Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.
If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed. P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
Prophecy Sign: It has been some time since I pointed out what God showed Daniel. Once again I want to reflect on the fact that Daniel did not mention America at all as one of the last world empires to rule at the time Jesus Christ returns to take His rightful place in Jerusalem as King of Kings. If you are new to my site, In my posts I call this the decline of America and, on numerous occasions have pointed to signs that show us America is fading as a world power only to make way for the prophecy to be fulfilled. In order for the Word of the Lord to come to pass we would have to witness the return of the Old Roman Empire just as described to us in chapters 2 and 7 of the book of Daniel. Anyone who has been walking in the Lord and reading His Word found in the Bible knows that the modern day revived Roman Empire is already here in nations that have once again joined as a unite or as a union. The one union that most people are familiar with is the European Union. I won't go into the details here how this EU has fulfilled scripture for time sake. If you are new to my site just download my book for free and read chapter 2. You will be blown away by what you read.
Most of you who have been coming to my site know the US has been placed under God’s curse found in Genesis 12:3 as a result of working to divide up the land of Israel into two States, and for working to give back East Jerusalem to the PLO as one of the conditions of the peace talks. To those who know Bible prophecy this was expected as the Prophet Zechariah told us in Zech. 12:3 that all the nations would come against Jerusalem in the last days. If you haven’t read Zechariah’s prophecy you wouldn’t know what is going to happen, any nation that burdens themselves over God’s city Jerusalem. Anyone burdening themselves over this city will be cut into pieces!
Like I said in my previous posts the more the US works to divide up Israel the more signs of God’s curse will be seen. One of those signs can be seen in what is happening to America’s economy and her declining dollar. I quote, “The dollar traded at almost a five- month low against the euro after U.S. home prices rose at a slower pace in July, fueling speculation the Federal Reserve will ease monetary policy. The greenback was mixed against 16 most-traded counterparts as U.S. economic reports were expected to increase the likelihood the central bank will restart the purchase of government debt. The yen strengthened against the dollar to the strongest level since Japan intervened in the market Sept. 15 to weaken the currency. “The market is looking for the high-frequency growth data to help predict the path that lies ahead for the Fed,” said Camilla Sutton, a Bank of Nova Scotia currency strategist in Toronto. “Consumer confidence by any measure is still historically very low.” The dollar fell 0.3 percent to $1.3489 per euro at 9:11 a.m. in New York, compared with $1.3455 yesterday, when it slid to $1.3507, the weakest level since April 20. The euro bought 113.44 yen, compared with 113.41 yen, after touching 112.67 yen.”
Do you all remember my warnings that you will continue to witness hundreds of thousands of people in the US lose their jobs? Have I told you the truth? Take a look at the figures for September so far. I quote, “The Bureau of Labor Statistics report will show a total of 167,000 jobs lost in September, WANTED predicts. This is a relative improvement over the 216,000 drop in nonfarm workers in August. WANTED reached this predicted number because there were 32,000 fewer new unemployment insurance claims in the four weeks preceding September 12 (the day nonfarm employment, the number we care about, is counted), and hiring demand, based on the number of ads posted on job boards, is essentially unchanged since last month. The BLS will release its official numbers Oct. 2.”
Could the unemployment figures be part of the way the United States is being cut into pieces as a result of burdening themselves over God’s Holy city of Jerusalem? I believe it is, and it doesn’t look like these figures are going to get better anytime sooner. America’s power is being cut down and this in part is happening to make way for the next world power that will take control of the world. This is the empire God showed Daniel in chapters 2 and 7 and the same one Jesus points to in Revelation chapter 17. Do you want to see if America will be blessed or cursed? Just keep your eyes on what America’s policy is over dividing up Israel and if she still works to give East Jerusalem over to the PLO. If these policies do not change count on America’s decline to continue!
Prophecy Sign: Every time I hear news about the Middle East peace talks I perk up when I hear the European Union is going to get more involved in the talks. The reason why is because of what we read in Daniel chapter 9. In that chapter God tells the Prophet Daniel that there will be a covenant confirmed for a period of 7 years. We also know from that chapter that the man who confirms this covenant will come from the revived Roman Empire. This man is in fact the Antichrist. Since France is part of the Western leg of the revived Roman Empire the red flag is lifted up because they want to get more involved in the peace process.
I quote, “PARIS (EJP)—French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Monday the European Union should to have a greater role in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, adding that current US-led efforts were not working.” “Asked if his call for more talks in Paris complicated U.S. peace efforts, Sarkozy said nothing could be done without U.S. support but that was not enough in itself to secure a lasting solution to the Middle East conflict.” Most of you know I am watching the Western leg of the old Roman Empire as well as the Eastern leg because both these legs have returned in these last days. It is only a matter of time before you know which of these two legs the man of sin will shut up from to confirm the 7 year covenant which by the way will be the signal that the 7 year tribulation has begun.
As you can see from what is happening in the news not only is America losing its economic power but she is also losing her power to get things done. The peace talks are a good example of that. The EU can see what is happening under Obama and they can see danger coming as the peace process is failing to come up with a agreement. Obama has again sent Mitchell in to try to rescue the talks but according the Word of God a covenant will be confirmed by the man from the revived Roman Empire not America! Here is the latest on the Obama rescue plan. “The US envoy to the Middle East was heading to Israel Tuesday to try to rescue Israeli-Palestinian peace talks brought to the brink of collapse by the resumption of West Bank settlement building. George Mitchell's latest mission comes as the United States, which is brokering the talks launched on September 2, tries to prevent a walkout by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, who says there is no point talking if Israel keeps building settlements on occupied Palestinian land.”
Prophecy Sign: Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” Mark 13:8 “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”
People stop and take pictures of the Citibank digital thermometer showing the unofficial current temperature at three o'clock in the afternoon on Monday in Los Angeles.
“A blistering fall heat wave sent temperatures to a record 113 degrees in downtown Los Angeles on Monday. The city opened cooling centers for residents while firefighters were on alert for wildfires, but there was little wind amid the onslaught of dry heat. Downtown hit 113 degrees for a few minutes about 12:15 p.m., breaking the former record of 112 set on June 26, 1990, said Stuart Seto of the National Weather Service office in Oxnard. Temperature records for downtown date to 1877. It was not clear whether 113 would remain the day’s high. The previous record high for a Sept. 27 was 106.”
“When the temperature in Santa Maria hit 105 Monday afternoon, it not only surpassed the century mark, it broke a nearly 100-year-old record. The previous high for Sept. 27 was 99 degrees set in 1917. Santa Maria wasn’t alone in setting records. Downtown Los Angeles reached 113 degrees just before noon, breaking a 47-year-old mark. Santa Barbara hit 100 degrees, surpassing the 99 degrees set in 1970. Vandenberg Air Force Base peaked at 104 degrees and San Luis Obispo reached 106. Lompoc was a relatively balmy 97 degrees. It was so hot Monday the National Weather Service and some county health agencies issued health alerts and heat warnings”
In the area of California I live the normal temperature is between 70 and 76 most of the year but things are changing and now even this area is baking in the intense heat.
On my last post Sept. 25, 2010 I warned you again you would hear more news about UFO’s and aliens. This is what I wrote you. Prophecy Sign: 2 Thessalonians 2:9-13 says the following: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”
Only two days have past since that past and again more news about this issue. It is as if they are setting things up for some type of sighting!
I quote, “Is the United Nations set to appoint an obscure Malaysian astrophysicist to act as Earth's first contact for any aliens that may come visiting? Nonsense, said the U.N. Mazlan Othman, the head of the U.N.'s little-known Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa), is set to describe her potential new role as chief alien ambassador next week at a scientific conference at the Royal Society's Kavli conference center in Buckinghamshire, England, reported London's Sunday Times. "Nonsense," responded the U.N. "The mandate of the Office for Outer Space Affairs is defined by the United Nations General Assembly and there are no plans to change the current mandate," Jamshid Gaziyev, a spokesman for the agency, told The Times article claimed that Othman would tell delegates that the recent discovery of hundreds of planets around other stars has made the detection of extraterrestrial life more likely than ever before — and that means the U.N. must be ready to coordinate humanity's response to any "first contact."
There was more news on this subject. "UFOs have monitored and possibly tampered with American nuclear weapons, according to a group of former Air Force officers who will make their claims public next week at a Washington, D.C., news conference. "While most of the incidents apparently involved mere surveillance, in a few cases, a significant number of nuclear missiles suddenly and simultaneously malfunctioned, just as USAF security policemen reported seeing disc-shaped craft hovering nearby," says Robert Hastings, author of "UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites."
All I can say is try to remember what I warned you on the 25th of September because like today expect to hear more news about this.
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.” Mark 13:8 “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”
In my post dated May 19, 2008 this is the warning I gave you. Keep in mind, my warnings are all based on Jesus has shown me via His Word from the Bible. “I left you with these words on the 16th of May. “In the coming months you will see more people begin to suffer. Why? Because many nations that grow food will see flooding, many will see droughts, and many will see crops being eaten by bugs. These are all signs listed in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke chapter 21. I wanted to tell you this now so that when you see them you will know these warnings came from the bible and God. If you are one of the ones who saw my prophecy slide presentation you would have seen where I pointed out what was going on with the RAT population. In Matthew 24: 7 you see the warning of “pestilences”. I still want you to watch the news for insect invasions in the near future, especially locusts, but in the news today’s we see a small sample of things to come concerning pestilences.”
Back in April, 2010 Australia was hit with a plague of locusts. I want to show you one video report giving you this news. After the video, when you learn that they reported a worse plague could arrive in September, you will learn that in fact that is what is happening and this new plague is a new round of the birth pains.
News from Sept. 26, 2010 “In the past year Australia has faced intense heat, droughts, massive fires, and now the threat of another plague of huge locusts. Here are the details in a report entitled, “Australia faces worst plague of locusts in 75 years”
“Ideal breeding conditions for grasshoppersare expected to cost farmers billions
Australia's Darling river is running with water again after a drought in the middle of the decade reduced it to a trickle. But the rains feeding the continent's fourth-longest river are not the undiluted good news you might expect. For the cloudbursts also create ideal conditions for an unwelcome pest – the Australian plague locust.
The warm, wet weather that prevailed last summer meant that three generations of locusts were born, each one up to 150 times larger than the previous generation. After over-wintering beneath the ground, the first generation of 2010 is already hatching. And following the wettest August in seven years, the climate is again perfect. The juveniles will spend 20 to 25 days eating and growing, shedding their exoskeletons five times before emerging as adults, when population pressure will force them to swarm.
It is impossible to say how many billions of bugs will take wing, but many experts fear this year's infestation could be the worst since records began – 75 years ago. All that one locust expert, Greg Sword, an associate professor at the University of Sydney, would say was: "South Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria are all going to get hammered."
Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3, and verse 9. “On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” “On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem.” Also 1 Thessalonians 5:3 “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”
In my post dated Sept. 14, 2010 I gave you three things that could break down the peace process and force the Psalm 83 war to break out. One of the three things was the settlement construction issue going on in Israel on land the PLO considers their land. The news today again addresses this issue.” Here we are 13 days later and the settlement construction issue has caused much grief for many nations such as the US, France, the Arabs, and in fact the UN. All of these nations are fulfilling what the Prophet Zechariah said about burdening themselves with Jerusalem.
I quote, “The US says it is "disappointed" by Israel's decision not to extend a ban on West Bank settlement building. US Middle East envoy George Mitchell has been sent to the region in an attempt to salvage direct peace talks that were restarted earlier this month. The 10-month moratorium came to an end at midnight (2200 GMT on Sunday). Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas said he would respond to the decision after a meeting of Arab leaders in Cairo next Monday. On Sunday, he had warned that the direct Israeli-Palestinian peace talks would be a "waste of time" unless the ban continued.” “
“Mr Abbas said he would discuss the settlement issue with Palestinian negotiators in Ramallah on Wednesday, and the 22-member Arab League in the Egyptian capital Cairo next Monday. "After all these meetings we may be able to issue a position to clarify what is the Palestinian and Arab opinion on this matter, after Israel has refused to freeze settlements," he said after talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris. Mr Sarkozy said he deplored Israel's failure to extend the freeze, saying he would tell Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu that he had to do more.”
What I know from the Word of God in Psalm 83 is that the boarding nations around Israel will come together and make a plan to attack Israel. We will have to wait and see but the meeting in Cairo could produce such a plan if they haven’t already done so. I do know we are coming closer to the Psalm 83 war.
One of the Nations who is listed to attack Israel in the Psalm 83 war is the nation of Jordan and look at what Jordan has said about Israel. “Jordan has condemned Israel's defiance of international calls to freeze settlement activities. Addressing the Organization of Islamic Conference's (OIC) member states on Friday, Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Judeh said illegal Israeli settlements “deepen distrust between parties involved in the conflict and are a real obstacle to efforts to launch peace talks.” He made the remarks at the coordination meeting of the OIC foreign ministers held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. The foreign minister said halting settlement activities is necessary to create “a positive atmosphere that leads to serious negotiations on all tracks”.
Another one of the peoples listed in the Psalm 83 war coming against Israel is the Hamas.
Exiled Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal on Monday called on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to quit peace talks with Israel after construction of Jewish settlements resumed in the occupied West Bank.
"I call on my brothers at the Palestinian Authority, who had stated they would not pursue talks with the enemy [Israel] if it continued settlement construction, to hold to their promise," Meshaal said at a meeting in his base in exile in the Syrian capital Damascus.
Settlement building resumed across the West Bank on Monday just hours after the expiry of a partial 10-month freeze, but the Palestinian leadership held back on a threat to quit the talks over the move.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Netanyahu is not the man who can make peace in the region," said Meshaal, whose movement is vehemently opposed to the peace talks, which were re-launched in Washington earlier this month after a 20-month hiatus.”
It is clear to me that the peace talks will end up failing only this time that failure to reach an agreement will cause the Arabs to attack Israel and fulfill the Psalm 83 war, look for this to happen while they are still calling for Peace and safety.
Not only are we seeing all the signs Jesus told us to look for but we are seeing the very specific signs such as the one in Zechariah 12:3, which again deals with those who burden themselves over Jerusalem. Tensions are still mounting in Israel not just because of the construction renewal but over the Temple Mount in the Capital of Israel. I quote, “Arab mobs attacked police and Jewish civilians in and around Jerusalem’s Old City throughout the weekend causing a number of injuries and widespread damage. The attacks started on Friday, when Israeli security officials fearing an outburst of violence from atop the Temple Mount restricted entry for weekly prayers to Muslims over the age of 50. During the violence, at least 12 Israelis were wounded by stones and home-made firebombs. Many of the victims were Jewish worshippers who had been praying at the Western Wall when Muslims hurled stones down from the Temple Mount above.”
As the birth pains increase the issue of ownership of this Holy City is going to get more attention in the news. All these things were told to us in advance so that when we saw them we would know the Lord was telling the truth about the future. If you are a reporter get ready because you will be reporting on another Middle East war soon and it will be over this city.
It is my prayer that people reading this news will scare it with as many people as they can. Do not be concerned wheather they believe you or not, or if they laugh at you. Just point out what the Lord has shown us concerning the Psalm 83 war. I am telling you this because we keep seeing news that shows us this war is not far off. The day is coming when this war will be covered on just about every news station in the world, and when it hits the people your shared this prophecy with will remember what you said. In this way you may have been the one who watered the seed to someone's salvation in Christ. Have faith and remember the promise of the Lord in Isaiah 55:11, “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it.” “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:6).
“Fearing unprecedented missile attacks directed at its bases, the Israel Air Force has doubled the number of emergency drills it has carried out since the beginning of the year to prepare pilots and ground crews for continuing to operate in a time of war, The Jerusalem Post has learned. At the Hatzor IAF base, for example, airmen have carried out 25 drills since the beginning of the year, compared to just 12 last year. The drills vary and include scenarios that involve missile attacks on the base’s runway, living quarters and plane storage facilities. RELATED: The increase in training stems from intelligence assessments that in a future conflict with Hizbullah in Lebanon or Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Israel’s air force bases will be targeted.”