Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora
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I have many people e-mailing me asking me what I think about Dr. Joe VanKoevering’s teaching that the Antichrist is for sure Prince Hassan El Bin Hatal of Jordon. VanKoevering has a serious of youtube videos that I watched twice. There are 9 videos on youtube that were taken from a prophecy conference in which VanKoevering spoke to the issue of Hassan being the Antichrist. It is the information from these video I want to address.
VanKoevering stated that the main architech behind the 1993 Oslo peace agreement was none other than Prince Hassan El Bin Hatal.
VanKoevering points out that the Oslo peace deal is most likely the (Peace Agreement) spoken about in the Book of Daniel. VanKoevering stated that Prince Hassan said the peace agreement was not to last 5 or 6 years, but for a period of seven years pointing out to the audience that the covenant that would be confirmed in Daniel chapter 9 would be a seven year agreement. There is no doubt that VanKoevering is making the point that this will be the covenant that will soon be confirmed by the Antichrist Hassan El Bin Hatal.
VanKoevering also makes it a point to tell the audience that Israel was not really born a nation in 1948 but in 1947 the same year as when Prince Hassan El Bin Hatal was born, implying that this was all God’s plan for the last days.
Instead of taking up all of my time today providing you with information on what VanKoevering has taught about Prince Hassan El Bin Hatal, I will present some of the information taken from the Lamb and Lion Ministries, then I will add my information to that so you get a good look at the truth. My information will begin when you see (Frank DiMora’s information on VanKoevering teaching) below. I will address all these issues I just talked about.
From the Lamb and Lion Ministry
VanKoevering begins his quest for the Antichrist by asserting, like Goodman, that he must be of Assyrian heritage. His biblical basis for this assertion is Isaiah 10:24 — "Therefore, thus says the Lord God of hosts, ‘O My people who dwell in Zion, do not fear the Assyrian who strikes you with the rod and lifts up his staff against you, the way Egypt did.’"
Next, he resorts to the same argument as Goodman, claiming that since Antiochus Epiphanes — a type of the Antichrist — came from the Seleucid or Assyrian area of the Grecian Empire (Syria and Iraq), the Antichrist must also come from that area.
He then tries to narrow down the search to one modern day country within the old Assyrian Empire. He does this by pointing out that in Daniel 11 there is a description of the Antichrist’s invasion of the Middle East during the Tribulation. Daniel says the Antichrist and his army will conquer Israel and Egypt but will not enter the area of modern day Jordan. This prompts VanKoevering to conclude that the Antichrist will come from Jordan.
Response to VanKoevering
In response I would point out first of all that Isaiah 10:24 has absolutely nothing to do with end time prophecy. Isaiah 10 is a prophecy that God will use Assyria as His "rod of anger" (verse 5) to judge Israel. He urges Israel in verses 24-25 not to fear the Assyrians because "in a very little while My indignation against you will be spent, and My anger will be directed to their destruction." In other words, God will use Assyria to discipline Israel but He will not allow them to destroy the Jewish people. And furthermore, once He is finished using Assyria as a rod of His discipline, He will destroy the Assyrian Empire.
That’s all there is to the passage. Again, it has nothing to do with end time prophecy or the Antichrist.
I have already addressed the argument that the Antichrist must be an Assyrian because his symbolic type — Antiochus Epiphanes — was from Assyria. Again, there are many types of the Antichrist presented in Scripture, like the Pharaoh of the Exodus and King Saul of Israel, but these types do not mean the Antichrist will necessarily come from Egypt or Israel. But the most important fact to keep in mind is that Antiochus was a Greek, not an Assyrian.
As to the argument based on Daniel 11, it is true that the Antichrist and his armies will not enter modern day Jordan. But the reason given is that the area will be "rescued out of his hands" (Daniel 11:41). That doesn’t sound like a voluntary decision to refrain from invading the area. Rather, it sounds like God prevents the Antichrist from invading Jordan — and for good reason, since the Bible indicates this will be the land of refuge
for the Jewish remnant when they flee Israel in the middle of the Tribulation (Revelation 12:13-17).
Additional Qualifications
Besides asserting that the Antichrist must be an Assyrian, VanKoevering also says he must be a "prince" and "the King of Babylon."
The prince requirement is taken from Daniel 9:26 which says the Antichrist will be a prince. The King of Babylon idea comes from Isaiah 14:4ff where a taunt against the King of Babylon is presented. As the King of Babylon is described in detail, he clearly morphs into a description of Satan. VanKoevering claims it is also a description of the Antichrist.
Having established what he believes are three requirements for the Antichrist — that he be an Assyrian from Jordan, that he be a prince, and that he be the King of Babylon — VanKoevering then spends the rest of his book trying to prove that the best candidate for the Antichrist is Crown Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan!4 Prince Hassan is the brother of former King Hussein and was his designated heir to the throne of Jordan until the king changed his mind on his deathbed and gave the throne, instead, to his son, Abdullah II.
It grieves me that VanKoevering has made this attempt to identify the Antichrist. It is the sort of sensational speculation that has given the whole field of Bible prophecy a bad reputation.
VanKoevering’s Antichrist Candidate
Why does he point to Prince Hassan? First, he argues that "the closest genetic relationship of the Assyrians are with the native populations of Jordan and Iraq."5 But what he overlooks is the fact that the Hashemite royal family of Jordan is not native to either Jordan or Iraq. The family came, instead, from Saudi Arabia. Members of this family were imposed upon the populations of Iraq and Jordan as kings of these nations by Great Britain after World War I. So, Prince Hassan does not even meet the first criterion stipulated by VanKoevering!
The next qualification of the Antichrist that Hassan is supposed to fulfill is that he carries the title of Prince. This is really irrelevant. When Daniel 9:26 says the Antichrist will be a "prince," all it is saying is that he will be a political leader. The Bible uses two terms for political leaders — prince and king. The biblical authors could not refer to presidents or prime ministers because those forms of ruling power had not yet developed. Thus, when we are told in Psalm 118:9 "it is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes," we are being warned against putting our trust in politicians. The warning is not limited to those politicians who literally have the title of prince.
VanKoevering’s third qualification for the Antichrist — that he be the King of Babylon — is, of course, unfulfilled in the life of Prince Hassan. But VanKoevering argues it could become a possibility since one of his Hashemite relatives, King Faisal, was installed by the British as King of Iraq in 1921. King Faisal, the brother of Prince Hassan’s grandfather, King Abdullah, died in 1933. His son, King Faisal II, and all his family were murdered in 1958 when the Iraqi military mounted a coup d’etat.
VanKoevering believes there is an excellent possibility that the leaders of Iraq will seek to stabilize their nation by inviting Prince Hassan to become king. But that is pure speculation, and there is no indication that the people of Iraq want a king, particularly one that is not even native to their population.
Nor is there any requirement in Scripture that the Antichrist be the King of Babylon. The passage VanKoevering uses to establish this idea is found in Isaiah 14 where the King of Babylon is presented as a type of Satan himself. That there might be a double application to both Satan and the Antichrist is a real possibility since the Antichrist will be possessed by Satan, but there is no indication in the passage that the Antichrist must be the King of Babylon.
A similar taunt is presented in Ezekiel 28 against the Prince of Tyre. And like the passage in Isaiah 14, the taunt morphs into a description of Satan that could be applied to the Antichrist. Does that mean the Antichrist must also be the King of Tyre? I think not.
One final observation about VanKoevering’s book. I believe that 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 teaches that the Antichrist will not be revealed until the beginning of the Tribulation. All attempts to identify him before the Tribulation are a waste of time.
Frank DiMora information on statements made by Pastor Vankoeverings.
The Pastor said the Prince was the main person behind the Oslo Accords. The information below shows you who really was.
For anyone who may not know what the Oslo agreement is let me provide you some information taken from the New World Encyclopedia. “The Oslo Accords, officially called the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements or Declaration of Principles (DOP), were finalized in Oslo, Norway on August 20, 1993, and subsequently officially signed at a public ceremony in Washington, DC on September 13, 1993, with Yasser Arafat signing for the Palestine Liberation Organization and Shimon Peres signing for the State of Israel. It was witnessed by Secretary of State, Warren Christopher for the United States and Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev for Russia, in the presence of U.S. President Bill Clinton and Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin with the PLO’s Chairman Yasser Arafat.
The Oslo Accords were a culmination of a series of secret and public agreements, dating particularly from the Madrid Conference of 1991 onwards, and negotiated between the Israeli government and the Palestine Liberation Organization (acting as representatives of the Palestinian people) in 1993 as part of a peace process trying to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Despite the high hopes expressed in the Accords and in the subsequent agreements, which also promised the normalization of Israel’s relations with the Arab world, the Accords have not been fully implemented and the conflict has not been resolved.
The talks leading to the agreement were initially held in London, were planned to be held in Zagreb, then later moved to Oslo. Main architects behind the plan were Johan Jørgen Holst (the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs), Terje Rød-Larsen and Mona Juul. The negotiations were reportedly conducted in total secrecy.”
“The talks leading to the agreement were initiated by the Norwegian government, who were at reasonably good terms with both parties. Main architects behind the plan was Johan Jørgen Holst (the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs), Terje Rød-Larsen and Mona Juul. The negotiations were undertaken in total secrecy in and around Oslo, with breakthrough meetings taking place in the home of Minister Holst, and was signed on August 20, 1993. There was a subsequent public ceremony in Washington D.C. on September 13, 1993 with Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin.”
Terje Rød-Larsen (born November 22, 1947) is a Norwegian diplomat and sociologist. He was, together with his wife Mona Juul, a key figure in the secret talks between PLO and Israel that led to the Oslo Accords in 1993< font color="#000000" size="3" face="Arial">.ød-Larsen/
“JERUSALEM, April 22— Since he visited the Jenin refugee camp last week and expressed his horror at what he saw, Terje Roed-Larsen, the chief United Nations representative here and the man who began the secret contacts that led to the Oslo agreements, has come under an unusually harsh personal attack by the Israeli government. He has been accused of ”record-high audacity” and ”anti-Semitic ideas,” and officials in the prime minister’s office have talked of having him expelled.”
I gave you these facts because Pastor Joe VanKoevering stated Hassan was the main architech behind the Olso talks and it was in fact not Hassan but Terje Rod-Larsen, his wife Mona Juul, and Johan Jørgen Holst, and it was done in secret .
Here is more information: “The Oslo Accords were bilateral agreements signed in Washington following negotiations, part of which were clandestine, between Israel and the PLO. The signed agreement was entitled the “Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements.” Its main concern was on Israeli withdrawal from the territories of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, in order to allow the establishment of a Palestinian Authority for self-government for an interim period until permanent arrangements would be established.
The process began in January 1993 in a meeting with two Israelis, Dr. Yair Hirschfeld and Dr. Ron Pundak, and Palestinian representatives headed by Ahmed Qurei, aka Abu Alaa. The contact between the groups was made through Norwegian mediators, who contacted Dr. MK Yossi Beilin. A short time later, Beilin was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and he officially acknowledged these talks, while depicting them as unofficial. Minister of Foreign Affairs Shimon Peres was updated by Beilin after the first meeting took place in January, and Peres informed Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in early February.”
In another section of this report it was stated, “On the night between August 18th and 19th, Norwegian Foreign Minister Johan Jorgen Holst served as a mediator between Peres, who was located at the time in Stockholm, Sweden, and Arafat and Abu Alaa from PLO headquarters in Tunisia. The Declaration of Principles was initialed the following day. It was signed by Savir, Abu Alaa, Singer, and Hassan Asfur, in the presence of Peres.”
It is very clear by the records who the real main architech’s of the 1993 Olso agreement were and it wasn’t Prince Hassan.”
When you watch the video below pay attention to these minutes marks.
1. At the 19:37 mark Terje R. Larsen tells the audience he played a role in the 1993 Oslo agreement.
2. At the 22:05 mark in the video Larsen actually states that the 1993 Oslo Accords was not a (PEACE AGREEMENT) but only the first agreement to a road map to a peace deal. VanKoevering stated in his video that the Oslo Accord was a peace agreement. Larsen also telling us that the Oslo talks failed to produce anything. This is a far cry to what VanKoevering was saying.
Number 3 is a side note from my teaching: Starting from the 23:47 mark to 24:28 minute you will see Larsen warn history repeats its self in which when the peace talks fail the guns will come out again. This is exactly what I have been warning everyone about. This is what I think will bring on the Psalm 83 war.
The video below is entitled: Terje Roed-Larsen on Conflict Prevention. Video where Terje Rod-Larsen address the Olso agreement:
Another point VanKoevering makes is that Israel was not born a nation in 1948 but instead 1947. Someone who doesn’t know what the Bible has to say about this may be lead to believe this but those who know what the Bible says about Israel being born as a nation again know what VanKoeverying is teaching is not the truth and let me show you why based on the God’s Word.
Read what Isaiah 66:7-8 tells us. "Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she d
elivers a son. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.
Let me make this simple for you. This is the prophecy which told us the nation of Israel would be born again in one day! I want to give you the facts on this so there is no question as to the date this actually happened and it wasn’t in 1947 as VanKoevering says.
First of all look at the photo of the headlines on May 14, 1948.
Now watch this video where the entire story of how Israel became a nation in one day happened. When you watch this video keep in mind the labor pains that were mentioned in Isaiah 66:7. Why? Because the day after Israel became a nation the labor pains started when Israel found themselves engaged in the first of many wars with the Arabs.
There was never a time in 1947 where Israel was born as a nation again in one day, and the labor pains immediately followed that birth. VanKoevering seems to have stretched his teaching to fit his agenda as making Prince Hassan El Bin Hatal the Antichrist by pointing or referring that the date of Hatal’s birth is the same as the birth of Israel, which as you can see is flat out not the truth!
I will say this. In the near future if as VanKoevering says, this Jordanian Prince will have to become the king of Iraq, (modern day Babylon), then we can take a closer look at the Prince possible being the Antichrist. In the past there has been news showing that possibility, and below is one of those reports from 2002. Before you read this report keep in mind many of the things Vankoevering said were wrong.
“Among other things, it suggested that the recently-signed Oslo accords might be dispensed with – "Israel has no obligations under the Oslo agreements if the PLO does not fulfill its obligations" – and that "alternatives to [Yasser] Arafat’s base of power" could be cultivated. "Jordan has ideas on this," it added.
It also urged Israel to abandon any thought of trading land for peace with the Arabs, which it described as "cultural, economic, political, diplomatic, and military retreat".
"Our claim to the land – to which we have clung for hope for 2,000 years – is legitimate and noble," it continued. "Only the unconditional acceptance by Arabs of our rights, especially in their territorial dimension, ‘peace for peace’, is a solid basis for the future."
The paper set out a plan by which Israel would "shape its strategic environment", beginning with the removal of Saddam Hussein and the installation of a Hashemite monarchy in Baghdad.
With Saddam out of the way and Iraq thus brought under Jordanian Hashemite influence, Jordan and Turkey would form an axis along with Israel to weaken and "roll back" Syria. Jordan, it suggested, could also sort out Lebanon by "weaning" the Shia Muslim population away from Syria and Iran, and re-establishing their former ties with the Shia in the new Hashemite kingdom of Iraq. "Israel will not only contain its foes; it will transcend them", the paper concluded.
Whatever members of the Iraqi opposition may think, the plan to replace Saddam Hussein with a Hashemite monarch – descendants of the Prophet Muhammad who rule Jordan – is also very much alive. Evidence of this was strengthened by the surprise arrival of Prince Hassan, former heir to the Jordanian throne, at a meeting of exiled Iraqi officers in London last July. The task of promoting Prince Hassan as Iraq’s future king has fallen to Michael Rubin, who currently works at the American Enterprise Institute but will shortly take up a new job at the Pentagon, dealing with post-Saddam Iraq.
In closing I do want to tell you that I disagree on the last statement made by the people at the Lamb and Lion Ministry where they said the following: “All attempts to identify him before the Tribulation are a waste of time.” I believe the Bible has given us so much information about the Antichrist that it was done for a purpose. I believe that purpose was to make sure when the man of sin does show up that those who were warned about his characteristics will remember what we warned them and they will be the ones who will begin to refuse the mark of the Antichrist during the seven year tribulation. I believe it is never a waste of time to make sure people understand the characteristics of the coming man of sin, and to point out these characteristic in men who are running parallel with what the Bible says about the Antichrist.