Steps to Zechariah 12:3/ Doomsday scenario dealing with the Gulf oil spill/June 9, 2010

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438
I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Prophecy Sign: “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” Just ten years ago if you read news that America had voted against Israel at the UN people would have been amazed to hear this.  However, since Obama took office the United States has turned away from Israel and is creating even more distance between the U.S. and Israel.  Here are few examples which you may have missed. The first report is entitled: “Analysis: U.N. rebukes of Israel permitted in U.S. policy shift

 See full size image“UNITED NATIONS Tue Jun 8, 2010 1:01am EDT UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – Under President Barack Obama, the United States no longer provides Israel with automatic support at the United Nations where the Jewish state faces a constant barrage of criticism and condemnation.  The subtle but noticeable shift in the U.S. approach to its Middle East ally comes amid what some analysts describe as one of the most serious crises in U.S.-Israeli relations in years.  Under Obama, the United States seeks to reclaim its role as an impartial Middle East peace broker which critics say it lost during the previous administration of George W. Bush. "Israel became used to unconditional support of the United States during eight years of the Bush administration," said Marina Ottaway, director of the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington.

Another section of this report stated, “Israel was still unhappy with the statement and its supporters accused Obama of abandoning the Jewish state. In an article called "Joining the jackals," Elliott Abrams, who advised two Republican administrations and is now at the Council on Foreign Relations, accused Obama of exposing Israel to a virtual U.N. "lynch mob." "The White House did not wish to stand with Israel against this mob because it does not have a policy of solidarity with Israel," Abrams said. "Rather, its policy is one of distancing and pressure."

I speak to a lot of people about the relationship between the United States and Israel and most of the people in their late forties and fifties are blow away by how fast they are seeing the U.S. policy shift away from Israel. I keep telling the people this has to happen because of what Zechariah 12:3 has shown us.  When he warned  “all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” that also has to include America.

Ever since I can remember the United States has come to Israel’s aid.  In the past when Israel went to war with the Arabs who attacked them the U.S. was right there providing arms to help Israel stay alive, but now under the Obama Administration all that has suddenly changed. Below is an example of what I am talking about

Israel knows it is standing alone against Iran and the threat of Iran getting a hold of a nuclear bomb.  Israel’s Prime Minister knows Iran’s President will not hesitate to use this weapon on Israel in order to wipe Israel of the face of the map. At the present time Israel is ready to launch an attack on Iran’s nuclear program but the international news concerning the Gaza has over shadowed this threat. Knowing that Israel needs the support of the United States you would think Obama would do as the rest of the previous U.S. Presidents have done and send whatever Israel needs to defend themselves.  When you read this next report entitled, “Obama blocks delivery of bunker-busters to Israel” you will learn this is not the case with Obama.

“Obama blocks delivery of bunker-busters to Israel”

“WASHINGTON — The United States has diverted a shipment of bunker-busters designated for Israel Officials said the U.S. military was ordered to divert a shipment of smart bunker-buster bombs from Israel to a military base in Diego Garcia. They said the shipment of 387 smart munitions had been slated to join pre-positioned U.S. military equipment in Israel Air Force bases. "This was a political decision," an official said.  In 2008, the United States approved an Israeli request for bunker-busters capable of destroying underground facilities, including Iranian nuclear weapons sites. Officials said delivery of the weapons was held up by the administration of President Barack Obama , Middle East Newsline reported. Since taking office, Obama has refused to approve any major Israeli requests for U.S. weapons platforms or advanced systems. Officials said this included proposed Israeli procurement of AH-64D Apache attack helicopters, refueling systems, advanced munitions and data on a stealth variant of the F-15E. "All signs indicate that this will continue in 2010," a congressional source familiar with the Israeli military requests said. "This is really an embargo, but nobody talks about it publicly."

Many of you may not know this but Obama is pumping in millions to help the Palestinians living in the Gaza at a time when America is on the verge of going bankrupt over her massive 19 trillion dollar debt.  As long a Obama keeps turning away from Israel and leans more toward Israel’s enemies the U.S. will continue to see the results of God’s curse.  The report below not only addresses the amount of money the U.S. is going to give the PLO. 

“Washington (CNN) — The United States will contribute $400 million in development aid to the Palestinian territories and work with Israel to loosen its "unsustainable" grip on Gaza, President Barack Obama said Wednesday. Obama's announcement came after White House talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The money will be used to build housing, schools, water facilities and health care systems in both the Palestinian Authority-controlled West Bank and Gaza, which is ruled by the Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas. Obama called the situation in Gaza "unsustainable," and said the United States will work with its European allies, the Palestinians, Egypt and Israel to rethink the Israeli blockade of the territory. He said the United States already has begun "hard-headed discussions" with Israel over the matter.” “Obama repeated that the long-term solution would be a permanent deal creating "a Palestinian state side-by-side with an Israel that is secure."  After reading the sentence in purple you will need to read Joel 3:2 to fully understand what God has promised to do to anyone who tries to divide up Israel. “I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.” 

Don’t expect any thing good to happen in America until Obama’s Administration turns back to supporting Israel the way America used to.

 See full size image  In this mornings post I showed you the European Union is also under the Lord’s curse for also working to divide Israel into a two State nation.  The EU has also shown us signs of the Noah generation, which Jesus warned our generation would copy. Homosexuality was a major part of why God sent the floor to destroy the world during Noah’s time.  Jesus in Matthew 24:32-38 warned our generation would become just like Noah’s generation and that it would be during this time that He was going to return.

Here is an example of what I am talking about. “EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – The European Commission's internal gay rights policy has been described as "quite impressive" by campaigners. But activists would like to see more EU policing of homophobia in member states.The commission, which employs around 25,000 people in Brussels, and which sees itself as a model "modern working environment" outlined its staffing policy in a statement prepared for EUobserver in June. Gay couple at US rally. The EU commission gives the same health and pensions perks to married couples and "stable partnerships" (Photo: Fritz Liess)The paper noted that rules forbid discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, with a number of bodies in place to combat prejudice: a "dedicated service within the human resource directorate" monitors good behaviour; "specifically-trained confidential counsellors" can step in to deal with cases of harassment; abuse can also trigger formal disciplinary sanctions. The EU executive gives "regular" training on gay rights issues. It offers the same pensions and health perks to unmarried same-sex couples registered as a "stable partnership." A system of advisors on "practical difficulties" for gays and lesbians in the EU institutions – called Egalite – has also been up-and-running since 1993.”

See full size image  Nation after nation is making gay marriage legal and making it a point to protect gays from hate crime.  I agree that anyone who tries to harm any one including the gay population should be punished, however telling a gay the Bible says Homosexuality is a sin is not a hate crime, but that is the direction this world is taking us.  The bottom line is this, Jesus told us we were going to see all these last day signs in one generation and it is not by coincidence that all these signs have appeared now.

Everyone is going to have to make the choice what door you are going to walk through.  Jesus said, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”  One door will lead to heaven and eternal life with Christ,  The other door is the door Satan is working overtime at to get people to walk through.  This is the door that leads to the lake of fire, which Jesus warned us about.  Which door are you going to open?  You better make up your minds soon because Jesus is coming?


Also, in this mornings post I talked about God's curse on America and how the Gulf oil spill no doubt is part of this curse.  Could the curse be getting worse? Watch the video on the newest doomsday scenario dealing with the Gulf oil spill.


Mark of the beast information/God’s curse/U.S. and EU woes/June 9, 2010

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438
I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

This morning I received a email from a person who wanted me to know about a ink tattoo that is being used to ID animals.  The person who sent the email did not know I covered this technology in my book.  If there is one who didn’t know there is probably more who are unaware of how this technology can and probably be used on humans.  Anytime you see technology that can mark someone to ID them that is when the red flag should go up.  Since my viewer ship has doubled in the past month many of you may not know that Jesus warned us almost 2,000 years ago that the Antichrist would be able to place his mark in the skin of humans.  This mark would give people permission to buy or sell.  Anyone who doesn’t have the mark will be hunted down and killed during the last three and a half years of the seven year tribulation.  I want you all to see exactly what Jesus stated about this. Revelation 13:16-17 says the following, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name“.

Artwork Copyright © by Duncan Long. All rights reserved.Used with permission of the artist. See more of Long’s Christian artwork at: Duncan Long’s Website

Now let me show you what is taking place that can make it possible for the Antichrist to mark everyone in their skin in order to control his new economic system.

There are new technologies that are in the process of testing ID’s used with invisible ink, or at least invisible to the naked eye. Keep in mind these technologies are being used on animals but they are working to transfer this type of technology to humans.  The report I quote from is entitled: “RFID tattoos for tracking cows… and people” ”Did you know that Saint Louis based Somark Innovations successfully tested an "RFID tattoo" on cows and rats? Yes indeed, tattoo, not the ol’ RFID chip found in passports, dogs, and Dutch VIP clubbers. Somark’s system uses an array of needles to inject a passive RFID ink which can be read through the hair on your choice of beast. The ink can be either invisible or colored but Somark is keeping mum as to its exact contents. They only say that it doesn’t contain any metals and is 100% biocompatible and chemically inert. The tattoo can be applied in 5 to 10 seconds with no shaving involved and can be read from up to 4 feet away — the bigger the tattoo, the more information stored. Best of it all, it’s apparently safe for humans to ingest allowing the FDA to track back Mad Cow Disease, e-coli outbreaks, and Soylent Green. Don’t worry, they can’t track you just as long as you chew your food like mama taught. However, with "military personnel" listed as Somark’s "secondary target market," well, it’s just a matter of time before we’re all cattle now isn’t it.

“The process developed by Somark involves a geometric array of micro-needles and an ink capsule, which is used to ‘tattoo’ an animal. The ink can be detected from 4 feet away. A startup company developing chipless RFID ink has tested its product on cattle and laboratory rats.  Somark Innovations announced this week that it successfully tested biocompatible RFID ink, which can be read through animal hairs. The passive RFID technology could be used to identify and track cows to reduce financial losses from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (mad cow disease) scares. Somark, which formed in 2005, is located at the Center for Emerging Technologies in St. Louis. The company is raising Series A equity financing and plans to license the technology to secondary markets, which could include laboratory animals, dogs, cats, prime cuts of meat, and military personnel. Chief scientist Ramos Mays said the tests provide a true proof-of-principle and mitigate most of the technological risks in terms of the product’s performance. "This proves the ability to create a synthetic biometric or fake fingerprint with biocompatible, chipless RFID ink and read it through hair," he said.,_Cattle_Co._Says.html

Co-founder Mark Pydynowski said during an interview Wednesday that the ink doesn’t contain any metals and can be either invisible or colored. He declined to say what is in the ink, but said he’s certain that it is 100% biocompatible and chemically inert. He also said it is safe for people and animals.

The process developed by Somark involves a geometric array of micro-needles and a reusable applicator with a one-time-use ink capsule. Pydynowski said it takes five to 10
seconds to "stamp or tattoo" an animal, and there is no need to remove the fur. The ink remains in the dermal layer, and a reader can detect it from 4 feet away.

"Conceptually, you can think of it in the same way that visible light is reflected by mirrors," he said, adding that the actual process is slightly different and proprietary.

The amount of information contained in the ink depends on the surface area available, he said. The U.S. Department of Agriculture calls for a 15-digit number to track cattle. The first three digits are "840" for the U.S. country code. The remaining digits are unique identifiers. The numbers would link to a database containing more information.”

The information you are about to read comes from the information in chapter one of my book.


If the VeriChip isn’t used to mark everyone there is another form of marking system that can be used. Recently I read in the news that a U.S. patent was filed back in September 1996.  This patent has made it possible for Jesus Words in Revelation 13:16 to come to pass.  I quote from a short section of that report. "A patent has been issued for a technique enabling an invisible tattoo to be placed under the skin of a consumer purchasing goods and services, according to a report published by computer giant Compaq. The patented procedure, titled, "Method For Verifying Human Identity During Electronic Sale Transactions," was developed by Houston inventor Thomas W. Heeter. His patent — bearing U.S. Patent No. 5,878,155 and granted in March 1999 — "describes how people can be identified for eCommerce transactions by invisible barcodes tattooed on their skin." The patent identifies invisible tattoo ink that is currently available commercially, according to the Compaq report. According to Heeter’s abstract, "a barcode or a design is tattooed on an individual. Before the sales transaction can be consummated, the tattoo is scanned with a scanner.” "Characteristics about the scanned tattoo are compared to characteristics about other tattoos stored on a computer database in order to verify the identity of the buyer," the abstract says. "Once verified, the seller may be authorized to debit the buyer’s electronic bank account in order to consummate the transaction. The seller’s electronic bank account may be similarly updated" (U.S. Patent March 2, 1999).




As you can see I covered this material some time ago, but what is important is the fact that this technology is coming to pass now, and will be used in the near future to not only to ID a person but to allow a person to take money right from their banks.  Thank about what Jesus warned and then look at this technology, If you can’t see the process of the Lord’s words being fulfilled, I am not sure if you will ever see what the Holy Spirit is trying to show you.  I am not going to debate anyone whether the VeriChip implant, or this tattoo is the one the Antichrist will use.  There are many technologies which the Antichrist will have to choose from.  The point is this is exactly what Christ warned us and it is coming at the same time as all the other prophecies are taking place exactly as Jesus stated.  I suppose if you really want to see what technology will be used by the Antichrist you will have to be left behind once the rapture of the church takes place, however I would not recommend you go that route.

For years I have been warning about America’s decline.  Since America is in the process of trying to divide up Israel God’s curse from Genesis 12:2 has fallen the U.S. .  We believe that part of America’s decline is now coming from the Gulf oil spill.  The oil leaking a record levels is changing the coastline and is also changing the economic look in America as huge part of her fishing industry is killed off.  Today we see more reports that the oil spill is worse than reported previously.  I quote, “The government and university researchers confirmed Tuesday that plumes of dispersed oil were spreading far below the ocean surface from the leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico, raising fresh concern about the potential impact of the spill on sea life. The tests, the first detailed chemical analyses of water from the deep sea, show that some of the most toxic components of the oil are not necessarily rising to the surface where they can evaporate, as would be expected in a shallow oil leak. Instead, they are drifting through deep water in plumes or layers that stretch as far as 50 miles from the leaking well.

Last month I warned you what will happen if a hurricane hit the Gulf coast.  If you missed that post just let me say that if this does happen America will witness chaos like they haven’t seen before.  Once the hurricane winds push the water in land and the oil toxins hit the drinking water, the homes, and land, no one will be able to go back to their homes. This will no doubt be one of the worse disasters America will have seen. In my previous post I gave you information from the Government which informed us this year’s hurricane season is going to be worse than they had figured on.  The chances of a bad scenario have increased. If hundreds of thousand of people are forced to stay away from their homes and businesses on the Gulf what do you think is going to happen?  When I think about the possibility the words found in Matthew 24:7 comes to mind.  In part of this passage Jesus warns that there will be civil unrest.  Christ tells us “ 7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom”. 

Is the United States getting ready to deal with this problem?  Take a look at this video and make your own

I have a funny feeling we have just begun to see signs of God’s curse for trying to divide up Israel. In case you missed the report on the 2010 hurricane season here is what was reported.

“The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season will be even more active than feared, leading U.S. forecasters said Wednesday as they predicted 10 hurricanes, five of them major, with a 76 percent likelihood that a major hurricane would hit the U.S. coastline.


Getty Images

The outlook from the Colorado State University team follows predictions by U.S. government scientists for an intense season that could disrupt efforts to contain a huge Gulf of Mexico oil spill and also batter earthquake-ravaged Haiti. Increasing a previous estimate for a "very active” season, the leading CSU storm research team founded by hurricane forecast pioneer William Gray said the six-month season beginning on June 1 would likely see 18 named tropical storms. Of these, CSU saw 10 becoming hurricanes, with five becoming major Category 3 or higher hurricanes with winds above 110 miles per hour. The CSU scientists increased their forecast from an April 7 prediction of 15 named storms, eight hurricanes and four major hurricanes. "The probability of a major hurricane making landfall along the U.S. coastline is 76 percent compared with the last-century average of 52 percent,” said forecaster Phil Klotzbach, who works with Gray.”


Since America is in the process of declining in power you need to see some other signs that she is declining to give way to the last world empire Jesus warned us about in Revelation chapter 17 and in Daniel chapters 2 and 7.  Last year I warned you that you will see records broken for people filing bankruptcy.  Here is some current news on this issue

.  “Bankruptcy filings are nearing the record 2 million of 2005, when a new law took effect that was aimed at curbing abuse of the system. Filings could reach 1.7 million this year, says law professor Robert Lawless, but few experts believe that debtors are now gaming the system. Instead, concern exists about a growing number of Americans who need bankruptcy protection but cannot get any benefit from it or simply cannot afford to file. As their financial problems worsen, that hurts everyone because it can hinder the economic turnaround. "It’s shocking that we are back to the 2005 level," says Katherine Porter, associate professor of law at the University of Iowa. "And the filing rate doesn’t even begin to count the depth of the financial pain." Bankruptcy laws changed in 2005 because filings skyrocketed and credit card companies and banks wanted to weed out deadbeat borrowers. The law made it harder — more expensive and more restrictive — for individuals to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which erases most debts. Instead of seeking protection from bankruptcy, a number of debt-laden Americans have gone into a "shadow economy," or informal bankruptcy, according to some experts.” 

Look, you can deny all the signs Jesus warned about, that is your right, but at the end of the day, Jesus is going to ask you face to face, did you receive me as your Lord and Savior?  I pray to God, your answer will be something like this. 

Lord at first I did not believe anything you had warned about, but a friend of mine asked me to read what you gave to Frank DiMora, so I read his post and book where you stated all the signs and he connected the dots between your warnings and the current events. At first I figured it was just a coincidence but each day the evidence mounted up and finally I heard you calling to me asking me,  if I believe what you had warned me.  It became clear to me that no one in the world except the real Messiah could have given us so much information about the future and it take place just the way you said it.  So as I finally stand face to face with you, I can now yes Jesus I did listen to your warnings and yes I did receive you as my King, my Lord, and my Savior.  At that point you are allowed to enter into heaven.

America isn’t the only nation under God’s curse. The European Union is also working to divide up Israel.  Look what has happened in such a short time since they announce they will work with the PLO and try to give them their own State inside Israel.
  Their economy has taken a dive and so has the EU euro.

 See full size image See full size image“Steven Englander, Citigroup’s global head of currency strategy, told the Reuters Investment Summit in New York that he expects the euro, already down 16 percent this year, to fall further in the next one to three months, likely settling in the $1.10-$1.15 range. He added that the "worst case scenario for us is for the euro to hit parity against the dollar," though he noted that a weaker euro would make euro zone exports more competitive and ultimately help pave the way for the currency’s recovery. "Over the next one to three months we expect the euro to continue to trade lower," he said. But in the long run, "I think time is on the side of the euro," provided indebted euro zone countries stick to austerity budgets. The euro fell below $1.19 this week to its lowest level since early 2006 as investors fretted about budget crises in several euro zone countries and the potential impact on banks with exposure to European government debt.”

See full size image

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

See full size image Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

“Dear Frank, please feel free to post this to your website if you’d like   Thank you so much for the referral to Doug and Tina!  They have been a tremendous help at a reasonable price!  I appreciate it!  Please note this is my new email and I already signed up for your emails with it.  Thanks again!
In Christ Always- Amy Nehme”


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Handwriting on the wall/ Reading the news but not making the connection?/ June 8, 2010

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438
I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Prophecy Sign: Do you believe what God has shown us in Psalm 83 which tells us Israel will war against its bordering nations?  For months tensions have been building up in the region and things are about to get even hotter as Iran has made it a point to challenge. The headline to the DEBKAfile report reads as follows: “Iran’s Gaza-bound ships ready for clash with Israel – Ahmadinejad “

The report stated, “Ahmadinejad to Erdogan: Now it’s our turn to challenge Israel”  “Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad assured Turkish leaders whom he met in Istanbul Tuesday, Jan. 8 that Iranian "aid" vessels heading for Gazan waters within days will not shrink from a head-on clash with Israel.  On the Turkish-Israeli conflict, he said it would "change many issues in the world and mark the final countdown for Israel’s existence."  debkafile reports Iranian and Turkish leaders agreed to synchronize the hoped-for clash with the Security Council sanctions vote – as a stunt for heading it off.

People in Iran are lining up to get aboard the ships that will no doubt confront the Israeli navy.  “The Iranian Red Crescent announced that thus far 8,000 civilians have filled out forms volunteering to travel on a fleet of three aid boats to the Gaza Strip. As such, it was reported that registration will be extended for another two weeks after the organization had announced initially that the flotilla would leave for Gaza by the upcoming weekend.”  I hope you are watching this news with me, because there is that chance this encounter could spark the Psalm 83 war.  It could also set the stage for the second war against Israel which will be the Ezekiel 38 war.,7340,L-3901515,00.html

Img_3194_2 I know many of you have friends who may be visiting sites that give the current news but they do not connect the dots between current events and Bible prophecy.  I am asking you to please encourage everyone you can to visit my site where I not only give you the news but make the connection to the prophecies in the Bible.  We are getting to close for people to be reading the news, but not understanding that most of what they are witnessing is connected to Christ’s warning found in the scriptures.  I am willing to do all the work but I need your help to drive them to my site.  I have been getting emails as of late informing me that my work is leading people to Jesus as their Savior, and that is what my site is all about.  I could also use your prayers as I am trying to make my way to Israel this August to improve my prophecy book.  Jesus has been faithful to meet my needs in the past and I could sure use your prayers as this trip will take a bite out of the funds I use to print the books.  As you know I never charge anyone to read the book and it will always be that way.  I am sure Jesus has blessed me because I have made my ministry free to everyone.  I am excited about traveling to Israel to bring you the most current information.  If any of you knows a great tour guide for Israel please let me know. I am looking for a guide who has the influence to speak with some of the top officials in Israel.

Thank you all for allowing me to keep you posted. 

The Mystery plague June 8, 2010

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438
I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Prophecy Sign: See full size image In Matthew 24:7 Jesus tells us in the last days diseases would be a sign He would return soon. In my post dated July 7, 2009 I showed you how the UG99 disease is killing off the wheat crops. I told you more of these diseases would be seen soon. In my post dated Feb. 2, 2010 I stated the following: “ I want to repeat that warning now, because I know more of these types of diseases are coming. Here is the link to that post.–50—20100202-064506—-0322—-16199–100–north-of-ascension-island————–map–62—20.html

Now I want to show you news about what I have been warning you about from a report entitled: Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds Of Acres

“(Memphis 6/1/2010) A mystery is unfolding across MidSouth farms. Something is killing crops, trees, even weeds and nobody can explain why. Farmers are scratching their heads and some are worried their crops may be lost to the mysterious plague. 

It's happening along a large swath of land near the Shelby and Tipton county border along Herring Hill Road and elsewhere near the Mississippi River bottoms. Tiny dots appear to have burned onto leaves of all types of plants, and they appear different depending on the plant. On corn stalks, the dots seem to turn white in the center. On other plants, a white dust speckles the leaves and then destroys the green life underneath. "We found it all in the herbs, in the flowers, in the plum tree, in the weeds," said organic farmer Toni Holt. "It's apparently in everything."  Holt grows organic produce that she sells at area farmers' markets. As she and other farmers inspect the new growth covered in the perplexing plague, they fear their entire crop may be lost. Less than ten miles from Holt's crops, the damage could possibly hit hundreds of acres of corn at Wilder Farms. It appears to have hit everything in its path.

I pray you are saving all the information I am providing you on all the last day signs Jesus said we would see in one generation.  If you have been saving this evidence you will understand that Jesus words have come to pass.  This evidence is important because it is showing us the Church will be taken to Christ soon and then the man of sin will have his day.

New cry for New World Order/Mark of the beast then and now!/June 8, 2010

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438
I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

See full size image Prophecy Sign: In short,  the Bible is clear that the Antichrist will run a new world system.  All you have to do is read Revelation 13:16-17.  “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”  For the past two years we have heard more talk about a New World Order than ever before.  I pray you believe Jesus when He warns you that no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless they take the Antichrist mark, because when the global economy crashes the man Jesus warned us about will pick up the pieces and install he new program.  This will happen during the seven year tribulation and his system won’t go into affect right away.  First he will build up his confidence for you and then three and a half years into the seven year tribulation he is going to spring his mark on the world and at that time no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless that mark is place in your right hand or forehead. 

Calls for this New World Order were again in the news today in a headline entitled,Ahmadinejad Stresses Need for New World Order”  “TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Monday called for cooperation among world states to forge a new world order. "The conditions we are experiencing today need planning for new orders in the world and (our) cooperation and co-thinking for organizing the conditions," Ahmadinejad told reporters before departing for Istanbul, Turkey to take part in the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA).

 Many of you are new to my site and may have not seen the following information in my previous post.  I wrote about this information that leads to the mark of the beast in chapter one of my free prophecy book.  Since this is the generation Jesus said would see all the prophecy signs we should see the steps leading to this One World System.  The photos below will show you just how far we have come to actually be able to give the Antichrist the technology to mark all the people.  Keep in mind I was reporting on what to look for in the future back in 1998. 

Since 1998 new technology has made it a reality that people can be chipped in his or her hand to take money right out of his or her bank accounts.  If you noticed, the Time report shows the last stage of this cashless process will include all your information and it as they stated, “or one chip, with your life on it”.

Many of you may realize this but people are walking around right now with a chip implant in their hand that allows them to deduct money right from their banks.  The Time report of April 27, 1998 went on to say the following: “You can send the money over the Internet encoded in an E-mail instead of sending a check.  This saves you the trouble of balancing the checkbook at the end of the month, and it gives you the option of transferring the money from wherever you want; mutual fund, money market, even an old-fashioned checking account.  Your daughter can store the money any way she wants-on her laptop, on a debit card, even (in the not too distant future) on a chip implanted under her skin”  Anyone who has been following Bible prophecy already knows that day has already arrived.  If you are new to my site here are a few videos proving to you that this chip implant system now has all the information on it that it will ever need to allow a person  to buy or sell anything.

Imagine you are living in the seven year tribulation period and this chip implant system goes into affect. If you watch the video below you will get a preview of what it will look like. 

This commercial is showing you the wave of the future. Time saw it coming back in 1998, I was reporting on this back in 1977, and Jesus Christ warned us about this almost  2,000 years before this technology could even have been conceived. Let me take this commercial one step further.  Imagine the policemen standing at the doorway of the store is an Antichrist police watch dog watching for anyone who has not taken the mark of the Antichrist.  Two things are going to happen when the person hits the doorway to leave the store.  First the food will be taken away from them, and second they will be taken away  and be given the chance to either take the mark of the Antichrist or refuse it.  Those who do take the mark will seal themselves to the lake of fire for all time.  Those who refuse the mark will be put to death by the Antichrist.  When I was giving prophecy seminar back in 1998 many of the people who heard what I said did not believe anything like this would ever come to pass.  Not believing me is one thing, but not listening to Christ’s warnings is an entirely different matter.  Since 1998, many of the people who saw my presentations have now come to know Jesus as their savior.  If you have not received Jesus as your Lord and Savior yet, I won’t waste anymore time trying to figure out if Jesus is the real Messiah.  Only the true living God could give us this much detailed information almost 2,000 years before it happened.  Every things Jesus has stated has come to pass!  This chip implant technology is making its way into every part of a person’s life.  It has entered, the banking industry, the stores, the police departments, and even in hospitals.  Companies are pushing this technology and I can assure you this type of technology is going to fall in the lap of the Antichrist. 


I have one question for you all.  If via this information the Holy Spirit has shown you the truth and you want to receive the Messiah Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, e-mail me and leave me your phone number.  I will call you to lead you in prayer to Christ.  Today is the day your eternal life could begin.  Jesus said  “you must be born again”.  When you receive Jesus He will come live inside of you and you will have victory over this world and Satan.

Follow up on this morning post/Iran to send ship to Gaza

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438
I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


This morning I wrote to you about signing showing us the Psalm 83 war will take place soon.  As you know Iran has warned they are going to send an escort with the ship that is supposed to bring aid to the PLO in the Gaza.  Today Israel sent a warning of its own to Iran. I quote, “Israel said on Monday it would not let Iranian ships sail to Gaza after the Iranian Red Crescent announced it would send two vessels to the region in the coming week. “If we didn’t let an Irish ship reach Gaza, we are certainly not going to let Iranian ships pass,” one diplomatic official said. The official added that it was not yet clear how serious the Iranian threat was, and that there was often “a lot of bluster” coming out of Teheran. “The Iranian regime has called for Israel to be wiped off the map and has a proven track record of supplying dangerous weapons to Hamas and Hizbullah,” the official said. “Obviously, any shipment from Iran to Gaza would be a major concern.”

As I said this morning this is getting really interesting as the last days events keep speeding up!  May I ask all of you to please contact at least one person you love and begin warning them what God has shown us in His Word.  Don’t do this for me, do it because you love Christ and are fully aware that our time here to spread the Good News about Christ’s Salvation is drawing to a close.

As you know I have been warning you that we are witnessing Zechariah 12:3 coming to pass.  This is the prophecy where God reveals to us that Israel will be isolated in the last days as all the nations come against Jerusalem.  This same report which addresses the ship movement toward the Gaza by Iran also addresses my warning from Zechariah 12:3.  I quote, “In the midst of a debate on the matter, President Shimon Peres reportedly told Netanyahu during a meeting on Monday that if he wanted to prevent further international isolation of Israel, moving forward on the peace process with the Palestinians would be more important than the establishment of a flotilla probe.”  I pray that Shimon Peres reads what Zechariah was told.  Nothing either Netanyahu or Peres will do will stop the International community from turning on Israel.  The best advise anyone can give Peres is to get ready to be blessed by God as He moves in to protect the nation He has picked out to demonstrate He is the Lord God.  When you read about both the Psalm and Ezekiel wars, which are coming up fast, you will learn God does not allow Israel to be wiped off the map as Iran’s President has been praying for.

All I can say to the unbeliever is just watch and see what happens in the Middle East soon.  Most of the world, (the unbelievers) will see that Israel will be out numbered as they are attacked by the nations in Psalm 83.  Israel will probably be out numbered 5 to 1 as they were in the previous wars.  When you watch the news you will be thinking Israel will finally meet their end, but it is not going to happen.  At the end of the Psalm war Israel will be stronger and will have over taken even more land from the nations who had attacked them.  When you see this fulfillment, contact me and I will tell you what is coming next, that is if I haven’t been raptured already.  If you are an unbeliever, do not harden your heart to Christ when you see things take place.  We were warned in advance to show us all that He is the true living Lord, and He has been calling you to come to Him.  Its either yes or no?  Let me be Frank with you, a yes to Jesus will give you eternal life with Christ. A no will give you a ticket to the seven year tribulation where you will have the chance to refuse the mark of the beast in order to receive eternal life with the Lord that loves us all.

Controlling what you can say/Provoking a war/The rapture of the Church/Psalm 83 war signs/Global economic collapse coming/June 7, 2010

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438
I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 wars:  As usual when I read the news I see Iran is provoking a war with Israel.  Iran has made it very clear they want to wipe Israel off the map.  Iran's president Mahmud Ahmadinejad has been temping Israel to attack them over their nuclear weapons program.  Ahmadinejad believes he is the man that will bring out their hidden savior, who will during a war with Israel  wipe Israel off the map and recapture Jerusalem.  Israel has held back giving the nations the opportunity to put sanctions in place that will cause Iran to stop building  nuclear weapons.   It appears Iran is working on another avenue that will lead to war with Israel. 

 “Iran has warned that it could send Revolutionary Guard naval units to escort humanitarian aid convoys seeking to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza – a move that would certainly be challenged by Israel.

Any such Iranian involvement, raised today by an aide to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, would constitute a serious escalation of already high tensions with Israel, which accuses Tehran of seeking to build a nuclear weapon and of backing Hamas, the Islamist movement that controls Gaza.

"Iran's Revolutionary Guard naval forces are prepared to escort the peace and freedom convoys that carry humanitarian assistance for the defenceless and oppressed people of Gaza with all their strength," pledged Hojjatoleslam Ali Shirazi, Khamenei's personal representative to the guards corps.:

“Israel's no-compromise attitude to aid convoys could be tested again after two Lebanese organisations pledged to send boats to Gaza in the next few days. Reporters Without Borders is attempting to assemble 25 European activists and 50 journalists for a boat leaving Beirut. The Free Palestine Movement is planning a similar attempt.

George Galloway, the founder of Viva Palestina, announced in London that two simultaneous convoys "one by land via Egypt and the other by sea" would set out in September to break the Gaza blockade. The sea convoy of up to 60 ships will travel around the Mediterranean gathering ships, cargo and volunteers.”

If Iran does follow through with their plans to use their Revolutionary Guard naval units Israel will no doubt have to perceive this as an act of war. Things could get out of control real quick in the Middle East, and lead into the Psalm 83 war.  Say for example this does happen and Israel fights against the ships that are escorted by Iran.   Their is no doubt that Israel will win and over take the ships even under an Iranian escort.  Maybe this is exactly what Iran is hoping for!  Iran can accomplish two things if this goes down this way. First,  they will no doubt add to the International out cry against Israel and help paint them as war dogs.  Second, an attack such as this would also add fuel to a war between Iran allies and Israel. Who are Iran’s allies?  They are the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war, which are the  Palestinians, Syrians, Saudis, Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, and associated terrorist organizations, like the Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al-Qaeda”   Everyone of these nations wants the same thing.  They want to wipe out Israel and retake Jerusalem.  An attack on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard naval units by Israel, who escort what is suppose to be humanitarian aid convoys could be the fuse that lights off the Psalm war against Israel. 

I found something else interesting in the report above.  Did you notice I put Egypt and September in purple?  Let me explain why I did this.  Egypt is one of the nations that are listed to attack Israel in the Psalm war.  Egypt has been friends with Israel since signing the peace agreement in 1979 but if God told us Egypt was going to attack Israel this could only mean that Egypt will turn away from this peace pact to attack Israel.  We are witnessing this turn around now.  I will show you what is happening that is turning Egypt away from Israel, but first I want to touch on why I high lighted September in purple.

According to the report above George Galloway, the founder of Viva Palestina, announced in London that two simultaneous convoys "one by land via Egypt and the other by sea" would set out in September to break the Gaza blockade. The sea convoy of up to 60 ships will travel around the Mediterranean gathering ships, cargo and volunteers.”  September is the month that “Rosh Hashanah” September 8-10, 2010, and “Yom Kippur” September 17-18, 2010  are held.

Since “Rosh Hashanah” could be the time which Jesus raptures his Church and it falls in September anything that is suppose to happen during this month I pay special attention to.  What if Israel attacks the Lebanese organizations who send boats to Gaza in the next few days?  This event could be a major birth pain of the last days that will help set up what is to be fulfilled.  You see, God has shown us the Lebanese like Egypt will be attacking Israel.

The Jewish High Holy Days are observed during the 10 day period between the first day (Rosh Hashanah) and the 10th day (Yom Kippur) of Tishri, the seventh month of the Jewish calendar. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are the most important of all Jewish Holidays and the only holidays that are purely religious, as they are not related to any historical or natural event. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is celebrated the first and second days of Tishri. It is a time of family gatherings, special meals and sweet tasting foods. Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the most solemn day of the Jewish year and is observed on the tenth day of Tishri. It is a day of fasting, reflection and prayers. We have seen wars break out against Israel during these Feasts  in the past, and we believe Jesus will be fulfilling the rest of the prophecies during these same Jewish Feasts.  I will explain this below, but first I want to show you what is happening in Egypt that will no doubt swing this nation into war with Israel.

Today’s headline reads as follows: “Can Mubarak weather a perfect storm?” I quote, “Anger over support for Israel in addition to political stagnation and economic instability could undermine Egypt's president” “Holed up under the belle époque domes of his presidential palace this week, ailing Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak would not have heard the crowds chanting his name on the streets of Cairo, Alexandria, Fayoum and other major cities across the country.

Which is just as well, as their words were enough to send a chill down the spine of any Arab autocrat fighting to maintain his grip over a nation increasingly reluctant to afford those at the top of the political tree any kind of credibility. "Ya Mubarak, Ya Sahyoni" ("Mubarak the Zionist") sang the protesters, as anger over Israel's deadly assault on the Gaza aid flotilla gathered momentum. "Down with the siege, down with Mubarak."

The report goes on to say, “Only last month the Israeli newspaper Haaretz was describing the relationship between Mubarak and Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu as a "wonderful friendship" and claiming that Bibi felt closer to the 82-year-old Egyptian than to any other world statesman.

“But that doesn't mean that Mubarak is off the hook. With economic standards declining, political stagnation entrenching and more (highly flawed) elections approaching just at the time when the president is widely perceived to be close to his last breath, Israel's bloodshed in the Mediterranean injects a new element of uncertainty into what amounts to a perfect storm for the octogenarian's regime.

Even more worryingly for the Egyptian government, the very leverage it held in the Israel/Palestine arena may itself be draining away. "The situation is explosive and in the upper echelons of the state there's total confusion in terms of how to handle it," el-Hamalawy argues.

Caught between his people and his paymasters, tough times lie ahead for one of the Middle East's oldest western stalwarts.”

Knowing what I know from God in His Word, I know that Egypt will change very quickly.  Mubarak may lose control and the next president will come against Israel, or in order to say his position Mubarak may  himself completely turn against Israel and give orders to join the rest of the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war, and attack.  At this point no one can say for sure exactly what will happen to force Egypt into attacking Israel.  We see different scenarios that could take place, which will force Egypt out of the old peace treaty with Israel.  What we do know for sure is Egypt and the Lebanese are marked to come against Israel with the rest of the nations listed in Psalm 83.

In light that we are seeing all the prophecies taking place all at the same time, and we have been seeing signs the Psalm and Ezekiel war is heading our way we know what this means. 

Summary of reasons why Christians expect to see the rapture happen on the
Feast of Trumpets / Rosh Hashanna
1.  All the Spring Feasts were fulfilled at Christ's first coming, and on the exact day of the feast.  All the Fall Feasts picture the second advent, and the Feast of Trumpets is the first of the fall feasts, picturing the rapture.
2.  The Feast of Trumpets is when the "last trump" of the rapture of 1 Cor 15 is blown.
3.  The Feast of Trumpets is known as the Wedding of the Messiah, and the Church is the Bride of Christ, and the rapture is when the Church is caught up to heaven to be wed with Christ.
4.  The Feast of Trumpets happens on the "new moon", which is 29.5 days after the last one, meaning it might occur on the 29th or 30th day, nobody knows for sure.  "Of that day or hour no man knows" is an expression referring to this feast, and thus, the rapture.
5.  "Of that day or hour no man knows, but my Father only" is an expression used by a groom when asked when his wedding will be.  He says this because it is his Father that will tell him when his preparations on the bridal chamber are completed and it is time.  Again, the wedding pictures the rapture.
6.  The "Open Door" of the rapture in Matt 25, and Rev 3, & Rev 4:1 is a symbol of the Feast of Trumpets.  [Ezek 46:1] "Thus says the Lord GOD: The gate of the inner court that faces east shall be shut on the six working days; but on the sabbath day it shall be opened and on the day of the new moon it shall be opened.
7.  We are told that the new moon and the Feasts of the Lord are a shadow of things to come in Col 2:16,17.  Since the Feast of Trumpets is the only Feast of the Lord that falls on a new moon, we should take particular note.
8.  There are seven days of awe in between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement.  These picture the seven years of tribulation.  Atonement pictures Satan being defeated and cast away at the end of tribulaion.  If you add the two day Trumpets feast, and the day of atonement, the 7 days of awe are "ten days of tribulation" which might be referred to in Rev. 2:10.
9.  In the Jewish Wedding, a marriage takes place over a period of time known as the "bridal week".  During the bridal week, the groom and bride have sex in the bridal chamber.  At the end of the week, there is a marriage supper.  Compare Judges 14, Rev. 19, and Gen. Genesis 29:22-28  This bridal week will be the tribulation week on earth, while the bride of Christ is in heaven.
10. In the Jewish Wedding, the groom comes for his bride "like a thief in the night" to take (size / rapture) her away and into the bridal chamber for the bridal week at his father's house.
11.  The Feast of Trumpets is also known as the coronation of the Messiah, when he will start reigning as king, thus the beginning of the "Day of the Lord", which includes the tribulation.
12.  It is also time for the bema judgment, or the judgement of the works of the righteous, and judgement must begin at the house of the Lord.

[2Cor 11:2] For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.

Rapture parallels with the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh HaShana)

  1. Feast of Trumpets in Scripture 51K, 12-15-00 My own study.
  2. Jesus may have been born on the Feast of Trumpets (or Tabernacles, which sometimes refers to all the fall feasts collectively) (Sept 11, 3 BC.?), which tradition would suggest (the World, Noah, Jacob and Abraham were born at Trumpets and it was coronation day for kings, 1 Kings 1:34,2 Kings 9:13,11:11)

  3. Feast of Trumpets "At the instant that the Jewish workers heard the trumpet sound, all would immediately stop harvesting, even if they were not finished (think about that!) and go to the Temple for worship!
    In those days, as it is sometimes today, a Jew & an Arab might be working side by side in the fields – but when the trumpet sounded on this particular day, the Jew would stop and go to worship, while the Arab kept on harvesting.
    Jesus used this same analogy in Matt. 24:36-44 of the 2nd Coming."
  4. If you haven’t read Psalm 83 you wouldn’t know the Palestinians will also be in this war against Israel. Current events are without a doubt showing us a war is coming soon in the Middle East and the Palestinian problem has already sparked major tensions in the region.  These day to day sparks will soon set off a major fire between Israel and all the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war.  Today we saw another one of those sparks  “The Israeli navy has killed at least four Palestinian militants dressed in diver suits off the coast of Gaza this morning, officials say. Israeli military sources said its forces had stopped an attack on targets in Israel but did not give any more details. A navy ship spotted the Palestinians in waters off Gaza and opened fire. Israeli media is reporting that helicopters were involved in the operation. A Palestinian militant group called the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade – claimed the four men were members of its marine unit who were training at sea. The Palestinian naval police said two people were still missing. The deadly incident comes just a week after nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed when an Israeli force raided a flotilla headed for Gaza.”

    See full size image I look out and see all this news and know in my heart how very close we are to seeing the return of Christ. My heart breaks knowing their are still far to many people who don’t even know anything about what is going on.  Millions upon millions around the world are going to be caught in the dark when all these major prophecies are fulfilled.  What did Jesus say to us in Matthew 9:37? I quote, “Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”.  Knowing our time is short I am asking you to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying.  Join with me and help me reach the people who are about to enter the worse period of mankind ever recorded. I am not asking you for money, I am asking you for your heart for God.

     Prophecy Sign: The Prophet Daniel in Chapters 2 and 7 show us the last days power shift.  I keep you informed as to what is happening to America and how she will collapse to give way to the last world empire Jesus and Daniel warned us about.  Most of the nations in the world are in so much debt it is only a matter of time before they all collapse.  This global collapse is going to force the Antichrist into power.  He is coming people whether you believe it or not! 

    News today is alarming because it shows the road Barack Obama has put America on is one that is going to cause the collapse.  No nation can stand under these conditions, and I will let the report speak for itself.

    “June 4 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama is poised to increase the U.S. debt to a level that exceeds the value of the nation’s annual economic output, a step toward what Bill Gross called a “debt super cycle.” The CHART OF THE DAY tracks U.S. gross domestic product and the government’s total debt, which rose past $13 trillion for the first time this month. The amount owed will surpass GDP in 2012, based on forecasts by the International Monetary Fund. The lower panel shows U.S. annual GDP growth as tracked by the IMF, which projects the world’s largest economy to expand at a slower pace than the 3.2 percent average during the past five decades. “Over the long term, interest rates on government debt will likely have to rise to attract investors,” said Hiroki Shimazu, a market economist in Tokyo at Nikko Cordial Securities Inc., a unit of Japan’s third-largest publicly traded bank. “That will be a big burden on the government and the people.”

     See full size imageLast week I listed about four U.S. states in trouble to try and help you see just how bad the situation is in the United States.  State after State is on the verge of running out of money.  Take a look at what is happening in Connecticut which is suppose to be the wealthiest state per capita. I quote, “Connecticut is preparing to borrow $956 million to close a budget gap in the fiscal year beginning July 1, after borrowing money last year to cover a deficit of $947.6 million. Not good. Fitch has reduced the states credit rating from AA+ to AA.  “The downgrade reflects the state’s reduced financial flexibility, illustrated by its reliance on sizable debt issuances during the current biennium to close operating gaps in the context of already high liabilities,” Fitch said. Connecticut is the wealthiest state on a per capita basis with personal income of $54,397 in 2009, according to Department of Commerce.”

    I am not going to list all the states troubles in one post it would take to long.  I ask you to Google the state you live in and to see how much debt your state is in maybe this will help you wake up to what is headed in your direction.

    See full size imageAs I said, the Antichrist is coming to seemingly repair a broken global economic system.  America is not the only superpower nation falling apart.  The same thing taking place in America is spreading to nations around the world.  Read it for yourself in the news reports.

    PARIS (AP) – World stock markets tumbled Monday and the euro hit a new four-year low in the wake of poor U.S. jobs figures and amid fresh fears that the debt crisis that began in Greece is spreading to Hungary. The FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was down 1.2 percent at 5,066.77 while Germany's DAX slipped 0.8 percent to 5,889.71. The CAC-40 fell 1.3 percent to 3,410.93. Oil was also buffeted, falling to near $70 a barrel, while Wall Street was poised to open lower – Dow futures shed 39 points to 9,907 while the broader Standard & Poor's 500 futures dropped 4.1 points to 1,062. "The past week's data have added to concerns that strains in the region's periphery are spreading to broader economic activity," analysts at London-based Capital Economics said in a report. "Meanwhile, fears of a meltdown in the European banking system have grown," said Jennifer McKeown, Capital Economics' senior European economist.

    New Prime Minister David Cameron said Monday the state of Britain's finances was "even worse than we thought" as he warned of "painful" and unavoidable cuts to tackle the record deficit.

    BERLIN (AP) – Germany was close to finalizing Monday a major package of government savings, which would likely cut social welfare benefits, slash public sector jobs, and raise taxes to tackle the budget deficit. With the debt crisis undermining the euro, Chancellor Angela Merkel's government is determined to tackle Germany's deficit – which while among the smallest in Europe is still above the official EU limit. Several other countries – notably Greece, Spain and Portugal – have already embarked on much tougher austerity drives.

  5. Antichrist will control everything. Even the news. Step by step we are witnessing steps to control what you can write or what you can say.  Watch the video to see more information on this issue.

Antichrist will rule over the world will the Bilderberg group have a rule?

Prophecy Sign: We know for sure that the Antichrist will rule the entire world and will be given the power to stop people from buying or selling anything unless they bow down and worship the Antichrist. Revelation 13:16-17 shows us this.  Many in the world are watching what the Bilderberg elite group is doing.  This is the special group of very wealthy people, who according to reports have been pulling the strings and making the world go in the direction they have planned it to go.  Let us say for example all that has been reported about the Bilderberg group is true.  Do you think the Bilderberg elite is really in control?  If you do you have  been deceived!  Jesus is in control of everything that happens both in heaven and on Earth.  If the Bilderberg group helps one man to take control of the failing world economic system they are in for the shock of their lives.  What shock?  They may think they are in control but anyone reading the Book of Revelation knows that the Antichrist is going to turn on everyone and that will include those who help him rise to the position of global leader. 

We know from Daniel chapter 9 that the Antichrist is going to make a covenant with Israel and many nations for a period of seven years.  Exactly three and a half years into the seven year covenant the Antichrist will turn on the Bilderberg group if that is who help him.  He is going to kill every member of this group if they do not take the Antichrist’s mark.  Not only will he go after the Bilderberg group members, but the Word of God shows us that he will go after the false church who was following him.  He will also go after the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims.  Every one is going be his target.  Think you are safe if you are left behind?  You may think so, but your time to walk free will be very limited.  God help you all who isn’t taken in the Lord’s rapture.

Egypt and Psalm 83/ June 6, 2010

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438
I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

See full size imageProphecy  Sign: Psalm 83 is one of two wars that will soon be fought.  The Psalm 83 war will first the first to be fulfilled and this war put the Palestinians, Syrians, Saudis, Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, and associated terrorist organizations, like the Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al-Qaeda, in a confederate effort to destroy the Jewish State of Israel. Psalm 83 describes this coming war, and alludes to these populations by their ancestral equivalents: the Edomites, Ishmaelites, Moabites, Hagarenes, Gebalites, Ammonites, Amalekites, Philistians, Tyrians, and Assyrians.  Today I want to foucus on the Hagarites. The Hagarites corresponds with modern day Egypt.

People who have been watching current events and know what the Bible has to say understand that all the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war have taken positions against Israel. This even includes Egypt who had signed a peace agreement with Israel 31 years ago.  At the end of 2009 “Israel has launched a ground invasion of Gaza, sending a column of troops and tanks into the Palestinian territory to destroy Hamas rocket launchers.”  One Israel did this “Egypt condemned Israel’s ground offensive in the Gaza Strip and called for an end to the Jewish state’s "savage aggression" against the Palestinian territory. In a statement from the Egyptian presidency seen on Sunday, Egypt said it "places the onus on Israel for the innocent civilians martyred and wounded."

Since the Gaza invasion Egypt has moved further and further away from Israel and today’s news gives us another example of this.  I quote, ““CAIRO (AP) — An Egyptian appeals court on Saturday upheld a ruling that orders the country’s Interior Ministry to strip the citizenship from Egyptians married to Israeli women.The case underlines the deep animosity many Egyptians still hold toward Israelis, despite a peace treaty signed between the two countries 31 years ago.The Supreme Administrative Court’s decision also scores a point for Egyptian hard-liners who have long resisted any improvement in ties with Israel since the signing of the 1979 peace treaty.”

This is what we can expect in the near future. The Gaza tensions will continue to rise. We will see more rockets launched into Israel from this region.  The Israel will keep responding to those attacks until a full blown war takes place and when that happens Egypt will be accounted in this war just as it was pointed out in Psalm 83.

Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America/June 4, 2010

See full size image Prophecy Sign: Jesus warned us in Revelation 6:6 that a person would work all day long to buy one hand up of wheat or barley.  This shows us food is going to be skyrocketing.  Rev 16:3  warns us of the following: “And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man; and every living soul died in the sea.”  After seeing pictures of the Gulf which appear as a ocean of blood one may want to think about what Christ has warned us.  If what they say comes true and ocean life dies you can count on the price of food to climb like a missile.

After reading the report entitled, Tox Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America” one has to wonder if the birth pains of the blood red ocean has begun.  This report is long but it blew me away when I listened to what may take place because of the Gulf oil spill.  When you click to the link, click on the listen now. I posted a short section of this report for you below.

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“A dire report prepared for President Medvedev by Russia’s Ministry of Natural Resources is warning today that the British Petroleum (BP) oil and gas leak in the Gulf of Mexico is about to become the worst environmental catastrophe in all of human history threatening the entire eastern half of the North American continent with “total destruction”.

Russian scientists are basing their apocalyptic destruction assessment due to BP’s use of millions of gallons of the chemical dispersal agent known as Corexit 9500 which is being pumped directly into the leak of this wellhead over a mile under the Gulf of Mexico waters and designed, this report says, to keep hidden from the American public the full, and tragic, extent of this leak that is now estimated to be over 2.9 million gallons a day.

The dispersal agent Corexit 9500 is a solvent originally developed by Exxon and now manufactured by the Nalco Holding Company of Naperville, Illinois that is four times more toxic than oil (oil is toxic at 11 ppm (parts per million), Corexit 9500 at only 2.61ppm).  In a report written by Anita George-Ares and James R. Clark for Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc. titled “Acute Aquatic Toxicity of Three Corexit Products: An Overview” Corexit 9500 was found to be one of the most toxic dispersal agents ever developed. Even worse, according to this report, with higher water temperatures, like those now occurring in the Gulf of Mexico, its toxicity grows.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in discovering BP’s use of this dangerous dispersal agent ordered BP to stop using it, but BP refused stating that their only alternative to Corexit 9500 was an even more dangerous dispersal agent known as Sea Brat 4.”