My laptop computer which I use to write my posts and do my presentations died on me. I am borrowing a computer to write this post. I won't be able to post on a regular bases until I get a new lap top. Frank
“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:
Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 is a warning that people will be working all day long for one small meal. This prophecy shows us that the price of food has increased so high that it is going to very difficult to live.
"U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned Friday that global shortages of food and spiraling prices threaten widespread destabilization and is urging immediate action to forestall a repeat of the 2007 and 2008 crisis that led to riots in dozens of countries around the developing world.
Clinton told a meeting of the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization that urgent steps are needed to hold down costs and boost agricultural production as food prices continue to rise.
Although the situation is not yet as dire as it was four years ago, she said the consequences of inaction would be "grave."
"We must act now, effectively and cooperatively, to blunt the negative impact of rising food prices and protect people and communities," she said at the FAO's headquarters in Rome.
The U.N. estimates that 44 million people have been pushed into poverty since last June because of rising food prices, which could lead to desperate shortages and unrest. Clinton said the world could no longer "keep falling back on providing emergency aid to keep the Band-Aid on."
“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
My laptop computer which I use to write my posts and do my presentations died on me. I am borrowing a computer to write this post. I won't be able to post on a regular bases until I get a new lap top. Frank
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 disease
(NaturalNews) A new mystery virus with symptoms similar to those of AIDS and HIV is turning up all over China, according to a recent report in The Epoch Times. Patients with the highly transmissible disease are experiencing dramatic weight loss, night sweats, numb limbs, severe body aches, joint problems, severe vomiting, and the obvious decrease in white blood cell count and subsequent deterioration of the immune system.
A translated report from the Chinese news source New Express Daily explains that people who contract the new AIDS-like virus — which spreads through any bodily fluid, including saliva and sweat, by the way — experience nearly all the same symptoms as AIDS patients do, but routinely test negative for the disease. And experts are allegedly unable to authoritatively identify the disease, or the source from which it came.
Prophecy Sign: Factors that will cause the old Roman Empire to become the last world empire as spoken by Daniel in chapters 2 and 7 of Daniel and Revelation 13:16-18. The decline of America and my warning you to watch for thousands of American to keep losing their jobs. I hate to be right in this case becasue it is affecting some many people but look at the news today. Before you read this, keep in mind that the last world empire will rise in part, I believe as a result of a US decline.
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The number of Americans filing for jobless aid rose to an eight-month high last week and productivity growth slowed in the first quarter, clouding the outlook for an economy that is struggling to gain speed. While the surprise jump in initial claims for unemployment benefits was blamed on factors ranging from spring break layoffs to the introduction of an emergency benefits program, economists said it corroborated reports this week indicating a loss of momentum in job creation." New claims for state jobless benefits rose 43,000 to 474,000, the highest since mid-August, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Economists had expected claims to fall."
Can you image what will happen to the US economy is Obama taxes your car mileage? Everyone of you had better write the White House on this because it would crush what is left of the stalled US economy!
"The Obama administration has floated a transportation authorization bill that would require the study and implementation of a plan to tax automobile drivers based on how many miles they drive.
The plan is a part of the administration's Transportation Opportunities Act, an undated draft of which was obtained this week by Transportation Weekly. The White House, however, said the bill is only an early draft that was not formally circulated within the administration. “This is not an administration proposal," White House spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said. "This is not a bill supported by the administration. This was an early working draft proposal that was never formally circulated within the administration, does not taken into account the advice of the president’s senior advisers, economic team or Cabinet officials, and does not represent the views of the president.”
News of the draft follows a March Congressional Budget Office report that supported the idea of taxing drivers based on miles driven. Among other things, CBO suggested that a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) tax could be tracked by installing electronic equipment on each car to determine how many miles were driven; payment could take place electronically at filling stations."
Thank about this for a moment. They are finding all kinds of ways to keep track of everything you do. This is what the Antichrist is going to do when he comes.
“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
My laptop computer which I use to write my posts and do my presentations died on me. I am borrowing a computer to write this post. I won't be able to post on a regular bases until I get a new lap top. Frank
Prophecy Sign : Could the March of May 15 against Israel lead to the fulfillment of the Psalm 83 prophecy? Here is the latest news concerning this march.
"Hamas and Fatah, the twin terror groups that represent the "Palestinian people" in Land of Israel west of the River Jordan, are cooperating on a project for intimidating and embarrassing Israel on May 15. The date is the 63rd Gregorian calendar anniversary of the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948.
Dr. Zakaria al-Agha, member of the PLO Executive Committee, said Monday that a joint Fatah-Hamas committee for marking "the 63rd Nakba Day" had been formed, and that negotiations were under way with "all of the nationalist and Islamic forces" in order to carry out a joint, central action on the day. The plans reportedly include mass marches toward Israel from all of the countries surrounding it, by Arabs and foreign sympathizers. "Nakba," or "disaster," is what the Palestinian Authority Arabs call the establishment of the Jewish state, which occurred despite a concerted Arab attempt to kill the Jews in Israel."
Prophecy Sign : The listing of every world empire was given to the Prophet Daniel in Daniel chapter 2. Notice was ever written about the USA. From the lack of information we know that the USA will not be a world empire in the last days nor will see be seen as a major player in prophecy except to say that her decline from power will help bring about the last world empire.
On page 11 of my 2010 book I warned people to watch how high the numbers climb for the number of Americans who will have to go on food stamps. This is part of what I wrote in my book. "News from (Reuters) proves my point, I quote, “For the first time, more than 34 million Americans received food stamps, which help poor people buy groceries, government figures said on Thursday, a sign of the longest and one of the deepest recessions since the Great Depression Enrollment surged by 2 percent to reach a record 34.4 million people, or one in nine Americans, in May, the latest month for which figures are available” (Forbes Aug. 6, 2009). In only 5 months we witnessed the food stamp program jumping from 31.8 million to 34.4 million. You will read later these figures went up again in September."
One sure sign that America is declining is this food stamp stat. The lastest figures were just released and as you will see what I have been warning everyone is taking place.
"Today SNAP released the most recent food stamp numbers. Not surprisingly, we just saw another all time high 44.2 million poverty-level Americans relying on government funding for day to day sustenance. Granted the number appears to be plateauing, so all those who bought the change if not the ho[y]pe, can rejoice as it may start declining next month: a development that is sure to be herald for Obama a 4th Putin-esque term. That said, another number that has to be kept in perspective and for which we have to thank none other than Pauly-K is that offsetting these 44.2 million of impoverished Americans who can get a tax refund for writing off the American dream, are 400 Americans who accounted for 10%, or $91 billion of total, in capital gains taxes, or said otherwise, 400 US taxpayers account for 10% of all capital gains in 2007! We are currently going through old issues of Pravda to see if the Communist empire ever achieved this kind of social disparity between the nomenklatura and the proletariat (it didn't). If we find confirmation we will post it, and lose a sizable bet which will certainly deny us any possibility of every being among the abovementioned 400.
One of the more interesting documents published by the IRS is its report on the income and taxes of the top 400 taxpayers (pdf). A lot of attention gets focused, rightly, on the remarkably low average tax rate these people pay — less than 17 percent in 2007, the lowest on record. But I was struck by something else: in several years during the last decade the top 400 accounted for more than 10 percent of all capital gains income in America. Just 400 people!
Visually, this is presented below: of the $907 billion in capital gains paid in 2007, only 400 taxpayers accounted for $91 billion:
That's right ladies and gents, 400 US citizens are the primary beneficiaries of the Weimar rally so insiduously orchestrated by Chairsatan Benzebub. Or, in other words, 44.2 million to 400. And now you know that "democracy" can withstand even odds worse than 100k to 1.
While the United States is declining in power the European Union which is the Western leg of the old Roman Empire is growing in strength. Keep in mind that I am watching the Western leg of the old Roman Empire because there is the chance the Antichrist may rise from this leg of the old Roman Empire. There is also the chance he will rise from the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire so we have to keep watch on both of these legs because Jesus and Daniel told us the old Roman Empire would rise again in the last days and both of the legs already show us we are in the times Jesus warned us about. Here is the latest on the EU.
"EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy will now be able to address the United Nations no differently from US President Barack Obama, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez or Russia's Dimitri Medvedev. In order to win the vote, the EU had to agree to changes to the global organisation that transforms the UN from an assembly of nation states into a body that also offers representation rights to regional blocs as well, including potentially the African Union, the Arab League and the South American Union.The EU on Tuesday was given almost all the rights in the global chamber that fully-fledged states enjoy after the General Assembly backed 180 to two a resolution giving the bloc, which until this week only maintained observer status at the UN, the union the right to speak, the right to make proposals and submit amendments, the right of reply, the right to raise points of order and the right to circulate documents. There will also be additional seats put in the chamber for the EU's foreign policy chief, High Representative Catherine Ashton and her officials."
We also have to keep our eyes on Turkey as they also may play a huge role in the last days as part of the rise of the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire. You will learn more about the exact details of turkey by reading my Oct. 27, 2009 post. The green link at the end of this section will take you to the Oct. 27th post.
"It is impossible to catch one's breath after all of this celebrating. From the marriage of the prince to the assassination of the Saudi to the anticipated wedding ceremony that is due to take place today in Cairo, the sensory overload of the last few days threatens to conceal the real problems. Like in any celebration, the bridesmaid tries to attract attention by getting close to the cameras and within earshot of the merry-makers. This was how Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu managed to secure a spot next to Mahmoud Abbas and Khaled Meshal so that he could witness the festivities, alongside Arab League secretary general Amr Moussa, the Egyptian prime minister, his intelligence chief, and his foreign minister during the signing of the Hamas-Fatah reconciliation agreement."
There is more to this report but the bottom line is Turkey is gaining as a major force in the Middle East. One thing is certain, the Antichrist is already here in either the Western leg or Eastern leg. Many want to know if he is alive and I would say yes he is but he has not risen to the position Jesus warned us about yet. I truly believe this man of sin will only be revealed when the Church is gone.
“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:
Israel's forum of seven senior ministers formally decided Thursday not to hold peace talks with the Palestinian Authority in light of the Fatah-Hamas reconciliation announced in Cairo on Wednesday.
Israel's forum of seven senior ministers formally decided Thursday not to hold peace talks with the Palestinian Authority in light of the Fatah-Hamas reconciliation announced in Cairo on Wednesday. "If the situation changes and Hamas alters its ways and recognizes Israel, then we'll see," a senior political source was quoted as saying. "In the meantime there will be no talks or negotiations with the Palestinians until the picture becomes clearer." PA president Mahmoud Abbas has blithely insisted the PA will negotiate with Israel despite Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's outrage over the Fatah-Hamas deal. "It's either peace with us or peace with Hamas,"
“Sunday, May 15th To commemorate the Palestinian exodus day 1948 (Nakba) when well over 750000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled out of their home land by Israel, similar number of Thousands angry Arab protesters from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon along with their Palestinian brothers from Gaza and the occupied west bank will advance toward Israel in what they call, the third intifada” Now take a look at the photo above and see who God said is going to come against Israel. They are exactly the same nations! Is it possible that May 15 could light the fuse for the Psalm 83 war? Watch with me and see. If it doesn’t happen during this week, we know the birth pain sign is telling us it is very close.
"Everything you need for a tornado outbreak was in place," said David Imy, a meteorologist from the Oklahoma-based U.S. government Storm Prediction Center. April is normally an active month for tornadoes across the region as spring sets in. But weather watchers said this month was on track to be record-setting. said more than 900 tornadoes had been reported since April 1 in an onslaught of severe thunderstorms that has spawned flooding and deadly twisters in parts of the Midwest and Southeast.”
“US in shock as worst storms for 40 years kill almost 300” “Shocked Americans are struggling to grasp the magnitude of the worst US tornadoes in almost 40 years, which carved a trail of destruction across the south, claiming at least 295 lives.”
“The storms were the deadliest since 310 people were killed in 1974 when 148 tornadoes hit several states and authorities have warned that the death toll could rise further. Entire US towns were destroyed, as six states were struck by huge twisters. One that was captured on extraordinary video footage measured a mile wide – 20 times larger than the typical tornado.”
“Further heavy rain and high winds are expected on Saturday, with 21 states throughout the country warned that they could face severe weather.”
“As if tornadoes and damaging thunderstorms were not enough, historic flooding is also threatening the Mississippi River, below St. Louis, as well as the lower part of the Ohio River. The rising waters are expected to top levels set during February 1937. This mark is the middle Mississippi Valley's equivalent to the 1993 event farther north along Old Man River. Even if rain were to fall at a normal rate for the remainder of the spring, the consequences of what has already happened in the Midwest will affect the way of life, property, agriculture and travel/shipping/navigation for weeks in the region.”
“The U.S. dollar’s long decline has turned into a sudden plunge, throwing currency markets into a frenzy that is complicating life for policy makers and executives the world over. An index that measures the value of the dollar against six major peers declined for the eighth consecutive day Thursday, the longest slump in two years”. “The U.S. dollar is in the midst of what Nomura Securities International analyst Jens Nordvig called a “violent … weakening move,” as a confluence of factors drive investors to seek short-term gains outside the United States”
“NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Wal-Mart's core shoppers are running out of money much faster than a year ago due to rising gasoline prices, and the retail giant is worried, CEO Mike Duke said Wednesday. "We're seeing core consumers under a lot of pressure," Duke said at an event in New York. "There's no doubt that rising fuel prices are having an impact." Wal-Mart shoppers, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck, typically shop in bulk at the beginning of the month when their paychecks come in. Lately, they're "running out of money" at a faster clip, he said.”
Early today Silver was $48.14 up 14cents from yesterday. Gold $1.548 up $12.00. By the end of the day Silver hit $48.55 up 92 cents. Gold was up $25.40 with a new record high of $1,557.00 an ounce. has sent out an email saying they would buy silver from you at $3.00 over spot!….. This is huge deal, because dealers as large as APEX don’t Buy it for anything but the BUY price…!
Prophecy Sign: 2 Thessalonians 2:9-13 says the following: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”
Last year I told you to watch the news because you will hear a lot of news reporting on UFO’s. Jesus warned us that we would see signs in the sky. The video below gives you a good look at many of these reports. Do no be fooled by these events or allow your self to be deceived. This is what I wrote you in my September 25, 2010 post.
“I am concerned that many who claim to know Jesus Christ will fall for this delusion because they did not know the Word of God and they did not keep on the watch, nor were they looking for Jesus blessed appearing. I will say this again. Watch the news because you will hear more news about UFO’s and because we are in the birth pains these signs will get closer and closer together. Be on your guard, dress today with the Lord’s armor so you will not be hit by Satan's tricks or delusions.”
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 war and rumors of war and Kingdom against kingdom. Also the warning of the Psalm 83 war.
“A banned Syrian opposition group's call on anti-government protestors to take to the streets ahead of Friday prayers is a direct challenge to the country's authorities, a political experts says. It is believed to be the first time that the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood has called for street action since a popular uprising against President Bashar al-Assad began six weeks ago. The "Day of Rage" demonstrations expected today would express solidarity with the besieged southern city of Deraa, where at least 50 people are reported to have been killed by security forces. Deraa has been the focus of unrest which has left at least 500 people dead, human rights groups say.”
“By issuing this call they [the Muslim Brotherhood] have acknowledged that they are a power that is in charge of the processes in the country," al-Abdullah said. "On the other hand, that fact that their call has appeared at a time when the West is increasing pressure on Syria means that they are going on the same plan."
“Egyptian FM Elaraby tells Al-Jazeera that Gaza crossing could be opened within 7 to 10 days; "steps taken to alleviate suffering of Palestinians." “The opening of the crossing would allow greater freedom of movement for people on both sides of the border, as well as goods in and out of Gaza without Israeli permission”.
I truly believe the Lord is showing His watchers the time of the Lord is upon us. Now that you have seen what I warned today in my video, watch the video below and you will see the Lord has given the same message to PropheticSeer. I don't think this is a coincidence.
Here is the fasts team reminder. Our fast for the Sudan mission headed by Pastor Titus will begin on April 30, 2011. Frank DiMora and Clint McKean will begin the fast on the 30th. Please make a note of the day you will be fasting with us.
Pastor Titus in brown suit jacket.
1. Frank DiMora and Clint McKean April 30, 2011 Saturday
2. Dave Shadow May 1, 2011 Sunday
3. Peter Matias May 2, 2011 Monday
4. Constance and Sabine Oflynn May 3, 2011
5. Bridget Yorke and Paige Coogle May 4, 2011
6. Antonia Giunta and Zandile Noksi May 5, 2011
7. Cheryl Boucher & David Hamilton May 6, 2011
8. "Pam J." & Amanda Mitchell May 7, 2011
9. Douglas Gable May 8, 2011
10. Elena Bien May 9, 2011
11. Keith May 10, 2011
12. Sabine Oflynn will double up with Constance
13. Frank DiMora will double up with c. Mckean
14. Paige Coogle will double up with Bridget Yorke
15. ZANDILE NKOSI will double up with Antonia
16. GiuntaDavid Hamilton will double up with Cheryl Boucher
“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.” Zechariah 12:3 tells us the nations who burden themselves with Jerusalem will be cut in pieces. Genesis 12:3 warns of a curse from God on anyone who curses Israel and Joel 3:2 says God will destroy anyone who divides the land of Israel. Because of what I do people often ask me what do I think is happening to America. That answer should be evident if you know the Word of God. Review the policies of the US toward Israel and it should be clear why the United States is being carved up by all these record breaking storms and the economic crisis. The current US policy is to divide up Israel for the PLO and give East Jerusalem back to the PLO as their future Capital of the State of Palestine. As long as these policies are being pressed on Israel America will continue to find herself under the curse of God and her decline from power will keep increasing until she is no longer a major player on the world stage.
Knowing what God showed Daniel about the last world empire it is safe to say that the US will not change her present course on Israel, and she will be cut into pieces as the Prophet Zechariah shows us in verse 3.
Now let’s put all these warnings together and hopefully you will see what the Holy Spirit is trying to show you.
"It is tornado season, but an intensive event like this only will occur maybe once or twice a year," he said. "It's very rare to have all these ingredients come together."
“With more than 600 reports of tornadoes so far this month, U.S. forecasters say April 2011 may end up being the most active April on record. The Storm Prediction Center said the highest number of confirmed tornadoes recorded in April since 1950 was 267 in 1974, reported Tuesday. Forecasters noted the 600 for April 2011 are reports or sightings, not confirmed tornadoes.”
“Deadly tornadoes and thunderstorms tore through the South early today, pushing the death toll to at least 210 people in five states and giving neighboring states a possible taste of what's to come today, authorities said. So far 164 tornados have been reported from Mississippi to New York, the worst tornado outbreak since 1974 when a super tornado outbreak killed more than 300 people. The extreme weather has been blamed for 210 deaths over the past several days. The majority of the deaths have been reported in Alabama with 131 people killed, including 32 in the city of Tuscaloosa alone. Early estimates indicate that the tornado in Tuscaloosa could have been on the ground for 176 miles with winds between 167 and 200 mph.”
The following statement is one I made on my Dec. 2, 2010 post. “Since 2008, I have warned you that you will see hundreds of thousands of people continue to lose their homes and jobs. Each month the news proves my warnings have come to pass.You will see the latest stats on how many US citizens lost there jobs”. Many
“More people sought unemployment benefits last week, the second rise in three weeks, a sign of the slow and uneven jobs recovery. Applications for unemployment benefits jumped 25,000 to a seasonally adjusted 429,000 for the week ending April 23, the Labor Department said Thursday. That's the highest total since late January. The four-week average of applications, a less volatile measure, rose to 408,500, its third straight rise and the first time it has topped 400,000 in two months. Applications near 375,000 are consistent with sustained job creation. Applications peaked during the recession at 659,000.”
“U.S. stock-index futures fell and the Dollar Index dropped to a three-year low as reports showed the economy slowed more than forecast and jobless claims unexpectedly rose. Gold climbed to a record. Standard & Poor’s 500 Index futures declined 0.2 percent at 8:45 a.m. in New York, and the Stoxx Europe 600 Index gained less than 0.1 percent. The Dollar Index retreated for an eighth day, the longest losing streak since March 2009, slipping 0.4 percent to 73.193. Gold jumped to $1,534.05 an ounce and copper rose 0.7 percent.”
“During European trading hours, the euro reached its highest level since December 2009 at $1.4882, while the Australian dollar hit yet another post-float high and traded at $1.0919.”
At 9:37 am the price of silver has reached a new high of $48.92 an ounce.
There are two very important things you need to understand about the above news. First of all, the EURO is the currency of the European Union. The European Union is the Western leg of the old Roman Empire. Jesus warned that just before He comes back the old Roman Empire would again rise up. Take a look at what nations are in the EU and you will see they are the same nations that used to be in the old Roman Empire. As the US dollar dies off, the EU euro is getting stronger. While it is true the EU has its own economic troubles we know at the end of the day it will be either the Western leg of the old Roman Empire or the Eastern leg that will rise up and fulfilled every word Jesus warned about it.
The second important fact is what is happening with gold and silver. Why is gold and silver skyrocketing to levels no one has ever seen before? As the dollar dies it will continue to push up the prices of both these metals. If you don’t know anything about prophecy you wouldn’t know that Jesus in Revelation 18:12 told us that people would be weeping over the loss of their gold and silver, and many other items He lists in that verse. We already now what to expect in the future and therefore we know that the current prices of gold and silver are just the beginning of these metal up ward trend. When will these prices reach there max? Since Jesus shows us that He will take them away from the people during the tribulation period we know that it will be after the Church is taken away from the Earth, and the tribulation is going on that the prices of gold and silver will have reached the max. You see, the true Church will not look to gold and silver as her treasure, they will have seen the Messiah Jesus Christ as their true treasure and they will be basking in their treasure in heaven while the rest of the people will be on Earth running from the Antichrist. Where will you be?
Prophecy Sign: Revelation 7:15-16 and Rev. 16:8-11shows us many signs of of which include the intense heat from the sun, the lack of drinking water, and people becoming hungry. Taking what Jesus has warned us I in turn has repeated these warnings and asked you to watch the news for these signs. Here is just a sample of what is going on. “KANSAS CITY, April 28 (Reuters) – A devastating drought intensified across Texas over the last week, with high winds and heat causing "massive crop losses," with little relief seen any time soon, weather experts said Thursday. The latest report from a consortium of national climate experts, dubbed the Drought Monitor, said drought worsened along the Texas border with Oklahoma, as well as in western, central and southern Texas. Ranchers were struggling to feed and water cattle, and wheat farmers were left to watch their crops shrivel into the dusty soil.” With all the news around the world showing wheat crops are being destroyed by intense heat, droughts, floods, and new wheat killing diseases, and locusts its no wonder Jesus in Revelation 6:6 tells us that people will be working all day long to buy a quart of wheat. Keep watching the news and you will see as the wheat crops are killed off the prices will go out of sight. Jesus words are and will always be 100% fulfilled, and in time you will see this to be true.
Prophecy Sign:Events leading up to the war against Israel as seen in Psalm 83.“Rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas have reportedly reached an agreement to end their four-year rift by forming a caretaker government and holding new elections next year, according to Palestinian officials and a statement from Egypt's intelligence service, which helped broker the talks.” Here is the most important part of today's report. “Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad are also eager to end the strife as they prepare to ask the United Nations in September to recognize Palestinian statehood” Don’t forget the PLO factions think that in September the UN will take action to divide up Israel to make a Palestinian State. Not only will this lead to the Psalm 83 war but you will also see the curse of God fall on all the nations who attack Israel. Now that these PLO factions have come together we are one more step closer to the war. If you are new to prophecy, read Psalm 83 and you will see that these are the same people God said would go after Israel.
What was Israel’s response to this new pact? “The Palestinian unity deal agreed in Cairo crossed "a red line," Israel's Avigdor Lieberman said on Thursday, warning that an array of measures could be taken against the Palestinian Authority. "With this accord, a red line has been crossed," the ultra-nationalist foreign minister told Israel's military radio a day after the Palestinian parties announced a surprise reconciliation agreement. "We have at our disposal a vast arsenal of measures including the lifting of VIP status for Abu Mazen and Salam Fayyad, which will not allow them to move freely," he said referring to president Mahmud Abbas and his prime minister. "We could also freeze the transfer of taxes collected by Israel for the Palestinian Authority," added Lieberman, who leads the Israel Beitenu party in the coalition of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”
“Israel immediately said that the Palestinian Authority could not have peace with both Hamas and Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: "I hope the Palestinian Authority will make the right choice – peace with Israel." Hamas has carried out bombings and rocket attacks against Israel for years and does not recognize its right to exist.” Last night I was watch the BBC nightly news. One of the reporters said something that I totally agree with. The reporter stated the agreement that patched up the Fatah and Hamas factions means the Middle East peace talks are now dead! You can see this will be the case by what Benjamin Netanyahu said today. Knowing what God has shown us concerning the Psalm 83 war, and knowing that Paul warned that sudden destruction would come while they are calling for Peace and security we know that the Palestinian Authority will stay on course with Hamas. Many people probably won’t pick up on the importance of the agreement signed by the two factions in Cairo. Psalm 83 points out that Egypt will join the PLO factions when they attack Israel. The road to the Psalm 83 war is being laid out, and most of the world is void that God has spoken to us in detail about this coming war.
Do you find it odd that almost every week now news out of Israel is talking about war breaking out? I quote,“If war breaks out between Israel, Syria, and Hezbollah, Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime will "play powerful cards" in south Lebanon and will not hesitate to respond, senior security officials in Syria said, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper Al Rai. According to the officials, in case of war with Israel, Syria and Hezbollah will compete with each other over who will fire the first Scud or Fateh missile at Tel Aviv. The Syrian officials also warned that the deteriorating security situation in Syria and damage to the country's stability may also have an effect on the situation in Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon.”
Some of you may have not seen this news from yesterday but look at what is suppose to happen on May 15, 2011, and look at the nations who are suppose to do it!
“Sunday, May 15th To commemorate the Palestinian exodus day 1948 (Nakba) when well over 750000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled out of their home land by Israel, similar number of Thousands angry Arab protesters from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon along with their Palestinian brothers from Gaza and the occupied west bank will advance toward Israel in what they call, the third intifada” Now take a look at the photo above and see who God said is going to come against Israel. They are exactly the same nations! Is it possible that May 15 could light the fuse for the Psalm 83 war? Watch with me and see. If it doesn’t happen during this week, we know the birth pain sign is telling us it is very close.
Think another war isn’t coming ask Israel’s army if they think its a joke. They are preparing for it.“Israeli daily Maariv revealed in itsTuesday issue that Israeli occupation forces had built an underground city in Northern Israel to train for an imminent war against Lebanese Shia group Hezbollah. The army command allowed two reporters and a camera crew from Maariv to enter the city. The reporters were told by a military commander that the concept of the city is based on Củ Chi, the Vietnamese underground network constructed in the wake of the US invasion and used for transferring intelligence and preparing for battle. The commander stated that Hezbollah had already dug tunnels in southern Lebanon. He added that it was necessary to launch the project following the second war on Lebanon where the Israeli military was only able to incur a limited number of injuries to Hezbollah fighters until they emerged from their underground defenses”
All the nations in the above report will take part in the Psalm 83 war. Now I want to turn my attention to Iran, which is another nation God warns us about in Ezekiel chapter 38. Iran is one of the nations that God is going to destroy for coming against Israel and Jerusalem. For years Iran has been trying to get the PLO and its bordering nations to attack Israel. After the news broke that the two PLO factions have joined forces again, look at what came out of Iran.
“The unity agreement between Hamas and Fatah is a "blessed, positive move," Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi said Thursday according to the IRNA news agency.” “Salehi also said he hoped that the reconciliation agreement would "lead to acceleration of the developments in the Palestine region and to acquiring great victories in confrontations with the ruthless occupiers." Salehi doesn’t know this but the confrontations is speaking about have already been written down in the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 wars. For any of you who do not believe Israel will win both these wars, all I can tell you is stand by and remember what you were told by God in His Word!
Not only is Syria on its way to fulfilling what was written about it in Psalm 83, Isaiah 17:1, and Jeremiah 49:24-27, but this nation is also fulfilling Jesus warning in Matthew 24:7 were He warns us about (Kingdom coming against kingdom). Here is the latest news concerning this civil war. “Syrian security forces have killed at least 500 civilians in a crackdown on a "peaceful democratic uprising", Syrian human rights organization Sawasiah said on Thursday.”
Today David looks into the eyes of Christ. We will miss you Brother.
David Wilkerson, the founding pastor of Times Square Church and World Challenge Ministries has died on Wednesday. The 79-year-old pastor was widely known for his spiritual work as well as the author of The Cross and the Switchblade, a very popular book in evangelical history that influenced many people. An accomplished speaker and preacher, Reverend Wilkerson is known in many celebrity circles.
The confirmation of the passing was posted on the Times Square church website only hours ago with the heaviest of hearts.
It is with deepest of sadness that we have to inform you of the sudden passing of Reverend David Wilkerson, our founding pastor.
“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
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Just in case you missed this news you may want to keep this in mind when shopping.
Are you eating food sacrificed to idols?
"American pastor sounds alarm on supermarkets, restaurants"
"When you bite into a delicious pizza, succulent sandwich or luscious lamb chops, are you possibly eating food that has been sacrificed to idols? An outspoken American pastor says yes, and he's sounding the alarm for Christians to be aware of the Islamic influence he calls "backdoor Shariah" now nibbling its way across the fruited plain. At issue, says Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries in Bonney Lake, Wash., is eating food that's "halal," in other words "lawful" or "permitted" for the Muslim diet. Muslims join many Jews and some Christians in avoiding the consumption of certain animals such as pigs and birds of prey, but those of the Islamic faith also have their meat blessed in the name of their god, Allah. "From the Christian standpoint, Allah would be an idol," Biltz told WND"
He notes New Testament instructions specifically warning Christians:
"Stay away from food that has been offered to idols (which makes it unclean), any kind of sexual sin, eating animals that have been strangled, and blood." (Acts 15:20, New Century Version)
"As for the Gentile Christians, all we ask of them is what we already told them in a letter: They should not eat food offered to idols, nor consume blood, nor eat meat from strangled animals, and they should stay away from all sexual immorality." (Acts 21:25 New Living Translation)
– as the animal is prepared for slaughter it must be: a) faced toward Mecca b) throat is slit and the blood drained out while a prayer is said to 'allah' (purposely left un-capitalized) proclaiming him to be the greatest.
Imagine that. This has to be done for each animal too (a cow is one thing but think of the number of chickens killed each day!!!). Since we Christians recognize allah of the koran as Lucifer; it cannot be overlooked that this food is thus sacrificed to an idol (false god). Anyway the following link leads directly to the video Pastor Biltz has on the topic:
Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. The opposite of halal is haram, which means unlawful or prohibited. Halal and haram are universal terms that apply to all facets of life. However, we will use these terms only in relation to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and food contact materials.
While many things are clearly halal or haram, there are some things which are not clear. Further information is needed to categorize them as halal or haram. Such items are often referred to as mashbooh, which means doubtful or questionable.
All foods are considered halal except the following (which are haram):
Swine/Pork and its by-products
Animals improperly slaughtered or dead before slaughtering
Alcoholic drinks and intoxicants
Carnivorous animals, birds of prey and certain other animals
Foods contaminated with any of the above products
Foods containing ingredients such as gelatin, enzymes, emulsifiers, and flavors are questionable (mashbooh), because the origin of these ingredients is not known.
Prophecy Sign: Not only is America on the road to fulfilling Revelation 6:6 but her fall from power will speed up the process of reaching this prophecy.“Around 10 million American households — or one in every four families that rent their homes — could have to choose between paying rent, buying groceries or keeping current with bills, according to a report released Tuesday.
The number of households spending more than 50 percent of their income on rent and bills jumped by 2.6 million over the last decade, according to a Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies report. Economists generally consider "affordable" rent to cost about 30 percent of a tenant's income.
When housing costs hit certain levels, many Americans are forced to choose between rent and food. "In real terms, it means more people have less money to spend on household necessities such as food, health care, or savings," Eric Belsky, director of the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, said in the report. Households which spend 50 percent or more of their income on rent also spend almost 40 percent less on food and over 50 percent less on health care than households with more affordable rent.”
If you are new to prophecy and don’t make the connection between this news and Revelation 6:6, you need to understand that Jesus showed us people who live during the tribulation period will be working all day for one small meal. Do you think the cost of living is bad now? If you do I promise you this, you are not going to like what you see in the tribulation! Things are going to get so bad, crime over food will shoot through the roof. Why did Jesus tell you all these things? Do you think that He would leave you all this bad news with no hope or no escape from the coming tribulation? Jesus’ warnings were given to us so that in believing in Him we would receive Him as our Lord and in doing so He would remove us from the time of this trouble in the same way He did in the past before He passed judgment on the unrighteous people like during Noah’s generation and with Sodom and Gomorrah. I will repeat the same message Noah preached to his generation. Unless you repent and turn to God’s Salvation you will be left behind to pass through the tribulation. For Noah’s generation it was the worldwide flood. However, for this generation it will be your casting into the 7-year tribulation to face the Antichrist and the God’s wrath for rejecting His love gift, which was the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus wants to raise you up as He did himself so that you may have eternal life. Will you say yes to Him or reject His call to save your soul?
Prophecy Sign: When you read Psalm 83, and especially verse 4 it says “They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.” “PA Carries out Ahmadinejad’s Threat and Wipes Israel Off Map”.
“A new Palestinian Authority TV program recognizes all of the Land of Israel – from Tel Aviv to the Negev – as "Palestine," belying PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ “recognition” of Israel.
The Palestinian Authority has carried out Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s threat to “wipe Israel off the map” and literally has done so by displaying maps of “Palestine” covering all of Israel at the same time its leaders talk about “two states for two people.” PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Fatah movement that controls the PA in Judea and Samaria, has in effect established a “one-state” solution in Fatah offices and in Palestinian Authority schools and offices. The Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) has documented that professional unions and private PA groups display maps showing a rifle and a quill over “Palestine,” from the Lebanese border in the north to Eilat in the south and from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.” The real intentions concerning the State of Israel can now be seen in a PLO video. When the PLO sees the future of Israel it doesn’t even see Israel at all, instead the land of Palestine. This has always been the goal of the PLO and now they are getting in Israel’s face showing them what they see for the future. In my March 24, 2011 post I showed you that Egypt has wiped Israel off the map in much the same way as the PLO has just done. The link to what Egypt has done is below. The bottom line is this, these nations are sending a message to Israel, and that message is the same message God warns about in verse 4. The time is coming when Egypt, the PLO, and the rest of the nations in Psalm 83 will actually try to physically wipe Israel out. If you are new to prophecy you have to understand who wins. God shows us Israel will not be defeated when the Psalm 83 war breaks out.
In my post yesterday April 26, 2011 I gave you news showing Turkey warned Israel not to interfere with the 15-ship aid flotilla that would be heading toward the Gaza in May. I warned you that things could get out of hand if Israel attempts to stop the ships, and it could lead to war. It amazes me how things can change in one day.
“Pro-Palestinian activists organizing the next Gaza flotilla said Tuesday they are having a hard time recruiting activists, vessels and crew members. Apparently many fear a confrontation with the Israeli naval commandoes after eight Turks and one Turkish-American died during an IDF raid last May onboard the Mavi Marmara, according to reports making their way to the political echelon in Jerusalem. The sea convoy was set to sail to the Gaza Strip in late May, the first anniversary of the raid, but it could be delayed, partly because it clashes with Turkish election campaigning. IHH officials, an Islamic aid group that operates the Mavi Marmara, announced they plan to postpone the flotilla until after the June 12 parliamentary elections.” It was a smart move on the part of the Palestinian activists as they know what would happen if the mess around with the Israeli IDF! It appears they came up with a good excuse not to challenge Israel. This is what I believe will happen while the PLO waits for the Turkish election to finish. The Pro-Palestinian activists will again begin to launch more rockets into Israel to keep the pressure on the stalled peace process, and to make sure the world sees Israel as an oppressor.
Today we also read news that in May of this year there will be a march on Israel in much the same way as told place in many of the Middle East nations. This march is suppose to bring down Israel! Once again I must take time to warn everyone that if this does happen we may see the Psalm 83 war much faster than we think. Here is the news.
Friday, May 13th In Egypt, the epicenter of the Arab world, the biggest Arab country and from Tahrir square at the heart of Cairo where the whole Arab spring has sprung and gained fervent momentum, this massive Arab intifada will be launched. Millions will gather once again in Tahrir square at the heart of Cairo but this time to call for all Arab-march toward Israel.
This mass protest will come two days prior to the actual march, as a clear message to Israel and the rest of the world that liberating Palestine is the core cause for every Arab in the Middle East. And that restoring Jerusalem is all Arab’s sacred mission
Sunday, May 15th To commemorate the Palestinian exodus day 1948 ( Nakba) when well over 750000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled out of their home land by Israel, similar number of Thousands angry Arab protesters from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon along with their Palestinian brothers from Gaza and the occupied west bank will advance toward Israel in what they call, the third intifada
In their march they will be denouncing the ongoing Zionist occupation of the Arabic land of Palestine and calling for internationally recognized independent Palestinian state over its legitimate pre-1967 borders with Eastern Jerusalem as its capital.
Those fair Palestinian demands have been begged for by all ways known to diplomacy over the last 60 years. But since diplomacy has utterly failed the Arabs of Palestine and since politicians have granted them nothing except despair and Diaspora, they thought it was time they put their life into their own hands.
And what could be more timely than this Arab spring, which a lot of Arabs could not see or rather imagine approaching its full bloom without Palestine included.
This revolutionary plan that has been publicly posted on a facebook “cause” page and given the daring title “the third Palestinian Intifada” as there has been two Palestinian Intifada- uprisings- before. The first was sparked in 1987 and the second or what is known as the Aq’sa intifada in 2000, during both uprisings, Israel had to live through years of domestic unrest and worldwide condemnation of its apartheid and oppressive policy toward the Palestinians.
But as this “cause” page managed to attract almost 300000 fans and incredibly growing number of visitors in just few days Israel grew restlessly nervous about it. And nervously restless Israel acted in response. What was worrying Tel Aviv is the fact that, so far, all Arab uprisings have been kicked off on facebook pages. So, under the boiling situation in the Arab world this facebook call couldn’t be underrated nor neglected." This is going to be very interesting to say the least.
Prophecy Sign: Jesus points out in Matthew 24:7 that there will be rumors of war. He also warned that war will come. One of these wars is given to us in Psalm 83.While the PLO works on recruiting people who aren’t afraid of the IDF and will board the Gaza flotilla ships, Israel isn’t sitting by not preparing their citizens for a new war.“Citizens of Israel will receive a text message notifying them of an alarm in their area as part of a new Home Front Command drill to take place throughout the country in a number of weeks. In honor of the annual drill, Turning Point 5, the command will try out a new technology unlike that used to send a regular SMS. In order to send the text, the system overrides cellular networks and delivers a message with a different sound. One of the drill's aims is to test the system's efficiency in addition to the regular alarms and other local emergency services. It is to be implemented within a year or two. Turning Point 5 is scheduled to take place on June 19, and will include simulations in which hundreds of rockets and missiles are fired at Israel. Ministers and authorities will participate and hold hearings on the different dilemmas that arise.”
Just in case the PLO try's to pull a fast one and try’s to make Israel think the May 15-ship aid flotilla isn’t coming the better read what Israel’s Prime Minister ordered today.
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed his inner cabinet onWednesday to continue diplomatic efforts to thwart an upcoming Gaza aid flotilla, a statement said on Wednesday, adding that the premier also instructed Israel's security forces to prepare for the flotilla's possible arrival. The flotilla, which was expected to set sail in May, will now probably only embark in mid-June, its organizers preferring to wait for the outcome of the election to the Turkish parliament. Following a meeting of Netanyahu's inner cabinet, or Forum of Seven, on Wednesday, a statement by the Prime Minister's Office said that the premier had "instructed the Foreign Minister to continue diplomatic efforts geared at stopping the flotilla." The statement also indicated that the Israel Defense Forces and security officials to continue the "necessary preparations to ensure the enforcement of the naval blockade on Gaza." Let me spell it out for you since the Prime Minister can’t just come out and say this. If the Gaza flottila comes we will stop you and use every means we have to insure no weapons makes there way to the PLO who’s aim is to wipe out Israel. This is the real reason “Apparently many fear a confrontation with the Israeli”
Jesus’ words ring out loud in a report today entitled: “Summer war in the Middle East”. “Spring has come to the Middle East – not the Arab spring, unfortunately – and it is time for the annual billion-dollar question: will there be a big summer war? Indeed, it is a question worth multiple billions of dollars, as it has been codified into an elaborate ritual featuring ever-shifting alliances, "incidents", threats, ever-accelerating arms procurement, and (surprise?) large speculative bets on the financial markets. Big military campaigns in the Middle East have historically happened during or around the summer. With some exceptions, this continues to be true today, for a variation of the same historic reasons – the weather is best, meaning that air power is most efficient and ground maneuvers by large forces are easier, and the harvest has largely been collected, meaning that manpower is more readily available and war poses a lesser challenge to the national economies.”
“The stakes are high, too: the metaphoric gunpowder keg is stacked full. Having in mind the massive arms buildup in the region during the past few years, we can expect any large conflict to be unusually brutal. Israeli military planners have predicted that hundreds of missiles will rain on Tel Aviv (mostly from Syria and Lebanon), and have issued grim warnings that they will do whatever it takes to curtail the fire. The Israeli home front – indeed, every home front in the region – will likely be hit particularly severely.”
The videos below are very good in giving you information on the rumors of war. You will learn why Iran’s leaders is pressing to bring on the Islamic savior who according to the Bible describes him as the Antichrist . Pay close attention to what is said about Iran’s President at the 14:50 mark in the first video! Jesus warned about the false prophet that would come and lead the way for the Antichrist.
Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 you see the sign of famine and pestilence, and Luke 21:25 address the storms as we see the roaring of the seas and waves. There are many things that bring on famines. One of the things is when crops get wiped out, and there are many factors that can lead to crop destruction. One of the many things that cause this destruction is weather conditions that bring on severe storms that bring on massive flooding which in turn wipes out crops. We are witnessing these factors right now in the United States. I will address the storms and flooding later, but first let me show you a form of pestilence that could wipe out crops in the billions.
“A deadly disease to bats could become a major financial headache for agriculture, costing Ohio farmers as much as $1.7 billion a year. A new study is the first to tie a dollar value to the millions of crop-damaging insects that bats routinely devour each year. Now, the night-flying hunters face the threat of a fungal disease that kills most of the bats it infects. White-nose syndrome, named for the fungus that spreads over bats while they hibernate, has killed at least 1 million bats in 15 states and Canada since it was discovered in New York in 2006. On March 30, Ohio officials announced that they found the disease among bats hibernating in an abandoned limestone mine in the Wayne National Forest. They fear it will march through Ohio as it has nearly everywhere else. "It's serious," said Katrina Schultes, a Wayne National Forest wildlife biologist. "There is anywhere from 80 percent up to 99percent mortality, and, at this point, there is no cure." In the April edition of the journal Science, researchers estimate that U.S farmers would see annual economic losses of $3.7 billion to $53 billion if the nation's bat population were wiped out.”
This image, courtesy of the National Weather Service Forecast Office in San Diego, Calif., shows tornado reports April 1-24, 2011 in the central and eastern part of the U.S.
April 2011 has been a horrific month for severe weather so far with more than 600 reports of tornadoes, more than 40 tornado-related deaths and unthinkable destruction.
As the wild weather pattern continues this week, the month's total number of tornadoes continues to rise. There is a good chance that April 2011 will end up being the most active April on record for tornadoes.
With May and June typically being the most active months of the year for severe weather, people are wondering if the trend will continue and make 2011 a record-setting year.
Stats for April
The total number of tornado reports this month (through Friday) was up to 559, according to the Storm Prediction Center (SPC). At least 55 more reports of twisters have been submitted since then with 17 over the weekend and 38 Monday into Monday night.
“If all of the tornado reports so far this month were confirmed, April 2011 would by far be the most active April for tornadoes. Even though the number of confirmed tornadoes will probably end up being quite a bit smaller, this month is still likely to beat the record.”
Stats for 2011
The preliminary estimate for number of tornadoes so far in 2011 was 766, as of Sunday, with about two dozen states affected. More than 100 tornadoes have been reported in both Alabama and North Carolina.
The year that holds the record for the highest number of tornadoes is 2004 with a whopping 1,817 twisters. For people wondering if 2011 could set a new record, this year has a long way to go.
“The latest storm pattern has brought in about 40 reports of tornadoes in five states: Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri and Kentucky. Some areas in Texas were in the path of a tornado for the second day in the row. Golf-sized hail hit cars along Interstate 45 and damaged homes. Forecasters predict more flooding for today with 3 to 7 inches of rain expected from Arkansas to Ohio, while areas such as Memphis, Tenn., and Louisville, Ky., could see heavy rain at times.” “The Mississippi, Ohio and Black rivers are overflowing this morning after a deluge of as much as 15 inches of rain in five days.” The rains have not only covered up the streets, and homes but have washed out the crops as well. The amount of crop damage isn’t know yet but it will be huge, and the storm season is just now getting under way. At a time when America is trying to rebound from massive debt these storms have caused massive problems, and the loss of property and insurance costs will be in the hundreds of millions.
Today’s news warns of more of the same. “The Tennessee Valley will bear the brunt of an onslaught of tornadoes today into tonight. With strong and long-tracking tornadoes expected, there is serious concern for loss of life and property.”
Prophecy Sign: In Mark 13:8 Jesus warned us about the birth pains. I think the chart will speak for itself.
“KANSAS CITY, Mo. — All the warning sirens echoing across the Great Plains, Midwest and Southeast this month leave little doubt that the tornado season — which has plowed a trail of destruction through communities from Oklahoma to Wisconsin to Georgia — is off to an unusually busy start. So far this year, tornadoes have killed 41 people and torn apart countless neighborhoods and, this weekend, one major airport. Now, as the country braces for several more days of potentially violent weather, meteorologists say the number of April tornadoes is on track to top the current record. There have been, according to preliminary estimates, about 250 tornadoes so far this month and, in all likelihood, more are still to come, said Greg Carbin, the warning coordination meteorologist for the National Weather Service. “It’s unusual but it does happen,” said Howard Bluestein, a meteorology professor at the University of Oklahoma who specializes in tornado research.
Prophecy Sign: Once again we witness the traits of the people living in the end times. When you read this headline, “Brutal Attack On Food Deliveryman Caught On Tape In Morningside Heights” remember what Timothy warned us in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”
When you read the news below and watch the video you will see Timothy’s warning come to life.
“A shocking, ambush-style attack on a food deliveryman was caught on tape in Morningside Heights. Police are hunting for the teen suspects, Jay Dow reports. The set-up was simple: police say three teenage boys phoned in a Chinese food order Friday afternoon. They went up to the sixth floor of the building at 40 Morningside Avenue, hid in a stairwell next to the elevator, and waited for the deliveryman. As soon as the deliveryman came out of the elevator, the lurking teens attacked. The deliveryman was knocked to the ground as the kids punched and kicked him repeatedly. The boys tried, but failed, to steal cash from his pocket. As the teens fled, one picked up the food and threw it at the victim.” You are getting a glimpse of a world void of Jesus Christ!
Prophecy Sign: Did you ever read where Jesus warned us that in the last days Christians would face Persecution for His names sake? This warning in found in Matthew 24:9. At a time when the world needs more of Christ and His teachings, those who preach Christ are being taken away. America is fast becoming a Godless nation. The video below is just one example of what I am addressing.
Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:12 Jesus warns us to look for the sign of Christian persecution in the last days.”12But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake”. Combine what Jesus warned in verse 12 with His warning found in Matthew 24: 37-39 concerning what the last generation would be like just prior to His second coming. In verses 37-39 Jesus shows us our generation would be just like that of Noah’s. This generation turned from God and followed their own lusts and became evil people. We know part of Noah’s generation troubles came on them when they turned to homosexuality. How do we know this? Notice that Jesus compared Noah’s day to Sodom and Gomorrah and then linked it to the time of his return. I quote our Lord. Luke 17: 25-30. “But first must He [Christ] suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. 26And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man: 27They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; 29but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 30“Even thus shall it be in the Day when the Son of Man is revealed.”
Every day the spiritual war rages on. Preachers are taken off the streets for just reading the Word of God and laws that govern what you can and can not say concerning teachings found in the Bible are being challenged in the courts. Here is a bid of good news for those who want to follow what Christ teaches.
“Public school teachers in Tennessee could lose their tenure or their jobs for discussing homosexuality with their students under a new bill. The state Senate will soon vote on a bill, known as "Don’t Say Gay," that would prohibit educators from "the teaching or furnishing of materials on human sexuality other than heterosexuality in public school grades K-8." The Senate Education Committee passed the bill last week, 6-3. The author of the bill, state Sen. Stacey Campfield, has been trying to advance the bill for several years as member of the House. But he only got momentum when Republicans won control of the governor's mansion, House and Senate in November for the first time since the Civil War-era.”
Why in the world does a teacher have to teach on homosexuality in the first place? Since when did this subject become part of the schools curriculum? The US schools are falling behind the rest of the world in Science, and Math and they have to be teach something that should be address outside school? All this does is show us how close we are to Noah’s generation and the people who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah.
Here is more news showing you Jesus warning about Christians under fire is coming to pass. “Washington — International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on April 21 four Muslims beat an evangelist to death and assaulted his pregnant wife in Worabe, Ethiopia, an area that is 97% Muslim.
The Muslims lured Evangelist Abraham Abera from Kale Hiwot Church, his home and place of ministry, at 9:30 p.m. They told him that his friend was sick and needed his immediate attention. Abraham left with the men; they turned on him and began to beat him with rods. The minister's wife, Birtukan, saw the men attack her husband and ran to intervene, but the Muslims beat her as well.
Abraham died on the spot and his wife, who sustained a severe head injury, was left unconscious in the street. She was found and taken to a hospital in Butajira, where she regained consciousness on April 22nd and was able to recount the details of the attack. Birtukan spoke with an ICC source and said that she knew two of the attackers. She said that as the Muslims were beating her and her husband, they told them, "You (Christians) are growing in number in our area. You are spreading your message (the gospel). We will destroy you." Muslims belong to a religion but they do not serve the same God as the One Jesus Christ points to. Muslims point out that they believe Jesus is a true prophet. Notice that they do not honor Christ with their hearts but only with their lips. If they truly believed Christ as they say, then instead of killing Christians they would treat them as Brothers. The God they serve is one who destroys, this is the true Lord’s enemy.
What I say to these men who killed this Pastor is the same thing one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel who warned to watch out what you do to these men. “Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God” (Acts 5:38-39).
If you truly believe Allah is God then why are you fearing these small bands of men who teach Christ? Is it because you believe them and your are angry, or has Satan filled your hearts with so much haltered that you are blinded by the truth?
“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:
Before posting the news today I want to thank the following people for blessing me. Deith Dickerson, Paul Brooks, and Ed T. in Fremont Ca.
Prophecy Sign:Zechariah 12:3 is a prophecy that warns us Jerusalem will be a burdensome stone to the nations in the last days. Jerusalem has been the center of burden to all who have tried to come up with some type of peace deal for the Middle East. Once again this city and news about the peace plan have appeared in the headlines. “The Prime Minister's Office issued a statement Tuesday bluntly denying a report that Binyamin Netanyahu intends to cave in to extreme Arab demands over Jerusalem and demographics. A Kuwaiti newspaper, Al Jarida, reported that Netanyahu will present a diplomatic plan next month that includes Israeli acquiescence to a preliminary "Palestinian" with eastern Jerusalem as its capital. The paper also claimed that Netanyahu agreed to hand over the Temple Mount and other holy places to international sovereignty.” This same report points out that Netanyahu says this news is untrue. “There was never any secret meeting between Attorney Yitzchak Molcho and Saeb Erikat," the PMO said, "and therefore it is also clear that the alleged contents of the meeting have no basis in reality." I must admit, if Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu were to ever give the Temple Mount area away to the PLO it would be seen as an act like what Judas did to Jesus Christ. In any case, this news does show us that this holy city has in fact been fulfilling what God warned the Prophet Zechariah. You will hear much more about East Jerusalem as the top world leaders try to form a peace agreement between the Arabs and Israel.
Prophecy Sign:1 Thessalonians 5:3 “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”
Part of the last days prophecy puzzle is knowing what will happen in Egypt. Paul’s warning about the call for Peace and safety has already come to pass and now we are waiting for the destruction part of this verse. Egypt will plan a role in this destruction when they join in on the Psalm 83 attack against Israel in the very near future. This is one of the reasons we saw Egypt’s government fall last month and is now leaning toward a new government which will come against Israel. The week that Egypt started to riot I asked you to watch the news, and if you did you would hear that Egypt wants to break off the peace agreement with Israel, which has been in place since 1979. My warnings about this stem from knowing what God has told us about the Psalm 83 war. It only stands to reason that if God said Egypt was numbered in the attack on Israel that something must have taken place to stop the peace between these two nations. That something turned out to be the call for a new government which would help feed Egypt’s people, and bring down what the Egyptians perceived as a dictatorship. Now Hosni Mubarak’s government has been cast out you are in fact hearing the call to get rid of the peace agreement with Israel. I quote,
“Most Egyptians are in favor of annulling a peace treaty with Israel, according to a Pew Research Center poll released on Monday. The US-based think tank polled 1,000 adults throughout Egypt between March 24 and April 7, finding that only 36 percent would maintain peace. The percentage of Egyptians who support annulling the treaty (54%) does not vary amongst those who sympathize with Islamic fundamentalists and those who do not. However, those with lower incomes are less likely to support the peace with Israel than those with higher incomes.” For those of you who think the warning about what is to happen to Egypt is bull, all I can say is just watch the news. God has a perfect track record of fulfilling every word He has spoken.
ITensions are continuing to mount in Israel as Turkey warns Israel not to stop the next flotilla. “Israel mustn't attempt to stop a planned aid flotilla bound for the blockaded Gaza Strip, Turkey's Foreign Minister told in an interview on Monday, adding that Turkey could do nothing to stop organizers from launching the flotilla. Turkey said on Thursday it had received a request from Israel to help stop activists sailing to Gaza on the first anniversary of an Israeli raid on a Turkish ship, but it said the flotilla plan was not Ankara's concern. The comment comes after Ankara had already made it clear earlier this month that it would and could not stop the 15-ship aid flotilla, planned to set sail next month, a year after nine Turks were shot dead after Israeli marines stormed a flotilla organized by a Turkish Islamist charity”
Is it possible that this flotilla headed for the Gaza could be what launches the Psalm 83 war? It is possible! If Israel does try and stop the 15 ships it could be a signal to the Arab nations that Israel must be stopped. The flotilla could cause a much wider problem will may end up in the Psalm 83 war. Keep in mind, Turkey’s main force will not be part of the Psalm 83 war. However, they could play a major role in bringing on the first war that still needs to be fulfilled. I am looking at it this way, if war does break out, Turkey will rebound at a later date along with the nations listed in the Ezekiel 38 war. Either way, we may be witnessing a real bad birth pain in May.
Prophecy Sign:Luke 21:25 The freak weather continues with recorded breaking number of tornadoes continuing to cause complex problems just as Jesus warned us.
“Another significant tornado outbreak will endanger many lives and property across the Arklatex and South later today. These are the same areas that were just hit by tornadoes Monday into Monday night. The Little Rock, Ark., area is at risk again today after multiple tornadoes, including one large twister, just tore through Monday night. "Tuesday and Wednesday will be particularly bad," warned Expert Senior Meteorologist Dan Kottlowski last Friday. That statement is still valid today. Following Monday's deadly tornadoes, all signs are pointing toward another outbreak initiating across northeastern Texas and southwestern Arkansas later today.”
“Severe thunderstorms lashed parts of Texas throughout Monday afternoon and night – the second straight day of severe weather for the state – spawning more than a dozen tornadoes that caused widely scattered damage, but no immediate reports of injuries.”
“Relentless, driving rain is pounding southern Missouri, leaving levees ready to burst and sending residents to higher ground _ and the rain isn't expected to stop for days. Tuesday brought the promise of more showers and thunderstorms to the area around Poplar Bluff in southeast Missouri, one of many river towns in the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys threatened by floodwaters. The already swollen Black River was rising even further, pouring over more than three dozen spots along the levee that protects the southern part of the town of 17,000 residents in the Ozark Mountain foothills, surrounded by the Mark Twain National Forest. More than 1,000 homes were evacuated as murky flood water crept into hundreds of yards and even some houses. If the levee breaks completely, many homes will be left uninhabitable. Sandbagging wasn't an option _ the river, spurred on by 10 inches or more of rain since last week, simply rose too quickly.”
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 Jesus warned us to watch for the “great earthquakes” that would come at the same time as all the other signs would be taking place. “An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 hit near Cilacap in Central Java on Tuesday, the Indonesian earthquake monitoring agency said, adding that no tsunami warning had been issued.”
Prophecy Sign:Revelation 7:16 “They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.”
When you read this verse you come to know that the people living during the tribulation period would have had to go through droughts, famines, and intense heat from the sun, which no doubt will be a major factor in the lack of drinking water and the watering of crops. We are seeing the beginning stages of this now.“Hot, dry weather returns to Texas this week, whisking away the limited relief scattered thunderstorms brought to firefighters in parts of the Lone Star state over the weekend. In a trifecta of potentially bad news for fire crews, the Texas Forest Service said a low-pressure system will push temperatures into the 90s, humidity to 10% or less and winds up to 45 mph on Monday and Tuesday. The conditions have prompted the National Weather Service to issue a red flag warning for a large portion of west Texas, urging residents to avoid the use of open flames and to avoid activities that may generate sparks. Because of the hot temperatures, bone-dry conditions and high winds, "accidental ignitions will have the potential to grow quickly into dangerous wind-driven wildfires," the weather service said.”
If you stay with me and keep watching these signs you will hear much more news like this report this summer. Not only will Texas have been in a drought put other nations are in for a shock just like Texas.
Christ in the Revelation tells you there is going to be major problems with the drinking water. As the sun bakes our planet the drinking water supply is also disappearing. Recent news has show us that “According to their research, climate change — that thing these twelve law- and opinion-makers refuse to believe exists — will result in a water flow decrease of up to 20% in the West's largest river basin. The Colorado, the Rio Grande and the San Joaquin are three of the rivers mentioned in the report, which said an 8% to 20% decrease in average annual stream flow is expected. Beyond the water shortage, the report also predicts temperature increases of 5 to 7 degrees Fahrenheit. Not exactly the kind of news that goes down well while lounging at the bottom of an empty swimming pool.” Look, I’m not asking you to believe me, or the scientists. All I am asking you is to look at what Jesus has warned you and look at what is going on. Each year these problems are increasing and shows us that Jesus remarks in Mark 13:8 concerning the last days birth pains are also coming to pass.
Officials and aid workers in Somalia's Middle Shabelle region have raised the alarm over the plight of drought-stricken villagers urgently needing food and water” A week ago or so I told you that most of the reports coming out are telling us these are the worse floods, the worse storms, the worse droughts, and so on. Here we go again. "We are experiencing the worst drought we have seen in decades; since the beginning of March, we have buried 54 people who died from the effects of the drought, seven of them today [20 April],” said Ali Barow, leader of the small town of Guulane, 220km northeast of Mogadishu, the Somali capital.” Keep in mind, what I am showing you is only the tip of the iceberg in this type of news.
“SCIENTISTS have warned that with increased levels of rainfall expected at wider intervals in the Caribbean, Jamaicans and others in the region should expect more floods and longer periods of drought in the coming years. "The Caribbean is projected to be drier as we go forward in the future. Though it is projected to be drier, there is an interesting line of demarcation that falls somewhere about Jamaica and above, depending on the season, where in the north it is projected to have more intense rainfall events, even as you we get drier," revealed Dr Michael Taylor, head of the Climate Studies Group at the University of the West Indies, Mona. He was speaking at the Jamaica Conference Centre on World Meteorology Day, celebrated on March 23 under the theme 'Flooding: Present and Future Threat'. The physicist was quick to add that "dry" does not mean there will not be any rainfall, only that rainfall would occur at wider intervals, albeit in greater quantities. And the result, he said, will be the projected increase in drought conditions, floods and possibly landslides.”
Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 is a warning from Jesus that people living in the tribulation will be working all day long for a small amount of food. You will work all day just for a quart of wheat. Here is what Jesus tells us. “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"
Every week there is more news concerning the price hikes in food and it isn’t just in the United States but around the world. What happens in America however, does have a huge affect on the other nations especially the poorer nations. If the Americans find that they can hardly feed themselves the amount of funds usually sent out to help under developed nations will begin to dry up. This is already beginning to happen! Here is some news about the prices going up.
“Surging pork and beef costs will keep pressure on U.S. food inflation, which the Department of Agriculture says will rise 3 percent to 4 percent this year, the most since 2008. While the overall estimate for food inflation was left unchanged in today’s report, the USDA said prices for meat, poultry and fish will jump 5 percent to 6 percent, led by beef, which may climb 8 percent, and pork, which could gain 7.5 percent. The beef estimate was increased by 2.5 percentage points from March and pork was raised 1 percentage point. “I suspect when December arrives we will see increases of 4 to 6 percent” for the year in overall prices, said Bill Lapp, the president of Advanced Economic Solutions, an agricultural- research company based in Omaha, Nebraska. “The pressure on food prices is clearly on the upside,” said Lapp, a former chief economist for ConAgra Foods Inc.”
Here is another report out today which should help you to see Jesus’ warning is coming to pass.“A study by the Asian Development Bank finds that domestic food prices in many regional economies have risen on average 10 percent in early 2011. Xianbin Yao, director general of the Regional and Sustainable Development Department at the Asian Development Bank, says these steep price increases could push an additional 64 million people into extreme poverty. "Asia, despite its rapid growth, and it is still home to a majority of the worlds poor. We have about 900 million in this, absolute poverty. And, it is for this group of people, they are spending on about average two thirds, more than two thirds on foods. So, with a 10 percent increase on food prices their real income eroded," Yao said.”
Prophecy Sign:In Daniel chapters 2 and 7, and in Revelation chapter 17 you will see the prophecies concerning the last days revived Roman Empire. God revealed to us that just prior to His second coming the old Roman Empire would again become the last world power to control this planet under the leadership of the Antichrist. The Western part of the old Roman Empire is today’s European Union. These are the same nations that used to be in the first Roman Empire. There is also the Eastern side of the old Roman Empire that we are watching. These are the Islamic nations. Since the Antichrist is to rise up from the old Roman Empire you need to know what is happening with both parts of the old Roman Empire. Today I want to focus on the EU, European Union side. We know that the United States will fade off as a major force during the last days. This has to happen to make way for the empire Jesus warned us about. If you have been watching the news, you can plainly see that America is in the midst of a power shift that is steaming toward another depression. As America’s dollar fades the European Union’s Euro is surging again.
“The euro struck a 16-month high against the dollar and the Swiss franc notced a record high versus the US unit Tuesday amid heightened investor nerves over this week's busy economic calendar. The European single currency hit $1.4653 in morning trade, the highest point since mid-December 2009, as many dealers returned from a long holiday weekend. It later stood at $1.4619, compared with $1.4572 late in New York on Monday. The dollar meanwhile tumbled to an all-time low point of 0.8745 Swiss francs.” Keep your eyes on the US dollar, because as it’s value keeps dropping you will see Gold and Silver rise even more than it has. As the dollars dies you will also hear more news about nations dumping the dollar for a new currency. All of these things are signs of the last days. The system that the Antichrist is going to control is being forged together by many factors which include, the global financial crisis, the shift away from the US dollar, and the world’s massive debt burdens of which the US is one of the leading nations, Before it is said and done the nations in the old Roman Empire will have taken over the number one position of the US.
This same report which I quoted from also stated, “On the London Bullion Market, gold prices stood at $1,504.65 an ounce compared with $1,504 late Thursday, when the market shut for the long holiday weekend. However, gold hit a record $1,518.32 in Asian trading hours on Monday.”
Prophecy Sign: What did Jesus tell you about false prophets? Read "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.”
Since we are only 5 days away from May, I want to issue a strong warning to all of you who have fallen in Satan’s trip in believing what false prophet Harold Camping is warning you. This weekend I drove past one of many bill boards that Harold Camping has put around the US. Knowing what Jesus has stated in HIs Word I can assure you the rapture of the Church will not take place on May 21, 2011! When May 22, 2011 comes and you see Camping was wrong again, it is my prayer that this time you will heed Christ’s words and leave the teachings of Camping behind. If you are part of this man organization and you stay on board with Camping, what you are saying to Christ is, I am not going to listen to what you said Jesus because men make mistakes. There will be many excuses why this date failed. Keep in mind, Camping is saying this date is 100% accurate.
If you follow Christ instead of Satan you will be one of the people who will say, “Camping you prophesied in the name of the Lord and that thing which you prophesied in His name did not come to pass, therefore you are as God warns, a false prophet and I from this day forward will not follow your teachings.
Let me tell you what is going to happen! Like the Jehovah’s Witness who stated God told them when Jesus was coming back and every date they proclaimed as coming from God failed! Did the members of the JW organization leave? No, these people choose to believe more lies and the excuses, and remained in the organization to continue to be taught by Satan’s workers. These words may seem harsh, but the truth is what it is. Either you follow what Christ tells you, or you follow Satan there is no third road.
On the 22nd of May I hope you have enough guts, (boldness from the Holy Spirit) to call this number and tell who ever answers it to leave the Familyradio ministry.
Prophecy Sign: Signs in the sky, don't be deceived by things that are not real.
Here is the fasts team reminder. Our fast for the Sudan mission headed by Pastor Titus will begin on April 30, 2011. Frank DiMora and Clint McKean will begin the fast on the 30th. Please make a note of the day you will be fasting with us.
Pastor Titus in brown suit jacket.
1. Frank DiMora and Clint McKean April 30, 2011 Saturday
2. Dave Shadow May 1, 2011 Sunday
3. Peter Matias May 2, 2011 Monday
4. Constance and Sabine Oflynn May 3, 2011
5. Bridget Yorke and Paige Coogle May 4, 2011
6. Antonia Giunta and Zandile Noksi May 5, 2011
7. Cheryl Boucher & David Hamilton May 6, 2011
8. "Pam J." & Amanda Mitchell May 7, 2011
9. Douglas Gable May 8, 2011
10. Elena Bien May 9, 2011
11. Keith May 10, 2011
12. Sabine Oflynn will double up with Constance
13. Frank DiMora will double up with c. Mckean
14. Paige Coogle will double up with Bridget Yorke
15. ZANDILE NKOSI will double up with Antonia
16. GiuntaDavid Hamilton will double up with Cheryl Boucher
“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:
Most of America and the world is not ready for when the American dollar and her power dies off! Considering Jesus showed us the Revived Roman Empire would be th last world power, you better be on the look out for the prophecy to be fulfilled. The decline of America will be a major sign this last world empire is about to take hold. Below are signs of things to come.
"BOSTON (MarketWatch) — The International Monetary Fund has just dropped a bombshell, and nobody noticed. For the first time, the international organization has set a date for the moment when the “Age of America” will end and the U.S. economy will be overtaken by that of China.
The Obama deficit tour
The Wall Street Journal editorial page’s Steve Moore critiques the president's speeches attacking Republican budget plans.And it’s a lot closer than you may think.According to the latest IMF official forecasts, China’s economy will surpass that of America in real terms in 2016 — just five years from now.Put that in your calendar.It provides a painful context for the budget wrangling taking place in Washington, D.C., right now. It raises enormous questions about what the international security system is going to look like in just a handful of years. And it casts a deepening cloud over both the U.S. dollar and the giant Treasury market, which have been propped up for decades by their privileged status as the liabilities of the world’s hegemonic power.According to the IMF forecast, whomever is elected U.S. president next year — Obama? Mitt Romney? Donald Trump? — will be the last to preside over the world’s largest economy."
"Weakness in the US dollar, which is causing everything to go up—including gas prices, food and stocks—is unlikely to go away soon as a selling frenzy hits the currency market.
The greenback is approaching pre-financial crisis lows and threatening to smash through its all-time low when measured against the world's predominant national currencies.
A combination of factors accounts for the weakness, with the Federal Reserve's easy-money policies, huge national debts and deficits and the consequential possibility of a debt downgrade because of the financial mess in Washington leading the way.
In short, as trader Dennis Gartman noted Thursday, "the rout of the US dollar" is in full effect.
"Panic dollar selling is setting in," Gartman, a hedge fund manager and author of "The Gartman Letter," wrote in his daily commentary. "This may carry farther than any of us dream of or, worse, have nightmares of."
"BEIJING, April 23 (Xinhua) — China should reduce its excessive foreign exchange reserves and further diversify its holdings, Tang Shuangning, chairman of China Everbright Group, said on Saturday.The amount of foreign exchange reserves should be restricted to between 800 billion to 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars, Tang told a forum in Beijing, saying that the current reserve amount is too high. China's foreign exchange reserves increased by 197.4 billion U.S. dollars in the first three months of this year to 3.04 trillion U.S. dollars by the end of March. Tang's remarks echoed the stance of Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of China's central bank, who said on Monday that China's foreign exchange reserves "exceed our reasonable requirement" and that the government should upgrade and diversify its foreign exchange management using the excessive reserves. Meanwhile, Xia Bin, a member of the monetary policy committee of the central bank, said on Tuesday that 1 trillion U.S. dollars would be sufficient. He added that China should invest its foreign exchange reserves more strategically, using them to acquire resources and technology needed for the real economy."
Signs of Revelation 18:12 coming into play: "Gold hit a record high, while silver surged more than 5 per cent to within a whisker of its all-time peak, as the dollar continued its decline and inflation concerns drove haven flows.Driven also by government debt concerns, gold rose 1 per cent to $1,518.20 a troy ounce, the seventh-consecutive trading session in which it has hit a record high. Silver surged 5.5 per cent to $49.17 an ounce, having hit a 30-year high of $49.80, within sight of the landmark $50 level."
“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:
2 Timothy 3:1-5 “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”
A DAD-of-four who split up a fight in a McDonald’s was shot dead moments after being told he wouldn’t see the morning. Raymond Mitchell, 34, had only popped into the restaurant to buy a hot chocolate. But he apparently caused offence after splitting up two men fighting in the queue.One of them, who had several gold teeth, shouted at Raymond: “You are gonna die tonight, you are not gonna see the morning.”The thug is then said to have phoned an accomplice to fetch a gun, yelling into his mobile: “Bring me that thing.” Raymond left the 24-hour McDonald’s but was chased into a cul-de-sac. The gun was then delivered and Mr Mitchell was beaten and pistol-whipped before being shot three times in an alley in Brixton, South London, at 6.50am on Sunday. Raymond, nicknamed Brown, was taken to hospital but died hours later.
“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:
“A spokeswoman for European farmers federation Copa-Cogeca said it was too soon to draw conclusions, but Belgian farmer Guy Franck, who heads a dairy collective in French-speaking Wallonia, says gut instinct tells him worse is yet to come. "I've been in this game for 30 years, I've never seen a month of April like this one," he said. "Everything with short roots is seriously dehydrated," he warned.” There are two reasons why the Guy Franck’s gut feeling will be confirmed. First of all, the European Union has taken the position with the United States in trying to divide Israel up into two States. This has brought on the Lord’s curse as promised by God in Genesis 12:3, Joel 3:2 and Zechariah 12:3. Second, Jesus said the last days signs would be seen as birth pains. For this reason alone we know for sure things will in fact get my worse.
Europe isn’t the only ones asking for prayer to end the drought.
Texas has been in one of the worse droughts in their history. “Perry, a Republican, sought increased federal help in combating the blazes last weekend and urged Texans to ask the same from a higher power over the Easter holiday weekend. "Throughout our history, both as a state and as individuals, Texans have been strengthened, assured and lifted up through prayer," Perry said in a statement. "It is fitting that Texans should join together in prayer to humbly seek an end to this ongoing drought and these devastating wildfires." Are you beginning to see the big picture yet?
Matthew 24:7 warning of the civil unrest in the last days. Jesus said kingdom would be against kingdom. Syria is a prime example of what Christ warned us about. “BEIRUT — Syrian security forces fired bullets and tear gas Friday on pro-democracy demonstrations across the country, killing at least 49 people – including a young boy – in the bloodiest day of the uprising against President Bashar Assad's authoritarian regime, witnesses and a human rights group said. The protests, held every Friday, have become weekly bloodbaths as security forces try to crush the demonstrations. But the mounting death tolls have only served to invigorate a protest movement whose demands have snowballed from modest reforms to the downfall of the 40-year Assad dynasty.”
“At least 76 people were killed and dozens were injured when Syrian security forces fired live bullets and teargas to disperse “Good Friday” protests in several cities, witnesses reported. The reported deaths have created a new crisis for the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, raising questions about whether he is fully in control of Syrian security forces. The deaths raise questions about how far Mr. Assad is prepared to go to stay in power, and if the international community will take steps to prevent a humanitarian disaster in this geopolitically strategic Arab country.
The deaths on Friday also bring back memories of large numbers of political opponents who were mowed down by security forces in the city of Hama when Mr. Assad’s late father, President Hafez al-Assad was in office. Mr. Assad’s brother, Rifaat al-Assad, personally conducted a “scorched earth” campaign in February 1982 against Sunni Muslims who protested against the Alawite regime of Hafez al-Assad. Estimates of those killed in Hama range from 10,000 to 40,000.”
We see the same thing taking place in Libya. Will Assad and Qaddafi get away with this? We know for sure that both Syria and Libya will be destroyed by Israel under the hand of God. Isaiah 17:1 addresses Syria’s down fall and Ezekiel chapter 38 shows when Libya will be wiped out. If both of these leaders are tossed out now the next leaders who take their place will join in the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel 38 war. The bottom line is this. They are moving in the direction to fulfill the prophecies which haven’t taken place yet.
Revelation 18:12 is the warning about items of important to the people living in the tribulation. Notice that gold and silver are listed as two of the items. Jesus warns that people will weep over the loss of these items when He takes them away from them. This shows us that these items will have become very expensive and that is why you are seeing unheard of prices of gold and silver. I have been warning people to watch the news because I believe silver will hit $150.00 an ounce. Today I read a report that shows why this may happen.
“Silver Surges Over $46.25/oz as Rumours of a Short Squeeze and Cornering Market Gain Credence; Speculators Smell Blood”
“Gold and silver have surged to new record nominal highs in dollar terms (all time and 31-year) with the dollar falling sharply on international markets. Silver has continued to surge in all currencies and has surged to a new record nominal high of $46.25/oz (£27.85/oz and €31.54/oz) on growing rumours of a short squeeze involving a billionaire or state interest attempting to corner the silver market (see FT news story below).
Traders and technically minded investors are firmly focused on silver’s record nominal high of $50.35/oz. Some with a longer term fundamental focus continue to see silver in triple digits if it is to match the real record highs of $130/oz seen in 1980. The inflation adjusted silver chart puts the present sharp rise in the all important historical context.
Cross Currency Table
“We have long said that the very small silver market was ripe for cornering by private or state interests and that appears to be happening on some level. However, there is an increasingly large number of silver buyers who realize the market can be cornered and they are buying in anticipation of this event.”
Joel 3:2, Zechariah 12:3, Genesis 12:3 Watch for God’s curse on America as Obama works to divide Israel. “Obama's plan is reportedly based on principles including: the creation of a PA state in Judea and Samaria, with borders based on the 1948 armistice line, the split of Jerusalem, Israel's capital city, the negation of the PA “right of return” for descendants of Arabs who fled Israel in 1948, and a focus on Israel's security needs.”
Prophecy Sign: 2 Timothy 3:1-5 “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”
Here is another example of the trend of violence in fast food restaurants. Yesterday it was a bunch of kids who beat, shot, and killer a young man, then you read about 20 teens on the train that beat up two Delta workers, today more violence from the youth. Today news entitled: Violence in another Mc Donalds almost kills customer .
When I saw this video of two black females beating the hell out of a white patron, my heart was wrenched with sadness. It is for this reason Jesus went to the cross to free sin from men and women like this. The sadness comes knowing that if all of these people including the Mc Donald’s restaurant workers who allowed this beating to take place don’t someday repent from these types of acts, and received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they will themselves be beaten sooner or later. Hell is for forever!
I was so taken by the violence that I called the McDonald’s headquarters and demanded that action be taken against the McDonald workers who could have stopped the beating but instead laughed at what was going on and even told the girls beating the other girl to go now because the police are on the way. Let McDonald’s know enough is enough, and if people are not safe in their stores we can find another place to take our business. Stand up with me and call them today to let them know how you feel. 1-800-244-6227 call now!
I know many of you are going to get really up set over this video but remember Jesus doesn’t want any of His children to perish. Pray for the kids in this video that the Lord saves them. This is what Christ wants from us.
As long as you see McDonald in the news let me cover some news from them showing you Jesus warning about the food prices is coming to pass. “LOS ANGELES/NEW YORK (Reuters) – McDonald's Corp (NYSE:MCD – News) forecast higher prices for beef, dairy and other items and said it would cautiously raise prices to keep attracting diners, who are grappling with higher grocery and gas bills.” Between the beatings in the store and now the warning of higher food prices it turns out that McDonald’s isn’t so friendly as their commercials would have you believe. “McDonald's now expects food costs to rise between 4 percent and 4.5 percent in the United States and Europe this year. That is up from its prior call for a rise of 2 percent to 2.5 percent in the United States and an increase of 3.5 percent to 4.5 percent in Europe.”
Today I was blessed by Christ and want to share what the Lord is doing. Below is a email I just received from Pastor Titus in Kenya.
“While I was in post office somebody was next to me. After I was cleared he requested me to just give him the book as it is a religious book. I thought of opening the box and again the books are meant for Sudan. I felt the Spirit tell me to give. Around 9pm some one called and I had forgotten I had given anyone my phone number. So they told me and I would remember. He described to me that he was a Pastor and said that for the few pages he has read his eyes are opened. Titus”
Jesus is making ways from my labor of love for him to get in the hands of many people. Yesterday Timothy was telling me that the US dollar is losing value and it is hurting the mission in Kenya. I wanted to make sure Titus’ team had enough money to be feed properly while on the mission to Sudan. I told Timothy I would send off $500.00 to make sure they had enough funds. Timothy said, he thought what we sent would do. Jesus has a strange way of getting things done His way because today Timothy told me he just got a check for $500.00 for the Sudan Mission! This brings the total to $5,600 for the mission. This is confirmation that Jesus is going before the team to prepare the harvest in Sudan. Get excited for the coming news from Titus. Pray for them even if you do not fast with us.
Below are the names of the people who will go on the mission to Sudan with Pastor Titus. While fasting lift these people up. God Bless Frank
1. Tom Mosoti 2. Clasena Shitoti 3. Kennedy Kiprono 4. Evans Madisi 5. Richard Mosoti 6. Phelom Chumba 7. Ernest Mwole 8. Pastor Titus
Enjoy the weekend with Christ knowing that someday soon the Lord will take us home.