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Prophecy Sign: In Jeremiah 30:3 and in Isaiah 43:5-9 we are told in the last days the Jews would return to their homeland. Olim is the Hebrew word for immigrants; oleh is the singular. It's the term used for those who have moved to Israel from another country. What is the importance of this word to us? One of the last day’s signs we are to keep on the watch for is, Jews returning back to their homeland. When you read chapter 8 from my free prophecy book you will learn this prophecy has been in the process of being fulfilled. Hundreds of thousands of Jews from all over the world have moved back to Israel just as God said they would do and, they are still coming! Here is an example from yesterday’s news. I quote, “Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahuwelcomed a planeload of olim on Tuesday at Ben Gurion Airport, telling them "we're close to a tipping point." According to the prime minister, "for the first time in 2,000 years, there are going to be more Jews in Israel than outside it. Speaking to a terminal full of olim from the United States and Canada, who came with Nefesh B'Nefesh on the organization's 38th chartered aliya flight since the first one in July 2002, Netanyahu noted that Israel's Jewish population was nearing the six million mark.” It has been almost 2000 years since the last time Jesus walked this earth and we know from Matthew 24:33 that his return is very close. How do we know? We were told in verse 33, “when you see all these things know that it is near even at the doors”. If you think the return of the Jewish people is happening at the same time when all the other signs are here is a coincidence, you are probably not ready to meet Jesus when He comes for His Church. The return of the Jews back to Israel is a clear sign to anyone standing on watch that we have reach the last days!
We were also warned in scripture what would happen to Israel in the last days when they returned to be a nation again. In Zechariah 12:3 that all the nations would turn against Israel and that the city of Jerusalem would be the center of problems in the last days. Not only that but Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38 show us Israel will be attacked in the last days. These are not general prophecies these are very specific prophecies that tell you who exactly is going to attack Israel. Let us not forget that Paul showed us sudden destruction would come when they were calling for peace and safety. This warning is found in 1st Thessalonians 5:3. Let me give you examples that all these warnings are coming to pass.
For months I have been warning you that the U.S. is showing signs they are turning away from Israel. The United States is one of Israel’s closest allies but current events show us that even the U.S. will turn against Israel just as Zechariah said. For those of you who are going to write me and say Zechariah didn’t say anything about the U.S., I know that. However, the U.S. is included in this prophecy because it tells us “all the people of the earth will be gathered against Israel in the last days and that includes America. We have never seen the U.S. take sides against Israel as we are currently seeing. Once again America has sent out condemnation on Israel and it is over the city of Jerusalem. I quote, “The US has led international condemnation of Israel after it evicted nine Palestinian families living in two houses in occupied East Jerusalem. Washington said the action was not in keeping with Israel's obligations under the so-called "road map" to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Jewish settlers moved into the houses almost immediately. Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967 and later annexed it, a move not recognized by the world community.” In this one news report you see the the road map which is the call for peace and safety as Paul warned, You see nations turning on Israel and you see Jerusalem is the problems just as Zechariah warned. Mind you, this is taking place when the Jews have returned back to Israel. Still think all these signs is nothing but a coincidence?
What about the warning in Psalms 83? In many of my previous posts I have given you evidence that the war on Israel given to us in Psalms 83 is just over the horizon. Psalms 83 tells us that Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Palestinians, Egypt, and, Syria will try to wipe Israel of the map. Take notice what the leaders of the PLO (Palestinians), are now saying. I quote, “Fatah's draft "political plan," leaked to several Arab newspapers over the weekend, "is a declaration of war on the state of Israel," Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz said Sunday during a meeting of Likud ministers. "The refusal to acknowledge Israel as a Jewish state, the demand for a withdrawal to the 1967 lines and for the full right of return for Palestinian refugees – this means wiping Israel out of existence," he said. The document reportedly also reiterates Fatah's commitment to the "armed struggle" against Israel as one of the methods of achieving an independent Palestinian state. It calls for Palestinians to unilaterally declare such a state if peace talks fail." Not only is the PLO using the same language as found in Psalms 83 but we are again seeing Jerusalem is at the forefront of the problem.
Here is another recent report that will prove my point. I quote, “IsraelNN.com Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad proclaimed historic Jerusalem an Arab capitalcity in a speech given Saturday near Ramallah. Control of the city must be granted to a future PA state, he said. "The future of the national project and the future of a comprehensive peace in the region are both dependent on protecting Jerusalem, its status, its history, and Palestinian rights in the city,” he declared. "East Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinian statehood and the state's sovereignty over its capital must be complete,” he added.” If you are new to my site please go back and read my previous post on the call for “Peace and Safety”. When you read those posts you will learn that every nation listed in Psalms 83 is demanding Israel give back Jerusalem to the PLO and have warned war will take place if the peace talks fail. This is what you should be on the watch for. Watch the peace talks because when they fail to give the Arabs what they want, you can expect that will be the time they will attack Israel and fulfill Psalms 83.
Let me quote verse 4 from Psalms 83. Once you read what God told us to look for this next quote from Ayman al-Zawahri will mean much more to you. I quote, “Ayman al-Zawahri, Al Qaida's second-in-command, said on Monday that Israel should be wiped off the map and described the Jewish state as a crime against Muslims.” Please notice where Zawahri made his speech. I quote, “"His bloody messages were received and are still being received by Muslims, and they will not be concealed by public relations campaigns or by farcical visits or elegant words," Zawahri said of Obama's speech in Cairo in early June. I wanted you to take notice because Egypt is one of the nations mentioned in Psalms 83 that will attack Israel with the Palestinians. If you know what you are suppose to watch for it is easy to see all prophecy is coming together in this generation just as Jesus Christ said it would. I quote Christ from Matthew 24:33-34. “So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” Sorry but if you are reading this, you are included in this generation. You have been given the blessing to be alive when Jesus will come back to earth. It will however only be a blessing if you know Christ as your Savior. If you haven’t received Him yet and you miss the rapture of the Church it won’t be a blessing but rather a curse! Why a curse, because if you miss the rapture you will be left behind and have to go through the 7 year tribulation.
Lebanon is also listed in the nations that will attack Israel. When you read this next report you will witness God’s warning come to life. I quote, “Three years after Israel fought a bloody war in Lebanon against Hezbollah, there are fears that hostilities could erupt again— this time with the militant group better armed than ever. According to Israeli, United Nations and Hezbollah officials, the Shia Muslim militia is stronger than it was in 2006 when it took on the Israeli army in a war that killed 1,191 Lebanese and 43 Israeli civilians. Hezbollah has up to 40,000 rockets and is training its forces to use ground-to-ground missiles capable of hitting Tel Aviv, and anti-aircraft missiles that could challenge Israel’s dominance of the skies over Lebanon. Brigadier-General Alon Friedman, the deputy head of the Israeli Northern Command, told The Times from his headquarters overlooking the Israeli-Lebanese border that the peace of the past three years could “explode at any minute”. If you believe in God and His Word you should count on this region exploding soon! Fact is you better be on the watch for it to take place and when it does maybe than you will drop to your knees and ask Jesus to be your Savior. The Lebanese are also under the Lord’s curse for even thinking they can wipe out Israel and are making plans to try to do it.
As I said, Saudi is named in Psalms 83 to join in on the attack against Israel. Read what has just come out of Saudi Arabia. I quote, “Saudi Arabia on Friday sharply rejected American calls for gestures towards Israel, a central component of US efforts to pave the way for peace talks. "Incrementalism and a step-by-step approach has not and – we believe – will not achieve peace. Temporary security, confidence-building measures will also not bring peace," Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal said at a State Department press conference. "What is required is a comprehensive approach that defines the final outcome at the outset and launches into negotiations over final status issues: borders, Jerusalem, water, refugees and security." The Saudi’s are also at arms over the Jerusalem issue and they are getting upset over the peace process.
Syria is also listed in Psalms 83 to attack Israel and yes, they afre warning Israel war is coming if Israel doesn’t return land lost. I quote, “After the foreign minister of Saudi flatly rejected US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's request that his country make goodwill gestures toward Israel, Syrian President Bashar Assad repeated his refusal to resume negotiations with Israel unless the country a-priori commits to ceding the Golan Heights.In an interview published Saturday in a Syrian military magazine's edition celebrating the 64th anniversary of the army, Assad said "peace and occupation are opposites that can never meet." He repeated the Syrian position that "returning all occupied territories to the 4th of June [1967, prior to the Six Day War] borders is not up for negotiation or discussion." He insisted that Syria wanted "a fair peace, but there is a great difference between an honest invitation to lay the foundations for peace according to the legitimate international resolutions and accepting Israel's demands," which, he said, "contradict the principles of peace." "The Syrian Golan will yet return to Arab hands," Assad promised. Syria lost the strategic plateau in the 1967 Six Day War and almost retook it in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, but was eventually defeated by the IDF which conquered the heights and has maintained a presence there ever since. Remember I told you that many things have taken place during the feast? This is a prime example of what I am speaking to you about. Israel was attack during Yom Kippur which is one of the Israeli Feasts. Please take this news to heart because as I said, another war against Israel could come during the Feasts. Syria is under God’s curse and we are shown her fate in Isaiah 17:1 where we are told Damascus is going to be completely destroyed.
Speaking of curses, we are told in Joel 3:2 that God will destroy all the nations that divide the land of Israel. Zechariah 12:3 also shows tells us, all the nations who come against Jerusalem will be cut in pieces and, in Genesis 12:3 that God will curse anyone who curses Israel. America has no doubt fallen under God’s curse because they are not only trying to divide Israel into two States but they are telling the Israeli government to give Jerusalem back to the PLO. America is doing the very things that God warned us not to do and America is seeing the results of this curse. Take a look at America’s economy. America is falling apart. Once again I ask you to read my previous warnings. Everything you are about to read, I have told you it was going to take place. “WASHINGTON – The recession is starving the government of tax revenue, just as the president and Congress are piling a major expansion of health care and other programs on the nation's plate and struggling to find money to pay the tab. The numbers could hardly be more stark: Tax receipts are on pace to drop 18 percent this year, the biggest single-year decline since the Great Depression, while the federal deficit balloons to a record $1.8 trillion. Other figures in an Associated Press analysis underscore the recession's impact: Individual income tax receipts are down 22 percent from a year ago. Corporate income taxes are down 57 percent. Social Security tax receipts could drop for only the second time since 1940, and Medicare taxes are on pace to drop for only the third time ever. The last time the government's revenues were this bleak, the year was 1932 in the midst of the Depression.” About a year ago I told you, you are going to hear a lot of news about a new Depression. All the signs America is witnessing is a prelude to her falling into an even greater Depression than the first one. In some of my other warnings I told you to watch the states tax base. I showed you what is going to happen as more people lose their jobs and more people just walk away from their homes. The news report below shows you I hit the mark again.
I quote, “BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) – As a government shutdown loomed, residents of Alabama's most populous county lined up Friday to renew their car registrations and settle their tax bills. By Monday, at least a quarter of the county's 3,600 employees will be on unpaid leave and many county offices will be closed or cutting back hours. The county, with 640,000 residents, has been on the brink of filing the nation's largest municipal bankruptcy for the past year due to a sewer bond fiasco that remains unresolved. Then things got worse: A judge ruled the county's occupational tax is illegal and courts refused to let the county spend the revenue from it while officials appeal.” I just looked at the stats for June and it shows this curse is taking hold of America. I quote, “The number of unemployed persons (14.7 million) and the unemployment rate (9.5 percent) were little changed in June. Since the start of the recession in December 2007, the number of unemployed persons has increased by 7.2 million, and the unemployment rate has risen by 4.6 percentage points. Figures for July will be out next week but I can assure you they won’t be good.
How can America not decline when her own law makers are doing things that is not honoring their office? Let me show you just how bad our law making are. They are trying to impose more laws on the population while they themselves continue to break the laws. I quote, "When legislators can't follow their own rules of conduct, then we are in big trouble," says Jerrol LeBaron, the Executive Director of Honor In Office, a non-partisan Los Angeles-based organization working to improve the integrity and honor of the nation's lawmakers. "We can't rely on our politicians to keep themselves in line any more than we could rely on the executives at Enron not to cheat their own employees. We have to set some laws that protect us from our legislators," LeBaron said. In his home state of California, he says, "It doesn't appear as though our legislators are this corrupt. But, let's face it. California isn't that far behind." You want to know why America is declining as a power? We the people who elect these lawmakers need to open your doors and windows and start yelling, “We have had enough”. Make your voice know in a peaceful way but let them know you want the laws of the land to be enforced and that goes for our legislators. You want to have your stomached turned? Watch this video and see for yourself how the legislators are breaking the law! The video is entitled “Government Officials Voting Fraudulently: Lawmakers Breaking the Law – Texas Legislature”
God promised to bless Israel and He is. Take a look at how Israel is doing. I quote, “Shekel Flexes Muscles as ‘Obama Dollar’ Sinks". "The Israeli shekel rose to its highest level in a year Monday morning against the sinking American dollar, under severe pressure as U.S. President Barack Obama continues to pile up the U.S. debt. The shekel-dollar rate now is trading at the 3.74, its lowest level in a year." Do you get the picture? God said I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. Here we are witnessing one of the smallest nations in the entire world stepping on the mighty U.S. dollar. I said this before and I will say it again, unless America turns from her current policies toward Israel America has not chance of recovery.
Speaking about the U.S. dollar take a look at this. “July 31 (Bloomberg) — The dollar and fell for a second day against the euro as investors sought higher-yielding currencies as a U.S. government report showed the contraction in the world’s largest economy slowed. The U.S. currency headed for a fifth month of declines against the pound, its longest run in five years, after a U.K. survey showed consumer confidence held at the highest level since April 2008, adding to signs Britain is emerging from the recession. The yen was poised for a third weekly drop against Australia’s dollar as stocks advanced, spurring investors to buy higher-yielding assets.”
Now let us take a look at another nation that is under God’s curse for the same reasons America is under her curse. The European Union has taken the same position against Israel as has the United States has. The EU wants to divide Israel into two states and they are also demanding Israel give Jerusalem back to the PLO. America is an economic crisis and so is the EU. I quote, “Eurozone unemployment hit 9.4% in June – the highest in 10 years and another sign of the economic slowdown. The number of jobless grew by 158,000 during the month, taking the total number of unemployed in the area using the euro to 14.9 million. The figures came as separate data showed that inflation had declined more than expected in the eurozone in July. Consumer prices in the 16-nation area fell a record 0.6% compared to a year earlier, according to Eurostat. It was the second month in a row of falling prices following June's decline of 0.1%. “ How much proof is it going to take before you believe in God’s warnings?
Prophecy Sign: One of the other signs Jesus wants His children to watch for is the sign of diseases. This warning is found in Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11. My prophecy book is loaded with examples of new and old diseases that are taking their toll on both people and animals. Here is more news about diseases that have just surfaced. “Thousands of people have been placed in quarantine in north-western China after a man died of pneumonic plague. Chinese authorities say the man who died was a 32-year-old herdsman from a sparsely populated area mostly inhabited by Tibetans. Most of the other 11 people infected with the disease are relatives of the dead man. The local government has not yet said when the man died but it has sealed off the town where the outbreak occurred. It says there are enough supplies to feed the 10,000 or so people who live in the town of Ziketan, near Xinghai in Qinghai province, during the quarantine period. neumonic plague is a virulent form of the disease that attacks the lungs. It can spread from person to person, or from animals to people".
"WASHINGTON – A new strain of the virus that causes AIDS has been discovered in a woman from the African nation of Cameroon. It differs from the three known strains of human immunodeficiency virus and appears to be closely related to a form of simian virus recently discovered in wild gorillas, researchers report in Monday's edition of the journal Nature Medicine. "The most likely explanation for the new find is gorilla-to-human transmission, Plantier's team said. But they added they cannot rule out the possibility that the new strain started in chimpanzees and moved into gorillas and then humans, or moved directly from chimpanzees to both gorillas and humans." Add this sign with the others and you begin to get the complete prophecy picture.
Prophecy Sign: The war against Israel in Ezekiel 38-39 hasn’t happen yet but it is no doubt coming up fast. The U.S. is in Israel trying to work things out with Israel so Israel doesn’t attack Iran’s nuclear weapons programs. Israel has warned they are going to take out Iran’s nuke program if the U.N can’t get Iran to stop building their nuclear weapons program. “The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration's first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin. The new approach consists of three steps for thwarting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb: 1. Diplomatic engagement as far as it will go. The American officials assured Israel they were aware of the diminishing chances of this track succeeding in view of the Islamic regime's domestic troubles, but the US administration is still determined to give it a chance up until early September.” There is a good chance that the Ezekiel war could take place during the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashanah which just so happens to fall on September 21, 2009. Rosh Hashana officially starts at sunset on Sept. 18, 2009. When I heard nations are going to give Iran until September to halt their nuclear weapons program my ears shot up! Every year when the Feasts of Trumpets comes around I take special notice. As I said in many of my previous posts many prophecies that have already taken place were fulfilled during the Jewish Feasts. Will the Church be raptured this September? Will the Ezekiel war take place in September? Considering the fact that we are seeing all these prophecy signs taking place all at the same time, I can assure you I will be paying special attention as these fall Feast take place. Please don’t go around saying Frank DiMora is saying the Church is going to be raptured this September! All I am saying is we need to be ready just in case this is the appointed time Jesus has chosen to remove us. If September comes and goes and the Church is still here and Israel hasn’t been attacked yet so be it but, we will still need to be on the watch no matter what happens.
Prophecy Sign: Jesus also told us to be on the watch for the sign of “Famines”. Matthew 24:7 Revelation 6:6, and, Revelation 18:8 all speak to us about famine. What we were warned is also coming to pass at the same time as the rest of the prophecies. I quote, “The UN food agency says it is facing critical funding shortages that have forced it to cut aid deliveries to millions of people facing starvation. The World Food Programme (WFP) said it could have to close parts of its airway, used to fly aid workers to humanitarian trouble-spots. Deliveries have already been suspended to north Uganda, Ivory Coast and Niger. The organisation has issued similar warnings in the past when facing funding shortages. The UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS), operated by WFP, has a budget for 2009 of $160m (£96m) but has received less than $90m in fees and contributions this year. WFP spokesman Greg Barrow said UNHAS was "a vital component of humanitarian operations across the world". "But because of a funding shortfall there is now a grave risk that the air service … could literally be grounded in the next few weeks due to a lack of funds," he said. This link has a video. Each year the famine situation is getting worse and this goes along with what Jesus warned. Jesus in Mark 13:8 told us these signs “are the beginnings of birth pangs”. You have hope for the future only if you have Jesus Christ as your Savior. You have hope that you will be taken away from wrath of God so you won’t have to deal what is coming on this earth. Keep in mind all these signs will continue to get much worse and they will all reach their maximum level during the 7 year tribulation. The question I have for you is this? Do you want to be with Jesus when all these things break out or, do you want to stay behind and try to make it in a world that has been appointed to God’s wrath?
Prophecy Sign: 2nd Thessalonians 2:4 Jesus shows us, during the last days a Third Jewish Temple is going to be rebuilt. For weeks I have been warning you to look for news about this 3rdTemple. We know it will be rebuilt because in 2:4 it says the following: “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” We are told the Antichrist is going to go into this new Temple so it has to be rebuilt. There is more news about this soon to be built Temple. The titled to the report is, “Name of report: "Holy Temple Festival in Samaria" and it says, “We are not coming just for an extraordinary night of music and Torah lectures,” says Yekutiel Ben-Yaakov of Tapuach, another organizer, “but rather to show that the Temple Mount is where it all begins. We are a sovereign Jewish nation, free to live and build wherever we want in our land, and especially on Judaism’s holiest site in the world. We demand our basic civil rights on the Temple Mount, and we want our message to be heard in Washington and around the world: We have returned to the hills of Shomron for eternity, and the Land of Israel is not for sale.” “Yes to the hilltops and the Temple Mount, no to Capitol Hill and Washington,” Ben-Yaakov concluded. “We want G-d to look down on us and see us fulfilling His trust in us.” For the past month now we are getting more news about the Jews pushing to rebuild their Temple. Just keep watching the news because you are going to see more news about this issue.
Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:24 Jesus warns in the last days there is going to be Christian persecution. This persecution has already begun but will reach its max during the reign of the Antichrist. Here is an example of some of the Lord’s children going through this persecution. I quote, “ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) — Six people were killed in Pakistan on Saturday when Muslim demonstrators set fire to houses in a Christian enclave and fighting broke out, local police said. Police said Muslims were enraged over an alleged desecration of pages in the Quran at a Christian wedding last Saturday, and held a rally to protest. The Quran is the Muslim sacred text. The Muslims went to the Christian community in Gojra City, 160 kilometers (100 miles) southwest of Lahore, and burned 40 to 50 houses. Muslims and Christians exchanged gunfire. Police said efforts to settle the concerns with dialogue so far have failed. On Thursday, 15 Christian houses in the region were also torched.
Prophecy Sign: I have been trying to warn you to pay attention to the sign of big earthquakes. This is one of the signs of the last days. As you can see the world is shaking all over the place and the quakes are getting bigger. Here is a look at some of big quakes over the past few days. In the month of August so far there have been 20 good size quakes. Six of those quakes were over a 6.1.
Prophecy Sign; What is Jesus warn us about “lawlessness” In Matthew 24 12 He stated, “And because lawlessness shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold”. In my book I point out all the shootings that have taken place and warned the people that we are in for more of the same. I am sad to report my warning has come to pass. My stomach upset to bring this news but it is one of the signs. I quote, “4 Dead In Collier Township Gym Shooting, Officials Say” COLLIER TOWNSHIP, Pa. — Four people are confirmed dead — including the gunman — after a shooting at the LA Fitness gym in Collier Township, emergency officials told WTAE Channel 4 Action News. Witnesses described seeing people covered in blood in a shooting that may have involved more than one location.”
If you want to take the first step for Salvation in Christ Jesus you must first ask Jesus to be your Savior. No one can be born again unless they ask Jesus Christ to forgiven them for their sins. Then you must repent from your former life held captive to sin and turn to Christ to allow and let Him mold you in His likeness. Just saying a prayer without true conversion will only lead to a unfruitful life for Christ. Once you ask Jesus to forgive you live your life 110% for Christ. Let your heart burn for Christ and let Him know you are seeking His will everyday. Salvation in Christ is much more than just saying a sentence. It will be a demonstration of your life and how you live that life for Christ. It is a complete transformation of an old life to a new one in Christ.
Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life. Saying the sinner’s prayer is only the beginning. You need to walk with Christ and abide in Him and His ways. Watch this video, it is very good for both new and old believers.
Here is a good picture of what Christ has done for us.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.
This is a good video for all people to watch whether you are a Christian or not!
You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009
links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.