Signs of global economic crash/Ezekiel war signs/Peace process failing/Storms/Antichrist signs/Another false Christ/


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 war and Ezekiel 38 war


Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names. The map shows nations attacking Israel.

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia.

USS Truman posted opposite Hormuz as Iranian threats spiral
DEBKAfile Special Report August 11, 2010, 12:00 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Hormuz  Iranian Navy  USS Truman 
Iran digs "mass graves for US soldiers"

According to the DEBKAfile Special Report the USS Truman in the Middle East giving support to the ships which are already there.  There has been a lot of talk this month alone telling us Israel will be attacking Iran soon and the US may also attack Iran. I have said that if this happens we would see a response from Israel’s bordering nations first and then the Ezekiel war would break out at a later date. Here is some of the news from the DEBKAfile.

“To meet increasingly defiant Iranian threats to US regional military forces, Washington has detached the USS Truman carrier from support duty for Afghanistan in the Arabian Sea and reassigned it to Dubai opposite the Gulf of Oman and the Straits of Hormuz with thousands of marines aboard.
Reporting this, debkafile's military sources note that the Iranian submarine attack on a Japanese oil supertanker last month near Hormuz underlined the urgency of heightened security for keeping the vital straits open.
Tuesday, Aug. 10, Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Navy (which is Iran's only real naval force), remarked: "Aircraft Carrier USS Truman is currently at Jebel Ali" – 35 kilometers southwest of Dubai – "and will quickly leave the region."

“Two days earlier, on Aug. 8, Iran launched four Ghadir-type mini-submarines from the same base at Bandar Abbas. The USS Truman Strike force carries 6,000 marines and sailors and Carrier Wing Three consisting of seven Battle Axe squadrons. It leads a flotilla of  four more vessels: the guided missile cruiser USS Normandy, the guided missile destroyer USSWinston S. Churchill, the USS Oscar Austin destroyer and the guided missile destroyer USS Ross.”

“debkafile's military sources report that Tehran is also flexing its muscles against the United States in Lebanon. After the Lebanese army's Aug. 3 clash with Israel, the Iranian ambassador called on the Lebanese chief of staff and offered Tehran's support for Beirut. He also proposed Iranian military assistance to take the place of the American hardware which US Congress proposes to cut off after the Lebanese army instigated the clash.
The Iranian diplomat proposed invoking the 2008 Iranian-Lebanese military accord which provides for Iranian arms, including heavy weapons, to be supplied to Lebanon together with Iranian military instructors.
This proposition was dismissed by US State Department spokesman Philip Crowley when he said Tuesday: "Iran's activities compromise Lebanese sovereignty."

“Stepping up the pressure on Beirut to abandon its pro-Western orientation, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has announced he will pay a visit Beirut after Ramadan (which began Tuesday night, Aug, 10 and runs for 30 days).”

I can think of two main reasons why there will be war soon.

1. Obama needs to do something to bring back the power he lost since being elected. What better way to take control if he goes to war.

2. Israel has vowed not to let Iran start up their nuclear weapons program, and they have been warning they will attack Iran if the nations do not get Iran to stop the program.  No nation has be able to stop Iran and this has left Israel with no recourse but to take them out.

When is war suppose to take place? See next prophecy below.



Flag of Turkey Turkish flag

For years I have shown you proof all the nations who are mentioned in the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 wars are all lining up to fulfill prophecy.  All you need to know is what the Word of God says, and then watch the news and you can connect the dots.  For example, in today’s news we read the following: “Turkey has offered to join Iran in sending weapons to Hizbullah in Lebanon, with help from Syria, according to a report published in an Italian newspaper. The daily Corriere Della Sera quoted sources Wednesday evening who said that Turkey will “send sophisticated weapons, rockets and guns to Syria that will end up in Lebanon.”

Like I said the first war to be fought will be the Psalm 83 war of which Lebanon, Syria, and the Hizbullah in this report will be be involved along with some other nations that border Israel.  When Turkey and Iran who are aiding Lebanon see their allies get wiped out they will join forces with Russia and the rest of the nations listed in the Ezekiel prophecy and attack Israel.  The Middle East is as hot as is has ever been and it won’t suprise me at all if one of the two war begin this year, but only God knows. Our job as Christ as pointed out by Jesus is to WATCH and be READY.


See full size image Prophecy Sign: 1 Thess. 5:3 “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on the m suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”That answers the question when war will break out against Israel again.

Today Netanyahu made it clear he was not going to hand East Jerusalem over to the PLO.

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday rejected a Palestinian demand that direct negotiations be based on a statement by the Quartet confirming its position that the future Palestinian state will be based on the 1967 borders. Meeting in Jerusalem with U.S. envoy George Mitchell, Netanyahu repeated his demand for the renewal of direct talks without preconditions. Mitchell briefed Netanyahu on his meeting on Tuesday with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and gave the prime minister the Palestinian proposal.”

“The statement said that the founding of the Palestinian state would end the occupation that began in 1967. It also called on Israel to institute a total freeze of construction in West Bank settlements and to refrain from home demolitions in East Jerusalem. The declaration even went so far as to mention that the international community does not recognize Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem.”

“Senior officials in Jerusalem who are involved in the efforts to renew direct peace talks said yesterday that Abbas' latest formula was unacceptable to Netanyahu because it sought to impose preconditions that the Israeli public would oppose.”

“After Netanyahu's rejection, it appears that Mitchell's latest visit to the region has ended in failure.”

Ever since I opened up my prophecy site I have been warning you the peace process based on giving back East Jerusalem to the PLO will fail. It took the Jews almost 2,000 years to reclaim that holy city and the Israeli Prime Minister is not about to hand it over to the PLO.  The window of the peace process is closing with will end up leading to war. I believe this is were Psalm 83 comes into play.

The Roaring Forties

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 “roaring seas and waves”

WASHINGTON – Intense storms caught the metro region off guard Thursday, plunging hundreds of thousands into the dark as trees and power lines came down and roads flooded. While the intensity of the storm has passed, it created a mess.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Many earthquakes. Luke 21:11 tells us to watch for “great earthquakes”. 

6.9-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Ecuador
Published August 12, 2010
URGENT: QUITO, Ecuador — A magnitude-6.9 earthquake has shaken the South American nation of Ecuador, but there are no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The 6:54 a.m. quake was felt in the nation's capital, Quito. The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake was centered 106 miles southeast of Quito. But it was also very deep — about 114 miles below the surface.”

I hope you are watching the news with me because soon you will again see more of these big quakes.



See full size image  In my Post dated Feb. 4, 2010  I issued a warning about what was going to happen with the US economy. I quote myself. One again I am going to repeat my warning. More Americans will keep losing jobs, so get used to hearing this type of news. I am telling you this so you will begin to prepare for what is coming. As long as the current Administration has a policy of going against Israel, she will remain under God’s curse and she will collapse. Maybe you are new to my site and don’t know what curse I am talking about? It is the curse found Genesis 12:3.”

I have also been giving this same message on my youtube videos. If you watch my video below pay attention to where I talk about Americans losing their jobs at the 2:53 minute mark in the video.

Knowing what I have warned you take a look at the news that was just released today. “WASHINGTON (AP) — The economy is looking bleaker as new applications for jobless benefits rose last week to the highest level in almost six months. It's a sign that hiring remains weak and employers may be going back to cutting their staffs. Analysts say the increase suggests companies won't be adding enough workers in August to lower 9.5 percent unemployement rate. First-time claims for jobless benefits edged up by 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 484,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. That's the highest total since February. Analysts had expected claims to fall.”

While the so called expert analysts are telling you things will get better I look into the Word of God and contact the dots, and am telling you what is really going to happen and why.  Since Obama as of Aug. 12, 2010 is still pressing Israel to give up East Jerusalem and divide Israel into two States, if you live in the US expect more news like you received today concerning the pick slips.  Prophecy Sign: God’s curse found in Genesis 12:3. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."  America is under this curse for many reasons two of which are directly related to Israel.

There was still more bad news for the American economy and this time it shows the affects the bad economic state is having on the young. “Global youth unemployment has hit a record high following the financial crisis and is likely to get worse later this year, the International Labor Organization (ILO) said Thursday. The report from the ILO says 81 million out of 630 million 15-24 year olds where unemployed at the end of 2009, some 7.8 million more than at the end of 2007.”

Can you now see the handwriting on the wall?  Get ready for a new economic system to be born soon, and it will take place mainly because the US will be forced to state she are bankrupt.  The road for the Antichrist is being paved in the world economics and most of the world either doesn’t realize this, or they refuse to believe what Christ has warned us.  I pray you don’t fall in either of these groups.

If you didn’t watch my video which appears in this post scroll back and watch it. Listen to again to my warning about what is going to happen with people losing their homes, than read today’s news.

“LOS ANGELES (AP) – The number of U.S. homes lost to foreclosure surged in July, another sign lenders are moving quicker to take back properties from homeowners behind in payments. Lenders repossessed 92,858 properties last month, up 9 percent from June and an increase of 6 percent from July 2009, foreclosure listing firm RealtyTrac Inc. said Thursday. Banks have stepped up repossessions this year to clear out the backlog of bad loans. July makes the eighth month in a row that the pace of homes lost to foreclosure has increased on an annual basis.”

Does anyone at my site remember my warning about another depression coming?  The news you are reading about are the signs it is on its way!

  In my Dec. 28, 2009 up-date under this heading: War and rumors of war/ Middle East peace talks/The rise of the last empire the fall of America/Earthquakes/ Dec. 28, 2009, I wrote you the following: “Prophecy Sign: In Daniel’s book where Daniel tells us who will be the last world empire at the time Jesus returns to Earth, we see America did not rank one sentence. This warns us that America must have fallen away as a superpower and won’t play a major role in the last days. I have been showing you and warning you that the collapse of America is coming, but still many of you don’t believe this can or will happen. If you have come to my site in the past month you would have read my warning to watch what happens in California. If California falls she will begin a domino affect in the United States.”

We Want Our IOUsAP

Now that you know what I had warned you, you better read the news today. “State Controller John Chiang said Tuesday that without a state budget, California's government would be unable to pay its bills in late August (or maybe early September). That means issuing IOUs to some people. Possible dates for IOUs could be either Aug. 27 or Aug. 31, when big payments to schools are due, according to this schedule on the controller's website. This announcement, in the upside down world of California's badly broken budget politics, felt almost like good news. With lawmakers and the governor making little progress on the budget — and showing little interest in making that little progress — the threat of IOUs seemed to provide hope that there's a deadline out there, somewhere in the near future, that might force these guys to pass a budget.”

The States are out of money and it is the same story but getting worse. Since 2009 hundreds of thousands of families have walked away from their homes causing an even wider gap for tax revenue. The bottom line is this. There is no more funds to get California out of that debt!  America is bleeding from a deadly wound and is collapsing fast. Politicians are treating the wound like it will just go away but the buzzards are flying over head.


Just the other day I provided you with more information that a depression is coming. I cited two experts who are warning about this.  It seems right after I warn you about something within  time span I read important news about what I just warned you about.  Yesterday is an example of that.  I warned you a depression was on its way and look what showed up in the news today with this headlinej, “Is this finally the economic collapse?”.

“FORTUNE — The Great Depression. Wall Street in 1987. Japan in 1997. Points of economic collapse are generally crystal clear in the rear-view mirror. Professional politicians in Japan have been telling stories for 20 years as to why they can prevent economic stagnation. In the US, the storytelling started in 2007. All the while, stock market and real-estate prices have repeatedly rallied to lower-highs, then collapsed again, to lower-lows.

Despite the many differences between Japan and the US, there is one similarity that continues to matter most in the risk management model my colleagues and I use at Hedgeye, our research firm — debt as a percentage of GDP. Now that the US can't cut interest rates any lower, the only option left on the table is what the Fed just announced it would start doing — buying Treasury debt. And that could lead the country to the brink of collapse: According to economists Carmen Reinhart & Ken Rogoff, whose views we share, crossing the 90% debt/GDP threshold is the equivalent of crossing the proverbial Rubicon of economic growth. It's a point from which it's almost impossible to return.”

“So now what?”

“With 40.8 million Americans on food stamps (record high) and 45% of the unemployed having been seeking employment for 27 weeks or more (record high), what's left if (or when) QE2 doesn't kick start GDP growth? Should we start begging for QE3? Should we cancel the bomb of the National Association of Realtors' existing home sales report, scheduled for public release on August 24th? Or should we bite the bullet and accept that current economic policy dictates 0% returns-on-savings, even as Washington continues to lever-up our future to the point of economic collapse?”

The report is loaded with facts pointing to a collapse I suggest you read the entire report. The bottom line is a depression is coming.


In order to bring on the Antichrist there will no doubt be a global collapse not just the collapse of America.  Many EU nations are also ready to fall as well. Greece had riots this year and their economy is tanking which is really bad news, because it will spread to other nations as it did in the beginning of this year.

“The Greek economy shrank by a further 1.5% in the second quarter of the year, Greece's statistics agency has said. That adds to 0.8% decline in GDP recorded for the first three months of the year, suggesting that the decline in the economy is speeding up. Greece's GDP has fallen 3.5% since this time last year. The country has been forced to bring in severe public spending cuts since it sparked a Europe-wide debt crisis earlier this year. Greece's statistics agency Elstat said the "significant reduction" in public spending had contributed to the deepening of the country's recession. Economists said they were not surprised by figures, and blamed the "uncertainty" surrounding the government's austerity measures for the falls in GDP. "Economic activity seems to be declining at an accelerated pace due to high uncertainty and the gradual implementation of austerity measures," observed Nikos Magginas, senior economist at the National Bank of Greece.

The stage is being set for the man of sin to take control.


It looks like Slovakia sees the handwriting on the wall for Greece because they put a stop on bailout money to them.  I quote, “The European Commission has sharply rebuked Slovakia for backing out of its promise to loan Greece €816 million as part of a wider EU-IMF rescue package. "The eurogroup's decision [to create the Greek bail-out fund] was a crucial act at a critical moment to safeguard financial stability of the euro area as a whole, including Slovakia. I can only regret this breach of solidarity within the euro area and I expect the eurogroup and the [economic and finance ministers'] Council to return to the matter in their next meeting," economic affairs commissioner Olli Rehn said in a statement on Wednesday [11 August]. He stressed that Slovakia's decision does not jeopardise the whole €110 billion EU-IMF package: "This development does not put in danger the loan to and the reform programme of Greece, which is proceeding rigourously."


Please watch the news with me. If you do you will begin soon see more of the nations in the EU that were hurting will find themselves in the same position as Greece is, being they are now worse off now then they were when the riots began.  Bad news about the state of nations economic woes is only going to speed up the downfall.

Look what happen when Wall Street got the news the economy was slowing up. I quote, “World stock markets have tumbled as investors worry about the health of the US economy after the Federal Reserve warned that the recovery was likely to be "more modest" in the short term. The Dow Jones finished 265 points lower while European markets closed down 2%.

We are living in exciting times because all these signs point to Jesus Christ coming back soon and that overshadows all the bad news.  Those who love Jesus have the blessed hope of His coming for the Church.  I am smiling right now because I know the time is coming shortly when I will see my Lord face to face.  I pray you will be there with me to see Him as well.


See full size imageProphecy Sign: Daniel 7:25 “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”

I know many of you want to know what does it mean to change times and laws as it states in 7:25? 

First of all let us look at what Paul wrote in 1Thessalonians 5:1-3 1But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” 

Paul was speaking to the Jews and they understood Paul was speaking to them concerning the Jewish Feasts which were given to them my God.  Each year these feasts are to be celebrated by the Jews. Below is a chart that will help you see what these Jewish Feasts are and when they are held.


Satan hates God and he is going to use the Antichrist to copy the things that God has given the Jews.  I believe when the Antichrist comes on the scene he will try to get rid of the Jewish Feasts and Install his own. There is that possibility that the times will change based on Islamic religious events instead of Jewish events there by changing the times and laws. I believe the Antichrist will set up Islamic law which will include Islamic Sharia law.  Revelation 20:4 shows us what happens to people who do not follow the law. “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” 

During the last three and a half years of the tribulation the Antichrist will have all those who do not worship him beheaded.  Under Sharia law a person can be killed for many reasons. Considering verse 4 it could be that the Antichrist will use Sharia law to justify killing anyone who does not bow down to him and except him as God. A CBS report gives you some reasons why people are killed under Sharia law. “The Saudi government beheaded 52 men and one woman last year for crimes including murder, homosexuality, armed robbery and drug trafficking. But Saudis say that while Islam condones the punishment in one context, it condemns militants who decapitated hostages here and in Iraq. Islam permits the death penalty for certain crimes, but few mainstream Muslim scholars and observers believe beheadings are sanctioned by Sharia, or Islamic law.”  This may be the case, but as you can see from the news the Islamic extremists have been beheading people who they say are coming against Allah. If the Antichrist is in fact a Muslim he will become the most extreme Muslim the world has ever seen.

Here is the only problem I have with the Antichrist being a Muslim. Read what Daniel 11:37 says about the Antichrist. “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.”  It is very clear that the Antichrist is not going follow the God of Islam because it clearly states here he isn’t going to look at any God as being God expect himself.  If this is the case and he does not recognize Allah as God why would he force a mark of Allah on peoples hands or foreheads?  Since he does not regard any god that make he enforces won’t be a mark or symbol of the Islamic religion, instead it will be some marking that will point to directly to him alone not some other God.  This brings me to Revelation 13:16-17  where Jesus gives us the information on the mark of the Antichrist. “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.” 

Jesus knows my heart, and I do not even want to suggest I know for sure what will happen, but I can see one way that this all will fit. The Antichrist will be a Muslim, and he will use Shara law to change not only the laws but get rid of the Jewish Feasts.  By doing this he will have gotten the support of the Islamic world however, he will only use this for his own advantage.  I think when the three and a half year mark comes the Antichrist will then come out with his own laws which also oppose not only the Jewish Laws which were given to the by Jews by God, but he will turn on Islam, Christians, and all the faiths.  History has a way of repeating itself. Remember what happen in Babylon when Nebuchadnezzar was King? God’s word in Daniel 3:1 says, “King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, ninety feet high and nine feet wide, and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon.” Anyone who did not bow down and worship that image was killed.  The Antichrist is going to repeat history and this time set up a image of himself and force the world to bow down to him. Read what Revelation 13:14-15 says it will tie everything together for you.

Rev. 13-14:“Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.  He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.”  Nebuchadnezzar’s image did not come to life and speak, but the Antichrist who will be taken over by Satan will have all the powers to do these strange miracles.  At this point in time in the tribulation, it won’t matter what faith you belong to, Satan in the form of the Antichrist is going to come after you and kill you all if you do not bow down and worship the image.  Of course if you don’t bow down to him, that would mean you have also refused to take his mark or the number of his name, which by Antichrist’s new law you will be what? I refer back to Revelation 20:4, there it shows the beheadings of those who refused the mark of the beast.;videoMetaInfo


Here is some info on Sharia law:

“Sharia, or Islamic law, influences the legal code in most Muslim countries. A movement to allow sharia to govern personal status law, a set of regulations that pertain to marriage, divorce, inheritance, and custody, is even expanding into the West. "There are so many varying interpretations of what sharia actually means that in some places it can be incorporated into political systems relatively easily," says Steven A. Cook, CFR senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies. Sharia's influence on both personal status law and criminal law is highly controversial, though. Some interpretations are used to justify cruel punishments such as amputation and stoning as well as unequal treatment of women in inheritance, dress, and independence. The debate is growing as to whether sharia can coexist with secularism, democracy, or even modernity.”

What is the punishment under Sharia law?

“Marriage and divorce are the most significant aspects of sharia, but criminal law is the most controversial. In sharia, there are categories of offenses: those that are prescribed a specific punishment in the Quran, known as hadd punishments, those that fall under a judge's discretion, and those resolved through a tit-for-tat measure (ie., blood money paid to the family of a murder victim). There are five hadd crimes: unlawful sexual intercourse (sex outside of marriage and adultery), false accusation of unlawful sexual intercourse, wine drinking (sometimes extended to include all alcohol drinking), theft, and highway robbery. Punishments for hadd offenses–flogging, stoning, amputation, exile, or execution–get a significant amount of media attention when they occur.”

Now that you have the news and explanation of the changing of the times and laws check this report out.

For more than a century, a point on the top of a hill in south-east London has been recognised as the centre of world time and the official starting point of each new day.

Big Ben (L) and the Mecca Clock Tower (R) are now in competition to be recognised as the centre of time The Mecca Clock Royal Tower hotel overlooks the Grand Mosque in the holy Muslim Saudi city of Mecca Photo: AFP/GETTY IMAGES

But now the supremacy of Greenwich Mean Time is being challenged by a gargantuan new clock being built in Mecca, by which the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims could soon be setting their watches. Due to start ticking on Thursday as the faithful begin fasting during the month of Ramadan, the timepiece sits atop the It is at the heart of a vast complex funded by the Saudi government that will also house hotels, shopping malls and conference halls. Bearing a striking resemblance to both St Stephen’s Tower, which houses the bell of Big Ben, and the Empire State Building, the Saudi upstart aims to outdo its revered British rival in every way.
The clock’s four faces are 151ft in diameter and will be illuminated by 2million LED lights along with huge Arabic script reading: “In the name of Allah”. The clock will run on Arabia Standard Time which is three hours ahead of GMT.


 Dattoos would be printed onto the user's skin, and would identify the user via their DNAAs long as I am on the subject of the Antichrist keep in mind that the last generation was to be the one who gained an increase in knowledge as stated in Daniel 12:4.  This increase in knowledge in this generation has given us many technologies in which a person’s ID can be linked to an ID in the skin and we see shades of Rev. 13:16-17 in these new technologies.

“Five years ago, Frog Design founder Hartmut Esslinger envisioned a technology that “could influence notions of community, identity, and connectivity with minimal impact on the physical environment.” Using an online design portal, users would select and try out a customized electronic processing device that they would then print onto their own skin. The DNA Tattoo, or Dattoo, could include printable input/output tools such as a camera, microphone, or laser-loudspeaker – it would be up to the user, as would the Dattoo’s aesthetics. Most intriguingly, it would capture its wearer’s DNA, to ensure an intimate user/machine relationship. Despite evoking creepy Matrix-like images of permanent implants, Dattoos would actually be temporary and minimally-invasive. They could even be applied to clothing or other objects, instead of the skin. At the end of the day, they would simply be washed off. The next day, depending on what the user planned to do, they could order up and apply a new one.” 

I am not saying this is the mark of the beast!  What I am showing you is that there is enough new technology out there that the Antichrist will be able to pick from a basket of technologies to meet his own requirements.  This of course could never have happened in anyones history until this generation came along.


Prophecy Sign: "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves” Matthew 7:14. “For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many” Matthew 24:5. 

Let me point out to you one of these false Christs. His name is Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy. On his site he answers many questions about himself.  One of the questions is number 6 below:

6. Why is it that in all of your preaching, you always use yourself as an example? 

Below is his answer:

Because I am the Appointed Son of God and that is my role. Even in the Jewish setting, our Lord Jesus Christ’s role was being the Begotten Son of God that’s why He always used Himself as an example by saying, “…I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).

In the video below Quiboloy tells the Church how he was chosen to be the appointed Son of God. Keep in mind this very important fact. When you listen to the speeches made by this man he makes it clear the finished work did not take place on the cross.  This of course is a lie from Satan.  Jesus’ death on the cross was for all man kind and it was finished at Calvary!

Jesus Himself even said it was finished. (John 19:30) “When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.”  When the Lord Jesus Christ spoke his final words upon the cross, these were not words of defeat but words of victory  He did not say, Im finished, but, It is finished  These were words of victory, Victory for Christ and victory for all who choose to know Him as Savior  I do not believe these words were whispered – they were shouted

It is really dangerous not to know what the Bible teaches.  Today millions upon millions of people are being deceived by false prophets, false teachers, and false Christs.  Believe the Word of Jesus in Revelation 1:7! He tells you the following: “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” 

When the real Jesus Christ appears again you will know for sure because the entire world will see him just as He stated. Don’t look for Jesus in a jungle, in a hidden well, or in the desert like some are claiming today. Christ is in heaven getting ready to come back for His Church.


It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” Revelation 3:20. Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.


Second Aug. 11, 2010 up-date more news


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 war. This war is between Israel and the nations that border her.  Each week that passes we get closer to seeing another major conflict in the Middle East.  Today’s news gives us signs that this next war is approaching. “Defense Minister Ehud Barak said that Israel intends to retaliate against Lebanon after last week’s incident on the border, London-based newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat reported on Wednesday. Barak reportedly informed French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchenr that Israel "intends to undertake a large-scale military operation…to avenge the killing of a senior Israeli officer."According to Asharq Al-Awsat, this led to French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to intervene and attempt to prevent another war between Israel and Lebanon.

I don’t know when the final straw will be broken but another conflict between Israel and Lebanon could set the stage for the Psalm war.

 Another one of the nations listed to attack Israel in that Psalm 83 war is syria.  News today shows us the Syrian leader is getting close with Iran and they are taking positions with Lebanese.  The partnerships are coming together to fulfill Bible prophecy and I dobut these leaders will believe the outcome of the next war if someone showed them Psalm 83.  “Lattakia, Syrian Coast (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad discussed on Wednesday during his meeting with Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Manouchehr Mottaki in Lattakia bilateral relations between Syria and Iran and the high-level coordination between them on issues of mutual interest which reflects positively on the region’s security and stability. President al-Assad and Mottaki reviewed the latest developments in the Middle East, particularly in Lebanon following the Israeli aggression against Lebanese sovereignty, affirming their support of Lebanon in the face of the these aggressions.



See full size image 

Prophecy Sign: Let’s not forget what Paul warned us in 1 Thess. 5:3 where we are told at a time when they are calling for peace and safety is when sudden destruction will come.  I can assure you all right now it is not a coincidence that tensions are mounting in the Middle East at the same time the peace talks are failing to produce any peace agreement.  This is the time to be watching for the sudden destruction part in Paul’s warning. 

“Amman, August 11 (Petra) — Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh on Wednesday discussed with US Senator Scott Brown bilateral ties and the latest developments in peacemaking efforts in the Middle East. Judeh reiterated the Kingdom”s stance which calls for intensified US and international effort to push peace efforts forward and surmount hurdles to ultimately bring about an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital on pre-1967 borders and within a comprehensive context. The minister told the Massachusetts senator that the US has a key role to achieve a comprehensive peace and stability in the Middle East based on the two-state formula.”

Here we go again. I need to point out Zech 12:3 because the peace process is failing because of the ownership of East Jerusalem and this is one of the main points we see in the Zechariah prophecy.The nations who are burdening themselves over this city will be wiped out!


There was more news today about disease in a report entitled, “UNICEF: 155 die in Cameroon cholera outbreak”  “The U.N. children’s fund says it’s urgently sending medical supplies to thousands of people affected by Cameroon’s worst cholera outbreak since 2004.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Many earthquakes.  We just got reports there was another strong quake in Vanuatu.A strong earthquake struck the island nation of Vanuatu on Wednesday, the U. S. Geological Survey said. The 6.0-magnitude quake, with a depth of 41 kilometers (26 miles), struck 75 kilometers (45 miles) west-northwest of the capital, Port Vila. It was the second day in a row that a powerful earthquake hit the region, following Tuesday’s 7.5-magnitude quake.”

I found one of my post that did not make it to my site: It was written for June 4, but it is good information: June 4, 2010/China dumping the dollar/ Volcanic Activity/The setting up of the Antichrist rule/ Noah’s signs/Peace and safety call/

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438
I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Prophecy Sign: Two more of the end time signs Jesus warned us about were the signs of many earthquakes and fearful sights. Luke 21:11 “And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.”  One thing I haven’t covered much in my posts has to do with the number of volcanoes that have been in the news as of late.  Since we are seeing more activity I want to make sure you see what is happening.  Volcanic explosions are both in the realm of fearful sights and earthquakes.

See full size imageUSGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report

26 May-1 June 2010

New Activity/Unrest: | Arenal, Costa Rica | Bezymianny, Central Kamchatka (Russia) | Cleveland, Chuginadak Island | Kirishima, Kyushu | Pacaya, Guatemala | Pagan, Mariana Islands (Central Pacific) | Sarigan, Mariana Islands (Central Pacific) | Tungurahua, Ecuador | Ulawun, New Britain | Yasur, Vanuatu (SW Pacific) Ongoing Activity: | Alaid, Kuril Islands (Russia) | Bagana, Bougainville | Eyjafjallajökull, Southern Iceland | Fuego, Guatemala | Gaua, Banks Islands (SW Pacific) | Karymsky, Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) | Kilauea, Hawaii (USA) | Kliuchevskoi, Central Kamchatka (Russia) | Reventador, Ecuador | Santa María, Guatemala | Sarychev Peak, Matua Island | Shiveluch, Central Kamchatka (Russia)

Prophecy Sign:  The first two reports you will read today is information I will call “The Setting Up Of The Antichrist Rule”. In Daniel chapters 2 and 7, and Revelation 13:16-17 the Lord showed us the Antichrist would rule the world just prior to His second coming.  This evil man would control the economy and therefore be able to control everything you can buy or sell. 

God has many names for this Antichrist which include the following from the Old Testament and New Testament.

The Assyrian” – Isaiah 10:5-6: 30: 27-33

King of Babylon” -  Isaiah 14:4

Lucifer”  – Isaiah 14:12

A King Of Fierce Countenance”  – Daniel 8:23

The Little Horn” -  Daniel 7:8; 8:9-12

The Prince That Shall Come” – Daniel 9:26

The Wilful King” Daniel 11:36

The Man Of Sin” – 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-8

Son Of Perdition” 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-8

That Wicked” – 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8

Antichrist” – 1 John 2:18

The Beast” – Revelation 13:1-2

See full size image Jesus Christ made it a point to give us a prophetic reference to this evil man. I quote our Lord from John 5:43.  “I have come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.”  Many of you may be asking me, why are you giving us this information?   In order for one man to be able to take control of the entire world’s economic system some major event will have to transpire, which will force the people of the world into seeking someone to control chaos.  What chaos?  The chaos that will begin once the global economic system collapses.  Let’s face it, it would seem unheard of that people around the globe would just allow one man to rule over them, so we know a major event will take place to allow that to happen.  If you haven’t been following the news you won’t realize just how serious the state of the global economy is in.  Superpower nations are on the verge of bankruptcy.  Just about every nation except the oil rich nations are in debt which they will never be able to pay off, and this debt is going to bring down the nations.  We are in the process of watching the beginning of the collapse.  What is happening in Greece is only the beginning! In America where her debt is so massive, millions of Americans are still out of work since  the home loan scam broke two years ago. The Obama Administration keeps giving statements about the economy which make it seem America is on the rebound, but when you investigate the facts you see a different light.  First let me show you what Obama stated today and then I will give you the real facts which was also reported today.

“President Barack Obama says the addition of 431,000 new jobs in May shows "the economy is getting stronger by the day." Speaking at a trucking company outside Washington. Obama embraced the Labor Department’s new employment snapshot, released Friday morning. A burst of census hiring lifted payrolls last month, and the unemployment rate dipped to 9.7 percent. Obama notes that the economy has seen job gains for five straight months after devastating losses from the recession. He says the recovery is still in its early stages, and that it will be uneven in the months ahead.”

Now read this CNBC report and you will see the truth. “Job creation by private companies grew at the slowest pace since the start of the year, as a wave of census hiring lifted payrolls by 431,000 in May. The unemployment rate dipped to 9.7 percent as people gave up searching for work. The Labor Department's new employment snapshot released Friday suggested that outside of the burst of hiring of temporary census workers by the federal government many private employers are wary of bulking up their work forces. That indicates the economic recovery may not bring relief fast enough for millions of Americans who are unemployed. Virtually all the job creation in May came from the hiring of 411,000 census workers. Such hiring peaked in May and will begin tailing off in June. By contrast, hiring by private employers, the backbone of the economy, slowed sharply. They added just 41,000 jobs, down from 218,000 in April and the fewest since January.”  Here is one point neither report mentioned, as soon as the census is over the 431,000 workers will again be out of a job!  America is not in any kind of recovery and I assure you of one thing things are about to get much much worse.  U.S. States are in the process of working on their budgets and you will be blown away by the number of people who are going to lose their jobs as these States make huge cuts.

Below is a snap shot of things to come and this information only covers a few states.  Here are a few of the headlines.

Massive Layoffs Coming in NYC, Nevada, California, Colorado, Arizona, Everywhere

“Cities, states, and municipalities are sinking by the minute. And unless unions agree to concessions (which they won't) massive layoffs are coming everywhere you look. New York City is a prime example.
Please consider
NYC May Lay Off 19,000 Workers If State Cuts Aid

“Joelle Beckis one of roughly 17,000 teachers in the state of Illinois to be laid off before the next school year begins. Due to a $1.5 million deficit in her district, she and 25 other teachers will not be going back to class in the fall”.

N.Y. Governor Plans Mass Layoff of Government Workers to Balance Budget” 


Now I want to turn to the European Union crisis. If you are older you may remember what happened during the first depression in the U.S.? The stock markets crashed and millions of people made runs on their banks. 83 banks have closed in America since 2010 started and more banks are about to fold.  I am giving you these facts because reports out of Europe so the same thing may soon take place in the EU. 

Read what CNBC reported in their report entitled “Debt Crisis May Cause Run on Europe Banks: Strategist”

Coordinated liquidity measures and quantitative easing may have to return and banks could take another hit to their balance sheet because of the sovereign debt problems in the euro zone, according to Ashok Shah, the CIO at London & Capital. A lack of clarity from policy makers will continue to undermine investor confidence at a time when markets already "fear insolvency or debt restructuring in a disorderly fashion" within the euro zone, Shah told CNBC. "There is a risk that the sovereign debt crisis could morph into another run on undercapitalized banks in Europe," Shah said. "The IMF can support liquidity but do nothing about solvency." With swap spreads negative in the U.S., UK and Japan, Shah says this is not just a euro zone problem and is increasingly worried about the politicians' response to the crisis. "Wealth redistribution policies and the prospect of exiting quantitative easing are a big risk for the U.S. and UK," he said.

You may be blind to what is happening but, the chaos that will help give rise to the Antichrist is embedded in the events taking place in the world’s economy.  If you are a regular visitor to my post you know the countless posts I have written on how the world’s debt is going to cause a major global crisis. I think you should watch the video below because they show you just how bad this debt is.


The Prophet Daniel never once said anything about the United States being a world empire in the last days.  Fact is, Daniel doesn’t even mention the U.S. in the last days prophecies.  The reason why is we believe the America superpower will fall away a a power to give way to the last world empire which both Daniel and Jesus showed us it would be a revived Roman Empire.  America is heading for a collapse and China is going to help push her under.  When you watch the video above they stated China owned the U.S., they weren’t kidding around! China has been holding up the U.S. by buying her debt but that will all come to a halt and when it does the U.S. chaos will be under way.  There was news today that China is going to unload the dollar. 

“China ready to say goodbye to dollar”

Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China

The head of China's Central Bank has declared that the country is ready to end pegging its currency in dollars, but said that any changes would be gradual. Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China, described the decision as a "temporary" response to the global financial crisis, but gave no timescale for any change in policy. "If we are to exit from irregular policies and return to ordinary economic policies, we must be extremely prudent about our choice of timing," Zhou said. "This also includes the [yuan] exchange rate policy."  

See full size image Let me put what is happening in a different light for you. The U.S. economy is sitting on a railroad track. The super train called “China” is speeding toward the U.S. at lightening speed.  The problem is, the U.S. economy is wearing ear plugs and dark dark sun glasses and can’t hear or see that the train is going to run them over.  This is how the people in America who do not know Bible prophecy and Christ’s warnings we be overtaken.  When the crisis hits, it will be a complete surprise to them.

Ever since Jesus placed me in this ministry I have done my best to wake people up to the fact that Jesus’ warning are true and that He is coming back for anyone who has received Him as his or her Lord and Savior.  There are many people Jesus has placed around the world who are preaching the same message Jesus has told me to preach.  If you are reading this post and haven’t taken Christ as your Savior yet, who are you waiting for?   Christ has laid it on my heart to again repeat His words in John 5:43.  “I have come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.”  I beg you all, do not wait for the Chaos to break out  to look for someone to help you when the Lord is standing right in front of you asking you to receive Him as your Lord.  The Lord gave us all this promise. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).  Jesus is the only person who can help you, even in these very trying times.  Seek Christ out and He will come to you, because our Lord is faithful to save all that are willing to come to Him. 

Let me be honest with you, if I didn’t seek Jesus each day and spend time with Him in Prayer I would be a basket case. If you think reading all this bad news is hard on you, try being the one who has to carry this bad news to you.  You and I both have to understand that the events being played out now are events that are going to lead to the return of Jesus Christ.  This is the Good News!  In order to endure these events you and I need to continue to be on our knees asking Jesus to take care of us.  I can assure you Satan is going to try and convince you Jesus isn’t watching over you, so be on your guard.

Sorry but I have to get back to the bad news that has to do with lay offs for American workers. “June 4 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama’s six-month ban on new offshore drilling while a commission investigates BP Plc’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill may slow employment gains after U.S. companies added fewer jobs than forecast in May. The moratorium will cost as many as 20,000 Louisiana jobs in the next 12 months to 18 months during “one of the most challenging economic periods in decades,” Governor Bobby Jindal said in a letter to Obama released yesterday. Each drilling platform idled by the ban puts 1,400 jobs at risk, according to the National Ocean Industries Association, a Washington-based group for drillers and companies that support oil production.”

See full size image Today there was other news that tied in the economic crisis between the U.S. and EU.  “LONDON—European shares fell Friday, hit on two fronts after Hungary reignited concerns about debt in Europe and the U.S. reported a disappointing reading on the job market. The euro sank, with traders citing official comments on Hungary's woes and rumors of derivative problems at Société Générale. "We won't comment on market rumors," a spokeswoman for France's third-largest bank said, adding, "if we had something to say, we would have said it." Its stock fell 7.6%. HSBC Bank caused jitters with a research note to clients in which it downgraded Europe excluding the U.K. to "underweight" from "neutral." "There remains too much uncertainty about the health of banks, about the future arrangements for the euro, about sovereign debt and about growth for us to want to take risk in this region for the moment," HSBC said. "We would not necessarily be as gloomy about the medium-term prospects as the consensus, but there are markets which offer less risk and better prospects for growth that we would prefer to be overweight at the moment."

Prophecy Sign: When is Jesus coming? According to what Jesus told Matthew in Matthew 24: 32-38 He would be coming back at the time that Israel was a nation again, all the warning signs He gave us would be taking place all at the same time, and that generation would be a copy of Noah’s generation.  All of these things Jesus spoke to us about have already come to pass and there is no doubt that our generation has turned out to be a copy of Noah’s generation.  One of the things that pledged Noah’s generation was people turned away from God and homosexuality run ramped. The exact same things are happening to this present generation and here is one example of that. Disney castle

“Disney is about to host its annual "gay day" at its facility in Orlando. "This Saturday, June 5, there will be approximately 15 [thousand to] 20,000 reveling homosexual, lesbian, [and] transgender people in the Magic Kingdom in Orlando," reports David Caton, founder of the Florida Family Association (FFA). "I want to encourage people who have any plans of attending the Magic Kingdom on that date to avoid it. It is a very distasteful event," he adds. Saturday's observance falls in the midst of Orlando's annual weeklong "Gay Days" celebration that boasts of attracting more than 150,000 "gay and lesbian travelers." Websites report that homosexuals wear red that day at Walt Disney World to identify themselves to others. Caton says that over the years, he has witnessed 2,000 to 3,000 people who have left the park after learning it was packed that day with homosexuals. The event is always staged on the first Saturday of June, and he explains that activists have a reason for that.” 

Gay pride flag When you have a leader of a nation that does not hold to God’s Word that nation will suffer for it.  Barack Obama has first of all turned away from Israel and is opposing God by trying to divide the land of Israel.  For this reason a curse has fallen on Obama.  Since he is the leader of our nation this curse has been passed on the nation.  Obama who claims to be a Christian has again turned away from the teaching of God and I will let this report speak for me. I quote, “With his recent proclamation exalting the homosexual lifestyle, Barack Obama is playing into the hands of homosexual activists in their quest to "perpetuate perversion." That's the opinion of pro-family attorney Matt Barber. On May 28, President Obama issued a proclamation declaring June as "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month." He is the second president to make such a proclamation, Bill Clinton being the first. (See earlier article) Matt Barber, director of cultural affairs at Liberty Counsel, points to scripture found in Isaiah 5:20 which says, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil."

Prophecy Sign: Let me ask you a question? Are we witnessing the call for Peace and safety as warned by the Apostle Paul in I Thessalonians 5:3?  “U.S. President Barack Obama called Israel's recent deadly attack on an international aid convoy a "tragic situation" that could serve as "an opportunity" to advance the Middle East peace process. "I think what's important right now is that we break out of the current impasse, use this tragedy as an opportunity so that we figure out, how can we meet Israel's security concerns, but at the same time start opening up opportunity for Palestinians, work with all parties concerned – the Palestinian authority, the Israelis, the Egyptians and others," Obama said in a White House interview for the 25th anniversary of "Larry King Live" on CNN.”

If this report isn’t enough proof that this prophecy is being fulfilled that you better watch the video below!

See full size image

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

See full size image Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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Answer to many emails on Vankoeverings teaching that Prince Hassan El Bin Hatal is the Antichrist for sure/Aug. 10, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

I have many people e-mailing me asking me what I think about Dr. Joe VanKoevering’s teaching that the Antichrist is for sure Prince Hassan El Bin Hatal of Jordon. VanKoevering has a serious of youtube videos that I watched twice. There are 9 videos on youtube that were taken from a prophecy conference in which VanKoevering spoke to the issue of Hassan being the Antichrist.  It is the information from these video I want to address.

VanKoevering stated that the main architech behind the 1993 Oslo peace agreement was none other than Prince Hassan El Bin Hatal.

VanKoevering points out that the Oslo peace deal is most likely the (Peace Agreement) spoken about in the Book of Daniel.  VanKoevering stated that Prince Hassan said the peace agreement was not to last 5 or 6 years, but for a period of seven years pointing out to the audience that the covenant that would be confirmed in Daniel chapter 9 would be a seven year agreement. There is no doubt that VanKoevering is making the point that this will be the covenant that will soon be confirmed by the Antichrist Hassan El Bin Hatal.

VanKoevering also makes it a point to tell the audience that Israel was not really born a nation in 1948 but in 1947 the same year as when Prince Hassan El Bin Hatal was born, implying that this was all God’s plan for the last days.

Instead of taking up all of my time today providing you with information on what VanKoevering has taught about Prince Hassan El Bin Hatal, I will present some of the information taken from the Lamb and Lion Ministries, then I will add my information to that so you get a good look at the truth.  My information will begin when you see (Frank DiMora’s  information on VanKoevering teaching) below. I will address all these issues I just talked about.


Joe VanKoevering

From the Lamb and Lion Ministry 

VanKoevering begins his quest for the Antichrist by asserting, like Goodman, that he must be of Assyrian heritage. His biblical basis for this assertion is Isaiah 10:24 — "Therefore, thus says the Lord God of hosts, ‘O My people who dwell in Zion, do not fear the Assyrian who strikes you with the rod and lifts up his staff against you, the way Egypt did.’"

Next, he resorts to the same argument as Goodman, claiming that since Antiochus Epiphanes — a type of the Antichrist — came from the Seleucid or Assyrian area of the Grecian Empire (Syria and Iraq), the Antichrist must also come from that area.

He then tries to narrow down the search to one modern day country within the old Assyrian Empire. He does this by pointing out that in Daniel 11 there is a description of the Antichrist’s invasion of the Middle East during the Tribulation. Daniel says the Antichrist and his army will conquer Israel and Egypt but will not enter the area of modern day Jordan. This prompts VanKoevering to conclude that the Antichrist will come from Jordan.

Response to VanKoevering

In response I would point out first of all that Isaiah 10:24 has absolutely nothing to do with end time prophecy. Isaiah 10 is a prophecy that God will use Assyria as His "rod of anger" (verse 5) to judge Israel. He urges Israel in verses 24-25 not to fear the Assyrians because "in a very little while My indignation against you will be spent, and My anger will be directed to their destruction." In other words, God will use Assyria to discipline Israel but He will not allow them to destroy the Jewish people. And furthermore, once He is finished using Assyria as a rod of His discipline, He will destroy the Assyrian Empire.

That’s all there is to the passage. Again, it has nothing to do with end time prophecy or the Antichrist.

I have already addressed the argument that the Antichrist must be an Assyrian because his symbolic type — Antiochus Epiphanes — was from Assyria. Again, there are many types of the Antichrist presented in Scripture, like the Pharaoh of the Exodus and King Saul of Israel, but these types do not mean the Antichrist will necessarily come from Egypt or Israel. But the most important fact to keep in mind is that Antiochus was a Greek, not an Assyrian.

As to the argument based on Daniel 11, it is true that the Antichrist and his armies will not enter modern day Jordan. But the reason given is that the area will be "rescued out of his hands" (Daniel 11:41). That doesn’t sound like a voluntary decision to refrain from invading the area. Rather, it sounds like God prevents the Antichrist from invading Jordan — and for good reason, since the Bible indicates this will be the land of refuge
for the Jewish remnant when they flee Israel in the middle of the Tribulation (
Revelation 12:13-17).

Additional Qualifications

Besides asserting that the Antichrist must be an Assyrian, VanKoevering also says he must be a "prince" and "the King of Babylon."

The prince requirement is taken from Daniel 9:26 which says the Antichrist will be a prince. The King of Babylon idea comes from Isaiah 14:4ff where a taunt against the King of Babylon is presented. As the King of Babylon is described in detail, he clearly morphs into a description of Satan. VanKoevering claims it is also a description of the Antichrist.

Having established what he believes are three requirements for the Antichrist — that he be an Assyrian from Jordan, that he be a prince, and that he be the King of Babylon — VanKoevering then spends the rest of his book trying to prove that the best candidate for the Antichrist is Crown Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan!4 Prince Hassan is the brother of former King Hussein and was his designated heir to the throne of Jordan until the king changed his mind on his deathbed and gave the throne, instead, to his son, Abdullah II.

It grieves me that VanKoevering has made this attempt to identify the Antichrist. It is the sort of sensational speculation that has given the whole field of Bible prophecy a bad reputation.

VanKoevering’s Antichrist Candidate

Why does he point to Prince Hassan? First, he argues that "the closest genetic relationship of the Assyrians are with the native populations of Jordan and Iraq."5 But what he overlooks is the fact that the Hashemite royal family of Jordan is not native to either Jordan or Iraq. The family came, instead, from Saudi Arabia. Members of this family were imposed upon the populations of Iraq and Jordan as kings of these nations by Great Britain after World War I. So, Prince Hassan does not even meet the first criterion stipulated by VanKoevering!

Prince Hassan

The next qualification of the Antichrist that Hassan is supposed to fulfill is that he carries the title of Prince. This is really irrelevant. When Daniel 9:26 says the Antichrist will be a "prince," all it is saying is that he will be a political leader. The Bible uses two terms for political leaders — prince and king. The biblical authors could not refer to presidents or prime ministers because those forms of ruling power had not yet developed. Thus, when we are told in Psalm 118:9 "it is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes," we are being warned against putting our trust in politicians. The warning is not limited to those politicians who literally have the title of prince.

VanKoevering’s third qualification for the Antichrist — that he be the King of Babylon — is, of course, unfulfilled in the life of Prince Hassan. But VanKoevering argues it could become a possibility since one of his Hashemite relatives, King Faisal, was installed by the British as King of Iraq in 1921. King Faisal, the brother of Prince Hassan’s grandfather, King Abdullah, died in 1933. His son, King Faisal II, and all his family were murdered in 1958 when the Iraqi military mounted a coup d’etat.

VanKoevering believes there is an excellent possibility that the leaders of Iraq will seek to stabilize their nation by inviting Prince Hassan to become king. But that is pure speculation, and there is no indication that the people of Iraq want a king, particularly one that is not even native to their population.

Nor is there any requirement in Scripture that the Antichrist be the King of Babylon. The passage VanKoevering uses to establish this idea is found in Isaiah 14 where the King of Babylon is presented as a type of Satan himself. That there might be a double application to both Satan and the Antichrist is a real possibility since the Antichrist will be possessed by Satan, but there is no indication in the passage that the Antichrist must be the King of Babylon.

A similar taunt is presented in Ezekiel 28 against the Prince of Tyre. And like the passage in Isaiah 14, the taunt morphs into a description of Satan that could be applied to the Antichrist. Does that mean the Antichrist must also be the King of Tyre? I think not.

One final observation about VanKoevering’s book. I believe that 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 teaches that the Antichrist will not be revealed until the beginning of the Tribulation. All attempts to identify him before the Tribulation are a waste of time.



Frank DiMora information on statements made by Pastor Vankoeverings.

The Pastor said the Prince was the main person behind the Oslo Accords. The information below shows you who really was.

For anyone who may not know what the Oslo agreement is let me provide you some information taken from the New World Encyclopedia. “The Oslo Accords, officially called the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements or Declaration of Principles (DOP), were finalized in Oslo, Norway on August 20, 1993, and subsequently officially signed at a public ceremony in Washington, DC on September 13, 1993, with Yasser Arafat signing for the Palestine Liberation Organization and Shimon Peres signing for the State of Israel. It was witnessed by Secretary of State, Warren Christopher for the United States and Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev for Russia, in the presence of U.S. President Bill Clinton and Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin with the PLO’s Chairman Yasser Arafat.

The Oslo Accords were a culmination of a series of secret and public agreements, dating particularly from the Madrid Conference of 1991 onwards, and negotiated between the Israeli government and the Palestine Liberation Organization (acting as representatives of the Palestinian people) in 1993 as part of a peace process trying to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Despite the high hopes expressed in the Accords and in the subsequent agreements, which also promised the normalization of Israel’s relations with the Arab world, the Accords have not been fully implemented and the conflict has not been resolved.

The talks leading to the agreement were initially held in London, were planned to be held in Zagreb, then later moved to Oslo. Main architects behind the plan were Johan Jørgen Holst (the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs), Terje Rød-Larsen and Mona Juul. The negotiations were reportedly conducted in total secrecy.”


“The talks leading to the agreement were initiated by the Norwegian government, who were at reasonably good terms with both parties. Main architects behind the plan was Johan Jørgen Holst (the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs), Terje Rød-Larsen and Mona Juul. The negotiations were undertaken in total secrecy in and around Oslo, with breakthrough meetings taking place in the home of Minister Holst, and was signed on August 20, 1993. There was a subsequent public ceremony in Washington D.C. on September 13, 1993 with Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin.”

Terje Rød-Larsen (born November 22, 1947) is a Norwegian diplomat and sociologist. He was, together with his wife Mona Juul, a key figure in the secret talks between PLO and Israel that led to the Oslo Accords in 1993< font color="#000000" size="3" face="Arial">.ød-Larsen/

“JERUSALEM, April 22— Since he visited the Jenin refugee camp last week and expressed his horror at what he saw, Terje Roed-Larsen, the chief United Nations representative here and the man who began the secret contacts that led to the Oslo agreements, has come under an unusually harsh personal attack by the Israeli government. He has been accused of ”record-high audacity” and ”anti-Semitic ideas,” and officials in the prime minister’s office have talked of having him expelled.”


I gave you these facts because Pastor Joe VanKoevering stated Hassan was the main architech behind the Olso talks and it was in fact not Hassan but Terje Rod-Larsen, his wife Mona Juul, and Johan Jørgen Holst, and it was done in secret . 

Here is more information: “The Oslo Accords were bilateral agreements signed in Washington following negotiations, part of which were clandestine, between Israel and the PLO. The signed agreement was entitled the “Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements.” Its main concern was on Israeli withdrawal from the territories of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, in order to allow the establishment of a Palestinian Authority for self-government for an interim period until permanent arrangements would be established.

The process began in January 1993 in a meeting with two Israelis, Dr. Yair Hirschfeld and Dr. Ron Pundak, and Palestinian representatives headed by Ahmed Qurei, aka Abu Alaa. The contact between the groups was made through Norwegian mediators, who contacted Dr. MK Yossi Beilin. A short time later, Beilin was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and he officially acknowledged these talks, while depicting them as unofficial. Minister of Foreign Affairs Shimon Peres was updated by Beilin after the first meeting took place in January, and Peres informed Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in early February.”

In another section of this report it was stated, “On the night between August 18th and 19th, Norwegian Foreign Minister Johan Jorgen Holst served as a mediator between Peres, who was located at the time in Stockholm, Sweden, and Arafat and Abu Alaa from PLO headquarters in Tunisia. The Declaration of Principles was initialed the following day. It was signed by Savir, Abu Alaa, Singer, and Hassan Asfur, in the presence of Peres.” 

It is very clear by the records who the real main architech’s of the 1993 Olso agreement were and it wasn’t Prince Hassan.”

When you watch the video below pay attention to these minutes marks.

1. At the 19:37 mark Terje R. Larsen tells the audience he played a role in the 1993 Oslo agreement.

2. At the 22:05 mark in the video Larsen actually states that the 1993 Oslo Accords was not a (PEACE AGREEMENT) but only the first agreement to a road map to a peace deal.  VanKoevering stated in his video that the Oslo Accord was a peace agreement.  Larsen also telling us that the Oslo talks failed to produce anything.  This is a far cry to what VanKoevering was saying.

Number 3 is a side note from my teaching: Starting from the 23:47 mark to 24:28 minute you will see Larsen warn history repeats its self in which when the peace talks fail the guns will come out again. This is exactly what I have been warning everyone about. This is what I think will bring on the Psalm 83 war.

The video below is entitled: Terje Roed-Larsen on Conflict Prevention. Video where Terje Rod-Larsen address the Olso agreement:

Another point VanKoevering makes is that Israel was not born a nation in 1948 but instead 1947.  Someone who doesn’t know what the Bible has to say about this may be lead to believe this but those who know what the Bible says about Israel being born as a nation again know what VanKoeverying is teaching is not the truth and let me show you why based on the God’s Word. 

Read what Isaiah 66:7-8 tells us. "Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she d
elivers a son
. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.

Let me make this simple for you.  This is the prophecy which told us the nation of Israel would be born again in one day!  I want to give you the facts on this so there is no question as to the date this actually happened and it wasn’t in 1947 as VanKoevering says.

First of all look at the photo of the headlines on May 14, 1948.

Israel is Born Palestine Post

Now watch this video where the entire story of how Israel became a nation in one day happened.  When you watch this video keep in mind the labor pains that were mentioned in Isaiah 66:7. Why?  Because the day after Israel became a nation the labor pains started when Israel found themselves engaged in the first of many wars with the Arabs.

There was never a time in 1947 where Israel was born as a nation again in one day, and the labor pains immediately followed that birth.  VanKoevering seems to have stretched his teaching to fit his agenda as making Prince Hassan El Bin Hatal the Antichrist by pointing or  referring that the date of Hatal’s birth is the same as the birth of Israel, which as you can see is flat out not the truth!

I will say this.  In the near future if as VanKoevering says, this Jordanian Prince will have to become the king of Iraq, (modern day Babylon), then we can take a closer look at the Prince possible being the Antichrist. In the past there has been news showing that possibility, and below is one of those reports from 2002.  Before you read this report keep in mind many of the things Vankoevering said were wrong.

Among other things, it suggested that the recently-signed Oslo accords might be dispensed with – "Israel has no obligations under the Oslo agreements if the PLO does not fulfill its obligations" – and that "alternatives to [Yasser] Arafat’s base of power" could be cultivated. "Jordan has ideas on this," it added.

It also urged Israel to abandon any thought of trading land for peace with the Arabs, which it described as "cultural, economic, political, diplomatic, and military retreat".

"Our claim to the land – to which we have clung for hope for 2,000 years – is legitimate and noble," it continued. "Only the unconditional acceptance by Arabs of our rights, especially in their territorial dimension, ‘peace for peace’, is a solid basis for the future."

The paper set out a plan by which Israel would "shape its strategic environment", beginning with the removal of Saddam Hussein and the installation of a Hashemite monarchy in Baghdad.

With Saddam out of the way and Iraq thus brought under Jordanian Hashemite influence, Jordan and Turkey would form an axis along with Israel to weaken and "roll back" Syria. Jordan, it suggested, could also sort out Lebanon by "weaning" the Shia Muslim population away from Syria and Iran, and re-establishing their former ties with the Shia in the new Hashemite kingdom of Iraq. "Israel will not only contain its foes; it will transcend them", the paper concluded.

Whatever members of the Iraqi opposition may think, the plan to replace Saddam Hussein with a Hashemite monarch – descendants of the Prophet Muhammad who rule Jordan – is also very much alive. Evidence of this was strengthened by the surprise arrival of Prince Hassan, former heir to the Jordanian throne, at a meeting of exiled Iraqi officers in London last July. The task of promoting Prince Hassan as Iraq’s future king has fallen to Michael Rubin, who currently works at the American Enterprise Institute but will shortly take up a new job at the Pentagon, dealing with post-Saddam Iraq.

In closing I do want to tell you that I disagree on the last statement made by the people at the Lamb and Lion Ministry where they said the following: “All attempts to identify him before the Tribulation are a waste of time.”  I believe the Bible has given us so much information about the Antichrist that it was done for a purpose. I believe that purpose was to make sure when the man of sin does show up that those who were warned about his characteristics will remember what we warned them and they will be the ones who will begin to refuse the mark of the Antichrist during the seven year tribulation.  I believe it is never a waste of time to make sure people understand the characteristics of the coming man of sin, and to point out these characteristic in men who are running parallel with what the Bible says about the Antichrist. 

Depression/Psalm war signs/War and rumors of war/Russia on fire/Updates on Intense heat,storms/Peace talks, Earthquakes/Aug. 10, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

In Matthew 24:6 Jesus warns us we will hear about wars and rumors of war. That is a lot of news going around warning that soon Iran will be attacked by the US and Great Britain.  Here is one news report concerning this issue.

Leading trends setter, Gerald Celente speaks about the future war being set up by the US, and the coming depression.

Those of you who have been with me from the time I have started these posts will remember the posts in which I warned you, you will hear more news about a depression not a recession.  I stated this back in 2009 and since then that is exactly what we are seeing in the news.  Here is an example in a CNBC report entitled, “We Are in Equivalent of Great Depression: Strategist”

“The mid-summer rally is over and stocks will begin a downward leg before bottoming in October, as the world economy is in what looks like a Great Depression, Robin Griffiths, a technical strategist at Cazenove Capital, told CNBC Monday. "Equities are for losers and bond markets for winners. Equities are simply for people who like losing money," Griffiths said. "A double-dip is inevitable and imminent, as Keynesian stimulus measures have never worked anywhere. We are in the equivalent of a Great Depression following 3 years of credit crisis," he added.”

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.”

In my post on Aug. 6, 2010 I gave you information concerning the warning Jesus gave us from Revelation 6:6 where the Lord said told the Apostle John the following: “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”  Now put this prophecy with the one Christ gave to John concerning the intense heat that would cause droughts, fires, thirst, and hunger. 

Just in case you are new to my site let it be known Jesus was shown the Apostle John what would happen on Earth just prior to His second coming.  People would face extremes like never before recorded in history, and everything Jesus showed John is beginning to take place in one specific generation, which is the one Jesus pointed to in Matthew 24:32-39. Let me make this as clear as I can for you. That generation is ours!  Never before in history has one generation seen all the things Christ warned about take place all at the same time. NEVER!

“32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. 34I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. 36“No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.”

I submit the next report as proof that what Jesus has warned us is in fact truth, and this report entitled “Extreme Weather Experienced Worldwide” will help you see that truth.

I quote, “Russia is the world's third largest wheat exporter and officials there say the drought will cut the grain harvest by 25 percent. Grain exports could drop by a half this year.  World wheat prices are already up nearly 50 percent since early June. "Grain prices are going up.  Food prices are going to be going up," said Lester Brown, who is with the Earth Policy Institute. So what is going on?  Is it simply a coincidence that this extreme weather is occurring at the same time worldwide. Or is it a warning of catastrophic climate change?  The U.S. National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration says the earth has been warming over the past three decades and the most recent decade is the hottest ever.”

Having surveyed Russian language media sources, JOTMAN.COM contributor Sanjuro reports on the fires sweeping across Russia:

If you click to the link below you will see a video explaining what to expect in the near future. I want to bring out three very important things that were stated by Lester Brown who is with the Earth Policy Institute, because what he has stated is the same exact thing we see from the Revelation.

First of all, world wheat prices are already up 50 since early June.

Second, grain prices are going up and food prices are going up.

Third, Brown says it does not necessarily mean global warming, but "what we can say is that given the projections for future temperature rises, that we will be seeing more and more Russias around the world.  The next time it may be in China, may be in the U.S. midwest or Great Plains.  Could be in two or three of them at once. Then we are in real trouble."

Fourth, “Brown says to watch for three key indicators — the number of hungry people in the world, the price of grain and the number of failing states.”   

I am not sure if Lester Brown knows anything about what Jesus has warned this generation concerning the last day signs, but I do know that what he has stated runs in agreement with the Word of God, and you better take it to heart!  If you still won’t believe these are the last day signs, just wait and see what is just over the horizon.  The birth pains will not decrease, they will increase which tells me there is no doubt that many nations will be facing the same conditions Russia is facing right now.

Everywhere I go people are talking about the weird weather we are having.

Russia’s record heat wave may already have taken 15,000 lives and cost the economy $15 billion, or 1 percent of gross domestic product, as fires and drought ravage the country.


Prophecy Sign: 1 Thessalonians 5:3 “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. If you have been following the news with me you know that the labor pains of the peace talks are on again and off again.  This will continue until there is the sudden destruction Paul speaks to us about.  Just in case you are new to prophecy, the sudden destruction refers to war!  President Barak Hassan Obama’s rating today is at an all time low at 41% and the elections are just around the corner.  He is trying to do something to lift those pour numbers up. If he can get Israel and the PLO to set down for direct talks he believes this will help his pour numbers.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. envoy George Mitchell, and Palestinian President Mahmoud AbbPhoto by: Getty Images and Reuters

“The U.S. Mideast peace envoy will meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday as the Obama administration presses both sides to launch direct talks as soon as possible. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. envoy George Mitchell and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The U.S. State Department said Monday that George Mitchell would spend one day addressing questions from both sides before returning to the United States on Wednesday.”

After you read this you may say the same thing I did, which is, “its the same thing over and over again”.  Just keep in the back of your mind that at the time they are calling for peace is when the war will break out.  These peace labor pains are very important because we see the tensions mounting not only between the PLO and Israel, but with Israel and both Syria and Lebanon as well.  “Israel's government says indirect talks are wasting time and has criticized Abbas for setting preconditions for direct talks aimed at ending the 62-year old Mideast conflict.”  Time is running out on these talks and soon the nations bordering Israel will take matters in their own hands.

Here is more news on the stalled peace talks. “Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Monday he might end an impasse in peace talks with Israel and resume direct talks with the Jewish State for the first time in almost two years. Abbas told reporters US President Barack Obama's administration and many world leaders were putting pressure on him to agree to direct talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has said he is ready to begin immediately”

While the leaders of both Israel and the PLO are still at odds over the direct peace talks the situation between Israel’s neighbors to the North appear to be getting ready for the next war, and so is Israel.

Israeli tanks prepare for exercise

“Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah accused Israel of plotting to murder all of Lebanon's political and military leaders in a speech he delivered Monday night, Aug. 9, thus going one better than his anticipated bid to pin the 2005 Hariri murder on the Jewish state.  Although he produced no evidence, his Iranian backers were at his side. And so enough fuel was poured on the already incendiary Israel-Lebanese, Israel-Syrian borders to prompt a large-scale Israeli military exercise to start the following morning, Tuesday, Aug. 10.

Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki is meanwhile on his way to Damascus to hold Bashar Assad back from his promise to Saudi King Abdullah to break away from Hizballah. The Iranian ambassador called on the Lebanese chief of staff Gen. Jean Qahwaji Monday and advised him to invoke the new Iranian-Lebanese military accord for replacing the US with Iran as the Lebanese army's main arms supplier.

In an attempt to hold the line in Beirut, Washington sent its top Syrian-Lebanese expert Fredric Hof to Beirut to warn Gen. Qahwaji against falling for the Iranian line or again embarking on cross-border aggression against Israel.

In an earlier item on Aug. 9, debkafile's sources outlined the pressures on Iranian-Syrian relations and the strains which have prompted all these comings and goings, placed four armies on a high alert and made the Hizballah leader desperate enough to threaten his country with civil war and provoke a showdown with Israel.

Israel is to move large tank, armored infantry and artillery up north as an extra warning to Tehran, Damascus and Beirut not to let their crises spill over to Israel's borders or generate a repeat of the Aug. 3 military clash in which Lt. Col. Dov Harari was killed by a Lebanese sniper.”

Once again for those who may be new to my site or new to Bible prophecy. The events you are now watching are the events that will lead up to several prophecies which have not yet been fulfilled.  The nations to the North of Israel will attack Israel with other bordering nations around Israel and fulfill the psalm 83 war.  Notice that Damascus is mentioned in this report?  This is important because Damascus is the Capital of Syria and we know from Isaiah 17:1 that Syria is going to be left in a “ruinous heap”. When you read Jeremiah 49:24-27 you see Syria is wiped out.  These are the events that will be taking place shortly as the peace progress fails and tensions continue to mount between Israel and these nations.  Do think what you are watching in the news is a coincidence!  These are the last day signs the Lord wants us to keep an eye on.  Why?  Because these are the signs that are indicators that He will be coming for His Church soon.,7340,L-3932940,00.html

Chinese Flag Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. “  Below is an up-date on the huge storm that just passed through China. “More than 700 people are now known to have died in a massive landslide in north-west China – making it one of the deadliest incidents so far in the country's worst flooding in a decade. A frantic search is continuing for the more than 1,000 people still missing.”  There is a video to watch if you go to the link below.  By the way, since these are birth pains you can expect to see more problems as bigger storms begin to hit.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Jesus said there would be many earthquakes. Can you image how the people I have just talk to concerning the last day signs in my home town feel this morning?  I was awaken early this morning when a Magnitude 3.7 earthquake hit Central California. Fact is the quake was only 5 miles from my home. I love when this happens, because I know in my the words that I passed on from Jesus were shaken in the hearts of the people in which I spoke with. This morning I know what the Lord showed me was again passed on to the people I have spoken with. Read Isaiah 55:11 “So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”

Since I haven’t brought you up to speed on the number of earthquakes this week here are the quakes that hit at least a 5.0 and higher in the past seven days.

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP  5.1   2010/08/10 11:49:18   -17.466    167.763  35.0   VANUATU
MAP  5.0   2010/08/10 09:53:59   -17.692    167.691  35.0   VANUATU
MAP  5.3   2010/08/10 06:14:37   -17.445    167.697  36.8   VANUATU
MAP  5.8   2010/08/10 05:50:38    39.456    143.122  21.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  7.3   2010/08/10 05:23:47   -17.561    168.028  35.0   VANUATU
MAP  5.0   2010/08/10 04:52:41   -14.079    -72.694  87.1   CENTRAL PERU
MAP  5.1   2010/08/10 01:41:03    28.571    142.229  10.0   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION

MAP  5.4   2010/08/09 22:21:44    13.536    92.768  31.9   ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
MAP  5.2   2010/08/09 20:25:53   -20.897   -174.708  27.2   TONGA
MAP  5.1   2010/08/09 12:13:44   -38.541    -72.700  34.1   ARAUCANIA, CHILE
MAP  5.2   2010/08/09 03:34:16    -6.104    113.007  594.9   JAVA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2010/08/09 02:54:52    30.250    94.795  52.8   EASTERN XIZANG

MAP  5.4   2010/08/08 12:04:29    51.391   -178.589  29.0   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA
MAP  5.0   2010/08/08 10:23:01    50.714    175.613  11.3   RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA

MAP  5.3   2010/08/07 16:04:08    29.534    128.354  237.5   NORTHWEST OF THE RYUKYU ISLANDS
MAP  5.2   2010/08/07 12:51:58   -13.427    167.851  38.2   VANUATU
MAP  5.2   2010/08/07 11:17:58    12.848    144.875  50.1   GUAM REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/08/07 07:02:39   -15.223    167.453  169.8   VANUATU

MAP  5.1   2010/08/06 21:05:27   -38.199    -73.616  10.0   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.6   2010/08/06 08:58:40    -7.372    128.473  58.6   KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.2   2010/08/06 05:03:59   -21.726   -179.478  584.3   FIJI REGION

MAP  5.2   2010/08/05 20:35:51   -20.036    -70.493  38.2   OFFSHORE TARAPACA, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2010/08/05 19:04:05    49.522    155.440  66.8   KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  5.0   2010/08/05 08:45:28    -5.628    146.655  96.8   EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.2   2010/08/05 06:27:16   -37.430    -73.367  24.9   BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.7   2010/08/05 06:01:48   -37.362    -73.341  16.2   BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.3   2010/08/05 05:09:23    -6.004    150.600  35.0   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.1   2010/08/05 01:12:46    -5.974    150.571  35.0   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

MAP  6.0   2010/08/04 23:48:03    45.964    153.216  33.6   EAST OF THE KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  7.0   2010/08/04 22:01:44    -5.768    150.776  44.0   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.4   2010/08/04 21:51:26    51.494   -178.569  49.1   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA
MAP  6.4   2010/08/04 12:58:25    51.426   -178.607  27.0   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA
MAP  5.3   2010/08/04 10:07:12   -21.796   -175.150  35.0   TONGA
MAP  6.4   2010/08/04 07:15:33    -5.521    146.793  213.6   EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  6.0   2010/08/04 04:46:22   -26.953   -177.148  23.7   SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP  5.3   2010/08/04 04:24:37   -23.838    -66.522  177.3   JUJUY, ARGENTINA
MAP  5.1   2010/08/04 00:43:05    6.690    126.968  66.4   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES

MAP  5.4   2010/08/03 22:30:30   -22.642    171.443  64.8   SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP  5.2   2010/08/03 19:42:13    -9.498    39.060  9.7   TANZANIA
MAP  5.4   2010/08/03 16:26:27    38.451    69.627  37.4   TAJIKISTAN


Crops killed off by intense heat/ Luke 21:25 roaring seas and waves and complex problems/Temple Mount troubles/Iran to be attacked by Israel?/Aug. 9, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora


If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


 Prophecy Sign: Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” Mark 13:8 “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”

“Muscovites fled the Russian capital in record numbers as extreme heat combined with acrid smoke from wildfires, slowing trading on the city’s main stock exchange and emptying restaurants.”

More than 104,400 people flew out of Moscow yesterday, topping the previous 2010 record of 101,000, according to the Federal Air Transportation Agency. On Aug. 7, 95,000 left the city by plane, 20 percent more than the year-earlier date, agency spokesman Sergei Izvolsky said by telephone today. Moscow set a daily heat record of 35.5 degrees Celsius (95.5 degrees Fahrenheit) today, the seventh such record this month and the 19th of the summer, said Tatyana Pozdnyakova, a spokeswoman for the city’s weather service. The city reached 38.2 degrees Celsius, the highest ever, on July 29.”

Drought has forced the government to declare states of emergency in 28 crop-producing regions. Agriculture accounts for about 4 percent of gross domestic product, according to Moscow- based VTB Capital. Russia’s 2010 grain harvest may be between 60 million and 65 million metric tons, compared with 97.1 million tons last year, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said today.”

First of all, we do see the very signs Jesus warns us about taking place in Russia right now, but this is only the beginning of things to come.  The real troubles surrounding these birth pains will be begin during the seven year tribulation when the Church has been removed from the Earth.  It will be during the seven year tribulation that the heat of the sun which will cause massive droughts, lack of water, many fires, famines and starvation to levels this planet has never gone seen.  Your only way out of this before it happens is to give your life over to the only one who can save you, and that is Jesus Christ.

  Is the sun’s heat upon us?  Look at what is happening in a report entitled, Ice Chunk Larger Than Manhattan Breaks Off Greenland Glacier”.  I quote, “A chunk of ice four times the size of Manhattan has calved from Greenland’s Petermann Glacier, scientists announced today. The last time the Arctic lost such a large chunk of ice was in 1962. “In the early morning hours of August 5, 2010, an ice island four times the size of Manhattan was born in northern Greenland,” said Andreas Muenchow, associate professor of physical ocean science and engineering at the University of Delaware. Satellite imagery of this remote area at 81 degrees north latitude and 61 degrees west longitude, about 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) south of the North Pole, reveals that Petermann Glacier lost about
one-quarter of its 43-mile- (70-km-) long floating ice-shelf.”  I am giving you this information as a child of Jesus Christ, I know what my Father has warned in His Word and He wants you to see these signs in order to help you see Him for who He really is, He is your Savior and your Father as well.  Jesus is calling to all His Children and I pray you will be counted as one of those blessed children who will listen to what the Father has told us.  Get ready to either meet your Father face to face at the rapture of the Church or get ready to meet Satan face to face as he incarnates himself in the Antichrist during the seven year tribulation.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.  We are seeing all the signs taking place at the same time and that includes this roaring of the seas and waves which is caused by major storms.  OF course these major storms cause complex problems exactly as it stated in Luke just take a look at this headline,  “UN says Pakistan floods worse than 2004 tsunami”  

 I quote,The United Nations said Monday that massive floods in Pakistan had affected 13.8 million people and eclipsed the scale of the devastating 2004 tsunami, as anger mounted among survivors. The Pakistani government and UN officials have appealed for more urgent relief efforts to cope with the country’s worst ever floods, with President Asif Ali Zardari due to return home after a heavily criticised European tour. The entire northwestern Swat valley, where Pakistan fought a major campaign to flush out Taliban insurgents last year, was cut off at the weekend as were parts of the country’s breadbasket in Punjab and Sindh.  “This disaster is worse than the tsunami, the 2005 Pakistan earthquake and the Haiti earthquake,” Maurizio Giuliano, a spokesman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), told AFP. He said the 13.8 million affected outstripped the more than three million hit by the 2005 earthquake, five million in the 2004 tsunami and the three million affected by the Haiti earthquake in January this year.”

  An aerial view from a Pakistan

army rescue helicopter shows a flood-affected area on the outskirts of Sukkur. The United Nations said Monday that massive floods in Pakistan had affected 13.8 million people and eclipsed the scale of the devastating 2004 tsunami, as anger mounted among survivors.


More storm news today out of Europe informed us, “Floods caused by torrential rain in central Europe left ten people dead and several others missing, with thousands of residents forced to flee their homes, officials said Sunday. Rivers burst their banks and dykes were breached in Poland,Germany and the Czech Republic, while authorities had to evacuate some people by helicopter from the rising waters. Three people drowned in southwestern Poland, near the country’s borders with Germany and the Czech Republic, Polish Interior Minister Jerzy Miller told reporters.

Chinese Flag  China’s huge storm was also in the news. “Landslides and floods triggered by torrential rain have engulfed a town in north-western China, killing at least 127 people and leaving 1,300 missing. Nearly 3,000 soldiers and 100 medics have been sent to assist local rescue teams in Zhouqu, in an isolated, mainly Tibetan region of Gansu province. We’ve had landslides before, but never anything this bad. People are trying to find their families and waiting for more rescuers”  More than 45,000 people have reportedly already been evacuated from the area. Local officials say thick mud, more than 1m (3.3ft) deep in some places, is hampering rescue efforts. Prime Minister Wen Jiabao flew to Gansu after receiving news of the disaster. He told officials to “spare no efforts to save lives”. More than 1,400 people are believed to have been killed this year in unusually severe flooding in central and southern China. About 1.4m homes have been destroyed, 12 million people evacuated, and 87,600 sq km (22m acres) of crops ruined, officials say.”  As I said, 2010 has seen its share of huge storms and these storms have caused complex problems from many nations.  If you missed the one that hit Italy take a look at this video.  I am warning you, if you don’t like what you see here you are not like going to be left behind to enter the tribulation period.


Prophecy sign:   The Ezekiel war chapter 38 through 39.  In many of my posts I stated that I believe that the Ezekiel war could be started by an attack  by Israel on Iran’s  nuclear weapons  facility.   Once Israel attacks Iran  the outcome would be to  a quick response from the bordering nations around Israel  which are all mentioned in Psalm 83 war. I believe this attack would happen swiftly and then they would be a pause and then a short time after when Israel thinks that they’re living in safety because all those bordering nations have been destroyed and that is when Russia will take Iran and the rest of their allies in attack Israel to fulfill the second war which would be the Ezekiel war found in chapter 38 and chapter 39 of Ezekiel. 

Iran-Russia nuclear plant to be inaugurated in September – official
The joint Iran-Russia nuclear power plant in the Gulf port of Bushehr in southern Iran will be inaugurated in late September, Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said Monday, reported dpa. ILNA news agency quoted him as saying that that all tests and necessary arrangements were currently underway and the plant would be opened in one and a half months.- “real fuel” would reach the plant within months after the opening and the complex would then start its operation at “maximum level.”

One thing that we need to keep in mind is the Jewish Feasts because many prophecies have been fulfilled on those days and many others will follow. In 2010 the Jewish Feasts of Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur take place during the month of September.  

Rosh HaShanah: Evening of September 8th, 2010 (Wed) to September 10th, 2010 (Friday).
Yom Kippur: Evening of September 17th, 2010 (Friday) to September 18th, 2010 (Saturday).

Because Rosh Hashanah is going to begin again in September on those dates, I wanted to add this special post today. It is my prayer that every Christian who reads this will not be afraid to pass this information on to your loved ones and friends. Many believe that the Church some time in the future will be taken away to Christ during the Feast of Trumpets or as it is called (Rosh Hashanah).  Could this September be the year?  Only the Lord knows for sure, but we need to be ready just in case this is the year Jesus has picked to come for His Church and begin the final seven years before He comes back to Earth to take His seat as King in Jerusalem.

If this is the appointed time Jesus has picked, your loved ones will need to know this information.  If Jesus does come this September and your loved ones miss it, they will know why they were left behind.  Make sure you tell them to ask Jesus into their lives. With that said I will say one more thing. Anyone that tells you Jesus will for sure come on any certain date is by default in opposition to God’s word. For we know that God’s word says clearly that no man knows the day nor hour.  Since we do not know which year He will come the best thing we can do is to be aware that it could happen this year and my goal has always been to be a watchman, and someone who is constantly looking for the Lord’s return. My question to all Christians is this. Are you watching for the Lord’s second coming as he asked us to

Is it a mere coincidence that this September Iran’s nuclear weapons facility will be fired up with the help of the Russians? Sooner or later Israel is going to have to take out this nuclear weapons  facility and when that happens all hell will break out. p>

Knowing Iran will have the bomb that could wipe Israel off the map Israel won’t just stand by and do nothing!  Israel can not rely on anyone but themselves to put a halt to Iran’s quest for the bomb.  Obama up until this point has been all words and no actions, and today’s news shows us Israel really can’t rely on the US, which means when Israel does strike at Iran she will be on her own.  Of course any attack by Israel will be seen by the world as a act of violence and further cause the world to come against the Jews, which will help fulfill what the Prophet Zechariah warned in Zech 12:3.

“US President Barack Obama acknowledged Monday that the Islamic Republic of Iran – which has repeatedly voiced its intention to see Israel wiped off the map – is on course to obtain nuclear weapons after all. Speaking to the New York Times, Obama said he was convinced “the current course they [the Iranian leadership] are on would provide them with nuclear weapons capabilities.” As a consequence of Obama’s appeasement approach to Tehran, America can do nothing to prevent it. The American’s admission comes after a year during which his administration barely stopped short of public threats to prevent Israel from self-defensively destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities. Most recently, behind-closed-door coercive tactics were employed during successive visits by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Joint Chiefs off Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen and Vice President Joe Biden in order to keep pressure on Israel not to attack.

 Prophecy Sign: Daniel 9:27 “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.”
Holy TempleMatthew 24:15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand”.

2 Thessalonians 2:4  “He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.”  The “He” this verse is talking about is the Antichrist!

Holy Temple In my book I outline the events leading to the rebuilding of the Third Jewish Temple.  Each year we are getting closer and closer to witnessing this Temple being rebuilt.  There was more news about the Temple, and I promise you this, the Temple Jesus told us would be rebuilt is almost here!

We know for sure the third Temple will be built in the very near future just as the prophecies show us. At the current time this Temple Mount is causing havoc between the Arabs in the Israelis.  Today there was more news about the third Temple in the news report entitled, “Security Fears: Police Cancel Upcoming Temple Mount Activities”

“In light of security assessments in Jerusalem and the rioting of the past few days there, police have canceled the monthly Temple Mount Gates march, scheduled for this Monday night. Last month’s event, called Sivuv She’arim (Circling the Gates), was held with the participation of 4,000 people who wished to show their solidarity with the Holy Temple in this manner. Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute bemoaned the cancellation and what it signifies. His remarks are brought below. Police are concerned that the dedication events of this week for the newly-rebuilt Hurva Synagogue in the Old City will spark Arab violence. The centuries-old Hurva was bombed and destroyed by the Jordanians in the 1948 War of Independence; refurbishing work has been ongoing for several years, and was completed this month.”  “This event gives expression to the Nation of Israel’s deep bonds with the Temple Mount,” the organizers say, “and to our anticipation and longing for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.”   

Were are seeing a lot of news showing us that the Israelis want to build this third Temple. The way things are going I believe in the not to distant future you’re going to see news that the Antichrist is allowing the Jewish nation to rebuild their third Temple in fulfillment of what was prophecified. Notice I said you will see the Antichrist giving the ok to the rebuilding of the Temple.  The Christians will be in heaven with Jesus before this happens.

As long a I mentioned what the Prophet Zechariah stated take a look at how people have and are burdening themselves over God’s Holy City of Jerusalem.  The Headline to this next report reads as follows: “Arab pilgrims seen as more effective than the failed boycott” and quote, “Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowments Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq has called on Muslims worldwide to visit Jerusalem and assert its Islamic identity. In an interview with the London- based pan-Arab daily Asharq Al-Awsat, Zaqzouq attacked the traditional Arab policy of tourism boycott against the Jewish state. He warned that Israel’s building in the city could smother Islamic sites.

“I say to those who insist on not visiting [Jerusalem] before its liberation: My worst fear is that you will have nothing to visit after Israel realizes its plans in Jerusalem and elsewhere,” Zaqzouq was quoted as saying. Zaqzouq said his tactic of urging a worldwide convergence on Jerusalem could be used to expose any subsequent Israeli hypocrisy, should the government refuse to grant them entry permits. He said Muslims could then turn to the international community claiming religious discrimination.” 


e=”text-align: justify”>Can’t you all see that everything the Prophet wrote about is either in the process of coming to pass or has already been fulfilled in our generation?  Wake up and stand ready to meet Jesus.

Prophecy sign: What is one of the keys to knowing when Jesus is going to return to for His Church? Anyone who doesn’t know Jesus as Lord yet better read His words found in Matthew. I quote, “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”  There is no question this present generation has become just like the one during Noah’s time.  Noah watch his society grumble and turn away from God until the flood came and took them all away.  The people warning what Jesus said about our generation are also watch our society grumble and move away from God and Christ. “The Department of Health and Human Services has released two sex-education funding grants under the new healthcare law, one of which calls to indoctrinate school children in the homosexual lifestyle. The measure will allocate $55 million to fund the Personal Responsibility Education Program and $50 million to abstinence-only programs. The responsibility of the former is to provide comprehensive sex education, which is to include curriculum based on “the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth on how their programs will be inclusive of and non-stigmatizing toward such participants.”


Last day signs in the news Aug. 6, 2010

I had my post up today and someone it was taken off. Since I didn’t want to rewrite the entire post this is what I did. I took a pictures of the sheets I copied and posted at the bottom of my post today.


I can see the handwriting on the wall, can you?


U.S. issues Israel travel warning in wake of Eilat rocket attack State Department also implores citizens to adhere to travel ban to Gaza Strip and avoid West Bank demonstrations.

By Natasha Mozgovaya and Haaretz Service

“The United States issued a travel warning to Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip on Thursday, citing additional precautions as a result of a recent rocket attack on Eilat and the Jordanian port city of Aqaba.”


Shades of Revelation 6:6 (If you are left behind when the Church is gone you better get ready to face Rev. 6.6/Aug. 6, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Prophecy Sign: “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"


Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin walks through a wheat field in Vyselk…


Wheat awaits a harvester at the Kubankhleb farm in Tikhoretask in Russia’s s…Russia,

one of the world’s top wheat exporters, will impose a temporary ban on grain exports until December 31 due to a record drought, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced on Thursday.

"In connection with the unusually high temperatures and the drought, I consider it right to impose a temporary ban on the export from Russia of grain and other products produced from grain," Putin told a government meeting.

Russia, currently the world’s number three wheat exporter, earlier this week slashed its grain harvest forecast to 70-75 million tonnes owing to the worst drought for decades.

Last year, Russia exported 21.4 million tonnes of grain and observers had already warned this risks being sharply lower this year owing to the drought.

The prime minister’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the embargo would come into force from August 15 and would remain in place until December 31, the Interfax news agency reported.

"We must not allow an increase in domestic prices and must preserve the headcount of our cattle," said Putin in comments broadcast on state television. Putin said that grain from the government’s intervention fund would be handed out to the regions most in need without any auction.

“Concerns about Russia — coupled with a drought that has also hit Ukraine and Kazakhstan as well as a low harvest in Canada — have already led to a spike in global wheat prices to two year highs.”

If you doubt Jesus words and His warnings you may want to read a section from this next report entitled: “Commodity prices soar as spectre of food inflation is back”

“Speculation and rumour could be the driving force behind sudden market rise in food prices”  “The price of wheat, oil and copper soared this week but the picture looks much less clear this time. Old-fashioned supply and demand is still at work, but there are fears that wild rumours and speculation are driving up prices. Wheat prices, which are up 40% over the last month, reached a two-year high as concerns about a drought in Russia and rotting stocks of grain in India exercised markets in London and Chicago. Claims that a major crop failure in Australia, following an invasion of locusts and a wet summer in Canada, could lead to a worldwide shortage, have pushed up prices in recent weeks to levels not seen since 2008. The rise in futures contract prices traded on the major markets also follows a United Nations report in June that warned food prices could rise as much as 40% over the coming decade, amid growing demand from emerging markets and for biofuel production”


Here is more proof about the rising food costs in a report entitled: “A Global Need for Grain That Farms Can’t Fill”. I quote. “LAWTON, N.D. — Whatever Dennis Miller decides to plant this year on his 2,760-acre farm, the world needs. Wheat prices have doubled i
n the last six months
. Corn is on a tear. Barley, sunflower seeds, canola and soybeans are all up sharply. “For once, there’s great reason to be optimistic,” Mr. Miller said. But the prices that have renewed Mr. Miller’s faith in farming are causing pain far and wide. A tailor in Lagos, Nigeria, named Abel Ojuku said recently that he had been forced to cut back on the bread he and his family love. “If you wanted to buy three loaves, now you buy one,” Mr. Ojuku said.

Do you remember what Pastor Williams warned about food prices.  If you missed it you should watch this video.


In Spanish(A Thief in the night) by Frank DiMora


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

A while back I wrote a piece about being ready to go home with Jesus when He calls His Church. I have had many people email telling me this was a powerful message. I was if I could translate this message into Spanish.  Today I receive a email from a Christian Brother who had the message translated for me.  If you know anyone who speaks Spanish this would be a great way to witness to them and help them to also prepare to meet our Lord Jesus Christ.

In case you missed this post you can read it in English starting at the end of the post in its Spanish form.




Porque Jesús quiere que nosotros mantengamos nuestra atención en el calendario bíblico? Jesús quiere que los que estén atentos a su regreso estén preparados para su venida a remover la iglesia de este mundo. La única manera de hacerlo es saber lo que se está buscando. Está claro que los Cristianos saben lo que están buscando, pero yo diría que la mayoría de los Cristianos no tienen idea de cuál es la señal. Porque ellos no lo saben? Yo puedo ver dos razones, la primera es que están en una iglesia donde su pastor nunca les enseña acerca de las señales de los tiempos y, la segunda es que los Cristianos no están estudiando la palabra ellos mismos y por consiguiente no conocen las señales. Permíteme ayudarte a entender un mensaje muy importante de Jesucristo. Si entiendes lo que Jesús esta diciéndonos, será claro de lo que tú y tu familia deberían de estar atentos y vigilantes.

Mucha gente me ha preguntado porque perder el tiempo intentando saber cuándo será el regreso de Jesús. Jesús mismo dijo que ningún hombre sabía esto. Permítanme citar a Jesús en Mateo 24:36 para que sepan de lo que estoy hablando. “Pero el día y la hora no será conocida por el hombre, no, ni los ángeles en el paraíso, solo mi Padre la conoce.” Ahora yo quiero que se den cuenta lo que Jesús en realidad está diciendo aquí en relación a los pensamientos y tradiciones Judías. La frase “Pero el día y la hora no será conocida por el hombre” es común en el idioma Hebreo por los judíos para denotar un día de fiesta llamado “Rosh Hashanah.” Rosh Hashanah es uno de los siete días de fiesta de los judíos y es conocido entre los judíos como un festín de trompetas. El festín de trompetas se celebra en el otoño. En Levítico 23 veras que estos festines son tiempos reservados y establecidos anualmente como remembranza de que históricamente y proféticamente existe un plan de Dios para nosotros. Este plan incluye la venida de Cristo y como Cristo traerá la redención para todos los que lo hayan recibido en su corazón. En resumen, Dios nos dio un calendario bíblico. De los siete eventos bíblicos el único que aun no se ha cumplido es el festín de otoño (Rosh Hashanah) o Festín de Trompetas, Yom Kippur, el cual es el día de expiación y tabernáculos. Voy a concentrarme en el Festín de Trompetas porque en el calendario de Dios este evento es el próximo a acontecer. Teniendo esta información, déjenme regresar al testimonio de Jesús en Mateo 24:36 donde él dice “No hay hombre que conozca el día o la hora”. Este verso tiene que ver con la boda Judía. El padre tiene que asegurarse que el hijo tenga todo preparado para la boda. Si alguno preguntara cuando seria la boda, el Judío responderá pregúntale a mi padre, el es el único que lo sabe. Esta era la práctica común de los judíos. Esta era una práctica común para los judíos. Esa era la respuesta tradicional. Cuando el tiempo llegue para la boda, el hombre ira a media noche dejando saber a la novia que él ha llegado por ella. El Festín de Trompetas, o Rosh Hashanah será asignado como el tiempo de arrobamiento de la iglesia. Como prueba de esto, déjenme demostrarles lo que ya está sucediendo en la boda Judía con relación a Jesucristo y a su prometida, la iglesia.

En una boda judía las mujeres Judías representan su compromiso aceptando la propuesta de matrimonio al tomarse una copa de vino que el prometido les da. Que hizo Jesús en la Ultima Cena? Jesús pasó una copa de vino durante la Ultima Cena y esos que bebieron del vino aceptaron su compromiso.

Segundo, el hombre Judío tiene que dar una dote a los padres de la novia. Que hizo Jesús y cuál fue el precio que el pago. Jesús pago el precio por nosotros con su propia vida al morir en la cruz por nosotros.

El siguiente paso que siguen los hombres Judíos para prepararse para la boda es darle un regalo a la novia. Que regalo le ha dado Jesucristo a la iglesia? Jesús nos dio el regalo del espíritu santo.

Después el hombre Judío deberá preparar un lugar para vivir él y su esposa después de casarse. Recuerdan las palabras de Jesucristo en el libro de Juan 14:3? Jesús dijo, “Yo iré y preparare un lugar para ustedes, y cuando regrese los recibiré y donde yo este ustedes también estarán.” Ese lugar es donde Jesús esta ahora, el está preparando la casa para su iglesia la prometida de Cristo.

En seguida lo que el hombre Judío hará para prepararse para la boda Judía es esto; el tendrá invitados en su boda y a la media noche hará sonar las cornetas para su novia. Ahora leamos lo q
ue Jesús le pidió al apóstol Pablo que escribiera en el Capitulo 4 versículo 15 al 16 en el primer libro de los Tesalonicenses. Pablo menciono dos veces el tiempo exacto de este evento! En el versículo 15, el dice que esto ocurre a la venida del Señor, y en el versículo 16, Cristo desciende del cielo con una nota con la voz de un arcángel, y con una trompeta de dios. Este es el tiempo en el que Jesús vendrá por nosotros así como el hombre Judío ira a la media noche llamando a su prometida. Esto será el siguiente evento en el calendario de Dios en el Festín de las Trompetas.

Lo que ocurrirá después de la boda Judía en seguida que el hombre vaya y tome a su prometida será que el pasara siete días a solas con su prometida para consumar el matrimonio en su recamara nupcial. Cuando Jesús regrese por su prometida que es la iglesia, el tomara la iglesia y la llevara al cielo por siete años. Este es el tiempo exacto de los siete años de tribulación. Escuchen lo que el Libro de Isaías dice en el Capitulo 26:20-21 “Vengan, my gente, entren y cierren las puertas: escóndanse como si fuera un momento hasta que la indignación pase. He aquí que Dios viene desde su lugar a castigar a los habitantes de la tierra por su iniquidad: La tierra también revelara su sangre y no cubrirá mas a sus muertos.” Este será el lugar donde Jesús tendrá a su iglesia mientras los siete-años de tribulación transcurran en la tierra. La iglesia, prometida de Cristo, estará escondida de esos tiempos terribles que acontecerán en la tierra durante la tribulación.

Como puedes ver, todo lo que Jesús hizo fue de acuerdo a las tradiciones matrimoniales judías que están basadas en el calendario bíblico. Quiero regresar a lo que el apóstol Pablo dijo en Tesalonicenses 5:1-4 cuando el menciono lo siguiente, “Pero en los tiempos y estaciones, hermanos, no tienen necesidad que les escriba. Por su propia cuenta saben que dios llegara como un ladrón por la noche. Y ellos dirán, paz y bienestar; entonces la destrucción vendrá y caerá sobre ellos como llega un parto a una mujer; y no podrán escapar. Pero, hermanos, no estaremos en la obscuridad, la luz del día aparecerá como un ladrón”.

Pablo era un Judío y el entendía las señales y como ocurrirían los eventos en sus tiempos y estaciones, o los días de festejo para los Judíos. En el verso anterior, Pablo elude la señal de paz y bienestar y da a entender que no sucederá en la penumbra de la noche porque ellos vigilarían que estos eventos sucedan durante la celebración Judía. Cuando leas Génesis Capitulo 1 versículo 14, encontraras la palabra estación, que en hebreo significa tiempo asignado. Las estaciones o tiempos asignados, a los que se refiere Pablo en verdad son los días en que Jesús retornara en el Festín de Trompetas el cual ocurrirá en el otoño. Entonces, cuando Pablo les dijo a los judíos “ No es necesario que les escriba” siendo judíos ellos sabían exactamente a qué se refería. Las únicas personas que estarán en la obscuridad cuando Jesús venga a su fiesta serán esos que no entiendan o conozcan la palabra de Dios, y no tendrán entendimiento de los temas bíblicos.

Por favor vean Rev. 3:3. En una parte de este versículo Jesús le dice a la Iglesia de Sardis, la cual estaba considerada una Iglesia muerta para que se arrepintieran de sus actos. Vean lo que pasa cuando no estás atento? Resalto esta parte del versículo 3, “Vendré como un ladrón y no sabrán a qué hora sucederá.” Así le hablaba Jesús a la Iglesia muerta. Que nos quería enseñar Jesús en este proverbio? Jesús nos quería decir que el solo vendría como un ladrón a la Iglesia muerta, no así a una Iglesia viva, ellos no serian sorprendidos.

En el libro de Revelaciones capitulo 3 versículo 17 al 18 Jesús le hablo a la iglesia de Lardácea. Esta es otra de las iglesias que no están listas Jesús se refiere a esta iglesia como iglesia de tibios. Qué pasa con una iglesia tibia? Jesús nos da la respuesta en Revelaciones 3:16 donde él dice, “Entonces ustedes los tibios que no son ni fríos ni calientes yo los vomitare fuera de mi boca”. También en esos versículos Jesús les dice que vayan y compren vestimenta blanca que “al vestirse la vergüenza de su desnudez no aparezca.” Lo que la mayoría de gente no entiende es lo que esta vestimenta blanca representa. Pongan atención y entenderán a que se refería Jesús y remarco lo siguiente; “Yo abogare por ustedes y me compraran oro moldeado en fuego, y ustedes podrán ser ricos; y vestirán ropas blancas, y la vergüenza de estar desnudos desaparecerá; y ungiré sus ojos con colirio para que ustedes puedan ver.”

Ahora quiero que relacionen lo que está escrito en Revelaciones 16:15, conectándolo con Revelaciones 3:18, estará claro para ustedes el porqué hacerlo. Revelaciones 16:15 dice lo siguiente: Prepárense, yo vendré como un ladrón. Bendito sea el que este al acecho y tenga listo su equipaje para que no ande desnudo y sintiendo su vergüenza.

Regresemos a las tradiciones Judías por un segundo, y les enseñare como esto se relaciona. Durante los tiempos en que el Templo Judío estaba en pie cuando Jesús estuvo ahí la primera vez, el alto sacerdote era conocido como “El ladrón de la noche” y era por esto: existían puestos de vigilancia en el templo donde el sacerdote tenía que vigilar. Una de las cosas que tenían que vigilar era que el fuego en el altar nunca se consumiera. Este era un fuego piadoso que caía sobre el altar y era mandato de Dios que el fuego nunca se extinguiera. El sacerdote tenía que vigilar este fuego. Si el sacerdote era encontrado dormido cuando el jefe de guardias daba su rondín, el jefe de guardia tomaba su antorcha, la cual estaba enseguida del fuego en el altar, y le prendía fuego a sus ropas con la antorcha. El sacerdote era despertado por el fuego y corría dentro el templo desgarrándose sus ropas que estaban en llamas, y la vergüenza del sacerdote de estar desnudo aparecía.

Ahora pueden ver como el libro de Revelación capitulo 16 versículo 15 se relaciona con lo que dijo Jesús acerca de la iglesia que estaba muerta. Si regresan y leen el libro de los Tesalonicenses 5:1-4 Pablo dice lo siguiente: “Por su propio bien sepan exactamente que el señor vendrá como un ladrón durante la noche” ustedes saben a lo que se refería en esta frase, “como un ladrón durante la noche”. En otras palabras, Cuando Jesús regrese y te encuentre dormido como el sacerdote en el templo, y obviamente sin vigilar, terminaras como él, corriendo con tu desnudez y con la vergüenza porque no estabas listo para su visita.

Ahora vamos a ver el libro de Mateo 25:1-13. En estos párrafos Jesús le habla a dos grupos de vírgenes. Un grupo estaba listo y vigilante, ellas estaban listas para el arribo de ser prometido. Esta es la imagen de una iglesia que cumple con el mandato del Padre. Esto otra vez se relaciona con la boda Judía en mantener la vigilancia a la espera del Señor en su regreso por su prometida. Jesús dijo que cinco vírgenes estaban listas y tenían aceite en sus linternas para cuando llegara su prometido. Noten que el prometido llega a la media noche como era costumbre en las bodas Judías. Las cinco vírgenes que estaban listas se van con su prometido a la habitación nupcial cerra
ndo su puerta. Esto será lo que sucederá durante el rapto de la Iglesia lo que creemos que sucederá durante “El Festín de Trompetas” en las fiestas Judías. Esto es por lo que es importante mantenerse vigilante siempre, especialmente durante las fiestas Judías.

Que sucederá con las otras cinco vírgenes que no estaban listas para air al cuarto nupcial cuando su prometido llegue a la media noche? Estas cinco vírgenes no tenían aceite en sus lámparas para alumbrarse durante la noche y tendrán que ir en busca de aceite para alumbrar su camino. Sin embargo, cuando regresen encontraran la puerta del cuarto nupcial cerrada. El señor dijo, “En verdad les digo”. “Yo no los conozco”. Este es el caso de la gente que no está vigilante y no permanece afuera de la puerta acogido al la salvación en Jesucristo. Estas cinco vírgenes que no se prepararon, es la representación de los que serán arrojados a los siete años de tribulación, porque al igual que el sacerdote en el templo estaban dormidas. Ellas al igual que el sacerdote del templo serán encontradas por los guardias del templo que es conocido como el ladrón de la noche o en este caso Jesucristo. Como resultado de no estar listo, tú serás encontrado desnudo y avergonzado tal como le sucedió al sacerdote en el templo.

Ahora veamos el mensaje que Jesús nos dio acerca de los servidores buenos y los servidores del diablo descritos en Lucas 12:37-40. Este es un mensaje a los sirvientes buenos. “benditos son los que sirven, y que están vigilantes para la venida del señor: “En verdad les digo, que los sentare alrededor de mi mesa y les serviré de mi comida. Y cuando venga en la segunda venida o la tercera y aun los encuentre vigilantes, benditos sean mis siervos. Aquel buen hombre que espere la hora en la que el ladrón de la noche llegue, el estará atento y vigilante, y su casa no será allanada. Estén listos también: cuando el Hijo de Dios venga en una hora cuando menos lo esperes.

En Lucas 12:41-47 Jesús habla de los sirvientes del Diablo que no están cumpliendo con el deseo del padre, y no están vigilantes para el ladrón de la noche. Esto es lo que Jesús les dijo a estos sirvientes del diablo. “El señor de esos sirvientes vendrá en un día que no lo esperen, y a una hora que no estén preparados, y los llamara incrédulos”. Esta es la gente que mejor conoce el deseo del señor, pero no están cumpliendo con el mandato que él nos dio.

En el versículo 37 nos dice, “Y ese siervo que conocía el deseo del Señor, y no se preparo de acuerdo a su mandato, será rechazado”. Yo les pregunto, ustedes son de esos que se hacen llamar creyentes que y no viven en Cristo, y no cumplen con el deseo del padre? Sabemos con seguridad que existen millones de personas en el mundo que dicen ser Cristianos pero en verdad son no cumplen con el deseo del Padre. Esta clase de cristianos no están cumpliendo con el deseo del padre ni están vigilantes al regreso del Señor como se los pidió Cristo. Esta clase de personas fueron advertidas, sabían de la voluntad del señor, y aun así no la cumplieron.

En Lucas 12:41 Pedro le pregunta a Jesús, “Estas refiriendo esta parábola a nosotros, o a los demás?”. Esta pregunta llega hasta el núcleo de la pregunta, quien es el siervo del diablo? Jesús le contesto a Pedro refiriéndose a los siervos del diablo que no siguen el mandato del Padre. Otra vez vemos a un grupo de gente que se separa por mitad. Primero eran las diez vírgenes, cinco que fueron sabias y estaban listas, y cinco que no estaban listas y preparadas para la venida del Señor a la media noche. Ahora vemos buenos siervos vigilantes siguiendo el mandato del Padre quienes serán bendecidos, comparados a la otra mitad, los siervos del diablo, que conocían el deseo de Dios, y no se mantuvieron vigilantes, los cuales serán arrojados.

Otra cosa muy importante que recordar acerca del Festín de Trompetas es esto, nadie sabe el día y la hora porque el Festín de Trompetas empezara al avistamiento de la luna llena. Déjeme explicarles, en el día 30 de cada luna, los miembros de la corte se reunieron en Jerusalén, donde esperaron al testimonio de los dos testigos. Estos dos testigos eran las personas que podrían verificar que ellos vieron la luna llena.

Al avistamiento de la luna llena, los miembros de la corte santificaban la luna llena. Esto significaba que el Festín de Trompetas empezaría. La luna nueva es muy difícil de ver el primer día porque nada más se ve a la caída del sol, muy cerca del sol, cuando el sol está moviéndose hacia el norte. Esto causa una luna muy difícil de ver, delgada y borrosa, creciendo, muy cerca del sol. Si la luna creciente no es vista en el día 30, la luna nueva era automáticamente celebrada el día 31. Por esta razón el Festín de Trompetas es celebrado durante dos días. Estos dos días se celebran como un solo día de 48 horas. La razón por que se celebra durante dos días es que si esperan a empezar la celebración hasta después de la luna nueva, y después santificarla, entonces perderían media celebración porque la luna nueva puede ser santificada solo durante las horas del día. El mandato parece darnos la estación del año, como Pablo dijo, pero no el día y la hora como lo hemos visto en Mateo 24:32-36.

El Festín de Trompetas es la única Fiesta Judía que no conocemos el día exacto en que se celebrara, porque no estamos seguros cuando se verá la luna nueva. Entonces, tendremos que estar alertas y vigilantes. Cuando Jesús dice que no sabrás el día y la hora como está escrito en Mateo 24:36. El nos está diciendo este es el Festín de Trompetas porque era la única celebración que los Judíos no sabían con exactitud el día y la hora en relación a cuando la luna llena aparecería. Es por eso los dos días seguidos de celebración. Nadie hasta este día puede decirte cuando la Iglesia será raptada porque puede suceder en cualquier momento dentro del periodo de las 48 horas.

En el Festín de Trompetas Jesús retornara para tomar la Iglesia, esto no incluirá a la Iglesia la cual está observando el mandato del Padre, esta Iglesia estará atenta y vigilante al retorno del Señor.

Pablo habla de la toma de la Iglesia en el libro de Corintios 15:51-53 donde él dice, observen, les diré un secreto; no debemos dormirnos, pero debemos de estar listos, en cualquier momento, en el destello de la noche, en el ultimo sonido de la trompeta, “donde los muertos se levantaran incorruptibles, y seremos cambiados. Para lo corruptible deberá llegar la incorrupción, y para lo mortal llegara la inmortalidad”.


En algún momento en el futuro cercano, Jesús vendrá del cielo y llamara a su prometida, así como en la boda Judía. Nosotros los que estamo
s a la espera, como su prometida, estaremos listos, y seremos cambiados de estos cuerpos humanos por cuerpos en el paraíso. La pregunta que debemos hacernos nosotros mismos es en qué grupo nos ha asignado Jesús a nosotros? Soy yo parte del grupo de vírgenes sabias y acertadas que estaban listas para la venida del Señor? Estas alerta esperando su venida, o eres parte del grupo de esas cinco vírgenes que no estaban listas sin aceite en sus lámparas? Eres uno de los siervos fieles que esperara en la puerta a Jesús a su retorno, esperando al maestro, o eres de esos sirvientes del diablo que se dicen Cristianos pero no están siguiendo el mandato del Padre, esos que serán parte de los no creyentes cuando el maestro finalmente regrese? Despierta y decide en cual lado quieres estar, en la obscuridad o en la luz. Si no eres Cristiano, yo te digo que despiertes a lo que Jesús te ofrece y arrepiéntete para que seas de los elegidos y seas digno, y evites los acontecimientos venideros y te pares enfrente del Hijo del Hombre, Cristo Jesús.

Here they come/ Aug. 4, 2010

Matthew 24:7 Need I remind you of what I have been pointing to?  I am telling you the things Jesus has warned us and by now I hope you are starting to believe what the Lord is showing us in these last days.  So what does Matthew 24:7 say?  In part of this verse Jesus tells us to watch for the many earthquakes.  In Luke 21:11 Jesus again addresses the issue of earthquakes, but this time He warns us about the “great earthquakes”.  In my book I provide you with the complete details concerning these prophecies.  Christ has laid it on my heart to warn you again concerning these matters because I truly believe you are going to soon be shocked by what you see.  Take a look at the number of quakes that just took place in the past three days.  Today alone we saw some major earthquakes and as I said, this are only the things to come.  I refer to what Christ said about these last days coming as a woman in labor found in Mark 13:8.

MAP  5.1   2010/08/05 01:12:46    -5.974    150.571  35.0   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

MAP  6.0   2010/08/04 23:48:03    45.964    153.216  33.6   EAST OF THE KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  7.0   2010/08/04 22:01:44    -5.768    150.776  44.0   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.4   2010/08/04 21:51:26    51.494   -178.569  49.1   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA
MAP  6.4   2010/08/04 12:58:25    51.426   -178.607  27.0   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA
MAP  5.3   2010/08/04 10:07:12   -21.796   -175.150  35.0   TONGA
MAP  6.4   2010/08/04 07:15:33    -5.521    146.793  213.6   EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  6.0   2010/08/04 04:46:22   -26.953   -177.148  23.7   SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP  5.3   2010/08/04 04:24:37   -23.838    -66.522  177.3   JUJUY, ARGENTINA
MAP  5.1   2010/08/04 00:43:05    6.690    126.968  66.4   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES

MAP  5.4   2010/08/03 22:30:30   -22.642    171.443  64.8   SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP  5.2   2010/08/03 19:42:13    -9.498    39.060  9.7   TANZANIA
MAP  5.4   2010/08/03 16:26:27    38.451    69.627  37.4   TAJIKISTAN
MAP  6.3   2010/08/03 12:08:27    1.243    126.277  42.8   MOLUCCA SEA
MAP  5.3   2010/08/03 08:03:19    -6.501    103.963  38.0   SOUTHWEST OF SUMATRA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2010/08/03 05:29:21   -19.908    -70.419  58.3   OFFSHORE TARAPACA, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2010/08/03 01:48:12    10.915    93.100  71.6   ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
