Does God Hate Gay People?
By Dennis M. Morrison Sr.
There are a lot of people who believe that it is all right to be a homosexual. The “gay” movement has done a lot to try to convince people that it is normal and acceptable to be homosexual and that they have a right to live life as they choose. I will agree to this only in part, a person has a right to live life as they choose, God grants us that, but that does not make it right.
On the other hand you have folks like those at Westborough Baptist Church who boldly proclaim that God hates homosexuals or fags as they put it. They proclaim that homosexuality is a basic problem with our society and that it is destroying the moral fabric of our nation. They further claim that if you are a homosexual you are without hope and you will burn in hell forever never realizing a relationship with God your Father. Again I will agree in part. God hates homosexuality. It is a problem that is destroying the moral fabric of society in particular the basic family unit which God established way back in the Garden of Eden. But to hate the sin does not mean God hates the person, if that were true would He have ever sent Jesus Christ that we can know salvation and freedom from this sin?
Then there are churches that say they will fully embrace the “life style.” But you know what? There is one final authority on all of this no matter what man thinks. That final authority is the preserved Word of the True and Living God and that never changes no matter about the whims of man. God’s Word is true and always firm! If He say's it is wrong it does not matter what church comes out and says it is ok!
All ready some of you have your dander up because I am calling homosexuality a sin. Before you get all red faced and angry hear me out. I am not a “gay” basher because to be that I would have to bash myself. But I have found hope in God’s eternally unchanging Word.
There is a lot of confusion on the subject and I have struggled for many years with what the truth really is. How can I be basically something that God would hate? If you are a homosexual but you want a relationship with God then you owe it to yourself to give me a few moments of your time.
Those who say that homosexuals are outright condemned with no hope gloss over a very important and oft quoted scripture. John 3:16 as most of us know states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” To me that is pretty much all inclusive and singles out no single one group of sinners.
The same people who forget this verse when dealing with sodomites always forget about the following verse which states, “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the World through Him might be saved.”
Can a homosexual person be saved? I think the Word of God is clear on that. Yes! More to the point though is can we continue to live in that life style and expect to have a great relationship with God and be able to serve Him fully and meaningfully? To that the answer has to be no!
As a homosexual myself I have known quite a few people (as friends) who also are. I can say 100% that I have never encountered one who did not feel remorse for what they are including myself. Some people will hide their remorse deep inside themselves and try to deny it but in your heart of hearts you know the truth. You can only lie to yourself for so long. You and I know that it is unnatural. I mean I don’t even need to have God’s Word to realize that. Very nature shows that all around! But God’s Word counts sodomy as one of man’s sins. Like any sin it can be dealt with and forgiven.
So back to my question can you be saved and still lead a homosexual life style? Like it or not the answer is yes because all God requires for salvation is acceptance of His Son, who Jesus is and what He did for us on the cross. However, being what you are is a stumbling block to a full and rewarding life in Christ Jesus and to having a full relationship with God. If you choose to live on in your sin then truly you cannot expect His full blessings.
When you are saved the spirit within us is instantly changed and does war against our flesh. We are joined to God’s Spirit but our minds are not yet renewed and I don’t believe they are until the rapture. Through our entire lives Satan has used the things of this world to pour filth into us and it is not until the rapture that Jesus will consume all that filth which has been seeded into us and consume it with His own brightness. At that point we will be delivered from all bondage be it homosexuality, adultery, pornography, anger, hate – whatever it is. Until then our victories are hard won but the ultimate victory is ours through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Please understand that God can do ANYTHING! We cannot limit what God can do in our lives. There are people, or so it would seem, that are at the moment of salvation instantly delivered from their bondage. I feel that is more the exception than the rule because God can use us through our weaknesses to reach others who have the same problems in sin.
In His Word God always gives us examples to encourage us in our struggle. The Apostle Paul is without a doubt the greatest Christian to ever have lived. Please understand that in no way am I saying Paul’s sin was homosexuality. We are not told for a reason and I believe that is so no one sin is singled out. The only man to have never sinned is the Lord Jesus. Paul struggled with sin throughout his life just as you and I do. None-the-less it is certain that Paul was saved.
Paul wrote the following to explain and encourage you and I. In Romans 7:18-25 he said of the sin condition, “For I know that within me (that is in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present in me: but how to perform that which is good I find not.
“For the good that I would do I do not: but the evil which I would not, I do.
“Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwellth in me.
“I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
“For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:
“But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
“O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
“I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.”
Do you see the struggle that Paul had? Do you understand that it is the body, the old man that is under bondage to sin? So also is the mind if you feed into the lusts of the flesh. The old saying is so true, garbage in – garbage out. What you feed your mind strengthens it to those ends. It is so important to understand these
two laws if we are to have any peace in any sin but particularly this one which burrows itself so completely into the mind and body of the sinner. After salvation we should want to serve God’s law, but out flesh stands in the way. It still lives in this carnal world and is easily driven to the lusts of the things of this world and sexual lust, desire, passion is one of the strongest known to man.
Does this mean that as a homosexual my Father hates me? No, of course not. But He does have Holy wrath against the sin and those who continue in that sin with total rebeliousness and disregard to His Son Jesus Christ. There can be no excuse for continuing in an activity God has clearly shown to be wrong and against His will.
I personally have found that the more I try to fight a sin, especially this sort of persistent sin which is deeply embedded somewhere in the recesses of the subconscious mind, the stronger it seems to become. It is better to rest in Him, Jesus, meditate on Him and God’s Word and let Him fight the fight for you. He has unending strength and you and I do not.
A great comfort and display of His love toward us is that when we do fall, and the flesh is weak and the power of sexuality is so incredibly strong, when we do fall He has made a way for you and I. We cannot allow Satan to make us feel powerless and unworthy for no creature in Christ Jesus should feel that way. God knew we would struggle and He made a way for us but again this is not an excuse to sin.
Run to Him and remember what First John 1:8-9 says, “If we say that we have no sin, we decive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess ours sins, He is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
The mistake I have made in the past is to run from Him when I have fallen rather than running right to Him. You and I have been rejected by many for what we are but God will never reject anyone who comes to Him through His Son Jesus Christ. Yes, homosexuality it an ugly sin, but God the Father wants you and He is there with arms outstretched if you will just accept His invitation! Run to HIM!
What makes me feel loved and saved despite the sin that dwells in my flesh is that God, the Creator and Designer of everything loved me personally so much (and you also) that He gave up the splendors of Heaven for a time and came down to earth in a human body and was in all ways tempted by the Devil as you and I are. The difference is that He never sinned, no not even once. The sin is not in the temptation, but is in bringing that temptation to reality in your life.
The great bond between Him and I and you is that because Satan put the temptations before Him, He understands and through love and limitless mercy has made a way for you and I. And we only need to open our hearts in truth and admit to ourselves and to Him that the rebeliousness that is sodomy is unnatural and that you want His forgiveness.
I struggle everyday and in the past have not always had the victory. What I am here to say is that clearly God our Father loves you and I and is willing to accept us when we accept His Son and that does mean some changes. If you are in a committed “homosexual” relationship you have to let go. He never takes anything from our lives without putting something far better there to fill that void.
We have His acceptance and unfailing love and that is truly incredible when you and I have both felt the rejection of family and friends. I hope this brings some peace to your heart and an understanding that there is eternal hope for you and I through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. But ours is not to continue to dwell in sin that we know is against the very fabric of who God is, but to let Him lift us up to where we ought to be.
When I was growing up I had both a father and mother. I had the typical childhood for someone to turn out gay. My mother was a powerful figure in the home and my dad was weak. He had little to do with me. He spent all sorts of time with my brothers but I just was not worth fighting my mother over. I missed having a Dad who cared and that left its mark on me for a long time. I now longer have to feel that way because I have a Father who cares more than I can begin to even imagine, and He cares for you just as much. Just reach out to Him through Jesus and move away from the pit which sodomy drags you down into. You are good. You have worth. You just need to find your place in Him.
Mat wanted to respond to this email.
I have to respond to this self deceived man Morrison. He’ll forgive me, I hope, if I have not one iota of sympathy for his family life as a child that he’s trying to use as an excuse for his living in an abominable lifestyle. I grew up in an almost identical family situation he did and because I was super shy, at least 4-5 of the my childhood hometown’s known homosexual were trying to hit on me all the time, thinking my shyness was a sign of loneliness and openness to be converted. So, I say from my own experience, he’s just trying to follow the path of the rest of the self deceived homosexuals in America.
His use of two selected verses from Jesus’ words are not sufficient to support his contention that he’s on his way to heaven. He’s overlooking several passages from the Old Testament and New Testament – and even Jesus’ own mouth in Revelation – when he states that he’s all right in the sight of God. God says differently. In fact, God says that unless he gives up the homosexual, sodomite lifestyle, he’s going to hell.
Let him try these verses for size and see if he still believes he’s going to heaven:
Lev 20:13 KJV If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Rom 1:27 KJV And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
1Co 6:9 KJV Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind [homosexuals],
And from Jesus own mouth in Revelation.
Rev 22:15 KJV For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers [the primary meaning is male prostitutes who commit sodomy for hire], and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
And note also that someone who “makes a lie” will be excluded from heaven (which by elimination, means they will go to hell). This man is guilty of a self-deluded lie when he tries to convince himself that he’s saved in his sin and not seeking to be saved from his sin. I’m pointing these things and verses out to him on the chance he’ll see them and repent before it’s too late (Repent means to turn completely away and renounce and give up) and cry out to God to deliver him from the lifestyle that God counts abominable. God will send him to hell with him thinking he’s saved if he doesn’t repent. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. I have struggled for the last 36 years with a sinful addiction I carried over into my born again life as a Christian. And I know it’s hard. But he has to begin the fight it or he’ll be lost. Others have successfully left the homosexual lifestyle. It's only because hardened homosexuals bully and threaten those who are tired of that life and want to leave that more don't leave. Let one express the desire to leave and at least 100 or more homosexuals will threaten him and his life.
In Christ,
Mat V