When they say Peace and safety/ July 5, 2010

Prophecy Sign: 1 Thess. 5:3 “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” In chapter 9 of my book I lay out all the details to this prophecy given to us by Paul.  The news report you will read below is not in my book as it just happened but it is more proof we are living in the time Paul warned us about.  After you read this report check out the video and see all the world leaders who are saying exactly what warned us about.  There will be no need for me to connect the dots for you as you will know for sure we have reached the last days and soon the sudden destruction will take place.  War is coming, so get ready to see the rest of the prophecy fulfilled.

“Netanyahu hopes Obama meeting will pave way for direct Mideast talks”

U.S. President to host PM on Tuesday; Netanyahu tells cabinet: There is no substitute for direct negotiations.

By News Agencies Tags: Middle East peace Barack Obama Benjamin Netanyahu Israel news

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday he hopes his upcoming meeting with President Barack Obama will lead to the current indirect Israeli-Palestinian peace talks being replaced by direct negotiations between the sides.

"The main goal of the talks with President Obama will be to advance direct talks in the peace process between us and the Palestinians," Netanyahu told ministers at the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.


We are not ashamed, of the gospel, of Jesus Christ.
This is the mother, who son was murder in the street. after receiving a call from the policeman, giving her the information on the where about of her son, which Hospital he was in, while on her way to the hospital, the Lord spoke to her and said, I'm going to give him back to you.

When she arrived at the Hospital, the nurses met her at the emergency room and said, your son Otis, is dead, and has been taken to the morgue, the mother replied, show me where he lay, they took her to the morgue in the hospital, and pointed her son to her, he was covered with a white sheet, only his feet were exposed, she went over and touch his feet, and said In The Name Of Jesus, and called her son name, and "Otis" woke up calling on momma, the nurses and doctors fled from the scene, shouting "the dead man is talking, the dead man is talking.

After they got themselves together, they rolled him out of the morgue into the hospital room and began to tell momma how severely his wounds were, they said he would never walk again, momma touch his legs, calling on the "the Name of Jesus, immediately, his leg jump up in the bed scaring the doctors and nurses on site, then they told her, he would never be able to use his hands, she touched his hands calling on The Name of Jesus, immediately, his hands went to moving, Otis was discharged from the hospital, and said goodbye to the world, and is preaching Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, our Lord and Savoir.
I have heard this testimony from Evangelist Mildred Boyd in person on several occasion, this is indeed no myth, God is truly amazing!!!!
Brother Anthony W Sanders.

Many are coming to know Jesus, (Yeshua) as their Savior and this is why./ July 5, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads you to help me print more books contact me at: Frank DiMora   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

I am in the process of doing another radio show and will post the time it will be up soon.



Prophecy Sign: "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done” Rev. 22:12. 

A few days ago posted a video in which a 108 year old Rabbi wrote a message to be read one year after he passed away. The message that was to be read after he died was to have the name of the Messiah on it. The elder Rabbi stated that he was visited by the Lord and given information that was to be passed on.  The video below has news about what happened and who he stated was the TRUE MESSIAH.  It was laid on my heart this morning to add some very important information to this post in case you are Jewish or an unbeliever.  After you watch the video you can read the 365 prophecies about the TRUE MESSIAH that Jesus Christ, (Yeshua).  If you are Jewish and haven’t read the Word of the Lord, you wouldn’t know that Jesus did in fact fulfill all the requirements of the coming Messiah.  Christ (Jesus, Yeshua), will soon complete the rest of the prophecies concerning His second coming and you need to prepare yourself now for that day! 

365 Messianic Prophecies

The following is a list of prophecies in the Jewish scriptures that Jesus fulfilled.

1. Genesis 3:15…..Seed of a woman (virgin birth)…..Luke 1:35, Matthew 1:18-20
2. Genesis 3:15…..He will bruise Satan's head…..Hebrews 2:14, 1 John 3:18
3. Genesis 5:24….The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated….Mark 6:19
4. Genesis 9:26-27…The God of Shem will be the Son of Shem…Luke 3:36
5. Genesis 12:3…As Abraham's seed, will bless all nations…Acts 3:25,26
6. Genesis 12:7…The The Promise made made to Abraham's Seed…Galatians 3:16
7. Genesis 14:18…A priest after Melchizedek…Hebrews 6:20
8. Genesis 14:18……..A King also……..Hebrews 7:2
9. Genesis 14:18…The Last Supper foreshadowed…Matthew 26:26-29
10.  Genesis 17:19…….The Seed of Isaac…….Romans. 9:7
11.  Genesis 21:12 …Seed of Isaac…Romans 9:7, Hebrews 11:18
12.  Genesis 22:8…The Lamb of God promised…John 1:29
13.  Genesis 22:18…As Isaac's seed, will bless all nations…Galatians 3:16
14.  Genesis26:2-5..The Seed of Isaac promised as the Redeemer..Hebrews11:18
15.  Genesis 49:10…The time of His coming…Luke 2:1-7; Galatians 4:4
16.  Genesis 49:10…….The Seed of Judah…….Luke 3:33
17.  Genesis 49:10……Called Shiloh or One Sent……John 17:3
18.  Genesis 49:10…To come before Judah lost identity…John 11:47-52
19.  Genesis 49:10…To Him shall the obedience of the people be…John 10:16
20.  Exodus 3:13,14……..The Great "I Am"…….John 4:26
21.  Exodus 12:5…A Lamb without blemish…1 Pet. 1:19
22.  Exodus 12:13…The blood of the Lamb saves Romans wrath…Romans. 5:8
23.  Exodus 12:21-27…Christ is our Passover…1 Corinthians 5;7
24.  Exodus 12:46…Not a bone of the Lamb to be broken…John 19:31-36
25.  Exodus 13:2…Blessing to first born son…Luke 2:23
26.  Exodus 15:2…His exaltation predicted as Yeshua…Acts 7:55,56
27.  Exodus 15:11…His Character-Holiness…Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27
28.  Exodus 17:6…The Spiritual Rock of Israel…1 Corinthians 10;4
29.  Exodus 33:19…His Character-Merciful…Luke 1:72
30.  Leviticus14:11…The leper cleansed-Sign to priesthood..Luke5:12-14; Acts 6:7
31.  Leviticus16:15-17…Prefigures Christ's once-for-all death…Hebrews 9:7-14
32.  Leviticus16:27…Suffering outside the Camp…Matthew 27:33; Hebrews 13:11, 12
33.  Leviticus17:11…The Blood-the life of the flesh…Matthew 26;28; Mark 10:45
34.  Leviticus17:11…It is the blood that makes atonement…1 John 3:14-18
35.  Leviticus23:36-37…The Drink-offering: "If any man thirst." ..John 19:31-36
36.  Numbers 9:12…Not a bone of Him broken…John 19:31-36
37.  Numbers 21:9…The serpent on a pole-Christ lifted up…John 3:14-18
38.  Numbers 24:8… Flight to Egypt…Matthew 2:14
39.  Numbers 24:17…Time: "I shall see him, but not now."…Galatians 4:4
40.  Numbers 24:17-19…A star out of Jacob…Matthew 2:2, Luke 1:33,78, Revelation 22:16
41.  Deuteronomy 18:15…"This is of a truth that prophet."…John 6:14
42.  Deuteronomy 18:15-16…"Had ye believed Moses, ye would believe me."…John 5:45-47
43.  Deuteronomy 18:18…Sent by the Father to speak His word…John 8:28, 29
44.  Deuteronomy 18:19…Whoever will not hear must bear his sin…John 12:15
45.  Deuteronomy 21:13-23…As a prophet…John 6:14; 7:40, Acts 3:22,23
46.  Deuteronomy 21:23…Cursed is he that hangs on a tree…Galatians 3:10-13
47.  Ruth 4:4-9…Christ, our kinsman, has redeemed us…Ephesians 1:3-7
48.  1 Samuel 2:10…Shall be an anointed King to the Lord…Matthew 28:18; John 12:15
49.  2 Samuel 7:12…David's Seed…Matthew 1:1
50.  2 Samuel 7:14a…The Son of God… Luke 1:32
51.  2 Samuel 7:16…David's house established forever…Luke 3:31; Rev. 22:16
52.  2 Samuel 23:2-4…would be the “Rock”…1 Corinthians 10:4
53.  2 Samuel 23:2-4…would be as the “light of the morning”…Revelation 22:16
54.  2 Kings 2:11…The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated…Luke 24:51
55.  1 Chronicles 17:11…David's Seed…Matthew 1:1; 9:27
56.  1 Chronicles 17:12, 13a…To reign on David's throne forever…Luke 1:32, 33
57.  1 Chronicles 17:13a…"I will be His Father, He…my Son."…Hebrews 1:5
58.  Job 19:23-27…The Resurrection predicted…John 5:24-29
59.  Psalms 2:1-3…The enmity of kings foreordained…Acts 4:25-28
60.  Psalms 2:2…To own the title, Anointed (Christ)…Acts 2:36
61.  Psalms 2:6…His Character-Holiness…John 8:46; Rev. 3:7
62.  Psalms 2:6…To own the title King…Matthew 2:2
63.  Psalms 2:7…Declared the Beloved Son…Matthew 3:17
64.  Psalms 2:7, 8…The Crucifixion and Resurrection intimated…Acts 13:29-33
65.  Psalms 2:12…Life comes through faith in Him…John 20:31
66.  Psalms 8:2…The mouths of babes perfect His praise…Matthew 21:16
67.  Psalms 8:5, 6…His humiliation and exaltation…Luke 24:50-53; 1 Corinthians 15:27
68.  Psalms 16:10…Was not to see corruption…Acts 2:31
69.  Psalms 16:9-11…Was to arise from the dead…John 20:9
70.  Psalms 17;15…The resurrection predicted…Luke 24:6
71.  Psalms 22:1…Forsaken because of sins of others…2 Corinthians 5:21
72.  Psalms 22:1…Words spoken from Calvary, "My God…" Mark 15:34
73.  Psalms 22:2…Darkness upon Calvary…Matthew 27:45
74.  Psalms 22:7…They shoot out the lip and shake the head…Matthew 27:39
75.  Psalms 22:8.." He trusted in God, let Him deliver Him "…Matthew 27:43
76.  Psalms 22:9……Born the Savior……Luke 2:7
77.  Psalms 22:14…Died of a broken (ruptured) heart…John 19:34
78.  Psalms 22:14,15…Suffered agony on Calvary…Mark 15:34-37
79.  Psalms 22:15……..He thirsted……..John 19:28
80.  Psalms 22:16…They pierced His hands and His feet….John 19:34,37;20:27
81.  Psalms 22:17,18…Stripped Him before the stares of men…Luke 23:34,35
82.  Psalms 22:18…..They parted His garments…..John 19:23,24
83.  Psalms 22:20,21…He committed Himself to God…Luke23:46
84.  Psalms 22:20,21..Satanic power bruising the Redeemer's heel.. Hebrews 2:14
85.  Psalms 22:22…..His Resurrection declared…..John 20:17
86.  Psalms 22:27…He shall be the governor of the nations…Col 1:16
87.  Psalms 22:31……"It is finished"……John 19:30
88.  Psalms 23:1…."I am the Good Shepherd"….John 10:11
89.  Psalms 24:3……His exaltation predicted……Acts 1:11; Phil. 2:9
90.  Psalms 27:12…Accused by false witnesses…Matthew 26:60,61, Mark 14:57,58
91.  Psalms 30:3……His resurrection predicted……Acts 2:32
92.  Psalms 31:5…"Into thy hands I commit my spirit"…Luke 23:46
93.  Psalms 31:11…His acquaintances fled from Him…Mark 14:50
94.  Psalms 31:13…They took counsel to put Him to death…John 11:53
95.  Psalms 31:14,15…" He trusted in God, let Him deliver him"…Matthew 27:43
96.  Psalms 34:20…..Not a bone of Him broken…..John 19:31-36
97.  Psalms 35:11….False witnesses rose up against Him….Matthew 26:59
98.  Psalms 35:19…He was hated without a cause…John 15:25
99.  Psalms 38:11…..
His friends stood afar off…..Luke 23:49
100.  Psalms 40:2-5…The joy of His resurrection predicted…John 20:20
101.  Psalms 40:6-8….His delight-the will of the Father….John 4:34
102.  Psalms 40:9….He was to preach the Righteousness in Israel….Matthew 4:17
103.  Psalms 40:14…Confronted by adversaries in the Garden…John
104.  Psalms 41:9…..Betrayed by a familiar friend…..John 13:18
105.  Psalms 45:2…Words of Grace come from His lips.. Luke 4:22
106.  Psalms 45:6…To own the title, God or Elohim…Hebrews 1:8
107.  Psalms 45:7…A special anointing by the Holy Spirit…Matthew3:16; Hebrews1:9
108.  Psalms 45:7,8…Called the Christ (Messiah or Anointed)…Luke 2:11
109. Psalms 49-15…His Resurrection…Acts 2:27; 13:35, Mark 16:6
110.  Psalms 55:12-14…Betrayed by a friend, not an enemy…John 13:18
111. Psalms 55:15…Unrepentant death of the Betrayer…Matthew 27:3-5; Acts 1:16-19
112. Psalms 68:18…To give gifts to men…Ephesians 4:7-16
113. Psalms 68:18…Ascended into Heaven…Luke 24:51
114. Psalms 69:4…Hated without a cause…John 15:25
115. Psalms 69:8…A stranger to own brethren…Luke 8;20,21
116. Psalms 69:9…Zealous for the Lord's House…John 2:17
117. Psalms 69:14-20…Messiah's anguish of soul before crucifixion…Matthew 26:36-45
118. Psalms 69:20…"My soul is exceeding sorrowful."…Matthew 26:38
119. Psalms 69:21…Given vinegar in thirst…Matthew 27:34
120. Psalms 69:26…The Savior given and smitten by God…John 17:4; 18:11
121. Psalms 72:10,11…Great persons were to visit Him…Matthew 2:1-11
122. Psalms 72:16…The corn of wheat to fall into the Ground…John 12:24
123. Psalms 72:17…His name, Yinon, will produce offspring…John 1:12,13
124. Psalms 72:17…All nations shall be blessed by Him…Acts 2:11,12,41
125. Psalms 78:1.2…He would teach in parables…Matthew 13:34-35
126. Psalms 78:2b…To speak the Wisdom of God with authority…Matthew 7:29
127. Psalms 88:8…They stood afar off and watched…Luke 23:49
128. Psalms 89:26…Messiah will call God His Father…Matthew 11:27
129. Psalms 89:27…Emmanuel to be higher than earthly kings…Luke 1:32,33
130. Psalms 89:35-37…David's Seed, throne, kingdom endure forever…Luke 1:32,33
131. Psalms 89:36-37…His character-Faithfulness…Rev. 1:5
132. Psalms 90:2…He is from everlasting (Micah 5:2)…John 1:1
133. Psalms 91:11,12…Identified as Messianic; used to tempt Christ…Luke 4;10,11
134. Psalms 97:9…His exaltation predicted…Acts 1:11;Ephesians 1:20
135. Psalms 100:5…His character-Goodness…Matthew 19:16,17
136. Psalms 102:1-11…The Suffering and Reproach of Calvary…John 21:16-30
137. Psalms 102:16…Son of Man comes in Glory…Luke 21:24
Revelation 12:5-10
138. Psalms 102:25-27…Messiah is the Preexistent Son…Hebrews 1:10-12
139. Psalms 109:4…Prays for His enemies…Luke 23:34
140. Psalms 109:7,8…Another to succeed Judas…Acts 1:16-20
141. Psalms 109:25…Ridiculed…Matthew 27:39
142. Psalms 110:1…Son of David…Matthew 22:43
143. Psalms 110:1…To ascend to the right-hand of the Father…Mark16:19
144. Psalms 110:1…David's son called Lord…Matthew 22:44,45
145. Psalms 110:4…A priest after Melchizedek's order…Hebrews 6:20
146. Psalms 112:4…His character-Compassionate, Gracious, et al… Matthew 9;36
147. Psalms 118:17,18…Messiah's Resurrection assured…Luke 24:5-7;1 Corinthians 15:20
148. Psalms 118:22,23…The rejected stone is Head of the corner…Matthew 21:42,43
149. Psalms 118:26a…The Blessed One presented to Israel…Matthew 21:9
150. Psalms 118:26b…To come while Temple standing…Matthew 21;12-15
151. Psalms 132:11…The Seed of David (the fruit of His Body)…Luke 1:32
152. Psalms 138:1-6…The supremacy of David's Seed amazes kings… Matthew 2:2-6
153. Psalms 147:3,6…The earthly ministry of Christ described…Luke 4:18
154. Psalms 1:23…He will send the Spirit of God… John 16;7
155. Proverbs 8:22-23…The Messiah would be from everlasting…John 17:5
156. Proverbs 30:4…Declared to be the Son of God…John 3:13, Romans 1:2-4, 10:6-9, 2 Peter 1:17
157. Song of Solomon 5:16…The altogether lovely One…John 1:17
158. Isaiah 2:2-4…Repentance for the nations…Luke 24:47
159. Isaiah 4:2…Messiah reigning
160. Isaiah 5:1-6…Son of God’s vineyard: a parable of judgment
161. Isaiah 6:1…When Isaiah saw His glory… John 12:40-41
162. Isaiah 6:9-10…Parables fall on deaf ears…Matthew 13:13-15
163. Isaiah 6:9-12…Blinded to Christ and deaf to His words…Acts 28:23-29
164. Isaiah 7:14…To be born of a virgin…Luke 1:35
165. Isaiah 7:14…To be Emmanuel-God with us… Matthew 1:18-23
166. Isaiah 8:8…Called Emmanuel…Matthew 28:20
167. Isaiah 8:14…A stone of stumbling, a Rock of offense… 1 Pet. 2:8
168. Isaiah 9:1,2…His ministry to begin in Galilee…Matthew 4:12-17
169. Isaiah 9:6…A child born-Humanity…Luke 1:31
170. Isaiah 9:6…A Son given-Deity…Luke 1:32; John 1;14; 1 Tim. 3:16
171. Isaiah 9:6…Declared to be the Son of God with power… Romans. 1:3,4
172. Isaiah 9:6…The Wonderful One, Peleh…Luke 4:22
173. Isaiah 9:6…The Counselor, Yaatz…Matthew 13:54
174. Isaiah 9:6…The Mighty God, El Gibor…Matthew 11:20
175. Isaiah 9:6…The Everlasting Father, Avi Adth…John 8:58
176. Isaiah 9:6…The Prince of Peace, Sar Shalom…John . 16:33
177. Isaiah 9:7…To establish an everlasting kingdom…Luke 1:32-33
178. Isaiah 9:7…His Character-Just…John 5:30
179. Isaiah 9:7…No end to his Government, Throne, and Peace…Luke 1:32-33
180. Isaiah 11:1…Called a Nazarene-the Branch, Netzer…Matthew 2:23
181. Isaiah 11:1…A rod out of Jesse-Son of Jesse…Luke 3:23,32
182. Isaiah 11:2…The anointed One by the Spirit…Matthew 3;16,17
183. Isaiah 11:2…His Character-Wisdom, Understanding, et al….John 4:4-26
184. Isaiah 11:4…His Character-Truth…John 14:6
185. Isaiah 11:10…The Gentiles seek Him…John 12:18-21
186. Isaiah 12:2…Called Jesus-Yeshua (salvation)…Matthew 1:21
187. Isaiah 16:4,5…Reigning in mercy…Luke 1:31-33
188. Isaiah 22:21-25…Peg in a sure place…Revelation 3:7
189. Isaiah 25:8…The Resurrection predicted…I Corinthians 15:54
190. Isaiah 26:19…His power of Resurrection predicted…John 11:43,44
191. Isaiah 28:16…The Messiah is the precious corner stone…Acts 4:11,12
192. Isaiah 29:13…He indicated hypocritical obedience to His Word…Matthew 15:7-9
193. Isaiah 29:14…The wise are confounded by the Word…I Corinthians 1:18-31
194. Isaiah 32:2…A Refuge-A man shall be a hiding place…Matthew 23:37
195. Isaiah 33:22…Son of the Highest…Luke 1:32; 1 Timothy 1:17 6:15
196. Isaiah 35:4…He will come and save you…Matthew 1:21
197. Isaiah 35:5…To have a ministry of miracles…Matthew 11:4-6
198. Isaiah 40:3,4…Preceded by forerunner…John 1:23
199. Isaiah 40:9…"Behold your God."…John 1:36;19:14
200. Isaiah 40:11…A shepherd-compassionate life-giver…John 10:10-18
201. Isaiah 42:1-4…The Servant-as a faithful, patient redeemer… Matthew12:18-21
202. Isaiah 42:2…Meek and lowly… Matthew 11:28-30
203. Isaiah 42:3…He brings hope for the hopeless… John 4
204. Isaiah 42:4…The nations shall wait on His teachings… John 12:20-26
205. Isaiah 42:6…The Light (salvation) of the Gentiles…Luke 2:32
206. Isaiah 42:1,6…His is a Worldwide compassion… Matthew 28:19,20
207. Isaiah 42:7…Blind eyes opened… John 9:25-38
208. Isaiah 42:13-2
5…Messiah’s actions at His second coming…Revelation
209. Isaiah 43:11…He is the only Savior… Acts 4:12
210. Isaiah 44:3…He will send the Spirit of God… John 16:7,13
211. Isaiah 45:23…He will be the Judge… John 5:22;Romans. 14:11
212. Isaiah 48:12…The First and the Last…John 1:30;Rev. 1:8,17
213. Isaiah 48:17…He came as a Teacher…John 3:2
214. Isaiah 49:1…Called from the womb-His humanity…Matthew 1:18
215. Isaiah 49:5…A Servant from the womb…Luke 1:31;Phil. 2:7
216. Isaiah 49:6…He is Salvation for Israel…Luke 2:29-32
217. Isaiah 49:6…He is the Light of the Gentiles…Acts 13:47
218. Isaiah 49:6…He is Salvation unto the ends of the earth… Acts 15:7-18
219. Isaiah 49:7…He is despised of the Nation… John 8:48-49
220. Isaiah 50:3…Heaven is clothed in black at His humiliation… Luke 23:44,45
221. Isaiah 50:4…He is a learned counselor for the weary… Matthew 11:28,29
222. Isaiah 50:5…The Servant bound willingly to obedience… Matthew 26:39
223. Isaiah 50:6a…"I gave my back to the smiters."… Matthew 27:26
224. Isaiah 50:6b…He was smitten on the cheeks… Matthew 26:67
225. Isaiah 50:6c…He was spat upon… Matthew 27:30
226. Isaiah 52:4-5…Suffered vicariously…Mark 15:3,4,27,28; Luke 23:1-25,32-34
227. Isaiah 52:7…To publish good tidings of peace… Luke 4:14,15
228. Isaiah 52:13…The Servant exalted…Acts 1:8-11; Ephesians 1:19-22
229. Isaiah 52:13…Behold, My Servant… Matthew 17:5; Phil. 2:5-8
230. Isaiah 52:14…The Servant shockingly abused… Luke 18:31-34; Matthew 26:67,68
231. Isaiah 52:15…Nations startled by message of the Servant… Romans. 15:18-21
232. Isaiah 52:15…His blood shed to make atonement for all… Rev. 1:5
233. Isaiah 53:1…His people would not believe Him… John 12:37-38
234. Isaiah 53:2a…He would grow up in a poor family…. Luke 2:7
235. Isaiah 53:2b…Appearance of an ordinary man… Phil. 2:7-8
236. Isaiah 53:3a…Despised…. Luke 4:28-29
237. Isaiah 53:3b…Rejected… Matthew 27:21-23
238. Isaiah 53:3c…Great sorrow and grief… Luke 19:41-42
239. Isaiah 53:3d…Men hide from being associated with Him… Mark 14:50-52
240. Isaiah 53:4a…He would have a healing ministry… Luke 6:17-19
241. Isaiah 53:4b…He would bear the sins of the world… 1 Pet. 2:24
242. Isaiah 53:4c…Thought to be cursed by God… Matthew 27:41-43
243. Isaiah 53:5a…Bears penalty for mankind's transgressions… Luke 23:33
244. Isaiah 53:5b…His sacrifice would provide peace between man and God… Col. 1:20
245. Isaiah 53:5c…His back would be whipped… Matthew 27:26
246. Isaiah 53:6a…He would be the sin-bearer for all mankind…Galatians 1:4
247. Isaiah 53:6b…God's will that He bear sin for all mankind… 1 John 4:10
248. Isaiah 53:7a…Oppressed and afflicted… Matthew 27:27-31
249. Isaiah 53:7b…Silent before his accusers… Matthew 27:12-14
250. Isaiah 53:7c…Sacrificial lamb… John 1:29
251. Isaiah 53:8a…Confined and persecuted… Matthew 26:47-27:31
252. Isaiah 53:8b…He would be judged… John 18:13-22
253. Isaiah 53:8c…Killed…. Matthew 27:35
254. Isaiah 53:8d…Dies for the sins of the world… 1 John 2:2
255. Isaiah 53:9a…Buried in a rich man's grave… Matthew 27:57
256. Isaiah 53:9b…Innocent and had done no violence… Mark 15:3
257. Isaiah 53:9c…No deceit in his mouth… John 18:38
258. Isaiah 53:10a…God's will that He die for mankind… John 18:11
259. Isaiah 53:10b…An offering for sin… Matthew 20:28
260. Isaiah 53:10c…Resurrected and live forever…. Mark 16:16
261. Isaiah 53:10d…He would prosper… John 17:1-5
262. Isaiah 53:11a…God fully satisfied with His suffering… John 12:27
263. Isaiah 53:11b…God's servant… Romans. 5:18-19
264. Isaiah 53:11c…He would justify man before God… Romans. 5:8-9
265. Isaiah 53:11d…The sin-bearer for all mankind… Hebrews 9:28
266. Isaiah 53:12a…Exalted by God because of his sacrifice… Matthew 28:18
267. Isaiah 53:12b…He would give up his life to save mankind… Luke 23:46
268. Isaiah 53:12c…Grouped with criminals… Luke 23:32
269. Isaiah 53:12d…Sin-bearer for all mankind… 2 Corinthians 5:21
270. Isaiah 53:12e…Intercede to God in behalf of mankind… Luke 23:34
271. Isaiah 55:1…Every one come who is thirsty…New Testament
272. Isaiah 55:3…Resurrected by God… Acts 13:34
273. Isaiah 55:4…A witness… John 18:37
274. Isaiah 55:5…Foreign nations come to God…Acts
275. Isaiah 59:15-16a…He would come to provide salvation… John 6:40
276. Isaiah 59:15-16b…Intercessor between man and God… Matthew 10:32
277. Isaiah 59:20…He would come to Zion as their Redeemer… Luke 2:38
278. Isaiah 60:1-3…Nations walk in the light…Luke 2:32
279. Isaiah 61:1-2a…The Spirit of God upon him… Matthew 3:16-17
280. Isaiah 61:1-2b…The Messiah would preach the good news… Luke 4:17-21
281. Isaiah 61:1-2c…Provide freedom from the bondage of sin and death… John 8:31-32
282. Isaiah 61:1-2…Proclaim a period of grace… John 5:24
283. Isaiah 62:1-2…Called by an new name…Luke 2:32, Revelation 3:12
284. Isaiah 62:11…Thy King Cometh, Entered Jerusalem on Colt…Matthew 21:7
285. Isaiah 63:1-3…A vesture dipped in blood…Revelation 19:13
286. Isaiah 63:8,9…Afflicted with the afflicted…Matthew 25:34-40
287. Isaiah 65:9…The elect shall inherit…Romans 11 5-7, Hebrews 7:14, Revelation 5:5
288. Isaiah 65:17-25…New heaven/New Earth…2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1
289. Isaiah 66:18-19…All nations come to God…New Testament
290. Jeremiah23:5-6a…Descendant of David…Luke 3:23-31
291.  Jeremiah 23:5-6b…The Messiah would be God… John 13:13
292.  Jeremiah 23:5-6c…The Messiah would be both God and Man… 1 Tim. 3:16
293. Jeremiah 30:9…Born a King…John 18:37, Revelation 1:5
294. Jeremiah 31:15…Massacre of infants…Matthew 2:16-18
295.  Jeremiah 31:22…Born of a virgin… Matthew 1:18-20
296.  Jeremiah 31:31…The Messiah would be the new covenant… Matthew 26:28
297.  Jeremiah 33:14-15…Descendant of David… Luke 3:23-31
298.  Ezekiel17:22-24…Descendant of David… Luke 3:23-31
299. Ezekiel 21:26,27…The humble exalted…Luke 1:52
300.  Ezekiel34:23-24…Descendant of David… Matthew 1:1
301.  Daniel 2:34-35…Stone cut without hands…Acts 4:10-12
302.  Daniel 2:44,45…His Kingdom Triumphant…Luke 1:33, 1 Corinthians 15:24, Revelation 11:15
303.  Dan. 7:13-14a…He would ascend into heaven… Acts 1:9-11
304.  Dan. 7:13-14b…Highly exalted… Ephesians 1:20-22
305. Dan. 7:13-14c…His dominion would be everlasting… Luke 1:31-33
306. Daniel 7:27…Kingdom for the Saints…Luke 1:33, 1 Corinthians 15:24, Revelation 11:15
307. Dan. 9:24a…To make an end to sins… Galatians 1:3-5
308. Dan. 9:24b…He would be holy… Luke 1:35
309. Dan. 9:25…Announced to his people 483 years, to the exact day, after the decree to rebuild the city of Jerusalem… John 12:12-13
310. Dan. 9:26a…Killed… Matthew 27:35
311. Dan. 9:26b…Die for the sins of the world… Hebrews 2:9
312. Dan. 9:26c…Killed before the destruction of the temple… Matthew 27:50-51
313. Dan. 10:5-6…Messiah in a glorified state… Rev. 1:13-16
314. Hosea 3:5…Israel restored…John 18:37, Romans 11:25-27
315. Hosea 11:1, Numbers 24:8…Flight to Egypt…Matthew 2:14
316. Hosea 13:14…He would defeat death… 1 Corinthians 15:55-57
317. Joel 2:28-32…Promise of the Spirit…Acts 2:17-21, Romans 10:13
318. Joel 2:
32…Offer salvation to all mankind… Romans. 10:12-13
319. Micah 2:12-13…Israel Regathered…John 10:14,26
320. Micah 4:1-8…The Kingdom established – place of Birth Bethlehem…Luke 1:33, Matthew 2:1, Luke 2:4,10,11
321. Micah 5:2a…Born in Bethlehem… Matthew 2:1-2
322.  Micah 5:2b…God's servant… John 15:10
323.  Micah 5:2c…from everlasting… John 8:58
324.  Haggai 2:6-9…He would visit the second Temple… Luke 2:27-32
325.  Haggai 2:23…Descendant of Zerubbabel… Luke 3:23-27
326. Joel 2:28-32…Promise of the Spirit…Acts 2:17-21, Romans 10:13
327. Amos 8:9…The Sun Darkened…Matthew 24:29, Acts 2:20, Revelation 6:12
328. Amos 9:11-12…Restoration of tabernacle…Acts 14:16-18
329. Habakkuk 2:14…Earth filled with knowledge of the glory of the Lord…Romans 11:26, Revelation 21:23-26
330. Zechariah 2:10-13…The Lamb on the Throne…Revelation 5:13, 6:9, 21:24
331. Zechariah 3:8…God's servant… John 17:4
332. Zechariah 6:12-13…Priest and King… Hebrews 8:1
333. Zechariah 9:9a…Greeted with rejoicing in Jerusalem… Matthew 21:8-10
334. Zechariah 9:9b…Beheld as King… John 12:12-13
335.  Zechariah 9:9c…The Messiah would be just… John 5:30
336.  Zechariah 9:9d…The Messiah would bring salvation… Luke 19:10
337.  Zechariah 9:9e…The Messiah would be humble… Matthew 11:29
338.  Zechariah 9:9f…Presented to Jerusalem riding on a donkey… Matthew 21:6-9
339.  Zechariah 10:4…The cornerstone… Ephesians 2:20
340.   Zechariah 11:4-6a…At His coming, Israel to have unfit leaders… Matthew 23:1-4
341.  Zechariah 11:4-6b…Rejection causes God to remove His protection.. Luke 19:41-44
342.  Zechariah 11:4-6c…Rejected in favor of another king… John 19:13-15
343.   Zechariah 11:7…Ministry to "poor," the believing remnant… Matthew 9:35-36
344.  Zechariah 11:8a…Unbelief forces Messiah to reject them… Matthew 23:33
345. Zechariah 11:8b…Despised… Matthew 27:20
346.  Zechariah 11:9…Stops ministering to the those who rejected Him… Matthew 13:10-11
347.  Zechariah 11:10-11a…Rejection causes God to remove protection… Luke 19:41-44
348.  Zechariah 11:10-11b…The Messiah would be God… John 14:7
349.  Zechariah 11:12-13a…Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver… Matthew 26:14-15
350.  Zechariah 11:12-13b…Rejected… Matthew 26:14-15
351.  Zechariah 11:12-13c…Thirty pieces of silver thrown into the house of the Lord… Matthew 27:3-5
352.  Zechariah 11:12-13d…The Messiah would be God… John 12:45
353.  Zechariah 12:10a…The Messiah's body would be pierced… John 19:34-37
354.  Zechariah 12:10b…The Messiah would be both God and man… John 10:30
355.  Zechariah 12:10c…The Messiah would be rejected… John 1:11
356.  Zechariah 13:7a…God's will He die for mankind… John 18:11
357.  Zechariah 13:7b…A violent death… Matthew 27:35
358.  Zechariah 13:7c…Both God and man.. John 14:9
359.  Zechariah 13:7d…Israel scattered as a result of rejecting Him… Matthew 26:31-56
360.  Malachi 3:1a…Messenger to prepare the way for Messiah… Matthew 11:10
361.  Malachi 3:1b…Sudden appearance at the temple… Mark 11:15-16
362.  Malachi 3:1c…Messenger of the new covenant… Luke 4:43
363.  Malachi 3:3…Our Sins Are Purged…Luke 1:78, John 1:9; 12:46, 2 Peter 1:19, Revelation 2:28; 19:11-16; 22:16
364. Malachi 4:5…Forerunner in the spirit of Elijah… Matthew 3:1-2
365. Malachi 4:6…Forerunner would turn many to righteousness… Luke 1:16-17
And for leap year, you can have Psalm 21 as a Messianic Hymn and David's praise.

 If you have given your soul over to Jesus Christ, (Yeshua), please email me and let me know. It would truly be a blessing to me to welcome you into the family of our King.

How the Antichrist will be able to monitor you/A message from Kenya to Frank DiMora/ America in decline the day the dollar dies/ July 5, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads you to help me print more books contact me at: Frank DiMora  P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

My radio/video show is up and running now. Just click to link below



I was truly humbled today when I opened up my e-mail to find a letter that was sent to me from Kenya from my brother in the Lord.  I am often asked the question how can I print books and send them out for free when the books cost $10 me a piece to print?  My answer is this, I truly rely on the Lord Jesus Christ to provide the funds so that I can copy books and send them out for free.  Jesus didn't tell me to worry about how I was good to print the book He just told me to print the books and that he would take care of finances, and so for these many years I've trusted in the Lord to speak to the hearts of people so that I can continue to spread the work that he is given to me to do. I was truly blessed today to open this e-mail below, and I would like to share the blessing with you now. First read the letter from my Brother in Kenya and then you'll read the response that I give him.  I hope this blesses your heart as much as it blessed mine.

From a Brother in Kenya:

Brother Dimora,

I recently mailed a copy of your book to a minister friend of mine in Eldoret, Kenya. He has asked if you will permit him to allow other ministers to photocopy pages and use it in their ministries. The text of his e-mail is below:

Dear Brother Tim,
Greetings in Jesus' name.Thanks for your two recent messages about monthly support and the cameras.That is so kind of you and a great sacrifice to our ministries.May the Lord bless the work of your hand. May I also let you know that the book you send me is such a blessing not only to my ministry but also to others.It came just on time when l was preparing to speak to Bible School students for a week on Eschatology.What a blessing it was because Frank DiMora is so detailed and current with world issues.The book cannot be found in Kenyan Libraries.Is it possible for him to allow ministers who need it to photocopy and use it in their ministries not for commercial purposes?  Once again God bless you and extend my love to your family.
With Love

Bro. Dimora,

I will e-mail him a copy of your book from the download, but very few people in Kenya can afford access to a computer for more than a few minutes. They pay a few shillings to use an old windows 98 computer in a cyber cafe for a few minutes  to check their yahoo mail,  but can only afford to use it for a few minutes. So, even if they burn it to a cd at the cyber cafe, it is of little use since virtually no one has a computer they can use to read it. If you will consent to his request as he asked above, please advise and I will let him know.

Thanks for your consideration of this request.

Tim Moore

The letter below is my response to this email.

Brother Tim and Brother Burudi,

You cannot believe how much you have blessed my heart, knowing that the labor I have done for Jesus Christ in writing this book is being blessed by my Lord Jesus.  What a blessing it is to me knowing the book is making its way around the world. While writing the book I would never imagined my books would have made it into the hands of pastors who would desire to reprint the book, or pages from the book to witness to their Churches, or the unsaved in your area. It is truly a blessing beyond measure. 

Brother Tim, as you know I do not charge anyone to read my book. I was told via the Holy Spirit that this is how my ministry was to work, and so I trust in the Lord to deliver funds that I may use the funds to reprint books and to send them to people as yourself. I ask you to pray for my ministry and ask that the Lord would bless me financially in order that I can send you as many books as you need. I have to continue to trust in the Holy Spirit that he will speak to people's hearts and know that what I am doing is a genuine work for  God in His Son ,(Yeshus).

I have a box of books that I want to send to you.  Please use these books to glorify the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Make sure that each pastor who wants a copy of the book may have one placed in their hands.  As long as no one charges anyone to read this material you have my blessings to do what you want with my book.  If they plan to recopy the book or pages please make sure they direct them to my web-site and where they got the book.  The more people that visit my site the more Jesus will touch.

Send me your mailing address as soon as possible and I will mail you this box..  Tell your pastors that if they have Skype I would love to do a presentation on Skype to their churches. If the pastors have a computer  Skype is a free download. It would be a blessing to give a prophecy seminar to your churches.    Until the books arrive, tell your pastors that they have my permission to copy the pages from my book and to use them in any way that they see fit to give glory to Jesus Christ and to further the kingdom of God.  Remind those who do have computers that they could download my book for free. Your e-mail to me today is another confirmation from my Lord that he is directing my ministry and blessing the work that He sent me out to do for Him.  Once again, I am truly humbled by your e-mail and humbled that the Lord has chosen me for this work. I praise God and my Lord Jesus Christ for you and pray that my ministry would lead others to the Lord Jesus Christ once this book makes it into the pastor's hands.  I am honored to be your brother in the Lord. I ask your Father to keep you safe in these trying times.  I would like to share these blessings with all my readers and so I will post your e-mail at my prophecy site. Thank you so much again brother for sending it.

Send me your mailing address and the books will go out ASAP.

Your brother in Christ,

Frank DiMora

How can I send out so many copies of my book for free?  All I can tell you is this, it’s all about Jesus!  When He sees someone who is sold out to Him and wants to be used, Jesus finds the way to make it happen. 

Prophecy sign: for the sake of the new people at my site I need to revert back to Daniel chapter 2 in Daniel chapter 7 where Daniel was given the exact nations or world empires if you will,  that would be ruling from the time that Daniel was alive all the way till the second coming of Jesus Christ. The United States is not mentioned anywhere in the book of Daniel. We therefore know that something must've happened to the United States to leave her completely out of the text. Daniel was told that he wouldn't understand the prophecy but the last generation would understand what God had chosen Daniel. The generation who would understand would be the generation who increase the knowledge and people would be traveling back and forth.  As only one generation who fits this prophecy is the current generation which you are now living.  Daniel may not have known anything about the United States but we ended last days the generation who has gained this knowledge can understand why America will not be mentioned or wasn't mentioned at all in Daniel's book. It is because the United States was taken out as a world power and would not have a major influence in the last days of fence.  Anyone who's been following the news since the bank debacle can see for themselves the United States is in the process of collapsing.  She has a $13 trillion deficit that cannot be paid off and shortly the debt is going calls America's financial institutions and the government to collapse.  Over the course of weeks I've been giving you the debt crisis for each state. I am showing you how the deficit is bringing down each state. Today I want to focus on the state of Illinois.

I quote, CHICAGO — Even by the standards of this deficit-ridden state, Illinois’s comptroller, Daniel W. Hynes, faces an ugly balance sheet. Precisely how ugly becomes clear when he beckons you into his office to examine his daily briefing memo.

He picks the papers off his desk and points to a figure in red: $5.01 billion.

“This is what the state owes right now to schools, rehabilitation centers, child care, the state university — and it’s getting worse every single day,” he says in his downtown office.

Mr. Hynes shakes his head. “This is not some esoteric budget issue; we are not paying bills for absolutely essential services,” he says. “That is obscene.”

For the last few years, California stood more or less unchallenged as a symbol of the fiscal collapse of states during the recession.

Now Illinois has shouldered to the fore, as its dysfunctional political class refuses to pay the state’s bills and refuses to take the painful steps — cuts and tax increases — to close a deficit of at least $12 billion, equal to nearly half the state’s budget.

Insolvency looms
Then there is the spectacularly mismanaged pension system, which is at least 50 percent underfunded and, analysts warn, could push Illinois into insolvency if the economy fails to pick up.


I've been digging through news sources today looking for nothing in particular and in the process of surfing around I discovered some bombshell news regarding the approaching economic collapse.  This is a major birth pain and I think I'd go so far as to call it a CONTRACTION!  Before I proceed  I want to remind you that it is believed that the Antichrist will arrive in a time of both war and worldwide financial distress.  I know that you already know this because you've been warning your readership for years about this.  It is also believed by every pre-tribulation bible scholar and eschatologist that the Rapture of the Church will occur at some period of time before the Antichrist shows up.  In other words, it won't happen the same day or the day before the the Antichrist shows up but it is likely to occur weeks or even months before he gets here.   The AC will be revealed after we are gone but the actual Tribulation period won't begin until Daniel 9:27 is fulfilled, "He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.'  Nobody knows how long he will be here before that takes place but it's also believed that it won't happen right away.  He may do signs and wonders and perform miracles (such as fixing the world economy) before the covenant.  But nobody knows and that isn't important for us but it's just something to think about as I give you this news. 

We haven't heard anything lately about the approaching financial collapse and the main reason is because of media censorship by our government and also by those behind our government who operate in the shadows.  It's as if there is a blackout occuring to blind the U.S. citizen of what is really taking place but yet the foreign news services are talking about it.  And this is exactly why Obama and his NWO cohorts want to censor the internet and take control over it.  They blame the "alternative news sources" found on the internet for these "conspiracy theories" that are opening our eyes to what is really taking place.  It makes it hard for the Bilderberg people to implement their master plan for the universe with no fanfare when Alex Jones and others are spilling the beans so they are determined to shut it down and they will eventually.  I just hope we are gone by then which is looking more and more likely as time passes. 

I have thought these things to be true for a long time that I'm about to show you and as far as I'm concerned this is the confimation to the validity of some of my "crazy" thoughts.  So since we will never find this out by our propaganda filled mainstream media it's up to us to find it out for ourselves by digging for it.  I don't need to explain too much of this to you because you know what's going on as well as I do, if you have been standing on the watch as Jesus asked you all to do. 


I listened to all 7 parts but if you don't have the time then you can start on part 3 and at least go through part 6.  These are the best parts of this interview. 

I'm not sure if you've seen this report that I'm pulling from 2 different sources or not so here they are anyway.  I first found it on the intelhub site but then I went to the official NORTHCOM site to back it up for verification.


Now let me run a scenario by you and see what you think.  At some point in the coming days or weeks we will see some sort of false flag attack here in the U.S. as Celente predicts and somehow "they" will make some sort of connection to Iran.  I wouldn't be surprised if it were some sort of dirty bomb or bombs or nuclear devices strategically placed in different parts of the country.  And don't be surprised if Miami is one of those locations.  If something major happens in Miami then I'll explain at that time why I said that.  I don't want to get too carried away here if nothing happens there.  Assuming that this false flag attack does take place then Marshall Law will be declared right away since it will appear as though terrorists are in different parts of the country to set these devices off.  Of course, IF there is a false flag attack then there is always the chance that it won't involve these types of WMDs (weapons of mass destruction).  It could be something else altogether different.   But assuming that it does take place then NORTHCOM steps in and takes control of our security situation.  It kind of feels like they put this article on a potential attack on the U.S. as a way to plant a seed in our minds that it could and probably will take place.  I am under strong convictions that the Mideast war will start before the dollar crashes.  Either way the dollar will crash.  Whether by natural death as described in the first video or as a result of war it will die.  When the dollar dies then we will have hyperinflation (see the third seal – hyperinflation).  When the third seal is opened this will be a worldwide judgement and not just a U.S. crisis but it looks like it will start here first.  I'm running late so I'll jump to my last reference point.
http://www.forcingchange.org/one_world_one_money_with_endnotes  -  the one world currency is going to be the SDR which will be run by the IMF (my assumption)!  

You have check this out.  And just to wet your appetite I'll start off by giving you a couple of quotes from this next report.  But make sure you read ALL of it.  After reading it you can connect the dots better than anybody I know and see you will also notice that this is exactly what is about to take place!

"Recognizing the possible dollar-value scenario, Steil points to the growing concern over China and other “dollar-rich central banks.” Keep in mind, China  alone holds over a trillion dollars in reserves, and rumblings from the East over liquidating US dollars have started to cause a stir.

Even though Steil doesn’t ask the question, it becomes painfully obvious: What happens if China and other nations “fear the unbearable lightness of their holdings”? What becomes of the world economy if the US dollar is rapidly dumped by central banks?

All of this underscores a strategic reality that can be summed up in three words: Crisis equals opportunity. As banking mogul A.W. Clausen once said, “new comprehensive politico-economic systems across peoples almost always arise out of conquest or common crisis…”  " Robert Mundell, “the father of the euro,” and one of the world’s most respected economists, also views crisis as the starting point for change. In a May, 2007 lecture, Mundell related, “International monetary reform usual becomes possible only in response to a felt need and the threat of a global crisis.”  This Nobel Prize winner also pointed his finger to the possible trigger event, saying that the “global crisis would have to involve the dollar,” and that a world currency should be viewed as “a contingency” to a global dollar disaster."

that statement made in the One World/One Money article.  I will quote it again here:  "This Nobel Prize winner also pointed his finger to the possible trigger event, saying that the “global crisis would have to involve the dollar,” and that a world currency should be viewed as “a contingency” to a global dollar disaster."
All of the people who have been coming to my site for the past 2 years have read over and over again that I belive  the trigger event for the global econoic meltdown will most likely be pulled when the U.S. dollar collapses which may come very very soon based on the increasing debt of 13 trillion dollars and a massive sell-off of dollars by China and everybody else who has them.  They will cut their losses and take a hit on all that debt that we are going to default on and that will be the end of the US as a superpower.  This in itself would be the last nail in the coffin for the once mighty dollar.  When this sell-off occurs there will be trillions of dollars of worthless paper that nobody wants and therefore no longer has any value.  And when the dollar declines so does the stock market.  The stock market will crash for good.   To me it would seem that this would be the last thing that would be necessary for the AC to make his appearance.  No one can tell you what date the dollar will die, however economic signs point that it will happen sooner than most think.

 Prophecy Sign: We know from Revelation 13:16-17 that the Antichrist is going to be able to control the world’s economic system. This will no doubt take place after the U.S. helps push the global economic markets off the edge as a result of the dollar folding up.  In order for one man to control the world’s market place and allow you to buy or sell, there must be systems set in place to allow him to monitor every thing you buy and sell.  Steps are being set in place one by one to do just that.  Below is a another example of a new system that would be able to monitor your transactions.  The headline to this report is as follows:  "Uncle Sam Wants you to Have an Online ID".

"As our daily interactions and transactions have become increasingly “wired,” we have yet to see any truly comprehensive attempts at securing online identities.  Our complex system of usernames and passwords is astoundingly outdated and increasingly prone to security breaches and theft. Yet, so far it has been mostly up to the individual to protect himself against various forms of identity fraud—with larger corporations taking relatively little responsibility. 

But this could change in a big way. Right now the federal government is proposing a new system being referred to as the “Identity Ecosystem”—which was highlighted in the recently-released draft paper, “National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace” [NSTIC]. 

The Identity Ecosystem would allow Americans to choose to obtain a single authenticated ID for online transactions. Like a passport, this single ID could travel with them online and be used to access everything from e-mail, to online health records and banking information. Furthermore, the Identity Ecosystem would only reveal the least amount of information necessary for each transaction. 

To highlight the potential consumer benefits of such a system, the White House’s proposal uses the example of an individual filling a prescription online. Under the “smart ID card,” the pharmacy would only receive proof that the individual is over 18 and that the prescription is valid. No other information like birth date or the reason for the prescription.”

Another section on this report stated, “Although the White House should be applauded for this idea, it is doubtful that such a voluntary approach is likely to win over the big companies who will end up footing the bill or passing it on to consumers. The private industry has been trying to enact this type of online assurance model for some time now, and with little success. It is far more likely that the White House will have to work with Congress to legislate this type of a reform.”


Let me remind all those who are new to my site, never before in history could something like this be done. However, as the Prophet Daneil pointed out in Daniel 12:4 our generation was to become the generation that would increase in knowledge which we have.  One good thing is we are getting smarter, but as we get smarter the world is coming up with systems that can be used by the Antichrist to monitor everyone of your transactions.  This by the way is a sign we have reached the door step of the seven year tribulation.

Happy Birthday America.


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads you to help me print more books contact me at: Frank DiMora  P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Attack Iran and you attack Russia/war looming/July 2, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads you to help me print more books contact me at: Frank DiMora  P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

My radio/video show is up and running now. Just click to link below



See full size imageProphecy Sign: Once again I will point out Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 where Jesus told us this generation would witness many earthquakes and “great earthquakes”

A magnitude 6.4 undersea quake struck off the Pacific Ocean island nation of VanuatuStrong quake hits off Vanuatu, no reports of damage

SYDNEY, July 2 (Reuters) – A magnitude 6.4 undersea quake struck off the Pacific Ocean island nation of Vanuatu on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said. The quake was centred 138 miles (222 km) north northwest of the island of Santo and at a depth of 21.7 miles.

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP  5.3   2010/07/02 12:00:19   -13.670    166.478  80.6   VANUATU
MAP  5.1   2010/07/02 08:07:21    -8.991    160.895  68.5   SOLOMON ISLANDS
MAP  6.4   2010/07/02 06:04:05   -13.664    166.409  35.0   VANUATU

MAP  5.1   2010/07/01 20:58:24   -35.601    -71.507  35.0   MAULE, CHILE
MAP  5.7   2010/07/01 16:57:50    -5.151    129.385  35.0   BANDA SEA
MAP  5.1   2010/07/01 15:21:50    1.327    97.207  27.7   NIAS REGION, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2010/07/01 03:07:49   -21.603   -174.953  36.1   TONGA

MAP  5.2   2010/06/30 22:34:34    22.962    125.053  35.0   SOUTHEAST OF TAIWAN
MAP  5.0   2010/06/30 22:24:24   -21.559    -67.936  122.1   POTOSI, BOLIVIA
MAP  5.4   2010/06/30 10:54:53    -0.770    99.737  86.7   SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
MAP  6.2   2010/06/30 07:22:29    16.527    -97.760  20.0   OAXACA, MEXICO
MAP  6.3   2010/06/30 04:30:59   -23.200    179.165  536.3   SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP  5.0   2010/06/30 03:02:05    46.582    -27.551  10.0   NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE

MAP  5.0   2010/06/29 15:32:58   -17.369   -172.766  22.3   TONGA REGION
MAP  5.2   2010/06/29 12:55:33   -17.750   -173.549  35.0   TONGA
MAP  5.5   2010/06/29 11:48:19    48.255    154.305  39.7   KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  5.6   2010/06/29 01:40:01   -37.759    -73.216  17.0   BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.5   2010/06/29 01:24:05    -4.800    153.816  173.2   NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

MAP  5.0   2010/06/28 23:14:35   -18.229    167.992  30.9   VANUATU
MAP  5.3   2010/06/28 18:23:00    -8.966    160.813  35.0   SOLOMON ISLANDS
MAP  5.5   2010/06/28 18:19:08    -8.948    160.829  35.0   SOLOMON ISLANDS
MAP  5.7   2010/06/28 12:07:28    30.658    141.621  24.0   IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/06/28 07:04:48   -23.440    179.544  525.1   SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP  5.1   2010/06/28 06:27:31   -13.483    166.985  35.0   VANUATU
MAP  5.5   2010/06/28 00:59:47   -37.827    -75.047  14.2   OFF THE COAST OF BIO-BIO, CHILE

MAP  5.4   2010/06/27 23:47:33    5.212    126.971  59.5   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
MAP  5.1   2010/06/27 21:03:28    41.748    142.013  63.2   HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.2   2010/06/27 14:19:15    -8.913    160.991  31.1   SOLOMON ISLANDS
MAP  5.0   2010/06/27 13:01:43    -8.950    160.745  69.3   SOLOMON ISLANDS
MAP  5.0   2010/06/27 10:51:47    13.379    95.700  30.6   ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/06/27 09:43:50    14.008    95.430  27.2   ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
MAP  5.4   2010/06/27 08:47:43    -4.445    101.374  27.9   SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2010/06/27 07:15:50   -36.810    -73.500  23.1   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE

MAP  5.1   2010/06/26 22:44:00    -6.088    130.319  146.6   BANDA SEA
MAP  5.6   2010/06/26 19:01:16   -19.018    -69.257  81.1   TARAPACA, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2010/06/26 18:40:14    -4.587    -77.196  112.9   NORTHERN PERU
MAP  5.8   2010/06/26 09:50:44    -8.072    108.071  75.0   JAVA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.1   2010/06/26 08:56:22   -33.239   -177.022  59.6   SOUTH OF THE KERMADEC ISLANDS
MAP  6.7   2010/06/26 05:30:20   -10.636    161.443  35.0   SOLOMON ISLANDS
MAP  5.2   2010/06/26 00:18:34    26.138    129.360  30.4   RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 and Ezekiel chapter 38-39 have something in common, they both  address wars . When this war starts against Iran it's going to have a domino affect all over the world.  I'm not over-reacting when I say this but I've already begun taking my money out of the bank.  When this war starts, which we already know is going to lead to the fulfillment of Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 and then lead into Ezekiel 38, we are going to witness another worldwide economic collapse which will crash the markets.  This is a certainty.  The stock market is already showing signs of weakening and except for a few short rallies here and there (maybe), is expected to drop to it's lowest levels in decades (somewhere in the 5000 range – right now it's at 9732).  The indicators that investors look at such as unemployment, home sales, world economy, etc. are declining as you know and they aren't going to get any better especially when the Mideast war breaks out.  They are going to get worse.  Energy costs are going to go through the stratosphere as oil will probably end up at somewhere around $200 – $300 per barrel and this is a conservative guess.  No doubt that when Israel (and the U.S.???) attacks Iran it will ignite the Psalm 83 war and I don't think it's too far fetched to say that it could cut off all oil supplies once and for all. This is a terrible thing that is about to take place in the Mideast, the likes of which nobody living has ever seen before.  What you need to keep in mind too Frank is that when all of this happens the banks will shut their doors and turn off their ATMs which means that nobody will be able to get to their money.  When the markets collapse there will be panic all over the world and everybody will be scrambling to get to their money.  If you recall the Bob Chapman and Gerald Celente videos you will remember that they both talked of a collapse of the U.S. economy towards the end of the year and Celente even predicted that it would take us to war.  It looks like he is probably going to be right again. 
Now to the really ugly stuff…….as if what I already talked about wasn't bad enough.  In the interest of time so that I get this to you now I'm including some pieces of news that you've seen before but you will want to look over again to refresh your memory.  I'm not sure you've seen the video yet.

Now is the time to return to what I warned about Russia.  Do you remember me pointing out what Russia said they would do if the U.S. or Israel attacked Iran?  Here is the headline to the Asia Times report I have cited in many of my previous posts,   “Attack Iran and you attack Russia” I quote, “The barely reported highlight of Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Tehran for the Caspian Sea summit last week was a key face-to-face meeting with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration's relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclear strike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia.”  I think you better take a really hard look at Matthew 24:7 where the Lord said you will see wars and rumors of wars and you also will see nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom .  


I think that Russia would have no choice but to respond to an attack on Iran by anybody.  They said they would retaliate if Iran was attacked so if they don't they will have broken their promise to an ally and I can't see them doing that.  I wonder if this may be the "hook" mentioned in Ezekiel 38?  According to Ezekiel they won't want to go to war but they will be dragged into it.  Maybe to "save face" they will decide they have to go to war if for no other reason but to keep their promise to their ally Iran.  Maybe this is why Iran (Persia) is listed first as one of the countries in the Ezekiel invasion.

Prophecy Signs for July 2, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

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Note: At the 4:50 mark in the video I give you scripture from Rev. 20:4. In the video it sounds
like I say Revelation 24 but it should be Revelation 20:4. I just wanted to make that clear.  Rev. 20:4 is where Jesus tells us those who refuse the mark of the beast will lose their heads.

Demonstrators in Zurich protesting against Israel  Prophecy Sign: In Ezekiel 38: 6 we see Gomer listed as one of the nations that will try t invade Israel with Russia in the last days. Who is Gomer and why would they attack Israel? In the Old Testament we see that Gomer was the oldest son of Japheth.  We know Gomer’s descendants migrated into what is today Eastern Germany.  You will see from the section below that Gomer with is modern day Germany has a large population of Muslims.

Germany: “Owing to work migration of the 1960s and several waves of political refugees since the 1970s, Islam became a visible religion in GermanyAs of 2004, there are 2.6 million Muslims (3.2% of the population). After the Protestant and Roman Catholic confessions, Muslims are now the third largest religious group in the country. The large majority of Muslims in Germany is of Turkish origin (over 90%), followed by smaller groups the former Yugoslavia, Albania, Arab countries, Iran and Afghanistan. Most Muslims live in Berlin and the big cities of former West Germany” (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2006). Over the past few years, Germany has had its share of trouble with the Muslim population. One such report comes from ABC News.  “Three weeks ago, the government staged the first ‘Islam conference’ bringing together Muslim organizations and individuals with state and federal officials in an attempt to build bridges with Germany's 3.2 million Muslims.  Now, he says, Germany is realizing that migrants are here to stay – and that it will have to address inconsistencies that, for example, do not allow Muslims the same rights as Christians when it comes to religious education in schools. The conference is cause for hope, he says. ‘Ultimately, we hope that Muslims in Germany will be given the same status as other religious groups in Germany.’ In Germany, says Mounir Azzaoui, suspicion generated by 9/11 has made matters worse. ‘Many Muslims do have problems finding work or a place to live,’ he says. ‘They do not feel like equal citizens any more and as a result find it difficult to identify with Germany’” (ABC News Oct. 31, 2006).  These Turkish Muslims in Germany are among the poorest people in Germany.  Hitler rose to power promising the poor a better life, and look what happened as a result: World War II broke out.  Now Osama Bin Laden is promising Muslims the same thing; only he is advocating the destruction of Israel.

Another reason why Germany may be forced to attack Israel is the oil pact Germany and Russia signed in 2005. The India Daily provides us with interesting details. “In the mean time, Russia and Germany are moving forward in cooperation. Germany needs Russian Oil and Gas. Neither NATO nor EU can provide the energy needs of Germany. Siemens AG, a German diversified industry giant, and Russian gas giant Gazprom signed an agreement March 16 on strategic partnership. The document details joint development of several projects, such as construction of a North European gas pipeline to link Russia and Germany through the seabed of the Baltic Sea, exploration and exploitation of the South Russian gas field, development of gas transportation systems in Europe and projects in the electric energy field” (March 17, 2005).  By now it should be pretty clear to you how everyone of these nations listed to attack Israel is being forged together.

It should come as no surprise that Germany has now taken sides with the PLO. I quote, “Germany's government called Friday for an immediate end to the blockade of the Gaza Strip after an unusual unanimous vote criticizing Israeli policy in Germany's Bundestag parliament. "We have repeatedly made it clear that Israel has to enable access to the Gaza Strip on humanitarian grounds and for the sake of reconstruction," said Ulrich Wilhelm, the German government's spokesman. He said the vote on Thursday evening reaffirmed the policies of Chancellor Angela Merkel's government.



Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names. The map shows nations attacking Israel.

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia.

You can see from the list above East Germany is in reference to Gomer but also Turkey is mentioned in the attack against Israel as well. Not only is Turkey predominantly Muslim, when Israel invaded the Gaza Strip at the end of 2009 Turkey turned their back on Israel and is no longer an ally with Israel.   Since the end of 2009 tensions have been building up between Israel and Turkey .  The reason why Turkey is now  an enemy of Israel is because the Ezekiel war found in  chapter 38 is taking shape. The nations who will be involved in this war are lining up exactly as it was prophesied. Today's news stated, “Israel won't apologize to Turkey over the Gaza aid flotilla clashes and the possibility of giving compensation to those injured in the incident is not up for discussion, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday. "Israel cannot apologize for our soldiers being forced to defend themselves against the mob that almost slaughtered them," Netanyahu said during an interview with Israel's Channel 1.”  http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/netanyahu-no-apology-no-compensation-to-turkey-over-gaza-flotilla-1.299749


See full size image Prophecy Sign: (Signs of Spiritual warfare). There are hundreds of battles going on in America where we can see what Paul warned us about.  Paul told us we would be engaged in spiritual warfare.  The closer we get to the return of Christ the worse these battles are becoming.    Here is  another example of these battles, but first read  Eph 6:12 , “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  The headline to this next report is entitled, Florida school district bans Bibles on Religious Freedom DayUncategorized  and I quote, “Maitland-based Liberty Counsel filed a lawsuit Thursday to overturn a ban on Bible distribution on public school campuses in Collier County. According to the Liberty Counsel, the Collier County School Board allowed World Changers to distribute free Bibles to students during off-school hours on Religious Freedom Day, but now the school officials claim that Bibles do not provide any educational benefit to the students and the distribution should stop. The Collier County School District policy specifically allows the distribution of literature by nonprofit organizations, but only with the approval of the superintendent and the Community Request Committee, whose members are appointed by the superintendent. Approval was denied to World Changers, despite the fact that its distribution included a disclaimer of any school endorsement or sponsorship and that receiving a Bible was purely voluntary. “  As this generation moves towards the seven-year tribulation the   spiritual warfare is getting more intense, and by the time the door to the tribulation has opened Christianity will be severely under attack and it's going to get worse once they cross the threshold to the tribulation.


Prophecy sign: Once again very briefly, Daniel the prophet never said anything about the United States at all as being a superpower in the last days or even a world Empire of the last days. Many people are claiming that the  United States is the modern day Roman Empire.   This view is not valid since Scriptures do not validate this.  You cannot find the United States mentioned in Daniels  book at all. In many of my previous posts I give you reasons why the United States does not appear in Daniels book . It is obvious to us that something has to happen to the great superpower of the last days in order to give rise to the real revived Roman Empire on the last days.  One of the major reasons why the United States is collapsing as because of its failing economy . I have tried my best to warn you that the economy was in a continue to get worse . Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 seven that there would be civil unrest . As the global economy begins to break down we have already witnessed many of these riots and civil unrest taking place in Europe and it's about to take place in the United States . In many of my previous posts I ask you to watch what the governments would begin to do to/their budget deficits . Can you imagine what's going to happen when the Governor of California tells its employees you are going to have to work for minimum wage ?  Do you think I'm kidding? According to the news today that's exactly what the governor of California is going to ask for .

  I quote, “California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has ordered some 200,000 state workers to be paid the minimum wage because no budget has been passed. The order means most state employees will receive the federal minimum wage of $7.25 (£4.82) per hour as of 1 July. California faces a $19bn deficit as the new fiscal year begins and the state legislature has yet to agree a budget.”

Californians are living in one of the most expensive states in the union , I would have to say the majority of people living in California are just making ends meet . Thousands of jobs are being lost in California each month, California's tax base is shrinking , hardly anyone is hiring in California , and people are getting scared . You put the combination together with people being scared getting laid off not having enough money to feed their family being forced to leave their homes because they cannot make their payments, then you ask him to go on minimum wage, in this is a recipe for disaster.  What is happening in California is happening in many the other states as well.  If you know what Jesus Christ warned and you take a close look at the current eventsyou see the handwriting on the wall.

Just the other night when  President Obama addressed the G20 he more or less pleaded with Americans to start spending their money, because his stimulus package isn't working.   I’s like to quote one more short section from the report . “More than 30,000 state workers whose unions have recently agreed new pay and pensions deals with the state administration have been exempted from the wage cut. They include California Highway Patrol officers.”

I can tell the governor of California right now you need all the policemen that you can get once the economy crashes and the civil  unrest that Jesus warned about begins in the United States . At one time America was blessed because they were supporting Israel,  but now she is cursed because she's trying to divide the land of Israel into two parts .   We all need to get on our knees and seek God and ask him to continue to bless this country . We need to pray for the President of the United States and asked the Lord to reveal to him that he needs to follow the word of the Lord and to support Israel. This is the only way the curse will be removed from the United States .  Many people tell me why bother praying Obama will never change his position , one thing I know for sure nothing is impossible with God .


Prophecy Sign: (The Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 war signs. ) Iran has moved radar to Syria that could provide early-warning against a possible surprise Israeli air attack against Tehran's nuclear sites, a US defense official said on Friday. The radar transfer was first reported in the Wall Street Journal on Thursday and prompted the State Department to voice concerns about cooperation between Syria and Iran. The sophisticated radar were deployed in Syria last year, the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AFP. The move could bolster Iran's position amid long-running speculation that Israel might stage a bombing raid against Tehran's nuclear enrichment facilities.


Well known and admired 108 year old Rabbi reveals the Messiah’s name, this will blow you away!


The Curse/July, 1 2010

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapters two and seven address who the world empires would be all the way from the time Daniel was alive until the second coming of Jesus Christ.  America is not found anywhere in the book of Daniel.  Why?  Watch video above and find out why.

New jobless claims rise in sign of weak job market

New unemployment claims rise unexpectedly; Congress fails to extend jobless aid


WASHINGTON (AP) — Initial claims for unemployment benefits rose for the second time in three weeks last week. The potential rise in layoffs comes as Congress remains stuck at an impasse over extending federal jobless aid.

The Labor Department said Thursday that new claims for jobless benefits jumped by 13,000 to a seasonally adjusted 472,000. The four-week average, which smooths fluctuations, rose by 3,250 to 466,500, its highest level since March.

Claims have remained stuck above 450,000 since the beginning of the year. That has heightened concerns among economists that jobs remain scarce even as the economy has begun to recover from the worst recession since the 1930s. 


UK Church to boycott Israeli goods

The Methodist Church of Britain voted on Wednesday to boycott Israeli-produced goods and services from the West Bank because of Israel’s “illegal occupation of Palestinian lands.” “A majority of governments recognize the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories as illegitimate under international law,” the church body said at its annual conference in Portsmouth.  http://www.jpost.com/LandedPages/PrintArticle.aspx?id=180043

Accepting false spirits/OIL IN THE RAIN?/ ARE THESE SIGNS OF THE LORD’S CURSE?/Roaring seas and waves/JUNE 30, 2010



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Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 17, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads you to bless this ministry contact me at: Frank DiMora  P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


Prophecy Sign: 1 Timothy 4:1 states the following: “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” It is a fact that many who are not grounded in the Word of God are now being mislead by false prophets and false teachers who are providing hype, but no real spirit from the Lord Jesus Christ.  Watch the video below and you will understand what Jesus warned Timothy about.

On June 25, 2010 I put up the video you see below.  We have heard warnings that U.S. troops will soon force an evacuation of the Gulf States.  Watch the video below and then watch the new videos under it. I told you last week once the oil hits inland and contaminates the land that is the time the troops will no doubt have to move the people. The second video is showing how oil is found in the rain.  If you live in the rain of this rain or know someone who does, and they can verify this claim, please tell them to e-mail. I would like to speak with them and get any footage they may have on this disaster. 

Do you remember a few days ago when I wrote to you about God's curse found in Genesis chapter 12 verse two? I showed you that every time the United States sits down with world leaders who were trying to divide Israel soon after the United States is faced with a disaster.  In the second video you are going to watch is a video that says it's actually raining oil.  This is the reason why I'm asking if anyone lives in the area that it's raining or close to that area, or has family members who can verify for a fact that it is really oil, please contact me at fjdimora@gmail.com. There is no use of alarming anyone unless this can be validated.  Below is another report on the same issue.

I quote, “There is a video circulating among the media and internet showing oil in rain in River Ridge, Louisiana. There is much controversy about this video. Many speculate that it is because of the dispersant used to help clean up the oil in the Gulf. Larry McKinney, who directs the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies stated, ""What happens when dispersant mixes with oil is it allows microbial action to work faster and it becomes more volatile in ultraviolet [sun] light." Also, he added, it's extraordinarily hot out there n the gulf now, so evaporation may be occurring a little faster." (2010, Popular Mechanics). However, the debate rages whether or not that was oil in the rain. Some say that it is just rain falling on an oily street. Many have speculated that it was just oil residue left from cars on the street; however, the video shot from the next day clearly shows the oil residue on the street. Therefore, it is just a matter of wait and see to see if there is any effects, such as dying grass, from the supposed toxic rain.”  


I want to get back to God's curse found in Genesis chapter 12 verse two. Yesterday June 29, 2010 Barack Obama sat down with the Saudis to discuss splitting the land of  Israel into two states, and then today it's training in the Gulf ,and supposedly it's an toxic oil rain. If it turns out that it is really raining oil, there would be no doubt that the curse pattern we have been seeing on America continues. I suppose you  will have to wait for a few more days before this report  will be found to be true or false. If it is oil for sure,  we will soon be witnessing the troops moving in to the area to begin moving people away from their homes because the oil will be toxic.

President Barack Obama (R) meets with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington June 29, 2010. REUTERS/Larry Downing

President Barack Obama (R) meets with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington June 29, 2010.

After watch this video, what Jesus warned us in Luke 21:25 came to mind. This is the scripture where Jesus said there would be signs from the roaring seas and waves.  http://frankdimora.typepad.com/the_last_chronicles/

Well, boys and girls, today the fox is guarding the hen house. The wolves
will be herding the sheep!Obama appointed two devout  Muslims to home land security posts. Doesn't
this make you feel safer  already?

Obama and Janet Napolitano  appointed Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim, as
Assistant Secretary for Policy  Development.  DHS Secretary Janet
Napolitano swore-in Kareem Shora,  a devout Muslim, who was born in
Damascus , Syria , as ADC National Executive  Director as a member of the
Homeland Security Advisory Council  (HSAC).

NOTE:  Has anyone ever  heard a new government official being identified
as a devout Christian, devout Catholic, a devout Jew or a devout Protestant….?
No?  Me either.  Just  wondering. Devout Muslims being appointed  to critical Homeland Security positions? Doesn't this make you feel  safer already??  That  should make our home
land much safer, huh!!

Was  it not "Devout Muslim men" that flew planes into U.S. buildings 8
years ago?  Was it not a Devout Muslim who killed 13 at Fort Hood ?

Checked this on Snopes.com its TRUE! See

God’s warning are coming to pass and the news is filled with the proof June 30, 2010



Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! For the newest up-dated book go to www.bibleprophecyman.com


Join Us On Facebook Vanity


See full size image  Prophecy signIn Daniel chapter 2 and in Daniel chapter 7 God showed Daniel all the world Empires  that would exist from the time that Daniel was alive till the time Jesus Christ was to return in the last days. In my previous posts I show you how America is declining as a superpower. The prophet Daniel never mentions America in prophecy at all, this shows us something happens to America in the last days to bring her down is a superpower. Although Daniel never discusses the United States, we who were living in the last generation are witnessing those events that are actually bringing down America has a  superpower. For years I have been warning that the dollar was going to collapse and there would be a new system that would take over as the world currency. I warned you that you would see news concerning this issue and as you can see from the report below that's exactly what is happening as more world leaders are calling for a new world currency. You have to take a look at the big picture. In order for the last world Empire to take its position as the last world empire in the last days the strongest superpower must decline in power to give rise to the empire that Christ warned us about.  Only 10 years ago people would have thought dumping the dollar for another reserve currency would never ever take place but as you can see this is no longer the case.

Jesus shows us in Revelation chapter 13 versus 16 through 17 that the Antichrist was going to be able to control the world by forcing his mark in his or her right hand. If you notice the Scriptures say no one will be able to buy or sell safe seat that had the mark of the beast. I want to quote the Lord so you know exactly what he said. 16He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”

Do you really think that is it a coincidence at this time that the world is looking to have an international reserve currency other than the US dollar ? America's decline is actually helping propel this new world economic system which the Antichrist will control. It is only a matter of time before the US dollar completely collapses under the weight of the massive debt and once this happens the new system will emerge and the Antichrist will soon take over the new world system just as Jesus indicated in Revelation chapter 13.

I don't know how many times I warned you that you would see news reports proving that a new system is coming soon, if you look below you will find another one of these news reports. The title to this next report is called “Dollar should be replaced as international standard, U.N. report says”

CNN June 29, 2010

Under proposed system, countries would not have to buy up foreign currencies, as China has done with U.S. dollar.

Under proposed system, countries would not have to buy up foreign currencies, as China has done with U.S. dollar.


  • U.S. "dollar has proved not to be a stable store of value," report says
  • Dollar under increasing scrutiny since U.S. entered recession
  • U.N. report supports proposal to create standardized international system
  • Under proposal, countries would no long have to buy up foreign currencies


New York (CNN) — The dollar is an unreliable international currency and should be replaced by a more stable system, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs said in a report released Tuesday. The use of the dollar for international trade came under increasing scrutiny when the U.S. economy fell into recession. "The dollar has proved not to be a stable store of value, which is a requisite for a stable reserve currency," the report said. Many countries, in Asia in particular, have been building up massive dollar reserves. As a result, those countries' currencies have become undervalued, decreasing their ability to import goods from abroad. The World Economic and Social Survey 2010 is supporting a proposal long advocated by the International Monetary Fund to create a standardized international system for liquidity transfer.”

Please read this next sect the report and I'll connect the dots of importance for you.  “Under this proposed system, countries would no longer have to buy up foreign currencies, as China has long done with the U.S. dollar. Rather, they would accumulate the right to claim foreign currencies, or special drawing rights, or SDRs, rather than the currencies themselves.”  At the current time the only reason why America has not collapsed is because China has buying up the US debt . As soon as China stops buying America's debt America will be finished . At this point the American debt is over $13 trillion and there is no way any nation in the world can survive without help from another country with this type massive debt . When the American system collapses there will have to be set in place a bran new system . This will be a global system which could be run by the IMF which stands for International Monetary Fund. We know eventually that the Antichrist will rise to the position to controlnot only the International monetary fund, but the entire Global economic System. It is unfortunate that many of you will not believe this until it actually happens . However , when you do see what we have warned based on the word of God take place, you would have to be out of your mind not to look up and receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior . At the current time we are watching the footsteps leading to the Antichrist rule .


If you have been following the news you would have known that step by step Americans freedoms are being ripped away from them.  When America no  longer continues to be a Democratic nation this would be a major indication that the rise of the Antichrist is coming soon.  There is one clear sign that America is falling into the abyss when you hear news that their our own President has made at a hit list against its own citizens. I believe when you watch this next video you will be shocked to learn that President Barack Obama has in fact created a assassination list of thousands of American citizens! I realize this may sound far fetched to you but watched the news video below.

America's demise is very evident as we look at what is happening in the Gulf Coast . A major part of America’s economic engine is dying because of the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. At this point it seems there is no way to contain the oil spill and as a result there are major health issues which the news is now reporting on. I believe that you will be blown away by what you hear from the ex-CIA agent concerning what is really happening in the Gulf due to this oil spill. Please watch the videos below and you'll understand the importance of what I am saying.

 See full size image I request you take a look at Genesis 12:2-3 where the Lord tells us he would bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.  You also have to look at chapter Joel 3:2 where it says the following, “I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down Into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there  for my people and for my heritance Israel, when they have scattered among the nations and parted my land.”  Simply put, the Lord shows us that anyone who comes against Israel will be destroyed and since Barack Obama is trying to divide up the land of Israel, the United States has been placed under this curse. I believe the disaster that took place in the Gulf Coast with the oil spill is a byproduct of the curse of God placed on America for trying to divide the land of Israel . I'm a realist, I know many of you are not going to believe this, but when you see what happens to America remember what I said because God's word never fails and if he says that he will destroy a nation who tries to divide Israel then you can bet that's exactly what will happen .

I can ensure you, if what has been reported in the videos below is accurate and thousands of people are forced to evacuate the Gulf Coast this will just about kill off the any kind of economic recovery for the United States, and it could be the spike through the heart of the economic engine that forces a collapse of the U. S.. The more I watch the news the more I can actually get a sense of what Daniel did not write about. I suppose Daniel didn't even have to write about the United States because there wasn't any influence to write about in the last days for the U.S.. However, we who are living in the last days are actually witnessing the steps that are bringing down this superpower in order to give rise to the Antichrist, and his world empire.  I plead with you to watch the news and watch what happens to the US dollar. I am sure in the coming months you will see hyperinflation that will cause the United States to weaken and to enforce this new international currency that will replace the dollar as the reserve world currency.

America is in serious trouble and as you will see from the next report she is going to see even more of the same soon.  Why and I saying this?  Take a look at this next report entitled, “Obama, Saudi King discuss 2-state Mideast solution

President Barack Obama (R) meets with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington June 29, 2010. REUTERS/Larry Downing

President Barack Obama (R) meets with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington June 29, 2010.

Credit: Reuters/Larry Downing

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama and Saudi Arabian King Abdullah on Tuesday stressed the importance of a two-state solution to Middle East peace that secured a Palestinian homeland alongside a strong Israel. “Arab leaders are disappointed that Obama has not made more progress in pressuring Israel to give ground in U.S.-mediated peace talks. Obama will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House on July 6. Obama said his lunch with King Abdullah ranged over various strategic issues, including Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, as well as "the importance of moving forward in a significant and bold way in securing a Palestinian homeland that can live side by side with a secure and prosperous Israeli state."

Keep in mind the Lord said that anybody who is going to try to divide the nation of Israel would be destroyed. since Saudi Arabia is also trying to divide the land of Israel, they have been placed under the curse just as the United States has . We know that part of God's curse that will fall on Saudi Arabia will take place during the Psalm 83 war where Saudi Arabia is defeated during that war . 

Now let us look at Saudi Arabia, we see that in Psalm 83 Saudi Arabia is going to make an attempt to wipe out Israel with the rest of the border nations, When they attack you can be assured the Lord's curse will follow them and they will be defeated.

Part of the last days signs in Matthew 24:7 states that will be wars and rumors of wars, it is obvious by  way of the present circumstances which are developing in the Middle East that we are about to see one of these wars. “Israel Air Force aircraft have been spotted in recent days at a Saudi Arabian military base unloading military equipment in the city of Tabuk, in northwestern Saudi Arsabia, according to a report from Iranian news agency FARS.  The base will reportedly be used as a forward operating base by the Israelis as part of an offensive on an Islamic country.” This article is interesting to me in light of the fact that Israel is landing planes in Saudi Arabia. As you know Saudi Arabia is not involving Ezekiel 38 war. This is what I believe will happen. Saudi Arabia is allowing the United States and other allies like Israel to land their planes in Saudi Arabia for one purpose.  Saudi Arabia is worried their nation may be overrun by the Islamic terrorists headed by the reigning Iranian government. Is my opinion this is the reason why Saudi is allowing both the United States and Israel to unload planes in their nation.  However, I believe that there be a backlash to all this and this is what will happen, at least this is my opinion.  You have to figure this, the Saudi Arabian nation is going to do whatever it takes to cover their own backs.  In this case, Saudi Arabia is hoping the United States and Israel will put a ran in its place, so they won't have to deal with them later.

In the near future Saudi Arabia will again want to cover their own backs when the nations bordering Israel come together to attack Israel.  Even though right now it appears that Saudi Arabia is doing Israel a favor, they will turn on Israel in the near future and ally with their Arab brothers to try to destroy  Israel and  capture Jerusalem.  


When you look at the USA now it does not look like the good USA that we once knew. Not only is America’s economic engine dying out, but so is her allegiance.  Check this out.

I quote, “When Sean Harrington entered his freshman year at Arlington High School, he noticed something peculiar: There were no American flags in the classrooms, and no one recited the Pledge of Allegiance. So Harrington enlisted the aid of his fellow students, and now, three years later, they have succeeded in getting flags installed in the classrooms. But the pledge still will not be recited.The Arlington, Mass., school committee has rejected the 17-year-old's request to allow students to voluntarily recite the Pledge of Allegiance, because some educators are concerned that it would be hard to find teachers willing to recite it, according to a report in the Arlington Patch.”  One thing that was not mentioned in the report was that teachers may not what to say the Pledge of Allegiance because that pledge a reference to God! Many teachers are afraid to even say God in the class room nowadays for fear of being sued by someone who finds this to be offensive to them.


 Prophecy sign: I want to keep you up-to-date as far as the  Ezekiel 38 war is concerned. we know for sure that in the last days Israel is going to be attacked by Russia, Ethiopia,  Libya,  Turkey  and many other of the Muslim nations. At the present time there are warships just off the coast of our Iran,  and it appears that there is going to be another major conflict within the middle east.   Israel has warned Iran they would   bomb their nuclear facility if they did not stop their quest for a nuclear bomb .  I said this before but I'm  but I am going to state it again. I believe that  after Israel in any of the other ships attack Iran that the bordering nations around Israel will retaliate against Israel and attacked Israel fulfilling the  Psalm 83 war . After this war is finished Iran will have an opportunity to regroup with Russia. Russia, Iran and the rest of the Muslim countries listed  in .the Ezekiel  prophecy  will then allow Israel time to think that they're living in period of security, and that will be the time when they will invade Israel.  This is what is says in Ezekiel 38:11. “And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates.”

Third US carrier, 4,000 Marines augment US armada opposite Iran
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report June 28, 2010, 10:45 PM (GMT+02:00)

USS Nassau: More US naval-air-marine muscle off Iran

“debkafile's military sources report that Washington has posted a third carrier opposite Iran's shores. It is supported by amphibious assault ships and up to 4,000 Navy and Marine Corps personnel, bringing the total US strength in these waters to three carriers and 10,000 combat personnel. The USS Nassau (LHA-4) Amphibious Ready Group 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, tasked with supporting the Bahrain-based 5th Fleet area of operations, is cruising around the Bab al-Mandeb Straits where the Gulf of Aden flows into the Red Sea. Its presence there accounts for Tehran announcing Sunday, June 27 that its "aid ship for Gaza" had been called off, for fear an American military boarding party would intercept the vessel and search it.  This would be permissible under the latest UN sanctions punishing the Islamic Republic for its nuclear program.”  The ships and the troops sitting outside the coast of Iran is an indication that some kind of conflict is going to take place soon . There is also another possibility . this could just be another sign of the birth pangs mentioned in Mark 13:8. In any case we know for sure that Jesus’ warning found in Matthew 24:7, where he tells us there will be wars and rumors of wars, this is certainly the case here.  If you're new to my site you need to know what nations bordering Israel are going to attack Israel in the Psalm 83 war.  Below is a chart giving you those nations who will be attacking Israel .
