Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box or email me at fjdimora@gmail.com. Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.
If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed. P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
Prophecy Sign: In part of Matthew 24:7 Jesus tells us one of the last days signs will be (disease or pestilences). I have a chapter in my book that covers all the different diseases emerging around the world and in that chapter I warn you to watch for new (superbug) diseases. Here is a new report on this issue that is not in my 2010 book as it just now surfaced. The report is entitled, “New 'superbugs' raising concerns worldwide”.
“Urinary tract infections, pneumonia and other common ailments caused by germs that carry a new gene with the power to destroy antibiotics are intensifying fears of a fresh generation of so-called superbugs. The gene, NDM-1, which is apparently widespread in parts of India, has been identified in just three U.S. patients, all of whom had received treatment in India and recovered. But the gene's ability to affect different bacteria and make them resistant to many medications marks a worrying development in the fight against infectious diseases, which can mutate to defeat humans' antibiotic.”
“Experts fear the germs will follow the path of other multi-drug-resistant bugs and become a common scourge in medical centers and perhaps even among otherwise healthy people. "It's an acute example of how bacteria can outwit people," said Stuart Levy, a professor of molecular biology at Tufts University School of Medicine and president of the Alliance for Prudent Use of Antibiotics.”
I firmly believe that these superbug diseases will spread like wildfire during the seven year tribulation. This is the warning Jesus gives us in Revelation 6:7-8. “And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:7-8).
The key to the identity of the last horseman is the word pale, which often makes us think of someone who is feeling sick, having an anemic-looking appearance. Pale is translated from the Greek chloros, which we would normally take to mean the color of chlorophyll, the property that gives plants their healthy green appearance. When used biblically, however, chloros means the sickly pale green color of sickness and disease.
Take a another look at the verses in Revelation and notice Jesus gave us a warning about hunger. “And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger”. Mind you, we are in the birth pain stages right now as warned by Christ in Mark 13:8 concerning the last day signs which include hunger and starvation. Starvation and hunger are a growing problem and this years weird weather has added to the troubles.
“WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Twenty-nine countries show alarming levels of hunger and more than a billion people were hungry in 2009, according to a new report on global hunger. World leaders are far from a 1990 goal of halving the number of hungry people by 2015, according to the annual Global Hunger Index published by the International Food Policy Research Institute and other aid groups. "The index for hunger in the world remains at a level characterized as 'serious,'" the report states. "Most of the countries with 'alarming' GHI scores are in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia." The report identifies children as particularly vulnerable.”
Prophecy Sign: God curse found in Genesis 12:3. We are shown from God that anyone who comes against Israel will have a curse fall on them. If you are new to prophecy read Zechariah 12:3 and see what happens to anyone coming against Israel or for that matter even burdening themselves over the city of Jerusalem, which is the Lord’s city. Those who come against Jerusalem will be cut into pieces. Let me now tie in what Brzezinski said and what France’s President has said, and then connect what God said.
On my post dated Oct. 4, 2010 I put a video with Dr Zbigniew Brzezinski addressing the Middle East peace talks. Brzezinski is one of Obama advisors. When you listen watch the video Brzezinski alludes to Obama forcing Israel into a two State nation and makes the point that the UN along with Obama may be used to bring this about. Just so you know the latest on this issue look what France’s President just stated about this in a report entitled: “France 'can't rule out' UN creation of Palestinian state”
I quote, “French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the option of the U.N. Security Council creating a Palestinian state can not be ruled out, in an interview published Sunday. Kouchner told the Palestinian newspaper Al-Ayyam that France preferred a two-state solution to be negotiated with Israel, but said appealing to the Security Council to resolve the conflict remained a possibility.” I believe Sarkozy knew what Brzezinski was talking about in his speech, and Sarkozy just reinforced his, the UN’s, and America’s position on forming a two State Israel by force. Like the US, the UN, France has now taken sides with the PLO.
Here is an example of what I am talking about. “Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas delayed a decision on withdrawing from direct peace talks with Israel on Monday as France voiced strong support for the Palestinian position. After meeting with Abbas in Paris, French President Nicolas Sarkozy told reporters that France regretted that Israel had not listened to "unanimous calls" to extend a 10-month freeze on Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank. The settlement freeze "should have been extended to give negotiations a chance," Sarkozy said. "I say this in front of President Abbas: Settlement must stop."
All of the nations who have turned on Israel and demanding Israel divide up their land are under God’s curse, and we see the results of this curse. Take a look at France’s economy. They like the US, and many of the EU nations who support the PLO are facing one of the worse economic crisis they have seen. We are starting to see the civil unrest as a result of this and the report below gives you an example of this.
“PARIS (AP) – Teachers, mail carriers, bus drivers and other French workers try to shut down France in a showdown with President Nicolas Sarkozy over his government's attempt to raise the retirement age by two years to save money. The battle over the contested retirement reform has gone on for months, but this week could prove decisive. With the Senate expected to pass the pension reform bill by the end of the week, some unions have upped the ante by declaring open-ended strikes, meaning the walkout that begin on Tuesday could last for days or even weeks. Past walkouts lasted only one day. Train drivers launched an open-ended strike Monday night, and the work stoppages widened to other sectors on Tuesday. High school students were also joining the fray, with walkouts expected at hundreds of schools Tuesday. More than 200 street protests were planned throughout the country. Last month, similar demonstrations brought 1 million people onto the streets, according to police estimates, though union organizers insisted turnout was three times as high.”
What you are witnessing in France now is only the beginning of hardships. The longer France works to divide Israel the faster their economic state will decline. The exact same thing is happening in the United States.
Prophecy Sign: In a way the curse on the nations who are working to divide Israel and give away Jerusalem are helping to fulfill what we read in Daniel chapters 2 and 7, and Revelation 13:16-17. These scriptures shows us in the last days there would be a new one world government which will be run by the Antichrist. This antichrist will stop anyone who doesn’t take his mark from being able to buy or sell anything. The road to get this world to this fulfillment is being paved. I believe one of the steps to bring the world under the Antichrist’s control will be to come up with a one world currency. It stands to reason that when the present global economic crisis causes chaos as a result of currencies collapsing, that a new one world currency will be set in place. I for one believe this will be one of the last steps to getting to the final destination, where the man of sin, (Antichrist), will then come up with his global economic system, which at that point will end up being in the form of a mark in the right hand or forehead just as the Lord Jesus warned us in Rev. 13:16-17. So, as the nations messing with Jerusalem see their government fall apart they are actually helping lift up the last world empire as a by-product of this curse.
Does it surprise anyone that the same nations who are working to divide up Israel have now found themselves in currency wars that could bring down the entire global economy?
Take a look at this next report and you will see what I am talking about. “The Institute of International Finance, a group that represents 420 of the world’s largest banks and finance houses, has issued yet another call for a one-world global currency, Jerome Corsi’s Red Alert reports. “A core group of the world’s leading economies need to come together and hammer out an understanding,” Charles Dallara, the Institute of International Finance’s managing director, told the Financial Times. An IIF policy letter authored by Dallara and dated Oct. 4 made clear that global currency coordination was needed, in the group’s view, to prevent a looming currency war”
As for America, her curse is getting worse. America is in for the shock of her life as she continues to decline in power. If it isn’t bad enough that over 14 million Americans are out of work, now worry over unfunded public pensions has surfaced. “Big US cities could be squeezed by unfunded public pensions as they and counties face a $574 billion funding gap, a study to be released on Tuesday shows. The gap at the municipal level would be in addition to $3,000 billion in unfunded liabilities already estimated for state-run pensions, according to research from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and the University of Rochester.”
America is being squeezed in all directions. Americans are not spending and more Americans are losing their jobs. The tax base is disappearing while costs are climbing, and nations are lining up to dump the once mighty dollar for a new reserve currency. Toss in the massive US debt, and you get a massive crisis that will cave in on America, giving rise to the last world empire which will as I said, be controlled by the Antichrist. It really does appear that the more Obama strives to divide up Israel the worse this curse becomes. Is God in the process of doing to America what she is trying to do to Israel? I would say yes to that question.
Just in case you missed this report on cutting up America in pieces, check out the video below as it covers this subject.Keep in mind what Zechariah 12:3 says as you listen to the Russian Economist.
Most of you know that Russia is also working to divide up Israel and to give the PLO East Jerusalem. You want to know how God’s curse is going to affect Russia? First of all, take a look at all the weird weather Russia has faced this year alone. Then take in to account that God will be dealing with Russia during the Ezekiel war. Russia and those who attack Israel will be cut to pieces by God during this war. This is the reason why I am hoping many Russian Christians will start sounding the alarm in Russia. I am praying that many of the men and women in Russia’s military will listen to God’s warning in Ezekiel and choose not to attack God’s chosen nation. Those who think they are going after the Jews will find out in that battle that they have come against God. God told Ezekiel that five sixths of the entire invading force against Israel will be killed.
For those of you who are teaching Obama is the Antichrist you need to read this report, then I will fill in the rest for you.
“Protesters threw eggs and shoes at a poster of US President Barack Obama in Tel Aviv on Monday, at protest against what organizers call the “brutal” treatment of Israel by the Obama administration. The demonstration, which was held on the Tel Aviv promenade across the street from the US Embassy, was attended by a few dozen people, including far-right activist Baruch Marzel and organizer Ori Bar-Am. Bar-Am told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday that the rally was meant to show that Obama’s agenda “is harming the rights of Jews in the Land of Israel, is anti-democratic, anti-America,” and asked “if Obama can be against the burning of the Koran, how can he kick around the Bible?” At the beachfront promenade on Monday, protesters held an assortment of signs, including one reading “Obama, Israel is not ketchup, so don’t squeeze” and “Obama, you are not the 12th imam.” Some in attendance shouted insults directed at the US president, including, “Go to hell, Obama,” “Go back to Kenya” and “You are not a Christian, Obama.” Marzel said he came because “Obama and the US are betraying their friends, betraying the Jews and betraying their voters, many of whom are Jews.” When you read the Bible you will find out that when the Antichrist comes on the scene the world will flock after him and they will begin to worship him. We know the Antichrist will be able to confirm a seven year covenant with with Israel and many nations. When this man comes the Jews will think he is their savior. Jesus even warned about this in John chapter 5 where he is speaking to the Jews who would not listen, or believe Jesus’ message from the Father. Read what Jesus stated in Jn. 5:43, “I have come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.” Who do you think the someone else is? In the last days it will be the Antichrist. As time goes by, you see that the nation of Israel is not very fond of Obama and he is not demonstrating the same characteristics as the man of sin will have. In my July 13, 2010 I cover this subject. You may want to read that post to see that Obama has no power as the Antichrist will indeed have. Has anyone seen Obama do signs and wonders, has anyone seen Obama being able to lead people out of an economic crisis? Fact is, he is helping bringing the world economy down, getting it in the right position to rise the Antichrist to take care of these issues. In the Book of Revelation we see the Antichrist trying to conquer the entire world, and the people are amazed at how power. Obama is so weak, that people want him gone after only 2 years in office, and many leaders in Obama’s own party are now distancing themselves from him so they have a better chance of getting re-elected. These are not the traits of the Antichrist!
Watch the video below and see how Obama is bringing down America.
America in her decline, what to expect. A message from a expert who has been correct for the past 35 years.

Prophecy Sign: Since I’m on the subject of the Antichrist let me give you an example of the technology that is what I call the “footsteps” to reaching Revelation 13:16-17, and Revelation 20:4. There is no doubt that the Antichrist will be monitoring every person to make sure they take his mark on their right hand or forehead. Those who do not take this mark will face the warning in Rev. 20:4 where it shows us that those who refuse that mark will be beheaded. Nation after nation is beginning to monitor people with this new RFID technology, and here is another example of this. I quote, “Radio frequency identification — the same technology used to monitor cattle — is tracking students in the Spring and Santa Fe school districts. Identification badges for some students in both school districts now include tracking devices that allow campus administrators to keep tabs on students' whereabouts on campus. School leaders say the devices improve security and increase attendance rates. "It's a wonderful asset," said Veronica Vijil, principal of Bailey Middle School in Spring, one of the campuses that introduced the high-tech badges this fall. But some parents and privacy advocates question whether the technology could have unintended consequences. The tags remind them of George Orwell's Big Brother, and they worry that hackers could figure a way to track students after they leave school.”
I encourage you to read chapter one of my book to find out just how many people are being tracked with different RFID devices. You will be surprised!One thing is for sure, the birth pains are will under way when it comes to this prophecy.
Prophecy Sign: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”
“Prof. Yisrael Aumann, Nobel Laureate and noted American-Israeli mathematician and game theorist, spoke at the beginning of the week during activities to mark the beginning of the academic year at Bar Ilan University. Aumann is also known for his view that the principles of game theory can be successfully applied to the peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.” When you read what Prof. Yisrael Aumann said you would think he quoted from the above verse.
“Today, Aumann is a professor at the Center for the Study of Rationality in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. He holds a visiting position at Stony Brook University and is one of the founding members of the Center for Game Theory in Economics at Stony Brook. Aumann received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 2005 for his work on conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis. Speaking to Israel National News on Monday, Aumann reiterated the position he expressed during a previous speech at Bar-Ilan University, but be added that in order to achieve peace, the calls for peace must be stopped and that in fact preparations should occur for a war. “The calls for peace which we have been hearing (mainly from our side) for the past 90 years, do not bring us closer to peace but actually take us further from it,” said Aumann. “Peace is like honor. If you chase it, it runs away. This is not just game theory; it has been proven in history.”
The professor hit the prophecy right on the head, and chances are that he doesn’t even know it? You can believe his statement because this is actually what we are warned is going to take place. Israel and Israel’s neighboring nations are calling for peace but soon a major war is going to break out, than maybe then, you to will believe what Jesus has written to us via Paul.