Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book. The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, 2009 Edition
You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below This show deals with the major prophecy signs in the news from the past week. I will also be covering new information on the seat of the Antichrist in light of a yes vote to the EU Lisbon Treaty. Show is still running at the following link below.
Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 13:16-17 we see a new type of world economic system put in place by the Antichrist. In verses 16-17 we are told that no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless they take the name or the mark of the beast. Our world is rushing to this new world economic system and most of the world is unaware the system that is being formed is part of Bible prophecy. Next month the President of the U.S. is suppose to go to Copenhagen and sign a Treaty that will give America’s Sovereignty away. If you watched the Glenn Beck show last week you would have seen Lord Christopher Monckton, former adviser to British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher and climate change expert address how Obama is going to turn the U.S. over to a world governance. The report below is just a portion of the interview between Beck and Christopher Monckton. I quote, “MONCKTON: And, in fact, they voted 95-0, under the presidency of the Senate of Al Gore, to turn down any treaty like Kyoto that exempted the Third World countries. The problem is you asked is the word government there? It's not governance, it's government. And I've negotiated international treaties, as the ambassador has. And I've attempted some, I've even written some. And never before have I seen the word government put in a treaty in this capacity, with enormous powers. They're going to close down the free market, Paragraph 36 of Annex 1. They are going to take powers in that treaty to operate in interference of and control of all financial markets worldwide. Further down, in another of the annexes, a provision whereby they are going to take a tax of 2 percent on every financial transaction into an annex one country. That's a country — a rich country like America. Now, if you take a 2 percent levy on financial transactions where the margins are absolutely tiny, you can destroy the entire financial system of New York, Wall Street, of the Chicago Exchange, close it all down.” Later Beck asks Monckton where does it speak of a new world government in the treaty? Monckton says the following: “One world government Annex one paragraph 38 is where it says the new world government.” While this is going on most of the world’s top nations are pushing to dump the U.S. dollar. As I said, we are headed to the one world government that Jesus shows us in chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation. Beck show transcript on Annex 1 paragraph 38
Once again I must say, those of you who have been coming to my site are aware I have been warning you of America’s collapse. I have been telling you that the U.S. dollar is going to dive, and when it does the new economic global system will be born as a result of it. This will end up being the global system the Antichrist is going to control. In the news today again we see the U.S. dollar has taken another hit. I quote, “Nov. 2 (Bloomberg) — The dollar slid against high-yielding currencies, led by the Australian dollar, as China reported a surge in manufacturing and investors bet factory production in the U.S. accelerated. Oil, copper and gold climbed.
If you haven’t followed the news lately you may not realize that the housing market is declining and now we are told commercial real estate is headed for major troubles. I quote, “Oct. 30 (Bloomberg) — Billionaire investor Wilbur L. Ross Jr., said today the U.S. is in the beginning of a “huge crash in commercial real estate.” “All of the components of real estate value are going in the wrong direction simultaneously,” said Ross, one of nine money managers participating in a government program to remove toxic assets from bank balance sheets. “Occupancy rates are going down. Rent rates are going down and the capitalization rate — the return that investors are demanding to buy a property — are going up.” Sign after sign giving you signals Jesus is coming.
While the world leaders are getting ready to meet in Copenhagen to form this new world government we see the Islamic nations also coming together to strength their ECO Union, or Economic Cooperation Orgazation. Today we are told “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will make an official visit to Turkry, the Iranian news agency Fars reported Sunday.” Ahmadinejad is going to meet with the Turkish President to help push this ECO Union to the forefront, and don’t be surprised to hear this ECO Union wants to push their own New World Order currency.,7340,L-3798713,00.html
As I said, America is on her last leg and as I warned you, American banks would begin to fold. We have been watching bank after bank fold since September 2008. Today we see another major institution fall pray to America’s decline. I quote, “WASHINGTON (AP) — After struggling for months to avert bankruptcy, lender CIT Group has filed for Chapter 11 protection in an attempt to restructure its debt while trying to keep badly needed loans flowing to thousands of mid-sized and small businesses. CIT made the filing in New York bankruptcy court Sunday, after a debt-exchange offer to bondholders failed. CIT said in a statement that its bondholders overwhelmingly opted for a prepackaged reorganization plan which will reduce total debt by $10 billion while allowing the company to continue to do business.” Why is all this taking place? Because there is a superpower shift taking place that will lift up the last world empire Jesus warned us about.
Back in September I warned you that everymonth you would see hundreds of thousands of people keep getting laid off from work. I just got the figures for the month of October and according to the U.S. Government site “Nonfarm payroll employment continued to decline in September (-263,000), and the unemployment rate (9.8 percent) continued to trend up, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. The largest job losses were in construction, manufacturing, retail trade, and government. Household Survey Data Since the start of the recession in December 2007, the number of unemployed persons has increased by 7.6 million to 15.1 million, and the unemployment rate has doubled to 9.8 percent. (See table A-1.)” Would you be surprised if I told you the government figures are fake? I watched ABC News a few nights ago and they showed how the numbers were padded. Here is a look as some news on this subject in a report entitled, “Stimulus jobs don’t add up”. I quote, “ Washington – A Colorado company said it created 4,231 jobs with the help of President Barack Obama's economic recovery plan. The real number: fewer than 1,000. A child-care center in Florida said it saved 129 jobs with the help of stimulus money. Instead, it gave pay raises to its existing employees. Elsewhere in the United States, some jobs credited to the stimulus program were counted two, three, four or even more times. The government has overstated by thousands the number of jobs that it has created or saved with federal contracts under the president's $787 billion recovery program, according to an Associated Press review of data released in the program's first progress report. The discrepancy raises questions about the reliability of a key benchmark that the administration uses to gauge the success of the stimulus. The errors could be magnified Friday when a much larger round of reports is released. It is expected to show hundreds of thousands of jobs repairing public housing, building schools, repaving highways and keeping teachers on local payrolls. The White House seized on an initial report from a government oversight board weeks ago that claimed federal contracts awarded to businesses under the recovery plan already had helped pay for more than 30,000 jobs. The administration said the number was evidence that the stimulus program had exceeded early expectations toward reaching the president's promise of creating or saving 3.5 million jobs by the end of next year. But the 30,000 figure is overstated by thousands – at the very least by nearly 5,000, or one in six, based on AP's limited review of some of the contracts – because some federal agencies and recipients of the money provided incorrect job counts.” While America is falling apart you money is sitting in the banks shrinking by the weak. Anyone who thinks their dollars is safe is going to be really shocked when they find out they are broke because the U.S. dollar has collapsed and another currency has taken its place. Ask youself this question. Why do you think China is buying up as much gold and silver as they can? It is because they are getting ready for America’s collaplse. Once China stops providing money to pay of the U.S. debt, America’s power will be crushed. I am not telling this may happen, I am telling you the track this train is on is headed for valley and the brige across the valley is gone. Once the U.S. dollar hits this valley the entire nation will go over into the valley and then you will see a depression in America that will make the first depression look like a joke. Anyone who doesn’t know Christ as their Savior should be shaking in their shoes at what is about to happen. The sad thing about all this is, most Americans don’t even see this coming.
Here is more news which prove what I have been telling you is the truth. “(AP) – Regulators shut nine banks Friday, including Los Angeles-based California National, as the still-weak economy produces a stream of loan defaults.” Over 15 million American out of work, and the unemployment figures don’t say anything about the millions of people across America who have been forced to take days off of work just to keep their jobs. While hundreds of thousands of American lose their jobs each month the food stamp lines keep growing a record rates. Where do you think this money comes from? Taxes. When you take over 15 million people out of the tax base you cripple the government and this is what has taken place in the U.S. and the signs are more of the same. Add to the fact that the U.S. is spending billions each day on two wars and you get the making of a disaster. Look, God has revealed all these signs to those who are standing on watch. We know why these things are taking place and we know where we are going to end up. We who are looking for Christ and are waiting for His return know that He is coming back very soon and if you don’t believe Jesus warning, you will see the product of your unbelief soon. All I can do is warn you of these things in the hope you will come to Christ to join us when Jesus removes us from the Earth soon. Know matter what anyone tells you when we the Church is gone, we have gone to be with the Lord. UFO’s will have nothing to do with the millions of people who are soon going to disappear, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that is what you are told.
If you want to watch a detailed report on the coming One World government just click to the links below, which will take you to the G. Beck show on Fox News. You will hear for yourself where in the treaty it says a One World Government will be formed if this treaty is passed. Part 1 235&feature=i Part 2 9EitYyFw&annotation_id=annotation_336130&feature=iv Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Make sure you watch part 5!
Prophecy Sign: One of the other prophecies I have been warning you about is the war found in Ezekiel chapters 38-39. This is a war that will take place shortly after Israel is feeling safe. They will be feeling safe because the war in Psalms 83 against Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Syria will have been completed and Israel would have taken more land than they did in previous wars. Once they think they are safe the Russian will lead an invasion on Israel and the Muslims nations will join Russia in this invasion. I keep giving you signs which show us tensions in the Middle East are heating up and it isn’t going to be long before Israel is forced to attack Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Once that happens all hell breaks loose and that is when the Russians will make an counter attack with their Muslims allies. Here is the latest news. I quote, “DEBKAfile's US intelligence sources report indications of impending war preparations against Iran after Tehran's rejections of the UN-brokered proposal to ship its enriched uranium overseas for further enrichment. These sources reveal that the administration is seeking congressional authorization to open America's Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Furthermore, the US-Israeli joint US-Israel Juniper Cobra ballistic exercise is in full swing. Finally, US and Israel officials have been instructed to warn Moscow that the military option is still on the table if Iran's nuclear program is not halted by diplomatic means. The US SPR which contains 727 million barrels of petroleum is only opened in time of war. Under an agreement signed with Israel in 1975, Washington undertakes to supply Israel with its fuel needs for five years in an emergency. Word of these apparent war preparations appeared Saturday Oct. 31, the day after Iran's senior nuclear negotiator delivered a counter-proposal to the UN-brokered plan to the IAEA in Vienna which excised its main object, which was to reduce the enriched uranium stocks in hand for Iran to make a nuclear bomb.” War is coming and when it is finished guess who steps on the scene? Antichrist! First things he will do is make a covenant with Israel and many nations. When that covenant is confirmed it will start the last seven years of hell called the tribulation. Do you want to face the Antichrist? I hope to God you said no! The only way that can happen is to give your life over to Jesus as Lord. I plead with anyone who hasn’t done this yet to please receive Jesus free gift of salvation today or take the chance of being cast headlong into the worse seven years this planet will ever face. Its all up to you, God has given you a free will to choose. I will say this, if you say no to the Lord and His love gift to you, I hope you like barbeques because without Christ in your life you will be the main curse for the Antichrist.
If you want to see the truth concerning these signs read this next report entitled, “Israelis Prepare for War with Iran” I quote, “The postcard from the Home Front Command that recently arrived in my mailbox looks like an ad from the Ministry of Tourism. A map of Israel is divided by color into six regions, each symbolized by an upbeat drawing: a smiling camel in the Negev desert, a skier in the Golan Heights. In fact, each region signifies the amount of time residents will have to seek shelter from an impending missile attack. If you live along the Gaza border, you have 15 seconds after the siren sounds. Jerusalemites get a full three minutes. But as the regions move farther north, the time drops again, until finally, along the Lebanese and Syrian borders, the color red designates "immediate entry into a shelter." In other words, if you're not already inside a shelter don't bother looking for one.” “Few Israelis took seriously the recent call by former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski to shoot down Israeli planes if they take off for Iran. But American attempts to reassure the Israeli public of its commitment to Israel's security have largely backfired. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's recent threat to "obliterate" Iran if it launched a nuclear attack against Israel only reinforced Israeli fears that the U.S. would prefer to contain a nuclear Iran rather than pre-empt it militarily.” Never before has an adviser to the U.S. hinted they would shoot down an Israeli jet. This show you that Zechariah’s prophecy is also coming to pass. Zechariah tells us in Zech. 12: 3 that during the end times all the nations will turn against Israel and that includes her allies one of which was the U.S., but with statement like this is has to make you wonder. Just add this sign to the rest and you get the picture. How long will you allow Satan to keep you blind to these signs?
The Lord warned us in Psalms 83 that the PLO living in the Gaza during the end times would rise up and fight against Israel with the rest of the nations I mentaioned above. Do we see anything in the news that would point to this war? You better believe it. I quote, “Tens of thousands of Islamic Jihad loyalists held a rally in Gaza on Friday to commemorate the group's slain founder. Holding plastic models of rockets and wearing masks and mock suicide bomber's vests, the members chanted "death to Israel" and "Muhammad's army will be back to wipe off the Hebrew state." An Islamic Jihad leader, Nafez Azzam, called on the crowd Friday to reject negotiations with Israel and support violent resistance. Now take a look at verse 4 of Psalms 83. “They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance”. What you hear the PLO in Gaza saying today is the exact same thing that God said they would be saying in this generation. Face it, only God could have been so right on.
Prophecy Sign: When will these wars found in Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38 begin? We know the timing because of Paul’s warning found in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 where Paul tells us, “for when they shall say Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” When the current peace talks finally fail that is when the Arab nations bordering Israel will attack them. At the present time we are no doubt witnessing signs in the news that show us the peace process is almost at a point where the sudden destruction will begin. I quote, “JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Pointing an accusing finger at the United States, the Palestinians on Sunday said Washington's backing for Israeli refusal to halt Jewish settlement expansion had killed any hope of reviving peace negotiations soon. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, buoyed by new-found support from the Obama administration, urged the Palestinians to "get a grip" and drop their settlement freeze precondition for restarting talks suspended since December.” What you may not know if you haven’t read the Word of God is, the Arabs have already come together and made plans to attack Israel. These plans are going to be carried out soon and everyone who didn’t believe or truth in God’s warnings will be blown away as they see these things take place. I hope it won’t be to late for you to receive Christ then. We know the Lord is coming for His Church soon and we may be taken out during these wars. Now is the time to get right with Jesus not after the Church is gone. If you think it is hard being a Christian now you aren’t going to like what you have to endure during the tribulation. If you can’t accept being hated now you won’t enjoy your life in the tribulation.
It is amazing to me how all of a sudden Turkey is in the news almost every week now. Today’s news tells us “Turkey aims to increase trade volume with Sudan” “Addressing the forum, Eker said Turkish businessmen were in Sudan to contribute to the development of their brothers. He said that Turkey seek strategic partnership with Sudan, adding that his country plans to enhance its economic presence in Africa and Sudan could be a gateway the continent. He mentioned that Sudan is also planning to abolish visa requirements for all Turkish citizens in a bid to further boost trade relations. Eker said Sudan could be a gateway to Africa for Turkey’s economic expansion. More than 2,000 Turkish businessmen and 80 Turkish companies are active in Sudan, with investments of around 115 million Euro, Eker said.” By now you are asking, what is the big deal about this? In Ezekiel 38 we see Cush joining in with Russia when Russia invades Israel. Cush is the modern day name for Sudan, and Ethiopia was also part of Old Testament Cush. Turkey is also listed to attack Israel and now you can see the connection. Turkey is forming alliances with the same nations that God said would attack Israel and it is not a coincidence. Add to the fact that the last world empire will be an Ottoman Turkey empire that is really the revived of the Eastern leg of the Old Roman Empire. Once you know this you see this picture even clearer. To fully understand the important of this Turkish empire read my post dated Oct. 27, 2009.
Prophecy Sign: In Revelation chapter 6 verse 6 Jesus gives us a warning concerning the price of food. We are told a person will work all day long just for one very small meal for him or her self. In my book I show you all the details how and why food prices are skyrocketing at the same time all the other signs are also taking place. Take a look at one report that gives you a small glimpse of what is coming to Planet Earth. I quote from a report entitled, “Argentina: Disappearing Farmers, Disappearing Food”. “Worldwide, industrial mono-culture farming has displaced traditional food production and farmers, wreaking havoc on food prices and food sovereignty. This is particularly true for the global south, where land has been concentrated for crops destined for biodiesel and animal feed. In response, peasants and small farmers organized actions in more than 53 countries on October 15 for International Food Day as an initiative of Via Campesina, one of the largest independent social movement organizations, representing nearly 150 million people globally. The National Indigenous Campesino Movement of Argentina joined the protests taking place on around the world by organizing a march in Buenos Aires for International Food Day. Argentina has often been described as South America's bread basket because it once produced grain and beef for much of the region. But with the transgenetic soy boom the nation has shifted to a mono culture production for export, displacing traditional food production and farmers.” This is only one report but I assure you nations around the world are taking notice of the food shortages and the many new diseases that is killing off crops around the world. I ask you to listen to what the voice of the Holy Spirit is saying to you!
It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in your word that I must be born again in order to have eternal life. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.