Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapter 38. Ezekiel gives us complete details about the last days attack on Israel. We are told Russia, Iran, and Libya would play a major role in this attack. I warned you back in April of this year to start watching what Libya does. I told you back then that Libya was getting ready to buy billions of arms from Russia. In my post dated Oct. 31, 2008 I again warned you to focus your attention on Libya. The reason I want you to keep an eye on this nation is because God named them as an ally with Russia in the future attack on Israel. I have been giving you the signs this attack is coming soon. I first started my warnings about this nation in 1978 but, current events are revealing to us we have reached the doorway to this unfulfilled prophecy.
If God warned Libya would be a collaborator with Russia when they make their assault it only stands to reason we would see signs of these nations getting ready for the battle. I warn you in my book to watch Libya for they will begin to appear in the news again and this is exactly what is happening! Here is the latest news from the Middle East concerning Russia and Libya. “MOSCOW, Nov. 3 (UPI) — Libya has offered to host a Russian naval base and plans to purchase billions of dollars in military hardware, Russian sources told the Kommersant newspaper. An unnamed Russian military official was quoted in the Moscow-based Kommersant business daily as saying Libya "is ready" to let the Russian Navy use a Libyan port "as a guarantee of non-aggression against Libya from the United States," Med Basin Newsline reported Monday.” Ask yourself this question. Why does Libya need billions of arms when they haven’t been engaged in any kind of war with any other nation for decades? Why is Libya buying the arms from Russia? If you know God and He has His Holy Spirit in you guiding you, the answer becomes very clear. What these nations are doing is getting ready to fulfilled God’s Words concerning the attack on Isarel. God said these nations would join together in the end times and the proof is in the news, God was right on target again.
Iran is also listed in Ezekiel 38 as another nation which will join forces with Russia and Libya when they invade Israel. When you read my previous posts about Iran you know I have warned you Iran and Israel will go to war soon. There are signs all over the Middle East that show us we are approching the time of this battle. For over a year both Israel and the U.S. have been making plans to bomb Iran’s nuclear power plant. Now that Obama has been elected President just as I told you he would be, it is putting more pressure on Israel to attack Iran before Bush leaves office. News reports out today inform us “Iran's military has warned U.S. forces in Iraq that U.S. helicopters had been spotted flying close to the Iranian border and that Tehran would respond to any violation of its airspace, state radio reported on Wednesday. The statement from Iran's army headquarters comes just hours after Americans elected their next president, Barack Obama, who has said he would toughen sanctions on Iran but has also held out the possibility of direct talks with Tehran. The warning also followed a raid by U.S. forces into Syria last month, a move that was condemned by Damascus and Tehran.” Connect the dots! Either Israel attacks Iran to wipe out their nuclear site now or, Israel waits and Iran launches their nukes at a latter date on Israel. If Israel attacks in the next few months as I suspect they will, Russia, Iran, Libya and the rest of Russia’s allies will counter attack on Israel in the hope to crush the state of Israel forever. This may be the first major crisis Obama will face. I am telling you again, watch the Middle East, for you are going to see Ezekiel 38 fulfilled.
Christians who have been filled with the Holy Spirit and are walking with Christ I say this,” do not fear what is coming!” The rest of you who haven’t received Jesus as your Lord I say this. Let me lead you to Christ today. Let me take your hand and place it in the hand of Christ. I will step back and you ask our loving Savior Jesus to receive you into His Kingdom. By your mouth your name will or will not be added to our Lord’s Book of Life. If you place your hand in the hand of Christ Jesus today you will be filled with His joy and peace and He will enter into you, He promises to begin to move in your life for His own sake. When this attack on Isarel takes place we as the Church in Christ know for a fact, we have very little time left before Jesus removes us from this Earth and brings us home. If you remove your hand from the hand of Christ after I place your hand in His, you are showing the Lord who loves you, you would rather reject His love and stay on Earth to face the Antichrist who will appear soon.
You may not understand what I am telling you so let me make it very simple. Today you were lead by Christ to read this post. Now that you read it, I have connected you with our Savior, for it was through Christ that I was used to bring you to Him. In this way I placed your hand in the hand of Christ. It was Christ who brought you to this place today. Now that you heard the Word spoken from God you have to make a decision. Do you leave your hand in the hand of God, or will you remove it from Him who loves you? I speak for Christ for it is Christ who lives in me and I am doing the work of Christ. Today is the day of Salvation, please listen to the Voice of the Holy Spirit and live! This is the will of the Father.
GAZA (Reuters) – Hamas fired dozens of rockets at Israel on Wednesday after Israeli forces killed six Palestinian militants in an eruption of violence that disrupted a four-month-old truce along the Gaza frontier. The rocket attacks, which included salvoes that landed in the coastal Israeli city of Ashkelon, caused no casualties. Sources in Hamas, an Islamist group that runs the Gaza Strip, said calm could return if Israel did not retaliate. A breakdown of the Egyptian-brokered Gaza truce would pose yet another challenge to U.S. efforts, opposed by Hamas, to achieve a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians.
Prophecy Sign: Isaiah 17:1. I want to connect all the dots for you today which are appearing in the current news that point to certain prophecies being fulfilled soon.
Beside Ezekiel 38 Isaiah 17:1 hasn’t been fulfilled yet but this prophecy will be fulfilled very soon and couldn’t happen before Ezekiel 38. God spoke to Isaiah and showed him Damascus would be completely destroyed in the end times. Over the course of months I have laid out facts that show you Syria is about to engage with Israel in battle again. At the present time Syria is seemingly calling for peace talks with Israel, yet Syria will not recognize Israel as a nation.
The Apostle Paul warned us Israel would be talking peace and safety when sudden destruction would come. We therefore must watch two things. First, are they calling for peace and safety? Yes they are. Let me provide the proof of what I am telling you. I quote, “JERUSALEM (AFP) – Israeli caretaker Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas expressed hope on Tuesday for the prospects of Middle East peace, no matter who wins US presidential elections. Olmert said peace efforts "have nothing to do with the identity of the US president or the person who will replace him, whether it's Barack Obama or John McCain. I know them both and know they will be Israel's friends. "Analysing what is happening here, and the developments in the Palestinian Authority and in the international arena, the question is whether we can delay our handling of these problems. I think not." Quoted by the online edition of daily newspaper Yediot Aharonot, Olmert heaped praise on US President George W. Bush and expressed the conviction that whoever replaces him will be a friend of Israel. He dismissed calls to freeze the US-backed peace talks or indirect negotiations with the Syrians.” It cannot be denied, we are hearing the call for Peace and Safety. Within the past few months Syria has opened up military bases for Russia and right now they have Russian warships docked in their ports. Arms from Syria have poured into Lebanon and placed in the hands of Israel’s enemies. You may not know this but as soon as the Middle East heard Obama was elected as President a cease-fire that started six months ago ended when Israel’s enemies the Hamas launched at least 30 rockets into Israel. I quote, “A barrage of rockets hit Gaza-belt communities Wednesday morning after IDF forces engaged Hamas gunmen inside the Strip. It was the worst outbreak of violence since a shaky cease-fire took effect in June. At least 30 rockets were fired into Israel, three of which landed in the western Negev, damaging several greenhouses. Two rockets fell in Ashkelon, one of which hit a residential neighborhood, sending three people into shock.” These are some of the same weapons, which were brought in to Syria by the Russians, they were handed over to the Syrians and then handed over to the Hamas to use against Israel. I can not tell you exactly what will force Israel to wipe out Damascus but I do know this, Damascus is going to be destroyed and it just may happen when the peace talks seem to be going no where. It is by no coincidence that Israel’s enemies are arming themselves and are directly in the north of Israel. Ezekiel told us the attack on Israel would come from the north and the northern parts. He also warned they would come toward the mountains of Israel. In 1973 Syria tried to invade Israel coming from the north crossing Israel’s mountains range. However Israel held the Syrian’s off for 2 days until Israel had a chance to get their reserve forces into position. Once again Syria is moving into position near Israel. Syria at the present time has about 4,000 tanks, they have some 600-700 Scud missiles many of which are capable of carrying chemical warheads, they have thousands of Katyusha rockets. The next time Syria makes an attempt to invade Israel that will try to unleash these weapons them. God showed us before this battle took place that Damascus would be destroyed. The new alliance Russia and Syria just made along with the Russian ships now docked in Syria are signs for you to get ready to witness the Word of God coming to pass. Just keep your eyes on Israel’s enemies to the north and you will witness the life of truth which was poured out from God.
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25. Luke warned in the last days we would begin to witness huge storms and the waves would be roaring. Luke stated, “and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring”. Luke goes on to say that men’s hearts would fail them as they saw these things. I have been warning you to look for reports that point to the worst storms yet. These reports are popping up all around the world and this year China has already been hit by many of these storms. In today’s news China reports again on another storm, which is now the worst in a century. “The China Daily newspaper said the downpours in Guangxi province caused the worst floods in its capital Nanning since 1907. Hundreds of soldiers, police and medical teams have been sent to the flooded areas, along with rice and clothing for the victims. More than 60,000 people have been evacuated from their homes since Tuesday, state media added”.
What about the waves roaring? Here is just a small glimpse of some of this news. Chapter 13 from my book is loaded with proof this prophecy is taking place. Dockworker Marcy Ingall saw a giant wave in the distance last Tuesday afternoon and stopped in her tracks. It was an hour before low tide in Maine's Boothbay Harbor, yet without warning, the muddy harbor floor suddenly filled with rushing, swirling water. In 15 minutes, the water rose 12 feet, then receded. And then it happened again. It occurred three times, she said, each time ripping apart docks and splitting wooden pilings. "It was bizarre," said Ingall, a lifelong resident of the area. "Everybody was like, 'Oh my God, is this the end?' " It was not the apocalypse, but it was a rare phenomenon, one that has baffled researchers. The National Weather Service said ocean levels rapidly rose in Boothbay, Southport, and Bristol in a matter of minutes around 3 p.m. on Oct. 28 to the surprise of ocean watchers. Exactly what caused the rogue waves remains unknown. "The cause of it is a mystery," said National Weather Service meteorologist John Jensenius, who first reported the waves from a field office in Gray, Maine. "But it's not mysterious that it happened." Beaches around the world are losing ground and this year alone over 4 million people have had to flee the rising tides. Now this wouldn’t mean much if it was just one sign by itself, but the fact is, every sign Jesus told us would happen all at the same time are taking place right now. Mark my words in Christ, more of these storms are coming and they are going to be bigger than you have seen already. I stress again, if you have already taken Jesus as your Savior do not fear what is coming! Rejoice that the Lord has warned us ahead of time. These are His signs to us which are telling us, He is coming for His Church soon.
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 warns us to watch for the signs of earthquakes in many places and diseases. I keep warning you as my Brother Matthew has already done that more of these earthquakes are on their way. Oct. 30, 2008 the Central East Pacific Rise had a 6.0 quake. On Nov. 1, 2008 Bismarck Sea had a 6.0 quake. On Nov. 2, 2008 the Andreanof Islands, Aleutian is., Alaska had a 6.1 quake. Nov. 3, 2008 the Nias Region Indonesia had a 5.7 quake. On Nov. 4, 2008 Vanuatu had a 6.3 quake and on Nov. 5, 2008 Tonga had a 5.7 quake. If you click to the USGS site you will see all the earthquakes recorded less than 5.6 as well. There are many of these strong quakes hitting all around the world. Even Texas last week had a 3.0 quake which unusual.
At the same time as we are getting all this earthquake news we are getting more reports about new diseases which are taking a toll around the nation. I ask you not long along to watch for the news concerning diseases. Today a RN wrote me a letter. I want to quote from what this person said. “I do read your site almost every day even though I work 12-hour shifts as an RN in a small community emergency department. I am always alert to the "pestilence" issues of the end times because I see them playing out in my work environment. The most striking one in my experience is the emergence of the "MRSA" bacterium which stands for Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus. It shows up the most in the emergency department as very painful boils that usually require lancing ,then packing placed in the wound and strict follow up care. The emergency department I work in sees maybe an average of 75-100 people in a 24 hour period and in my 12-hour shift I see at least 2 of these cases, sometimes more. Over the last few months we have been required to increase the strength of the most commonly prescribed antibiotic to treat it. The docs have been having to double the dose in some cases. I won't even wear my work shoes into my house for fear of carrying the bacteria in to my family. The trend in these resistant bacteria is pretty ominous because it appears from what I am observing that we are on the verge of an explosion of UNTREATABLE bacteria. When that happens there will be a serious epidemic. These MRSA infections are very painful and proceed to deadly quite rapidly. People have been abusing and mis-using antibiotics for so long that we have set ourselves up for this one!”
In Revelation 16: 10 we witness Jesus pouring out His judgment on the unbelievers. One of the judgments will be sores on their bodies, which are going to be very painful. We are told that these people “blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.” One of the major sins of man which forced God to wipe out Noah’s generation was the sin of homosexuality. Jesus in Matthew 24:38 said this generation would again be just as it was during Noah’s generation. I mentioned this before but you need to know homosexuality is running ramped again as it did during Noah’s time. As you can see from the letter I received from the RN people are beginning to show up in record numbers with this flesh-eating bacteria. The bacteria shows up as boils and just as Jesus warned this condition is very painful. But this is only the beginning of things to come for Jesus also warned as we approached His second coming all these signs would get much stronger. These diseases are going to spread as well. Let me give you a few articles about this subject. Pay attention that the gay community is finding these MRSA infections are spreading faster among them.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 14 (Reuters) – A drug-resistant strain of potentially deadly bacteria has moved beyond the borders of U.S. hospitals and is being transmitted among gay men during sex, researchers said on Monday.
They said methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is beginning to appear outside hospitals in San Francisco, Boston, New York and Los Angeles.
Sexually active gay men in San Francisco are 13 times more likely to be infected than their heterosexual neighbors, the researchers reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine. "Once this reaches the general population, it will be truly unstoppable,"
An estimated 2,300 Canadians died in 2006 after contracting antibiotic resistant Staph bacteria, costing the national heath-care system between $200 million and $250 million that year, new figures suggest.
TORONTO — Canadian researchers have found antibiotic-resistant Staph bacteria in pork products purchased in retail stores across the country – a discovery that raises questions about how the contamination occurred, how frequently it happens and whether it has implications for human health.
Am I putting up these posts to scare you? Not at all, I am putting up these posts because I love you all, but God’s Word is going to be fulfilled! I am reaching out to anyone who is engaged in this type of life style, because I want him or her to be saved. Jesus promises anyone who turns from these ways for His sake will be saved. Those who dug their fingernails into Noah’s Ark to climb to safety as the floodwaters rose yelled to Noah to let them in but it was to late, judgment was already set in motion. Please do not let this happen to you! I love you am calling to from God’s love to draw you to the only one who can keep you safe, Christ Jesus. I have already had many e-mails from the gay community telling me Jesus is using my voice to lead them back to the Father. It is my prayer, that today the Holy Spirit will again draw others to Christ.
Prophecy Sign: Revelation chapter 17:3-4 Jesus shows us a women riding a scarlet colored best. The women riding this beast is arrayed in purple and scarlet colors. These just so happen to be the colors the Pope wears. Jesus in Rev. 17 has shown us that in the last days a false world religion will be seated in Rome. The women riding the beast is a world religion based out of Rome and the beast which the false church rides is also in Rome. Last week I gave you proof this one world religion is going to be based in Rome. They are patterning this organization after the United Nations. Today we saw more signs of this one world religion taking form. I quote, “The three-day talks in Rome are being attended by nearly 60 religious leaders and scholars from each side. The Muslim delegation is being led by Grand Mufti of Bosnia Mustafa Ceric, while Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran heads the Vatican officials. The meeting opens " a new chapter in the long history" of the dialogue between the two faiths, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran told France's La Croix newspaper on the eve of the talks. The first two days will be taken up by discussions on God's love and loving one's neighbour, with the Pope due to meet the delegates on Thursday. The pontiff is seeking to avoid future misunderstanding between the two religions, the BBC's David Willey in Rome says.” In the past two weeks alone President Bush, Prince Charles, Muslims religious leaders and, the Pope have all spoken about and have been in meeting talking about bringing in this world religion. I placed some of the links for you again below. Here is the bottom line. What we are witnessing is not a coincidence. It is not a coincidence that Russia aliened itself with the very nations God warned us they would. It is not a coincidence that Israel, Syria, and the PLO are calling for peace and safety. It is no coincidence that diseases, earthquakes, roaring seas, floods, and war are all taking place at the same time. It no coincidence that the world economy is failing, and it is by no coincidence that you are reading this post! This is how Jesus is calling you to Himself! It was a promise from Christ that this generation will be alive to see His return. Come to Him today, He has waited far to long for your flame to be rekindled and He has waited far to long for you to receive His free gift of Salvation. Today is your day to begin a new powerful life in Christ. May my labor of love in Christ bring you to my Kings throne.
If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.
"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
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Oct. 28, 2008 Frank DiMora’s list of links to hear his radio interviews on the international radio shows The Edge, watch his videos here.
My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a fantastic writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!