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I was truly humbled today when I opened up my e-mail to find a letter that was sent to me from Kenya from my brother in the Lord. I am often asked the question how can I print books and send them out for free when the books cost $10 me a piece to print? My answer is this, I truly rely on the Lord Jesus Christ to provide the funds so that I can copy books and send them out for free. Jesus didn't tell me to worry about how I was good to print the book He just told me to print the books and that he would take care of finances, and so for these many years I've trusted in the Lord to speak to the hearts of people so that I can continue to spread the work that he is given to me to do. I was truly blessed today to open this e-mail below, and I would like to share the blessing with you now. First read the letter from my Brother in Kenya and then you'll read the response that I give him. I hope this blesses your heart as much as it blessed mine.
From a Brother in Kenya:
Brother Dimora,
I recently mailed a copy of your book to a minister friend of mine in Eldoret, Kenya. He has asked if you will permit him to allow other ministers to photocopy pages and use it in their ministries. The text of his e-mail is below:
Dear Brother Tim,
Greetings in Jesus' name.Thanks for your two recent messages about monthly support and the cameras.That is so kind of you and a great sacrifice to our ministries.May the Lord bless the work of your hand. May I also let you know that the book you send me is such a blessing not only to my ministry but also to others.It came just on time when l was preparing to speak to Bible School students for a week on Eschatology.What a blessing it was because Frank DiMora is so detailed and current with world issues.The book cannot be found in Kenyan Libraries.Is it possible for him to allow ministers who need it to photocopy and use it in their ministries not for commercial purposes? Once again God bless you and extend my love to your family.
With Love
Bro. Dimora,
I will e-mail him a copy of your book from the download, but very few people in Kenya can afford access to a computer for more than a few minutes. They pay a few shillings to use an old windows 98 computer in a cyber cafe for a few minutes to check their yahoo mail, but can only afford to use it for a few minutes. So, even if they burn it to a cd at the cyber cafe, it is of little use since virtually no one has a computer they can use to read it. If you will consent to his request as he asked above, please advise and I will let him know.
Thanks for your consideration of this request.
Tim Moore
The letter below is my response to this email.
Brother Tim and Brother Burudi,
You cannot believe how much you have blessed my heart, knowing that the labor I have done for Jesus Christ in writing this book is being blessed by my Lord Jesus. What a blessing it is to me knowing the book is making its way around the world. While writing the book I would never imagined my books would have made it into the hands of pastors who would desire to reprint the book, or pages from the book to witness to their Churches, or the unsaved in your area. It is truly a blessing beyond measure.
Brother Tim, as you know I do not charge anyone to read my book. I was told via the Holy Spirit that this is how my ministry was to work, and so I trust in the Lord to deliver funds that I may use the funds to reprint books and to send them to people as yourself. I ask you to pray for my ministry and ask that the Lord would bless me financially in order that I can send you as many books as you need. I have to continue to trust in the Holy Spirit that he will speak to people's hearts and know that what I am doing is a genuine work for God in His Son ,(Yeshus).
I have a box of books that I want to send to you. Please use these books to glorify the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Make sure that each pastor who wants a copy of the book may have one placed in their hands. As long as no one charges anyone to read this material you have my blessings to do what you want with my book. If they plan to recopy the book or pages please make sure they direct them to my web-site and where they got the book. The more people that visit my site the more Jesus will touch.
Send me your mailing address as soon as possible and I will mail you this box.. Tell your pastors that if they have Skype I would love to do a presentation on Skype to their churches. If the pastors have a computer Skype is a free download. It would be a blessing to give a prophecy seminar to your churches. Until the books arrive, tell your pastors that they have my permission to copy the pages from my book and to use them in any way that they see fit to give glory to Jesus Christ and to further the kingdom of God. Remind those who do have computers that they could download my book for free. Your e-mail to me today is another confirmation from my Lord that he is directing my ministry and blessing the work that He sent me out to do for Him. Once again, I am truly humbled by your e-mail and humbled that the Lord has chosen me for this work. I praise God and my Lord Jesus Christ for you and pray that my ministry would lead others to the Lord Jesus Christ once this book makes it into the pastor's hands. I am honored to be your brother in the Lord. I ask your Father to keep you safe in these trying times. I would like to share these blessings with all my readers and so I will post your e-mail at my prophecy site. Thank you so much again brother for sending it.
Send me your mailing address and the books will go out ASAP.
Your brother in Christ,
Frank DiMora
How can I send out so many copies of my book for free? All I can tell you is this, it’s all about Jesus! When He sees someone who is sold out to Him and wants to be used, Jesus finds the way to make it happen.
Prophecy sign: for the sake of the new people at my site I need to revert back to Daniel chapter 2 in Daniel chapter 7 where Daniel was given the exact nations or world empires if you will, that would be ruling from the time that Daniel was alive all the way till the second coming of Jesus Christ. The United States is not mentioned anywhere in the book of Daniel. We therefore know that something must've happened to the United States to leave her completely out of the text. Daniel was told that he wouldn't understand the prophecy but the last generation would understand what God had chosen Daniel. The generation who would understand would be the generation who increase the knowledge and people would be traveling back and forth. As only one generation who fits this prophecy is the current generation which you are now living. Daniel may not have known anything about the United States but we ended last days the generation who has gained this knowledge can understand why America will not be mentioned or wasn't mentioned at all in Daniel's book. It is because the United States was taken out as a world power and would not have a major influence in the last days of fence. Anyone who's been following the news since the bank debacle can see for themselves the United States is in the process of collapsing. She has a $13 trillion deficit that cannot be paid off and shortly the debt is going calls America's financial institutions and the government to collapse. Over the course of weeks I've been giving you the debt crisis for each state. I am showing you how the deficit is bringing down each state. Today I want to focus on the state of Illinois.
I quote, CHICAGO — Even by the standards of this deficit-ridden state, Illinois’s comptroller, Daniel W. Hynes, faces an ugly balance sheet. Precisely how ugly becomes clear when he beckons you into his office to examine his daily briefing memo.
He picks the papers off his desk and points to a figure in red: $5.01 billion.
“This is what the state owes right now to schools, rehabilitation centers, child care, the state university — and it’s getting worse every single day,” he says in his downtown office.
Mr. Hynes shakes his head. “This is not some esoteric budget issue; we are not paying bills for absolutely essential services,” he says. “That is obscene.”
For the last few years, California stood more or less unchallenged as a symbol of the fiscal collapse of states during the recession.
Now Illinois has shouldered to the fore, as its dysfunctional political class refuses to pay the state’s bills and refuses to take the painful steps — cuts and tax increases — to close a deficit of at least $12 billion, equal to nearly half the state’s budget.
Insolvency looms
Then there is the spectacularly mismanaged pension system, which is at least 50 percent underfunded and, analysts warn, could push Illinois into insolvency if the economy fails to pick up.
I've been digging through news sources today looking for nothing in particular and in the process of surfing around I discovered some bombshell news regarding the approaching economic collapse. This is a major birth pain and I think I'd go so far as to call it a CONTRACTION! Before I proceed I want to remind you that it is believed that the Antichrist will arrive in a time of both war and worldwide financial distress. I know that you already know this because you've been warning your readership for years about this. It is also believed by every pre-tribulation bible scholar and eschatologist that the Rapture of the Church will occur at some period of time before the Antichrist shows up. In other words, it won't happen the same day or the day before the the Antichrist shows up but it is likely to occur weeks or even months before he gets here. The AC will be revealed after we are gone but the actual Tribulation period won't begin until Daniel 9:27 is fulfilled, "He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' Nobody knows how long he will be here before that takes place but it's also believed that it won't happen right away. He may do signs and wonders and perform miracles (such as fixing the world economy) before the covenant. But nobody knows and that isn't important for us but it's just something to think about as I give you this news.
We haven't heard anything lately about the approaching financial collapse and the main reason is because of media censorship by our government and also by those behind our government who operate in the shadows. It's as if there is a blackout occuring to blind the U.S. citizen of what is really taking place but yet the foreign news services are talking about it. And this is exactly why Obama and his NWO cohorts want to censor the internet and take control over it. They blame the "alternative news sources" found on the internet for these "conspiracy theories" that are opening our eyes to what is really taking place. It makes it hard for the Bilderberg people to implement their master plan for the universe with no fanfare when Alex Jones and others are spilling the beans so they are determined to shut it down and they will eventually. I just hope we are gone by then which is looking more and more likely as time passes.
I have thought these things to be true for a long time that I'm about to show you and as far as I'm concerned this is the confimation to the validity of some of my "crazy" thoughts. So since we will never find this out by our propaganda filled mainstream media it's up to us to find it out for ourselves by digging for it. I don't need to explain too much of this to you because you know what's going on as well as I do, if you have been standing on the watch as Jesus asked you all to do.
I listened to all 7 parts but if you don't have the time then you can start on part 3 and at least go through part 6. These are the best parts of this interview.
I'm not sure if you've seen this report that I'm pulling from 2 different sources or not so here they are anyway. I first found it on the intelhub site but then I went to the official NORTHCOM site to back it up for verification.
Now let me run a scenario by you and see what you think. At some point in the coming days or weeks we will see some sort of false flag attack here in the U.S. as Celente predicts and somehow "they" will make some sort of connection to Iran. I wouldn't be surprised if it were some sort of dirty bomb or bombs or nuclear devices strategically placed in different parts of the country. And don't be surprised if Miami is one of those locations. If something major happens in Miami then I'll explain at that time why I said that. I don't want to get too carried away here if nothing happens there. Assuming that this false flag attack does take place then Marshall Law will be declared right away since it will appear as though terrorists are in different parts of the country to set these devices off. Of course, IF there is a false flag attack then there is always the chance that it won't involve these types of WMDs (weapons of mass destruction). It could be something else altogether different. But assuming that it does take place then NORTHCOM steps in and takes control of our security situation. It kind of feels like they put this article on a potential attack on the U.S. as a way to plant a seed in our minds that it could and probably will take place. I am under strong convictions that the Mideast war will start before the dollar crashes. Either way the dollar will crash. Whether by natural death as described in the first video or as a result of war it will die. When the dollar dies then we will have hyperinflation (see the third seal – hyperinflation). When the third seal is opened this will be a worldwide judgement and not just a U.S. crisis but it looks like it will start here first. I'm running late so I'll jump to my last reference point.
http://www.forcingchange.org/one_world_one_money_with_endnotes - the one world currency is going to be the SDR which will be run by the IMF (my assumption)!
You have check this out. And just to wet your appetite I'll start off by giving you a couple of quotes from this next report. But make sure you read ALL of it. After reading it you can connect the dots better than anybody I know and see you will also notice that this is exactly what is about to take place!
"Recognizing the possible dollar-value scenario, Steil points to the growing concern over China and other “dollar-rich central banks.” Keep in mind, China alone holds over a trillion dollars in reserves, and rumblings from the East over liquidating US dollars have started to cause a stir.
Even though Steil doesn’t ask the question, it becomes painfully obvious: What happens if China and other nations “fear the unbearable lightness of their holdings”? What becomes of the world economy if the US dollar is rapidly dumped by central banks?
All of this underscores a strategic reality that can be summed up in three words: Crisis equals opportunity. As banking mogul A.W. Clausen once said, “new comprehensive politico-economic systems across peoples almost always arise out of conquest or common crisis…” " Robert Mundell, “the father of the euro,” and one of the world’s most respected economists, also views crisis as the starting point for change. In a May, 2007 lecture, Mundell related, “International monetary reform usual becomes possible only in response to a felt need and the threat of a global crisis.” This Nobel Prize winner also pointed his finger to the possible trigger event, saying that the “global crisis would have to involve the dollar,” and that a world currency should be viewed as “a contingency” to a global dollar disaster."
that statement made in the One World/One Money article. I will quote it again here: "This Nobel Prize winner also pointed his finger to the possible trigger event, saying that the “global crisis would have to involve the dollar,” and that a world currency should be viewed as “a contingency” to a global dollar disaster."
All of the people who have been coming to my site for the past 2 years have read over and over again that I belive the trigger event for the global econoic meltdown will most likely be pulled when the U.S. dollar collapses which may come very very soon based on the increasing debt of 13 trillion dollars and a massive sell-off of dollars by China and everybody else who has them. They will cut their losses and take a hit on all that debt that we are going to default on and that will be the end of the US as a superpower. This in itself would be the last nail in the coffin for the once mighty dollar. When this sell-off occurs there will be trillions of dollars of worthless paper that nobody wants and therefore no longer has any value. And when the dollar declines so does the stock market. The stock market will crash for good. To me it would seem that this would be the last thing that would be necessary for the AC to make his appearance. No one can tell you what date the dollar will die, however economic signs point that it will happen sooner than most think.
Prophecy Sign: We know from Revelation 13:16-17 that the Antichrist is going to be able to control the world’s economic system. This will no doubt take place after the U.S. helps push the global economic markets off the edge as a result of the dollar folding up. In order for one man to control the world’s market place and allow you to buy or sell, there must be systems set in place to allow him to monitor every thing you buy and sell. Steps are being set in place one by one to do just that. Below is a another example of a new system that would be able to monitor your transactions. The headline to this report is as follows: "Uncle Sam Wants you to Have an Online ID".
"As our daily interactions and transactions have become increasingly “wired,” we have yet to see any truly comprehensive attempts at securing online identities. Our complex system of usernames and passwords is astoundingly outdated and increasingly prone to security breaches and theft. Yet, so far it has been mostly up to the individual to protect himself against various forms of identity fraud—with larger corporations taking relatively little responsibility.
But this could change in a big way. Right now the federal government is proposing a new system being referred to as the “Identity Ecosystem”—which was highlighted in the recently-released draft paper, “National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace” [NSTIC].
The Identity Ecosystem would allow Americans to choose to obtain a single authenticated ID for online transactions. Like a passport, this single ID could travel with them online and be used to access everything from e-mail, to online health records and banking information. Furthermore, the Identity Ecosystem would only reveal the least amount of information necessary for each transaction.
To highlight the potential consumer benefits of such a system, the White House’s proposal uses the example of an individual filling a prescription online. Under the “smart ID card,” the pharmacy would only receive proof that the individual is over 18 and that the prescription is valid. No other information like birth date or the reason for the prescription.”
Another section on this report stated, “Although the White House should be applauded for this idea, it is doubtful that such a voluntary approach is likely to win over the big companies who will end up footing the bill or passing it on to consumers. The private industry has been trying to enact this type of online assurance model for some time now, and with little success. It is far more likely that the White House will have to work with Congress to legislate this type of a reform.”
Let me remind all those who are new to my site, never before in history could something like this be done. However, as the Prophet Daneil pointed out in Daniel 12:4 our generation was to become the generation that would increase in knowledge which we have. One good thing is we are getting smarter, but as we get smarter the world is coming up with systems that can be used by the Antichrist to monitor everyone of your transactions. This by the way is a sign we have reached the door step of the seven year tribulation.