Message from Frank-Peace and safety talks, compare what was said in March 2009 to new plan-Aug. New alliance between Iraq, Turkey, Syria & Iran, what does this show us? Aug.26, 2009


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)


You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is today Aug. 19, 2009 at 6pm EST I was told that today's show had some troubles and it will be shown at a later date.


Prophecy Sign: I would like to give you more news concerning the call for peace and safety as outlined in  1 Thessalonians 5:3. The Word of God says, While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. First of all, I want you all to know if you click to the two links below, you will be able to listen to the latest news concerning the push for the final peace deal coming up this September. Back in March of this year Obama’s Advisor, Dr Brzezinski, gave a speech telling the world what Obama has to do, and people on both sides will not like what they propose.  When you listen this speech you will see it isn’t good news for Israel. What I would like you to do is first read today’s news and listen to the Guardian’s report, then click to the link to hear what Brzezinski said in March.  Once you do this you get a clear picture what Obama is damanding and how he plans to push this final peace deal.  


We are told by the Guardian that, “Barack Obama is close to brokering an Israeli-Palestinian deal that will allow him to announce a resumption of the long-stalled Middle East peace talks before the end of next month, according to US, Israeli, Palestinian and European officials. Key to bringing Israel on board is a promise by the US to adopt a much tougher line with Iran over its alleged nuclear weapons programme. The US, along with Britain and France, is planning to push the United Nations security council to expand sanctions to include Iran's oil and gas industry, a move that could cripple its economy. In return, the Israeli government will be expected to agree to a partial freeze on the construction of settlements in the Middle East. In the words of one official close to the negotiations: "The message is: Iran is an existential threat to Israel; settlements are not."

Now click to the blue link below. This link will take you to the Israel National News report entitled  “Gog Gathering Steam”. Scroll down until you see “Obama Adviser Brzezinski’s Off The Record Speech” Click to hear Brzezinski. Drag the dial and start to listen to what he says starting at 5minutes and 20 seconds into his speech. This is where it gets real interesting. 5min and 20 seconds in, he describes the nations of the world, all agreeing, to participate in the push to wrest Jerusalem from Israel.  6minutes and 26 seconds into his speech Brzezinski emphatically states that all the nations of the world will back up this effort.  At 8:22 in this video clip below, Brzezinski talks about the demand to divide up Jerusalem. He ends his talk with a joke, saying that if the West's plan of how to make peace is wrong, we'll be no worse off than we are now.”  Once you listen to this speech return, and I will give you some important insights to all this.

I believe the peace deal President Obama is going to force on Israel this September will be the one that his Advisor, Brzezinski gave us back in March of 2009.  Nothing new has changed in this new peace deal. The U.S. is going to try to divide Israel up into two States, and tell Israel to give East Jerusalem to the PLO.  I do agree with Brzezinski when he stated “all the nations of the world will back up this effort.”  I believe this because it is not good for Israel, and it is not good news for God’s Holy City Jerusalem.  I believe this because God warned us this is was going to happen. Read Zechariah 12:4, “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”  Brzezinski’s advice to the president isn’t a peace deal at all, it is a deal that says, take this deal or else!  Once again America is on the wrong side of God.  If I am correct, and the deal Obama will present to Israel in September is the same one Brzezinski envisioned in March, this deal will back fire and end up forcing a war.  All I know at this point is all the nations are lining up to come against Israel exactly as God warned us.  They are talking peace and safety just as Jesus warned us.  Iran is tied in to this new peace deal because Israel has demanded the U.S. take action to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program.  God warned us Iran is going to attack Israel with Russia.  If you listened to the Guardian report you heard that Russia wants to be a major player for these next round of peace talks.  Every one of the nations mentioned in prophecy are taking part in these current events.  If Jesus warned us that sudden destruction will come at a time when they are calling for peace and safety, we can expect something to seriously go wrong with the peace talks and war will break out.  This is what is going to happen.  Now I know some of you will say they have been calling for peace and safety for years and nothing has happened?  You need to believe what Christ said. Jesus told us these events would take place as a woman with birth pains.  Yes, there have been peace talks but what has happened?  When the peace talks failed war broke out.  Then the peace talks started up again at a latter date, and just as before when they failed again another conflict broke out.  This pattern has taken place since 1977.  These are the labor pains Jesus warned us about.  The labor pains have been getting worse each year, and I do believe we are now at the point where this new peace process fails to give the PLO what they want that a major war will suddenly break out. When this happens you will have witnessed the second part of Paul warning in Thessalonians 5:3 come to pass. Right now they are making the call for peace and safety.  Consider the fact that the only prophecies left before the 7 year tribulation starts are one the war spoken to us in Psalms 83 which just so happens to mention the very nations dealing with Israel in this current peace process, Ezekiel’s war from Ezekiel chapters 38-39, which just so happens to to mention the exact nations Ezekiel war us that are going to attack Israel. Some of these nations are Russia and Iran who are also at the heart of this current peace quest. Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49:24-27 which tells us Syria will be destroyed has not happened yet either. However if you have been following my posts you have read news out of Syria telling us Syria’s President Bashar al-Asad just stated recently that if the next round of peace talks don’t give him what he wants he will take it by force. 

Speaking about Syria, please take a look at the news today. I quote, "TEL AVIV — Syrian President Bashar Assad's visit to Tehran last week has revealed a new regional element that has been largely ignored by Western observers. Assad's visit was officially described as a goodwill trip to congratulate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his re-election as Iran's president. But what came out following Assad's meeting with Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, was an idea for an unofficial quadripartite alliance between Syria and Iran, with Turkey and Iraq joining.  Israeli sources anticipated such a proposal. They said that Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was not ignorant to this idea. While officially struggling to join the European Union, Turkey has begun to accept the possibility that its European dreams are unlikely to materialize. At the same time, Turkey's hopes for a mediating role in peace talks between Israel and Syria, are also beginning to fade. Israel now insists on direct negotiations with Damascus. Assad's visit to Tehran was a kind of a slap in the face to President Barack Obama. Assad is the only Arab (or foreign) head of state to congratulate Ahmadinejad in person in Tehran.  Do you understand what we are witnessing?  These are the exact nations that Ezekiel tells us are going to attack Israel.  Why do you think this new alliance is coming together now?  It is because the Ezekiel prophecy is going to be fulfilled very soon.

You must be out of your minds, or as blind as a bat not to see God’s handwriting on the wall as to what is going to happen soon.  At this point all we can do is wait and see exactly what happens in September when they put the peace plan on the table.  I do know this, every single Word in prophecy is coming to pass.  We only have a few prophecies left to be fulfilled and they are just over the herizon.  If I were you I would keep on my toes this September.  Once these last few remaining prophecies are finished Earth will be tossed into the seven year tribulation.  That is how close we are to seeing Jesus return for His Church.  If you aren’t part of Christ’s Church today, I plead with you to give your life over to Christ today without delay!  Each day you refuse to receive Christ as your Lord and Savior you take the chance of missing the rapture of the Lord’s Church.  You miss the rapture and you won’t miss laying your eyes on the Antichrist.  You do not want to be in that postion. 

Let me get back to the call for peace and safety. Today as the Prime Minister of Israel was trying to assure the world there can be a final peace agreement in September, “Abbas said the first phase of the U.S.-backed plan obliges Israel to "stop all forms of settlement construction and to be committed to resolve all final-status issues, especially Jerusalem, refugees, borders, water, security and other core issues."  As you can see from Zechariah 12:4 the issue of Jerusalem is always going to be a burdensome stone.  One of the major points to finally getting a peace agrement is what to do about Jerusalem.  The odds are, war will break out soon because Israel will not cave in to anyones demands that Israel give up East Jerusalem where their Holy Temple once stood.  At best, they can come up with a plan to share this Holy City, then maybe they could sign some type of peace plan.  In any case, God is showning us His Words are true because Jerusalem has no doubt become a burdensome stone for every nation that is dealing with the peace process.

For the past few days the Lord has been showing me I need to rest at His feet, pray, and relax with Him. I think the Lord is preparing me for something, but I can not say at this time.  What I have been feeling in my heart has been confirmed by two people, which I have never even met, yet they both have shown me the same thing which I believe Christ has shown me.  I have made plans to begin my rest with Christ this Thurday. I may return on Tuesday if this is what Christ shows me. If not, I will begin writing again as soon as the Lord shows me what to do.  Part of my rest with Christ means I am not going to pick up my computer until He shows me it is time to begin writting again.  Please do not email me because I will not be answering any emails at all until the Lord shows me what to do. I am working on my new book today and will try to post this new book today if I can. I am doing this just in case the Lord reveals to me He is taking me in a different direction.  Everything you will ever need to know will be in this new September 2009 book. If you find there are mistakes in spelling, please over look this as I feel it more important to post the book now. I can always correct these minor mistakes later and I am in the process of doing this now, however it is the proof of God's warning that i want you to see in the meantime.  Please pray for me during my time of rest at the Lord's feet.

Also, I just did another radio broadcast for all of you which will be broadcast today at 6PM EST.  This broadcast will bring you all up-to-date with all the recent events that prove Bible Prophecy is taking place and we only have a short time left before the Church is taken to Christ.  I may not be blessed with a lot of money for this ministry but Jesus has blessed me with all of you.  I pray that my writing and my work I have done so far for Christ has blessed you all.  While I go before Christ to rest at His feet, please stay on the watch, it is what Jesus has asked all the believers to do.

God Bless all of you

Frank DiMora







Prime Minister of Israel says “Final Peace ” Special Edition for Aug. 25, 2009



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)


You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is today Aug. 19, 2009 at 6pm EST I was told that today's show had some troubles and it will be shown at a later date.

If you want to be placed on my prophecy up-date list please email me at the email address given at the top left of this site. The up-dates are free and I do not share your email address with anyone. Each day when I post, I send a short note letting you know a new up-date is posted."Netanyahu says Israel had taken steps in easing Palestinian movement in the West Bank by lifting roadblocks and showed its willingness to make peace by expressing support for a Palestinian state. The Israeli leader said it was now incumbent on the Palestinians to demonstrate "courageous leadership." "We hope to move forward in the next months and weeks," said the Israeli leader.” “With the help of our friends in the U.S., Britain and elsewhere we can achieve progress that will confound the cynics and surprise the world," he added. He urged the Palestinian leadership to move forward in a "courageous" way and tell their people: "It's over, there is going to be real, final peace."  If you click to the news report you will see the peace talks are to resume in September.  Again I must remind you that this is the same time as the Jewish Feast.  I am excited just at the thought that it is possible that these peace talks could bring about the 7 year covenant which God showed the prophet Daniel in Daniel chapter 9:26-27.  If Israel’s Prime Minister is right and this is a final peace, it just could be we have reached the doorway to the beginning of the 7 year tribulation.  I can wait to see what happens between now and mid September. I do know this, I will be praying and fasting and standing guard for your all, keeping you up-to-date as to what is happening.  For all of you who have already received Jesus as your Lord, you to should make yourselves ready, just in case this September is the time the Lord has chosen to take us home.  We should always be on the watch anyway but especially during the Jewish Feasts.  If you haven’t received Jesus as your Savior, I surely wouldn’t waste any time in asking Jesus to take over your life.  I wouldn’t waste another second to tell Him you receive Him as your Lord, and that you believe He died for you, and that He did in fact rise from the grave in three days and it alive today.  Ask Him to forgive any sin you have committed.  Tell Christ you are seeking Him as King to be born again to eternal life provide by the Lamb of God.   As for me, I pray to Christ that this is the time for the peace covenant we are warned about.  My body is getting worn out, and I can’t wait to go home to be with the Lord.  However, if September comes and goes and we see there is no 7 year covenant, my prayer will be that Jesus strength me so I may lead others to Christ before He calls the Church home.


Disease news-Government shut down-New peace talks coming-Wars and rumors of wars- What is coming that will cause instant turmoil-Aug. 25, 2009



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)


You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is today Aug. 19, 2009 at 6pm EST I was told that today's show had some troubles and it will be shown at a later date.

If you want to be placed on my prophecy up-date list please email me at the email address given at the top left of this site. The up-dates are free and I do not share your email address with anyone. Each day when I post, I send a short note letting you know a new up-date is posted.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 instructs us to watch for the sign of diseases.  I know I am sick of hearing news about the Swine Flu and you probably are to.  However, this is the latest news from the White House. “Aug. 25 (Bloomberg) — Swine flu may hospitalize 1.8 million patients in the U.S. this year, filling intensive care units to capacity and causing “severe disruptions” during a fall resurgence, scientific advisers to the White House warned. Swine flu, also known as H1N1, may infect as much as half of the population and kill 30,000 to 90,000 people, double the deaths caused by the typical seasonal flu, according to the planning scenario issued yesterday by the President’s Council of Advisers on Science and Technology. Intensive care units in hospitals, some of which use 80 percent of their space in normal operation, may need every bed for flu cases, the report said. “  Information right from the White House stated, “The report concludes that the 2009-H1N1 flu is unlikely to resemble the deadly flu pandemic of 1918-19. But in contrast to the benign version of swine flu that emerged in 1976, the report says the current strain "poses a serious health threat" to the nation. The issue is not that the virus is more deadly than other flu strains, but rather that it is likely to infect more people than usual because it is a new strain against which few people have immunity. This could mean that doctors’ offices and hospitals may get filled to capacity.”  I have been receiving emails asking  me what do I think people should do?  Should they take the shot that hasn’t been tested yet or not.  This is what I think you should do.  Go see your doctor and ask he or she if they know for sure that the shot is safe to take?  Ask them what they think you should do?  All of us are going to have to make a decision, and you want to make sure that the person who gives you advice is a well trained doctor, someone who can trust.  For all I know he may just tell you to wash your hands 50 times a day, and make sure that you stay away from anyone who coughs.

News from White House, click below:

Prophecy Sign: In Daniel chapter 2 God shows Daniel the rise of the last world empire of the last days.  In order to lift up this new empire a series of events must take place.  We know from Daniel’s book that the Roman Empire will rise again and out of this new reborn Roman Empire 10 kings, leaders, will hand over all the power to one man.  This man is the Antichrist.  When you read chapter to from my book you will learn that this revived Roman Empire is already standing. The only thing I am looking out for is which side of this reborn Roman Empire the ten kings will come from.  Will it be from the WEC, which is the Western side of the European Union, or will the ten kings come from the ECO, which are nations from the Eastern leg of the Old Roman Empire? One thing I know for sure, the fall of America is going to help lift this last world empire to the center stage.  There is no doubt that when America is shut down it is going to send shock waves to every nation on this planet.  The shock waves will be so bad that it will increase an already global economic crisis.  When that happens you will see the last world empire rise to take control.  For the past year I have been showing you signs that America is declining and soon will be forced to shut down.  What is currently taking place to hundreds of thousands of homeowners will happen to America.  You may be asking what is happening to the homeowners? Thousands of homeowners have stopped making payment on their homes and are waiting for the bank to come and toss them out.  These homeowners have been weighted down with debt and are so broke, they know the day is coming when the sheriff will knock at their door and force them to leave their homes. The Obama Administration wants to extend the U.S. debt to some 10 trillion and this debt can never be paid off!  Nations like China who have been lending the U.S. money will soon stop handing out the funds to keep America going.  When that happens America will fall.  At the present time U.S. States are doing whatever they can just to stay open.  Here is one example. “PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) – Rhode Island will shut down its state government for 12 days and hopes to trim millions of dollars in funding for local governments under a plan Gov. Don Carcieri outlined Monday to balance a budget hammered by surging unemployment and plummeting tax revenue. The shutdown will force 81 percent of the roughly 13,550-member state work force, excluding its college system, to stay home a dozen days without pay before the start of the new fiscal year in July.”  Since before September 2008 I warned you all that unemployment numbers would increase by the millions and they have.  I told you that the U.S. tax base would drop, and add this would add the States debts. Everything I have warned you is coming true.  Another thing I warned you was that don’t expect the U.S. economy to pick up any time soon.  As you can see for the news, Americans have all but stopped buying, and when that happens the economy will can not recover.  As one superpower nation declines, the one Jesus said would rule the world is about to take the stage to fulfill Christ’s Words. 

Yahoo Finiance today has a report out written by Robert Kiyosaki. Kiyosaki is an investor, businessman, self-help author, motivational speaker and in inventor.  Here made some comments about the U.S economy today that echo whay I have been warning everyone about. I am only going to give you one of the reasons why Kiyosaki say the American economy won’t come back.  "Is the crisis over?" is a question I am often asked. "Is the economy coming back?"  My reply is, "I don't think so. I would prepare for the worst." Like most people, I wish for a better future for all of us. Life is better when people are working, happy, and spending money. The stock market has been going up since March 9, 2009. Talk of "green shoots" fill the air. Yet, in spite of the more positive news, I continue to recommend that people prepare for the worst. The following are some of my reasons: 1. I believe the stock market is being manipulated. I suspect the government, banks, and Wall Street are doing everything they can to keep the market from crashing. Our leaders know that nothing makes the world feel better than a raging bull market. Every time I hear a politician mention the word stimulus, my mind flashes back to high school biology class, when I touched battery wires to a dead frog to make it twitch. Today, you and I are the dead frogs. Pretty soon the dead frog will be fried frog.”

Glenn Beck gives excellent information that proves that America can not continue spending the way it is now and not fall as a nation.  This video shows you the real numbers that I have been warning you about. Please watch the video entitle: Spending to a New World Order”

Prophecy Sign: In yesterday’s post I gave you some information on the war prophesied in Psalms 83.  Yesterday I centered in on Jordan, Syria, and Iraq.  One of the other nations that are listed in the Psalms war against Israel is Lebanon.  You can see from today’s news that Lebanon is taking a position that will at the end of the day lead them down with the other nations mentioned in Psalms 83 against Israel. I quote, “Lebanese Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh said on Sunday that Beirut would never negotiate with Israel over the return of captured land, reiterating the government's stance that Lebanon would be the last Arab state to sign a peace treaty with Jerusalem. "There will be neither direct nor indirect negotiations with Israel? Salloukh told The Daily Star of Lebanon. "Israel should have withdrawn [from captured territory] from the first minute of Resolution 1701. They should implement all UN resolutions." The Lebanese official was referring to the resolution which brought a cease-fire in the 2006 Lebanon war.”  Syria by the way is another nations who just stated they will take back the Golan Heights if the peace talks fail.  Right now we are hearing the rumors of war coming to the Middle East.  Jesus told us that this was a sign of the last days. The Lord stated “you will hear of wars and humors of wars” Matthew 24:6.

What will cause the World to be thrown into panic and turmoil?  If you haven’t receive Jesus as your Lord yet, I plead with you to watch this short video.

If you want to take the first step for Salvation in Christ Jesus you must first ask Jesus to be your Savior. No one can be born again unless they ask Jesus Christ to forgiven them for their sins. Then you must repent from your former life held captive to sin and turn to Christ to allow and let Him mold you in His likeness. Just saying a prayer without true conversion will only lead to a unfruitful life for Christ. Once you ask Jesus to forgive you live your life 110% for Christ. Let your heart burn for Christ and let Him know you are seeking His will everyday. Salvation in Christ is much more than just saying a sentence. It will be a demonstration of your life and how you live that life for Christ. It is a complete transformation of an old life to a new one in Christ.

Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life. Saying the sinner’s prayer is only the beginning. You need to walk with Christ and abide in Him and His ways. Watch this video, it is very good for both new and old believers.

Here is a good picture of what Christ has done for us.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

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New technology in your skin shades of Rev. 13:16-17-Setting up armies to carry out wars against Israel-Iran refuses to haut quest for bomb-Obama and his peace timetable-Aug. 24, 2009



The Curse-Rev. 9:21 the drug generation-Chistian under attack-Aug. 21, 2009

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)


You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is today Aug. 19, 2009 at 6pm EST I was told that today's show had some troubles and it will be shown at a later date.


If you want to be placed on my prophecy up-date list please email me at the email address given at the top left of this site. The up-dates are free and I do not share your email address with anyone. Each day when I post, I send a short note letting you know a new up-date is posted.Prophecy Sign:  For the last few days I have given you examples of how Daniel 12:4 has been fulfilled.  Daniel 12:4 is a warnings from God to Daniel that this generation would be known as the generation who increased in knowledge.  Sometimes this increase in knowledge isn’t such a good thing. In the report I am about to show you, we not only see Daniel 12:4 coming to pass, but we also see Jesus’ warning Revelation 13:16-17 coming to pass as well. Let me example, “VeriChip Corporation currently sells a small, under-the-skin Radio Frequency Identification capsule, or RFID, that patients can opt to have implanted, containing a number computer-linked to their medical records, enabling doctors with a special reader to access the information even if the patient is unconscious or unidentified. The company boasts its microchip, roughly the size of a grain of rice, is the only such implant approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. But VeriChip has also turned its attention to other uses for the technology, including microchips that be used to tag and log human remains after a disaster and implants the company hopes will be able to warn if their host is infected with the H1N1 swine flu virus, the H5N1 bird flu virus or other pandemic agents deemed to be a "bio-threat."  Christ warned us in Rev. 13:16-17 that the Antichrist would have the power to stop anyone from buying or selling anything unless the people took his ID mark, which Jesus tells us, will be placed in the right hand or in the forehead.  Don’t be surprised that this generation has come up with the technology that can make it possible for someone to order everyone to take the implant with the Antichrist’s name or number on it.  It seems like a great idea that anyone could have a chip implant placed in his or her hand that would detect a disease before it could spread.  What if, down the line governments made it mandatory everyone get this type of implant to assure that a pandemic would be stopped before it even gets a chance to spread.  I am not saying this is going to take place but it is possible.  What I really want you to notice is that Jesus’ warning about something being placed (in the skin or in the forehand) has taken on a new meaning in this chosen generation.  When you read chapter one of my book you will discover there are also other ways to mark you in your skin that would allow you to deduct money right out of your bank account, just by passing your hand over a scanner.   This new technology is a signal to everyone that Jesus Christ is coming back soon.


Prophecy Sign:  Jesus Christ gives us very specific signs to let us know that we have reached the last days and He will be returning very soon.  One of those signs is found in Revelation 9:14-16 and in Revelation 16:12.  In these warnings Christ shows us that the River Euphrates would dry up and a army of 200,000,000 men will cross this dried river.  For years I have tried to tell people keep your eyes on the Euphrates River because it is going to dry up!  Many have laughed thinking this huge river will never dry up.  Now those who laughed are taking a second look at what I warned them.   Please keep in mind, it is really Christ’s waning I am just the messenger.  Many of you may have missed this, but you need to see this, because it proves we are the generation who was chosen not only to see the Euphrates River dry up, but also the generation chosen to see Jesus come back again.  I quote, “Syria is experiencing an economic holocaust. There is no other way to describe what the Syrian regime is so much trying to hide. The country is drying up, and no less than 250,000 farmers were forced in the past three years to abandon their land and migrate to the large cities. They live in tents there, completely neglected by the regime. These figures appeared in a special study undertaken by the United Nations and published on the al-Arabiya website. The immense Euphrates River, Syria’s main source of water, is drying up.  Now I ask you, how could Jesus give us this exact information almost 2,000 years before it was to take place?  How in the world could Jesus have known the generation who saw the Euphrates River dry up would also be the same generation who would be labeled the generation of increased knowledge?  How in the world would Jesus be able to show us this same generation would have the technology to implant something in your skin to keep tract of you and to be able to deduct money from you account via your hand?  These prophecies aren’t general statements they are very specific.  There is only one conclusion, Jesus is exactly who He claims to be, God!  If I were you I would listen to His warnings and take action now to receive Him.  If you have receive Jesus as your Lord there is nothing to fear.  When Christ returns He will rapture you to heaven.  If you do not receive Christ you will remain in your sins and be left behind to go through the 7 year tribulation.  The message I carry is no different from the one Noah preached.  As a matter of fact, Jesus said this generation would be just like Noah’s generation.  Now that you heard the message to flee the Lord’s Judgments will you enter the Ark, (Christ), or go the way the people did when they had a chance to take salvation?  It is your choice.

Prophecy Sign: I have to site both Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38_39 here because the news points to these prophecies being fulfilled very soon.  Last week I covered a news report entitled, “Ayatollah sees global Islamic 'Mahdi' army Calls for Muslim nations to unite militarily under messianic figure”.  In last weeks post I explained that both leaders of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are calling for this army to wipe Israel off the map.  Since the Lord told us Iran would be counted in on the last days attack on Israel with Russia, you need to pay attention to everything happening in Iran.  Now here is a follow up on this report.  Look who is now appears to be joining up with Iran in forming the future army that will invade Israel. I quote, “The Supreme Leader further said that there are vast areas for cooperation between Iran and Syria. "Compared to other Arab counties, the most important characteristic of Syria is its resistance and the enmity of America and other arrogant powers towards Syria is the result of this characteristic," he reiterated. Ayatollah Khamenei later expressed his agreement over the formation of a unified group composed of Iran, Syria, Turkey, and Iraq and said that the current relations between Syria and Iraq will produce positive results. He further stated that the Iraqi government should be helped in solving the current problems of the country. In this meeting which was also attended by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Bashar Assad stressed the need for strategic relations between Iran and Syria and said that the current situation of the region is in favor of the resistance camp. “  Let me make this perfectly clear for you. The resistance camp they are speaking about in this report is an army forged together untied against Israel for the purpose of destroying Israel.  Now take a look at Ezekiel chapter 38.  God warned us that Iran, Iraq, and Turkey would all be numbered in the invasion against Israel in the last days.  There are other nations mentioned as well but I am just pointing out the ones mentioned about in this report.  Syria who is joining in on this new army with their Arab Brothers is not mentioned in the Ezekiel 38-39 war.  However, Syria is spoken about in the Psalms 83 war.  I believe the reason why Syria is not in the Ezekiel attack is because Syria as well as Jordan, the PLO, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt will be wiped out by Israel before the Ezekiel war breaks out.   Here is the bottom line to all this.  Those exact nations God warned us about are preparing to do the very thing God said they would do, attack Israel.  Now if you don’t believe the Lord’s warning all I can say to you is, God help you.  Seriously, you would have to be blind not to recognize what is happening in the Middle East in relation to Bible prophecy.   Let Christ remove those blinders so you can come to Him for Salvation.  Once these wars take place this generation will enter the tribulation, that means the time you have to receive Jesus as Lord is running out.  Today is the day of Salvation, as you don’t even know if you will be alive tomorrow.

Most of you who have been coming to my site know I have been warning you that Israel is going to attack Iran soon to destroy their nuclear weapons program. I have been warning you that Israel is going to be forced to attack because Iran will keep rejecting anyone’s plea to haut their nuclear programs.   I also showed you that the month of September is a month that you will again see the Jewish Feasts.  There is the possibility that a war could break out during the Feast as it did in the past.  For example in 1973 the Arabs attacked Israel during Yom Kippur.  I have a youtube video link for you if you want to know more about this war.   Just as I have been warning you, Iran is not going to give up their quest to obtain a nuclear bomb.  Believe me, these signal coming out of Iran are clear signs that Israel will have to attack Iran soon, before they can go any further in their quest for the bomb. Read a section from today’s news. “Iran told world powers on Monday they must stop working against its atomic drive and instead adopt a policy of interaction with the Islamic republic to resolve the nuclear crisis.  "It is the right time for the other parties to review their policy. Rather than countering Iran, they should interact with Iran," foreign ministry spokesman Hassan Ghashghavi told reporters. World powers and Israel are at loggerheads with Iran over its nuclear programme which they suspect is aimed at making atomic weapons, a charge consistently denied by Tehran. Bottom of Form Ghashghavi also dismissed threats of additional sanctions on Iran if it fails to abide by international demands to halt uranium enrichment, a process which makes fuel for nuclear plants but can also be diverted to make the core of an atomic bomb. "Past experience has shown that sanctions are futile. Sanctions will not prevent us from pursuing our legal rights," he said. US President Barack Obama has given Iran until September to take up.  We know war is coming for sure because God showed us the plans in Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38-39.  Will one of these wars take place this September as it has in the past?  I for one will be on the watch just in case.  Why even bother watching?  Because Jesus told us to watch for these things, as it would be specific signs telling us we the Church would be going home soon.

Yom Kippur war of 1973:

Prophecy Sign: Paul warned us to watch for the sign of the call for peace and safety.  This is found in 1Thess. 5:2. In Daniel 9:27 God told Daniel that the Antichrist would confirm a covenant for 7 years.  We know this covenant will between Israel and many nations.   We are living in the days where Israel is calling for peace and safety just as Paul was warned.  I read news today telling us what President Obama is planning to show his new peace plans for Israel, and these plans go against what God says.  I quote, “( The Middle East peace plan that United States President Barack Obama will unveil soon involves the creation of a Palestinian Authority state by 2011 and the transfer of Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem [presumably including the Temple Mount – ed.] to Arab-Muslim sovereignty, Saudi newspaper Al-Ukaz has  learned.According to the report published Sunday in Al-Ukaz, the Obama plan also includes the following elements: Some parts of eastern Jerusalem [presumably Neveh Yaakov, Pisgat Ze'ev and the like – ed.] would be transferred to Israeli control. There would be an international presence in the Jordan Valley and other parts of Judea and Samaria. The Palestinian Authority terror organizations would be disbanded and turn into political parties. The large settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria would not be dismantled. The fate of smaller Jewish settlement areas would be decided in a three-month-long negotiation period.” "As the U.N. General Assembly meets in late September, Obama aims to announce the opening of a new negotiating process between Israelis and Palestinians, along with 'confidence-building' steps by Israel, the Palestinian Authority and a number of Arab governments," the columnist wrote. Obama "will probably lay out at least a partial vision of the two-state settlement that all sides now say they support, and the course that negotiations should take. More significantly, he intends to set an ambitious timetable for completing the peace deal — something that will please Arabs but may irritate Israel."

Here are some very important things to consider here.  First, notice that the peace talks are to start up again in September, which again is the month of the Jewish Feast. Many prophecies were fulfilled during these feasts.   Second, this report makes reference to a timetable.   When September rolling around and there is an agreement worked out that has a timetable of 7 years, you will know we are in serious trouble.  If, and I say if, the timetable is 7 years it could and probably will be the 7 year covenant that God showed Daniel.  Notice if you will that Obama still plans to give God’s Holy City Jerusalem to the PLO and to divide Israel into two States.  Nothing good is going to come to America as long as Obama defies God’s will for Israel.  Fact is I would watch for some more natural disaster in September if Obama lays his plans down. 

 If you want to take the first step for Salvation in Christ Jesus you must first ask Jesus to be your Savior. No one can be born again unless they ask Jesus Christ to forgiven them for their sins. Then you must repent from your former life held captive to sin and turn to Christ to allow and let Him mold you in His likeness. Just saying a prayer without true conversion will only lead to a unfruitful life for Christ. Once you ask Jesus to forgive you live your life 110% for Christ. Let your heart burn for Christ and let Him know you are seeking His will everyday. Salvation in Christ is much more than just saying a sentence. It will be a demonstration of your life and how you live that life for Christ. It is a complete transformation of an old life to a new one in Christ.

Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life. Saying the sinner’s prayer is only the beginning. You need to walk with Christ and abide in Him and His ways. Watch this video, it is very good for both new and old believers.

Here is a good picture of what Christ has done for us.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

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This is a good video for all people to watch whether you are a Christian or not!



Increase of knowledge sign of Daniel 12:4-The Harlet Church and Noah’s signs-Any truth to the Bank Holiday?Aug. 21, 2009




The Curse-Rev. 9:21 the drug generation-Chistian under attack-Aug. 21, 2009

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)


You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is today Aug. 19, 2009 at 6pm EST I was told that today's show had some troubles and it will be shown at a later date.

Prophecy Sign: This generation is fulfilling Daniel 12:4. Daniel was told by God that the last generation to be alive at the time Jesus returned whould be known as the generation of increased knowledge.  Yesterday I gave you an example, and here is another one from a report today. “Scientists are only months away from  creating artificial life, it was claimed yesterday. Dr Craig Venter – one of the world’s most famous and controversial biologists – said his U.S. researchers have overcome one of the last big hurdles to making a synthetic organism. The first artificial lifeform is likely to be a simple man-made bacterium that proves that the technology can work. But it will be followed by more complex bacteria that turn coal into cleaner natural gas, or algae that can soak up carbon dioxide and convert it into fuels. They could also be used to create new vaccines and antibiotics. “

Prophecy Sign:  Matthew 24:37-39 (King James Version)  “37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,  39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”   The Word of God shows us that this generation would be known as the one of increased knowledge, and they were also to be known to have become just the generation, which lived during Noah’s time.  This generation had turned from God and they were known to have turned to homosexuality instead of living as God taught them to live.  In Revelation chapter 17 you see a false church that will hook up with the Antichrist.  Jesus speaks to us about this church in Revelation 17:5 and calls her Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth.  Any church who disregards God’s Word and practices those things which God told us to keep away from will end up being part of this false church.  This is bad news because the Antichrist is going to turn on this false church three and a half years into the 7 year tribulation.  Today I want to show you one church that has turned away from the Word of God and is now allowing the things which God can’t stand. I quote, ”MINNEAPOLIS — Leaders of the nation's largest Lutheran church voted Friday to allow sexually active gays and lesbians in committed relationships to serve as clergy. Gays and lesbians are currently allowed to serve as ministers in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America only if they remain celibate. The proposal to change that passed with 68 percent approval. At 4.7 million members and about 10,000 congregations in the United States, the ELCA is one of the largest U.S. Christian denominations yet to take a more gay-friendly stance on clergy.”  I remind you we were warned these things were going to happen. Read 2nd Peter 2:1-2 “1But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.  2And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.” 2n Timothy 4:3 also warned us in the last days “the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables”.   Showily but surely more and more people are turning to homosexuality and showily but surely churches are moving away from sound doctrine.  This generation has fulfilled Daniel 12:4 and Matthew 24:37-39

Many of you have seen reports that the U.S. Government has planned a Bank Holiday for sometime in Aug. or Sept. I was sent this video today but honestly I do not know if this is even true.  For all I know, they could be using this video to scare everyone into taking their money out of the banks and thus, speeding up America's crash. Watch the video and make up your own minds. I also put up a link to infowars which talks about this bank holiday.  After reading yesterday's news that Obama is going to raise the U.S. debt leve to 9 trillion, it is proof the current system isn't working.

If you want to be placed on my prophecy up-date list please email me at the email address given at the top left of this site. The up-dates are free and I do not share your email address with anyone. Each day when I post, I send a short note letting you know a new up-date is posted.


The Curse-Rev. 9:21 the drug generation-Chistian under attack-Increase in knowledge-Aug. 21, 2009



The Curse-Rev. 9:21 the drug generation-Chistian under attack-Aug. 21, 2009

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)


You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is today Aug. 19, 2009 at 6pm EST I was told that today's show had some troubles and it will be shown at a later date.


If you want to be placed on my prophecy up-date list please email me at the email address given at the top left of this site. The up-dates are free and I do not share your email address with anyone. Each day when I post, I send a short note letting you know a new up-date is posted.

Prophecy Sign: If you read Matthew 24:7 you will see the warning that diseases would be one of the last days signs.  Not only that, but as I said in yesterday’s post God said He was going to curse anyone who curses Israel. This curse is found in Genesis 12:3. As you know Syria is an enemy of Israel.  At the present time Syria is also making moves to give their input for the Middle East peace process. Syria has demanded Israel give them the Golan Heights back which they lost in a previous war with Israel, and they are demanding Israel divide into two States.  Yesterday I showed you how the U.S. was being affected by this curse now its Syria's turn.  Look what is taking place in Syria. I quote from an article entitled, “Cholera Epidemic Fears Rise” Reports of hundreds of cases of cholera spreading in northeastern Syria have sparked fears of an epidemic in this poor and drought-stricken area, Syrian analysts and media reports said. Four people – three of them children – have died from the disease so far and the numbers of those estimated to be infected in the past three weeks with the bacteria that causes cholera vary between 200 and 1,000, according to media reports. The source of the infection is believed to be pollution of the Euphrates River and smaller rivers that it feeds, which constitute the main source of drinking water and irrigation for northeastern villages."  We know from the Word of God that this isn't going to be the end of the curse for Syria. Soon Syria is going to attack Israel and Isaiah 17:1 tells us Syria will be destroyed.

Yesterday I also showed you how America was being affected under this same curse for demanding Israel divide Israel into two States like Syria waits, and giving God’s holy city of Jerusalem over to the PLO.  If you read my previous posts you will see I warned you what was going to happen to America. I told you, you will see more jobs lost and you will see thousands more walk away from their homes.  If you watch the video by going to the link below you will see a report that gives you the details as to how bad the U.S. economy is. Here is a short section from that report. “More than one in every eight homeowners with a mortgage was behind on home loan payments or in some stage of foreclosure at the end of the second quarter, as mounting unemployment aggravated the housing crisis, the Mortgage Bankers Association said on Thursday.”  While the Government is trying to paint a picture that the U.S. is recovering from the recession the real truth can be seen in the unemployment figures, and the affects the unemployment is having on the economy.

If the unemployment doesn't finish off the U.S. Obama's economic plans will.  At a time when the American's should tighten their belts and stop spending money they don't have she is about to wreck the nation by adding trillion to the debt. I quote, “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Obama administration will raise its 10-year budget deficit projection to approximately $9 trillion from $7.108 trillion in a report next week, a senior administration official told Reuters on Friday. The higher deficit figure, based on updated economic data, brings the White House budget office into line with outside estimates and gives further fuel to President Barack Obama’s opponents, who say his spending plans are too expensive in light of budget shortfalls.” If I didn't know better I would think he is purposely trying to bring the nation down?

Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 9:21 we see Jesus speaking to us about drug's.  The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”.  It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. This generation was to be labeled a drug generation and we are.  In many of my live presentations in the past I warned the people to watch the news because they would begin to see governments legalize drugs.  I also mention this in chapter 6 of my book.  If you know what to look for in God's warnings all you have to do is sit back and wait for it to take place.  Here is one example of this coming to pass. I quote, “Mexico decriminalized small amounts of marijuana, cocaine and heroin on Friday — a move that prosecutors say makes sense even in the midst of the government's grueling battle against drug traffickers.  Prosecutors said the new law sets clear limits that keep Mexico's corruption-prone police from extorting casual users and offers addicts free treatment to keep growing domestic drug use in check.”

Prophecy Sign: For time to time I show you how Christians are being killed for their faith.  Jesus told us this was going to happen in the last days. Read Matthew 24:9, “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.”  My heart broke today when a Christian Sister brought this to my attention. “A young Christian runaway in foster care awaits her hearing tomorrow when Florida authorities will decide whether she will be forced to return to her Muslim parents – whom she says will kill her for converting to Christianity.”  I ask any of you who love Christ, please pray for this your girl. Ask the Lord to allow her to stay in America.

Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 told us this generation was going to be known as the generation of increased knowledge.  I want to give you a example of this increased knowledge. “Oxford scientists say they've created transparent aluminum, but is it similar to what we saw in Star Trek IV? Well, not really. Using a powerful FLASH laser that produces brief pulses of "soft x-ray light," they knocked out an electron from every aluminum atom in a lab sample. Because this process didn't disrupt the metallic lattice structure of the metal, it magically turned the aluminum into a substance transparent to ultraviolet light.

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If you want to take the first step for Salvation in Christ Jesus you must first ask Jesus to be your Savior. No one can be born again unless they ask Jesus Christ to forgiven them for their sins. Then you must repent from your former life held captive to sin and turn to Christ to allow and let Him mold you in His likeness. Just saying a prayer without true conversion will only lead to a unfruitful life for Christ. Once you ask Jesus to forgive you live your life 110% for Christ. Let your heart burn for Christ and let Him know you are seeking His will everyday. Salvation in Christ is much more than just saying a sentence. It will be a demonstration of your life and how you live that life for Christ. It is a complete transformation of an old life to a new one in Christ.

Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life. Saying the sinner’s prayer is only the beginning. You need to walk with Christ and abide in Him and His ways. Watch this video, it is very good for both new and old believers.

Here is a good picture of what Christ has done for us.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

This is a good video for all people to watch whether you are a Christian or not!

Current up-dated list of some of my work for Christ:

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)

You can view my radio show by clicking to the link below.  (Link to DiMora's International radio/video show out of London).

This Sunday August 9, 2009 was guest speaker on Timothy’s show. The show can be heard by going to:

Mary Aguilar the Co-Host of "Insight on The Word Radio" who, has asked me to speak this Friday Aug. 7, 2009.  Insight on The Word Radio Syracuse, NY 13210

347.945.7601 (Listeners Line)

Host Name:


I was the quest speaker on this program many times.

Frank DiMora's Radio Interviews and His own International Internet Radio show:

I welcome any of you to listen to my radio shows and my International Radio show on video called, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” Below are the links to most of my interviews and my own show out of London.

The coming attack on Israel part 1 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 2 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 3 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 4 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 5 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 6 of 6:

Economic crisis

DiMora's first radio interview on 'The Edge' with Host, Gina Romano. Interview was heard on June 26, 2008












August 10th, 2008 – Part 2

August 10th, 2008 – Part 3

August 10th, 2008 – Part 4

August 10th, 2008 – Part 5

August 10th, 2008 – Part 6

August 10th, 2008 – Part 7

August 10th, 2008 – Part 8–sE&feature=related

August 10th, 2008 – Part 9

August 10th, 2008 – Part 10

My 3rd radio interview on 'The Edge' International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below:


America’s curse & natural disasters- Peace & Safety-Roaring Seas & waves-Possessed-100 year old man beaten-Aug. 20, 2009



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)


You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is today Aug. 19, 2009 at 6pm EST I was told that today's show had some troubles and it will be shown at a later date.


If you want to be placed on my prophecy up-date list please email me at the email address given at the top left of this site. The up-dates are free and I do not share your email address with anyone. Each day when I post, I send a short note letting you know a new up-date is posted.

Prophecy Sign: (The Ezekiel 38 war and Sudan). Don’t forget, Bible history reveals Ethiopia was located to the south of Egypt, and was comprised of Ethiopia and Sudan at the time.  Why am I telling you this?  Because Sudan is one of the nations that is going to join forces with Russia and Iran when they try to invade Israel. Most of you know the PLO and Israel have been bitter enemies so you should know who the PLO has as allies.  Abbas, the leader of the PLO is meeting with the PLO. “PA officials said the two leaders would discuss bilateral relations and the general situation in the Middle East. One official said that Abbas would ask the Sudanese president to use his influence with Hamas to persuade the movement to soften its position in talks aimed at ending the rift with Fatah. Sudan maintains strong relations with Hamas, whose leader, Khaled Mashaal, visited Khartoum last February. Some of the weapons shipments sent to Hamas are believed to pass through Sudanese territory.”  I wanted you to see the relationship these two leaders have because they both have been enemies of Israel.   If you have been following the news you would have been able to see that all the nations have been positioning themselves for the Ezekiel war.  This isn’t the first time we saw news that the Sudanese have shipped arms to Israel’s enemies. In March of this year the Debka file reported, “military sources: Sudanese and Egyptian security officials reported Tuesday, March 24, the day Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir arrived in Cairo, that in January, US Air Force AC 130H gunships taking off from bases in Djibouti destroyed a 17-truck clandestine convoy carrying smuggled arms as it travelled through Sudan to the Egyptian border. All 39 passengers were killed, said those officials. Wednesday night, CBS TV News quoted unidentified US Pentagon officials as claiming the attack was not carried out by American but Israeli aircraft.”  If you are new to my site you can download my book. If you read chapter 10, I will show you how every nation listed by Ezekiel has aliened themselves with Russia.

Prophecy Sign: Peace and safety talks and bad weather, are they a coincidence? About a month ago I wrote a post showing you dates the U.S. and Israel’s enemies have sat down to discuss the Middle East peace talks.  During all of those talks President Obama has stressed that Israel has to divide Israel up into two States, stop building on what they consider PLO land, and they have to give East Jerusalem back to the PLO as their new Capital. Every single time the American leaders sit down at these meetings America is struck by natural disasters. Is there something to this? If you know the curse God put on anyone who goes against Israel you would say God is showing His anger toward the U.S for turning on Israel and God’s Word.  Once again the pattern falls in place. You see, this week we see President Obama and Egypt’s President discussing the Middle East peace plans for Israel. I quote, “WASHINGTON – U.S. President Barack Obama has promised Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak that he will present a rough draft of his Middle East peace plan in September, a Mubarak spokesman said following their White House meeting Tuesday.

As soon as these leaders started to go over the issues of forming a new peace agreement look what happened. “Powerful winds slammed parts of four Midwestern states on Wednesday, leaving behind shattered windows, toppled power lines and a handful of injuries. At least a half dozen suspected tornadoes were reported. The National Weather Service received reports of a possible tornado near downtown Minneapolis, where winds tore off part of a 90-year-old metal church steeple. Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois were also hit, though the only confirmed tornado as of Wednesday night was in Hastings, about 30 miles southeast of Minneapolis, where a 100-yard-long swath of trees was flattened.

New York City was hit by the worse thunderstorm they have ever had! “A thunderstorm accompanied by lightning caused extensive damage in New York's Central Park on Tuesday night. Dozens of trees were knocked over exposing their roots by winds that reached speeds of 80 miles per hour, according to the National Weather Service.

When you click to the links below you will see all about the storms, tornadoes and natural disasters that have struck America at the exact time Obama is pressing his peace plans for Israel.  If you read the news you will find out that Obama’s plans still enforce dividing up Israel, forcing them to stop building, and splitting up East Jerusalem. The Word out of Israel via Defense Minister Ehud Barak shows us the plan will be the same old thing. I quote, “He expressed hope for a breakthrough in diplomatic negotiations across the board in the coming months, as a result of the US plan, to which the establishment of a Palestinian state would be central.  More details about what Obama plans to do for the peace process was released by the Debka Files. Here is a short section of what was stated, but I encourage you to read the entire article because it shows you how this plan leans in favor for the PLO and it still is very demanding of Israel.  Political sources report that Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak's prediction Tuesday, Aug. 4, that the US is preparing to present a "Middle East peace plan" within weeks, which Israel should accept, was misleading, although he admitted the details had not been worked out yet. According to our Washington sources, the Obama White House is not thinking in terms of a new peace plan but a multinational conference on the lines of the Madrid conference convened by the first President George Bush to take place in November this year. Israel may not be too eager to take part because as in Madrid 1, it will be heavily outnumbered. This is how the Obama administration envisages the event: 1. It will be attended by leading Arab nations, such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria, as well as major powers from outside the region, e.g. Russia, China, India and Europe.”  God told us that He was going to curse anyone who cursed Israel and bless anyone who blessed Israel.  This curse and blessing is found in Genesis 12:3.  I do not think that it is a coincidence that America is being blasted by all these natural disasters at the same time the U.S. is proposing peace plans that opposes the word of God.  If God warned He would destroy anyone who divides Israel’s land and who comes against Israel, it is no wonder America is being hit by all these disasters. The links below have videos.  I believe there is a connection between the timing of the disasters and these talks.  Notice who the report says is involved in this new peace process, It is Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Syria.  Once again I ask you to read Psalms 83.  Psalms 83 tells us that these three nations will attack Israel in the last days.  I am pretty sure when all the nations mentioned above sit down for the new peace talks they are going to get pretty angry when Israel don’t give them what they are asking for.  I am pretty sure that once the Arabs realize the talks are useless they will attack Israel and fulfill Psalms 83.  Don't take my word for this, read what Mubarak stated while at the White House.  I quote, "PRESIDENT MUBARAK:  I believe that President Obama is talking about support from the Arab states to this issue.  I would say here that if negotiations start, this will lead to the Arab state to support the peace process and to move it forward, because I can tell you that the Arab people are fed up with the length that this issue has taken, and the issue of the displaced people.  So I believe if the two parties sit down, this will lead to have Arab state support moving the peace process forward. "

Hail and tornadoes strike US

Tornadoes and wildfires hit US

Prophecy Sign: Here is an up-date- for the sign of roaring seas and waves as seen in Luke 21:25. “Hurricane Bill weakened slightly to a Category 3 storm early Thursday over the open Atlantic with top sustained winds of 125 mph. Forecasters said the storm could regain power in the next 24 hours, while dangerous waves and riptides were likely along most of the eastern U.S. coast over the weekend. Bermuda was near the projected path of the major storm and may be placed under a hurricane or tropical storm watch later Thursday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. Forecasters said Bill could become a Category 4 storm again later Thursday or Friday, meaning winds between 131 mph and 155 mph.”  Good Morning America News today stated that they expect swells up to 20 feet to pond the Eastern Coast.  I would say 20 foot waves is an example of roaring seas and waves!  After seeing all these disasters hit America maybe someone should write President Obama and point out Joel 3:3 and Zechariah 12:3, and Genesis 12:3.

Let’s toss Russia into the mix since God said Russia was going to lead an end times invasion against Israel.  Israeli President Shimon Peres says he is confident Russia can play a key role in restarting the stalled Middle East peace process. Mr. Peres spoke Tuesday, alongside his Russian counterpart, Dmitri Medvedev, after talks in the Russian Black Sea resort city of Sochi. For his part, Mr. Medvedev said all parties in the Middle East conflict should give up what he called "confrontation scenarios" and adopt a "calmer approach." He also said Russia, as a member of the quartet of international mediators, will promote those goals. The two leaders also discussed Israeli and Western concerns about Iran's nuclear ambitions. Moscow maintains close commercial ties with the Tehran government.”  Every time the nations sit down at these peace talks you hear about the threat of another war breaking out if an agreement isn’t reached.  If Israel thinks Russia is going to swing their way they don’t know what their own prophets warned them about Russia.  Let me tell you what is going to happen.  Russia is not going to take sides with Iran and force them to put an end to their nuclear weapons program.  Russia is the one who is actually building the plants and they are giving Iran the money to build them.  There is a confrontation scenario already written down that is going to take place soon.  God in Ezekiel 38-39 gave this scenario to us.  Russia is going to attack Israel


Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 says this, “ Let no one be found among you who…practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord…”  The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (1Timothy 4:1).  Jesus made sure that the people reading the Word would understand that in the last days there was going to be spiritual warfare.  The dark forces of Satan bring on this war.  You may have read in the Word of God that Jesus calls the children to Himself.  Well, we were warned that Satan would also call the children.  Our generation is witnessing the spiritual warfare Jesus spoke about, and our kids are taking a hit because their parents either don’t teach them the Word or they are unbelievers.  As a result of having no back ground on how God wants them to live they get involved in all sorts of things, which include witchcraft, sorcery, or speaking with the dead.  People don’t want to believe that a person can be possessed, but it was taking place when Jesus was here the first time, and it is taking place today. However, people don’t recognize it for what it is or, they flatly deny it is real.  Today we see another report about killings and this one was entitled, “Possessed" Teen Stabs 3 Younger Siblings”. I quote, “A troubled Bronx teen allegedly in a zombie-like trance stabbed his two younger brothers and sister yesterday – and was prevented from murdering them by a Good Samaritan, authorities said. Cops say 17-year-old Nelson Santos lost it at about 3:30 p.m. and attacked his two brothers, ages 13 and 6, and his 9-year-old sister, with a knife in their second-floor apartment in Morrisania.  Police did not give a motive for the stabbing or what type of weapon was used, but the Daily News reports Santos told cops he was "zombie-like" and used a butcher knife. A police source told the paper the boy said he was seeing demons and neighbors said he practiced black magic.  Why is it that the news is filled with kids killing kids?  It is because our kids are playing demonic video games four or five hours a day?  It is because of all the drugs they are using?  Whatever it is we know the devil is out to destroy our children and the only way to protect them is to teach them the Word of God.  Once they know the Word and they receive Jesus as their Lord the Holy Spirit will enter into them and we are told “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:1).  Once our kids are filled with the Holy Spirit they have protection against the forces of Satan, but it doesn’t mean that we can lower our guard to his attacks.–53794347.html

Here is just a glimpse at the words Jesus warned us about men in the last days. (2 Timothy 3:1-5), men will become brutal.  In January 2009 “A barber accused of killing a homeless man near his work last year by dousing him with a flammable liquid and setting him ablaze was arrested Thursday, police said” (AP Jan. 23, 2009). The man died a few days later from those burns.  What about this heartless act of crime?  Do you think it fits some of the treats of people as listed by the Apostle Timothy?  If you can’t see by now that there is someone very wrong with our world you may be one of those heartless people Timothy is referring to.  Here is another look at the brutal acts. reported, “Southwest Detectives are going door to door trying to get information about a robbery and assault that left a 100-year-old man beaten to the ground.  According to police, the disturbing attack happened in broad daylight on the 6700 block of Grovers Avenue in Southwest Philadelphia. "He placed his hands around his neck, threw him to the ground and began striking his head against the cement sidewalk," said Lt. John Walker. "He took the man's groceries and $30 out of his pocket and fled on foot” (Aug. 20, 2009).  If you are like me, you are probably thinking, people are more brutal then ever if they are attacking people in the 80s, and now a 100-year-old man.  People who are committing crimes are also getting younger and younger. Case in point, “A 13-year-old boy who police say was caught red-handed a block away was accused on Tuesday of robbing a bank in Peoria. The unidentified boy was charged with felony armed robbery in juvenile court, accused of threatening a teller with a gun and demanding cash” (Reuters April 14, 2009).  Here is another example. “Chattanooga fire investigators said late today they are trying to determine what charges will be filed against a 9-year-old boy who confessed to starting a fire that gutted the Dollar General Store in Hixson. The boy told firefighters that he was mad at his mother, so he walked to the rear of the store and set rolls of bathroom tissue on fire, said Bruce Garner, fire department spokesman” ( April 14, 2009).  What did part of 2 Timothy 3: 2 warn us? Timothy said, our young would become “disobedient to their parents”.  As you can see, Jesus’ warning to Timothy has come to pass at the same time all the prophecies are coming to pass.  “Southwest Detectives are going door to door trying to get information about a robbery and assault that left a 100-year-old man beaten to the ground.  According to police, the disturbing attack happened in broad daylight on the 6700 block of Grovers Avenue in Southwest Philadelphia. "He placed his hands around his neck, threw him to the ground and began striking his head against the cement sidewalk," said Lt. John Walker. "He took the man's groceries and $30 out of his pocket and fled on foot."

Matthew 24: 7 and Luke 21:11 the sign of earthquakes: Today's quakes so far.

Update time = Thu Aug 20 17:41:11 UTC 2009

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP  5.3   2009/08/20 14:18:13    23.319    123.315  35.4   SOUTHWESTERN RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2009/08/20 12:12:48    3.880    126.770  58.0   KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2009/08/20 06:50:53    2.451    127.264  35.0   MOLUCCA SEA
MAP  6.1   2009/08/20 06:35:06    72.222    0.894  10.0   NORWEGIAN SEA

If you want to take the first step for Salvation in Christ Jesus you must first ask Jesus to be your Savior. No one can be born again unless they ask Jesus Christ to forgiven them for their sins. Then you must repent from your former life held captive to sin and turn to Christ to allow and let Him mold you in His likeness. Just saying a prayer without true conversion will only lead to a unfruitful life for Christ. Once you ask Jesus to forgive you live your life 110% for Christ. Let your heart burn for Christ and let Him know you are seeking His will everyday. Salvation in Christ is much more than just saying a sentence. It will be a demonstration of your life and how you live that life for Christ. It is a complete transformation of an old life to a new one in Christ.

Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life. Saying the sinner’s prayer is only the beginning. You need to walk with Christ and abide in Him and His ways. Watch this video, it is very good for both new and old believers.

Here is a good picture of what Christ has done for us.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

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Iran call for massive army to wipe out Israel- Peace and safety-Ezekiel and Psalms 83 signs again-Earthquakes-Sea and waves roaring-Aug. 19, 2009


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)


You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is today Aug. 19, 2009 at 6pm EST I was told that today's show had some troubles and it will be shown at a later date.


If you want to be placed on my prophecy up-date list please email me at the email address given at the top left of this site. The up-dates are free and I do not share your email address with anyone. Each day when I post, I send a short note letting you know a new up-date is posted.

Prophecy Sign: Yesterday I wrote to you about  how Russia is getting to be one of Turkey’s closest allies. I also made the connection between Turkey and Iran who are also becoming very close allies.  In my post yesterday I even showed you a report that Iranian’s Chief of Staff Firouzabadi, has written a letter to the “Hidden Imam” asking him to come.  If you didn’t read my post yesterday, the “Hidden Imam” is what Muslims believe is their Messiah.  I came you all that information because I wanted to show you the nations listed to attack Israel in Ezekiel chapter 38 have all formed a close bond. I told you I have been warning everyone that this war Ezekiel spoke about is about to take place.  Well, the day after I wrote to you about all this we see more proof of what I am warning is just over the horizon.  I quote, “WASHINGTON – Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei yesterday called on Muslim nations around the world to unite militarily in response to the imminent coming of Islam's messianic savior – the Mahdi. Khamenei, through his spokesman Ali Saeedi, specifically beckoned the nations of Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan and Afghanistan to join together with Iran in preparation for the Mahdi's soon coming. The purpose of uniting now, a report in Al Arabiya explained, is to fight Israel and the U.S. – seen as the two greatest obstacles to the coming of the Mahdi and the age of Islamic "justice" that would ensue.”  The Lord told us what was going to take place in the last days.  He gave us the specific names of the nations that will come against Israel and try to wipe Israel out.  Do you really think that this news report that mentions the nations I warned you about yesterday is just a coincidence?  God is showing us that the very nations He asked us to keep a watch for are the same nations that you see trying to form a massive army to wide Israel of the map. Ezekiel chapter 38 tells us Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and other Muslim nations will come against Israel.  Iran’s top leader Ayatollah Khamenei is going to get his way and soon the armies God said would invade Israel are going to do just that. Of course it is going to be the biggest mistake they make because the Lord also told us that 5/6 of that army will be destroyed in the mountains even before they can get to the Israeli’s.

Over the course of months I have given you what I believe may cause the start of this war.  One of the things I said was, when Israel strikes out a Iran’s nuclear weapons program Iran will counter attack but Iran won’t attack alone they will be aided by their Muslims Brothers and Russia.  Fact is, the Lord said, Russia is going to lead this attack.  I have been warning everyone that Israel is getting tired of waiting for the UN, the U.S. and the EU to stop Iran from finishing their quest for a nuclear bomb.  Today we see that Israel is upset over what was supposed to be Iran’s nuclear watchdog. I quote, “Israelis accusing the UN nuclear weapons watchdog of holding back incriminating evidence of Iran's drive to obtain nuclear weapons, the Haaretz newspaper reported on Wednesday. It cited unnamed Israeli officials as saying the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was refraining from publishing data obtained in recent months that indicates Iranis pursing information about weaponisation efforts and a military nuclear programme. Israel considers the Islamic republic to be its main foe due to repeated statements by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calling for the Jewish state to be "wiped off the map."  I want to assure you all, Israel is not going to wait much longer before they attack those nuclear weapons sites.

Prophecy Sign: In yesterday’s post I also warned about the “call for peace and safety” as seen in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape”. According to news today next Tuesday the U.S. President is going to show Egypt’s President his new plans for jump starting the Middle East peace talks. I quote, “WASHINGTON – U.S. President Barack Obama has promised Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak that he will present a rough draft of his Middle East peace plan in September, a Mubarak spokesman said following their White House meeting Tuesday. Suleiman Awad said the two presidents had agreed that time was of the essence in forging an Israeli-Palestinian deal, and a detailed plan with a clear vision of how a final agreement would look was necessary.   According to Awad, Mubarak told Obama that the Arab world tried confidence-building measures when the Oslo accords were first signed, in the 1990s, but "it all came to an end" when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was elected for the first time, in 1996. Now, he said, the Arabs are unwilling to make further gestures until Israel does something that they believe merits such reciprocity – and a temporary settlement freeze is not enough”  First of all, notice the leaders are aware that “time was of the essence” to getting a peace agreement.  Why would they say this?  Because everyone is well aware that if the peace process fail there is going to be another war between Israel and the Arabs and these leaders are trying to divert that from taking place.  Will they succeed?  In light of what God shows us in Psalms 83 and in 1 Thess. 5:3 I can say no!  Paul let us know that during the time that these nations were calling for peace and safety is the time “sudden destruction” will come.  That means while they are still talking peace is the time of the attack.  Psalms 83 tells us who is going to attack and yes, they are the exact nations trying to work out a new peace agreement with Israel right now.  That is why “time is of the essence”!  Here is another thing to consider. Mubarak is a sick man.  He’s nation is one of two Arab nations that has any kind of peace with Israel. If Mubarak dies his son is going to take over in his place and he may not want to be as friendly toward Israel as his father.  One thing I keep in the back of my mind is that Egypt is one of the nations listed in Psalms 83 to attack Israel.  Knowing that, we should look for things to change in Egypt toward Israel.  Two of the issues Mubarak has pressed Israel on is dividing Israel into two States and giving East Jerusalem over to the PLO.   As of today, Israel’s Prime Minister has refuse to budge on these issues.  If the Arabs don’t get what they want out of the peace talks and get it soon, they will go out and fulfilled Psalms 83.  Anyone who is keeping on the watch for Christ knows the Middle East is the key to seeing the start of the 7 year tribulation.  All the events I have written to you about today are keys to knowing just how close Planet Earth is from entering those last 7 years.


Since Ezekiel warned that Russia is going to lead the invasion against Israel, we need to keep watching what Russia is doing. Here is a look at the news of Israel today. I quote, “President Shimon Peres told his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, on Tuesday that an Iranian nuclear bomb would be tantamount to a "flying death camp."  During a four-hour meeting at Medvedev's home in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Peres said, "The problem with Iran is not only the desire to produce nuclear weapons, but also the character of the regime… From my point of view, a nuclear weapon in Iranian hands has only one meaning – a flying death camp." "The fact that Iran is investing billions of dollars in the development of long-range missiles, in parallel to its nuclear project, is clear indication of its intent," President Peres stressed that the sale of these weapons could damage the delicate balance of power in the region, and requested the Russian president, in the name of the State of Israel, to reconsider Russian policy in regard to this, and stressed that Israel has concrete proof of Russian weapons being transferred to terrorist organization by Iran and Syria, especially to Hamas and Hizbullah," .  Israel can sit down all they want with the Russian leader but it is highly unlikely that Russia is going to stop aiding Iran’s quest for the bomb.  Russia has billions invested in the Iranian program and they have made new alliances with Iran in the last few years.  Russia is in the midst of posturing themselves as a major superpower again and in order to become stronger they need the Muslim alliances.  There is no way they are going to back down from helping Iran.  You may hear news saying they will, but in reality it won’t happen.  How can I say that and be so sure?  Because, you see Russia taking the lead in the invasion against Israel!  Take notice if you will that Russia is arming Iran, Hamas, Hizbullah and Syria.  These are all nations that are listed to attack Israel in Psalms 83.  Can you now see how all these current events are all connected?  President Peres is right now when he tells the world about Iran’s intent to wipe out Israel with a new bomb.  The world better pay attention to what Israel is warning because soon Israel is going to launch an attack on those Iranian nuclear sites.  Once again for those of you who are new to my site, you need to know what Russia said about anyone who attacks Iran.  When you click to the report below you will read for yourself Russia said “anyone who attacks Iran attacks Russia”  Once Israel makes the decision to attack Iran there will be no turning back.  The Middle East will explode into a major war, one which the Lord promised would come.  On August 28, 2008 one of the leaders in Russia warned when Israel would attack Iran. I quote, “Moscow – APA. “Israel’s attack on Iran within two months in inevitable,” said chairman of Russian Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky, APA reports. He said that the attack would possibly take place in October.”  Recently news has been breaking out of both Israel and the U.S. hinting Israel will attack Iran by September.  The way it currently looks, Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky may have missed the date of the Israeli invasion on Iran by a year.  In any case we are going to find out what happens very soon because Israel knows they can not wait much longer to take out those nuclear site.\

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 and 7 shows us the last world empire that will rule in the end times.  Notice if you will America is not even spoken about!  This is because America was never considered a (world empire) and living in the present day we can see why America isn’t even mentioned. America is declining in power and her debt is going to finish her off.  A new report speaks to us about the problem America is facing. I quote, “ Aug. 19 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. must address the massive amounts of “monetary medicine” that have been pumped into the financial system and now pose threats to the world’s largest economy and its currency, billionaire Warren Buffett said. The “gusher of federal money” has rescued the financial system and the U.S. economy is now on a slow path to recovery, Buffett wrote in a New York Times commentary yesterday. While he applauds measures adopted by the Federal Reserve and officials from the Bush and Obama administrations, Buffett says the U.S. is fiscally in “uncharted territory.” The government is trying to spark business and consumer spending through a $787 billion stimulus plan spanning tax cuts and infrastructure projects, while the Treasury and the Fed have spent billions more on separate programs to rescue financial institutions and resuscitate the banking system. The U.S. budget deficit is forecast to reach a record $1.841 trillion in the year that ends Sept. 30.  America is spending billions and now almost 2 trillion with no way to every pay this amount of debt off.  What happens when you run out of fake money?  No one wants to hold it any longer.  Nations around the world already realize the dollar isn’t backed up by anything and is worthless.  Why do you thinks leaders from around the world are calling to abandon the dollar for a bran world wide currency?  They can see the handwriting on the wall. It is called “America goes bankrupt”.  When this happens panic is going to hit not only America but the rest of the world.  Guess who Jesus warns us that is coming to seem to fix the global crisis?  The Antichrist.

Prophecy Sign: Christ also showed us in Matthew 24:12, "Because iniquity shall be multiplied, the love of the many shall wax cold". What is iniquity? It is lawlessness.  Let me give you a short example of what Jesus has warned. I quote, AP) — PATERSON, N.J. – Curfews might not be just for kids anymore in one city in northern New Jersey. Officials in Paterson are considering one for people of all ages in a bid to curb violence after a spate of deadly shootings.”  For the past few years we have be exposed to murder after murder.  We have seen shooting in hospitals, schools, work places and even churches. If you think the crime is bad now you aren’t going to like being left behind one the Church is taken out at the rapture.  During the tribulation all these signs are going to get much worse.  You have a way out of all this bad news and what is coming soon.  The only way out is through Jesus Christ.  If after you read all these warning signs and you still don’t receive Jesus as your Lord the only thing I can say to you is God help you, you are going to need it!  What do you think Jesus wants form you?  All He asks is that you trust what He is saying and that you receive the free gift of Salvation from Him. That Salvation was handed to you by the works of the cross when Jesus allowed Himself to die for you and all the sins you and everyone else has committed.  If you turn down the most precious gift a person can ever receive, you will find yourself in the midst of the tribulation and facing the Antichrist.  Christ wants you in His Kingdom but you must come to Him when He calls.  Please answer His call now while the Church is still on Earth.

Prophecy Sign: Anyone who has read my posts knows I have been warning that this planet is going to see massive earthquakes.  Luke 21:11 told us of these great earthquakes.  Today I read a report warning us about this issue. I quote, “Using sophisticated seismometers and GPS devices, scientists have been able to track minute movements along two massive tectonic plates colliding 25 miles or so underneath Washington state's Puget Sound basin. Their early findings suggest that a mega-earthquake could strike closer to the Seattle-Tacoma area, home to some 3.6 million people, than was thought earlier. The instruments are detecting an inch or two of movement — known as "episodic tremor and slip" — as the Juan de Fuca plate grinds and sinks beneath the North American plate. Closer to the surface, the two plates are locked together. When they snap, scientists say, it could produce a massive 9.0 or greater earthquake and a tsunami.”  In Luke 21:25 Jesus said the sea and waves would roar.  Do you remember the tsunami that hit Asia a few years ago?  This is an example of the seas and waves roaring!  Get ready to see some powerful quakes soon.

speaking of earthquakes Alaska just had one. "ANCHORAGE, Alaska – A magnitude-5.0 earthquake rattled buildings Wednesday in Anchorage and other communities in Alaska."

Speaking about Luke 21:25 here are some more signs of this in the news.

Tornado Strikes Small Town Iowa

PHOTOS: Monster Tornado Strikes Rural Town

WATCH: View of Hurricane Bill From Space

Hurricane Bill Now Category 4 Storm

MIAMI – Hurricane Bill became a dangerous Category 4 storm with top sustained winds near 135 mph early Wednesday, and forecasters said it could get even stronger as it howls over the open Atlantic. 

If you want to take the first step for Salvation in Christ Jesus you must first ask Jesus to be your Savior. No one can be born again unless they ask Jesus Christ to forgiven them for their sins. Then you must repent from your former life held captive to sin and turn to Christ to allow and let Him mold you in His likeness. Just saying a prayer without true conversion will only lead to a unfruitful life for Christ. Once you ask Jesus to forgive you live your life 110% for Christ. Let your heart burn for Christ and let Him know you are seeking His will everyday. Salvation in Christ is much more than just saying a sentence. It will be a demonstration of your life and how you live that life for Christ. It is a complete transformation of an old life to a new one in Christ.

Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life. Saying the sinner’s prayer is only the beginning. You need to walk with Christ and abide in Him and His ways. Watch this video, it is very good for both new and old believers.

Here is a good picture of what Christ has done for us.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.


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My warning about Turkey and the EU from April is coming to pass-Roaring seas-Peace talks-Increase in knowledge-Famines and thirst-Earthquake up-date-Aug. 18, 2009


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)

You can view my radio show by clicking to the link below.

Next show is Wed. Aug. 19, 2009 at 6pm EST

If you want to be placed on my prophecy up-date list please email me at the email address given at the top left of this site. The up-dates are free and I do not share your email address with anyone. Each day when I post, I send a short note letting you know a new up-date is posted.

Prophecy Sign: In Ezekiel chapter 38 God shows us Turkey will invade Israel with Russia and Russia’s allies. In yesterdays post I showed you that Turkey and Russia are becoming very strong allies.  I gave you a warning in my April 24, 2009 post concerning what I think would happen in the near future with Turkey and the European Union. This is what I stated on April 24. "When you read Ezekiel chapter 38 which deal with the last days attack against Israel you see Turkey is one of the nations that are joined with Russia in that attack.  This may give us a clue as to why Turkey doesn’t enter into the EU.  This is my opinion and only time will tell but, I think Turkey will get tired of trying to become a EU member and turn to Russia for an even deeper friendship. If you read chapter 10 of my book you will see Russia and Turkey have been forging new alliances with each other." When you read the section of the Zaman report you will notice that what I warned about in April is coming to pass right now.  I did not quote this news from yesterday but as far I am concerned this is the most important part of the report in relation to Bible prophecy. I quote, "The deepening Turkish-Russian relationship is interpreted, notably by Kemalist circles in Turkey and neocon circles in the US, as an indication of how Turkey, under the “Islamist” Justice and Development Party (AKP) government, is moving away from the West. Others talk about the formation of a Turkish-Russian axis, and Russia becoming for Turkey an alternative to the EU, as its EU hopes fade” (Todays Zaman Aug. 17, 2009).

There was another report that came out on Aug. 13, 2009 talking about the Russian Turkish alliance.  The titled to the article was “Old rivals, new partners” “THROUGH the long Ottoman era, Turks and Russians fought many bloody wars. In modern times Turkey guarded NATO’s southern flank against Soviet mischief. “The Russians are treacherous” is a popular Turkish adage. But one would hardly have guessed it as the two countries’ prime ministers, Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, splashily signed a raft of agreements in a ceremony in Ankara on August 6th. “Treacherous” was in fact the word some applied to the deal with Russia’s Gazprom to use Turkish territorial waters in the Black Sea for a gas pipeline to Europe. The planned South Stream pipeline will bypass Ukraine, through which 80% of Russia’s gas exports to Europe now flow. Russia has repeatedly turned off the taps in disputes with Ukraine, leaving millions of Europeans in the cold. To reduce dependence on Russia, the European Union has long promoted a pipeline to the Caspian, Nabucco, which Turkey also signed up for in July. So whose side is it on?”  The timing for this Russian, Turkish, alliance is coming when all the prophecies are taking place.  I have warned my readers countless times that the Ezekiel war will take place soon.  Now that Turkey has developed a strong relationship with Russia all the nations listed in Ezekeil 38 have formed some type of alliance with Russia.  The only thing we are waiting for now is the actual invasion on Israel by all these nations listed in chaprer 38 of Ezekiel’s book.  Some of the ways this war could break out is if and when Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear weapons sites or, if Israel engages in a war with Syria.  We can see all the puzzles of this prophecy coming together.

Iran is another nation that God showed Ezekiel that is going to hooked up with Russia and invade Israel.  Iran’s President has called for the destruction of Israel many times.  At the present time Iran is going through some tormoil over there new electrons.  Iran is blaming the West for its troubles. Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that he believes he was born to bring out the hidden Imam who the Muslims believe is their messiah.  Ahmadinejad wants Israel to attack Iran because he knows if they do it will cause his Muslims brothers to unite against Israel and launch a counter attack.  We even saw that the Iranian Chief of Staff Firouzabadi, has written a letter to this “Hidden Imam”. Here is a short glimpse at today’s news on this issue. I quote, “On July 12, 2009, the Iranian news agency ISNA published a letter written by Iranian chief of staff Hassan Firouzabadi to the Hidden Imam (the Shi'ite messiah, also called the Mahdi). In his letter, Firouzabadi depicts the post-election protests as a conspiracy against the Iranian regime by the West and the reformists in Iran. He also rejects accusations of Basij brutality, saying that the group did not act against the Iranian people in suppressing the protests, but rather tried to protect them. He concludes by urging the Hidden Imam to come speedily and launch a worldwide Islamic revolution.  What good is writing a letter to the Hidden Imam if he is hidden?  Who and where is Firouzabadi going to mail this letter.  Since the Hidden Imam has no address it seems foolish to write a letter that can never be delivered.  Here is the bottom line to all this.  Iran wants war with Israel. If the hidden Imam doesn’t show up soon Iran is going to launch an attack on Israel thinking that the hidden Imam will at that time come out of hiding and help Iran wipe Israel off the map like Ahmadinejad said he would.  Of course God tells us what will happen in this war and at the end of the day Israel will be left standing while 5/6 of the armies who  try to invade Israel will be killed.  Anyone who knows Bible prophecy understands why all these nations are popping up in the news all of a sudden.  The time clock is ticking and the Ezekiel war is about to take place.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 lets us know that in the last days we should watch for the roaring seas and waves.  Keep in mind, this sign is only one of many signs Jesus told us to keep watching for.  If you live in Florida today the Words of Christ are taking on a new meaning. I quote, “Hurricane Bill was expected to become a major storm in the next couple of days, with winds topping 110 mph, following on the heels of two relatively weak systems that did little more than drop rain on the northeastern Caribbean and northern Florida. It had become a Category 2 storm Monday with winds whipping at 100 mph as it moved on a track expected to be near Bermuda by the end of the week.”,2933,540145,00.html?test=latestnews 

Prophecy sign: Mark 13:8 tells us that the signs of the end times are going to take place like birth pains. I quote, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”  Another sign we are to look for is the time when Israel would be calling for peace and safety. I quote, “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape (1 Thess. 5:3). One of the most important signs which will tell us how much time is left before the tribulation begin is the this sign for the call of peace and safety.  The Church who is alert and on the watch have been watching the birth pains of the call for peace and safety.  In my book I prove to you how the Middle East peace talks between Israel and the Arabs have been on again and off again.  These are the birth pains Jesus spoke to us about.  At the present time the peace talks are in the resting mode but the nations such as the U.S. are trying to jump start the talks again.  Since Paul told us sudden destruction will come (when) they are calling for peace and safety I pay special attention when the peace talks resume, because it will be at this time war will break out.  Today’s news shows us we may see the Middle East peace talks start up again soon. I quote, “In a subtle overture to the US, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Housing Minister Ariel Atias agreed upon a de facto moratorium on new building in the settlements. According to the estimates of officials involved, the freeze will be in effect until the beginning of 2010. The objective is to provide an opportunity for a Mideast peace process to gain momentum in hopes that the new "waiting" tactic will allow international recognition of Israel's sovereignty in Jerusalem and the large settlement blocs.”  Here is the problem with this news.  We know the Arabs want Jerusalem back.  The PLO wants Jerusalem for its capital but Israel will never give up God’s Holy City to the PLO.  We know there is going to be trouble over Jerusalem because Zechariah 12:3 tells us in the last days Jerusalem would become a burden to all that trouble themselves with it.  Here is Zechariah’s actual quote. "It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.”  Knowing that the birth pains are going to increase we can expect war to break out soon because the peace talks we fail.,2506,L-3763386,00.html

Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 warned us that this generation would be known for their increase of knowledge. This is what Daniel wrote, “But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge."  Any scientist will tell you it is a fact that this present generation has gained more knowledge than any previous generation.  Here is an example of that increased knowledge. I quote, “IBM said it was looking to DNA "origami" for a powerful new generation of ultra-tiny microchips. The US computer giant collaborated with California Institute of Technology researchers to develop a way to design microchips that mimic how chains of DNA molecules fold, allowing for processors far smaller and denser than any seen today. "This is a way to assemble an electronics device of the future," said Bill Hinsberg, manager of the lithography group at IBM's Almaden Research Center in California, on Monday. "At some point, it gets more difficult to get smaller," Barnett said. We've pursued DNA origami as a way to assemble an electronic device of the future." DNA origami chips would have vastly increased data storage capacity and lead to power smaller, faster, smarter devices, IBM said.”  If you read chapter 1 of my book you will see other forms of chips but these chips are implanted into a persons skin. If you turn to chapter 1 of my book you will see pictures of the chips that are being placed in the hands just as Christ warned us.  These chips are used to track people and are also used to deduct money from their bank accounts.  If you read Revelation 13:16-17 you see that the Antichrist will order everyone to take his mark.  Notice the scripture tells us this mark will be in the right hand or in the forehead.  As you can see governments already have the technology to implant everyone if they want to. There is no doubt that scientists are coming up with all sorts of new technologies and we know that some of these new inventions will be used to aid the Antichrist when he goes to enforce his mark or the number of his name.

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 Christ warned social unrest would be one of the last days signs.  We see this when he stated that kingdom will come against kingdom.  Jesus also warned us to watch for famines.  We see from Revelation 7:15-16 that people are going to thirst.  We see these birth pains before us now and my book is loaded with proof of this.  Here is a short look at just one report on this issue. I quote, “Scientists have warned Asian countries that they face chronic food shortages and likely social unrest if they do not improve water management. The water experts are meeting at a UN-sponsored conference in Sweden. They say countries in south and east Asia must spend billions of dollars to improve antiquated crop irrigation to cope with rapid population increases. That estimate does not yet take into account the possible impact of global warming on water supplies, they said.”

Speaking about the warning of becoming thirsty did you know major water sources are drying up.  "Some of the world's largest rivers, including the Ganges, the Niger and the Colorado, are drying up as a result of climate change, with potentially catastrophic consequences for many of the world's most populous regions and cities. That is the stark warning from a major new study undertaken by the US National Center for Atmospheric Research, which found that one-third of the world's mightiest rivers have seen significant changes in flow levels over the past 50 years, largely as a result of climate change."  Jeus didn't name (climate change), but we know that in the last days Earth would change and the effects of the change are going to be exactly as Christ warned.  On the the rivers Jesus gets specific about is the Euphrates River. In Revelation 16:12 he tells us this river is going to dry up.  Two weeks ago I posted a lot of information on how the Euphrates River is in fact drying up right now.  Earth is on its way to the next round of birth pains and you can count on people looking for drinking water.


On July 31, 2009 a report let us know that "India is emerging as the world centre of hunger and malnutrition, a report by Indian campaign group, the Navdanya Trust, says. The trust says that there are more than 200 million people – or one-in-four Indians – going without enough to eat. The prominent environmentalist Vandana Shiva, who runs the trust, said there were now more hungry people in India than in sub-Saharan Africa. The government has not responded to the report which was released on Thursday. But it has repeatedly pointed out that huge progress has been made in recent years to improve the country's food security as its population grows by an estimated 18 million people a year.”  Famines are spreading and even the United States is now being affected. Who would of ever thought that America would see tent cites filled with people who have lost their jobs and homes and have very little to eat?  As America declines as a superpower the more people are forced to make their way to these tent homes.  Here is a sample of what is happening to America. “Across America, from Washington State to Nevada, Georgia and even Florida, homeless advocacy groups and city agencies are reporting the biggest rise in homeless encampments in a generation, as the US economy takes a spectacular plunge.” The world is changing and all the signs point to one thing, the return of Christ.


Most of you know that I have been warning of the downfall of America.  As you see the American’s being forced to leave the homes guess who is buying up America?  After you read this report you will get a clear picture. I quote, “China Investment Corp, the country's $200 billion sovereign wealth fund, is set to pour up to $2 billion soon into the U.S. mortgage system by hiring mandates under the U.S. Treasury-backed Public-Private Investment Plan (PPIP), sources told Reuters. Under the PPIP program launched earlier this year the U.S. government plans to seed a number of public-private investment funds that would combine taxpayer money with private capital to buy as much as $40 billion in toxic securities from banks.”  Once again I can assure all Americans and anyone else trying to divide Israel into two states that they will continued to be cursed by God until they change their directions on Israel.  Until Obama stops demanding Israel give away Jerusalem, and divide the land  into two states, America will see more jobs lost and her economy turn into the worst nightmare it has ever seen.  If you if in another country don't think that your safe.  You see, when America falls it is going to take a huge toll on all the nations and that includes the one you live in.  America is already showing signs she can not feed her own people.  What do you think is going to happen soon to the third world nations who depend on America for help?  Those funds which are already beginning to dry up will disappear and when that happens you will begin to see a lot more of the social unrest Jesus warned us about.

Prophecy Sign: I want to keep you up to speed with how many earthquakes are being reported.  Keep in mind I am only giving you information concerning the earthquakes hitting 5.0 and above as these are considered to be big quakes. So are today there have been 4 more. See below:

5.1 Aug. 18, 2009 Kepulauan Batu, Indonesia

5.8 Aug. 18, 2009 Southwestern Ryukyu Islands, Japan

5.1 Aug. 18, 2009 Kepulauan Mentawai Region, Indonesia

5.3 Aug. 18, 2009 Southwestern Ryukyu Islands, Japan

5.3 Aug. 18, 2009 Halmahera, Indonesia 

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If you want to take the first step for Salvation in Christ Jesus you must first ask Jesus to be your Savior. No one can be born again unless they ask Jesus Christ to forgiven them for their sins. Then you must repent from your former life held captive to sin and turn to Christ to allow and let Him mold you in His likeness. Just saying a prayer without true conversion will only lead to a unfruitful life for Christ. Once you ask Jesus to forgive you live your life 110% for Christ. Let your heart burn for Christ and let Him know you are seeking His will everyday. Salvation in Christ is much more than just saying a sentence. It will be a demonstration of your life and how you live that life for Christ. It is a complete transformation of an old life to a new one in Christ.

Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life. Saying the sinner’s prayer is only the beginning. You need to walk with Christ and abide in Him and His ways. Watch this video, it is very good for both new and old believers.

Here is a good picture of what Christ has done for us.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

This is a good video for all people to watch whether you are a Christian or not!

Current up-dated list of some of my work for Christ:

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)

You can view my radio show by clicking to the link below.  (Link to DiMora's International radio/video show out of London).

This Sunday August 9, 2009 was guest speaker on Timothy’s show. The show can be heard by going to:

Mary Aguilar the Co-Host of "Insight on The Word Radio" who, has asked me to speak this Friday Aug. 7, 2009.  Insight on The Word Radio Syracuse, NY 13210

347.945.7601 (Listeners Line)

Host Name:


I was the quest speaker on this program many times.

Frank DiMora's Radio Interviews and His own International Internet Radio show:

I welcome any of you to listen to my radio shows and my International Radio show on video called, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” Below are the links to most of my interviews and my own show out of London.

The coming attack on Israel part 1 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 2 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 3 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 4 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 5 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 6 of 6:

Economic crisis

DiMora's first radio interview on 'The Edge' with Host, Gina Romano. Interview was heard on June 26, 2008












August 10th, 2008 – Part 2

August 10th, 2008 – Part 3

August 10th, 2008 – Part 4

August 10th, 2008 – Part 5

August 10th, 2008 – Part 6

August 10th, 2008 – Part 7

August 10th, 2008 – Part 8–sE&feature=related

August 10th, 2008 – Part 9

August 10th, 2008 – Part 10

My 3rd radio interview on 'The Edge' International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below:



What would John the Baptist tell us? Aug. 17, 2009


Many people have written me over the past few weeks telling me they just now found my site and have been blessed to find it.  In order to make it easier for anyone looking for information on Bible prophecy I now have the following to help link up with my web-site.

If you know anyone who is interested in keeping on the watch for the Lords prophecy signs just give them my new name  It is much easier to remember and I am sure people searching the web will pick up on this rather than  Everything else will be the same at my site.  I am just making easier for people to find me.

What would John the Baptist say to us in August of 2009 if he could actually speak to us?  When John was alive many did not want to hear his message yet Jesus said there was not a man born ever like John the Baptist.  John wasn’t concerned that the people may not receive his message, he was more concerned for the state of their hearts and their eternal state.  Knowing that all the signs are taking place it would be wise to see what John may be saying to so called saved and unsaved.  This video may be hard to take but it is a message I believe John would be giving if he were among us.  I present this message because I to am concerning for the state of your heart and I to am concerned for your salvation.  I know that soon Jesus is going to call away the real Church and I will do anything to make sure you are accounted as one of the missing on Earth when the rapture takes place.  May the Lord help anyone who refuses to believe all the warnings signs and may the Lord help all those who will be left behind because they refused the message of the cross.  God’s own blood ran down the cross so that you may live with Him.