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A few days ago I posted information how the US Government is not telling the truth about what weapon was used to gun down all those little children. If the Government is on an agenda to take arms away from its citizens it would make sence that they need to convince the general public and such assault weapons must be taken away. It also makes sense that the government would start with assault weapons first and then move to other weapons which we are now beginning to see that is the direction the government is moving. There are some pretty interesting questions to be asked surrounding the Sandy Hook shootings. Today I received some of these questions that really make you wonder what the government is up to or if you will covering up. I am sure you will find this information interesting.
Hello Frank!
I think I told you that I used to be a law enforcement officer in Virginia. When I study the Bible and even things like the news, I always use my investigative skills and training so I can comprehend the big picture. When I first heard about the shooting in Sandy Hook, I was rocked to my core. As a father and an ex-LEO, I couldn't understand how a person could do such a thing. This intrigued me, because we are seeing this sort f thing over and over again. I put all the data on one page and try to find similar points so as to be be more prepared in the future if something like this could happen where I am. The more I watched and the more I read about this shooting (as well as the Batman Massacre), I started to see inconsistencies. How is it that No one can get their stories straight? Here are some questions I put together after all my research no Sandy Hook…
1) Why were the parents not allowed to see their children’s bodies? Why are there no coroners reports?
2) How are the parents that were interviewed on TV not crying, distressed or worn out? I've seen plenty of grieving people and their faces are bloated, they have rings under their eyes, their eyes are puffy and pink and there is a redness to their skin. You don't see that in any of the interviews. There is one clip of a father (Robbie Parker) laughing and joking before going on air. When he is about to speak, you see him try to psych himself into sadness and grief. How does a father, that just lost his child have the power to even grin? How does the same father, that just found out that his daughter was dead, put up a Facebook memorial and fund page the night of the murder?
3) How are Facebook pages, tweets and memorial funds put up earlier that the shooting? The one teacher’s RIP page was put up 4 full days before the shooting. Then, as soon as someone notices the page dates are earlier, they are pulled down.
4) Why are there multiple suspects arrested, but suddenly the police never mention the other arrested suspects and declare that there was only one shooter?
5) They said the rifle was found in the school, then, the police say it was found in the trunk of the car. The final story is, the rifle was found in the school. How does the rifle get from the school into the car, then back into the school again? Speaking of guns, how are the guns nicely laid out before the killer when he killed himself? When you kill yourself, wouldn't the gun either be in your hand, or somewhere near your hand after killing your self?
6) In the aerial video of the school, there are no ambulances anywhere near the school… The ones that are visible are all the way down the road at the firehouse and they are blocked in by other vehicles. How would they have been able to save any victims?
7) Why is it that the homeland security/police were having a school shooting drill 14 miles away on the same day and hour as this shooting (Just like the London bombing and the 911 attack)?
8) We have all heard of the good samaritan (Gene Rosin) who took the children into his home. First of all, the Gene can't get his stories straight. He first said it was a lady bus driver with the kids, then said it was a man with the children. He then says that it took over 1/2 hour of taling to the kids to find out what had happened, then he called the police. So are we to believe that who ever the adult was with the children just handed over a bunch of school kids to a complete stranger without telling him what happened? What bus driver would walk right past the fire station (that was next door) and go to a stranger’s house and give a stranger the kids? Also, how does Gene talk about seeing the causality list 2 days before it was released?
9) How does the coroner, after seeing the bodies of 20 children have the ability to joke and laugh at a press conference?
10) Isn’t it unusual that Eric Holder (Fast and Furious) was meeting with the Conn. Gov. 2 weeks before the shooting to start a program to reduce gun violence and to get rid of assault rifles? Isn’t it unusual that the Conn. Gov. said that they were informed of this shooting going to happen at a press conference after the shooting?
11) Why is it the school nurse said she personally new the shooters mother, when she never worked at that school? If she did not work at the school, why did Adam Lanza pick that school to shoot up? The nurse also said she looked at Adam Lanza right in the eyes, yet he did not shoot her. Everyone else said he had a mask on.
12) How did the school, which had security doors, cameras and such, “buzz in” the killer who was wearing a mask, bullet proof vest and was carrying a rifle? Also, why would the killer wear a bullet proof vest if he had intended on killing himself?
13) Why did the killer have the ID from the brother that he had not spoken to in years?
14) How did this lightweight autistic kid know how to handle guns (which his friends and family said he did not know how to shoot) and shoot so well? Also, where are the wounded victims that survived? Only two people survived with wounds? I find it hard to believe that an untrained autistic boy can kill so many people would out leaving any wounded. It sounds like the results of a trained SEAL team!
15) Why is there a photo of the bad smiling dad (from above) with the President with a girl that looks like the one they claimed was killed?
16) The Lt. Vance of the State Police was at a press release and was asked if the mother of the killer worked at the school… He had a pause of about 5 seconds (looking like he was caught off guard) then he changes subject and starts talking about their in depth investigation of all the other possible suspects they have caught and investigated.
17) Why is it that at all the last mass shootings, the shooter was on some very serious medication from their doctor, but no one is discussing that it was the same medication. Why aren't we going after the medication instead of the guns?
I could go on and on… Too many inconsistencies.
God bless,
Brett Creamer