Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
I am offering my services to any Pastor who wants to help prepare their flock for the last days. My prophecy seminars are waking up the dead Church and bringing in the unsaved. If you love Christ and are not afraid to warn the people entrusted you, I will come to you if invited. My service in Christ is free. Contact me a fjdimora@gmail.com.
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Prophecy Sign: Those of us who have studied the Book of Daniel understand that the United States is not mentioned one time in the entire book. In chapters 2 and 7 God shows Daniel each empire that would control the world from the Babylonian Empire all the way to the last world empire, which we are told is going to be a revived Roman Empire. What happened to America who was the most powerful nation in the world? To answer this question I need to back up and quote you scripture from Daniel. First of all Daniel 12:4 says, “
But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge." Here we are told this prophecy was to be sealed and the last generation who was labeled the generation of increase knowledge would be the generation who would understand this prophecy. God makes this very clear for us as He repeats this information in verse 9 and I quote, “He replied, "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end.” Now if you haven’t received Jesus as your Lord and savor yet I would pay special attention to verse 10 where is says, “Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.”
In chapter 3 of my book I give you more than enough proof, which shows our present generation, has been labeled the generation of increased knowledge, and we are that generation who is traveling back and forth just as the prophecy stated. Since you live in this generation the prophecy, which was given to Daniel and was closed up is no longer closed. Knowing that the prophecy is no longer closed I have to ask you this next question? Do you understand the Daniel prophecy and can you tell me what happened to America? Is it possible that you are one of the people who God points to in verse 10 where He said, “None of the wicked will understand”?
It can only go two ways. First, you are wicked and have rejected Jesus as the only Lord and savior and therefore can’t understand, or second, you are a lazy Christian who doesn’t read the Word of God, doesn’t study, and one who expects others to read the Word and tell them what to believe. If you are in the second group you still have hope and you still can understand. This group of people who supposedly have Christ as their savior, still has a chance to understand. If this group of people really did receive Jesus as Lord, they have the Holy Spirit living in them, and they can be the ones God refers to as “those who are wise will understand”. All these people have to do is start abiding in Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to teach them. Read 1 John 2:20, and 27. “But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.” “As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit–just as it has taught you, remain in him.”
Now let me turn my attention back to the original question which is, why isn’t America mentioned anywhere in the Book of Daniel? Knowing that God showed us Jesus would face the revived Roman Empire and the Antichrist who would rule this last days empire. All one would have to do is look for this new revived Roman Empire. When you saw it you would know that the Antichrist was about to rise up and take control of it. The second thing you would look for is a last days power shift to take place. If you know some how the revived Roman Empire would rise to the top, all you would have to do is watch the other superpower nations. If one is going to rise, that means, the ones who were in power must have been replaced. That is where America comes into play. America was once a God fearing nation, but over the course of time, she has turned her back on Christ. American leaders have now taken sides against Israel. These leaders have begun to demand Israel divide up their land into two States, and to give back East Jerusalem to the PLO so they can use this city as their Capital city. I said this before in my posts but these actions have caused America to be cursed by God. The curse in found in Genesis 12:3. “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." In order to fully understand this curse it would be good to read Zechariah 12:3 since this verse deals with those who mess around with God’s Holy City Jerusalem. I quote, “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” What does God say about messing around with Israel? For this answer read Joel 3:2 I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.” Now do you see clearly what is happening? America has fallen under God’s curse for trying to give Jerusalem away, and for attempting to divide up the State of Israel. The United States is doing the exact things God warned not to do, and she is about to be crushed because of it.
God didn’t give us any information in the Book of Daniel who America would go down, but we who live in the time of the unsealed Book of Daniel can see very clearly how America is losing your position as a world power. I suggest you read yesterday’s post dated, Jan. 5, 2010. That post shows you how America is declining. The once powerful Eagle has been strapped down with trillions in debt, and this debt is leading to the U.S. collapse. If you really what to see what the U.S. debt is all about watch this short video entitled, “Inflation and the Dollar's crash”.
Let’s say America keeps on the present course and she does crash. Let’s say the U.S. dollar does die off as many of the leading economic forecasters are warning us. If this is the case and I believe that it is, because America is showing no signs of turning from her present course, you might what to see what Americans are going to face in the near future. I warn you, it is not pretty, and it is scary. Below is a article entitled, “What is Money When the System Collapses?” This report will give you a glimpse what is headed down the road.
What is Money When the System Collapses?
By Mac Slavo
Economist Mike Shedlock defines money through the eyes of Austrian economist Murray N. Rothbard as, “a commodity used as a medium of exchange.”
“Like all commodities, it has an existing stock, it faces demands by people to buy and hold it. Like all commodities, its “price” in terms of other goods is determined by the interaction of its total supply, or stock, and the total demand by people to buy and hold it. People “buy” money by selling their goods and services for it, just as they “sell” money when they buy goods and services.”
What is money when the system collapses and the SHTF?
In disaster situations, the value of money as we know it now, changes, especially if we are dealing with a hyperinflationary collapse of the system’s core currency. This article discusses money as a commodity in an event where the traditional currency (US Dollar) is no longer valuable.
In a collapse of the system, there will be multiple phases, with the first phase being the “crunch”, as discussed in James Rawles’ book Patriots. The crunch is the period of time directly preceding a collapse and the collapse itself.
Traditional Currency
Initially, the traditional currency system will maintain some value, though it may be rapidly depreciating in buying power. For those with physical, non-precious metal denominated currency on hand (paper dollars, non-silver coins), spending it as rapidly as possible is the best approach.
It is during the crunch that ATM machines around the country will run out of currency as people aware of the rapidly devaluing dollar will be attempting to withdraw as much money as possible. This immediate increase in money supply, coupled with the population’s general knowledge of the currency depreciation in progress, will lead to instant price increases for goods, especially essential goods.
If your physical cash has not been converted into tangible assets, this would be the time to do so. Acquiring as much food, fuel, clothing and toiletry items as possible would be the ideal way to spend remaining cash before it completely collapses to zero, as it did in the Weimar inflation in 1930’s Germany, or Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation in recent years.
Precious Metals
During the initial phase of the ‘crunch’, precious metals will be a primary bartering tool, but this may not last long. The old survivalist adage, “You can’t eat your gold,” will become apparent very quickly. In a total breakdown of the system, food, water and fuel will be the most important tangible goods to acquire.
Consider someone who has a two-week or one-month supply of food on hand. Do you believe they would be willing to part with that food for some precious metals? The likely answer is no. There will be almost no bartering item that one would be willing to trade their food for once it is realized that food supply lines have been cut.
That being said, since most will not barter their food, not even for fuel, the next recognized medium of exchange by merchants, especially those selling fuel, will be precious metals. For the initial crunch, silver coins, especially recognizable coins like 90% silver quarters, dimes and half dollars, along with one ounce government mint issued silver coins, like US Silver Eagles, will be accepted by some, probably most, merchants. For those trying to flee cities to bug-out locations, silver coins of the aforementioned denominations may be a life saver, as they can be used to acquire fuel. While we recommend having gold as well, the issue with gold is that its value is so much higher than that of silver. Breaking a one-ounce gold coin into ten pieces just to buy a tank of gas will not be practical. It is for this reason that having silver on hand is highly recommended. Packing at least $25 – $50 worth of silver coins in each bug-out bag would be a prudent prepping idea.
In a total SHTF scenario, silver and gold may eventually break down as a bartering unit, as contact with the, “outside” world breaks down. One reason for this, is that the fair value price of precious metals will be hard to determine, as it will be difficult to locate buyers for this commodity.
This, however, does not mean that you should spend all of your precious metals right at the onset of a collapse. Precious metals will have value after bartering and trade is reestablished and once the system begins to stabilize. Once stabilization begins, the likely scenario is that precious metals will be one of the most valuable monetary units available, so having plenty may be quite a benefit. At this point, they could be used to purchase property, livestock, services and labor.
Water is often overlooked as a medium of exchange, though it is one of the most essential commodities for survival on the planet. Had individuals in New Orleans stockpiled some water supplies during Hurricane Katrina, much of the loss of life there could have been avoided.
For those bugging out of cities, it will be impractical to carry with them more than 5 – 10 gallons of water because of space limitations in their vehicles. Thus, having a method to procure water may not only save your life but also provide you with additional goods for which you can barter
An easy solution for providing yourself and others with clean water is to acquire a portable water filtration unit for your bug-out bag(s). While they are a bit costly, with a good unit such as the Katadyn Combi water filter running around $150, the water produced will be worth its weight in gold, almost literally. This particular filter produces 13,000 gallons of clean water! It’s a must-have for any survival kit.
Because we like reserves for our reserves, we’d also recommend acquiring water treatment tablets like the EPA approved Katadyn Micropur tabs. If your filter is lost or breaks for whatever reason, each tablet can filter 1 liter of water. In our opinion, it’s the best chemical water treatment available.
Clean water is money. In a bartering environment, especially before individuals have had time to establish water sources, this will be an extremely valuable medium of exchange and will have more buying power than even silver or gold on the individual bartering level.
In a system collapse, food will be another of the core essential items that individuals will want to acquire. Survival Blog founder James Rawles suggests storing food for 1) personal use, 2) charity, and 3) bartering.
Dry goods, canned goods, and freeze dried foods can be used for bartering, but only if you have enought to feed yourself, family and friends. They should be bartered by expiration date, with those foods with the expiration dates farthest out being the last to be traded. You don’t know how long the crunch and recovery periods will last, so hold the foods with the longest expiration dates in your posession if you get to a point where you must trade.
Baby formula will also be a highly valued item in a SHTF scenario, so whether you have young children or not, it may not be a bad idea to stockpile a one or two weeks supply. (For parents of young children, this should be the absolute first thing you should be stockpiling!). In addition to water, baby formula may be one of the most precious of all monetary commodities.
Another tradeable food good would be non-hybrid produce seeds, but the need for these may not be apparent to most at the initial onset of a collapse, though having extra seeds in your bug-out location may come in handy later.
Fuel, including gas, diesel, propane and kerosene will all become barterable goods in a collapse, with gas being the primary of these energy monetary units during the crunch as individuals flee cities. For most, stockpiling large quantities will be impractical, so for those individuals who prepared, they may only have 20 – 50 gallons in their possession as they are leaving their homes. If you are near your final bug-out destination, and you must acquire food, water or firearms, fuel may be a good medium of exchange, especially for those that have extra food stuffs they are willing to trade.
Though we do not recommend expending your fuel, if you are left with no choice, then food, water and clothing may take precedence.
For those with the ability to do so, store fuel in underground tanks on your property for later use and trading.
Firearms and Ammunition
Though firearms and ammunition may not be something you want to give up, those without them will be willing to trade some of their food, precious metals, fuel and water for personal security. If the system collapses, there will likely be pandemonium, and those without a way to protect themselves will be sitting ducks to thieves, predators and gangs.
Even if you choose not to trade your firearms and ammo during the onset of a collapse, these items will be valuable later. As food supplies diminish, those without firearms will want to acquire them so they can hunt for food. Those with firearms may very well be running low on ammunition and will be willing to trade for any of the aforementioned items.
In James Rawles’ Patriots and William Forstchen’s One Second After, ammunition was the primary trading good during the recovery and stabilization periods, where it was traded for food, clothing, shoes, livestock, precious metals and fuel.
Clothing and Footwear
We may take it for granted now because of the seemingly endless supply, but clothing and footwear items will be critical in both, the crunch and the phases after it. Having an extra pair of boots, a jacket, socks, underwear and sweaters can be an excellent way to acquire other essential items in a trade.
As children grow out of their clothes, rather than throwing them away, they will become barterable goods.
It is recommended that those with children stock up on essential clothing items like socks, underwear and winter-wear that is sized a year or two ahead of your child’s age.
Additional Monetary Commodities
The above monetary units are essential goods that will be helpful for bartering in the initial phases of a collapse in the system. As the crunch wanes and recovery and stabilization begin to take over, other commodities will become tradeable goods.
In A Free Falling Economy Makes Bartering Go Boom, Tess Pennington provides some other examples of items that will be bartering goods during and after a crunch including, vitamins, tools, livestock, fishing supplies, coffee and medical supplies.
Another important monetary commodity after the crunch will be trade skills. If you know how to fish, machine tools, hunt, sew, fix and operate radioes, fix cars, manufacture shoes, or grow food, you’ll have some very important skills during the recovery period.
End of report
America you still have hope! However, you must convince your President to change it policy toward Israel. Obama must give up his fight to divide Israel into a two States, and He has to stop pressing Israel to give away East Jerusalem to the PLO. If there is not change in U.S. policy all of the things you just read above will most likely take place in what used to be the richest land in the world.
Is God’s curse really taking a hold on those who are coming against Israel? Take a look at what is happening in Great Britain. Today’s report from the UK is entitled, “Britain falls to 25th best place to live in the world… behind Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Hungary”. When you read this report you will see Britian is also falling apart. Why is this imporant? Because the UK is playing a major part in the Middle East peace talks and under Tony Blair’s direction for the UK, he is also pushing for the exact same policies as President Obama, which means they have no doubt fallen under the curse as well. When you read the entire report you will see that America which at one time was rated the number one nation to live, she has now dropped to the number 7 position.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1240988/France-tops-list-best-places-live-world-fifth-year-row–Britain-languishes-25th.html#ixzz0br56yFLO
In many of my 2009 posts I provided you information from many nations that show us the world is looking to switch from the U.S. dollar to some other currency. From what I can see there is no question that this change is coming. Take a look at this next video entitled, “A NEW DOLLAR : an insider from the fed banks meeting”. This is only a two minute video.
For those of you who want to big in deeper to understand what is going to happen with the U.S. dollar, read this report entitle, “Investment Forecast for 2010:” Here is one short section of this report. “The Dollar’s Demise Sets the Table “Forecast for 2010 Dollar: Look for an even weaker dollar in 2010”. The U.S. Dollar Index is close to breaking down and losing all technical support. That could throw traders into frenzy.” Notice what they say about Gold and Silver in this report. “Precious Metals: Gold continues to shine, although expected profit taking will happen along the way. Washington and other governments would love to keep a cap on the price of bullion, but right now they have much bigger fish to fry. My expectation is that the Midas metal will top $1,500 per ounce before year’s end and silver will rise from the $17 range to $25 per ounce. That leaves us with one other key sector…” I focused on this section because of what it say in Revelation 18:12 where we see people in the tribulation period weeping over their lose of gold and silver. This weeping tells us these precious metals are going to be of great value during this period. Keep in mind, if you miss the rapture of the Church this gold and silver won’t be able to help you. You must realize, three and a half years into the seven year tribulation is when the Antichrist will stop everyone on this planet from buying or selling anything, that is unless you take his mark, which will be placed in the right hand or the forehand. The only way this gold and silver can help you is if you take the mark, which will mean you, seal your fate to hell for all time! I have a better plan for you and it is good news. Why not just take the precious gift of salvation that Jesus is extending to you as a free gift? If you like gold, you will be walking on streets of gold in heaven! Of course if you refuse the Lord’s plan of salvation you will find yourself cast into the tribulation and if you die without receiving Jesus, you will be walking in flames of fire in hell. You choice. Once again, this goes back to the scripture of being one of the wise.
Prophecy Sign: “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” Let me give you another example of several prophecies coming to pass at the same time. First of all we know that Israel will face war at the time they are calling for Peace and safety as the Word of God stated above. Second we also know from Psalms 83 that Egypt will be one of the nations that will attack Israel. We know that Egypt will again be defeated when they attack Israel because they to have fallen under God’s curse. Today’s news shows you Egypt has taken the same stance against Israel has have the U.S. and the UK. I quote, “Egypt's plan: Jerusalem Palestinian capital before talks” Al-Gomhuria newspaper reveals main principles of Egyptian initiative for permanent agreement negotiations, which will start off with Israeli recognition of 1967 borders, east Jerusalem as Palestine's capital. Palestinians, in return, to agree to thousands of new housing units in settlements Roee Nahmias An Egyptian initiative aimed at resuming Israeli-Palestinian peace talks on a permanent agreement includes an Israeli recognition of the 1967 borders and east Jerusalem as the Palestinian state's capital even before the negotiations are launched, Egyptian newspaper al-Gomhuria reported Wednesday.” Here we see another nation attempting to divide Israel and giving away East Jerusalem. After reading the Psalms 83 war and the warnings God gave us concerning anyone coming against His people, there is no doubt why Egypt is defeated. If you don’t believe in God warnings, just sit back and watch what happens when Egypt attacks Israel soon! When you witness the tiny nation of Israel win this war, write me so I can tell you what will happen next. Better yet, just read the Bible and find out what is going to happen for yourself.
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes. Yesterday I showed you a long list of earthquakes all of which were over a 5.0. Today we learned “A string of fresh earthquakes rocked the western Solomon Islands late Tuesday and through Wednesday but there were no early reports of damage or casualties, officials said. The largest earthquake late Tuesday had a magnitude of 6.8, followed by seven aftershocks measuring at least 5.0 in the isolated region about 300 kilometres (185 miles) west of the capital Honiara. The latest tremors followed a series of quakes on Monday, with the largest of 7.2 causing a tsunami estimated at eight feet (nearly 2.5 metres).”
Update time = Wed Jan 6 19:20:27 UTC 2010
It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
DiMora Ministry is proud to sponsor of the House of Samual. 100% of all funds from the sales are given to the House of Samuel. Below is a picture of the shirts. The shirt portrays my latest book (front of shirt) and ministry information (back of shirt). To order shirts and find more information about the House of Samuel, click to their link below. The shirts are $15.00 each or three for $35.00.