I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book. The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, 2009 Edition
If your Church would like me to put on a prophecy seminar you can contact me by emailing me at the following email address: fjdimora@gmail.com. I do not charge anyone for my teachings. All I request is you provide the transportation to and from your Church or organization. At this time I will only be able to do seminars in the United States.
You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below DiMora’s latest radio/video show is now playing. This show deals with the seat of the Antichrist in light of a yes vote to the EU Lisbon Treaty. Show is still running at the following link below.
Prophecy Sign: I want to keep you up to speed concerning the prophecy God gave to Ezekiel in Ezekiel chapters 38-39. If you are new to my site, you need to know that this is one of the last remaining prophecies to take place before the 7 year tribulation breaks out. God gave specific details to Ezekiel about an end times war between Israel and Russia. Ezekiel was told that Russia would lead an invasion on Israel, and Russia would have many Muslim allies in this future invasion. One of these nations coming down against Israel with Russia is Iran. We are almost at the point where the Ezekiel war is going to be fulfilled. As we watch the news coming out of the Middle East it is clear the pieces of this soon to be fought war are coming together very quickly. We are witnessing warnings that Israel is going to attack Iran before the end of this year. For example a few weeks ago we saw news says, “Israel will attack Iran's nuclear facilities before the end of the year if the West has not launched an attempt to destroy the regime with crippling sanctions, a former senior defence official has claimed.” Four days ago there was yet another warning which I quote, “Iran's ambassador to UN demands Security Council take steps against comments made by Ephraim Sneh, who said Israel would attack Iran if sanctions weren't in place by Christmas”. Need I remind you of Israel’s warnings in the past when it comes to a nation near them working to obtain a nuclear bomb? In short, Israel did the exact same thing they are doing with Iran to Iraq and Syria. Israel told both these nations they would attack them if they did not stop building the plants that would give them nuclear material for a nuclear bomb. When both these nations did not listen to Israel’s warnings, Israel sent in their Air Force and destroyed their nuclear power plants they were building. You all need to get ready to hear the news that Israel has attacked Iran to wipe out their nuclear weapons program! Frankly, I am surprised that Israel hasn’t taken out Iran’s nuclear sites already, but they have been allowing the UN, the EU, and the U.S. time to try and get Iran to stop their quest for the bomb. Nothing has worked and Iran keeps refusing to stop. The lack of force, or sanctions by any of these nations against Iran is going to force Israel to take action against Iran very shortly. Israel has been watching how the nations are dealing with Iran over this issue and Israel is aware that no sanctions will imposed on Iran.
The more Israel sees news like today’s news the more Israel is pressed to take action against Iran alone and do it soon. I quote, “MOSCOW — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that the United States would hold back from pressuring for new nuclear sanctions against Iran as she sought support from Russia. Clinton praised Moscow for its "extremely cooperative" behaviour in the standoff over Iran's programme, which western nations fear is an attempt to build a nuclear bomb.” “But, speaking after talks with Clinton, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that for the moment it would be wrong to talk about a fourth round of UN Security Council sanctions on Iran. "Threats of new sanctions and pressure against Iran under current circumstances are counterproductive," Lavrov said.” Here is more proof the U.S. has taken a weakened position on sanctions against Iran. “MOSCOW, October 13 (RIA Novosti) – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said after talks with Russia's foreign minister on Tuesday that neither country is seeking to impose sanctions against Iran under the current circumstances. Clinton said sanctions over Iran’s controversial uranium enrichment program would be premature, and that Russia was being “extremely cooperative in the work we have done together” on the issue.” How anyone with half a brain could trust Russia to even try to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon is beyond me. Let’s face some hard facts here. Hillary Clinton isn’t brain dead. She is well aware that it is Russia who is building Iran’s nuclear power plants in Iran. To think Russia is going to go against their own allies is just fool hearted and down right plain stupid. For the past two years news pouring out of Europe and the Middle East has shown Russia has been helping Iran in every way possible to get a hold their own nuclear weapons. Here is a recent report that shows Russia is deeply involved with the Iranian quest for the bomb. I quote, “RUSSIA has traditionally maintained good sources of information within Iran. Its specialists, who are closely involved in the construction of the nuclear site, probably have information that is unknown to the rest of the world. For example, these sources may indicate that Iran is still rather far from creating the bomb, or perhaps they believe they can control the process.” When you read chapter 10 of my book you will read all the documents showing Russia is the one who is actually building Iran’s nuclear plants. It is Russia who has given billions to Iran to build these plants, and it is Russian specialists who helping Iran build the program.
If you are filled with the Holy Spirit and you know what God told the Prophet Ezekiel, you know that the news we are reading about today are the footsteps to us seeing this war come to pass. I for one think there is a very good chance that Israel will take out Iran’s nuclear program very very soon. Will it happen before Christmas as they have warned? If Israel does what they did in the past to Iraq and Syria, I would say we would be lucky not to see this attack take place before the end of 2009. I am not a gambling man, but I were, I would bet on Israel’s past record. All you have to do is listen to what Israel is saying, review what they have done and read what God says is going to happen and you don’t have to guess where these events are leading us. I am warning you, and I stand on this warning because it is a warning from God’s Word. When Israel attacks Iran there is going to a huge counter attack against Israel. God told us in Ezekiel 38 Russia was going to lead this attack, and yes, Iran would be a major partner against Israel in this war. Are you seeing what the Holy Spirit is showing you yet?
http://en.rian.ru/russia/20091013/156451209.html Israel will attack by the end of 2009.
http://yesbuthowever.com/paper-israel-to-attack-iran-if-sanctions-not-in-place-by-christmas-8136148/ Israel will attack Iran by Christmas
Prophecy Sign: In my propecy post dated November 9, 2009 I stated the following warning. “I wanted to post what could be very important for you in the near future. In my November 25, 2008 post I wrote you the following: “Prophecy Sign: Revelation 18:11-12. In my post on February 15, 2008 I was lead by the Lord to tell you what would happen with the price of a host of things such as gold and silver. I also told you what would happen to the price of food in the near future. I was lead to inform you of these things because as this generation enters the tribulation period the price of these items will be out of sight.” Just as you are receiving signs that war is going to break out in the Middle East between the exact nations mentioned in Ezekiel chapter 38, we are also witnessing Jesus’ warning concerning people weeping over their lose gold and silver in the near future being set in place.
When Jesus reveals something to me. I tell you, I am warning you that this specific event is going to take place. What I am doing is repeating to you the very warning Jesus commanded me to give to you, which comes from His Word found in the Bible. The warning really isn’t my warning at all, it is a warning from Jesus Christ. I was honored enough by Christ to be asked to pass these things on to you. I therefore I do not worry at all that all these things Jesus wants me to warn you about will come to pass. God’s warnings never fail. Let me go back to my post dated Feb. 7, 2008 to show you what Jesus wanted me to reveal to you back then. I quote my own words. “About a month ago I wrote a post about the European Union as it relates to Bible prophecy. I warned you to keep your eyes on the economy. I said you would begin to see how the EU would rise and, that the Euro would continue to grow while the U.S. dollar slips away. Signs of what I warned you have already surfaced.”
Were the warnings from Jesus concerning gold and the rise of the euro over the dollar true? I will let today’s news answer this question for me. I quote, “LONDON (AFP) – The price of gold forged a record high close to 1,064 dollars an ounce here on Tuesday as the dollar sank against the euro. In morning trade on the London Bullion Market, gold struck 1,063.95 dollars an ounce, the highest level ever recorded. Gold's latest pinnacle was recorded as the European single currency climbed above 1.48 dollars in foreign exchange trade on Tuesday morning.” Feb. 7, 2008 If you have been coming to my prophecy site you would have read many of the things Jesus asked me to warn you about that prove His words are coming to pass.” In the past year Jesus has given me very specific messages to warn you about. The messages about the gold and silver prices have come true, the messages concerning the euro reaching record highs against the U.S. dollar is coming true, the message that hundreds of thousands each month will lose their jobs has come true, the message to watch for huge earthquakes on the ring of fire has come true, the message that the Middle East peace process would stall has come true, the message of recorded breaking storms and flooding has come true, the message about the food prices going up has come true, the message to watch the Euphrates River being to dry up has come true, the message that the EU would soon finish the Lisbon Treaty and make way for their first full time EU President is true, the message that many banks are going to fail as come true, the message about diseases showing up is true. I can go on and on to show you what has been reveal to me has all come to pass. Why? Because all these signs are signs of the last days, and it was Christ who asked us to watch, and believe His Words concerning all these signs. I take no credit for any of these warnings! All I am doing is acting as a voice for the Lord. I am bringing to light what God has written you concerning all these signs, and am connecting the dots between the Lord’s warnings and current events. I know that we are very close to seeing Jesus Christ come back for His true Church. Jesus even told us that when you shall see all these things know that it is near even at the doors “ (Matthew 24:33). I am not asking you to believe me, I am asking you to believe in what Christ has shown us in His Word. Will you believe today, that is the question?
We know these are the last days because the revived Roman Empire is already standing again. We know the last days power shift as warned us in Daniel chapter 2 has all ready begun. We can see why the United States never made it into the Book of Daniel, because she would have fallen to the side as a power and the EU, or revived Roman Empire would have taken over as the number one power house of the last days just as Jesus showed us it would in Revelation chapter 17. Those who have been watching America are seeing this nation fall apart slowing by surely. Look at the news today. ““Oct. 13 (Bloomberg) – President Barack Obama’s effort to lead the world economic recovery by spending the U.S. out of its recession is undermining the dollar, triggering record commodities rallies as investors scour the globe for hard assets. Nations around the world are beginning to dump the dollar, they heading for the euro or other currencies that are doing better than the dollar. More people are buying gold and silver than ever because they see the decline of the dollar and they are putting themselves in position to stay afloat. Do you really think that the surge in the power of the euro, and the European Union is a coincidence? You would think this is the case if you weren’t lead by the Holy Spirit and did not know what God has shown us about the near future. There are two things you can do about this. First you can put your head in the sand. You can make like none of these signs have anything to do with the judgments that will soon be poured out on this Earth and all who refuse Christ’s salvation for them. The second thing you can do is bow your knees and head to Jesus Christ. Receive Him as your Lord and allow Him to enter your name in His Book Of Life. We are at the door now to the tribulation, soon this door is going to open, and when it does you won’t want to find out that you missed the rapture of the Lord’s Church. You will not be able to blame Jesus for tossing you into the seven-year tribulation. If you go that route, it will be because you chose this road as a product of your unbelief in the Lamb of God who was slain for your sins!
America is declining to make way for the Antichrist and his rise up through the revived Roman Empire. Part of my warnings of the downfall of America and the rise of the EU had to do with the number of banks that are closing in America. The Lord led me to tell you these things before they happened, so you would trust what He was showing us. Over a year after Jesus led me to warn you about bank failures, the U.S. is seeing so many banks go down that there are even reports that the FDIC is Bankrupt. If you go to the link below and read the report, it will explain why the FDIC running out of funds. This is a major blow to the American economy and a major sign along with the unheard of national debt that is help bringing the American economy to her knees. If you are wise you will listen to the Lord’s warnings and begin to prepare for America’s next depression.
The US Dollar collapse starts now! – Peter Schiff
“I have put up this link on the economy because he speaks to you about many of the warnings I have given you . He has some good information and stats on what is happening in America. The video is entitled, “ECONOMIC PAIN -Bankruptcy, Detroit, Gold, Alcoa, and Jobs” The second link will bring you the proof text that you see in the video.
Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 Jesus warned us that during the time of the end there would be civil unrest. When you read part of verse 7 it says that kingdom will fight against kingdom. In other words, people within their own nations will be fighting each other. One of the things Jesus has laid on my heart to warn you about was the result of America’s fall. When the American economy collapses there is going to be much lawlessness because most Americans would not have prepared for the sudden fall. When people get hungry and desperate, they do things they would not normally do, and that includes rioting. We can see a shadow of things to come in America by what just took place in Detroit. I quote, “Thousands hoping to get applications for federal help on rent and utility bills turned Cobo Center into a chaotic scene today. They came by foot, wheelchair, bicycle and car. About six left by ambulance after tensions rose and people were trampled, according to a paramedic on the scene. One unfortunate soul got his car booted. Detroiters were trying to pick up 5,000 federal assistance applications from the city at Cobo because Detroit received nearly $15.2 million in federal dollars under the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program, which is for temporary financial assistance and housing services to individuals and families who are homeless, or who would be homeless without this help. People in wheelchairs and others using canes were being leaned on by people too weak to stand. Emergency medical technicians on the scene said they treated applicants who were injured during the rush to get inside the venue. That's what happens when a town full of broke people gets a whiff of free money, said Walter Williams, 51, who came before the sun to get an application and a shot at some federal assistance. "This morning, I seen the curtain pulled back on the misery," he said. "People fighting over a line. People threatening to shoot each other. Is this what we've come to?" Many of you think the dollar will never fall! Soon you will see that you trusted the wrong people. The people in the government who are telling you America is getting stronger are not telling you the truth. Those who know the signs of the times given to us by Christ and are warning you of things to come according to God are the people you should be paying attention to. In Revelation chapter 18 we see the people of the world crying over the lose of gold and silver, but shortly you will see people crying over the lose of once mighty dollar. That is when you will see kingdom rise against kingdom.
Not only is America’s economy falling apart but people living in America are for the first time talking about leaving America because she is showing signs that Americans freedoms are being taken away. I post to the recent bill that was just passed in the Stated of Massachusetts. I quote, “A bill has been approved by the Massachusetts House of Representatives to take the state closer to giving the governor nearly unlimited power to declare states of emergency and public health emergencies. By a better than 3-1 margin, House Resolution 4271 has sailed through the House with little opposition. The bill is a rewrite of the more controversial Senate Bill 2028, on which WND has reported. As stated in SB 2028, upon declaration by the governor that an emergency exists that is considered detrimental to public health or upon declaration of a state of emergency, a local public health authority, with approval of the commissioner, could exercise the following authorities (emphasis added)” This bill gives the Governor the power to have you arrested if you don’t comply with his directives. If you are an American living in Massachusetts, soon you can find yourself in jail because you refuse to get a swine flu shot if the order is given for all people living in Massachusetts to get it. As you hear more news about the swine flu scare get ready to hear more news about other states following suit with Massachusetts. If there were ever a time to stand up for your rights as an American, now is that time.
President Obama is installing people into position who take American freedoms away. Case in point, today’s news reports on newest czar. “TEL AVIV – President Obama's newly confirmed regulatory czar defended the possibility of removing organs from terminally ill patients without their permission. Cass Sunstein also has strongly pushed for the removal of organs from deceased individuals who did not explicitly consent to becoming organ donors. In his 2008 book, "Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth and Happiness," Sunstein and co-author Richard Thaler discussed multiple legal scenarios regarding organ donation. One possibility presented in the book, termed by Sunstein as "routine removal," posits that "the state owns the rights to body parts of people who are dead or in certain hopeless conditions, and it can remove their organs without asking anyone's permission."
Prophecy Sign: In speaking about the Ezekiel war all of you who read my first book which I released in 1997, I warned you under the guidance of the Holy Sprit that Turkey and Israel who were friends would part ways and Turkey would join side with their Mulslim Brothers in the invasion against Israrl. In chapter 10 of my book I give you the details to how the Israeli and Turkey friend has fallen apart since Israel attacked the PLO in the Gaza in January of this year. Today you can see more proof that what the Lord had revealed to me about Israel and Turkey has come to pass. I quote, “For decades, the two regional superpowers, Turkey and Israel, have quietly stood shoulder-to-shoulder on the common strategic challenges facing them. For the past 20 years, the intriguing involvement between Jewish Israel and Muslim Turkey has been increasingly out in the open, impervious to demands from the Arab world and from hard-line elements in Turkey – both Muslim and left-wing – that Turkey should rather distance itself from its elaborate military and intelligence dealings with Israel. Now it's all changing. Or, is it just a temporary blip? On Sunday, Israel disclosed that joint North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) air force exercises, codenamed Anatolian Eagle, had been postponed because Turkey was excluding the Israeli air force. The drill was scheduled to have included the United States and Italy. Both pulled out after the Turkish ban. The war games were due to have been based in the central Anatolian city of Konya, and were reportedly to have involved bombing runs in airspace near the Iranian, Syrian and Iraqi borders.” God told us Turkey would join with Iran and Russia when they attack Israel. The reason why the friendship between Turkey and Israel has broken down has to do with setting up the pieces to fulfill the Ezekiel war. Can you see the signs God is showing You?
Here is more news pointing to the signs of the Ezekiel and Psalms 83 war. I quote, “Less than a week after Turkey informed Israel that it was unwelcome in the Anatolian Eagle military exercise, 10 Turkish ministers are scheduled to travel to Syria on Tuesday to take part in a meeting of the newly formed Turkey-Syria High Level Strategic Cooperation Council. The council was established last month in Turkey at a meeting between Turkish foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and his Syrian counterpart, Walid Moallem. At that meeting, the two countries – which were on the verge of war over a border dispute in the 1990s – agreed to do away with visa requirements for visitors to and from both countries. Among the Turkish ministers who will meet their Syrian counterparts on Tuesday are Davutoglu, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yildiz and Interior Minister Besir Atalay. Turkey forged a similar strategic cooperation agreement with Iraq in August, and – according to Israeli government officials – this is part of Syria's new overall strategy to "rebrand" itself and forge much stronger ties with the Muslim and Arab world. “
Notice that Syria and Turkey are getting to be very close allies under these new agreements? Also notice that Turkey and Iraq have joined in on these new friendship agreements. Turkey and Iraq are both mentioned in Ezekiel 38 to join Russia when Russia invades Israel. Syria is not mentioned in Ezekiel chapter 38 because Syria will be wiped out during the Psalms 83 war. Think about this for a moment. Why would Turkey and Iraq attack Israel? When these nations see Syria get wiped out they as their allies would freely join Russia to take revenge on Israel for wiping out their Muslim Brother and partner. What amazes me is that every nation either mentioned in Ezekiel 38, or Psalms 83 is joining together in all these new friendship pacts with one another. These friendship and military agreements is what I believe the Lord will use to bring these nations against Israel.
Prophecy Sign: Psalms 83:4 actually tells us what the PLO would say in the end times concerning the nation Israel. This is what verse 4 says, “They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.” Now I want you all to read what one of the leaders of the PLO movement said about Israel just recently in his speech. The new report is entitled, “Hizbullah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah on Al-Quds Day: 'Israel Must Be Wiped Out Of Existence' “. I quote, “In a televised address screened at the Sayyed Al-Shuhada complex in Dhahiya on International Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day, September 18, 2009, Hizbullah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah laid down the main tenets of his organization. He stated: 1) that the historical Palestine – from the Mediterranean Sea to the River Jordan – belongs to the Palestinian people and to the entire Muslim nation; 2) that no one has the right to relinquish even a grain of Palestine's soil or a drop of its waters; 3) that the Israeli entity is an occupying, aggressive, cancerous body that contravenes religious law, and is therefore illegal; 4) that it is forbidden to recognize the Israeli entity or to acknowledge its legitimacy or existence; and 5) that it is forbidden to establish ties or to normalize relations with Israel. Nasrallah went on to state that Israel must cease to exist, that the next war would change the regional map, and that Hizbullah can destroy half of the Israeli army. The following are excerpts from his speech, from the official English translation on the Hizbullah website: [1] “ This brings me back to the warning the Apostle Paul gave us in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 where Paul warns when they are calling for peace and safety sudden destruction will come. Part of the peace process leaders of nations are trying to get worked out is for the PLO to recognize Israel as a nation. As you can see from Nasrallah’s speech they will never recognize Israel. The peace process is stalled and no one can seem to jump started again. The sudden destruction that is coming will in part have to do with this peace process falling apart. The Palestinians are going to engage in another war against Israel very soon and just as Russia will be allied by many nations in the Ezekiel war, the PLO will also have many Arabs Brothers who will join in on this attack against Israel with the PLO. When all these nations attack Israel it will be to fulfilled the Word of our Lord, these nations will go against Israel in the hope to wipe Israel out of existence just as God warned us they would. Who wins the next war? Israel will not be wiped out, however they will take more land away from the nations who attack them just the way they did in previous wars. Once this happens Israel will begin to live a short time period where they will think they are living in safety. This is the time the Ezekiel war will take place. Listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you and receive God’s salvation before these wars break out. Once they take place those who don’t know Christ will step into the tribulation.
In Psalms 83 God informs the read that Lebanon would be one of the nations attacking Israel. I have done my best to repeat this warning form God in an attempt that you would see how close we are to witnessing these last two wars before the tribulation begins. Read the news today and you will see the very warning Paul gave us about the call for peace and security, and how in Psalms 83 speaks to us about Lebanon. I quote, “A day after another apparent Hizbullah arms cache explosion in southern Lebanon, President Shimon Peres said that the guerrilla group had turned Lebanon into a powder keg that in the end would hurt Lebanon itself. The president added that there was no reason for there not to be peace between Israel and Lebanon. "We have evacuated all of the territory and are now extending a sincere hand to the Lebanese people. Lebanon could have long since become the Switzerland of the Middle East," he said. "It is Hizbullah and Hamas that are preventing this economic flowering and peace and security in the region." Hizbullah is part of the PLO, which refuses to recognize Israel as a nation. They have moved into Lebanon and as a result will cause Lebanon to war against Israel soon. The call of peace and security is being reported almost 4 or five times a week now. In the very near futute you will see the second part of Paul’s warning take place, that being the sudden destruction.
Prophecy Sign: In 2nd Thessalonians 2: 4 Jesus gives Paul the warning about the Antichrist going into the Third Jewish Temple that would be rebuilt in the last days. This is what Jesus showed Paul, “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is GodIn Daniel 9:27 we see this Antichrist going into the rebuilt Jewish Temple and stopping the sacrifices the Jews start up again. Step by step Israel has been putting things together for the rebuilding of this Third Temple we were warned about. As soon as Israel’s enemies are wiped which should take place right after the Psalms 83 war and the Ezekiel war finish, you will see Israel rebuild their Third Temple. If you doubt God’s Word on this, take a picture of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem right now. In your photo you will not see any Jewish Temple. Keep that photo because in the very near future when you take another picture of the Temple Mount you will be looking at the Third Temple. When you see this Temple standing just as it was warned, it will mean you did not walk with Christ and you were tossed into the seven year tribulation. May God help you! Maybe the news from Israel will encourage to believe in the Words of Christ on this issue. In a report entitled, “Preparing for Service in the Rebuilt Temple” it stated, “ (IsraelNN.com) Jews in the town of Mitzpe Yericho are taking practical steps to prepare for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, by preparing descendents of Cohanim (priests) and Levites for service. At the Mitzpe Yericho school, Temple priest hopefuls learn exactly how to conduct the daily Temple service and offer the required sacrifices. This news points you to exactly what Daniel and Christ had warned about the Temple being build, and the start up of the sacrifices again. Think about this? How could the Antichrist go into a Temple that hasn’t been rebuilt, and stop animal sacrifices that haven’t started up again? You better understand what is taking place here because the last prophecies yet to be fulfilled are in the process of being fulfilled right now. The Antichrist is coming soon, but Jesus will be coming even sooner to take you away if you are covered in the Lambs blood. Jesus is the Lamb of God and I pray today you will give your life to Him. When you click to this link make sure you watch the video.
It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.