I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book. The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…
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Prophecy Sign: Once again I have to point out news that shows us the Psalms 83 war between Israel and her neighbors is about to be fulfilled. Read the news and then I will connect the dots for you. “IsraelNN.com) Tensions have escalated along the Israeli-Lebanese border and Syria has begun calling up troops from its Fourth Reserve, sources told the pan-Arab daily Asharq Al-Awsat. The newspaper, printed on four continents, reports that the Israeli military has been carrying out drills on Israel's northern frontier, as the second anniversary of the death of senior Hizbullah commander Imad Mughniyeh approaches. Mughniyeh was killed when a car bomb exploded in Damascus on February 13, 2008.”
Anyone reading my previous posts knows I warned you tensions were going to get much worse and then the war would begin. As you can see from the news, tensions between Syria, the Lebanese, and Israel are getting pretty hot. The drills that are under way are drills to prepare for the next war. What did you expect to happen, that peace would break out? God told you war was coming and He even told you the exact names of the nations involved and yes, these are the same nations that are in the news today. Put two and two together and you should understand by now this war is a lot closer than you think.
As you will see from this news Israel isn’t the only ones training for the next war. I quote, “Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon met Sunday afternoon with Michael Williams, the United Nations' special coordinator in Lebanon. The two discussed the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701, which ended the Second Lebanon War. “Ayalon warned that Hezbollah fighters were training in Syria and that the Shiite organization was getting supplies of advanced antiaircraft missile systems. The deputy foreign minister demanded that the UN examine thoroughly the claims that Hezbollah is training and arming itself with modern weapon systems. He asked that the next UN report on Lebanon mention this incident, as well as other serious cases in which Hezbollah weapons were discovered in the country. "There is a serious trend of escalation here on the part of Hezbollah, and the report must reflect this," said Ayalon. He noted that the supervision of the Syrian-Lebanese border was not strict and that the arms smuggling continues.”
If you are new to my site, the Hezbollah is part of the PLO, which live in the Gaza Stripe. They are hell bent on the destruction of the nation of Israel, and they have hooked up with Syria, who the Bible tells us will be wiped out during the Psalms 83 war. All these events are signs of the last days and this war will move us one giant step closer to the seven year tribulation.
Do you remember me writing to you and telling you how the Ezekiel war could start? I gave you two possible ways it could happen. One was, if Israel were to attack Iran’s nuclear weapons sites. Iran’s allies like the PLO, Syria and Lebanon could take revenge and strike at Israel. Israel would then move against these nations and find themselves at war with all their bordering nations. The second way the Ezekiel war could begin is when the peace process fails and the nations bordering Israel attack Israel in the attempt to recapture land lost in previous wars and to wipe out Israel once and for all. When these nations come against Israel, they would be wiped out by Israel and the nations listed in Ezekiel 38 would join forces with Russia and try again to wipe out Israel for defeating their allies. Their was a warning given today by Israel’s Defense Minister Ehud Barak that tells me the Ezekiel war may begin as a result of the failed peace talks as I said. I quote a report entitled, “Barak: Peace process failures greater threat than Iran nukes”. “Barak: Peace process failures greater threat than Iran nukes "The lack of a solution to the problem of border demarcation within the historic Land of Israel – and not an Iranian bomb – is the most serious threat to Israel's future," Barak told a Tel Aviv conference. Barak called on the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, to return to the negotiating table. Abbas has so far refused to restart talks until Israel freezes settlement building in the West bank, including in east Jerusalem.” I think now would be a good time to remind you what the Apostle Paul warned us in I Thessalonians 5:3 where he warns us of two very important things to watch for. The first was that we would hear the call for “Peace and safety”, which as you can see form this report we are hearing that call. The second warning was, when you hear this call, “sudden destruction” would come. I seriously believe this sudden destruction is what the Defense Minister was addressing. When you put all these signs together you can see the power of God’s warnings, because they are all coming to pass now in the same generation..
Since 1977 the world has heard the cries for Peace and safety but all that happens is more conflicts arise during the talks. Since I am on the subject of Peace and safety as warned by Paul here is more talk about the Middle East peace talks. I quote, “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his cabinet on Sunday that he had been presented with "new and interesting ideas" to move the Middle East peace process forward during his meeting earlier in the morning with US special envoy George Mitchell. Netanyahu said that if the Palestinians accept Mitchell's latest proposal, which he did not elaborate on, then real progress toward peace could be made very soon.”
Barak isn’t the only leader who is worried that the Middle East peace talks could cause major problems for the world. “European Union president Spain believes that bringing a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the most important challenge for the Spanish presidency, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said in an interview published on Sunday, adding that he felt both parties wanted to negotiate but needed encouragement. Moratinos reiterated that the EU must work to resume the negotiations immediately, adding that a timeframe of a year should be set for the peace process. "Europe must push for a peaceful solution of two states for two people as soon as possible. A year is the maximum timeframe," he said in an interview to a German newspaper”. Let me also remind you that the person who confirms the covenant with Israel and many nations as stated in Daniel 9:27 will be the Antichrist. So if you are watching the peace talks make sure you focus on who it is that has confirmed this covenant.
Let me now return to the Ezekiel war. I have warned you that Israel would have to go it alone against Iran if Iran did not stop building their nuclear weapons program. I told you Iran would never halt that program and each month they the tell the world they aren’t stopping! I also told you don’t expect much out of the EU because they need the oil coming from Iran, which would mean Israel would most likely be alone when they attack Iran. Today we see the EU leaders just don’t know what to do. I quote from a report today entitled, “EU unclear about next move on Iran”. “European Union foreign ministers on Monday (25 January) left a Brussels meeting without a clear picture as to what should be the bloc's next move regarding Iranian non-compliance with international demands regarding its nuclear programme. France for its part pushed for the EU to ready fresh sanctions against Tehran, following on from a similar warning on Monday from Berlin, although European powers have said that no such action should be taken unilaterally in the absence of consensus in the United Nations Security Council.” “German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday told national diplomats that sanctions were on the cards if Tehran continued its intransigence.
"Time is running out," she said, according to German media, while adding that ratcheting up sanctions against the country would be a "tragedy for the Iranian people." The truth is, the EU doesn’t want to mess around with the oil flow, so all they do is keep waving their fingers at Iran and say over and over again stop or else. One thing Merkel got right. Time is running out, and Israel is going to have to move against Iran alone because no one but the Israeli’s has enough guts to do the job. Then when they do move the world is going to come against Israel for attacking them and in doing so the world will help fulfill the Zechariah 12:3 prophecy which tells us all the nations will come against Israel.
Prophecy Sign: Speaking about wars, Christ in Matthew 24:7 told us we would see wars and hear rumors of war. Here is the latest news concerning rumors of war. I quote, “Osama Bin Laden yesterday warned of further attacks against the U.S. after claiming responsibility for the failed attempt to blow up a plane on Christmas Day. In an audio recording a man claiming to be the Al Qaeda leader said his organisation was behind the plot to kill hundreds last month. Describing his threat as a message 'from Osama to (U.S. President Barack) Obama', he urged the West to stop supporting Israel.” Many of Osama’s supporting are working inside of Israel making plans with Israel’s enemies to wide them out. a part of the Psalms 83 prophecy says Israel’s enemies will come together, or (counsel against thy people, ) in the hope to wipe them out. I can assure you, Osama, and all the nations bordering Israel have already come together to work out the details of the coming war against Israel. If you are new to my site you may be asking who will win this war? Israel will not only win the war but most likely take more land away from the nations who came against her.

Prophecy Sign: According to the Book of Daniel the last world empire in power when Jesus returns to Earth will be the revived Roman Empire. This empire has already been born again and is in the process of becoming one of the major super powers. I explain who the revived Roman Empire is in my post dated Oct. 27, 2009, which you can go to by clicking the following link:
The USA has been the main super power for a long time, but she is fading away rapidly as her economy is declining and the U.S. dollar is shrinking in valve. I warn you that when the dollar dies her death will cause the current global economic crisis to reach a crisis this generation has never witnessed before, and I mean worse than the first depression was. In my posts I give you signs what will cause America to collapse. One of the main factors is the amount of debt the U.S. is carrying. There is no way America can pay off this amount of debt, and instead of trying to free herself from debt all she is doing is adding more debt. Take a look at the current report on the debt and you will see what I am writing about. I quote, “Figures on government spending and debt (last six digits are eliminated).
The government's fiscal year runs Oct. 1 through Sept. 30.
Total public debt subject to limit Jan. 22 12,245,872
Statutory debt limit 12,394,000
Total public debt outstanding Jan. 22 12,302,465
Operating balance Jan. 22 142,454
Interest fiscal year 2009 383,365
Interest fiscal year 2008 451,154
Deficit fiscal year 2009 1,417,121
Deficit fiscal year 2008 454,798
Receipts fiscal year 2009 2,104,613
Receipts fiscal year 2008 2,523,642
Outlays fiscal year 2009 3,521,734
Outlays fiscal year 2008 2,978,440
Gold assets in September 11,041
In many of my posts I show you how many Americans have lost their jobs. I do this because this news also points to America’s decline. In January 2010 so far 85,000 people lost their jobs. The lose of jobs for adults isn’t the only decline. “Teenagers have found it significantly harder to get a job since the recession began in late 2007, with black youths and young people from low-income families faring the worst, wrote Andrew Sum of Northeastern University in Boston, a employment researcher commissioned by the Chicago Urban League and the Alternative Schools Network. "Low-income and minority youth, who depended on part-time jobs as a significant stepping stone to future employment, have been forced out of the job market and economically marginalized," Herman Brewer of the Chicago Urban League said in a statement. Overall, 26 percent of American teenagers aged 16 to 19 had jobs in late 2009, said the report, which was based on U.S. Census Bureau data. That figure is a record low since statistics began to be kept in 1948, the researchers said.
In many of my previous posts I tell you don’t think your job is safe if you live outside the U.S. I warned you that America’s woes would spread and many nations would be affected by what is happening to the American economy. On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 10:37 AM, Johan D. wrote me a email that is posted at this site. I quote what was sent me. “Thank you so much for all your emails! This is surely kept my focus on God of heaven and earth, and His loving Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Its funny, I am in South Africa, a white African speaking man. Working 18 years in the company I am working now. I read your mail about how people lost there jobs…acct… Then you said, if we not believe you, we must look at our own jobs, wow! Then it happens, for the 1st time in 18 years, the boss told our guys (boilermakers) that they had to send us home, their is just no job come in, and they can't keep paying us.” Let me tell you something that I pray to God you receive and except. Jesus is coming soon, but before He comes the Antichrist has to come first. This man is in the wings right now waiting for the chance to take control. Most of the world will think this man is a God sent and follow him blindly as he brings hope to fix global economic crisis. Jesus gave you warnings ahead of time about this man in order that you would be wise and be able to escape his rule. If you keep refusing Jesus as your savior you will soon be cast into the seven year tribulation. There you will find out in time that the Antichrist was not what he appeared to be. Why wait to find out you were wrong. Protect yourself and your family now by not only leading yourself to Christ as your savior, but to lead your entire family to safety in Christ as well?
For the past year and a half I have put up many posts asking you to watch for more banks to fail. For example in my Feb. 20, 2009 post I warned you about the banks being taken over by the Feds. In my post dated March 9, 2009 I wrote the warnings about more banks failing and that the FDIC will run out of money. What you just read was a quote from my Dec. 17, 2009 post, which I have a link for you to click to if you want to read that post. The reason why I quoted what I said was to show you that what I have warned you is in fact coming to pass.
We are only in to 26 days of the new year and look how many banks have been added to the closer list. I quote, “WASHINGTON (AP) – Regulators shut down banks Friday in Florida, Missouri, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington, bringing to nine the number of bank failures so far in 2010, following 140 closures last year in the toughest economic environment since the Great Depression. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. took over the five banks: Charter Bank, based in Santa Fe, N.M., with $1.2 billion in assets and $851.5 million in deposits; Miami-based Premier American Bank, with $350.9 million in assets and $326.3 million in deposits; Bank of Leeton in Leeton, Mo., with $20.1 million in assets and $20.4 million in deposits; Columbia River Bank, based in The Dalles, Ore., with $1.1 billion in assets and $1 billion in deposits; and Seattle-based Evergreen Bank, with $488.5 million in assets and $439.4 million in deposits.” I am telling you these are signs that a new system is coming soon and the end result of this new system will end up fulfilling Revelation 13:16-17 where the Antichrist is controlling the worldwide economic system.
Make no mistake the global economic system the Antichrist will rise to is already under way. We see the G20 nations pushing for new laws that will regulate transactions on a global scale. They are current making attempts to bring the world under one financial banner, and here is another one of the moves to bring this about. I quote, “Britain stepped up its push for a global tax on financial transactions Monday as part of broad plans to reform the banking sector following the financial crisis, amid concerns that the US may act alone. Prime Minister Gordon Brown insisted that his proposal for an international levy on financial transactions was "gathering support around the world," a day after Chancellor Alistair Darling hit out at US proposals.”
There are many nations that want to push this new global economic system, and would love to see America fall by the side as a result of the global crisis. There was news about one such organization today. “PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil – Leftists in Brazil for a week of protests against capitalism denounced corporate greed on the second day of the World Social Forum, saying Tuesday that big companies humbled by the global meltdown must be prevented from controlling natural resources and harming the environment.”
As I said, the Antichrist is going to have to reshape the world’s economic system because of all the turmoil that will develop when this crisis reaches its max. China is working on trying to fix this mess but they will most likely not be able to patch things up.
China is one of the last things holding up the American economy and they recently dumped billion of U.S. dollars. A report entitled, “Dumping Dollar Isn't China's Goal But Remaking World Economy Is” will fill you in. I quote, “China disclosed the other day that its foreign exchange reserves had increased to about $2.4 trillion in 2009, a gain of $453 billion for the year. These stupendous figures — and the likelihood that the country's reserves will rise by a comparable amount this year — have now become a financial, economic and geopolitical reality of surpassing significance. The significance is not, as many imagine, that China might suddenly "dump" the dollar and dethrone it as the world's major international currency, undermining American economic power and prestige. Two-thirds or more of China's reserves are estimated to be held in dollars. As an economic strategy, dumping the dollar would boomerang. It would amount to a declaration of economic war in which everyone — Chinese, Americans and many others — would lose. Set Off A Depression Consider what would happen, hypothetically. China would first sell securities in which its dollars are invested. That would include an estimated $800 billion in U.S. treasury bonds and securities, plus billions of American stocks and corporate bonds. After unloading the securities and collecting dollars, it would sell the dollars on foreign exchange markets for other currencies: the euro, the yen and who knows what else.” Our global economic system is a mess and it is only going to get worse. The day is coming when China will have to do something major when America tells her she can’t pay on the debt! That is when all hell will break loose.
Another sign that America is in deep trouble is the housing market. Look at the stats. “WASHINGTON (AP) — Sales of previously occupied homes took the largest monthly drop in more than 40 years last month, sinking more dramatically than expected after lawmakers gave buyers additional time to use a tax credit.” The housing market is declining, and as it does millions of people’s jobs are affected. I for one can’t wait to be called to Christ because I understand our world will not be ruled without trouble until Jesus returns at the end of the seven year tribulation.

Matthew 24:7 (earthquakes).

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
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