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Are you really searching to know the truth?
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at fjdimora@gmail.com. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
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I am asking people to join with me in fasting while Pastor Titus' team is in the field in Sudan. So far 4 people have said they will fast when the team in Kenya heads out for Sudan.
So far Dave Shadow, Clint McKean, Peter Matias, Constance Gellington, Bridget Yorke, Antonia Giunta, Pam J., Cherly Boucher, and Douglas Gable will be fasting. Will you join us? Email me a fjdimora@gmail.com.
Lady Gaga outrages Catholics during Holy Week with new single 'Judas' See how Satan is working via Gaga, the story at my Son Adam’s prophecy site. http://endtimesresearchministry.com/category/antichrist-infliences/
Prophecy Sign: In Daniel chapters 2 and 7 God shows Daniel all the world empires that would rise and fall from the time Daniel was living all the way to the second coming of Jesus Christ. No where is America seen as a world empire! This leads us to one conclusion. Something major must have happen to remove a major superpower out of the way to give rise to the One World Empire that the Antichrist will control. For the past 5 years at my prophecy site I have warning you how the US would lose its number one place on the world stage. I have been warning you that the US dollar will move over to another form of currency. All I can do is sound the warning in hope that Americans like the Chinese will get ready for the day the dollar falls! I hope this you will see this connect via this report today. First read the current news below.
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 the sign of wars and rumors of war.
“After giving up on US and Israel ever confronting Iran, Saudi Arabia has gone out on a limb against the Obama administration to place itself at the forefront of an independent Gulf campaign for cutting down the Islamic Republic's drive for a nuclear bomb and its expansionist meddling in Arab countries, debkafile's Middle East sources report. Two US emissaries sent to intercede with Saudi King Abdullah – US Defense Secretary Robert Gates on April 6 and National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, who arrived in Riyadh six days later – were told that Saudi Arabia had reached a parting-of-the ways with Washington, followed actively by Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman. Abdullah said he could not forgive the Americans for throwing former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to the wolves in Cairo and for the unrest they were promoting against Arab regimes.
Saudi Arabia was therefore determined to lead the Gulf region on the road to a confrontation with Iran – up to and including military action if necessary – to defend the oil emirates against Iranian conspiracies in the pursuit of which the king accused US-led diplomacy of giving Tehran a clear field.
Monday, April 18, the foreign ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC, asked the UN Security Council to take action for stopping Iran's "provocative interference in their countries' domestic affairs." This "flagrant interference" posed a "grave security to, and risked flaring up sectarian strike, in the GCC countries."
Remember what Rev. 18:12 says about the gold and silver?
Today's Silver$44.56+$0.61
"In a word, sensational. Everything's feeding into this — sovereign debt, the weaker dollar, inflation and investment demand. It is unusual to do it in Asian time. It goes to show how much appetite there is in Asia for bullion. "We often see a $20 rally after breaking a big number, then a pullback. We will see what Europe and United States do with this — $1,510 or $1,520 look possible, but prices are starting to look a little stretched up here."
“In case you missed it, earlier this week China announced that its foreign currency reserves are excessive and that they need to return to “reasonable” levels.
In politician speak, this is a clear, “we are sick of the US Dollar and will be taking steps to lower our holdings.” Remember, the US Dollar is China’s largest single holding. And China has already begun dumping Treasuries (US Debt).
This comes on the heels of China deciding (along with Russia) to trade in their own currencies, NOT the US Dollar. Not to mention the numerous warnings Chinese politicians have been issuing to the US over the last 24 months.
In simple terms, China is done playing nice and is now actively moving out of US Dollar denominated assets. This is the beginning of the US Dollar’s end as world reserve currency.
The dimwits in Washington don’t understand this because their advisors are all Wall Street stooges who don’t think debt or deficits matter. After all, why would they? Their entire business model is now based on endless cheap debt from the US Fed. So it’s only logically (in their minds) that the US as a sovereign state engage in the same strategies.
What does this mean? We’re on out own in terms of preparing for what’s coming. The US Dollar has already taken out its 2009 low in the overnight futures session. We now have only one line of support before the US Dollar breaks into the abyss (all time lows).
So if you’re not preparing for mega-inflation already, you need to start doing so NOW. The Fed WILL continue to pump money into the system 24/7 and it’s going to result in the death of the US Dollar”
In my post dated September 18, 2008 I warned you about China dumping the US dollar. In my report I cited two news articles about how China and India have begun to dump the US dollar. First read the short sections from those reports and I will connect the dots for you.
November 27, 2004
“The India, China and other countries have started dumping US Dollar quietly and buying Euro. That put a very serious pressure on US Dollar. Chinese and Indian central bank officials denied such reports. But Foreign exchange traders say they are quite convinced of Indian and Chinese moves. According some traders, there are many other countries specially oil rich Middle Eastern countries running away from dollar.”
“According to the December 9 Asia Times, the Russian government of "ex"-KGB officer Vladimir Putin is calling "for a Moscow-New Delhi-Beijing axis, an alliance of three nuclear-armed countries of some 2.5 billion people that theoretically would be able to balance U.S. power in coming years." This alignment "would make a great contribution to global security," Putin stated during a visit to India's capital, New Delhi”
“In the meantime, China and India–which boast rapidly growing economies, in large measure due to U.S. "outsourcing"–are building an anti-U.S. economic front. "India, China and other countries have started dumping [the] U.S. dollar quietly and buying euros," reported the November 27 India Daily. "That put very serious pressure on the dollar…. [T]here are many other countries, especially oil-rich Middle Eastern countries, running away from [the] dollar."
Now let me connect the dots for you. After you read the Jan. 7th report you will see they made the connect very clear. In any case, Nations like Russia, China, and India are well aware that the US dollar will die. As a result they began to buy up as much Gold and Silver as they could. These nations know the real value when the economy falls will be in gold and silver. As such they are not only buying up as much as they can but they are also telling their people to do the same thing. While citizens of these nations are preparing for what is to come, via the dollar failure, Americans are sleeping thinking that everything will be fine and their economy will bounce back like always. Not this time folks. There has been a great deal of talk in the news about nations buying up gold and silver, and for those of us who know the warnings of Jesus Christ, we know that the prices of these metals will skyrocket. See Revelation 18:12.
Jan. 7, 2010: “India is no longer the elephant in the world's gold dealing rooms. The Dragon has edged it out. In 2009, China bought more gold than India, making it the world's top consumer. China pipped South Africa in 2007 as the world's largest gold producer. Revving up production to take advantage of record prices is understandable. But why have the Chinese suddenly fallen in love with gold? And does this affect the price we pay? ET helps you join the dots.
China is buying gold for the same reason we buy life insurance policies: peace of mind. The Chinese government has a kitty of over $2 trillion, mostly greenbacks. Unfortunately, Beijing is not terribly fond of this currency right now. It believes the dollar may well become a dud, given Uncle Sam's economic troubles. So, it wants to stock up on something whose value does not change with one country's policy moves. Gold fits the bill.
Since 2003, Beijing has been buying most of the gold excavated and refined locally. It was a perfect strategy. No one in the international market became the wiser and the bill was paid in yuans. Today, China has more than 1,000 tonnes in its official vaults, up 75% in six years. Its gold reserves are now the fifth-largest among national central banks after the US, Germany, France and Italy. This insurance helped mandarins in Beijing sleep easier at night.
But the public still had no such hedge. So, Beijing has begun actively encouraging people to invest up to 5% of their income in gold and silver. The biddable Chinese have diligently followed this advice. Full-year 2009 private demand in mainland China could outstrip India by a fifth.”
America wake up and believe in the Word of God. America is about to roll over and in doing so it will speed up the final last days prophecies. The US leadership does not have control of the dying economy and all they know is to keep running up the debt. Look at today’s news.
“The national debt has passed another historical milestone, topping $14.3 trillion for the first time ever, according to data released by the U.S. Treasury late Monday afternoon.”
The day is coming when you will wake up and find out that the US dollar you have been saving in your banks is worthless! When this day comes you will know that the Antichrist’s kingdom is coming! The world’s financial system will be in chaos and the world will demand, and call for someone to take them out of the crisis. The door will open and the Antichrist will take his last days position.
“NEW YORK (AP) — The dollar fell against most major currencies Wednesday, hitting a 15-month low against the euro, after solid earnings from major U.S. companies and a healthier reading on the housing market fueled investors' appetite for currencies linked to higher benchmark interest rates.”
“The euro jumped to $1.4514 in afternoon trading Wednesday from $1.4340 late Tuesday. Earlier, the euro hit $1.4547, its highest point since January 2010. The dollar had advanced against the euro earlier in the week as speculation mounted that Greece would need to restructure its debt, but that fear wasn't weighing on the euro Wednesday as investors turned to assets of countries where interest rates are higher.”
If you did not get a chance to hear Lindsey Williams warn that gas prices would skyrocket you better take the time to watch this video as today there are signs pointing to 6.00 a gallon for gas. Pay attention to what Williams says at the 9:41 minute mark in the video.
“A dollar plumbing three-year lows is hitting Americans squarely in the gas tank, and one economist thinks it could drive prices as high as $6 a gallon or more by summertime under the right conditions.”
Many of you will still not receive this message but you will see every word Jesus warned us about come to pass. I want you to keep this in mind. While the world’s economic outlook is on the verge of a massive change it appears a showdown between Israel and the world is also emerging at the same time. This is not a coincidence! We know from Daniel 9:27 that the Antichrist will make a 7 year covenant with Israel. We know that this covenant will come as a result of war. This is why I have taken so much time to warn you about the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel war. The world’s fuse in prophecy has been lit and you can expect the birth pains Jesus warned us about in Mark 13:8 to get much worse from here on. If you haven’t received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, do it today. If you don’t I promise you, you will not be ready for what is about to take place!
As long as I have brought you back to see what I have been warning you, in light of everything that has happened, you better watch this video I posted from 2009, because this is exactly what I have been trying to get across to you. We are much closer to this taking place!
As long as I have mentioned the next wars against Israel, I hope and pray this news today will give you a much clearer picture of what is coming. The headline today from The Jerusalem Post reads like this: “Security and Defense: Preparing for war on all fronts”. Keep in mind that when you read Psalm 83 this is what we see taking place against Israel. Israel in general is not a very religious nation and the chances of them not even believing God’s warning in Psalm 83 are probably high. In any case, they may not know this but they are in fact getting ready to see the Psalm 83 prophecy from God come to pass.
The report today stated, “The IDF has drawn up a comprehensive multi-year strategy; planners hope their prudence will help protect Israel from all fresh dangers.” The report is long but in short what you will read is that Israel is getting ready to fight the same enemies as outlined in the Psalm 83 war.
As the Lord's resurrection day is approaching let us not forget what the Lord went though for us.
Prophecy Sign: I am going to combine Daniel 12:4 and Revelation 13:16-17 here because I can see what is coming. First of all, Daniel 12:4 is a warning that our generation would be known as the generation that would increase in knowledge. This prophecy has already come to pass. Revelation 13: 16-17 is a warning from Jesus that the Antichrist will mark everyone in their right hand or forehead. Those who do not take the mark will be hunted down and killed. There are many ways in which our increase in knowledge will make it very simple to track down any person who refuses to take the Antichrist’s mark. Say for example you are on the run and there is a road block. With the new high tech forenisics device the Antichrist police could see everything you have been doing via your phone. Did you call someone else who is also trying to hide from the Antichrist? Did you receive a text letting you know where believers who are left behind after the rapture will be meeting? Nothing will be out of the reach of the Antichrist and this is only one device that will be used! Read this news.
“Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops”
“ACLU seeks information on Michigan program that allows cops to download information from smart phones belonging to stopped motorists.The Michigan State Police have a high-tech mobile forensics device that can be used to extract information from cell phones belonging to motorists stopped for minor traffic violations. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Michigan last Wednesday demanded that state officials stop stonewalling freedom of information requests for information on the program.
ACLU learned that the police had acquired the cell phone scanning devices and in August 2008 filed an official request for records on the program, including logs of how the devices were used. The state police responded by saying they would provide the information only in return for a payment of $544,680. The ACLU found the charge outrageous.” "Complete extraction of existing, hidden, and deleted phone data, including call history, text messages, contacts, images, and geotags," a CelleBrite brochure explains regarding the device's capabilities. "The Physical Analyzer allows visualization of both existing and deleted locations on Google Earth. In addition, location information from GPS devices and image geotags can be mapped on Google Maps."
All I can say is, good luck to all of you who will be left behind. Most of you will not make it through the entire tribulation. Fact is, Jesus tells us that unless the days are cut short no one would make it alive! You best road to safety is in the arms of Jesus Christ right now.
This has to be among the greatest cover-ups in American history. Donald Trump has of late been questioning Obama’s birthplace. Chiyome Fukino, I am sure knows Obama is covering up the facts about his birth home. For Mr. Trump and anyone else who questions Obama you need to hear it from Obama himself that he was not born in the US.
“HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – There is evidence to refute the claim that President Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii, and therefore is not eligible to be president of the United States, but "birthers" persist with their claims that Obama is in office illegally. Donald Trump is the latest to question the president's birthplace. Former state Health Director Chiyome Fukino has said several times she has personally inspected President Obama's birth certificate twice. In an interview earlier this month she said claims Obama was not born here are "ludicrous" and "silly."
Watch video and you will see and hear Obama say he is not a citizen of the US.
Prophecy Sign: 2 Timothy 3:1-5 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” Read the news below and watch the news video at the link and you will see an example of what Jesus warned Timothy.
“Delta Employees Attacked On MARTA Train”
Violent Attack On MARTA Train Under Investigation
“MARTA police said they were investigating the incident. A witness said he watched the violent attack unfold Sunday.
"We were intimidated. Everyone was terrified. People were trying to run, but there was nowhere to run," the man, who requested anonymity, told Channel 2's Erica Byfield.
Around midnight, a MARTA train pulled up to the Garnett Station in Downtown Atlanta, authorities said. The witness said up to 30 people boarded the southbound train.
"Once the doors opened, it was like a bum rush of people," he told Byfield. "The next thing you know, they started just beating him. There was blood everywhere. People were hollering and screaming," he said.
A MARTA police report identified two victims as Delta Airlines employees. The report said one victim had a soda can smashed in his face and his wallet stolen, while the other was punched repeatedly in his face.
The witness said the attackers were teens chanting "B. F. P. L."
"I don't know if that's a gang," the witness said.
By the time the train made it to West End stop, some riders were desperate to get off, but the car doors would not open, the witness said.