If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438
I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Prophecy Sign: Are you seeing the number of earthquakes that have hit during 2010? Last week I posted information showing more earthquakes are being recorded than in previous years. I for one believe in what Jesus stated in both Matthew 24: 7 when He warned we would see many earthquakes at the same time as all the other signs were taking place. This past weekend alone we witnessed some pretty big quakes.
I have been warning people all the time that a One World Currency is coming. This currency will at the end of the day fall in the hands of the Antichrist where he will put into place his forced mark system. I am amazed at the number of people who are not paying attention to what Christ has warned us! We are living in exciting times because we are actually witnessing the last days prophecies take place right before us. If Christ warned us one man would have control of the global economic system, why in the world would you not believe you would see signs of this system coming? I want to remind anyone new to my site that this prophecy is coming to pass at the same time all the other prophecies are also taking place. This is a major sign to everyone watching that the unbelievers are about to be cast into the seven year reign of the Antichrist. Below is the proof the One World Currency is coming and the rule of the Antichrist will come with it later.
“A new currency is intended to challenge the U.S. dollar as the world's foremost reserve currency. The WOCU, short for world currency unit, was actually launched by London-based WDX Organization in September 2009, but only seems to be gaining recognition now. Its value is determined as a derivative of the exchange rates of the world's top 20 currencies, as measured by GDP, in order to reduce the risk associated with exchange rate fluctuations. The new currency is similar to the International Monetary Fund's special drawing rights (SDR), which the IMF uses as a reserve asset to supplement the currency reserves of its member states.”
For the past two years there has been a huge push to get rid of the U.S. dollar. This is also part of the last day events. You see, the U.S. has to decline in power while the last world empire rises up to fulfill prophecy. Many are teaching the United States is the revived Roman Empire and are coming up with all kinds of weird ideas to try and make the U.S. fit the last empire role, but this teaching is so far off what the Bible says about the revived Roman Empire that it is funny. In any case the system Jesus warned us about is on its way and this can only mean we are much closer to the return of Christ than you think. I pray for all of you who are laughing at these warnings, Jesus’ word will all be fulfilled.
In speaking about the last days events you had better read these words spoken by our Lord and Savior. I quote, “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
http://www.financialpost.com/story.html?id=3086360World currency unit intended to rival U.S. dollar for supremacy
Prophecy Sign: In Chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation Jesus warns us about the false church which will hook up with the Antichrist during the tribulation period. People keeping the watch as Jesus instructed us to do are watching the One World Currency being born and we are also witnessing the emerging of the false church found in Rev. chapter 17. In Six days you will see a part of this false church march in Jerusalem. People of all faiths who come together may appear to be doing good but Jesus knows what is really in the hearts and minds of people. Christ made it very clear that no one will go to heaven unless they go through Him. Those who are coming together as one interfaith movement are teaching their are many ways to heaven. This is a lie and if you fall for this teaching you fall head long into false doctrine. Here is the latest news. “(JERUSALEM) – You are welcome to participate in The Interfaith Freedom March on Monday, June 7th, 2010. The group will set out at 2:00 p.m. at the bottom of the steps of Damascus Gate, Old City, Jerusalem. The marchers will walk in the light of the creator, following the principles of non-violence and respect for all creatures which are common denominators among the Peoples of the Book (ahl al-kitab) who reside in the area, as it is written in their Holy Scriptures of the Qur’an, the Torah, the New Testament, and in other texts. Muslims, Jews, Christians, Sufis, Kabbalists, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, etc., and members of all faith communities are welcome.”
While it is true that we should love all people and treat all people as you want to be treated, we can not diminish the Words of Christ as to the message of salvation. This message is going to haunt this false church exactly three and a half years into the seven year tribulation. It will be at this time the Antichrist not only goes after the Jews but he will turn on all faiths and demand they worship him as God. Those who take the Antichrist mark are sealed forever in the lake of fire! Those who refuse the mark will be killed in the manner described in Revelation 20:4. Rev. 20:4 tells us these people will be beheaded.
Prophecy Sign: When I read the news today, Zechariah 12:3 which warns all the nations will come against Israel in the last days came up in my mind as well as the Ezekiel 38 war. Read this short section of the news and I will fill in the gap.
This headline alone should be proof enough that Israel is being singled out and left alone just as Zechariah warned us. The headline reads, “Global condemnation for Israel”.
“Israel's deadly commando raid on aid ships bound for Gaza confronts President Barack Obama with another major test by the Israeli leadership – and another blow to Washington's goal of brokering peace with the Palestinians and improving the U.S. image in the Arab world. Depending on how the White House finally reacts, the bloody incident also could further confound once rock-solid relations between the United States and Turkey, where most of the nine dead were apparently from.”
"Israel faced a wave of global outrage over the storming of Gaza-bound aid ships Monday, as Turkey froze military ties, Muslim leaders demanded UN action and protests erupted in many countries. "
Israel is in between a rock and hard place. They know no one is going to help them keep Israel safe, and any attempts to stop terrorists or to halt aid to Israel’s enemies will only isolate the nation Israel even more than they already are. The raid on the aid ship has been viewed by the world as a brutal attack by Israel much the same way as was the attack on the Gaza in the beginning of this year.
In another report entitled, “Gaza Activists Claim "Brutal" it was reported, “Activists returning to Europe after Israeli forces raided their aid flotilla said Tuesday that the commandos had beaten passengers and used electric shocks during the assault. Six Greeks and several others, including a Turkish woman and her 1-year-old baby, were released Tuesday, but Israel has barred access to hundreds of others seized during the raid that killed at least nine people and wounded dozens early Monday.”
Zechariah 12:3 makes it very clear all the nations will come against Israel in the last days. The United States used to be the strongest ally Israel had, but since Obama took office this old friendship has been dying out slowly. If you live in the United States and are under the impression that the U.S. will never turn against Israel, you are in for the shock of your life. Below is a good example of how the current U.S. Administration has moved away from Israel, and has joined the rest of the world leaders that oppose Israel.
A few days ago the Obama administration voted in favor of international inspections of Israel's nuclear program. This came after the Obama administration said it would not support an initiative that singled out Israel. In fact, National Security Adviser Jim Jones said such an initiative was counterproductive. There are reports that Israel was assured that the Obama administration would support Israel's objection. But once again, the Obama administration lied and voted in favor of a resolution that singles out Israel for inspections and does not mention Iran's nuclear program. After the vote, Obama said he would do nothing to harm Israel. Just the fact that Obama voted against Israel has already done harm. Obama is like Judas, who hung around Jesus and at the right time he turned Jesus over to the Jews for 30 pieces of silver. Today Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is going to meet with Obama. If I was Netanyahu the first thing I would say to Obama at this meeting would be, “could you take the knife out of my back you put there”. Obama and Netanyahu will meet today again. I quote, “The prime minister will meet with the U.S. president at the White House on Tuesday, after the U.S. backed a call for inspection of Israeli nuclear installations at the NPT Review Conference. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will ask for clarifications about the U.S. position on the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference when he meets with U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House on Tuesday.”
Here is another example of news showing America and Israel are moving futhur apart. "Strategic ties between Jerusalem and Washington have been slowly changing since the conclusion of the Cold War, Mossad chief Meir Dagan told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday. "Bit by bit, Israel is becoming less of a strategic asset for America," Dagan said in his meeting with committee.”
Actions always speak louder than words. Obama says he is a friend to Israel however, since taking office he has made it a priority to divide Israel into two States and give back the holy city of Jerusalem to the Palestinians. When you read what God says about nations who do these types of things you find out that their is a promise. What is this promise. If you are new to my site you better read it for your self. I quote, “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:3). Joel 3: 2 says, “I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.”
If there is one thing you take away from this report it should be this, God has always made good on His promises! According to the Word of God you better believe the U.S. will be carried away in God’s judgment as well as the other nations who come against Jerusalem.
Now I want to tie in how this raid links to both Zechariah 12:3 and the Ezekiel 38 war. Just in case you are new to prophecy, Ezekiel 38 tells us that Russia will lead an invasion on Israel in the last days. Turkey is one the the nations God said would join with Russia in this invasion. Turkey and Israel were strong allies until Israel invaded the Gaza to stop the rockets the PLO were launching into Israel. If you noticed in the above report most of the people killed in this weekends raid on the boat were from Turkey! When you read this next section from another report you will see how this raid has added fuel to both the Zechariah and Ezekiel prophecies.
ANKARA (Reuters) – Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan called Tuesday for Israel to be punished for storming a Turkish aid ship and said "nothing would ever be the same" in relations between the two allies. Turkey was infuriated by the killing of nine people, including four Turks, during the Israeli assault Monday to stop a convoy of six vessels delivering aid to the Gaza Strip, and 368 Turks were still being held in Israel. "Israel's behavior should definitely, definitely be punished," a spirited Erdogan told a meeting of his parliamentary deputies broadcast on live television. "No one should try to test Turkey's patience," he said. "The time has come for the international community to say 'enough'," he said. "The United Nations must not stop at its resolution condemning Israel, but stand behind its resolution."
This is what you can expect to happen in the near future. The Gaza situation as well as the stall peace talks will get much worse. Tensions are going to mount up until the Arabs make their attempt in taking back Jerusalem. The attack by the Arabs will fulfill the Psalm 83 war. When Turkey sees Israel has wiped out the Arabs in much the same way they did in the previous wars, Turkey will rush in with Russia and the rest of Russia’s allies in another attempt to wipe Israel off the map. The nations who attack Israel in both the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 wars will at this time see what the following warning by God meant. “There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel” I want to assure you all that these recent events are leading us down the path to fulfill the rest of prophecy.
Israel’s Prime Ministry is not backing down in defending his nation even as pressure mounts from the world. I quote, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his political-security cabinet on Tuesday that international condemnation would not stop Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip. The Israel Navy's deadly raid of a Gaza-bound flotilla carrying humanitarian aid awakened a storm of criticism among Israel's friends and foes alike, leading many members of the United Nations Security Council to call on Israel to lift its years-long siege of the Hamas-ruled coastal territory.”
The news has been slanted against Israel for years and it is getting worse. The report said the Gaza-bound flotilla was carrying humanitarian aid. When the Israeli’s boarded the ship the people attacked the Israeli's and it was not peaceful. I have placed a video below, which shows at the very moment the soldiers touched the down on the boat they were beaten. The Israeli officials warned what to expect if more of these ships tried to make their way to the Gaza.
“Israel will use more aggressive force in the future to prevent ships from breaking the sea blockade on the Gaza Strip, a top Navy commander told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. "We boarded the ship and were attacked as if it was a war," the officer said. "That will mean that we will have to come prepared in the future as if it was a war."
Jesus warned us that we would both hear humors of war, and we would also see war. His warning is recording in Matthew 24:7. The Middle East is a time bomb ready to explode and the issue of peace and safety along with the Gaza problem will no doubt start the fuse. I ask all of you who hasn’t taken Christ as your Savior yet to please do so now. All these events show us this planet is about to enter the seven year tribulation. The Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 wars are heading toward us like a raging bull, and when they take place your life will change in a second.
We see from Ezekiel 38 that Iran is going to play a major role in the invasion of Israel with Russia. Iran is the main nation pushing the PLO, Syria, and Lebanon to have a war with Israel. Of course Iran took the opportunity to again strike out at their enemy Israel. The facts are made known in a report entitled: “Envoy: Collapse of Zionist Regime Imminent “. I quote, TEHRAN (FNA)- Israel's attack on Gaza aid convoy showed that the collapse of the Zionist regime is imminent, Iran's envoy to Azerbaijan said on Tuesday.” “Speaking to FNA about the barbaric raid on Palestine Freedom Flotilla by the Israeli forces, Iran's Ambassador to Baku Mohammad Baqer Bahrami said that the move revealed the true nature of the regime and indicated that the forged regime is nearing the end of its existence. He reminded global condemnation of Israel's raid on international human rights activists in international waters, and noted, "The world now is informed of the true nature of this occupying regime."
Here is the sad part to all this. Because the news is so slanted most of the world will believe Israel is a barbaric nation. The truth is, all Israel is doing is trying to keep arm shipments from making there way to Israel’s enemies. For the past two years all types of weapons including 40,000 rockets have been smuggled into the Gaza via Syria and Lebanon. Israel is doing the same thing the U.S. is doing. They are fighting a war against tourists, yet the news media paints Israel as the bad guy. If you are Jewish you should not be surprised at all this. In fact you should have expected this to happen in light of what the Prophet Zechariah said in Zech. 12:3.
When speaking about Iran let us not forget that Israel warned the world they would not allow Iran to make a nuclear weapon. The threat of a war between Israel and Iran has just increased do to the news today.
“VIENNA — Iran has amassed more than two tons of enriched uranium, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Monday in a report that heightened Western concerns about the country preparing to produce a nuclear weapon. Two tons of uranium would suffice for two nuclear warheads, although Iran says it does not want weapons and is only pursuing civilian nuclear energy.” Will Israel be bold enough to send in their jets to take out Iran’s nuclear plants? I would suggest that they would considering all the nations in the world are suppose to turn against Israel. Think about this for a moment. Israel ticks off the world by invading the Gaza. Then they tick the world off again when they stopped the ship this weekend. What do you think the world is going to think about Israel if they bomb the hell out of Iran’s nuclear plant? I will tell you what they will think! They will all fall in step with the Zechariah 12:3 prophecy which as you now know says the entire world will come against Israel.
More signs that war is coming. “ debkafile reports from Ankara that the Turkish government is planning to continue pounding the Israeli blockade with more flotillas and have them escorted by Turkish warships and fighter jets. Israel merchant vessels moored outside Ashdod port have been instructed to sail into port and take shelter in case of missile attacks from the Gaza Strip against Ashdod and Ashkelon. Monday morning, Israeli warplanes headed west over the Mediterranean in support of the still ongoing Israeli commando operation aboard the Turkish Marmora, the scene of violent clashes between Israeli troops and the 600 "peace activists," some of them armed. Ankara later reported 15 dead aboard the vessel. Israeli army spokesman, Col. Avi Beneyahu, called the incident "an act of terror on the high seas." Far from being a humanitarian mission, the flotilla was sponsored personally by Turkish prime minister Recep Erdogan to break the Israeli blockade on Gaza and permit arms supplies and terrorists to reach the Strip unrestricted. It aimed at provoking a widely publicized international incident with fatalities and showing Israel using strong-arm tactics against unarmed peace-lovers. http://debka.com/article/8823/
Prophecy Sign: More news today points to both the Psalm 83 war and Ezekiel 38 war. “A recent arms deal between Russia and Syria has raised the prospect of a new cold war in the Middle East. Foreign Policy's Josh Landis, for example, suggests that unconditional US support for Israel will draw Moscow back into its pre-1989 role as supporter and arms supplier for the enemies of Tel Aviv and Washington. Yet Russia's return to Syria, whether it be the sale of MiG-29s or building a naval dock on the Syrian coast, is not the action of a superpower challenging US hegemony as it was in 1945-89 but rather an assertive regional power taking advantage of the emerging power vacuum in the region. Instead of a new bi-polar cold war, regional powers such as Russia and Turkey are increasing their influence at the United States' expense. The idea of a new cold war has gained currency in some quarters for the wrong reasons. Syrian president Bashar al-Assad himself told La Repubblica last week that "Russia is reasserting itself. And the cold war is just a natural reaction to the attempt by America to dominate the world.”
If you read Ezekiel’s prophecy and you believe in what God has warned us in that prophecy you would have expected Russia to try to rise to the superpower level that had before President Regan took office. Not only is Russia trying to gain strength again it is joining with the same nations that are listed by God that will attack Israel soon. None of this news is a coincidence by the way.
Prophecy Sign: In Genesis 12:2-3 it says, “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” In some of my recent posts I have been showing you reports on how the United States is seeing the result of God’s curse because she is in the process of trying to divide the land of Israel. The European Union, who has taken up the same position as the America has also fallen under this same curse. Take a look at what is happening in the EU. “Debt-laden Europe posted a record unemployment rate on Tuesday and its core currency and shares plummeted amid a worrying industrial slowdown. The unemployment rate hit 10.1 per cent in April, its highest since the euro came into being in 1999 and just one of a series of blows on Tuesday to the eurozone economy after a brief lull last week in market pressure. Almost 16 million people were out of work across the 16 countries that share the euro, the European Union said.” America has over 15 million people out of work and both the EU and U.S. are headed for much bigger problems as both their debt grows.
Prophecy Sign: Daniel 2:43 tells us the following concerning the revived Roman Empire. “And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.”We know that the Antichrist will rise up during a time of great confusion. We assume this confusion will be centered on several issues. One will be the Middle East peace problem, and the other the global economic problem. We know this because Daniel chapter 9:27 shows us the Antichrist will confirm a covenant with Israel. In Revelation 13:16-17 Jesus shows us this Antichrist will have control of the economy because he makes it so that no one will be able to buy anything or sell anything unless you have the Antichrist’s mark. Since the European Union is a copy of the old Roman Empire we need to pay attention to what happens with this empire. Verse 43 warns us this empire will not remain united and as you can see from the report below this is exactly what is taking place right now.
“THE Greek government has been advised by British economists to leave the euro and default on its €300 billion (£255 billion) debt to save its economy. The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), a London-based consultancy, has warned Greek ministers they will be unable to escape their debt trap without devaluing their own currency to boost exports. The only way this can happen is if Greece returns to its own currency.” There are other nations in the EU who are using the euro who are in the same condition as Greece is in. I warned you before that if these 6 nations drop out of the euro you will have ten euro EU nations. This number is very important to the last days prophecies because the Lord told us ten kings would give up all their authority over to the Antichrist.