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For those of you who may be new to this site, we have been telling you for months that Jerusalem will be divided. The proof is in this scripture. And we know by reading Ezekiel 38 that a large army led by Russia (Gog) is going to bring Muslim armies from many nations down to Israel to try and take the land away from them and capture Jerusalem. We also are told this massive army will be destroyed by God in the mountains even before they make it to God’s Holy City Jerusalem. Ezekiel also shows us Israel will be burning all the weapons this massive army used against them for 7 years.
So you can just imagine how large this international army will be. Everyday in the news we are seeing evidence that this prophecy is about to be fulfilled. A new Israeli government was just put in place and the new leaders aren't planning on giving the Palestinians what they want – which is half of Jerusalem. The Arabs want half of Jerusalem as their capital. If Israel doesn't give it to them willingly – which they won't – then an attempt will be made to take it by force. God's word tells us that in the last days that Israel will be isolated. You can read this in Zech. 12:2-3. The whole world will be against them. This is happening right now. Tremendous pressure is being put on the Jews to split Israel in half. And we are beginning to see threats coming against Israel by the international community – including the United States and the EU, which at once time both these nation have always been real strong allies of Israel, but things are changing. God said that anybody who troubles themselves with Israel will be "cut in pieces". Expect judgment soon.
When the Ezekiel battle starts there will be a large earthquake and it says that the whole world will be affected by it. Every living being will know that it is God's wrath being poured out in response to this attempt to take His property and kill His people, the Jews. If you look back at yesterday’s post you will see that I mentioned that the new Foreign Minister of Israel wouldn’t go along with giving land for peace. Well here it is, the very next day after I wrote that look what surfaced in the news today. I quote, “JERUSALEM – Israel's new hard-line foreign minister delivered a scathing critique of Mideast peace efforts Wednesday, rejecting the past year of U.S.-led negotiations and telling a room crowded with cringing diplomats that concessions to the Palestinians only invite war. Avigdor Lieberman's first speech since taking office, along with accusations by the moderate Palestinian president that the new Israeli government opposes peace, signaled tough times ahead for the Obama administration's regional diplomacy. "Whoever thinks that concessions … will achieve something is wrong. He will bring pressures and more wars," Lieberman said. "What we have to explain to the world is that the list of priorities must change." The appointment of Lieberman, head of the ultranationalist Yisrael Beitenu, has raised international concerns because of his hard-line positions on peace and an election campaign that was widely seen as racist.
This wasn't just a lucky guess. When you read the scriptures and believe what they say then all you have to do is put two and two together to figure out how these things are going to play out. Sometimes they play out exactly as I think they will and other times there are differences but, what never changes is the outcome. Notice that this article is by the Associated Press and it came out Wednesday April 1 at 1:28pm. How can I tell you what news to expect and in a few days you see it actually happen” Am I a prophet? Only in the sense that I am repeating God’s Word and His warnings. I am not adding anything new, just telling you what God said would happen. The advantage that Christians have is we believe the Bible because it gives the future in advantage for us and it always come true. As was stated yesterday in that same post; it was also mentioned that Lieberman is the person who God has appointed to be the FM when all of these terrible things take place. Tzipi Livni wanted to give up everything to gain peace. If she had accepted Netanyahu's offer before Lieberman then she would have been the FM instead of him and we wouldn't be seeing this struggle that is now beginning to take place. This is all being directed by God to fulfill these prophecies. And today's news is proof of it. There are quite a few articles you can read about all this. The end time news events are going to be centered mostly on Israel because God's plan is to bring Israel to the forefront of everything else. This is why we see so much news about it now. Ezekiel tells us that after Gog, the Russia lead invasion is destroyed then God will be magnified and His people will no longer doubt Him and they will give up their idol worship. Even today, the Jews put a lot of focus on the Zodiac. This will all change after this war takes place. And the whole world will see God's power. But even then, many will still rebel against God. It's hard to imagine. After this short invasion is over then the Antichrist will bring peace between the Jews and Palestinians and the 7 year peace covenant will be signed. Here is a comment Netanyahu made before the elections that were just held. And he is already proving this to be his stand even now. I quote, “Prime Ministerial candidate Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said only a government led by his Likud party could ensure that the Golan Heights will remain in Israeli hands and that Jerusalem will not be divided.”
Since this article came out, the European Union threatened Israel twice and said if they don't agree to a two-state solution then it would change their relationship. This is what Tony Blair had to say about the peace talks and splitting Israel up in sections. I quote, “The two-state solution is the only viable option, said Quartet envoy Tony Blair in Brussels on Wednesday, a day after Benjamin Netanyahu's new government of was sworn in. "There is no alternative to a two-state solution, except the one-state solution. And if there is a one-state solution, there's going to be a big fight," Blair said after a meeting with European Union officials in Brussels.” Any true believer of Christ know what this means. It is a warning to any nations that actually goes through with this plan to divide Israel should expect judgment to come to the nations who forced the split. : –
As you begin to read these articles you can see that Israel has already lost half of Jerusalem and a lot of their land – unofficially. The only thing missing is the peace covenant, which will be handled by the Antichrist – whoever he is. The United States and the international community and the United Nations are saying that Israel is breaking the law by being on their own land! Notice if you will the dates on all of these articles. The news is just flooded with reports out of Israel now. Coincidence? No!;_ylt=AsAukYu5FiB6v32gk96P4_10bBAF
Prophesy Sign: Zech 12:2,3 "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut to pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it." This includes the United States as I said in my previous posts. The word (All) means All. While George W Bush was still in office, Israel still had our full support in dealing with Iran. Now we see proof in the news that what Zechariah had prophesied is coming true. The Unites States is about to do things we thought they would never do, soon America is going to abandon Israel’s side concerning the peace talks, they will demand Israel divide the Land to bring peace. All we have to do is just sit back with our eyes open and watch God's plan unfold right before our eyes and this is what is happening. God's plan as He outlined to us in scripture is taking place!
Let me give you an example of the U.S. parting ways with Israel. I quote, “( Israel and the United States are heading towards a parting of the ways on how to deal with the threat of Iranian nuclear capability, according to an article published Tuesday in the Middle East Times. Unlike his predecessor, U.S. President Barack Obama is unlikely to approve, let alone cooperate, with the targeted assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists carried out by Israel's international Mossad intelligence agency, wrote journalist Richard Sale. Similarly, Israel will likely now be forced to go it alone on its long-standing system of sabotage operations to stymie Iran's effort to purchase nuclear technology in the international arena.” Up until a few years ago you would have never heard a President of the United States back away from Israel. It has been a long-standing policy of the U.S. to remain Israel’s strongest ally no matter what. As you can see this is not the case any longer and the reason for it is we are moving rapidly toward the begging of the tribulation. If you don’t know prophecy you won’t understand these are major signs for the Christians which shows them the Church doesn’t have long before Jesus removes them.
SPECIAL PROPHECY SIGN: Isaiah 17:1 – "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap." This is a VERY IMPORTANT piece of news out of Jerusalem today as reported by the Jerusalem Post: "Through war or peace we'll free Golan." Syrian President Bashar Assad made this statement and I can tell you this right now, it is a direct connection to Isaiah 17:1 These remarks are the footsteps to fulfilling God’s warnings and you had better be on the watch for this to take place very soon. What is the capital of Syria? Damascus! Isaiah 17 says that the destruction of Damascus will precede the invasion of Israel. This could very well be what ignites the Ezekiel war. It is after the destruction of Damascus that Russia, (Gog) will lead this invasion. Why does Russia care about Damascus? Because they are one of their most powerful allies that Syria has. In my previous post I show you Russia has established a naval presence in Syria by constructing areas to base their warships. Russia is arming Syria and the other members of this invasion force and they are also giving Migs away free and also selling them to these forces. Do you see how these prophecies are coming together? The dots between prophecy and current events are being connected for you. Please see the big picture! This is not fairy tale stuff and it should be taken serious because your salvation is at stake here. Let me give you a quote from a report out today that shows you Syria is beefing up their military to engage Israel soon. When you read the quote focus on who is giving Syria these Migs and let this news sink in. Russia is the main player in the invasion against Israel and it is no coincidence they are supplying all the allies listed in Ezekiel will billions in military hardware. Damascus will take receipt of advanced MiG 31E fighter jets in the near future, the outgoing head of the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency Lt.-Gen. Michael D. Maples told the Senate earlier this month. Reports of the sale surfaced in 2007 but were quickly denied by Moscow and the official state arms-trading monopoly Rosoboronexport, which issued a statement saying "Russia has no plans to deliver fighter jets to Syria." In his testimony "annual threat assessment" to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Maples provided the first official confirmation that the advanced fighter jets will be delivered to Damascus soon.
Many have thought Israel would attack Iran and that would probably be what starts the Ezekiel war. It's beginning to look like this may not be the case. This changes the whole perspective of things. And on top of this threat out of Damascus, we also read that it is now believed that Israel won't attack Iran this year. Nobody knows for sure but with these new developments it makes sense. Ezekiel says that Persia, which is modern day Iran, would be among the nations involved in the invasion of Israel. If Iran were destroyed by a nuclear attack by Israel ahead of time then they probably wouldn't be able to participate in the war spoken of in Ezekiel. And if and when Israel attacks Iran one would think it would have to be nuclear. That would be the only way to put them permanently out of operation. Pay special attention to any more news out of Damascus. It is only a matter of time before this conflict explodes.
Prophecy Sign: Rev 11:1,2 – "Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod, and the angel stood, saying, 'Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months." As you have read time and time again, the Antichrist will eventually get this 7 year Peace Covenant signed between Israel and the Palestinians. And remember, the Antichrist will have everybody thinking that he is the Messiah. He will allow the Jews to finally rebuild their third Temple and he will eventually sit in this Jewish Temple as if he were God. Just lately we saw developments out of Israel that point to the fact this new Jewish Temple will be built so. I quote, “( The Jerusalem Magistrate's court ruled Friday that the Jewish Temple movement may, under state law, slaughter a sheep on Sunday as a “general rehearsal” for the renewal of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice. The judge even called the effort "proper," but organizers have been summoned to appear at 1 PM in the District Court after an animal rights groups filed another last-minute suit. The slaughter is planned as part of a conference dedicated to studying and restoring the Jewish observance of the Korban Pesach, as it was called since it was first observed in Egypt. At the time of the Exodus, Jews slaughtered a sheep per family group, despite its status as a deity to the Egyptian oppressors. The blood was then applied to the doorposts of the Jewish homes. If you have been coming to my post you know the appeal didn’t fly and the Jews were given the green light to begin their “general rehearsals” The only thing left is to build the Temple.
Prophesy Sign: Rev 13:16,17: "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or in their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." It doesn't matter who it is – everybody on the planet will have to take this mark and if they don't then they will literally lose their heads. Beheading will be the punishment for not worshipping the Antichrist. In order for this to take place however, then all the nations of the world will need to surrender their sovereignty and form the New World Order. Along with the NWO, a One World Banking system will be established at the same time. Before this can happen, however, the United States – which has always been the Superpower of the world, both financially and militarily – must be brought to a position of lesser power. Our financial system MUST collapse. When the United States collapses then the ripple effect will be felt around the world. When the dollar crashes then so do the world economies. This is happening right now. It's in the news everyday! God's word is true. Prophetic events are happening at full-speed. There is so much prophetic activity in these last days that it's hard to keep up with it Jesus told us that when the time of the end is near then the signs would increase and increase and He compared them to a woman about to give birth. So even though things seem to be happening at a fast pace even now, they will continue to increase with even more intensity just as in child birth until Jesus returns for His bride (all saved believers in Jesus Christ) and the Antichrist is revealed. This One World Financial (OWF) system spoken of in Revelation is being discussed this week at the G20 summit being held in France all this week along with the NWO. All we need to do now is wait to see when they decide to implement it. This is something that the Antichrist may introduce himself. As close as we are to this New World Order and the 7 year Peace Covenant, then it only makes sense that whoever the Antichrist is, that he is ready to but the only thing holding him back is the Restrainer – the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit is taken then every Christian on the face of the earth will be taken with Him because Jesus told us He would never leave us or forsake us. The "antichrist system" is about to be our new system of finance and here are the signs of it. And how about that. This article also came out yesterday, April 1!
All we can do is warn you. It is your decision whether you want to believe it or not. The most miserable people in the Tribulation period won't be the unbelievers who never believed any of the warnings to begin with, all the believers will be gone and with Jesus at this time. It will be those who heard the warnings – just as they are being presented here and now – but still chose to not act on them. Stop and think about it for a second. Heaven/paradise and our own mansions in the heavenlies or tribulation and eternal damnation in the lake of fire. Hmmm…. let me think for a moment. I have chosen the first option. It would be foolish not to make that choice. More than likely there will be some of us reading this today that are putting off taking action to determine where they are going to spend eternity. Procrastination is of the devil. He wants your souls. And yet more evidence that the satanic world system is not far away. You are witnessing the news on your TV’s this week that prove the system the Antichrist is going to control all people by is being formed all over the world right now. Last week I gave you five world leaders demanding a new one world order with a new one world currency. Today I present to you the Words of Jesus Christ in Rev. chapter 13, only this time you will see the news live and in our face. I quote today’s news. “A UNITED Nations panel of economists has proposed a new global currency reserve that would take over the US dollar-based system used for decades by international banks. The proposal follows the controversial call by China's central bank governor, Zhou Xiaochuan, to create a new world currency reserve to replace the greenback as part of an overhaul of global finance.” I again beg you to see these events as a divine call to wake up and get ready to meet Jesus Christ. I beg you to consider the Love Jesus has for you. If He didn’t care what happened to you He wouldn’t have given us all these details about the future and tell us to watch for them. they aren't even trying to hide it anymore!,27753,25255091-462,00.html
Please pay special attention to this next video. Those of us who have been reporting these future events for the last 20 and 30 years have always been labeled as "conspiracy theorists". The reason for this is because ALL mainstream media is controlled by the power elites – the same ones who have been crafting this New World Order for all the decades – and these illuminati-controlled media outlets are only allowed to report what these elites "allow" to be reported. They work in the shadows. We have been calling these elites "the Shadow Government" for years. Naturally, since the New World Order and One World Currency are about to become a reality, then it is impossible to hide it any longer. And then all of a sudden we are no longer "conspiracy theorists" but rather the givers of truth. When you get to the site after hitting the link scroll down a little and you will see the video.
Some of the news that is reported in this site may seem a bit far-fetched to some of you. The reason is because most people only choose to believe what they read in the papers or see in the news reports. Anything outside of these media outlets are labeled as "conspiracy theories". If it isn't in the mainstream media outlets then it must not be true. This is how a majority of the population thinks. Actually, the opposite is true. If it's in the mainstream media then it probably isn't true – or else they are hiding the truth. If you want to keep up with what is really happening in the world then keep checking back here everyday. If you come here each day you will see beyond a shadow of a doubt that every Word, every Warning Jesus has laid out for us is in fact taking place right now.
Prophesy Sign: Luke 21:11 – "And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." For a while now, you have been reading here about the many earthquakes that have been occuring in the world. Volcanoes can also be included in with this scripture. It is God who created the laws of nature and it is God who controls them. When we see earthquakes and volcanic activity happening then it is God sending us messages – or warnings. He is trying to get our attention and wake us up. The word "divers" means "various", by the way. And the world Volcano hadn't been added to the vocabulary yet. Earlier this month we heard of the earthquake swarms that were taking place not far from the southern tip if the San Andreas fault in southern California. There is still some activity going on there. God is issuing a warning. If you pull up a map of the San Andreas Fault, you sill notice that it runs north to south and you will also notice that it runs right through the center of San Francisco. Yes – the place where they now allow gay people to march naked through the streets performing illicit sex in front of everybody. This now takes place once a year. Pestilences will also increase in the last days. Another report just released says that;_ylt=AjEaeUZZ24wv5D0F6D4xFT0Bxg8F
PROPHECY WATCH: "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh." The signs are all here that Jesus told us to watch for in Matthew 24. I don't know what else we can say or do to convince some of you that today is the day of salvation. There is no guarantee that you will be here tomorrow. There is no guarantee that WE will be here tomorrow. Jesus may come today for His bride – the Church. If these terrible events that I've talked about in today's news events aren't enough to help some of you to decide for Jesus, then I don't know what will help you to see. But here's the thing. During the Tribulation period things will be a thousand times worse than this. Please take the time to watch this excellent video presentation on the Rapture.
If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.
"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. |
You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.
Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009
links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.
My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!