214 results for Bigger with quakes are coming

Signs of the times are everywhere! June 9, 2008

Prophecy Sign: Earthquakes,  Luke 21:11  "And great earthquakes shall be in various places"  If you have been reading my posts you know I have been warning these types of earthquakes were coming.   This time a 6.5 quake in Greece on Sunday.  "Sunday's quake struck at 3:25 p.m. near the  city of Patras, about 120 miles west …

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Jesus is watching us are you watching for Jesus? New prophecy signs for June 2, 2008

Prophecy signs: Luke 21:11 :Earthquakes.  Over a week ago, after praying and asking for direction as to what to write in these posts, it was impressed on me that things would be pretty quiet for a short time, and now would be a good time to relax and witness in the streets again.  I took …

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Glenn Beck should read this- Larry King should read this-

Today I read a report entitled, “Blood moon eclipses: 2nd Coming in 2015?”  The subtitle read, “Minister uses NASA forecasting to study signals of Jesus’ return”. “Will Jesus Christ return to Earth in the year 2015? And can studying NASA’S website provide evidence for such a scenario? A minister who promotes the Old Testament roots …

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Are you ready to meet Jesus? More signs of the times-April 30, 2008

Prophecy sign from Matthew 24-war and rumors of war.  Once again the world waits to see if another battle takes place between Israel and their enemies.  This time Hamas has warned they are going to attack Israel on the birthday of Israel, which is May 14, 2008.  According to the Jerusalem Post “Hamas will do …

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