Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora
If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed. P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”
“While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

The Psalm 83 war, and the Ezekiel 38 war.

“Netanyahu: Palestinians are dodging direct Mideast peace talks”
“Benjamin Netanyahu speaking during the weekly cabinet meeting at his Jerusalem office, July 25, 2010.”
Palestinian President Abbas has conditioned a move to direct negotiations with guarantees regarding security, borders of a future Palestinian state.
The Palestinian Authority is determined to sabotage attempts to upgrade the ongoing proximity Middle East peace talks with direct negotiations, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday, adding that direct talks were the only way to ensure Israel's security interests.
Continuing previous efforts to encourage direct talks with Israel that took place during his stint as president of the European Union that ended one month ago, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos will meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Amman this Tuesday.
Abbas has recently indicated he will resist United States pressure for face-to-face peace talks with Israel for now, saying indirect negotiations must make progress first.
The Palestinian president has said that he wants the indirect negotiations to produce results on the issues of the security and borders of a future Palestinian state to be founded alongside Israel on land captured in 1967.
Speaking at the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Sunday, Netanyahu said that as far as Israel was concerned, "direct talks can commence as early as next week," adding that Israel had an "understanding with the Americans that we must move into direct negotiations immediately and without further delay."
However, the prime minister claimed that the PA has responded to its invitation to direct talks with an "effort to evade this attempt."
"If anyone had any doubts regarding the Palestinians' reluctance, it is now crystal clear," Netanyahu said, adding that the PA were "stalling direct talks and relying on the Arab League for support."
The PM argued that while the Palestinians claim they are interested in moving peace talks forward, they in fact were using every excuse to delay any progress, saying that first "they said it was the [settlement] freeze, now it's the borders issue."
“On the subject of the West Bank settlement construction freeze, the prime minister said he had not intention to extend the 10-month moratorium, saying "the slowdown was limited in time: It has not changed and that's how it will be."
“Over the weekend, Abbas heard in turn from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.”
“IDF strikes 3 Gaza targets”
Military says attack on arms factory, two smuggling tunnels, response to rockets, mortars fired at Israel over weekend
Response to rockets: The Israel Air Force struck three targets in the Gaza Strip Sunday night including an arms factory in the northern Strip and two smuggling tunnels in the south.
The military reported that precise hits were identified and all jets returned safely to their bases. There were no reports of injuries on the Palestinian side.
The IDF Spokesperson's Unit said the assault came in response to the rockets and mortar shells fired at Israel over the weekend.
On Saturday, Palestinians fired four rockets into southern Israel, causing no damage or injuries. One of the rockets, with a 115 millimeter diameter, appears to have been manufactured outside the Strip.
"The IDF holds the Hamas terror organization solely responsible for the occurrences in the Gaza Strip and for maintaining calm there."
'If Hizbullah strikes, we hit Lebanon'” “Barak issues warning against resuming rocket attacks from North.The IDF will attack Lebanese government institutions if Israel is again subjected to rocket attacks, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said in an interview with The Washington Post published Sunday. He told the newspaper that since the Lebanese goverment is allowing Hizbullah to rearm, "we will not run after each Hizbullah terrorist or launcher. . . . We will see it as legitimate to hit any target that belongs to the Lebanese state, not just to Hizbullah." Ahead of his visit to Washington today, Barak drew attention to this issue as well as his views on the Iranian nuclear threat and the actions currently being taken by the international community. "There are differences about what could be done about it, how it should be done, and what [is] the timeframe within which certain steps could be taken," he told the newspaper. The defense minister also reiterated his support for further sanctions against Iran, but said that there needs to be an awareness of the limitations. "It's still time for sanctions," he said, though he added that "probably, at a certain point, we should realize that sanctions cannot work." Addressing the peace process, Barak told The Washington Post that the government's will to move forward "is there. But, of course, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. We have to prove it in actions, in the negotiations."
“1,500 Lebanese soldiers to be posted near southern border.”
"The Palestinian issue is the crux of the conflict in the region and that peace and stability can only be achieved through a just and comprehensive settlement based on the two state solution and credible terms of reference namely the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative. " Azaizeh said. He outlined Israeli violations in the occupied Palestinians territories including confiscation of land, home demolitions, settlement activities and attempts to judaize the holy city of Jerusalem.
The head of the Islamic Movement in the Palestinian Territories Occupied in 1948 (Israel) has warned of a likely regional war in the Middle East that may lead to a third world war, through which Israel will seek to demolish Al-Aqsa Mosque. According to Shaikh Raed Salah, the year 2010 is a fateful one for Al-Aqsa, in which he does not rule out the possibility that the Israeli occupation authorities may try to divide Al-Aqsa into different sections.
“He called on "all honest people" to protect Al-Aqsa Mosque from the various Israeli plots to destroy the historic site. His detention, he said, is a marginal issue compared to that of Jerusalem.”
Calling on Arab and Islamic nations to protect Al-Aqsa Mosque from the enemies of Islam, Shaikh Raed cited a possible regional war in which Israel will seek to demolish the mosque as the biggest threat ever faced by the sanctuary. Before entering the prison, the Shaikh said, "I'm not standing on the threshold of prison, but on the threshold of the eradication of the Israeli occupation."
TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran expects the United States to launch a military strike on "at least two countries" in the Middle East in the next three months, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told state-run Press TV.
In an interview recorded on Monday, Ahmadinejad did not specify whether he thought Iran itself would be attacked nor did he say what intelligence led him to expect such a move.
The United States and Israel have refused to rule out military action against Iran's nuclear program which they fear could lead to it making a bomb, something Iran denies.
"They have decided to attack at least two countries in the region in the next three months," Ahmadinejad said in excerpts broadcast on the rolling news channel on Tuesday.
Israel, which refuses to confirm or deny the existence of its own nuclear arsenal, has a history of pre-emptive strikes against suspected nuclear targets. In 1981 it destroyed Iraq's only nuclear reactor and in 2007 bombed a suspect site in Syria.
Prime Minister David Cameron on Tuesday urged Israel to lift its blockade of the Gaza Strip, slamming the current state of the Palestinian enclave as a "prison camp."
"Let me be clear that the situation in Gaza has to change… Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp," he said in a speech to a business association during a visit to Turkey.
Speaking later after talks with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Cameron defended his harsh description, saying that "even though some progress has been made we're still in a situation where it's very difficult to get in, it's very difficult to get out…
Birds of pray from Ezekiel 39:17-18” Son of man, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: Call out to every kind of bird and all the wild animals: 'Assemble and come together from all around to the sacrifice I am preparing for you, the great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel. There you will eat flesh and drink blood. You will eat the flesh of mighty men and drink the blood of the princes of the earth as if they were rams and lambs, goats and bulls–all of them fattened animals from Bashan.”
Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17 Here Jesus warned us under the Antichrist no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless you worship the Antichrist. Here is one more step leading us in that direction
Why contactless payment paves the way for a cashless society
Jul 19, 2010

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Stuart Neal, head of UK payment acceptance at Barclaycard speaks about developments in the payments industry.
Whilst we’re all familiar with chip and pin, another payment technology has been growing in popularity. It is estimated that over 9.6 million[1] contactless-capable cards have been issued by card providers in the UK, so around one in six cardholders already have a card that doesn’t require a pin to be entered for transactions under £15, simply a flash of a card on a reader.
A recent report from analysts, Datamonitor, has reignited the debate as to whether widespread use of contactless payment is just around the corner or some way off. Datamonitor has come down firmly on the side of ‘some way off’, arguing that until there is demand from consumers, retailers will not make the investment to go contactless.
Barclaycard and Barclays have taken a lead on contactless because we fundamentally believe that it, and the cashless society it heralds, is the future. Furthermore, contrary to Datamonitor’s report we believe that future is closer than they anticipate.
Forward thinking retailers such as EAT. and Prêt a Manger are already reaping the rewards: contactless credit and debit card terminals eliminate the need for cash for even small transactions, enabling retailers to speed up sales at the tills and to avoid the hassle of handling large quantities of money.
Barclaycard, along with Barclays, have 25,000 contactless terminals live and accepting payment across the country.
Nor are consumers being left behind. The Payments Council recently predicted that cash payments would account for fewer than half of all transactions within just five years, with consumers increasing the amount consumers spend with cards fourfold in the last decade[2].
Indeed, for retailers and consumers alike, cash is increasingly becoming more of a burden than a straightforward form of payment. The cost to retailers of processing it is huge, queues become uncontrollable as customers fumble for change in shops, and having to remember to get cash out from an ATM just becomes another thing to think about in consumers’ busy lives.
In response to the need for an easy and innovative replacement to cash, contactless payment in the UK has taken off in the past three years for low value purchases. Since September 2007, Barclays and Barclaycard have issued over eight million contactless-enabled cards, allowing customers to make transactions quicker and more easily. As a result of the ease of payment, 61% of users find it preferable to using cash.[3]
Some retailers may worry that contactless could cost them more than cash. However, considering the hidden costs borne by retailers in handling, storing and banking cash, contactless could well prove a cheaper option overall. Smaller retailers will receive contactless capability automatically when their card reading hardware is periodically replaced. Large retailers will need upgraded terminals and software, but this can be done during a standard replacement or upgrade cycle, and nearly all EPoS software supports contactless.
Recently, we have seen other card providers begin to join Barclays and Barclaycard in providing a contactless service. In America, Canada and Australia, contactless is already used extensively, boosted by a transaction limit of $50.
Contactless is increasingly being seen as a way to cement relationships with customers and provide ownership of the customer journey – whether that is providing point-to-point in travel or over the course of several days at a festival.
Contactless has become widespread in Europe, with Italy and Turkey in the process of adapting their transport networks to accept contactless payment. In the UK, the system is rapidly growing in popularity with key retailers having announced their commitment to quicker queues and slicker transactions, and with a number of music festivals, such as Wireless, trailing the use of contactless technology.
Contactless speeds up transactions as it does not require a customer to enter a PIN or enter their card into a payment terminal. Once the card has been placed over the contactless terminal, the transaction uses secure technology to automatically add the purchase to the customer’s credit card bill or debit it from their current account.
As with all credit and debit cards, security is of paramount concern and as a result, contactless uses tried and tested, reliable payment technology. In addition, there is a £15 limit on single transactions and a card can only be used on multiple transactions using solely contactless payment a certain number of times before a customer is prompted for their PIN.
In the unlikely event of fraud, contactless debit and credit transactions benefit from the same 100% fraud guarantee as standard transactions.
Whilst the chip is currently inserted into cards, it is intended that by 2012 contactless mobile phones will be widely available allowing consumers to not only make purchases with greater ease but also keep a close eye on what they are spending through their phone.
Barclays and Barclaycard anticipate that in the next two years use of contactless payments systems will become widespread across multiple sectors.
Contactless is growing fast, with many credit and debit card providers issuing contactless-enabled cards as standard when a card comes up for renewal. The reality is that consumers are choosing not to use cash; that soon for more than half of purchases, cards will be used instead.
This provides a golden opportunity for retailers as it allows them to take advantage of innovative technology to provide customers with the smooth service they demand as it reduces costs. With 26,000 live terminals, contactless has grown quickly and the speed of that growth is increasing.
What’s more, contactless is set to play a key role in mobile banking, which, with its customer-centric focus, is the future.
Few technological developments are adopted by consumers as quickly as analysts would like, but contactless does now have momentum. Customers are increasingly aware as a result of successful marketing campaigns and larger retailers are beginning to take the plunge, having realised the hidden cost of spare change.
Barclaycard looks forward to others joining it in the cashless, contactless revolution, which is just around the corner.
[1] Source: http://www.contactless.info/Facts-and-Stats.asp
[2] http://www.paymentscouncil.org.uk/media_centre/press_releases_new/-/page/943/
[3] Source: 2008 US MasterCard PayPass Benchmark Study
UIDAI to issue first set of 100 million unique ID numbers by March 2011 news

22 July 2010
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will issue the first set of 100 million UID numbers from August 2010 till March 2011 with the government clearing funds for the second phase of UIDAI project implementation.
The Cabinet Committee on Unique Identification Authority of India related issues (CC-UIDAI) today approved the Phase II implementation of the scheme, estimated to cost Rs3,023.01 crore. Of this, Rs477.11 crore would be used for meeting recurring establishment costs and the remaining Rs2,545.90 crore for non-recurring project related expenditure.
The estimated cost includes project components for issue of 100 million UID numbers and recurring establishment costs for the entire project phase stretching five years, from 2010 to 2014.
The UIDAI will issue another 600 million UID numbers over the following three years. The project will subsequently provide unique ID numbers to all residents of India.
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Brussels is to hold an EU summit with atheists and freemasons in the autumn, inviting them to a political dialogue parallel to the annual summit the bloc holds with Europe's religious leaders.
While the EU is a secular body, the three European presidents, of the commission, parliament and EU Council, alongside two commissioners, on Monday met with 24 bishops, chief rabbis, and muftis as well as leaders from the Hindu and Sikh communities. The annual dialogue, which has taken place since 2005, is for the first time this year made legally obligatory under Article 17 of the Lisbon Treaty. Under pressure from Belgium, the EU has been forced to hold a summit for atheists, scheduled for 15 October. Under pressure from Belgium, which constitutionally protects and financially supports humanist organizations as well as churches, the EU has been forced to hold a mirror-image summit, but of atheists, scheduled for 15 October.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Diseases.
In the midst of what could be the largest whooping cough outbreak in more than 50 years — and the death of six infants under 3 months of age — California health officials are recommending booster shots for nearly everyone in the state, especially health care workers, parents and anyone who may come in contact with babies.
Nearly 1,500 Californians this year have been diagnosed with whooping cough — five times the normal level for this time of year, state health officials say. Doctors are investigating another 700 possible cases. Many more may have had the infection, which often goes undiagnosed or unreported.
Prophecy Sign: Intense heat Revelation 16: 8-9 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.”
Weekly No. of people taken to hospitals for heat stroke tops 9,000+
TOKYO, July 27 (AP) – (Kyodo)—A total of 9,436 people were taken to hospitals for heat stroke in the week through Sunday and 57 of them were confirmed dead in the first medical examination as temperatures continued to soar across the country, according to data compiled Monday by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency.
The number of deaths is unprecedentedly high as it came to 47 in July and August combined in 2008 and 16 in the two months last year, said the agency which began compiling data in 2008.
Bro. Frank,
In regard to your recent posting of Pres. Obama secretly attempting to illegally influence the political activities of a sovereign nation (Kenya-referendum) I have attached a copy of the Memorandum of Agreement that you mentioned that Odinga agreed to. This was sent to me by a Pastor in Kenya while the election violence was in progress back in 2007. I have been advised that intertribal clashes have begun in various parts of the country regarding this election. The attached memo was represented to me to be the one signed by Odinga so the Muslims would support his candidacy.
You can see from this memo what Odingas' agenda is and why Obama, with his Islamic tendencies is supporting this referendum. Please pray for the defeat of this referendum. Kenya is still considered to be a predominately Christian nation, but Islam is growing in strength in the Eastern and coastal parts of the country. Thanks again for the books you provided to the Pastors in Kenya.
Surely the Lord has spoken to me, "whatever you do, do quickly". His return is so very near.
Tim M.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
All praise to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds.
The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
The master of the Day of Judgment.
Thee (alone) we worship, of Thee (alone) we seek help.
Show us the straight path.
The path of those whom Thou hast favored;
Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray
PURPOSE: To establish a lasting relationship between Hon. Raila Amollo Odinga, hereafter referred to as The Candidate, and the National Muslim Leaders, hereinafter referred to as The Leaders.
This MOU states as follows:
WHEREAS The Candidate – who recognizes Islam as the only true religion – is seeking to become the next President of the Republic of Kenya;
WHEREAS The leaders recognize The Candidate as the only presidential candidate who has the interests of the Kenyan Muslim community at heart;
WHEREAS The Candidate has pledged to fully reinstate and protect the rights of the Kenyan Muslims when, Inshallah, he becomes the 4th President of the Republic of Kenya;
WHEREAS The Leaders represent a peaceful and God-fearing Kenyan community that has been oppressed and discriminated against by the current and previous governments, and
WHEREAS The Candidate freely acknowledges that, indeed, the current and previous governments have failed to recognize and protect the rights of the Kenyan Muslim community;
The Parties agree as follows:
(i) That The Leaders forthwith endorse The Candidate as the official 2007 Presidential candidate of the Kenyan Muslim community.
(ii) That The Leaders will campaign vigorously for The Candidate to ensure his resounding victory in the 2007 presidential election.
(iii) That The Leaders will work hard to ensure that all (or at least the majority) of Kenyan Muslim faithful vote overwhelmingly for The Candidate at the 2007 General Election.
(iv) That The Leaders will deploy all resources at their disposal to support The Candidate’s campaigns throughout the country.
(v) That The Candidate, when, Inshallah, he becomes President of Kenya will:
a. Ensure that the Coast Province shall henceforth be known as JIMBO LA PWANI and shall have full autonomy in Government in all matters apart form National Defence and International Accreditation. In addition, while freedom of worship will be upheld at the JIMBO LA PWANI, the Council of Islamic leaders shall be permitted to have an oversight role to monitor activities of ALL other religions and any applications for religious activities and institutions will require their approval. They shall have the right to deny approval to cults and other evil practices.
b. Within 6 months re-write the Constitution of Kenya to recognize Shariah as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared regions.
c. With immediate effect dismiss the commissioner of Police who hs allowed himself be used by heathens and Zionists to oppress the Kenyan Muslim community.
d. Disband the imperialist Anti-Terror Police Unit (ATPU) that was set up for the sole purpose of terrorizing, harassing, intimidating and deporting innocent Kenyan Muslims to Guantanamo Bay.
e. Ensure THAT ALL MUSLIMS residing within the Republic of Kenya, and especially those who reside in th North Eastern Province shall be granted full National Identity Cards, and therefore, North Eastern Province shall also be granted majimbo status no less favourable and on similar terms with JIMBO LA PWANI, within SIX MONTHS of Raila Amollo Odinga being sworn in as President.
f. No Muslim residing in Kenya whether a citizen, visitor or relative of any of the above shall be subjected to any process involving the laws of a foreign country and in particular any Muslim arrested for or suspected of Terrorism or any other International crime shall only be tried within the boarders of Kenya and shall be granted a competent lawyer of his/her choice at the expense of the Government.
g. Within 1 year facilitate the establishment of a Shariah court in every Kenyan divisional headquarters.
h. Popularize Islam, the only true religion, in the Coast and North Eastern Regions by ordering every primary school in Kenya in the regions to conduct daily Madrassa classes.
i. Impose a total ban on open-air crusades by worshippers of the cross in the Coast and North Eastern regions.
j. Outlaw gospel programs (preaching, purported faith healing, etc) on KBC, the National Broadcaster.
k. Impose a total ban on the public consumption on alcohol beverages in the Coast and North Eastern Regions and their towns of Mombasa, Malindi, Lamu, Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Kwale, Vanga, Lunga, and all other Muslim populated urban centres of Kenya whose population is at least 40% (forty percent) Muslim.
l. Quash the recent legalization of mnazi, busaa, muratina, kaluvu, and all other haram beverages.
m. Close down Farmer’s Choice in Jimbo la Kaskazini Mashariki and other factories that process and package swine and other haram products in regions populated by Muslims including the Coast and North Eastern regions.
n. Impose an immediate ban on women’s public dressing styles that are considered immoral and offensive to the Muslim faith in the Muslim regions of Coastal and North Eastern Regions. This ban will apply to Muslims and non-Muslims alike, in these regions and will include all visitors whether domestic of foreign tourists.
(vi) In furtherance for the above and to enable and assist ODM and The Candidate win the National Elections and the Presidency of the Republic of Kenya, NAMLEF and its affiliate organizations hereby undertake to fully support the ODM as a party and Raila Amollo Odinga as a presidential candidate in all ways, and to mobilize all Muslims for this cause.
(vii) In furtherance of he above, and within a maximum of Seven (7) days hereof, NAMLEF and its affiliate organizations shall issue a joint statement declaring that all Muslims should support and vote for Raila Amollo Odinga and ODM.
(viii) I addition, NAMLEF have impressed upon Najib Balala who is present herein that he should step down in favor of Raila Amollo Odinga in the Presidential nomination exercise with ODM, due to the fact that Raila Amollo Odinga has confirmed his support for all the aspirations of the JIMBO LA PWANI and the Kenyan Muslims community.
(ix) THAT subsequently, NAMLEF and its affiliate organizations shall engage in active campaigns for Raila Amollo Odinga and ODM throughout the Republic and impress upon Muslims, publicly and emphatically, the requirement to vote for ODM and Raila Amollo Odinga.
Dated this …29th … day of August 2007, Mombasa, Kenya.
Prophecy Sign: Revelation chapter 17 we find the woman riding on the beast. The woman in the false Church who will be riding with the Antichrist during the seven year tribulation.
And what a gathering! As an observer to the 2010, G8 World Religions Summit (WRS), I listened as the opening ceremonies set the tone for this remarkable event. The Secretary General of the WRS, Dr. James Christie – the Dean of Theology at the University of Winnipeg – welcomed us as religious equals, stating that what was important was that we "offer our service, and ourselves, and our lives" to the "God we know by so many names."[i]
This multi-faith perspective was evident in full color; Hindu swamis in flowing orange attire, members of the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs dressed in desert garb, Jewish yamakas, cross pendants and clerical collars, Shinto robes, Orthodox priests in black, Salvation Army uniforms, and Baha'i leaders and evangelical Christians in business suits. Religions from every corner of the planet were represented. Even so, very few people have heard about the G8 World Religions Summit, held in Winnipeg, Manitoba from June 21-23.
Compared to the G8/G20 political summits occurring days later in Toronto and Huntsville, Ontario, the WRS – the official religious parallel – was an ultra-tame affair. The security budget for the Winnipeg event was zero; nobody burnt any cars, and no windows were smashed. The only "protestors" were a group of Mennonites who, a few days before the Summit began, sang songs of support at a downtown park.[ii] In fact, many of the international participants had "never heard of Winnipeg" before.[iii]
Nevertheless, what occurred in Winnipeg will likely have a far more real impact at the local level than what transpired in Toronto. Why do I say this? Because of the direct lines of influence that radiate from the World Religions Summit right down to individual bodies. It's a top-down strategy ensuring that religious people will fall in line with an emerging global framework – a type of world theology along with an international system of socialism. And it's going to work, particularly in the Christian community.
“Syria “The Sins of Damascus”
“Syria foments war, creates the Syria-Lebanon-Iran-Turkey anti-Israel axis, and is rewarded for these efforts by those among us who are willing to give her the Golan Heights. But"the four sins of Damascus are unforgivable" said the prophet Amos (1,3)
The atmosphere in our area is heating up and the smell of war is in the air. Reports of long range rockets sent to Syria from Iran are only part of the story.
Alongside Iran, Hizbullah, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, the real kingpin of the axis of evil is Syria. Syria is at the apex of planning, encouraging and abetting constant tension, as well as acting as coordinator of all the aggressors in the anti Israel coalition.
The proof of the pudding came when at the end of February, Syrian president Bashar Assad called for a summit in Damascus, to which he invited and then welcomed Iranian President Ahmadenijad and Hizbullah head Hassan Narallah.
Syria’s political and military terror dossier is filled to overflowing. In the 1930’s Damascus organized an armed invasion against the struggling Jewish return to the land. In 1948 the Syrian army attacked Israel. From the 1950’s until the Six Day War there were non stop artillery bombardments and terrorist attacks from the Syrian held Golan heights to the kibbutzim in the valleys below. “
“Syria is at the forefront of the strategic transformation that has formed against Israel over the last few years. In the past, Lebanon, Iran and Turkey were friendly or passive towards Israel, but today, all three are on the front line of the anti Israel campaign and their hostile stand has caused Israel political and strategic damage, as the country is now surrounded by a tightening, ever widening ring of hatred.”
Prophecy Sign: No mention of the USA at all in the Book of Daniel. We can see why, because the US is falling away as any kind of last days power. One of the signs showing us the US collapse is coming is the number of banks that are failing. Now we are up to 103. Soon you will see the dollar slide even more, and than many nations will begin to take China’s lead and dump the dollar for another reserve currency.
US regulators have closed seven more banks, pushing the 2010 total to 103, making it the second year in a row in which over 100 lenders have been closed.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) announced Friday it has closed seven small banks with the largest, Crescent Bank and Trust, having about $1.01 billion in total assets and $965.7 million in total deposits, Reuters reported.
Keep on the watch with me and you will see how many more banks are closed. There is no doubt time is running out for the US and in the past when things have gotten bad what happens? War breaks out, and this is what you will see happen in the near future.