More News For Sept. 14, 2012 with Frank DiMora



Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to
pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora



Download More News from the Last Chronicles of Planet Earth 9-14-12


Urgent Message – Haiti's Children Need Shoes

God has called a dear young brother of ours, evangelist Olson Dormeille in Haiti to care for orphaned children who (like himself) lost their parents to the earthquake 2 years ago. God has given Olson 60 children to care for. They have no shoes and many of them have started school and need shoes.

Jesus has instructed me never to ask for money but to just tell the people of the needs. Here is the need. Whatever and whoever the Lord touches is between you and the Lord.  The cost of each pair of shoes is 10 dollars. If the Lord speaks to you about this need contact Timoty Mooore at

Have a great weekend everyone

Frank DiMora

Road to the mark of the beast/Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora for Sept. 14, 2012



Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to
pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora



Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13: 16 And he causeth all, both small and great , rich and poor , free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand , or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell , save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.



Passwords for online banking, social networks and email could be replaced with the wave of a hand if prototype technology developed by Intel makes it to tablets and laptops. Aiming to do away with the need to remember passwords for growing numbers of online services, Intel researchers have put
together a tablet with new software and a biometric sensor that recognizes the unique patterns of veins on a person's palm.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

If you noticed in my post yesterday I left the red flag up concerning the strong quakes that were coming. As you can see below there was a 6.2 quake that hit Indonesia.

MAP 5.1  2012/09/14
-39.689   -16.038 10.0 SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP 5.1  2012/09/14
-39.633   -16.059 10.0 SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP 6.2
  -3.363   100.588 19.8 KEPULAUAN MENTAWAI REGION,
MAP 5.0  2012/09/14
  43.627   82.357 26.9 NORTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:26…..Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

Headline: Heart problems increase substantially after earthquakes, new study

 A study carried out by two Portuguese researchers, which was recently unveiled during the European Epidemiology Congress in Oporto, shows that that the risk of suffering heart complications increases significantly in the wake of an earthquake.

Concerning the fearful sights.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diver places.

Headline: Muslim worshippers clash with police in East Jerusalem

Hundreds hurl rocks at Israeli police following Friday prayers; protests erupt in Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Sudan, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Kashmir, Tunisia; 1 killed, 25 wounded in Lebanon.



  Prophecy Sign: (Disease)  Matthew 24:7 7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Headline: Bird Flu Continues to Threaten in Vietnam 

Bird flu has spread to two more provinces in northern Vietnam. According to the Department of Animal Health under the Vietnam' s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, bird flu has spread to seven provinces in Vietnam's northern and central regions including Ha Tinh, Ninh Binh, Nam Dinh, Bac Giang, Quang Ngai, Tuyen Quang and Hoa Binh. In Tuyen Quang province, more than 17,600 infected fowls had been culled. To prevent the spreading of H5N1 virus, the province's Department of Animal Health has implemented strict measures in response to the epidemics, including establishing a steering Committee for avian influenza epidemic prevention and control at all levels from district to commune, setting up mobile checkpoints to control illegal poultry transportation, killing infected poultry and stopping all poultry slaughtering, purchasing and transporting activities in the infected areas.



Septt7abcdefg Anyone who has read the prophecies concerning starvation, and read Revelation 6:6 where we see people living during the tribulation will have to work all day long for one very small meal. In Rev. 6:6 Jesus points out wheat and barley. You are probably going to ask me why I am linking the prophecy concerning disease with Revelation 6:6? However, when you watch the next two videos below you will see the connection.

Headline: The Threat of CSIRO’s GM Wheat Revealed at Press Conference



Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

Headline: NASA sees Sanba become a super typhoon

NASA sees Sanba become a super typhoon


NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Super Typhoon Sanba
on Sept. 13 at 12:47 a.m. EDT. AIRS infrared data found an eye (the yellow dot
in the middle of the purple area) about 20 nautical miles wide, surrounded by a
thick area of strong thunderstorms (purple) with very cold cloud temperatures.
Credit: Ed Olsen, NASA/JPL

Tropical Storm Sanba exploded in
intensity between Sept. 12 and 13, becoming a major Category 4 Typhoon on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. NASA's Aqua satellite captured infrared data that showed a
large area of powerful thunderstorms around the center of circulation, dropping heavy rain over the western North Pacific Ocean.

Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth are gathered together against it.  Also Matthew 24:7


Headline: Israel’s window for action against Iran ‘is getting much smaller,’ says Ambassador Oren

Is there any remote likelihood that Israel feels the need to resort to military action now, before the American elections?

I’m not going to go into any details about operations. I would like to say that the American elections don’t play any role in our calculations. The only issue that is crucial here is the speed with which the
Iranian nuclear program is accelerating, both in terms of its accumulation rate — the rate at with which they are producing enriched uranium, both at 3.5% and 20% — and the rate at which the Iranian nuclear program (is being moved) underground (with) its facilities beyond our capabilities to interdict.

On that second point, is there an estimate? Is Israel incapable of having a substantive impact on the Iranian program if nothing is done within the next six months, or year? Or three

All I can say is that our window is small, and it’s growing much smaller.

The counter-argument to why there is no Obama-Netanyahu meeting in the context of a military warning about complicity might be that Israel is about to do something, and therefore the last thing the president wants to do is be complicit by meeting the prime minister. Do you think that’s possibly the case?

I think that what happened there was a scheduling problem. I know it sounds mundane but the fact is these are two busy individuals and the prime minister was coming to New York between Jewish holidays (in between Yom Kippur and Succot) and the president couldn’t be in New York at that

They’re not going to move the heavens and the earth and cancel, I don’t know, the president’s meeting with the leader of Egypt, who’s a 9/11 semi-denier, for the sake of a meeting with Mr

You have to ask the Egyptian ambassador but I think that (Obama meeting with President Mohammed Morsi) is happening prior to Netanyahu’s arrival in New York.

So the meeting’s a lost cause?

The prime minister will meet with the secretary of state (Hillary Clinton).

And you don’t think that ultimately there will be an Obama-Netanyahu meeting, maybe in Washington, at some stage on this trip?

As far as I know there’s a scheduling difficulty


Headline: Scheduling conflicts?

The White House turns down a meeting with the only true friend and ally that
America has in the Middle East because of "scheduling conflicts?" Considering
that the Israelis most assuredly are giving serious consideration to launching a
pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, an act which would likely
drag the United States into war with Iran, it's mind-boggling that the President
wouldn't take time out from his golf game to meet with Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu.

Headline: Netanyahu: What if the US does not intervene on Iran?

In special interview with Israel Hayom to be published in full on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismisses allegations that his insistence on red lines is impacting U.S. presidential race • Lieberman, Barak criticize PM for public discussion on Iran issue.

Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and
Defense Minister Ehud Barak raising a toast to the Jewish New Year on Thursday.


Photo credit: Ariel
Hermoni, Defense Ministry

Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and
Defense Minister Ehud Barak raising a toast to the Jewish New Year on Thursday.


Photo credit: Ariel
Hermoni, Defense Ministry

Israel must ask itself what will happen if the U.S. fails to take action to stop Iran's nuclear program, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Israel Hayom in a special Rosh Hashanah interview this

In the interview, to be published in full on Sunday, Netanyahu addressed recent assessments by top defense officials, who suggested that there is still time before action against Iran becomes necessary. "I hear all those people who say that we should wait until the very last minute. But what if the U.S. doesn't intervene? That is a question we have to ask," he said.

Netanyahu also dismissed allegations that his insistence on red lines, beyond which the U.S. would commit to taking military action against Iran, was impacting the presidential race currently underway in the U.S., saying, "This is nonsense because the issue that is guiding me is not the U.S. elections, but the centrifuges in Iran, and what can I do if the centrifuges in Iran are inconsiderate of the U.S. political timetable? If the Iranians were to hit the 'pause' button and halt their uranium enrichment and bomb preparation until after the elections, I would be able to wait."

In addition, the prime minister explained that the gaps between Washington's and Jerusalem's stances on the Iranian issue revolve "not on a question of dates, but rather on a question of process." Referring to homefront preparedness, Netanyahu said, "You can protect the country from missiles, in one way or another. But there is no protection against atomic bombs. The only way to protect against this is to prevent the creation of such a reality by the enemy, and of course, make it clear to anyone who would ever consider attacking Israel with weapons of mass destruction – do it at your own peril."

HEADLINE: Report: Israeli strike could delay Iran nuclear program by 2 years

An American strike on Iran could delay the Islamic Republic's nuclear program by four years, an Israeli strike could delay it by two, whereas a military operation could lead to an all out war in the Middle
, unite citizens in Iran and widen gaps between the western and Islamic worlds, a report published Thursday by the 'Iran Project' revealed.

The report, which was compiled by former US defense officials and foreign policy experts, reviews the pros and cons of a strike against Iran.The report reveals that military action that relies on aerial strikes supplemented by cyber attacks, covert operations and perhaps special operations forces might destroy or severely damage Iran's nuclear facilities but "in our judgment, complete destruction of Iran’s nuclear program is unlikely; and Iran would still retain the scientific capacity and the experience to start its nuclear program again if it chose to do so."

המתקן להעשרת אורניום בפורדו (צילום: AFP)

The Fordow nuclear facility (Photo: AFP) 

The report's authors warn that "if Iran’s nuclear program is attacked by the US or Israel in the absence of an international mandate or a multinational coalition, support for maintaining sanctions against Iran could be substantially weakened."

"Moreover it noted that Iran could use "well-armed proxies such as Hezbollah or Shiite militant groups in Iraq, as well as by Iran’s covert forces and the IRGC Qods Force," which could be "even more damaging to US and Israeli interests than direct Iranian retaliation.",7340,L-4281417,00.html


Message from one of my viewers

Dear Brethren,

Genesis 15:18 King James Version (KJV)  In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates… 

I have attached a file that show the grant to Abraham, given to him from God. This promise, and covenant, was the promise and blessing that Abraham, gave to Issac, then was given to Jacob. Jacob's name was changed to Israel. The sons of Jacob/Israel, are the beneficiaries of that promise. 

 God says they have parted HIS Land: Joel 3:2 King James Version (KJV) I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

 This is a latter day prophecy, as you can read that it is. During the Millenium, the Lord will rule from Israel, in Jerusalem. You can see that Israel of His promise is much bigger than the sliver that is Israel now.

The Oslo peace treaty continues to partion Israel from its rightful promise. All the politicians agree to continue to partion Israel. The curse of God goes to those who agree with this continuing partition, and is nation/corporate, and individual.

I am in this world, and not of it. I am a citizen of Heaven. I submit to authority, and do not resist. I will not vote or agree with anyone who wishes to disobey God, and continue the partition of Israel. Only God will write the peace, and Lord Jesus Christ will enforce it, upon His coming.

I am like Joshua: Joshua 24:15 King James Version (KJV)  And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

You will stand before the Living God and explain your agreements for or against His Word, and His land. What is more important to you ? There are no excuses, choose one way or the other.

You will be blessed or cursed, from the Word of God. Why have your pastors and teachers, not taught you the Word of the Lord. Why do you not take communion, and obey Lord Jesus Christ. When He said: Luke 22:19 King James Version (KJV) And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

Following are the Words of the Lord, that will bless or curse you, CHOOSE !

Prophecy Sign: Obadiah 1:15 “For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.”


“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).

“I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).

“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:3).

President Barack Obama turned his back on Israel in their struggle to stop Iran from building a nuclear bomb. On September 11 I posted information on God's curse because of what President Obama is doing to Israel. In the Sept. 11 report I showed you the Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu, asked to meet with with Obama and Obama refused the request. That was Monday. By Tuesday after noon the embassy in Egypt was under attack. By Wednesday morning 4 Americans including the US Ambassador Chris Stevens lay dead in the streets in Libya. Obadiah lays out a definite spiritual principal that when nations come against Israel they will be judged. What you are seeing right now playing out in the headlines is the beginning of God’s judgment on America. This is what happens when you go against Israel. The curse pattern continues..


Some of this is from the work of Frank Dimora




Dear brother Frank, 

These photos of our kamoke evangelism. I share the Word of God there. I also worship there with that peoples. I thank God who is using me. Please always keep me in your prayers.Your brother in Christ,


Pictures Pastor Fiaz sent me today of his missions trip. Fiaz in wearing the blue shirt.



Ministry info Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken
from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds
for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.


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Bible Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora for Sept. 13, 2012



Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora



 Prophecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3,4:For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”

Headline: Abu-Ala: Pa Ready to Discuss Bi-National State
Senior PLO member Abu-Ala said Wednesday that the PA was prepared to discuss the possibility of a bi-national state with Israel.
Ahmed Qureia (Abu Ala) Ahmed Qureia (Abu Ala)

Ahmed Qureia (Abu-Ala), a top member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said Wednesday that the Palestinian Authority was prepared to discuss the possibility of a bi-national state with Israel. While the PA still preferred the “two-state solution,” the establishment of an Arab state on land liberated by Israel in the Six Day War, a bi-national state, in which the PLO would have a constitutional role in government and PA Arabs would become citizens of Israel, was a possibility as well, Qureia said in an interview on Israel Radio.  Speaking on the 19th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, Qureia said that the PA would prefer to follow through on that agreement, but that Israel was “killing Oslo” by continuing to encourage Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria, and construction of the security fence.

Why after over 2 years of the peace process between the PLO and Israel being dead does Ahmed Qureia want to press for a bi-national state with Israel?  Let's look at past history with another one of the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war against Israel which is Syria. assad - AP - November 10 2010Let me go back to my Feb. 28, 2011 post where  I gave you news concerning Syria's President all of a sudden wanted to start up the peace process again with Israel.

“U.S. Senator John Kerry, the chairman of the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee and a close associate of U.S. President Barack Obama, has been working together with Syrian President Bashar Assad over the last few months on a plan to restart negotiations between Syria and Israel. But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been briefed on Kerry's talks with Assad, opposes the plan, since he does not believe Assad is serious about making peace with Israel.”

Israel's Prime Minister knew Syria really didn't want peace and the peace process never got started again. Benjamin Netanyahu can now see Syria didn't really want peace at all because he has recently stated he would invade Israel if he saw his power base was coming to an end.

So what about this latest offer to start up the Middle East peace talks again via Ahmed Qureia's bi-national state with Israel?  What do you think Benjamin Netanyahu is thinking about this plan?  Here is why I belive Netanyahu thinks it's just another attempt at a Trojan horse. In other words just an attempt to take land from Israel in order to get closer to her so that when they do attack Israel will have less time to react to such an attack.

Ever since the peace process stalled the PLO have engaged in attacks against Israeli's both on the ground and by sending rockets into Israel. I can see what Netanyahu may be thinking which is, if they were really serious about peace why are they still launching rockets?

Netanyahu has mentioned before that the PLO charter has not changed. That charter calls for the destruction of Israel. Here is a quote from a past news report. "JERUSALEM – Reversing course from Israel's previous government, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the PLO of breaking its promise to revoke sections of its charter that call for Israel's destruction. The Palestinians insisted Thursday that they have fulfilled their obligations, and said Israel is violating its signed agreements. Netanyahu's position on the PLO charter appears to be a setback for Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking. Shimon Peres, defeated by Netanyahu by less than 1 percentage point in the May 29 election, had welcomed the PLO's April vote on amending its charter as ""the greatest ideological change of this century. The charter of the Palestinian National Council – the PLO's parliament-in-exile – had called for the destruction of Israel, and Israel-PLO peace accords stipulated that the council must delete those sections of its constitution. But critics claimed the wording of the resolution passed by the council this spring left open the question of whether the charter had in fact been amended. The Israeli watchdog group Peace Watch said an internal PLO document said the charter was frozen, but not annulled."

Here is the bottom line concerning the report that was issued today. "Israeli reaction to the idea of a binational state, which has been discussed internally in Israel for years, has been mixed, with many concerned that Israel would lose its Jewish character – and eventually its status as a Jewish state – as Arab populations grow and eventually take over the reigns of government."


God’s Curse On America/Sept. 13, 2012




Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora




Prophecy Sign: Obadiah 1:15 “For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.” 


“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).

“I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).

“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:3).

President Barack Obama turned his back on Israel in their struggle to stop Iran from building a nuclear bomb. On September 11 I posted information on God's curse because of what President Obama is doing to Israel. In the Sept. 11 report I showed you the Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu, asked to meet with with Obama and Obama refused the request. That was Monday. By Tuesday after noon the embassy in Egypt was under attack. By Wednesday morning 4 Americans including the US Ambassador Chris Stevens lay dead in the streets in Libya. Obadiah lays out a definite spiritual principal that when nations come against Israel they will be judged. What you are seeing right now playing out in the headlines is the beginning of God’s judgment on America. In my book under the chapter God's curse I show you what happens when you go against Israel. The curse pattern continues.







Headline: Embassies in 7 countries warn of possible attacks

Headline: Netanyahu: It's My Duty to Keep Iran Nuke Free 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today he has a duty to prevent Iran from obtaining atomic weapons even when “the best of friends” disagree, referring to policy differences with the United States.

 Netanyahu’s comments came after his spoke with President Barack Obama by phone for more than an hour late yesterday as the two nations spar over how to handle the Iran issue. The White House said in a statement that Obama and Netanyahu “reaffirmed that they are united in their determination to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

 Netanyahu said today that he must prevent Iran from getting nuclear arms “even when it is not easy. Because leadership is tested when it keeps to its goals even when friends disagree and even when they are the best of friends,” he said. His remarks were released in an emailed statement from his office in Jerusalem.

 The comments suggest that Netanyahu’s conversation with Obama failed to bridge the gaps between their two governments on Iran or convince the Israeli prime minister that those differences are best aired privately. Israeli leaders have repeatedly said that Iran’s atomic program is for military purposes and presents an existential threat to the Jewish state.

 The United States says sanctions against Iran are having an impact and that more talks and international pressure are needed. 

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7, one of the signs is many earthquakes. Luke 21:11 you will see Jesus warn us about the "great earthquakes.

Headline:Seismic unrest at El Hierro Island (Canary Islands) in 2011-12: updates

Update Thu 13 Sep 10:00 The frequency of quakes has strongly increased today and it might be called a new swarm. There have been 10 quakes so far, in the western El Golfo area at 10 km depth.
Earthquake depth distribution over the past 3 days

Earthquake depth distribution over the past 3 days

Watch out for that curse!/Sept. 11, 2012



Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to
pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 9, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora




Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth are gathered together against it.  The report below is just another example of how the US and Israel are drifting apart as friends. By the time it is all side and done the
United States will have turned against Israel just as we see in Zech. 12:3 where all the nations come against Israel.

Prophecy Sign: “I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered
among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).

“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:3).





Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7, one of the signs is many earthquakes. Luke 21:11 you will see Jesus warn us about the "great earthquakes.

MAP 5.0  2012/09/11
  11.796   143.389 20.8 SOUTH OF THE MARIANA ISLANDS
MAP 5.1  2012/09/11
  10.734   126.774 28.9 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION
MAP 5.8  2012/09/11
  11.840   143.197 3.4 SOUTH OF THE MARIANA ISLANDS
MAP 5.3  2012/09/11
-10.762   113.819 8.9 SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA
MAP 5.1  2012/09/11
-31.826   -68.252 108.6 SAN JUAN, ARGENTINA
MAP 5.0  2012/09/11
  24.656   99.257 22.0 YUNNAN, CHINA
MAP 5.5  2012/09/11
  45.294   151.189 14.7 KURIL ISLANDS






Rosh Hashanah and The Rapture

Rosh Hashanah’s official Hebrew name is Yom Teruah (יוֹם תְּרוּעָה). Rosh Hashanah is also called The Feast Of Trumpets, The Feast Of Blowing, The Feast Of Repentance, or the Feast Of The New Moon. The word Teruah (תְּרוּעָה H8643) means: a shout or blast of war, alarm, or joy; a loud noise of rejoicing; the voice of a trumpet.  Teruah is most frequently linked in scripture to the blowing of the Shofar and secondly as the noise of a joyful shouting.The word Yom (יוֹם H3117) simply means: day.

 Other Names for Rosh Hashanah include:

Yom Teruah:
Day of the Awakening Blast, or Day of the Sounding of the Shofar

• Yom Ha’Din: The Day Of Judgment, The Day Of Opening The Books, The Opening Of The Gates.  The trumpets declare the solemn warning that the gates of heaven are open and that the Court in Heaven is in session.

• Yom Ha’Keseh: The Hidden Day, The Day of Hiding or Concealment.

• Yom Ha’Kiddushin / Nesu’im: The Wedding Day Of The Messiah.

• Yom Ha’Melekh: The Day Of The Coronation Of The Messiah.

• Yom Ha’Natzal: The Day Of The Resurrection of the Righteous Dead and the Taking Up of the Living Righteous.

• Yom Ha’Akedah: The Day Of Abraham’s Offering of Isaac, wherein the Ram’s left and right horns symbolize the Shofar’s First Trump and Shofar’s Last Trump.

Rosh Hashanah celebrates the Resurrection of the Righteous, Kingship of the Lord, and Marriage of the Lamb.  Only when two witnesses see the edge of the moon, can the festival start. They had a two day period in which they knew it would happen, but not the exact day or time. Hence, the expression Yeshua used: “You do not know the day or the hour” (Matthew 24:36).  By using this expression, Yeshua also references the Kiddushin / Nesu’im, and the Yom HaKeseh. Rosh Hashanah this year falls on September 17-18, 2012.

Conclusion Rosh Hashanah’s three main themes are Resurrection of the Righteous, Kingship of the Lord, and Marriage of the Lamb, all rapture images.  There is a two day period in which they knew it would happen, but not the exact time. Only when two witnesses see the edge of the moon, can the festival start.  Hence, “You do not know the day or the hour.”  Rosh Hashanah is a day of hiding – a day whose importance is hidden from Satan and in which Yeshua’s Bride is also hidden.  Those who wait for the rapture expect to be hidden in Heaven during the tribulation period.  The blowing of the shofar easily portends the both a kingly coronation and a resurrection and rapture.

Combined, all these images present Rosh Hashanah as one of the premier representations of the rapture event and therefore is one of the major candidates for the day of the Rapture.  No one, I repeat: NO ONE, can say that September 17-18, 2012 is that day, however!  All we can do is stay alert and look forward to that day when our blessed hope is realized.

Message from Pastor Paul one of my Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Mission partners. Paul sent Teresa a message that was passed on to me.

Dear Loving and Gracious Sister, Sweet and loving greetings to you in the Most Precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you very much for the loving reply. I am extremely Sorry for the delay in my response.How are you Sister and beloved family and blessed ministry ?. I hope and pray that you are doing great by the Grace of God. By the love of God, and your precious prayers, our children, gospel workers, inistry,and family are doing good in his ministry. Yesterday night we had a good prayer service and God used me mightily to preach his word to the little flock in a village. I attached the picture with this mail. And also today I received Bro.Dimora's Precious Book with Coloured pictures. I am so happy and blessed to receive it.I hope and pray that ,it will be a great blessing to me and to my ministry.We are all praying for you,health and beloved family, that God to pourout his blessings on you and fill you with his Grace to be a blessings to us . I am especially praying for the matter you asked me to pray for . Please continue your precious prayers for us.  Please convey our loving and sweet greetings to the brothers and sisters there..convey our special greetings to Bro. Tim.
Thank you and May God continue to bless you richly and abundantly .
I prayerfully wait for your loving kind reply.
Yours loving brother,


This message is from Fiaz concerning the Thief In The Night written by Frank DiMora                                      

These photos of my last day evangelism in villager Chandala. I went here with my fellow pastor. I receive really blessing in this meeting. I worship with that peoples. I feel God anointing here. I share here message A Thief in the night. I thanks God they give me great response. After message a girl stand and share her testimony how God work her life with this message and she accept Jesus. After meeting they bring us to their house they really respect us and give very Delicious food to us. There are many cows in their house. They said to us please pray for our cows because there is some problem with their cows. I and my fellow pastor pray for cows. They really respect us they also said to us please watch here Christ movie also. Very soon we will go here again and watch Christ movie.

Your brother in Christ,

Pictures below of P. Fiaz's missions work for Christ Chandala.


Praying Monday-Saturday at 12 noon Eastern Standard Time. Sunday we are praying at 10am EST. If you live in California the prayer call will begin a 9am. Keep in mind the different time zones or you may miss the call🙂

To join in on the short prayer call 641-715-3200. When asked put in this code that will allow you to enter into the call: 1008901#

Pat  O’Malley  

Frank DiMora

Amy Nehme

Greg  Adams

Dale Cummings 

Bob Garris  

Patti Chapman

Israel Vila "Israel VIla"

Ministry info: Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken
from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds
for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.


Fiaz456123465Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora Aug

Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Opia1 Download DANISH – Thief in the Night (1)

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download

Thief in the Night- FrenchDownload


G1abcdeFDownload Thief in the Night – German


Andrea Ronzoni has translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: "A Thief In The Night". in the South African language of isiZulu

FiazpxabcjpghijDownload ISIZULU

Fiazpxabcjpghijkl.mljpgaDownload Malay TUHAN


Ministry Partners August 2012 (3) Download Ministry Partners Email List

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth chapter one in Spanish is coming shortly

I am getting excited because Pastor Israel Vila is almost finished with chapter one of my book "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth". I will be posting the first chapter soon so if you know any one who speaks Spanish let them know what is coming here at my site. Pastor Israel is truly a blessing to my ministry and I can't wait to see what the Holy Spirit does when the Spanish community starts reading the book!

Book cover in spanish

Pastor Israel has already translated my work on A Thief In The Night into Spanish.

Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE



Jesus is joining me with partners to extend His call of Salvation!

Ministry Partners Hands WEBSITEPartners in the ministry Ministry Partners August 2012 (3) Download Ministry Partners Email List

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora

Second Post for Sept. 12, 2012 with Frank DiMora



Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to
pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12, 2012 Edition written by Frank


In my first post today Sept. 12, 2012 I gave you some information on Revelation 6:6 which shows us people are going to have to work all day for one small meal of wheat and very little of barley. The news I am showing you is showing you we have been on the road to see Rev. 6:6 come to pass. Here is more news concerning this prophecy which I did not post yet. 






Download 9-12-12


Ministry info: Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken
from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds
for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.


Fiaz456123465Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora Aug

Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Opia1 Download DANISH – Thief in the Night (1)

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download

Thief in the Night- FrenchDownload


G1abcdeFDownload Thief in the Night – German


Sept5abcd  A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: "A
Thief In The Night". in the South African language of isiZulu

FiazpxabcjpghijDownload ISIZULU

Fiazpxabcjpghijkl.mljpgaDownload Malay


Ministry Partners August 2012 (3) Download Ministry Partners Email List



Ten Horns?/Road to the mark of the beast/Worries over higher food prices/Earthquake and fearful sights news/Psalm 83 war signs/Ezekeil nations in the news/Sept. 12, 2012



Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to
pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 7, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora



Prophecy Sign: "the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings,which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour withthe beast.  These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast" (Revelation 17:12-13).

ECB to become bank union supremo

BRUSSELS – The European Central Bank will supervise Europe’s biggest banks from mid-2013, according to the controversial banking union proposals to be announced Wednesday (12 September) by the European Commission.

Under the plans, the ECB will assume supervisory control over the eurozone’s most systemically important banks from July 2013, before covering all other banks from January 2014. The proposals, which will be formally unveiled by Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso in his state of the union speech in the European Parliament on Wednesday, are the most radical step taken by the EU to break the link between debt-laden banks and sovereigns.

Meanwhile, in a bid to appease MEPs, angry at the prospect of the Parliament being side-lined from the reforms, the EU executive wants to revise the rules governing the European Banking Authority (EBA), one of three financial sector watchdogs created in 2011.

The move is unlikely to pacify German criticism that the plan would undermine the ECB’s independence and directly conflict with its primary task under the EU treaties of maintaining price stability.

Last week, German Finance minister Wolfgang Schauble insisted that the ECB would not be able to supervise the EU’s banking sector. “The ECB has itself said it does not have the potential to supervise the European Union’s 6,000 banks in the foreseeable future,” he said. Berlin is also likely to demand that its state-owned regional Landesbanks are excluded from the ECB’s remit.

Under the blueprint, the ECB would be given powers to authorise and withdraw banking licenses, apply rules on bank capital requirements and carry out stress-tests and on-site inspection. It would also have oversight on assets bought and sold by banks as well as the right to impose sanctions for

Less clear is the impact of the banking union package on EU countries outside the single currency. The plan states that national regulators in non-eurozone countries would have to work in “close co-operation” with the ECB, raising the possibility of the bank playing a near identical supervisory role in the ten non-eurozone member states.

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13: 16 And he causeth all, both small and great , rich and poor , free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand , or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell , save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.


The Obama administration has also approved procedures for embedding iris images into federal employees ID cards while the Federal Bureau of Investigation has allotted a $1 billion multi-year upgrade on its database or repository in order to accommodate iris and facial images.   The FBI is reportedly working with Massachusetts-based BI2 Technologies and plans to launch a pilot nationwide database of iris scans by 2014.

As it is, already 47 states have been collecting iris data in prisons as part of  inmate identification. This has been underway for six years.

B12 Technologies is also rolling out a biometric device which is built into an iPhone app that can be used remotely to recognize and identify people based on iris, face, or fingerprint.




Mexico City, MexicoHeadline: Recalling ‘Tortilla Riots,’ Mexico President Warns About Food Crisis

World leaders must take swift action to avert a possible food price shock in 2013, Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon says, warning unchecked price volatility in staple food items could trigger an escalation in poverty to crisis levels. “I'm afraid that this new phenomenon of rising of prices of food around the world will provide a new round of crisis related with poverty,” Calderon told CNBC in an exclusive interview on Tuesday. “The problems in Africa, even the Arab spring, in my opinion are some way or another related to the price of food,” Calderon said, adding that next year could mark “a new round of very high prices.”

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. In my post yesterday I mentioned that I am leaving up the red flag concerning strong earth quakes.  We are not sure if the next big one will happen int Guanacaste but there has been a lot of movement as of late. In any case a warning has just gone out concerning Costa Rica.

Headline: Costa Rican officials: A strong earthquake could still occur in Guanacaste

Marino Protti, Ovsicori’s lead scientist, explained that the magintude-7.6
earthquake on Sept. 5 caused a 40 percent slip and an inclination of 1.8 meters
on the fault located in Nicoya.

He also said that although the quake was the “big one” experts had been
expecting for Guanacaste, the fault ruptured by only 50 percent, meaning that
the possibility that another earthquake of equal or greater magnitude in the
area still remains.

Ovsicori’s report, released Tuesday, also stated that the earthquake
triggered the activation of three faults in Aguas Zarcas (in the northern
region), the Guanacaste Volcanic Area and Irazú Volcano (north of Cartago).
Seismologists will continue monitoring the areas.

By Tuesday morning, the total count of aftershocks from the recent earthquake
was 1,650. On Sept. 5  at 8:42 a.m., the 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook the
country and was felt as far away as Nicaraguan and Panama. Its epicenter was
located 20 kilometers northwest of Sámara in the Nicoya Península."

Why am I still watching the news concerning these strong quakes? Because Jesus told us they would be coming in the last days. Just read Luke 21:11 were the Lord warns us about the "great earthquakes" and fearful sights. I am still going to leave the red flag flying.

Speaking about the Earth shaking and fearful sights, there was another large volcano that just exploded. There has been a lot of movement on the ring of fire which shows us something is brewing?


Quakes so far today Sept. 12, 2012

MAP 5.2  2012/09/12
-10.111   161.071 87.4 SOLOMON ISLANDS
MAP 5.6  2012/09/12
  -5.067   152.131 65.7 NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP 5.5  2012/09/12
  34.811   24.064 27.4 CRETE, GREECE
MAP 5.0  2012/09/12
-40.013   46.035 10.0 SOUTHWEST INDIAN RIDGE

Prophecy Sign: 1Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4They have said, Come, and let
us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:”



The Syrian conflict, which has spiraled into a civil war with sectarian overtones, has already claimed the lives of more than 26,000 people, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Halevy would not specify what events in Syria could lead to war. But Israeli analysts have raised concerns about everything from a Syrian attack on Israel—aimed at deflecting attention from Assad’s brutal crackdown on protesters—to the transfer of Syrian chemical weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Both scenarios take into account the possibility that Iranian troops or advisers in Syria might direct the events.

Prophecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3,4:For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” Anyone who have been coming to my prophecy site will see that over and over again I warn you Israel's enemies will not stop their attack against Israel. Below you will see just one example of my warning on a Google search.


As you can see from today's news I haven't mislead you in my warning.

Headline: Gaza Terrorists Resume Attacks on Southern Israel

Israeli families dropped whatever they were doing and raced for shelter once more Wednesday, as shelling from Gaza resumed in the south. Israeli families dropped whatever they were doing and raced for shelter once more Wednesday, as shelling from Gaza resumed in the south. Palestinian Authority terrorists sent mortar shells flying at a town not far from the Gaza border at around the time that children were arriving at school, and their parents arriving at work. The shells exploded in open areas, and did not damage any structures, officials said. No one was physically injured, although people who suffer from anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorders had symptoms triggered by the attack.



ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) — The American embassies in Algeria
and Tunisia warned of more protests Wednesday, following attacks by protesters
in neighboring Libya in which the U.S. ambassador and three embassy staff were

Ambassador Chris Stevens and the three other Americans died
in an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi by armed protesters angry over a
film by a California filmmaker that ridiculed Islam's Prophet Muhammad.

In an emergency message, the embassy in Tunis warned
Americans to avoid crowded places, saying that even gatherings "intended to be
peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence." The
embassy in Algiers had similar advice.

The Algiers embassy said unspecified groups were using
online social networks to organize demonstrations "to protest a range of issues"
there Wednesday. The statement out of Tunis cited "media reports" indicating
protests were planned, but said the embassy remained open.

The attack in Libya – which borders Algeria and Tunisia –
came hours after Egyptian protesters climbed the walls of the U.S. Embassy in
Cairo, pulling down the American flag and temporarily replacing it with a black
Islamic banner


In my Feb.  19, 2012 post I posted a video concerning an Iranian Pastor who was jailed for his testamony for Jesus Christ. We began to pray asking the Lord to release the Pastor. If you want to see where I talked about this watch the video below starting alittle past the 3 minute mark in my video.


Anyone who tells me the Lord doesn't hear our prayers you need to watch the video below!!!!!



Prophecy Sign: Christian Persecution Matthew 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. Revelation 6:9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that
were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:" 


2Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me: because you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.  Hosea 13:6 When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; then
they forgot me.




Ministry info: Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken
from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds
for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.


Fiaz456123465Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora Aug

Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Opia1 Download DANISH – Thief in the Night (1)

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download

Thief in the Night- FrenchDownload


G1abcdeFDownload Thief in the Night – German


Andrea Ronzoni has translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: "A Thief In The Night". in the South African language of isiZulu

FiazpxabcjpghijDownload ISIZULU

Fiazpxabcjpghijkl.mljpgaDownload Malay TUHAN


Ministry Partners August 2012 (3) Download Ministry Partners Email List

Food Prices UP/God’s curse/ war coming/and more/Sept. 11, 2012



Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 9, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora




Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth are gathered together against it.  The report below is just another example of how the US and Israel are drifting apart as friends. By the time it is all side and done the United States will have turned against Israel just as we see in Zech. 12:3 where all the nations come against Israel.

Prophecy Sign: “I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).

“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:3).


Headline: Intelligence Committee chairman: Israel doesn’t believe Obama and ‘neither do the Iranians’

WASHINGTON — A senior member of Congress says Israel has lost patience with the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Michael Rogers said Israel has grown increasingly frustrated with the administration, particularly its policy of restraint toward a nuclear Iran.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, meets
with U.S. Ambassador Dan Shapiro

Rogers, a Michigan Republican, said Washington has refused to provide Israel with what he termed red lines that would result in a U.S. attack on Iran’s purported nuclear weapons program. “Right now, the Israelis don’t believe that the administration is serious when they say that all options are on the table, and more importantly neither do the Iranians,” Rogers said. “That’s why the program is progressing.”

In a radio interview on Sept. 4, Rogers recalled a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro. The House chairman said the Aug. 24 meeting, meant to brief the Americans, spun out of control when Netanyahu began attacking U.S. policy on Iran. Finally, Shapiro blurted “Enough already!”

“We’ve had sharp exchanges with other heads of state and in intelligence services and other things,” Rogers recalled, “But nothing at that level…where there was a very sharp exchange. It was very, very clear the Israelis had lost their patience with the administration.”

  • Prophecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3,4:For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”

    Headline:  Quartet meets in Cairo on Syria

    CAIRO, Sept. 10 (UPI) — Foreign ministry delegates from Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran convened in Cairo Monday to search out a way to end the Syrian crisis, an official said. Egyptian Foreign Ministry deputy spokesman Nazeeh Najjari told KUNA the meeting took place in the Diplomatic Club. Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi proposed the quartet meeting in an effort to find a way to end the nearly 18 months of bloodshed that has wracked Syria as rebels seek to oust President Bashar Assad, who has resorted to a full-court military press against them, resulting in the deaths of thousands of his own people.

    Najjari said Egypt's focus was on seeing the four countries represented at the Cairo meeting reach a consensus that includes a ceasefire and end to the violence, while preserving the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria without foreign military intervention.He said delegates would call for the start of a political process involving
    all Syrians to reach a multi-party democratic system.


    (FOX NEWS) President Obama’s proclamation marking the September 11th terrorist attacks did not include any mention of God. The president also failed to note how Americans sought solace in their religion in the aftermath of the Al-Qaeda attacks. “But as we mark the anniversary of September 11, we remember what remains the same: our character as a nation, our faith in one another, and our legacy as a country strengthened by service and selflessness,” the president wrote. Instead, the president called on Americans to participate in community service to honor those who were lost.


    Prophecy Sign: “1Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:”


    Headline: Cairo agrees to host Hamas headquarters, Arabic daily says

    Less than one year after closing its headquarters in Damascus, Hamas’s “outside” leadership has found a new home in the Egyptian capital of Cairo.Hamas leaders are split between Gaza, where they took violent control in 2007, the West Bank, where they seek to gain control, and elsewhere in the region. London-based daily Al-Hayat reported Tuesday that Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood administration has agreed to open a Hamas office in eastern Cairo and establish a joint committee with Hamas to discuss issues of security along the Gaza-Egypt border. Hamas’s Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh will meet with his counterpart Hisham Kandil in Egypt on Thursday, the daily said.


    Hezbollah has between 60 and 70 thousand rockets aimed at Israel, Defense Ministry Diplomatic-Security chief Amos Gilad said Monday. Speaking at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism's World Summit, Gilad said the Lebanese terrorist organization has stockpiled rockets of various types, and its arsenal is far more robust than the one it had prior to the Second Lebanon War. "The next war will be aimed against the home front," Gilad warned.

    Gilad also blamed Hezbollah for a number of successful and unsuccessful terrorist attacks abroad.Though admitting that the threat from Lebanon is growing, Gilad was largely optimistic about Israel's security situation, citing positive developments in Syria, Egypt and the Gaza Strip.

    "In Syria, there is good news," Gilad said. "The Golan Heights remains the quietest region in the entire Middle East. Our deterrence capabilities are sufficiently, for the time being, keeping out warring parties in Syria." Gilad also warned that al-Qaida is starting to rear its head in Syria, with a view that the fall of Assad will allow it to open a new terror front against Israel.


  • Over the years I keep repeating my warning to you to watch for the food prices to skyrocket. The following is from my July 20, 2011 post. "How many times will I have to issue warnings that the prices of food will keep rising before you will really begin to take notice. Year in and year out I tell you the prices of food will skyrocket and year in and year out that is exactly what you see in the news. Link to my July 20, 2011 post below:
  • 7


     The photo you see was designed by me and was put on my May 12, 2012 post to warn you about price increases.

    Headline: Pig farmers quit as feed prices soar

    The cost of bread is poised to rise this month as bakers try to persuade supermarkets to cover increased wheat costs. The British crop, still being brought in, has been stunted by a cold, wet
    summer, while US droughts have sent world prices for the grain spiralling. The traditional British bacon and egg fry-up could become a rarer treat as the rising cost of animal feed forces a growing number of farmers to join an international exodus from pig production.


    Headline: Food Inflation, Food Shortages And Food Riots Are Coming

    A devastating global food crisis unlike anything we have ever seen in modern times is coming. Crippling drought and bizarre weather patterns have damaged food production all over the world this summer, and the UN and the World Bank have both issued ominous warnings about the food inflation that is coming.

    To those of us in the Western world, a rise in the price of food can be a major inconvenience, but in the developing world it can mean the difference between life and death. Just remember what happened back in 2008. When food prices hit record highs it led to food riots in 28 different countries. Today, there are approximately 2 billion people that are malnourished around the globe. Even rumors of food shortages are enough to spark mass chaos in many areas of the planet. When people fear that they are not going to be able to feed their families they tend to get very desperate. That is why a recent CNN article declared that “2013 will be a year of serious global crisis“.

    The truth is that we are not just facing rumors of a global food crisis – one is actually starting to unfold right in front of our eyes. The United States experienced the worst drought in more than 50 years this summer, and some experts are already declaring that the weather has been so dry for so long that tremendous damage has already been done to next year’s crops. On the other side of the world, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan have all seen their wheat crops devastated by the horrible drought this summer. Australia has also been dealing with drought, and in India monsoon rains were about 15 percent behind pace in mid-August. Global food production is going to be much less than expected this year, and global food demand continues to steadily rise. What that means is that food inflation, food shortages and food riots are coming, and it isn’t going to be pretty.

    The United States exports more food than anyone else in the world, and that is why the entire globe has been nervously watching the horrific drought in the United States this summer with deep concern.

    It has been the worst drought in more than 50 years, and it has absolutely devastated corn crops all over the nation. According to Bill Witherell, the U.S. corn crop this year “is said to be on a par with that of 1988 crop, the worst in the past thirty years.”

    "The knock-on effect of these price hikes will be higher prices for the consumer."

    Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

     Septt7abcdefg Only God knows if the asteroid in the video below will actually have any effect on the Earth. However, since Jesus warned us there would be signs coming from the stars we should pay attention to what is happening in the heavens above us.


    Disclose.tvPotentially Hazardous Asteroid

    Message from my mission partner in Kenya.

    Dear Man of God,
    I am pastor Joshua Wekesa in Kenya, I thank God for our ministry in Kenya, the last chronicles mission, at now i have 15 churches wich i am leating in my ministry. Pray for me, and this Churches, also pray for pastors in this ministry. Tell your Friends to pray for us and to stand with our ministry in Kenya. God bless you.
    Am Pastor Joshua Wekesa.

    Another sign of the coming cashless society/More war signs/Disease/180,000 birds are culled/Helping others is the way of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Ministry/Sept. 10, 2012




    Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

    FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 7, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora


    Revelation 13: 16 And he causeth all, both small and great , rich and poor , free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand , or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell , save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    Headline: Sweden aims to be cashless society






    Headline: Global Jewish population grows by 88,000 over past year

    The global Jewish population grew by more than 88,000 people over the past year and reached 13.75 million, according to a study by Professor Sergio DellaPergola of the Hebrew University of jerusalem.The report’s findings revealed that while the world’s population grew by 1.26 percent and crossed the seven billion mark, the growth rate of the Jewish people was significantly smaller at 0.65%. In all, one out of 514 people in the world is Jewish — less than 0.2% of mankind, according to
    excerpts of the study published in Maariv Sunday.The full report was set to be published in the “American Jewish Year Book” at the start of the upcoming Jewish year.The study found that with 5.97 million Jews, Israel has the largest Jewish population, making up 43% of the tribe’s total members. The US is home to the second largest Jewish population, with 5.46 million Jews, making up a further 39%. In all of Europe there is a total of 1.43 million Jews.

    Sept10aProphecy Sign: (Disease)  Matthew 24:7 7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

    Headline: Hantavirus fears force quarantine of Houston home

    A Houston home has been quarantined after a woman developed the potentially deadly hantavirus while helping to clean the residence, reports. After the woman tested positive for the disease, the home – which was reportedly filled with debris and rodent urine and feces — was quarantined and a sheriff's deputy stationed at the address to make sure nobody goes in,
    according to the station.

    Headline: Vietnam hit by new ‘highly-toxic’ bird flu

    HANOI: A new highly-toxic strain of the potentially deadly bird flu virus has appeared in Vietnam and is spreading fast, according to state media reports.The strain appeared to be a mutation of the H5N1 virus which swept through the country’s poultry flocks last year, forcing mass culls of birds in affected
    areas, according to agriculture officials.The new virus “is quickly spreading and this is the big concern of the government”, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Diep Kinh Tan said, according to a Thursday report in the VietnamNet online newspaper. Experts cited in the report said the new virus appeared in July and had spread through Vietnam’s northern and central regions in August. Outbreaks have been detected in six provinces so far and some 180,000 birds have been culled, the Animal Health department said.

    Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth are gathered together against it.

    Septt7abcdefgIn many of my posts and in my live prophecy presentations I warn that the US will turn her back on Israel. After all, the above prophecy does say "though all the people of the earth are gathered together against it." Since Obama took office relations between the US and Israel have taken a turn for the worse. The US is on the road to fulfill the Zech. 12:3 prophecy.

    Headline: Obama's 'intelligence' agencies urge preparing for a 'post-Israel Middle East'

    Remember Chas Freeman (pictured), President Obama's original choice for Director of National Intelligence? Chas didn't get the position because 'powerful bloggers' like yours truly worked hard to expose his indifference to the torture and murder of Chinese dissidents and his being deep in the pockets of the Saudi royal family.

    Instead, Obama appointed James Clapper, who told Congress that China is the United States' biggest mortal threat, and that the Muslim
    Brotherhood is secular
    and will save us from al-Qaeda.

    So Clapper is now the Director of National Intelligence and Freeman remains influential. Therefore, it's not surprising that President Obama's 'intelligence agencies' have prepared a report on a 'post-Israel Middle East' (Hat Tip: MFS
    – The Other News
    ). (By the way, the author of this piece is VERY anti-Israel).

    It’s a paper entitled “Preparing For A Post Israel Middle East”, an 82-page analysis that concludes that the American national interest in fundamentally at odds with that of Zionist Israel. The authors conclude that Israel is currently the greatest threat to US national interests because its nature and actions prevent normal US relations with Arab and Muslim countries and, to a growing degree, the wider international community.The study was commissioned by the US Intelligence Community comprising 16 American intelligence agencies with an annual budget in excess of $ 70 billion. The IC includes the Departments of the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Defense Intelligence Agency, Departments of Energy, Homeland Security, State, Treasure, Drug Enforcement Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency commissioned the study.


    Prophecy Sign:1Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:”

    Septt7abcdefgIn number 8 in the photo above you will see the Palestinian sect called the "Hamas" are in the Gaza. Tensions have been mounting between Israel and the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war.  Every week we are witnessing the coming war between Israel and the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war. There was more news today concerning Israel's enemies in the Gaza.

    Palestinian terrorists from the Gaza Strip fired two Grad rockets into Israel overnight Saturday, damaging two buildings in Netivot and lightly injuring seven civilians. The attacks came just days after an escalation along Israel's southern border which resulted in the killing of six Palestinians the IDF said were plotting terrorist attacks against Israelis.


    Septt7abcdefg If you are new to prophecy take a look at the photo which lists all the people who will be coming against Israel in the Psalm 83 war. Notice in numbers 5 and 9 you will see the Hezbollah are mentioned. When you read the report below you will see why I am telling you this!

    Headline: Iran says Hezbollah will attack Israel

    TEHRAN, Sept. 9 (UPI) — Hezbollah will retaliate against Israel if it attacks the Islamic Republic, a senior Iranian army officer said."If the Zionist entity carries out any steps against us, resistance groups, particularly Hezbollah in Lebanon, given their central role in our defensive strategy will respond against this entity," the Iranian news agency Mehr quoted Maj.Gen. Yahia Safavi as saying.

    "The defense of the Palestinian people comes within the framework of our defensive strategy and Lebanon and Syria also constitute the core of our defensive strategy," he reportedly said. The Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth Sunday said the U.S. military is prepared and ready to strike Iran once it receives the go-ahead from Washington.


    Headline: Syria's regime pounds Aleppo, its largest city

    BEIRUT, Lebanon – The Syrian regime pounded Aleppo with warplanes and artillery shelling Saturday as ground forces seeking to regain momentum in the country's largest city advanced on three neighborhoods, activists said. Shelling and air raids against the eastern Helwaniyeh neighborhood caused a large number of casualties, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and another activist group called the Local Coordination Committees. Amateur videos showed wounded people bleeding on the floor of a crowded makeshift hospital as they received treatment.

    Septt7abcdefg At the beginning of this year Sudan voted and the nations was split into two parts. South Sudan became the newest nation. The northern half of Sudan is Muslim and the South is Christian. You can see from the Ezekeil 38 war Sudan is one of the nations who will join Russia in their quest to destroy Israel. I would believe the Lord is showing us which part of Sudan will be engaged in the Ezekiel 38 war. I highly doubt that those who are in the Southern part of Sudan will be attacking Israel.



    Prophecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3,4:For when they shall say, peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman
    with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”

    Septt7abcdefg What are we waiting for? We have seen the Middle East peace process between the PLO and Israel fall apart and it has been stalled for over 2 years now. The sudden destruction Paul warns us about is about to take place in the form of another Middle East war between the PLO and her allies which are all named in the Psalm 83 prophecy. The PLO leader is again showing us actions of this peace process having all but been destroyed.



    Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diver places.   Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

    Headline: 4 Costa Rica Volcanoes Being Closely Watched After Earthquake

    Costa Rica News – When seeing the after effects of the earthquake in Costa Rica this past week, one thing that needs to be watched closely is the active volcanoes within the country. Even a small shift under one of these giants could cause an eruption. At least four of the seven active volcanoes in the country are in the crosshairs of scientists after the earthquake of 7.6 magnitude occurred on Wednesday in Costa Rica.

    These are Arenal (Alajuela), Rincon de la Vieja (Guanacaste), Turrialba (Cartago) and Poás (Alajuela).

    According to specialists agree Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (OVSICORI-A) and the National Seismological Network (RSN: ICE-UCR), due to the size of the earthquake, it is normal volcanic structures, especially those already vulnerable are affected.There is a rearrangement of material and even chemical changes.

    The clearest example is the Arenal, where locals reported a noise characteristic of rolling boulders. ”We know there is a cave in the north, in the direction of the community of La Palma,” said Maria Martinez geochemistry, OVSICORI. 

    Headline: Giant 'balloon of magma' inflates under Santorini


    Volcanic craters at Santorini. Image Wikipedia.

    A new survey suggests that the chamber of molten rock beneath Santorini's volcano expanded 10-20 million cubic metres – up to 15 times the size of London's Olympic Stadium – between January 2011 and April 2012.

    Septt7abcdefgWe have been seeing earthquakes hit in areas were they are not reported much. Case and point Oklahoma. 



    To view Oklahoma's earthquake history click to link below.


    When I was Israel I had the chance to visit with Ze'ev Berg in Tiberias. I wanted to see how he was taking care of the many kids who need so much help. I was impressed by what Ze'ev is doing to take care of needed and we at The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Ministry are doing what we can to help feed the children. Below is a video Ze'ev made in 2008 that shows what he is up against. If the Lord speaks to you concerning helping these children in Israel than all the information you need can be found in the link below.

    Shalom Again to Pastor Frank.This is my favorite FOOD video. Even though it was made in 2008, it really gets the message across. If you could put it on your website, I will treat you like a king on your next visit to the Holy Land. I pray that everyone who sees it will open up their hearts and make a donation. Amen !Now I will look at Psalm # 83.Zeev


    Download FOOD Distribution in honor of the disadvantaged people of Tiberias