Another conflict- I hate to say I told you so, but if it opens your eyes, so be it!Feb. 1, 2009


Did you all read what I wrote on yesterdays post?  If not please just take a few minutes and read the post of Jan. 31, 2009.  Then read today's post. You will see what I am saying and warning you is all coming to pass.  I told you Israel's enemies would against start firing rockets into Israel and that another conflict is coming.  Now read today's news as of Feb. 1, 2009 “Israel's prime minister

threatened "harsh and disproportionate" retaliation after Gaza militants fired at least 10 rockets and mortar shells into southern Israel on Sunday, wounding three and raising the risk of fresh violence days ahead of elections. Israel hit back late Sunday, bombing the Egypt-Gaza border area where Hamas smuggles in weapons through tunnels, Palestinians said. No casualties were reported.”  This clline of violence will continue until to get so bad Iran, Russia, Turkey, Libya, and the rest of the nations mentioned in Ezekiel attack Israel.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!

Birthpains and how they will affect you-Jan. 31, 2009


After all that I have warned you do you believe? Almost two weeks ago when the fighting in the Gaza between Hamas and Israel stopped, I told you, you will see the Hamas start right up and launching more rockets into Israel.  For over a year Israel sat back and let the PLO and Hamas rain down on them some 6,000 rockets before they finally attacked their enemy in the Gaza.  I can assure you they are not going to wait that long this time. Today we read,  “Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip fired a Kassam rocket. at Israel on Saturday morning, the third since both Israel and Hamas declared cease-fires on January 18.

This is going to be a short post.  All I want you to see is Israel’s enemy will never stop shelling Israel and you can expect more war.  Iran in the mean time is still sending arms into the Gaza.  Iran will never stop until they destroy Israel.  It is my prayer that many of Israel’s enemies read the outcome of the Ezekiel war!  Ezekiel told us that 5/6 of the entire invading army that comes against Israel will be killed.  When you read Ezekiel chapter 38-39 you will find out the enemies of Israel don’t fight against the Israeli people, they will fight against God and lose!  Fact is, the prophet tells us the invading armies won’t ever make it to Jerusalem, they will be met by God in the mountains and destroyed. 

You can count these new rockets that the Hamas and PLO are firing on Israel as birth pains.  These are only some of the birth pains Jesus spoke to us about in Luke chapter 21.  Get ready for an even bigger war.  Anyone watching the news that doesn’t know Christ or understands His warnings will think Israel will be wiped out.  Who would imagine that the armies of Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Ethiopia, Iraq, and Afghanistan combined won’t be enough to wipe out the tiny nation of Israel?  If you don’t believe the Word of God, just wait.  When you see this very thing take place in the news come back to this site and I will tell you what will happen next.  Of course there may be one problem with you waiting to receive Christ.  There is that chance that during this war or just after it Jesus will call His Church home to escape the 7 year tribulation.  If that happens you can come to my site and download my free book for answers.  I won’t be here to respond to your emails because I will have left to join our Father in heaven.  God help you all who are left behind.  If you think this global economic crisis is bad, when you enter the 7-year tribulation this current crisis will look like a birthday party compared to what you are going to face.  The first part of the 7 years things will seem to be changing for the better then, all of a sudden all hell will break out on earth and your escape will have already come and gone.  That escape would have been the rapture of the Church. 

Every one of the prophecies has been fulfilled just as the Lord said they would.  Knowing this is the case what makes you think Jesus isn’t going to fulfill the last few remaining prophecies?  Do you want to be secure and safe when all these things begin?  Then today is your day for Salvation in Christ Jesus.  I am begging you all to walk in Christ as He is calling you to save you from what is about to take place.  Give your heart to Christ right now and a wealth of knowledge from the Holy Spirit will pour into you.  For the first time in your life you will see clearly and fully understand just how close we are to going home to be with the Lord.

If my words have led you to Jesus it is only because I have been chosen to direct you to Him.  It is my blessing to present my Father and yours to you for the first time.  His hand is stretched out waiting to take yours, what will you do?  Please email me if you did not turn away from His call.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Global economic crisis-Rise of modern day Roman Empire- America shows signs of falling-Fearful sights-Earthquakes-Disease-Antichrist and the mark of the Beast-Jan. 30, 2009


If you live in the area of Buellton or Solvang CA, I will be speaking at the Bulldog Café.1680 Mission Dr. Solvang, CA 93463 at 9am to 11am Jan. 31, 2009.  If you plan to attend please go early, they only have room for limited number of people.  If what happen to me in New York happens at the Bulldog Café you may not be able to get in unless you are there early.  If some of you can’t get in we will have another presentation that you can attend.  If need be, I will rent a hotel to accommodate everyone who wants to come.

This post may be a little long but I figured you have the weekend to read the entire post.  I hope you do because I cover some very important facts about the global economic crisis and how it ties in with the rise of the Antichrist and the coming attack on Israel which will be lead by the Russians.

Prophecy Sign: In speaking about prophecy signs I want to point out two very important facts, which many may have over looked.  I am speaking today about the Warning Ezekiel was given him by God.  This warning had to do with the final days attack on Israel, which will soon be lead by Russia and Iran who are some of the main players in this coming attack.

If you read Ezekiel chapter 38:13 you will see that when this Russia lead attack on Israel takes place, it say’s “Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all her villages will say to you, "Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?" Note that the only thing these people mentioned do is gives a formal protest to the invasion.  It is clear that Israel is on their own when they are being attacked.   Who is Sheba and Dedan?  Sheba and Dedan is modern day Saudi Arabia.  Tarshish is modern day Great Britain, and the young lions mentions are the young nations who broke off from Great Britain which happen to be, the U.S., Canada, and Australia.  At the time that Russia and her allies attack Israel these nations will be in the area of Saudi Arabia.  At the present time all these nations mentioned are in the exact area they are suppose to be in as outlined by God to Ezekiel.  Not only are they in the Middle East but also they are all in trouble and becoming weaker.

As the global economic crisis gets worse these nations are not going to be to afford to keep pouring billions of dollars in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.  Obama has already said he will start removing U.S. troops. Canada and Australia has already cut the number of troops. When the attack on Israel comes these 4 nations which Ezekiel mentions as giving their formal protect won’t be in any position to help Israel.  Israel will be on their own to deal with the massive Russian lead invasion.  Do you think it is a coincidence that the same nations mentioned in Ezekiel just happen to be where God said they would be?  And do you think that everyone of the nations except Sheba Arabia are going broke and are in the midst of sliding into another Great Depression?  I may be wrong but I do believe all these things are tied together.   If you read Ezekiel you understand that when this attack comes millions of Israel’s enemies will be flooding down from the North to wipe out that tiny nation.   Ezekiel told us that there will be so many attacking that it will look like a cloud covering the land.  When this attack happens, the young lions will be helpless to stop it!.  When they see all the millions ascending on Israel the only thing they will be able to do is give the protest just as the Lord indicated.

I want to combine Ezekiel 38-39 with Daniel Chapter 2 and Chapter 7 where God showed Daniel the Roman Empire will rise in the last days and from that rise the Antichrist will emerge to rule the world and take over the world’s economic system.  I will connect the two prophecies to show you how close we are to seeing the final prophecies coming to pass.  As you know, Revelation 13:16-17 is where Jesus warns us the Antichrist will control what anyone can buy or sell.  We know that for that to take place something had to happen to cause one man to obtain such control.  The present global economic crisis is the vehicle in which the Antichrist will rise to the position Jesus spoke to us about.  In the next few months or so all hell will begin to break out, as this global crisis gets worse.  Both Daniel and Ezekiel’s prophecies will merge together as the threat of violence against Israel increases and nations begin to fall from power because of their economy tanking.

Let me make this simple for you.  Israel will have to stop Iran’s nuclear power program, that means Israel will have to go in and bomb Iran.  If Israel doesn’t and they sit back, Iran will strike Israel in an attempt to wipe her out. Israel knows this is what Iran’s president plans to do so they will be forced to act first.  If Israel bombs Iran within the next few months look for a major war between Iran and her allies which just happens to include Russia.  Russia will know that the U.S. is bogged down by the economic crisis and they will think it would be the best time to invade Israel.  Canada, and Great Britain are ready to collapse and Russia knows this. What better time to attack when nations are too preoccupied with another crisis?  In yesterday's post I quoted the leader of Russia who said during these times a crisis or conflict could arise.  God has already shown us what this conflict will look like.  All you have to do is read Ezekiel 38-39 to find out how it ends.

Let me now show you some of the news showing you, we are headed down the path to fulfill both these prophecies.  As you know at the current time our planet is going through a global economic crisis not seen since the Great Depression.  Nations that were once strong are losing their strength and they could be month’s away form completely collapsing. America, Canada, Great Britain, and yes even Australia, are all in trouble.

In today’s news I read a report entitled,   “Obama 'friend': End of Israel 'within reach”.  I quote, “Accusing the Jewish state of "genocide," an anti-Israel Palestinian activist once commended by President Obama has predicted the end of Israel, which, he boasted, is "within reach, in our lifetimes." In a piece earlier this month titled, "Why Israel won't survive," Ali Abunimah, co-founder of Electronic Intifada, a pro-Palestinian online publication, accused Israel of war crimes and gloated, "Now, the other pillar of Israeli power – Western support and complicity – is starting to crack. We must do all we can to push it over." "It is Israel as a Zionist state, not Palestine or the Palestinian people, that cannot survive this attempted genocide. Its problem is legitimacy, or rather a profound and irreversible lack of it," wrote Abunimah.”  Israel enemies are very aware of the troubles going on in the U.S. and they know the time to attack Israel is now.  Israel's enemies also know the tide of public opinion is changing against Israel for attacking the PLO and Hamas in the Gaza and they plan to use this to their advantage.  When the attack on Israel comes much of the world will say they deserved it.

At the same time Israel’s enemies are getting pumped for America to fall so they can’t aid Israel, Turkey is also turning against Israel.  For 30 years I have been asking people to keep their eyes on all these issues and now people are finally taking notice to what I have warned.  Over the past 4 months I asked you to keep your eyes on news coming out of Turkey.  I told you, you would see news showing us Turkey is moving closer to Russia, Iran and the rest of the allies Ezekiel pointed to.  There was no way I could be wrong in my warning because God gave us insight as to where Turkey would stand in this last days attack on Israel.  Today again we see how Turkey is moving away from Israel.  I quote, “Turkey’s Prime Minister returned home to a hero's welcome this morning after storming off stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos during a heated spat over Israel’s assault on Gaza. In the most dramatic moment of this year's muted Davos conference, Recep Tayyip Erdogan walked off a panel discussion including Shimon Peres and Ban Ki-Moon after a moderator cut off his reply to a long and impassioned monologue by the Israeli President. Mr Erdogan gathered up his belongings and marched off stage, red-faced, shouting that he would not return to Davos again as he had not been allowed to speak. Around 3,000 supporters gathered at Istanbul's airport in the early morning, waving red and white Turkish flags and banners reading "Conqueror of Davos" as Mr Erdogan's flight back from Davos landed. Some carried banners denouncing Israel, a worrying development for a state that counts Turkey as its closest ally in the Muslim world and relies on its role as an intermediary between it and traditional enemies such as Syria.”

At the same time Israel’s enemies are getting pumped for America to fall and not to be able to aid Israel, Turkey is also turning against Israel.  For 30 years I have been asking people to keep their eyes on all these issues and now people are finally taking notice to what I have warned.  Today again we see how Turkey is moving away from Israel.  Why is this so important?  God told Ezekiel Turkey would also join with Iran and Russia when they invade Israel.  I quote a section of a report out today, “Turkey’s Prime Minister returned home to a hero's welcome this morning after storming off stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos during a heated spat over Israel’s assault on Gaza. In the most dramatic moment of this year's muted Davos conference, Recep Tayyip Erdogan walked off a panel discussion including Shimon Peres and Ban Ki-Moon after a moderator cut off his reply to a long and impassioned monologue by the Israeli President. Mr Erdogan gathered up his belongings and marched off stage, red-faced, shouting that he would not return to Davos again as he had not been allowed to speak. Around 3,000 supporters gathered at Istanbul's airport in the early morning, waving red and white Turkish flags and banners reading "Conqueror of Davos" as Mr Erdogan's flight back from Davos landed. Some carried banners denouncing Israel, a worrying development for a state that counts Turkey as its closest ally in the Muslim world and relies on its role as an intermediary between it and traditional enemies such as Syria.”

I hope you payed attention to the last sentence where they mentioned Turkey working with Syria.  This is important because God told Isaiah that Syria would be destroyed in the last days and that hasn’t taken place yet.  We know that this will take place soon and this is why Syria and Turkey have of late become friends again and are shoring up their relationions.  Just about everything going on in current events is linked to Daniel, Ezekiel, and Isaiah. 

Let’s take a look at the events that will soon bring out the Antichrist.  You already know that the Antichrist will confirm a 7-year peace covenant with Israel and many nations.  It will be one of the first things the Antichrist does after Israel goes through the Russian invasion.  It will be during this time that this Antichrist will rise to take control of the world’s economy, which has been collapsing.


I hope you payed attention to the last sentence where they mentioned Turkey working with Syria.  This is important because God told Isaiah that Syria would be destroyed in the last days and that hasn’t taken place yet.  We know that this will take place soon and this is why Syria and Turkey have of late become friends again and are shoring up their relationions.  Just about everything going on in current events is linked to Daniel, Ezekiel, and Isaiah. 

Let’s take a look at the events that will soon bring out the Antichrist.  You already know that the Antichrist will confirm a 7-year peace covenant with Israel and many nations as written in Daniel 9:27.  It will be one of the first things the Antichrist does after Israel goes through the Russian invasion.  It will be during this time that this Antichrist will rise to take control of the world’s economy, which has been collapsing. If you have followed current events you would have known there are many nations who are dumping the dollar and turning to the Euro, which just so happens to be the currency of the modern day Roman Empire.  As America declines, both the European Union and the Euro will rise.  Here are just a few of the reports showing us where the dollar is being dumped.  Keep in mind,  the worse this global economic gets the faster nations will unload the dollar.  That will lead to one thing, an increase in power to the Euro and the European Union, (modern day Roman Empire). I don’t except you all to believe me yet.  Just watch the news in the coming months and you will come back here asking me what to expect next! If you don't believe me maybe you will listen to an expert. Read what one just warned us. Click to blue link below and read about the coming collapse of the dollar.

China: The yuan will no longer be pegged to the dollar, but will float against a basket of currencies.

Japan ceases to use US dollar as reserve currency:

Kuwait on Sunday pegged its dinar to a basket of international currencies after more than four years of linking the local currency to the dollar, in a bid to reduce inflationary pressures.

Washington: Iran's central bank governor has said that the country has completed the process of diversifying its external reserves away from the dollar.

DUBAI — OPEC may abandon the dollar for pricing oil and adopt the euro but any such switch will “take time”, OPEC Secretary-General Abdullah Al-Badri was quoted as saying by a weekly magazine. A decline in the dollar has eroded oil exporters’ purchasing power, prompting some members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries to call for a switch away from the US currency.

“7 Countries Considering Abandoning the US Dollar (and what it means”.

Our world is being lead down the path which will dump us right at the feet of the Antichrist who, will end up controlling the world’s economy.  We see the handwriting on the wall every where we look.  Here are a few of those signs. “At the World Economic Forum two years ago, Nouriel Roubini warned that record profits and bonuses were obscuring a “hard landing” to come. “I really disagree,” countered Jacob Frenkel, the American International Group Inc. vice chairman and former Israeli central banker. No more. “Roubini was intellectually courageous, and he called the shots correctly,” says Frenkel, whose AIGsurvives only on the basis of more than $100 billion of government loans. “He gained credibility, and he deserves it.” This week, New York University’s Roubini returned to the WEF and the Swiss ski resort of Davos as the prophet of the worst economic and financial crisis since the Great Depression – – joining the ranks of previous “Dr. Dooms” who made their names through contrarian calls that proved correct. Even as he wins plaudits for his prescience, Roubini, 50, says worse lies ahead. Banks face bigger credit losses than they realize, more financial companies will require state takeovers and the world economy will keep shrinking throughout 2009, he says. “The consensus is catching up with me, but it’s still behind,” Roubini said in an interview in Davos. “I don’t know what some people are smoking.” ‘Catastrophic’

Jan. 28 (Bloomberg) — News Corp.Chairman Rupert Murdoch said there’s no hiding from the worsening global economic crisis, and stressed the need for quick and “drastic action” to turn the tide. People worldwide are “depressed and traumatized” to see their life savings, including homes and pension funds, disappearing, Murdoch said at a press briefing in Davos, Switzerland, today. “It would be very foolish if we said here we are, we had a crisis, and how do we get out of it quickly,” he said. “The crisis is getting worse. When you get to the real economy, values are still going down.” May I ask you to go back and read my post from early in 2008.  Everything I have said is now being repeated by expects.  The problem is this, the expects can't figure out how to stop the crisis.

This week leaders from around the world are meeting in Davos to figure out what to do about the global economic crisis. Today "Chinese and Russian leaders Wen Jiabao and Vladimir Putin have blamed the United States for causing the global economic crisis on a gloomy first day of the Davos forum. Both leaders called yesterday for a new attitude by US President Barack Obama, while deepening pessimism over the future of the global economy enshrouded the World Economic Forum. Mr Wen said America's voracious appetite for debt and ''blind pursuit of profit'' had led to the worst recession since the Great Depression which has rocked the 2500-strong political and business elite gathered in the Swiss mountain resort.”  Many people are asking me if the Antichrist is alive?  The answer to that question is yes he is and, he is in the wings waiting for the right timing to be exposed.  That timing is coming via the economic crisis.  We are almost there, but things have to get a little worse before he enters the scene to take control and show the world he has the answers to pull the world out of the crisis.  Notice if you will how upset people around the world are at their leaders for getting us into this mess!  Notice to, that people all over the world are looking for a honest man who will work for the people and lead them back to the way things were before the economic crisis hit.  This of course is the man Jesus has warned us about and, when he comes the entire world will be thankful for his help.  The ones who will be thankful will be all those who did not receive Christ as their Savior.  Those who knew what was coming will be spared because Jesus will have taken us home.  Those who have been faithful and remained on the watch for Christ's second coming will not take part in this strong delusion brought on by the Antichrist.  Knowing that Jesus said the Antichrist would control what you buy and what you can sell; we know he will be the world’s economic policeman.  As the present time we are reading news that the nations of the world are looking for this “policeman.”  I think you should click to the blue link below where the title of the report reads, “Global financial crisis: does the world need a new banking 'policeman’?”  Once you read that report you will learn the nations are looking to start all over again but with new rules.  Who do you think is going to run this?  By now you shouldn’t have to question what Jesus has warned!  It will be run by the Antichrist!


Is America falling fast?  Today's news from (Reuters) showed this nation is indeed in a deep deep crisis. "The U.S. economy shrank at the fastest rate since Ronald Reagan's presidency, Japan's business outlook worsened, and European inflation tumbled, adding pressure on policymakers to quickly stimulate growth. U.S. gross domestic product fell at an annualized 3.8 percent in the fourth quarter, as consumers spent less for a second-straight quarter.  This morning on Good Morning America, they reported that in one week's time this week, 100,000 jobs were cut in the U.S..  For those of you who have kept up on my posts, you know this is what I told you was coming.  Now I am telling you again, you are going to see much worse very soon.

What about Australia?  As I go through these nations keep in mind they are all the young lions as mentioned in Ezekiel.  The news tells us, “Australia 's economy will begin to shrink by the end of the year as global forces align with sluggish domestic demand, according to JPMorgan economist Stephen Walters. Gross domestic product growth is expected to fall to -.3% in the December quarter of 2008 and -.4% in the first quarter of 2009, as weaker demand for commodities and lower prices paid from them saps economic growth, JPMorgan predicted today, revising earlier estimates. Forecasts for 2009 have moved down to 0.7%, from 1.4%. For 2008, the Australian GDP growth is now forecast at 2.1%, down from 2.5%, the bank said. Household spending is expected to come to a standstill in 2009, adding to a sluggishness weighing on the economy.” Not only is Australia in a crisis over the economy but they are facing other problems which are also related to prophecy.  I will cover them in this post.

Let's look at news about the British economy.  "The British economy will shrink by 2.8 per cent this year in the worst performance of any developed economy, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicted today. In a profoundly gloomy set of figures, the fund slashed its previous forecasts for world economic growth to near standstill at only 0.5 per cent, the weakest since the Second World War, from a November estimate of 2.2 per cent. The dire figures came as the United Nations’ International Labour Organisation published a report predicting that the two years of global recession could cost a total of 50 million jobs worldwide and trigger social unrest."  If I didn't know better, I would think the people who wrote the report read what I predicted.  I am not saying this to puff myself up, I am saying this because it is exactly what I have been trying to get people to pay attention to!  I am grateful that I am now getting help from the press to make my point, even if they don't know it.

In the modern day Roman Empire of which Great Britian is a member, they are a weak link when it comes down to the economic side because they have not turned over their currency to the Euro yet.  I would expect as Britian's economy continues to fail they to will switch over. In today's news we see anoher invite for them to do just that.  I quote, “The President of the European Commission has hinted again that the pound should now join the eurozone. Jose Manuel Barroso said that "even the biggest states can't face these challenges alone", and that he would seek "more coordinated EU action" to deal with the financial crisis.”

Just so you know.  Jesus told us almost 2000 years ago that this Antichrist would be able to mark everyone in the world and keep him or her from buying and selling.  We know from Rev. 13:16-18 that if the people don’t receive the mark of the Antichrist they will be locked out of the economy.  I hope you know that the technology is already here to be able to pull this off.  One of my Sisters in the Lord sent me some information that I didn’t even have, but you had better take a look at this!  I quote, “The Register’s Bill Ray reports that Somark Innovations “has successfully tested and RFID tattoo on cows, mice and rats, enabling an identifying number embedded under the skin to be read from over a meter away."  Unlike expensive RFID chips that are often implanted in pets or stapled to farm animals’ ears, Ray says the new system "uses an array of needles to quickly inject a pattern of dots into each animal, with the pattern changing for each injection. This pattern can then be read from over a meter away using a proprietary reader operating at high frequency."  Notice that the report also stated, “Somark are in the process of raising money to exploit the technology, and point out that what works for animals can, of course, also work for people, identifying military personnel as one of their secondary markets”.  In chapter one of my book I give you complete details about current RFID technologies.  I did not cover Somark’s but since it can be placed in the skin and be able to track people you should know about it.  The point is this, there is already in place at least 3 different types of RFID technologies that the Antichrist could pick from.  This could have only taken place in this generation because it is the generation Daniel said would have the increase of knowledge.

What about some of the other signs?  Jesus also warned us about the following: “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven” Luke 21:11.   In the last two days there have been 10 big earthquakes.  Nine of the quakes were over a 5.0.  Not only have there been earthquakes but also Washington State is getting ready to witness a fearful sight.  “Alaska (AP) – Hardware stores and auto parts shops scored a post-holiday run of business this week as Anchorage-area residents stocked up on protective eyewear and masks ahead of a possible eruption of Mount Redoubt. Monitoring earthquakes underneath the 10,200-foot Redoubt Volcano about 100 miles southwest of Anchorage, scientists from the Alaska Volcano Observatory warned that an eruption was imminent, sending experienced Alaskans shopping for protection against a dusty shower of volcanic ash that could descend on south-central Alaska.”




Australia – Southern Australia suffered Friday from a record-breaking heat wave that has threatened rural towns with wildfires and sent ambulance crews after heat-stressed patients. Melbourne, Australia's second-largest city recorded its third consecutive day of temperatures above 43 degrees Celsius (109 F) for the first time since 1855, when record-keeping began, the Bureau of Meteorology said."  Here is more news.  “Victorian farmers are walking off the land in droves, depression is rampant and there are warnings the price of fruit could double as the drought continues to bite. Farming communities in the parched Murray Goulburn have told of a district in crisis as they battle water scarcity and soaring costs. Touring the state's food bowl on Wednesday, state Opposition Leader Ted Baillieu leant an ear to irrigators frustrated by record drought.”  Everything they are reporting on are the exact signs Jesus said you would see!  There's more.

“THE worst drought in a century, especially in Australia's most populated and fastest growing regions, has forced state governments to make expensive, and in some quarters unpopular, decisions to secure water supply. As rainfall dwindles, new dams are a less-than-promising prospect, so governments have looked to the boundless resource surrounding us — the sea — for an answer. Their solution: desalination. Last year was Australia's sixth warmest on record. It was the warmest in the Murray-Darling Basin and in South Australia, NSW and Victoria. The south-west and south-east continue to suffer long-term low rainfall. “,25197,24546549-11949,00.html


Here is an update on the fight Zimbabwe is engaged in right now with the sign of disease.  "More than 60,000 people in Zimbabwe have now been infected by cholera, the World Health Organization (WHO) says. This figure had been described by the UN's health agency and other agencies as being the "worst case scenario" in the epidemic which broke out in August.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!


Middle East Peace Talks-America’s decline-Iran won’t stop until they have the nuclear bomb-Famines-Jan. 29, 2009


If you are a head of a church and Jesus has spoken to you about having me come to your people, listen to what the Spirit is saying and email me today.

Prophecy Sign: “He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him” Daniel 9:27.  Revelation chapter 17 also shows us the man who comes, (Antichrist), will be in the line of Roman Emperor’s. Let us now add what Jesus told Paul to write in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 where he says, “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” We are also alerted to Ezekiel chapters 38-39 which tell us Israel will be attacked around the same time all these prophecies are taking place.

What we know from God’s Word is in the last days Israel will be calling for Peace and safety.  It will be during this time that a conflict will break out for Paul warns the sudden destruction will come while they are calling for peace.  We also know from Daniel that the man who shows up to confirm a covenant with Israel for 7 years will rise up from the modern day Roman Empire which is today’s European Union.  I have been asking you all to pay attention to the Middle East peace process.  You can read it in my book as well as my posts where I tell you that this modern day Roman Empire will be the main player in the peace process.  The EU has to take a larger role in the peace talks because that is where the Antichrist will come from.  You should also keep your eyes on any Roman who gets engaged in the peace process for it is from Rome that the Antichrist will have his seat.  The first Roman Empire had their seat in Rome and we are warned the same thing will take place in the last days.  Why is this important?  Because the European Union is now going to emerge as a leader in the Middle East peace talks and it is a Roman who wants to push the EU as a leader in the peace talks.  I quote, “JERUSALEM/BRUSSELS (EJP)—European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, responsible for Transport, who is on a 4-day visit to Israel and the Palestinian Territories,  said Monday Europe needs to play a leading role in the Mideast peace process. "Europe needs to play a leading role in the peace process, guaranteeing Israel its right to survive. No one can deny Israel its right to exist in freedom. At the same time we would like to see the establishment of a Palestinian State governed by moderates," said Tajani following meetings in Jerusalem with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz. "Europe wants to reinforce the Palestinian Authority which it deems as the interlocutor while Hamas in breaking the ceasefire cannot be considered so,” the Italian Commissioner said. Tajani said that Hamas missed an historical opportunity in opting for confrontation by breaking the cease-fire with Israel. “   There is going to be another serge in the peace talks.  Just watch what happens because God’s Words concerning a covenant being signed is just around the corner.

Let me get back to Ezekiel chapters 38-39, which tells us Iran, Russia, Libya, Turkey, and other neighboring nations near Israel will attack Israel. Don’t find it strange that the man who just may be the next Prime Minister of Israel is warning Iran’s nuclear plans are more of a threat to the world than the present economic crisis.  I watched an interview not long ago where Netanyahu said he would deal with Iran because he knows Iran’s President is seeking to wipe Israel off the face of the map.  I would look for Netanyahu to be elected.  What will happen if Israel under the new Prime Minister bombs Iran’s nuclear site?  It would send shock waves to neighboring nations and may start the war in which Ezekiel warned about in the last days.  Keep in mind all this is happening when Israel is calling for Peace and Safety.  Everything about these last days is lining up just as the prophecies said.  Here is today’s news concerning this Middle East problem.

 “DAVOS, Switzerland – Israeli election front-runner Benjamin Netanyahu told a session of the World Economic Forum on Thursday that preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weaponsranks far above the global economy among the challenges facing leaders of the 21st century. Discussing leadership in crisis on a panel that also included British Conservative leader David Cameron, the hawkish Israeli Likud Party leader discussed the need for Israel to lower taxes and increase competitiveness if he emerges as prime minister after Feb. 10 elections.Netanyahu, a former finance minister, said he believes the global financial meltdown is reversible if governments, businesses and people make the right decisions. "What is not reversible is the acquisition of nuclear weapons by a fanatic radical regime … We have never had, since the dawn of the nuclear age, nuclear weapons in the hands of such a fanatical regime," he claimed. Iran has denied it is seeking to acquire nuclear weapons and says it is pursuing nuclear power for peaceful uses. It also denies it is engaged in terrorism, instead accusing Israel of terrorist policies against the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, which were occupied by Israel after the 1967 Mideast War. Asked about achieving peace in Gaza, Netanyahu swiftly turned his answer to Iran, which he said is in a "100-yard dash" to get nuclear weapons.”

Here are the facts. Israel is running out of time to deal with Iran’s serge in obtaining a nuclear bomb.  For the past two years Israeli officials have warned they will take out Iran’s nuclear site if the U.N. cannot get them to halt production.  At the same time Israel is warning Iran, Iran comes back and says we will never stop the nuclear program.  Let me add these facts.  If you are new to my site you may not know this and you should. Israel warned Iraq and Syria about their nuclear ambitions just the way they are now warning Iran.  Israel bombed both Iraq’s and Syria’s nuclear site and put an end to their quest to obtaining a nuclear bomb.  What would make you think Israel won’t carry out their word that they will destroy Iran’s site?  If you click to the link below you will find a news report entitled, “Netanyah: Iran nukes trump global economy”.  Look to the left hand side of the report and click on the video on Iran’s nuclear ambition.  You will see for yourself why Israel is saying they have to remove the Iranian nuclear threat. 

We now know from the newest reports that Iran has enough material to make one nuclear bomb. They have a missile they have been working on that can deliver the bomb and they are working on the plans to do just that.  Add up all these things and you have a time bomb ready to explode in the Middle East.  Will this bring us to the doorway to fulfill Ezekiel 38-39?  I think it is a very strong possibility.

Links to videos showing Iran will not stop their nuclear program.

One very important part of this puzzle is going to be brought on by Netanyahu.  Jerusalem is the main reason why the Middle East doesn't have a peace plan signed.  Israel will not give up the Holy city of Jerusalem.  If Benjamin Netanyahu gets elected and I believe he will, he has made it clear to the Arabs he is not going to split up Jerusalem.  Once elected and the Arabs see he won't budge on Jerusalem this will add more fuel to the Middle East problems.  Today news out of Ramallah stated, "Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu said yesterday that he would protect the unity of Jerusalem if he were elected premier on Feb. 10. “We have demonstrated in the past, and will continue to demonstrate our commitment to a complete, undivided Jerusalem,” said Netanyahu, former prime minister and chairman of rightist Likud Party, during the final day of the 13th World Jewish Congress Conference in Jerusalem. Control over Jerusalem, which Israel captured during the June 1967 War, has been seen as the most sensitive and thorniest issue of Israeli-Palestinian conflict."  It is very possible that while Israel is calling for peace and the peace plan falls because of the Jerusalem factor, that it could be what starts a new war.§ion=0&article=118675&d=29&m=1&y=2009

Read what Benjamin Netanahu said about how he will deal with Iran's leader. "Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday said on Thursday that neutralizing Iran's leaders would reduce the danger posed to Israel and others by Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah militants in south Lebanon. "We have had two wars with two Iranian proxies in two years and Persia has now two bases on the eastern Mediterranean," said Netanyahu, referring to this month's brutal fighting in Gaza against Hamas and Israel's 2006 war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. "I think we are going to have to deal with neutralizing the power of the mother regime," Netanyahu told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. "The Hamas stronghold would be about as important, if Iranian power was neutralized, is Cuba was when the Soviet Union became irrelevant."  Let me spell this out for you. Once Netanahu goes into office look for him to do just that, neutralize Iran!  Of course we can't forget what Russia warned. They said anyone who attacks Iran is the same as attacking Russia.  God's Words are all coming to pass and we see a major conflict between Iran and Israel coming up very soon.  I for one am paying attention to this region because it is the region where the last days Ezekiel battle will take place.  We could be, monthy away from seeing these major prophecies fulfilled.  Mind you, I said could be.  God will fulfill these last few prophecies in His timing but, He gave us every detail to know about the time it will occur.  Let's put it this way.  The right leaders are being put in place to carry out God will!

If you have come to my site in the past few days you would have read my warnings about keeping watch on Syria and Lebanon.  I gave this warning because Israel’s enemies are in these areas and have been shipping arms into the Gaza.  It is important to keep track of these nations just North of Israel because we are told from Ezekiel the attack will come from the Northern quarters.  When Israel stopped the fighting about 3 days ago I told you to watch what Hamas does.  I hope you have watched because they are doing exactly what I warned they would.  Today the Hamas breached the cease fire again. I quote, “Israeli air raids struck a Hamas target in Khan Younes, inflicting at least 10 Palestinian casualties, Thursday, Jan. 29, after two missiles aimed at Sderot from Gaza early that morning hit the Shear Hanegev region. DEBKAfile's military circles report that in the 48 hours since a roadside bomb from Gaza killed an Israeli soldier and injured three, Hamas has reverted to its tit-for-tat practice in an effort to demonstrate who makes the rules. In Damascus, Hamas and other radical Palestinian leaders rejected Cairo's plan for a long-term truce.”  Israel’s enemies are in the north, they are in Syria and both are mentioned in prophecy.  Syria will soon be taken out because of their support of the Hamas, and for them continuing to help Israel’s enemies in the Gaza.

In yesterdays post I spoke to you about the signs of the global economic crisis and I warned you to watch for more layoffs. I warned you to watch for more signs the economic crisis is getting worse in other nations.  I gave this warning because we know soon the man Jesus said would control the entire world’s economy will come on the scene to seemingly fix the global economic crisis.  Those of you who read Daniel chapter 2 and 7 know that the Roman Empire was to rise as the leading world power in these times.  Fact is, Jesus said you will see all these things take place all at the same time when you saw Israel standing as a nation again.

Now let me ask you, do you really think this global crisis at this time is without a divine purpose?  If you think that, you don’t have a grasp on prophecy. Now lets move to the facts that are leading us, or you, to the Antichrist.  I said you, because if you have refused to receive Christ’s warnings you will be here to see the Antichrist, not me, I will be leaving with my Father when He blows the trumpet to take us home. 

“The crisis facing banks was sharply underlined today when Russia's second-biggest bank admitted in Davos that it was seeking a bailout and Germany indicated that it was coming round to the idea of "bad banks" to hive off toxic debt.  Russian banks have been badly hit by the global economic crisis, which has hammered the country’s stock, bond and currency markets. A number of its smaller banks have already failed, and some of its biggest lenders may need capital injections.  Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, Andrei Kostin, the chief executive of VTB, Russia's second-largest bank, said that the lender may issue preference shares this year as part of a 200 billion rouble (£4 billion, $5.7 billion) state recapitalisation.”  Nation after nation is about to go under.  Yesterday you saw news that the U.K. was going bankrupt, Iceland is about to collapse and many of the EU nations are already rioting because of the crisis.

I found a statement that Russia Prime Minister said today very interesting in light of what Ezekiel warned us.  While speaking about the global economic crisis, “Putin also said that a group or country could take advantage of the economic crisis to spark a conflict. "We all know that provoking military and political instability, regional and other conflicts is a helpful means of distracting the public from growing social and economic problems. Such attempts cannot be ruled out, unfortunately," the Russian leader said. Putin blamed the failure of "multilateral political mechanisms" to end conflicts such as the Russia-Georgia war last year — which he called "Georgia's adventurous sortie in the Caucasus" — the India bomb attacks and the Gaza war this year.”  God showed us Russia would lead the last days attack on Israel.  Right now Russia’s economy is falling apart while at the same time they are backing the Iranians who have been supporting the Hamas in Gaza.  The conflict that is coming which Putin has warned about just may be the one Ezekiel saw coming from Russia.  All I ask of you is to pay attention to what Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, and Iraq does in the next few months.  One thing I know for sure. The perfect storm Putin refers to in his speach will according to God end up coming against Israel.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 7 tells us to watch for the sign of famines.  I can’t list every place or every nation that is currently facing a food crisis but there are many.  One of those nations in trouble is Tanzania, Today we learned the following which I quote, “(Tanzania) With 240,000 Tanzanians in immediate need of relief food and the situation becoming increasingly precarious, the Tanzanian government has banned further exports of food grains, APA learnt here Thursday. Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives spokesperson Richard Kasuga told APA in an interview on Thursday in Dar es Salaam that the country does not have enough food for its own citizens\’ consumption and could, therefore, not afford to export to its equally needy neighbours.”

Here is more news about the crisis the Zimbabweans are facing. “The United Nations is to halve the foodration to millions of Zimbabweans, bringing it below what will keep an adult alive, as the numbers of people dependent on aid rises sharply and donations from foreign governments fall well short of demand. The World Food Programme is to cut the core maize ration in February from 10kg to 5kg a month – or just 600 calories a day – for 7 million Zimbabweans, about 70% of the people left in the country. The recommended ration is 12kg a month.

If I took one of these events by themselves and told you Jesus was coming back just by that one report, you wouln’t think much of it.  However, when you report everyone of the signs Jesus laid out for us and prove all these things are taking place, it may just opened your ears to listen to what Christ is warning you.  If you want the total picture in detail concerning all these prophecies, I suggest you take advantage of my free book which you can download right at this site.  If you take the time to read each chapter, you should be prepared to be blown away by what the Holy Spirit is going to reveal to you.  If there is any love in your heart for your unsaved family or friends, get this book into their hands as soon as you can.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!


How Christ is working though this ministry. The power of 0-Jan. 29, 2009


When the Lord picked me to spread His message I couldn’t figure out why He chose me? One of the things Jesus made clear to me was I was never to charge anyone for what He was sending me out to preach.  Jesus made it clear, if I listened to what He said, he would bless me and the message He told me to sound.  Because I have been faithful Jesus has allowed me to see some of the fruits of my love labor in Christ.  I may not have much money but as I read the letters coming in from people telling me Jesus sent them to me and, they have been changed because of my ministry, I see the wealth measured in souls not in dollars.  I want to thank all of you who have already written me.  I am sure many who are reading your letters are wondering what is going on at my site to change so many lives?   This is one of the reasons why I have asked you to send in your letters. 

You may not know this but, you are helping me bring more people to my site and if more are coming, the more chances I will have to lead others to the truth as to why we are seeing all these things in the news.  Its all about Christ, its about getting as many people ready as possible to meet Christ as we are running out of time before He calls His Church home.  So why did Jesus pick me to spread His message during these end times?  He knew I would do the same thing He did. Preach with love, give out the Word for free, but at the same time, not watering down the message to please anyone.  In a time when most pastors won’t teach on hell, or even touch Bible prophecy, Jesus while here, did both. Christ taught on hell more than anyone in the Bible.  The whole purpose of Jesus’ coming was to keep His children from going to hell, yet men who call themselves preachers have chose to silence our Lord’s teachings on both hell and prophecy.  I ask all who call themselves pastors to take a look at the cross.  Remember why Jesus hung on that cross!!!  He did it to save us all from eternity in the lake of fire.

If Jesus died to open the doorway to heaven, don’t you think your church members need to know what is going to happen to anyone who rejects Jesus and what He did for us?  How long will you keep your church unprepared for the things that are coming on this earth?  How long will you keep silent in the church as your flock is trying to figure out what is going on? Your flock is witnessing crisis after crisis but can not connect the dots between these end times and current events. 

I say these things in love, but you need to reflect on how Jesus got upset with the religious men who could not discern the signs of the times when He stood before them.  Prepare your church as Christ has instructed you to do or, they will come to you in anger asking you to explain why you did not inform them of the things Jesus told us to be on the WATCH for. 

Those of you who are reading this, I am asking you to bring your loved ones, and your friends, and those you meet to my site.  Let them know there is a man who will tell it like it is.  Let them know that their questions can be answered and there is no need to pay any spiritual advisors to have them tell them something that is not from God.  Let them know that their life is in the hands of a real loving God and not found in their daily horoscope. Show them this site so they can see for themselves how the Holy Spirit is changing one person at a time and He is calling to you all to make yourselves ready to meet Him. Now it is my blessing to post more letters showing how Jesus is saving and changing lives.  Keep in mind, everyone of the lives begin changed has done so without me charging a dime!  This is the power of the Holy Spirit. I may have 0 in my pocket but I have the wealth of the Father from heaven.     

MY FIRST REQUEST TO YOU: I wanted to show anyone who is new to my site how the Lord is working in people’s lives.  I must admit, I am humbled by what I am reading.  I know it is truly Jesus opening the eyes of many, and I am only the vehicle in which our Lord is getting His message to you.  I have been blessed beyond measure by the fact that my work for Christ is leading many away form the gates of hell and right into the arms of a loving Father and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Thank you for sharing with me how Jesus is moving. I will keep posting comments as they come in.  As you can see from the letters this book is becoming a powerful tool to win souls, and I praise God that this message can be given to you free, just as the Salvation our Lord is free. 

Frank DiMora


You mentioned asking the Lord to show you how your work has touched peoples lives.  Anything I write won't do your work and the way the Lord uses you justice.  But here goes.

A couple of months ago I shared some of the past year with you. How I lost my father in March.  He was a source of strength for me through out my life, and he was a man of God who gave all he had to the service of God.  I was raised in church, and taught by my parents the Word of God, and the things that were to come.

When I was about 25 I went through a divorce.  I drifted away from Jesus and began to do my own thing.  The things I did, places I went, and friends I made were pulling me further and further away from God.  Looking back I can see just how dangerously mislead I was letting myself become.  By the time I was 36 I was continuing my lifestyle, and began replacing the wonderful name of God with terms such as the "universe".  I even allowed a friend to talk me into seeing her "spiritual advisor".  The things I thought were harmless were slowly changing me, my heart, my mind, and the foundation layed in earlier years.  Satan really thought he had me where he wanted me.

At 40 things began to change in my life.  My health and physical strength began to decline.  And it only worsened.  By the first part of 2008, to say I had drifted away is an understatement.  But, somehow, I always thought my father would be there.  And as crazy as it sounds, I think I somehow thought I could ride his shirt tail into Heaven.  When he passed away in March, I was lost.  The week preceding his death was a story in itself.  I'm not sure what all he saw during that time, but the experience was incredible to see.  He praised and worshipped his way into the hands of God.  Even though it was breaking, my heart was also beginning to change.

The last year things in our world have begun changing rapidly…as of course you are well aware of.  I have had such a desire to serve the Lord! And while the Word has strengthened me, I have always had a hard time understanding Bible Prophecy.  I began asking the Lord to help me see what is happening in the world.  And he answered by leading me to your website, and your ministry.  To tell you the truth I am not even sure how.  My father always taught me to pray, study the Word, and try the spirits.  And in our world today, being without his guidance and knowledge could have been very frightening.  But God has used you in my life more than I can tell in this email! I did not want someone to sugar coat things for me, or to tell me to not worry these times we are in will pass and all will be ok.  I wanted to know what was happening, and what I needed to do.  And being led by the Spirit, your have laid it out and made it clear. 

I may never get to meet you on this earth, Frank.  But I will be looking for you when we get Home.  Never worry that you are not making a difference because you are.  I look forward to each new post, and am learning to really search the Word for answers.  You are truly a blessing.  You can do what you want with this email.  You don't need to keep my name out, and you don't have to post it on your website.  I just wanted you to know how your ministry is making a difference.



Thank you for everything you do. Your videos and book updates are inspiring to me.  I have a long ways to go but, I would not have made it this far if not for you.

Again Thank You,


Hi Frank,

I think I may have told you my story of how I came upon your web site. Last March in 2008 I felt like spiritually the Lord told me to wake and to watch. With that touch something began in me that day. I became very interested in current news and end time prophecy. From this new passion I searched the web site to see what people were saying on this subject, I came upon a few web sites about end times that just didn't line up with the Word of God. I had a need to know if others were feeling what I was feeling, this passion, this call of the Lord saying Watch! I prayed, after the falseness I stumbled upon that the Lord would show me the truth, asked to be led to His truth and His truth only. I found your web site and have been reading your post every day since. Every day I see the Word of God being fulfilled. And you have helped me greatly with connecting the dots, of current headlines and Bible Prophesy. I have been touched by what others have written in response to your web site. What you are doing is so needed, I struggle in my daily life with trying to find anyone around me both believers and non believers that feel that the Lord's return is a breath away. And the desire of just wanting to talk about what is happening according to Gods Word in our daily lives.  I know in my spirit He is coming soon, and this is the most exciting time to be alive. I thank the Lord that He said wake up sleepy head, I was asleep spiritually, numb since the death of my son. But He came for me, and said sleep no more. And then the Lord led me to you. I am thankful for His guidance. Our Lord is an Awesome God and soon we shall meet Him in the air. What a glorious day this will be.

Your sister in Christ



Dear mr dimora,

 I would like to thank you for making your book available to believers like me. I've been studying biblical prophecies for years but your explanation is truly from God no doubt. i thank the lord for leading me to your site. No doubt we are the generation that would see the coming of the messiah. God bless you and your family mr Dimora. Please continue to update us so that we can be found worthy at our lord's coming.

Thanks again.


Hello Frank Much like John the Baptist prophesized before the first coming of Christ, God has anointed and appointed you as one of the end time prophets to make the way for the return of our Lord. You too are a voice crying out in the wilderness, "REPENT – AND GET YOUR HEART AND LIFE READY TO MEET CHRIST JESUS." Your website contains up to the minute articles and videos on current events that you post along with the correlating Bible passages and prophesies. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to follow you as you take us through the Old and New Testaments and give the evidence of Christ's soon return. In my opinion, you are a man who stands in the gap for our Lord and His Church. You have been faithful to teach the message given to you by the Holy Spirit in the 1970's. I believe the 2nd coming of Christ is very near and that God's people are turning to your web site for Biblical knowledge of these end times. Thank you for being faithful! Marjorie Psalm 31:24 Be brave. Be strong. Don't give up. Expect God to get here soon


Dear Brother, I am always touched by our messages, and I open this website daily so that I can keep myself uptodate. As you said I believe that the Lord is building up his warriors and we are more than happy to fight for the Lord through prayer and I thank the Lord for his Grace. I have been a follower of world events versus prophecy and you site has helped me alot to understand most of the things that I couldn’t and one thing that I most want is to understand more of prophecy so that I can share to others and your site is helping me a lot. I am blessed and encouraged by your teaching. I pray to the God of heaven that he continue to bless you and your family and to keep on protecting you as you teach his word. Glory be to God

Brenda Gunde

Dear Frank,

Thank you so much for you post I stumble into your site since the war with Israel and Gaza started I felt this weird feeling.  When the war started I felt this urge to find out more about the end of times.  To me this war was different I felt like the beginning of something big was happening. Even though thru your post I  found out that these are just birth pains that we are going thru. My eyes have been opened since I read your post I felt that I was not really seen all of God’s work  and how much he loves us  and it’s because of your post that I have begun to fully see that.  I really feel great as I get closer to the lord. I read your post every day and will continue to do so.  Thank you Frank and God bless you, your family and all your readers as well everyone on the face of the earth.  I hope everyone does start accepting God before it is too late.  


Thank the LORD for a man that can speak the truth no matter what people think. I have been coming to your web site for quite a while and telling many people about your website and telling many people to get ready for the Lord's return because I am like you and I know it is coming soon. You have truly enlighten me on many issues and I thank GOD so much for using you to preach and teach his message. I tell you nothing happens by accident and I also was looking for end time events and you get a million things when you type it in on google but I prayed and ask the Lord to show me and I just happened to click on your site, as I said not by accident I know. I thank the Lord that he has taught me many important things and I no longer want to waste my life not telling people about Jesus. It is time to share the Lord with as many people as I can before his return and your messages help me to do so. I am no longer afraid to speak up and speak out for Jesus. Thank you Frank you are a special man and the Lord will bless you for all your hard work for his kingdom.


Dear DiMora

Hi there and greetings in the strong name of Jesus! I want to personally say thanks for what you do for the body of Christ around the world. Also thanks for telling others that Jesus alone saves. My wife Marilyn and I live in Nashville,TN. She works for Life Way Bookstores, and I am in full time ministry with christian singer and song writer Gordon Jensen(Compser of "Written In Red" among many others), and Don Piper(Author of "90 Minutes In Heaven"). I am also retired Military and served in both Desert Storms. I look forward to hearing from you soon as we fellowship in our great and awesome God!!

Heaven Is Real and Jesus Is The Way,

Ron Leonard

Dear Frank,

I am one that has to write to tell you that God has used your writings to convict my heart.  I have been so guilty of letting the fire that once consumed me slowly die to embers at times.  I have grieved these last months and have searched for the closeness that once was so easy.  I allowed the trails of this world to slowly pull me away from where I know I am suppose to be as a child of the King.  The holy spirit has convicted my heart and I know the Lord forgives me.  I am his and will always be.  During the past weeks, I have cried out to my father to lead me to truth in a fallen world.  I have specifically prayed that he would give me discernment during these times and that he would help be understand what more he wants me to do. I know that one night he lead me to your site…… I had been unable to sleep for many previous nights because I kept thinking about the Lord's return.  I felt a sense of urgency regarding this, so I "googled" end times and by God's grace found your site.  I stayed up until 5:30 am reading all that I could and have since, anxiously awaited updates!   My husband is a true warrior for Christ and I told him about your site.  He too, is reading it now and my teenage son as well.  My son is sixteen and I've told him about a sermon by Paul Walsh that we listened to.  I think we found it by clinking on a link from your son's blog.  The sermon was directed at  today's youth and all Christians, it was incredible! I've told my son that before this weekend ends, he must hear it! I am praying for you, brother Dimora.  I pray that God will protect you and continue to use you to minister to his people.  We go to a very good First Baptist Church in a small town and we're just not hearing there what we are from your site.  It's almost like today's Christian's are scared to talk about end times because someone will think we're crazy!  Praise God that you're not afraid to stand up and shout it for Christ, despite what others might think!  Let us know if there are any specific prayer request you may have.  I for one will be praying that God continues to bless you and that he will guide you as you lead his people towards the day he will come for us……God bless





Hi Frank,

Yes, your book and posts have helped me.  I'm much more aware and atuned to what is going on in the world as it relates to Christ, our Lord.  Thank you!



This is in response to your request on your January 23 post (if posted on your site, please withhold my name):  I used to be what is commonly referred to as a "lukewarm" Christian.  I grew up in a Christian household and went to church once a year on Easter.  A couple of years ago I started to listen to Christian music and I loved it!  I then started to attend church more regularly.  About 6 months ago I knew something wasn't right because of the economic news.  I googled economy and end times and your site came up.  I've been reading it nearly every day since then.  Let's just say I no longer consider myself a lukewarm Christian.  I am on fire for Jesus!  I never miss church and go twice a week now.  My entire life now revolves around the Lord which is how it should have been all along.  My whole outlook on life is different and I will never go back to how I lived before.  Thank you for your tireless work that you are doing to help awaken those that need it.  I can't imagine how overwhelming it must be to know your dedication is turning people to Christ our Savior.  I love the song "You Are My Joy" by the David Crowder Band.  Here are some of the lyrics which describes my life to a T.  I listen to it every day:

And He set me on fire and I am burning alive

With His breath in my lungs I am coming undone

And He set me on fire and I am burning alive

With His breath in my lungs I am coming undone

And I cannot hold it in and remain composed

Love's taken over me so I propose the letting myself go

I am letting myself go

You are my joy, you are my joy, you are my joy, you are my joy!

Dear Mr. DiMora,

I just read your message about what you have done as a servant for Jesus in regards to your web-site in spreading the word and prophecy messages to others.  I would like to say that Jesus through you, have open my eyes and mind to things that even I were not aware of after reading the Bible and studying prophecy since I was 16 years old and now I am 50.  In my last e-mail that I sent you I told you that my first Bible book that I read was Revelation and then I started to read the Bible after that.  I have read the whole Bible about 7 times in my life so far, but I mostly read daily devotional and study prophecy end time readings.  Your web-site has brought things out in the open more then other sites that I have read and you back it up with scripture, which is what we are suppose to do as Christians in spreading God words.  I would like to say a word of advice if I may, I wish for you, if you would, spread the word of Jesus more of his love for his children and the ones that he is trying to save.  I feel in my heart that more words of love and his forgiveness with the other prophecy writings would help people out there that are searching for something that would help them in their lives and when they see your web-site with those words of love from Jesus with also the warnings of the end time and Revelations and other scriptures saying, maybe it would bring more to Jesus and to you.  I am not saying that you have not put those words of love on your site I just feel more would be helpful.  You don't have to put my advice on the posting but please consider what I said.  I check you site everyday and I also go over the ones that you wrote in the past.  I compare what you have on the site with the news and what the Bible says and it is very true.  I hope you can get as many people you can brought to Jesus to be saved, because that is what us believer have to do.  To lead others to the Lord, because time is running out.  Thank God for you and thank you for you web-site.  May God always Bless you.  You are a true one.

Diane Lopez-

Mr. Dimora,

I first would like to congradulate you on your web site and your continious effort to put the word of our Lord Jesus Christ out to the world. The WWW has become a usefull tool to be able to communicate the Word to the world in the masses, something that was virtually impossible to accomplish before its existance. I stumbled upon your web site about 6 months ago, I check it almost on a daily basis. From it I have been able to see alot of the prophecies that I was unclear of, I grew up in a Christian church, Jesus entered my heart at a young age. However through out my adolecense I grew apart from him. I returned to Jesus 6 years ago, and again departed from him 3 years after. I've always kept my eye alert because the book of Revelations has always intrigued me. I recently came to the Lord again and the Lord has been reveiling to me his mysteries. My reason for this email is simply to ask you to please ask the Lord for guidance and follow John 5:39 and you will find that perhaps you are not 100% correct. That's all Mr. Dimora may God bless you and keep up the good work for it is not in vain.-


It's amazing how God works and speaks to us.  Yesterday as I read that scripture you quoted in 2 Timothy 3 : 1-5 that says:  "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,  without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,  treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God –  having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people." – it spoke to me powerfully.  As Christians we still aren't perfect and we will stuggle with and give in to sin as long as we are in these immoral and corruptible bodies.  Both David and Paul;  who were used in a mighty way by God;  struggled with sin and were deeply sorrowful for giving in to the temptations of sin.  David wrote Psalm 51 after the terrible sins he committed in the Bathsheba story and Paul wrote in Romans 7 : 14-25 about his struggle with sin.  But going back to 2 Timothy I see sins mentioned in that passage that I'm still guilty of and it causes me so much grief and sorrow in my heart.  All sin is unholy so that one probably speaks to all of us.  I've been reminded of a book I once read entitiled  " The Pursuit of Holiness ."  I have to admit that I haven't been pursuing holiness as much as I should.   But God is continuing His work in me and He has spoken to me through prayer that He still loves me and will never give up on me.  Love is forgiveness.  Since God will never stop loving us He will never stop forgiving us.  But just as Paul wrote in Romans, that is not a license for us to continue to willingly sin.  He wants me/us to pursue holiness.  So that message from yesterday confirmed to me and reminded me of what I need to be doing.  It is my wakeup call.  We are in the last days and Jesus is coming to take us away any time now.  When He comes I'll be ready.  My lamps are filled with oil – Matthew 25 : 1-13 – and I'm waiting for the sound of the trumpets and for Jesus to take me away. 

I was going to send you an email yesterday after reading yesterday's post but I didn't.  NOW I see why I wanted to send it to you but I got involved in other things and never sent it.  I believe God wanted me to send you an answer to your prayer BEFORE you posted your message to us today.  It would have been an extra blessing for you to get it beforehand and it would have shown you in a more "spectacular" way how God answers your/our prayers.  But because I didn't obey God it robbed you of an extra blessing.  I'm angry at myself that I didn't send it.  Please keep doing what you're doing and don't change anything.  God is speaking not only to unbelievers who come to this site but also to believers who are being blessed by the Holy Spirit's work through your obedience to God.  Thank you.


Dear Brother Frank,

I want you to know your continued faithfulness to the Lord to keep us up-to-date with what's going on in America and the world is so appreciated and needed. We, who know Bible prophecy, need to be kept informed almost as much as the lost need to. The news you continue to bring is helpful in keeping the urgency in our prayers for the lost, and in keeping ourselves obedient to and close to the Lord. Thank you, thank you for your efforts. I go to your website pretty much every day and look for more news to help me gauge what time it is during these last few minutes, seconds before the Rapture.


Governments ready to go under-Food price crisis-All these signs-Jan. 28, 2009


Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 13 shows us in the end times one man will control the world’s economy.  If you are new to my site and many of you are, I have been warning that America is going to decline and the European Union Rise to fulfill both Daniel and Revelation.  Please don’t write me and tell me America isn’t found in Daniel chapter 2.  That is the point!  According to what God told Daniel the last world power would be the reborn Roman Empire.  This has already been fulfilled in part by the European Union.  The part about the Antichrist rising from the EU hasn’t taken place yet but is in the process of being fulfilled.  One of the ways the Antichrist will rise to power will be from the global economic crisis.  Since 1978 I have been sounding this shift in world powers alarm.  Finally many people are listening to what I have warned and are contacting me for answers. 

Each day I provide evidence of the decline of America. I do this not to scare you but to prepare you for what is coming.   As things get worse in the U.S. it will spill over into the other nations.   Look at California today.  “ABC News has learned that tax refunds are now on hold in California for the first time in state history, according to the state controller's office.”  California is going broke! If you read my post from a week ago you noticed that 43 other states are almost in the same boat.  I keep warning you, you will see massive lay offs and everyday that is what we are seeing in the news. For example, in today’s news we see, “Texas Instruments, which does a lot more than make the excellent TI-series calculators, saw its profits drop 95%, from about $1bn last year’s Q4 to $55m this year. That’s harsh, but at least it’s not a loss, like the beleaguered and possibly doomed AMD’s negative $3.1bn bottom line. Still, a 95% loss in profit isn’t good news, and they’ve sacrificed 3400 jobs on the shareholders’ altar.”  As the American economic machine puts on its breaks the smoke can be seen in others nations.

Here is an example that the crisis that started in the U.S. has now spread over seas.  “A U.K. official says his predictions of economic collapse are coming to pass. The Telegraph is reporting that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has brought the country to the brink of bankruptcy. Christopher Monckton, the Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, agrees. He says the Labor Party's continual borrowing for social programs is to blame.”  Soon the entire world is going to see that borrowing more money to pay for the debt they already have did not work.  Obama is going to find out the same thing in America.  Jesus warned this shift in world powers would come.  He warned there would be a single man who will appear to have the answers to the global economic crisis but in the end, Jesus showed us, this man will force his will on everyone and make you take his ID mark of 666.  Without that mark, forget about buying any food and forget about selling anything to provide for yourself.  At that time the only way you will be able to have access to the economy will be to take the mark.  There is one massive problem with this.  If you take that mark you seal your eternity in hell.  Jesus made it clear, the only way to enter into His Kingdom if you are left behind will be to refuse this mark.  That means you will have to die for Christ in order to enter His kingdom.  Why go the hard way when all you have to do is just ask Christ to forgive you now and be sealed to the Father and, live with Him in heaven for all time?  I can point the way but you must follow the path to Christ!

Prophecy Sign: Yesterday I talked about the famines and how high food prices have gotten.  In the past I warned prices will continue to skyrocket.  I also showed you in the Word of God that many will die because they can’t buy food. Jesus showed us in the book of Revelation that there were going to be many factors that lead up to starvation.  Some of those are famine, drought, intense heat, wars,lack of water, and the price of food.  At the current time everyone of the things Jesus listed are beginning to get worse.  For example,  “Nations turn to barter deals to secure food”  Countries struggling to secure credit have resorted to barter and secretive government-to-government deals to buy food, with some contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars. In a striking example of how the global financial crisis and high food prices have strained the finances of poor and middle-income nations, countries including Russia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Morocco say they have signed or are discussing inter-government and barter deals to import commodities from rice to vegetable oil.”,Authorised=false.html?

If I were you I would take what Vice President Joe Biden said about Obama facing a major crisis with the first 6 months of as president to heart.  We have entered into the final days prior to Christ’s return and all these labor pains are going to get worse.  Unlike Biden I will not say, “mark my word” however, I will say, Mark Christ’s Words”.

The Israeli soldier was killed and three others were injured, one seriously, Tuesday, Jan. 27, when Palestinians detonated a large explosive device against a routine Israeli military patrol near the Kissufim crossing a week after Israeli troops exited the Gaza Strip. Eight hours later, an Israeli air strike killed a Hamas operative involved in the attack on a motorbike near Khan Younis.

DEBKAfile's military sources expected further clashes after defense minister Ehud Barak warned that Israel would respond to the Palestinians' unacceptable breach of the ceasefire.

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21 we are given the signs of war and rumors of war, and nation will rise against nation.  In Ezekiel 38-39 we see one of these major wars, which has not yet been fulfilled.  This is the war where Russia takes her allies into battle against the tiny nation of Israel. One of Russia’s strongest allies is Iran and yes, Iran is specifically mentioned as partners in this coming war against Israel. 

If you have followed the Middle East news and the war between Israel and the Hamas in the Gaza you would have read that the Hamas have been trained in Iran and have been given arms by Iran.  Iran’s President has given his life to the destruction of Israel.  If you are new to my site you can check out the facts out for yourself to make sure what I am telling you is the truth.  Below you will see a green link to a 2005 report, which shows you, what Iran’s president has said. “Leaders around the world on Thursday condemned a call by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that Israel be "wiped off the map," and a top Iranian official said that mass demonstrations in his country on Friday would rebuff the rising criticism from abroad.” The reason I am giving you this information is to make you aware of what Iran intends to do.  Since God told Ezekiel Iran would be involved as a major player in the attack against Israel, we should see Iran taking actions that show us this war is not far off.  Last week Israel stopped their attacks in the Gaza as they agreed to a cease-fire.  When I heard about the cease fire last week I told you this cease fire won’t last.  Only one week later the Hamas broke the cease fire. I quote, “One Israeli soldier was killed and three others were wounded on Tuesday morning when terrorists in the Gaza Strip detonated a roadside bomb against their patrol vehicle along the border fence. Other Israeli troops engaged the terrorists, killing one according to Palestinian sources.” It was the first serious act of violence since Israel and Hamas declared separate unilateral ceasefires ending the 21-day Gaza war more than a week ago.”  I told you the Hamas would use this time to rearm.  I warned you that Iran would bring in new arms and shortly the fighting would begin again.  In today’s news we see what I have been talking about. I quote, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen said Jan. 28 the US Navy had intercepted a Cypriot-flagged ship in the Red Sea last week and searched it with the captain's permission for Iranian arms bound for the Gaza Strip. This Iranian arms ship was first revealed exclusively by DEBKAfile on Jan. 20 and tracked further on Jan. 23 and Jan. 25. “The Navy had done all it could do legally but was not authorized to seize the weapons," said Mullen, adding he would like authority to act in such cases.” “The vessel was expected in port in Syria this week, he said.”

If you’re new to my site please go back and read what I said about arms flowing into Syria and making their way south to the Gaza where these arms are placed in the Hamas’s hands.  Everything I have warned you is taking place.  Let me connect the dots between the news and prophecy.  Syria is mentioned in Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah chapter 49 verses 24-27.  In both of these prophecies we see that Syria will be destructed.  Syria is directly North of Israel.  This may not seem important to you, but when you read Ezekiel 38-39 you see the attack on Israel will come from the “Northern parts”.  Iran who wants to destroy Israel is arming Hamas and even training their soldiers in Iran.  This short cease-fire won’t last because the PLO and Hamas will never give up!  Iran knows this and is playing this card by aiding them to do their work.  In the mean time Israel is still preparing to hit Iran’s nuclear power plant.  Not much news has been released about this situation since Israel attack the Gaza but soon it will be again.  Israel knows they are going to be forced to bomb that nuclear site and this move alone could be what starts the Ezekiel war. 

Tie all these things together and you can see where we are headed!  By the way, all this is supposed to take place when Israel is calling for Peace and safety.  President Obama, like all the presidents before him is now sending over a new representative from the U.S. to try and restart the peace talks again.  Knowing what God has said would happen, what do you think is going to happen?  Look for something major to take place in the Middle East soon that will cause Russia to lead Iran and their allies against Israel.  This war is coming!  How close are we?  As soon as this war takes place you enter into the 7-year tribulation.  That means the Antichrist will be revealed to the world.  The sad part about all this is this; most of the world won’t know he is the Antichrist.  They will receive him as a champion of peace and a man who will lead the planet out of a global economic crisis.  Notice I said you.  I said you because this will not apply to me since I have taken Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior already.  The only people who will be left on this planet to face the Antichrist will be those who refused to receive the truth about who Jesus Christ really is and what He has done for them.  If you want to be counted as one who will escape all these things that are coming to pass you will need to drop to your knees and ask Jesus to forgive you.  There is nothing anyone or I can do for you if you are left behind when Jesus calls His children home.  If you are reading these words and haven’t received Christ yet, I am telling you this from the Holy Spirit, today is your day to receive Christ’s free gift of Salvation.  God help all of you who think this is science fiction!

 Prophecy Sign: Mark 13:9 tells us in the last days Christians will be taken before the courts to give account of their faith in Christ.  Here is one example in the news showing us these things are taking place right now. 

“A woman arrested at the Cairo airport because her identity card described her as a Christian has been threatened for her faith by the judge in her case, according to a new report. As WND reported, authorities in Egypt deprived the woman's two children, ages 2 and 4, of food to try to coerce her to abandon Christianity and return to Islam. According to the Assyrian International News Agency, a woman identified as Martha Samuel Makkar was arrested Dec. 13 as she, her husband, Fadl Thabet, and two sons were trying to leave Cairo for Russia. Makkar, formerly known as Zainab Said Abdel-Aziz, was accused of carrying forged government documents, because she identified herself as a Christian. Islamic law forbids Muslims from abandoning the faith.” The woman’s lawyer, Tawfiq, “told Compass Direct "the judge then said, 'I want to talk with Martha alone,' so we all left the room, and he said to her, 'Nobody changes from Muslim to Christian – you are a Muslim.' "And she said, 'No, I am a Christian.' He told her, 'If I had a knife now, I would kill you,'" the lawyer said. Makkar, 24, has said she's been enduring death threats from police and members of her extended family for the five years since she converted.”  "In the last 10 years, more than 5,000 Christians have been massacred in Egypt," he told WND. "Hundreds of businesses and homes first have been looted, then burned and destroyed. Churches have been burned and destroyed."

Here is another example of how Christians are being attacked.  “As a fresh wave of sectarian violence is unleashed across the Indian state of Orissa, Gethin Chamberlain talks to homeless survivors in Kandhamal district who were forced to abandon their religionKumari Naik with her son Santosh amid the ashes of their home.Hundreds of Christians in the Indian state of Orissa have been forced to renounce their religion and become Hindus after lynch mobs issued them with a stark ultimatum: convert or die.”

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!

71,000 jobs cut in one day. Can you feel what is coming? Frank’s new video on important end time events


Two days ago I warned you more jobs were going to be cut and I asked you to pay attention to what I have said. I did this before they announced the news because I know where America Is headed. Yesterday night the NBC News told us 71,000 more jobs were cut in one day. I can’t explain how I know these things before they are announced, all I know is, I know. I am praying for any of you who still do not believe in the last day signs Jesus gave to us. Today instead of writing a post I wanted to leave you a video I made this morning.

I also want to thank those of you who have written me telling me how my ministry has changed your life. I want you to know it is not me who have changed you but Christ.

Global crisis bringing down nations-Antichrist has to subdue 3 kings, who are they? Droughts-Food shortages-Jan. 26, 2009


Prophecy Sign: Anyone coming to my site knows I have asked you to watch what happens with the global economy.  I have been telling you what to expect and why should you be surprised when you see it happen?  I am not the one who wrote the prophecies and the warnings, it was the Lord who forewarned us before all these things have happened.  God told Daniel in Daniel chapter 2 that the Old Roman Empire would return just before Christ comes back.  That has already happened.  If you are new to my site I pray you will take the time to read chapter 2 of my free book because I explain in detail how the European Union is fulfilling this prophecy.  Jesus warned us a man would come up from this EU or reborn Roman Empire and take control of the economy.  The way he would control the world would be by him forcing his mark on everyone.  If you want to keep buying and selling you will be required to take the mark.  If you don’t you can’t go to the store to by any food and you aren’t going to be permitted to sell anything.  This means you will be on your own in the global economy.  This also means you are going to be labeled an enemy of the state.  Jesus told us what they would do to you when they caught you without this mark of the Antichrist, they will kill you.

Mind you this is going to happen to anyone who refuses Jesus as their Lord, it is not going to happen to those who are covered by Christ.  While the Antichrist is hunting down those who refuse to take the mark, those who took Christ a Savior will be in heaven while all this is going on.  It is your choice how you want to spend the future.  In any case, I warned America would decline to fulfill prophecy.  America has to fall in order to lift up the EU, which will be that last world power as we see in Daniel chapter 2.  I told you the global crisis began in America and to keep watching the signs of her fall.  I told you to watch the domino effect hit the other nations and everything I have warned is coming to pass.  Does that make me some great prophet?  Not a all!  Because I have read and believed what my Father has written to us, I know what to expect.  If you read the Word and studied the same Words from Christ as I have, you to would know what to look for.  If any thing, Jesus has picked me for a special purpose as He as chosen other just like me.  We are all doing the same thing, warning you that Jesus is coming soon and pay attention to these signs.

In the news today we see one of the signs showing us the global economic crisis is getting worse.  As this crisis intensifies we move closer to see the rise of the Antichrist.  He is coming to fix a broken economic system. How bad is it getting? I quote,  “Iceland's leaders say the economic crisis could bring down the country's government within 24 hours. Prime Minister Geir Haarde has called an election for May and says he'll step down due to illness. But it's not clear whether the government can continue until May.”  Don’t expect me to soften the Word of God I cannot do that.  What you are watching in the news concerning this crisis are the footsteps that will bring you to the feet of the Antichrist.  Even now many of you still refuse to believe His warnings!  If Jesus is speaking to you, don’t turn from His voice.  He wants to remove you from what is coming and the only way He can do that is by you coming to Him as your Savior.

In speaking about the EU it would be a good time to bring you up to speed with a very important prophecy Sign found in  Daniel 7:24  which says,“The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings.”   If you read the book of Daniel you will know all about the reborn Roman Empire that had to show up in the last days.  One important fact God told Daniel was, when the Antichrist rises, the first thing he will do is subdue 3 kings.  These are leaders of nations that are in today’s modern day reborn Roman Empire.  In my book I point out two groups of 3 nations which many European Union news reports refer to as “The Gang of Three”. I ask you to pay attention to these 3 nations because I believe Jesus is showing us who these 3 are that will fulfill Daniel 7:24. One of the groups I pointed to is the group of 3 nations that does not have the EU currency called the “Euro”.  I said that this group of nations is considered to be weak link to all the nations because they are not taking part of the currency that is making the EU strong.  We can now see that this gang of 3 probably isn’t the 3 God pointed to because Denmark now wants to move into the Euro zone. I quote,  “ The Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen is moving aggressively toward an early referendum on Denmark’s accession to the Eurozone. The financial crisis” demonstrates the problems of a small currency, says Rasmussen.” The national currency, the Danish Krone, is already linked to the common currency. Compared to the British Pound or the Swedish Krona, it has not fallen as much in recent months. “My conclusion is that Denmark should be there at the heart of Europe. That’s were we belong,” said Rasmussen. “I believe that in the Danish population there is strong agreement.”  What does all this mean?  In my speaking engages I point out that I have always felt the other group of 3 known also as the gang of three will be the ones God pointed to.  This group of nations, which include British, French and German are fighting for EU doninance.  Since this has to do with own controll the EU it would stand to reason it would be this group of nations or leaders that the Antichrist is going to have to deal with when he first rises up.   Now that we know one group is being eliminated you should keep your eyes focued on these 3 leaders because shortly the Antichrist when, he rises will go after them just as God had warned Daniel.


Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38: 6 warns us that in the last days Turkey will unite with Iran and Russia and attack Israel. All this will take place  when the call for peace and safety is being heard in Israel. At the present time the peace talks have stopped because of the fighting that just occurred in the Gaza.  Paul warned in 1 Thessalonians that when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”  Notice the words as “a woman with child  These are the very labor pain Jesus said we would see as mentioned in Mark 13:8.  The on again and off again peace talks are part of these labor pains and they are getting more intense. If you read chapter 10  my book would have learned how I tie in what is going on in the Middle East and how you should watch for Turkey to move away from Isreael and move toward both Russia and Iran.  What I have been warning you about is now taking place.  I quote, from new out of Istanbul  Turkey. “Israel’s Gaza offensive has created fractures in the Israeli-Turkish alliance and deepened ties between Ankara and Tehran in what analysts fear could be the start of a major realignment in the region. "This will seriously damage Turkish-U.S. relations on a long-term basis," said Graham Fuller, a former CIA officer and author of books on Iran and Turkey. "Israel will get no free ride from Ankara anymore."  Please don’t think that this is just one of hundreds of coincidences taking place between Bible prophecy and current events!  What we are watching is the setting up for the attack on Israel.  The nations that are suppose to line up  together have already done that.  Soon you all are going to see the rest of the Lord’s Words come to pass.  Just watch how heated the Middle East gets again. Soon the labor pains will end and the child will be born.  In the case of this prophecy that end will be an all out attack on Israel by Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya and other nations in the region.  As soon as that takes place look for the Antichrist to make a 7 year peace pact with Israel and many nations as outlines in Daniel 9:27.  My question to you is this.  Will you be ready to meet Jesus Christ in the air when He blows the trumpet to take us home?  If you are thinking about how to answer this question, you are already in trouble.  Make sure you will leave with us by asking Jesus to take over your life, and do it now while there is still time.  Jesus is calling out to you all, saying I am coming soon be on the watch for I am near even at the door.


A few months back I ask you to keep your eyes on California.  I said that as goes California other U.S. states follows.  If you have been watching any news at all you see states across America are on the verge of going bankrupt.  Read what is happening in California. I quote, California is rapidly running out of money. Blame it on the state budget deficit that continues to bleed billions of dollars from California's reserves. Facing inadequate credit to make up the difference, California's Controller John Chiang warns that by the end of February, the nation's most populous state may not be able to pay some of its debts, and instead be reduced to issuing those creditors IOUs. "My office has projected that, in approximately 60 days, there will be insufficient cash available to meet all expenditures reflected in the 2008-09 Budget Act," stated a Tuesday letter from Controller Chiang to the directors of all state agencies. "To ensure that the State can meet its obligations to schools, debt service, and others entitled to payment under the State Constitution, federal law, or court order. California may begin, as early as February 1, 2009, issuing registered warrants…commonly referred to as IOUs…to individuals and entities in lieu of regular payments."

Look, if you don’t believe that America is declining do your own search. Just type in “States in financial trouble” and see what pops up!  One of the first reports you will read is entitled “43 states in financial trouble”.  I quote from just one of the many reports. “The recession has most states unable to cover expenses, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and states should expect tough times ahead.”  The crisis may have started in the U.S. but anyone who knows what to expect from the knowledge in the Word of God knows it will lead to the rise of the Antichrist and his controlling the entire world economy.

Jesus even told us in Matthew 24:7 that famines and droughts would come and He also told us in Revelation that food would become so expensive that a man will work all day just for a handful of wheat.  We are witnessing droughts in many places across the planet and we are running out of food.  California is at the current time getting hit on several fronts.  The economic crisis and the drought crisis.  All these things going on in California will affect you in some way very soon.  The first thing you will see is the price of food climbing.  Go back and read some of my previous posts where I warned you of these things.  Look at the date I wrote them so you know, I have warned you in advance!  Where did I get my information to pass on to you, right from the Word of God.  Now you can either believe these signs from Christ or you can turn from His truth, but either way, soon you are going to be confronted with His reality to all these signs.  I just hope to God that reality don’t come when you are looking at the Antichrist.  Read what is taking place in California with regards to the drought.  “Consumers may pay more for spring lettuce and summer melons in grocery stores across the country now that California farmers have started abandoning their fields in response to a crippling drought. California's sweeping Central Valley grows most of the country's fruits and vegetables in normal years, but this winter thousands of acres are turning to dust as the state hurtles into the worst drought in nearly two decades.”

Are famines and droughts really going to affect us as Jesus said?  Can we expect riots and civil violence because of the lack of food as we are warned in Matthew 24:7? The answers to these questions can be seen just about every night on the news.  Here is one example of what I am speaking about. “The World Food Program warns Kenya is facing a catastrophic decline of food and the agency will have to more than double the number of people it feeds there to over four million. WFP says drought and erratic rains following three successively poor harvest seasons have resulted in widespread crop failure. Weather clearly has played a major role in creating this disastrous situation. But, the World Food Program says the violence that followed the 2007 Presidential election worsened Kenya's food crisis by displacing thousands of people from the Rift Valley, the country's food basket.”

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!

How is Christ working?-Decline of America-Civil unrest spreads in EU-Ungodly men-Jan. 23, 2009


 How is Christ working?  While praying yesterday I asked the Lord if I could see some of the fruits of my labor for Him before I entered into His kingdom.  What I received from Him was, ask them if your writing for me has changed their lives?  What was placed on my heart was to begin a log of how Jesus has spoken to anyone reading my book or posts, and has lead to them coming back to Christ, receiving Christ as the Lord, or waking up the Christians who were luke warm in Christ.  If Jesus has touched you in this way could you please write me and let me know.  I am going to post your answers on my site.  If you don’t want your name to be mentioned please let me know. 

Prophecy Sign: In yesterday’s post I gave you information showing how America is declining. If you pick up any newspaper or watch any news you can see this information about America’s decline. What you may not know if you are new to prophecy is how it relates to the end times?  In short, the prophet Daniel showed us it would not be the USA who would rule the world under the Antichrist but the reborn Roman Empire, which has been fulfilled by the European Union.  In order to complete this prophecy a shift in superpowers has to take place and this current global economic crisis, which started in the U.S., is that vehicle.  I have been giving warnings and signs to watch so you will understand America’s economy is going to keep declining, it has to be this way in order to bring out the Antichrist.  He will rise from within the European Union and be the man who seems to come up with the answers to the coming global economic crisis. 

In today’s news we see more stress on the economy. I quote, “ WASHINGTON (AP) — In a discouraging report for the American economy, General Electric Co. posted a 46 percent drop in quarterly earnings on Friday and warned of a "tough environment" in 2009 as it struggles with its ailing finance business.

Also, two days ago I wrote the following: Jesus warned us that “kingdom would rise against kingdom” and this global economic crisis is causing this very thing to take place.”   EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Civil unrest is spreading in eastern Europe as the economic crisis hits the region harder than western states, with anti-government riots kicking off in Lithuania and Bulgaria in recent days and with Estonia and Hungary at risk”.

I wrote that piece because Christ told us to watch for this to take place. He warned in the last day’s civil unrest would spread though out the world.  We are just now beginning to see this last days sign take place but it is going to intensify.   “Today we saw more disturbing news out of Europe. I quote, “EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – EU member states are "intensively" monitoring the risk of spreading civil unrest in Europe, as riots over the economic crisis erupt in Iceland following street clashes in Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Greece.  The worst street disturbances for 50 years struck Reykjavik on Thursday (22 January), as police streamed a hardcore of a few hundred anti-government protesters in the early morning with pepper spray and then tear gas after an earlier crowd of around 2,000 gathered outside the Althingi, the country's parliament, to demand the government resign.

Prophecy Sign: 2 Timothy 3: Just about every week we are watching crimes against people that show just how Godless they are.  Before I get to my next report, you should read what Jesus has to say about these end times we are living in.  “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”  “Two Roman Catholic priests have been accused of stealing $800,000 (£577,000)from the collection plate of their church in the US state of Florida. They allegedly planned to spend the money on property, holidays and gambling.”

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!

Big earthquakes again-Diseases on the move-America’s Decline-A Message for Pastors who are not informing their flock concerning these last day signs-Violence-Drugs-Coldness of Hearts-Jan. 22, 2009


One of the other signs, which will take place while all the other signs are present, will be a earthquakes. This sign is also recorded for us in Matthew 24:7.  I try to give you the facts on this everyday, as I know we are going to see some big quakes hit in many places around the world.  It isn’t if they will come just a matter of when and how many.  Between yesterday and today so far, there have already been 7 big earthquakes.  Three of the earthquakes have hit at least 6.0 and higher. The other quakes hit at least 5.0 and higher.  Drop this sign in the basket with the other signs Jesus told us to watch for and your puzzle begins to take shape.  When you have the last piece of this puzzle you will have noticed you are looking into the eyes of Christ himself.  I just pray when that day comes for you, He will say well-done good and faithful servant!

Prophecy Sign:  In the same way, when you see all these things, you will know that the Son of Man is near, right at the door” Matthew 24:33. I can’t list every prophecy and every sign here because people just want to spend that much time reading someone’s post. However, I can show you bits of news proving all these signs are already upon us and getting worse.  Let’s add the sign of diseases in the last days as recorded in Matthew 24:7.  Today’s news tells us, “The main impact of Zimbabwe's cholera epidemic has shifted from urban areas to rural areas, making its containment much harder, a medical charity says. The UN says at least 2,755 people have now died – a 20% rise in a week.”  If you have been reading my posting and saving them you no doubt have a long list of diseases now affecting nations around this globe.  This one sign is part of the big picture and is more proof that your time here on earth is coming to a close.  

Today the cholera moved to the rural areas in Zimbabwe. What will be in the news next.  By the way, make sure you check out what kind of peanut butter you are eating because in the news yesterday we read, “Several products have been recalled in a salmonella-and-peanuts investigation that keeps getting bigger. The list ranges from goodies like cookies and ice cream to energy bars. Even food for pooches may not be entirely safe, with a national company recalling some of its dog treats.  After roasting, peanuts can be contaminated if they somehow come into contact with tainted water, or if birds or rodents get into the plant. They can also be cross-contaminated by equipment that is used to handle raw ingredients. Raw peanuts can harbor salmonella, just like other agricultural products.”  For complete details concerning the sign of disease turn to chapter 5 of my book.  Watch the video by clicking to link below.,0,1374390.storygallery

Prophecy Sign: 2 Timothy 3: Just about every week we are watching crimes against people that show just how Godless they are.  Before I get to my next report, you should read what Jesus has to say about these end times we are living in.  “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”


In most of my speaking engagements I point out some the most recent acts of hearts turning cold because of the increase in violence.  Many of you have seen the news where a women died while sitting in a hospital waiting room. She fell on the floor in the waiting room and during the course of over an hour people walked by her as if she wasn’t even there.  Two hospital guards looked at her, people waiting in the same room and yes, even a doctor looked at her and walked away.

Many of you should the 85-year-old women being chocked in an elevator by a young adult; he even took the old woman’s cain.  Many of you were out ragged when you saw a car hit a man in his late 70’s and left him to die.  That wasn’t bad enough but not one person on that street did anyone to help the man lying in the road.  I watched the video and was shocked to see how many people walked by him, as if he to wasn’t even there.  Jesus was right, this society has become the people with COLD HEARTS.  Your Jails are full of people who have committed brutal acts of violence.  

Today I read another report were young adults committed crimes against helpless residents in a nursing home. I quote, “Allegations that two young assistants groped, spanked and spat on several nursing home residents suffering from dementia have shaken members of this southern Minnesota community, including the lead prosecutor in the case. Brianna Marie Broitzman and Ashton Michelle Larson, both 19, appeared in court Wednesday to face multiple charges over the alleged abuse at Good Samaritan Society. The young women did not enter pleas, and both were released on bail.”  If you can’t see how bad things are getting, you may be one of those people with a COLD HEART.  All these things are happening because we are in the final days prior to Christ’s second coming!

Headlines out of Alaska gave us another look at abuse.  This time the abuse had to do with Jesuit Priests.  The title to the headline read: “Lawsuit: Alaska Villages ‘Dumping Ground’for Abusive Priests‘.  Here is a quote from this report.  “Kenney and Abouchuk are among a group of 43 Alaska Natives who claim in a lawsuit that the Jesuit order used remote Alaskan villages as a "dumping ground" for priests who sexually abused children, and accuse the president of Seattle University, who led the Jesuit order in the region from 1990 to 1996, of covering up some of the alleged abuse Lawyers for the plaintiffs say the latest claims are part of a larger pattern of alleged abuse over nearly 60 years by Jesuit priests in Alaska, involving at least 315 known victims, nearly all of them Native Alaskans, and nearly 30 abusers.”  Just a few short years ago the Catholic Church had to pay out millions to families that priests had abused.  Now it is more of the same. Does it surprise you that people who claim to know God are involved in such acts?  Did you not read the warning Jesus gave us when He said the following: “having a form of godliness but denying its power?  There are men all over this world who are ripening people off and abusing people while calling themselves men of God at the same time.  Do you not know Jesus has seen what you are doing?  Do you not know our Lord said there is nothing that isn’t going to be revealed at the judgment seat of Christ?  These people are all ready carrying the spirit of the Antichrist!  Are you one of them?  May my Lord help you turn from these ways if you are?  I promise you this, if you are one of these people, this type of spirit is going to carry you to the feet of the Antichrist instead of the King of Kings, Christ Jesus.

America's decline continues: WASHINGTON – The number of new unemployment claims jumped more than expected last week, as companies continue to cut jobs at a furious pace and more Americans turn to an extended benefits program. The Labor Department reported Thursday that initial jobless benefit claims rose to a seasonally adjusted 589,000 in the week ending Jan. 17, from an upwardly revised figure of 527,000 the previous week. The latest tally was well above Wall Street economists' expectations of 540,000 new claims. The total matches a 26-year high reached four weeks ago. The last time claims were higher was in November 1982, when the economy was emerging from a steep recession, though the work force has grown by about half since then.;_ylt=AqB4ADrUFWYAErekRul70TxH2ocA

When Jesus warned us that violence would become a major sign of the last days He wasn’t kidding.  “Each year, over 1.6 million people worldwide lose their lives to violence. Violence is among the leading causes of death for people aged 15-44 years worldwide, accounting for 14% of deaths among males and 7% of deaths among females. For every person who dies as a result of violence, many more are injured and suffer from a range of physical, sexual, reproductive and mental health problems. Moreover, violence places a massive burden on national economies, costing countries billions of US dollars each year in health care, law enforcement and lost productivity. WHO works with partners to prevent violence through scientifically credible strategies that are conceived and implemented in relation to causes at the levels of the individual, family, community and society.”

The down fall of America continues.  In yesterday’s post I again warned to watch the news because, you would hear more news about huge numbers of people losing their jobs.  Well, my warning didn’t take long.  Today we found out more companies have layed off thousands of their workers.  I quote, “Starbucks. Circuit City. American Airlines. The list goes on and on. Every day it seems another massive layoff is announced at some of the country's best-known companies. Those job losses, in addition to thousands of mom-and-pop businesses, made 2008 one of the worst years for employment in our country's history. The latest bad news came today from Microsoft: it will slash 5,000 jobs over the next 18 months. It seems that even the once-mighty tech sector isn't immune from this recession.”  If you read my book I give you facts on what is going to take place in America soon.  One of the things I stressed is how many people are going to lose their jobs and this would lead down the path to a new Depression.  If you click to the report link below, watch the video, you will see what the experts say is coming.  I hope you believe what I am saying because it comes from the Words of God in prophecy.  We understand from prophecy that the Old Roman Empire would again rise in these last days which it has already in the form of the European Union.  Knowing this, we can see that America has to decline in order to lift the new Roman Empire, (EU) to the number one postion on the world stage.  The global economic crisis won’t just bring down Amerian status but it will lift the Antichrist to power for Revelation 13:16-17 shows us the Antichrist will control what you can buy or sell.  This is no joke, and Christianity is no joke, it is all real and every Word Jesus warned is happening right now.  What is going to happen?  More lay offs are coming, so get ready for it now.

In yesterdays post I also explained that this crisis in the U.S. is coming to a place where you live.  I explained that what happens in America will affect most of the nations around the world.  My warning concerning this was also fulfilled today. I quote, “Intel Corp said on Wednesday it would close manufacturing plants in Malaysia and the Philippines, as well as its only remaining factory in Silicon Valley, cutting as many as 6,000 jobs. The announcement comes a day after the world's largest maker of microprocessors used in personal computers slashed prices on a number of its chips and a week after it reported a decline in fourth-quarter revenue.”  Jesus has set me before you to open your eyes to His warnings and to prepare anyone who would hear what I am saying to receive Him as their Savior.  If you are reading this post and you don’t know what is going on, ask yourself why haven’t you been  informed about all this before?  If you attend a church and you still haven’t heard about all these signs you better ask your pastor why he isn’t keeping his flock on the Watch?  I was recently asked to go to a nation  out side the U.S. to teach the church pastors how to witness to their people using Bible prophecy.  I praise God that these shepards have come to realize how important these signs are and have made plans to inform their people the best they can.  There are Christians all across America who are sitting in churches who don’t have a clue as to what is going on in relation to Bible prophecy and current events.  Millions upon millions of Chrisitans who go to church but never read their bilbes will be unprepared for what is about to take place.  Are you one of those people?  Worse yet, are you one of those pastors who won’t teach what Jesus asked you to teach about these end times because it may scare your flock?  Do you not know your commission which is from Christ Jesus, is to teach the full council of His Word with includes prophecy? Am I concerned that you may be upset with me for pointing this out?  It is what Christ has me speak to you.  We are moving into times such as this world has never seen and do you not think when we arrive there your church members won’t ask you why didn’t you tell them what was coming?

Prophecy Sign: In the book of Revelation Jesus gives us a picture of what the tribulation is going to be like.  Revelation 9:21 states, in reference to murder, “Nor did they repent of their murders”.  This tells us that during the tribulation murders will climb and the people will be heartless to their acts.  Don’t forget, by the time Planet Earth reaches the tribulation the labor pains Jesus told us to watch for in Mark 13:8 will have reached their strongest pains.  Jesus had Timothy warn us that, “Men will become brutal” during the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-5), and finally Jesus said, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matthew 24:12).  Now let me add the following: The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”.  It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”.  It has become common knowledge this generation is known as the drug generation.   

If you watch any news you can see how heartless people are becoming.  In reference to DRUGS, MURDER, PEOPLE BECOMING BRUTAL, AND HEARTS TURNING COLD take a look at what has happened to Mexico.  Everyone of the warning signs I listed above is increasing in Mexico.  Fact is not even the Marines are safe their. I quote,  “Citing a wave of violence and murder in Mexico, the commanding officer of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force based at Camp Pendleton has made the popular military "R&R" destinations of Tijuana and nearby beaches effectively off-limits for his Marines.”  “These days, sidewalk restaurants along Tijuana's main tourist street, Avenida Revolucion, often are empty. Tourists are buffeted by barkers and merchants desperate for U.S. dollars. Visitors may be approached with offers of drugs or prostitution as well.  Tijuana, like Ciudad Juarez across the border from El Paso, has been hit particularly hard by the drug violence that has spread across Mexico. Tijuana saw its bloodiest year ever in 2008 with 843 killings, compared with 337 the previous year. The violence in Tijuana grew toward the end of last year and continued this year with numerous execution-style slayings. Many of the bodies were found decapitated. The State Department has issued a travel alert for Americans going to Mexico.”  Take a good look at Mexico because you are seeing a preview of what the entire world is going to look like during the tribulation period.  It is not a coincidence that Jesus pointed out our generation would become known as the DRUG GENERATION.  This is the generation who has been chosen to witness the return of Christ.  What I find interesting is that things have gotten so out of control in Mexico that between the drug violence and kidnapping many Mexican Officials have taken the VeriChip implant for protection.

If you are new to prophecy let me make this clear, Jesus in Revelation told us at the time of the end a man would come and force everyone to take his mark which by the way, Jesus says, this man will put the mark in your right hand or in your forehead, see Rev. 13:16-17.   I go into detail about this in chapter 1 of my book, which you can download here for free.  Don’t be surprised to read how all these things are connected.  How can it be that Jesus knew about this type of technology almost 2000 years before it came out?  How did he know it would be introduced during this generation, which would be known for their drug use and violence?  

First of all, because He is God and is timeless, therefore He sees the past, the present, and future. Second, our Lord wanted to demonstrate to everyone that He was and is God by telling you all these things even before they happened.  Let me quote His Words.  “Therefore I told you these things long ago; before they happened I announced them to you so that you could not say, 'My idols did them; my wooden image and metal god ordained them.'  You have heard these things; look at them all.  Will you not admit them? "From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you” Isaiah 48: 5-6.  If you click to the link below you can view a video of a Mexican Official receiving the VeriChip implant.  They tell you why they are doing this and mention the problem with a surge in kidnapping.

I am not showing you all this to scare anyone but to help them believe in the Words of God and, to help prepare you all for His return.  There is nothing to fear if you have received Christ as your Savior and are abiding in His Love for us.  However, I would be a liar if I didn’t tell you, you have a lot to fear if you choose to turn away from His warnings.  The signs I am showing you are signs Jesus told us to watch for, I didn’t make up these signs.  If you refuse to accept the things God has shown you, you will end up facing the Antichrist instead of a loving God.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!