My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” December 1, 2010 is now up. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Dec. 1, 2010 edition by Frank DiMora pdf
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed. P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
Do you remember what I warned you in my post dated Oct. 10, 2010? This is what I said, “Prophecy Sign: Did you remember that Jesus said to watch for “great earthquakes”? Read Luke 21:11 and remember what you read becasue more of these huge quakes are coming. I am sending up a red flag so when they happen, I will point you back to Jesus warning. In Matthew 24:7 Jesus also said there would be “many earthquakes. Look at what has happen in the past 7 days and what happened today.” I hope you took that warning serous. If not take a look at another huge quake just reported today. “SYDNEY – A 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck the New Britian Region of Papua New Guinea, the U.S. Geological Survey said, revising earlier details of the incident. The quake struck at a depth of 34.8 kilometres, 40 kms east of Kandrian in New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Initially seismologists measured the quake at 6.9 when it hit on Thursday morning GMT. Below are the many quakes that have hit just in the base 7 days, and these are only the only that are 5.0 and higher.
Update time = Fri Dec 3 20:12:08 UTC 2010
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s |
LAT deg |
LON deg |
DEPTH km |
Region | |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/12/02 23:39:58 | -49.113 | 120.541 | 10.0 | WESTERN INDIAN-ANTARCTIC RIDGE |
MAP | 6.7 | 2010/12/02 03:12:10 | -6.059 | 149.851 | 34.8 | NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/12/02 02:51:36 | -5.750 | 153.655 | 19.2 | NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/12/02 02:29:18 | -20.268 | -177.820 | 528.7 | FIJI REGION |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/12/01 19:55:46 | 30.159 | 51.599 | 26.0 | SOUTHERN IRAN |
MAP | 6.1 | 2010/12/01 16:01:27 | -15.905 | -178.948 | 15.2 | FIJI REGION |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/12/01 00:50:21 | 2.622 | 99.040 | 160.7 | NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/12/01 00:09:41 | -22.822 | -174.722 | 30.2 | TONGA REGION |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/11/30 22:02:57 | 48.908 | 154.915 | 44.9 | KURIL ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.6 | 2010/11/30 21:19:46 | -4.030 | 79.918 | 15.3 | SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/11/30 17:54:48 | 48.943 | 154.906 | 41.2 | KURIL ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/11/30 08:42:25 | 52.278 | -169.510 | 34.7 | FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/11/30 08:39:58 | 29.743 | 90.332 | 17.5 | EASTERN XIZANG |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/11/30 05:17:07 | -21.157 | -178.951 | 574.3 | FIJI REGION |
MAP | 6.8 | 2010/11/30 03:24:41 | 28.365 | 139.152 | 475.2 | BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/11/30 00:49:43 | -17.586 | -174.546 | 218.3 | TONGA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/11/29 20:11:51 | -16.591 | -174.195 | 124.1 | TONGA |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/11/29 15:02:11 | 33.771 | 141.505 | 42.4 | OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/11/29 10:27:20 | -8.103 | 106.817 | 35.9 | SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/11/29 01:37:14 | -17.852 | -13.754 | 10.0 | SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/11/28 19:45:20 | -6.569 | 130.575 | 113.6 | BANDA SEA |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/11/28 16:47:39 | -24.126 | 179.097 | 546.3 | SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/11/28 14:49:21 | -14.745 | -71.419 | 99.2 | CENTRAL PERU |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/11/28 08:19:47 | -34.529 | -71.631 | 35.0 | LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/11/28 01:22:12 | -41.036 | 175.751 | 66.2 | NORTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/11/27 20:48:38 | 3.838 | 127.874 | 111.4 | KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/11/27 19:29:38 | 55.109 | 160.388 | 17.6 | KAMCHATKA PENINSULA, RUSSIA |
MAP | 5.7 | 2010/11/27 18:11:13 | 3.859 | 128.063 | 56.8 | NORTH OF HALMAHERA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/11/27 02:44:54 | 10.265 | -43.160 | 10.0 | NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/11/26 22:12:29 | -2.661 | 129.203 | 31.1 | SERAM, INDONESIA |
Prophecy Sign: Daniel 2:43 “And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay. As I posted a few days ago, it appears from Daniel, the revived Roman Empire will break apart. The break up could form a Ten nation union and you will see how the news today is important as we watch what happens with the Western leg of the old Roman Empire, which just so happens to be the European Union. The currency for many of the EU nations is the euro and it is in deep trouble.
Listen to the 2:04 minute mark he believe the Euro will break into two parts, the Northern Euro and Southern Euro. Could this break up bring about the Ten kings Jesus warned us about? Also listen to the video starting at the 3:45 mark. “Faced with "almost terminal problems," Dennis Gartman on Monday said the euro could soon unravel. "Eventually, the euro breaks apart into a northern euro and a southern euro," said Gartman, explaining that the Continent's many languages, religions and cultures are too diverse for the singular currency to work”.
In light of what is happening in the European Union (EU) I want you to read a message my Christian sent me. It has to do with the warning signs I have been giving you concerning the EU Euro Zone coming to an end, which in turn just may turn out to end up fulfilling prophecy concerning the revived Roman Empire. Below I quote what Dan Trudo sent me. This was perfect timing as he saved me from writing you the same type of news.
Right now, you've all probably heard about the riots in Greece, UK, Germany, France and Spain (among others). Much is this civil unrest is over austerity measures (the Government taking away or severely limiting entitlements such as unemployment and pensions, etc) in order to get their out of control spending down. Consider this, the European Union is falling apart due to the domino effect of nation states going under (as a general term) beginning with Greece and soon to be Portugal, Belgium and Spain. Beginning with Greece, there is what economist call a "contagion" effect or simply or an economic domino effect that once rolling is very difficult to stop.
A Brother
Consider this:
European Union GDP: $16 Trillion
Greece GDP: $330 Million (2.5% of EU's GDP)
Greece debt: $405 Billion (113% of GDP)
Greece is worlds 27th largest economy
Austerity measures have sparked riots and the value of the Euro has fallen with more EU countries following suit (Portugal, Spain, etc)
Now consider that if Spain requires a bail out (many say it's unavoidable) their GDP is $1.1 Trillion annually; 6.8% of EU's GDP.
Now Consider this:
US GDP: $13.9 Trillion
US Debt: $13 Trillion (over 94% of GDP)
California's GCP: $1.8 Trillion or 13% of the US GDP (on the verge of bankruptcy requiring a "too big to fail" bail out) CA is the world's 8th largest economy Austerity measures MUST be put in place in order dramatically lower spending with a 2010 deficit of $24B and a total deficit of $106B (source CA State Treasurers web site), or, the Fed's can continue to ignore CA and print money in to hyper inflation rather than deal with reality. I don't know how CA can survive without a bail out or dramatic changes in entitlement programs (look for LA and Oakland to come unglued)
In December, over 2 million people will fall off unemployment benefits. What will this mean? Before Congress approved the now 99 week total benefits (extended from the standard 26 weeks in the past 4 years), local riots broke out in Oakland CA and Chicago IL when people realized they were not going to get their free money the Congress just denied another extension of benefits in order to determine where the money will come from rather than more progressive Democratic spending sprees Assuming it's not passed in the lame duck Congress (or just plan Lame), the chances are smaller when the Repub's take over on Jan 5 What then? Civil unrest or just more entitlement extensions to avoid the inevitable end to free money; thus civil unrest OR we finally figure out a way to provide real jobs.
Many people, maybe some of us or someone you know, don't think that the civil unrest, austerity measures, dollar failure, etc. cannot happen to us "Americans" because, well, we're Americans! Right. If CA fails, is it possible the state can start the same contagion domino effect as in Europe? The basic numbers surely make it a possibility. After all, Greece, Portugal and Spain are simply "States" with the European Union. Oh, and you can thank the unions for gathering the flocks together for protests. They heads of several powerful US unions have already called for violent revolution here because we're "toying" with the ideas that their pensions are insolvent. But when you have a progressive, union backed administration in charge, at least they are being kept at bay for now. SEIU spent $60M to get Obummer elected and recently $15M to get Obummer-Care passed. But guess who just applied for a waiver on the health care bill because it's too expensive to ensure all employees with the same level of coverage the new law requires (for all dependents) and until they are 26? SEIU! Yea, I know, I was "surprised" too! 😉
I think there is a chance if we stand up together beginning with votes and ending with a brotherly attitude of helping each other. Our founding fathers looked to each other and churches for supporting neighbors and friends, not bigger government. That will come in handy for 2011/2012 as many predict times will be much worse. Food prices are being kept artificially low through subsidies and cannot go on forever, yet if you look at China they're experience record high price hikes in food. This current (and past) government is doing everything it can to move manufacturing off shore and change us from a nation of manufacturing, agriculture, entrepreneurs and creative genius to a nation of consumers. That has self-defeating limits and we're are all either experiencing it or know someone that is. So much for the industrial revolution when brilliant men such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson reluctantly accepted the highest office of the Presidency in order to limit government while birthing a nation of doers, thinkers and accomplishment.
Now the government seems poised to do what's best for us all like controlling banking, auto manufacturing, housing, education, all forms of industrial power and as of yesterday's congressional bill passage complete control over food distribution, recalls and quality. Soon, you'll add the ridiculous "carbon footprint" (a disguised way of re-distribution of wealth among nations) and the Internet media (see net neutrality)….to keep us safe from unwanted information no doubt. Ridiculous and Socialist moves from a nation that believes we aren't smart enough to think through these things for our selves. Yea, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin all spewed that same thinking to "save" their respective nations from stupidity, poor economic decisions, hyper inflation (coming to a US economy near you) and provided entitlements for all peoples which ended a complete power grab. The masses were begging for "change" and someone who could save them from evils of capitalism, inflation and unfairness. How'd that work out for them? Did you know that when polled, 26% of the people had no idea why we celebrate Independence Day and from whom we fought for our Independence? Knowing that, there should be no doubt why the progressive democratic movement even exists. Sad, blind and uneducated.
Sorry for the rant this morning. I'm fed up. There are too many people near me (present company I believe to be excluded) that are applying an ostrich approach to life and will simply follow the cows to the proverbial progressive, George Soros funded slaughter house. Good luck with that y'all.
Many think America is immune. Ok. I'm sure Rome, the Greeks and the Ottoman Empire all believed nothing could happen to them either. Unfortunately they grew government through land grabs, spending and taxing their way to greatness. (see any parallels here?). When the government gets so large that it impacts the tax base, how does it sustain itself? Back then, empires simply took what they need from other countries and peoples in order to maintain a standard of living and growth. Hmmmm, I wonder if the US having over 700 military bases in foreign countries or elected itself to be the world's police force (since the United Nations is so effective) has any similarities to those historical empires growth and control strategies??? Strange…
Yea. I'm ranting and taking advantage of you I call friends who will feel a small obligation to read or at least scan this interruption. I am also sending this to some who are so educated they will forget more about these topics than I could ever learn. With that, I send this email with a feeling of humility yet anger. For this I am sorry and somewhat embarrassed. But I don't think the US is immune and I believe things are going to get much worse which is why I am preparing.
I pray I'm wrong. Tell me I'm wrong, please.
Dan Trudo
My answer to Dan is this. We know for sure that a huge change is coming the way governments of the world do business. To many nations are on the verge of going bankrupt and these nations have no means of paying of their huge debts. Since our generation has been linked to each other on the global market place what happens to one nation affects the rest of the world. In order for one man, (Antichrist) to ever be able to take control of the entire world’s economy, the way Jesus shows us in Revelation 13:16-18, something has to happen that will force a new global economic system. The collapse of mighty dollar, and the Euro which has out done the dollar since 2001, will be more than enough of a reason to form a new One World Order. Jesus told us the Antichrist system would come, and we in this generation who are witnessing all of the signs Jesus warned about, are watching the events that will bring out the Antichrist and his global system. Many of you have hardened your hearts to Christ and are still refusing to believe these things will happen. Remember what the Holy Spirit has shown you, for you are going to be in shock when you witness first hand the rise of the Man of Sin! Jesus has come before to set you free from your sin, and has made a way for you to escape to safety in His arms. The only way you will be safe is to get on your knees and ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins, and tell Him you want Him to be your Lord and God, and savior. As soon as you do that the Lord will add your name in His Book of life.
We know that during the seven year tribulation the Antichrist will be monitoring everyone. He will be watching your banking transaction and He will be monitoring people’s movements. His rule will be a complete police state and the new technologies coming out can aid this Antichrist in keeping track of you. Let me show you what the UK may be doing next. If you don’t like the idea of X-ray scanners in the air ports you aren’t going to like what they are talking about doing next.
Could X-ray scanners work on the street?
“X-ray cameras that would "undress" passers-by in a bid to thwart terrorists concealing weapons, could be coming to a street near you, according to reports. Aside from the obvious privacy issues, would such a plan work? Leaked documents said to have been drawn up by the Home Office and seen by the Sun newspaper say cameras which can see through clothes could be built into lamp posts to "trap terror suspects". While Home Secretary John Reid has denied knowledge of the plans, the technology is not dissimilar to that already found in some UK airports. Currently, air security officials pick out individuals to stand in a booth while three pictures are taken of the person in slightly different positions.
Within seconds, an X-ray scanner produces an image of the body, minus the clothes. What shows up is the naked human form and anything that may be concealed on the person, such as coins, a gun or drugs.
Did you think the UK was alone in their watching their citizens? Guess again. In the United States “EPIC Demands Documents from DHS about Mobile Body Scanners, Use of Devices at Trains Stations and Stadiums: EPIC has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Department of Homeland Security, demanding that the agency turn over documents concerning the use of body scanner technology by law enforcement agencies in surface transit and street-roaming vans. EPIC cited previous DHS testing of body scanners on New Jersey's PATH trains and the development of street-roaming backscatter vans. EPIC has also filed a lawsuit to suspend body scanner program. EPIC has called the devices "invasive, ineffective, and unlawful." For more information, see: EPIC: Whole Body Imaging and EPIC: EPIC v. DHS.” When the Antichrist does take control, he won’t have a hard time tracking any of you who are left behind. I am sure he will tape in to all the new technologies that are not only bringing on a cashless society, but ways to watch and track everyone’s moves. By the way, Daniel 12:4 warned us the last generation who be known for their increase in knowledge. You are kidding yourself, and are blind to what the Holy Spirit is revealing to you, if you think all these new technologies have just so happen to so up while all the other prophecies are being fulfilled. This is exactly what Jesus told us was going to happen in Matthew chapter 24.
Prophecy Sign: Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49:24-27 show us that Syria is going to be wiped out. We also see that Syria will be attacking Israel in the Psalm 83 war. After you read this report I will show you how this recent news could be very important to fulfilling prophecy. The headline to this report is entitled: Possible Syrian nuke facility identified by satellite”
“A compound in western Syria with buildings and hundreds of missile-shaped items has been identified as functionally related to a nuclear reactor Israel destroyed northeast of Damascus in 2007. Satellite footage of the site in Masyaf was obtained by the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security and shows a compound built in a ravine and surrounded by what appears to be a line of trenches.”
Israel wiped out Syria’s quest for a nuke, and they are not going to allow Syria to finish this new site if that’s what is turns out to be. All this news is going to do is add more fuel to the stalled peace talks. Between the threat of Iran getting a nuclear bomb and now this news, you can see Israel is going to have to respond very soon to these threats. What do you think is going to happen when Israel broadcasts they are warning Syria again as they did in 2007? Will Syria to the same thing Iran is doing and dismiss the Israeli warning? Let me tell you what is going to happen if it turns out this new information is true. Israel will attack Syria and wipe the site out as she did in 2007. This act alone could set off the Psalm 83 war and also fulfill the warning from the Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah concerning Syria. I will keep you posted to Israel’s reaction as soon as I see the news concerning this development.
Keep in mind the news about Syria is taking place as the PLO has just announced it will not recognize Israel. I quote,“The Fatah Revolutionary Council concluded its fifth convention in Ramallah over the weekend by declaring its refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state”. “The council affirms its rejection of the so-called Jewish state or any other formula that could achieve this goal,” said a statement issued by the council.“The council also renews its refusal for the establishment of any racist state based on religion in accordance with international law and human rights conventions.”
“An Israeli government official on Saturday night called on the Palestinians to resume direct negotiations without any preconditions. “Let us meet and talk,” he said. The official said he was disappointed by the council’s statement with respect to a Jewish state. “I would ask the Palestinians the following question: If the Jewish state is fundamentally illegitimate in your eyes, what sort of peace are you offering us? “It is clear that their refusal to recognize the Jewish state’s legitimacy is the true obstacle to peace and reconciliation,” the official added.”
Let me ask you a question. Can you see why the Apostle Paul warned us that sudden destruction would come while they were calling for Peace and safety? Tempers are heating up in the Middle East and the Labor pains Jesus warned about are getting stronger. The conflict to fulfill prophecy is coming!
Prophecy Sign: One of the many signs of the last days in Luke 21:11 is the sign of (pestilences). Here is an example of one type of pestilence hitting Australia. “The Australian Plague Locust Commission alerted Victorian authorities that a huge swarm of locusts, 25 kilometres long was heading towards the Victorian border. State locust controller Russell McMurray says they are expecting the swarm will enter Victoria over the next few days.”
Those of you who have come to my site know that I have been asked by Pastors in Kenya to come and teach them and to preach Jesus in Kenya. My heart is set to go and the Lord has showed me favor. Timothy Moore will be my guide in Africa, but first the Holy Spirit has to help him with the funds to be able to take me there. I agreed with Timothy that the Lord would open the windows to the blessing that will fund Timothy in order to be my guide and co worker for Christ in Kenya and other nations in Africa. We have many people praying for the Holy Spirit to bless us so that we may go through the door that has been opened to us in Africa. Timothy has great faith and he has written me the plans for the coming trip. May I ask any of you who pray to go today to Christ and ask Him to bless these plans, and make them happen. I will keep you all informed as to what the Holy Spirit does as we continue to seek Him and his will for us.
Bro. Frank,
We are getting a lot of interest. Praise the Lord for what He is doing. He is beginning to touch the hearts of many.
I'm out of town this week, my youngest son is getting married this Saturday, so I haven't been able to check the mail to see if any checks have come in. I met with a missionary friend yesterday here in Tennessee who makes two trips to Uganda each year. I'm setting up a two service preaching/teaching appointment for you in Kampala at a church that usually has over 2,500 people at each service. The building is a large open tabernacle with open sides and dirt floor. What I told him was we wanted to schedule one regular service and then the next day a seminar on end-time prophecy for pastors, preachers and evangelists. We will probably spend no more than 3 -4 days in Uganda…sometime during the middle of our trip. We may have to stretch the trip into 3 weeks to be able to get to all of the locations you will preach and teach at.
Also, we may go later, in March or so to be able to accomodate the Uganda schedule, since he just returned from Uganda in November and will not go back until March or early April.
I'm going to have Titus and Enock start making tentative appointments for us at various venues and reserving the outdoor sound and stage equipment. I'll keep in touch when it appears that we have some firm time frame so you can see if it will work for you. Should be March,or no later than early in April. Also, if it is possible, we may be able to make a quick trip down into Tanzania for you to preach at a location that Enock will be working in during December. We'll see how that works out. I'm trying to schedule a variety of venues, churches, schools, Bible schools, hopefully a service at the Eldoret prison, outdoor ministry, etc.
I know the Lord is going to make a provision for this outreach!