Roaring of seas and waves/Mark of the Beast/Jesus Name is cause to pull ads/Signs of the coming Antichrist economic system/Nation under blessing/March 31, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge.  Just click to link below.


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Jesus gave us a warning about the seas and waves roaring.  In 2011 we have already seen some pretty nasty storms that have wiped out huge massive of land.  Once again we see the same thing being reported. I quote, “In what should be one of the hottest, driest times of the year, rainfall as high as 50 inches within little more than a week has left swaths of southern Thailand under water. At least 15 people were killed in the flooding according to reports Thursday. Residents and tourists were stranded, as ferries and flights had to be canceled. The Thai military was involved in rescues. They also helped to search for victims of a deadly mudslide that struck the province of Krabi.”



 Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17 shows us the Antichrist will control the new world economic system. “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”  Here is another way people could be marked.

 PHOENIX — A Phoenix tattoo artist is offering a new kind of tattoo that's raising some eyebrows. At the Jade Monkey Tattoo in Phoenix, artist Levi Smith offers a tattoo that contains computer generated "QR" or quick response code, similar to a bar code. "It's a basic kind of marketing bar code that you can scan with an app on your smart phone," Smith said, adding it can contain personal information like your name, medical history and other things. "You can have it linked to a site on line, an image like some simple text. There's also some dynamic `qr' codes, I guess, that are coming out where the link destination can actually change online and then you can even put up contact information and stuff that can be uploaded to a smart phone."


Prophecy Sign: Jesus warned us that Christians would come under attack in the last day for His names sake. Read Matthew 24:9. “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.”  Once again the Name of Jesus is in the news!


People are working to get rid of anything that has to do with Christ.





The nation's largest retailer needs to get back to its roots as the lowest priced one-stop shop for consumers, Walmart CEO Bill SImon said. Prophecy Sign: “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"

This generation is well on the road to fulfilling Revelation 6:6 where people will be working all day long for a very small amount of food. For some time now I have been warning you that you will continue to see news telling us the price of food is climbing.  Here is another one of those report today. 

“U.S. consumers face "serious" inflation in the months ahead for clothing, food and other products, the head of Wal-Mart's U.S. operations warned Wednesday. The world's largest retailer is working with suppliers to minimize the effect of cost increases and believes its low-cost business model will position it better than its competitors. Still, inflation is "going to be serious," Wal-Mart U.S. CEO Bill Simon said during a meeting with USA TODAY's editorial board. "We're seeing cost increases starting to come through at a pretty rapid rate."  “Along with steep increases in raw material costs, John Long, a retail strategist at Kurt Salmon, says labor costs in China and fuel costs for transportation are weighing heavily on retailers. He predicts prices will start increasing at all retailers in June”.

 Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17 shows us the Antichrist will control the new world economic system. “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Everyone can see the signs that a major shift in the way nations do business is going to change.  We can’t watch the news without seeing reports that nations are going broke, or governments are ready to shut down because they have run out of money, and the debts are impossible to pay off.  If you can face reality you have to face the fact that the 14 trillion dollars in US debt is going to cripple the US soon. 

Like I said, governments are ready to shut down over the debt issue.  I quote, “Vice President Joe Biden talking to reporters at the Capitol after a long negotiation on spending among his fellow Democrats. House Republicans and Senate Democrats are said to be closing in on a deal to cut less than 2 percent – about $32 billion — from the projected $1.65 trillion deficit for the current fiscal year.  The deal is being driven by the deepening understanding in both parties that all sides will suffer if the government shuts down on April 8.”

While the White House has been trying to paint a picture of America’s come back, the real facts about her decline are seen every where.  For example, “Of all U.S. homes, 13 percent stand vacant , according to U.S. Census Bureau statistics.  Realtor Mac McCollum stands in front of a foreclosed home in Bullhead City, Arizona "More vacant homes equal more downward pressure on home prices," says Brad Hunter, chief economist for Metrostudy, a real estate information provider.  But there are a few surprises on the census’ list of most empty states. Here are the states with the highest proportion of empty housing, according to census data:

1. Maine: 22.8 percent
2. Vermont: 20.5 percent
Florida: 17.5 percent
Arizona: 16.3 percent
5. Alaska: 15.9 percent

On page 22 of my March 2011 book I stated the following: “Here is a side note. #15 stated there were 39.68 million Americans on food stamps. They also stated, “The U.S. Department of Agriculture is forecasting that enrollment in the food stamp program will exceed 43 million Americans in 2011”. According to a (AP) report on Oct. 22, 2010, a record 42 million Americans are now depending on food stamps. The number shows the US is headed for a depression.”  Here we are with only three months into 2011 and the new stats show that their are now over 44 million Americans being forced to go on food stamps! I warned you this was going to happen in my book, on my Youtube videos, and on my International radio/video show at The Edge.

( Data as of March 2, 2011 )
        Percent Change
State /  December November December December 2010 vs
Territory 2009 2010 2010 Nov 2010 Dec 2009
    Preliminary Initial    
Alabama 791,335 863,606 868,312 0.5% 9.7%
Alaska 71,510 79,242 81,190 2.5% 13.5%
Arizona 1,004,476 1,050,181 1,050,686 0.0% 4.6%
Arkansas 464,267 487,786 489,295 0.3% 5.4%
California 3,112,043 3,521,881 3,570,066 1.4% 14.7%
Colorado 390,656 435,306 441,221 1.4% 12.9%
Connecticut 318,918 370,665 371,675 0.3% 16.5%
Delaware 108,510 129,049 132,371 2.6% 22.0%
District of Columbia 114,375 131,611 132,704 0.8% 16.0%
Florida 2,490,034 2,994,413 3,043,115 1.6% 22.2%
Georgia 1,533,637 1,732,865 1,743,287 0.6% 13.7%
Guam 36,467 39,469 39,885 1.1% 9.4%
Hawaii 134,021 153,018 156,355 2.2% 16.7%
Idaho 180,576 219,271 223,347 1.9% 23.7%
Illinois 1,624,175 1,732,169 1,802,214 4.0% 11.0%
Indiana 794,209 863,489 871,666 0.9% 9.8%
Iowa 331,335 351,898 354,552 0.8% 7.0%
Kansas 256,321 295,787 295,080 -0.2% 15.1%
Kentucky 764,669 813,041 812,779 0.0% 6.3%
Louisiana 817,671 866,905 877,189 1.2% 7.3%
Maine 224,068 241,117 242,824 0.7% 8.4%
Maryland 535,403 643,651 653,293 1.5% 22.0%
Massachusetts 726,541 799,770 802,456 0.3% 10.4%
Michigan 1,696,692 1,920,330 1,926,594 0.3% 13.6%
Minnesota 414,137 473,803 485,509 2.5% 17.2%
Mississippi 573,545 612,889 616,748 0.6% 7.5%
Missouri 888,501 931,933 938,015 0.7% 5.6%
Montana 108,617 120,013 122,155 1.8% 12.5%
Nebraska 157,922 170,731 173,040 1.4% 9.6%
Nevada 259,196 322,950 324,658 0.5% 25.3%
New Hampshire 99,262 111,518 112,319 0.7% 13.2%
New Jersey 589,609 706,702 724,224 2.5% 22.8%
New Mexico 339,203 399,454 403,551 1.0% 19.0%
New York 2,673,143 2,934,493 2,969,868 1.2% 11.1%
North Carolina 1,302,121 1,531,255 1,547,621 1.1% 18.9%
North Dakota 58,796 60,681 60,947 0.4% 3.7%
Ohio 1,576,682 1,772,608 1,795,578 1.3% 13.9%
Oklahoma 568,612 615,191 617,920 0.4% 8.7%
Oregon 680,982 749,498 756,352 0.9% 11.1%
Pennsylvania 1,529,044 1,673,714 1,684,790 0.7% 10.2%
Rhode Island 128,766 154,031 155,184 0.7% 20.5%
South Carolina 778,371 839,109 841,158 0.2% 8.1%
South Dakota 91,728 99,826 100,789 1.0% 9.9%
Tennessee 1,205,219 1,264,407 1,276,410 0.9% 5.9%
Texas 3,311,850 3,925,119 3,955,321 0.8% 19.4%
Utah 216,119 268,216 288,540 7.6% 33.5%
Vermont 84,300 89,316 90,526 1.4% 7.4%
Virginia 763,163 837,005 839,472 0.3% 10.0%
Virgin Islands 19,903 22,028 22,303 1.2% 12.1%
Washington 953,096 1,019,791 1,034,304 1.4% 8.5%
West Virginia 364,573 345,683 348,880 0.9% -4.3%
Wisconsin 687,313 771,413 777,514 0.8% 13.1%
Wyoming 33,304 35,924 36,472 1.5% 9.5%
     TOTAL 38,978,986 43,595,821 44,082,324 1.1% 13.1%
The following areas receive Nutrition Assistance Grants which provide benefits analogous to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program:  Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the Northern Marianas. 
November and December 2010 data are preliminary and are subject to significant revision.

 “When Barack Obama, the Federal Reserve and the mainstream media tell us that we are in the middle of an economic recovery, is that supposed to be some kind of sick joke?  According to newly released numbers, over 44 million Americans are now on food stamps.  That is a new all-time record and that number is 13.1% higher than it was just one year ago.  So how many Americans have to go on food stamps before we can all finally agree that the U.S. economy is dying?  50 million?  60 million?  All of us?  The food stamp program is the modern equivalent of the old bread lines.  More than one out of every seven Americans now depends on the federal government for food.  Oh, but haven't you heard?  The economy is showing dramatic improvement.  Corporate profits are up.  The stock market is soaring.  Happy days are here again. The following areas receive Nutrition Assistance Grants which provide benefits analogous to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program:  Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the Northern Marianas. November and December 2010 data are preliminary and are subject to significant revision.”

Again, news from the White House wants to paint a picture of people going back to work, however, the chart below shows you the real picture. As of January 2011 the real unemployment rate appears to be at 10.3!

Look these are the facts! America is declining in power to give way to the last world empire Jesus warned us about.  If you don’t believe these warnings just keep watching the news because the unrest you see in the European Union over budget cuts is going to come to America.  Think your money is safe?  With the inflation that is coming you are going to wish you listened to the warnings.

Gallup's U.S. Unemployment Rate, 2010-2011 Trend


There are signs every where the system the Antichrist will soon control is coming. “French President Nicolas Sarkozy has warned of another global economic crisis if urgent reforms to the international monetary system are not agreed soon, but there appeared to be no consensus on what those reforms should be as finance ministers from the G20 group of nations met in China on Thursday.

“As the crisis recedes the temptation to do nothing is very strong and the importance of co-ordination seems less obvious,” Mr Sarkozy said at the opening of the G20 “high-level seminar on the international monetary system” in the Chinese city of Nanjing.”

Here is another sign. Ireland has already been bailed out once and not much has changed since their bailout. “DUBLIN – Ireland's cash-strapped banks need another euro24 billion ($34 billion) in coming months to demonstrate that they won't collapse in the face of future crises, the Irish Central Bank announced Thursday as it published pessimistic new stress tests.  The tests on four Irish banks — a condition of Ireland's international bailout — presume that the country's real estate market will keep falling and produce tens of thousands of home foreclosures, a problem that is just starting to bite.

Central Bank Governor Patrick Honohan said all four banks would need enough money to cover mammoth write-offs of dud property loans and to boost their cash reserves to new, higher standards. He said these cash requirements can't be met by any of the banks in question, so each will have to receive funding from Ireland's emergency European Union-International Monetary Fund credit line.”

An employee counts U.S. dollar banknotes at a branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Huaibei, Anhui province May 25, 2010. REUTERS/Stringer If you have been reading and watching the news you would have seen over and over again nations calling for a new reform of our present global monetary system.  The system in which will show up at the end of the day when the global economies fail will be the one Jesus told you about so many years in advance.

I quote, Reuters) – Dollar dominance is sowing the seeds of financial turmoil, and the solution is to promote new reserve currencies, a Chinese government economist said in a paper published on the eve of a G20 meeting about how to reform the global monetary system.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos CalderónGenesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. 

Well here is some good news.  Colombian President has just been blessed by the Lord.  You will understand once you read this report. “After suffering a series of diplomatic defeats to the Palestinians in Latin America, Israel won a rare victory on Wednesday when Colombia announced that it would not unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos told a delegation of the World Jewish Congress in a meeting in the Colombian capital of Bogota that his government would not recognize Palestinian statehood as “a matter of principle.”  “We value your friendship and courage for Israel and the Jewish people,” World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder said. “We also appreciate that you have withstood pressure from fellow Latin American leaders to prematurely recognize a Palestinian state.”

US Adm. James Stavridis

Prophecy Sign: The coming Psalm 83 war.  When the next major conflict comes against Israel it appears the Hizballah and Hamas, two groups working for the destruction of Israel will have chemical weapons to use against Israel.

“Senior Libyan rebel “officers” sold Hizballah and Hamas thousands of chemical shells from the stocks of mustard and nerve gas that fell into rebel hands when they overran Muammar Qaddafi’s military facilities in and around Benghazi, debkafile’s exclusive military and intelligence sources report.  Word of the capture touched off a scramble in Tehran and among the terrorist groups it sponsors to get hold of their first unconventional weapons.

According to our sources, the rebels offloaded at least 2,000 artillery shells carrying mustard gas and 1,200 nerve gas shells for cash payment amounting to several million dollars.

US and Israeli intelligence agencies have tracked the WMD consignments from eastern Libya as far as Sudan in convoys secured by Iranian agents and Hizballah and Hamas guards. They are not believed to have reached their destinations in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, apparently waiting for an opportunity to get their deadly freights through without the US or Israel attacking and destroying them.

It is also not clear whether the shells and gases were assembled upon delivery or were travelling in separate containers. Our sources report that some of the poison gas may be intended not only for artillery use but also for drones which Hizballah recently acquired from Iran.

Tehran threw its support behind the anti-Qaddafi rebels because of this unique opportunity to get hold of the Libyan ruler’s stock of poison gas after it fell into opposition hands and arm Hizballah and Hamas with unconventional weapons without Iran being implicated in the transaction.

Shortly after the uprising began in the third week of February, a secret Iranian delegation arrived in Benghazi. Its members met rebel chiefs, some of them deserters from the Libyan army, and clinched the deal for purchasing the entire stock of poison gas stock and the price.”  As you will see below there are more signs the Psalm 83 war is approaching fast.

Prophecy Sign: Getting ready for the Psalm 83 war against Israel.  At a time when the PLO is suppose to be working for a peace agreement with Israel in the Middle East, we are seeing signs that the Hizbullah are in fact preparing for the next war with Israel.  Keep in mind, Lebanon is one of the nations which is listed in the Psalm 83 war that come against Israel. 

“In direct violation of the UN-mandated ceasefire resolution ending the Second Lebanon War, Hizbullah is building an army in southern Lebanon.  The IDF Spokesman announced today that the Hizbullah terrorist organization has built bases or mini-bases in as many as 270 civilian villages throughout southern Lebanon. In addition, Hizbullah continues to acquire munitions and strengthen itself in general, helped by funding and smuggling from Syria and Iran. Hizbullah’s arsenal includes weapons that can reach Tel Aviv and its environs.”  “Hizbullah is thus trying to distort the balance of power in Lebanon and return to full, routine militant activity in southeast Lebanon, the IDF maintains, similar to the situation just prior to the war in 2006. "This is all in direct violation to UN Security Council Resolution 1701 of August 12, 2006, which ended the Second Lebanon War," the IDF statement concludes.”



Jesus changing lives at Victory Outreach/March 31, 2011


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Take advantage of my free download today. Click to link below and read all the proof showing you Jesus' warnings are all coming to pass.  Think this is a joke, not true?  Read the proof if you really want to know the truth about these last days.

Has the Lord spoken to you about my ministry?  Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438





The find!/Kids of the last days abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love/Almost time to flee Syria/Invasion on Israel May 15, 2011?/God’s Curse Continues/ Will any of you help Pastor Titus?/March 30, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge.  Just click to link below.



Lines of inquiry: The metal tablets could change our understanding of the Bible

The Mail Online today has a report with the headline that reads: “Could this be the biggest find since the Dead Sea Scrolls? Seventy metal books found in cave in Jordan could change our view of Biblical history”  Daniel 12:4…….But you, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

When the Dead Sea Scrolls were found people believed that those scrolls would disprove the Word of God, yet all they did was reinforce what God had written in His Word, (The Bible). 

A 16th century painting depicting Jesus's death. The metal books contain pages with images, symbols and words that appear to refer to the Messiah and, possibly even, to the Crucifixion

I quote, “On pages not much bigger than a credit card, are images, symbols and words that appear to refer to the Messiah and, possibly even, to the Crucifixion and Resurrection.  Adding to the intrigue, many of the books are sealed, prompting academics to speculate they are actually the lost collection of codices mentioned in the Bible’s Book Of Revelation.” 

Keep in mind God told Daniel that it would be our generation who would increase in knowledge.  The Dead Sea Scrolls helped prove this prophecy.  I wouldn’t put it past the Lord to allow more evidence of His Words to be found and especially so if we find out these metal books address the Book of Revelation.  One thing I am keeping in the back of my mind.  Christ warned that in the last days doctrines of devils would come.  Would it be possible for someone to plant such metal books to try and rewrite or change what the Word of God has stated?   I know that the Muslims are praying to Allah that these finds prove the God of Israel, and the God of the Christians are wrong.  

‘That struck me as so obviously a Christian image. There is a cross in the foreground, and behind it is what has to be the tomb [of Jesus], a small building with an opening, and behind that the walls of the city. ‘There are walls depicted on other pages of these books too and they almost certainly refer to Jerusalem. It is a Christian crucifixion taking place outside the city walls.’  The British team leading the work on the discovery fears that the present Israeli ‘keeper’ may be looking to sell some of the books on to the black market, or worse – destroy them.  But the man who holds the books denies the charge and claims they have been in his family for 100 years.  Dr Margaret Barker, a former president of the Society for Old Testament Study, said: ‘The Book of Revelation tells of a sealed book that was opened only by the Messiah. ‘Other texts from the period tell of sealed books of wisdom and of a secret tradition passed on by Jesus to his closest “

Prophecy Sign:   II Timothy 3:1-5, here we see what people will be like prior to the Lord’s return. I quote, “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God– having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”


German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives at the EU summit

On March 26, 2011 Britain, France, and Germany pushed to have the United Nations, and the European Union to co-author an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement.  Britain, France, and Germany all belong to the European Union.  All three nations are working as is the US to divide Israel to make a PLO State inside Israel, and to make East Jerusalem the Capital of the new Palestinian State.

On March 27, 2011 a report from  Stratfor logo showed us how the Curse followed Merkel.

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) ended a 58-year winning streak in parliamentary elections in Baden-Wuerttemberg state”.

The video below will also shows you how this lose was a crushing blow to Merkel’s governing power for the future. As the video states this may be the beginning of the end for Merkel.


Prophecy Sign:  Maybe after reading this next report you will start to believe what the Lord showed the Prophet Zechariah in Zech. 12:3 “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”  Also keep in mind that destruction is coming while Israel is calling for Peace and safety as warned by Paul in I Thess. 5:3.  I believe the Psalm 83 war will fulfilled the destruction part of Paul’s warning.   Link everything God has shown us and then look at what is coming on Israel soon!  The headline to this report is entitled: “Next Arab Facebook Campaign: Get Millions to Invade Israel”.

“Palestinian Authority activists have recreated the Third Intifada page that was banned by Facebook on Tuesday in response to thousands of member requests.

An Israeli Cabinet minister, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and a massive Internet campaign were only some of the measures used to pressure the popular social networking site into removing the page, which promoted violence against Jews in Israel.

But the story doesn't end there, because angry Palestinian Authority sponsors of the page ensured the fight would continue.

A Muslim page similarly entitled "Subscribe now to the Palestinian Intifada," on its logo but which is innocuously entitled "Make the Prophet Number One on Facebook" on the heading is listed under Non-profit Organizations.

Easily the largest and most popular Muslim page on Facebook, it espouses peace and offers myriad beneficent comments about Allah and Islam's founder, the Prophet Muhammed. But the Rassoul Allaah page also directs readers to directs readers to a wealth of links to other pages promoting the Third Intifada and a massive attempt to carry out the destruction of the State of Israel.

By Wednesday afternoon, the page had garnered more than three million — 3,293,252 — votes of support from Facebook members around the world.

Organizers have summoned millions of Arabs from across the Middle East to march into Israel and forcibly attempt to implement a de facto “Right of Return,” the Arab euphenism for the mass immigration of several million Arabs.

The date for this march has been set for May 15 – the anniversary of what the Arabs refer to as the “Nakba” or “Tragedy“ — the date of the establishment of the State of Israel.” 

If this happens we may end up seeing the beginning of the push for the Psalm 83 war against Israel!  For all I know it could even turn out to fulfill Psalm 83 if things get out of hand.  Say the march to take over is meant with force from the IDF. Israel begins to drive these marchers off by force, the nations bordering Israel see what is going on and they unite to go after Israel.  Could this happen?  We are going to find out in May.

Here is another section of that report. “Two pages, Maseera 2011 and Palatora, are non-violent but nevertheless threatening to the Jewish State, supporting the call for a mass invasion by millions of Arabs. By noon Wednesday, Maseera 2011 had garnered 7,209 “Likes.”

If you don’t know what the rapture of the Church means, now would be a good time to find out because all the signs of the last days are showing us the rapture is not that far away!


Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 shows us Syria will attack Israel in the last days with her allies who boarder the nation of Israel.  Syria’s President is now blaming the riots against his government as coming from outside of his nation.  He is pointing to Israel. 

"Syria is a target of a big plot from outside," he said in his first speech since anti-government demonstrations erupted two weeks ago.  Mr Assad said he would continue on the path of reform for Syria – but did not announce the lifting of a state of emergency, as some had predicted.  Later, there were reports of protests and gunfire in the city of Latakia. Reuters reports that hundreds of people chanting "freedom" had taken to the streets of Latakia, and that troops had fired warning shots in an attempt to get them to disperse. There were also reports of more protests in the southern city of Deraa, where more than 60 people have been killed in unrest during the last two weeks.  In a speech interrupted several times by pledges of support, Mr Assad told parliament that people had been "duped" to go into the streets.  "Deraa is in the heart of every Syrian," Mr Assad said. It was on the front line of Syria's enemy, Israel, he added.  I can assure you all that if the the Arabs march to free Palestine on May 15, 2011 Syria will back them up 100%.  Out of the mouth of Syria’s President, (Syria's enemy, Israel), Syria has been tossed under the bus and is going to see God’s curse from Genesis 12:3 soon.  If you are a Christian in Syria please watch the events unfolding in your nation for God has set in motion the destruction of Syria and to fulfill Isaiah 17:1.  The time for you flee Syria is just about at hand.


To Frank DiMora from Pastor Titus in Kenya.

IMG_1632Pastor Titus is on the left

Juba is in Southern Sudan, for 20 years they have been in war with the Arabs, they speak Arabic. Apart from the travel with airstrip of course I wanted to know how they are charging, they told me form Eldoret to Juba is $560.00 US dollars one way, so to and fro is $1,120  which is very expensive.

We have 2 ways to get there. One is for Lokichogio  which takes 3 days traveling to Juba and the another is through Uganda, this one is somehow  fair and short, it takes 2 days traveling. It costs $400.00 to and fro, for just one person. We were thinking of having door to door visits and have like crusade, but we have only one speaker which has made it impossible, although pastor from Sudan needed it.

We will be teaching and giving out the Last Chronicle books. We have no buildings in these places, but only shelters due to 20 years of fighting in Sudan.  According to pastor we have many widows and orphans. Men were killed in the war. 

I needed to take 6 members, the costs  for 6 people is 4,800 dollars and some 100 Arabic Bibles of which I am yet to confirm from the pastor. About the food, $100.00 Dollars and other things  for one person, for 5 days =$900.00 and kshs. 5,000 around $500.00 dollars for passport 6 people since this is our first time God is sending the team out of country, Kenya. If I need to reduce the number of people we will do it. 

Sudan needs God I will carry the camera to inform you all when we get there God willingly. God bless every one who will be praying and is ready to send the Last Chronicles team to Sudan. For the few month we began teaching and giving out the Last Chronicle books we have seen God saving and many have been waken up.

Pastor Titus


Message from Frank: As you know I do not ask for funds for my ministry. However, you can help Pastor Titus in Kenya who is using my work to help lead African’s in Kenya and now Sudan to come to Christ in these last days.  You can see the need Pastor Titus has from his letter to me, and I pray that the Holy Spirit will touch many of you to help him get to Sudan to be able to do the leg work in the field for Christ.  I am blessed they are using my labor of love to drive people to Christ, and the Bible via The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth out reach.  Please pray for Titus and his team for they are going into Muslim territory and it is very dangerous.

Any funds you send to Timothy Moore, at  (Ascent Ministries) to help Titus in Kenya will be recorded as Timothy is a C501 ministry. Timothy’s email address is as follows:

Mailing address: Timothy Moore, Ascent Ministries Inc, 1350 W Twin Springs St. Siloam Springs, AR 72761-3020


Help me help Victory Outreach in Lompoc. Contact info below:

Lompoc Victory Outreach 

1641 west central Ave.
Lompoc California 93436


Pastor Ruben & Sister Vera TamayoPastor Ruben & Sister Vera Tamayo 


UN Chief: End occupation, divide Jerusalem/September could spark the war!/March 29, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge.  Just click to link below.



 Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:4 Jesus gives us a warning about making sure we would not be deceived. This is what the Word says, “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” In Matthew 24:24 Jesus said, “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great sings and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

Matthew 24:26 Christ also warns us, "Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, [he is] in the secret chambers; believe [it] not".

I have been warning you as much as I can that Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to start a major crisis between Iran and Israel.  As I told you in my previous posts, Ahmadinejad believes he is the man who is going to usher in the Muslim messiah, or the 12th Imam. Many of you may be asking what is the 12th Imam and why is this so important? Muslims believe, an Imam is an anointed leader or ruler. Ahmadinejad wants to bring out this anointed ruler, messiah.

Muslims believe an Imam is anointed by Allah and a perfect example of leading mankind in every way. The 12th Imam is said to be a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, having divine status, as did each of this succession of sons. The 12th Imam is also called the Hidden Imam and the Mahdi which means (guided one). It is their belief that both Jesus Christ and the 12 Imam will show up at the same time and lead the world into peace. This is exactly what Jesus was speaking about when He said watch out for false Christs and false prophets.

I can assure everyone, Jesus Christ is not going to team up with the 12th Imam. Let it also be known that Ahmadinejad has claimed that the 12th Imam in hidden in the desert in a well that is suppose to be in a secret place. What he is says is the exact same thing Jesus Christ warned us about and it is happening when all the rest of the prophecies are coming to pass. This is not a coincidence, but a fulfillment of our Lords' warnings.

Ahmadinejad considers himself to be a prophet, just like John the Baptist; only Ahmadinejad will lead a false messiah. Not long ago when Ahmadinejad was at the UN he made it clear that the 12 Imam was coming. My heart is telling me the reason why he stated that was he knows war is coming between Israel and Iran. In an interview recently Ahmadinejad said he was in contact with this 12 Imam. He has never before stated this fact, and it is very important news when we are watching for false prophets. If you click to the video below you will get important news from Mr. Joel Rosenberg on this issue. About half way into the interview you will hear Joel give the facts about Ahmadinejad’s claim to be speaking with the hidden Mahdi. The second thing of great importance here is this, Ahmadinejad is hoping to cause a war between Iran and Israel for the sole purpose of bring out the hidden Mahdi. Ahmadinejad actually believes that when Israel attacks them this hidden Mahdi will ride out and destroy Israel. This is one of the reasons why I watch you to watch the news coming out of the Middle East, because this was is going to be fulfilled very soon. Ahmadinejad is in for a huge surprise when they attack Israel. God shows us in Ezekiel chapter 39 that the armies that march against the tiny nation of Israel will be wiped out.  Ezekiel shows us that 5/6 of the millions that march on Israel will be killed.

As of late there has been a lot of news concerning Ahmadinejad’s push to bring out the hidden Mahdi.  Considering the fact that much of the Middle East is in Chaos we need to watch what Ahmadinejad does because he will try to push this chaos to force the hidden Mahdi out of the well he has been hiding in.  You can expect him to put extra pressure on the nations that border Israel to attack Israel.

Below are three videos.  The first is Ahamadinejad at the UN where he warns about Israel’s collapse and the 12th Imam.  The second is a video of Ahmadinejad’s visit to the hidden place of the Imam.  The third video is the latest video that is just now being released that tells the world the 12th Imam’s coming is very near.

Help me help Victory Outreach in Lompoc. Contact info below:

Pastor Ruben

 1641 west central Ave.
Lompoc California 93436

Pastor Ruben & Sister Vera TamayoPastor Ruben & Sister Vera Tamayo


“It's called The Coming is Near and it describes current events in the Middle East as a prelude to the arrival of the mythical tweflth Imam or Mahdi — the messiah figure who Islamic scriptures say will lead the armies of Islam to victory over all non-Muslims in the last days.”

All I can say is remember what Jesus warned you. Many false prophets and false Christ would come in the last days, they are here!


Pro-Assad protesters - AP - March 29, 2011Prophecy Sign: Setting the stage for the destruction of Syria and the Psalm 83 war against Israel.  Do you want to know why all the nations in the Middle East are in chaos right now?  There is a change of power taking place that will be setting in place all the leaders who are going to come together to take crafty counsel against Israel, just as it warns us in Psalm 83:3.  When the dust settles I can assure you right now that the people who take control of the governments will be focused on getting rid of the nation Israel.  All these events are the sign of the last days birth pains. 

“Syria's Cabinet resigned Tuesday to help quell a wave of popular fury that erupted more than a week ago and is now threatening President Bashar Assad's 11-year rule in one of the most authoritarian and closed-off nations in the Middle East. Assad, whose family has controlled Syria for four decades, is trying to calm the growing dissent with a string of concessions. He is expected to address the nation in the next 24 hours to lift emergency laws in place since 1963 and moving to annul other harsh restrictions on civil liberties and political freedoms. Pro-Syrian President Bashar Assad protesters, shout pro-Assad slogans as they demonstrate to show their support for him, in Damascus, Syria, on Tuesday March 29, 2011.  More than 60 people have died since March 18 as security forces cracked down on protesters, Human Rights Watch said. State TV said Tuesday Assad accepted the resignation of the 32-member Cabinet headed by Naji al-Otari, who has been in place since September 23. The Cabinet will continue running the country's affairs until the formation of a new government. The resignations will not affect Assad, who holds the lion's share of power in the authoritarian regime. The announcement came hours after hundreds of thousands of supporters of Syria's hard-line regime poured into the streets Tuesday as the government tried to show it has mass support”.


UN headquarters AP October 12, 2010  What could cause war to break out between Israel and its neighbors this September? Before I go on any further let me remind you that in September of this year you will have the  Jewish Feast of Rosh HaShanah on the 29th and the 30th.  Since Jesus fulfilled the first coming during the Spring Feasts as pointed out in the chart above we can be assured He will also fulfilled the last at the second coming.  The first one will be the Feast of Trumpets.  We believe that it will be at this time which Christ will remove the Church His Bride.  What we do not know is what year this will happen.  It could take place this year, next year or some other year. What we do know is that when September rolling around we all need to be ready just in case this is the year the Lord has chosen to begin to fulfill the last three Fall Holidays.  We do know that the Lord’s coming for the Church is soon as He warned us that when you see all these things take place look up for our redemption draws close.  Now let me get back to the question, what could cause war to break out between Israel and its neighbors this September?

The PLO have been working to have the UN call for a Palestinian State this September. Israel informed the 15 members of the United Nations Security Council last week, as well as several other prominent European Union countries, that if the Palestinian Authority persists in its efforts to gain recognition in September as a state within the 1967 borders, Israel would respond with a series of unilateral steps of its own.

Senior Foreign Ministry officials said the ministry's director general, Rafael Barak, sent a classified cable last week to more than 30 Israeli embassies, directing them to lodge a diplomatic protest at the highest possible level in response to the Palestinian efforts to gain international recognition for statehood at the UN General Assembly session in September.

The Israeli diplomatic corps conveyed the message that support for international recognition, particularly by most of the members of the European Union, encouraged the Palestinians to forgo negotiations with Israel and to move more quickly toward recognition at the UN of Palestinian statehood. Israeli diplomats stressed that such a move violates the Oslo Accords and will not lead to a Palestinian state even if the General Assembly grants recognition, but could lead to violence on the ground.

European diplomats have confirmed to Haaretz that such a message was conveyed several days ago. One diplomat said his country did not receive a serious response when asked what unilateral steps Israel might take. Another diplomat, from a European country, said in light of the current deadlock in negotiations, international recognition of Palestinian statehood appeared unavoidable in September.

Foreign Ministry sources said no decision has been taken at this stage over a possible Israeli response to UN recognition of Palestinian statehood, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not held any major discussion of such a response on a formal level among his cabinet colleagues. Ideas have been floated on the right wing of the political spectrum in recent weeks, suggesting, for example, that Israel might apply Israeli law to the West Bank or annex major settlement blocs to Israel.

September is expected to be pivotal for several reasons. Last September, U.S. President Barack Obama told the General Assembly that he wished to see a Palestinian state become a member of the UN within a year. In addition, Israel and the Palestinians had agreed that the talks they undertook last September 2 in Washington would last for about a year. Thirdly, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's program of establishing institutions for a future Palestinian state is due to be wrapped up this coming September.

If the UN gives the PLO the go ahead for their State inside of Israel, I can see Israel moving to put a halt to this.  If Israel where to tell the UN to take a hike, I could see how this would set the spark that would set in place the Psalm 83 war.  For all I know, the decision by the UN to launch at PLO State could be the order to fulfill prophecy in September. 

Is it possible that the last prophecies to be fulfilled that will jump start the seven year tribulation begin in September?  It is possible.  Keep in mind how many times in the past Israel was attacked during the Jewish Feast.  Case and point, the 1973 Yom Kippur War!  Watch the video below.

Now is the time to give your life completely over to Christ.  If, and I say if, the Lord chooses to rapture His Church this September will you be ready to go home with Him when He calls? 

AbbasHere is something to consider.  Did you know that the United States is giving aid to the PLO?  Did you also know that they may now be willing to give up that aid.  Look at the reason why. Adviser to Abbas: "Palestinians need American money, but if they use it as a way of pressuring us, we are ready to relinquish that aid."  Hamas and Fatah have agreed to renew unity talks in Cairo next month to discuss ways of ending their conflict. The decision follows a series of meeting between leaders of Hamas and Fatah in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Syria over the past few days.”  May be it would be a good idea to read Psalm 83 again.  Philistia are the Hamas of the Gaza Strip, Assyria are the Syrians and Northern Iraqi’s, Ammon are the Palestinians and No. Jordanians, as you see from this report they are meeting in Cairo which is the land of the Hagarenes or Egyptians.  Everyone of these people are listed to attack Israel.  I believe it is very possible that they are making alliances soon to come together and work toward the removal of Israel as the Psalm 83 shows us.  Again we will have to wait but I don’t think this war is far off.

Even the people in Israel know another war is on the way.  Take a look at this headline from the Jerusalem Post. “Another Israel-Hamas war is inevitable” You really need to read the entire report to get the full picture. Here is a section of that report.

Police move grad rocket shell“I’m going to make a prediction here that, unfortunately, I’m sure is going to come true. Any good analyst should be able to see this, yet few will, until it happens within the next two years: The Egyptian revolution will make another Israel-Hamas war inevitable, with a lot more of an international mess. And I’ll go a step further: An incompetent and mistaken US policy makes such a conflict even more certain. Why?

First, Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, is a revolutionary Islamist movement which genuinely views itself as directed by God, considers Jews to be subhuman, believes that a willingness to court suicide and welcome death will ensure victory and is certain that it is going to destroy Israel and then transform Palestinian society into an Islamic Garden of Eden. The well-being and even physical survival of the people it rules is of little importance to it.

Given this, there are only two ways to stop Hamas from waging war on Israel. The shorter-term solution is deterrence through strength. The defeat Hamas suffered in the 2008- 2009 war forced it to retrench and become cautious for a while. The only longer-term solution is the overthrow of the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip, with the maximum possible destruction of the organization. Events in Egypt, and US policy, have destroyed the shorter-term option, and made the longer-term one impossible. With better weapons, Hamas will go to war. It’s only a matter of time.”

Photo: EPAProphecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3:  Zechariah warned this was going to happen. Jerusalem has become that burdensome stone and you can count on God to deal with KI-moon! 

"United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon slammed Israel's policy and called for the division of Jerusalem on Tuesday. In a message delivered by his assistant at a UN regional meeting in Uruguay, Ban said: "The target date for completing the Palestinian Authority’s two-year State-building program is fast-approaching."  "The occupation that started in 1967 is morally and politically unsustainable, and must end," he told the UN Latin American and Caribbean Meeting in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace.   "The Palestinians have a legitimate right to the establishment of an independent and viable State of their own. Israel has the right to live in peace and security within internationally recognized and secure borders." The UN chief said that "a way must be found for Jerusalem to emerge as a capital of two States, Israel and Palestine, with arrangements for holy sites acceptable for all." He added that "there must be a just and agreed solution to the prolonged plight of the Palestinian refugees."  Ban Ki-moon better read what the Lord warned in Joel 3:2 concerning those who try to divide Israel!,7340,L-4049602,00.html

There was another sighting of a UFO right over East Jerusalem. Let’s see if this is picked up by any of the news media’s?



When you shall see all these things look up for Christ is coming to redeem you. March 29, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge.  Just click to link below.


Benjamin Netanyahu and Ban Ki-moon AP 8.11.2010Prophecy Sign: God’s curse has fallen again.  Britain should have read Genesis 12:3 where the Lord tells us He will curse anyone who curses Israel.  On March 27, 2011 one day before Britain announced it was going to push for the EU to get involved in the Middle East peace stand still, anarchy breaks out in   London.

Britain, France and Germany want the United Nations and the European Union to propose the outlines of a final settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that would lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state, UN diplomats said. The three European countries, all members of the UN Security Council, are pressing for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the European Union to propose a settlement text at a meeting in mid-April of the Quartet of Mideast mediators, the diplomats said, speaking on condition of anonymity because talks are taking place in private.”  “The quartet includes the UN, EU, U.S. and Russia. The aim is to get a basis for direct Israeli-Palestinian talks to resume. Putting the job in the hands of the EU and the UN would sideline the United States, Israel's closest ally which has tried unsuccessfully for months to get face-to-face negotiations going, as well as Russia, an ally of the Palestinians.”


Riot: Police officers stand in front of a fire lit be demonstrators in central LondonProphecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Jesus said Kingdom would be against kingdom and in this case a product of the Lord’s curse for working to divide up Israel.  “Extremists brought violent chaos to Central London yesterday after hijacking the much-heralded trade union protest against public spending cuts. Trouble continued to flare late into the night as hundreds of people attempted to hijack yesterday's massive anti government cuts demonstration.  Riot police fought activists in Trafalgar Square as violent protesters threatened to overshadow the TUC rally in Hyde Park which had earlier passed off peacefully.  A Metropolitan Police spokesman said between 200 and 300 people had gathered at the landmark location late yesterday evening.”

Civil disobedience: Demonstrators use a giant road sign to smash through a plate glass window at the Ritz Hotel“On the streets outside, anarchists battled police. Some officers in Oxford Street were attacked with lightbulbs filled with ammonia, a sinister new weapon that can be assembled by following simple instructions on the internet. Other officers were hit with paint and flying bottles.  By the end of the day 75 protesters had been arrested and 28 people injured. Five police officers were also hurt and one was one taken to hospital.  Scotland Yard commander Bob Broadhurst said of the rioters: ‘I wouldn’t call them protesters. They are engaging in criminal activities for their own ends. We’ll never have enough officers to protect every building in Central London.’   Several splinter groups brought chaos and violence to what was the largest ¬public protest since the 2003 anti-Iraq war rally.  In stark contrast, the daytime demonstration was hailed a 'fantastic success' by trade unions as people from across the UK marched through central London.  Organisers estimated between 400,000 and 500,000 teachers, nurses, firefighters, council and NHS workers, other public sector employees, students, pensioners and campaign groups converged on the capital.”


Prophecy Sign: When did God say destruction (war), would break out in the Middle East?  Read I Thessalonians 5:3. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”

As time goes on this stalled peace talks and the turmoil in the nations that border Israel will no doubt bring about the Psalm 83 war.  We can see this time bomb getting ready to explode. 

“There will be no peace agreement before all Palestinian prisoners in Israel’s custody are released, President Mahmoud Abbas said Saturday. During a reception in Ramallah for the coordinator of the popular committee against the wall and settlements in Bil’in, Abdullah Abu Rahma, recently freed from Israeli jail, Abbas asserted the Palestinian Authority would not spare any effort to release all Palestinian prisoners.  The official PA news agency Wafa quoted Abbas saying he gives special attention to the prisoners’ cause as “a pivotal issue” which tops priorities of the PA leadership. The president also expressed appreciation of the great role the popular committees play in resisting the wall and settlement expansion through non-violent protests.  Abu Rahma told Abbas that Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails supported Abbas’ initiative to end rivalry and reach unity between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.  “National reconciliation is necessary to counter the dire conditions the Palestinian cause is facing,” Abu Rahma said on behalf of prisoners. He expressed his support for Abbas' policies to recruit international support for popular resistance and for recognition of statehood on the 1967 border with Jerusalem as its capital.”


“Israel will stop dealing with the Palestinian Authority if it brings Hamas into the government, a senior government official said Saturday night, a few hours after PA President Mahmoud Abbas met in Ramallah with a senior Hamas delegation for conciliation talks. “Abbas has to choose whether he wants peace with Israel, or peace with Hamas,” the official said. “He can’t have both. If he chooses peace with Hamas it will bury the peace process.”  “Asked whether this meant that Israel wanted to see a permanent split between the West Bank controlled by Fatah, and Gaza controlled by Hamas, the official said Israel wanted to see the PA under Abbas once again take control of Gaza.  Israel’s objection to Hamas inside the PA government would evaporate, the official added, if the organization accepted the Quartet’s three conditions for acceptance: forswearing violence, recognizing Israel, and accepting previous Israel-Palestinian agreements.”

 missile upgrade

Prophecy Sign:  Every day we are seeing more signs that the Psalm 83 war is closing in on the Middle East.  Take a look at the list of nations in the photo above.  You will see number 8 are the people in Gaza!.  Not only are we seeing the signs they are now telling you another war is going to take place.  I quote, “AMID the turmoil in the Middle East, one aspect has largely been ignored: the rising tensions on Israel's border with Gaza. Another war between Israel and Gaza is looming. "It is only a question of time, I'm sorry to say, until we clash with Hamas again and we teach them once again the rules of engagement," Israel's Home Front Minister Matan Vilnai said this week.  "Our wisdom is to push it off as long as possible — I have no question it's going to happen."  After the first bomb in seven years at a bus station in Jerusalem, which killed a British tourist and injured 39 others, Israelis are wondering whether this is the beginning of a new intifada.”

“Even as the Obama administration defends the NATO-led air war in Libya, the latest violent clashes in Syria and Jordan are raising new alarm among senior officials who view those countries, in the heartland of the Arab world, as far more vital to American interests. Deepening chaos in Syria, in particular, could dash any remaining hopes for a Middle East peace agreement, several analysts said. It could also alter the American rivalry with Iran for influence in the region and pose challenges to the United States’ greatest ally in the region, Israel. interviews, administration officials said the uprising appeared to be widespread, involving different religious groups in southern and coastal regions of Syria, including Sunni Muslims usually loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. The new American ambassador in Damascus, Robert Ford, has been quietly reaching out to Mr. Assad to urge him to stop firing on his people. As American officials confront the upheaval in Syria, a country with which the United States has icy relations, they say they are pulled between fears that its problems could destabilize neighbors like Lebanon and Israel, and the hope that it could weaken one of Iran’s key allies. The Syrian unrest continued on Saturday, with government troops reported to have killed more protesters. With 61 people confirmed killed by security forces, the country’s status as an island of stability amid the Middle East storm seemed irretrievably lost. For two years, the United States has tried to coax Damascus into negotiating a peace deal with Israel and to moving away from Iran — a fruitless effort that has left President Obama open to criticism on Capitol Hill that he is bolstering one of the most repressive regimes in the Arab world. Officials fear the unrest there and in Jordan could leave Israel further isolated. The Israeli government was already rattled by the overthrow of Egypt’s leader, Hosni Mubarak, worrying that a new government might not be as committed to Egypt’s 1979 peace treaty with Israel.”

Take a look at the photo above with the list of nations God warned would attack Israel in the Psalm 83 war. Notice Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt are all included in this attack. You can trust the Lord, the events you are reading about now are leading up to this war. Not only is this are these signs of the Psalm 83 war but the rioting and upheaval in these nations are also fulfilling the prophecy that kingdom will come against kingdom. See Matthew 24:7.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: Daniel was given the list of world empires that would rule the world from the time Daniel was living all the way to the time Jesus Christ would come back to rule as King on Earth.  There isn’t a sentence in Daniel’s book about the USA!  As time goes by we can see why there is no mention of the United States.  It appears she will fall away as a major power in the last days and no doubt help lift the last world empire to it last days position.  Here is one of the signs America’s power is declining.

“The first chart in every edition of The AIER Chart Book shows the purchasing power of the dollar since 1792, the first date from which relevant statistics can be calculated. Starting at a value of $1 in 1792, through many fluctuations both above and below that value during the 19th and early 20th centuries, a startling conclusion emerges: The price level always had a central tendency of $1 for as long as the United States was on a gold standard (1792-1933, with an 18-year hiatus during and right after the Civil War). That is, an explicit link to a particular weight of gold per dollar tended to serve as a long-term guarantor of long-term stability of the purchasing power of the dollar.”

Purchasing Power of the Dollar
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

The purchasing power of the dollar in 1913, when the chart above begins, was close to what it was in the 1830s. As long as we were still on a gold standard (up to 1933), it was almost as though an external force was drawing the value of the dollar back toward that adjusted value.  The Great Depression and the policy tools used to fight it severed the domestic link of the dollar to gold. The external trade deficits of the United States during the 1960s caused the final rupture of the international link to gold in August 1971.  The rate of decline in the purchasing power of the dollar tended to level off in the 1980s, but a long, slow, cumulatively corrosive decline has continued to the present, with the consequence that a dollar today would buy one less than a nickel’s worth of goods and services in Woodrow Wilson’s time.”

Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 18:12 Jesus shows us that gold and silver will become one of the items that people hold dear to them.   We know that these metals will go up in value because people do not weep over things that don’t hold any value. I have been warning you for some time that the US dollar would decline and gold and silver would skyrocket during the last days.   here is a great report showing you that we are headed toward the fulfillment of Revelation 18:12.

“$105 per barrel oil. Cotton prices at record levels. Food prices at 2008 highs. Typically, such commodity price increases would send central banks running to the U.S. Dollar to secure the value of their savings. After all, the dollar has been the reserve currency since World War I.

But not this time.
Central banks are shedding dollars
[DXC1 76.555 0.07 (+0.09%) ] , reducing their holdings by about $9 billion in previous quarter, according to Nomura Securities’ Jens Nordvig, global head of G10 FX Strategy.

What are they buying instead? Gold [GCCV1 1413.90 -12.30 (-0.86%) ] .

The yellow metal hit a fresh record high this morning, while the dollar index dropped to a 15-month low. The news had Fast Money’s Brian Kelly looking to add more gold and silver longs to his portfolio Thursday morning.

“What is working is gold, silver [SICV1 36.63 -0.419 (-1.13%) ] and oil [CLCV1 103.81 -1.59 (-1.51%) ] ,” said Kanundrum Capital’s Kelly. “I wish I had more.”

Gold and silver have become the inflation hedges of choice for some investors. Gold hit an intra day high today of $1,448 per ounce. Silver is trading at 31-year highs, hitting an intra day high of $38 per ounce.”

Prophecy Sign: Christ warned un in Matthew 24:9 that the in the last days the world would hate the Christians. "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.”  We are beginning to see more attacks on the Name of Jesus and these attacks are in happening in America where it is suppose to be the land of the free!  Not anyone more, if you use the name of Jesus look what can happen.

“A north St. Louis County man says he can’t believe what he found in his mailbox — a letter from his subdivision committee telling him he had to take down his yard sign. The simple green sign has a single word written in white…”Jesus”.  “What is this? What kind of country are we living in?,” Michael Mayfield asks incredulously.  Mayfield lives in unincorporated Florissant, in a subdivision called Weatherby Place off Shackleford.  He says as a Christian, he proudly placed the familiar green-and-white sign in his yard as a declaration of his faith.  “And they told me I had to remove it,” Mayfield tells KMOX News. “I mean it just shocked me to no end to even read a letter like this. It spelled out ‘Jesus’, and that really captured my attention that they would go as far as to spell out the name ‘Jesus’.”  The report below continues to show you attacks on the Lord’s children.

Remains of burned down Kale Hiwot church in Asendabo, Ethiopia.

International Christian Concern

Remains of burned down Kale Hiwot church in Asendabo, Ethiopia.

“Thousands of Christians have been forced to flee their homes in Western Ethiopia after Muslim extremists set fire to roughly 50 churches and dozens of Christian homes. At least one Christian has been killed, many more have been injured and anywhere from 3,000 to 10,000 have been displaced in the attacks that began March 2 after a Christian in the community of Asendabo was accused of desecrating the Koran.  The violence escalated to the point that federal police forces sent to the area two weeks ago were initially overwhelmed by the mobs. Government spokesman Shimelis Kemal told Voice of America police reinforcements had since restored order and 130 suspects had been arrested and charged with instigating religious hatred and violence.”

Prophecy Sign: In Revelation chapter 17 we see the warning about the false Church of the last days.  We know that during the reign of the Antichrist there will be a one world government, a one world buying and selling system, and a one world religion.  This one world religion is already in the making and when the real Church is taken a the rapture this false Church will spread like wild fire.

Prophecy Sign: Did not Christ warn you that in the last days you would see many earthquakes and “great earthquakes”?  Read Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 you will find the Lord’s warnings there. Japan again was hit by one of these huge quakes. “Authorities in Japan have issued a tsunami warning after an earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale was felt in northern Japan. According to reports, the waves are expected to reach a height of 50 centimeters.”  In the past 7 days we have see 9 earthquakes hitting at least a 6.0 and higher. These are big quakes!

Prophecy Sign:  This is a warning from  Jesus Christ. in Luke 21:25. “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;”

Up-date on the death of birds and fish/March 25, 2011


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Take advantage of my free download today. Click to link below and read all the proof showing you Jesus’ warnings are all coming to pass.  Think this is a joke, not true?  Read the proof if you really want to know the truth about these last days.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Prophecy Sign: Hosea 4:1-3, Ezekiel 38:20, Zephaniah 1:3 all address the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and beasts of the field that will be dying off in the last days.  Yesterday I gave you a report of million of fish dying in Redondo Beach California.  Now look at what was reported today!  After you read these warnings and click to each link I am sure you will agree with me that these warnings found in the Bible are beginning to happen at a faster rate. Below is an up-dated list of all the places where we see the death of birds and fish.

5000+ Black Birds…dex.html?hpt=T2
500+ Black Birds
3,000 blackbirds…-112830524.html
100,000 Drum Fish…=136401&catid=2
Tens of Thousands – Fish
Thousands of Fish…urn-up-in-Cocoa
Thousands of Fish
Dozens of fish in just 50 feet
50 – 100 Birds – Jackdaws
100 Pelicans…83603738750.txt
300+ Doves…orte-foto/10282
70 Bats…bats-found.html
100 Tons of Fish…RIOSA+DE+PEIXES
Hundreds of Snapper…99/Default.aspx
10 Tons of fish…ith-deadly-haul
Hundreds of fish…4/16757321.html
Thousands of fish…ad-after-flood/
Hundreds of Fish…1214-18wtn.html
Hundreds of Fish
Scores of Fish…brook_1_2224957
Hundreds of Fish…00252-27879505/
150 Tons of Red Tilapias…231-255737.html
Thousands of Fish…n-barangay-Ibo#
Scores of dead fish…sh-haitian-lake
Several Manatees…0,7714948.story
Hundreds of Starfish, Jellyfish
200 Birds

Droughts/Famine/Disease/War signs/Outbreaks of fighting continue with young adults/Sales of doomsday bunkers up 1,000%/Forcing a PLO State on Israel via the UN/Zech. 12:3 signs/ The Eighth Kingdom/March 25, 2011


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Take advantage of my free download today. Click to link below and read all the proof showing you Jesus' warnings are all coming to pass.  Think this is a joke, not true?  Read the proof if you really want to know the truth about these last days.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Prophecy Sign: Pestilence Matthew 24:7 (The Killing of our Crops) a new bug in town.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:6-8   “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” 

Revelation 7:16 “They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.” When you read this verse you come to know that the people living during the tribulation period would have had to go through droughts, famines, and intense heat from the sun, which no doubt will be a major factor in the lack of drinking water and the watering of crops. We are seeing the beginning stages of this now.

North Korea's food stocks running dry, UN warns“North Korea's government food distribution programme will run dry in May and put one-quarter of the country's 24 million people at risk of starvation, the United Nations has warned. The UN World Food Programme, which resumed sending food aid to North Korea in 2006, blamed flooding, foot-and-mouth disease, and an unusually cold winter for devastating food supplies to the country.”


Worst Texas Drought in 44 Years Eroding U.S. Wheat Supply Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 “And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.”

“Worst Texas Drought in 44 Years Damaging Wheat Crop, Reducing Cattle Herds”

“The worst Texas drought in 44 years is damaging the state’s wheat crop and forcing ranchers to reduce cattle herds, as rising demand for U.S. food sends grain and meat prices higher.

Texas, the biggest U.S. cattle producer and second-largest winter-wheat grower, got just 4.7 inches (12 centimeters) of rain on average in the five months through February, the least for the period since 1967, State Climatologist John Nielsen- Gammon said. More than half the wheat fields and pastures were rated in poor or very poor condition on March 20.

Dry conditions extending to Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado may cut crop yields in the U.S., the world’s largest exporter, as too much moisture threatens fields in North Dakota and in Canada. Wheat futures in Chicago are up 50 percent in the past year, after drought in Russia and floods in Australia hurt output and sent global food prices surging. Wholesale beef reached a record this week, and the U.S. cattle herd in January was the smallest since 1958.

“We’re probably already seeing some damage, but in the next couple of weeks, we’ll surely go downhill major if we don’t get some rain,” said David Cleavinger, who is irrigating 75 percent of his 1,000 acres (405 hectares) of wheat in Wildorado, Texas. “With the prices we’re seeing, we’re trying to hold on, but there’s nothing that takes the place of a rainstorm.”

“GENEVA – Over two million people will contract a form of tuberculosis by 2015 that is difficult to treat, the World Health Organization said Wednesday.

Hundreds of thousands worldwide will die from multi-drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis during that period unless greater efforts are made to properly diagnose all patients and provide them with correct medication, said Mario Raviglione, the director of WHO's Stop TB department

The warning came as an alliance of international health groups laid out their multi-billion-dollar plan to contain the spread of tuberculosis, a bacterial disease that usually affects the lungs.

"Overall progress is being made, but the response is far from sufficient given the MDR-TB threat that the world is facing," Raviglione said. "The commitments by some countries are too slow off the mark, or simply stalled."

Some countries in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union are successfully reducing infection rates with aggressive detection and treatment programs, Raviglione said. But elsewhere the lack of proper screening for MDR-TB means many sufferers are going undiagnosed, let alone properly treated, increasing the risk that they will spread the disease to others.

Giving patients with multi-drug-resistant TB the wrong medication risks creating an even more dangerous form of tuberculosis called extensive drug-resistant TB. WHO estimates that some 25,000 people are contracting XDR-TB each year, requiring more expensive and toxic drugs with less chance of survival.”

Rare and very dangerous Superbug Fears

“Disease alert: New blood-sucking tick found in UK”  A blood-thirsty tick normally found in continental Europe has been discovered in Britain, putting animals and humans here at increased risk of disease.”  “The Dermacentor reticulates tick was discovered in south-east England and west Wales in a study of dog infestations, and scientists have warned that it may have brought new strains of disease with it. They are blaming climate change for driving the tick to these shores.

Professor Richard Wall, head of the veterinary parasitology group at Bristol University, which carried out the research, said: 'This is an important study because the results suggest that the risk of tick infestation is far higher in dogs than was previously thought. This has serious implications for the incidence of tick-borne disease.

'The study also confirms that a non-native species of tick, which is also a major disease vector in Europe, is now established in southern England.'

The research, published in the journal Medical and Veterinary Entomology, found that 14.9 per cent of dogs were infested with ticks at any one time.


A police officer in Ashdod, near Tel Aviv, with a rocket fired from Gaza yesterday

Prophecy Sign: The coming Psalm 83 war.

"A rocket fired by Palestinian militants from Gaza struck an area close to Tel Aviv yesterday in a bold attack that could provoke Israel into a decisive strike and bring it one step closer to a new Middle East war. The latest attack, which injured nobody and landed in an unpopulated area 15 miles south of the city, will unsettle Israelis, who are used to seeing low-grade rockets and mortars drop mostly harmlessly in areas close to Gaza, but rarely feel threatened in cities such as Tel Aviv."


Prophecy Sign: The coming Psalm 83 war.

CAESAREA, Israel — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told US Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Friday that Israel is ready to act with "great force" in response to a spate of rocket fire by Gaza militants and a deadly bus bombing in Jerusalem.

Israel had been "subjected to bouts of terror and rocket attacks," Netanyahu told reporters before going into a meeting with Gates.

"We stand ready to act with great force and great determination to put a stop to it," he added, with police saying Israel had not been hit by any projectiles Friday morning.

Netanyahu said he had received a "very warm" telephone call from US President Barack Obama on Thursday expressing his condolences after the latest flare-up in violence.

"Any civilised society will not tolerate such wanton attacks on its civilians," he said.

Gates, a former CIA director with years of experience in Washington, said US-Israel security ties were as strong as they had ever been at a time when the region is in "turmoil."

On Thursday, he said in Tel Aviv that Washington firmly backed Israel's right to respond to the both the rocket fire and the Jerusalem bombing, which he described as "repugnant acts."

But he suggested Israel should tread carefully or risk derailing the course of popular unrest sweeping Arab and Muslim countries in the Middle East.

The US defense chief is pressing Israeli and Palestinian leaders to take "bold action" for peace despite soaring tensions, saying political upheaval in the region offered an opportunity.



THE IRON DOME system is designed to intercept shortrange rockets fired by Hamas from the Gaza Strip Prophecy Sign: The coming Psalm 83 war.

“As missile fire from the Gaza Strip escalated on Thursday, the IDF is preparing for the possible deployment of the Iron Dome counter-rocket defense system along Israel’s border with Gaza. In late February, the Israeli Air Force held a test of the counter-rocket defense system, Iron Dome, which was supposed to serve as the final stage before declaring the system operational. While a month has passed since then, the system is nowhere to be found despite the recent escalation and daily rocket and missile attacks against Israeli towns and cities in the South. Officially, the IAF claims that even though the system successfully passed the final round of tests in February, it is still not ready for deployment. On the other hand, some defense officials have accused the IAF of getting cold feet and of refusing to deploy the system due to a fear that it might not work. Iron Dome is designed to defend against rockets at a range of 4-70 km and each battery consists of a multimission radar manufactured by Israel Aerospace Industries and three launchers, each equipped with 20 interceptors named Tamir.”

Rendering of a Vivos doomsday bunker being built under the grasslands of Nebraska“NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — A devastating earthquake strikes Japan. A massive tsunami kills thousands. Fears of a nuclear meltdown run rampant. Bloodshed and violence escalate in Libya.  And U.S. companies selling doomsday bunkers are seeing sales skyrocket anywhere from 20% to 1,000%.

Northwest Shelter Systems, which offers shelters ranging in price from $200,000 to $20 million, has seen sales surge 70% since the uprisings in the Middle East, with the Japanese earthquake only spurring further interest. In hard numbers, that's 12 shelters already booked when the company normally sells four shelters per year.

"Sales have gone through the roof, to the point where we are having trouble keeping up," said Northwest Shelter Systems owner Kevin Thompson., which sells portable shelters, bomb shelters and underground bunkers, has seen inquiries soar 400% since the Japanese earthquake. So far sales of its $9,500 nuclear biological chemical shelter tents are at an all-time high — with four sold in California last week, compared to about one a month normally.

Hardened Structures said inquiries have shot up about 20% since the earthquake — particularly for its apocalyptic 2012 shelters, radiation-protection tents, and nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) air filters.”


Gabriella ShalevProphecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 (all the nations will come against Israel in the last days.”“Israel failed to realize until recently that the Palestinian bid to win United Nations General Assembly endorsement for statehood in September might not be merely declarative, but could have profound practical consequences under the provisions of a little-known UNGA resolution, Gabriela Shalev, the former Israeli ambassador to the UN, has told The Jerusalem Post.

UNGA Resolution 377, also known as the “Uniting for Peace” resolution, was passed during the Korean War in 1950, at the initiative of the US, because the Soviet Union was vetoing UN Security Council action to protect South Korea.

It permits the General Assembly to recommend a range of “collective measures” to supportive states, including sanctions and even the use of force, in cases where the permanent members of the Security Council cannot reach unanimity and where “there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression.”
The existence of UNGA Resolution 377, and the precedents for its use, said Shalev, mean that “those who believe that the UN General Assembly’s deliberations are of a solely declarative importance are mistaken.”

If the Palestinians can gain General Assembly recognition for statehood under a “Uniting for Peace” resolution, she warned, “it would be a real obstacle… not just a public relations setback. This would seek to impose on us some kind of Palestinian state.”
Shalev said that Israel only “just found out about this” – thanks, she said, to research done by Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi’s

The Israel Project.

Palestinian officials have said repeatedly that they intend to seek UN recognition for “Palestine” by September. It is widely assumed that a resolution to that effect would not receive the binding approval of the 15- member Security Council – where it might not gain the nine “yes” votes it would need, and where, even if it did, the US would likely use its veto.

In the General Assembly, by contrast, a resolution recommending a state of Palestine would easily receive two-thirds support, diplomatic sources say.
But the assumption in Israel until recently was that while such a vote might further dent Israel’s international standing, it would have no practical consequences.
By invoking the non-binding “Uniting for Peace” resolution, however, the GA could then recommend that “collective measures” be taken by individual states in support of the statehood resolution.

Richard Schifter, a former US assistant secretary of state, noted a 1981 precedent in which the General Assembly utilized Resolution 377 to advance the struggle for Namibian independence.”



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 Prophecy Sign: Revelation 17: 9-14

9“This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. 10They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. 11The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.

12“The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. 14They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

“The editor of the London daily” “wrote that the difference in Erdogan's policy vis-à-vis the revolutions in Libya and Egypt stemmed from his desire to set up Turkey as the "neo-Ottoman" leader of the region. The following are excerpts from his editorial, as it appeared in the daily's English-language edition:[2]

"Those who believe that Erdogan is acting in this regard according to Turkey's commercial interests are wrong. Erdogan is defending Al-Qadhafi despite all the crimes that the Libyan leader has committed against his own people, whereas previously he was one of the first world leaders to criticize the Hosni Mubarak regime during the January 25 revolution in Egypt. However, he did not take either of these positions for commercial reasons.

"Erdogan has responded in a different manner to the events in Libya and Egypt because he is searching for leadership for his country, namely a neo-Ottoman leadership. In Egypt, Erdogan is aware that it would be easy for him to ally himself with the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore he viewed the Egyptian revolution as an opportunity to support change and thereby strengthen Turkey's role in Egypt. However, in Libya, Erdogan seems to be certain that Al-Qadhafi will crush his people and emerge victorious. Therefore he is seeking to help resolve the Libyan impasse, in order to strengthen the Turkish role, especially in light of the almost complete break in Arab–Libyan relations, with the exception of only two or three Arab states.

"These are the goals of Erdogan's Turkey, namely [to strengthen the] neo-Ottoman leadership, rather than to protect Istanbul's commercial interests. If the Turkish Prime Minister were so concerned about his country's commercial interests, he would have supported the U.S. against Saddam Hussein, and indeed against Iran with regards to Tehran's nuclear file. If Erdogan were truly concerned about his country's commercial interests he would not have increased the tensions in Istanbul's relations with Tel Aviv, as good relations with Israel would have guaranteed Turkey numerous trade agreements, as well as support for Istanbul's attempts to join the European Union. If this was just about commercial interests, it would have been in Turkey's interests to support the Arab Gulf states, instead of criticizing the entry of the GCC Peninsula Shield Force into Bahrain.

"Therefore, all Erdogan wants to do is to strengthen Turkey's role, in search of a neo-Ottoman role [in the region], and this is something that can be described as political opportunism. Indeed, what is happening in the Gulf seems to have confused friends and foes alike, whether they are Arab or Islamic, like Turkey and Iran, or Western, like the U.S. The consensus and joint action taken by the Gulf states is the last thing that Iran or Turkey wants to see, and this is the truth. Therefore the entire issue is one of leadership, and of searching for a role. For if Turkey is so concerned about democracy, why has it allied itself with Syria? And if it is so concerned about minorities, why has it allied itself with Iran?"


(Google Maps)

H&M clothing store where fight broke out.

Prophecy Sign: II Timothy 3:1-5  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – A brawl involving a number of young people, mostly girls, resulted in several arrests and charges being filed in Center City and the entire incident was caught on tape. Police took a number of unruly teens into custody around 7 p.m. Thursday, March 17, when group of teenage girls started to fight inside the H&M clothing store at 16th and Chestnut Streets. Police and store security were nearby and quickly broke up the feuding teens while onlookers grabbed their cell phones and started recording. A number of the teens attempted to make a get away following the incident, but police quickly rounded them up and took them into custody. Video shows the store in disarray, a mannequin wearing a “Not Violence” t-shirt was knocked to the ground and lost it’s head, a gift card display was knocked over and pieces of a woman’s hair weave were strewn on the floor. Police say the suspects in the incident face various juvenile charges, including reckless endangerment.”

Enter video caption here

Newest radio/video show ready to view in a few minutes/March 24, 2011

 My newest radio/video show on the International radio station at The Edge will be able to be viewed at 4:45 PM Pacific Standard time today March 24, 2011.

7.0 quake hit Myanmar/Timothy’s warning about people in the last days/Kingdom against kingdom update/A ticking time bomb between PLO and Israel/ March 24, 2011


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Take advantage of my free download today. Click to link below and read all the proof showing you Jesus' warnings are all coming to pass.  Think this is a joke, not true?  Read the proof if you really want to know the truth about these last days.

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Filming for new show today.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 Jesus told us to look for “great earthquakes” .  By now I am sure the number of huge earthquakes has gotten your attention.  The cover of Newsweek this month is a good example of people taking notice that something is very wrong!  Today we saw two of these “great earthquakes” Jesus warned us about in verse 11. One of the headline read like this, “Massive earthquake strikes Thailand”.  “Two strong earthquakes struck northeastern Myanmar less than a minute apart Thursday night. They could be felt as far away as Bangkok, but a tsunami was not generated. The first 7.0-magnitude quake was just six miles (10 kilometers) deep, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was followed by another of the same strength but far deeper: 140 miles (230 kilometers).”

Do you recall my warning to you on my March 11, 2011 post?  I quote, “I am going to keep the red flag up because you all need to see that Christ’s words should not be taken lightly.  We are in those end times birth pains and you will see more of these huge quakes in the near future.”  Are you getting the picture yet?  If you trust in the Words of Jesus Christ you should have no fear in warning people exactly what He warned us, and that is all I am doing.  I know His words are true and when He tell you “great earthquakes” are coming you can stand on those words.  I am going to warn anyone who still doesn’t trust in the Lord’s words, you will see more of these huge quakes soon.  They are coming faster because we are in the midst of the last days birth pains. The red flag is still up!

A strong earthquake has struck Burma, shaking buildings as far away as Bangkok (AP)

“A strong earthquake has struck north-eastern Burma, shaking buildings as far away as Bangkok. No tsunami was generated as a result of the quake, which struck along the borders with Thailand and Laos, about 70 miles from Chiang Rai. The northern Thai city suffered a little damage, according to Thai television.  The 6.8-magnitude quake was just six miles deep, according to the US Geological Survey.  At that strength and depth, the monitor said 600,000 people got shaking anywhere from strong to violent. The buildings are considered vulnerable so moderate to very heavy damage is expected in homes.”

Prophecy Sign:   II Timothy 3:1-5, here we see what people will be like prior to the Lord’s return. I quote, “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God– having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”

Once again the news has reported on people out of control.  “Panama City Beach — A cell phone camera captured the action in the Panama City Beach Burger King on Front Beach Road Saturday, as a crowd of tourists nearly rioted at the restaurant. “Employees dialed 9-1-1 for help, as one bikini-clad woman, later identified as Kimesia Smith of Montgomery, Ala., jumped up on the counter and threw a charity coin jug at employees, and 3 of Smith's friends also began throwing napkins, utensils, and trays throughout the location. The woman in the bikini, who became concerned about the whereabouts of her two children after Panama CityBeach Police placed her in handcuffs, was taken to the Bay County Jail on charges of simple battery, in part because of allegations she pulled a Burger King employee's hair. Beach police contacted a friend of the woman, who told police she would take care of Smith's children. The video has already been watched thousands of times, but be warned, there may be some harsh language overheard as the out of control group destroyed the Burger King.”  Yesterday I posted a study showing that the Magnetic fields may cause some pretty weird things to happen. Maybe this is one of the reasons why we are seeing so many people losing it, or is it that they are void of the Holy Spirit, and therefore are under the influence of the god of this world, and is actually fulfilling Christ's warnings as to what people will be like in the last days. 

“Magnetic fields have been shown to augment the brain process in good and bad ways. ["Magnetic fields may help brain work"] For instance, studies have shown that the brain's right temporo-parietal junction lights up with activity when decisions are made. An MIT team showed that an electromagnetic field impairs the ability to evaluate the intentions of others, leaves perceptions confused and creates poor judgment. ["A Magnetic Field Applied to the Brain Can Alter People's Sense of Morality"] Other experiments have suggested that chronic exposure to variable magnetic field intensities can cause adverse affects on the brain and electrochemical thought processes to intensify. That can lead to to impaired judgment, aberrations in perception, psychotic behavior, paranoia and heightened bouts of rage."

 AP Photo Prophecy Sign: Kingdom against kingdom update for Syria.  “DARAA, Syria (AP) — Thousands called for liberty Thursday in the southern Syrian city of Daraa, defying a deadly government crackdown as they took to the streets in funeral marches for protesters killed by police gunfire, an activist said. Media access to the marches was restricted but an Associated Press reporter heard sporadic bursts of gunfire echoing through the city in the afternoon. Almost all shops were shuttered, the streets were virtually empty and soldiers and anti-terrorism police stopped people at checkpoints and manned many intersections – the heaviest security presence since the unrest began.”

Jordanian protesters shout slogans and wave national flags during a demonstration in Amman, Jordan Thursday, March 24, 2011. Hundreds of Jordanians, m Civil unrest headed for Jordan. “AMMAN, Jordan – Hundreds of Jordanians set up a protest camp in a main square in the capital on Thursday to press demands for the ouster of the prime minister and wider public freedoms. The 500 protesters appeared to be mostly university students or unemployed graduates unaffiliated with any political party. Many said they met through Facebook last month to launch a group called the Jordanian Youth Movement.”

Prophecy Sign: Conflicts leading to the Psalm 83 war where the Palestinians will attack Israel with the nations that border Israel. 

“JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli aircraft struck the Gaza Strip on Thursday in response to militant rocket and mortar attacks, stoking concerns that a grave new round of hostilities will fill the vacuum left by an impasse in Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking.

Two years of relative calm have been unraveling in recent weeks with acts of violence against Israelis – including a deadly bombing in Jerusalem on Wednesday that killed a British tourist – and Israeli reprisals against Gaza militants, which in one case killed four Palestinian civilians.

Militants operating near the Israeli border sent at least nine rockets and mortars – including two rockets that reached the city of Ashdod – flying at Israeli communities throughout the day, drawing an Israeli airstrike in retaliation. No injuries were reported on either side.

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates called the rocket attacks "repugnant" and defended the Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip as legitimate self-defense.”

IAF fires flare above northern Gaza Strip“IDF tanks shot into Gaza on Thursday, injuring one man, according to Palestinian sources, following four Kassam rockets launched from Gaza into Israel. The strike came after the IAF struck four targets in Gaza Strip in the early morning,  after Palestinians fired about a dozen rockets and mortars across the border, striking deep into Israel. “

“The tanks were aimed at a Hamas facility in Gaza City, which reportedly burst into flames. Earlier Thursday, the IAF bombed terrorists that were attempting to shoot rockets into Israel.  Hamas said Israel targeted smuggling tunnels along the Gaza-Egypt border, as well as one of its training camps in central Gaza.  A third strike hit a power transformer, causing blackouts in the area, witnesses said. Medical workers said no one was injured in the strikes.

The IDF confirmed that the IAF strikes were carried out in Gaza in response to earlier rocket attacks and that direct hits on multiple targets were recorded. On Wednesday, Israel vowed to retaliate for rocket attacks against Beersheba and Ashkelon as Hamas evacuated most of its manned positions throughout the Gaza Strip in anticipation of IDF air strikes.”

Photo: APProphecy Sign: Psalm 83:4 “They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from [being] a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.  The Hagrites, Hagarenes are the modern day Egyptians and are listed as one of the nations who will be joining the other Arab nations that border Israel in the Psalm 83 war.  Looks like Egypt is sending Israel a message!  Could it be that Egypt is showing Israel what they see for the future, a map without Israel.  Since this is what God has already shown us in that Psalm we don’t have to guess as to what type of message Egypt is trying to show Israel by wiping Israel off the map.

“Egypt Air, the largest airline in Egypt, has removed Israel from the map – literally. On its website, Ynet has learned, Jordan's land reaches the Mediterranean Sea.

The airline's subsidiary, Air Sinai, flies to Israel regularly, but customers seeking flights to Ben Gurion National Airport will have a hard time finding them. On the map are the names of the Mideast capitals – Amman, Beirut, and Damascus – but Israel is nowhere to be found.  

Jordan stretches to sea in online map (Photo: Internet site),7340,L-4046460,00.html

Ben-Gurion University of the NegevProphecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 informs us that in the last days Israel will on their own and all the nations of the world will come against her.  Little by little this prophecy is coming to pass and nations are turning away from Israel.  Here is an example of what I am talking about.

“JOHANNESBURG – A leading South African university is severing ties with Ben-Gurion University of the Negev after hundreds of South African professors called for an academic boycott. Vice Chancellor Adam Habib said Thursday that the University of Johannesburg is ending a 25-year relationship on April 1. He said professors can continue to work individually with Ben-Gurion, should they decide to do so and should Ben-Gurion agree to it.” More than 400 South Africans signed a petition calling for the boycott, including Nobel Peace Prize laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The Congress of South African Trade Unions called it a landmark moment in the campaign to boycott Israel.”

If you keep your eyes on the news you will soon see more reports like this one. 

A vendor arranges vegetables at a greengrocery in the Togoshi Ginza in Tokyo March 23, 2011. Further contamination of vegetables added to global anxiety on Wednesday at radiation from Japan's tsunami-smashed nuclear plant where engineers are struggling to cool reactors in the world's worst atomic crisis for 25 years. - A vendor arranges vegetables at a greengrocery in the Togoshi Ginza in Tokyo March 23, 2011. Further contamination of vegetables added to global anxiety on Wednesday at radiation from Japan's tsunami-smashed nuclear plant where engineers are struggling to cool reactors in the world's worst atomic crisis for 25 years. | Aly Song/ ReutersProphecy Sign: Luke 21:25 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

The grim toll of dead and missing from Japan's monster quake and tsunami on March 11 topped 26,000, as hundreds of thousands remained huddled in evacuation shelters and fears grew in the megacity of Tokyo over water safety.

The damage to the Fukushima nuclear plant from the tectonic calamity and a series of explosions has stoked global anxiety. The United States and Hong Kong have already restricted Japanese food, and France wants the EU to do the same.

Russia ordered a halt to food imports from four prefectures — Fukushima, Gunma, Ibaraki and Tochigi — near the stricken plant 250 kilometres (155 miles) northeast of Tokyo.

Moscow also placed in quarantine a Panama-flagged cargo ship that had passed near the plant and put its 19 crew under medical supervision after detecting radiation levels three times the norm in the engine room.

Australia banned produce from the area, including seaweed and seafood, milk, dairy products, fresh fruit and vegetables.

It said, however, that Japanese food already on store shelves was safe, as it had shipped before the quake, and that "the risk of Australian consumers being exposed to radionuclides in food imported from Japan is negligible".

Singapore also suspended imports of milk products and other foodstuffs from the same four prefectures and Canada implemented enhanced import controls on products from the quartet.

The Philippines banned Japanese chocolate imports.”

Image: Rev. Chad Holtz poses for a photo in Durham, N.C. HoltzProphecy Sign: II Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”

DURHAM, N.C. — When Chad Holtz lost his old belief in hell, he also lost his job.

The pastor of a rural United Methodist church in North Carolina wrote a note on his Facebook page supporting a new book by Rob Bell, a prominent young evangelical pastor and critic of the traditional view of hell as a place of eternal torment for billions of damned souls.

Two days later, Holtz was told complaints from church members prompted his dismissal from Marrow's Chapel in Henderson.

"I think justice comes and judgment will happen, but I don't think that means an eternity of torment," Holtz said. "But I can understand why people in my church aren't ready to leave that behind. It's something I'm still grappling with myself."

The debate over Bell's new book "Love Wins" has quickly spread across the evangelical precincts of the Internet, in part because of an eye-catching promotional video posted on YouTube.”

Did these Pastors forget why Jesus died on the cross?  It was to make sure that there was a road to heaven for anyone who chose to take it.  The road to hell still remains but by the blood of the Lamb you now have a choice as to where you want to spend eternity. 

Here are just a few places in the Bible where it addresses hell. 

But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, 'you fool' will be liable to the hell fire. Matthew 5:22 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28

Luke 16: 19-26 “There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.”

“9And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. 10And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. 11And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. 12And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” (Rev. 20:9-15).

And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. Daniel 12:2


China’s warship in Libya’s coast why?/Gold and Silver climbing again/Sounds of the war drums/Jerusalem attacked again/March 23, 2011


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Take advantage of my free download today. Click to link below and read all the proof showing you Jesus' warnings are all coming to pass.  Think this is a joke, not true?  Read the proof if you really want to know the truth about these last days.

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you read Revelaion 9:14-16 and Revelation 16:12 you will see that China is going to play a major role during the tribulation.  Notice from Revelation Jesus shows us a army from the East that will number 200 million.  China's regular Army is 200 million and China is beginning to flex her military muscle at the world.  The video below will explain for me.  Christ is showing a clear picture that the road to Revelation is under way!



PhotoProphecy Sign: Revelation 18:12 Jesus shows us that people will weep over many items that He will take away from them.  Two of the items are gold and silver.  This shows us that these metals will no doubt skyrocket and instead of trusting in Christ they had turned to things that will fade away such as the gold and silver.  I warned you to watch the news because if you did you would see the prices of both of these metals skyrocket.  News today shows that is exactly what is taking place.

Photo“Gold for April delivery /quotes/comstock/21e!f:gc\j11 (GCJ11 1,439, +11.20, +0.79%)  rose $10.40, or 0.7%, to $1,438 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. That was enough to beat the previous record settlement of March 2, when gold closed at $1,437.70 an ounce. “Instead of looking for a reason to buy gold, no one can find a reason not to buy gold,” said Adam Klopfenstein, a senior market strategist with Lind Waldock in Chicago. Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, the destruction in Japan, continuation of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s easing policy, and inflation are all working to support the metal, he added. Gold is likely to challenge $1,500 sooner rather than later, especially if prices firm around $1,475 an ounce in the coming sessions, Klopfenstein said.”

 Now take a look at silver!  “Spot silver soared to a 31-year peak of $37.34 an ounce, surpassing its previous high set two weeks ago. It later gained 2.6 percent to $37.30 an ounce. Year to date, silver has gained over 20 percent, and gold was up just over 1 percent. Silver was boosted by near-term supply tightness and strong industrial demand on expectations the global economy continued to recover.

March 23: Two people are reportedly dead after a bus explodes in Jerusalem.Prophecy Sign: Almost every day we are seeing the signs of another major conflict  between the Palestinians and Israel.   The violence hasn’t stopped, and as I warned you all, don’t expect the Palestinians to stop their quest to recapture East Jerusalem.  The events you are reading about are leading up to the Psalm 83 war.  We haven’t heard news of bombing like this since 2004.Police take away casualty in Jerusalem I quote,   “The bomb had been left in a bag by the side of the road near the central bus station, police said. Dozens of ambulances converged on the scene near the entrance to the city, and police sealed off the area. Jerusalem suffered a spate of bus bombings between 2000 and 2004 but attacks have stopped in recent years. Witnesses said the force of the blast – just after 1500 local time (1300 GMT) – shook buildings over a wide area. A correspondent for AFP news agency at the scene said people were lying on the ground covered in blood and many cars and buses had shattered windows”. 

I can assure you all that the birth pains of the last days are going to get much more intense as a result of the 154 rockets that have been fired into Israel since January of this year and now a new round of bombing Israeli citizens in Jerusalem.  Fact is the Israeli government sees a new war coming.

Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu listens to Vice Prime Minister Shalom during cabinet meeting in JerusalemRight after I read the report on the bus bombing I noticed that the Palestinians once again sent more rockets deep into Israel. I quote, “Palestinian rockets struck two cities deep in Israel on Wednesday, wounding a resident and prompting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to threaten lengthy "exchanges of blows" with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. Islamic Jihad, a smaller Gaza faction and occasional Hamas ally, claimed responsibility for the attacks on Beersheba and Ashdod.” 

Netanyahu said, “No country would be prepared to absorb protracted missile fire on its cities and civilians, and of course the State of Israel is not prepared to," Netanyahu said in parliament.  "It could be that this matter will entail exchanges of blows, and it may take a certain period of time, but we are very determined to strike at the terrorist elements and deny them the means of attacking our citizens," he said, according to a transcript issued by his office.”  Do you recall what Jesus said about the last days signs of war and rumors of war?  Well, here is another one of those signs!

Do you really think that Hamas is going to stop attacking Israel. Keep in mind, their charter calls for the destruction of Israel.  If you don’t believe what I am saying read this next section from the news from Yahoo. “In a statement, Islamic Jihad said it sought to avenge "the Zionist massacres against our fighters and people" and would continue to fight "until the full liberation of our lands" — a reference to Israel, as well as the West Bank and Gaza.  Hamas, which won a Palestinian election in 2006 and seized control of Gaza a year later, likewise spurns peace with the Jewish state. But in the past it has proposed long-term truces.”  Let us not forget these are the people who Prime Minister Netanyahu is suppose to sit down with a make peace with?    Looks like the second part of Paul’s warning in I Thessalonians 5:3 is going to be fulfilled shortly.  If you are new to prophecy, this is the part where Paul warns us that while they are calling for peace and safety (then sudden destruction will come).  Watch the news because you are going to be an eye witness to the fulfillment of this prophecy. 

Pay attention to what the Israeli Vice Premier Silvan Shalom just stated. “Israeli Vice Premier Silvan Shalom said the Islamists may have opened a new front with Israel "to stop any possibility of dialogue among the Palestinians or to come to the intra-Palestinian negotiation in a far stronger position".  Speaking on Israel Radio before Netanyahu's remarks in parliament, Shalom said the government would have to consider a fresh offensive in Gaza. A similar prediction was made by Matan Vilnai, Israel's homefront defense minister.  "I say this despite the fact that I know such a thing would, of course, bring the region to a far more combustible situation," Shalom said.

Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3: “JERUSALEM (AP) – A wide patch of steep hillside overlooking Jerusalem's Old City holds row after row of graves. Biblical prophets, revered rabbis and a prime minister are buried there. Yet many of the tombstones have been smashed, litter is strewn around and tethered donkeys defecate on top of graves. The ancient cemetery is just one point of contention in the struggle for control of Jerusalem, an explosive issue in decades of Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. Israelis and American Jewish leaders are demanding that the Israeli government increase protection to ensure that those buried on the Mount of Olives can rest in peace. The cemetery is believed to hold the graves of biblical prophets Haggai, Malachi and Zechariah. The list of modern Jewish figures buried there includes Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the father of modern Hebrew, and Nobel Prize laureate Shai Agnon.”

Palestinians claim all of east Jerusalem, including the Mount of Olives, as the capital of a future state. Projects that strengthen the Jewish presence in east Jerusalem are hotly opposed by the Palestinians and frequently lead to protests. The issue of Israeli construction in east Jerusalem and the West Bank lead to a breakdown in peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians last year.”

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Kingdom against Kingdom:

“DARAA, Syria (AP) – New violence in a restive southern Syrian city killed as many as six people Wednesday, making it the deadliest single day since anti-government protests inspired by uprisings across the Arab world reached this country last week, an activist said.

The activist told The Associated Press that six people died in Daraa when security forces launched an attack near the al-Omari Mosque, where anti-government demonstrators have taken shelter. He said a paramedic was among the dead. The activist spoke on condition of anonymity, fearing reprisals.

Syria's state-run TV reported that four people died when "an armed gang" attacked an ambulance in Daraa. The dead included a doctor, a paramedic, a driver and a policeman, the TV said.”


Here’s more news concerning rumors of war.  “The Israel Defense Forces is readying for the possibility that Syria might create a provocation along the northern border to divert attention from the growing protests against President Bashar Assad's regime. Nevertheless, the defense establishment views this as unlikely. Defense officials have been following events in Syria closely over the last few days, especially after the violence in the southern town of Daraa. Intelligence officials said that despite their earlier assessments that the Syrian regime was stable, and that the unrest sweeping other Arab countries would not affect it, they now believe it will be very hard for Assad to restore the status quo ante.” 

Keep in mind, Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49: 24-27 does inform us that Syria will get wiped out in the last days.  Syria is one of the nations listed to attack Israel in that Psalm 83 war.  So, sooner or later, Syria will make the mistake and attack Israel again.  Will Syria think hitting Israel while the PLO are launching rockets at Israel be the right time to launch their attack?  We will all have to keep on the watch to see the outcome.  In any case we are told “The IDF is also preparing for the possibility that Damascus might use Hezbollah or other militant organizations in Lebanon to heat up that front to divert attention from events in Syria. But one senior officer said that Assad and his people appear to be too busy suppressing the domestic unrest to have time for that. So for now, most preparations are at the intelligence level, and there is currently no plan to beef up IDF forces along the border.

British cleric Anjem Choudary says al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood have assets on the ground in Libya and are ready to take control if Moammar Gadhafi is removed from power.

The top Muslim cleric accuses the U. S. and French-led coalition trying to topple Gadhafi of working to install a puppet regime, but he says there are al-Qaida operatives in Libya who will stop the West from installing a friendly government.

"Al-Qaida has their own agents and their own people in the region who are propagating their own Islamic ideas and their agenda. At the right time they will make the move, and we will see the emergence of Islam and Shariah in that particular region," Choudary said.

Civil unrest across Britain: We will fight until we win Seems more violence is also headed back to the UK. “LONDON (Reuters) – Trade unions said on Tuesday their march this weekend will be the country's biggest protest for years, but police fear splinter groups will attempt to repeat last December's street violence.

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) said more than 100,000 people are expected at the march on Saturday to protest at deep government spending cuts and tax rises.

Brendan Barber, TUC's general secretary, said he expected it to be the largest demonstration since up to a million people took to the streets on the capital in 2003 to oppose the planned invasion of Iraq.

"I suspect this will be the biggest since then," Barber told reporters. "There'll be a lot of people coming from every part of the country. It's going to be a very big event."

The protest will also be the largest seen in London since a demonstration in December by students angry at a proposed rise in university tuition fees erupted into the worst rioting seen in the capital for decades.

Government buildings were vandalised, there were running battles between protesters and police, and the limousine carrying Prince Charles and his wife Camilla was attacked.

While the TUC is planning a family-friendly, peaceful event, internet websites and chatrooms have indicated that some groups are looking to take direct action, such as occupying part of London's Hyde Park.”

Anti carbon tax protesters outside Parliament House, Canberra, Australia, Wednesday, March 23, 2011

As the UK is getting ready to march on the government again over budget cuts, and families struggling to make ends meet we see trouble brewing in Australia as well. 

“Hundreds of people have attended demonstrations in the national capital Canberra as well as in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.  Critics say without a binding global agreement the proposed levy will cost jobs and erode the competitiveness of Australian businesses.  The government says Australia needs the tax and an emissions trading scheme.  Protesters say they are just ordinary Australian workers and taxpayers who feel betrayed by the government's plans to put a price on carbon. They insist it would damage the economy and drive up the cost of living by making energy far more expensive. "There is a groundswell of people that have finally had a gutful," said one demonstrator. "Since the Labor government has come into this country the union rules. We just cannot do it anymore. We have no more money left to pay the taxes," another protester said.”

Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:25 Jesus shows us that nations would be dealing with complex problems.  Take a look at Japan. First the 9.0 earthquake, then the 33 foot wall of water that wiped out much of Japan, then the nuclear leaks, and now those leaks have caused major concerns for Japan as the water has been tainted. If this wasn’t bad enough now nations are beginning to stop the flow of food from Japan.  The US is another nation to join the list of nations stopping food. “Radiation danger from Japan's tsunami-smashed nuclear plant loomed on Wednesday with water in Tokyo showing hazardous levels for infants and the United States becoming the first nation to block food imports. Tokyo authorities said water at a purification plant for the capital of 13 million people had 210 becquerels of radioactive iodine — more than twice the safety level for infants.”  How much more can these people take?  Jesus’ warnings about these complex problems have come to pass, and more problems are coming as nations face their massive debts!

 In the US we are just now beginning to see the signs of more civil unrest