Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book. The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…
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Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Christ tells us there will be civil unrest in the last days. This civil unrest comes in the form of “kingdom against kingdom”. Jesus in Revelation 13:16-17 also shows us the Antichrist will end up controlling the global economy. Jesus also shows us in Revelation 18:12 Gold and Silver will skyrocket during the tribulation period. How do we know this, because we see the people weeping over these very things. People don’t weep over things that aren’t valuable. I have put all these prophecies in this group to show you Jesus’ warnings are coming to pass and most of the world doesn’t even know what is going on, but it is my blessing to connect the dots for you so you can get a clear picture of the last days events that Jesus told us to watch for.
I have a link below that will explain what (LEAP) is, but you should know (LEAP) predicts MAJOR World Crisis to 80% certainty. If this is your first time at my site go back and read my warnings about America’s dollar collapsing, America declining as a superpower, civil disturbances, the global economic crisis, and what is happening to Gold & Silver. We can see all these things are part of the last days events. All of these signs warn us we are running out of time to be able to except Jesus as your Lord and Savior before the Church is raptured to Christ. Knowing what Christ has warned, you better take a look at what (LEAP) is warning.
I quote, “LEAP/E2020 believes that the global systemic crisis will experience a new tipping point from Spring 2010. Indeed, at that time, the public finances of the major Western countries are going to become unmanageable, as it will simultaneously become clear that new support measures for the economy are needed because of the failure of the various stimuli in 2009 (1), and that the size of budget deficits preclude any significant new expenditures.
If this public deficit « slip knot » which governments gladly placed around their necks in 2009, refusing to make the financial system pay for mistakes (2) is going to weigh heavily on all public expenditure, it is going to particularly affect the social security systems of the rich countries in always impoverishing the middle classes and the retired, and setting the poorest adrift (3).
At the same time, the general context of the bankruptcy of an increasing number of states and other authorities (regions, provinces, federal states) will entail a double paradoxical event of increasing interest rates and the flight out of currencies towards gold. In the absence of an organized alternative to a weakening US Dollar and in order to find an alternative to the loss in value of treasury bonds (in particular US ones) all central banks will have, in part, to « reconvert to gold », the old enemy of the US Federal Reserve, without being able to state the fact officially. The bet on recovery having been, at this point, totally lost by governments and central banks (4), this Spring 2010 tipping point is thus going to represent the beginning of the huge transfer of 20,000 billion USD of « ghost assets » (5) in the direction of the social security systems of the countries which have accumulated them.
What does LEAP stand for?
My warnings for the past 33 years are the exact warnings that (LEAP) are now warning. My warnings are based on the Word of God in the Bible where as LEAP’s warning deals with economic realities. Both the Bible and what LEAP is predicting are the same exact things. Just yesterday I showed you two different unions of nations that are dumping the U.S. dollar because it is dying. I also showed you the civil disturbance going on right now in Copenhagen as world leaders try to form a One World Order using climate change pretection as a means to achieve their goal. My posts are filled with news reports showing you how fast the price of Gold and Silver are climbing and these are the very same things the LEAP report is now pointing to! Will America’s crash come in the Spring 2010? Considering the U.S. just raised the debt level again and U.S. states are almost out of money, I would say the odds points are in favor that America will fall sooner than most think. When this happens the civil unrest Jesus wrote about will begin to kick up a notch in America and spread around the world. America fall will push for the new economic system that Jesus pointed to in Rev. 13:16-17 where we are told no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless they take the mark of the beast, (Antichrist). The dumping of the U.S. dollor we are witnessing right now is a prelude to this new global economic system. I don’t care if you believe me, or you believe the LEAP report, but I do care if you turn away from what Christ said about these last day signs. Many people I speak to are afraid to even talk about these things, but you will not be able to hid from what is coming. You want hope? Take Jesus as your savior and know for sure that when Jesus calls His Church home soon you will be one of the people He takes because you were covered by His blood He poured out for you on that cross.
For the past year and a half I have put up many posts asking you to watch for more banks to fail. For example in my Feb. 20, 2009 post I warned you about the banks being taken over by the Feds. In my post dated March 9, 2009 I wrote the warnings about more banks failing and that the FDIC will run out of money. When the dollar collapses and the banks go under the FDIC won’t have the funds to help anyone. Fact is the FDIC who insures your money is safe is almost broke right now.
Take a look and see if my warnings are coming to pass? October 24, 2009: I quote, “The number of US bank failures this year has topped more than 100 after US federal regulators shut down a trio of small Florida banks. Bank failures have cost the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) fund that insures deposits an estimated $25bn this year.”
Now take a look at the news 49 days later on December 11, 2009 and I quote, “NEW YORK ( — Regulators closed regional banks in three U.S. states Friday, bringing the total number of failed banks this year to 133, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said.” “An average of 11 banks have failed per month this year, and the FDIC's deposit insurance fund has slipped into the red for the first time since 1991.” While the banks are closing, Americans are still walking away from their homes because they either lost their jobs, or they can’t afford the higher interest now being charged. This nation is on the door step of another depression worse than the first and they most Americans think it won’t happen.
List of Bank failures:
Government leaders are now warning many U.S. states are about to go bankrupt! I quote, “Dec. 1 (Bloomberg) — U.S. states’ budget shortfalls may be as much as $200 billion this year and next, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell said, as officials press the federal government to boost construction spending and aid cash-strapped states. “Other governments have joined groups including the U.S. automobile industry in seeking help from the U.S. government. Philadelphia, Atlanta and Phoenix last month unsuccessfully sought some of the federal government’s $700 billion financial rescue package. Jefferson County, Alabama, struggling with soaring interest expense, has also sought help in refinancing $3 billion of costly, adjustable-rate bonds that have pushed it to the brink of bankruptcy.”
There is a high chance a majority of the States within the United States of America could file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. There are currently 46 states with high budget deficits, Arizona being one of them.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Food stamps, the main U.S. antihunger program which helps the needy buy food, set a record in September as more than 31.5 million Americans used the program — up 17 percent from a year ago, according to government data.
On page 11 of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” I warn you that a sign of a depression is what happens with the number of people who have to be placed on food stamps. I pointed out in Aug. 2009 34.4 million Americans have been forced on this program. I said watch these lines because they are going to get worse. Was my warning true? I quote the lastest figures in this new updated report entitled, “Food stamp list soars past 35 million: USDA “ “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – More than 35 million Americans received food stamps in June, up 22 percent from June 2008 and a new record as the country continued to grapple with the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s.” Do you know why I am always right on target? Because, I am taking what Jesus as shown us in scripture and applying it to these last days. By now you have to see clearly what Christ has shown you? America is not found in the Book of Daniel and this is a major sign to us that America fell away as any kind of major power in the last days. Since we are living in the last generation we can now see what is happening that will take out America! The (LEAP) report in my opinion is dead on and if you live in America you better prepare for what is ahead.
Is the handwriting on the wall for the collapse of America? Last night I watched Obama on ABC. Here is a quote from news about that interview. “President Obama told ABC News’ Charles Gibson in an interview that if Congress does not pass health care legislation that will bring down costs, the federal government “will go bankrupt.” One way or the other America is getting ready to fall. With or without the health care the U.S. is now facing a $12.104 trillion dollar debt ceiling as I reported to you on Dec. 16, 2009. If the healthcare bill passes it will be like putting the last nail into America’s coffin. Civil unrest is coming, when this happens, the dollar will be a thing of the past and those who have Gold or Silver will be better prepared. All of these things are warnings from Christ. Now go bury your heads and try and write off what I am saying via the Holy Spirit, or do what the Holy Spirit is calling you to do, that being come to Christ for salvation.
A person who doesn’t want their name mentioned has been monitoring the economy wrote to me today. This person has been sending informaiton for me to read for sometime now and most of what he or she has sent fully supports what he or she wrote to me today. This person points out what is going to happen when the U.S. falls. Most of what was written below, I have read in past news reports as well, which gives us much of the same warnings. Take a look at what would be in store for America, and the world when America’s economic system falls apart.
“If The Us Economic System Collapse As Some Economist Are Predicting. How Will Women Cope?
What’s Dead (Short Answer: All Of It)
Just so you have a short list of what’s at stake if Washington DC doesn’t change policy here and now (which means before the collapse in equities comes, which could start as soon as today, if the indicators I watch have any validity at all. For what its worth, those indicators are painting a picture of the Apocalypse that I simply can’t believe, and they’re showing it as an imminent event – like perhaps today imminent.)
* All pension funds, private and public, are done. If you are receiving one, you won’t be. If you think you will in the future, you won’t be. PBGC will fail as well. Pension funds will be forced to start eating their “seed corn” within the next 12 months and once that begins there is no way to recover.
* All annuities will be defaulted to the state insurance protection (if any) on them. The state insurance funds will be bankrupted and unable to be replenished. Essentially, all annuities are toast. Expect zero, be ecstatic if you do better. All insurance companies with material exposure to these obligations will go bankrupt, without exception. Some of these firms are dangerously close to this happening right here and now; the rest will die within the next 6-12 months. If you have other insured interests with these firms, be prepared to pay a LOT more with a new company that can’t earn anything off investments, and if you have a claim in process at the time it happens, it won’t get paid. The probability of you getting “boned” on any transaction with an insurance company is extremely high – I rate this risk in excess of 90%.
* The FDIC will be unable to cover bank failure obligations. They will attempt to do more of what they’re doing now (raising insurance rates and doing special assessments) but will fail; the current path has no chance of success. Congress will backstop them (because they must lest shotguns come out) with disastrous results. In short, FDIC backstops will take precedence even over Social Security and Medicare.
* Government debt costs will ramp. This warning has already been issued and is being ignored by President Obama. When (not if) it happens debt-based Federal Funding will disappear. This leads to….
* Tax receipts are cratering and will continue to. I expect total tax receipts to fall to under $1 trillion within the next 12 months. Combined with the impossibility of continued debt issue (rollover will only remain possible at the short duration Treasury has committed to over the last ten years if they cease new issue) a 66% cut in the Federal Budget will become necessary. This will require a complete repudiation of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, a 50% cut in the military budget and a 50% across-the-board cut in all other federal programs. That will likely get close.
* Tax-deferred accounts will be seized to fund rollovers of Treasury debt at essentially zero coupon (interest). If you have a 401k, or what’s left of it, or an IRA, consider it locked up in Treasuries; it’s not yours any more. Count on this happening – it is essentially a certainty.
* Any firm with debt outstanding is currently presumed dead as the street presumption is that they have lied in some way. Expect at least 20% of the S&P 500 to fail within 12 months as a consequence of the complete and total lockup of all credit markets which The Fed will be unable to unlock or backstop. This will in turn lead to….
* The unemployed will have 5-10 million in direct layoffs added within the next 12 months. Collateral damage (suppliers, customers, etc) will add at least another 5-10 million workers to that, perhaps double that many. U-3 (official unemployment rate) will go beyond 15%, U-6 (broad form) will reach 30%.
* Civil unrest will break out before the end of the year. The Military and Guard will be called up to try to stop it. They won’t be able to. Big cities are at risk of becoming a free-fire death zone. If you live in one, figure out how you can get out and live somewhere else if you detect signs that yours is starting to go “feral”; witness New Orleans after Katrina for how fast, and how bad, it can get.
The good news is that this process will clear The Bezzle out of the system.
The bad news is that you won’t have a job, pension, annuity, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and, quite possibly, your life.
It really is that bleak folks, and it all goes back to Washington DC being unwilling to lock up the crooks, putting the market in the role it has always played – that of truth-finder, no matter how destructive that process is.
Only immediate action from Washington DC, taking the market’s place, can stop this, and as I get ready to hit “send” I see the market rolling over again, now down more than 3% and flashing “crash imminent” warnings. You may be reading this too late for it to matter.”
Prophecy Sign: Sorry if I am repeating myself for but for the sake of the new people I must explain the next wars headed for Israel as outlined in Psalms 83 and Ezekiel chapters 38-39. The first war Israel will face is the attack on them by Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Egypt. This war will probably take place as a result of the failed peace talks or as a result of Israel taking Iran. Most of the world that will watch this war against Israel will think Israel is finished, but this won’t happen. If fact, Israel will win this war and take more land away from the nations who attack them. When this war is over and Israel thinks they are living in safety because their enemies at their borders are defeated, that is when we are told in Ezekiel that the Russians will lead another invasion against Israel. Who comes against Israel in this war? Russia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, East Germany, Turkey and Armenia. For some time now I have been giving you signs the first war is about to take place. The news today maybe giving us another hint as to how this first war will develop. The report I quote from is entitled: “Hamas: All Islamist groups will unite with Iran if Israel attacks”. “Hamas leader Khaled Meshal warned on Tuesday that Islamist militant groups would back Iran if the Islamic Republic was attacked by Israel, Iranian state television reported. "All Islamist militant groups will form a united front with Iran against Israel if it attacks Iran," Meshal told a news conference. Israel and the United States have not ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to resolve the row over Iranian nuclear work that the West suspects is aimed at taking bombs. The Hamas leader added: "We are all parts of the same body… We all should fight against the mutual enemy. But how, the leaders will decide based on our capacities." He further said that Israel was a danger for the Middle East region”
For sometime now I have told you the Middle East peace talks are failing because the PLO wants a state of their own inside Israel, and they want Jerusalem back. I told you in the past that the peace talks was only part of the PLO’s plan to retake Jerusalem. Today you see what I said previously has come out in the open in a report entitled, “Hamas still wants to liberate 'all of Palestine'”. I quote, “The cat is out of the bag: Palestine, all of Palestine. Standing before 100,000 people in the center of Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh this week declared the objective of the Hamas movement. The moderate prime minister of the moderate faction of the Palestinian religious movement publicly announced the peace solution for which his government is aiming.” The ultimate solution is not the total liberation of the Gaza Strip or a Palestinian state. It is the liberation of all of Palestine. Haniyeh did not say so outright, but his words are clear. Hamas is demanding Ramle and Lod, Haifa and Jaffa, Abu Kabir and Sheikh Munis. It is also demanding the land on which this article was written and the land on which this article was printed – the land on which the editorial offices of Haaretz are located and the land on which the Haaretz printing plant is located. The land, the entire land. Greater Palestine.” Let me make this very simple for those of you who may not understand what was said. The PLO is saying they want to get rid of the nation Israel and reclaim it, all of it for themselves. This is the exact same thing the President of Iran say been telling the world. These statements run in agreement to what God told us in the two wars that Israel is about to be confronted with. Read this signs as clear warnings from Jesus that you are running out of time to choose what road you are going to take, the one that leads to hell for not giving your life to Christ, or the one to heaven for accepting the Lord’s free gift of salvation. Jesus is letting you choose, but make no mistake, He has given us plenty of proof that proves His Words can be trusted.
Very soon Israel is going to hit Iran and take out their nuclear power plant to stop Iran from getting the atomic bomb. The Islamic militants groups this report is referring to just happen to be in Lebanon, the Gaza, Syria, and Iran. These groups are also embedded in the other nations but the extreme right of these groups are in the nations I just mentioned. These are the exact same nations we see mentioned in one or the other prophecies, and when they see their Iranian Brothers attacked they will no doubt attack Israel. All I can say to you if you don’t believe what I am trying to show you is, watch the news in the Middle East. This war is coming. When you see it you just may turn to Christ for salvation? You would have to be crazy not to, because this war is a sign that the Lord’s Church is about to be taken out of the Earth. In the past few days news was released shows Iran has the missiles now which can reach Israel. The picture of these missiles is below. In Ezekiel 39 3 Ezekiel tells us “Then I will strike your bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from your right hand.” In other words God is going to stop these arrows from destroying His people in Israel. Ezekiel did not have the terms for our modern day warfare and he called these missiles arrows, but we know them for what they are.
In September 2008 I began to warn you, you will see hundreds of thousands of Americans lose their jobs. Each month the Lord laid it on my heart to keep up this warning and each month we see the numbers of jobless increasing by the thousands. As banks fold, and business all over the U.S. close their doors the U.S. is watching a mass exit of workers. Look at the latest status today. I quote, “WASHINGTON (AP) – The number of newly laid off workers filing claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly rose last week as the recovery of the nation's battered labor market proceeds in fits and starts. The Labor Department said Thursday that the number of new jobless claims rose to 480,000 last week, up 7,000 from the previous week. That was a worse performance than the decline to 465,000 that economists had expected. The four-week average for claims, which smooths out fluctuations, did fall, dipping to 467,500, the 15th straight decline, viewed as an encouraging sign that the labor market is gradually improving. The four-week average is now at its lowest point since late September 2008, the period when the financial crisis was hitting with full force.” I have people very close to me who told me things in America are getting better and the people losing their jobs is getting better. Today’s news was a blow to them!
WASHINGTON (AP) – The House on Wednesday passed legislation giving the federal government the ability to borrow a whopping $290 billion to finance its operations for just six additional weeks.” What is going to happen after the six weeks are over when they find out nothing has worked and they only pushed the U.S. further down the hole? God help America, we are seeing the greatest hope of a nation who used to be the leader in spreading the good news of Christ slip away as America has turned from the Lord. Get ready to embrace the Revived Roman Empire and the Antichrist for this is what is coming! Today Jesus Christ has opened the eyes and hears of many unbelievers. I ask you now to come to Christ, take His hand and let Him protect and keep you safe form His wrath, which will soon be poured out on a unrighteous world. You can start your walk today, email me at and let me know you have taken the hand of Christ and asked Him to save you. I am waiting to show the world what new child of Christ has just had his or her name written in the Book of Life.
Matthew 24:7: Are you watching the sign of earthquakes as Jesus instructed us to? Here is today's action so far, but bigger ones are coming!
Update time = Thu Dec 17 22:00:04 UTC 2009
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s |
LAT deg |
LON deg |
DEPTH km |
Region | |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/12/17 20:41:28 | 36.392 | 139.487 | 63.0 | EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN |
MAP | 5.8 | 2009/12/17 20:01:22 | 51.528 | 179.909 | 35.0 | RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA |
MAP | 5.4 | 2009/12/17 14:55:39 | 42.500 | -30.439 | 10.0 | AZORES ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/12/17 04:41:56 | 3.082 | 125.696 | 152.9 | KEPULAUAN SANGIHE, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.5 | 2009/12/17 01:37:47 | 36.428 | -9.920 | 10.0 | WEST OF GIBRALTAR |
Look I truly believe Jesus named me Frank because I am very direct with the Lord’s message to you all. I will not water the Word of God down for anyone. I think there is a lot a persons name. My last name is DiMora, which means, (more love). The message I bring to you via the Holy Spirit may be direct, but I do it out of God’s love for you. Christ is calling to you via this love to escape the things that are soon going to befall this planet. Will you accept His call? If so you can start by this prayer below. Notice I said start. This is only the beginning of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. However, in order to be born again in Christ Jesus there is a starting date and by saying this prayer to Christ you are showing Him you want to begin that personnel relationship with Him.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in your word that I must be born again in order to have eternal life. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
DiMora Ministry is proud to sponsor of the House of Samual. 100% of all funds from the sales are given to the House of Samuel. Below is a picture of the shirts. The shirt portrays my latest book (front of shirt) and ministry information (back of shirt). To order shirts and find more information about the House of Samuel, click to their link below. The shirts are $15.00 each or three for $35.00.