Is the sign of disease upon us?/Peace and safety labor pains/ signs of war and rumor of war/Nov. 3, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


I will be working on my book today so today’s post will be short. I am trying to balance my ministry but it is getting harder and harder to do as we are seeing so much happening with the last days signs.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Jesus lists many signs to watch for.  One of these signs is diseases. The year 2010 was ushered in with more news about these weird diseases, and many of these diseases are what they call “super bugs”. On April 16, 2010 ran a report entitled, “Superbug's latest target: Maine lobstermen”. “A strain of a drug-resistant skin disease that has afflicted sports teams, prisons and military units is now proving a persistent pest among lobstermen and their families on a Maine island. Over the past two summers, more than 30 people on Vinalhaven have come down with painful and persistent skin infections that required repeated treatments with intravenous antibiotics for some of the victims”. The report also stated that “Hospitals have been dealing with infections caused by the "superbug" for 30 years, said Nicole Coffin of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Community-acquired MRSA, the strain that's making the rounds in Vinalhaven, tends just to cause skin lesions, Coffin said. Left untreated, however, they, too, can become deadly”

I quote, “A potentially deadly strain of fungus is spreading among animals and people in the northwestern United States and the Canadian province of British Columbia, researchers reported on Thursday. The airborne fungus, called Cryptococcus gattii, usually only infects transplant and AIDS patients and people with otherwise compromised immune systems, but the new strain is genetically different, the researchers said. "This novel fungus is worrisome because it appears to be a threat to otherwise healthy people," said Edmond Byrnes of Duke University in North Carolina, who led the study. "The findings presented here document that the outbreak of C. gattii in Western North America is continuing to expand throughout this temperate region," the researchers said in their report” (Reuters April 22, 2010).

“A new superbug could spread around the world after reaching Britain from India – in part because of medical tourism – and scientists say there are almost no drugs to treat it. Researchers said on Wednesday they had found a new gene called New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase, or NDM-1, in patients in South Asia and in Britain. NDM-1 makes bacteria highly resistant to almost all antibiotics, including the most powerful class called carbapenems, and experts say there are no new drugs on the horizon to tackle it. With international travel in search of cheaper healthcare increasing, particularly for procedures such as cosmetic surgery, Timothy Walsh, who led the study, said he feared the new superbug could soon spread across the globe” (Fox News Aug. 11, 2010).

Another report was filed by on September 1, 2010 with the following headline: “Is C. Diff The New 'Superbug'? U.Va. Expert Is Available For Interviews”. I quote, “It is estimated that approximately 500,000 infections caused by Clostridium difficile occur in hospitals in the United States each year. And, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, C. diff infection rates are on the rise throughout the U.S., with emerging antibiotic-resistant strains and increased mortality rates. Additionally, the infection is taking longer to resolve, with many patients experiencing multiple relapses and requiring prolonged treatment, as noted in an Aug. 24 story in the Washington Post” (Sept. 1, 2010).

“An infectious-disease nightmare is unfolding: Bacteria that have been made resistant to nearly all antibiotics by an alarming new gene have sickened people in three states and are popping up all over the world, health officials reported Monday. The U.S. cases and two others in Canada all involve people who had recently received medical care in India, where the problem is widespread. A British medical journal revealed the risk last month in an article describing dozens of cases in Britain in people who had gone to India for medical procedures. How many deaths the gene may have caused is unknown; there is no central tracking of such cases. So far, the gene has mostly been found in bacteria that cause gut or urinary infections. Scientists have long feared this — a very adaptable gene that hitches onto many types of common germs and confers broad drug resistance, creating dangerous "superbugs" (Yahoo News Sept 13, 2010).

“More than 90,000 Americans get potentially deadly infections each year from a drug-resistant staph “superbug,” the government reported Tuesday in its first overall estimate of invasive disease caused by the germ. Deaths tied to these infections may exceed those caused by AIDS, said one public health expert commenting on the new study. The report shows just how far one form of the staph germ has spread beyond its traditional hospital setting. The overall incidence rate was about 32 invasive infections per 100,000 people. That’s an “astounding” figure, said an editorial in Wednesday’s Journal of the American Medical Association, which published the study. Most drug-resistant staph cases are mild skin infections. But this study focused on invasive infections — those that enter the bloodstream or destroy flesh and can turn deadly” ( Oct. 16, 2010).

There have been other diseases affecting thousands around the world in 2010, here are some examples of diseases that are not considered superbug diseases. “A disease whose progression and symptoms seem straight out of a horror movie but which can be treated has killed at least 20 Ugandans and sickened more than 20,000 in just two months. Jiggers, small insects which look like fleas, are the culprits in the epidemic which causes parts of the body to rot. They often enter through the feet. Once inside a person's body, they suck the blood, grow and breed, multiplying by the hundreds. Affected body parts — buttocks, lips, even eyelids — rot away” ( Oct. 22, 2010).

On October 8, 2010 the World Health Organization provided us with information on the cholera disease in Central Africa. “The current wave of cholera outbreaks affecting Central Africa started a few months ago. As of 3 October, 40 468 cases and 1 879 deaths have been reported in four countries (Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria)” Since October, this disease has surfaced in many nations.

On October 25, 2010 the World Health Organization gave us information on the Cholera disease in Pakistan. “I quote, “On 12 October 2010, the Ministry of Health in Pakistan reported laboratory confirmation of 99 cases of Vibrio cholera 01 in the country. These cases were laboratory-confirmed by the National Institute of Health since the beginning of the flood until 30 September 2010. These cases have been reported sporadically from a wide geographical area in the flood-affected provinces of Sindh, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.”


“Cholera has killed more than 1,500 people and infected nearly 40,000 in Nigeria in the country's worst outbreak for nearly two decades, the UN has warned. The lethal waterborne disease has spread to Nigeria's west African neighbours Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Benin, where it has thrived because of severe rains and flooding. According to UN figures, 1,555 people have died from cholera in Nigeria since January and 38,173 cases have been reported. The figure is more than four times the death toll the government reported in August” ( Oct. 26, 2010). On October 27, 2010 another report on another cholera outbreak was released by “A top United Nations health official say the cholera outbreak in Haiti has not been contained, and is yet to reach its peak. The warning came Wednesday from Claire-Lise Chaignat, who heads the World Health Organization's cholera control task force.  The U.N. agency says more than 3,600 people have contracted cholera in Haiti, and as of late Tuesday, 284 have died from it”

Life as we know it has been changing before our eyes. Our planet is getting more and more difficult to live on, but it isn't just people who are groaning for the return of Jesus. The Bible tells us planet Earth is also waiting for the Savior to restore a very troubled world. "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time" (Romans 8:22). We are approaching the second coming of Christ. In the simple words recorded by Paul the Apostle, we understand the earth itself would experience major troubles in the end times. As time goes on, expect to hear more reports such as the ones you read in this chapter. They are signs of the birth pangs, and they are signs you should get ready to meet the Savior soon. When Jesus was here the first time, the Pharisees and Sadducees, who were the religious leaders of His day, asked Jesus to show them a sign from heaven. This is what Jesus said. "He replied, ‘When evening comes, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,' and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah’" (Matthew 16:2-4a). Jesus was displeased with the religious leaders of His time because every sign for His first coming was written down for them already in the Scriptures. However, they were blind to the signs, or they just plainly refused to believe Him.


Today is the last day to help me help my friend Heidi and her family. Please vote for her creation that she sent in for this contest. Heidi was even in votes yesterday, but as of now she is behind 60 votes. We can help her win this if you only take a few seconds to vote. Click to the blue link below. When you see the picture below look to the right, you will see a vote sign. Call your friends and ask them to do you a favor and vote for her. Please!


Recycled Denim Coasters and Table Setting Mat This is the picture of Heidi’s creation at the contest site.




Prophecy Sign:1 Thessalonians 5:3 “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

 PM: We won't allow an Iranian state in the West Bank At the present time Israel is going through the peace talks labor pains the Apostle Paul warned us about.  Over the years we have seen these talks begin and end over and over again. Every time the talks failed there is a threat of war, and we just received more of the same out of the Middle East.  “Direct Israeli-Palestinian talks, interrupted in September after less than a week, will resume in January, 2011 straight after the New Year, following a quiet deal between the US, Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, debkafile's Washington sources disclose. Obama administration officials while admitting that two months is a long time in the Middle East are upbeat after four developments swept aside the last roadblocks: 1. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to a second settlement construction freeze on a limited scale. The first 10-month moratorium ran out in September. Washington sources declined to say whether the second freeze was total or partial and what exceptions were allowed to enable Netanyahu to get a decision through his security cabinet.”’s


While Israel is making plans to sit down with the PLO to try and work out a new peace deal, we see shades of the second half of Paul’s warning lurking in the back ground via the Hizballah.


See full size image“Hizballah last Thursday, Oct. 28, conducted a command exercise in all parts of Lebanon to test its armed militia's readiness for what its leaders called "zero hour" i.e. asserting its grip on Lebanon and "cornering" Prime Minister Saad Hariri. debkafile's military sources report the exercise took all day and led up to the sabre-rattling speech delivered by Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah that night, which was interpreted by all Lebanese factions interpreted as a declaration of war on their government and the prologue to heating up the border with Israel.  All you have to do is read Paul’s warning and you will know the peace talks will end up with sudden destruction.  What now appears to be happening is another short rest period in the labor pains until the first of the year. In the mean time I am sure will see some conflicts in Lebanon as to who will take control of the entire country.  Keep in mind, Psalm 83 tells us Lebanon will be one of the nations who attack Israel.  This information alone tells us a lot as to who will control Lebanon in the last days. Lebanon has already been labled an Iran satellite nation, and Iran has pledged to wipe Israel off the map, so what does that show you?

Speaking about the rumors of war and Iran read this. “A former member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, the elite military force that keeps the regime in power, has warned that if Iran succeeds in building nuclear weapons, its leaders will not hesitate to use them against Israel, the Persian Gulf states and even Europe. Speaking to Israel National Radio, the man explained that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the nation’s spiritual dictators are committed to ushering in the chaos and havoc called for in the last hadith (Islamic commentaries on Mohammed’s teachings and actions). Out of that chaos, the hadith teaches that the Imam Mahdi, an Islamic messianic figure, will emerge. The man, who spoke from an undisclosed location and used a phony name to protect himself and his family, said that many Iranians like him had become totally disillusioned with their nation’s Islamic regime, and would welcome the help of Israel or any other nation in overthrowing it.”

We know for sure there will be war between Iran and Israel in the near future because Ezekiel chapter 38 tells us Iran will be one of the nations that will try to wipe Israel off the map with Russia.

 As long as I am on the topic of Russia take a look at what Russia is doing in the Middle East in a report entitled: “Russian weapons shifting balance of forces in Middle East Israel’s MI chief”. “Military cooperation between Moscow and Damascus is shifting the balance of forces in the Middle East "back to the '70's," when Israel was close to being defeated by Syria, outgoing chief of Israel's military intelligence said. Israeli media quote Maj.-Gen.Amos Yadlin as saying at a closed session of the parliament's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that Russia was providing Syria with portable, state-of-the-art anti-aircraft systems. "These are fairly inexpensive missiles compared to the S-300 but they are no less lethal or effective," the Ynet News portal quoted the official as saying. Russian specialists are involved in upgrading old Syrian weapons systems, Yadlin added. "Syria is engaged in a very intense campaign to procure highly advanced weapons; so advanced in fact that anything that comes off the Russian assembly lines ends up in Syria," he said on Tuesday at his last meeting with lawmakers before retirement. The official also warned that Hezbollah could easily get all the most advanced weapons systems possessed by Syria simply by asking for them.”I am expecting when Israel wipes out Syria in the Psalm 83 war, Russia will soon after attack Israel with Iran and the other allies mentioned in the Ezekiel prophecy. As it is now, Russia is helping set up Syria for the Psalm war.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 we see one of the signs of war and rumors of war. Many are under the impression world world 3 could start if a conflict breaks out between South and North Korea. There was more action in this part of war today. “South Korea's navy fired warning shots Wednesday to drive back a North Korean boat which was fishing illegally in southern waters amid high tension along the Yellow Sea border, military officials said. The boat retreated to its side about two hours and 40 minutes after it had intruded across the disputed border, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement. A South Korean navy boat fired 10 warning shots from a machine gun after broadcasting three verbal warnings, it said. No one was reported hurt. The North's vessel appeared to have been unable to move for a time because the tide was low, the military said. The intrusion came at a sensitive time, with the South's military and police on high alert before next week's Group of 20 summit in Seoul. "The intrusion came as our troops have been placed on top alert off the west coast," a defence ministry spokesman said.”


An image shows a plume of volcanic ash rising from the crater of Mount Sinabung as seen from Tanah Karo district in North Sumatra province about two hours before its eruption. Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.MOUNT MERAPI, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia's deadly volcano erupted Wednesday with its biggest blast yet, shooting searing ash miles into the sky and forcing the hasty evacuations of panicked villagers and emergency shelters near the base. Soldiers loaded men, women and crying children into trucks as rocks and debris hurled in the air and down the mountain's slopes. No new casualties were reported immediately after the booming explosion that lasted more than an hour. "This is an extraordinary eruption, triple from the first" on Oct. 26, said Surono, a state volcanologist.” If you click to the red link below it will take you to a site that shows you all the volcanoes that are erupting. There is a lot of activity going on!

Is Luke 21:25 coming to pass. I need your help for my dear friends and their family/Nov. 2, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Prophecy Sign: Is the warning Jesus gave to us in Luke 21:25 coming to pass. RAGING SEAS, RAGING TIDES

"On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea" (Luke 21:25b).

Let me give you more evidence 2010 has given governments around the world complex problems as the huge storms move the seas and waves as Christ warned.

“Tennessee sustained more than $1 billion in flood damage just in the private sector, and many homeowners likely were not insured against flooding, the governor said on Thursday”(Reuters May 7, 2010). Keep in mind, $1 billon dollars is a huge lose for a nation on the verge of going bankrupt!

As you can see, in the year 2010, we are witnessing nation after nation being hit by huge storms. “The worst rains in nearly 200 years wreaked havoc on southeastern France in recent days turning deadly. Torrents of flooding water more than 6 feet deep were unleashed accounting for 22 deaths with more missing. France’s Var region has seen its worst rains since 1827. Up to 16 inches of rain fell near Draguignan, an amount normally seen in six months” ( June 17, 2010).

“Major rivers burst their banks in southern China, triggering massive floods that have killed 132 people and forced 860,000 to flee their homes, the government said Sunday. With dozens missing and more storms forecast, the death toll was expected to rise. More than 10 million people have been affected since torrential rains began June 13, including those who have been injured, stranded or have suffered property losses, the Ministry of Water Resources said in a news release. While the death toll was up from 90 on Saturday, the number of evacuees was lower than the previous day's figure of 1.4 million. Another 86 people are still missing” (USA Today June 20, 2010).

On July 27, 2010 ran a story on recorded breaking hail. The headline to their report was entitled, “On World Record Hailstone Weighed In Vivian”. “A small South Dakota town is being recognized for a big find after last Friday's storms. It was Friday afternoon when a line of thunderstorms fired up in central South Dakota. High winds, heavy rains and even a possible tornado rolled through the town of Vivian. But now days later, a hailstone picked up just moments after the storm is getting worldwide attention.” The person who found the hail took it to be officially weighted at the Post Office. According to the report, “the hailstone weighed in at 1.9375 pounds.” Take real careful notice that as the years past the storms get much worse. These are the last days birth pains. The hail is also part of these birth pains. How do we know this? We know from the Word of God that He is going to use hail on the unrighteous during the tribulation.

Let us take a look at what the Lord has shown us from His Word found in the Bible concerning Hailstones. Read what Job said.  "Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, which I have reserved for the time of distress, for the day of war and battle?" (Job 38:22-23). This passage teaches God has a store house of hail, specifically for "the time of distress," and "for the day of war and battle." For those who think this statement is just a metaphor, you’re in for a huge surprise. In the Old Testament we saw the Lord use hail stones to fight against Israel’s enemies.

Look at Exodus 9:22-26. Here we see the Lord using hail stones against Egypt during the seventh plague. I quote, Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that hail will fall all over Egypt—on men and animals and on everything growing in the fields of Egypt.” When Moses stretched out his staff toward the sky, the Lord sent thunder and hail, and lightning flashed down to the ground. So the Lord rained hail on the land of Egypt; hail fell and lightning flashed back and forth. It was the worst storm in all the land of Egypt since it had become a nation. Throughout Egypt hail struck everything in the fields—both men and animals; it beat down everything growing in the fields and stripped every tree. The only place it did not hail was the land of Goshen, where the Israelites were”.

If the people who lived in Egypt were alive now, and they were able to tell you, they would let you know the hail that descended on them did not come down with the term, (this is only a metaphor attached to it)!  It is very clear the Lord used the weather to send down the hail and He is going to do it again.

Read Psalm 18:12. “Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced, with hailstones and bolts of lightning. The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded.”   Now read Psalm 78:47-48. “He destroyed their vines with hail and their sycamore-figs with sleet. He gave over their cattle to the hail, their livestock to bolts of lightning.”  Take a look at what Ezekiel 13:11-13 says, “therefore tell those who cover it with whitewash that it is going to fall. Rain will come in torrents, and I will send hailstones hurtling down, and violent winds will burst forth. When the wall collapses, will people not ask you, "Where is the whitewash you covered it with?"  'Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: In my wrath I will unleash a violent wind, and in my anger hailstones and torrents of rain will fall with destructive fury.” Here is what the Prophet Isaiah said in Isaiah 28:17. “I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line; hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie, and water will overflow your hiding place.” Isaiah again addresses the subject of hail in Isaiah. 30:30. “The LORD will cause men to hear his majestic voice and will make them see his arm coming down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail.” Two chapters further, Isaiah again points to hail. Isaiah 32:19 says, “Though hail flattens the forest and the city is leveled completely”. Joshua 10:11 also address the subject of hail as a judgment from the Lord. "And it came about as they fled from before Israel, while they were at the descent of Beth-horon, that the Lord threw large stones from heaven on them as far as Azekah, and they died; there were more who died from the hailstones than those whom the sons of Israel killed with the sword."

Take note how God has dealt with those who oppose Him in the past, and take careful notice what He tells you about the future. I now quote our Lord Jesus from Revelation 16:21. “From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.”

Go back and read the verses I quoted from and you will see a pattern of storms, winds, lightening, and hail stones falling on the unrighteous people.  Take heed to the words of Jesus in Mark 13:8 “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” There is no doubt our weather is becoming more violent, but it will become much worse during the seven year tribulation. During the tribulation the weather will become so violent you will see exactly what Jesus said in Revelation 16:21, the hailstones that reach almost 100 lbs each.  If you want to test Jesus on His word just refuse to receive Him as your Savior and find yourself left behind with the rest of the people who did not believe in the Lord, nor His Word, nor His warning to escape what is coming. How can you escape? Take the Lord’s free gift of salvation.  What about you? Do you believe?

Getting back to the storms of 2010. “Floods caused by heavy rains in northeastern China stranded tens of thousands of residents without power Wednesday, as the worst flooding in more than a decade continued to besiege areas of the country. Floods this year have killed at least 823 people, with 437 missing, and have caused tens of billions of dollars in damage, the State Flood Control and Drought Prevention reported. More heavy rains are expected for the southeast, southwest and northeast parts of the country through Thursday. About 30,000 residents in Kouqian town were trapped after torrential rains drenched the northeastern province of Jilin on Wednesday, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. Water began flooding the town after the nearby Xingshan Reservoir and the Wende and Songhua rivers overflowed” (Tehran Times July 29, 2010).

“These past few months have been filled with extreme weather in many parts of the world, and climatologists are trying to figure out what to make of it. From flooding in China to wildfires in Russia, strong winds in Australia to stiffling heat in the United States, with waterspouts over Miami Beach, Florida.  It's the season of unusual weather.” “So what is going on?  Is it simply a coincidence that this extreme weather is occurring at the same time worldwide. Or is it a warning of catastrophic climate change?  The U.S. National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration says the earth has been warming over the past three decades and the most recent decade is the hottest ever.” “Even if the temperature trend were flat, we would see extreme weather. What we will see in a changing climate is that these things are more frequent. They may be of higher magnitude, meaning more severe when they happen and that's what we can truly see in a changing climate," said Deke Arndt, with NOAA” ( Aug. 4, 2010). Maybe if you won’t listen to Jesus concerning the birth pains you will listen to the NOAA when they warn us “these things are more frequent”. Four days after the VOA report the news from BREITBART reported, “floods caused by torrential rain in central Europe left ten people dead and several other missing, with thousands of residents forced to flee their homes” (Aug. 8, 2010).

The United Nations said Monday that massive floods in Pakistan had affected 13.8 million people and eclipsed the scale of the devastating 2004 tsunami, as anger mounted among survivors (BREITBART Aug. 9, 2010). The 2010, floods that hit Central Europe sent people fleeing. “German police said nearly 1,500 people including the residents of two homes for elderly people had been evacuated in the same region.” “In Bogatynia this same storm forced “700 people to leave their homes” (Ibid). On September 7, 2010 the Christian Science Monitor headline read as follows: “Pakistan flood wipe out more than 1 million animals-and farmers’ livelihoods”.

One day after the Pakistan flood, West Africa was hit. “Some five thousand people in Niger lost their homes and crops after the River Niger burst its banks at the weekend. The West African country is already suffering from severe food shortages caused by recent drought. Another 20,000 people are at risk of displacement in the event of further heavy rains, UN officials have warned. Heavy rainfall has also caused flooding across other parts of West and Central Africa and threatens to worsen the food crisis in the region, the UN said. Millions of people are without food in the region after droughts over the last year depleted stocks, the UN World Food Programme warned” (BBCNews Aug. 10, 2010).

You want to talk about complex problems as a result of the roaring of the seas and waves, read this report. “One-fifth of Pakistan is still under water after three weeks of devastating flooding, and as many as 6 million affected people have not yet received any relief, Pakistan's National Disaster Management Authority told CNN. United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon said Sunday from Pakistan that the flood disaster is the worst he's ever seen, characterizing the destruction as more dire than that caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2005 Pakistani earthquake. Ban urged the international community to send more relief funds to the area; the country now has just $93 million of the estimated $460 million needed to provide flood relief. About one in 10 Pakistanis — 20 million people altogether — have been affected by the flooding, according to estimates from the Pakistani government” (Yahoo News Aug. 16, 2010).

“The death toll from the strongest cyclone to buffet the Philippines in years has risen to at least seven, including a mother and her two children whose house was crushed by a falling tree. Super Typhoon Megi lashed the northern Philippines on Monday, initially leaving three dead as it moved westward across mountains into the South China Sea. A regional disaster agency director, Eugene Cabrera, said Tuesday that four more people were killed in Pangasinan province north of Manila” (Associated Press Oct. 18, 2010).

A massive storm system set records in the United States on October 26, 2010. “A record-breaking mid-latitude cyclone pushed its way through the Midwest Tuesday, quickly becoming the strongest non-tropical storm system in recorded U.S. history, according to And now it’s headed our way. This “landicane” has rapidly deepened to a central pressure of 955mb, causing blizzard conditions in North Dakota, hurricane force winds across the Great Lakes, and tornado watches from western New York all the way to Mississippi. So far, 18 tornadoes have been reported, along with more than 200 reports of high winds” . A Storm for the Record Books: The storm has already beat out other infamous extratropical cyclones in intensity, including the “Edumund Fitzgerald” storm of 1975, the “Storm of the Century” of 1993,” and the “Perfect Storm” of 1991. To this weather observer, the satellite images coming in from this current storm system so far look like something straight out of “The Day After Tomorrow”. Quite literally, the entire continent’s atmosphere (east of the Rockies) is enveloped in this storm’s circulation right now. While this storm is strong, I think the Statue of Liberty probably won’t need Dennis Quaid to stay safe this time.” On the same day the roaring of the seas and waves took on another look as you will see from this next report. “A tsunami that pounded remote islands in western Indonesia following an earthquake off the coast of Sumatra killed more than 100 people, officials said on Tuesday, and hundreds more were missing” ( Oct. 26, 2010).

In closing I want to say a few things. First, we are definitely seeing a pattern taking place that shows us our planet is in serious trouble. If you watch the news, you will see the words and the warnings of Christ come to pass. Expect the seas to keep rising, more major storms, and yes even more tsunamis. I pray to God you believe all these signs, because we know Jesus is going to return soon, and I wouldn't want to see you left behind when He removes His church.



Heidi has been in the lead all week and then today she was second by 5 votes.  I am asking any of you who did not vote for her to wind this contest, please take the time and vote for her.  Her family really needs to win this context to help them make end meet!   Please vote!


THANK YOU BUNCHES from all of us at the Clark house!
Heidi Clark

Recycled Denim Coasters and Table Setting Mat


Heidi Clark believes there are no creative limitations when it comes to recycling old denim. Channeling a cool, country western aesthetitic Heidi created a set of coasters from the seams of  her old jeans, turning the rest of her trousers into a clever mat perfect for any table setting. A strong believer in recycling every part of old denim, you can hand her a pair of overalls covered in paint, or a pair of shorts torn beyond use, and she'll find something crafty to do with it!

Here is a report on what prayer combined with hard work can do! My neighbors who loves the Lord, and are on fire for Christ have hit hard times as a result of the down turn in the US economy. Heidi’s Husband Brian, has been out of work for, I believe 6 months, and doing whatever it takes to make ends meet. I have been praying for this family asking Jesus to bless them. In the mean time, Brian has helped Heidi set up a sewing business, and Heidi has come up with some very unique items.  She submitted one of her creations to where they are having a contest.   You can help my good friends by going to the contest site and voting for Heidi’s recycled Denim coasters and table setting mat. I am praying that our prayers will be answered for Heidi and Brian as I just found out Heidi was chosen as one of the finalists for this contest. If you would be kind enough to watch my video you will understand why I am writing to you about Heidi and Brian and their family.


Recycled Denim Coasters and Table Setting Mat This is the picture of Heidi’s creation at the contest site.

Recycled Denim Coasters and Table Setting Mat

Here is a few pictures of the Heidi and me. we will both take is as a blessing if you vote for Heidi’s Coasters and table setting mat.

IMG_1599 IMG_1604 


Could this be the 7 year peace covenant?/Chronicles moving in Kenya/Nov. 1, 2010



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Prophecy Sign: Daniel 9:27 is the prophecy where God tells us the Antichrist will be the one who will confirm a seven year covenant.  Here is what we are told, “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’  he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.”

'PM agreed to lease Jordan Valley from Palestinians'

As part of negotiations, US reportedly proposes Israel lease border region for 7 years; MK says, "Why do I need to lease land that belongs to us?"

Israeli sources on Monday confirmed that the US proposed that Israel lease parts of the Jordan Valley from the Palestinians for an additional seven years, Army Radio reported. According to the Monday report, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to the idea, but demanded that the arrangement be for a longer period of time than the original offer. "Seven years is not enough – an arrangement like this needs to last for dozens of years," Netanyahu said in closed talks,

A senior minister said that "anything less than a 99-year lease is not worth talking about," according to the report. Habayit Hayehudi head Daniel Herschkowitz dismissed the idea, even if it is for 99 years, Army Radio reported. He said, "If we agree to the offer, we will be broadcasting to the Palestinians that the land is actually theirs." Adding, "I'm not the only one who thinks this way."  Herschkowitz drove home his point, saying, "Why do I need to lease land from them that belongs to us?," the report said.

The negotiations are currently on hold because of disagreement over Israeli settlement building. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants a Palestinian state to be demilitarized, but fears weapons and militants can be smuggled in through the West Bank's eastern border with Jordan. An Israeli official says Netanyahu wants Israeli troops to remain in the West Bank's Jordan Valley, on what would be the eastern border of a Palestinian state, as part of any peace deal. In recent weeks, Netanyahu raised the issue of an Israeli troop presence with US officials, who were trying to persuade him to extend a 10-month-old curb on West Bank settlement construction, the Israeli official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media. Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev would not say what kind of presence Israel seeks on the border of a future Palestine, but suggested Israel could be flexible if conditions permit. "That presence can be reviewed over time, and in accordance with performance," he said. "But initially it will be required in any peace agreement."

For all of you who have been praying for my ministry I want to show you what your prayers are doing. I just received this letter today from Pastor Titus. For anyone asking for books please note I only have 7 books left.  I will print up more books as soon as I can.  However, each batch of books I print costs me $2,220 so please keeping praying.  I can only do what the Lord allows me to do as a result of your prayers. 

Titus Idati to me
show details 7:21 AM (2 minutes ago)

I thank God for yesterday one pastor from ACK church told me he is being blessed with the book. God bless you brother. Already we have sent the pastor to Turbo. The last chronicle outreach team is ready to go there to preach. I thank God in that already pastor is conducting home fellowship at Turbo. I receive books from Tim. 1 box I gave pastor Jairus who was going to teach in one of the colleges in Eldoret on eschatology. People are being blessed. Other books I have preserved when we will be launching the church at Turbo.


Pastor Titus’s photo is below. He is the one on the left.


Psalm 83 war signs almost word for word/More super bugs/Food prices increase again/Massive storms/Decline of America/ Oil in Israel/Oct. 29, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

 Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83:1-5 “Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee”.

Islamic Jihad rally in Gaza Oct. 29, 2010 (AP) If anyone reading this report can’t see the Lord’s warning concerning the Psalm 83 war is coming to pass, I’m not sure if they will ever see the truth God has given us.

Islamic Jihad leader: Israel must be wiped out of existence” Organizers say up to 100,000 people attend largest Islamic Jihad rally in Gaza in several years; Hamas leader calls for unity against Israel.”

“Tens of thousands of supporters of the militant Islamic Jihad movement rallied in the streets of Gaza on Friday, chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel." Young men and boys wearing white T-shirts with a slogan in the shape of a rifle carried portraits of militants killed in combat, under the black flags of Islamic Jihad. “"Israel will not bring peace to the region, it will only bring war and destruction and therefore, the slogan of all should be that Israel must be wiped out of existence," said Shallah, who is on a United States wanted list”

If you are new to Bible prophecy take a look at the chart above and notice who is going to attack Israel in the Psalm 83 war. Take careful notice that the people who are calling for war against Israel to wipe her out of existence are the exact same people God said would be attacking Israel.  The stones are being laid out right in front of us for this prophecy to be completely fulfilled, can you now she it?

See full size imageProphecy Sign: In part of Matthew 24:7 Jesus warns us to look for the last days sign of disease.  Last week I reported on some superbug diseases popping up around the world and once again there is more news about another one of these superbugs.  “BOSTON (AP) — An infectious-disease nightmare is unfolding: A new gene that can turn many types of bacteria into superbugs resistant to nearly all antibiotics has sickened people in three states and is popping up all over the world, health officials reported Monday.”  “How many deaths the gene may have caused is unknown; there is no central tracking of such cases. So far, the gene has mostly been found in bacteria that cause gut or urinary infections. Scientists have long feared this — a very adaptable gene that hitches onto many types of common germs and confers broad drug resistance.”

“It's a great concern," because drug resistance has been rising and few new antibiotics are in development, said Dr. M. Lindsay Grayson, director of infectious diseases at the University of Melbourne in Australia. "It's just a matter of time" until the gene spreads more widely person-to-person, he said.”

Prophecy Sign: Did you read in Revelation 6:6 where Jesus shows us people will have to work all day long for a quart of wheat?   This shows us a picture of food prices that have gone through the ceiling.  We know that droughts, flooding, pestilence, the sun’s intense heat, and wars will  help destroy most of the world’s crops in the last days, and all of these things will help rise the price of food worldwide. 

Here is a new report on this issue dated Oct. 29, 2010. “Rising food prices and shortages could cause instability in many countries as the cost of staple foods and vegetables reached their highest levels in two years, with scientists predicting further widespread droughts and floods. Although food stocks are generally good despite much of this year's harvests being wiped out in Pakistan and Russia, sugar and rice remain at a record price. Global wheat and maize prices recently jumped nearly 30% in a few weeks while meat prices are at 20-year highs, according to the key Reuters-Jefferies commodity price indicator. Last week, the US predicted that global wheat harvests would be 30m tonnes lower than last year, a 5.5% fall. Meanwhile, the price of tomatoes in Egypt, garlic in China and bread in Pakistan are at near-record levels. "The situation has deteriorated since September," said Abdolreza Abbassian of the UN food and agriculture organisation. "In the last few weeks there have been signs we are heading the same way as in 2008.”

“They say this is particularly possible if the price of oil jumps, if there are further climatic shocks – suchas the floods in Pakistan or the heatwave in Russia – or if speculators buy deeper into global food markets. "There is growing concern among countries about continuing volatility and uncertainty in food markets," said Robert Zoellick, president of the World Bank. "These concerns have been compounded by recent increases in grain prices. "World food price volatility remains significant and in some countries, the volatility is adding to already higher local food prices."

Just like the stones being set for the Psalm 83 war, the stones are being laid out to fulfill this prophecy as well.

See full size image Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 is the warning that the seas and waves will be roaring.  If you watched any news this year you have had to seen some of the record breaking storms that have hit many nations this year.  High winds are pushing the seas and waves and these massive storms are making there way on land as well.  Just a few days ago there was a massive storm in the Midwest in America that was 2,000 miles wide and this storm had winds like a hurricane.  Take about records breaking look at the number of tornadoes that just hit in the States.  “People from the Dakotas to North Carolina were dealing with the aftermath of a massive storm that roared across the country, unleashing 56 tornadoes, rain, flooding and eventually snow to some places, leaving behind plenty of destruction. The Weather Channel's preliminary count of tornadoes totaled 42 on Tuesday and 14 on Wednesday, making it the second-largest October outbreak on record. In Oct. 2007, 62 tornadoes were recorded.”

See full size image Prophecy Sign: Signs showing us the last world empire is about to take control. Read Daniel chapters 2 and 7 to find out the details. I can tell you this, the last world empire to reign will not be the United States, but rather the revived Roman Empire.  Do you remember what I wrote you on my Oct. 7 post?  Let me quote myself. “When I gave you signs of America’s decline on my post dated March 13, 2010, I gave you news and a warning what to watch for in the near future. Read what I posted and the warning, then watch the video below. My quote from March 13, 2010.  “In the coming months and years you will see America fall away as a superpower. As she falls away the last world empire will gain strength until this empire fulfills every word Jesus prophesied about it.  In many of my previous posts I have been giving you the signs that America will soon good under.  The economy is one of the major signs that this is going to take place in the very near future.  All of you who read my post from last year remember I told you more people would be forced to walk away from their homes.

Was my warning on the mark?  Here is today’s news on this subject. “American homeowners now owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth and millions of them are thinking about just walking away. "Strategic defaults" on so-called underwater mortgages are on the rise, although abandoning mortgages is controversial and, to some, immoral. "We made a bad investment," one California homeowner tells NPR, but "I'm from a finance background. It makes no economic sense for us to hold on to this asset." MIT economics professor William Wheaton says up to 2.5 million homeowners may end up walking away from their mortgages, which "would really mean another tidal wave" for the housing market.”

Keep in mind, this is one of the signs showing the world America is declining and when she falls over her debt a new world order will emerge soon after. I have no doubts that this will be the new world order that the Antichrist is going to control.

See full size image

Prophecy Sign: Deuteronomy 33:19-24. Did you know God warned us that Israel would be blessed in the last days?  Guess where these blessings would come from? Can’t get it? Let me show you what the Lord said in Deuteronomy 33:19. “They will summon peoples to the mountain and there offer sacrifices of righteousness; they will feast on the abundance of the seas, on the treasures hidden in the sand." Let me ask you a question? What is usually found in the seas, and in the deserts in the Middle East? Gas and Oil! These are the hidden treasures and Israel is beginning to find these treasures.  Israel has hit more oil and it may be the biggest find so far. Watch the video.

 The message below was recorded Oct. 14, 2010 however, it is just as important today as it was on the 14th.



Believe or not to believe/Oct. 29, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

My show is finally up and running. Click to link below and it will take you directly to the show. I will be taking some time off to finish putting the new information into my book.

This mornings food for thought. Is it possible God’s warning in Daniel 12:4 is a hint that a strong delusion may come as a result of this generations increase in knowledge? Could evil people use technology to fool you into believing in something that does not even really exist?  


Civil unrest again/Signs of increase in knowledge/Peace and security signs leading to war/Disease/ One World Government/Fearful sights/Oct. 28, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

I tried to video over youtube today. Each time I tried to video the publishing failed, and I got a Error report. Not sure why I can’t upload a video today, Sorry.

Matthew 24:7 Christ warned about civil unrest. When you click to the link below you will see some of this civil unrest taking place in Israel today. What the video once at this site. “Attempt by far-right Israeli activists to stage a march in Arab city of Umm al-Fahm prompts standoff between police and residents” Israel is a time bomb ready to go off and it all stems to the failed peace process, and the quest for ownership of Jerusalem.”

Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 is the sign that our generation would become the one that would increase in knowledge. In this same verse the Lord told Daniel this generation would be the one traveling back and forth.

“Chinese scientific research center has built the fastest supercomputer ever made, replacing the United States as maker of the swiftest machine, and giving China bragging rights as a technology superpower.The computer, known as Tianhe-1A, has 1.4 times the horsepower of the current top computer, which is at a national laboratory in Tennessee, as measured by the standard test used to gauge how well the systems handle mathematical calculations, said Jack Dongarra, a University of Tennessee computer scientist who maintains the official supercomputer rankings. Although the official list of the top 500 fastest machines, which comes out every six months, is not due to be completed by Mr. Dongarra until next week, he said the Chinese computer “blows away the existing No. 1 machine.”

 An artist's impression of the 100 Year Starship “The mission is to boldly go where no man has gone before – on a flight to Mars. The snag is that you’d never come back. The U.S. space agency Nasa is actively investigating the possibility of humans colonising other worlds such as the Red Planet in an ambitious project named the Hundred Years Starship. The settlers would be sent supplies from Earth, but would go on the understanding that it would be too costly to make the return trip. NASA Ames Director Pete Worden revealed that one of NASA’s main research centres, Ames Research Centre, has received £1million funding to start work on the project. The research team has also received an additional $100,000 from Nasa.”–mission-astronauts-Mars-leave-forever.html

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara wave as they board a plane on their way for the first visit to Washington since Netanyahu became Prime Minister.  Prophecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3 “Israeli leader's party rejects Palestinian state before talks with Barack Obama” Subtitle: “Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, arrived in Washington and was immediately set on a collision course with US President Barack Obama over peacemaking in the Middle East.” “As he left Jerusalem for his talks at the White House on Monday, Mr Netanyahu's Right-wing Likud party said that he would not commit Israel to a two-state solution with the Palestinians that risked the creation of a "Hamastan", referring to the Islamist movement Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip and refuses to recognise Israel. Ophir Akunis, a senior Likud MP, said that Mr Netanyahu would refuse Mr Obama's key demand to accept the formation of a Palestinian state because of the divisions and disorder in the Palestinian territories.”

“I think and believe that Netanyahu will tell Obama this government is prepared to go for a political process that will result in two peoples living side by side in peace and mutual respect," said Mr Barak. However, he refrained from using the word "state". Mr Netanyahu has called for a "fresh" approach that would be based on security co-operation and development of the Palestinian economy rather than establishing fully fledged Palestinian statehood in the near term.”

 Fayyad: PA will declare independent state in August 2011Prophecy Sign: Signs of the coming Psalm 83 war


“Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said the PA will declare an independent Palestinian state in 2011, while picking olives with a reporter from Italian daily Corriere Della Sera, according to an interview published on Thursday. "The deadline is next summer, when the Israeli occupation of the West Bank must end," Fayyad said. "In 2011, we will celebrate 66 years of the United Nations and the United Nations will celebrate the birth of our nation."

Start listening to the video below at the 5:19 minute mark, that is where he tells you what they plan to do with Israel, and the PLO.

See full size image Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 has many last day signs to watch. One of those signs is disease. Let me give you an example of another mystery disease in the news. The headline to this report is entitled: “Mystery disease kills 51 in India”. “LUCKNOW, India (AP) — Doctors in a northern Indian state are struggling to identify a disease that has killed more than 50 people over the past two weeks. The suspected virus affects mostly children and older people, who suffer from a high fever, vomiting and headaches before succumbing, officials said Thursday. "We are not able to identify the virus that is causing the deaths. It could be a mutant form of dengue or malaria, but we are not sure," said S.P. Ram, the state's top medical official. "Microbiologists are trying to pinpoint the exact cause." In the state capital, Lucknow, about 340 people have been sickened and at least 51 have died, said Manish Mishra, a government spokesman. Blood samples have been sent to the National Institute of Communicable Diseases in New Delhi to identify the disease, Mishra said. Health authorities blamed unhygienic conditions for the spread of the disease, which has particularly hit Lucknow's Khadra neighborhood. "We cannot give the exact reason for the deaths, but it could be due to unhygienic living conditions in Khadra," said A.K. Shukla, Lucknow's chief medical officer.”

A doctor treats a child suffering from cholera

“Cholera kills more than 1,500 people in Nigeria” “

Cholera has killed more than 1,500 people and infected nearly 40,000 in Nigeria in the country's worst outbreak for nearly two decades, the UN has warned. The lethal waterborne disease has spread to Nigeria's west African neighbours Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Benin, where it has thrived because of severe rains and flooding. According to UN figures, 1,555 people have died from cholera in Nigeria since January and 38,173 cases have been reported. The figure is more than four times the death toll the government reported in August.”

“KAMPALA, Uganda — A disease whose progression and symptoms seem straight out of a horror movie but which can be easily treated has killed at least 20 Ugandans and sickened more than 20,000 in just two months. Jiggers, small insects which look like fleas, are the culprits in the epidemic which causes parts of the body to rot. They often enter bodies through the feet. Once inside, they suck blood, grow and breed, multiplying by the thousands and making infested body parts — buttocks, lips, even eye lids — rot away.

  See full size imageProphecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17 is the warning from Jesus that one man will control what people can buy or sell.

In advance of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meeting in Washington last weekend, the Institute of International Finance, a group that represents 420 of the world`s largest banks and finance houses, issued yet another call for a one-world global currency.

 "A core group of the world`s leading economies need to come together and hammer out an understanding," Charles Dallara, the Institute of International Finance`s managing director told the Financial Times in London. An IIF policy letter authored by Dallara and dated Oct. 4 made clear that global currency coordination was needed in the group`s view to prevent a looming currency war. "The narrowly focused unilateral and bilateral policy actions seen in recent months – including many proposed and actual measures on trade, currency intervention and monetary policy – have contributed to worsening underlying macroeconomic imbalances," Dallara wrote. "They have also led to growing protectionist pressures as countries scramble for export markets as a source of growth."

“Dallard encouraged a return to the G-20 commitment to utilize International Monetary Fund special drawing rights to create an international one-world currency alternative to the U.S. dollar as a new standard of foreign-exchange reserves.”

U.N. calls for 1-world currency

“A United Nations report released in July calls for the replacement of the dollar as the standard for holding foreign-exchange reserves in international trade with a new one-world currency issued by the International Monetary Fund. The 176-page report titled "United Nations World Economic and Social Survey 2010," was issued at a high-level meeting of the U.N. Economic and Social Council and published in its entirety on the U.N. website. "The risk of exchange-rate instability and a hard landing of the dollar could be reduced by having a global payments and reserve system which is less dependent on one single national currency," the report noted. The solution the U.N. report recommended was expanding Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, at the International Monetary System, with the goal of replacing the dollar as the accepted international standard for holding foreign-exchange reserves.”

Prophecy Sign: In part of Luke 21:11, the Apostle speaks to us about seeing fearful sights. This week I reported on the “Indonesian volcano and today it  Shiveluch volcano in Russia erupts.  Planet Earth is showing us that this creation is longing for Jesus Christ to return. Read what Paul wrote to us in Romans 8:22-23. “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.”  Please note the people of this Earth are the creation of Christ and it is no coincidence that Jesus referrers to these pains of childbirth. While the Earth is acting up in these pains so are the people and so we will see destruction. I quote Jesus here again. While people are saying , “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” 

Here is more news reporting that today not one volcano blow off, but there was a  second one. I quote, "MOSCOW — Two volcanoes erupted Thursday on Russia's far-eastern Kamchatka Peninsula, tossing massive ash clouds miles (kilometers) into the air, forcing flights to divert and blanketing one town with thick, heavy ash. The Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Eurasia's highest active volcano, exploded along with the Shiveluch volcano, 45 miles (70 kilometers) to the northeast, the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry's branch in Kamchatka said, adding that flights in the area had to change course. Ash clouds from the remote volcanoes billowed up to 33,000 feet (10 kilometers) and were spreading east across the Pacific Ocean, vulcanologist Sergei Senyukov told Rossiya 24 television. Streams of lava flowed down the slopes of Shiveluch.

I am a blessed man. Oct. 27, 2010









 If the Lord speaks to your hearts to help us help Pastors Titus, and Enock in Kenya please contact Tim Moore at


Oil discover in Israel/UN to force PLO State?/Mexican police flee/Civil unrest warning/Increase in knowledge/Super bug/Oct. 27, 2010


If you use FireFox to download my book you will have trouble. Use Internet Explorer. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

See full size image

Prophecy Sign: Deuteronomy 33:19-24. Did you know God warned us that Israel would be blessed in the last days?  Guess where these blessings would come from? Can’t get it? Let me show you what the Lord said in Deuteronomy 33":19. “They will summon peoples to the mountain and there offer sacrifices of righteousness; they will feast on the abundance of the seas, on the treasures hidden in the sand." Let me ask you a question? What is usually found in the seas, and in the deserts in the Middle East? Gas and Oil! These are the hidden treasures and Israel is beginning to find these treasures.

I quote from a report issued Oct. 10, 2010. “A new preliminary geological survey indicates 26 million barrels of recoverable oil worth $2 billion may be sitting underneath the sandy soil in the area of two kibbutzim in the Western Negev, near Gaza. Energtek announced it has received a geological survey on the Nir-am=97Sa'ad block, "identifying the potential for exploitable oil and natural gas reserves." Its subsidiary Energtek Products has the exclusive license to explore and exploit the resources in the area. The firm added, "Current estimates will need to be confirmed by additional studies. Additional seismic analysis, modeling and further verifications are required to compile more accurate data on the fields and to provide more accurate reports on actual recoverable reserves."  Besides the estimates of oil at a depth of 2,000 meters, or approximately 1.25 miles, the preliminary survey also reports an additional estimate of 12 million barrels of recoverable oil at depths of up to 4,000 meters, worth $900 at current prices. The area is adjacent to the small Heletz oil field, which so far has produced more than 16 million barrels of oil. If the new field is drilled, it will be the first deep-well drilling in the area in decades.” I was reading a blog today entitled: “Israel as Fossil-Fuel Giant: How Many Ways Could this Change the Game?” In a section of her blog she address how things can change in the Middle East if Israel becomes Fossil-Fuel Giant. I quote, So here's the lowdown. Leviathan is 40%-held by Noble Energy, an American company. Twenty-three percent each are held by Delek and Avner, both Israeli companies. But the Lebanese government and Hezbollah are claiming that whatever the Americans and Israelis find off the Haifa coast actually belongs to them. Hezbollah, lest we forget, possesses long-range rockets. Green Prophet, an environmental and clean technology site, is worried: the destruction by terrorists — sorry, by Hezbollah — of the gas-producing rigs off Haifa could cause "an environmental catastrophe on a similar scale to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico." That damage would be on top of all the other consequences of what would surely be a full-scale war.”

Since the Lord told us Israel would be blessed with these treasures, you can expect the economics of the Middle East to change in the near future. The change in oil and gas powers could start a war, and that war could be the Ezekiel war. Let’s watch as Israel discovers even more oil than they have so far.  I don’t believe Israel has hit the big oil find yet, but God’s promise is coming for sure.

 picture from Yom Kippur war 

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 Jesus told us we would see wars and rumors of war. We know for sure one of these war still to be fought is the Psalm 83 war.  In Israel’s history she had to got to war seven times and even tough she was out numbered she always came away the victor. If you know what God says in the Bible you understand it is His protection over the nation Israel. I believe the next war that will be fought will be the Psalm 83 war and there just may be a sign when that war will be fought. In the past Israel went to war during their Jewish Feast. An example of this was, the Yom Kippur war of 1973. Read the headline of this next report and I will connect the dots for you. “UN backs Palestinians plans for statehood by August” I quote, “"All int'l players now in agreement that the Palestinians ready for statehood at any point in the near future," UN official Serry tells Fayyad.”

In many of my previous posts, I gave you reports telling us that Obama may use the UN to force a peace deal on Israel even if they don’t like it. If the United Nations does order a Palestinian State in the near future, Israel would go to war to protect their homeland!  According to the report they could call for this Palestinian State by August.  What if, in August this actually happens, and by September Israel is engaged in a war to stop the UN from taking land away from Israel. Keep in mind, September is when we will see the Jewish Feasts again!  Is it possible the Feast of Rosh Hashanah could bring in war, and the rapture at the same time?  At this point I won’t discount anything. This is just food for thought.

JERUSALEM – White House officials told the Palestinians that President Obama is waiting until after the Nov. 2 midterm elections to press Israel harder for a deal to create a Palestinian state, a senior Palestinian Authority official told WND.

The PA official said Obama believes pressure against Israel now could have a negative impact for Democrats in local elections, including in many districts where support for Israel has become a campaign issue.

After the midterms, the U.S. will continue to press Israel to agree to a complete halt to Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem and the strategic West Bank, the senior PA official said.

Also, the White House is considering backing a United Nations declaration to create a unilateral Palestinian state if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not agree to demands in peace talks, said the official.

The official said there is a growing sense that Obama has adopted many of the positions of the PA, including on starting talks at the point of the final borders for a Palestinian state, as the PA had wanted. Netanyahu wants to focus talks on security issues before addressing final border status.

Once again I have to point out what Obama’s Adviser said about what to do about the Peace process. Brzezinski says just about the same thing as the above report is saying but Brzezinski warned about this in 2009. This is real serious business and if the US does in fact move with he UN and the PLO to force a two State nation, all hell will break out in the Middle East.   

Ahmadinejad in NY - AP - Sept 23 As I look at current events I connect what the Lord warned us in that Psalm 83 war. One of the nations who will join in on the attack against Israel is Saudi Arabia. It is no coincidence that Saudi Arabia is now moving toward Iran, and is calling Israel the enemy! I quote, "Iran is not the enemy, Israel is the enemy," the head of the Center for Strategic Studies in Saudi Arabia declared in an interview with Al Jazeera. This was his response to a question on whether the $60 billion arms deal between Riyadh and Washington was meant to deter Iran. The American efforts to portray the deal as aimed against Tehran doesn't fit with the Saudi point of view, and it seems this isn't the only subject over which these two countries fail to see eye to eye."  Step by step all of the nations listed to attack Israel in that Psalm are becoming close allies.  Iran is of course the main enemy of Israel, and in the past 6 months Iran has increase her power base in the nations bordering Israel.  These are the same nations God said would go after Isael.

A policeman walks among bullet-riddled patrol trucks after an attack at a police station in the town of Los Ramones. Gunmen shot more than 1,000 rounds and launched six grenades at the building. Prophecy Sign: Do you remember the warning Jesus gave us in Matthew 24:12"?  This is what He told us. “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold”  One of the reasons why peoples hearts are growing cold is because what is happening with the drug problems. Just last week I showed you a report from Mexico where one of the biggest drug busts took place.  If you are new to prophecy, first read this before I explain the news below. The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 are the equivalent to the Greek word pharmakia from which our word “pharmacy” is derived. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high.”

Fear has gripped Mexico as a result of the drug lords, and even the police officers are on the run.  The headlines from today read: "Entire police force in Los Ramones, Mexico quits after gunment attack headquarters"

A policeman walks among bullet-riddled patrol trucks after an attack at a police station in the town of Los Ramones. Gunmen shot more than 1,000 rounds and launched six grenades at the building.


“The entire police force in a small Mexican town abruptly resigned Tuesday after its new headquarters was viciously attacked by suspected drug cartel gunmen. All 14 police officers in Los Ramones, a rural town in northern Mexico, fled the force in terror after gunmen fired more than 1,000 bullets and flung six grenades at their headquarters on Monday night. No one was injured in the attack. Mayor Santos Salinas Garza told local media that the officers resigned because of the incident. The gunmen’s 20-minute shooting spree destroyed six police vehicles and left the white and orange police station pocked with bullet holes, the Financial Times reported.”

The drug lords are using the same type of tactics the Islamic terrorists are using in the Middle East, and for many Mexicans it seems hopeless.  Just like the Islamic terrorists, who infiltrated the army, many of the Mexican police working for the drug lords have infiltrated in police departments. Bride money paid to police is a growing problem as you will see from this next report.

 Corruption among police and drug violence aimed at public oifficials have resulted in the firing of 10% of the police force. 

 “Mexico busted on Monday an alleged brutal drug kingpin nicknamed "the Barbie" who is blamed for a vicious turf war that has included bodies hanged from bridges.  The arrest of Edgar Valdez Villarreal, who had a $4 million bounty on his head, capped a year-long intelligence operation. Valdez – the third major druglord brought down by Mexico's security forces in less than a year – was charged in May with distributing thousands of pounds of cocaine from Mexico to the eastern U.S. from 2004 to 2006. Mexican authorities have said Valdez was battling for control of the Beltran Leyva cartel since its leader, Arturo Beltran Leyva, was killed in a December shootout with marines in Cuernavaca, a city just south of Mexico City.”

“The bust came as Mexico fired 3,200 police officers for incompetence or corruption Monday, a day after another border town mayor was assassinated – the second in two weeks. Another 1,020 federal officers face discipline because they failed a test that aims to identify who might take a drug lord's bribe. The dramatic firing of 10% of Mexico's cops came as the three-year-old border drug war escalated to bloody new levels of violence”

 Prophecy Sign: Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:7 that we would see civil unrest as one of the many last day signs. I have given you many reports showing you the nations that are currently dealing with this issue.  As of late we are hearing rumors of civil unrest heading toward the Untied States as the US economy tanks, and millions of Americans have been forced to walk away from their homes. There are still huge numbers of Americans waiting for the banks to foreclose on them and tensions are rising across American over it.  The video below addresses both the warning about civil unrest, and how the bank foreclosure problem.

If you missed the Time report Keiser addressed in the video and want to read it, click to the link below.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: One of the specific last day signs that prove we are the last generation just before Jesus returns in found in Daniel 12:4 where the Lord reveals to Daniel that our generation would be known for our increase in knowledge and people would be traveling back and forth. There isn’t a scientist alive who wouldn’t tell you that our generation has gained more knowledge than any generation in the history of mankind.  Here is a bit of good news for a change, but it still shows how the prophecy is coming to pass.

Ever since the birth of the computer our knowledge has grown faster and faster.  One thing the computers have done is aid research doctors.  Here is some news about a new discovery. I quote, “An innovative, simple blood test that can diagnose a variety of diseases, including cancer, has been developed by researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and was just reported in a central article in the Proceedings of the [US] National Academy of Sciences.”


Midwest Current WindsProphecy Sign: Luke 21:25 warns us that we will see the roaring of the seas and waves.  Massive storms and their high winds move the seas and waves,and we are witnessing some of the biggest storm systems yet. Look at this headline, "Historic" Storm Sets Records for Lowest Pressure in U.S.”

“Large and powerful storm system re-writes the record books for lowest pressure recorded from a non-hurricane. A massive storm system set records on Tuesday for the lowest surface pressure ever observed in the continental United States from a non-tropical cyclone.

The storm was centered over northern Minnesota, causing barometers to drop as low as 28.20", a record for a non-tropical cyclone. The pressure gradients caused by the rapidly intensifying low produced wind gusts over 70mph in Illinois and damage in several other states. Indianapolis also saw severe winds that forced the brief evacuation of a 48-story office building. Chicago's 110-story Willis Tower, the nation's tallest building, closed the Skydeck observatory and retracted "The Ledge" attraction — four glass boxes that jut out from the building's 103rd floor. In St. Louis, pre-dawn strong winds were blamed for a partial building collapse that sent bricks, mortar, roofing and some window air-conditioning units raining down onto a sidewalk. No one was injured, and inspectors were going through the 1920s-era building. Nearly 220,000 customers across the Midwest lost electricity as fallen trees downed power lines. Commonwealth Edison said 76,000 customers were without power in the Chicago area at one point. In Indiana, more than 60,000 lost power. Another 60,000 lost power in and around Cincinnati, while outages topped 23,000 in Michigan.

The massive storm muscled its way across an area that stretched from the Dakotas to the eastern Great Lakes, where waves up to 25 feet were predicted along with some beach erosion. More than 500 flights were canceled at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, a major hub for American and United airlines. O'Hare as well as Midway also reported  delays.” 

When I was watching Good Morning America today they reported the storm was 2,000 miles wide! We have never seen one like this.  If you don’t know what Jesus meant about the last days signs coming like birth pains, you better learn it, because we are in the midst of these last days pains.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 we see Jesus warning us about diseases coming in the last days.  I have a list of all the diseases popping up over the past years and now I have to add this new disease to that list. The headline to the report is entitled: “Superbug infection in Brazil hospitals kills 18”

Brasilia's Base Hospital where 3 patients died from superbacteria KPC on 9 October 2010 “Hospital staff have been told to take measures to prevent the spread of KPC Eighteen people have died in the Brazilian capital after contracting a hospital superbug. They were infected with bacteria which produce the enzyme Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase (KPC), which renders most modern antibiotics ineffective. It tends to infect hospitalized people whose immune system is already weakened, and those taking antibiotics.”

UP-DATE ON God’s blessing, you can be part of a blessing./Oct. 27, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

 I just checked the voting and Heidi is still in the lead. If any of you haven't voted for her yet please help us bless Heidi. If you haven't seen the video below please watch it.

This is a message form my friend Heidi today.  Just a little friendly reminder to go and vote everyday…found out the voting stops next Thurs., Nov. 4th.  It only takes about 2 minutes to help and it's FREE!!! And this would be a HUGE boost for me in my new business! THANK YOU all for your help this far. The runner up is closing in on us as far as votes…so please help me stay on top. Don't forget to forward this to all your friends and help spread the word.
You can vote by clicking on the link :  to vote. 
THANK YOU BUNCHES from all of us at the Clark house!
Heidi Clark

  Recycled Denim Coasters and Table Setting Mat

268 votes

Heidi Clark believes there are no creative limitations when it comes to recycling old denim. Channeling a cool, country western aesthetitic Heidi created a set of coasters from the seams of  her old jeans, turning the rest of her trousers into a clever mat perfect for any table setting. A strong believer in recycling every part of old denim, you can hand her a pair of overalls covered in paint, or a pair of shorts torn beyond use, and she'll find something crafty to do with it!

Here is a report on what prayer combined with hard work can do! My neighbors who loves the Lord, and are on fire for Christ have hit hard times as a result of the down turn in the US economy. Heidi’s Husband Brian, has been out of work for, I believe 6 months, and doing whatever it takes to make ends meet. I have been praying for this family asking Jesus to bless them. In the mean time, Brian has helped Heidi set up a sewing business, and Heidi has come up with some very unique items.  She submitted one of her creations to where they are having a contest.   You can help my good friends by going to the contest site and voting for Heidi’s recycled Denim coasters and table setting mat. I am praying that our prayers will be answered for Heidi and Brian as I just found out Heidi was chosen as one of the finalists for this contest. If you would be kind enough to watch my video you will understand why I am writing to you about Heidi and Brian and their family.


Recycled Denim Coasters and Table Setting Mat This is the picture of Heidi’s creation at the contest site.


Recycled Denim Coasters and Table Setting Mat

Here is a few pictures of the Heidi and me. we will both take is as a blessing if you vote for Heidi’s Coasters and table setting mat.



Doing what they can to make it in a hard economy!

At the present time I posted this my post today she had 15 votes. Help me keep this lead for her please. Thank you all and God bless.


Psalm 83/Obama care a nightmare!/Roaring seas and waves/Earthquakes and fearful sights/Food prices rise/Drugs/ Signs the world economy is going to tank/Oct 26, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

 The world is going to be controlled soon by one one man. Governments will be controlling their citizens first then later, even the governments will be controlled by this one world ruler. Take a look at the video below and see how your Obama Care Health Bill is going to start controlling not only you and your health care, but the doctors who treat you. Get read for the New World Order people, because many of you voted for it without even realizing what you did. You wanted change, Obama is giving you what you asked for, but you are about to get something you do not want.


Now that you watched the video let me give you possible sceniero that could begin to take place in 2013 when this Obama care kicks in. There is a report out entitled, Diabetes Rising in American Adults, 1 in 4 by 2050”.

“By 2050, as much as one third of all American adults could have diabetes, heath officials said Friday. The announcement by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention marked a threefold increase in number of diabetics in the country from 1 in 10, to now to 1 in 5 or possibly even 1 in 4 in another 40 years.”  According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “One in 10 U.S. adults has diabetes now.”  Say that you are one of these people, and you are over weight.  You go to the doctor for help, and the doctor knows that you are going to need meds to combat the disease, or you may even need to be placed on a kidney dialysis machine as your condition has gotten worse.  However, upon you being seen by the doctor, the doctor knowing that you need to be rushed on meds, or on a machine, he tells you he has to follow the procedures laid out by the governing board set in place by the Obama care. What if that board saysj, you have to go home and lose weight before I can even begin to treat this condition.  I am not sure exactly sure how it will work, and this is only a scenario, but knowing there are millions of people eating up the health care funds because of their over weight, which has lead to them being a diabetic, I think it is possible your doctor may not be order to treat you unless you do steps 1, 2 and 3 first.  What will happen to a 75 year old person who has a heart attack and need a operation?  Will the board say the person is to old and tell the doctor he can’t treat him?  Go back and watch the video again, because the way it is laid out it sounds like many will be kicked out of treatment for one reason or another.  If I were overweight now, I would begin to lose weight now because you just never know what the board will do to save money!

  Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Jesus warns we will see the roaring of the seas and waves. In Luke 21:11 the Lord also told us to watch for “great earthquakes”.  We saw both of these signs from Jesus come to pass.

JAKARTA – A tsunami that pounded remote islands in western Indonesia following an earthquake off the coast of Sumatra killed more than 100 people, officials said on Tuesday, and hundreds more were missing. The 7.5 magnitude quake hit 78 km west of South Pagai, one of the Mentawai islands, late on Monday. Local legislator Hendri Dori Satoko told Metro TV the latest toll was 108 dead and 502 missing.

HONG KONG (MarketWatch) — A powerful earthquake struck that struck Indonesia's west coast late Monday has left 23 dead and 167 missing, wiping out some villages along remote islands, according to reports. The magnitude-7.7 temblor struck the Mentawai Island area west of Sumatra, with its epicenter located about 12.8 miles below sea level, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Officials with Indonesia's Disaster Management Agency released updates on the dead and missing late Tuesday, with nine Australians among those unaccounted for, according to a report by Agence France-Presse. The quake brought on a tsunami warning, as waves of up to three meters (10 feet) struck residential areas on some islands, reports said. The Mentawai Islands is a remote yet popular destination with surfers.

Below is a link to a data screen from the United States Geological Survey. This page on the USGS shows the seismographs that are placed throughout the world, and each time I have checked, the activity has been either null or nominal. The other link is a youtube video showing todays activity from around the world and each seismograph is going 'crazy'. Not sure if this is just a computer glitch at the USGS or not, but my gut tells me this is a prophetic signs based on what Christ said about an increase in earthquakes and as we get closer to the 'birth', the pains will get more intense and closer together. Thanks
YOUTUBE VIDEO 10/25/2010

Image: Barn lifted from foundation by wind Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 warns of the signs from the roaring seas and waves.  What makes the waves move?  We just saw one way, and that was by a tsunami caused by a massive earthquake. Massive storms with their high winds also move the waves, and the world has seen many of these storms in 2010. Here is the headline to a new report. “Midwest hit by 'huge wind machine'” I quote, “CHICAGO — Strong wind and torrential rain buffeted the Midwest on Tuesday as forecasters said the giant storm would last into Wednesday and could be the most powerful to hit Illinois in over seven decades. The storm front will move into the Northeast overnight and into Wednesday. By Tuesday afternoon, 12 possible twisters had been reported across the Midwest, most causing just minor damage. Moreover, nearly 220,000 homes and businesses had lost electricity as fallen trees downed power lines.” 

Prophecy Sign: In part of Luke Luke 21:11, the Apostle Luke also speaks to us about seeing fearful sights.  Here is an example of one such event. “Indonesian volcano erupts, 20 hurt by hot ash” MOUNT MERAPI, Indonesia (AP) – Several people have been injured by hot ash spewed during an eruption of Indonesia's most volatile volcano. An AP reporter witnessed up to 20 people being taken away for treatment of their injuries. Subandriyo, chief vulcanologist in the area, said Mount Merapi started to erupt just before dusk Tuesday. It had rumbled and groaned for hours. Scientists have warned that pressure building beneath Merapi's lava dome could trigger one of the most powerful blasts in years.”

An Indian farming familyProphecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 shows us a picture of people working all day long for a small meal. This no doubt shows us the price of food will skyrocket. As crops are wiped out during the tribulation as a result of war, famine, intense heat, flooding, and pestilence this will drive the prices of food through the ceiling. I quote what Jesus showed John. “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"  Since Jesus’ word is never wrong, if you are left behind when He removes His Church, you will end up working all day just to get a quart of wheat. This will be enough for one person and just for one meal.Since we are in the birth pains as Christ warned we would be in Mark 13:8, could on the prices to keep climbing.

Here is an example of these birth pains. The headline to this report is, “Global food crisis forecast as prices reach record highs”. The subtitle reads: “Cost of meat, sugar, rice, wheat and maize soars as World Bank predicts five years of price volatility”

“Rising food prices and shortages could cause instability in many countries as the cost of staple foods and vegetables reached their highest levels in two years, with scientists predicting further widespread droughts and floods.

“Although food stocks are generally good despite much of this year's harvests being wiped out in Pakistan and Russia, sugar and rice remain at a record price. Global wheat and maize prices recently jumped nearly 30% in a few weeks while meat prices are at 20-year highs, according to the key Reuters-Jefferies commodity price indicator. Last week, the US predicted that global wheat harvests would be 30m tonnes lower than last year, a 5.5% fall. Meanwhile, the price of tomatoes in Egypt, garlic in China and bread in Pakistan are at near-record levels.”

Cannabis at a medical marijuana shop in Los Angeles (AFP)  Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 9:21 we see Jesus speaking to us about drug's.  The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. This generation was to be labeled a drug generation and we are. Today, around the world drugs, and terrorism are a major problem. For example: “Powerful cartels have made a fortune in the drug trade along the U.S.-Mexico border. Now, rogue dictators and Islamic terrorist groups are following their example. Al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez differ in many ways, but they share a common enemy — the United States. And according to U.S. officials, drugs help connect and fund the dangerous networks.”  The video below has a full report.

If you are thinking of getting high, I suggest the Rapture of the Church instead of drugs, is the way to go.




Prophecy Sign: In Psalm 83 and in Ezekiel chapter 38 the Lord reveals who is going to attack Israel in the last days.  In Psalm 83 we know that the PLO are one of the peoples who will try to wipe out Israel.  Where are the PLO located today?  On place you will find them is in the Gaza.  Turkey and Iran are two of the nations who will try to wipe out Israel in the Ezekiel war. First read what Israel’s leader stated, then I will connect the dots for you.

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented Tuesday on the Ynet report showing members of a Turkish delegation to Gaza side by side with armed Islamic Jihad militants, saying the images "reveal the true nature of the IHH." “Gaza, he added, has become an Iranian terror hub, which the Israeli government is determined to stop from arming, by all means necessary, including a maritime blockade.”,7340,L-3975203,00.html

 Let me help you see the handwriting on the wall. As you can see from the chart above Syria, the Hizbullah, and the Lebanese, will be attacking Israel along with the rest of the nations listed in the box.  I pray that you are wise enough by now to understand what is going on in the Middle East, when it comes down to the nations mentioned in this next report?  These are the same nations that God warned about in Psalm 83, and they are getting ready to war against Israel.

Syria has helped Hizbullah entrench itself in northern Lebanon with 40,000 long-range missiles and 10,000 militia men, increasing its war capability against Israel, the French daily Le Figaro reported Tuesday. The newspaper said that U.S. intelligence radar screens picked up the transfer of missiles as far back as last January, between Damascus and the Syrian-Lebanese border. The addition of 40,000 missiles, most of them made in Iran, gives the Hizbullah terrorist organization the capability of attacking Israel from north of the Litani River, out of sight of United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) forces who are supposed to hold Hizbullah at bay in the south. Even in the south, Hizbullah has easily circumvented UNIFIL, building a maze of underground tunnels and bunkers and storing many weapons in mosques, fire stations and schools. Israeli intelligence officers estimate that Hizbullah possesses at least 60,000 missiles under the noses of UNIFIL, three times the number of rockets it had stockpiled at the start of the Second Lebanon War in the summer of 2006”

It is no wonder why the Prophet Isaiah, in Isaiah 17:1 tells us Damascus will be destroyed. Israel is going to take Syria out in that Psalm war.  Now would be a good time to ask Christ to save you before this war breaks out!


See full size image Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:12 Jesus warns us to look for the sign of Christian persecution in the last days.

Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) has joined other groups in urging the United Nations to protect religious expression in a civil rights covenant.

The U.N.'s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has called for a consultation to review the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. ADF attorney Piero Tozzi explains that two provisions are at issue.
"One [provision] provides for freedom of expression. Another provision, however, would limit that," he explains. "It's the following article that says: 'Any advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence shall be prohibited by law.'"
Piero TozziBut according to Tozzi, the agency tweaked the language to lean towards "hate speech"-type regulations — something that has proven to be a problem, especially for Christians.

"And you sometimes see it in the case of attempting to evangelize people who are not Christians, in particular Muslims," the attorney explains, "[and] people react to it say 'Well, I feel offended by it. It is done at the expense of my religion, therefore that is hate speech.'"
It has also been used by homosexual activists against Christians in Canada and Sweden, for example, to silence the opposition. ADF has filed documents with the U.N. to explain true freedom of speech, and proof of how anti-discrimination laws have limited it.”

This world, and the leaders of this world are finding ways to go after those who teach about Jesus Christ. What you are witnessing are the birth pains of what will end up being a full blown Christian hunt during the tribulation.

Prophecy Sign: On my Oct. 25, 2010 post I give you the signs of the false Church, and false teachers. When you read that post you will see a list of prophecies that address this issue.  I saw another report on Catholic leaders who are telling people that what the Bible teaches about the Jews being God’s chosen people does not apply anymore, Here is the exact quote, “The Creator’s promise in the Bible that the Promised Land belongs to the Jewish People is no longer valid, a Catholic synod declared. An American archbishop at the Synod explained Saturday that the promise of the Creator was "abolished by the presence of Christ."

I want you to read this new report showing you how wrong and distorted this Catholic leader is. What you are about to read is a response to this false teaching. “This position affirmed by Archbishop Bustros is a simple restatement of the ancient Catholic Church position of replacement theology which is a faulty interpretation of the Bible and it has been demonstrated to be historically incorrect.  When G-d initiated the beginning of redemptive covenants with Abraham, He promised Abraham (i) blessing; (ii) global ministry and (iii) the land of Israel (G-d made Abraham and his descendants special stewards of the land).  These promises were eternal.  “I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant to be G-d to you and to your descendants after you.”  (Genesis 17:7) It is difficult to understand how Archbishop Bustros could misinterpret such simple words as "descendants" and "everlasting".

Millions of people are being mislead everyday by religious leaders who have dropped sound Bible doctrine, and have replaced them with Satan’s lies.  If you can, read the entire report to see why Archbishop Bustros is teaching false doctrine!

 Prophecy Sign:  The birth of the revived Roman Empire as seen in Chapters 2 and 7 of the Book of Daniel, and Chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation.  As nations around the world collapse under their debt their fall is helping set up the Antichrist’s last days empire.  There are numerous nations on the verge of going down, and Greece is one of them.

“Greece is likely to default over the next three years because budget-cutting won’t be enough to reduce the nation’s debt burden, Pacific Investment Management Co. Chief Executive Officer Mohamed A. El-Erian said.

It’s in Greece’s interest to default “as long as you can contain the contagion to other countries and it is done through orderly restructuring and repricing to retain competitiveness,” El-Erian said at a conference sponsored by the Economist magazine in New York yesterday. Like Latin America’s “lost decade” in the 1980s, “the alternative doesn’t promise growth and employment generation,” he said.

The extra yield, or spread, investors demand to hold Greek debt instead of similar-maturity German bonds jumped to a two- week high today. The European Union and International Monetary Fund approved a 110 billion-euro ($153 billion) aid package on May 2 in exchange for Greece agreeing to cut public-sector wages and pensions and raise taxes on fuel, alcohol and cigarettes.”

As you can see, the aid Greece got from the EU isn’t working. Fact is, America’s bailout isn’t working either, and her debt is massive.  So massive, that you will also hear news in the near future about the US defaulting.  All it is going to take is a few nations to bite the dust, and the entire world will be tossed into chaos, because it will bring down the house. When the world’s economic system collapses the Antichrist will be given power to take control of a new world economic system. This is the system Jesus warns us about in Revelation 13:16-17.

After you watch this video, pray with me for these people. You may be next!;contentAux