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Prophecy Sign: Part of Matthew 24:7 you will see the Lord warn us about many earthquakes.
5.0-magnitude quake hits southern Greece: USGS
“WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) — An earthquake measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale hit southern Greece on Wednesday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake occurred at 0335 GMT, with its epicenter at a depth of 22 km. So far, there has been no report of casualties or damage from the quake.” There was also a strong quake that hit Chile today. That quake was a 5.9. The actual locaction was offshore Valparaiso, Chile.
Prophecy Sign: First of all the book of Daniel tells us that when Jesus comes back He will confront the kingdom of the Antichrist. This Antichrist rises from the old Roman Empire. Jesus confronted the first Roman Empire but did not take up arms against this empire. He could have defeated the entire Roman empire by Himself if He chose to. The Jews wanted him to prove that He was king by killing off this empire. On the second coming of Christ He will again confront the Roman Empire that has been revived in these last days. Unlike the first time, this time when Jesus comes back He will come back as a King and warrior, and will crush the Antichrist’s revived Roman Empire, and then take His rightful place as King of the world. Christ’s seat will be in Jerusalem!
The Western leg of the Roman Empire has already returned in our generation. It is known as the EU or if you will, the European Union. As such let us look at what the scriptures point out to us about this last days kingdom.
The prophet Daniel points out that this kingdom will not hold together. Let’s look at the EU.
First of all, the European Union is made up of the same nations that used to be in the old Roman Empire. At the current time there are 27 members.
Second, the EU has a group of nations that they now call “The Ten”. This group of ten nations took hold July 1, 2011. Revelation 17: 12-13 tells us ten kings would come from this kingdom. Daniel 7:24-25 shows us ten horns will come this kingdom of which the Antichrist will first subdue 3 kings. These horns are the same as the ten kings in the Revelation.
Third, Daniel 2:41-43 point out the following: “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” as noted in the above scriptures this kingdom will not hold together. All of these things I listed are the exact same things we see happening in this revived Roman Empire now. Here is the news today concerning the possible break up of the Eurozone nations. The headline to the report is entitled: “Eurozone crisis could rip EU apart: officials”
“The eurozone crisis could wreck the European Union, top EU officials warned on Wednesday as the leaders of Germany and France held talks with Greece to avoid a default and widespread chaos. The pressure rose on all fronts with United States again expressing great concern, with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner saying European states "now recognise they are going to have to do more" to resolve to the crisis. Highlighting the threat to the global economy, Geithner is to exceptionally attend talks between European Union finance ministers and central bankers in Poland on Friday.”
In my May 17, 2010 post I tried to get you to hopefully pay attention to the EU because it was showing signs of Daniel 2:41-43. This is what I wrote you back in May.
“Maybe you are new to Bible Prophecy and you don’t understand what is going to take place soon? Jesus wants you to know that something major is about to take place that will not only cause the EU growth to fail but there will be a major economic crisis soon that will affect the entire world. Jesus wants you to know that this Antichrist will end up controlling the global markets. We see the global chaos developing that will no doubt be one of the platforms that will help lift the Antichrist to the position Jesus warned about. Nation after nation in the EU is starting to crumble of the massive debts issues just like the United States is. This trend will continue because I believe it is part of the last days birth pain Jesus warned about in Mark 13:8. I quote, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”
I encourage you to bring others to this site so they can see the connection between the Word of God and current events. In any case leaders in Europe are losing hope in their system, and we see an example of this in the headlines. I quote, “Mummy’ Merkel battered as Germans lose faith in EU”. The sub title reads: “After bailing out Greece and now the euro, Germany is fed up with being Europe’s paymaster” (end May quote).
As you can see my statement “This trend will continue” has come to pass.
In my prophecy book I show you proof that the American superpower is on the decline. Her fall is taking place in part to help lift up this last world empire. Many of you are asking, if the EU is the final revived Roman Empire, and both the EU and the United States are declining how can the EU rise to superpower level? Christ told us that when the Antichrist rises up he as I said, he will make his way into a group of ten kings. These kings are modern day leaders. "The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast” (Revelation 17:12-13). All we know is we are looking for a group of ten leaders. Will this ten come as a result of a EU breakup leaving ten EU nations to remain together? Could the ten nations that were just set into place this July 1, 2011 be those ten?God is painting the picture for us as each day passes, and those of us who are on the watch will see the Lord’s signs and know without a doubt what they mean. The question is how can the Antichrist bring the revived Roman Empire together as the last world empire? Say for example the EU breaks up. This alone will cause major chaos in the world’s market place. The US is ready to fall and such a break up in the EU could bring down the fragile US as will. If this were to happen the entire world would be casted into a major depression and out of that depression the world would cry out for someone to take the helm. Guess who comes riding on a while horse. The Antichrist. Knowing that this scenario is possible we need to really watch the economic engines of these nations, and the rest of the nations as well. One of the signs I am speaking about is the decline of powers and their economic status as we are now see in the EU. Here is another one of those telling signs from the newest report out of the US.
I quote, “The latest Census data show more than 46 million Americans — a record — officially live below the poverty level. Median income fell more than 2 percent last year to levels lower than 1997. Discouraging numbers at a time when President Obama and Republican lawmakers haggle over what to do to kick start this economy.” I don’t know about you, but where I live, as I am driving around I am seeing more people holding up help me signs and walking around collecting cans to survive than ever before. The America dream is beginning to turn into 14 million Americans nightmare as they struggle to find jobs, that by the way, keep disappearing. Take a look at the chart below, the USA is number one now in the food stamp program!
Prophecy Sign: This article will cover several signs. It will address the signs in the sun, the moon, and stars found in Luke 21:11, 25. It will address the sign of war and humors of war as seen in Matthew 24:7, and it will also shed some light on a section of the Ezekiel war prophecy found in Ezekiel 38:13.
Here is a report that I find interesting that has to do with September 27, 2011, which is the day before the Feast of Trumpets. Last week I said a sure way to find out if our government isn’t telling us all the facts about the Comet Elenin would be to keep track of the government officials. I said that if you see them heading to places where bunkers are on the dates that the comet is suppose to affect the Earth, than the red flag should go up. In that post of last week I showed you a report in the telling us Obama would be in Denver on the 27 of September. There is now a report out by the European Union Times which is a online newspaper dated Sept. 14, 2011. Although this Times news source may be questionalble I want to point out what the Bible says. I think your going to find this very interesting as I point out some things we need to compare with the Word of God. The headline to this next report is. “Obama Ordered To Denver Bunker By US Military”
“A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport.
Under the SALT I Strategic Nuclear Arms Control Agreement signed between Russia and the US, both parties are required to notify the other in all cases of such maximum readiness drills occurring, but are not required to state their reasons for doing so.
General Maslov states in his report, though, his concern over this drill is “heightened” due to last months nuclear attack on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) branch of the intercontinental military tunnel complex between Washington D.C. and Denver, and which we reported on in our 24 August report Russia Reports Nuclear Explosions Hit Vast US Military Tunnel Network.”
Further down in the report is says, “As we had warned about in our 28 May report Obama Vows War On Saudi Arabia, Orders Thousands Of US Troops To Region, and our 23 June report Nuclear Attack On US Warned Imminent As Saudi War Nears, the United States plans for all-out global war are well in place and are now awaiting the “spark” that will set it off.
To if the date of 27 September when Obama will be in Denver will be the date this “spark” is set off it is not in our knowing. What is in our knowing, though, is that since the CIA transferred their headquarters to Denver in 2005 under the mysterious airport [second photo right] with bizarre murals depicting [3rd and 4th photos right] picturing mass global death, particularly between Israelis and Palestinians, the questions as to who, or what, actually controls the United States today remains in question.
And when this information is coupled with the fact that 27 September is one of the most significant dates in American history because on that date, in 1777, after British troops captured Philadelphia, Lancaster, Pennsylvania became the United States capitol for that single day, the first time such a thing occurred in all of that nations history, and it is, also, the date that Comet Elenin enters into its feared alignment with the Earth, Sun and Moon with many believing these conjunctions are responsible for catastrophic earthquakes and tsunamis, and nearly all of NASA’s top officials and scientists will be in Denver on that date too, one can be justifiably perplexed as to the many meanings these events have.
But, to the greater meaning of all of these things it has been best stated by Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, who warned the American people about the future to come:”
Can we trust what this news is telling us? Well for one thing we know for sure Israel and the PLO are at the current time preparing for war. This is fact! We have seen two reports telling us Obama will be in Denver the day before Comet Elenin. Now in this report we are also told that nearly all of NASA’s top officials and scientists will be in Denver on that date” as well. Could this really be a move to safety just prior to Elenin? At this point only Jesus can tell us for sure. So let us turn to the attention on the report’s news that troops will be in Saudi Arabia. Ezekiel 38:13 is the only passage of scripture where we see the United States. Let me explain.
“Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? Hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? To carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?” (Ezekiel 38:13) As the attack begins, we see specific nations that are mentioned which only give their formal protest against the invading armies. The nations which give their formal protest are not engaged in the battle. Sheba and Dedan in verse 13 are modern day Saudi Arabia. Great Britain is what is referred to in the Old Testament as Tarshish. The nations, which broke away from Great Britain, are the United States, Canada, and Australia; these nations are considered the young lions of Tarshish or Great Britain in modern day terms. Look up the coat of arms for Great Britain; it is the lion.
Ezekiel Chapter 38:13 tells us that Great Britain, which is the lion, the United States, Canada, and Australia, which are the young lions are in the area of Saudi Arabia at the time the attack against Israel breaks out. These nations will do nothing to help Israel except to give their formal protest to the massive invasion.
Let us just look at the young lion ! She has troops in Saudi Arabia and God showed us in Ezekiel that this would be the case. When you read the above report and match it with the Word of God it does connect! Can the Feast of Trumpets this year really be the dates that all hell will break out? We are about to find out! Is it a coincidence that these nations mentioned as the young lions are all in the Middle East right now. Do you suppose the warning of the Ezekiel war is about to be play out. I know this much it’s time to raise the red flag.
When the war of 2001 broke out these are the nations that deployed to the Middle East.
The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) is a NATO-led security mission in Afghanistan established by the United Nations Security Council on 20 December 2001 by Resolution 1386[1] as envisaged by the Bonn Agreement.[2] It is engaged in the War in Afghanistan (2001–present).
ISAF was initially charged with securing Kabul and surrounding areas from the Taliban, al Qaeda and factional warlords, so as to allow for the establishment of the Afghan Transitional Administration headed by Hamid Karzai.[3] In October 2003, the UN Security Council authorized the expansion of the ISAF mission throughout Afghanistan,[4] and ISAF subsequently expanded the mission in four main stages over the whole of the country.[5] Since 2006, ISAF has been involved in more intensive combat operations in southern Afghanistan, a tendency which continued in 2007 and 2008. Attacks on ISAF in other parts of Afghanistan are also mounting.
Troop contributors include from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Poland, Romania, Denmark, Belgium, Czech Republic, Norway, Bulgaria, and many other members of the European Union as well as South Korea, Azerbaijan, Singapore and a few other non-NATO members. The intensity of the combat faced by contributing nations varies greatly, with the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Denmark sustaining substantial casualties in intensive combat operations.” Most of you already know who took the hardest hits. It is the same nations that Ezekiel calls the young lions. I have no doubt in my mind that these troops are there because we have reached the days when these final prophecies just prior to the start of the tribulation will be fulfilled.
Here is another thing I find very interesting. The warnings I have been giving out about the Psalm 83 war turn out to be almost a carbon copy of what other Pastors on the watch are warning. I don’t have time to read what they all are writing because it takes me forever just to do what I am doing. However from time to time some sends me a teaching from another Pastor. Today, someone sent me what By Dr. David R. Reagan who is the Founder & Director, Lamb & Lion Ministries wrote. After reading what he had to say it was the Lord confirming we are both getting the same exact message. Here is what he said.
“Here is the most likely scenario that I can foresee at the moment. Hamas, the fundamentalist Arab terrorist organization funded by Iran, will take complete control over the Palestinian autonomous areas. Hamas will then unleash a renewed reign of terror on Israel, continuing their lobbing of rockets from Gaza and Jericho to back up their demand for control of Jerusalem.
Abbas will orchestrate world pressure on Israel through the United Nations and the Vatican. Later this September, Abbas will likely proclaim a Palestinian state and then demand that Jerusalem be "liberated" or internationalized.
Since even the most liberal Israelis take the position that Jerusalem is non-negotiable, the pressure will mount toward an inevitable conflict. If Hamas does not unleash the rockets first, then Abbas will ultimately return to the method he knows best — terror.
This will prompt an Israeli counter attack, which, in turn, will motivate the Arab states to come to the defense of the Palestinians. This could very well lead to Syria launching an all out missile attack on Tel Aviv in order to reclaim the Golan Heights and turn attention away from their civilian upheavals.
If that ominous event should occur, the Israelis will be forced to use their ultimate weapon to survive. They will strike Damascus with nuclear weapons. This will fulfill the prophecies that state that Damascus will cease to exist in the end times (Isaiah 17:1-3 and Jeremiah 49:23-27).
In panic, the Arab states will then turn to their natural ally for help — the Russians. And the likelihood is that the Russian government will be only too happy to send an army into the Middle East to destroy Israel (and grab the Arab oil fields in the process).
That is when the Lord will step in personally to destroy the Russian hordes on the mountains of Israel in a supernatural way so that even the Israelis will realize that their deliverance came from the Lord and not from their own military might (Ezekiel 38 and 39).
As the whole world panics on the brink of World War III, a dynamic, charismatic political leader from Europe will step into the vacuum and propose an ingenious solution that will result in peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors — a peace that will enable the Jews to rebuild their Temple.
We live in exciting times when we can watch prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes. The events are ominous and overwhelming, but we can stand firm with great hope because we know that God is on His throne and that He is in control.
The events we are currently witnessing point to the imminent return of Jesus Christ, and when He returns, the world will be flooded with peace and righteousness, and Israel will enjoy the blessings of territorial integrity and peace forevermore (Zechariah 8:1-8).”
As you can see for yourselves this September Feast of Trumpet dates keep popping up. It appears the PLO may be using this Feast of Trumpet dates to keep Israel from voting no to a PLO State at the UN. I report will explain this. The headline reads, “Will PA's UN vote be held on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur?” “Foreign Ministry receives reports Palestinian move an attempt to neutralize Israel's ability to speak before the assembly or exert pressure behind the scenes
The Palestinians are considering bringing their statehood bid for a vote at the UN on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur, two of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar, according to reports that have reached the Foreign Ministry. By doing so, the Palestinians hope to neutralize Israel's ability to speak before the assembly or exert pressure behind the scenes, Yedioth Aharonoth reported. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to address the forum on September 23rd. However, there is still uncertainty as to when the actual vote on Palestinian independence will take place.”
As I said at the end of August, the month of September will get very interesting, and indeed it is. Once again this news causes one to contemplate if Jesus has picked this September for the rapture?,7340,L-4121850,00.html
If you can please read this report right out of Israel. If you read this, you will get more of an insight as what will happen at the UN next week.
This month the United Nations General Assembly plans to pass a resolution creating a Palestinian State out of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, with ancient Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, as capital of the Muslim state.
Download September 12th-Army of Watchmen
On December 18, 2009 I warned you, you will be hearing more news about UFO’s and aliens. This is what I wrote you. I quote myself “Prophecy Sign: In part of Luke 21: we are told, “and great signs shall there be from heaven”. Take a look at what I wrote you on my post dated November 11, 2009. “Does anyone remember the warning I gave you from my Oct. 5, and 22 posts that you will soon hear more news about aliens from our world leaders.” Prophecy Sign: 2 Thessalonians 2:9-13 says the following: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”
I don’t know for sure but it is a good possibility that the powerful delusion may be coming in the form of UFO’s. Think about this for a moment. What if after the world sees these strange UFO’s that the rapture of the Church takes place. The Antichrist could come out and say all the evil people were taken off the planet when in fact it was the Lord’s righteous that we taken form the Earth. There is no doubt in my mind that the “counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders” Jesus warned about could come as a result of these UFO’s. (end of quote)
Ken Johnston in happier days at JPL
NASA Whistleblower: Alien Moon Cities Exist”. “Former National Aeronautics and Space Administration Data and Photo Control Department manager, Ken Johnston, who worked for the space agency's Lunar Receiving Laboratory during the Apollo missions has been fired for telling the truth. Johnston asserts NASA knows astronauts discovered ancient alien cities and the remains of amazingly advanced machinery on the Moon. Some of the technology can manipulate gravity. He says the agency ordered a cover-up and forced him to participate in it. Over the past 40 years other scientists, engineers and technicians have accused NASA of cover-ups and obscuring data.
The growing number of accusers' allegations range from hiding information about anomalous space objects and lying about the discovery of artifacts on the surface of the Moon and Mars, to denying the evidence of life reported back by the Viking lander during the mid-1970s.
Strange object photographed by Apollo astronauts
“According to Johnston, Apollo astronauts brought back photographic evidence of the artifacts they found during their lunar extravehicular activities (EVAs). Johnston claims NASA ordered him to destroy the EVA images while he was at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), but he refused.
When he went public, the space agency terminated him.”
Can we consider that people would like us to believe these things are true? What if Comet Elenin does fulfill all that we have been reading about. What if during 3 days of darkness the Church is removed during the Feast of Trumpets. Do you suppose someone would come out and say that the Aligns took them all away? Do you suppose this could be as I said before, THE LIE Jesus warned about in the last days? One thing I know, my warning about seeing more news concerning UFO’s and Aliens was correct.
This evening Wednesday Sept. 14, 2011 at 6:15pm Ca. time zone I will be live on the Late Night In The Midlands show. If you want to listen in to this show click to the link below. At this site you will see the different places you will be able to listen in if you miss the interview. The station will also play this interview on youtube at a later date which they will post. Below is some info for you. I am going on this show to expose the Word of God. It is a good show where I know there will be many unbelievers, so I could use your prayers before the show.
Michael Vara & Glenn Canady exposing the world one truth at a time. We still need help so if you can donate please help the cause & click the Donate button at the top left side of the main page. Join both sites & and spread the truth to everyone you know.
guests Frank DiMora & Brett Creamer
The coming times
The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” June 30, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
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Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
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What it will be like when the rapture hits.
Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT.doc Aug.7, 2011 By Frank DiMora pdf
Below is a link to the rapture of the Church in French.