Strong delusion/A fish story/ Sept. 25, 2010


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” October 28, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 28, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


Prophecy Sign: 2 Thessalonians 2:9-13 says the following: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

I don’t know for sure but it is a good possibility that the powerful delusion may be coming in the form of UFO’s.  Think about this for a moment.  What if after the world sees these strange UFO’s that the rapture of the Church takes place.  The Antichrist could come out and say all the evil people were taken off the planet when in fact it was the Lord’s righteous that we taken form the Earth. There is no doubt in my mind that the “counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders” Jesus warned about could come as a result of these UFO’s. 

See full size image

On December 18, 2009 I warned you, you will be hearing more news about UFO’s and aliens. This is what I wrote you. I quote myself “Prophecy Sign: In part of Luke 21: we are told, “and great signs shall there be from heaven”. Take a look at what I wrote you on my post dated November 11, 2009. “Does anyone remember the warning I gave you from my Oct. 5, and 22 posts that you will soon hear more news about aliens from our world leaders.” There was news from Europe today with the headlines that read, “UFO pyramid reported over Kremlin” According to this report “A giant pyramid which appears to be a UFO hovering over the Kremlin has caused frenzied speculation in Russia that it is an alien spacecraft. Two film clips exist which appear to show the same object and footage has been repeatedly playing on Russian television news channels.” “Nick Pope, a former Ministry of Defence UFO analyst, said it was "one of the most extraordinary UFO clips I've ever seen". When you click to the link below you will see a video of this UFO. I want to now repeat my warning about seeing signs in the heavens. More of these signs are coming.”


See full size image Now for some current news that is warning us a massive UFO display is coming on Oct. 13, 2010.

“Winnipeg, MB (PRWEB) September 13, 2010”

“A newly-published 352-page book by a retired Air Force officer, Stanley A. Fulham, tentatively predicts October 13, 2010 as the date for a massive UFO display over the world’s principal cities. According to the author, the aliens will neither land nor communicate on that date; they are aware from eons of experience with other planets in similar conditions their sudden intervention would cause fear and panic.

The book, Challenges of Change (3rd ed.), reports this event will be the initial interaction in a process leading to mankind’s acceptance of the alien reality and technologies for the removal of poisonous gases from the earth’s atmosphere in 2015, if not sooner.

The author draws upon his military experience with the UFO phenomenon dating back to WW2, and later, with NORAD and his subsequent life-long association with a senior NORAD intelligence officer who provided him a wealth of historical data relating to NORAD’s experience with the UFO/alien reality which has never been revealed to the public. In the military's view, as conveyed to and understood by Fulham, the public is not yet ready to accept an alien reality.

Fulham writes it is generally recognized UFOs function beyond our earth's physical laws, and has concluded answers to questions regarding who they are, where are they from, why are they here, are they a threat, and the mystery of abductions could only be found at a higher dimension of reality.

For more than a decade, through the services of a world renowned channeler, the author has communicated with an ethereal group of entities known as the Transcendors — 43,000 very old souls who combine their vast experience and knowledge through eons of incarnations, providing advice and information to humans in search of basic realities of mankind’s existence.”

Is is possible the world could see these space craft?  I believe the answer is yes but they will not be space man but rather satanic forces that will deceive people all over this planet who has refused Jesus as their Lord. I believe this is where this part of Christ’s warning comes in. “For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”


A very important part of the report tells us the author is a “renowned channeler”  Channelers are part of the New Age Movement, and it has nothing to do with the truth, the Bible, or with Jesus Christ.  The people who claim to be communicating with the dead or people from other worlds are under the influence of Satan and his deceptions. 

I am concerned that many who claim to know Jesus Christ will fall for this delusion because they did not know the Word of God and they did not keep on the watch, nor were they looking for Jesus blessed appearing.  I will say this again.  Watch the news because you will hear more news about UFO’s and because we are in the birth pains these signs will get closer and closer together. Be on your guard, dress today with the Lord’s armour so you will not be hit by Satan's tricks or delusions.

Now for for a lighter message from the field.  Today I went fishing with my Son Adam. Those who know me the best know I look for ever opportunity to lead the unsaved to Jesus Christ.  As soon as I walked on the pear I heard the music one of the fishers had playing on the radio.  It sounded like Christian music so I asked them are you Christians?  They relyed no why do you ask?  I told them because I thought the music you were listening to was from a Christian radio station.  One of the two people I was speaking to said I hate that type of music.  I then asked them if they had caught any fish.  One of the people showed me one fish they had caught and they were there fishing for a long time.  I then moved down from them a short distance and told them I will ask Jesus to send me the fish.   I pointed to the spot in the water which the Lord would send me the fish and I told the people next to me that is where the fish are.  They laughed, and they looked at me as if I was crazy, but I tossed my line in the water and said a pray asking Jesus to send me the fish.  By the way this is not a fish story it is the truth.

Standing next to me was another young man in his twenties.  After about 15 minutes I caught my fish good size fish.  They looked at me as I said thank you Jesus. I told the people to my left that there were more fish coming.  I tossed my line back in the water and again about 10 minutes later I got another fish, and the people walked over to me to get a look at the fish.  I made it known that I was blessed.  I tossed my line in again and again I caught another good size fish now the people are looking at me but were no longer laughing.  About this time the young man standing to my right said “man you are on fire”.  I told him I was blessed and had prayed to Jesus to send me the fish.  My Son Adam was now laughing because I was he and I were the only ones catching fish.  After about my 8th fish I had a chance to talk with the young man to my right.  We talked about fishing a little but before I left the dock I had a chance to tell him about my work for Christ and gave him my card which would bring him to my site so he could download my prophecy book for free.  After I gave him my card I caught one more fish.  By this time the people on the dock were probably wondering what happened. The young man said you were caught more fish then all of us today. I told him I was probably the only one on the dock who prayer to Jesus to send me the fish.  He took my card and I pray that what he saw today on the dock would encourage him to seek Jesus even when he is fishing, and I pray he will read the book and be lead to Christ for his salvation!  I praise Jesus for this day and the opportunity to be able to witness for him in the field.My Son Adam is a eye witnesses to these events.  What I have told you is the truth and I want you all to know that if you really seek Jesus in all things, He will answer your prayers.  From the start Jesus knew I was walking on that dock not to fish for the fish but for men.  I was blessed today by my Lord because I believed Jesus would help me point to Christ and that is exactly what happened.


Step to forming a One World Government/Social unrest/Luke 21:25 roaring seas and waves/War and rumors of war/What did Jesus show us about gold and silver in the end times?/Sept. 25, 2010

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

See full size image Since 1977 I have been warning people of the steps being taken which are leading us down the path to a One World Government. If you are new to prophecy you need to know that Jesus has shown us the Antichrist will control this New World Order. The Apostle Paul warns us that the Antichrist will in fact go before the world and tell the world that he is God and that everyone has to worship him as God, or as Jesus said in the scriptures above you will not be able to “buy or sell” anything unless you take the Antichrist’s mark.

Follow me on this. The tribulation is going to be for a period of seven years. Concerning the Antichrist we are told in II Thessalonians 2:4 the following: “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”  We know from the Prophet Daniel that this event Paul warns us about in II Thessalonians will take place exactly 3 1/2 years into the 7 year tribulation.  It will be at that time that this Antichrist will make his move to kill anyone who does not go along with his new One World World economic system and his control of everything which no doubt will include controlling the worldwide Net.  Think about this for a moment.  If you want to stop the spreading of Jesus Christ as savior of the world what better way to try and slow it down by knocking anyone off the Internet that is preaching Jesus Christ?  What about sites like mine where we warn people what is to come in the future based on the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments?  Governments around the world who are not Christian based nations are already trying to cut this type of information off the Internet.

I believe the actions that the President Obama is now taking is leading you down the road that will end up allowing the scenario to take place.  One of the latest moves in forming this One World Government is Obama giving away control of the Internet to some international body which the report below will explain. I will finish connecting the dots for you after you read the report.

“Now for the bad news: In an effort to show the world how inclusive, sharing, cooperative, and international America can be, the Obama administration set off on a plan to surrender control and key management of the Internet by the U.S. Department of Commerce and its agents. The key to the control America has over the Internet is through the management of the Domain Name System (DNS) and the giant servers that service the Internet. Domain names are managed through an entity named IANA, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. The IANA, which operates on behalf of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources. In short, without an IP Address or other essential Internet protocols, a person or entity would not have access to the Internet. For years, the international community has been pressuring the United States to surrender its control and management of the Internet. They want an international body such as the United Nations or even the International Telecommunications Union, (an entity that coordinates international telephone communications), to manage all aspects of the Internet in behalf of all nations.”

“America has always been against censorship and has shared its invention with the world without fee or unreasonable or arbitrary restriction. The user fee to operate on the Internet is not one paid to the U.S. government; a consumer pays it to private Internet companies, who provide access to the Internet through servers for their subscribers. Look no further than China's recent move against Google to censor the Internet, and you can envision what can happen when other nations less free than the United States seek to control the Internet beyond even their own borders. America needs to wake up. If we lose control over the management of the Internet, we have given away one of our nation's greatest assets with nothing in return to show for it.”

As I said, there is no doubt that anyone who says anything about Jesus Christ being the true Messiah of the world will be censored by the Antichrist, and this includes the worldwide web!  China gives us a great example of censorship of the Net. One of the reasons why they are censoring the Internet is the government doesn’t want China’s citizens to read the good news about Jesus Christ.  What do you think is going to happen when the global Internet is put in the hands of people who oppose Christianity?  I am sure once Obama hands over the control of the Net to a foreign body that you will see even more attacks on Christian sites. By Obama giving away this control all he is doing is making America even weaker than it is now. 

Let me show you what you should expect if you do not receive Jesus as your Lord now and you miss the rapture of the Church.  First of all without Jesus’ blood covering you for your sins you will be left behind to face the Antichrist and live in the 7 year tribulation.  If you are left behind I want you to picture the following.  One day you get up to check the internet and you find that every site that you were reading anything about Jesus Christ has become a blank screen. How knows, maybe there will be a message on the screen which says the real God is the Antichrist.  Of course the message won’t say Antichrist, but instead give his name.

The day is approaching fast where the Antichrist will have all the power to control the entire world and the Net may play a huge role in helping him control it.  When will these things happen?  Take a look at the world’s economic crisis.  It is getting worse and when America’s dollar dies the entire world is going to reel from her collapse, which will help bring on the new worldwide economic system that the Antichrist will take control of.

 Take a close look and you will see that it isn’t just the US that is in a major economic crisis but the European Union is also fighting against the same type of debt as the US. Things are getting worse and the news report below will give you an example of this.

“French authorities estimated nearly 1 million protesters filled the streets Thursday to try to force President Nicolas Sarkozy to drop his plan to raise the retirement age two years to 62, while strikes also disrupted airports, train stations and schools for the second time this month. The protest movement has been a big test for Sarkozy, who, like other European leaders, has struggled to convince his country of the need for cost-cutting and scaling back generous social benefits after the Greek debt crisis scared markets and sapped confidence in the entire 16-nation euro currency.” 

When you see the superpower nations currency ready to collapse you know that the new system that the Antichrist will control isn’t far behind!  Keep in mind in part of Matthew 24:7 Jesus warned about kingdom coming against kingdom. This of course is the social unrest which I believe we are just now seeing the birth pains of. As the world’s economic crisis gets worse you will see more social unrest than ever before and the 1 million protesters we just saw in France will be nothing compare to what is coming. 

I ask you know what is stopping you at this very minute from receiving Jesus as your Lord?  Whatever it is, it is coming from Satan. Today is the day of salvation! Why take the chance of missing the rapture of the Church and being cast into the 7 year tribulation when out of Jesus’ love for you, you can be saved in His arms right now.  There has to be a day where you are born again in Christ Jesus, why not this very minute?  Please watch my video at the end of this post and allow me the blessing to lead you to the feet of your savior Jesus Christ the Son of God and the only true God and Savior.


Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:25 Jesus told you to watch for the roaring of the seas and waves.  Take a look at what has happened just this year with all the huge storms that have displaced millions upon millions of people around the world.

  Once again we see more proof that Luke 21:25 is being fulfilled at a time when all the rest of the signs are also being fulfilled, and this is a major key to knowing our time here is coming to a close. Read Matthew 24:33 if you are new to my site which says, “Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.”

“Almost half of the population in Nigeria's central-northern Jigawa state has been displaced after authorities had to open floodgates on two swollen rivers. "We have about two million people affected," in a state which has 4.3 million people, Umar Kyari, the spokesman of Jigawa state, said on Friday. He said the flooding was caused after authorities opened floodgates of the Challawa and Tiga dams in neighbouring Kano state to avoid overflowing following heavy rains.”  Need I remind you what just happened to Pakistan?  Remember this headline? “One-fifth of Pakistan under water as flooding disaster continues”  Jesus told you that we would see complex problems in the last days. Read this scripture again. “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;”  In 2010 the many nations are now facing this distress, and the complex problems that the huge storms have brought on.  Millions are facing lack of food, they have no place to live, and this is coming at the worse possible time as nations are running out of money to provide for these millions of people. People are dying form lack of food and disease that have followed the flooding and these are also signs Jesus told us to watch for.  I say it again. What is holding you back from receiving Jesus as your savior right now?  Let it go and come to Him, let Him give you eternal life and Let Him give you the strength in these troubled times.  Jesus is coming for us and I pray you are one of His Children when He comes.  It would be my blessing to lead you to Christ. See video below.

Prophecy Sign: In many of my warnings I quote from Revelation chapter 18 where we see people will be weeping over their loss of gold and silver. I keep warning you to listen to Jesus on this because these metals are going to skyrocket which they are. Watch the video because they are talking about even higher prices in these metals.  I can agree with them because I know what is coming during the tribulation period and if Jesus warns you about these metals and people crying over their loss, it can only mean that the prices were so high that they are crying when it is taken away.  Keep watching the markets because these prices are going to climb like never before.

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:6 Jesus warned we would hear about wars and rumor of wars. Here is an example of what Jesus was addressing. The headline to the report is entitled, “North and South Korea on the brink of war, Russian diplomat warns”
North and South Korea are on the brink of war, a top Russian diplomat has warned, calling for both countries to exercise restraint and sit down for talks. “North and South Korea are on the brink of war, a top Russian diplomat has warned, calling for both countries to exercise restraint and sit down for talks.”

Jesus warning about the gold and silver are coming to pass!/War coming? The call for Peace and safety/Food prices climbing again/Sept. 24, 2010



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Photo: AFPKing Abdullah

On March 25, 2010 I gave you information as to what King Abdullah from Jordan had to say about Israel giving East Jerusalem back to the PLO.  These statements are important as they are leading up to the war which we are warned about in Psalm 83. Below is a warning I issued on March 25th.

Prophecy Sign:  Psalm 83 war. Jordan is one of the nations coming against Israel in the Psalm 83 war. “Israel is "playing with fire" in expanding Jewish settlements in annexed Arab east Jerusalem and attempting to alter the Holy City’s identity, Jordan’s King Abdullah II said on Thursday. "We have warned repeatedly that Israel is playing with fire, and Jordan rejects and condemns all measures aimed at changing the identity of Jerusalem and the displacement of its Christian and Muslim Arab population," the king said in an interview with Jordanian journalists. "East Jerusalem must be the capital of an independent Palestinian state which should be established as soon as possible.”

See full size image War is coming just as the Lord warned and the nations listed in that Psalm are the same nations telling everyone war is coming soon if a peace agreement isn’t laid down and if Israel doesn’t stop building on land the PLO considers their land.  Be is a statement that not only shows you that the call for Peace and safety is in fact being heard every week now, but also shows you that once again they are telling us war will break out between Israel and the Arabs by the new of 2010.  If you are new to my site you need to know that the Apostle Paul under the direction of Christ warned that we would hear that call for Peace and safety and that would be the time sudden destruction would come, see 1 Thessalons. 5:3.  Will that sudden destruction take place by the end of 2010 and lead to the fulfillment of the Psalm 83 war, the destruction of Syria and their Capital Damascus and cause the set up for the Ezekiel war that will follow the Psalm war?  I would say by the signs of the times there is a good chance this may happen, but we will have to keep on the watch and see.

See full size image I now quote news from today on this issue. “WASHINGTON – Several hours after describing what Israel and the Palestinians are expected to gain from peace in his UN General Assembly address, Jordan’s King Abdullah warned Thursday night that if the settlement construction freeze issue would not be solved, a violent conflict could break out by the end of 2010. "If we don’t get past the 30th, which shows sincerity that the Israelis and Palestinians are going to move forward," expect a war by the end of the year, the Jordanian king told Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. He expressed his fear that dealing with the settlements instead of solving the core issues would harm the peace talks. People are waiting for us to fail, he said, in order to tell us there is no chance for a dialogue with Israel and violence is the only way.”,7340,L-3959234,00.html


If you are new to my site you will need to know exactly what nations will be involved in the Psalm 83 war against Israel. Those nation and w
here they come from are listed below for you.


Keep in mind, this sudden destruction is to come when they are calling for Peace and Safety. Just to prove to you that Christ’s’ warning concerning this prophecy is taking place take a look at the video below and watch how many world leaders are saying the exact statement in which Jesus told us we would hear.  This is no coincidence but a warning from Christ Jesus to come to Him for salvation before the Church is removed to safety in the arms of our Lord.

 Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"  We know from this warning that the price of food will be so high during the tribulation period that a person will have to work all day long just to buy a very small amount of wheat or barley. The prices are going up and up and they like the other signs of the last days are the birth pain signs.  There are many reasons why the prices are climbing and some of the reasons are explained in the report below. 

“Recent sharp rises in food prices do not point to a repeat of the food price spike in 2007-8, a UN conference has been told. An extraordinary meeting of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome heard that global conditions had changed. The overall harvest in 2010 could also be the third highest on record, delegates were told. The meeting was called after grain prices hit a two-year high. The FAO’s top grain expert, Abdolreza Abbassian, said "there is always concern" about important food security crops such as wheat or rice. "I don’t want to undermine that," he said. "However, the spillover effects are nothing like we had in 2007-8, because a lot of other conditions that we had in 2007-8 which led to that sort of situation fortunately are not present." The rise in prices then was the first sign that things had gone badly wrong in the global economy, heralding the worst financial meltdown since the 1930s. This week’s extraordinary meeting was called after the price of grain hit a two-year high at a time of year when the harvest in the northern hemisphere should be pushing prices down.”

Many of you may have missed this report on the riseing food prices, and you need to read this because is more proof Jesus’ warnings need to be taken to heart. “There is fear in drought-stricken Russia where the price of some essential food products soared 30% in August, but though the heat is on to make the government intervene it is dragging its heels. Under Russian trade law, the government is free to do so if prices rise by 30% in 30 days, so in theory it could introduce a maximum price of a food product in any region of the country for 90 days. Take the price of buckwheat, an extremely popular meal among Russians. Its price rose by between 30% and 84% in almost half of Russia’s regions, according to the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development.”

  If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus said you must be born again.  Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

See full size image "Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in Christ Jesus. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Doing my best to keep you informed while away/Sept. 23, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Many of you are in Churchs which the pastor doesn't keep your Church informed as to what is happening in prophecy.  If a pastor reads the entire Bible he has to know that Jesus stated over and over again to keep on the watch!  It is part of a pastors job as head of the Lord's flock to keep watch and let the people know just how close we are to Jesus' second coming.  Being part of the Calvary Chapel Church I can post Pastor Farag's video,  because not only do I know his teaching is the same as mine, but I know it is sound doctrine based on the Word of God. Pastor Farag does the same thing I do in keeping his Church informed on Bible prophecy and current events only he does it on Sunday's while the entire Church is together. Since I am forced to take time off to battle with the devil, I wanted to post Pastor Farag's recent up-date.  He is a man of God and I know you will be greatful to him for posting his update. I thank the Lord I can use his work to help get the word out. For those of you who have been with me for any length of time you will think it is Frank teaching in a different body, that's how close Pastor Farag and I are in our prophecy updates.  

For those who have been waiting for me to return, I will be posting in full force by Tuesday. I miss you all.


Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 we see Jesus warn us about famines that will come in the last days. When you read Rev. 7:16 you will see that droughts have caused many hardships.  What causes droughts?  For one thing, the Sun's intense heat!  Read what Jesus said, "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat."  When you read the report below you will see Syria is fighting the same things that Jesus points to.

"DAMASCUS, Syria, Sept. 10 (UPI) — Lingering drought in parts of Syria is having an impact on food security and leaving millions of people in a state of extreme poverty, the United Nations said. Syria has suffered from drought for four consecutive years. Selly Muzammil, a representative from the World Food Program, told the U.N. humanitarian news agency IRIN that the "situation is really bad."The Food and Agriculture Organization in June said the drought in Syria had ended but blamed sporadic rainfall on crop failures. Other U.N. agencies were divided over the status of the drought."


The President of the US is not only trying to divide Israel into a two State nation and give away East Jerusalem to the PLO which has caused the US to fall under God's curse in Gen. 12:3 but, Obama shows us some things about his belief as he leaves out something very important in his recent speech as you will see when you watch the video below.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 is the sign of many earthquakes and "great earthquakes" While away I haven't been able to keep you up-dated on earthquakes.  Here is a list of the ones this past week.  Also, keep in mind the big ones are going to hit again soon as this sign is part of the birth pains and therefore we know the quakes will get much stronger as well.

MAP  5.5   2010/09/23 12:53:09    -5.910    151.656  40.0   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.6   2010/09/23 05:28:36    52.232    179.779  171.1   RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP  5.0   2010/09/23 03:53:30    52.465   -172.822  90.9   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA

MAP  5.9   2010/09/22 08:00:14   -13.364    -76.048  48.8   NEAR THE COAST OF CENTRAL PERU

MAP  5.0   2010/09/21 19:26:08    28.739    142.602  34.5   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.1   2010/09/21 14:42:12    15.922    -94.908  52.9   OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO

MAP  5.4   2010/09/20 05:42:57   -33.700    -72.041  28.9   OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE

MAP  5.0   2010/09/19 15:03:28    -6.218    147.666  52.7   EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.4   2010/09/19 11:51:55    22.990    144.416  35.0   VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/09/19 09:43:16    10.741    141.760  35.7   STATE OF YAP, FED. STATES OF MICRONESIA

MAP  5.0   2010/09/18 14:29:14   -17.331   -178.851  524.0   FIJI REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/09/18 06:08:19   -20.105    66.269  10.2   MAURITIUS – REUNION REGION
MAP  5.2   2010/09/18 03:41:08    -5.613    147.975  30.3   EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

MAP  5.0   2010/09/17 23:12:25    45.366    150.503  41.0   KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  5.2   2010/09/17 19:34:10    3.727    126.655  66.3   KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA
MAP  6.2   2010/09/17 19:21:15    36.438    70.787  220.4   HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
MAP  5.3   2010/09/17 03:25:29   -21.566    -67.054  168.1   POTOSI, BOLIVIA

MAP  5.1   2010/09/16 15:27:27    9.821    -84.863  25.2   COSTA RICA

Speaking about the warning of birth pains read this news with the headlines as follows: "Next Israel-Hezbollah war will be worse, says U.S. analyst" Research published by Washington Institute for Near East Policy says future Israel-Hezbollah war would likely draw in Iran and cover much of Lebanon, Israel and probably Syria." 

I and Pastor Farag have warned you about the Psalm 83 war and we both agree that Syria will be taken out before the Ezekiel war.  I for one think it will be during the Psalm 83 war that Syria will be left in ruins.  In any case this war is coming faster than most people think.


Increased in Knowledge/Sept. 22, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

I hope to be back in full swing again on Tuesday. Thank you all for praying for us as we do see Jesus working via those prayers.

Prophecy Sign: In Daniel 12:4 the Lord told Daniel our generation would be known for their increase in knowledge.  This videoes will provide you with some facts that show you how fast this generation has gained in knowledge just as the Lord had warned.  The first one was made in 2008 and the second in 2009.


Prophecy Sign: This generation has gained more knowledge than any generation in the history of man!  Not only has God fuliflled Daniel 12:4 but our increased in knowledge is also bringing on another major prophecy found in Revelation 13:16-17. This is the prophecy in which Jesus shows us one man (the Antichrist), will control the world's economy.  This evil man will try to force his mark on everyone on this planet. Without this mark you will not be able to buy or sell anything!  Steps have been taken which are moving toward this cashless society in which at the end of the day the Antichrist will control. In my book I show you the steps taking us to this new cashless society.  The report you will read below is another one of the signs showing us this cashless society in making progress."

The move toward a cashless society is accelerating in Sweden as plastic payments become the norm and various government officials, unions, and high-profile Swedes push for a ban on cash, supposedly to reduce robberies. But opposition to the proposal is mounting as well. Swedish buses have already stopped accepting cash after a series of robberies. Commuters must now pay at a separate store before getting on the bus, or use a cell phone. The next targets for the anti-cash movement are banks and retailers. When asked about a retail cash ban, Swedish Work Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljverket) boss Mikael Sjberg refused to rule out the possibility. "It just depends on how risky the situation is. We have very extensive possibilities to explore," he told a Swedish labor union publication cited by, an English news service in Sweden. "It is not acceptable that people go to work in fear and concerned that they could be subject to a robbery,” said Sjberg. A spokesman for the Work Environment Authority, Bernt Nilsson, acknowledged that it would take at least several more years to prepare the transition. But progress is being made. Numerous Swedish officials have also been busy demonizing cash, attempting to link it with criminality, the black market, the “shadow” economy, and thieves. And so, pressure is building to do something about it.  Unions are also helping to lead the charge toward a cashless Sweden. "If we can reduce the amount of cash in the banks and in society in general, robberies will also be reduced," Marie Look with the Swedish bank workers' union told the BBCfor a recent article." 

Remember what you have read here today because if you do not have Jesus as your Lord and savior you will see this new system and you will be confronted by the  America's economic system is falling apart and it will play a major role in help bringing on this new worldwide systlem

Since the US will be that major role look at what is happening, which the videos.



For years I have been following the news to relay to you events that prove Jesus' words concerning the New World Order that is coming.  Nations have been pushing for this new system and here is an example of this. Watch the video.

Prophecy Sign: It has been some time since I gave you news pointing to the next Middle East war.  I have issued countless warnings from God's word show you the next conflict could bring on the war found in Psalm 83.  Iran just may be the spark that kicks off the next war.  A report out this week with the headlines, "Israel: No choice but to attack Iran "paints a pretty clear picture what Israel is going to have to do if none of the UN nations get Iran to halt their quest for the nuclear bomb that Iran's President has said he would use against Israel.

I quote, "Israeli officials are becoming increasingly frustrated by the international community’s foot-dragging regarding Iran’s defiant nuclear program. Sanctions are having almost no impact, and there is no credible threat of force. For most Israelis, it seems the world has accepted a nuclear-armed Iran as a foregone conclusion. Speaking at a counter-terrorism conference at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya on Sunday, former Mossad chief Danny Yatom said that if NATO or some other coalition of air forces would attack even just some of Iran’s nuclear facilities, it could buy plenty of time to ultimately prevent the Islamic Republic from obtaining atomic weapons. “If the modern air forces led by the United States mobilize their capabilities it is possible, if not to completely remove the threat, at least to delay it for years to come,” said Yatom. But Europe and the Obama Administration have signaled they have absolutely no intention of using force to stop Iran, and so Israel must retain the right to self-defense. “Figure out for yourselves what that means,” Yatom told his audience."


Be back on Monday

Sorry I have to be away from posting. I will begin posting again on Monday. Please pray for my Son Adam as the Lord's enemy is really doing a number on my Son. It has taken a toll on my Son and on both of our ministries.


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

The Lord has made me a watchmen for His people and Jesus knows I am pouring out my heart to Him for you all. Sept. 17, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

1"The word of the LORD came to me: 2 "Son of man, speak to your countrymen and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, 3 and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, 4 then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not take warning and the sword comes and takes his life, his blood will be on his own head."  Ezekiel 33:1-4

7 "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me." 

I truly believe that the door to the Ark of Salvation is about to close and God’s judgment is soon going to fall on this unbelieving world.  As much as I look forward to going home to be with God and Jesus and my brothers and sisters in Christ and the multitude of heavenly angels, that is not why I’m saying this.   All we have to do is open our eyes and take a look around us and it’s obvious that something is happening and is about to happen.  God is bringing His sword of judgment to the world.  It’s coming!

6"So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled. 7For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. 8But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. 9For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.  10He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 11Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."  – 1 Thess 5:6-11

I was originally going to send you some more information on what is going on with the Muslims that you may not have but today’s event in New York City coupled with the hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean and the peace talks have changed all that.  And this in itself is PROOF that God’s judgment is on it’s way!  The birth pangs are increasing even as we speak and it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with all of them.   What is taking place now is bigger than just the Muslim situation.  It’s a culmination of all of the signs that we are seeing.  God is making Himself visible through these signs and He’s trying to get people’s attention that their time is running out.  God isn’t willing that ANY should perish but that EVERYBODY would come to salvation through Jesus Christ.  God is not only giving warning to the lost that time is short but He’s also pouring out His Spirit through these signs to wake us Christians up to the fact that the time is near and we need to blow our trumpets and give warning to what’s about to happen! 

I resurrected an article today that backs up our warnings to you and I have been telling people for quite some time now, (these are the signs – or birth pains and yes Jesus is showing us they are increasing.  The reason I brought this article back to the forefront is because of something this wonderful Sister in the Lord wrote and I quote, "These are only a few examples of the world-wide extreme weather and natural disasters occurring simultaneously around the globe today. Words and phrases such as ‘unprecedented’, ‘never before in living memory’ are now common, and describe many of these events, and one has to wonder, what on earth is going on?"   And also, "The signs we are seeing  now serve as a wake up call that the Tribulation time of judgment is coming, and for all to examine their own walk with God. Prior to the Tribulation, there will be a  rapture to Heaven, of all those who are the LORD’s  followers now on earth- all those who place complete faith in Jesus Christ – and that could occur at any time."

First time in 84 Years: 2 strong hurricanes swirl in Atlantic  -  Sept 16, 2010

Indonesian Volcano erupts after 400 years

One dead as severe storm sweeps through NYC – these types of storms are unheard of in this area…just like the snowstorms last winter that hit here

Locust plague threatens Australia’s Melbourne Cup Race  -  and we’ve had HOW MANY plagues in the past few months???
I’m not going to hit the Muslim topic as hard as I had originally intended.  It was going to be the main topic of this letter tonight.  There is alot going on with it and I believe that this is also a part of the judgement that God is bringing on the world scene….or at least He’s allowing it to happen and this is why we’re seeing so much written and said about it worldwide.  I believe that Sharia Law will be the law of the land when the AC takes over or at least it will be at the halfway point when he sets himself up in the Temple. 
The last point I wanted to make is that these peace talks are different than all the others.  This is the first time that we have had played su
ch a strong role in them and I really don’t believe that Obama and Hillary and the EU will allow them to fail.

U.S. wants settlement freeze extended

E.U. leaders to urge Israel:  Renew settlement freeze

I am sending up the red flag.

Watch the storms headed for the US in the next two weeks. Since the US is really pushing at Israel to give in to the PLO demands I believe America is being set up for another round of God’s curse for trying to divide up Israel and for messing around with the Lord’s Holy City of Jerusalem. Read Genesis 12:2-3, Joel 3:2, and Zechariah 12:3 to understand what God has warned for those who come against the Jews.

There are some who believe the idea that somehow and some way Obama and Hillary and the world are going to find a way to keep these peace talks moving. Some believe won’t  will allow them to break off from the talks.  They are already coming up with ideas on how to get around the building freeze issue such as asking for a compromise (this is negotiating) for an extra 3 months and I think that it may or may not happen.  Netanyahu has his back against the wall.  He would never extend it for another 10 months but I think that he might survive if it’s only another 3 months – or 12 weeks.  Today it was even reported that there are some who think that an agreement can be reached in 6 months.  However in light of what Paul warned concerning the sudden destruction that will come while they are calling for Peace and safety I lean against this idea. But the further these discussions continue the more likely that Hamas or somebody else will make an attempt to start a war or something along that line to disrupt the discussions.  Maybe this is where the destruction comes in to play.   Maybe it will be the continuation of these peace talks that will usher in the destruction and not necessarily breaking them off which is what Hamas and Iran and the Islamic extremists want.  Guess we’ll find out soon enough. 

The further these talks progress and the more land that is talked about trading hands the more judgment we’re going to see.  God’s mighty sword is coming and we’re beginning to see the signs of it.   I think that these talks may progress to the point where at some point in the not too distant future the Antichrist will finally step in and put his finishing touches on the whole thing and it will be a done deal.  It very well could be after a war that may come about as a result of these discussions that the Antichrist makes his entrance.  All in God’s perfect timing.

(No title)


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material. 


If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at fjdimora@gmail.comJesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.


If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Sept. 16, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material. 

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

I am sorry about the foremat but I am away from my own computer and this is the best I can do while I don't have my own computer.  Bare with me while I am in the field spreading God's grace on those who Jesus is sending me. 
The news you are about to read is news I have been warning you about for some time. I have warned you watch for news showing America is in a decline in power and this in part is taking place because our world is getting ready to bring on the last world power Jesus and the Prophet Daniel warned about.  I truly believe the curse from Genesis 12:2-3 has fallen on America and as long as the US works to divide Israel you will see the US slip deeper and deeper from power. This is only the beginning of things to come.
Number of Americans in poverty jumps to 43.6M; working-age poor at highest level since 1960s
LOS ANGELES — Lenders took back more homes in August than in any month since the start of the U.S. mortgage crisis. The increase in home repossessions came even as the number of properties entering the foreclosure process slowed for the seventh month in a row, foreclosure listing firm RealtyTrac Inc. said Thursday. In all, banks repossessed 95,364 properties last month, up 3 percent from July and an increase of 25 percent from August 2009, RealtyTrac said. August makes the ninth month in a row that the pace of homes lost to foreclosure has increased on an annual basis. The previous high was in May. Banks have been stepping up repossessions to clear out their backlog of bad loans with an eye on eventually placing the foreclosed properties on the market, but they can’t afford to simply dump the properties on the market. Concerns are growing that the housing market recovery could stumble amid stubbornly high unemployment, a sluggish economy and faltering consumer confidence. U.S. home sales have collapsed since federal homebuyer tax credits expired in April.

US 'sees world influence declining' amid economic woe

The US as a world leader

There has been a sharp rise in the number of Americans who believe the US role as a world leader is on the decline, a survey suggests. The proportion of those saying the US is playing a less pow­erful global role than 10 years ago has risen from 17% in 2002 to 37%, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs said. A third of 2,717 respondants said the US would be the top world power 2060. The gloom is put down to economic woes at home and weariness of foreign wars. "After nine years of difficult wars and the greatest financial crisis since the 1930s, Americans want to focus on the home front and be more selective in the application of US influence and resources abroad," Chicago Council President Marshall M Bouton said in a statement.

Jesus has told us our generation would be known as the drug generation and we are witnessing first hand how this has come to pass. Read Rev. 9:21 

updated 9/16/2010 8:22:04 PM ET The rate of illegal drug use rose last year to the highest level in nearly a decade, fueled by a sharp increase in marijuana use and a surge in ecstasy and methamphetamine abuse, the government reported Wednesday. Gil Kerlikowske, the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, called the 9 percent increase in drug use disappointing but said he was not surprised given "eroding attitudes" about the perception of harm from illegal drugs and the growing number of states approving medicinal marijuana."I think all of the attention and the focus of calling marijuana medicine has sent the absolute wrong message to our young people," Kerlikowske said in an interview. The annual report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration found marijuana use rose by 8 percent and remained the most commonly used drug.

Jesus shows us in Rev. 13:16-17 that the Antichrist will control the world and the economy of the planet. We know this because no one will be able to buy or sell anything without the Antichrists mark. The Antichrist will have the means to track people and we are seeing all types of systems coming into place that will no doubt help him keep track of people.

During a keynote at the first INTERPOL Information Security Conference, co-hosted by the world police body and Hong Kong Police, INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble called for law enforcement worldwide to develop an international identity verification system. “Considering the anonymity of cyberspace, cybercrime may in fact be one of the most dangerous criminal threats ever. A vital component in fighting transnational crime must therefore include the policing of information security and the provision of secure communication channels for police worldwide based on common standards,” said Noble.

Jesus warned the world would come against Him and those who follow His teaching in the last days. Here is some news concerning this issue. Keep in mind, this is only the tip of the iceburg.
ROSWELL, N.M. (AP) — About 200 members of a Roswell church are protesting discipline against students who tried to leave doughnuts with religious messages for their teachers.Members of Church on the Move said at Tuesday's Roswell school board meeting that the students faced suspension and detention for leaving doughnuts in teachers' lounges Sept. 3. Parent Sheila Bejarano said her 16-year-old son received a weekend detention. "My son was showing kindness … and he was punished? What did my child do that was so wrong?" she asked. Church officials said about 25 students tried to distribute doughnuts.

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Indonesian Church Leaders Wounded in Attack

The Rev. Luspida Simanjuntak is treated at a hospital after Sunday's attack, in which an elder of her church was stabbed.
The Rev. Luspida Simanjuntak is treated at a hospital after Sunday's attack, in which an elder of her church was stabbed. (Photo: Compass)
Elder remains in critical condition after being stabbed in heart, stomach. An elder of a West Java church that Muslim groups attacked last month remains in critical condition after a motorcyclist stabbed him in the heart and stomach on his way to a service on Sunday (Sept. 12), according to Theophilus Bela, president of the Jakarta Christian Communication Forum. Hasian Sihombing of Batak Christian Protestant Church (Huria Kristen Batak Protestan, or HKBP) sustained a wound to his heart of three centimeters. Also injured in the attack was the Rev. Luspida Simanjuntak, struck with a wooden block on her back, head and face by another motorcyclist when she tried to help Sihombing. Simanjuntak, who suffered dizziness after the attack, was still weak and receiving hospital treatment along with Sihombing at Mitra Keluarga Hospital Bekasi Timur, Bela stated in an e-mail advisory today.

Watch for the peace process to cave again as Paul warned sudden destruction would come while we hear the call for Peace and safety. The Hamas is working to kill the peace talks.

Hamas has made a film showing the imagined destruction of Israel.The terrorist organisation chose the launch of the second stage of the revived peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians to release the video. "Apocalypse Tomorrow", created by Hamas operatives, has had more than 45,000 views. It depicts Israeli sites such as the Supreme Court falling to missile attacks and the streets of Tel Aviv laid to waste.A Palestinian says: “Inshallah, the Jihad will take back the homeland", while students tell a teacher they want to join the fight for “liberation”. Towards the end of the footage cars waving Palestinian flags drive triumphantly down a main road in Tel Aviv and a Hamas presenter takes a seat on an Israeli news channel. Hamas has vowed to launch concerted attacks on Israel to ensure the peace talks do not succeed.

More news for Rev. 13:16-17

Biometrics are being used more frequently on campus for access to high-security areas, says David Stallsmith, director of product marketing at ColorID. Data centers, animal labs and for securing nuclear material used in medical facilities are the areas where two-factor authentication, a card and biometric, are being used.  Stallsmith also says that the “ick” factor around biometrics is declining as campuses and individuals realize that the identification technology offers greater security. As for modalities, iris is growing in popularity and fingerprint is also popular.

Once again I am sorry for the foremat. 

Peace and safety talks breaking down/Sept. 16, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, left, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meet in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Thursday, Sept.  Prophecy Sign: Yesterday I wrote to you about what may cause the Psalm 83 war to begin. One of the three things I cited yesterday was if the Middle East peace process breaks down, that could lead to war.  Today’s news shows us that the peace process is failing again and the report report below will tell you why.


RAMALLAH, West Bank – Offering a positive note after two days of inconclusive Mideast peace negotiations, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday he sees no alternative to continuing the talks in search of a peace deal with Israel.

His comments came as Israel was coming under increasing pressure Thursday to extend its curb on Jewish settlement construction in the West Bank beyond the end of this month, and aides to Abbas suggested their might be movement toward a compromise on that issue.

Abbas had said previously that the talks could not survive if the Israeli building restrictions were lifted as planned.

"We all know there is no alternative to peace through negotiations, so we have no alternative other than to continue these efforts," Abbas said Thursday, speaking through an interpreter during a welcoming ceremony for visiting U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The United States has been encouraging Israel to extend its West Bank building limits. Egypt’s leader said he urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to extend the restrictions for three more months to give peacemaking a chance.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said he told Netanyahu the delay could give the two sides time to draft their future borders. After those lines are agreed, Mubarak reasoned, Israel can build within its future borders and the Palestinians within theirs.

His comments were carried in excerpts from an upcoming interview broadcast on Israel Radio.

Netanyahu’s office said Thursday that Israel doesn’t plan to extend the building limits currently in place and due to expire in late September. Netanyahu has indicated, however, that some restrictions would be applied after that.”

I really feel that the sudden destruction Paul warned us about in 1 Thess. 5:3 is very close at hand.