Did you get this message also? Cont: Answers begin to come in/ Is Jesus pointing to a major crisis in the Gulf very soon. Videos June 16, 2010

See full size imageI want to share something with you that the Lord Jesus has made clear to me. I am to sit still and go into deep prayer with the Lord. I have the distinct feeling in my heart that Jesus doesn’t want me to post any thing or work on my book for a few days. I am to still still with Him and seek Him without any distractions.   I also believe Jesus has shown me this message was not just for me, but that He has laid this same message on Christians around the world.

Some will listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying and will seek Jesus in prayer like never before, others will hear His voice and will just wave it off because they won’t know if it is just them thinking this, or Christ speaking to them.  If you have been given a message like this as I have, please email me today and let me know. When you email me let me know what nation you live in. For some reason, Jesus wants us to be as close to Him in fellowship as we can be.  I for one, long to sit at the feet of our Savior.  I am sure the Lord will reveal to us why He wants us so close. 

People are emailing me and telling me Jesus has shown them the same thing. I will post their responces as they come in. I am sure Jesus has a good reason for asking us to come to Him in prey and just be silent before Him.

Third day of more responses coming in on be still pray and spend time with me.


June 18, 2010

Dear Frank,
Just found you, and want to share something very precious with you on the subject of drawing closer to our Father.
For many years i have been awakened in the 4th watch (3 to 5 AM) to the Lord's prompting me to "Come and sit with Him" Then I have journaled my prayers and His conversations with me. I am 72 yrs old, and have these journals for about 25 yrs. Recently Abba has revealed the times that we are in, and how to "fear not, fear not, fear not" !!
Here is a link to a beautiful song that will bless your socks off. On the link, click on the song "I Want To Know God".  It describes  His call for us to draw near to Him in these perilous times.
http://www.myspace.com/juliemeyermusic  ("I Want To Know God"
Blessings and Shalom
Rosemarie Bigbie
Moravian Falls, NC


Dear Frank,
God bless you for your faithfulness and diligence.  Your ministry is so vital in these late days.
It is time to hide ourselves in Christ.  He has been calling me to wait on Him, to quietly rest in Him and not look for my sustenance or strength in any other place.  Tonight at our gathering the Lord spoke a prophetic word to us about abiding in Him, hiding in Him, dwelling there and trusting Him to meet ALL our needs, even those things that seem insurmountable.  This call to prayer is resounding more and more in the hearts of Christians I fellowship with.  It seems that time is running short.  My heart yearns for His return, and it feels closer every moment.
Sally, Oklahoma, USA


Frank, I just got back from vacation this past Saturday, I am involved in a motorcycle ministry and was riding back to my home in South Mississippi. I was traveling through Kentucky headed south pondering all of the current events in the world and asking Jesus why. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that man has messed up this planet so much through lack of morality, pollution, economy & Godlessness etc.. & that Jesus is the only answer. While my mind was just thinking / being concerned about everything, this came to me while driving , peace……be still.   peace ….. be still . I know it was from the Holy Spirit because when it came to me I accepted it and an amazing calmness and peace overcame me , I feel a strong pull to pray like never before and I am going to do just that. When I read your post about being still, I had tears come to my eyes.  I read some of the  post of others who have had the same words & it  touched my soul.  I know GOD is getting people ready and drawing through his Holy Spirit. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!  You are in my prayers brother.


Message from roi oint to Frank

I received the same message. I have a strong desire to pray more as I never prayed before since a few week now. God bless you.


Dear Frank,  After reading your post today The LORD placed it on my heart to share with you the following urgent message!   In a dream I saw many hills laden with golden ripe wheat ready for harvest.  The day was already far spent, adding color to the ripe harvest.  In the distance storm clouds were gathering with the first small gusts of wind evident. There were only a few laborers visible, all working intently at the task at hand. The scene was desperate in that the harvest would not be completed unless a miracle happened. The worker in the foreground turned and looked at me and said Luke 10: 2 and turned back to continue with his work.  I then woke up.    Upon reading Luke 10: 2 we see clearly the onus is on us born again believers to pray that The LORD will call out laborers for the task of harvesting precious souls !   We will stand before the LORD and HE will say well done good and FAITHFUL servant, you prayed for laborers and because of it many were saved ! ! !     I believe this message is extremely urgent given the times we are living in !    I pray that all who read this message will receive it and act upon it and pray daily for this miracle in JESUS NAME AMEN. 

Robbie, South Africa.


Hi Frank

I am praying on the floor as well and the Lord told me yesterday to fast as well. Still waiting on what will become of His one word He told me on Monday……"landing". That one word was confirmed Tuesday morning….something is up and we all need to continue to pray. The comments are faith building to say the least! Thanks for
your faithfulness.



Hi Frank.
I just read your message and was amazed.  Earlier today when doing my Bible Study, God clearly laid it on my heart to spend time quietly before Him in prayer over the coming days and weeks.  As I live in Australia, it's good to know that God is moving in many of His people all over the world.  Another interesting thing – for a couple of months, I kept seeing ambulances tearing along with their sirens going, to the point that I began to think God was giving me a 'prophetic word'.  Eventually, I felt it was a warning that war is coming to this world soon and that the Antichrist will arise to power during the war.  Since interpreting the 'word', I have seen no more ambulances.
God bless you and your readers.


Hello Frank,

I emailed you once before to address my subscribers. Actually I still want to do that. The timing was not right. A year ago I was living in La Jolla in San Diego. The Lord compelled me to move to the desert. So I moved to Borrego Springs. The Lord compelled me to keep moving and leave California. So I moved to Greybull, Wyoming. Then the Lord moved me to a very remote area in the Big Horns called Shell Wyoming on 300 acres with plenty of water and gardening potential. I am a big tech guy with a small but powerful Internet Marketing service provider with around 80,000 subscribers. Right now the Lord seems to want me to work in my garden and be with Him. Not programming on my computer. I love the Lord and can not wait to be with Him for eternity. I am listening. Something is happening isn't it?

Thomas P.

 I am not sure whether this is the same thing or not, but, here lately, I have had an overwhelming desire to here directly from the Lord and have been spending much time on my Ustream show which I have every night trying to reach as many as I can with the gospel. I believe that the Lord has brought and continues to bring many who are searching for the truth to the show. As of tonight I was given an oportunity to introduce someone to Christ on a number of occasions. However, I still am overwhelmed by a strong desire to hear only what the word of the Lord has to say about everything, so I continue to point as many as come into the show to Christ. I believe this message you have received is from the Lord directly and I will be in Prayer with you in this matter until such time as the Lord would reveal to me what It is He would have me do. Upon finding out I will let you  know. Brother I believe we are fast approaching a time such as none have ever been witness too, I also believe that those of us who are diligently seeking the Lord are going to be used by God to be His voice to the lost in the perilous times ahead. Stay strong in the Lord brother. You are in my prayers always and may the Lord reveal to you the meaning of this soon. May the peace of our Lord be with you. As always…Your Brother and Fellow Laborer in Christ Jesus,
P.S. I will let you know what the Lord reveals to me in this matter as soon as the lord reveals it to me.


OMGosh!!!! I can't believe this,,,,,,,I do not take my computer to bed because I have been to addicted to the news and have been trying to look upward more and trust in His guidance first and then watch the news. Tonight my usual station with the Shepard of the Chapel would not come in so I grabbed my laptop to see what you had to say. The past week has been scary for me,  I had to clear out a few people in my life that took time away from my prayer time with the Lord. These are church people and I was feeling horrible like I was so wrong for wanting to stand up for myself and wanting to make time for me….the time for me was a message to pray and be still for a while! I even told my husband that something is going on and I am being called to do something and to be prepared. I am ready, I am scared, I can't wait, I love Him so much that I would lay my life down for Him today.
Jennifer Hendricks


I have felt for months now the urging of the Holy Spirit to get away somewhere quiet and pray and let the Holy Spirit speak to me. I feel that something big is about to happen. I have been interested in prophecy for the past 20 years and things are happening so fast now. With the Lord's help I started to pay closer attention to the Jewish feast last year leading up to Rosh Hashanah and the parallels to the rapture and second coming. I truly believe we are close and I pray the Lord gives Frank permission to continue this ministry.
Commenter name: Wesley A


Frank I have not read your posts in weeks i have been very busy but today between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. I was driving to school to take a test at the college i attend and while I was driving i began to pour out my heart to the Lord and repenting for my sins and the sins of the church and my family and friends and after pouring out my heart i stop all of a sudden and said Lord i am done praying and I am going to sit still and wait to hear from you so after i got home around 7:00 p.m. i visit your site for the first time in weeks and i saw your message I believe Frank that something big is about to happen in the Lord want his people to sit still in listen for leading from Him God bless your brother in Christ Jesus Derrick Bailey



A couple of days ago, I was in my closet, getting dressed for the day and I had an overwhelming feeling that I needed to stop, sit down on the floor and pray for Israel. So I did just that. In my closet floor I sat and prayed for Israel's leaders, land, protection, victory over her enemies, wisdom, intelligence in the field, etc. When I didn't know what to say anymore, I just sat and praised God. I have never had that happen before. I am kinda relieved to know that others are feeling the same message. Let us all STOP, BE STILL and pray our hearts and souls out to God. Whatever it is that we are being called to pray for, let us obey God's call and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, In Jesus Name! Look forward to reading your posts when you are ready. God Bless you, and all of us.
Cindy Smith


Dear Frank,

First let me be among the thousands who express their thanks for all the work you do. Your site has helped me in more ways then I can count. That this message is happening all over the world at the same moment makes me more then excited! The other day I was at the library, flicking through movies. One movie I had never seen kept getting my eye. I am Legend. Not a particularly great movie.. But I was supposed to watch it for a certain part. My friend jokes with me that by movies and shows is how I get my cues. My brain latches on to key things. Toward the very end.. there is one character and she says.. All you have to do is listen to the Lord. And at the very end, Will Smith's character gives her a vial and tells her to go at dawn and she is.. what are you doing? He says.. Listening. I started to cry. I cannot explain why. Just cry. I got out my bible and read the book of Revelation that night. Didn't get to bed until like 3am or so. It didn't matter.

Also, I found I had been thinking of my heritage a lot. Why it mattered, I don't know. I am still not sure. When I was young, I got a blessing. It said my lineage was through Joseph who was sold into Egypt and his son Ephraim. I started doing research. I stumbled across a movie on Joseph on TBN. I watched the entire thing. But what I do know is that for some reason it matters.

I have felt it was coming and quickly since the beginning of the year. With everything happening, all the signs are there, the conditions ripe. I was so shocked to see your posting, I nearly fell out of my chair. It is so exciting to see this happening all over the world simultaneously. It has me tingly, excited to the point its hard to breathe. But in a good way!

Any thoughts why my lineage came to me now all of a sudden? Why it might matter for some reason? None of my family has been a practicing Jew as far as I know from my sister, who does the family genealogy. But I keep reading and studying on line and mixed with prayer, hope the answer comes. If it is meant too.

Thank you again Frank. I get the feeling soon you will get to rest.

May God bless you and your family for the thousands you have brought to Christ through your ministry.



P.S. I am in Arizona


Hi Mr. Di Mora,

I have been searching out your site for about a year and I have been watching world events and feeling ever increasingly that we are truly on the doorstep of Jesus' return.  Quite frankly I can hardly wait. I grieve in my soul for this world and the lost. My difficulty is in not feeling I have the right words to help open the eyes and hearts of those lost. My children being top of my list. For the last year I have been scattering the seeds and continue to urgently pray that those seeds will take root before it is too late.
The oil spill in the Gulf almost seems to be a foreshadowing of the second trumpet in Rev. 8:8 & 9 (NIV) where "something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A Third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed." Pictures of the oil spill seem to show huge ribbons of reddish 'oil' floating in the surface.
Certainly I could be totally wrong here, but regardless….."Woe! Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth…."
I thank you for your faithfulness and teaching.
Ottawa Ontario Canada


Susan G. to Frank DiMora

I think He may be tired of our vain & fake worship….thoughts anyone?




I have been following your site since the fall of 2009 and it has been so accurate and such a blessing. Like many others who have commented, I too have been feeling a strong presence of the Lord. The Lord is such a blessing to us all. I have been waking up at night praying out the Lord's prayer, being over-come by the holy spirit during the work day to pray for what? sometimes it is clear and I know and others times I do not know. My body shivers and I get an overwhelming sensation to praise the lord and weep with tears of happiness and sometimes tears of sorrow. The Lord keeps impressing on my heart to pray for a mass release of his holy spirit to ignite and draw many to his gracious salvation. My heart aches for those who do not know the Lord and it is like nothing I have experienced before. I want to praise him and thank him ever waking moment for his love and grace that he provides to us all. Give us the strength to continue to be still and know God and to become stedfast and strong for the coming days. I used to sleep easily and now I do not sleep easily, I am not tired it is like the lord does not want me to waste time he wants my continually devotion and prayers for those who need his love and grace.I am excited I believe the Lord is waking us up to a beautiful glorious new day. God Bless all those who are warriors of prayer and who seek to be closer to the Lord.
We are truely blessed to have such a loving father.
God Bless
Sandra Dawson


I have been feeling a deep sense of sadness over the last couple of weeks. I mourn for Israel and their hardships. I am saddened and disgusted by the administration running this country. I have also been feeling a strong urge to kneel down and pray! All day long, when I'm doing housework or driving or shopping or talking with my kids! I want to be in constant contact with my Savior! My heart longs for Jesus!!!! I wonder what is happening??
Please pray for the safety and health of our children and for the peace of Jerusalem!
God bless you! And please come quickly Lord Jesus!


I am from Pennsylvania. I read your post about being called by Jesus to sit and pray in silence. I thought I was not chosen because I didn’t hear that voice and I was feeling sad. However, as I read all the posts from others, I now believe that Jesus did speak to me…although he showed me perhaps because my life was so busy and cluttered. Last Saturday, the 12th, our area experienced a power outage unlike ever before. The darkness was beyond darkness I had ever known. No light shown from anywhere, not even a star or the moon was visible; total blackness. I was lead to pray and so I did, heavily. I was crying because I thought this could be what we are facing; absolute darkness coming upon us. There was no electric, no water, no air, not even a breeze in the midst of the night; nothing. The threat existed of losing everything in the refrigerator/freezer. The fear of what could be in the darkness played on my mind more and more. I couldn’t sleep. Then I remembered talking to whom I believe now was an angel in human form. She told me that Jesus came to her in the form of thunder and lightning shaking her house. Jesus warned that the men responsible for our country are nothing but wax and things will get much worse; much worse; worse, worse, worse as the thunderous voice continued saying as it disappeared. I now believe that He did speak to me in other forms because my mind was not open through all the clutter. She also read a statement to me that Jesus has called His children through all their life’s trials and tribulations so as to bring them closer to Him. Along the way, He has blessed them as they looked to Him in prayer and never turned from Him. Through their journeys of heartaches and pain, He has made them stronger to stand in His name when the world falls apart. That time has come. It is our lifetime that we will lay witness to His coming. We must pray and draw close to Him. We must also pray for those who can’t find their way; those who are lost yet are still His children. Frank, I’ve read your posts for a long time now and I thank you for all your hard work and faith in His word to lead and gather His children together.


Greetings my brother Frank and all here. Recently I had a dream, something I am NOT prone to have and certainlY NOT this kind of a dream, any how if what I dreamed is true and if it was of God a HUGE storm is coming and for those that know Jesus Christ it will be broken as He takes us to Himself. For those that do not know Him, God help them all. I am thinking seriously of writing this dream out and allowing everyone to read it, as I said this is NOT something that ever happens to me and I am NOT a "prophet" or anything of the sort. I realize you feel you need to go into deep prayer and such and I AGREE with you whole heartedly. What I have been shown was that I TOO must do this but I must alos get out there and talk to everyone I possibly can. Sharing the Lord with them NOW. NO more excuses, The back pain cannot stop me, if I have to do it in my wheel chair so be it but I have a town FULL of lost people and tons that beleive they are saved but are not. So, I ask that you pray for people like me as well that MUST go out there and share Christ at ALL costs. Living in Texas means one thing for sure. If they come to get the guns, there WILL be a lot of dead people here. MANY if not most will not give up their guns without first being shot dead. I cannot stand seeing people I know die without at least having the chance to repent and trust in Christ. I firmly believe we are in the last seconds and I praise God for this, though I am afraid as well becasue I do not know what is coming. So let's pray for each other that we ALL do what we know we are called to do and lets pray we do it until the very second Christ calls us home or they shoot us dead. God Bless, Frank it has been a pleasure and an honor knowing you sir. 
Ron GOdwin Texas


Dear Frank,

I live on the eastern shore of the Mobile Bay, in Fairhope, Alabama.  After viewing Rev. Lindsey Williams on the Alex Jones show on June 10th, we see the gigantic storm coming.  Many of us have talked about having plans to leave as the poison gets closer and closer to us.  Orange Beach, 45 miles south of us, is today almost a ghost town.  The many people I have talked to have commented "where do we go?", "how can we afford to relocate", "will we ever be able to return?"  This is for the last few days been the mindset of many that I know and it has only resulted in confusion.  We all know who the author of confusion is!  Today, I was talking to a family member and after talking about the deadly threat coming to us, and the uncertainty, there was a calmness that came over us and we realized that we need to stay where we are.  That God will take care of us.  I have also talked to other people today and they are feeling the same, which I know has to be the Holy Spirit calming us.  We are in a life threatening situation here.  I believe that you are correct and we need to spend more time getting close to the Lord.  Many here are openly saying that they feel that the Rapture is the only way that we will be able to survive this disaster.

In Christ,


Fairhope, Alabama


Frank DiMora’s response to what Jeffrey wrote:


I am praying about what Rev. Williams said. I put up his oil videos to inform people what he said. I asked the people to weigh out what he said as I do not know this man on a personal bases so we don't know for sure if what he is saying is the truth or not. After all he said the elite is giving him this information and we know we can not trust anything they say!   I said if Williams he is telling the truth then we will see the results of it soon.  I also think it is possible that the people running the show in the back ground may want this information to get out in order to get the results you spoke about in your email.  Maybe Williams doesn't know that he is being used to do their work, and therefore believes everything he is saying.  Think about this.  If Williams gives all this information the elite is giving,  and it gets out, and people panic and leave, and the economy shuts down, won't it help to bring down America? This is exactly what the elite wants to happen.  This is why I am sitting back taking all of this in.  I pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal what is the real truth about all that is happening in the Gulf. 

My major concern is this.  We do know the oil is flowing out, we see it.  If a hurricane moves in it will be a whole different story.  I could see in a heart beat how people will be forced out of the area as the land would become contaminated.  I am praying this won't happen, but I fear since Obama is trying to divide up Israel, in like manner the U.S. will be divided as a result. What better way to divide up parts of America by sending in a huge hurricane to contaminate the land. Your thoughts?



How you doing Frank.  I saw your post for today and I have to tell you how important it is that everybody sees this message and takes it to heart.  The Church Age is about to come to a close and the Rapture of the Church is now very near and only those who are saved from their sins will be taken.  This will happen at any moment and without warning.  It could happen today or tomorrow …….. only God knows the day and the hour.  I've been spending much time in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 the last couple of months because of world events that continue to astound all of us who are watching and waiting for Jesus to come and take us home.  Jesus compares the end times signs to birth pains because they will increase in both number and intensity just as a woman who is about to give birth as the Tribulation hour approaches.  This is exactly what we are witnessing through the headlines of the newspapers and other media outlets around the world for the last few months now.  Prophetic related events have increased a hundred fold over what we've been seeing in just the last couple of years and what convinces me more than anything else that we are only a few ticks away from the "midnight hour" is the fact that, as a result of the incident that took place with the flotilla near Gaza, that the whole world is now condemning Israel for defending themselves.  Where was the condemnation that should have been directed at Hamas for launching 4,000 missiles into Israel in the last few years?!?!  This double standard doesn't sit well with us God fearing Christians and it especially doesn't sit well with God who is the defender of Israel.  As you've mentioned time and time again those who attempt to divide Israel will pay the price.  They will suffer the curse as mentioned in Genesis.  And that goes for the United States of America also!  We are paying the price and will continue to pay the price for dividing God's land and turning our backs on Israel.  The scary part is that we haven't seen anything yet!  God's judgement will increase in both number and intensity.  The birth pains are God's judgement on the world.  The Tribulation is God's ultimate judgement on an unbelieving world and now that the whole world is condemning Israel and in effect become it's enemies then I believe it's finally opened the door to God's worldwide judgement. 
I'm with you Frank.  I believe that God is calling for ALL of us who claim to be HIs sons and daughters to draw near to Him through prayer and as we draw near to Him we are to spread the gospel of good news to the lost around us.  The harvest is ripe but the workers are few and there isn't much time left!  As I read your message today the following verses came to mind:
 17" 'In the last days, God says,
  I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
   Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
  your young men will see visions,
  your old men will dream dreams.
 18Even on my servants, both men and women,
  I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
  and they will prophesy.
 19I will show wonders in the heaven above
  and signs on the earth below,
  blood and fire and billows of smoke.
 20The sun will be turned to darkness
  and the moon to blood
  before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
 21And everyone who calls
  on the name of the Lord will be saved.'
Acts 2:17-21
Could it be that God is pouring out His Spirit on ALL people in these last days just as He said He would?  I believe He is and I also believe that many will come to know Christ as a result of this outpouring of the Spirit which is the whole idea of it anyway.  As we pray and listen to what God has to say to us let us not forget to tell those around us of Jesus. 
Side note:  Notice in verse 20 above where it talks about the sun being turned to darkness and the moon to blood.  This is describing both solar and lunar eclipses. 
Solar Eclipse Jan 15 2010

Lunar EclipseJun 26 2010

Solar EclipseJul 11 2010

Lunar Eclipse Dec 21 2010

What is interesting is that God is telling us that these eclipses play a significant role in the end times and that we should take notice of them because they are signs of important events that are about to take place.  There are also eclipses that will be taking place next year but I'm only including the dates for 2010 because of everything else that has been taking place this year.  Whether it happens this year or next year or whenever we need to be looking up. 
Finally, be sure you watch these videos if you haven't already seen them.   We haven't seen the worst from this oil leak yet!




http://www.meetup.com/socalmartiallawalerts/messages/boards/thread/9262641  -  this is not an overexaggeration of the problem.  The people living in the affected areas need to be warned about the possible dangers as a result of this catastrophe. 
God bless,


Due to an severe neck injury, I have been disabled since September of 2008.  Much of my time is spent watching world events unfold that were foretold through the prophets.  I am a devoted reader of your site.  I can confess that the Lord has had me on my knees in a most solemn spirit these last few weeks.  All I am led to share is that we are to comfort one another during this time is human history.  God said there would be sheep and goats, wheat and tare, believer and non. 
In the natural, all of this has me wanting to shout from the rooftops to come to Christ.  I feel like Lot running through Sodom, trying to warn anyone I can of the impending judgement.  Before the sun came out, Lot and his wife and two daughters were taken out.  In the spirit, we are to comfort each other that truly believe that God will provide "a way out" of what is about to take place.  So I pray comfort to all who read this and see what is going on in our country and the world.  That the peace of Jesus fills each one of you that surpasses all understanding.
Philippians 4:6-8

 6Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
 7And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
 8Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

If God is for us, who can be against us.  Walk in His peace and know that He is Lord.
A wretched man saved by grace,
Massachusetts, USA


I have been following you for about seven months now and believe with all my heart Lord Jesus led me to you, or you to me. I thank Him for you and all that you are doing for the Kingdom of God.  I have shared your site with my brothers as well as others, I do not know if it has or will have an impact on their lives, I pray that it will in Jesus Name.  I wanted to share with you something that has come about in my life in the past few weeks that I think you my friend are a big part of.  Being a former US Marine of 13 years, I can’t seem to stay away from the barber shop more than about three weeks at a time before feeling the need to get my ears lowered.  My barber and I always talk about the Lord, end times prophecy and where we think it is all leading to.  He said to me the other day, Darryl, you need to put all of this on tape and get it out to the people or better yet go over to the radio station and start talking on the air about what you are telling me…  I humbly replied, Wade, I could never do that, I don’t have the voice, I am to shy & I am not good enough.  He replied and said, yes you are, you should do it…  I say all of that to say this Brother Frank.  I believe there is a great REVIVAL worldwide that is getting ready to split the world into.  No more funny business, going to church, looking the part, warming the pews, listening to half hearted (you will prosper if you tithe) messages from people who care more about riches on earth than riches in Heaven.  It’s time to get real with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit…  Time is of the essence and the sand in the hour glass is running out  quickly.  I feel you are part of this huge REVIVAL taking place at this very moment…  Does Jesus want us to know how to keep our cars, homes or other comforts in this life or does He want us to know and speak about what is about to happen to everyone on the face of the earth???  I believe the later rather than the former.  Brother Frank and all the Saints reading this, I pray this day for you, your families and that the Lord will place His hand of peace and protection over you and yours and give us revelation as only He can do for the future.  Please pray that God will use me in accordance with His will and cause me to be obedient to His calling in whatever capacity He chooses.  I ask it all in Jesus’ Precious Holy Name.  And all of Gods children said?  Amen & Amen
Semper Fidelis from the Promised Land Plantation Georgia-
Your Brother In Christ Jesus,


Dear Frank,
I live on the eastern shore of the Mobile Bay, in Fairhope, Alabama.  After viewing Rev. Lindsey Williams on the Alex Jones show on June 10th, we see the gigantic storm coming.  Many of us have talked about having plans to leave as the poison gets closer and closer to us.  Orange Beach, 45 miles south of us, is today almost a ghost town.  The many people I have talked to have commented "where do we go?", "how can we afford to relocate", "will we ever be able to return?"  This is for the last few days been the mindset of many that I know and it has only resulted in confusion.  We all know who the author of confusion is!  Today, I was talking to a family member and after talking about the deadly threat coming to us, and the uncertainty, there was a calmness that came over us and we realized that we need to stay where we are.  That God will take care of us.  I have also talked to other people today and they are feeling the same, which I know has to be the Holy Spirit calming us.  We are in a life threatening situation here.  I believe that you are correct and we need to spend more time getting close to the Lord.  Many here are openly saying that they feel that the Rapture is the only way that we will be able to survive this disaster.
In Christ,
Fairhope, Alabama


Hello Frank,   First of all A Blessed, and Peaceful Rest be granted unto you by Our Dear Lord Jesus. I want to share what I Feel The Holy Spirit doing in my Life. He is giving me Boldness in a New Bolder Way with Urgency, helping equip me with such an approach to people and Warn them that with everything going on, It is all Biblical, and to ask people if they have received Him as their Lord and Savior in their lives.  Some say Yes, and I believe them. Some tell me yes, only to know in my spirit they are just pacifying me to not be rude to me, and my responce to them in a kind, and loving way is if you have not, please,and I pray you do from your heart ask Him in your Life and Heart, because if you don't you will be left behind as to what is Fast Approaching on this earth, and you are going to wish you had listened to that lady who seemed to be talking out of her mind, only to realize she was speaking the truth and warn you of what was coming . Admit you are a sinner and tell Him you are truly sorry for your sins, The Holy Spirit will help and guide you if you are sincere. Give up the best you can, All That Grieves Him. He gave it all up for you when He was nailed to The Cross for you and your sins. Spontaneously, strike up conversation with people and start there, is what I sense in my Spirit to do. His Holy Word says To Snatch them from the fires of Hell as you see The Day of His Wrath approaching. To know that they have heard how They can receive The Best Free Gift anyone can have by Faith.  Receive Jesus as their Savior. If they don't want to receive what you have to say you are to  dust your feet and go on. I, Angela have had to do that with my own family. I am at the point where I don't care how nuts people think I am. Jesus has Freed me from that worry. I have heard it first hand from my family, and carried on into places of employment at the time, and having His Grace and Strength to get me through ignorant ridicule of people knowing in my Heart and believing somewhere down the road unaware to me whom may of gave their life over to Christ some where down the road. Frank, the closer,or however a person wants to word it, gets to Our Lord and communes, or converses, or at least for me, the least I need of this world. He is giving me Contentment, and Detachment of things Materialism, and of The Flesh, needing only basic necessities in life. Jesus feels me with His Constant Security of His Presence,  Peace, and His Love and Care. I know first hand what it is like to be rejected from your own Blood Family from at A Very Young Age, from brothers and sisters and even a mother, sad to say, never even having the love of a natural father, but still loving my father and praying yet that he is in heaven with Jesus this very day. I know if he isn't with Jesus in heaven I won't miss him there because Jesus Himself will wipe away that memory of him for me because it would be a sad one for me there and there are no sad memories in heaven. But I have forgiven them, all my family even if they choose to not talk to me and keep their distance from me all these years, and still intercede that they all be saved and in Heaven, no matter what has to be done in their lives yet. I Clung to God, and in due Season The Holy Spirit drew me in, during Tribulations of my own, Teaching and Conditioning me and showing me through all these years when I was not even aware of His Protection on me but again in due season en lighting me only to know I would come to Such A Heart over flowing in Gratitude of Thanksgiving to Him for His Protection and Provision in my Life. Now there is nothing here in this world as of this minuet that I desire to hold on to or want other than to Hear The Trump of God. The soon Rapture of His True Bride.  Sincerely,  Angela Falcon  


Dear Frank, Our Lord Jesus has been telling me to trust him for he is guiding and protecting me.It's as though he is saying you are to sit back and let me lead you.No worries for I am always There.
Terry Hassall  Phl.Pa .Member of prayer team. In his service Terry


Hi Frank, I have been feeling the same URGENCY to pray and draw VERY CLOSE to God as well this past week. I definately know it was God telling me this through the Holy Spirit because He has confirmed it to me we must get on our knees and pray and not stop praying!

Sincerely, Breanna R. Snohomish, Washington USA


Hi Frank,
I believe God has been faithfully pulling me in this same direction for quite some time. I spend so much time and effort on keeping up on the world events that at times I believe it keeps me from quiet time in prayer. I believe that I am to be aware of balancing the watching with prayer. I feel so pulled in many directions all the time. When the opportunity comes up to tell people what is going on it seems that all the info I have read leaves my head. I begin to feel stupid and fearful I will give wrong info by mistake. I know I need to be in prayer more because I need the words and the boldness from the Holy Spirit on how to be useful. I agree with you fully-we all need to be closely connected as we pray. We are all at different points and levels in our walk with Christ. I'm writing this to the ones that doubt their usefulness in all this. God wants to raise us up and use us for His glory during these times. I am thankful to you Frank for you faithfulness to our Lord in all this. I have learned so much from your work. Now its time to be pushed out of the nest and use it. Kim Daly- Murrieta CA


Hi Frank,
I've felt as if I've been standing on an edge of a spiritual cliff for a while now and I didn't know what God wanted me to do.  As soon as I started telling people what I believed and what I knew (about the BP spill since my husband works on a drilling boat) I've felt a lot more peace.  It is very rare for me to talk to others who are not believers because I was such a people pleaser and I didn't want to bother anyone.  I read your post about praying and I sent it to others and last night I started praying myself.  I actually got down on the floor which is something else I really don't do.  While praying a saw the most beautiful bride.  She was just shinning and glowing, and I could feel her excitment.  And I could feel the light coming for her.  It was beautiful.  Anyway, I thought I'd let you know what I saw and that I will continue to pray and be still.  Thanks to the person who told us about praying the Lords Prayer on line at a time, it was amazing.

God Bless,
Christine Getlein  – NC, USA


I have been on stand-by too! The Spirit of God is telling me the next 3 months(June,July and August 2010)for the body of Christ to press in.God's Glory will come with more intensity and heaviness.Our group of intercessors have been praying in tongues and receiving higher elevations in the Lord.The place of safety is the Glory zone.INCREASE and OVERFLOW is happening right now.Frank I can't relax because knowing this put us in the season of expectation.Rev.Sean E.Spearman(Power Prayer ministries-Detroit,Mich.48204) P.s.-Also continue in this way.Love the website.


Hi Frank , thanks for the news and updates . We were also inspired by the holy spirit to watch and pray from last month onwards.Do remember us in your prayers -Stephen and fly -Middleast


I have had similar feelings in prayer as well. Just to lay prostrate in prayerful repose and be silent. As if God just wants me to listen and wait for something. He has/is wanting to lay something on my heart, but I don't know what. Terry, USA.


Yes, I have felt a strong tug to spend time in prayer for a couple of weeks now.  Your post confirmed it for me.  "Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses may every word be established."  Thank you for your dedication, Frank.


Frank, this is Roy from Alabama, USA. I am a Sunday School teacher at my Church. We have been talking about this very thing. Everybody is so busy until they don't take time to hear from the Spirit. The Holy Spirit said that He will show us things to come and I believe we will get revelation when the time is right. Thanks Frank, for hearing and sharing with us what God has been showing you. Now we can all know that the Spirit has been revealing to the body of Christ the same thing.
Commenter name: Rekdpz


Just found your site by "accident."
Wisconsin here: I am just back from trip to Israel; right after volcanic ash and before flotilla…and oil spiT, not spill.  I have been understanding the urgency to "watch and pray" for several months now as all I keep in contact with and our local Messianic community can verify.  Several of us here have been awakened to intercede during nights, with no specifics. No more "business as usual" here either. I have been in Ezekiel for past week through tears drawing together a flood of small pieces of revelation, still trying to sort out main message beyond what I already understand as to watching and praying, no more striving. Wait on Messiah and His plan. I believe judgment for US comes before end times scenario but they may be closely intertwined. Praying for our Abba to cover His people wherever they are found with the shield of His Presence as in the Garden, Gan Eden.
Stay close under our Messiah's tallit! watching and praying here, too.
Barb K


thanks for your perserverence & faithfulness in providing the updates for us believers in Jesus.  As we prepare for the worse but hope for His return I join you in a prayerful attitude concerning this country's demise as One Nation Under God.  Our Pastor preached on Psalm 37 this Sunday and it was a blessing to hear the Word, unadulterated!
Ken Arnold
Georgetown Texas


Hello Frank and all,
I’m not much of a joiner, but I think it’s about time. Every one in awhile of late I have had interesting feelings. Sometimes I feel euphorically happy as I ride my bike through the mountains and along the coastal highways of Southern Leyte. I have the internet through a little device that I charge like a phone card. I catch all the latest news (we have cable TV) and read books on bible prophesy. Something I find alarming is the Catholic religion here (everyplace I suppose). No one I’ve met here that is a Catholic has ever read the bible; the priests teach them nada and have no intentions of doing so. Knowledge is power and the Catholic church certainly doesn’t want people to have power. I’ve asked questions: Ever hear of the rapture? How about purgatory? What is the Passover? Who was Saul? Have you ever heard of Elijah? The answer to all questions is NO! I find of later I talk to the Lord. “Lord please guide me…please be with me.” The last few months have been even been intense at times. One thing for sure is that I have made peace with the Lord. I always try to remember at the end of my prayers to add, “Lord I pray to be caught up with you in the clouds…please come soon.” I pray for Israel and don’t know if I should. I pray for Israel to remove the nuclear sites in Iran and don’t know if I should. I pray negatively about Obama. I believe he is an Arab and a fraud. I believe his agenda is to destroy America. I believe this is a long in the making, extremely sophisticated conspiracy. Here’s what really blows me away! Glen Beck has not had an accident…GOD BLESS YOU ALL.


Frank, the Lord Jesus has been telling me for weeks now to abide in him; I had begun to do so for a few weeks, but have been neglecting to do so the last several days. Once again, he has put it on my heart the last 2 or 3 days to enter fully into his presence in prayer. The scripture that is on my heart right now as I, indeed, enter into prayer, is “Be still and Know that I am God”.

Yours in Christ Jesus, brother,

Matthew Storey.

Ontario, Canada.


Comment:I believe he has told me the same thing. He said be still. That very voice I remember. I feel I should get started.



Can't believe your post today! In church yesterday, our minister "taught us how to pray" for his sermon. He took the Lord's Prayer and broke it down to each individual line. Then we were instructed to sit still and listen after each line. We are not suppose to continue to the next line of the prayer until we have heard from God. Our minister said that if it takes us three, four, five hours then that's what is needed. He emphasized taking a long time to sit still and listen. He also talked about how critical it was to pray in this manner all this week.

Ya know what I think? I think God needs to talk to us so badly about something super important, but we have too much chatter/interference in our lives. I am getting the feeling that we are all going to be in prayer at the same time and whammo! God is going to lay upon our hearts some important news.

I pray we all get the message in such a clear manner that we all hear and understand the news.

God Bless,

Elizabeth Goodspeed

P.S. Thank you for your dedication to the word of God. I was thrilled to read that your wrists are feeling better. Now we are going to have to work/pray on that leg, aren't we….. 🙂 May God's many blessing be so vivid in your life that you see them all around you.


Hello Frank,
I am in Maine in the US, and was very taken with the post about getting close to God. This past Sunday, The holy spirit impressed on me so strongly…to focus on the Lord. It was so much so…as odd as it sounds….the commotion that church somtimes has..was to much. I felt led not to even go and instead went to where I am closest to God. A quiet section of ocean here…where I got close to him..and spent my day with him alone…no TV…no distractions..I at first did indeed think it was just my own thoughts…but yet know that still small voice inside…that is what my Sunday entailed..and I am still feeling strongly about this…what do you suppose is happening?

 I am in Baja Calif Mexico and have also had the same feeling,Jesus Christ coming soon,Stay tuned Brothers and sisters…..


I am in North Carolina and have also had the same feeling. It has been growing stronger and instead of thinking that I'm imagining it, the Holy Spirit has now confirmed my need to pray and listen. Thank you for your faithfulness in keeping us informed . I believe Jesus is coming soon, and I look forward to meeting you in heaven.
Commenter name: Lisa Daniel


I have also felt an overwhelming need to be in His word & prayer! Our pastor on Sunday layed out a bible reading challenge and my family is all taking it. But, I've felt an urgency that I just can't explain – I feel too it is the Holy Spirit!! Come soon Lord Jesus!
Commenter name: Uithoven family


From Phillip G.

    Hello Mr. DiMora.
    I just wanted to ask you if I have missed something specific, in regards to today's posting. I can only speak for myself, but I have been feeling the need for continual prayer and guidance, very strongly also. But I didn't know if there was something very specific that I may have missed? I ask this b/c, I didn't feel the signal that you spoke of. I feel the Tribulation is at the doorstep also. I sure hope I haven't missed something. I am keenly aware of what is going on around the world right now. It is upside down and on fire. The Iranians sending warships to Gaza, Islamic militants going berzerk all over the world, our U.S. economy on the verge of collapse, the massive Gulf oil spill, North Korea, etc., etc. Am I overlooking something? I really have a strong respect for your message and convictions. Thank you very much. Take care and God Bless.
(This is was my responce back to Phillip.)  Phillip, you didn't miss anything at all.  What Jesus has shown you about seeking Him in pray is what He is showing many people and we do not have any specifics.  All we know is Jesus is drawing us to be close to Him.  I am sure we will see why our Lord is asking this of us. Frank 


I live in Florida, USA…and I have had the same urging in my spirit for the last month! I believe the Lord is trying to prepare us for something dramatic that is about to happen. The Holy Spirit has impressed on me…Be Still, and know that I am God..Psalms 46:10 I don't know what is about to take place but I feel it is urgent and we must be still to hear His Voice. Something is brewing and I think Jesus wants us sitting close by Him in faith and not fear. God bless you for all you do to keep us informed in these days!
Commenter name: Val


Fresno California: Hi Frank,
I too have felt the Holy Spirit leading me to pray like no other time before. Our fight is not against flesh but the principalities of the darkness and air. Pray in the spirit let God be magnified and keep using the gifts he has given you. I know our Jesus is coming to gather us up in the clouds soon. We will be with him for the judgment of rewards where he will wipe away all tears. Continue to be lead by the spirit of the Lord. We are not bound but free in Jesus. God will break us out of this coming slavery soon.
Your brother in Christ,


From Tonia G.

I’m sorry to say, I did not receive the message, therefore, I respectfully ask that you pray for me that the Lord will lay it on my heart to pray for whatever He would like me to pray for. I do understand the feeling you have.  A few months ago, I was in the car with my 3 year old twins going to the grocery store.  Halfway there, as if a ton of bricks slammed into me, I felt the sudden urge to pull the car over and pray.  Never felt it before…anything like it.  I felt like I was going to hyperventilate, but I knew I wasn’t in any danger.  So I pulled the car over and prayed for everyone and everything I could think of.  I allowed the Holy Spirit to direct me into prayer b/c I didn’t know what/who God wanted me to pray for.  After I finished praying, I went to the store and finished my day.  Take all the time you need to sit with our Savior!  I pray I’ve been a good enough servant to Him that He chooses to come to me to use me to pray and spread His Good Word.
Blessings to you and your family,
Tonia G.

My response back to Tonia:

Tonia G. Please don't misunderstand what I wrote. I wasn't given a reason why He wanted me to sit with Him in stillness and in prayer. What you discribed in your email is now what the Holy spirit has shown me.  You may have gotten this message before I did but it is the exact same message, which is stop everything and come to me and still with me.  You are a wonderful Sister in the Lord. Frank


Hello Frank,
I am in California. The last few weeks the message from our pastor has been on prayer. Then this week-end the Lord has been drawing me closer to Him. Last week I had extra energy to complete projects that could become distractions in the next few weeks (especially about the next 40 days). I believe I am to stand firm with God in prayer and to seek His guidance in ministering to the lost about salvation.


I know you’re not posting but I thought this is probably the reason why the Lord has come to you in such need of prayer….I think He’s come to this gentleman's life too  I recommend this article  — Oil Disaster Will Be End of Life As We Know It. You should check this out at, http://www.infowars.com/oil-disaster-will-be-end-of-life-as-we-know-it/

Oil Disaster Will Be End of Life As We Know It

This is it. It’s over. Get ready for the most insane year of your life. 5 years. 10 years. One day you will look back at your life right now and think about how easy it was, how innocent. We are on the cusp of total collapse, right at the precipice.

If you’re like most people you probably have already decided that I am exaggerating without knowing why I am saying this. Well let me make it clear that I also wish I was exaggerating. I don’t sell survival equipment or gold. My job is not recession proof. I have a family. I didn’t wake up today and randomly decide to declare that this is the end of life as we know it. But I do research. I make calls and tune into radio, scouring the internet for news clips and analysis. I make a concerted effort to only quote trustworthy sources. The information that has emerged over the past few days confirms fears that this is actually an “Armageddon” event. I am being completely serious.

Check it: The oil, spewing out at 20,000 to 70,000 psi, and the sediment within it has eroded the very walls of the well itself in several areas. This means that this is now an uncontainable gusher that is literally spewing oil up from dozens of sites across the gulf floor. The massive oil pocket tapped under immense pressure is now spewing out into the seabed. Capping the well does nothing. The oil pocket is tapped, the pipe is eroded and the oil is now spewing up to the ocean floor with intense pressure. Plumes are being generated everywhere. They cannot stop this. Human technology cannot contain a liquid at that pressure, especially at that depth under the ocean. We simply do not have the technology or know-how to fix this. We don’t. The relief wells are essentially useless now because the original well cannot be plugged so oil will always flow out of it regardless of how many other wells they dig. They needed to get into the pipe, fill the old pipe with mud and cement and then divert the oil into the new well. But because the tapped oil pocket is sand blasting itself routes to the surface that grow each day in diameter due to the eroding walls and passageways, there is no “well” to fill. That is because whats left of the well is already dissolving. And each day that passes until they drill their so-called “relief wells” will only see the oil finding new routes through the escapes it has carved through erosion of the pipes and rock. Thad Allen, the head of the US Coast Guard, has said that the oil isn’t all flowing up the pipe anymore but is now “in communication” with the seabed and the surrounding soft rock formation. It is now blasting its own wells.

Ya, that’s bad, but that isn’t even the scary part. Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzene, Methylene Chloride, and other toxic gases are also spewing out along with the oil. In concentrations hundreds and thousands of times greater than what is considered safe for humans. Lethal levels. When the hurricanes come they will absorb this toxic seawater and drop it as rain. Literally toxic rain. Let me guess, toxic rain doesn’t scare you. The biggest threat is already actualized with the chemicals entering the atmosphere and being carried around by the wind.

“The media coverage of the BP oil disaster to date has focused largely on the threats to wildlife, but the latest evaluation of air monitoring data shows a serious threat to human health from airborne chemicals emitted by the ongoing deepwater gusher,” the Institute for Southern Studies blog reported on May 10.

Any one of these chemicals in these concentrations would be lethal. Mixed together it’s truly unthinkable.

The fragile US economy, in the midst of a feeble attempt at a jobless recovery, overstretched by war and out of control spending is not equipped to handle a disaster of this magnitude. No country in the world could. Remember how well they handled the Katrina thing? This makes Katrina look like a grade school fire drill. Well I wonder how well they will do this time as they prepare to evacuate entire cities and states. See this and this. Once the evacuations begin the markets will tank. Once people are forced to grasp what is happening around them the global economy will come to a screeching halt as it’s engine, the USA, sinks into the throes of the worst environmental disaster in the history of the world. This will cause a dollar confidence crisis. Enraged citizens will riot and loot with no hope of a decent life ahead of them. Martial law will be declared.

They have no way to stop this, only a theory that maybe a nuke would implode the oil pocket. Ya, we’re talking about nuking the earths crust under the ocean. Eventually the oil will make it’s way around the world as the entire oil deposit is unleashed into the ocean.

Are you buying the crap coming from BP? The bogus press releases and the downplayed assessments? They’ve been lying through their teeth, censoring the media and destroying evidence. If you trust them, you have some problems.




Hi Frank

Diane Coon from Vermont….still checking out the website even though I asked you to take me off the prayer team. Didn't feel I could be faithful in doing so, but  I am grateful beyond measure to the Lord for how He has used this ministry.
I have read your post today and have the urgency to be telling all who would listen that the Rapture is imminent. We have precious little time. These are facts/verses from the Bible that we are so very close I can almost hear His footsteps.
I got this information from another website www.gracethrufaith.com. Made complete sense and so I posted something on Facebook which ended up on "The Bible" suggestion page still don't know how it got there….must have been God!
According to the Bible (Isaiah 23:15, Psalm 90:10)) the life span of man is seventy years. We know that the generation that saw Israel become a nation(1948) would see the return of Christ( I am sorry Frank I have forgotten the verse hopefully you know). If you add 70 years (a generation or life span) to 1948 you come up with the year 2018(the visible second coming of the Lord) count backwards 7 years for the great tribulation and you have 2011 for the Rapture! I truly believe that our Lord does not want us to be living in the dark about His return. I am completely trusting His word…and therefore I am convinced the Rapture will happen in 2011. Some believe He has yet to fulfill the Feast of Trumpets and some believe He has yet to fulfill Pentecost. Either way He will fulfill all His feasts, but either one of these feasts are plausible because of the timing of them. No I am not date setting, but believe in my heart that God is building a very strong case in me that 2011 is the year for the Rapture. Lets get busy in leading people to the Lord!



My responce to Diane's email to me: The length of our days is seventy years–or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.  This is in Psalm 90:10


Dear Frank~

I read your post today. Yes, I have been spending an immense number of hours in prayer lately. I'm sure you're very familiar with all the oil spill news, but here is Dr Wickstrom's latest update & it is chilling indeed:

OMG http://jameswickstrom.com/

I believe it's in Revelation 18 that Babylon is destroyed in one hour. I always thought that would have to be a nuclear event but after reading about the oil spill, if the undersea caldera blows we could literally be looking at no more USA in one hour.

We know from the Bible that the worse case scenario is 1/3 of people die on earth or about 2 billion during the Trib, if my memory is correct. So maybe more people will die during the Trib than the total people who have ever lived up until the last 100 years or so.

    This oil rig disaster would have never happened if we hadn't kept messing with dividing Israel. That's what the Lord keeps showing me. That His hand would have prevented that rig from blowing. But the Word is very clear that who divides Israel will be divided, & there's no US exemption in there that I saw. 

I would say anyone who's led to by the Lord & has the means to do so should get out of America now, at least get off the mainland & go to Hawii or somewhere like that. West Texas where I live is 3200 feet above sea level & He showed me we will have a momentary short time of stability here but He keeps showing me things are just going to get worse & worse in this country.

I've read a lot of the same data & articles about the oil spill that you have, & I have a feeling at the very least a hurricane is coming that will blow toxic chemicals & oil sludge for 500 miles inland. I read today that they were actually drilling the Deep Water Horizon rig at the tip of the San Madrid fault line which runs up the Mississippi. So the next case scenario could be the oil gusher volcano under the sea bed could destabilize the fault line, in which case the Eastern Seaboard would become an island & the Great Lakes would flood all the way down to the Gulf. And of course the worse case scnenario would be if the Caldera below the Gulf became too unstable & blew, that would basically mean no more AMERICA.

    There is no pretty picture now. Even if the leak stopped tomorrow there is already untold damage to the Gulf ecosystem & economy for decades. But the week the rig went down in April the Lord told me astonishingly, not to pray for it, that it was judgement. I've never heard a message like that from Him before, so I took careful note. He told me not to waste my time praying for it but to pray for safety for the righteous ones there & for the birds & fish to be given a new GPS heading around the spill area. I heard last week that thousands of birds showed up on a farm in Missouri that normally migrate to the Gulf, & yesterday I read about a pod of Dolphins that ended up in a fresh water inlet in the Gulf to get away from the spill, so it looks like that prayer is working. You might ask more folks to add that to their prayer list. Animals will obey God much easier than man does since they have no free will. As in the days of Noah when God directed the animals to the Ark, I'm quite sure Noah didn't have time to stage a safari for two of every kind, so it must have been a God miracle.

    Frank, something else occured to me this week. Jesus said 'As in the Days of Noah so shall the coming of the Son of Man be'….the flood of Noah was without doubt the greatest disaster since man has walked the earth, so I'm thinking we will begin to see similar mega disasters happening now, but will not wipe out the entire earth this time.

    Jesus said 'watch & pray' & I thank you so much for your detailed prophecy in the news updates. You may print any part of this letter if you wish to, & may God Help America, Susan in West Texas


Signs of Zechariah 12:3/The Generation that can make the Antichrist image speak/Signs from the sun/Many earthquakes this weekend/June 14, 2010

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438 want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank

If any of you are having trouble reading my prophecy up-dates via your e-mail I request you go directly to my site and read the post.  You shouldn’t have any trouble reading them at my site and you will see all the photos that I put up.  Thank you.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: The Prophet Zechariah in Zech. 12:1-3 told us in the last days Israel would be on their own.  When you read the scripture you see God telling Zechariah that all the nations will come against Jerusalem.  It is always best to quote God’s Word. “The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it

In reference to the nation Israel everyone should read what God has warned in Obadiah 1:15. “For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.  God has warned He is going to do to the people what they do to His chosen people in Israel. If you want to see God’s curse on you first hand, go against Israel!  Let me take this a step further.  If Obama keeps up his plans to divide Israel, the U.S. will be divided. 

If we are really in the last days we should be witnessing a pattern of all the nations turning against Israel, and Jerusalem should become a major problem for the world at the same time.  I have given you proof over the past month that this is exactly what is happening to Israel and I quote, “GAZA CITY: Arab League chief Amr Moussa yesterday called for Israel's four-year siege of the Gaza Strip to be "broken". "Not only the Arabs, but the entire world should stand with the Palestinian people against the siege of Gaza and what is happening in the occupied territories, especially east Jerusalem," he said as he made a landmark visit to the impoverished Palestinian enclave”.

As you can see from the report above both Israel and Jerusalem have been made targets just as Zechariah had been told.  If you watch the news in the coming months with me you will see more news about Israel being left on their own against the world.  There is a push right now to come against Israel, but I believe very shortly this push will accelerate to a much higher level, let me give you a few reasons why. 

At the end of last week I posted news which showed Saudi Arabia gave permission to Israel to fly over their nation to attack Iran’s nuclear weapons program.  If Israel hits Iran you will see a massive out cry towards Israel.   The world won’t care that Israel is trying to protect itself from a leader who has promised to wipe Israel off the map, all they will see is Israel is the aggressor.  Another why the tide against Israel may be increased shortly will be a result of the Psalm 83 war.  This is the war Israel’s neighbors will try to recapture land taken by Israel in previous wars. One of the goals of this war will be for the Arabs to reclaim Jerusalem.  Can you image the outcry from the world when they see Israel unleash their military power over these nations and wipe them out?  I promise you the Burden of Jerusalem and Israel will be a headliner just as God said it would be.  Expect this to happen soon!


Would you like to see example of what happens when you go against Israel? If you click to the link below it will take you to a video where Sid Roth interviews John McTernan. John has written a book logging what has taken place when nations have gone against God’s Word and gone against Israel. 


See full size imageProphecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

Revelation 13:14, 15  “Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.”

For the sake of the new people visiting my site I want to cover these prophecies again, because these prophecies show we are the generation God said would see the second coming of Christ.  The last generation alive at the time Jesus returns would be the one that has gained an increase in knowledge.  We also see from the Book of Revelation that it will be possible for the false prophet to set up a image on the first beast, (Antichrist), and make this image come to live or at least seem to come to life.  There has never been another generation who has gained so much knowledge in so little of a time frame.  This generation has gained so much knowledge that today you can have a exact image of yourself made in the form of an android.  This android will both speak and move as if it were a real person.  If you read the information on these new androids you will discover they also appear to be breathing.  What I am telling you is, our generation has the ability to fulfill revelation 13: 14-15.  When I first started to report on these androids they didn’t appear as real life as they do now. 

Is it possible the Antichrist’s false prophet may use an android to fool the people in thinking it is the Antichrist? However, we know from the word that they will use this image to force people to worship the real Antichrist. Because of what we were warned in scripture, and what we are witnessing in new android technology, I am saying it is very possible the world will be fooled by an image of the Antichrist in an android form.  

Let me make this clear for you. I am not saying the Antichrist when he comes will be an android.  All I am saying is it is possile they will use an exact copy of the Antichrist to force all the world to worship him as the image will stand for the real Antichrist.

Below are some of the latest real life androids that both move, breath, and talk!  As far as I am concerned Jesus has shown us we are that final generation.  The sad part about this is, hundreds of millions of people around the world will be deceived by this image because they didn’t know anything about the Book of Revelation or Jesus last day signs.  This is why the Church has got to come alive now and start telling people exactly what Jesus has warned us.  Only the wise will understand how close we are to seeing Jesus face to face.

The last video you will see is one which shows an exact copy of Albert Einstein.  If they can make an image that speaks, moves, talks, and looks like Einstein they can produce one that is in the exact image of the Antichrist.







Prophecy Sign: "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.”  Beside many earthquakes the Lord in Luke 21:25 also warned us to focus on what would happen to the sun in the last days.  I thank you will find this next report real interesting.  The headline to the report is entitled: “A Massive Solar Storm Could Cause Damages 20 Times The Cost Of Hurricane Katrina “  Please watch video below.


What is happening on the Gulf Coast with the BP oil spill. 


Prophecy Sign: Look at how many good size earthquakes took place in just a two day period.  Earthquakes are one of the last days signs.  In Matthew 24:7 Jesus warned their would be many earthquakes.
y/m/d h:m:s
MAP  5.0   2010/06/13 22:22:58    3.765    126.620  69.6   KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA
MAP  5.2   2010/06/13 17:51:25    -5.982    147.637  58.3   EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.0   2010/06/13 13:43:04    58.077   -156.987  10.0   ALASKA PENINSULA
MAP  5.0   2010/06/13 12:13:25    -0.143    34.604  10.0   LAKE VICTORIA REGION, KENYA
MAP  5.1   2010/06/13 07:05:37    7.717    91.897  35.0   NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
MAP  5.1   2010/06/13 06:26:05    7.773    92.067  35.0   NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/06/13 04:01:07    7.793    92.043  35.0   NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
MAP  6.1   2010/06/13 03:32:55    37.405    141.602  7.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2010/06/13 02:20:24   -17.613    -66.594  271.1   COCHABAMBA, BOLIVIA

MAP  5.3   2010/06/12 22:44:41    7.721    91.982  19.3   NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
MAP  5.4   2010/06/12 22:41:29   -10.910    166.092  102.0   SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  7.5   2010/06/12 19:26:50    7.748    91.938  35.0   NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/06/12 15:56:54    54.542   -161.469  44.3   ALASKA PENINSULA
MAP  5.3   2010/06/12 15:44:57    28.805    128.621  39.5   RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2010/06/12 13:36:40    -5.729    102.595  35.0   SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.1   2010/06/12 03:51:56   -28.227    -70.914  34.3   ATACAMA, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2010/06/12 03:50:00    1.034    120.127  43.5   MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2010/06/12 02:21:23   -22.366    172.152  35.0 




See full size image

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

See full size image Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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Mass Evacuations:

“The National Guard will provide security, medical capabilities, engineers and communication support in response to this threat. Currently, our Soldiers and Airmen are staging for and are engaged in the planning of the effort to evacuate and provide security and clean up for the coastal communities expected to be impacted by the oil spill. They are engaged in the protection of vital infrastructure to include medical facilities, fuel distribution, interstate highways, water-ice distribution and power facilities which are all vital to the recovery of coastal Louisiana.”





Do you want to see why it is that the Prophet Daniel may not have mentioned the USA at all? Can you handle the truth? See America on its way to the final collapse/Her falling will help lift the last world empire, which the Antichrist will rule.June 13, 2

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438 want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank

Prophecy Sign: Chapters 2 & 7 of Daniel’s book shows us the future and who will be the last world power standing at the time Jesus returns to take His seat as King in Jerusalem. In outlining what world power would would come one after the other we see that the Old Roman Empire will be revived again and be the power ruling when Christ returns. Those who know the book of Daniel know that America was never talked about. Many have asked me why? I believe it is because America’s power would have been taken away so much so that she isn’t even considered or mentioned. Since Jesus warned in Revelation 13:16-17 that the Antichrist who rises out of the modern day Roman Empire will control the world and the world’s economy, that our present global economic crisis is one of the ways the Antichrist will be introduced on the world stage.

One must understand this world is not going to cross over into a one world government run by the Antichrist over night. We have been moving in that direction for years. It is only now that this current global economic crisis is pushing the move to unite all nations under one economy but it has been coming for some time now.  Just recently a video was posted that will show you want I have been warning you about.  You will see that the decline of America is on that steady pase I have been talking about.  Just watch the video below and if this doesn’t show you, you need to get your life in order I don’t know what will?

To watch this video so you can see the numbers better just click to link below:


MASS EVACUATIONS : Governor of Louisiana Requesting Aid from Feds /Oil spill videoes continued from June 12, 2010 post


“The National Guard will provide security, medical capabilities, engineers and communication support in response to this threat. Currently, our Soldiers and Airmen are staging for and are engaged in the planning of the effort to evacuate and provide security and clean up for the coastal communities expected to be impacted by the oil spill. They are engaged in the protection of vital infrastructure to include medical facilities, fuel distribution, interstate highways, water-ice distribution and power facilities which are all vital to the recovery of coastal Louisiana.”


“Great earthquake”/Roaring seas and waves/Their book tells it the way it is!/Rumors of war/We could see major events in the Middle East soon! June 12, 2010

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438 want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

See full size image See full size image

Are you looking to take a trip to Israel? Join us on a trip to the Holy Land this November. Seats are going fast so call Pastor Mark at the following number. It will be a blessing for us to have you along. Pastor Mark has been there 35 times and this trip is going to be exciting! Call today: 205-365-0696


Muslims pretending to like Americans, but cursing us in their hearts?  Find out what the truth about this really is!

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 the Lord told us to watch for the roaring seas and waves. For the past two years we have seen many of these storms and they are one of the signs of the last days that are accompanying all the other signs.  I am sad to report this, but we just saw another one of these storms.

“LANGLEY, Ark. – The search for nearly two dozen people who disappeared after flash floods swept through a popular campground went from desperate to grim on Saturday, after teams that scoured miles of river and rugged wilderness found just two bodies. The last time someone was found alive was late Friday morning, hours after a pre-dawn wall of water surprised sleeping campers at the Albert Pike Recreation Area, leaving them frantically trying to scramble up the steep terrain in the dark. As the swollen rivers subsided and the hours ticked by Saturday, anguished relatives waiting for word of loved ones grew more and more frustrated, lashing out at reporters, knowing that at some point the search mission would become one of recovery. "They're just devastated. The time for shock has probably gone and now it's just anxiety building. They're beginning to fear the worst," said Graig Cowart, the pastor of the Pilgrim Rest Landmark Missionary Baptist Church.”



Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 Jesus tells us to watch for “great earthquakes”. “India (Reuters) – A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 struck in the ocean near India's Nicobar Islands on Sunday, sparking some tsunami warnings, the U.S. Geological Survey and local officials said. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE65B26120100612

See full size image  Prophecy Sign: First of all Christ told us to watch for the signs of war and rumors of war.  You can read this in Matthew 24:7. As you can see from today’s news there is plenty of news warning of a possible war in the Middle East soon.  Since the Lord gave us warnings about the Psalm 83 war and Ezekiel 38 war which haven’t been fulfilled yet, we need to keep on the watch for events leading up to these wars.

One of the reports below talks about a strike on Iran which in the near future could lead to the fulfillment of the Ezekiel war. The second report below also addresses this issue but it speaks to what the Palestinian Authority had to say.  The Palestinian Authority is more than likely thinking that the will be engaged in a war soon with Israel which if that takes place this summer it could fulfill the Psalm 83 war.  Either way we know from the Lord’s warnings that war is coming soon.

“Saudi Arabia has practiced standing down its anti-aircraft systems to allow Israeli warplanes passage on their way to attack Iran's nuclear installations, a British newspaper reported on Saturday. The Saudis have allocated a narrow corridor of airspace in the north of the country that would cut flying time from Israel to Iran, the London Times reported. “The Saudis have given their permission for the Israelis to pass over and they will look the other way,” the Times quoted an unnamed U.S. defense source in the area as saying. “They have already done tests to make sure their own jets aren’t scrambled and no one gets shot down. This has all been done with the agreement of the [U.S.] State Department.” “Once the Israelis had passed, the kingdom’s air defenses would return to full alert, the Times said. Despite tensions between them, Israel and Saudi Arabia share a mutual hostility to Iran.”


  To enlarge photo just click on it.

“The Egyptian government believes July will be a decisive month that may see an Israeli military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, according to a senior Egyptian security official speaking to WND. The official said Egypt already has implemented security measures that take into account an Israeli strike against Iran within the next month or so. The Egyptian estimation could not be verified by officials in Jerusalem contacted by WND. Also, officials in the Palestinian Authority said they did not have any indication of a Middle East war in the summer. Mahmoud al-Zahar, Hamas chief in Gaza, told WND he believes a Middle East confrontation is likely, possibly in the next few months.” Keep in mind, Hamas is one of Israel's main enemies, and they are pushing for the destruction of Israel.  I am watching the events in the Middle East very close, because I do believe we are about to see the fulfillment of the Psalms war, which will take place before the Ezekiel war.


There was more news about a possible war only this time it is news about North and South Korea. “The North's military earlier warned it would fire at any propaganda facilities installed in the Demilitarized Zone that has separated the two Koreas since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War, which concluded in a truce, not a peace treaty.

South Korea's Defense Ministry said it had no immediate comment on the threat from North Korea.

South Korean troops increased their vigilance, although no unusual North Korean military movements were detected, an officer at Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff said. He asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

North Korea has for years threatened the South with destruction, though it has never followed through with an all-out military assault since the 1953 armistice was concluded.

In 1994, the North threatened to turn Seoul into a "sea of fire" after talks with South Korea collapsed. In 2008, it also warned the South that "everything will be in ashes, not just a sea of fire."

North Korea keeps two-thirds of its 1.2 million-strong military near the border. The U.S. has about 28,500 troops in South Korea to deter possible North Korean aggression, while South Korea has a 655,000-member military.”



In our face Psalm 83 language/ Ezekiel war/The Curse/Worst Locust Plague/Join Paster Mark Correll and me on a trip to the Holy Land/ June 11, 2010

Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438 want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora 

See full size image See full size image

Are you looking to take a trip to Israel? Join Pastor Mark on a trip to the Holy Land this November. Seats are going fast so call Pastor Mark at the following number. Pastor Mark has been there 35 times and this trip is going to be exciting! Call today: 205-365-0696




Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83: 1-5 says this, “God, do not seem to be asleep! Do not remain quiet and do nothing, God! For look, your enemies are (all) doing something. The people that hate you are getting ready (to fight you).  They are making clever *plans against your people.They are deciding together what to do with those people that you love. They are saying, "Come on, we will destroy their country. Then nobody will ever remember the name of Israel". They are deciding together what to do.”

According to this prophecy Israel’s enemies will come together and plan out how to wipe Israel off the map.  The list of nations that will come against Israel thinking they will destroy her are named in the box above.  For the past two years we have heard the language from Psalm 83 being used when referring to Israel.  If you notice from the list of nations Iran is not included in this list.  Iran is not going to be involved in this first war against Israel.  However, Iran is the main nation pushing the nations on this list to engage in a new war with Israel.  Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has already had many meetings with the nations on this list. I have no doubts in my mind that during these meetings plans were drawn up on how best to destroy Israel. 

Let me give you an example of the language we were warned about in that Psalm I quote, “SHANGHAI — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Friday Israel was "doomed" and singled out US President Barack Obama for scorn, blaming Washington for orchestrating new nuclear sanctions against Tehran. Speaking during a visit to the World Expo in Shanghai, Ahmadinejad denounced the UN Security Council's sanctions resolution adopted Wednesday with Chinese and Russian backing as "worthless paper". “Not for the first time, Ahmadinejad reserved his harshest rhetoric for Israel. "It is clear the United States is not against nuclear bombs because they have a Zionist regime with nuclear bombs in the region," he said. "They are trying to save the Zionist regime, but the Zionist regime will not survive. It is doomed." Israel, which has the Middle East's sole if undeclared nuclear arsenal, regards Iran as its principal threat after repeated predictions by Ahmadinejad of the Jewish state's demise.”

I continually give thanks to the Lord that I am able to see the news for what it really is.  It is a path to the things to come.  Ahmadinejad will no dobut keep arming the PLO in the Gaza until the time is right for the prophecy to be fulfilled.  After Ahmadinejad seeing his plans have failed and Isfrael wasn’t destroyed He will make a second attempt with the Russians and Russia’s allies which are all named in the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy.  If you keep coming to my site, I will be posting the news that will show you I was correct in believing everything the Lord has warned us about.


Prophecy Sign: If today is the first day at my site I request you review my warnings in my book and in my previous posts where I warn the U.S., the EU, and Turkey would in the near future turn away from Israel.  My first copy of “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” came out in 1997 and I have been warning people way before the book was released that the nations are going to turn on Israel.  I said this would happen because that is what God shows us in Zechariah 12:3, when He stated all the nations will come against  her.  It is best I quote exactly what is written. “On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” 

Take a second look at this verse.  There are really two things of importance here. First, is that Israel will be left alone in the last days to fend for herself. Second, the City Of Jerusalem would be a headliner in the news.  How can I say this?  If  Jerusalem as we are shown is to be an immovable rock for all the nations, that could only mean one thing?  Trouble!  Jerusalem has defiantly been trouble to all the nations,  and as a result we are seeing the news about ownership of Jerusalem in the news almost every week.  This past year the U.S., the EU, and Turkey have turned on Israel.  Turkey changed their position 180 degrees towards their old ally Israel practically over night after Israel invaded the Gaza.  Since then Turkey has even called for war on Israel as I reported in my post yesterday.  America was the closest friend Israel has had but Obama is helping fulfill the Zechariah prophecy as his policies shift away from Israel.  The report below addresses this issue and report on both the U.S. and Turkey in relation to Israel.

   “THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned that senior Obama administration officials have been telling foreign governments that the administration intends to support an effort next week at the United Nations to set up an independent commission, under UN auspices, to investigate Israel's behavior in the Gaza flotilla incident. The White House has apparently shrugged off concerns from elsewhere in the U.S. government that a) this is an extraordinary singling out of Israel, since all kinds of much worse incidents happen around the world without spurring UN investigations; b) that the investigation will be one-sided, focusing entirely on Israeli behavior and not on Turkey or on Hamas; and c) that this sets a terrible precedent for outside investigations of incidents involving U.S. troops or intelligence operatives as we conduct our own war on terror.”  As you can see, Obama has his sites on joining the rest of the world in signaling out God chosen people. 

Zechariah 12:3 is a major prophecy telling us that we have reached the last days.  It is a prophecy that also shows the Church it will be taken to Christ soon.  If the signs of Zechariah 12:3 are already here it has to mean that the seven year tribulation is that much closer, and the Antichrist is about to make his appearance.


Now let me give you even more proof that the Psalm 83 language is being heard.  This time I want to focus on Lebanon.  As you can see from the chart at the top of this page Tyre is Hezbollah and Southern Lebanese, and Gebal is again the Hezbollah and Northern Lebanese.  Lebanon is going to attack Israel soon and these people are currently talking about wiping out Israel just as the Psalm indicates. 

“The anti-Israel flotilla has turned the tide of world opinion against Israel, Fatah leaders in Lebanon say, and the time is ripe for a mass civilian charge against Israel’s border. Mounir Al-Makdah, a leading Fatah leader in Lebanon, says plans are being made for a mass charge against Israel’s northern border. “What can Israel do,” he asks, “kill the entire Palestinian nation [sic]?”  And even if they kill all those who take part in the march, the number of remaining Palestinians will still be more than all the Jews in the world.”  Al-Makdah told the Lebanese newspaper Al-Sapir that the plans for the march are being made via letters to thousands of “Palestinians” living around the world inviting them to take part. “It could be that they will just break through the border, with their children and their elderly. What will Israel be able to do?”

Now that you read what they said about making plans to go into Israel, read again what God had already warned us about this is Psalm 83:3. “They are making clever *plans against your people.They are deciding together what to do with those people that you love.” Are you getting what the Holy Spirit is showing you?  Your being hear today and reading this information is proof Jesus Christ loves you.  Why would I say that?  Because He has drown you to this site to either relight your fire for Christ as a back sledded Christian, or to help you see He is the only TRUE living God and Savior.  Receive today what He has brought you here for, eternal life with Him in heaven.  Don’t let Satan harden your hearts to the truth, and do not allow yourself to be deceived thinking all these things are just coincidences.

I end this report with this quote. “A wind of change has begun to blow,” he said, “and Israel has begun to be a yoke not only for the Palestinian nation, but for the whole world.” I could see the Prophecy Zechariah shaking his head telling I told you so!


In my post yesterday I gave you more signs showing evidence that the United States is declining in power rapidly and this is all part of what has to happen to lift up the last world empire to the center stage.  There have been many attempts by men to conquer the world so they could rule over the people of the world. When you read the Book of Daniel you will learn what empires ruled this Earth.  When you read the history books you will learn what men ruled over each one of these empires.  Daniel shows us the kingdoms from Babylon all the way to the last empire which the Antichrist will rule over.  We have reached the time in Bible prophecy where the final stage is being set to give rise to the man of sin, or the Antichrist. 

Last year I told you exactly what was going to happen in the near future to the American economy.  Everything I warned you about has come to pass.  No, Jesus did not tell me this information, but He has given me the ability to connect the dots between what He has warned and what we see in current events.  One of things I saw coming that would push America furtherer into her power decline has to do with the housing issue.  The other thing of importance is can an economy come back if people are not spending their money?  What I found to be true is the news will report on these issues however, they will lean toward trying to show you the economy is coming back, when in fact this is not the case.  Here is a prime example of what I am writing about.

   “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Sales at retailers unexpectedly fell in May for the first time in eight months, but a jump in consumer sentiment to a near 2-1/2 year high in early June eased fears of a slowdown in the economic recovery. The drop in sales reported by the Commerce Department on Friday followed last week's data showing a step back in private hiring in May, but analysts still saw little risk of the economy slipping back into recession. “

“In data published last Friday private businesses unexpectedly held back on hiring in May after expanding payrolls for two months, a trend which could undermine recovery from the worst recession since the 1930s. Restoring the economy to health is a key priority for President Barack Obama and voter anguish over the slow pace of the recovery could inflict heavy losses on the Democratic Party in November's Congressional elections. Consumer spending accounts for about 70 percent of U.S. economic activity, but with the unemployment rate near 10 percent, households' spending habits have become more cautious than during previous recoveries.”

Let me ask you a question.  Does it make any sense to you at all that sales have dropped to the worse levels in 8 months, but as the report would have us believe that consumer sentiment is at a near 2-1/2 high?   This report is like telling us we will be hit in the head by a  100 pound ice block falling from the sky but don’t worry it won’t hurt.  It simply is not true.  Anyone who has any brains at all knows the reason why people are not spending money like they used to is because they are afraid.  I don’t care what the “consumer sentiment “ pole stated people all over the United States are on pin and needles over the failing economy.  As the month go on you will see more people lose their jobs and you will also see reports that people are not spending which is going to help stall the recovery.  Let me give you more news that people are looking at today."


See full size image If you read my previous post last year you will find my warning banks will take over on thousands of homes that would go into default.  Here is today’s news. “Banks repossessed a record number of homes last month, an ominous sign for a real estate market that has seen demand slide substantially in recent weeks. Nearly 94,000 properties were repossessed by lenders in May, an increase of 1 percent from April and 44 percent from a year earlier, according to RealtyTrac's most recent U.S. Foreclosure Market Report. "We are going through the eye of the storm," says Patrick Newport, an economist at IHS Global Insight. "Banks are taking over properties at a record rate right now."  “The rise in home repossessions is linked to developments in the Obama administration's housing rescue initiative, says Celia Chen, a senior director at Moody's Analytics. The administration reported that 278,000 trial mortgage modifications have been canceled through April. As banks holding such loans learn they don't qualify for federal assistance, they can resume foreclosure proceedings.”

In one of my posts yesterday I told you I had talked to a family who lost their home after doing exactly what the Obama bailout plan ask of them, and in the end this still lost their home.  Believe me, I wasn’t surprised to read this report someone sent me today which tell us the banks holding the default loans are in fact taking the homes away.  This is not good news for a recovery and you need to understand America’s economic engine is running on fumes.  At the present time I am waiting for the stats from each U.S. State showing how many people have lost their jobs due to the budget cuts which are coming.  The States are in the worse shape they have been in since the depression.  I won’t cover each State in this post but if you click to the next link you will get a glimpse of what is happening to people via 10 cites.


“10 Cities Facing Double-Whammy Defaults”


Let me say this again. The Antichrist is coming in part as a result of a global meltdown.  People around the world will be in Chaos and asking for someone to lead them and that is when the man of sin will begin to appear as the savior.  This of course will end up being the exact opposite.  Everyday now I am finding news reports telling us how bad the global economic look is.  Leaders of nations aren’t going to tell you the truth about just how bad the situation is for fear it will cause panic and only help bring down the economies.  Here is a report talking about this issue.

“The risks to a robust global recovery have “risen significantly” as many governments struggle with debt, a top International Monetary Fund official has warned. “After nearly two years of global economic and financial upheaval, shockwaves are still being felt, as we have seen with recent developments in Europe and the resulting financial market volatility,” Naoyuki Shinohara, the IMF's deputy managing director, said in Singapore on Wednesday. “The global outlook remains unusually uncertain and downside risks have risen significantly,” Shinohara said, according to Britain's Daily Telegraph. Countries across Europe are being pressured to slash their deficits, which were deepened by the financial crisis and the governments’ response to it. Some economists fear that moves by countries ranging from Britain to Spain to rein in public spending at the same time will set back a global recovery, the Telegraph reported. “

Take a lesson from the hundreds of thousands of people who have been forced out of their homes because of their debts.  Almost every nation on this planet except the major oil rich nations are facing a shut down of their governments because they have no more money and they can’t borrow anymore.  Do you think I am just making this up?  If so take a close look at the map below.



“The national debt of countries represents how much money the government of that country owes. Like a household budget, national debt gets larger when a government spends more than it takes in. This can continue for years, or even decades. This budget deficit is the total amount of this debt that has grown over time, with interest charged adding significantly to the amount owed by the government.”


Japan's new Prime Minister Naoto Kan looks on during a meeting with relatives of Japanese who were abducted by North Korea at the prime minister's official residence in Tokyo on Thuresday, June 10, 2010. (AP Photo/Toru Yamanaka, Pool) 

Japan's new Prime Minister Naoto Kan

Here is yet another report about another nation in serious trouble. “TOKYO — Japan's new prime minister warned Friday that his country could face a financial mess like that of Greece if it did not deal urgently with its swelling national debt. Naoto Kan, speaking in his first address to Parliament after taking office Tuesday, said Japan, the world's second-largest economy, cannot continue to let government debt swell while state finances are under pressure from an aging and declining population. "It is difficult to sustain a policy that relies too heavily on issuing debt. As we have seen with the financial confusion in the European community stemming from Greece, our finances could collapse if trust in national bonds is lost and growing national debt is left alone," he said.”


Prophecy Sign: The Genesis of 12:2 is continuing on America.  If your news here many of you may not know why all these bad things are happening to America.  The main reason is under the leadership of Obama he is working of giving East Jerusalem back the PLO and to divide Israel into a two State nation. Between Joel’s warning in chapter 3:2 and Genesis 12: 3, America doesn’t have a chance unless she turns stops making moves to divide up Israel.  At a time when America needs a economic recovery, comes a disaster in the Gulf that can sink the U.S. .  As usual we don’t get the truth from the government until later but here is the latest news.


See full size imageAs many as 40,000 barrels (1.7 million gallons) of oil a day may have been gushing out from a blown-out Gulf of Mexico well, doubling many estimates. The US Geological Survey says that flow rate could have been reached before a cap was put on the well on 3 June.”  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/us_and_canada/10290238.stm 

You read yesterday that I warned thousands will lose their jobs in the Gulf as the oil makes its way to the coastline.  We have already seen the fishing industry take a major hit, and it is going to get worse as the oil spreads.  Today I watched some very interesting news concerning this BP oil spill.  Pastor Williams gives details which are pretty scary.  Listen to what he says is happening and make up your mind if you believe it or not.  We will know for sure if what he is saying is the truth because we will see the results of what he is warning.  I watch this mornings news on Good Morning America and I can tell you for sure that the oil gushing out isn’t going to stop anytime soon. 



Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21: 11 Jesus shows us many last days signs to look for.  I want to focus on the sign of pestilence.   First, read exactly what was written. “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.”

In the Old Testament when God wanted to pass His judgment on the unrighteous he often times sent in pestilences to stop the people.  Most of you know the story of Moses and how God used pestilences to help get Pharaoh to let the Jews leave Egypt.  Pestilences are one of many signs but there are showing up at the same time as all the other signs are which also points to Matthew 24:33 where Christ tells us we will see all these signs in one generation.  Sorry, but if you are reading this, it means you are part of the chosen generation who will witness the return of Jesus Christ.  That is great news if you have received Him as your Savior, but bad news if you haven’t!  Below is an example of one of the worst plagues Australia has every had.

“Worst Locust Plague in Two Decades Threatens Australian Harvest”

“June 11 (Bloomberg) — The worst locust plague in more than two decades is threatening to strike Australia, the world’s fourth-largest wheat exporter, after rainfall boosted egg-laying by the insects in major crop growing regions. “There are hundreds of millions of dollars worth of crops and pastures that are potentially at risk,” Chris Adriaansen, director at the Canberra-based Australian Plague Locust Commission said in an interview by phone. “Tens of millions of dollars” will be spent during the southern hemisphere spring to reduce the affects of the infestation, he said. The forecast plague could cost Victoria’s agriculture sector A$2 billion ($1.7 billion) if left untreated, the state government said today. Widespread egg-laying across south- eastern Australia has set the scene for the biggest hatching for at least 25 years, according to the commission, which describes locusts as the nation’s most serious pest species.”


See full size imageProphecy Sign: March 5, 2010 I gave you another sign that what Jesus told Matthew is coming true. Today I want to give you another sign. "According to Jesus in Matthew 24:37-39 our generation was to become just like that of Noah’s generation. Noah’s generation turned to homosexuality and away from God and the same exact thing is happening in this generation. Here is one of those signs.”“(Reuters) – Iceland, the only country in the world to have an openly gay head of state, passed a law on Friday allowing same-sex partners to get married in a vote which met with no political resistance. World The Althingi parliament voted 49 to zero to change the wording of marriage legislation to include matrimony between "man and man, woman and woman," in addition to unions between men and women. Iceland, a socially tolerant island nation of about 320,000 people, became the first country to elect an openly gay head of state in 2009 when Social Democrat Johanna Sigurdardottir became prime minister after being nominated by her party. "The attitude in Iceland is fairly pragmatic," said Gunnar Helgi Kristinsson, a political scientist at the University of Iceland. "It (gay marriage) has not been a big issue in national politics — it's not been controversial."

My friends I am warning you know this homosexual movement is only going to keep spreading.  The world has turned out to be a copy of Noah’s generation and if Christ said it was going to be just like Noah’s you can count on the movement getting much bigger.  This movement will reach its max during the seven year tribulation period.  Once the Church is removed from the Earth many things will change over night.  One of the reasons why the movement hasn’t spread like wild fire yet is because the Church has taken a stand. Once again, this is another major sign taking place at the same time as all the other signs.  Jesus is telling us to get ready to come home.  



Chaos coming to New York?/June 10, 2010


IMG_0427  Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438

I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


My newest radio/video show is up and  running, and you can still watch my previous shows by clicking to the link below.


Prophecy Sign: Yesterday I wrote to you about the coming global Chaos as a result of a failed global economy.  We are reading news warning that the chaos may be headed for New York in days.  I quote, “ALBANY (CBS) ― Chaos and anarchy. That’s what New York Gov. David Paterson is warning if he’s forced to shut down the government in a few days. Chaos and anarchy. That’s what New York Gov. David Paterson is warning if he’s forced to shut down the government in a few days. The clowns in the state Legislature, now deadlocked for 71 days on the budget, are ready to take down the "big tent" and bring state government to a standstill. At least that’s what Paterson thinks. "No one knows the full ramifications of a government shutdown," said Paterson. "It would create unimaginable chaos around the state and the greater metropolitan areas."Such chaos includes closing all state parks, motor vehicles offices, courts, and even the lottery. Public assistance payments would not be made and unemployment payments might also be held up. The governor is in this pickle, in part, because wild cards like Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr. (D-Bronx) and possibly scandal-scarred Sen. Pedro Espada (D-Bronx) might not go along.”

See full size image New York maybe the first U.S. State to deal with this scary issue but California is not far behind.  Someone who doesn’t know Bible prophecy maybe asking, why is this happening?  In order for the Antichrist to take over the global economy a major crisis will have to take place to force the world in giving one man such power.  This in fact is what Jesus has shown us the Book of Revelation.   The road to the tribulation is being paved in debt and crisis after crisis.  The top three crisis at this time are the killing of the ocean in the Gulf, the failed Middle East peace process which is having a great impact on what is happening in the Gaza, and the global debt crushing nations around the world.  Jesus is coming and these end times events are our Lords warnings and signs.  Do you see it?  do you believe yet?



What do you think?

Img_3194_2 I was thinking about making a new cover for my prophecy book and would like to know what you think.  Please give me your opinion on whether you think I should keep the cover as is, or change it to the one you see here?



WorldNetDaily report shows signs Obama not born in Hawaii/ June 10, 2010

Is it really possible that the man in the White House is a man that by law can not hold that office? According to news from WorldNetDaily, Obama was not born in the United States.  The report issued is really interesting and points to the fact that we have a man running America into the ground who was not born in the state he said he was.  If you haven’t read this report entitled “Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here” you should take a look at it.

“Official who oversaw ballots in 2008 race says hospital birth certificate non-existent”  A college instructor who worked as a senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008 is making the stunning claim Barack Obama was definitely not born in Hawaii as the White House maintains, and that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Obama does not even exist in the Aloha State.
Tim Adams, a former senior elections clerk for Honolulu, now teaches English at Western Kentucky University.
"There is no birth certificate," said Tim Adams, a graduate assistant who teaches English at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Ky. "It’s like an open secret. There isn’t one. Everyone in the government there knows this."  The report gives many details on this issue and one that I found interesting from Adams was when he stated, “He says during the 2008 campaign when the issue of Obama’s constitutional eligibility first arose, the elections office was inundated with requests to verify the birthplace of the U.S. senator from Illinois. "I had direct access to the Social Security database, the national crime computer, state driver’s license information, international passport information, basically just about anything you can imagine to get someone’s identity," Adams explained. "I could look up what bank your home mortgage was in. I was informed by my boss that we did not have a birth record [for Obama]." At the time, there were conflicting reports that Obama had been born at the Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, as well as the Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children across town. So Adams says his office checked with both facilities. "They told us, ‘We don’t have a birth certificate for him,’" he said. "They told my supervisor, either by phone or by e-mail, neither one has a document that a doctor signed off on saying they were present at this man’s birth." To date, no Hawaiian hospital has provided documented confirmation that Obama was born at its facility.
