Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 & chapter 7. In the book of Daniel God outlined every major power to rule the world from the time Daniel was alive all the way until Jesus Christ came back. Daniel was told by God that the last world empire to rule at the time Jesus returned would be the new revived Roman Empire or as some have called it the (Modern Day Roman Empire). This revived Roman Empire is now standing in the form of the European Union or (EU). This Empire is growing in strength while the U.S. is declining. The U.S. has to lose power in order for the EU to take its number one ranking on the world scene. Most of you know that the current global financial crisis is causing this major shift in world powers.
Another major sign that the EU is about to get stronger comes from the fact that “Britain is considering joining the eurozone as a direct consequence of global financial turmoil, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said Sunday. "We are now closer than ever before. I'm not going to break the confidentiality of certain conversations, but some British politicians have already told me: 'If we had the euro, we would have been better off'," Barroso told a weekly French news programme, referring to the fall in the pound's value since markets and liquidity meltdown earlier this year.” One by one the nations in Europe are turning over their own currencies to join the EU’s euro. Ever since January of 2008 I have given you many signs, which show Daniel’s vision of the revived Roman Empire, has already come to pass in part.
One of the things that need to be fulfilled is a position for one man to rule all of Europe. If you read my previous posts you know that as soon as the Lisbon Treaty is signed by the last few nations in the EU, Europe will have their first full time President. This will be the first time Europe will have had one man leading this empire since the first Roman Empire was ruled by one man. This news is exciting for the Christians because it shows us our Lord Jesus Christ will be coming for His Church soon. The news about the revived Roman Empire getting a ruler is pretty scary to the unbeliever. If you are a unbeliever you may be asking why I said that? Jesus told us in Rev. chapter 13 and chapter 17 that the Antichrist would come from what we today call the modern day Roman Empire and, it would be this man who would force you to take his mark. Jesus showed us that the mark would be placed in the right hand or forehead and it would be the mark of the Antichrist. Anyone who takes this mark will end up in hell for eternity. If you keep your eyes on the EU and the U.S. you will see how the shift in superpowers is taking place. By the way, this report out of Great Britain also stated that Denmark will be voting on joining the euro as well.
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:9-10 War and rumors of war & nation against nation.
Isaiah 17:1 Damascus will be destroyed. We are witnessing developments in the Middle East that is not only fulfilling prophecies but is more than likely setting the stage to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy concerning Syria. Read the news about the current conflict that Israel is having in the Gaza with their enemies. I quote, ”Israel is nearing a wide-scale operation in the Gaza Strip, Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai said Saturday, several hours after eight Israel Defense Forces soldiers were injured in a mortar shell attack on the Nahal Oz base in southern Israel/.” You may be asking what does the Gaza have to do with Syria? Syria is backing Israel’s enemies in the Gaza and in Lebanon. Syria is sending arms via Lebanon into the Gaza and Israel knows where these arms are coming from. When a full blown attack takes place Syria will more than likely come to the aid of the Hamas who are launching rockets into Israel. At the end of the day we know from the Word of God that Syria will be wiped out. If you keep your eyes on this region you will see the steps, which will lead to Isaiah’s prophecy concerning Syria, be fulfilled.,7340,L-3630435,00.html
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 speaks to us about the sign of diseases, and earthquakes and Luke 21:25 warns us about the roaring seas and waves, (storms). In chapter 5 of my book I outline just about everything that is taking place on our planet when it comes to diseases. Here is the latest news concerning HIV and AIDS. “Cases of HIV/AIDS could hit 10 million in Asia by 2010 – more than doubling the current estimate – unless nations take stronger steps to control the disease, experts warn. Meanwhile, there could be 500,000 new cases each year as infection rates rise among men having sex with other men. Some 50 million women are being endangered by the high-risk behaviour of husbands and boyfriends, said Amala Reddy, of the Joint United Nations Programme on Aids.”
Here is more news concerning diseases only this time the news is coming from Zimbabwe. I quote, “The death toll in Zimbabwe’s cholera epidemic will soar, according to NGOs which, after upgrading their models, now expect 60000 infections by March. And, as Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe continues to refuse to declare a national emergency, at least one new study predicts that as many as 10000 could die.
So far, 412 deaths and 9908 infections have been officially recorded by the World Health Organisation, since cholera first appeared near Harare in August.
When you read my book you will have noticed all the documents reporting on past and present storms One of the things I pointed out in my book was to look at all the reports saying these storms are the worse in 50 years, 100 years or, more. Today we see another one of those kinds of reports. “Venice has been hit by the biggest flood in more than 20 years, with waters rising 1.56m (5ft) above normal. Many of Venice's streets, including the famous St Mark's Square, were submerged, before the high waters began to retreat. The lagoon city in the Adriatic suffers some level of flooding for about 200 days every year”. This year alone we have witnessed many of these types of storms around the world and many nations are still trying to recover from those storms.
Today the boarder region of Iran and Iraq had a 5.0 earthquake. Tonga also had a 5.5 quake today as well.
Prophecy Sign: Rev.9:21 shows us the last generation would be known at the “drug generation”. The words “magic arts” in Rev. 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in withcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. Most people are aware that this generation is called the drug generation just as Jesus warned! Here is just a sample of what many nations are facing. “The four men in bulletproof vests, Kalashnikovs held casually at their sides, crossed the street to Tijuana's Crazy Banana pool hall so calmly that onlookers presumed they were undercover police officers – until they heard the gunfire and screams. Moments later, the men raced back out of the bar and sped off in a getaway car, leaving the once-popular pool hall with its thatched roof and yellow painted walls a bullet-ridden crime scene. The five billiards players gunned down there were the some of the latest victims in a brutal drug turf war that has unleashed an orgy of killing along America's southern frontier.
One of the fastest growing drugs is cocaine and millions around the world are hooked on this drug. News from Canada reported, “Seven people in Alberta have developed a form of immune system suppression after consuming cocaine laced with a chemical compound, public health officials said Friday. The individuals developed agranulocytosis, a condition that makes the immune system incapable of fighting off infections. It makes common infections become serious, even fatal, quite quickly.” Drug use and the violence drugs bring are all part of Bible prophecy. Jesus warned us this would happen to this generation and it has come to pass.
“Swiss voters have approved a radical health policy that offers prescription heroin to addicts on a permanent basis. Final results from the national referendum showed 68% of voters supported the plan. The scheme, allowing addicts to inject the drug under medical supervision at a clinic, began in Zurich 14 years ago before spreading across the country.”
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 7 also speaks to us about droughts and famines. At the current time many nations are in a major drought. Here is some news concerning the Macon region, which has been declared a disaster area recently. ”Governor Mike Easley declared Macon County, along with 58 other counties, a designated disaster area due to crop loss caused by drought and extreme heat in 2008.-"All of the agricultural sector has been hurt-and what's making things worse is the current economic crisis,"-four counties in exceptional drought, 10 counties are in extreme drought, 29 are in moderate drought, 17 counties are abnormally dry and the remaining 27 counties are in no category at all.”
If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.
"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. |
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