A complete look at all the signs that Ezekiel’s prophecy in chapter 38-39 will take place very soon. Ezekiel 38-39 tells of an attack on Israel in the end times. God showed Ezekiel the main players in this coming attack would be Russia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Libya, Eastern Germany, and Turkey. This attack will take place at the time Israel is calling for peace and safety. I am not going to take time up explaining about the peace and safety, because everyone knows Israel is in the midst of trying to finalize a peace agreement with their enemies, mainly the PLO and Syria. This part of the prophecy is already fulfilled. When this attack on Israel takes place God said He would send an “overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone” Ezekiel 39:22. Ezekiel saw a battle which would be fought thousands of years in the future and he used words he know to describe a future war with weapons he did not understand, so please keep that in mind. Are the hailstones, fire, and brimstone a nuclear device? I think so. In verse 39:14 shows us that Israel with wait for 7 months after this battle takes place to bury the dead and cleanse the land. They will hire people to bury the dead. During this time if someone sees a dead body they will put a sign next to the body and special men will come a bury the body. In modern day warfare what is describe here could be the results of a nuclear blast. Of all the armies and millions of people who come against Israel during this attack all but 1/6 will be killed.
Oct. 26, 2007- This statement made by Russia really puts Ezekiel’s warning about Russia’s part in the Ezekiel war into the realm of reality. “A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration's relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclear strike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia.” Israel is the America’s closest alley and any attack by either the US or Israel on Iran will be viewed as one in the same. Russia will attack! http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/IJ26Ak06.html
May 7, 2008- “Iran’s first nuclear power plant located on the shores of the Gulf could come online as early as September, it emerged yesterday” In May the world was told Iran’s nuclear site would go on line in September. This makes the flags go up because the Feast of Trumpets is celebrated this year on September 29-30. This is the Feast that Jesus will come back to rapture His Church. We don’t know for sure if this year’s Feast of Trumpets will be the year Jesus will actually remove His believers but we must be ready just in case it is. We must pay special attention now because if Iran is hit by Israel and Israel is attacked by the nations in Ezekiel’s prophecy it just heightens our watch for Christ. In any case we know Israel will take out Iran’s nuclear site before it is fired up in September. To read the report click to link below. Once at the page click on (printer friendly) to see article. The page may at first show up as a blank page.
May 8, 2008- In speaking about the nuclear plant in Iran this report stated, “What is beyond dispute, however, is that the longer the Israelis wait, the more resistant the Iranians become to a military solution, particularly if they install those Russian antiaircraft systems.”
May 13, 2008- Six days after finding out the Iranian nuclear plant will start up in September we found out the “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that Israel would "be soon swept away" from the Palestinian Territories by the Palestinians. It is the second time within less than three years that the Iranian president predicted the eradication of the Jewish state. In May 2008 Iran began to tell Israel they will destroy her and Israel has taken the warning to heart. The first time Ahmadinejad said he would destroy Israel was in 2005. Ahmadinejad knows if they have nuclear power in September they will use it on Israel and doesn’t seem to have any problems telling the world he is going to wipe out Israel!
May 22, 2008- Is Iran serious about destroying Israel. Here the news and proof. “An Iranian university is holding an international conference on the liquidation of the Jewish state, according to Iran's state run news service. "Iranian Justice Seeking University Students Movement and University Students Mobilization Basij will jointly sponsor International Conference on Israel's End on May 26th, 2008," the government-run IRNA News Agency reported.” Fact is God warned of this coming attack and Israel’s enemies are planning to fulfilled God’s Words concerning this short lived war.
May 22, 2008- On the 22nd of May another nation listed in Ezekiel’s prophecy hit the headlines. I have been warning everyone since 1978 Russia and Libya would be the best of friends in the last days and would partner up with Russia in the attack against Israel. Current events show that is exactly what is going down right now. For example, “MOSCOW – Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Tuesday promised Libya's leader Moamer Gathafi that Moscow would buttress economic and military ties with Tripoli, the government news service said.” “Libya has had its debt to the Soviet Union waived in return for important contracts to Russian companies.” “Libya had been an important ally of the Soviet Union and a faithful client of Soviet arms. However, ties between the two nations cooled after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.” While Iran and Russia are in the center stage surrounding the nuclear site nations listed in Ezekiel are getting closer and forming new partnerships. Just how much of Libya’s debt did Russia wipe away? “Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and Russian President Vladimir Putin wrapped up Thursday two days of meetings in Tripoli with Russia writing off US$4.5 billion in Libyan debt in exchange for multibillion dollar deals for its firms, a Libyan oil official said.” When the time comes for Russia to attack Israel, Libya will owe a huge favor to Russia. Can you guess what that favor will be? It will be “Join with us to destroy Israel”.
June 2, 2008 “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predicted on Monday that Muslims would uproot "satanic powers" and repeated his controversial belief that Israel will soon disappear, the Mehr news agency reported. "I must announce that the Zionist regime (Israel), with a 60-year record of genocide, plunder, invasion and betrayal is about to die and will soon be erased from the geographical scene," he said. “
June 6, 2008- In this next report we see Israel knows time is running out for them and they know they must strike the Iranian nuclear site very soon. I quote, “An Israeli deputy prime minister on Friday warned that Iran would face attack if it pursues what he said was its nuclear weapons programme. "If Iran continues its nuclear weapons programme, we will attack it," said Shaul Mofaz, who is also transportation minister. "Other options are disappearing.” http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=080606073645.fjrccoo1&show_article=1
June 7, 2008- Ezekiel 38 shows us Russia will lead the coming attack on Israel. Once Israel hits the Iranian plant Russia will force their hand and form the coalition of nations that Ezekiel talked about. Russia is the one who is helping Iran build their nuclear power site. “Russian news agencies said Saturday that preparations for the startup of a nuclear power plant in Iran will begin this autumn.” “The agencies quoted Russian nuclear agency chief Sergei Kiriyenko as saying builders are in the final stages of work on the plant near the city of Bushehr.” Two important pieces of information in this report. First the final stages will take place around the Feast of Trumpets which just may fulfilled the prophecy that Jesus will take His Church away. Second, Israel has already stated they will have to destroy that plant before it starts up, so we are getting very close to this attack.
June 10, 2008- More news showing Israel means business concerning the attack on Iran’s nuclear site. “Israel has reportedly started to set up an 'Iran Command' within its air force as part of preparations for a possible war against Iran. According to reports by unnamed Israeli military sources, the regime's air force has launched 'Iran Command' to coordinate operations to 'confront the growing threat from Tehran'.”
June 20, 2008- News out of Washington said, “U.S. military officials say a big Israeli military exercise was aimed partly at showing Jerusalem's abilities to attack Iranian nuclear facilities. Two Pentagon officials say that Israel sent dozens of aircraft on a large-scale exercise in the Eastern Mediterranean early this month. In the next news report below you will see how Iran felt about Israel’s show of force.
June 20, 2008-“Iran on Friday warned Israel it would retaliate to an attack with a "strong blow," after the New York Times reported that the IAF had conducted a drill, apparently for a strike against the Islamic republic. "If enemies, especially Israelis and their supporters in the United States, would want to use a language of force, they should rest assured that they will receive a strong blow in the mouth," senior cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami was quoted by AFP as saying during a Friday prayers sermon, which was also broadcast live on state radio.” This is the reason why I am asking you all to pay attention to this region. Both sides are warning each other an attack is coming and God has confirmed this war in Ezekiel 38-39.
June 21, 2008-Tensions in the Middle East is growing as nations around the world worry a major war are coming again in the Middle East. The headlines of the SperoNews read as follows: “Tensions grow between Israel and Iran”. I quote, “UN diplomat Mohamed ElBaradej warned on June 21 that an attack on Iran in reaction to its nuclear weapons program would turn the “Middle East region into a ball of fire.” Speaking in an interview with Al-Arabiya television, the Egyptian-born functionary of United Nations said “A military strike (against Iran) would in my opinion be worse than anything else.” ElBaradej, who has been head of the International Atomic Energy Agency since 1997, said any attack by Israel on Iran’s nuclear facilities would harden the latter’s posture. "A military strike would spark the launch of an emergency program to make atomic weapons, with the support of all Iranians, including those living abroad," he said. The urbane and US-trained diplomat warned that he would not be able to continue as head of IAEA in the event of an attack on Iran.” This report in interesting because Ezekiel 39:6 speaks of fire coming down on Israel’s attackers. After years of telling the world Iran isn’t trying to obtain nuclear weapons but they want the power plant for nuclear energy the truth finally was revealed. Iran does have a nuclear weapons program. Israel has known this for a long time and has waited for the UN to defuse this pending crisis but hasn’t seen any real results. Ezekiel 38:4 talks about putting a hook in Russia’s jaw and dragging them down against Israel. I believe the hook in the jaw may be this nuclear power plant. This is one of the biggest fears Israel has faced since Hitler swore to wipe out all the Jews in World War II. Israel’s President knows Ahmadinejad is serious about wiping Israel off the face of the map.
June 3, 2008- “Ayatollah vows Iran’s nuclear program will go on.” Iran’s supreme leader and their president told the world and Israel they would not stop their nuclear program. This sent more signals to Israel telling them to get ready to invade Iran, since Iran will not give up their drive for a nuclear weapon which will be used to try and destroy Israel.
June 20, 2008- “Israel carried out a major military exercise earlier this month that American officials say appeared to be a rehearsal for a potential bombing attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.” The Bible says the wise will understand what is happening in the end times. If you can’t see what is taking place and why thiese things are happening you are not ready for this next Middle East war! Israel is getting ready to attack Iran.
June 20, 2008- Seventeen days later “Israel carried out a major military exercise earlier this month that American officials say appeared to be rehearsal for potential bombing attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.” Israel knows what is at stake if they don’t remove Iran’s nuclear power plant and that is why they are practicing for this attack.
June 22, 2008- “In a new editorial published by AntiWar.com, former CIA officer Ray McGovern states that he believes "a perfect storm seems to be gathering in late summer or early fall," when the Bush administration and allies in Israel will launch attacks against Iran.” As you can see there is no lack of news about plans being put together for this coming attack against the Iranian nuclear power site. http://rawstory.com/news/2008/McGovern_Iran_attack_coming_soon_0622.html
June 29, 2008- “A former head of Israel's Mossad foreign intelligence agency said in comments published on Sunday that the Jewish state had one year to destroy Iran's nuclear programme or face the risk of coming under nuclear attack” What was Iran’s response to this. “Iran is to dig 320,000 graves in border districts to allow for the burial of enemy soldiers in the event of any attack on its territory, a top commander said on Sunday.”
June 30, 2008- One day after Iran said they were digging graves for the fallen dead “Senior Pentagon officials are concerned that Israel could carry out an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities before the end of the year, an action that would have enormous security and economic repercussions for the United States and the rest of the world.” Government officials are worried Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear site which in turn will force Iran to attack Israel. This could set off Ezekiel’s prophecy!
July 2, 2008- Don’t you think Russia knows what will happen if Israel takes out Iran’s nuclear power plant? They know they will be forced to come to Iran’s aid. Here is a short look at what Russia stated about an Israeli attack. “Any military attack on Iran would have a "catastrophic" effect on the Middle East, a Russian foreign ministry official said Wednesday after reports that Israel might launch such an attack.” http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/080702/world/mideast_russia_israel_iran_nuclear_military_1
July 8, 2008- More warnings! “The Zionist regime is pressuring White House officials to attack Iran. If they commit such a stupidity, Tel Aviv and U.S. shipping in the Persian Gulf will be Iran's first targets and they will be burned," Shirazi was quoted as saying.
July 9, 2008- “Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards fired the missiles during war games that high-ranking military officials say are a response to U.S. and Israeli threats. Gen. Hossein Salami, a top commander, was quoted on state television saying the exercise "is to demonstrate our resolve and might against enemies who in recent weeks have threatened Iran with harsh language."
July 21, 2008- “The UN atomic watchdog chief warned on Saturday that an attack on Iran over its controversial nuclear programme would turn the region into a fireball, as Tehran rejected an Israeli strike as "impossible." “A military strike (against Iran) would in my opinion be worse than anything else … It would transform the Middle East region into a ball of fire," ElBaradei said in an interview with Al-Arabiya television. Is this the fire that Ezekiel saw? I believe it is. Ezekiel warned us and now government officials are warning the same thing! http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=080621140829.1c1sxuqo&show_article=1
July 27, 2008- If you listened to my radio interview I told you Iran’s President wants war so he can force their savior out of hiding. Their savior is referred to as the Mahdi or, the 12th Imam. Ahmadinejad wants him to come to destroy Israel. I quote. “But before the Mahdi's return, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes there must be global chaos – even if he has to create it himself. Whether it's his belief that Israel should be wiped off the map, denials of the Holocaust, obsession with going nuclear, or support for radical Islamic terrorist groups, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a man on a divine mission.” It does appear Ahmadinejad is the right man to start the Ezekiel war one way or another!
August 1, 2008- More pressure on Israel comes when they find out Iran may obtain a nuclear weapon sooner then they thought they would. News from Bloomberg stated, “Iran is on a path toward a “major breakthrough'' in its nuclear program that is “unacceptable,'' Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz told a Washington audience today. “It is an existential threat,'' Mofaz said at a forum on Iran at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. “We have to make sure we are prepared for every option.'' By now I don’t need to tell you what option Israel is speaking about, but just in case you don’t know, they are talking about the option of attacking Iran. “The comments from Mofaz, who also serves as transportation minister, echoed statements he made last month to the Jerusalem Post that “all options are on the table. If there won't be a choice other than a nuclear Iran or a military option, it's clear what our decision has to be.'' As it stands right now Iran is not giving Israel any options except to attach her and destroy that nuclear site. I want to stress again, this is what Iran’s president wants Israel to do.
August 7, 2008- “Tehran will consider any military action against its nuclear facilities as the beginning of a war, Iran's official news agency IRNA reported Friday. The commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, General Mohammad Ali Jafari, was quoted as saying that any country that attacks Iran would regret doing so.” http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/411301.aspx
August 10, 2008- As you can see Iran has the Russia’s antiaircraft system Israel feared they would get their hands on. “Iran has received first components of Russian S-300 ground-to-air radar systems. As The Cutting Edge News reports referring to its sources, they are still disassembled in boxes and undeployed. It’s not impossible that the weapon has been delivered via Belarus.” This adds more stress on the situation and is forcing Israel’s hand.
August 11, 2008- Jesus in Matthew 24:7 told us we would see wars in the end times. The Ezekiel war is one of those wars. Does it surprise you that Russia currently has just invaded Georgia and in 3 days time has already cut that state in half. I quote, “Russian forces seized several towns and a military base deep in western Georgia on Monday, opening a second front in the fighting. Georgia's president said his country had been effectively cut in half with the capture of the main east-west highway near Gori.” Russia moved swiftly and didn’t care what the world taught about their invading another nation. When Israel strikes at Russia ally Iran, they will move just as swiftly to invade Israel. We haven’t seen Russia this aggressive in many years so why now? The answer is clear because, we have reached the final days in prophecy and there are only a few prophecies left to be fulfilled before the tribulation begins. The Ezekiel war is one of those prophesies that will launch the beginning to the 7-year tribulation. The UN and the US have told Russia to cease-fire and all they did was set up their attack on the Georgian population. What is taking place right now is not only fulfilling Jesus warning in Matthew 24 but, is it a sign that Ezekiel’s war will also be fulfilled soon. As I said, Russia is doing what it wants no matter who wants them to stop. “Russia is prime to fulfill everything God wrote about them. “Earlier in the day, Russian premier Vladimir Putin raised the stakes over the conflict by lashing out at the U.S. as the fighting continued to escalate in the region. The Russian prime minister rejected calls from Georgia for a ceasefire and declared that his country would pursue its mission to its 'logical conclusion'.”
August 11, 2008 we saw another sign how Russia and Iran are at odds with Israel in a report entitled, “The Israeli Connection”. Here is short section of that report. “The Georgian move against South Ossetia was motivated by political considerations having to do with Israel and Iran, according to Nfc. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili decided to assert control over the breakaway region in order to force Israel to reconsider its decision to cut back its support for Georgia's military” “Russian and Georgian media reported several days ago that Israel decided to stop its support for Georgia after Moscow made it clear to jerusalem and Washington that Russia would respond to continued aid for Georgia by selling advanced anti-aircraft systems to Syria and Iran”. For many years people have been saying world war 3 would start over oil. All I know is Israel seems to be at the heart of every issue. They are helping nations that Russia opposes and they are getting ready to attack a Russian ally. Whatever the reason is, war is coming and that massive army Ezekiel saw coming down on Israel will soon be destroyed by God.
The other prophecy not yet fulfilled is found in Isaiah 17:1, which talks about the destruction of Damascus. I believe there is a good possibility both Ezekiel 38 and Isaiah 17:1 will be fulfilled around the same time frame. On July, 30, 2008 we saw Iran’s Ahmadinejad make a vow of allegiance to Syria. Iranian president plays host to Syrian FM, pledges no changes in bilateral relations with Damascus despite its recent renewal of peace negotiations with Israel”. “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met on Tuesday evening with visiting Syrian Foreign Affairs Minister, Walid al-Muallem, and pledged he would work to strengthen the relationship between the two countries, to the discontentment of Israel and the United States” (July 30, 2008). Syria and Israel and been going at it for some time and I think what will happen is this, Israel attacks Iran, Syria gets word from Iran and joins to destroy Israel, Syria strikes at Israel from the North and Israel in turn immediately wipes out Damascus. Iran get word from Russia they have plan to invade Israel. Russia call on their allies to invade with them and we see the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy. The Syrian President say also come out in the news and warned Israel about attacking Iran. Read what Syria’s President stated on July 14, 2008. ““Syrian President Bashar Assad warned Monday that Israel, the US and the entire world would pay a heavy price if Iran is attacked. "The US and the world will pay a heavy price," Assad said in an interview with the French Radio station, , Inter-Radio, adding, "Iran has already emphasized that Israel will pay directly for such an attack." "The problem is that when one side begins such an operation in the Middle East, it won't be possible to control the consequences which will likely influence the region for many years to come," continued the Syrian president.” What the Syrian President said was true. Once Israel hits the Iranian power site a set of events will begin that will lead to consequences the world hasn’t seen for some time. Not only has Syria gotten close with Iran and Russia, so has Turkey which is another nation listed in Ezekiel 38 to join in on the attack with Russia and Iran. Every one of these nations has been visiting each other and I think you know why. Plans are being made in the back ground for an invasion of Israel. Recently, “Israel has conveyed its misgivings to Turkey over a planned visit to the country by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, an Israeli diplomat said Friday. "We are concerned about this visit because we think it is not the appropriate time to host the Iranian president," the diplomat, who asked not to be named, told AFP.”
This isn’t the first time Turkey and Iran have linked up lately. Here is a short look at how they have come together in battle recently. “U.S. ally Turkey and U.S. arch-enemy Iran have formed a military alliance to drive opposition Kurds from bases in northern Iraq they have used since 2004 to launch guerrilla operations inside Iran, rebel leaders told Newsmax at a secret base in the Qandil mountains. Both Iran and Turkey have vowed to send troops into northern Iraq, but until now evidence of active military cooperation between them has remained a closely-held secret. Not only has Iran and Turkey made a new military alliance but they just recently made energy ties between the two nations as well. Here is the point, every nation God has listed in Ezekiel 38 are joined together as one. The stage is now set for this Middle East war between Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Syria, Iraqi, and the rest of the nations God listed in Ezekiel 38.
As you can see I listed by date events that are leading us down the path to fulfilled all prophecy. I can only show you want is taking place but I can’t make you believe why these events are happening. Only the Holy Spirit can open your eyes to what is about to take place in the Middle East. If you choose not to except the Word of God, just watch the news, soon you and the entire world will witness the invasion against Israel. My prayer for you will be this, I pray there is time enough for you to except Jesus Salvation before He removed His Church to heaven. God help all those who refuse and are left behind!
Host Gina Romano from “The Edge” International radio show based out of Chicago interviewed me on August 3, 2008 for 1 ½ hrs. This interview will give you the most up to date current events that are going to make a difference in all of our lives very soon. You will want to hear this interview and it would be a good idea to tell your loved ones about it. The Edge interview can be heard by going to the link below. Once it is removed from the main page you will be able to listen to the hour and 20 min. interview by going to their archives.
http://www.theedgeam.com/spiritual/main.htm .
Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf
Special note: Some one taped my first interview with Gina Romano on The Edge radio program and made videos in order that you may listen to the show if you missed it. I am posting the videos here. Hopefully this person will make my second interview available to you as well, if not you can go directly to The Edge link and listen to it there.
14 http://video.aol.com/video-detail/june-26th-2008-part-14/40337309
Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. In blue, DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs.
Major signs video by Frank DiMora, click below.
Part 1 how Frank DiMora's Ministry started:
Part 2 how Ministry started:
Frank DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.
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