow earlier reports claiming that Iran’s leading negotiator “frequently shouts” at U.S. officials. Naghdi’s remarks complement new reports that the United States is ceding ground to Iran in talks and will now allow it to “keep much of its uranium-enriching technology,” according to the Associated Press. Iran, the AP reported, “refuses to meet U.S.-led demands for deep cuts in the number of centrifuges it uses to enrich uranium, a process that can create material for anything from chemotherapy to the core of an atomic bomb.”
Feb. 5, 2015






Headline:   Car bomber kills two, wounds around 20 in Libya’s Benghazi

Headline:  Libyan official sounds alarm about IS as Benghazi explosion kills 2

A jeep filled with explosives killed two people and wounded around 20 on Friday in Benghazi, Libya’s second biggest city that is a front line in the country’s bloody civil conflict, medics and military officials said. Soldiers fired rifles and a rocket-propelled grenade at the Toyota as it sped toward a military base in what an army commander said was a suicide bombing. The vehicle exploded, killing a man and a boy as well as the driver. The explosion happened in the Lithi neighborhood where pro-government forces have been fighting Islamist groups for months and where the two sides are still battling over control of the port district. The fighting in the eastern city mirrors a wider struggle across the oil-producing North African state where two governments and parliaments, allied to rival armed groups, are vying for control four years after Muammar Gaddafi fell to an armed uprising.
Feb. 6, 2015






Headline:   Turkey pulls out of Munich conference to avoid Israeli delegation

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu pulled out of a security conference in Munich at the last minute on Friday, saying he did not wish to attend a joint session with an Israeli delegation. Relations between the formerly steadfast allies remain strained since a major rupture in 2010, when Israeli marines killed nine Turkish pro-Palestinian activists in clashes aboard a ship that tried to break the blockade on the Gaza Strip. A tenth Turk later died of injuries from the incident. “I was going to attend the conference but we decided not to after they added Israeli officials to the Middle East session at the last minute,” Cavusoglu told a news conference in Berlin, where he has been meeting Turkish ambassadors based in Europe. Withdrawing from the meeting was nothing to do with Turkey’s relationship with Germany, he said in the remarks broadcast by Turkish state television TRT. Israel’s delegate to the Munich conference, Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz, said that by staying away from the conference, the NATO power was “effectively identifying with radical Islam and terrorist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas” and “heavily clouding Turkey’s future and character” “I intend proudly and honourably to represent Israel at this important discussion of the future of the Middle East,” he said in a statement.
Feb. 6, 2015


Headline:   Dozens arrested as Turkey police thwart rally over protester’s death

Turkish police Friday arrested 60 people after boarding two buses of demonstrators planning to protest outside President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s presidential palace in Ankara over the fatal wounding of a protester in 2013 rallies against his rule. Police used pepper sprays inside the bus and roughly arrested the demonstrators, who were members of the Popular Front leftist group, an AFP photographer reported. Television footage showed police swinging punches and kicking as they arrested activists inside the bus. The protesters were seeking to commemorate Berkin Elvan, a teenager who died in March 2014 after spending 269 days in a coma due to injuries inflicted by the police in the mass anti-government protests of 2013. According to NTV television, 60 people were arrested.  The tough action by police comes as parliament prepares to debate a security bill bolstering police powers that critics claim could turn the country into a police state. Under the bill, police would be allowed to arrest, and even fire on, those suspected of possessing banned objects at a protest including Molotov cocktails, stones and other sharp objects.
Feb. 6, 2015



Headline:    Three people killed in Azerbaijan-Armenia clashes

At least three people have been killed in clashes between Azeri and Armenian forces in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. The Armenian Defense Ministry spokesman, Artsrun Hovannisian, said on Friday that an Armenian was killed during Azeri forces’ shelling of villages along the Karabakh border. The second victim, a 25-year-old Armenian soldier, was killed by the Azerbaijani fire in a separate incident along the Karabakh front line, the Armenian Defense Ministry said in a statement. Separately, an Azerbaijani soldier lost his life in a shootout with Armenian forces on Thursday. Multiple confrontations between Baku and Yerevan over the disputed mountainous region of Nagorno-Karabakh left tens of troops dead from both sides last year.
Feb. 6, 2015


nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Nigerian Islamists Follow ISIS Fad, Burn Civilians Alive

Headline: Soldiers Repel Boko Haram Attack in Niger

Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists in Syria appear to have started a new trend when they released video on Tuesday of themselves burning a Jordanian pilot to death; officials in Cameroon reported on Thursday that Boko Haram Islamist terrorists have shot and burned to death at least 91 civilians. The slaughter occurred during two days of fighting in a town near the Nigerian border named Fotokol, and aside from the murdered another 500 were reportedly wounded, reports The Associated Press. Cameroon’s military spokesperson Col. Didier Badjeck revealed that even though reinforcements have reached the town, the combat is still bogged down due to the fact that the terrorists are using civilians as human shields. Nevertheless, the country’s Defense Minister Edgard Alain Mebe Ngo reported that hundreds of the terrorists died in the fighting Wednesday, whereas only 13 Chadian and six Cameroonian soldiers fell.
Feb. 6, 2015



Headline: Yemen crisis: Houthi rebels ‘announce takeover’

Headline: Clashes between army troops, militants kill 8 in south Yemen

Headline: Al-Qaeda Accuses US of Directing Iran-backed Houthis

Yemen’s Shia Houthi rebel movement has announced it is taking over the government and dissolving parliament. In a televised statement, the group said a five-member council would act as the president for an interim period. The group took control of the capital Sanaa in September, forcing the resignation of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi in January. The announcement comes after the failure of UN-brokered peace talks. The Houthis set a Wednesday deadline for political parties to reach an agreement on ending the country’s political turmoil, threatening to act unilaterally otherwise. The rebels move would mark “a new era that will take Yemen to safe shores”, the statement said, according to Associated Press. Meanwhile, After Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) admitted on Thursday that a US drone strike in Yemen took out a key leader of the terror group, Harith al-Nadhari, it accused America of cooperating with the Iranian backed Shi’ite Houthi militia that has been slowly taking over Yemen. That attack followed “statements by US officials on further intelligence cooperation with the Houthis on fighting terrorism,” AQAP claimed on Thursday. As noted, the Houthis who are firmly backed by Iran have been seizing power in Yemen, conquering Sana’a last September and clashing with the Sunni AQAP regularly since then. “Houthis have become faithful US partners in preserving its interests and implementing its plans in the Arabian Peninsula,” said AQAP, vowing to continue fighting “Americans, crusaders and Houthis.” The Pentagon has admitted that US officials were holding discussions with representatives of the militia, but said they were not sharing intelligence on Al-Qaeda. The Wall Street Journal reported this month that US officials were in touch with Houthi terrorists largely through intermediaries.
Feb. 6, 2015




Headline: Bahraini forces clamp down on anti-regime protesters

Bahraini regime forces have once again attacked and clashed with a group of demonstrators demanding the release of the Persian Gulf kingdom’s prominent opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman. On Thursday, dozens of people took to the street in the village of Bilad al-Qadeem, on the outskirts of the capital, Manama, to call for the freedom of the 49-year-old secretary general of Bahrain’s main opposition bloc, the al-Wefaq National Islamic Society. Scuffles broke out when police fired tear gas canisters and rubber-coated bullets to disperse the protesting crowd. Similar rallies were also staged in several other towns and villages across Bahrain in solidarity with Sheikh Salman. Salman was arrested on December 28, 2014, after Manama accused him of seeking regime change and collaborating with foreign powers. The arrest has triggered massive condemnation inside and outside the monarchy, with leaders, governments and international organizations across the world calling for his immediate release.
Feb. 5, 2015


Headline: US slams ‘unconscionable’ Bangladesh unrest as toll rises

Three more opposition activists were killed in a new bout of political violence in Bangladesh Friday after the US voiced grave concern about the unrest and slammed a spate of “unconscionable” firebombings. Four people, including a child, also died and 15 were injured when suspected anti-government protesters threw a petrol bomb at a packed bus as the death toll from a month of unrest rose to 70. Ashraful Islam — chief of police in the northern district of Gaibandha — said protesters attacked the bus just before midnight, adding that two of the wounded were critical. Police shot dead an Islamist protester from the Jamaat-e-Islami party and injured two more after they threw a molotov cocktail at a police van in Rajshahi, northwest of Dhaka, after midnight Friday, local police chief Alamgir Hossain told AFP. “Three police constables were injured in the clashes,” he added. Another Jamaat supporter was killed in the western city of Jessore during a shootout with officers, police told reporters. Jamaat said another activist was shot dead elsewhere, bringing Friday’s toll to seven. Rights groups say the shootouts are fake and are nothing but cold-blooded executions of opposition activists. A total of 70 people have been killed in political violence in the last month, according to an AFP tally, as an opposition alliance tries to force the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
Feb. 6, 2015






CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & Daniel 2:41-43Decline of the Euro “ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline: S&P downgrades Greece, says time is running out

Standard & Poor’s downgraded Greece’s credit rating one notch on Friday and warned of a narrowing window for the government to agree on a new financing program with creditors. S&P downgraded Greece to “B-” from “B,” with a negative outlook. “The downgrade reflects our view that the liquidity constraints weighing on Greece’s banks and its economy have narrowed the timeframe during which the new government can reach an agreement on a financing programme with its official creditors,” S&P said in part in its statement. “Although the newly elected Greek government has been in power for less than two weeks, we believe its limited cash buffers and approaching debt redemptions to official preferred creditors constrain its negotiating flexibility,” S&P said. The agency also warned that the European Central Bank’s decision to stop accepting Greek debt as collateral risked exacerbating a steady run on Greek banks. In a worst-case scenario, the agency said, that bank run could lead to capital controls and the loss of access to emergency financing, which could lead to the long-feared “Grexit,” or Greek exit from the euro.
Feb. 6, 2015


bye CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:  Global Debt Nears $200 TRILLION

Headline: Chinese Rating Agency Warns Coming Crisis Is Worse Than 2008, Blames US “Printing Press”

Total global debt is now a record $199 trillion, an increase of $57 trillion since the Great Recession, raising concerns a deep depression is coming. Government, corporate and household debt have exploded at least 47 countries and “all major economies today have higher levels of borrowing relative to GDP than they did in 2007,” according to a report by McKinsey & Company. “After the 2008 financial crisis and the longest and deepest global recession since World War II, it was widely expected that the world’s economies would deleverage. It has not happened,” the report stated. “Instead, debt continues to grow in nearly all countries, in both absolute terms and relative to GDP.” The report house that 80% of all countries have higher household debt, government debt is up $25 trillion since the Great Recession and China’s debt has quadrupled in the past eight years. “Unsustainable levels of household debt in the United States and a handful of other advanced economies were at the core of the 2008 financial crisis,” the report added. “Between 2000 and 2007, the ratio of household debt relative to income rose by one-third or more in the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland, and Portugal. This was accompanied by, and contributed to, rising housing prices.” “When housing prices started to decline and the financial crisis occurred, the struggle to keep up with this debt led to a sharp contraction in consumption and a deep recession.” And that’s not to mention the impending derivatives crisis.
Feb. 6, 2015



WarsAndRumorsOfWarsCooltextprophecysignWars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Prophecy Sign: Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline: North Korea stages chemical warfare drills

North Korea has stepped up its biological and chemical warfare exercises, carrying out at least a dozen large-scale drills in the last year, according to South Korean intelligence estimates. Previously limited to small-scale exercises conducted in summer, the North Korean army is now conducting “massive” drills throughout the year, a senior government official told the Chosun Ilbo newspaper. “We believe it could cause a real threat,” the official said. An officer in the South Korean military told the paper, “These are clearly offensive drills planning a biochemical attack.” The drills coincide with a broader increase in offensive exercises, including coastal landings involving hovercraft and river-fording practices by engineer units. The increase in preparations for an attack with chemical or biological agents has been of sufficient concern for the US Air Force to issue its troops stationed in South Korea with protective equipment.
Feb. 6, 2015






CooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline:  Chikungunya- Mosquito virus is sickening more travelers

Thousands of travelers to the Caribbean and nearby regions are coming home with an unwanted souvenir: a mosquito-borne virus that recently settled there. The virus, called chikungunya (chih-kihn-GOON’-yuh), causes severe, often disabling joint pain, and few U.S. doctors are prepared to recognize its signs. At one New York City hospital, a woman arrived in such agony she had to be admitted just to control her pain. “Thinks she has chicken virus??” the mystified staff wrote on the medical chart after interviewing the patient. Since it spread from Asia and Africa in late 2013, chikungunya has infected a million people in the Caribbean, Latin America and parts of South America and Mexico. Actress Lindsay Lohan recently said she got it while in French Polynesia. In the U.S. alone, more than 2,300 travelers since last May have brought home the virus, which has nothing to do with chickens. About a dozen people have gotten it from mosquito bites in Florida. Florida is not the only state at risk. The mosquitoes that spread chikungunya live throughout the South, West and Eastern seaboard of the U.S. Local mosquitoes that bite a traveler infected with the virus can pass it on when they bite others. “We’re very concerned” about travelers because Tennessee has the mosquitoes and climate to let the disease take hold, Abelardo Moncayo of that state’s Department of Health told an audience at an American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene conference in New Orleans in November. “Anywhere that’s warm and humid and can sustain mosquitoes year round. So Florida, Texas, any of those Southern states, it could happen,” said Stephen Higgs, a Kansas State University infectious disease expert and an editor of a scientific journal on mosquito-spread diseases. Outbreaks spread by locally infected mosquitoes have occurred in Italy and France, and one type of mosquito that can carry chikungunya recently was found in the United Kingdom.
Feb. 6, 2015









Feb. 3, 2015- 2,000 dead Starfish in Padre Island Texas “not cause for concern” say officials


Feb. 4, 2015- More Than Half Taiwan’s Geese Lost to Avian Flu


Feb. 4, 2015- 20,000 Chickens killed due to avian flu in Plateau State, Nigeria


Feb. 4, 2015- 16.5 tons of fish die in Maninjau, Indonesia


Feb. 4, 2015- 33 Whales and Dolphins washed ashore this year already in Ireland; Russian sub hunt blamed


Feb. 5, 2015- Hundreds of dead fish appear in the Black river in Argentina


Luke 21-25 signs in heavenCooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes


Weekend break MESSAGEBOARD

February 5, 2015- Teaching the book of Revelation with Frank DiMora part 33 is now up


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 12, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.



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