Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 shows us in the last days there will be a superpower shift. The prophet Daniel was told the last world empire would be the Reborn Roman Empire. Those who have studied prophecy know that the European Union has fulfilled the prophecy about the Roman Empire being revived again. A superpower shift is taking place right now and the global economic crisis is helping push this shift. I have given you ample evidence in the past two months to prove the U.S. in declining as a superpower. Russia is another superpower that is going to decline as well and we are already seeing her decline. The news today stated, “Among emerging markets, Russia has been one of the hardest hit by the global financial crisis and plunging oil prices, the mainstay of the Russian economy. These factors have put the national currency under intense strain and triggered massive stock market losses and capital outflows from the country. Russia, which grew at over 8 percent last year, is facing a severe slowdown in growth, and possibly even recession next year, analysts say. Torrid figures released earlier this week showed that industrial output had plunged 10.8 percent in November from the previous month, signaling a dramatic slowdown in the final quarter.” In order for the European Union to take the lead as a world power something must have taken place to raise her to the top. It has to happen because God has declared it to the Prophet Daniel. Let’s not kid ourselves, the EU has problems as well but we know who will come out on top at the end of the day because God had already shown us the big picture in advance. If you are new to my site, please check out the
Why am I giving you these facts about Russia? Because Russia is going to play a major rule in end time prophecy. We are told by the prophet Ezekiel in Ezekeil 38-39 that Russia is going to attack Israel in the last days. It is a fact that during a nations time of distress wars break out. We know Russia is on the verge of a economic collapse and we know they are going to attack Israel. This is a given. Just last month we heard from Vice President Elect Joe Biden that in the first 6 months of President Elect B. Obama’s office, he will face a major crisis. Do you remember what happened to John Kennedy. Russia moved into Cuba and out of that came the Cuban Crisis which almost brought us to world war 3. I think it would be a good idea for you to listen to what happened as soon as Joe Biden warned the U.S. that Obama would face a crisis within 6 months. The video is entitle, “Russia Threatens US hours after Obama chosen President Elect”
Now that you have watched the video let me show you what Russia has done since Biden issued that warning. I quote, “A group of Russian warships will from December 19-23 visit the Communist island of Cuba, a long-time adversary of the United States and Moscow's ally in the Cold War, the Russian navy said on Monday. "This will be the first visit to Cuba by Russian warships since the Soviet era," the Russian naval headquarters said in a statement. The destroyer Admiral Chabanenko and two other ships will visit Havana in what the navy described as a "significant practical step towards strengthening and developing ties between the two states' navies."
Is this going to be the crisis Biden referred to? It is possible. One of the signs of the last days happens to be “war and rumors of war” as listed in the 24th chapter of Matthew. Is it possible that a war between the U.S. and Russia will bring down both nations? It is possible. However, knowing what Ezekiel shows us about Russia, it is more likely that once Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear power plant Russia will take Iran and the rest of the nations listed to attack Israel and invade Israel. This to may end up being the crisis that Biden spoke about. Now lets add one more factor into the equation. The Apostle Paul in 2nd Thessalonians warned us that when they (Israel) were calling for peace and safety sudden destruction would come upon them. Right now the PLO is coming to it the end of the peace talks. Both the Syrian’s and the PLO have warned if they don’t get a peace deal signed and get their land back they lost in previous wars they would use other methods to get back what they lost. We know what those other methods will be because they are spelled out in Isaiah 17: 1 and Ezekiel 38-39. In case you don’t know what these prophecies say let me tell you. Syria will be destroyed and left in a ruinous heap. Russia along with all their allies who attack Israel will also be wiped out. We are told in Ezekiel 39:2 that only 1/6 of the invading armies will be left to live at the end of this short battle. Ezekiel tells us, God will fight for Israel. By the way this is all suppose to take place when Jerusalem is a burdensome stone. Anyone who has followed the peace talks knows the issue of who owns Jerusalem has been a major obstruction in all the peace talks. As you can see everything we were to told watch for is already here.
Now take a look at what the news had to say about Israel attacking Iran. “Israeli officials have been repeatedly warning that Israel may end up attacking Iran, yet former National Security Council Chairman Giora Eiland says such strike would not eliminate Tehran's nuclear program.” “The former general emphasized that the primary risk in undertaking a military operation against Iran is its potential failure. "If you undertake a failed military operation, you pay three-fold: firstly, you didn't succeed in hitting what you wanted, secondly, you've hurt your deterrence capabilities, and thirdly, you're perceived as the aggressor," he said. "Iran is not Iraq of 1981 and not even Syria of 2007. It is likely that an attack on Iran would garner a widespread response not merely by Iran, but also other nations in the region," he said. An additional danger, added Eiland, is that Iran would attack not only Israeli targets but also American targets in the region.” I must admit, this is the scenario I have been warning you to look for. All I know for sure is, we are very close to seeing this prophecy coming to fulfillment.
While nations are wondering if Israel is going to attack Iran. Russia is sending billions in arms to Iran, and I know why. This next report explains it best. "Amos Gilad, the head of the Defense Ministry's Diplomatic-Security Bureau, on Friday urged Russia not to sell weapons to Iran that could be used to attack Israel. The Interfax news agency quoted Gilad as saying Israel expects Russia to respect his country's interests. "The deliveries of dangerous armaments to our enemies won't serve the interests of peace and, for instance, can help Iran wipe Israel off the face of earth," Gilad was quoted as saying. "So we expect Russia to demonstrate responsibility on the issue." Like I said, what is written is coming together in the current news.
Now let me get back to the decline of America. As you know the U.S. is in the midst of one of the worse economic crisis since the Great Depression. I have warned you the U.S. economy will get worse. The reason I say this is because what I see in Daniel’s prophecy about the Old Roman Empire is revived again. What better way to bring down a nation than to have its economy collapse? It is coming! Even the U.S. government know this to be true but they can’t just come out a tell you, it would cause panic. However the U.S. government is making plans for the day when it does collapse. I quote, “ Pentagon resources and U.S. troops may be used if needed to quell protests and bank runs during an economic crisis, the U.S. Army War College's Strategic Institute reported. "Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security," the War College study states. Incidents of economic collapse, terrorism and disruption of legal order could require deployment of forces within the U.S., it said. A "strategic shock" could require the nation to use "military force against hostile groups inside the United States." International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn has warned that advanced nations could face civil unrest during distressful economic times "[S]ocial unrest may happen in many countries – including advanced economies" if the economic crises are not properly dealt with, Strauss-Kahn said.“ Let me make it clear who the advanced economies are Kahn was talking about. It is the U.S., Russia, and yes the European Union. In order for the Antichrist to rise to power something has to take place to bring him out. I truly believe it will be two things that propel him to the center stage. This man will come to take over a global economic crisis and to make a covenant with Israel and many nations.
One of the questions I am asked a lot is, is the Antichrist alive and where is he? Yes the Antichrist is alive and he is in the European Union somewhere waiting for the right time for the people to push him to center stage. Just watch the Middle East peace talks. This man will show up there just as God warned Daniel. I pray anyone who is reading this today believes God’s warnings. If you haven’t taken Christ as your Savior I can tell you one thing for sure, you are not ready for what is coming upon us soon. It will be hard for Christians as well but we know Jesus will take us out of here and bring us home to escape the things to come. If you can, please watch the video from Worldnetdaily. This video shows what America is in for! It is a most see if you are going to prepare for what is coming.
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 tells us to watch for the roaring seas and waves. Luke also told us “great earthquakes shall be in various places” (Luke 21:11). This year we have seen some massive storms. I checked the NOAA site today and found that as of Dec. 19, 2008 we have had 576 more tornados than in 2007. We had 876 more than in 2006.
So far today Dec. 19, 2009 there have been 7 more big quakes measuring at least 5.0 to 5.9. Some months back I warned you to please watch the news because you are going to see more big quakes. Most people never check the stats on quakes but there is a lot of activity. In just 7 days there were 35 earthquakes hitting at least 5.0 and up. Jesus told us the end time events would take place as a woman with labor pains. We are in those labor pains right now. I would keep your eyes opened because we are headed for much bigger quakes than we have seen. The closer we get to Christ’s second coming, the stronger the quakes will get. Fact is, all the signs Jesus gave us will start to intensify.
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 also warns us to watch for wars and famines and diseases. Zimbabwe is now battling all of these signs. “Zimbabwe has collapsed and the world must act now to keep it from deteriorating into Somalia-scale chaos, the top US envoy for Africa said Thursday. US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer said questions about how much longer Zimbabwe can withstand hunger, disease and political stalemate before disintegrating ignore that "there is a complete collapse right now." If action is not taken soon, chaos could ensue and Zimbabwe's neighbors will be calling for peacekeepers, as some are now calling for in Somalia, Frazer said during an interview in South Africa. “ “The political impasse comes amid a mounting economic and humanitarian crisis that has pushed thousands of Zimbabweans to the point of starvation and left 1,111 dead of cholera since August. Is it possible that the conditions we are witnessing in Zimbabwe could some day hit the super power nations? According to the book of Revelation that is exactly what is going to happen. We are just now beginning to see it happen in the Russia and America. Once the economies fall everything else will follow it. Everything we are seeing now are just the beginning of the birth pains Jesus said would come.
If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.
"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
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