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Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25: According to Jesus nations would be perplexed by problems. We see many of these problems listed in chapter 24 of Matthew, such as famine, droughts, disease, wars and so on. To show you how all these things are tied together in our generation, and how one problem extends into another one, click to the link below and you will get a good picture of what these complex problems are. This site gives an interactive web graphic that predicts the percentage of likelihood of events between countries. Just click on to any of the circles and see what happens, make sure you see the graph at the left when you click to each subject.

Prophecy Sign: If you understand prophecy and you read this next report you would recognize two prophecies being unfolded here. The first one is the call for Peace and safety found in II Thessalonians 5:3, and the second is the a future war outlines in Psalms 83. Psalms 83 tells us Syria is will be one of the many nations that will attack Israel in the last days. We also know from Isaiah 17:1 that Syria will be destroyed.
Those of you who have been coming to my site can see how close this war is, and the recent news shows us this war may even take place sooner than we think. Months ago I told you to look for tensions to rise between Syria and Israel, well we don’t have to wait for that any longer, tensions are at the highest they have been in years.
Read what is happening and I will connect the dots for you. I quote, “As tension continues to rise between Damascus and Jerusalem, the United States is urging Syria and Israel to show restraint and return to the negotiations table. Al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper on Friday quoted sources in Washington who addressed the tension between the two countries, and called for Syria to "show restraint and not take any measures that would hinder launching negotiations." Here we see the U.S. trying to hold the peace talks in place. The first part of II Thessalonians 5:3 has been fulfilled, which is the called for Peace and safety. Now it is the second part of that prophecy that will be covered in this report, which has to do with sudden destruction that will come when they are calling for Peace and safety.
“According to the report, the source added that "Washington is working seriously towards renewing peace talks swiftly, and on all channels," including between Israel and Syria. In addition, the source stated that "there are issues that are still pending, and are a cause for concern for Syria," which they said would be handled by the designated American ambassador to Damascus, Robert Ford, as soon as his appointment is approved by the Senate.”
Meanwhile, the paper also quoted Syrian officials who responded to remarks made by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s, who threatened to bring down Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime in the event of a war with Israel.”

In a second report it was stated, “Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned Syrian President Bashar Assad Thursday that in an event of war with Israel, "not only will you lose the war, you and your family will no longer be in power." Speaking during a business conference at Bar-Ilan University, Lieberman said, "Whoever thinks (Israeli) territorial concessions will separate Syria from the axis of evil is mistaken. Syria must be made to understand that it has to relinquish its demand (that Israel cede) the Golan Heights." “On Wednesday Assad accused Israel of “pushing the region towards war”. During a meeting with Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Moratinos in Damascus, Assad said that the Jewish state "is not serious about achieving peace”. Do you remember me telling you that when the Arabs believe nothing will come about from the peace talks that it would be this time that the war would break out? By the looks of things, I would say we are almost at this point! Syria’s leader hates Israel and has been trying to get back the land his nation lost in a previous war with Israel, and if it takes another war to get the Golan Heights back that’s what he will do.
In speaking about the Syrian President Bashar Assad's remarks the report goes on to say, “In addition, he announced that Syria demanded that Israel fully retreat from the Golan Heights as a necessary condition for peace between the two countries. Bashar also endorsed Hizbullah’s continued military presence along Lebanon's border with Israel and supported the Palestinians' right to use violence against the Jewish State.” Now let’s put two and two together. Israel doesn’t want to give back the Golan Heights because it is a buffer zone between Israel and her enemies to the North. The only way this land will go back to Syria is by force. When you read the Psalms 83 war it appears it will be this war that Syria will make its move on Israel thinking they will wipe out Israel once and for all. However, God’s Word shows us Israel will again win this war, and what Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned the Syrian President “that in an event of war with Israel, "not only will you lose the war, you and your family will no longer be in power” will also be fulfilled.
What blows me away is the fact that these reports are speaking about the exact same nations listed in the Psalms 83 prophecy. Syria has hooked up with Lebanon and the Hizbullah, which are part of the PLO. According to the Psalms war all these people will be attacking Israel. Get ready to witness the Psalms war very soon, because all current events are leading to this war at a time when these nations are calling for Peace and safety. I can’t stress enough that the timing for the call for Peace and safety, and the war talks between these nations is not a coincidence. The last part of II Thessalonians 5:3 is about to be fulfilled, which is the sudden destruction.

Prophecy Sign: Speaking about war threats let me turn my attention to the Ezekiel war found in Ezekiel chapter 38. Ezekiel warned us that in the last days Russia will lead a huge invasion against Israel. Russia will lead many of the Islamic nations which include Iran on the tiny nation of Israel. I have been giving you news showing you what may cause this war to begin. I would say at this point, Iran’s quest to fire up their nuclear weapons plant is probably the event that will kick off this war. When Israel bombs these sites there will be a counter attack which will be lead by the Russians. This counter attack more than likely would fulfill Ezekiel 38. Can you see this war coming? Take a look at these headlines. “Israel threatens to 'use force' against Iran”. Here is a short section to this report. “Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Yaalon says Israel might use force to prevent Iran from developing "nuclear weapons," a claim Iran vehemently rejects. "Iran's plan will probably be stopped by a regime change or, if there is no other choice, by recourse to force to deprive Iran of its nuclear arms production capabilities," Yaalon told a security conference in Herzliya. "It is important to continue to make clear to the extremist regime in Iran that all options remain on the table and that ignoring the demands of the international community will probably end in bitter tears for Iran," AFP quoted Yaalon as saying on Wednesday.”
On many occasions I told you that when Israel see that the United Nations won’t follow through in getting Iran to stop this nuclear site from firing up that is when the Israeli’s would bomb Iran. Time is almost out and Israel knows it. I think that there is a good possibility that Israel will have to attack within the next six months. All I know is 2010 is going to be a very interesting year for prophecy!

Speaking about the Ezekiel war, Libya is another nation that will unite with Russia when they attack Israel. Recently there has been a big stink concerning S-300 PMU-2 interceptor missiles going into Iran from Russia. Russia said they wouldn’t give these interceptors to Iran after being pressured by Israel and the United States. How does an enemy of Israel get around this pressure? Give the missiles to your allies and let them give the interceptors to Iran.

You should understand what is happening after you read this report. “Libyan defense minister Younis Jaber arrived in Moscow Tuesday, Jan. 26 to sign a $2 billion military acquisitions deal that makes his country the first in the Middle East to obtain the top-of-the-line S-300 PMU-2 interceptors which Russia is holding back from Iran. debkafile's military sources report that Tripoli has purchased two brigades of four missile batteries each, conditional on their delivery by the end of 2010. Although a three-way deal for the supply of S-300 missile-air interceptors to Syria for transfer to Iran (which foots the bill) has been signed, Russian leaders are holding back on its implementation in response to US and Israeli pressure.” Over and over again we see the connection between Syria, Russia, and Iran. What ever Russia says about containing Iran and not supplying them will weapons, don’t believe. Here is a report in which Russia has promised these S-300 will be delivered to Iran. I quote, "Our Russian colleagues have assured us they'll meet their obligations," says Iranian envoy. Russia has assured Iran that it still intends to deliver long-range air-defense missiles, the Iranian ambassador in Moscow said Thursday. Russian news agencies cited Seyyed Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi as saying, "Our Russian colleagues have assured us that they will meet their obligations." A Kremlin spokesman declined to comment."
In my book I give you all the facts how Russia has been shipping arms to all the nations listed in Ezekiel that will attack Israel. God help all those men who attack Israel, because we are told that one of the way this massive army will be wiped out will be by a huge earthquake.
How close is this war? I would say if the Psalms war takes place within the next six months, that the Ezekiel war may, and I say may happen soon after that war is over. Let us stand watch and be ready.

Prophecy Sign: Jesus in Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 told us to look for many earthquakes and great earthquakes. We know for sure that one of the great quakes will happen during the Ezekiel war, and I am looking for some huge quakes to hit before this war as well. At least twice a week I give you an up-date on what has happened with earthquakes. Here is a report I picked up this morning. I quote, “It’s seems that the prediction of 2012 has already started as Earthquake has already started affecting many places in the the North and South American Continent. First it was Haiti that was hit by a Massive Earthquake followed by Cayman Islands, Guatemala and Solomon Islands. Now news comes in that an Earthquake with a Magnitude of 6.0 has struck the Humboldt County, California at 12:20 PM. An Earthquake of 6.0 Magnitude was reported from Humboldt County that is situated near the Coast of North of California. The USGS reports that the quake has struck in 35-miles west-northwest of Petrolia.
Below are the earthquakes recorded so far today Feb. 2, 2010. These quakes only the quakes 5.0 and higher.
5.1 South Island of New Zealand
6.1 Sotheast Indian Ridge
5.1 Sea of Japan
5.0 Southern East Pacific Rise
Prophecy sign: Matthew 24:7 also warned us about diseases. All of you who read my posts know I warned you that new diseases would begin to show up in the news. Here are some reports proving not my word, but the Words of Christ, for it is Christ’s warnings to watch out for these types of diseases in the last days.
Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Myanmar
Information received on 05/02/2010 from Prof. Dr Myint Thein , Director General, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department , Ministry of Livestock & Fisheries , YANGOON , Myanmar
Influenza aviar altamente patógena, Myanmar
Información recibida el 05/02/2010 desde Prof. Dr Myint Thein , Director General, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department , Ministry of Livestock & Fisheries , YANGOON , Myanmar
Influenza aviaire hautement pathogène, Myanmar
Information reçue le 05/02/2010 de Prof. Dr Myint Thein , Director General, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department , Ministry of Livestock & Fisheries , YANGOON , Myanmar
From time to time I talk to you concerning the warning Jesus left us about this generation going through what the Lord calls, the last days “birth pains”. I truly believe Jesus has laid it on my heart to warn you all that the next set of birth pains is about to strike. Take in mind, birth pains always get much worse before the baby is delivered, so they next around is going to get pretty intense. I will be here to pray with you, and to strength you in Christ. Take advantage of my free labor in Jesus, He has blessed me with the ability to bring these last days events into focus for you. Recently I was concerned that no one has called me to give a presentation about the last days. Jesus has let me know I need to stop concerning myself with these things, because He would take care of those things for me as He has in the past. I was also told not to worry about funds, just preach the word and do not ask for support. I have to trust as I have in the past that God will speak to people for me, and that will be an added blessing. I want to say I am sorry to you all for pleading my cast. Some times Satan will sneak in the back door to distract you form your real mission. I was worrying how I would get my books out to people. I recently came to my senses and said to myself, I said self, “For God’s sake Frank, the book is on line for FREE, what else do you want? My mission was and always will be to just preach Jesus for free. Jesus will do the rest. Thank you all so much for all your encouraging words, your emails have given me much strength.

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
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